DR Bradley Nelson - Rapid Results Start Up Guide [PDF]

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Dr. Nelson's

2o BODY CODE SYSTEM . The Ultimate Health, Wealth & Happiness Solution

The Body Code 2.0

Rapid Results Startup Guide

Copyright 2009-2013 Dr. Bradley Nelson & Wellness Unmasked, Inc. All rights reserved


Table of Contents


Copyright & Disclaimer

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What's Included In Your Package

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How to Learn the Body Code: Steps to Take



The Body Code Elevator Speech

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How to install the mindmaps onto your desktop computer

Your Tickets to The Ultimate Health, Wealth & Relationship Retreat


Arranging Your Body Code Healing Session with Remote Evaluation

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COPYRIGHT & DISCLAIMER The entire contents of The Body Code System package are protected by international copyright and trademark laws. The owners of the copyrights and trademarks are Dr. Bradley Nelson and Wellness Unmasked, Inc., its assigns, affiliates, and third party licensors. You may not modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit, or distribute in any manner the material in this course, including text, graphics, code, and/or software. You may print and download portions of material from the different sections of this course solely for your own non-commercial use, provided that you do not change or delete any copyright or proprietary notices from the materials. These materials are provided for informational purposes only. They should not be substituted for professional advice or treatment. All this information has been presented in good faith. The accuracy, validity, effectiveness, completeness, or usefulness of any information herein as within any publication cannot be guaranteed. Dr. Bradley Nelson and Wellness Unmasked, Inc. accept no responsibility or liability for the use or misuse of the information provided here. We strongly advise that you seek medical advice from your medical practitioner as appropriate before making any health decisions. The Body Code System, used in any form, is not a substitute for medical care. This information is not intended as medical advice and should not be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. Information given to you by Dr. Bradley Nelson is not intended to create any physician/patient relationship, nor should it be considered a replacement for consultation with a healthcare professional. If you have questions or concerns about your health, please contact your healthcare provider. Energy healing promotes harmony and balance within, relieves stress and supports the body's natural ability to heal. Energy healing is widely recognized as a valuable and effective compliment to conventional medical care. The Body Code System is a self-help method that quite often produces marvelous results and wonderful benefits, both physical and emotional in nature. Nevertheless, it is a relatively new discovery and has not been thoroughly studied. This system is based on the personal observations and experiences of Dr. Bradley Nelson. You must take 100% responsibility for your own health, both physical and emotional. Neither the author nor the publisher is responsible for any consequences incurred by those employing the remedies or treatments discussed or taught herein. Any application of the material set forth in this course, including DVDs, manuals, COs, and software, is at your discretion, and is your sole responsibility. Dr. Bradley Nelson makes no claims regarding healing or recovery from any illness. By viewing or using the information in The Body Code System, you consent, in the event of a dispute or disagreement, to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of a court of competent jurisdiction in St. George, UT, and to the exclusive use of the laws of Utah. The information contained in these materials is intended for personal use and not for the practice of any healing art, except where permitted by law. No representation contained in these materials is intended as medical advice and should not be used for diagnosis or medical treatment.


WHAT'S INCLUDED IN YOUR PACKAGE Welcome to The Body Code System! What you now own is the most complete self­ study course on natural healing ever devised, created by Dr. Bradley Nelson. This system was developed over decades of clinical and distance healing practice, working with real people suffering from all manner of ailments. In The Body Code System you will learn what to do for imbalances in all 6 major areas: pathogens, misalignments, nutrition and lifestyle, circuits and systems, toxins, and energies. Your Body Code Edition 2.0™ includes: The Body Code 2.0™ Manual Binders Health, Wealth & Relationship Solution Complete Manual Instant Body Code Mapping System DVD Sets The Body Code 2.0™ Manual DVD Set (7 DVDs} The Body Code 2.0™ Complete Immersion Experience ( 14 DVDs} The Body Code 2.0™ Overview and Session Examples DVDs (2 DVDs} Booklets Rapid Results Startup Guide (this booklet} Unlock Your Abundance with a Career in Energy Healing! Software The Body Code 2.0™ Interactive Body Code Mapping Software (Patent Pending} (Software available for immediate download- see next page (page 5} for instructions} BONUSES! BONUS BONUS BONUS BONUS BONUS

#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 -

Vitality Secrets Exposed: Conspiring Men (1 DVD} Mastering Communication with your Subconscious (1 DVD} Finding Freedom from Lower Back Pain (1 DVD} Tearing Down the Walls Around Your Heart (1 DVD} 2 Tickets to The Ultimate Health, Wealth & Relationship Retreat (See page 8 for more information} BONUS #6- Body Code Healing Session with Remote Evaluation (See page 9 for more information}

Hidden Bonus! The Emotion Code 3x5 Chart of Emotions Magnet


HOW TO INSTALL THE MINDMAPS ONTO YOUR DESKTOP COMPUTER The heart of The Body Code System is its extraordinarily useful and powerful Mind Map system. The Body Code Mind Maps enable you to instantly drill down to the real problem that you are looking for. The Body Code Mind Maps can be thought of as being a computerized interface between the subconscious mind of the person that you are working on and your conscious mind. Imagine! For the first time in history, we have a simple and easy way to access the incredible power of the subconscious mind in order to help a person, by doing exactly what they really need, no guessing involved!





Maps are

available for immediate

download and

installation onto your computer, whether you're on a Mac or a Windows platform. Simply visit the website listed below and follow the instructions that you find there!

http://healersl i brary. com/i nstall Page 5

HOW TO LEARN THE BODY CODE: STEPS TO TAKE Everyone has a different way of absorbing information. Some people like to start at the back of a book, and find out what happened at the end. Others like to randomly sample the contents of the book, while others prefer to begin at the beginning. If you don't mind, we would like to make a recommendation about how to begin absorbing the information in The Body Code, so you can get the most out of it.

First 'beginning to end. In this 1 5 DVD series, you'll be able to attend an entire we recommend that you watch The Body Code Seminar DVDs from

Body Code Seminar. You'll get to watch as Dr. Nelson teaches these concepts and explains the entire system, from muscle testing to the most advanced concepts. Some parts you will probably want to watch more than once. You'll also watch people telling about their own experiences with The Body Code System.

watch the Overview and Examples DVD. In this DVD, Dr. Nelson

Second 'will explain the mind maps, what's in them, and how they are

used. In addition, you will get to watch as Dr. Nelson works both remotely and live with a number of different people, helping you to understand how The Body Code is used.

Third 'beginning to end. The Body Code System 2.0 includes a tremendous

we recommend that you watch The Body Code Manual on DVD, from

amount of content, equivalent to a college education in natural healing. lt may take you some time to really absorb and master all of the information that is included in the system, but don't give up! Keep learning, and keep practicing The Body Code with your friends and family. Before long, you will be a master at this simple yet incredibly powerful system!

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THE BODY CODE ELEVATOR SPEECH An "Elevator Speech" is simply an abbreviated way to explain, within 30 seconds or so, what you do, and should take only as long as the time it takes to ride a few floors up in an elevator. If you can clearly, succinctly and quickly explain The Body Code, you•ll find that it will pique peoples• interest rather than confuse them. When you are trying to explain to your friends and family this new method of energy healing that you have discovered, having a simple way to explain things can help. If you choose to become certified as a practitioner in The Body Code, you can use an elevator speech when you•re looking for people to fulfill your requirement for your test subjects. You can also use it after you become certified and are building your business. Here•s a 10 second example:

"I do a form of energy work called The Body Code, where we identify and correct imbalances that can cause emotional and physical problems for people. The human body has a powerful ability to heal itself if conditions are right, so making those conditions right is what I do."

Here is a longer version if you want to share a little more in a short period of time:

"I do a form of energy work called The Body Code, where we identify and correct the different imbalances that cause all kinds of physical and emotional problems for people. A lot of it deals with the health of the energy body where we release trapped emotional energies (think emotional baggage) and correct blocked chakras and meridians and such. There is a physical side as well, where we look for things like infections, toxins, nutritional deficiencies and structural imbalances and address those according to whatever the client's body needs. Basically, this work is all about removing imbalance in order to make conditions right for the body to heal itself."

Keep it short and sweet and you will be golden! The more you understand The Body Code, the better you will become at explaining it to your friends, family and clients. We hope this helps you to feel confident about sharing this new and exciting knowledge!

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