İngilizce Full [PDF]

2000-2018 arası ÖSYM'nin yaptığı bütün ingilizce sınavları. Toplam 104 deneme, 8660 soru

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Table of contents :
2000-2005 ÖSS Yabancı Dil Testleri İngilizce (600)
2000 ÖSS Yabancı Dil Testi İngilizce
2001 ÖSS Yabancı Dil Testi İngilizce
2002 ÖSS Yabancı Dil Testi İngilizce
2003 ÖSS Yabancı Dil Testi İngilizce
2004 ÖSS Yabancı Dil Testi İngilizce
2005 ÖSS Yabancı Dil Testi İngilizce
2006 ÖSYM İngilizce Sınavları (940)
2006 KPDS İngilizce Full
2006 KPDS Mayıs
2006 KPDS Kasım
2006 KPDS Mayıs Cevap Anahtarı
2006 KPDS Kasım Cevap Anahtarı
2006 KPSS İngilizce
2006 KPSS İngilizce
2006 KPSS İngilizce Cevap Anahtarı
2006 TUS İngilizce Full
2006 TUS Nisan İngilizce
2006 TUS Eylül İngilizce
2006 TUS Nisan İngilizce Cevap Anahtarı
2006 TUS Eylül İngilizce Cevap Anahtarı
2006 ÜDS Ekim Full
2006 ÜDS Ekim Fen Bilimleri
2006 ÜDS Ekim Sağlık Bilimleri
2006 ÜDS Ekim Sosyal Bilimler
2006 ÜDS Mart Full
2006 ÜDS Mart Fen Bilimleri
2006 ÜDS Mart Sağlık Bilimleri
2006 ÜDS Mart Sosyal Bilimler
2007 ÖSYM İngilizce Sınavları (940)
2007 KPDS Kasım İngilizce
2007 KPDS Mayıs İngilizce
2007 KPSS İngilizce
2007 TUS İngilizce
2007 ÜDS Ekim Full
2007 ÜDS Mart Full
2007 ÜDS Mart Fen Bilimleri
2007 ÜDS Mart Sağlık Bilimleri
2007 ÜDS Mart Sosyal Bilimler
2008 ÖSYM İngilizce Sınavları (940)
2008 KPDS İngilizce Full
2008 KPDS Mayıs İngilizce
2008 KPDS Kasım İngilizce
2008 KPSS İngilizce
2008 KPSS İngilizce
2008 KPSS İngilizce Cevap Anahtarı
2008 TUS İngilizce Full
2008 TUS Nisan
2008 TUS Eylül
2008 TUS Nisan Cevap Anahtarı
2008 TUS Eylül Cevap Anahtarı
2008 ÜDS İngilizce Full
2008 ÜDS Ekim Sağlık Bilimleri
2008 ÜDS Ekim Sağlık Bilimleri
2008 ÜDS Ekim Sağlık Bilimleri Cevap Anahtarı
2008 ÜDS Ekim Sosyal Bilimler
2008 ÜDS Ekim Sosyal Bilimler
2008 ÜDS Ekim Sosyal Bilimler Cevap Anahtarı
2008 ÜDS Mart Sağlık Bilimleri
2008 ÜDS Mart Sağlık Bilimleri
2008 ÜDS Mart Sağlık Bilimleri Cevap Anahtarı
2008 ÜDS Mart Sosyal Bilimler
2008 ÜDS Mart Sosyal Bilimler
2008 ÜDS Mart Sosyal Bilimler Cevap Anahtarı
2008 ÜDS Mart ve Ekim Fen Bilimleri
2008 ÜDS Mart Fen Bilimleri
2008 ÜDS Ekim Fen Bilimleri
2008 ÜDS Mart Fen Bilimleri Cevap Anahtarı
2008 ÜDS Ekim Fen Bilimleri Cevap Anahtarı
2009 ÖSYM İngilizce Sınavları (1040)
2009 KPDS İngilizce Full
2009 KPDS Mayıs İngilizce
2009 KPDS Kasım İngilizce
2009 KPSS İngilizce Cevap Anahtarı
2009 KPSS İngilizce
2009 ÖSS YDS İngilizce
2009 TUS İngilizce Full
2009 TUS Nisan İngilizce
2009 TUS Eylül İngilizce
2009 TUS Nisan İngilizce Cevap Anahtarı
2009 TUS Eylül İngilizce Cevap Anahtarı
2009 ÜDS İngilizce Full
2009 ÜDS Ekim Fen Bilimleri
2009 ÜDS Ekim Sağlık Bilimleri
2009 ÜDS Ekim Sağlık Bilimleri Cevap Anahtarı
2009 ÜDS Ekim Sosyal Bilimler
2009 ÜDS Mart Fen Bilimleri
2009 ÜDS Mart Fen Bilimleri Cevap Anahtarı
2009 ÜDS Mart Sağlık Bilimleri
2009 ÜDS Mart Sosyal Bilimler
2010 ÖSYM İngilizce Sınavları (1020)
2010 KPDS Aralık İngilizce
2010 KPDS Mayıs İngilizce
2010 KPSS İngilizce
2010 LYS İngilizce
2010 LYS İngilizce
2010 LYS İngilizce Cevap Anahtarı
2010 TUS İngilizce Full
2010 TUS Nisan İngilizce
2010 TUS Aralık İngilizce
2010 TUS Nisan İngilizce Cevap Anahtarı
2010 TUS Aralık İngilizce Cevap Anahtarı
2010 ÜDS İngilizce Full
2010 ÜDS Aralık İngilizce Fen Bilimleri
2010 ÜDS Aralık İngilizce Fen Bilimleri Cevap Anahtarı
2010 ÜDS Aralık İngilizce Sağlık Bilimleri
2010 ÜDS Aralık İngilizce Sosyal Bilimler
2010 ÜDS Mart İngilizce Fen Bilimleri
2010 ÜDS Mart İngilizce Sağlık Bilimleri
2010 ÜDS Mart İngilizce Sosyal Bilimler
2010 ÜDS Mart İngilizce Sosyal Bilimler Cevap Anahtarı
2011 ÖSYM İngilizce Sınavları (880)
2011 KPDS Mayıs İngilizce
2011 KPSS İngilizce
2011 LYS İngilizce
2011 TUS İngilizce Full
2011 TUS Mayıs İngilizce
2011 TUS Eylül İngilizce
2011 ÜDS Ekim Fen Bilimleri İngilizce
2011 ÜDS Ekim Sağlık Bilimleri İngilizce
2011 ÜDS Mart Fen Bilimleri İngilizce
2011 ÜDS Mart Sağlık Bilimleri İngilizce
2011 ÜDS Mart Sosyal Bilimler İngilizce
2011 ÜDS Ekim Sosyal Bilimler İngilizce
2011 KPDS Kasım İngilizce
2011 ÜDS Ekim Sosyal Bilimler Cevap Anahtarı
2011 KPDS Kasım İngilizce Cevap Anahtarı
2012 ÖSYM İngilizce Sınavları (780)
2012 KPDS Full
2012 KPDS Mayıs İngilizce
2012 KPDS Kasım İngilizce
2012 KPDS Mayıs İngilizce Cevap Anahtarı
2012 KPDS Kasım İngilizce Cevap Anahtarı
2012 LYS İngilizce
2012 ÜDS Full
2012 ÜDS Ekim İngilizce Fen Bilimleri
2012 ÜDS Ekim İngilizce Sağlık Bilimleri
2012 ÜDS Ekim İngilizce Sosyal Bilimler
2012 ÜDS Mart İngilizce Sağlık Bilimleri
2012 ÜDS Mart İngilizce Sosyal Bilimler
2012 ÜDS Mart İngilizce Fen Bilimleri
2012 ÜDS Mart İngilizce Sosyal Bilimler Cevap Anahtarı
2012 ÜDS Mart İngilizce Fen Bilimleri Cevap Anahtarı
2012 KPSS İngilizce
2012 KPSS İngilizce Cevap Anahtarı
2013 ÖSYM İngilizce Sınavları (240)
2013 LYS İngilizce
2013 YDS Eylül İngilizce
2013 YDS Nisan İngilizce
2014 ÖSYM İngilizce Sınavları (240)
2014 Nisan YDS İngilizce
2014 Eylül YDS İngilizce
2014 Nisan YDS İngilizce Cevap Anahtarı
2014 Eylül YDS İngilizce Cevap Anahtarı
2014 LYS İngilizce
2015 ÖSYM İngilizce Sınavları (240)
2015 YDS Eylül İngilizce
2015 LYS İngilizce
2015 YDS Nisan İngilizce
2015 LYS İngilizce Cevap Anahtarı
2015 YDS Nisan İngilizce Cevap Anahtarı
2016 ÖSYM İngilizce Sınavları (240)
2016 YDS Eylül İngilizce
2016 YDS Mart İngilizce
2016 LYS İngilizce
2016 YDS Mart İngilizce Cevap Anahtarı
2016 LYS İngilizce Cevap Anahtarı
2017 ÖSYM İngilizce Sınavları (240)
2017 LYS İngilizce
2017 YDS Nisan İngilizce
2017 YDS Eylül İngilizce
2018 ÖSYM İngilizce Sınavları (320)
2018 YDS Aralık İngilizce
2018 YDS Nisan İngilizce
2018 YDS Eylül İngilizce
2018 YKS YDT İngilizce
2018 YDS Eylül İngilizce Cevap Anahtarı
2018 YKS YDT İngilizce Cevap Anahtarı
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İngilizce Full [PDF]

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Cevap kâğıdında, sınav yabancı dilinizi (İNGİLİZCE) işaretlemeyi unutmayınız.


Bu testten alacağınız standart puan, Yabancı Dil Ağırlıklı ÖSS Puanınızın hesaplanmasında 1,8 katsayısı ile çarpılacaktır.


Bu testte 100 soru vardır.


Cevaplamaya istediğiniz sorudan başlayabilirsiniz.


Sayfalar üzerindeki boş yerleri müsvedde için kullanabilirsiniz.

4. The survivors of the shipwreck who were able to reach the land, decided to ---- a fire and wait to be rescued.

1.-18. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere uygun düşen kelime ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

A) make

1. Several of my friends have entered the ----, but none of them expects to win. A) performance

B) application

D) responsibility

D) set

B) sensitive

D) reliable

C) show E) put

C) competition

E) vacancy

2. He’s a terribly ---- person and never thinks at all of the needs or the wishes of other people. A) nervous

B) do

5. The melting of all the ice mass in the Arctic would ---- the sea level by several metres.

C) extravagant

A) establish

E) selfish

B) preserve

D) restore

C) raise

E) spoil

3. As she grew older, it became ---- difficult for her to do the shopping. A) eventually

B) increasingly

D) adequately

6. I couldn’t ---- why they were shouting so loudly.

C) doubtfully

A) set up

E) reluctantly

B) keep up

D) make out

C) rely on E) put off

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


7. During recent years, many people ---- interested in Turkish music.

11. This is the first time you have ever driven a car, ----?

A) might become

B) are becoming

A) is this

B) hasn’t it

C) had become

D) would become

C) isn’t it

D) have you

E) have become

E) aren’t you

8. If I ---- you were on your own, I ---- you to come round here for the day. A)

knew / have asked


have known / will have asked

12. I enjoyed this book so much; I want to read another by ---- author. A) such

B) similar

D) a certain

C) same E) the same

C) had known / would have asked D) would know / had asked E)

know / will ask

9. I hope that, by next summer, I ---- up enough money to go to Italy for a holiday.

13. A woman from Denmark has recently moved ---- the flat ---- mine.

A) will have saved

B) would have saved

A) up / in

B) into / next to

C) would save

D) have saved

C) to / at

D) about / in front of

E) had saved

E) through / above

10. Sally worked all the weekend to finish the project in time, but actually she ---- so. A)

couldn’t have done


wouldn’t have done


doesn’t have to do


may not do


needn’t have done

14. The film “Brave Heart” is ---- long. It lasts ---three hours. A) rather / for

B) too / on

D) very / at

C) quite / in

E) so / into

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


15. ---- appearing every four to seven years as it used to, “El Nino” has now been appearing consecutively for a number of years. A) On account of

B) In view of

C) Because of

D) In case of

19.-24. sorularda, cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

19. Surely that’s the boy ----.

E) Instead of


that his sister won the painting competition


who sang so beautifully at the concert last night

C) unless he sent us the heavy box D) whether his bicycle has been repaired E)

which everyone is talking about

16. You can look at this plan for the new sports centre ---- closely ---- you like but I don’t think you will be able to understand it. A) as / as

B) so / that

C) such / that

D) more / than E) just / as

20. He simply wanted to know ----.

17. The Great Pyramid of Khufu, ---- is near Cairo, is one of the most famous monuments in the world. A) who

B) where D) whom

D) The other / mine

how far away we are moving


though everyone else had already eaten

21. ----, there is enough food and water for everyone.

18. ---- bicycles are all red, ---- is the only blue one.

C) Ours / hers


D) as if all the buses went past the town hall

E) what

B) Others / his

whether I had been to see Jane

C) which team has won

C) which

A) Theirs / yours


E) Your / him


If they had used their resources properly


Though nature would have been spoiled


Unless we take care of our green fields


If we learned to respect the environment


Provided that they are used well

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


22. Since the bus broke down just outside Bursa, ----. A)

there wouldn’t be another bus for an hour


there was still snow by the side of the road

C) we were late for our appointment in Ankara

25. Kenya, a country famous for its safaris and coffee, is situated on the east coast of Africa.

D) it was particularly cold that night E)

25.-32. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümlenin Türkçe dengini bulunuz.

some people would even blame the driver


Safarileri ve kahvesiyle bilinen ve bir Afrika ülkesi olan Kenya, kıtanın doğu kıyısında yer alır.


Afrika’nın doğu kıyısında yer alan Kenya, hem safarileri hem de kahvesiyle ünlü bir ülkedir.

C) Safarileri ve kahvesiyle ünlü bir ülke olan Kenya, Afrika’nın doğu kıyısında yer alır. D) Kenya, safarileri ve kahvesiyle tanınan bir ülke olarak Afrika’nın doğu kıyısında bulunmaktadır. E)

Afrika’nın doğu kıyısında bulunan Kenya, safarileri ve kahvesiyle ünlü bir ülke olarak bilinmektedir.

23. ---- unless you are interested in psychology. A)

He’s thinking of going to a psychiatrist


This is the book you’ve suggested


You could solve your problems


There is no point in reading that book


This book will be very useful for you

26. The Suez Canal, which connects the Mediterranean and the Red Sea, was designed and built by the French engineer De Lesseps. A)

Akdeniz ile Kızıl Deniz’i birleştiren Süveyş Kanalı, Fransız mühendis De Lesseps tarafından tasarlanmış ve inşa edilmiştir.


Fransız mühendis De Lesseps’in tasarlamış ve inşa etmiş olduğu Süveyş Kanalı, Akdeniz ile Kızıl Deniz’i birleştirir.

C) Süveyş Kanalı’nı tasarlayıp inşa eden Fransız mühendis De Lesseps, Akdeniz ile Kızıl Deniz’i birleştirmeyi amaçlamıştır. 24. ---- why she was looking so upset. A)

There is nothing to be ashamed of

D) Süveyş Kanalı’nın Fransız mühendis De Lesseps tarafından tasarlanıp inşa edilmesiyle, Akdeniz’in Kızıl Deniz ile birleşmesi sağlanmıştır.


I really didn’t know


C) We are all extremely worried

Akdeniz ile Kızıl Deniz’in birleşmesi, Fransız mühendis De Lesseps’in Süveyş Kanalı’nı tasarlayıp inşa etmesiyle olmuştur.

D) There wasn’t an explanation E)

Nobody had understood

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


27. In exploring the seas for oil, geologists primarily search for the salt domes under which vast oil fields are likely to lie. A)

29. Cancer of the throat is more likely to occur in heavy smokers than in non-smokers.

Petrol bulmak için denizleri tarayan jeologlar, her şeyden önce, altında çok geniş petrol alanlarının uzayıp gittiği tuz tepeciklerini incelerler.


Gırtlak kanseri, sigara içenlerde, sigara içmeyenlere göre daha çok ortaya çıkmaktadır.


Sigara içmeyenlerin, sigara içenler kadar gırtlak kanserine yakalanma olasılığı her zaman vardır.


Denizlerde petrol arayan jeologlar, her şeyden önce, altında geniş petrol yataklarının uzandığı sanılan tuz tepeciklerini araştırırlar.


Gırtlak kanserinin sigara tiryakilerinde ortaya çıkması, sigara içmeyenlere göre daha fazla muhtemeldir.


Jeologlar, denizlerde yaptıkları petrol arama çalışmalarında, öncelikle, altında çok geniş petrol yataklarının bulunduğu tuz tepeciklerine yönelirler.


Sigara tiryakilerinin gırtlak kanserine yakalanma ihtimalinin, sigara içmeyenlere göre daha çok olduğu bilinmektedir.


Altında çok geniş petrol yataklarının bulunduğu tahmin edilen tuz tepecikleri, denizlerde petrol arayan jeologların öncelikle araştırdığı alanlardır.


Gırtlak kanserinin sigara tiryakilerinde görülme oranı, sigara içmeyenlere göre çok daha yüksektir.


Jeologlar, petrol için denizleri araştırırken, öncelikle, altında muhtemelen geniş petrol alanlarının uzandığı tuz tepeciklerini ararlar.

30. Don Quixote, one of the greatest classics of European literature, is still appreciated by the present day reader due to its rich narrative style. 28. In her short stories that are set in the Southern states at about the turn of the century, Katherine Anne Porter describes a way of life that is gone.


Avrupa edebiyatının en büyük klasiklerinden biri olan Don Kişot, zengin anlatım tarzı sayesinde günümüz okuyucusu tarafından hâlâ takdir edilmektedir.


Klasik Avrupa edebiyatının en büyük eserlerinden biri olan Don Kişot, zengin anlatımıyla günümüz okurundan da takdir görmektedir.


Katherine Anne Porter, Güney eyaletleri ile ilgili kısa öykülerinde, yüzyılın başlarında geçen bir yaşamdan söz eder.


Katherine Anne Porter, yüzyılın başlarında Güney eyaletlerinde geçen kısa öykülerinde, kaybolmuş bir yaşam biçimini anlatır.


Katherine Anne Porter, Güney eyaletleri ile ilgili kısa öykülerinde, yüzyılın başlarına dayanan bir yaşam biçimini tasvir eder.

Avrupa edebiyatının en büyük klasiklerinden Don Kişot, zengin anlatım tarzıyla tüm okuyucuların ilgisini çekmektedir.


Zengin anlatım tarzıyla Avrupa edebiyatının en büyük klasiklerden biri olan Don Kişot, günümüz okuyucusu tarafından hâlâ sevilerek okunmaktadır.


Zengin anlatım tarzı okuyucular tarafından takdir edilen Don Kişot, Avrupa edebiyatının en büyük klasiklerinden biridir.



Katherine Anne Porter’ın kısa öykülerinde tasvir edilen yaşam, yüzyılın başlarında Güney eyaletlerinde geçer.


Yüzyılın başlarında Güney eyaletlerinde geçen yaşam biçimi, Katherine Anne Porter’ın kısa öykülerinde anlatılmaktadır.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


31. It is estimated that over half a billion people consume insufficient calories to maintain normal growth and health. A)


33.-40. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümlenin İngilizce dengini bulunuz.

Yarım milyar kadar kişinin, sağlıklı gelişimini sürdürürken, yetersiz kalori kullandığı belirlenmiştir.

33. Onun, ne yaptığımı ya da niçin beni çağırtmış olduğunu hatırladığını sanmıyorum.

Yarım milyara yakın insanın, normal gelişimini devam ettirirken, yetersiz kalori harcadığı varsayılmaktadır.


Yarım milyar kişinin, normal gelişimini ve sağlığını sürdürürken, yetersiz kalori aldığı bildirilmiştir.


Yarım milyardan fazla insanın, normal gelişimini ve sağlığını sürdürmek için yetersiz kalori tükettiği tahmin edilmektedir.


Yaklaşık yarım milyar insanın, normal gelişimi ve sağlığı için yetersiz kalori harcadığı belirlenmiştir.

32. Under the burning sun of the Mediterranean basin, the ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians harvested salt through evaporation from the sea, on a scale sufficient for their daily needs. A)

Akdeniz bölgesinin yakıcı güneşi altında, eski Yunanlılar, Romalılar ve Mısırlılar, günlük gereksinimlerini karşılamak amacıyla buharlaştırma yöntemiyle denizden tuz üretiyorlardı.


Eski Yunanlılar, Romalılar ve Mısırlılar, Akdeniz havzasının kızgın güneşi altında, denizden buharlaştırma yoluyla, günlük gereksinimleri için yeterli ölçüde tuz elde ediyorlardı.

I don’t think he recognised me or remembered why he’d sent for me.


I don’t expect him to remember who I was or why he called me.


I don’t think he can remember what I’ve done and why I have been called for.


I don’t expect him to remember what I’d done and why I’d been sent for.


I don’t think he remembered what I had done or why he had sent for me.

34. Özellikle Afrika’da ve Doğu’da, okuma yazması olmayan, ancak yüzlerce dizeli bir şiiri ezberden okuyan insanlarla karşılaşmak, çoğu kez bizi şaşırtmıştır.

C) Eski Yunanlılar, Romalılar ve Mısırlılar’ın, günlük gereksinimlerini karşılamak için, Akdeniz bölgesinin yakıcı güneşi altında, buharlaştırma yoluyla denizden tuz ürettikleri bilinmektedir. D) Günlük gereksinimlerini karşılamak için eski Yunanlılar, Romalılar ve Mısırlılar, Akdeniz’in kızgın güneşi altında, buharlaştırma yöntemiyle, denizden yeterince tuz elde edebiliyorlardı. E)



We have frequently been astonished to meet people, especially in Africa and the East, who are illiterate, and yet who recite from memory a poem of hundreds of verses.


We are often surprised at how many illiterate people we meet, especially in Africa and the East, who are able to recite a poem with hundreds of verses.

C) We have frequently come across illiterate people in Africa and the East who can recite hundreds of poems, and we are still astonished at it. D) It’s hardly surprising that the illiterate people of Africa and the East, in particular, are frequently to be found reciting poems with hundreds of verses. E)

Akdeniz havzasının yakıcı güneşi altında, günlük tuz gereksinimlerini karşılamak için eski Yunanlılar, Romalılar ve Mısırlılar buharlaştırma yöntemini kullanmışlardır.

It is the illiterate people of Africa and the East, in particular, who, not surprisingly, have learned by heart poems with hundreds of verses.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


35. Şurada bir grup gençle konuşan adam, bu ülkenin İkinci Dünya Savaşı’ndan beri sahip olduğu en iyi siyasetçilerden biridir.

37. Kamyon sürücüsü olarak edindiği deneyimleri ona, çalışan çeşitli tipteki insanları şiirlerinde anlatma fırsatını verdi.


The man those young people have joined is probably about the best politician this country has produced since World War II.


Various types of working class people are described in his poems which are related to his experiences as a truck driver.


That man over there, with a group of youngsters, has been in politics since World War II, and has done the country a lot of good.


While he was a truck driver, he began to write poems in which he described his experiences with various types of working people.


The man over there, talking to a group of young people, is one of the best politicians this country has produced since World War II.


His poems are usually about his experiences with the various types of working people he met during his years as a truck driver.


The man talking to those young people over there has been involved in politics since World War II, and has done much good in the country.


His experiences as a truck driver brought him close to working class people, and so he could describe them in his poems.


One of the best politicians this country has produced since World War II is standing over there talking to a group of young people.


His experiences as a truck driver gave him the opportunity to describe, in his poems, various types of working people.

36. Thomas Wolfe, ilk romanının 1929’da yayımlanması üzerine, kendi kuşağının en çok gelecek vaat eden yazarlarından biri olarak görüldü.

38. Dünyanın en önde gelen dilbilimcilerinden biri olan Eugene A. Nida, ilkel toplulukların dilleri ve lehçeleri alanında uzmanlaşmıştır. A)

Eugene A. Nida, one of the foremost linguists in the world, has specialised in the field of the languages and dialects of primitive communities.

Upon the publication, in 1929, of his first novel, Thomas Wolfe was considered to be one of the most promising writers of his generation.


The famous linguist Eugene A. Nida is especially interested in the field of the languages and dialects of primitive communities.


As soon as his first novel was published in 1929, Thomas Wolfe was acclaimed as one of the best writers of his generation.



With his first novel, which was published in 1929, Thomas Wolfe won the respect of his own generation and the next one.

One of the best linguists in the world is Eugene A. Nida, who has specialised in the field of the languages and dialects of primitive communities.



One of the most promising writers of this generation was Thomas Wolfe, whose first novel was published in 1929.

His specialisation in the field of the languages and dialects of primitive communities is what has put Eugene A. Nida among the foremost of the world’s linguists.


One of the best-known linguists in the world is Eugene A. Nida since he has specialised in the field of the languages and dialects of primitive communities.


When his first novel was published in 1929, Thomas Wolfe was regarded as one of the most talented writers of his generation.


Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


39. Hindistan, Batılı ülkelerin çoğundan farklı olarak, çeşitli dillere ve kültürlere sahip bir ülkedir.

41. We learn from the passage that, contrary to what a lot of people expect, ----.


Contrary to what is believed in most western countries, there are many different languages and cultures in India.


Unlike the majority of western countries, India is a country which has varied languages and cultures.


Most western countries lack the variety that is to be found in the languages and cultures of India.


India is a country with varied languages and cultures, which makes it unlike the majority of western countries.


The western countries are unlike India because of their varied languages and cultures.


life on a submarine is extremely rewarding for the crew


submarines have every imaginable facility for entertaining the crew

C) boredom is a major problem for the crew of a submarine D) there is comparatively little work to be done on a submarine E)

the officers on a submarine share the same duties as the other members of the crew

42. The writer of the passage emphasises that, on a submarine, ----.

40. Şirketimiz, tüm bölümlerinde güvenliği sağlamak için özel bir sistem geliştirdi. A)

Our company has developed a special security system to suit each of its departments.


there is every opportunity for officers to have a pleasant life


In order to maintain security in all its departments our company is developing a special system.


every member of the crew helps to prepare the meals

C) everyone works six hours a day

C) The special security system developed by our company will be used in all its departments.

D) life never gets boring for the crew

D) Our company has developed a special system to maintain security in all of its departments. E)


everything is to be done faultlessly

Our company maintains that the special security system it has developed is suitable for all its departments.

43. It is clear from the passage that it is almost impossible ----. 41.-43. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Life on a submarine may, to many people, sound fascinating. However, it is, in fact, horribly boring. Except for the commanding officers, a day aboard a submarine consists of six hours on duty, six hours off, day after day, for months. This being the case, every effort is made to ensure that the lives of the men are as pleasant as possible. The meals are exceptionally good, and there is a daily film, shown at a specific time, on television around the submarine. In return, the crew is always expected to perform perfectly all the time. A mistake is quite unforgivable. In fact, a favourite saying is “There’s room for everything on a submarine except for a mistake”.


to make life aboard a submarine fully fascinating


for officers to establish a friendship with other members of the crew

C) for everyone to be aware of night and day D) for the commanding officers to make a mistake E)

for any member of the crew to be on duty more than six hours

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


46. It is pointed out in the passage that, so long as there is a chance for a film to be truly successful, ----.

44.-46. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. As Orson Welles said: “to practise his art, a poet needs a pen, and a painter a brush. But a film-maker needs an army of actors, actresses and supportstaff”. Orson Welles learned the hard way that all this costs a fortune. Few film directors are rich enough to finance their own films, and even fewer have the desire to take such a risk. Therefore, directors are dependent on film studios for the financing of their films. This has caused a certain tension between directors and film studios because film studios use their money to try to control the films they finance. If a film, while it is being made, starts to become too expensive, the studio has to make a choice: it must either cancel the making of the film and lose all the money already invested in it, or go on investing heavily and hope the film will really be a great success.

involves a series of problems, one of which is the casting of actors and actresses


is extremely expensive when compared with other forms of art


is a business which depends more on finance than on talent


is an industry which is almost always financially successful


aims at making a good profit rather than giving entertainment

directors and studios will have no excuse for any disagreements


some directors may choose to finance their films themselves


other studios will gladly pour in more money in the hope of making very high profits


actors and actresses will perform to the best of their ability


the studio will often be prepared to put more money into the making of it

47.-49. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

44. It is suggested in the passage that film-making ----. A)


Some 130 million years ago, a spike-backed dinosaur walked heavily through the wilderness of what came to be Australia, and left its footprints as a gift for the future. They were the world’s best impressions of a dinosaur’s two-ton footfalls. When they were found seven years ago in a remote valley in northern Australia, they provided scientists with the first clear evidence that dinosaurs had lived in Australia. This discovery provided further evidence for the theory that Australia was once joined to a vast super-continent that included what is now South America, Africa, India and Antarctica.

45. According to the passage, film studios and directors often disagree ----.

47. It is clear from the passage that, millions of years ago, Australia ----.


over the choice and number of actors, actresses and support-staff for each film


over whether a film is likely to succeed and make a profit


since each is always dependent upon the other for success


because a studio won’t always allow a director to do what he wants to do


even though there is no financial problem facing them


was undoubtedly the only suitable place in the world for the survival of dinosaurs


was almost certainly not, as it is today, a separate continent

C) was, for the first time, inhabited by a large variety of dinosaurs D) was for the most part a wilderness where no living being could survive E)

with its geography and climate resembled South America and Africa

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


48. The passage makes it clear that the dinosaur footprints discovered in Australia in recent years ----. A)

are the same as those also found in South America, Africa, India and Antarctica


have little attracted many a scientist interested in the distant past of the continent


could only have been made by dinosaurs weighing a lot more than two tons


are in surprisingly good condition although millions of years have passed since they were made


have made scientists revise the most recent theories concerning dinosaurs

50. It is clear from the passage that the family described here ----. A)

isn’t used to going out for the day like this


very rarely has a day out together


seldom takes a bus at weekends


is clearly a very rich one


knows how to share its duties

51. We understand from the passage that, although these parents have six children, ----.

49. One reason why the discovery in Australia of the dinosaur footprints is so important is that, ----. A)

previously, no one knew for certain whether this country had ever been inhabited by dinosaurs


contrary to the popular view, this continent had always been a vast wilderness


until this discovery, nothing was known about the early climate of this continent


presumably, they will provide clues for future geological changes in this continent


up to this point, no one knew for sure that dinosaurs could weigh two tons


they spend very little time with them


they don’t really seem to care about them


they are reluctant to spend much money on them


it seems that life has not aged them


it is the four smaller ones that they are most fond of

52. From the passage we can conclude that the narrator ----.

50.-52. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. For most people, being a member of a large family is sometimes hard. Usually there isn’t enough money, so everyone has to do without various things. There are, however, certain advantages; in fact, there are probably more advantages than disadvantages. The other day I saw a family setting off on a day out. The parents, who looked remarkably young themselves, were carrying various bags. The biggest child, who was perhaps fifteen, carried a football. His sister, perhaps two years younger, carried what looked like the family lunch. The four smaller children also had things to carry. The youngest of them carried a toy bear that was almost as big as herself. The family were catching a bus and looked so contented. I wished I could have gone with them wherever they were going.


himself comes from a large family


is very critical of large families


is more interested in the parents than in the children


feels sorry because the children have all got things to carry


seems to favour large families

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


55. We learn from the passage that Mrs Gaskell uses the story of Margaret Hale to ----.

53.-55. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Mrs Gaskell was a nineteenth-century English novelist. She wrote social novels, the most famous of which were Mary Barton and North and South. The first, which is set in Manchester, an industrial city in the north of England, vividly describes the terrible conditions of the working class, which she knew at first hand. It is a powerful novel that made a considerable impression upon readers in nineteenthcentury England. The other novel, North and South, contrasts two regions of England, through its heroine Margaret Hale, who leaves southern England to live in the industrial north. Both these novels present a balanced view of social problems in this period of English history.


show how the living conditions in the north were far better than those in the south


illustrate the differences between the north and south of England


draw attention to the special problems of young women in nineteenth-century England


tell the story of her own life in Manchester


stress that there were good working opportunities for the young in the north of England

56.-58. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. 53. As it is pointed out in the passage, both in Mary Barton and in North and South, Mrs Gaskell ----. A)

is mainly concerned with the conditions of working life in the industrial north of England


tells the tragic story of a young country girl called Margaret Hale


compares the working conditions of men and women in southern England


failed to capture the interest of readers in her time


shows how the conditions of the English working class were improving in the nineteenth century

John Steinbeck grew up in California and went to university there, and studied marine biology. He worked at various jobs before he rose to fame in the 1930s with his novels about farm workers. In his novels, his approach is realistic and he shows a great deal of sympathy for his characters who are mostly poor and oppressed. We see this in The Grapes of Wrath, which is one of his best-known novels, and has been made into a film and also staged in the theatre.

56. We learn from the passage that Steinbeck ----. 54. We understand from the passage that the manner, in which Mrs Gaskell approached the working conditions of her time, ----.


was primarily concerned in his writings with the problems American society was facing in the 1930s


wrote only one major novel, which is The Grapes of Wrath


is generally regarded now as being unfair


was disliked by her readers


was more critical in Mary Barton than in North and South


was not one-sided

D) wrote almost all of his major works during the 1930s


was not based on fact


C) used California as the setting for all his works

was originally trained as a scientist, but he turned to literature

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


57. We understand from the passage that the people Steinbeck describes in his novels ----. A) B)

59. The passage puts forward the idea that, even though the printed book continues to be popular, ----.

usually have a background of economic and social hardships do not really represent the agricultural community of California


it will soon be completely replaced by the electronic book


the electronic book may well be on its way in

C) work in a wide variety of jobs in California

C) it is no longer as popular as it used to be

D) are on the whole content with the kind of life they have

D) fewer books are being sold than formerly


fail to arouse the reader’s sympathy

58. It is clear from the passage that Steinbeck’s famous novel, The Grapes of Wrath, ----.


compared with the electronic book, it is very expensive

60. In this passage, the author suggests that, in spite of technological advances, some people ----.


was, much to the surprise of Steinbeck himself, an immediate success


are dissatisfied at the rising prices of printed books


was only popular as a book and as a film, during the 1930s


still regard Gutenberg as the leading figure in book technology

C) was adapted for the stage, but enjoyed little success in the theatre

C) will be reluctant to give up the printed book and turn to the electronic one

D) has appealed not only to the general reader, but also to film and stage directors

D) find it difficult to buy the kind of book they are looking for



has had a lasting effect on its readers, though it is the least realistic

realise that books published in our time are not as well-made as those in the past

59.-61. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. 61. It is clear from the passage that Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press ----.

Reading on paper is so much a part of our lives that it is hard to imagine anything could ever replace the printed books we are used to. Before printed books came in, books had to be copied by hand; this was obviously a slow process and very expensive. Once Gutenberg had invented an economical way to make th movable letters in the 15 century, it became possible to produce reading material quickly, comparatively cheaply and in large quantities. Since then, the printed word has become a permanent part of our everyday lives. So, how could anyone believe that sales of electronic books will equal those of paper books within a decade or so? Still, some people think that they will.


was the only major technological advance in the th 15 century


did not have any noticeable effect upon the prices of books

C) did not put an end to the practice of copying books by hand D) failed to spread the love of reading among ordinary people E)

increased the speed at which books could be produced

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


65. I used to play basketball several times a week while I was at university.

62.-68. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın olan cümleyi bulunuz.

62. Sally made her own costume for the school play, but she was the only one to do so. A) B)

Sally was the only one who helped to make the costumes for the school play.

When I was a university student, it was my habit to play basketball a few times a week, but now I don’t.


It was during my university years that I got used to playing basketball at least three times a week.

C) I don’t play basketball now as often as I did when I was at university.

Sally helped to make the costumes for the school play, but no one else did.

D) During my university years, I started to play basketball two or three times a week, but I don’t any longer.

C) Sally made the costume she wore in the school play herself, but none of the others made theirs.


D) Except for Sally, no one helped to make the costumes for the school play. E)


It was when I was at university that I took up basketball and played several times a week.

It was only Sally who needed a special costume for the school play; none of the others did. 66. As there was a great deal of traffic on the roads, the journey took us longer than we had expected.

63. Most of the students had worked hard and so they did quite well in the examination.


There was a lot of heavy traffic on the roads, so we had to go slowly.


In spite of the heavy traffic, the journey took hardly any longer than we had expected.


Most students work hard before an examination and so do well.

C) We were surprised at how long it took us to get there as there was so little traffic.


A majority of the students got good grades in the examination as they had prepared well for it.

D) The journey was over fairly quickly considering how much traffic there was.

C) The students who do best in an examination are the ones who work hardest.


The journey turned out to be much longer than we’d foreseen, owing to the heavy traffic.

D) Quite a lot of the students did very well indeed in the examination. E)

Almost all of the hard-working students got very high grades in the examination.

67. You knew I needed your help this weekend, so you shouldn’t have promised to go out with your friends.

64. The last time I saw my cousin he was only five years old. A)

I haven’t seen my cousin for five years.


It’s five years since I last saw my cousin.


You’d promised to help me this weekend, so I don’t see how you can agree to go off with your friends like that.


Why did you arrange to go out with your friends over the weekend while you said you would help me?

C) I suppose you’ve arranged to go off with your friends this weekend because you didn’t want to help me though you had promised to!

C) The last time I saw my cousin was five years ago. D) I haven’t seen my cousin since he was a 5-year-old child.

D) It was not right for you to promise your friends that you’d go out with them this weekend since you knew I had to have some help from you.



I still haven’t seen my cousin who is now five years old.

When you agreed to go out with your friends this weekend, had you forgotten you’d promised to help me?

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


68. This material is suitable for students of eighteen years and up. A)

The material is suitable for students who are over eighteen.


The material may be suitable for students of over eighteen years of age.

70. Flooding is an environmental disaster that may have substantial and long-lasting chemical effects. There are many possible sources of chemical contamination during and after a flood. ----. Chemicals released into the environment may have a variety of adverse ecological effects. These effects can be long-term or short-term in the normal functioning of the ecosystem.

C) Students of eighteen years and over can use this material.


These include dumping grounds, chemical works, warehouses, and petrol stations

D) Only 18-year-old students will find this material suitable.


It results in economic losses that might affect the whole country



Every chemical substance that affects the environment affects the human beings, too


Fortunately, there is no possibility that any radioactive materials have been released


There are two main causes of such hazards: biological and chemical

All students, whether under or over eighteen, can be given this material.

69.-76. sorularda, parçada boş bırakılan yere uygun düşen ifadeyi bulunuz. 71. Calcium is an important mineral. It is crucial for the carrying of messages along the nerves. It is essential for healthy bones and teeth. Yet, few of us get as much as we need. ----.

69. Familiar terms such as “work”, “energy” and “force” are often used in a very particular and distinct manner in physics. ----. For instance, for the physicist, the word “force” is used in four different ways. These forces are responsible for all the phenomena we observe. A)

We think of a force generally as a push or a pull


It is important to understand their special meanings when they are used scientifically


“Work” is another term which also has a restricted technical meaning in science


One of the fundamental forces in nature is the electromagnetic force


The English physicist Newton is remembered for his investigations into the forces of nature


Calcium deficiency can lead to various problems


Milk and milk products are especially rich in calcium


In fact, most of us get only one third of the amount necessary for good health


On the other hand, most parents are unaware of how much calcium their children need


The taking of calcium pills is not always recommended

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


72. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Young children and older adults are the most regular consumers of breakfast. ----. However, especially among young people, before they reach adulthood, breakfast consumption decreases, and they give as reasons lack of time or not wanting to eat so early. A)

The type of breakfast preferred varies from country to country


74. Most of us feel that too much money is being spent on advertising. We see advertisements as we walk down the street, we see them in newspapers and magazines and on television. ----. Perhaps it would, but manufacturers know that it is vital to keep the name of a product fresh in the public eye; otherwise, sales fall. A)

Missing breakfast can affect a child’s ability to manage complex information

Advertising costs a lot, so we wonder if it wouldn’t be better to spend this money in other ways


Popular breakfasts nowadays include cereals, toast and fruit juice

Some advertisements are quite amusing and really please us



Tests to see whether eating breakfast increases a child’s IQ remain controversial

Personally, I find a lot of advertisements really annoying



Studies show that over 90 % of them have breakfast every day

Advertising has become an art, and a lot of money is to be made in the field of advertising


Children are often greatly influenced by the advertisements they see on television


73. Poetry is as universal as language and almost as ancient. In all ages, and in all countries, poetry has been written, eagerly read and listened to by all kinds and conditions of people. ----. But this is not the whole answer. It has also been regarded as something central to each man’s existence.


75. At seven in the morning on April 12 1981, the first space shuttle “Columbia” left Earth. It flew up into space at a speed of 28, 000 kilometres an hour. ----. They had a lot to do while they were in space. They took photographs and sent pictures back to Earth. They also tested Columbia’s controls.


There is no sharp distinction between poetry and other imaginative literature


Why? Because it has given them pleasure



Literature exists to communicate significant experiences

This was one of the best designed space shuttles put into space


This is what science fiction had imagined


The proper reading of poetry demands a high level of attention


At such a speed the shuttle might easily have blown up


There is no real distinction between the practical use of language and the poetic one


There were two astronauts inside, John Young and Robert Crippen


Following its explorations in space, the shuttle returned safely to Earth

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


76. When we talk about the shared customs of a society, we are referring to a “culture”. However, not all things shared generally by a population are cultural. For example, the typical hair colour of a population is not cultural because it is genetically determined. ----.

78. You have applied to work for a travel agency. You are being interviewed and have been asked why you think you are suitable for the job. You reply: A)

I speak English and German fluently and, therefore, I feel this is the right job for me. I’ve never been to Germany, but my cousin lives there.


Culture has nothing to do with playing the piano or reading poetry



Culture refers to all these aspects of life


What and how human beings eat is learned and varies from culture to culture

C) I suppose I could work at weekends if you wanted me to.


Every society has a culture, no matter how simple this culture is


For something to be considered cultural, it must be learned as well as shared

D) I imagine the work is interesting; a lot of jobs are boring. E)

My brother has urged me to take up this job.

79. It’s Monday. A friend wants you to go with her to the cinema this evening. It’s to a film you very much want to see, but for a day or two you are far too busy to go to the cinema. So, you say:

77.-84. sorularda, verilen duruma uygun düşen ifadeyi bulunuz. 77. Your brother is fond of detective novels. At present you are reading a novel which is about a very unusual detective. You feel your brother would enjoy reading it. So, you say to him:


Thanks, I’d love to; I’ve promised to help my mother in the garden, but that can wait till tomorrow.


Thanks for asking me, but I really don’t want to see that film again.


I can’t understand what interests you in this particular detective novel.


This is just your type of detective novel. I’ll pass it on to you when I’ve finished it.

C) I wish I could come with you, but this evening I’ve promised to help my brother prepare for an examination.


I’ve enjoyed this novel enormously; can you recommend some other detective novels?

D) I can’t today, but that’s a film I don’t want to miss. Can’t we go later in the week?


You said this was a detective novel, but it doesn’t seem like one to me.



The main character in this novel is so unusual that you can’t take him seriously.

I’m not sure if I can. I’ll let you know later. When will you be home? I’ll give you a ring.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


80. A good friend of yours has recently joined your football team, and today he has played goalkeeper for the first time. Your team has lost the game and your friend, as the goalkeeper, blames himself for it. So, to cheer him up, you say: A)

I feel we’re badly in need of a more efficient coach.


Actually, you could have prevented the goals.

82. You have attended an English language school in Britain, and have been very well satisfied with the way it was organised and the standard of teaching. So, when someone asks you if you can recommend the school, you say: A)

The school was very well run and my English certainly improved while I was there.


We had classes most mornings and went sightseeing in the afternoons.

C) This has been a bad day for our team, but I can assure you that you’ve done your best.

C) There were people there from all over the world and I made lots of friends.

D) After all, the other team worked to take you by surprise, and you played into their hands.

D) The food was rather poor and the dormitory was overcrowded.



A lot of the time you didn’t seem to be concentrating on the game.

83. You have been corresponding for some years with a Canadian boy. You learn from his last letter that he will be spending part of his summer holiday in Europe. You think this is a wonderful opportunity for him to come to Turkey and spend some time with you. So, you write:

81. Your sister works in an office as a secretary. Today she has come home rather upset because her boss has shouted at her in front of a lot of people. She feels very strongly that she didn’t deserve such treatment. So, to comfort her, you say: A)

Your boss seems to have been upsetting you a lot lately.


I wish you could have said something back to him.

C) The trouble with you is that you don’t stand up for yourself. D) I’m sure there was something else annoying him; otherwise, he would never have treated you like that. E)

The best thing about the school was that it was very close to London.


While making your holiday plans for Europe, I suggest you first visit the medieval towns of France.


After all, while you are in Europe, it would be easy for me to come to see you.

C) If I were you, I would spend a week in Turkey before returning to Europe. D) Let me know when you are going to be in Europe, so that we can arrange to meet there. E)

So long as you do your job properly, he won’t have any reason to treat you like that.

Since you are going to be in Europe, and so near to Turkey, I do wish you would arrange to have part of your holiday in Turkey with me.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


84. You have been in the school choir for some years now, and wish to persuade a close friend of yours, who is interested in music, to join the choir. So, you say: A)

Since you enjoy music it’s time you joined our choir and started to sing.


I thought you were in the school choir when I joined three years ago.

86. Brother : - Did you make this cake Mary? Sister - Yes.


Brother - ----


C) Don’t leave the school choir because Pat has joined it.

Sister : - Only a little! Don’t eat it if you don’t want to.

D) Have you been asked to join the school choir? I have recommended you.


It’s not as good as the one mother makes.


I thought so. It’s burnt!


No one will marry you if that’s the best you can do!


I’m going to make myself a sandwich.


Good for you! This is as good as mother’s cake!


I know you love music. But do you sing yourself?

85.-92. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmında söylenmiş olabilecek sözü bulunuz.

85. Jane : - Did you enjoy the play, Pelin?

87. Janet : - Will you be inviting Susan to your party?

Pelin : - Very much. Thank you for organising the evening.

Lucy : - No I won’t. You know l don’t like her.

Jane - ----

Janet - ----


Pelin : - More or less. My English isn’t good, but I did get the general idea. A)

The acting was very good. In particular I liked the old aunt.


I make a point of going to all the plays in town.


What did you think of the settings and the costumes?


I hope you managed to follow the story.


Actually, I thought it was a particularly interesting play.


Lucy : - You’re quite right. I’ll ask her. A)

I wasn’t expecting you to. But if you were going to, I wouldn’t come.


No. Neither do I. I think she gossips a lot.


I know you don’t. But she’s been having such a hard time lately. A change would do her good.


She behaved so badly at Polly’s party, do you remember?


None of us does. She’s so proud of herself.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


88. Brian : - Dad! I need a new pair of sports shoes.

90. Anna : - Excuse me, could you tell me where Julia Sullivan’s office is?

Father : - What? It seems like only a month since I bought you a pair.

Rebecca : - ----

Brian - ----

Anna : - Yes, that’s right.


Father : - That’s all right, you win. We’ll buy a better pair this time.

Rebecca : - Well, you are on the wrong floor. Her office is on the seventh floor.


Thanks, but l don’t need any new ones now; I’ll let you know when I do.


Why do you want to see her? Is she expecting you?


No, it’s at least a year. Actually, they’ve lasted well.


Do you have an appointment with her?


She isn’t in her office. She is out today.


These were a birthday present from my uncle. Don’t you remember?



They are absolutely fine. They’ll last another year at least.

Julia Sullivan? Isn’t she in the marketing department?


She is on holiday. She’ll be back next week.


Two months, actually. But they were cheap, and l told you they wouldn’t last.

89. James : - Do you know where I can hire a car? Mark - ----

91. Jane : - Sorry, I had to ring the doorbell.


Mary - ----


James : - I’d really appreciate that. Are you sure you don’t need it?

Jane : - No, I seem to have lost it.

Mark : - No, I don’t need it before next week.

Mary : - Then I’d better let you have my spare key.


Hiring a car is expensive. Why don’t you borrow my car?


I think we should let you have the other key.


Well, there are lots of car rental agencies. You can find their phone numbers in the yellow pages.


Don’t tell me you’ve lost your key again!


I wish you hadn’t. Where is your key?



Sorry, I have no idea about where you can hire a car.

That’s all right. By the way, I’ve got a new key for you.


Didn’t you have your key with you?


I think, you’d better take a taxi.


There is a car rental agency at the end of this street on your left.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


92. Peter : - Are you going to the south coast again this summer?

94. (I) There is nothing unusual about a single language dying. (II) Communities have come and gone throughout history, and with them their languages. (III) The Hittite language, for example, died out when its civilisation disappeared. (IV) Small communities in isolated areas can easily be wiped out by earthquakes, hurricanes and other disasters. (V) Yet, in comparison with what happened in the past, what is happening today is extraordinary, for the cultural and linguistic diversity of the world is everywhere under threat.

Dave : - No, I’m doing something different this year. I’m going climbing in Scotland. Peter - ----


Dave : - I haven’t done it before. This will be the first time. A)

Really? I didn’t even know you climbed.


What a good idea! But why in Scotland?


That sounds fun! I might join you.


Well, let me know how you find Scotland.


Well, let me know how you get on. I might join you another time.

A) I




E) V

95. (I) Operations that were not even dreamed of fifty years ago are now being carried out successfully. (II) Due to the spread of diseases, hospitals are getting more and more crowded. (III) For instance, the heart can be safely opened and its valves repaired. (IV) Blocked blood vessels can be cleaned out. (V) The whole stomach, even, can be removed without causing serious problems. A) I




E) V

93.-100. sorularda, hangi cümlenin anlam bakımından parçaya uymadığını bulunuz. 93. (I) Antarctica appears to be warming faster than anywhere else on the planet. (II) The ice is melting, and the winters are markedly warmer. (III) Indeed, industrial pollution is a major threat to the wild life. (IV) Grass is now beginning to push up through what was frozen wasteland just a few years ago. (V) Yet, this warming in Antarctica is causing problems for the penguins, the natives of the continent. A) I




96. (I) Homer designed his tale in the form of a tree. (II) The principal plot forms the trunk of the tree, and many stories branch off from the trunk. (III) Some of these stories are only the portrayal of principal characters. (IV) Homer is supposed to have written both The Odyssey and The Iliad. (V) The others describe various incidents related to the main theme. A) I

E) V




E) V

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


97. (I) In sixteenth-century England, the theatre was a very popular form of entertainment. (II) In many ways it was different from the theatre of our time. (III) Shakespeare, who was the leading dramatist of the time, is still regarded as one of the world’s greatest. (IV) For one thing, the theatre had no roof, and plays were acted with no setting. (V) Performances were given in the afternoons, and had to be cancelled if the weather was bad. A) I




E) V

99. (I) Dr. Johnson will always be remembered for producing the first serious dictionary of the English language. (II) In 1747 he published the Plan of his Dictionary. (III) The age in which he lived is reflected in his writings. (IV) According to this plan, he hoped to complete the work in three years. (V) Actually, however, it took him seven years to compile his dictionary. A) I




E) V

100. (I) Myths were originally created as entertaining 98. (I) The year 1666 was the year of the great fire of stories with a serious purpose. (II) The bestLondon. (II) There is very little agreement among known of the mythologies in the world is the historians as regards the population of London at Greek mythology. (III) They have two main aims. the time. (III) The houses were all made of wood, (IV) One is to explain the nature of the universe. so they burned easily and there was a wind to fan (V) The other is to instruct members of the the flames. (IV) So, despite all efforts to put it out, community in the attitudes and behaviour the fire raged for four days. (V) At the end, necessary to function successfully. thousands of the Londoners were made homeless. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V


Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.



1. C

26. A

51. D

76. E

2. E

27. E

52. E

77. B

3. B

28. B

53. A

78. A

4. A

29. C

54. D

79. D

5. C

30. A

55. B

80. C

6. D

31. D

56. E

81. D

7. E

32. B

57. A

82. A

8. C

33. E

58. D

83. E

9. A

34. A

59. B

84. A

10. E

35. C

60. C

85. D

11. C

36. B

61. E

86. B

12. E

37. E

62. C

87. C

13. B

38. A

63. B

88. E

14. A

39. B

64. D

89. A

15. E

40. D

65. A

90. D

16. A

41. C

66. E

91. E

17. C

42. E

67. D

92. A

18. D

43. A

68. C

93. C

19. B

44. B

69. B

94. D

20. A

45. D

70. A

95. B

21. E

46. E

71. C

96. D

22. C

47. B

72. E

97. C

23. D

48. D

73. B

98. B

24. B

49. A

74. A

99. C

25. C

50. E

75. D

100. B


İNGİLİZCE YABANCI DİL TESTLERİNİN CEVAP ANAHTARLARI BİRBİRİNDEN FARKLIDIR. YABANCI DİLİNİZİ CEVAP KÂĞIDINIZDA AYRILAN YERE İŞARETLEMEYİ UNUTMAYINIZ. 1. Cevap kâğõdõnda, sõnav yabancõ dilinizi (İNGİLİZCE) işaretlemeyi unutmayõnõz. 2. Bu testten alacağõnõz standart puan, Yabancõ Dil Ağõrlõklõ ÖSS Puanõnõzõn hesaplanmasõnda 1,8 katsayõsõ ile çarpõlacaktõr. 3. Bu testte 100 soru vardõr. 4. Cevaplamaya istediğiniz sorudan başlayabilirsiniz. 5. Sayfalar üzerindeki boş yerleri müsvedde için kullanabilirsiniz. 4. They still haven’t come to an ---- about which play they are going to put on next term.

1.–18. sorularda, cümlede boş bõrakõlan yere uygun düşen kelime ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. 1. I tried hard to ---- why the motor would have to be replaced, but he couldn’t understand what I was trying to say. A) insist

B) complain D) inform

C) appointment

D) agreement E) event

E) explain

B) expanding

D) exceeding

B) assessment

C) reply

2. The market for computers and all related goods has been ---- rapidly in recent years. A) reaching

A) opinion

5. My car ---- as I was on my way to pick up the children from school.

C) exploring

E) disturbing

A) got off

B) broke down

C) let down

D) gave in E) took off

3. The company is not only looking for wellqualified people; it also wants them to be ---about their work. A) enthusiastic

B) comprehensive

C) relevant

D) indifferent

6. I met your father once years ago, but I can ---remember him. A) hardly

B) enormously

D) immensely

C) extremely

E) simultaneously

E) convenient

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


7. He ---- a book in the garden when I ---- there. A)

will read / have got


is reading / will get

11. I suppose we can take a walk in the garden for a while after the meal, ----? A) don’t we

B) won’t I

D) can we

C) was reading / got

C) can’t we

E) do I

D) would be reading / was getting E)

had read / had got

12. For years the people ---- my hometown depended ---- steel, coal and fishing for their livelihood.

8. I’m sure he ---- to let us know where he was if he ---- able to do so.

A) at / for


telephoned / would be


will have telephoned / was


would telephone / has been


has telephoned / is


would have telephoned / had been

D) in / on

B) had been broken

C) broke

D) were being broken

C) of / by

E) out of / on

13. Because Susan was looking very sad, John tried to cheer her ---- by reading her a story.

9. The house looked dreadful as no one was living there and most of the windows ----. A) have been broken

B) from / to

A) up

B) through

C) in

D) over

E) on

E) would have broken

10. They ---- Bursa before, so they ---- what to expect. A)

weren’t visiting / haven’t known


haven’t visited / haven’t known


didn’t visit / hadn’t known


don’t visit / won’t know


hadn’t visited / didn’t know

14. There’s a photograph here ---- you taken ---- your first birthday. A) from / by

B) by / to

D) to / over

C) of / on

E) on / near

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


15. When the class laughed, the poor boy felt ---uncomfortable ---- he didn’t know whether to keep his cap in his hand or not. A) such / that

B) that / as

D) more / than

19.–24. sorularda, cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

C) as / as

19. As there is a complete standardization of every product in this fast-food restaurant chain, ----.

E) so / that

16. I’m afraid I can’t afford to pay ---- that for a pair of shoes. A) too much

B) as much as

C) so much

D) as many as


the first restaurant to be opened in Britain was in 1974


they were already doing business in 52 countries in the world


the company was by then opening a new restaurant at the rate of one per day


every French fry and every burger tastes exactly the same as every other


yet another one was opened in Moscow in 1990

E) much more 20. ----, who really established and developed the thriller style in films.

17. If Clare says she won’t lend you ---- calculator, then I’ll lend you ----. A) hers / ours

B) his / me

D) their / him

C) her / mine

E) your / his


The cartoon is another popular type of film, especially among children


Strong film industries began to emerge in other countries


Contemporary issues such as violence and poverty will attract the attention of many film directors


Star Wars is perhaps his best film


It was the film director Alfred Hitchcock

21. As the daily temperature change on the planet Mercury is extreme, ----. 18. He hasn’t written to me, and I don’t think he’s written to any of his other friends, ----. A) either

B) too D) neither

C) as well E) also


its rocky surface cracks, producing cliffs and canyons


there hasn’t been sufficient atmosphere to hold the heat


the explorations carried out so far would have been very costly


the craters in its surface were formed by rocks from outer space


there was no evidence to suggest that this was due to volcanic activity

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


22. The manager promised to promote her ----. A)

if she has proved far more efficient than any of the other employees


that she has really deserved it


as she had been working for the company for so many years


unless there was a good reason for doing so


until the company's annual budget is approved

25.–32. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümlenin anlamõna en yakõn Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz. 25. Poetry, which is as universal as language, has for centuries been written and read by all kinds of people everywhere. A)

Şiir, yüzyõllar boyunca her yerde, her türlü insan tarafõndan yazõldõğõ ve okunduğu için dil kadar evrenseldir.


Dil gibi şiir de o kadar evrenseldir ki her türlü insan tarafõndan, her yerde yazõlmõş ve her zaman okunmuştur.


Dil kadar evrensel olan şiir, yüzyõllardõr her yerde, her türlü insan tarafõndan yazõlmõş ve okunmuştur.


Yüzyõllardõr dünyanõn her yerinde ve her toplumda yazõlõp okunan şiir, dil gibi evrenseldir.


Şiir de dil gibi yüzyõllar boyunca evrensel kabul edilmiş, her yerde ve herkes tarafõndan yazõlõp okunmuştur.

23. I asked my little three-year-old niece ----. A)

whether her mother has gone out


who she was going to invite to her party


that she liked going to the zoo


why she has made her little brother cry


what her mother is making for dinner

26. The parliaments of the member states of the European Union agreed on the use of a single currency to be known as ‘the Euro’.

24. It’s a good idea to walk everywhere ----. A)

however far it must have seemed


even though you were so tired


whenever they went to the museum


if you want to learn your way around the town


since their house was on the outskirts of the town


‘Euro’, Avrupa Birliği’ne üye devletlerin, kullanõmõ üzerinde anlaştõğõ tek para birimi olarak bilinmektedir.


‘Euro’, Avrupa Birliği’ne üye devletlerin parlamentolarõnõn, kullanõmõ üzerinde anlaşabildiği tek para birimidir.


Avrupa Birliği’ne üye devletlerin parlamentolarõ, kullanacaklarõ tek para birimini ‘Euro’ olarak adlandõrma konusunda anlaşmõşlardõr.


Avrupa Birliği’ne üye devletlerin parlamentolarõ, kullanõmõ üzerinde uzlaştõklarõ tek para birimini ‘Euro’ olarak adlandõrmõşlardõr.


Avrupa Birliği’ne üye devletlerin parlamentolarõ, ‘Euro’ olarak bilinen tek bir para biriminin kullanõmõ üzerinde anlaştõlar.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


27. To prevent traffic accidents, one of the precautions suggested in many countries is to increase the minimum age of driving to 21.

29. Psychologists tell us that, unless we take notes and review what we have learned, we forget over 80 per cent of what we have learned.


Araba kullanma yaşõnõn 21’e yükseltilmesi, trafik kazalarõnõn azaltõlmasõ için birçok ülkede alõnan önlemlerden biridir.


Psikologlara göre, not tutar ve öğrendiklerimizi tekrar gözden geçirirsek, bunlarõn % 80’inden fazlasõnõ unutmayõz.


Trafik kazalarõnõ engellemenin yollarõndan biri olan araba kullanma yaşõnõn en az 21 olmasõ, birçok ülkede taraftar bulmaktadõr.



Birçok ülkede, trafik kazalarõna karşõ alõnmasõ gereken önlemlerden birinin, araba kullanma yaşõnõn 21’e yükseltilmesi olduğu savunulmaktadõr.

Psikologlar bize, not almadõğõmõz ve öğrendiklerimizi tekrar gözden geçirmediğimiz takdirde bunlarõn % 80’inden fazlasõnõ unuttuğumuzu söylüyorlar.



Trafik kazalarõnõ önlemek için pek çok ülkede önerilen önlemlerden biri, araba kullanma yaşõnõn en az 21’e yükseltilmesidir.

Psikologlar, öğrendiklerimizin % 80’ini unutmamamõz için not almamõz ve öğrendiklerimizi gözden geçirmemiz gerektiğini belirtiyorlar.


Birçok ülkede, araba kullanma yaşõnõn 21’e yükseltilmesinin, trafik kazalarõnõ önleme yollarõndan biri olduğu kabul ediliyor.

Psikologlarõn söylediğine göre, biz öğrendiklerimizin % 80’ini not etmez ve tekrar gözden geçirmezsek unutuyoruz.


Psikologlar, bize öğrendiklerimizi not alsak ve tekrar gözden geçirsek bile % 80’ini unutacağõmõzõ söylüyorlar.


30. Marine life is being photographed using special cameras made to withstand the pressure of the water.

28. The Amazon rainforest, which contains around 80 thousand different kinds of plants, is the most biologically diverse place on Earth. A)

Yaklaşõk 80 bin değişik tür bitkiyi içeren Amazon yağmur ormanlarõ, biyolojik olarak Dünya’da en fazla çeşitliliğe sahip olan yerdir.


Amazon yağmur ormanlarõ, biyolojik çeşitlilik açõsõndan Dünya’nõn en zengin bölgesi olduğundan, değişik 80 bin tür bitkiyi içerir.




Biyolojik olarak Dünya’da en fazla çeşitliliğe sahip bölge olan Amazon yağmur ormanlarõnda, yaklaşõk 80 bin değişik bitki çeşidi olduğu bilinmektedir. 80 bin değişik bitkinin bulunmasõ nedeniyle Amazon yağmur ormanlarõ Dünya’da biyolojik bakõmdan en zengin yerdir.


Özellikle deniz yaşamõnõn fotoğraflarõnõ çekmek için kullanõlan kameralar, suyun basõncõna dayanõklõdõr.


Deniz yaşamõnõn fotoğraflarõnõ çekebilen, suyun basõncõna dayanõklõ özel kameralar yapõlmõştõr.

C) Deniz yaşamõnõn fotoğraflarõ, suyun basõncõna dayanacak biçimde yapõlmõş olan özel kameralar kullanõlarak çekilmektedir. D) Suyun basõncõna dayanabilen kameralarõn yapõlmasõ, deniz yaşamõnõn fotoğraflarõnõn çekilmesini sağlamõştõr. E)

Deniz yaşamõnõn fotoğraflarõ çekilirken, basõnca dayanõklõ özel kameralar kullanõlmaktadõr.

Biyolojik bakõmdan en fazla çeşitliliğe sahip bölge olarak bilinen Amazon yağmur ormanlarõ, Dünya’daki 80 bin değişik türdeki bitkiyi barõndõrmaktadõr.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


31. A great many inventions have been made through history, but the invention of the computer has probably been more influential on our way of life than any other. A)

Tarih boyunca birçok buluş yapõlmõştõr; ancak, bilgisayarõn icadõ, yaşam biçimimiz üzerinde muhtemelen diğerlerinden daha fazla etkili olmuştur.


Tarihte birçok buluş yapõlmõştõr; ancak, bilgisayarõn icadõ, yaşamõmõzda çok büyük bir etki yapmõştõr.


Tarih boyunca çok sayõda keşif vardõr; ancak aslõnda, yaşam biçimimizi muhtemelen en fazla etkileyen yenilik, bilgisayarõn icadõ olmuştur.



33.–40. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümlenin anlamõna en yakõn İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz. 33. Balkan Yarõmadasõ, önemli tarõm veya sanayi kaynaklarõna sahip olmamasõna rağmen, Avrupa ile Asya arasõndaki kara köprüsünün bir parçasõ olmasõ nedeniyle pek çok çatõşmaya sahne olmuştur. A)

Though the Balkan Peninsula has neither agricultural nor industrial resources, it is part of the land bridge between Europe and Asia and so has been fiercely contested.


Tarihte yapõlmõş olan buluşlarõn sayõsõ çoktur; ancak, hiçbiri yaşam biçimimiz üzerinde bilgisayarõn icadõ kadar etkili olmamõştõr.

The Balkan Peninsula has been the scene of much fighting not on account of its agricultural and industrial resources, but because it is a part of the land bridge between Europe and Asia.


Tarihte çeşitli buluşlar yapõlmõştõr; ancak, bilgisayarõn icadõnõn yaşam biçimimizi diğerlerinden çok daha fazla etkilediği görülmüştür.

Though the Balkan Peninsula has no important agricultural or industrial resources, it has been the scene of many conflicts because it is a part of the land bridge between Europe and Asia.


In considering the reasons for the conflicts in the Balkan Peninsula, the agricultural and industrial resources of this region are unimportant compared to the fact that it is the land bridge between Europe and Asia.


It is not so much the agricultural and industrial resources of the Balkan Peninsula that gave rise to the fighting there, as its position as the land bridge between Europe and Asia.

34. Bilimsel bilgiyi üslup güzelliğiyle birleştiren Amerikalõ biyolog Rachel Carson, çok takdir edilen kitaplar yazmõştõr.

32. Young people need education in order to acquire a good basis of knowledge on which they can build their future.


The books of the American biologist Rachel Carson have, with their fluent style in combination with their scientific approach, received much praise.

Gençlerin, geleceklerini üzerine kuracaklarõ iyi bir bilgi temelini elde etmek için eğitime ihtiyaçlarõ vardõr.


Rachel Carson is an American biologist who has written some very popular books on science in an attractive style.


Gençlerin geleceklerinin temeli, ihtiyaç duyduklarõ bilgileri kazandõran iyi bir eğitimle atõlõr.


The books Rachel Carson, an American biologist, has written have been praised for their scientific content and their fluent style.


İhtiyaç duyduklarõ temel bilgilere sahip olmak için eğitim alan gençler, geleceklerini bu temel üzerine kurabilirler.



Eğitim, gençlerin geleceklerini üzerine kuracaklarõ temel bilgileri elde edebilmeleri için gereklidir.

The American biologist Rachel Carson, who combines scientific knowledge and beauty of style, has written books which have been much appreciated.


Rachel Carson, who is an American biologist, has written books that have been much appreciated for their scientific content and their superb style.


Gençler iyi bir gelecek kurmak için ihtiyaç duyduklarõ temel bilgileri eğitim yoluyla elde ederler.


Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


35. Eleştirmenler, kitap okumanõn, okuyucu ile yazar arasõnda bir tür sohbet olmasõ gerektiğini hep vurgulamõşlardõr. A)

Critics continually tell us to read a book as if we were having a conversation with the author.



D) E)

37. Musonlar, Hint Okyanusu’nun, yazõn güneybatõdan esen ve genellikle şiddetli yağmurlar getiren mevsimlik rüzgârlarõdõr. A)

Critics are continually stressing the idea that reading a book is like having a conversation with the author.

The monsoons are the seasonal winds of the Indian Ocean, which blow from the south-west in summer and usually bring heavy rains.


According to some critics, we should always regard reading as a conversation between the writer of the book and the reader.

The monsoons are the summer winds of the Indian Ocean, which blow from the south-west and cause unusually heavy rains.


Reading, the critics continually tell us, is a conversation between a writer and a reader.

It is the monsoons, the seasonal winds of the Indian Ocean that constantly bring the heavy rains to the south-west parts of the continent.


Critics have always stressed that reading a book should be a kind of conversation between the reader and the author.

In the summer, the winds that blow from the south-west over the Indian Ocean bring particularly heavy rains known as monsoons.


The south-westerly winds, which are seasonal winds, bringing excessively heavy rains across the Indian Ocean, are called monsoons.

36. Dedem yetmişine gelince, kendini çok yaşlõ hissetti ve çocuklarõ ile torunlarõnõ son kez görmek için veda ziyaretleri yapmaya başladõ. A)

Once my grandfather was seventy, he realized he was very old, so made some farewell visits to his children and grandchildren.


When my grandfather got to be seventy, he felt very old, and began to make farewell visits to see his children and grandchildren for the last time.


My grandfather, when he was seventy, wanted to see his children and grandchildren for, probably, the last time, and so made some farewell visits.


When my grandfather was seventy years old, he went on farewell visits to his children and grandchildren, and so saw them for the last time.


My grandfather really felt very old when he was seventy, so he made a last visit to all his children and his grandchildren.

38. Dünyada var olan tüm elementlerden muhtemelen hiçbiri, altõndan daha fazla insanlarõn düşlerini harekete geçirmemiştir. A)

Probably, the only element in the world ever to fire men’s dreams must be gold.


Gold must surely be the only element in the world that has really stirred men's dreams.


Surely, no element in the world other than gold has ever stirred men’s dreams.


Probably, no element in the world other than gold has the power to make men pursue their dreams.


Of all the elements present in the world, probably none has stirred men’s dreams more than gold.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


39. Öğrencilerin çoğu bir yabancõ dili sözlü ya da yazõlõ iletişim kurmak için öğrendiğinden dil öğrenimi, dilin gerçek hayattaki kullanõmõnõ kapsamalõdõr.

41.–43. sorularõ aşağõdaki parçaya göre cevaplayõnõz. New Guinea is home to some of the world’s strangest creatures. For instance, there is a special species of kangaroo that lives in trees. There are also lizards that are five metres long, and butterflies that are as big as dinner plates. New Guinea is an island hardly any larger than the state of Texas, but it has as many bird species as are to be found, for example, in the whole of North America. This is partly due to the fact that it has largely remained isolated from the rest of the world. But it is also due to the fact that it has an incredible variety of ecological features, ranging from tropical rain forests to glaciers.


Most students need to use a foreign language in real life situations if they are to learn to communicate either orally or in writing.


Most students know that a foreign language helps them to communicate, both orally and in writing, in real life situations.


As most students learn a foreign language in order to communicate either orally or in writing, language learning should include a real life use of language.


Unless students want to use a foreign language for communication either orally or in writing in real life, they do not need to learn one.


Since most students study a foreign language because they want to communicate orally, not in writing, the learning process should relate to their real life affairs.






has actually fewer bird species than it formerly had


is in many respects very similar to Texas


owes its characteristic physical features to glaciers


is an island with a remarkable range of climatic features


is gradually increasing its contacts with North America

42. According to the passage, kangaroos that live in trees ----.

40. Roma İmparatorluğu’nun parçalanmasõ, ticaretle birlikte bankacõlõğõn da çökmesine yol açmõştõr; ancak on ikinci yüzyõlda bankacõlõk yeniden canlanmaya başlamõştõr. A)

41. We learn from the passage that New Guinea ----.

The break-up of the Roman Empire led to the decline of banking together with commerce, but in the twelfth century banking began to revive. With the break-up of the Roman Empire there was a decline in banking and commerce, and it was only in the twelfth century that both of these activities really revived. When the Roman Empire broke up, this affected both banking and commerce, and it was only in the twelfth century that these started to revive. There was a revival in banking and commerce in the twelfth century, but these activities had been steadily declining since the break-up of the Roman Empire. As the Roman Empire began to break up, there was a decline in both banking and commerce which continued until the twelfth century when there was at last a revival.


are very commonly to be seen in rain forests everywhere


are only on the increase in New Guinea


are just one example of the odd creatures to be found in New Guinea


are a threat to the bird population of New Guinea


are considerably smaller than the average kangaroo

43. The writer points out that one of the reasons why there are very many different kinds of birds in New Guinea is ----. A)

that the climatic conditions of the island are suitable for rain forests


the fact that many migrate there for the winter from North America


that the island is a protected environment, and new species are constantly being taken there


that this island has mostly been cut off from the rest of the world


the fact that there is very little else of interest regarding wildlife Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


45. According to the passage, Plato’s account of Socrates, unlike the one given by Xenophon, ----.

44.–46. sorularõ aşağõdaki parçaya göre cevaplayõnõz. The origins of biography are to be found in early legendary accounts of the Greek, Germanic and Celtic heroes. Another early type of biography is the records of the teaching and deeds of wise men. The accounts of the life and teaching of Socrates given by Plato and Xenophon may be regarded as a development of this kind of record. The interest of the Socratic dialogues of Plato is philosophic rather than biographical, but the Memorabilia of Xenophon, though not a biography in the modern sense of the word, comprises a series of sketches of the great philosopher with intimacy and vividness. The first European author, remembered primarily as a biographer, is Plutarch, a Greek philosopher who lived under the Roman Empire. His Parallel Lives of ancient Greek and Roman statesmen and soldiers is one of the most fascinating works of antiquity and influential in the European biographical tradition. Moreover, he seems to have been the first author to distinguish sharply between biography and history.

44. It is pointed out in the passage that the first true example of biography in the modern sense is to be found in ----. A)

the stories of Greek and other heroes


Xenophon’s Memorabilia


ancient legends


Plato’s dialogues


Plutarch’s Parallel Lives


is very critical of the great philosopher


puts the emphasis on the philosophy of Socrates


is full of fascinating details about the life of Socrates


was the model for Plutarch when he wrote his Parallel Lives


is commonly regarded as the first important example of biographical writing

46. We understand from the passage that, in his Parallel Lives, Plutarch ----. A)

is primarily concerned with the portrayal of people themselves, but not the events of their times


concentrates on life and society in ancient Rome


gives priority to statesmen rather than to soldiers


includes his own philosophy of life in his accounts of the lives of others


compares the Greek and Roman attitudes towards politics and military affairs

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


47.–49. sorularõ aşağõdaki parçaya göre cevaplayõnõz.

50.–52. sorularõ aşağõdaki parçaya göre cevaplayõnõz.

When you pick up something that is very hot you usually drop it immediately. You do not have to think about it and decide to drop it. You just drop it. However, you do have to think about some actions. For example, you might decide to walk to school instead of taking the bus. You think about it and decide to do it. Actions like this, that you choose to make, are called ‘voluntary actions’. But actions that you make without having to think about them, such as dropping a hot object, are called ‘involuntary’ or ‘reflex actions’.

More and more people have started to worry about the effect of television on the generations of children who have grown up with it. Recent studies suggest that television has a negative effect on a child’s creative imagination. Indeed, some teachers have found that some children cannot understand even a simple story if there are no pictures to help. But perhaps the most worrying result concerns violence. So much violence on the television screen means that children start to regard violence in real life as normal; so they accept it in others and in themselves. 50. According to the passage, the damaging effects of television on children ----.

47. The passage concentrates on ----. A)

what one should do in a dangerous situation


have generally been exaggerated by the public


the fact that human beings seldom react instantly when they face danger


could be lessened if parents took a more constructive attitude


two main groups of human action


are confined solely to an increase in violence


different reactions to hot objects




have seldom been seriously considered by teachers


are already causing much concern among a growing number of people

48. According to the passage, by ‘involuntary action’ is meant an action ----. A)

which follows a long process of thinking


that doesn’t take place fairly quickly


which is the result of a choice made

D) E)

51. It is understood from the passage that television ----. A)

is at last beginning to show some concern about its effects on children


no longer shows as much violence as it used to do

in which no thinking at all is involved


that is immediately followed by a series of other actions

has made children rely too much on visual aids to understanding


helps children to understand stories in a more creative manner


is being used most effectively by teachers as a teaching aid

49. According to the passage, if one thinks about something and comes to a decision about what to do, ----. A)

the action that results is called a ‘voluntary action’


this is what is often called a ‘reflex action’


should be restricted to adult viewers only


this means one’s reflex actions are strong



one is not likely to change one’s mind

gives children the impression that it is a natural way of life


the likelihood is that a wrong action is almost impossible


should be presented as undesirable behaviour


has caused a great deal of unnecessary alarm in society


is permissible so long as it becomes an emotional outlet for children

52. We understand from the passage that violence on television ----.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


54. According to the passage, a number of reasons may lead to ----.

53.–55. sorularõ aşağõdaki parçaya göre cevaplayõnõz. The job of check-in clerks at any airport is not a particularly interesting or satisfying one. They simply have to check the tickets of passengers, and take their luggage. The work is mechanical, repetitive and very tiring. The only variation in the routine occurs when things go wrong –when flights are delayed or when they are cancelled due to such things as bad weather, strikes or technical problems. Then the check-in clerks are in the unfortunate position of having to face the angry passengers though the fault is not theirs and they can do nothing to put things right.

is always greatly appreciated by the passengers


varies greatly from day to day which makes it more enjoyable


requires a great deal of skill and creativity


involves very little contact with passengers


is both tedious and exhausting

passengers wishing to change the dates of their flights


a strike among the check-in clerks


the postponement or cancellation of flights


the loss of the luggage of passengers


overcrowding at airports

55. It is pointed out in the passage that when serious problems affecting flights arise at airports, ----.

53. We understand from the passage that the work a check-in clerk does ----. A)



passengers usually wait patiently for the situation to improve


it is the check-in clerks who encounter the protesting passengers


passengers are immediately notified by check-in clerks


it is the primary responsibility of check-in clerks to solve them


check-in clerks are required to explain, in detail, what has caused them

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


57. The author points out that the contribution Berlioz made to ----.

56.–58. sorularõ aşağõdaki parçaya göre cevaplayõnõz. The French composer Hector Berlioz was the outstanding representative of romanticism in music. The son of a country doctor, he was sent in 1822 to attend the medical school in Paris. Though musically quite uneducated, he had already conceived a passion for music. Therefore, he soon threw up his medical studies, whereupon his allowance was stopped by his family, and after a short period of private lessons, he was admitted to the conservatoire in 1823. Berlioz was a typical romantic; he was also a great admirer of both Shakespeare and Beethoven and they were both important in the development of his taste.

56. According to the passage, Berlioz’s family ----.


teaching methods in music has always been appreciated by other musicians


the progress of medicine in France was exceptional


the musical activities of the conservatoire was significant


the romantic movement in music was unsurpassed


the well-being of his family has always been underestimated

58. As we understand from the passage, as a romantic composer, Berlioz ----.


wanted him to study medicine in Paris


recognized his musical talent while he was still quite young


supported him financially when he was studying at the conservatoire in Paris


arranged for him to take private lessons in music


was very pleased when their son changed from medicine to music


created a style which excelled that of Shakespeare and Beethoven in poetic power


was indifferent to the works of Shakespeare and Beethoven


was greatly influenced by Shakespeare and Beethoven


studied both Shakespeare and Beethoven in order to revive romanticism


preferred Shakespeare’s manner of presentation to that of Beethoven

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


60. According to the passage, it was at about the th turn of the 20 century that ----.

59.–61. sorularõ aşağõdaki parçaya göre cevaplayõnõz. Einstein developed his famous theory of ‘relativity’ shortly after 1900. It was an enormous improvement over Newton’s views, since it explained many things that Newton could not. It showed the close connection between space, time and gravity. And it led to surprising predictions. One of them was that matter and energy could be changed into each other. The two are simply different forms of the same thing. This idea enabled man to split the atom and later to obtain large amounts of nuclear energy.

59. As we learn from the passage, Einstein’s theory of relativity ----.


the splitting of the atom was achieved


fresh sources of energy were discovered


the relativity theory was first put forward by Einstein


time and space were finally recognized as indestructible


Newton’s theory of gravity was recognized as correct in all respects

61. We understand from the passage that one of the benefits of Einstein’s relativity theory ----.


was confined to the study of the structure of the atom


was to show the potential danger of the splitting of the atom


gave clarity to various phenomena that Newton had failed to explain


has been to make space exploration possible in our time


gave very little importance to the role of gravity in the universe


was that it proved Newton’s views were quite wrong


was developed, in the first place, to open up new sources of energy


was to explain the separateness of matter and energy


was basically unrelated to Newton’s theories


has been the discovery of a new source of energy

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


65. Everyone told me it was too cold to go swimming, but I didn’t listen to them.

62.–68. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakõn olan cümleyi bulunuz. 62. There is only one major difference between your plan and mine. A)

There is really only one way in which the two plans are different.


Your scheme differs from mine in just one important respect.


Actually, both of our plans are very similar except for one or two details.


Your scheme hardly differs at all from mine.


I have a plan that is different from yours in several ways.

If there had been an empty table near the window, I would have liked to have sat there.


All the tables near the window were occupied, so we went somewhere else.


We found one unoccupied table near the window and sat down there.


I would have been so pleased if we could have found a free table that was not near the window.



I’d have gone on the climb if I’d been wearing the right shoes.


I’d love to go climbing, but I don’t have any shoes that would be suitable.


As I didn’t realize there was going to be so much climbing, I didn’t come in suitable shoes.



Nobody thought it was warm enough to swim, but I did.


I didn’t think it was too cold to go swimming, but the others did.


They all told me not to swim, but I thought it was warm enough.


I didn’t go swimming as everyone said it was far too cold.


They had already started the evening meal when I arrived some time after 8 o’clock.


I arrived shortly after 8 o’clock to find them still having dinner.


Dinner was almost over at 8 o’clock when I finally got there.


They were almost through their dinner when I got there at around 8 o’clock.


When I got there at a few minutes to 8, they hadn’t finished their evening meal.

I would have been surprised to have found any one of the tables near the window free.

67. I’m taking my bicycle into town to get it repaired.

64. I’d have worn the right shoes if I’d known we were going to do all this climbing.


They all said it wasn’t warm enough to go swimming, but I ignored them.

66. It was nearly 8 o’clock when I arrived and they were still having dinner.

63. I wanted to sit at a table near the window, but we couldn’t find a free one. A)


I didn’t realize that these shoes weren’t right for climbing in. If only I’d been wearing suitable shoes I would have enjoyed the climb.


Perhaps someone in town can mend my bicycle.


I know of a place in town where they mend bicycles.


My bicycle is in need of repair, so I can’t go to town on it.


I want someone to mend my bicycle, so I’m going into town with it.


While I’m in town, I hope to get my bicycle repaired.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


68. I’ll be surprised if it gets any warmer, won’t you?

71. English is spoken by over a billion people around the world: in other words, by more than a quarter of the world’s population. It is the mother tongue in the UK, in Australia and New Zealand, and, of course, for the vast majority people in North America. It is studied as a foreign language all over the world but particularly in Europe. ----. Have you ever thought about how the language spoken by the population of a small island should have become so widespread?


I’m not expecting the weather to warm up, are you?


I’m not expecting the warm spell to continue, are you?


We can’t expect it to continue as warm as this, can we?


It wouldn’t surprise me if the warm weather continues; would it surprise you?


There is actually a strong French influence on the English language


I’m surprised the warm weather is continuing, aren’t you?


Indeed, one of the Germanic tribes – the Angles – gave their name to the language that was to become English


One big difference between the English of England and the English of America is the accent


It is also the language of shipping and aviation, of science, technology and commerce


English is still changing fast, and there are many local varieties

69.–76. sorularda, parçada boş bõrakõlan yere uygun düşen ifadeyi bulunuz. 69. In the USA, fish is not a particularly popular food. ----. There is, for instance, the canning industry; sardines and tuna in particular are canned both for home consumption and for export. Moreover, fertilizers are often fish-based, and these make up another important industry. A)

In recent years, fish has been gaining in popularity in most countries


In the popular mind, it is the hamburger that is associated with American eating habits


Nevertheless, about 130,000 people are directly engaged in the fishing industry


It is common knowledge now that too many fish are being taken out of the seas


Pollution has also been responsible for the deaths of a lot of fish

70. This children’s programme on the television is presented by Jeremy. He is one of the liveliest of the new television presenters. ----. He tells us who invented them and how. On the list this week are the safety pin, the can opener and the match. A)

He usually shows films on wildlife


Each week, he talks about various small but important inventions


His programmes are very good but far too many are only suitable for very young children


He thinks that it is bad for the eyes to watch too much television


He is very popular with children

72. In recent years, the amount of advertising on television has increased dramatically. Many people think that advertisements should be banned because they interrupt their enjoyment of the programmes. ----. Without advertising, commercial television companies would have to close down. In addition to this, advertisements increase our knowledge, and this enables us to make better choices as consumers. A)

Actually, a lot of people find television advertisements quite entertaining


Since they are expensive, advertisements increase the cost of the products


Advertising gives consumers freedom of choice


It seems that countries which do not have advertising produce goods which are expensive and of poor quality


However, it must be remembered that TV companies rely on the income from commercials to pay for their programmes

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


73. ----. This is not true. Of course you are always free to create your own programmes. But most people who use computers buy standard programmes. Some get special programmes prepared for them by professionals. Then all that they have to do is to load the programme into the computer memory. A)

It seems that there is hardly a work place now that is not computerized


The computer has developed fast over the last few decades


Computers now play a vital part in scientific research


People often think that if you use a computer, you must ‘programme’ it yourself


Some scientists use computers to make detailed models of complex systems

75. All living things are composed of cells which have a basic similarity of structure. ----. In fact, man also does. Actually, some living things remain as single cells for as long as they live.

Actually, it has a long history


It would take a long time to list all paper products


It was first produced in China in about 105 AD


For a long time, paper was made by hand


The word ‘paper’ comes from the word ‘papyrus’ which was used by the ancient Egyptians as we use paper

The cellular life processes are controlled by code molecules


In each cell there are molecules


Code molecules are responsible for the growth and development of every living organism


Most plants and animals begin life as a single cell


A number of new discoveries have been related to cells

76. From the beginning, my little daughter always wanted to play with dolls; nothing else interested her. ----. Usually she would play with them, but only out of politeness. She always fitted in with other children. But she found no pleasure in guns or, indeed, in anything boyish.

74. Paper is not a new invention. ----. Much later, during the Middle Ages, it was brought to Europe by the Arabs. Then its use spread to America and to every land where people needed something to write on. The use of paper was further increased with the spread of reading and writing. A)



Some little girls, however, are not so interested in dolls


Other children occasionally wanted her to play with toy guns when she went to play in their houses


Boys, on the whole, want guns and like to play war games


Her mother was delighted; she didn’t want any war toys in the house


She also spent a lot of time drawing

77.–84. sorularda, verilen duruma uygun düşen ifadeyi bulunuz. 77. You have just heard that a friend came in first in the 200 m race in quite a big athletics competition. You know he trained really hard and so you are very pleased for him. You phone to congratulate him and say: A)

Well done! You deserved to win and I’m delighted for you!


What lovely news! But, I didn’t expect the others to be so close.


You did very well. With a bit more effort you could have won!


Were you surprised you won the race?


I know you won. But was your trainer pleased with the time you did it in?

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


78. You have an exam tomorrow and your brother is listening to pop music on the TV. You wouldn’t mind if only it wasn’t so loud, but he has got the volume turned up so high that you are going mad. So you say: A)

Must you listen to that awful music? It’s stopping me from working.


It’s just the kind of music I like, but I really mustn’t listen now.

80. You are taking some English friends to visit the ancient ruins at Pergamum, which you know they will love. As you know how hot it gets there in the middle of the day, and how crowded, you suggest an early start. You say:


I have done enough revision for today. So turn the volume up and let’s listen together.


Who is the singer? He is really very good!


Oh do turn the volume down! I’m trying to revise for an exam.

79. It’s Beth’s birthday in a few days. You and a few other friends have been invited to her birthday party. You happen to know that there is a rather expensive art book that she would love to have. You think the friends should get together and buy it for her. You say: A) B)

Let’s go shopping tomorrow and see if we can find a nice book on art for Beth. There’s a very special art book I’ve seen Beth looking at longingly. How about making it a joint present from all of us?


I still haven’t got a present for Beth. Have any of you? If you like we can choose an art book together.


Has anyone got any good ideas about what to give Beth on her birthday? An art book perhaps?


As Beth seems determined to go to an Art School, l thought I’d get her a book on art.


Make sure you wear comfortable shoes because we shall be starting early in the day and doing a lot of walking at Pergamum.


There is no shade in Pergamum, and it gets very hot so make sure you bring sunhats with you.


If we don’t set off early in the morning, we won’t be able to see all there is to see at Pergamum.


Pergamum is a fascinating place, you’ll love it. I want us to walk around and see everything.


You’re going to enjoy Pergamum; but we should try to get there fairly early, to avoid both the crowds and the heat.

81. You overhear your brother saying he is going to the library. As one of your library books is near the deadline for return, you ask him to take it in for you. You say: A)

Can you take some books back for me? I’m afraid they are all overdue.


If you’re going this afternoon, I’ll come with you. I’ve got several books to return.


Would you mind taking this book back for me? It’s got to be returned in a day or two.


I went to the library yesterday. I could have taken your books back for you.


Are you sure the library is open in the afternoon? I must return some books.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


82. You know your mother is busy these days but you want her to make a chocolate cake for the picnic the class is organizing at the weekend, and friends have been asking for one. You say: A) B) C) D)


Who is going to make the chocolate cake for the picnic? I will if you like.


You will make a cake for our picnic, won’t you? Any sort of cake will do. Even a chocolate cake.

He looks like being in bed for a month or more, so we’d better visit him one at a time.


I want to go on the class picnic, and take a chocolate cake; will that be OK, mum?

I went yesterday to see this friend and he’s clearly lonely; can’t you go today?


He asked what you were all doing and really wishes you would go to see him.


Let’s organize ourselves so that one or two of us go to visit him at least every other day.


He doesn’t complain but he is lonely; so I do think we should try to visit him at the weekend, don’t you?

Mum, can you find time to make one of your chocolate cakes for our picnic? You know how everyone loves them. Mum, I told the friends I’d make a chocolate cake for the class picnic; but I’m afraid you’ll have to show me how.

83. An office friend is clearly in need of a change; so, as it happens to be a lovely day, you decide to try to get her outside during the lunch break. You say: A)


It’s far too nice a day to stay indoors. Let’s get some food and take it into the park and have lunch there.

85.–92. sorularda, karşõlõklõ konuşmanõn boş bõrakõlan kõsmõnda söylenmiş olabilecek sözü bulunuz.

85. Jennifer : - Hi mum! It’s Jennifer.

What’s the matter with you? You look so worried! Why not tell me all about it over lunch?


I want to go shopping in the lunch break. Would you care to join me if the rain stops?


There’s a table tennis match going on in the sports room downstairs during the lunch break. I thought we might go and watch it. It’ll make a nice change.


84. A friend is ill and confined to his bed and you know he really must be terribly bored and in need of company. You want to start an efficient system of visiting, so that he’ll never be alone two days in succession. So you say to some friends:

Mother : - Yes dear, is all going well? Do you need any help? Jennifer - ----


Mother : - Of course not! How could I have done?

If the weather’s nice at the weekend, we plan to go to the lake and have a picnic there; Saturday, probably. Would you like to join us?


No I don’t. But I do feel excited!


Not just now; maybe I will later. You will come early, won’t you?


No; I just wanted to make sure you hadn’t forgotten about the concert tonight.


I’m fine thanks. What will you be wearing for the concert? Wear something plain!


Not really. All is in order. We might have another short rehearsal. Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


86. Jane : - What’s your new secretary like? Brian - ----

88. Gillian : - Was that your sister you were talking to just now?


Pam : - Yes it was. She’s just here for the weekend; she lives in Liverpool now.

Jane : - No, I really wanted to know if she’s a good secretary; efficient and so on. Brian : - Oh yes; she’s very competent and hardworking. The boss chose her! A)

I really don’t know. She was with the old secretary all day learning about the things she has to do.

Gillian - ----


Pam : - She was offered rather a good job there and decided to take it. A)

I wonder what you and l will be doing three years from now.


She’s changed a lot. In fact, l wasn’t sure it was her.

C) I’ve been far too busy to notice.


She used to work in a bank, didn’t she?

D) Ask me again next week when I’ll probably know what she can do.


Really? Why has she moved there?


It must be awfully nice to have a big sister, l wish l had one.



It’s too early to say yet. She’s only been with me for a day.

In appearance, do you mean? Well, she’s turned forty and rather plain.

89. Father : - I see you’re reading another book on aircraft.

87. Wendy : - How often do you go to the cinema? Shirley - ----

Son : - Yes. I got this one out of the library today. It’s right up to date on aircraft design.


Wendy : - So, I reckon you really hate watching films.

Father - ----

Shirley : - I usually do; but I’ve seen a few films that l really enjoyed.

Son : - Yes, I hope so. That’s certainly what I want to specialize in.


Never! At least not since l was taken as a child.



Very rarely. Perhaps once a year, perhaps not even that.

Are you going to make a career of aircraft design?


You’re not hoping to become a pilot, are you?


At least once a week. What about you?



I don’t go regularly. In fact, I’d go more often if I had time.

You’ve always been keen on aircraft, even as a child.



Quite often in the winter but never in the summer.

I can’t understand why you’re so interested in them!


What are the major stages of aircraft design?


Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


90. James : - Does your brother find his work in the bank interesting?

92. Tony : - Are you going on a walking holiday again this year? Andrew : - No, I’m going on a cycling holiday. You can get farther on a bike.

Andrew : - Yes. Usually anyway. In his opinion the worst thing is the hours. There is often a lot of overtime. James - ----

Tony - ----


Andrew : - No neither have I. It doesn’t matter. We don’t have to go long distances everyday.

Andrew : - But all jobs have a fair bit of that. A)

Yes. Someone else said that. But it is only certain times of the year, isn’t it?


I wouldn’t mind that so long as the work is interesting.

C) Actually, I wouldn’t mind that. What I hate is routine work. D) It wouldn’t be a problem for me if you got paid extra for it. E)


But is there much variety in the work? That’s really what I want to know.


You know I’d love to join you, but I haven’t done much cycling.


My ideas of the perfect holiday is something much more restful.


Where are you thinking of going? Somewhere mountainous?


That would be too energetic for me. I’m lazy, I suppose.


I think it’s time I did something more adventurous like that.

93.–100. sorularda, sõrasõyla okunduğunda anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz. 91. Lucy : - I hear Mary got the first prize in that painting competition.

93. (I) After the conquest of Istanbul in 1453 many splendid mosques were built in that city. (II) The inner walls of these mosques were mostly decorated with tiles made in Iznik. (III) Decorative tile work was invented in the Near East as a protection for walls of sun-dried brick. (IV) These were painted in rich colours on a white ground. (V) The patterns were floral and arabesque, similar to those used on the pottery also made there.

Rosemary : - ---Lucy : - Did she really? Rosemary : - Yes she did. I saw her painting and it really was good. A)

She’s developing a new style that is most interesting.


Well, that’s a surprise! She’ll be pleased.


I thought she might. It was a good picture.


She’s really a very talented young woman.


Oh, I’m so glad. She certainly deserved it.

A) I




E) V

94. (I) Most students probably regard mathematics as the most difficult course they take. (II) This is largely because they think it is difficult or have been told that it is. (III) In fact, it really isn’t difficult at all. (IV) In order to learn mathematics one simply needs to concentrate and practise the materials. (V) The mathematics classes of good modern schools are very different from the classes of thirty or forty years ago. A) I




E) V

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


95. (I) Thermal pollution often occurs when factories use water from rivers and lakes to cool their machinery. (II) In the process, of course, the water is heated. (III) This heated water is then returned to the environment. (IV) New and better methods of preventing thermal pollution must be found. (V) But heated water holds less dissolved oxygen than cool water, so plants and animals that use this water may die from oxygen starvation. A) I




99. (I) People say it is easier to learn a foreign language when one is young. (II) After all, we all learn a language in our infancy without even being aware of it. (III) With this in mind, a lot of kindergartens try to introduce the children to a foreign language. (IV) One should not forget that some people learn a foreign language easily while others don’t. (V) In theory this is an excellent plan, but the results have not been as successful as one might have hoped.

E) V

A) I

96. (I) The work of oceanographers is extremely varied. (II) They study fish and marine life in general. (III) They also explore ocean bottoms to learn how they were formed and what they are made of. (IV) Further, they study currents and tides and the effects of ocean pollution. (V) Actually, it is not only the seas that have become polluted, but also rivers and lakes. A) I







100. (I) The Dutch painter, Vermeer, was born in Delft in 1632. (II) The contrast here between the trivial subject and the monumental design is disturbing. (III) Most of his pictures show the interiors of ordinary houses. (IV) The figures are usually eating or letter writing or music making. (V) The ordinary scenes, however, are transformed by his brilliant use of light.

E) V

A) I




97. (I) What is coal? (II) How did it get into the ground? (III) Coal mining has always been tough and dangerous. (IV) Coal is the remains of plants that died millions of years ago. (V) Prehistoric dead plants were converted into coal by chemical changes over long periods of time. A) I




E) V


98. (I) No one really knows how we learn to speak. (II) Some people have disorders that affect their speech. (III) Some think that we are born with an inherited ability to learn a language. (IV) Others think that a child learns to speak simply by copying what it hears. (V) But one thing is certain: children are born with a strong desire to communicate with the people around them. A) I




E) V

E) V


E) V



1. Cevap kâğõdõnda, sõnav yabancõ dilinizi (İNGİLİZCE) işaretlemeyi unutmayõnõz. 2. Bu testten alacağõnõz standart puan, Yabancõ Dil Ağõrlõklõ ÖSS Puanõnõzõn hesaplanmasõnda 1,8 katsayõsõ ile çarpõlacaktõr. 3. Bu testte 100 soru vardõr. 4. Cevaplamaya istediğiniz sorudan başlayabilirsiniz. 5. Sayfalar üzerindeki boş yerleri müsvedde için kullanabilirsiniz.

4. Frederick Taylor is ---- known as the founder of the scientific management movement.

1. – 18. sorularda, cümlede boş bõrakõlan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. 1. William Wordsworth was a poet of nature, and had the special ---- to throw charm over ordinary things. A) ability

B) verse D) admiration

A) alternatively

B) fluently

C) hopefully

D) widely E) sensitively

C) topic E) illusion

5. The tourists had intended to walk along the coast to the next town but were ---- from doing so by the stormy weather.

2. No one knows for certain when the first AngloSaxon settlements were made in Britain, but it is ---- that some of them at any rate were founded about the middle of the fifth century A.D. A) temporary

B) vital

C) probable

D) contemporary

A) deceived

B) influenced

C) compelled

D) encouraged E) prevented

E) urgent

6. Much of every teacher’s time is ---- marking papers.

3. James Joyce was born and educated in Ireland but spent most of his ---- life in Europe, mainly in France, Italy and Switzerland. A) superficial

B) adult

C) competitive

D) coherent

A) brought up

B) taken up with

C) held up

D) made out E) carried out

E) precise

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


7. One professor who ---- on the development of robots ---- us that robots could take over the world. A)

has worked / will have warned


was working / would warn

11. This will be the first time that Tarkan is giving a concert in the US, ----? A) won’t it

B) won’t he

C) is he

D) isn’t it E) will it

C) is working / has warned D) worked / will warn E)

had worked / warns 12. When he had grown accustomed to their ways, he began to feel an increasing admiration ---- and understanding ---- their tribal customs.

8. By the year 2010, he ---- here for 30 years. A) will have been working

A) of / by

B) to / in

C) from / for

D) for / of E) over / at

B) will work C) had worked D) will be working E) has been working

13. A great many artists are clearly fascinated ---- the sea and paint it ---- all its different moods. A) with / at

B) from / for

C) to / by

D) over / through

9. By the time the boss ----, his secretary ---- typing the report.

E) by / in

A) had arrived / finished B) arrives / has finished C) has arrived / is finishing

14. My books are still on the table where I left ----, but ---- have been stolen.

D) is arriving / finishes E) arrived / had finished

A) mine / they

B) us / those

C) them / hers

D) those / these E) hers / mine

10. I don’t want us to be late for the meeting, so we ---- take a taxi. A) have had to

B) are able to

C) had to

D) had better

15. The new personnel manager told us that he had visited ---- countries in Europe.

E) needed

A) a great deal of

B) a number of

C) much

D) as many E) any

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


16. An earthquake is a movement of the earth’s surface ---- follows a setting free of energy at the surface of the earth. A) where

B) when

C) whose

D) whom

20. All opposition to the project vanished ----. A) as soon as everyone realized how much money they could earn through it B) after financial support has finally been promised C) which has attracted so much attention

E) which

D) if it seemed likely that it wouldn’t take up too much time E) as more and more people are starting to work on it in their free time

17. ---- so many of the team members were ill, it’s not surprising that we lost the match. A) In contrast

B) Due to

C) Since

D) Likewise

21. You can only write a good summary of a passage ----. A) if you ever need to go back to review it B) why you have read it carefully

E) Nonetheless

C) when you have fully understood it D) that it uses words from the essay E) whether the summary is objective 18. ---- broke the window will have to pay for a new one. A) Who

B) Whoever

C) Anyone

D) Someone

22. ---- when we saw five masked men running out of the bank. A) We didn’t recognize them at all

E) The one

B) We immediately informed the police C) We’re not sure if it is them D) The situation is certainly unusual E) The alarm system needs to be repaired

19. – 24. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. 19. The fire was already spreading to the next building ----.

23. ---- that experiment and reason became the basis of scientific knowledge.

A) since the wind may blow even more strongly

A) It was referred to Galileo

B) that no one knew why it had started

B) Galileo attacked the much admired teachings of Aristotle

C) unless the firemen can come at once

C) In Galileo’s time a great many people were involved

D) as the first fire engine arrived E) though everyone had managed to get out safely

D) It is largely due to Galileo and his discoveries E) A number of theories concerning the universe were proved wrong by Galileo

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


24. If we had run to catch the bus, ----.

26. Thomas Gray, who was an eighteenth-century English poet, stressed that a certain measure of learning and a long acquaintance with the good writers of the past were essential for the writing of good poetry.

A) the others have warned us about the heavy traffic B) we could get to the library before it closed

A) İyi şiir yazmak için çok bilgili olmanõn ve geçmişin iyi yazarlarõnõ tanõmanõn gerekli olduğunu vurgulayan Thomas Gray, bir on sekizinci yüzyõl İngiliz şairiydi.

C) I dropped my glasses on the pavement D) we may have attended the lecture E) it wouldn’t have been necessary to take a taxi

B) Bir on sekizinci yüzyõl İngiliz şairi olan Thomas Gray, iyi şiir yazmak için, belli ölçüde bilginin ve geçmişin iyi yazarlarõyla uzun bir tanõşõklõğõn esas olduğunu vurgulamõştõr. C) Belli düzeyde bilginin ve geçmişin iyi şairlerini tanõmanõn, iyi şiir yazmanõn temeli olduğunu vurgulayanlardan biri de on sekizinci yüzyõl İngiliz şairlerinden Thomas Gray’dir. D) On sekizinci yüzyõl İngiliz şairi Thomas Gray, şiir yazmak için yeterli bilginin yanõ sõra geçmişin iyi yazarlarõnõ tanõmanõn da gerekli olduğunu vurgulamõştõr. E) On sekizinci yüzyõl İngiliz şairi Thomas Gray, iyi şiir yazmanõn temelinde, yeterli ölçüde bilgi ve geçmişin iyi yazarlarõnõ iyi tanõmanõn olduğunu vurgulamõştõr.

25. – 32. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümlenin anlamca en yakõn Türkçe dengini bulunuz. 25. The Austrian composer Haydn’s contributions to classical music, especially in the domain of symphony, are of immense importance for the influence they exercised upon Mozart and other composers. A) Avusturyalõ besteci Haydn’õn klasik müziğe, özellikle senfoni alanõna katkõlarõ, Mozart ve diğer besteciler üzerine yaptõğõ etkilerden dolayõ çok büyük önem taşõr. B) Mozart ve diğer besteciler üzerinde etkili olan Avusturyalõ besteci Haydn’õn klasik müziğe, özellikle senfoni alanõna yaptõğõ katkõlarõ oldukça önemlidir.

27. The Hittites were an ancient Anatolian people, who, during the second millennium B.C., founded an empire and for a time ruled over a large part of the Middle East. A) Belli bir süre tüm Ortadoğu’yu yöneten Hititler, MÖ ikinci bin yõl içinde imparatorluk haline gelmiş eski bir Anadolu halkõydõ. B) Eski bir Anadolu halkõ olan Hititler, MÖ ikinci bin yõlda kurduklarõ imparatorlukla Ortadoğu’nun büyük bir bölümünü çok uzun süre yönetmiştir. C) MÖ ikinci bin yõl içinde imparatorluk kurmuş olan Hititler, Ortadoğu’nun çok büyük bir kesimini yönetmiş eski bir Anadolu halkõydõ.

C) Klasik müziğe, özellikle senfoni türüne katkõlarõ çok önemli olan Avusturyalõ besteci Haydn, Mozart ve diğer besteciler üzerinde etkili olmuştur.

D) Eski bir Anadolu halkõ olarak Hititler, MÖ ikinci bin yõlda bir imparatorluk kurmuşlar ve Ortadoğu’nun büyük bir bölümüne uzun süre hükmetmişlerdir.

D) Özellikle senfoni türündeki klasik müziğe yaptõğõ katkõlarõ büyük önem taşõyan Avusturyalõ besteci Haydn’õn, Mozart ve diğer besteciler üzerindeki etkisi büyüktür. E) Klasik müziğin özellikle senfoni dalõna yaptõğõ katkõlarõ çok büyük önem taşõyan Avusturyalõ besteci Haydn’õn, Mozart ve diğer besteciler üzerindeki etkisi kapsamlõ olmuştur.

E) Hititler, MÖ ikinci bin yõl içinde bir imparatorluk kurmuş ve bir süre Ortadoğu’nun büyük bir bölümüne hükmetmiş eski bir Anadolu halkõydõ.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


28. Pluto, which was discovered in 1930, has an orbit which is much more elliptical than the other planetary orbits.

30. The Old English language, also called AngloSaxon, can only be read today by those who have made a special study of it.

A) Yörüngesi, diğer gezegenlerin yörüngelerine kõyasla oldukça oval olan Plüton, 1930’da keşfedilmiştir.

A) Anglo-Sakson adõ verilen eski İngiliz dili, bugün, özel öğrenim görmüş kişiler tarafõndan kolayca okunabilmektedir.

B) Plüton 1930’da keşfedilmiş ve diğer gezegenlerin yörüngelerinden biraz daha oval bir yörüngede hareket ettiği anlaşõlmõştõr.

B) Anglo-Sakson adõ da verilen İngiliz dili, bugün sadece özel öğrenim görmüş çok az kişinin okuyabildiği bir dil durumuna gelmiştir.

C) 1930’da keşfedilen Plüton, diğer gezegen yörüngelerinden çok daha oval olan bir yörüngeye sahiptir.

C) Ancak özel öğrenim görenlerin anlayabildiği eski İngiliz diline, bugün Anglo-Sakson da denilmektedir.

D) Plüton’un yörüngesinin diğer gezegenlerin yörüngelerinden daha oval olduğu, 1930’da keşfedilmiştir.

D) Bugün Anglo-Sakson adõ verilen eski İngiliz dilini okuyabilmek için, bu dilde özel öğrenim görmüş olmak gerekmektedir.

E) Plüton 1930’da keşfedildiğinde, yörüngesinin diğer gezegenlere göre daha oval olduğu görülmüştür.

E) Anglo-Sakson adõ da verilen eski İngiliz dili, bugün sadece, bu dilin özel öğrenimini görmüş olanlar tarafõndan okunabilmektedir.

31. From the 1960s onwards, there has been an increasing interest in the West in books written by and about women, and several publishing firms have been set up to meet this interest.

29. No certainty has yet been reached about the meaning of the name “London”, but it was the Romans who almost certainly founded the city.

A) 1960’lardan itibaren Batõ’da, kadõnlar tarafõndan ve kadõnlar hakkõnda yazõlan kitaplara giderek artan bir ilgi olmuş ve bu ilgiyi karşõlamak için birçok yayõn şirketi kurulmuştur.

A) “Londra” adõnõn anlamõna ilişkin bir kesinliğe henüz ulaşõlamamõştõr, ancak şehri kuranlar, hemen hemen kesinlikle Romalõlardõ.

B) 1960’lardan sonra, kadõnlar tarafõndan ve kadõnlar hakkõnda yazõlan kitaplara aşõrõ bir ilgi oluşunca, ihtiyacõ karşõlamak için Batõ’da pek çok yayõn şirketi kurulmuştur.

B) “Londra” adõnõn ne anlama geldiğine ilişkin hiçbir kesinlik yoktur, ancak şehri Romalõlarõn kurmuş olduğu kesindir.

C) 1960’larda Batõ’da kadõnlar tarafõndan ve kadõnlar hakkõnda yazõlan kitaplara ilgi artõnca, bunun sonucu çok sayõda yayõn şirketi kurulmuştur.

C) Londra’yõ kuranlarõn Romalõlar olduğu hemen hemen kesin ise de “Londra” adõnõn anlamõna ilişkin bilgiler kesin değildir.

D) 1960’lardan sonra Batõ’da kurulan çeşitli yayõn şirketleri, kadõnlar tarafõndan ve kadõnlar hakkõnda yazõlan kitaplara giderek artan bir ilgi göstermişlerdir.

D) Londra’yõ Romalõlarõn kurmuş olduğu kesindir, fakat “Londra” adõnõn ne anlama geldiği hususunda kesin bir kanõta ulaşõlamamõştõr. E) “Londra” adõnõn anlamõ hakkõnda kesin kanõtlara ulaşõlamamõş olmasõna rağmen, şehrin Romalõlar tarafõndan kurulmuş olduğu kesindir.

E) Kadõnlar hakkõnda ve kadõnlar tarafõndan yazõlan kitaplarõn giderek artan bir ilgi görmesi üzerine, 1960’larda Batõ’da çeşitli yayõn şirketleri kurulmuştur.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


32. In antiquity it was believed that the Amazons had their right breast removed in order to hold a bow better.

34. Sokrates’in eğitime ahlaki bir yaklaşõmõ vardõ ve o eğitimin insanõ daha mutlu ve daha iyi bir yurttaş yaptõğõna inanõyordu.

A) Eskiden de inanõldõğõ gibi, Amazonlar yayõ çok daha etkili kullanmak için sağ göğüslerini aldõrõyorlardõ.

A) Socrates approached education from an ethical point of view and argued that through education a man could be a happier and better citizen.

B) Eski çağlarda, Amazonlarõn, iyi yay kullanabilmek için sağ göğüslerini aldõrdõklarõ sanõlõyor.

B) Socrates favoured the ethical approach to education and believed that the educated man was a happier and better person.

C) Eskiçağda, Amazonlarõn, yayõ daha iyi tutmak için sağ göğüslerini aldõrdõklarõna inanõlõyordu. D) Eski çağlarda herkes, Amazonlarõn, yayõ daha iyi çekmek için sağ göğüslerini aldõrdõklarõna inanõyordu. E) Eskiçağda, sağ göğüslerini aldõran Amazonlarõn yayõ daha etkili kullandõklarõna inanõlõyordu.

C) Socrates had an ethical approach to education and believed that education made man a happier and a better citizen. D) For Socrates, the teaching of ethical values was fundamental to education and to the creation of happier and better citizens. E) The creation of happier and better citizens was, in Socrates’ view, made possible by the teaching of ethical values.

33. – 40. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümlenin anlamca en yakõn İngilizce dengini bulunuz.

35. George Orwell’õ en çok ilgilendiren ve hakkõnda kendisinin en sõk yazdõğõ konulardan biri, edebiyat ile siyaset arasõndaki ilişkiydi.

33. Cleveland’da doğmuş siyah bir Amerikalõ atlet olan Jesse Owens, 1936’da Berlin’de yapõlan Olimpiyat Oyunlarõna katõlmõş ve dört altõn madalya kazanmõştõr.

A) One of the subjects that most interested George Orwell, and on which he wrote most often, was the relationship between literature and politics. B) George Orwell was particularly interested in the relationship between literature and politics and frequently wrote about it.

A) The black American athlete Jesse Owens, who was born in Cleveland, competed in the Berlin Olympic Games in 1936 and won four gold medals. B) Jesse Owens, who was a black American athlete born in Cleveland, took part in the Olympic Games held in Berlin in 1936 and won four gold medals. C) The Cleveland-born, black American athlete Jesse Owens, won four gold medals in the Olympic Games held in Berlin in 1936. D) Jesse Owens, the black American athlete born in Cleveland, was awarded four gold medals at the Berlin Olympic Games of 1936.

C) George Orwell liked to write about how literature and politics were connected, as this was a subject that interested him greatly. D) Literature and politics and the relationship between them were topics that George Orwell found immensely interesting and wrote about them frequently. E) One of George Orwell’s favourite subjects was the relationship between literature and politics so he often wrote about it.

E) At the Olympic Games held in Berlin in 1936, four gold medals went to Jesse Owens, the black American athlete born in Cleveland.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


36. Polisiye roman, 19. yüzyõlõn sonuna doğru, özellikle Sherlock Holmes hikâyeleriyle çok yaygõnlõk kazanan bir yazõn biçimidir.

38. İlk Dünya Kupasõ 1930’da Montevideo’da yapõldõ, ancak böyle bir yarõşma kavramõ, 1920’de Antwerp’te yapõlan bir FIFA kongresinde doğmuştu.

A) The Sherlock Holmes stories helped to make the th detective novel so popular at the end of the 19 century. B) The detective novel is a form of writing, which th became very popular towards the end of the 19 century, particularly through the Sherlock Holmes stories. C) The most popular examples of the detective th novel, written in the late 19 century, were the Sherlock Holmes stories.

A) It wasn’t until 1930 that the first World Cup was held in Montevideo, but the concept of such a world competition had been born at a FIFA meeting in Antwerp in 1920. B) It was in Montevideo in 1930 that the first World Cup was held, but the possibility of such a competition had been discussed at a FIFA congress in Antwerp in 1920. C) In 1920, at a FIFA congress in Antwerp, the concept of such a competition came into being and resulted in the first World Cup in 1930 in Montevideo.


D) By the end of the 19 century, the Sherlock Holmes stories had made the detective novel one of the most popular types of writing.

D) The first World Cup was held in Montevideo in 1930, but the need for a competition of this kind had been recognized at the FIFA congress in Antwerp in 1920.

E) With the Sherlock Holmes stories towards the th end of the 19 century, the detective novel became quite the most popular type of writing.

E) The first World Cup was held in Montevideo in 1930, but the concept of such a competition had been born at a FIFA congress held in Antwerp in 1920.

37. Charles Kingsley, Su Bebekleri’ni en küçük çocuğu için, ona doğruyu, merhameti, adaleti ve aslõnda bütün soylu nitelikleri sevmeyi öğretmek umuduyla yazdõ.

39. Shakespeare’in Coriolanus tragedyasõ, halka hakaret ettiği için Roma’dan sürülen mağrur komutan Caius Marcus Coriolanus’un yaşamõnõ ve ölümünü ele alõr.

A) The Water Babies was written by Charles Kingsley in an effort to help young children admire such noble qualities as truth, mercy and justice.

A) Shakespeare’s tragedy Coriolanus is based on the life and death of the proud commander Caius Marcus Coriolanus who was driven out of Rome by the angry people there.

B) The Water Babies by Charles Kingsley aims to teach young children to love truth, mercy and justice as well as other noble qualities.

B) The life and death of Caius Marcus Coriolanus, a confident commander who was driven out of Rome for ill-treating the people, is the subject of Shakespeare’s tragedy Coriolanus.

C) The Water Babies is by Charles Kingsley, and he wrote it to teach his youngest child about such noble qualities as truth, mercy and justice. D) Charles Kingsley wrote The Water Babies for his youngest child, hoping to teach him to love truth, mercy and justice and indeed all noble qualities. E) Truth, mercy and justice are just some of the noble qualities Charles Kingsley hoped to teach his youngest child through The Water Babies.

C) Shakespeare’s tragedy Coriolanus concerns the life and death of Caius Marcus Coriolanus, a proud commander driven from Rome for insulting the people. D) The tragedy, Coriolanus, by Shakespeare, is based on the life and death of the proud commander Caius Marcus Coriolanus forced by the people he had insulted there, to leave Rome. E) Shakespeare’s tragedy Coriolanus is about the arrogant commander Caius Marcus Coriolanus who so insulted the people of Rome that they drove him out of their city.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


40. Thomas Hardy daha çok bir romancõ olarak bilinir, ancak o, uzun yaşamõ boyunca şiir yazmõş ve bunu, romanlarõndan çok daha önemli görmüştür. A) It is as a novelist that most people think of Thomas Hardy, but he wrote poetry all through his long life and gave more importance to this than to his novels.

41. According to the passage, the most likely reason for the popularity of Pride and Prejudice is ----. A) the characters, who delight the reader with their vitality and life-like portrayal B) that the films made of it have been very well produced

B) Though Thomas Hardy is better known as a novelist, he regarded his poetry as more important than his novels, and continued to write it to the end of his long life.

C) that the bad characters get punished and the good ones rewarded

C) Thomas Hardy wrote poetry all through his long life and regarded it as more important than his novels, though these are what he is known for.

E) the simple style in which it is written

D) the comic attitude to life that it expresses

D) Thomas Hardy is largely known for his novels, but he himself gave more importance to his poetry and continued to write it until the end of his long life. E) Thomas Hardy is better known as a novelist, but he wrote poetry throughout his long life and regarded it as far more important than his novels.

42. The point is made in the passage that in real life ----. A) a person’s faults needn’t disturb us if we don’t get too intimate with that person B) a person’s faults are less noticeable than they are in a novel C) one usually forgives the faults of one’s own family D) a person’s faults may annoy us whereas in a novel the same faults may amuse us E) it’s best to ignore people’s faults but in a novel it’s best to enjoy them

41. – 43. sorularõ aşağõdaki parçaya göre cevaplayõnõz. Of all Jane Austen’s novels, Pride and Prejudice is probably the best-known and the most-loved. This may be partly because it has been filmed several times, but more important is the fact that the characters in it are so real and alive. They are also extremely attractive, in spite of their faults. Perhaps they are attractive because of their faults, for their faults make them amusing to the reader. It would not be at all pleasant to have a mother as lacking in sense as Mrs Bennet is, or an aunt as confident of herself and as insensitive to the feelings of others as Lady Catherine is. But, as they are at a safe distance from us, these and other “terrible” characters give the novel much colour and variety.

43. It is clear from the passage that Lady Catherine ----. A) and Mrs Bennet are extremely good friends B) has constantly hurt Mrs Bennet’s feelings C) cares for no one but herself D) is the main character in Pride and Prejudice E) is definitely the worst character in the novel

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


45. It’s clear from the passage that the steel structure supporting the Lovell Telescope ----.

44. – 46. sorularõ aşağõdaki parçaya göre cevaplayõnõz. The Lovell Telescope is the world’s oldest and most sensitive radio telescope. It consists of a giant white dish supported at a great height on a large and complicated structure of steel. The telescope can pick up signals in the universe that are 10 billion light years away. And so it is truly extraordinary. The steel structure that carries it, however, has the usual and very ordinary disadvantage of being liable to rust. This of course means that it has to be painted regularly. Painting this, however, is not an ordinary or a simple task. The men who do the painting are given a special training which includes rescue work. As they do the painting, the men work from ropes as this is the method which has been found to be the safest way of working at a height.

A) should have been given a less complicated design B) turned out to be more expensive than had been estimated C) has to be replaced completely at regular intervals D) presents a serious maintenance problem E) has to be painted at least once a year

46. It is clear from the passage that the work of painting the steel structure of this telescope ----.

44. It is pointed out in the passage that the Lovell Telescope ----.

A) requires special skills and is also comparatively dangerous

A) only picks up signals effectively when the angle of the dish is in line with them

B) is quite straightforward once the method has been learned

B) can pick up signals that are an immense distance away

C) requires the removal of the dish

C) is no longer the world’s most sensitive radio telescope

D) is relatively easy but extremely boring E) can be done by anyone who knows how to paint

D) does not need to be supported at a great height in order to function efficiently E) is old and so less efficient than it used to be

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


48. It is clear from the passage that the boy Nelson ----.

47. – 49. sorularõ aşağõdaki parçaya göre cevaplayõnõz.

A) is not at all interested in his school work Before leaving for school at noon, Nelson Carvalho, a seven-year child, living on a small island off West Africa, happily feeds and waters the pigs and goats, the cow and the donkey. He fetches drinking water from the source, a 20-minute walk down a sandy path and up a steep hill, carrying a 5-litre jar on his head. He might help his grandmother too. Afterwards, he will walk barefoot for nearly an hour among the rocky hills, under the blazing sun, before sitting down, tired out, at his desk at the school. A glass of milk and a dried pear gives him back his energy and gets him ready for lessons. Before leaving school in mid-afternoon, he will be given a bowl of rice and chicken, or a rich soup. Every school child on the island like Nelson Carvalho, is given a hot meal and a snack provided by the World Food Programme, every day, six days a week.

B) spends a great deal of time each day walking over difficult ground C) dislikes doing all the jobs they make him do on the farm D) lives with his grandmother who has no one but him to help her E) is only going to school because he wants to have a better life in the future

49. From the passage, it is clear that the boy Nelson constantly needs energy-giving foods ----.

47. From the passage we learn about ----. A) the education of poor children in West Africa

A) though the World Food Programme does not realize this

B) the working conditions of people on a poor African island

B) such as his grandmother provides for him

C) a typical day in the life of a child on an island off West Africa

C) in order to protect him from various diseases D) because of the hard physical life he leads

D) the interesting customs and activities of island children close to West Africa

E) though these are almost impossible to get on this poor island

E) the traditional food given to children on an African island

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51. We understand from the passage that, in this nursery, baby elephants ----.

50. – 52. sorularõ aşağõdaki parçaya göre cevaplayõnõz. In one part of the Nairobi National Park there is a nursery for baby elephants whose mothers have been killed. There are at least two African keepers for each baby elephant, and a strong feeling of love soon develops between them. The keepers spend all day out in the park with the young elephants, helping them to learn which foods are best to eat and to become confident among the sounds and smells of nature just as their natural mothers would have done. Each evening they return to the nursery. And, after a feed of milk, the young elephants settle down beside their favourite keepers and presently fall asleep.

50. From the passage, it is quite obvious that the keepers described ----.

A) are not only fed but also helped to adapt themselves to the natural environment B) spend a good part of each day exploring the park by themselves C) are looked after by keepers because the mother elephants have deserted them D) take a very long time to get used to their keepers and trust them E) are rarely treated as well as they ought to be

52. One can conclude from the details given in the passage that the job the keepers do ----.

A) are responsible for all the nurseries throughout the Nairobi National Park

A) is largely concerned with feeding and physical exercising

B) are somewhat indifferent to the needs of the baby elephants

B) is an easy one, but extremely boring

C) are over-worked because they have to look after so many baby elephants

C) requires a period of thorough training in veterinary skills

D) actually know little about elephants and their environment

D) requires a deep understanding of the nature and needs of baby elephants

E) have taken over the role of mother elephants for the baby elephants

E) cannot compare at all with the way a mother elephant brings up her baby

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54. It is clear from the passage that, even though Galileo was supposed to be studying medicine, ----.

53. – 55. sorularõ aşağõdaki parçaya göre cevaplayõnõz. Born in Pisa on 15 February 1564, Galileo was the son of a court musician to the Duke of Tuscany. At the age of 17, he entered the University of Pisa to study medicine, at his father’s insistence. But Galileo secretly attended lectures given by Ostilio Ricci, court mathematician, and heard of a revolutionary idea: that mathematics could explain natural phenomena like the movement of the planets. This hardly seems th surprising today, but back in the 16 century most academics insisted that all knowledge about the cosmos came from one source: the Greek philosopher Aristotle.

53. It is pointed out in the passage that in the age of Galileo, ----.

A) he followed his father’s advice and took courses in mathematics B) it was mathematics that really interested him C) he spent a great deal of time studying Aristotle’s philosophy D) he soon discovered that this was not well taught at the University of Pisa E) he would much rather have been a musician like his father

55. We understand from the passage that the ideas of Aristotle ----.

A) medicine was the most popular subject taught at the universities

A) were still usually accepted as completely true in th the 16 century

B) most Italian noblemen felt it was necessary to employ a musician

B) were still regarded as revolutionary in the 16 century

C) mathematics was, for the first time, regarded as the key to an understanding of nature

C) suddenly came back into favour in the 16 century

D) all physicists rejected the idea that the planets could move in orbits

D) regarding the cosmos, were surprisingly accurate

E) the Duke of Tuscany was by far the most influential nobleman in Italy

E) were all based on mathematical principles



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57. According to the passage, one idea that is often found in Andersen’s stories is that ----.

56. – 58. sorularõ aşağõdaki parçaya göre cevaplayõnõz.

A) children should be taught how to protect wild life The fairy stories of the Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen were not written only to entertain; they all have a moral, or a message, or at least put forward a serious idea. These ideas, however, are always very simple, so even quite small children can understand them and enjoy them. Andersen often presents opposites such as good and evil, truth and falsehood, or appearance and reality. We see this last contrast in the story of The Ugly Duckling. To the ducks he appeared ugly. But the reality was he grew up to be a beautiful swan. This is another characteristic of the stories: they offer hope. The future may be so much better than the present. Most of the tales had been told to children before being written down, so they have a natural, easy, oral style which makes them very successful among children in all countries.

B) evil and falsehood will be punished C) one should not look for happiness and entertainment in life D) appearances are not important and should be disregarded E) one can always hope that good times will follow bad ones

58. We understand from the passage that the style of these stories ----.

56. It is clear from the passage that, though Andersen wrote his stories for children, ----. A) it is only the children of his own country, Denmark, who really enjoy them

A) is so heavy that very few children can enjoy them

B) they are mostly too complex for children to understand

B) is ideally suited to children

C) they all say something worth saying

C) is extremely simple, but most of the ideas are not

D) there is a great deal in them that children cannot understand or enjoy

D) is so complex that a majority of children find it very hard to follow them

E) they are only really popular among adults

E) changes so often that the stories become difficult to read

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60. It is clear from the passage that there was plenty of water readily available for the chimpanzees to drink ----.

59. – 61. sorularõ aşağõdaki parçaya göre cevaplayõnõz. A group of biologists studying the habits of chimpanzees around the Koba National Park, made a surprising discovery. There was plenty of water available for them in the pools left in river beds, but these animals always liked to dig their own pools by hand or with the help of sticks. As a result the water they drank had been filtered through the sand and so contained none of the disease-carrying substances normally to be found in water that is not moving. In fact, they were drinking clear water.

59. As it is pointed out in the passage, water ----.

A) in the small pools formed in river beds B) in all areas of the Koba National Park C) but they preferred river water as it was always moving and so clean D) but sometimes this water made them ill E) though they had to be taught how to dig holes to get it

61. The research team of the passage was surprised to learn that the chimpanzees ----.

A) is responsible for more diseases than most people think

A) never allowed anyone near their water pools

B) must always be filtered through sand to make it drinkable

B) could dig a hole in any part of the Koba National Park

C) is hard to find at certain times of the year

C) were very careful not to waste water

D) that isn’t moving is likely to contain harmful substances

D) had found a way of getting clean water

E) is of no importance to chimpanzees

E) dug holes to get water if there was none left in the rivers

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65. After the news, they’ll give us the latest football results.

62. – 68. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakõn olan cümleyi bulunuz. 62. The rain continued for days and the basements of most houses were flooded. A) It rained continuously for days and the basements of nearly all the houses were filled with water.

A) After the last news programme the football results will be announced. B) At the latest, we’ll be able to learn the football results at the end of the news. C) We’ll get the latest football results once the news is over.

B) The rain lasted for days, and floods carried some of the houses away. C) The excessive rainfall caused flooding and damage to the houses for many days.

D) The latest football results always follow the news. E) The main news item is the football results.

D) Flood water poured into the basements of many houses a few days after the heavy rains started. E) Within days, the continuing rain caused flooding which damaged the basements of most houses. 66. Karen won’t take part in the end-of-term concert unless she really wants to. A) Karen cannot be persuaded to do anything at the end-of-term concert.

63. By modern standards, the first supermarkets were really quite small.

B) Karen will only do something at the end-of-term concert if she actually feels like it.

A) The early supermarkets and the present-day ones are quite different from each other, even in size.

C) Karen is eager to do something at the end-ofterm concert if they’ll let her do so.

B) Present-day supermarkets are on the whole larger than the early ones.

D) Karen will gladly perform at the end-of-term concert if only they’ll allow her to.

C) Supermarkets have grown in size since they were first introduced, but their standards remain the same.

E) Karen would give a performance at the end-ofterm concert if only they’d let her.

D) Except in size, modern supermarkets are quite unlike the original ones. E) Compared with what we have now, the early supermarkets weren’t actually very large at all. 67. I just can’t understand why so few people are interested in this camping holiday. A) I find it surprising that there aren’t fewer people interested in such a camping holiday.

64. We have missed the early morning train to Istanbul; when is the next one?

B) It’s hardly surprising that so few people are interested in this camping holiday.

A) If the early morning train to Istanbul has left, when is the next one?

C) Hardly anyone wants to go on this camping holiday, which I find strange.

B) We were too late for the early morning train; when does the next one leave for Istanbul?

D) To my surprise almost no one was interested in such a camping holiday.

C) Did the early morning train to Istanbul leave late? When did it leave?

E) Apparently, a camping holiday appeals to even fewer people.

D) If we had missed the early morning train to Istanbul, when could we have got another? E) As the early morning train to Istanbul has been delayed, can we go another way?

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68. Brian is the most reliable person I know; if he said he’d help, he will.

70. It has been suggested that different kinds of singing may have developed for practical reasons. For instance, among coal miners singing is popular because it is a good way to get the coal dust out of their lungs. ----. Male choirs were thus formed and these have become a tradition.

A) I don’t know anyone one can depend on more than Brian; he’ll certainly help if he said he would. B) If Brian promised to help I suppose he will; he’s generally very dependable.

A) Heavy smoking also has an adverse effect upon the voice and makes it lower

C) Brian is more dependable than most people so I’m sure he’ll help if he offered to.

B) In the mining areas in Wales and Yorkshire this became a communal activity

D) Brian is always a dependable person and he is sure to help.

C) It has been established that “better” singing is in almost all cases the result of training, not of any physical condition

E) Brian is very dependable so I should ask him to help you.

D) There are “musical” families because children are brought up in a musical environment E) Another view is that some people have a natural ability to sing well

69. – 76. sorularda, parçada boş bõrakõlan yere uygun düşen cümleyi bulunuz. 71. The science of how fire spreads is simple. ----. This means that in a typical house fire, the flames and smoke move upwards until they reach the ceiling. Then they start to move sideways.

69. During World War II submarines played an important military role in the world’s oceans. ----. If this had continued Britain would almost certainly have been defeated. She was saved by the development of submarine-detecting radar.

A) Indeed, opening a window or door can sometimes be extremely dangerous

A) Actually America was the first country to recognize the submarine’s military value

B) To prevent this, fire-fighters make openings in buildings

B) Nuclear power is the ideal fuel for submarines as huge amounts of energy are present in a small space

C) Today fire-fighters begin their basic training with physics

C) German submarines attacked transatlantic shipping with great success, and this caused America to enter the war

D) When a fire occurs outdoors, it may burn even more fiercely as there are unlimited supplies of oxygen for it

D) In the Atlantic, for instance, German submarines began to sink British shipping far faster than it could be replaced

E) Once air is heated, it becomes lighter, rises and seeks escape through any openings that may be available

E) Early US-designed submarines were powered by a petrol engine when on the surface and by batteries when below the surface

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72. In ancient times, long hair on fighting men was always regarded as a symbol of strength and power. ----. For instance, in the story of Samson and Delilah, Samson lost his legendary strength when Delilah cut his hair.

74. Jane Austen was born in 1775 at Steventon, a small country village in Hampshire. Her father was an Anglican clergyman who had been a fellow of St. John’s College, Oxford. ----. Nevertheless, the one who really gave Jane Austen her education was her own father.

A) The number of hairs on the head varies with colour, for reasons still unknown

A) When her father died, in 1805, the family moved first to Southampton and then to Chawton

B) What looks like grey hair is actually a mixture of white hair and the original colour

B) While still in her teens, she wrote a series of sketches and tales

C) Hence, most warriors used to let their hair grow long and refused to have it cut

C) Her first novel, Lady Susan, remained unpublished during her life time

D) Hair grows faster at night and in warm weather

D) Accompanied by Cassandra, her elder sister and life-long friend, she went to a school at Oxford and then to one at Reading

E) Most people spend more time and money on their hair than on any other part of the body

E) This is why Jane Austen knew so much about the lives of Anglican clergymen and their families

75. Many of the novels of H. G. Wells fall into the category of science fiction. Wells was very interested in the scientific advances of his age and looked ahead to imagine what the results might be in the future. ----. Even so he was conscious of the possible dangers, and many of his novels present a struggle between two ways of life, the human and the non-human.

73. Though I am a long-distance runner I have long believed that man is not evolutionarily designed to run. ----. But in Racing the Antelope, Heinrich argues just the opposite, and he does it so convincingly that I’m beginning to believe him when he says “we are all natural-born runners”. A) There is also much information on how to train for a race

A) These writers have tried to describe the world as it is about to end, almost completely destroyed

B) Compared with any four-legged creature of similar size, man is a hopeless runner

B) The stories of science fiction are based on developments in science or technology

C) Indeed, man and animals alike have amazing powers of endurance D) So, in the course of time, we developed into very efficient runners

C) Many of these stories carry the threat that if technological developments go further they may bring about the destruction of man D) The film industry soon realized that the subject matter of science fiction was ideal for films

E) Fat is burned to produce the energy to make long-distance running possible

E) On the whole, he was interested in the possibilities for good, not in the disadvantages

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76. King Henry VIII of England enjoyed the love and admiration of his people at least during the early years of his reign. ----. Indeed, the young king had many advantages. He was young and handsome; he was a fine sportsman; he also had a first-class intellect. There was something to please everyone. A) This was partly because he came as a welcome change after his cold and calculating father, Henry VII

78. You are interviewing an elderly film star for a magazine and want to avoid the facts that everyone knows, and introduce a more personal and less well-known side to his character; so you say: A) You’ve been very successful; but you must have had some disappointments. Could you tell us about some of them? B) Since you know so much about the film industry, what is your advice to young people hoping to make a career in films?

B) The thing everyone knows about him is that he married six times

C) Do you think the future of the film industry is less promising?

C) He encouraged humanism, and his own children were educated by some of the great scholars of the Renaissance

D) Which of your films do you think is your best? E) In your opinion, what are some of the main characteristics of a good film?

D) His father had become the king of England after the Wars of the Roses E) He married Anne Boleyn after he had divorced his first wife

79. Now that your aunt has retired, she is planning to leave the town where she has lived all her life, and move to a small cottage out in the country where the nearest neighbour will be half a mile away. You think she’s going to feel very lonely and likely to regret the move. You say:

77. – 84. sorularda, verilen duruma uygun düşen cümleyi bulunuz.

A) I think I’d find life there a bit too lonely and quiet, but you’ve always lived in the country, so you know what it’s like.

77. You have promised to lend a book to a friend in the office, but have forgotten to bring it. When you realize this you apologize and then say:

B) I think it’s a splendid idea! You’ll have lots of relatives coming to visit you with their children.

A) I’m sure you’ll find this book very useful for its account of the historic cities of Anatolia.

C) Are you sure you aren’t making a mistake? Remember, you’re used to having people you know around you every day!

B) If you really need that book tonight, I’ll go home and get it for you in the lunch hour. C) I didn’t know you were even interested in history. D) I must take it back to the library and get it renewed.

D) I expect the garden will keep you pretty busy. Will you be growing vegetables as well as flowers? E) You’ll probably find you get lots of visitors! It really is a lovely part of the country.

E) Just come along with me and see what books might interest you.

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80. You are going into town to buy a new jacket for yourself. You know you are not very good at choosing the right clothes for yourself; in fact, you’ve made several very poor choices! Your sister never seems to make a mistake in the choice of clothes, so you want her to go with you and help. You say:

82. Your brother and his best friend have had a quarrel and have stopped speaking to each other. This state of affairs is making your brother most unhappy, but he refuses to be the first to make a move to end the disagreement. You think this is very foolish of him and decide to tell him so plainly. You say:

A) As long as it fits properly, that is all that matters. Don’t you agree?

A) What is the reason for your disagreement? I’m sure you are in the right!

B) I can’t even decide on the colour. What do you suggest?

B) This is a ridiculous state of affairs! Forget your stupid pride and go and start talking to him again!

C) Remember! This time I can afford an expensive one.

C) Would you like me to go and talk to him and find out what’s wrong?

D) I do wish you’d come with me to help choose a jacket. You know how hopeless I am in these matters!

D) Of course he’s to blame; I’m glad to see the friendship has ended.

E) When did you go shopping last? It must have been ages ago.

E) Forget him then. And start making new friends.

81. Your school puts on a play every year. You are no good at acting, but you enjoy sewing and would like to help with the costumes. So, when the organizer tries to give you a part in the play, you say:

83. Jane has been ill for some time and still can’t leave the house. Her little daughter is clearly getting bored. It’ll soon be her birthday, and she wants her to have a nice change. So she phones her sister and says:

A) I don’t want to act in the play but I’ll do anything else.

A) Most of the children have their birthday parties at the nursery school. Then all the children enjoy them.

B) Thank you so much; in fact, I’ve always been told I have a gift for acting. C) No. I couldn’t possibly act in the play, but I’d be very happy to make some of the costumes.

B) Don’t forget, it’s Mary’s birthday on Saturday so I’m expecting you round for tea. Don’t be late.

D) No, I can’t act. And I’m not interested in helping with the production.

C) Mary always expects you to make a chocolate cake for her on her birthday.

E) In the last year’s play the costumes were very poor, so you ought to let someone else make them this year.

D) This year I have arranged for Mary to have her birthday party at the nursery school. E) For Mary’s birthday I was wondering if you could take her out for the day; go to the zoo, perhaps.

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84. Your daughter with her husband and two children are moving house. You know how tiring a job this is and wish to help them in some way. You finally decide that the best way to help would be to see they all get something good to eat during the move. So you say: A) You’re all going to get very tired, so you must be sure to take some rest.

86. Brian : - Did you go to the gym last night? Danny : - Yes, I did. And I feel much better for it. Why don’t you join me? Brian - ----

B) Let the children stay with me for a few days and I’ll see they are well fed.


Danny : - Stop wondering and make it definite! Be ready at 8.15 on Friday!

C) I can go to the new house, and after I have organized the kitchen I can do the cooking. D) I can’t help with the actual remove, but I can give you all a good meal at my house for the next few evenings. Would you like that? E) Make sure there is plenty of food in the house because you’ll be working hard and there won’t be time to go out and get a meal.

A) I can’t help wondering where you get the energy for it! B) I’m wondering whether my doctor will agree. C) No thanks! I was just wondering what it was like. D) Actually, I have been wondering about doing so. E) I wish I could. I wonder how you find time for it.

87. Charles : - Have you heard from your brother recently?

85. – 92. sorularda, karşõlõklõ konuşmanõn boş bõrakõlan kõsmõnda söylenmiş olabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.

Pat : - Yes, I have. He’s really enjoying himself at the Military Academy.

85. Liz : - Do you think books for children should avoid social problems and unpleasant subjects?

Charles - ----

Clare : - No, I don’t. Do you? Liz - ----


Pat : - That was only natural. It really meant a new start for him and he’d never even been away from home before.


A) He’ll do fine there. He’s a natural leader you know.

Clare : - In fact, they can often face it better than adults can!

B) I knew he would be. That’s why I encouraged him to go there.

A) Certainly not! The children I know are quite capable of facing reality. B) I’m not sure. I don’t like to read about unpleasant situations myself! C) No. But I think the best children’s books are the imaginative ones. D) You know I’m very fond of fairy tales, and there are a lot of problems and evil characters in them.

C) Of course he is! An active life like that is exactly right for him. D) I’m sure he will be very satisfied with the training offered. E) I’m glad to hear that. He seemed a bit worried about whether he would like it.

E) Yes I do. Let the children live in a good world for as long as possible.

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88. Andy : - Who were the Wright brothers?

90. Molly : - What do you know about Helen Keller?

Phil : - To start with, they were bicycle repairmen in Ohio.

Jane : - Not very much, really, except that she was a remarkable woman.

Andy - ----

Molly - ----



Phil : - Because they were the first men to design an aircraft.

Jane : - No. She could see and hear until she caught scarlet fever when she was 19 months old.

A) Aren’t they connected with the aircraft industry?

A) Was she born blind and deaf?

B) Surely that’s not why they are famous! Or is it?

B) Was she the only child?

C) But why are they so famous?

C) What made her so remarkable?

D) Is that why no one took them seriously?

D) She must have had a great deal of courage!

E) Wasn’t it the wing design that made their flying machines so successful?

E) When did she lose her eyesight?

89. Mary : - My train leaves at 8 o’clock, so when do you think I should leave the house?

91. Peter : - How are you planning to spend the summer?

Jenny : - You’ll be taking a taxi, I suppose?

Kevin : - I’ve got a job at the local petrol station.

Mary - ----

Peter - ----



Jenny : - Even so, you’d better leave by 7.30 as there’s a lot of traffic on the roads at that time.

Kevin : - I really don’t know. I’ll do anything so long as I can earn a little money.

A) How far is the train station? Do you know?

A) Be sure to let me know when you start.

B) Yes, of course. I’ve got a heavy suitcase.

B) Is it open overnight?

C) Yes. But how far away is the station?

C) I did that once and quite enjoyed it, but the hours were long.

D) Aren’t we in walking distance of the station?

D) What a good idea! I might do the same.

E) Yes. I’m calling a taxi right away.

E) What will you be doing there? Working in the shop?

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94. (I) This book gives a history of man’s exploration of space. (II) It starts with the first observations of the ancient Greeks. (III) And so it makes us wonder about how our life began on earth. (IV) It then moves on to the invention of the telescope in 1608 and the new knowledge it made available. (V) It ends with the wonder of 15 January 1996 when the Hubble Space Telescope revealed many “new” galaxies.

92. Reg : - It says here that they’ve brought out a new ball ready for the next European Championships. Steve : - Really? And what’s special about it? Reg - ----


A) I

Steve : - Oh! The goalkeepers won’t like that!




E) V

A) It’s softer to kick, and so it will travel faster. B) The same firm produces the official match balls for the World Cup too. C) It passed all the tests without any problems. D) I don’t know. It looks like any other soccer ball to me. 95. (I) Robot toys, which have to be treated like living things, not like machines, are already being produced. (II) In Japan, for instance, robot cats will very soon be on the market. (III) In fact, robotics is the science mainly concerned with the design and construction of robots. (IV) These cats are very affectionate and they purr with pleasure when they are petted. (V) If they feel neglected, however, they let their owner know they are displeased.

E) It costs much less than the traditional balls to produce.

A) I




E) V

93. – 100. sorularda, cümleler sõrasõyla okunduğunda anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz. 93. (I) California is famous for crazy ideas. (II) Indeed, Californians value crazy ideas, and their inventive spirit has done much to change the world. (III) Television, the laser, and human insulin were all ideas developed in California. (IV) Sometimes one is surprised at what succeeds and indeed becomes popular. (V) And, indeed, so was the seedless watermelon. A) I




96. (I) Be sure to go to the new exhibition at the Naval Museum. (II) Personally, I’ve never been very interested in the sea and ships. (III) The exhibits range from primitive rafts to a submarine from World War II. (IV) There are lots of paintings of boats and ships, many of which are very old. (V) There are also beautifully made models of some of the most famous historic ships. A) I




E) V

E) V

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97. (I) Louisa May Alcott wrote Little Women at the request of her publisher, Mr Niles. (II) Niles himself was not impressed by the story she wrote. (III) However, his niece and some other young girls were. (IV) So, with some doubt in his mind, he decided to publish it, and it was an immediate best seller. (V) However, Little Women is a children’s book about real life; it is not a fairy tale. A) I







A) I




E) V

E) V

98. (I) The problem with electric guitars is that, from the point of view of sound, they cannot be improved. (II) At schools children should be encouraged to play the guitar. (III) They can be decorated and made to look better. (IV) They can be made lighter and easier to play. (V) But they cannot be made to sound any better. A) I

99. (I) Kiev is one of the most historic cities of the Ukraine. (II) It is both a busy river port and a major railway junction. (III) Despite its rapid th growth during the 19 century, it still reveals many signs of its long and rich history. (IV) The old citadel still stands in the medieval centre of the city. (V) Nearby is also a famous cathedral that dates back to the Middle Ages.

100. (I) Originally, the Japanese learned how to paint from the Chinese. (II) However, over the centuries, Japanese painting soon developed characteristics of its own to suit its own environment and traditions. (III) Symbolism rather than realism became the most striking feature of this painting. (IV) Japanese and Chinese painters alike often choose to work in black and white only. (V) The typical Japanese representation of nature, for instance, was symbolic rather than realistic. A) I

E) V




E) V


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1. A

26. B

51. A

76. A

2. C

27. E

52. D

77. B

3. B

28. C

53. C

78. A

4. D

29. A

54. B

79. C

5. E

30. E

55. A

80. D

6. B

31. A

56. C

81. C

7. C

32. C

57. E

82. B

8. A

33. B

58. B

83. E

9. E

34. C

59. D

84. D

10. D

35. A

60. A

85. A

11. A

36. B

61. D

86. D

12. D

37. D

62. A

87. E

13. E

38. E

63. E

88. C

14. C

39. C

64. B

89. B

15. B

40. E

65. C

90. A

16. E

41. A

66. B

91. E

17. C

42. D

67. C

92. A

18. B

43. C

68. A

93. D

19. D

44. B

69. D

94. C

20. A

45. D

70. B

95. C

21. C

46. A

71. E

96. B

22. B

47. C

72. C

97. E

23. D

48. B

73. B

98. B

24. E

49. D

74. D

99. B

25. A

50. E

75. E

100. D



1. Cevap kâğõdõnda, sõnav yabancõ dilinizi (İNGİLİZCE) işaretlemeyi unutmayõnõz. 2. Bu testten alacağõnõz standart puan, Yabancõ Dil Ağõrlõklõ ÖSS Puanõnõzõn hesaplanmasõnda 1,4 katsayõsõ ile çarpõlacaktõr. 3. Bu testte 100 soru vardõr. 4. Cevaplamaya istediğiniz sorudan başlayabilirsiniz. 5. Sayfalar üzerindeki boş yerleri müsvedde için kullanabilirsiniz. 5. Australia, which is normally a grains exporting country, has started importing wheat and corn to meet a shortage resulting from a ---- drought.

1. – 22. sorularda, cümlede boş bõrakõlan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

A) widespread 1. All teenagers have ----; the problem is to teach them to exploit it to the best advantage. A) destiny

B) compulsion D) preference

B) hostile

D) secular

C) sustainable

E) restrictive

C) potential

E) significance 6. After decades of speculation astronomers now have fairly ---- information concerning the basic features of our universe. A) desperate

2. Have they come to a ---- yet on whether to move to Izmir or stay in Antalya? A) disturbance

B) suggestion

D) conflict

D) accurate

7. The meridians are ---- counted from the meridian of the observatory of Greenwich, in England, which is called the zero meridian. A) traditionally

C) placed

B) discovered

D) searched

B) suitably

D) notably

E) separated

C) previously

E) markedly

8. Finland, which is three times the size of Ohio, is ---- forested and contains thousands of lakes, numerous rivers and extensive areas of marshland.

4. Geologists have ---- that Africa was once warmer and wetter than it is today. A) explored

E) respective

E) decision

B) occupied

D) inhabited

C) reluctant

C) reversal

3. Ireland is in the Atlantic Ocean and ---- from Great Britain by the Irish Sea. A) established

B) preventive

C) surveyed

A) mutually

E) experimented

B) exactly

D) currently

C) heavily

E) profoundly

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


13. He ---- alive now if only he ---- to go back into the burning house for something.

9. He must have had some sound reasons for ---such a rigid timetable. A) setting out

B) drawing up

D) turning off

A) will be / wouldn’t have decided

C) running up

B) is / hasn’t decided

E) looking into

C) could be / wouldn’t decide D) would be / hadn’t decided E) should be / hasn’t decided

14. The first people ---- non-stop round the world ---captain James Gallagher and his crew.

10. It’s a delightful novel, and the reader soon gets ---- in the lives of the characters as the story progresses. A) caught up

B) found out

D) turned over

A) to have flown / have been

C) put out

B) being flown / are

E) fed up

C) to fly / were D) to be flying / had been E) having been flown / will be

11. Experts ---- that by 2010, robots ---- for many of the elderly people in the world.

15. The arctic is one of the few areas ---- earth still left unconquered ---- solo explorers, primarily because of the extremely harsh conditions.

A) will have believed / are caring

A) of / for

B) have believed / would be caring

B) over / from D) on / by

C) believed / had cared

C) in / with

E) for / to

D) will believe / will have been caring E) believe / will be caring 16. The main difference ---- the comedy of ideas and other forms ---- comedy is that it does not depend on a situation for its humour. A) about / in

B) through / for

C) between / of

D) over / from

12. Orphan elephants need ---- the same companionship as they ---- from their mothers in the wild.

E) with / at

A) to have given / had received 17. From a very early age it is clear that some people are ---- better at drawing and painting ---- the majority of us.

B) to be given / would have received C) having given / will be receiving D) to have been given / would receive

A) much / than

B) more / than

E) being given / are receiving

C) so / as

D) either / or E) even / such as

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


18. Many ordinary people don’t realize that fat is not digested in the stomach, ---- in the small intestine. A) although

B) but

D) unless

23. – 27. sorularda, aşağõdaki parçada numaralanmõş yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

C) because In 1912, a German called Wegener declared that all the continents of the world had once been joined together and were now drifting around like giant rafts. His (23) ---- attracted very little interest. In 1915, he published a book on continental drift. No one took it (24) ----. But (25) ---- the early 1960s, geologists (26) ---- to realize that molten rock was seeping up from under the oceans and pushing the continents further away from (27) ---- at around two and a half centimetres a year.

E) while

19. He adores his little granddaughter so he’ll do ---she wants him to do. A) all of them

B) however

D) most of all


C) whatever

A) ability

E) the same

B) invention D) concern

20. His Collected Essays continues to reveal ---George Orwell understood the basic conflicts of the modern world. A) just as

B) so well D) how well

A) deliberately

C) if ever

D) moreover

B) sensibly

D) regrettably

E) even so

B) therefore

E) claim

24. C) fairly

E) seriously


21. The name “Kõzõlõrmak” emphasizes the colour of this river, ---- the earlier name “Halys” stresses its saltiness. A) whereas

C) comprehension

A) under

B) by D) at

C) whereby

C) over E) from

E) indeed


22. The film Casablanca, the story ---- is set in Morocco during World War II, stars Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman. A) whose

B) of which

C) by whom

D) whichever

A) are beginning

B) have begun

C) were beginning

D) begin

E) would begin


E) what

A) another

B) each other D) one other

C) the others

E) any other

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


33. – 42. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

28. – 32. sorularda, aşağõdaki parçada numaralanmõş yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

33. Campaigns to promote energy conservation have been around since the 1980s ----.

The Romantic Age in England was part of a movement that affected all the countries of the Western World. The forms of romanticism were (28) ---- many and varied that it is difficult to speak of the movement as a whole. It tended to align (29) ---with the humanitarian spirit of the democratic revolutionaries. (30) ----, romantics were not always democrats and democrats were not always revolutionaries. Perhaps the (31) ---- thing to say is that romanticism represented an attempt (32) ---- the wonder of the world.

A) so that there is still a long way to go before campaigners are satisfied B) because it is a problem that until now has been largely overlooked C) but it is only with the advent of global warming that the issue has really gained momentum D) just as the next step requires a great deal of detailed planning

28. A) so

B) as D) neither

E) even though most industrialized countries have been strongly in favour of these campaigns

C) both E) thus


34. Some comets have such long orbits ----. A) others

B) them D) itself

C) each

A) while some asteroids may be burnt-up comets

E) themselves

B) in case they come from a region outside the Solar System C) since they are often visible from the Earth D) that they pass near the Earth only once every million years

30. A) Even so

B) Since

D) In case

E) just as their dust tails stretch up to 10 million kilometres across the sky

C) Accordingly E) On the contrary

31. A) safe

B) safest D) safely

35. Water softeners are particularly useful, ----.

C) safety

A) if you live in a hard-water area

E) safer

B) that they remove chemicals and improve the taste C) why London water is so hard 32. A) having rediscovered

B) rediscovering

D) since the water contained a greater concentration of calcium

C) to rediscover

D) to have rediscovered

E) though electrical appliances require soft water

E) on rediscovering

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39. When the four-thousand-year-old tomb was finally opened, ----.

36. The personnel officer is looking for someone ----. A) that they are willing to do a great deal of travelling

A) the archaeologists had looked down into it in disbelief

B) who has a real talent for organization C) until he finds someone who really is suitable

B) there seems to be nothing in it of any interest at all

D) since at present several positions are available

C) they have all looked at each other in amazement

E) whether they have the right qualifications

D) the most exciting find was a set of surgical instruments E) it would be a moment of unbearable suspense

40. ---- which was characterized by supreme selfconfidence and great achievement.

37. This is actually a camera ----. A) though it is roughly the same size as a credit card

A) The bombing of Dresden was widely criticized B) Henry VIII was a typical Renaissance figure

B) if only I could afford to buy it

C) The Great Pyramids were built in an age

C) that unfortunately it doesn’t have a zoom D) since the shape was hardly recognizable

D) The moon-landing gave rise to strange, new emotions

E) as we have been wondering about which one to buy

E) This climbing expedition in the Taurus mountains was a complete failure

41. ---- because she has the ability to make her audience find wildlife as fascinating as she does herself.

38. By the time Turner was thirteen, ----. A) his father, to whom he was deeply attached, was a barber in London

A) Such a development for the conservation of wildlife had not been expected

B) his mother was a woman of violent temper who eventually went mad

B) The television offers a wide variety of career opportunities for people interested in wildlife

C) it was already agreed that he should become an artist

C) The children didn’t know what to expect

D) he was never an artist who relied on his genius

D) No one else could have presented the programme

E) he has been called “the father of impressionism”

E) A young television presenter of wildlife is rapidly becoming famous

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45. “There’s one every half hour on weekdays.”

42. As the salaries are related to achievements, ----.

A) Do any of these buses go through the centre of the town?

A) few people were interested in working here B) research at this institute is highly competitive C) all the applicants would have been confident and ambitious D) no one will have foreseen such a problem

B) Do you often go by bus? C) Are the children old enough to go on their own by bus? D) When does the next bus leave, do you know?

E) standards continued to be impressively high

E) How often is there a bus into town?

43. – 46. sorularda, verilen cümlenin hangi sorunun cevabõ olduğunu bulunuz. 43. “I’m not sure; Sheila’s, probably.” A) Who did you go to the exhibition with? B) Whose paintings attracted most attention at the exhibition? 46. “Yes, in the secretary’s office.”

C) Have you seen her lately? D) Why were the paintings exhibited?

A) Where were you at the time?

E) There is an amazing variety of paintings on show, isn’t there?

B) Did you manage to find out where the meeting is to be held? C) Can he still not remember what he did with those files? D) Are the papers I passed on to him still missing? E) Why did he go into the secretary’s office?

44. “Yes, there are. Look on your desk.” A) Where are the books you promised to bring? B) Are those flowers for me? C) There aren’t any letters for me, are there? D) Are any of the reports you are writing ready? E) Are my glasses over there?

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49. At the time Darwin was developing his theory, no hard evidence for genes existed.

47. – 50. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca en yakõn Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.

A) Darwin’in kendi kuramõnõ geliştirdiği dönemde, genlere yönelik hiçbir kanõt ortaya çõkmamõştõ.

47. In the early years of the fourteenth century, there began to develop in Italy an increasing interest in the manuscripts that had survived from ancient Greece and Rome.

B) Darwin, kuramõnõ geliştirmesine rağmen, genlerle ilgili güvenilir herhangi bir kanõt yoktu.

A) Eski Yunan ve Roma elyazmalarõna on dördüncü yüzyõlõn ilk yõllarõnda İtalya’da duyulmaya başlayan ilgi giderek yoğunlaştõ.

C) Genlerle ilgili kabul edilebilir herhangi bir kanõt elde edilememiş olmasõna rağmen, Darwin, kuramõnõ geliştirdi.

B) Eski Yunan ve Roma’dan kalma elyazmalarõna on dördüncü yüzyõl başlarõnda oluşan ilgi, İtalya’da giderek artmõştõr.

D) Darwin, kuramõnõ geliştirdiği sõrada, genler için sağlam hiçbir kanõt yoktu. E) Darwin’in kuramõ, genler hakkõnda hiçbir kanõtõn bulunmadõğõ bir dönemde geliştirilmişti.

C) İtalya’da on dördüncü yüzyõlõn başlarõnda eski Yunan ve Roma elyazmalarõna duyulan ilgi giderek artmaya başlamõştõr. D) On dördüncü yüzyõlõn ilk yõllarõnda, İtalya’da eski Yunan ve Roma’dan kalan elyazmalarõna giderek artan bir ilgi oluşmaya başladõ. E) İtalya’da eski Yunan ve Roma’dan kalma elyazmalarõna yoğun ilginin ortaya çõkmasõ, on dördüncü yüzyõlõn ilk yõllarõna rastlar.

50. When animals are used for research purposes, it is not the taking of life that people object to, but the suffering that is caused.

48. Although the legend of King Midas and his obsession with gold is well known throughout the world, historical records tell us very little about his life.

A) Hayvanlar araştõrma amacõyla kullanõldõğõnda insanlarõn karşõ çõktõğõ, can alõnmasõ değil, sebep olunan acõdõr.

A) Kral Midas’a ve onun aşõrõ altõn sevgisine ilişkin öykü tüm dünyada meşhur olsa da onun yaşamõ hakkõndaki tarihi kaynaklarõn bize söyledikleri çok yetersizdir.

B) İnsanlar, araştõrmalarda kullanõlan hayvanlarõn çektiği acõdan çok, onlarõn canõnõn alõnmasõna karşõ çõkarlar.

B) Kral Midas’õn öyküsü ve onun altõna düşkünlüğü dünyada çok iyi bilinmektedir, ancak onun yaşamõna ilişkin olarak tarihi belgelerin bize söylediği yeterli değildir.

C) Araştõrmalarda kullanõlan hayvanlarõn canlarõnõn alõnmasõndan çok, insanlarõ onlarõn acõ çekmesi üzer.

C) Kral Midas’õn öyküsü ve onun altõna aşõrõ ilgisi, tüm dünyada ne kadar iyi bilinirse bilinsin, tarihi kaynaklar bize onun yaşamõ hakkõnda hiçbir şey söylemez.

D) İnsanlarõn araştõrmalarda hayvanlarõn kullanõlmasõnda karşõ çõktõklarõ şey, onlarõn canõnõn acõ çektirilerek alõnmasõdõr.

D) Kral Midas ve onun altõna düşkünlüğü tüm dünyada bilinen bir efsanedir, ancak, onun hakkõnda tarihi belgeler bize çok az şey söyler.

E) İnsanlar, araştõrma amacõyla hayvanlar kullanõldõğõnda, hem onlarõn canlarõnõn alõnmasõna hem de acõ çekmelerine karşõ çõkarlar.

E) Kral Midas ve onun altõn tutkusu efsanesi tüm dünyada iyi bilinmesine rağmen, tarihi belgeler bize onun yaşamõ hakkõnda çok az şey söylemektedir.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


53. Şubat 2001’de Jüpiter’in ayõ İo’da meydana gelen volkanik patlama, güneş sisteminde bugüne kadar bu türde görülen en büyük olaydõ.

51. – 54. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakõn İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.

A) The volcanic eruption which took place on Io, a moon of Jupiter, in February 2001, was the largest such event ever seen in the solar system.

51. Pek çok kişi nükleer enerjinin sanayi bakõmõndan gelişmekte olan ülkeler için uygun bir güç kaynağõ sağlayabileceğine inanmaktadõr. A) Many people regard nuclear energy as the best source of power for countries that are developing industrially. B) There are a lot of people who feel that the industrially developing countries would find nuclear energy a suitable source of power.

B) In February 2001, the volcanic eruption that occurred on Io, one of the moons of Jupiter, was the largest event of its kind ever recorded in the solar system. C) The largest volcanic eruption ever witnessed in the solar system occurred in February 2001 on Io, a moon of Jupiter.

C) Many people believe that nuclear energy could provide a suitable source of power for the industrially developing countries. D) These people believe that the industrially developing countries require an adequate source of power such as nuclear energy could supply. E) Many people consider that the developing countries need a suitable source of power, like nuclear energy, to support their industries.

D) The most violent volcanic activity of this kind ever to have been recorded took place on one of the moons of Jupiter, known as Io, in February 2001. E) It was on Io, one of the moons of Jupiter, that the most violent volcanic action ever to have been detected in the solar system actually took place, in February 2001.

54. Anglo-Saksonlar İngiltere’yi fethettiklerinde, beraberlerinde törelerine ve inançlarõna dayalõ zengin bir sözlü edebiyat geleneği getirmişlerdir.

52. Shakespeare’in döneminde, tiyatro, yaygõn bir eğlence biçimiydi ve 1649’da yasaklanõncaya kadar öyle kaldõ.

A) The Anglo-Saxon tradition of oral literature, rich in their customs and traditions, went with them to England when they conquered it.

A) The theatre was a popular form of entertainment starting in Shakespeare’s time and continuing to 1649 when it was banned. B) In Shakespeare’s time, the theatre was a popular form of entertainment and remained so until it was banned in 1649.

B) The Anglo-Saxons had a rich tradition of oral literature steeped in their customs and traditions which they took to England when they conquered it.

C) The theatre which enjoyed a great deal of popularity in Shakespeare’s time was banned in 1649.

C) When the Anglo-Saxons conquered England, they brought with them a rich tradition of oral literature steeped in their customs and beliefs.

D) In the time of Shakespeare, the theatre was one of the most popular forms of entertainment, but by 1649 it had fallen into disfavour.

D) The tradition of oral literature that the AngloSaxons took to England on conquering the country was rich in their customs and traditions.

E) By 1649 the theatre, which had enjoyed so much popularity in the time of Shakespeare, had fallen into disrepute.

E) On their arrival in England there was already a rich tradition of oral literature grounded in the customs and beliefs of the Anglo-Saxons.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


56. According to the passage, fiction has, from very early times, ----.

55. – 57. sorularõ aşağõdaki parçaya göre cevaplayõnõz.

A) always been regarded as superior to other kinds of writing

The first question to ask about fiction is: Why bother to read it? With life as short as it is, with so many pressing demands on our time, with books of information, instruction and discussion waiting to be read, why should we spend precious time on works of fiction? The eternal answers to this question are two: enjoyment and understanding. Since the invention of language, men have taken pleasure in following and participating in the imaginary adventures and imaginary experiences of imaginary people. Whatever serves to make life less tedious, to make the hours pass more quickly and pleasurably, surely needs nothing else to recommend it. Enjoyment is the first aim and justification of reading fiction.

B) usually been limited to the description of human adventures C) been regarded as harmful to the development of man D) been a reliable source for the instruction of man E) had a great appeal for man

55. One point emphasized in the passage is that ----. A) life, since it is short, shouldn’t be wasted in trivial reading B) informative books, as opposed to fiction, are what one should read

57. In the passage, books ----. A) that deal with imaginary situations are considered to be a waste of time B) that give us information are regarded as the best kind

C) non-fictional books are the only ones worth reading

C) are divided into two main kinds: fictional and non-fictional

D) the reading of fiction provides people with a great deal of enjoyment

D) that deal with human experiences are classed as books of instruction

E) through fiction our knowledge of other people is distorted

E) are regarded merely as a means to make time pass enjoyably

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59. As it is pointed out in the passage ----.

58. – 60. sorularõ aşağõdaki parçaya göre cevaplayõnõz.

A) man’s knowledge of space grew immensely with the landing on the moon

Space camps are a response to the rapidly expanding discovery of space and to the fascination with the unknown which is such a deeply ingrained aspect of human nature. The birth of the space camp project, designed to educate young people about space, goes back to the year 1982. With the support of NASA, the camps aim to teach young people about the latest space technology and sciences in an entertaining atmosphere. They are America’s most popular educational centres. Dr Werner von Braun, the scientist celebrated as the father of the Saturn V rocket, which carried the first manned flight to the moon, was the first person to put forward the idea of space camps.

58. We understand from the passage that the main reason why space camps are set up is to ----.

B) space camps were set up as soon as space exploration began C) the exploration of space has revealed nearly all the secrets of the universe D) man has always felt attracted to the unfamiliar and the unexplored, such as space E) the Saturn V rocket has been used for various purposes in the exploration of space

60. As is pointed out in the passage, the person who first suggested the establishment of space camps ----.

A) help improve NASA’s injured public image B) promote the scientific activities undertaken by NASA

A) was also responsible for sending the first astronauts to the moon

C) encourage young people to consider making a career for themselves in space sciences

B) had himself always been fascinated by space C) was actually little known until the first moonlanding

D) spread among young people Dr Werner von Braun’s theories concerning space

D) had been working for NASA since the early 1980s

E) give youngsters an opportunity to enjoy learning about space and related scientific activities

E) had always stressed that the education of young people should have a practical approach

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62. It’s clear from the passage that the Emperor Jihangir ----.

61. – 63. sorularõ aşağõdaki parçaya göre cevaplayõnõz. Roses are the oldest source of perfume. Ancient documents mention rose oil, which is the strongest form of this scent, and in The Iliad Homer relates how Aphrodite rubbed Hector’s dead body with rose oil. What was meant by rose oil in these texts was not what we mean by this term today, since we learn from Hippocrates that it was obtained by stirring rose petals into hot olive oil. The method of extracting essential oil of roses was not discovered until much later. The most delightful story told of the discovery of the essential oil relates to the Emperor Jihangir (1569-1627) who is said to have had distilled rose water poured into channels in the extensive garden of his palace so that the air was filled with this beautiful scent.

A) followed the method of Hippocrates in the making of rose oil B) helped to develop the process of distilling rose water C) extended his garden so that more roses could be grown D) learned about rose oil from his readings of Homer E) liked the luxury of filling his garden with rose scent

63. It is clear from the passage that the use of rose oil ----.

61. We learn from the passage that rose oil ----. A) as we know it today is the same as that mentioned in early texts

A) began with the Emperor Jihangir B) was first introduced by Aphrodite

B) was, according to Hippocrates, made by mixing rose petals into hot olive oil

C) was originally reserved for the dead

C) cannot be extracted with the use of olive oil

D) goes back to mythological times and stories of gods and goddesses

D) is now unimportant in the perfume industry

E) was restricted to the wealthy and the powerful

E) only became popular in the time of the Emperor Jihangir

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65. As we learn from the passage, one of the drawbacks of computers for children is that ----.

64. – 66. sorularõ aşağõdaki parçaya göre cevaplayõnõz.

A) there is almost no difference between leisure time and school time

Laughter’s social role is definitely important. Today’s children may be heading for a whole lot of social ills because their play and leisure time is so isolated and they lose out on lots of chances for laughter. When children stare at computer screens, rather than laughing with each other,they get so involved that they forget to laugh at all; this is contrary to what’s natural for them. Natural social behaviour in children is playful behaviour, and in such situations laughter indicates that make-believe aggression is just fun, not serious. This is an important way in which children form positive emotional ties, gain new social skills and generally start to move from childhood to adulthood. Parents need to be very careful to ensure that their children play in groups and laugh more.

B) children get no pleasure out of their computers C) a great deal of time is wasted D) computers tend to make children isolated and less sociable E) they make the activities of children and adults too much alike

66. According to the passage, children need to laugh ----.

64. The passage emphasizes the point that ----. A) children need to take part in group activities

A) otherwise they will become ill-balanced adults and isolate themselves from others

B) children seem to have grown more aggressive since the computer entered their lives

B) especially when they are not involved in group activities

C) the computer helps speed up a child’s emotional development

C) and computer games can provide the opportunity

D) computer games have a beneficial effect on social behaviour

D) and usually manage to do so even when they are being really aggressive

E) laughter does not often have a social role

E) because this helps them to form relationships with others and grow up emotionally

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68. We understand from the passage that there was a great deal of excitement everywhere ----.

67. – 69. sorularõ aşağõdaki parçaya göre cevaplayõnõz. On the third day of the new year newspapers began to report that strange things were starting to happen in the heavens, and everyone grew excited. “A Planetary Collision”, one London paper headed the news, and proclaimed that a strange new planet would probably collide with Neptune. The leader writers of various other newspapers enlarged upon the topic. As a result, in most of the capitals of the world, on January 3rd, there was an expectation, however vague, of some approaching phenomenon in the sky; and as the night followed the sunset round the globe, thousands of people turned their eyes skyward to see, contrary to what they had expected, nothing more exciting than the old familiar stars just as they had always been.

67. As it is clear from the passage, all that anyone saw on the night of January 3rd was ----.

A) because an unknown planet had been detected from various parts of the world B) as soon as the new planet approached Neptune C) even before the planetary collision took place D) when newspapers announced that a collision of two planets was to be expected E) as many phenomena had been observed in the skies on January 3rd

69. One can conclude from the passage that the whole affair of planets colliding ----.

A) the familiar stars shining with extraordinary brightness

A) aroused little interest among the people in the world

B) the collision of Neptune with a new planet

B) was based on scientific facts and observations

C) the usual night sky

C) was all imaginary, and made up by the newspapers

D) an unknown planet passing close to Neptune E) what they interpreted as the birth of a new planet

D) was apparently only of interest to the newspapers E) was the reason why so many people panicked

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71. It is pointed out in the passage that Munro ----.

70. – 72. sorularõ aşağõdaki parçaya göre cevaplayõnõz.

A) commanded a unit of troops in World War I B) adapted himself well to the climatic conditions of Burma

Hector Hugh Munro was born in Burma, the son of a police inspector-general. His mother died when he was two, and he was sent home to Scotland to live with relatives. His formal education ended with grammar school, but his father tutored him on extensive travels. In 1893, his father got him a post with the Burma police, but his delicate health forced his return to Britain. There he took up a career in writing, and it was while doing political sketches for The Westminster Gazette that he adopted the penname of Saki. After serving for a time as a foreign correspondent for The Morning Post, he returned to London to devote himself to the writing of stories and novels. When World War I began, he enlisted as an ordinary soldier in the army and was unfortunately killed in action in 1916.

C) disappointed his father with his decision to return to England D) was not only a journalist but also a writer of fiction E) chose the name “Saki” because it was an easy name for his readers to remember

72. According to the passage, Munro, before he became a writer, ----.

70. We understand from the passage that Munro’s father ----.

A) worked as a journalist to cover events of World War I

A) contributed a great deal to his son’s education B) did not want his son to work in Burma

B) spent all his time in Scotland with relatives

C) was one of the founders of the Burmese police force

C) travelled very little, but read extensively

D) was a great traveller himself and encouraged his son to follow his example

D) enjoyed exceptionally good health E) served, for some time as a policeman

E) tried to persuade his son not to join the army in World War I

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74. It is clear from the passage that for Eveline, staying at home ----.

73. – 75. sorularõ aşağõdaki parçaya göre cevaplayõnõz.

A) was now quite out of the question Eveline sat at the window watching the evening invade the avenue. Her head was leaned against the window curtains. She was tired. She had consented to go away, to leave her home. Was that wise? She tried to weigh each side of the question. In her home anyway she had shelter and food; she had those whom she had known all her life about her. Of course she had to work hard, both in the house and at business. What would they say of her in the shop when they found out that she had run away with a man? They would say she was a fool, perhaps; and her place would be filled up by an advertisement.

73. We understand from the passage that Eveline ----.

B) would be a nightmare C) would give her neither security nor love D) had absolutely no attractions at all E) had certain advantages and certain disadvantages

75. One thing that Eveline was concerned about if she went away was ----. A) whether or not her boyfriend would be good to her

A) was wondering whether she had made the right decision in deciding to run away with her boyfriend

B) whether her place in the shop would be taken

B) was waiting excitedly by the window for her boyfriend

C) what the gossip about her would be D) where she would be able to find a job

C) had already given up her job at the shop

E) how hard she would have to work to make a living

D) was looking forward to making a complete break with her past even though she had had a very happy childhood E) had known her boyfriend all her life

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78. You can rely on Pat to give you any help you may need.

76. – 80. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakõn olan cümleyi bulunuz.

A) Should you require any assistance, you can count on Pat for it.

76. In my opinion, this last novel by Paul Wright isn’t nearly as entertaining as his early ones were. A) I suppose the last novel by Paul Wright lacks the humour of the early ones.

B) If you need help of any kind, be sure to let Pat know. C) Pat could have given you all the help you need.

B) I much prefer Paul Wright’s amusing early novels to his later ones.

D) Let Pat know if you need any help with this.

C) To my way of thinking Paul Wright’s early novels were amusing but his last one isn’t.

E) Pat is the one to ask if you find you require any assistance.

D) Unlike his last novel, Paul Wright’s early novels, it seems to me, were all full of fun. E) I think Paul Wright’s early novels were far more enjoyable than his last one.

79. She finally agreed to go with her little sister, but was clearly reluctant to do so. A) She knew she had to take her young sister, but naturally she didn’t want to. B) It was obvious that she didn’t want to accompany her young sister but in the end agreed to. C) She couldn’t refuse to take her little sister but made it clear she didn’t want to. D) She would have preferred not to go with her little sister but at last agreed to. E) She couldn’t promise to accompany her small sister though actually she wanted to.

77. Let’s go shopping sometime mid-week, it gets so crowded at the weekends. A) I always like to shop mid-week as everywhere is so crowded at weekends. B) Why don’t we get this shopping done before the rush hour starts? C) I suggest we avoid the weekend and do our shopping in the middle of the week when it’s quieter.

80. Everyone will be extremely surprised if Mary doesn’t win the race.

D) I find it impossible to shop at weekends because there are so many people everywhere.

A) It is doubtful whether Mary will win the race.

E) The best time to go shopping is mid-week when it is usually reasonably quiet.

B) It’s hardly likely that Mary will win the race. C) After all, Mary could have won the race. D) It is almost certain that Mary will win the race. E) Mary thinks she is going to win the race.

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83. Stone sculpture is rare in Japan; there are some th fine 7 -century examples in bronze and clay, but bronze has never been very extensively used. ----. Hence, it is to be noticed that all the finest works of Japanese sculpture are made of wood. Even so, the Japanese are generally considered to be better painters than sculptors.

81. – 85. sorularda, boş bõrakõlan yere parçanõn anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz. 81. The great metropolis of New York City is the nerve centre of the nation. ----. Its John F. Kennedy International Airport is one of the busiest airports in the world. New York is also home to the New York Stock Exchange, the largest in the world. The convention and tourist business is an important source of the city’s income.

A) Actually, wood is the only material which has been used in Japanese sculpture throughout its history

A) New York Bay was first discovered in 1524 by an Italian-born navigator, Giovanni da Verrazano B) It is a leader in manufacturing, foreign trade, commerce and banking

B) There are a large number of relics of ancient Japan, such as baked earthen figures, which may be called primitive sculpture C) Some examples of 7th-century sculpture are preserved in the Japanese museums today D) Early Japanese sculpture is very reminiscent in style of the Chinese sculpture of the 5th and 6th centuries

C) Nearly all the state’s manufacturing is done on Long Island and along the Hudson River

E) There was a great change in the form of representation in Japanese sculpture after the th 10 century

D) For a short time, New York City was the capital of the United States E) Among its famous residents have been many artists, scientists and politicians

84. In Saudi Arabia oil was discovered in 1936, and commercial production began during World War II. Its wealth allowed the country to provide free health care and education while not collecting any taxes from its people. ----. However, falling demand and rising production in the 1980s reduced its oil income enormously. So in 2000, Saudi Arabia, along with other oilproducing countries, reduced production to raise oil prices.

82. Lamartine was a French poet who lived between 1790 and 1869. At school he learned Greek, Italian and English, and was strongly influenced by the classics. ----. From 1811 to 1819 he attempted to write an epic and several tragedies in the classical manner. Yet it was as a lyrical poet that he achieved fame. A) In general, the Romantic writers placed the individual, rather than society, at the centre of their vision

A) Saudi Arabia occupies most of the Arabian Peninsula

B) The term “Romantic Age” is used to describe life and literature in Europe in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries

B) Saudi Arabia has one-third of all known oil reserves in the world

C) He was a great admirer of Petrarch, Shakespeare and Byron

C) Saudi Arabia contains the world’s largest continuous sand desert

D) The French Revolution, which he strongly supported, gave great importance to liberty and equality

D) In World War II, Saudi Arabia was neutral E) Moreover, Saudi Arabia plays an important role in Middle Eastern politics

E) Like any Romantic, he believed in the possibility of progress and improvement for humanity

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87. You and your brother have the TV on rather loud for a music programme. You suddenly remember that someone in the flat below is ill and shouldn’t be disturbed. So you say:

85. Scientists around the world are developing the technology to make space tourism affordable. The most important step is cheap and reusable spacecraft. Other plans are even more adventurous. ----. Japanese airlines, on the other hand, are working on plans for a space liner or a sightseeing spaceship. So, it seems that, in the near future, space tourism will be a new experience for ordinary people.

A) We’d better turn the volume down. The lady downstairs is very ill. B) The music is no louder than usual, is it? C) It’s really not very loud. I can’t think why they are complaining!

A) Powering a spacecraft still requires vast amounts of fuel, which would make space tourism far too expensive

D) It’s lucky for us that we live on the top floor.

B) The general public do not seem to be interested in space matters

E) The lady in the downstairs flat is deaf.

C) When tourists eventually start arriving in space, they will need somewhere to stay D) For instance, an American firm is planning to build seven space stations served by 100 space shuttles

88. You know there is a telephone bill that has to be paid. As you’ll be passing a post office on the way to a friend’s house, you offer to pay the bill. You say to your mother:

E) A spacecraft is still more than a flying bomb which can explode at any second

A) Isn’t today the last day for paying the telephone bill? B) You’d better pay that bill before the phone is cut off. C) I suppose I could call in at the Post Office; it’s a long way off my route. D) If you haven’t paid the phone bill, I can do so in my lunch hour. 86. – 90. sorularda, verilen duruma uygun düşen cümleyi bulunuz.

E) As l shall be passing the Post Office, I thought l might as well pay that telephone bill.

86. As your friend is going to the library and you have a book that needs returning, you decide to ask her to take it back for you. You say: A) If you’re going to the library you’d better be quick. They close early on Mondays. B) Let me know when you’re going to the library and I’ll come with you. C) Read this; you’ll enjoy it. And then take it back to the library.

89. You and a friend are going to Ordu. The bus isn’t due to leave for nearly an hour but you think it’s time to set off for the bus station as the roads can be very busy about this time in the evening, and you don’t want to risk missing the bus. You say: A) It won’t take more than 15 minutes so we can have another tea before we leave.

D) I wish you’d get a book out for me; something light, holiday reading in fact.

B) There’s often a lot of traffic at this hour, so let’s play safe and set off straight away.

E) As you’re going to the library anyway, could you take this book back for me?

C) We don’t need to phone for a taxi there are always plenty at the corner of the road. D) I hate to arrive at the bus station too early. E) It’s much more pleasant to wait at home than at the bus station.

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90. One of your friends, Fred, has started on quite a serious training programme for a big sporting event. He has been training by himself so at the end of the third week, he’s clearly not as enthusiastic as he was at the start. You want to give him some encouragement, so when you are with mutual friends you say:

92. Sandra: - Wasn’t that the door bell? Sue: - No, it was the parrot. Sandra: - ----

A) It can’t be much fun for Fred training on his own. Why don’t some of us join him at the training sessions?

Sue: - I know. It copies the sound so perfectly that even the dog is deceived and races to the door!

B) Fred won’t be able to come to the party so let’s not disappoint him by asking him.

A) You must be joking!

C) Fred really is training hard. I didn’t expect him to keep it up so well.

B) Are you sure? It sounded just like the doorbell to me.

D) We must plan a really good surprise for Fred for when the competition is over.

C) Well! Well! How long has this been going on for? D) How do you know: Do you ever answer the door?

E) I suppose Fred hasn’t got the time to join in with any of our usual activities as he’s training all the time.

E) Was it really? Well how does your dog react?

93. Betty: - I hardly know anything about the Hittites and the Phrygians. Who were they?

91. – 95. sorularda, karşõlõklõ konuşmanõn boş bõrakõlan kõsmõnõ tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.

Mary: - All I can tell you is that the Hittites preceded the Phrygians in ancient Anatolia and were defeated by them.

91. Greg: - Why do you want to be a geologist? Are you hoping to find oil?

Betty: - ----

Tony: - No. I want to study volcanic activity. I’m sure one ought to be able to predict earthquakes pretty accurately.

Mary: - I can’t help you with these things. You’d better get a book on the subject.

Greg: - ----

A) Yes. I know that but what about their origins, cultures, religions and languages?

Tony: - I wouldn’t mind that at all. It would be far preferable to sitting in an office all day.

B) The Hittites had their capital in central Anatolia, didn’t they?

A) Are earthquakes as dangerous as volcanoes?

C) I know that Anatolia has always been a crossroads for many peoples in history.

B) I don’t know. Apparently, no one earthquake behaves like any other.

D) The Phrygian capital, Gordian, was originally situated on a hill close to Sakarya.

C) You would be doing a lot of field-work you know, in rather uncomfortable conditions.

E) You know, Egypt is the only country that I know anything about.

D) I don’t think you should make your mind up yet. E) It’s a career that might suit you very well. Good luck!

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95. Tony: - Have you read Doris Lessing’s new novel?

94. Albert: - By the way, what do you think of John’s performance in the sales department?

Joan: - I’ve only read about it. Most critics rate it very highly.

Richard: - As the manager of the department, I find him most promising. All he needs is a bit of encouragement.

Tony: - ----

Albert: - ----

Joan: - Good. As a matter of fact, they almost always are.

Richard: - Don’t you worry! I’ll do my best for him.

A) I hardly ever agree with what they say.

A) Well, then, give him some whenever you have the opportunity. He’s a nice chap.

B) Even so, her first novel is still my favourite.

B) You seem to have a grudge against him; do you?

C) Some of the critics attach more importance to her style than to the other aspects of her novels.

C) He’s very well qualified.

D) So I see you are familiar with the novel’s literary quality.

D) How long has he been working in your department?

E) They are right; the style and characterization are unusually interesting.

E) His self-confidence is a valuable asset and should help him to succeed.

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99. (I) Large quantities of ice have been found on Mars. (II) This raises the prospect of a manned expedition to the Red Planet. (III) So far, manned expeditions to Mars have been prevented by the difficulty in carrying enough water to support a crew. (IV) But if melted, the ice on Mars may provide not just water but also oxygen, electricity and hydrogen for rocket fuel cells as well. (V) In fact, the surface of Mars is marked by what appears to be dried-up shorelines, canyons and lakes.

96. – 100. sorularda, cümleler sõrasõyla okunduğunda parçanõn anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz. 96. (I) The cheetah is the fastest moving of all the land animals. (II) The cheetah usually prefers to hunt alone, but the males sometimes hunt in packs. (III) It is capable of reaching a speed of 70 kilometres an hour in just 2 seconds. (IV) When in pursuit of prey it can travel at a speed of 100-127 kilometres an hour. (V) Moreover, it can keep up this speed for between 200 and 600 metres. A) I












E) V

100. (I) For the first time a parachute has saved a light aircraft from disaster. (II) The incident concerned a Cirrus SR 22 aircraft. (III) When one part of a wing fell off, the pilot released the single-prop plane’s novel built-in rescue parachute. (IV) However, the plane landed in a clump of trees near Houston. (V) With its aid he was able to achieve an injury-free crash landing. A) I




E) V

E) V

98. (I) Sir Walter Raleigh was an outstanding example of the versatile Renaissance man. (II) Though he was a famous seaman, his real importance lies in other accomplishments. (III) As the Renaissance developed in Italy and other European countries, it began to take on added dimensions. (IV) He was a poet, a musician, a scientist, a historian, an explorer and even a pirate. (V) He also took an active part in the colonization of America. A) I


E) V

97. (I) It is now nearly 40 years since President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. (II) Yet the events of that fateful day remain the subject of much controversy. (III) Was the suspect, Lee Harvey Oswald, a lone assassin? (IV) Actually, Dallas is the most fascinating city of Texas. (V) Or was the murder the result of a major conspiracy? A) I

A) I


E) V

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1. C

26. C

51. C

76. E

2. E

27. B

52. B

77. C

3. E

28. A

53. A

78. A

4. B

29. D

54. C

79. B

5. A

30. A

55. D

80. D

6. D

31. B

56. E

81. B

7. A

32. C

57. C

82. C

8. C

33. C

58. E

83. A

9. B

34. D

59. D

84. B

10. A

35. A

60. A

85. D

11. E

36. B

61. B

86. E

12. B

37. A

62. E

87. A

13. D

38. C

63. D

88. E

14. C

39. D

64. A

89. B

15. D

40. C

65. D

90. A

16. C

41. E

66. E

91. C

17. A

42. B

67. C

92. B

18. B

43. B

68. D

93. A

19. C

44. C

69. C

94. A

20. D

45. E

70. A

95. E

21. A

46. B

71. D

96. B

22. B

47. D

72. E

97. D

23. E

48. E

73. A

98. C

24. E

49. D

74. E

99. E

25. B

50. A

75. C

100. D



1. Cevap kâğõdõnda, sõnav yabancõ dilinizi (İNGİLİZCE) işaretlemeyi unutmayõnõz. 2. Bu testten alacağõnõz standart puan, Yabancõ Dil Ağõrlõklõ ÖSS Puanõnõzõn hesaplanmasõnda 1,4 katsayõsõ ile çarpõlacaktõr. 3. Bu testte 100 soru vardõr. 4. Cevaplamaya istediğiniz sorudan başlayabilirsiniz. 5. Sayfalar üzerindeki boş yerleri müsvedde için kullanabilirsiniz.

4. In spite of much research into the subject, we still only ---- know how and why tornadoes form.

1. – 22. sorularda, cümlede boş bõrakõlan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

A) likely

D) partially

1. The religion of the Hittites was based upon ---- of a sun goddess and a storm god. A) wonder

B) invention D) worship

B) truly

C) ideally E) fairly

C) survival

E) display

5. Ideally, museums should have lots of public money, ---- space to exhibit most of their treasures and enough staff to look after them.

2. The success of the classical record industry is largely due to the high quality of the ----. A) descriptions

B) audiences

C) sales

D) articles

A) grateful

B) sufficient D) portative

C) incredible

E) radiant

E) products

6. Volunteer fire brigades, unlike professional ones, ---- have the training to deal with big or complicated fires.

3. The first ---- of Australia were the Aborigines, who migrated there at least 40,000 years ago from Southeast Asia. A) inhabitants

B) guests

D) citizens

A) secretly

C) population

B) suddenly

D) reasonably

E) troops

C) rarely

E) convincingly

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10. The French explorer M. Peisel was touring Tibet when he first ---- a series of tall, mysterious, starshaped stone towers along the Chinese border.

7. In his final years of office, President Clinton maintained a ---- low profile but took several major trips overseas. A) certainly

B) randomly

D) plainly

C) strongly

E) relatively

A) got through

B) came across

C) felt for

D) made up E) ran over

11. French lorry-drivers ---- on strike and now they ---- the roads, which is their usual way of showing their discontent.

8. Although it is dying out in the towns, folk dance is still a vibrant tradition in Turkish villages, as you may well see if you ---- a traditional wedding party. A) involve

B) attend D) consist

A) went / had blocked

C) demonstrate

B) will go / would block

E) relieve

C) have gone / are blocking D) were going / block E) would go / are going to block

12. Tofino, which ---- once a quiet fishing village in Canada, ---- a popular year-round resort now.

9. If your brother phones, be sure to ask him if he really has ---- smoking. A) given up

B) put away

D) opened up

A) is / is becoming

C) made out

B) had been / became

E) turned off

C) has been / had become D) was / has become E) would have been / will become

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16. The Mississippi Valley, where she spent the greater part ---- her life provides the background ---- most of her stories.

13. The clock face which ---- in its present form since the seventeenth century is on its way out, ---- its place to the digital clock.

A) in / to

A) exists / has left

B) of / for D) from / over

B) existed / is leaving

C) with / in

E) through / of

C) had existed / was leaving D) was existing / had left E) has existed / leaving

17. She looked ---- the sea ---- the lighthouse and tried to remember all the details.

14. In southern California, half the region’s water needs ---- by rainfall, but most of its rain ---straight into the sea. A) are being met / would be channelled

A) across / towards

B) over / across

C) at / with

D) through / at

B) could be met / is channelled

E) to / near

C) could have been met / will be channelled D) had been met / is being channelled E) were being met / will have been channelled

15. Little is known of early Finnish history, but it ---that the ancestors of the modern Finns ---- in Finland about 9,000 years ago.

18. Emily Dickinson, ---- is a famous New England poet of the nineteenth century, published only seven poems in her lifetime.

A) is thought / arrived

A) whose

B) was thought / would arrive

B) whom D) about whom

C) which E) who

C) has been thought / were arriving D) had been thought / had been arriving E) would be thought / would have arrived

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19. Temperature is difficult to define precisely, ---- we all have an idea of what we mean by it. A) whether

B) in case

D) but

C) just as

E) so far as

Japan has a large number of great artists. Of all the artists of Japan, the one Westerners probably like and (23) ---- best is Hokusai. He was a (24) ----, unpredictable man who lived in as many as a hundred different houses and changed his name (25) ---- 30 times. Hokusai never painted in one period or style (26) ---- very long at a time; he never seemed to stop (27) ---- after something new.


20. New York is ---- important in the Spider-Man film ---- any actor is. A) an / than

B) so / as

D) more / which

23. – 27. sorularda, aşağõdaki parçada numaralanmõş yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

A) disturb

C) as / as

B) discover D) suspect

C) allow

E) understand

E) the / that

24. A) determined

B) restless

D) consistent

21. They are worried that if the decline in the number of the Siberian tigers continues at this high rate, ---- of the species will be left in a few years. A) many

B) none D) any

C) reliable

E) sensible

25. A) greatest

C) most

B) the least

D) mostly

C) at best

E) at least

E) least

26. A) through

B) at D) with

22. The price of space travel is still ---- high for most people, but there are some ---- cheaper alternatives. A) too / much

B) so / more

D) as / even

C) for E) over


C) more / such

E) most / many

A) to have been chased

B) chasing

C) having chased

D) to chase E) being chased

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33. – 42. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

28. – 32. sorularda, aşağõdaki parçada numaralanmõş yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. The etymology of the word “chocolate” may remain (28) ---- and open to debate even today; but there can be no real doubt that the ancient Aztec civilization lies at the origin of chocolate. The god Quetzalcoatl, gardener of paradise, was respected (29) ---- guardian of the cacao tree, purveyor of both strength and wealth. The seeds, or beans, were used as a form of currency, valid (30) ---- for the purchase of everyday items and for the payment of tribute money to the king. It was the spectacle of monkeys sucking the refreshing juices around the beans that first (31) ---- men the idea of tasting them. From there, it was a short step to consuming the beans (32) ----.

33. As the manager won’t admit to being at fault himself, ----. A) he had been obliged to confess too B) the trial period wouldn’t have ended so suddenly C) others received the blame for it D) we would all have been equally to blame E) he’s trying to put the blame on his assistants

28. A) regular

B) indifferent D) uncertain

C) faithful

E) suitable

29. A) just

B) even D) for

C) like E) as

30. A) not only

B) either

D) as if

34. Although Italy was politically troubled for centuries, ----.

C) both E) more

A) the political and commercial rivalries between Genoa and Venice were intense B) it is a long peninsula shaped like a boot C) it was the cultural centre of Europe from the 13th to the 16th century

31. A) having given

B) gave

C) had given

D) to have given

D) the Romans had overthrown the Etruscans in the 3rd century B.C. E) Milan, Naples and Sardinia had been lost to Austria in the early 18th century

E) has given

32. A) themselves

B) as theirs

C) itself

D) by them E) for them

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37. Because the public theatres in Renaissance England attracted large audiences from all levels of society, ----.

35. ----, where the cars are fast and highways crowded. A) The physics of traffic is rapidly gaining importance in Germany

A) Thomas Campion was one of the most popular songwriters of the period

B) There were actually relatively fewer car accidents during the summer months

B) other places of entertainment had also been built along the river Thames

C) Those roads weren’t in need of repair D) It’s possible to drive from London to Edinburgh in six hours E) A minimum speed limit was finally agreed on

C) pickpockets and other criminals were drawn there D) in fact native English drama had existed at least since medieval times E) William Shakespeare played a very important part in the development of English drama

38. Maintaining the environment isn’t simply protecting animals ----.

36. ---- that are big enough and strong enough to kill dogs and sometimes even people.

A) unless they had almost become extinct

A) These young lions had to learn how to kill their prey

B) that are rare and exotic

B) Size is not necessarily a sign of strength

C) which could have been done better by a zoo

C) The bigger the animals are

D) since many of them are indeed dangerous

D) Snakes can kill by poisoning

E) whether man is the planet’s most dangerous enemy

E) In New Guinea there are birds

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39. A job interview is a chance for you to find out ----. A) since first impressions are of great importance

41. ----, she returned to Ireland to work in a hospital near Dublin. A) If there had been another war

B) as if you really were the one they were looking for

B) Soon after the war began C) Unless she can find suitable work in London

C) if you are going to prepare some relevant questions

D) As soon as she hears from you

D) whether you and the job are right for each other

E) Whenever she wrote to me about her problems

E) so long as you are able to relax

42. During the American Revolution, there was relatively little fighting actually in North Carolina, ----.

40. Holes in the sides of their new World Cup shirts create drafts ----.

A) but many North Carolinians were fighting elsewhere

A) when temperatures rose sharply in July B) if only they could get rid of excess moisture

B) while the region was established as a colony

C) while it has been designed for hot, wet climates

C) since it is the nation’s largest textile and furniture producer

D) whether the fit needs to be considered E) which help to keep the players cool

D) so long as it was one of the most densely populated regions of the country E) as the first settlements were established in the region in 1653

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45. It’s not really necessary; but I’m sure they would be pleased if we did.

43. – 46. sorularda, verilen cümlenin hangi sorunun cevabõ olduğunu bulunuz.

A) Must we ask June and Peter to come too? 43. I’m not sure; Sheila’s probably.

B) Are you going to get a present for John?

A) Were there any landscapes at the exhibition?

C) Why are you making so many sandwiches?

B) Who did you go to the exhibition with? C) Where were the paintings exhibited?

D) Can we walk there, or will we have to take a bus?

D) Whose paintings attracted most attention at the exhibition?

E) Did you tell Pat how much we wanted her to come?

E) Did the portraits cover the 20th century only?

46. I didn’t know myself until two or three days ago.

44. It depends; on average, perhaps, a couple of times a month.

A) Have you ever thought of going on a skiing holiday instead of going to the seaside?

A) Who is going to organize the next class picnic?

B) Which of the cruises are you going to join?

B) Will the manager be calling another meeting this month? C) How often does your sister come to visit you?

C) Why didn’t you let me know earlier that you were going to be in Edinburgh in September?

D) Why are they so late with the examinations this year?

D) Who arranged all the details of the holiday for you and booked you in at this hotel?

E) When can we go to the cinema again?

E) Couldn’t you have got someone else to run the office for a week?

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49. The development of computers has been amazingly rapid, and the future could be different from today’s forecasts.

47. – 50. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca en yakõn Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.

A) Bilgisayarlarda gelişimin şaşõrtõcõ derecede hõzlõ olmasõ, geleceğin öngörülenden farklõ olabileceğini gösteriyor.

47. We value all the arts because they enrich and diversify our emotional life. A) Duygu yaşamõmõzõn zengin olmasõnõ ve çeşitlilik kazanmasõnõ sağlayan tüm sanatlar bizim için değerlidir.

B) Bilgisayarlar şaşõrtõcõ derecede hõzlõ bir gelişim gösterdiği için gelecek bugünden farklõ olabilir.

B) Tüm sanatlara değer vererek duygu yaşamõmõzõn zengin ve çeşitli olmasõnõ sağlarõz.

C) Bilgisayarlarõn gelişimi şaşõrtõcõ derecede hõzlõ olmuştur ve gelecek, bugünün tahminlerinden farklõ olabilir.

C) Duygu yaşamõmõzõn zenginleşmesi ve farklõ olmasõ için tüm sanatlara değer veririz.

D) Şaşõrtõcõ derecede hõzlõ bir gelişim gösteren bilgisayarlar ile gelecek, bugünden farklõ olabilir.

D) Tüm sanatlara değer veririz çünkü duygu yaşamõmõzõ zenginleştirir ve çeşitlendirirler.

E) Bilgisayarlar şaşõrtõcõ derecede hõzlõ bir gelişim göstermiştir, fakat gelecek, bugün düşünülenlerden farklõ olabilir.

E) Bizim için değerli olan tüm sanatlar, duygu yaşamõmõzõ zenginleştirir ve çeşitlendirir.

48. Cutting down trees to build houses not only damages the environment, but also threatens human health.

50. So far, various theories have been put forward to explain the origin of Saturn’s rings. A) Satürn’ün halkalarõ farklõ zamanlarda öne sürülen değişik kuramlara temel oluşturmuştur.

A) Ev yapmak amacõyla ağaçlarõn kesilmesi çevreye zarar vermekle kalmaz, insan sağlõğõnõ da tehdit eder.

B) Satürn’ün halkalarõnõn oluşumunu açõklamak için sürekli olarak yeni kuramlar ortaya atõlmaktadõr.

B) Ev yaparken bazõ ağaçlarõn kesilmesi çevreye zarar verir, aynõ zamanda insan sağlõğõnõ tehdit eder.

C) Bugüne kadar ortaya atõlan çeşitli kuramlar, Satürn’ün halkalarõnõn kökenini açõklamaktadõr.

C) Ev yapmak amacõyla ağaçlarõn kesilmesi insan sağlõğõnõ tehdit etmese de çevreye zarar verir.

D) Satürn’ün halkalarõnõn oluşumu, sürekli olarak çeşitli kuramlarla açõklanmaya çalõşõlmaktadõr.

D) Ağaçlarõn ev yapmak için kesilmesi hem çevreyi hem de insan sağlõğõnõ kötü etkiler.

E) Satürn’ün halkalarõnõn kökenini açõklamak için bugüne kadar çeşitli kuramlar öne sürülmüştür.

E) Çevreye zarar veren ve insan sağlõğõnõ tehdit eden nedenlerden biri ağaçlarõn ev yapmak için kesilmesidir.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


53. Ankara’da M.Ö. 1200 öncesine uzanan Hitit kalõntõlarõ bulunmuş olmasõna karşõn, aslõnda kent, Frigler tarafõndan kurulmuştur.

51. – 54. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakõn İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.

A) Ankara was really discovered by the Phrygians and Hittite remains dating back to 1200 B.C. have been found there.

51. Japonya’da, gelecek otuz yõlda nüfus azalõrken daha fazla robota gereksinim duyulacaktõr. A) More robots are going to be needed in Japan as the population decreases over the next thirty years.

B) Although Hittite remains dating back to before 1200 B.C. have been found in Ankara, the town was really founded by the Phrygians.

B) As the population of Japan is expected to decrease over the next thirty years robots will become even more necessary.

C) It was the Phrygians who actually founded Ankara, but Hittite remains dating back to 1200 B.C. have been found close to the town.

C) The decrease in the population of Japan over these thirty years has added to the importance of robots there. D) Since the population of Japan is likely to decrease over the coming thirty years the need for robots will increase.

D) There are Hittite remains in Ankara which seem to date back to 1200 B.C. but it was the Phrygians who actually founded the town. E) Ankara was founded by the Phrygians but prior to that around 1200 B.C. the Hittites had already been there.

E) The population of Japan may decrease over the next thirty years and so the need for robots will increase even more.

54. On yedinci yüzyõlõn sonunda, Osmanlõ İmparatorluğu hâlâ büyük ve güçlüydü, ancak ekonomik ve bilimsel ilerleme bakõmõndan hõzla Batõ’nõn gerisinde kalmaktaydõ.

52. Çocuklar her bir ebeveynden genlerinin % 50’sini aldõklarõ için aile bireyleri arasõndaki benzerlikler şaşõrtõcõ değildir.

A) In the Ottoman Empire, economic and scientific progress failed to keep up with that of the West during the seventeenth century, but the size and the power of the Empire remained unchanged.

A) Family likenesses are inevitable as children get 50% of their genes from each parent. B) Similarities between family members are to be expected since children get 50% of their genes from each parent. C) Because children inherit 50% of their genes from each parent, similarities between family members are not surprising. D) Family likenesses are the result of the genes children inherit, and 50% of them apparently come from each parent.

B) By the end of the seventeenth century, the Ottoman Empire was clearly dropping behind the West in terms of economic and scientific progress but not in terms of size and power. C) The Ottoman Empire continued to be huge and powerful to the very end of the seventeenth century, but economic and scientific progress was slow in comparison with the West. D) At the end of the seventeenth century, the Ottoman Empire was still vast and powerful, but was rapidly dropping behind the West in terms of economic and scientific progress.

E) Such similarities among family members should not surprise us since children get 50% of their genes from each parent.

E) The size and the strength of the Ottoman Empire changed little during the seventeenth century but it dropped rapidly behind the West in economic and scientific matters.

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56. The author points out in the passage that the chemicals we use to grow food ----.

55. – 57. sorularõ aşağõdaki parçaya göre cevaplayõnõz.

A) do not as a general rule pollute either the water or the air

Producing food costs the earth dearly. First of all, to grow food, we clear land which always incurs losses of native ecosystems and wildlife. Then we plant crops or graze animals on the land. The soil loses nutrients as each crop is taken from it, so fertilizer is applied. Some fertilizer runs off, polluting the waterways. Some plowed soil runs off, which clouds the waterways and interferes with the growth of aquatic plants and animals. To protect crops against weeds and pests, we apply herbicides and pesticides. These chemicals also pollute the water and, wherever the wind carries them, the air. Most herbicides and pesticides kill not only weeds and pests, but also native insects, and animals that eat those plants and insects.

B) ultimately cause serious soil loss C) are the same type of chemicals as herbicides and pesticides D) also support the wildlife in the region E) are both beneficial and harmful

57. It is pointed out in the passage that fertilizers are used ----.

55. The main point made in the passage is that ----. A) we damage land in various ways in our efforts to grow crops for food

A) only when the crops are overgrown by weeds B) since they help to restore ecosystems

B) it is possible to grow plenty of food without using any fertilizers

C) because they have almost no ill effect upon the environment

C) the pollution caused by herbicides and pesticides can easily be overcome

D) to replace the nutrients that crops have taken out of the soil

D) aquatic plants and animals are the ones that suffer most from the use of chemicals

E) to protect crops from pests

E) ecosystems worldwide are being seriously threatened with extinction

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59. It is pointed out in the passage that, during the Renaissance, more and more people ----.

58. – 60. sorularõ aşağõdaki parçaya göre cevaplayõnõz. The invention of the printing press during the Renaissance, together with improved methods of manufacturing paper, made possible the rapid spread of knowledge. In 1476, William Caxton set up England’s first printing press at Westminster, a part of London. By 1640, that press and others had printed more than 26,000 different works and editions. With the printing press and the increased availability of books, literacy increased. It is estimated that by 1530 more than half the population of England was literate.

58. We understand from the passage that paper production methods ----.

A) began to settle in London, particularly in the neighbourhood of Westminster B) were setting up printing presses C) began to collect the early editions of the books printed by Caxton D) realized the need to improve methods of paper production E) began to read and write as more books were printed and easy to obtain

60. It is clear from the passage that from the time of Caxton to the mid-17th century ----.

A) had, prior to the introduction of the printing press, been relatively poor

A) there was no progress whatsoever in the techniques of printing

B) had, for many years, been a serious concern for Caxton

B) most books were only popular for a few months

C) improved rapidly around the year 1640

C) a remarkable variety of books became available in England

D) contributed to the reduction in the printing costs of books

D) England’s population nearly doubled

E) in Renaissance England were far ahead of those in other countries

E) the number of literate people remained the same

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62. In the passage the writer ----.

61. – 63. sorularõ aşağõdaki parçaya göre cevaplayõnõz.

A) points out that everyday life presents many challenges that even the very fit cannot cope with

Narrowly defined, fitness refers to the characteristics that enable the body to perform physical activity. These characteristics include flexibility of the joints, strength and endurance of the muscles, including the heart muscle, and a healthy body composition. A broader definition of fitness is the ability to meet routine physical demands with enough reserve energy to rise to a sudden challenge. This definition shows how fitness relates to everyday life. Ordinary tasks such as carrying heavy suitcases, opening a stuck window, or climbing four flights of stairs, which might strain an unfit person, are easy for a fit person. Still another definition is the body’s ability to withstand stress, meaning both physical and psychological stresses. These definitions do not contradict each other; all three describe the same wonderful condition of the body.

B) attaches more importance to physical flexibility than to physical endurance C) gives three definitions of fitness that do not conflict with each other D) suggests that people routinely perform various tasks to maintain their fitness E) claims that physical fitness can easily be maintained

61. According to the passage, for people who are not fit, ----.

63. The idea of fitness put forward in the passage ----. A) seems rather outdated and controversial B) is complicated and contradictory

A) psychological depression is more or less inevitable

C) seems to ignore the ability to withstand stress

B) the carrying out of various apparently ordinary tasks can be rather difficult

D) relates more to the sports enthusiasts than to ordinary people

C) the first thing to consider is a better diet

E) includes not only physical fitness, but also the psychological one

D) recommendations on how to achieve fitness invariably have no appeal E) exercise is tiring and should be avoided

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65. The cave which the narrator describes in the passage ----.

64. – 66. sorularõ aşağõdaki parçaya göre cevaplayõnõz.

A) had not yet become a tourist attraction I will never forget my first visit to Lascaux. It was a terribly hot July day in 1949, and I was 11 years old. My parents had decided to show me this prehistoric painted cave that had been discovered nine years earlier, and about which there was still so much talk. A newly built road let to the cave near Montignac in southwest France, and there we found a country fair atmosphere. There were buses, hundreds of visitors and people selling ice cream and postcards. There were long lines to buy tickets, long lines to enter the cave. I recall the smell of the pine trees and how many visitors suffered from the heat. After a long wait my parents and I passed through a monumental bronze door and into the semidarkness. We went down the stairs into the large chamber called the Hall of the Bulls, which was 17 meters long, 7 meters wide and 6 meters high. The guide’s flashlight lit the walls. Suddenly all around was a great parade of animals: the big bulls, the black horses, and red and black deer.

64. One point made by the narrator in this passage is that ----. A) despite its fame the cave itself was rather disappointing

B) was largely visited by local people C) presents a vivid picture of what life was like in prehistoric times D) had been open to the public for several decades E) contained a great many wall paintings dating back to very ancient times

66. It is understood from the passage that the visit to the cave ----. A) was originally the narrator’s own idea B) was arranged for the narrator by his parents

B) he was well-informed about the cave before he visited it

C) was not very enjoyable for the narrator as he felt frightened when he was in the cave

C) the cave was in a remote part of France, and difficult to get to

D) turned out to be a great disappointment

D) a lot of time passed before the narrator and his parents could get into the cave

E) took place on a delightfully fresh warm summer’s day

E) one could explore the cave easily on one’s own

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68. We understand from the passage that the job advertisements in the newspapers ----.

67. – 69. sorularõ aşağõdaki parçaya göre cevaplayõnõz.

A) interested the women far more than the men At the doors of the City Library waited a dozen men and half as many women; the lucky ones, by squeezing very close, partly sheltered themselves from the cold rain; not a word of conversation passed among them, and time passed very slowly. Then the clock struck, and the doors opened. There was a great rush down the stairs to the newspaper room, and the first sight of this or that morning paper. All the women, but only a few of the men, were genuinely eager to search columns of advertisements, on the chance of finding employment; the rest came for horse-racing news, or a murder trial, or some such matter of popular interest. In a very short time each of the favourite journals had its little crowd, waiting with impatience behind the two or three persons who managed to read simultaneously. The only sound was that of rustling papers.

B) were the main attraction for men and women alike C) attracted fewer readers than did the horse-racing columns D) soon became the topic of friendly conversations among the readers E) invariably failed to meet the expectations of the readers

69. It is clear from the passage that people came to the library early in the morning in order to ----.

67. This passage describes a scene at a public library early one morning, and ----.

A) read a newspaper before going to work

A) argues for the need to open more public libraries

B) find out primarily, about the horse-racing results

B) stresses the problems of public libraries and how to overcome them

C) get a warm place in which to shelter

C) is full of details about the people there

D) meet their friends and do a bit of reading

D) could be part of a political speech on the lives of working people

E) get information about things that interested them

E) all the people described have the same interests

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71. It is clear from the passage that, in the Victorian age, leading writers ----.

70. – 72. sorularõ aşağõdaki parçaya göre cevaplayõnõz. The tension between financial growth and social th instability in 19 -century Victorian England influenced its literature. Prosperity brought a great number of new readers, with money to spend on books and periodicals. In this period, when few people went to the theatre or concerts, literature functioned as a primary source of entertainment. Writers had available an audience eager to read and willing to pay. In addition, writers were respected more than at any time in English literary history. The masses knew and loved the works of the most famous, while the wealthy sought their friendship. Major Victorian writers had the attention of political and social leaders, and when they spoke, they were listened to.

A) mainly concerned themselves with the problems of the masses B) were much respected by politicians and could influence them C) often made a career for themselves in politics as they grew older D) aimed to entertain rather than to instruct and guide E) were eager to make theatre-going more popular

72. We understand from the passage that Victorian literature ----.

70. It is pointed out in the passage that, in Victorian England, ----.

A) was affected by the economic and social issues of the age

A) it was the masses, rather than the wealthy, who were hit hard by the economic decline

B) was primarily written about and for the wealthy

B) theatres were popular places of entertainment and attracted large audiences

C) deliberately avoided political and social issues

C) politicians virtually ignored the opinions expressed by the writers of the period

D) is not generally regarded as a significant part of English literary history

D) reading was a popular pastime for everyone

E) has never been of much interest to the masses

E) there was a remarkable degree of social harmony between the classes

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74. We understand from the passage that the kind of films that please John Lasseter most ----.

73. – 75. sorularõ aşağõdaki parçaya göre cevaplayõnõz.

A) are the ones that are the result of the joint efforts of many people working under pressure

When Toy Story I was released in 1995, it became an international sensation. It was the first feature film to be entirely constructed from computer animation and its considerable technical achievements were the result of four years of hard work by a large team of computer animators. The results have been greatly appreciated. The question now is: will Toy Story II continue to impress? Judging by the enthusiastic reception at a recent press screening from an audience made up largely of adults, the answer is a definite “yes”. “The movies that I’m most affected by are the ones that make me laugh hysterically but also have an effect on my emotions”, says the film’s director John Lasseter. Toy Story II does just that.

B) are the ones with a large proportion of computer animation C) are the ones that are both extremely funny and also appeal to the feelings D) deal with sad events that leave people feeling upset E) are films about children and for children

73. We learn from the passage that Toy Story I ----. A) was so amusing that many people wanted to see it again and again B) appealed more to adults than it did to children

75. It is clear from the passage that the making of Toy Story I ----. A) brought great fame to director John Lasseter, though he didn’t actually deserve it B) involved a great many people and called for a lot of effort and collaboration

C) received poor reviews from the press when it was first screened for journalists

C) was a costly production, and this upset the director

D) has been surpassed by Toy Story II in every respect

D) included both computer animation and live acting

E) was greatly admired throughout the world when it first came out

E) was so tiring that Lasseter was reluctant to start work on Toy Story II

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78. Mary felt quite certain that her sister would stand by her, but in the end she didn’t.

76. – 80. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakõn olan cümleyi bulunuz.

A) Mary had hoped that her sister would come to her aid, but she never did.

76. One of them must be lying, and I suspect it’s Emma. A) It’s probably Emma who is lying, it can’t be one of the others.

B) Mary was confident that she would have her sister’s support, but as it turned out she let her down.

B) Emma is the one who is lying; it’s clearly not one of the others.

C) Mary didn’t expect her own sister to let her down like that.

C) Clearly it’s Emma who is lying and the others are not.

D) It was unrealistic of Mary to rely on getting help from her sister.

D) If anyone is lying, it’s got to be Emma.

E) It came as a horrible shock to Mary when her own sister turned against her like that.

E) I have a feeling that it’s Emma who is lying; one of them certainly is.

79. Our system is that the losing side pays for the hire of the basketball court.

77. It’s the best film I’ve seen in ages. A) It’s not often one has the chance to see such an excellent film.

A) If our side loses, then we will have to pay for the hire of the basketball court.

B) It’s quite the best film I have ever seen.

B) I don’t see why the losers should have to pay for the hire of the basketball court.

C) That was a terrific film, quite unlike anything I have ever seen. D) It’s a long time since I saw such a wonderful film.

C) The way we do it is, whichever side loses, that side pays for the hire of the basketball court. D) With us it’s the winners, not the losers who have to pay for the hire of the basketball court.

E) It’s an excellent film; I saw it years ago.

E) The losers obviously expect the winning side to pay for the hire of the basketball court.

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80. If only you’d told me you were planning to spend the summer in Alanya, I would have joined you there. A) I’m planning to come to Alanya in the summer as I hear you’ll be there then.

82. Most successful short stories are characterized by compression. The writer’s aim is to say as much as possible as briefly as possible. ----. It means only that nothing is wasted and that all the words and details are chosen for maximum effectiveness.

B) You should have let me know that you’d be in Alanya during the summer and I’d have come too.

A) Background and time are both chosen carefully

C) I will be spending all the summer in Alanya, and hope you’ll be able to join me there.

C) In other words, much emphasis must be put on the portrayal of the main character

D) Let me know if you can manage to get to Alanya next summer so that I can arrange to join you there.

D) Some writers make even more use of symbolism

B) Such details will obviously be omitted

E) This does not mean that in order to be good a story has to be short

E) Be sure to let me know what your plans are for the summer, as I’m hoping we can meet up in Alanya.

81. – 85. sorularda, boş bõrakõlan yere, parçanõn anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz. 81. Poetry is one of the oldest forms of literature. ----. They used rhythm and rhyme to help them remember the stories better. Ballads are a good example of this, for they are stories in poetic form that were sung. A) Before literature was written down, people told stories

83. A biography is an account of a person’s life. It will often concentrate on that person’s achievements and on the difficulties that had to be overcome before success was possible. ----. But at the same time he must keep to the known facts about the person. A) The background is sometimes equally important B) Most biographies are about people who have done something significant C) In an autobiography, the author is writing about himself

B) Each word and phrase in this poem is chosen with great care

D) The biographer must create living, believable characters

C) In poems, language is used in unusual and creative ways

E) For instance, many people have written biographies of Queen Victoria

D) Prose is the language used in everyday life E) Even so, there are certain basic similarities between present-day poetry and that of the past

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84. The word “panic”, meaning fear, comes from the name of the Greek god Pan, a noisy musician who was thought to play his pipes day and night in the woods. Long ago people thought Pan made the sounds that frightened travellers in the wilderness at night. ----. A) The word “panic” soon came to describe their fear

86. – 90. sorularda, verilen durumda söylenmiş olabilecek sözü bulunuz. 86. A classmate, Barry, has fallen off his bicycle and injured himself but not too seriously. You get hold of another classmate and suggest you go together and visit him to cheer him up: A) Barry’s feeling rather miserable after the bicycle accident and wants us to visit him, shall we?

B) Sometimes an author does not state directly everything that is happening

B) Have you been to visit Barry yet? You do know, don’t you, that he’s fallen off his bike?

C) One way to find the meaning of unfamiliar words is to use the context

C) Did you know that poor Barry has hurt himself falling off a bike? Let’s go and amuse him a bit.

D) A synonym is a word that has almost the same meaning as another word

D) My mother thinks we ought to visit Barry as he’s hurt himself a bit. What do you say?

E) When we look up an unfamiliar word in a dictionary, we may find more than one definition

E) Do we really have to go and visit this Barry? He’s not badly hurt.

85. Most of our misconceptions of art arise from a lack of consistency in the use of the words “art” and “beauty”. ----. This identification of art and beauty is at the bottom of all our difficulties in the appreciation of art. For art is not necessarily beauty. Whether we look at the problem historically or sociologically, we find that art has often been a thing of no beauty.

87. A friend of yours has a spare ticket for a special pop concert, and has asked if you’d like to join him and some others at the concert. Obviously you are delighted and accept straight away, saying: A) It’s a marvellous chance for me to get to this pop concert! Of course, I’d love to come with you.

A) There are certain characteristics common to all the arts

B) I’ve always been fond of pop concerts, haven’t you?

B) We always assume that art and beauty go together and that ugliness is the opposite of art

C) Do you know who is organizing these pop concerts? It must be hard work.

C) Such a theory of art is as inclusive as any theory of art needs to be

D) Why is it you’re so interested in this concert? Because of your friends?

D) For the ancient Greeks, art was an idealization of nature, and especially of man

E) I’ll have to think about it. What’s the date of it? I’ve rather a lot on at the moment.

E) In this sense it is true to say that art is expression – nothing more, and nothing less

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90. Your mother finds you looking through several travel magazines. She knows you’re longing to go to some exotic place for a holiday and wishes you could. So, as a way of sharing your feelings, she leans over your shoulder and says quietly:

88. Your brother is supposed to be taking part in a cross-country running competition. He feels he has no chance of winning and so is wondering about withdrawing from the race. To encourage him to run the race, you say: A) This cross-country competition is putting too much stress on you. Forget it!

A) I wish you were a bit more adventurous. When I was your age, we used to go camping!

B) What’s the matter with you? If you don’t want to run, don’t.

B) All these holiday resorts in faraway countries are quite beyond anything we can afford.

C) It’s not like you to keep changing your mind. Come on, make a definite decision and keep to it.

C) You are wasting your time with these magazines. It’s time you grew up and became realistic.

D) By the way, I hear John’s not running. What have you decided to do?

D) If we really had plenty of money, where would you go for your dream holiday?

E) Come on! It’s not the end of the world if you don’t win. And you’ve a good chance of winning.

E) I don’t think these places are nearly as exotic as the magazines suggest.

91. – 95. sorularda, karşõlõklõ konuşmanõn boş bõrakõlan kõsmõnõ tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz. 91. Molly : - What are you doing on Saturday? 89. You are doing some research for a geography homework on Norway’s fjords. So you go to the library and ask the librarian there for assistance:

Agnes : - ----

A) I’ve found two books on Norway’s fjords, but they are very out-of-date.

Molly : - Do you need any help?

B) There is not a single book on Norway’s fjords in this library!

Agnes : - I certainly do! You can use a sewing machine, can’t you?

C) Can you help me to find some material on the coastline of Norway?

A) I’ve still not finished the costumes for the end-ofterm play. So I’ll be busy with them.

D) I’m rather disappointed to find you have so little material on Norway and its fjords.

B) I promised to help mother in the garden. There really is a lot to do there.

E) If you’d given me a little assistance when I came in, I would easily have found these books on the fjords of Norway.

C) My little brother is having a birthday party and I’m on duty; organizing the games I suppose. D) Nothing at all. I’ve been terribly busy all week and I’m determined to do nothing at all on Saturday. E) Nothing much. Have you any suggestions?

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94. Jenny : - How’s your brother getting on? He’s at Leeds University, isn’t he?

92. John : - You’re looking worried. What’s the matter? Martin : - ----

Roger : - That’s right. He’s studying medicine there.

John : - Then don’t listen to them. Keep it simple and include only what you think is necessary.

Jenny : - ---Roger : - No. He’s in his final year. He’ll soon be a fully qualified doctor.

Martin : - Yes; I’m sure that will be best. A) I wish I hadn’t agreed to play table tennis with them this evening.

A) The first two years are the hardest. B) What year is he in? Third?

B) I really want to apologize for breaking that window, but don’t know what to say.

C) When does he expect to finish?

C) They keep trying to persuade me to go on that bicycle trip with them, but I don’t want to.

D) He always wanted to be a doctor, didn’t he?

D) It’s that letter of application. Everyone is trying to advise me; and they are all saying different things!

E) Leeds has a good medical school.

E) I know I didn’t do at all well at that interview, so I won’t be offered the job. What can I do to improve myself?

95. Pat : - If there’s a good film on the TV tonight, let’s watch it.

93. Ken : - I plan to spend two to three months in France when I finish school, and get fluent in French.

Nancy : - There’s Trial by Jury but we’ve both seen that.

Paul : - ----

Pat : - ----

Ken : - Not necessarily. And, besides, I’m earning quite a bit of money now with a part-time job as a waiter. Paul : - Good for you! You really are very enterprising.

Nancy : - That’s true. So sit down; it’s about to start. A) Then how about going to the cinema down the road? B) I can’t remember much about it, can you?

A) I’d come with you if only I had the money.

C) Yes; and I certainly don’t want to see it again!

B) I’d like to go to Germany for the same reason.

D) Well, I can’t remember anything about it.

C) That’s a good idea. But won’t it be expensive?

E) Yes; but it was a terrific film, and well-worth seeing again.

D) Lucky you! Where’s the money coming from? E) Will you be in Paris most of the time?

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99. (I) Cameroon has begun to make one of its deadly lakes safe at last. (II) With the increase in oil, timber and coffee exports, Cameroon’s economy has improved remarkably over recent years. (III) Engineers have started installing pipes to remove carbon dioxide building up in the depths of Lake Monoun, which could erupt at any time and suffocate people nearby. (IV) The pipes will begin pumping out the gas by the end of the year. (V) This should make Lake Monoun safe within a year and a half.

96. – 100. sorularda, cümleler sõrasõyla okunduğunda parçanõn anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz. 96. (I) Modern Trabzon is built on a mountainside. (II) It is a bright, busy town with cafés and bookshops and restaurants. (III) Most visitors, however, go there in order to see the dramatic Byzantine monastery at Sumela. (IV) Trabzon is the largest port along Eastern Turkey’s Black Sea coast. (V) This has been carved out of a steep rock cliff and is well-worth a visit. A) I




A) I








E) V

100. (I) Jean Piaget is the psychologist whose work has had the greatest influence on the study of child development. (II) Among the first to accept Piaget’s theories were educators, who began to develop school curricula based on his ideas. (III) During the 1940s and 1950s American child psychology turned toward environmental and conditioning methods. (IV) He’s different from any other psychologist in that his theoretical views are still widely accepted in some form by many of today’s developmental psychologists. (V) Further Piaget’s many books on child psychology remain the greatest contribution to the field by a single scholar.

E) V

A) I

98. (I) Contemporary rock and pop music has come about due to vast advances in technology. (II) In this respect the impact of the microphone should not be underestimated. (III) Further, certain environmental forces may influence how they sing. (IV) It has enabled quiet, intimate sounds to be magnified. (V) In turn, this has allowed the singer to experiment with the emphasis on mood rather than strict adherence to proper breathing. A) I


E) V

97. (I) At this time the writer was living in a tiny flat in Edinburgh with her baby daughter. (II) The latest Harry Potter book has had an unexpected effect on young fans. (III) Some paediatricians have reported an outbreak of headaches among children reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. (IV) They attributed this problem to the 8-hour reading sessions the young enthusiasts put in as they worked their way through the 870-page volume. (V) Fortunately, the problem clears up of its own accord a day or two after the reader finishes the book. A) I





E) V


E) V

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1. D

26. C

51. A

76. E

2. E

27. B

52. C

77. D

3. A

28. D

53. B

78. B

4. D

29. E

54. D

79. C

5. B

30. C

55. A

80. B

6. C

31. B

56. E

81. A

7. E

32. A

57. D

82. E

8. B

33. E

58. A

83. D

9. A

34. C

59. E

84. A

10. B

35. A

60. C

85. B

11. C

36. E

61. B

86. C

12. D

37. C

62. C

87. A

13. E

38. B

63. E

88. E

14. B

39. D

64. D

89. C

15. A

40. E

65. E

90. D

16. B

41. B

66. B

91. A

17. A

42. A

67. C

92. D

18. E

43. D

68. A

93. C

19. D

44. C

69. E

94. B

20. C

45. A

70. D

95. E

21. B

46. C

71. B

96. D

22. A

47. D

72. A

97. A

23. E

48. A

73. E

98. C

24. B

49. C

74. C

99. B

25. E

50. E

75. B

100. C





1. Cevap kâğıdında, sınav yabancı dilinizi (İNGİLİZCE) işaretlemeyi unutmayınız. 2. Bu testten alacağınız standart puan, Yabancı Dil Ağırlıklı ÖSS Puanınızın hesaplanmasında 1,4 katsayısı ile çarpılacaktır. 3. Bu testte 100 soru vardır. 4. Cevaplamaya istediğiniz sorudan başlayabilirsiniz. 5. Sayfalar üzerindeki boş yerleri müsvedde için kullanabilirsiniz.

4. Queen Elizabeth I established a strong central government that received the ---- support of her people.

1. – 22. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

A) loyal 1. The new version of the Night Sky programme has various ---- that make it much more enjoyable than the first version. A) extracts

B) totals

D) needs

B) favourite D) sensitive

C) capable

E) fluent

C) additions E) disappointments

5. Stewart, a young and ---- talented British historian, has written a book on the impact of World War II on British politics.

2. It was the only school for miles around and so all the children in the ---- went to the same school. A) situation

B) property

C) department

D) neighbourhood

A) convincingly

B) remarkably

D) continually

C) directly

E) crucially

E) circumstance

6. Fire-fighting and the training methods employed are becoming ---- complex.

3. I was a ---- child and so I used to make up stories and hold conversations with imaginary people. A) painful

B) selfish D) charming

A) previously

C) consistent

B) plainly

D) courageously

E) lonely

C) partly E) extremely

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10. Virginia was a brilliant young woman who ---- in a literary atmosphere.

7. Films quite often focus on journalism, and from time to time they have critically examined and ---this profession. A) succeeded

B) deserved

D) influenced

A) took over

C) denied

D) grew up

B) reduce D) combine

C) held on

E) showed up

E) suspected

8. Marathon-training schedules range from four to six months and they all ---- considerable discipline. A) require

B) put up

11. The “Concorde” was a business failure and fewer aircraft of this type ---- than ----. A) are sold / would be expected

C) imply

B) were sold / had been expected

E) improve

C) would be sold / are expected D) had been sold / were expected E) were being sold / have been expected

12. Since everyone ---- different, it ---- a good idea to draw up a realistic career plan based on one’s own limits.

9. Every time we turn on our lights, cook a meal or heat our homes, we are ---- some form of fuel to make it happen. A) sending for

B) waiting on

A) can be / had been

C) relying on

D) making out

B) had been / would be C) was / must be

E) pulling through

D) will be / has been E) is / is

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13. The book ---- a surprisingly interesting account of the geography of Great Britain and there ---- a need for such a book for a long time now. A) would give / had been

B) had given / was

C) has given / is

D) gives / has been

16. Chaucer was successful as a poet because he could combine his great learning ---- an enthusiastic love ---- the everyday lives of ordinary people. A) at / to

B) to / from D) through / of

E) is giving / was

C) with / for

E) by / into

17. He is ---- many ways a typical teenager, sceptical ---- all authority.

14. If I ---- just how cold it was going to be, I ---- some warmer clothes with me.

A) on / to

A) realized / took

B) with / through D) in / of

B) had realized / would have taken

C) by / from

E) at / about

C) would realize / will take D) have realized / had taken E) used to realize / would take

18. Julius Caesar expected to rule for life, ---- he was assassinated by conspirators on 15 March in the year 44 B.C.

15. At that time, since her aunt ---- in the same neighbourhood she ---- her at least once a week. A) is living / would visit

A) although

B) has lived / has visited

D) if

B) because

C) as

E) but

C) lived / visits D) was living / used to visit E) lives / was visiting

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19. Jane is a wonderful person, but ---- I am with her I feel useless and pathetic. A) whenever

B) even so

D) however

C) so that

E) the sooner

Two years ago China joined the World Trade Organization and tariffs began to drop and the country began to grow richer. (23) ---- Beijing hosts the 2008 Olympic Games, the people of the world (24) ---- a city and a country that has been transformed. China is now (25) ---- the largest economies in the world and it is becoming a (26) ---trading partner (27) ---- the US.


20. “Hacking” is unauthorized access to a computer, ---- for fun or for harmful or fraudulent purposes. A) since

B) both D) whether

23. – 27. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

A) Until

C) more

B) When D) As if

C) Unless E) Once

E) such

24. A) would find

B) has found

D) is finding

21. Next generation space suits will be ---- less rigid ---- those now in use. A) too / with

B) neither / nor

C) as / as

D) so / to

C) will find

E) finds

25. A) one of

B) almost D) either

C) any of

E) even

E) much / than

26. A) particular

B) significant

C) narrow-minded

D) persuasive

E) self-conscious

22. I’ve promised to help my mother on Tuesday; can’t we visit Jane ---- day? A) each

B) any D) another


C) other

A) to

E) some

B) by D) from

C) of E) against

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33. – 42. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

28. – 32. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

33. If you move slowly and quietly, ----. The authors of Goodbye are two sisters and they are Korean Americans. The book tells the story of a young Korean girl who (28) ---- to say “goodbye” to the neighbourhood (29) ---- she has grown up. The family has decided to move to the US in search of (30) ---- life. But the girl feels (31) ---- to leave and has almost no desire to start a new life. It’s a perfect cross-cultural story for an (32) ---- globalized world.

A) some birds actually liked being admired B) it’s usually quite easy to observe wildlife C) it was very hard to get close to them D) other animals carried on as if nothing had happened E) it is not only the small ones that are easily frightened

28. A) would struggle

B) was struggling

C) had struggled

D) struggled

E) is struggling

29. A) that

B) in which D) from which

C) how

E) there

30. A) best

B) as good a D) a better

C) better 34. ---- not to change the time of the match at such short notice.

E) a best

A) Many of the problems were about B) Don’t tell the others 31.

C) He shouldn’t have worried A) peaceful

B) eager

D) liable

C) reluctant

D) I warned him

E) decisive

E) I was surprised by him

32. A) increasingly

B) indifferently

D) improbably

C) enduringly

E) unlikely

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37. ----, which suggests there may be life there.

35. ---- so he agreed to write the foreword for it. A) I shall do my best to persuade him

A) Researchers have almost given up hope

B) This won’t be one of my best books

B) There is no need to look any farther

C) He still hasn’t read the book

C) New discoveries are actually very rare

D) I wish you’d recommended the book to him

D) Water has been found on Mars

E) He thought the idea behind the book was brilliant

E) The scheme was still being developed

38. Mary phoned to give me the good news ----.

36. ---- that their primary function is to expose corruption.

A) however unlikely it would have been

A) Many of the people present questioned

B) which none of us are expecting

B) Quite a lot of journalists believe

C) just as I was leaving the house

C) Worrying won’t help D) The votes are still being counted

D) even if her sisters are going to be unreasonably jealous

E) I would certainly not be right

E) until the whole family knew every detail

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41. James Hutton, the “father of geology”, was an 18th century farmer, ----.

39. In the new musical, the songs are pleasant enough, ----. A) but it is the comic scenes which really capture the audience

A) since there were many who opposed him B) that many of his theories were published

B) unless the production is planned in advance far more efficiently

C) as the process of erosion seemed inevitable

C) as far as the setting was concerned

D) who was full of curiosity about the world

D) while the director focused on the story itself

E) until the criticism began to be unpleasant

E) although the audience was carried away by the quality of performance

42. The boat continued down the river ---- and she saw it no more.

40. It is more important to look at character than at beliefs or knowledge ----.

A) that there were trees on either side

A) whichever was felt to be the more important

B) until it passed round one of the many turnings

B) if they were the right people for the jobs

C) whether the sun shines or not

C) as if they could have given any help

D) as if only the birds are watching it

D) that they had to return both of them

E) while all the time leaves are falling

E) when people are being chosen for high office

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45. Even if we had, she wouldn’t have come.

43. – 46. sorularda, verilen cümlenin hangi sorunun cevabı olduğunu bulunuz.

A) Why don’t you get her to come with us to the exhibition?

43. I’ve no idea. Perhaps she never even received it.

B) Do you think they would have helped us if we’d asked them to?

A) Why hasn’t she answered my e-mail?

C) Didn’t she enjoy going with us to the internet café last week?

B) Why does she always complain so much? C) What does she do with her old books?

D) Should we have asked Jane to come with us to the concert?

D) Do you think she’ll give a party to celebrate winning the race?

E) Why doesn’t she ever go to a concert with us?

E) Has everyone received an invitation?

46. I don’t really know; but a lot more than half of them.

44. No I don’t; it doesn’t belong to anyone in my family.

A) Do the students there enjoy the courses?

A) Who can I borrow a bicycle from?

B) Were there many people at the match?

B) This scarf isn’t mine; is it yours by any chance?

C) How often do they have concerts there?

C) Don’t you need to phone your sister about her appointment with the dentist?

D) Did everyone seem to enjoy the concert?

D) Do you know why he was late? Did the car break down?

E) How many votes did he get?

E) There’s a car parked right in front of mine; do you know who owns it?

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49. No matter how much our level of technology develops, the human race will always be at the mercy of the forces of nature.

47. – 50. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.

A) İnsan ırkı, sürekli doğa güçlerinin insafına kaldığı için teknoloji düzeyini sürekli geliştirmeye çalışmaktadır.

47. The great Wall of China, which was designed specifically as a defence against nomadic tribes, was built mainly of earth and stone. A) Göçebe kabilelere karşı bir önlem olarak tasarlanan Çin Seddi, büyük bir bölümü toprak ve taştan inşa edilmiş bir savunma hattıdır.

B) Teknoloji düzeyimiz büyük ölçüde gelişse de, insan ırkı çoğu zaman doğa güçlerinin insafına kalacaktır.

B) Göçebe kabilelere karşı özellikle bir savunma olarak tasarlanmış olan Çin Seddi, esas olarak toprak ve taştan inşa edilmiştir.

C) Teknoloji düzeyimiz ne kadar gelişirse gelişsin, insan ırkı daima doğa güçlerinin insafına kalacaktır.

C) Tamamen toprak ve taştan inşa edilmiş olan Çin Seddi, göçebe kabilelere karşı bir savunma hattı olarak kullanılmıştır.

D) İnsan ırkı daima doğa güçlerinin insafına kalacağından, teknoloji düzeyimizin sürekli gelişmekte olması bir anlam taşımaz.

D) Öncelikle göçebe kabilelere karşı bir savunma hattı olarak tasarlanmış olan Çin Seddi’ni inşa edenler, çoğunlukla toprak ve taş kullanmışlardır.

E) Teknoloji düzeyimiz ne kadar gelişirse gelişsin, doğa güçleri insan ırkına hiçbir zaman insaf etmeyecektir.

E) Çin Seddi, öncelikle göçebe kabilelere karşı bir savunma olarak düşünülmüş ve çoğunlukla toprak ve taştan yapılmıştır.

48. Most of the old calendars were lunar calendars, based on the time interval from one new moon to the next.

50. When gold was discovered in California in 1848, the population of San Francisco, one of the major cities in the area, jumped to 10,000.

A) Eski takvimlerin bazılarının, bir yeni aydan bir sonrakine kadar olan zaman aralığına dayanan ay takvimleri olduğu bilinmektedir.

A) 1848’de Kaliforniya’da altın keşfedilince, bölgedeki önemli şehirlerden biri olan San Francisco’nun nüfusu 10.000’e fırladı.

B) Bir yeni ay ile bir sonraki arasındaki zaman aralığına göre düzenlenmiş ay takvimlerinin pek çoğu, oldukça eski takvimlerdir.

B) 1848’de Kaliforniya’da altının keşfedilmesi üzerine, bölgenin en önemli şehri olan San Francisco’nun nüfusu birden 10.000’e çıkmıştır.

C) Bir yeni ay ile bir sonraki arasında geçen zamana göre düzenlenmiş ay takvimleri, en eski takvimler arasında yer almaktadır. D) Eski takvimlerin pek çoğu, bir yeni aydan bir sonrakine kadarki zaman aralığına dayalı ay takvimleriydi. E) Ay takvimlerinin pek çoğu oldukça eski takvimlerdir ve bunlar, bir yeni aydan bir sonrakine kadar olan zaman aralığına göre düzenlenmiştir.

C) 1848’de bölgedeki önemli şehirlerden biri olan San Francisco’nun nüfusunun 10.000’e fırlamasının nedeni Kaliforniya’da altının keşfedilmesidir. D) Kaliforniya’da altının keşfedilmesi sonucu, bölgedeki önemli şehirlerden biri olan San Francisco’nun nüfusu 1848’de yaklaşık 10.000’e yükselmiştir. E) 1848’de Kaliforniya yakınlarında altının keşfedilmesi ile bölgenin en önemli şehri olan San Francisco’nun nüfusu birden 10.000’e fırlamıştır.

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53. Yaşamın yer üstünde değil, deniz tabanında başladığını ileri süren yeni bir kuram ortaya atılmıştır.

51. – 54. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.

A) According to a recent theory, life started at the bottom of the sea, not above ground.

51. Glenn H. Curtiss, uçağın icadını izleyen yıllarda, en başarılı Amerikan uçak yapımcılarından biri oldu.

B) A new theory has been put forward, suggesting that life started not above ground but at the bottom of the sea.

A) The aircraft Glenn H. Curtiss built, soon after the aeroplane had been invented, were among the best ones of the early years in America.

C) If the new theory is correct, life started at the bottom of the sea, not on dry land.

B) Once the aeroplane had been invented, the American who designed the best aircraft was Glenn H. Curtiss.

D) The theory that life started at the bottom of the sea, not on land, has only recently been put forward.

C) Glenn H. Curtiss was soon producing the best aircraft designs for America though he did not invent the aeroplane.

E) The theory that life began, not on land, but at the bottom of the sea, has only recently been questioned.

D) Glenn H. Curtiss became one of the most successful American aircraft builders in the years following the invention of the aeroplane. E) American-born Glenn H. Curtiss was to become the best designer of aeroplanes in the years immediately following their invention.

54. Bilim adamları insan vücudunun nasıl çalıştığına ilişkin daha fazla bilgi edinmek için çeşitli deniz yaratıklarından yararlanmaktadır.

52. Güney Amerika’nın neredeyse yarısını kaplayan Brezilya, dilini ve kültürünü Portekiz’den alan tek Latin Amerika ülkesidir.

A) According to some scientists, the study of sea creatures can lead to a better understanding of the human body.

A) Portugal and Brazil share the same language and culture, though Brazil is Latin American and half the size of South America. B) The only Latin American country to derive its language and culture from Portugal, is Brazil, the largest country in South America.

B) Several scientists are now making use of sea creatures to help them understand how the human body works. C) Scientists are making use of various sea creatures to learn more about how the human body works.

C) Brazil, like the other Latin American countries of South America, takes its language and culture from Portugal.

D) Scientists have now begun to study various sea creatures and are learning more about how the human body works.

D) Brazil, which covers nearly half of South America, and is a Latin American country, has the same language and culture as Portugal.

E) Through the study of various sea creatures scientists hope to get a better understanding of how the human body works.

E) Brazil, which covers nearly half of South America, is the only Latin American country that derives its language and culture from Portugal.

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56. As we understand from the passage, the success of Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay ----.

55. – 57. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Edmund Hillary and the porter, Tenzing Norgay, got the glory for conquering Everest, but it was John Hunt who made their success possible. John Hunt was an excellent manager and paid great attention to detail. For instance, he specified that each box of rations contained 29 tins of sardines. His strategy, which was soon to become standard in mountaineering, called for an army of climbers, especially porters who would methodically move up the mountain, carrying supplies to ever higher camps. Hunt gave the human element systematic attention as well. Everest demands an “unusual degree of selflessness and patience”, he later wrote. “Failure, whether moral or physical, by even one or two people would add immensely to its difficulties.” The desire to reach the top, he added, “must be both individual and collective.” That last point was important: the goal of this huge effort was to deliver just two climbers to the summit.

A) aroused a great deal of envy among the other team members B) gave rise to a lot of talk about how selfish they both were and how undeserving of the fame they achieved C) added to the fame that Hunt already enjoyed D) depended, to a very large extent, on the preparations planned and carried out by John Hunt E) turned mountaineering into a fashionable sport worldwide

57. As it is pointed out in the passage, in the opinion of John Hunt, ----.

55. It is clear from the passage that John Hunt ----. A) regarded the conquest of Everest as a team success

A) the use of porters would contribute very little to the success of the expedition

B) was a good mountaineer, but not a good organizer

B) the food for the climbers was only of minor importance

C) wanted to get to the top of Everest himself

C) climbing Everest requires not only physical strength but also certain moral qualities

D) was involved in several disputes with various team members

D) Hillary and Tenzing did not deserve the fame they had

E) was largely concerned with the training of the porters

E) in mountaineering, the height of a mountain is of little importance

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59. It is pointed out in the passage that medieval Chinese sailors ----.

58. – 60. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) came to America by mere chance Certain records have come to light recently, which suggest that it was the Chinese who discovered America. And they found it nearly three quarters of a century before Columbus did. It’s a sad fact of life, and of our rather poor historical education, that Europeans tend to have a Eurocentric view of history. Unfortunately, it’s not usually realized that China had an empire and a civilization that put medieval Europe to shame. Culturally, politically and even scientifically, China’s home-grown experiments and experiences could not be matched for a long time. In the meantime, the Chinese were enthusiastic travellers and explorers. Indeed, Chinese navigators were also far more advanced than any in the West.

58. It is clear from the passage that, in the Middle Ages, ----.

B) knew much less than Columbus about other lands C) were only interested in trading activities D) greatly admired the European explorers including Columbus E) were far more experienced and skilful than the European ones

60. We understand from the passage that the writer ----.

A) China was far ahead of Europe in several respects

A) seems fully convinced that America was first discovered by the Europeans

B) the European civilization was the best in the world

B) criticizes the Europeans for their narrow understanding of history

C) the Chinese empire was rapidly getting smaller

C) is not really interested in Chinese culture and achievements

D) scientific experiments were banned in both Europe and China

D) has no documentary evidence of any kind to support his ideas

E) history was a major part of European education

E) is very biased in favour of Europe

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62. It is clear that the writer of the passage ----.

61. – 63. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) knows a lot more about primitive story-telling than about modern fiction

The primitive story-teller, free from all considerations of form, simply told a tale. “Once upon a time”, he began, and proceeded to narrate the story to his listeners, describing the characters when necessary, telling what they thought and felt as well as what they did, and adding comments and ideas of his own. The modern fiction writer is artistically more selfconscious. He realizes that there are many ways of telling a story; he decides upon a method before he begins, and may even set up rules for himself. Instead of telling the story himself, he may let one of his characters tell it for him; he may tell it by means of letters or diaries; he may confine himself to recording the thoughts of just one of his characters.

61. We understand from the passage that the modern fiction writer ----. A) differs from the primitive storyteller because of his methods of narration

B) finds the primitive story-teller very uninteresting C) would very much like to be a novelist himself D) is interested in the various writing techniques of modern authors E) feels strongly that modern writers have suddenly become too interested in the techniques of writing

63. One important point made in the passage is that a modern writer, before he starts to write, ----. A) rarely thinks about the background of his story

B) admires the narrative techniques of primitive story-tellers

B) chooses the main characters for his story

C) uses even fewer narrative techniques than the primitive story-tellers did

C) often decides exactly how he is going to tell his story

D) never makes use of either letters or diaries in his novels

D) must make himself familiar with the period he is writing about

E) is often criticized for writing in a self-conscious manner

E) must decide which character can best tell the story

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65. It is pointed out in the passage that the subject matter of any type of nonfiction ----.

64. – 66. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) is never imaginary Do you enjoy reading newspaper articles on sporting events? Do you take pleasure in reviews of performances you have seen? Do you particularly like stories of the lives of real people, both from the past and the present? Many people do. Newspaper articles, reviews, autobiographies, biographies – all are types of nonfiction. Nonfiction deals with actual people, places, events and topics based on real life. Autobiographies and biographies deal with the lives of real people while essays provide a writer with room to express his or her thoughts and feelings on a particular subject. Nonfiction may inform, describe, persuade, or it may simply amuse.

B) is often unpleasant C) has very little variety D) is always emotional E) rarely has any wide appeal

66. It is clear from the passage that one of the functions of nonfiction may be to ----.

64. According to the passage, nonfiction ----. A) has gained in popularity in recent times

A) encourage people to write their autobiographies

B) is not appreciated by a majority of people

B) promote sporting activities

C) is only concerned with everyday events

C) enable the reader to understand newspaper articles better

D) is the easiest form of writing E) covers quite a wide range of writing

D) make the reader change his/her mind about something E) contribute to the improvement of essay-writing

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68. As we understand from the passage, a play ----.

67. – 69. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) is most effective when the emphasis is on character

A play is written to be performed. Therefore, when you read a play, you must try to imagine how it would appear and sound to an audience. By using your imagination, you can build a theatre in your mind. Because a play is written to be performed, it uses certain conventions you do not encounter in short stories. It contains stage directions that tell the actors how to speak and how to move upon the stage. Most of the story is presented through dialogue, the words the characters speak. In addition it is divided into short units of action called “scenes” and larger ones called “acts”.

B) differs very little from a short story C) needs to be seen on the stage before it can be enjoyed D) is very often spoilt by too many stage directions E) has certain features that are only found in plays

69. This passage is mainly concerned with ----. 67. In the passage it is suggested that, when we read a play, ----.

A) the elements that are to be found in a play B) how a play should be performed

A) the division into acts can be ignored B) it is best to ignore the stage directions

C) the relationship between the audience and the actors

C) we should try to imagine it being performed

D) how a play should be constructed

D) we should try to focus on the story

E) how a play should be staged

E) we need to know a lot about the conventions of play-writing

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71. As we understand from the passage, the boy ----.

70. – 72. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) was the only child on the island who could recognize every boat in the fishing fleet

The wind that day was light and fresh and came from the west, and with it at noon a little boat came quickly, over the bright waves, into Sattins Harbour. While it was still quite a distance away, a sharp-eyed boy spotted it and, since he knew, just as every child on the island knew, every sail of the forty boats of the island fishing fleet, he ran down the street calling out, “A foreign boat, a foreign boat!” The lonely island was rarely visited by a foreign boat, so, by the time the boat had arrived half the village was there to greet it. Fishermen were following it homewards, and those who happened to be inland, were climbing up and down the rocky hills, and hurrying towards the harbour.

B) wanted to be the first to see the boat at close quarters C) was particularly interested in foreign boats D) knew that the boat that was coming in was foreign, because he didn’t recognize the sail E) didn’t see the foreign boat until after it had entered the harbour

72. It is clear from the passage that the arrival of the foreign boat ----.

70. Clearly, the island described in the passage ----.

A) upset the islanders as they didn’t expect it so early

A) is extremely fertile and can support a large population B) is an isolated one, inhabited largely by fishermen and their families

B) caused a great deal of uneasiness, especially among the fishermen C) aroused a great deal of excitement among the islanders

C) is frequently visited by foreign boats D) has a community that is hostile to foreigners

D) surprised people since these were dangerous waters for sailors

E) is better suited to farming than to fishing

E) aroused the curiosity of the children but was ignored by everyone else

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74. Much of the passage is devoted to ----.

73. – 75. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) a description of the two small girls B) the quarrel between the aunt and the children

It was a hot afternoon, and the railway carriage was equally hot, and the next stop was at Templecombe, nearly an hour ahead. The occupants of the carriage were a small girl, and a smaller girl, and a small boy. The aunt who was with the children occupied one corner seat, and the further corner seat on the opposite side was occupied by a man who was a stranger to their party, but the small girls and the small boy were the ones who really occupied the compartment. The aunt and the children talked from time to time but in a very limited way. Most of the aunt’s remarks seemed to begin with “Don’t”, and nearly all of the children’s remarks began with “Why?” The man said nothing out loud, but probably wished he were somewhere else.

C) a description of the stranger’s thoughts and feelings D) a detailed description of the carriage E) a description of the occupants of the railway carriage

75. It is clear from the passage that the man ----. 73. We understand from the passage that ----.

A) felt sorry for the children, not the aunt

A) the aunt and the children have constant disagreements

B) did not, apparently, find this train journey enjoyable

B) the children seem to have known the man for a long time

C) tried hard to make the children behave better

C) the children’s good behaviour pleased the aunt

D) answered a lot of the children’s questions

D) the aunt is taking the children back to Templecombe

E) told the aunt to keep the children quiet

E) the man was interested in the games the children were playing

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78. If there hadn’t been such a strong wind, it would not have been so difficult to put out the fire.

76. – 80. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın olan cümleyi bulunuz.

A) If the wind hadn’t been so strong, it would have been much easier to put out the fire.

76. Even though it had been snowing all day, a great many people managed to get to the end-of-term concert.

B) When a strong wind began to blow it was even more difficult to control the fire.

A) A lot of people did get to the end-of-term concert in spite of the snow that fell all day.

C) It was the strong wind which made it difficult for us to put out the fire.

B) Since there had been snow all day long it wasn’t easy for people to get to the end-of-term concert. C) As it had been snowing heavily all day, a great many people just could not get to the end-ofterm concert.

D) As the wind was really very strong, it took them a long time to put out the fire. E) It’s always difficult to put out a fire when there is a strong wind blowing.

D) Even though it had never stopped snowing all day, the hall where we gave the end-of-term concert was full of people. E) Very few people indeed were prevented from getting to the end-of-term concert by the heavy snow.

79. Emily was perhaps the quietest of the three Brontë sisters, but she was, nevertheless, the most passionate.

77. He probably walked off with your dictionary, thinking it was his own. A) He wouldn’t have taken the dictionary if he had known it was yours.

A) All three Brontë sisters were quiet and emotional, but this was especially true of Emily.

B) There must be some mistake! He wouldn’t take your dictionary without asking!

B) Of all the Brontë sisters, Emily was certainly the most passionate but she rarely talked to anyone.

C) The dictionaries are all alike; he took yours thinking it was his.

C) The quietest of the three Brontë sisters was certainly Emily, though she wasn’t the one with deepest emotions.

D) He must have mistaken your dictionary for his, and that’s not surprising.

D) The least talkative of the three Brontë sisters may have been Emily, but even so she was the one with the strongest emotions.

E) It seems he went off with your dictionary, mistaking it for his own.

E) Emily Brontë wasn’t as talkative as either of her sisters, and was also less passionate.

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80. When the Spaniards first brought chocolate to Europe only the very wealthy could afford to buy it. A) Though chocolate was expensive, the Spaniards soon brought it to Europe and the wealthy everywhere were keen to buy it. B) As chocolate was too expensive for all but the very rich it didn’t become popular when the Spaniards first brought it to Europe.

82. The Titanic exhibition presents the story of the Titanic, starting with the early design, and then going on to its construction and launch and finally to how it sank. ----. These feature furnishings made by the original manufacturers. There is also a passenger gallery that recreates life onboard. A) The names of the 2,228 passengers are to be found in the memorial gallery B) There are reconstructions of first and third class cabins

C) Chocolate, when it was introduced to Europe by the Spaniards, was so expensive that none but the very rich could buy it.

C) However some of the items that were recovered from the bottom of the sea are still on display

D) The Spaniards brought chocolate to Europe where there were more wealthy people to buy it.

D) Among the other items recovered are clothes and jewellery

E) The Spaniards brought chocolate to Europe but for a long time there were very few people who could afford to buy it.

E) A large piece of the ship is also on show

81. – 85. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz. 81. There are more than 20,000 documented ship wrecks off the coast of Britain. ----. And they offer the scuba diver a fantastic world that is just asking to be explored. A) They range from majestic passenger ships to historical war vessels

83. As a singer, Johnny Cash took on a very great variety of roles. ----. He could be a respectable family man or a condemned criminal. He felt sympathy for them all and made them all credible. A) Sometimes he was a cowboy, sometimes he was a white outcast who rode with Indians

B) There are several underwater skills to be learned before one can become a scuba diver C) Others among them sank after being torpedoed

B) Sometimes he has been likened to John Wayne, but the resemblance is superficial only

D) Another battleship lies on its side on the seabed

C) It is generally agreed that his anti-war songs are not among his best numbers

E) Moreover, wrecks can contain dangerous materials

D) On the whole, deep voices like his are not valued as much as they deserve to be E) Sadly, people seem to forget that he was also a great folk singer

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84. Humans have the largest brains in relation to body weight. ----. The brain of a blue whale is even larger, it is five times the size of a human brain.

86. – 90. sorularda, verilen durumda söylenmiş olabilecek sözü bulunuz.

A) The left part of the brain is for logical thought B) The brain uses about a fifth of our oxygen supply C) In fact, the brain is nearly 80 per cent water D) When a child is born, the brain weighs only 400 grams

86. Some of your friends are planning to go to the cinema. They are planning to meet outside the cinema at around 5 o’clock and go in together. You would like to join them but there is a possibility that you won’t be able to go and you don’t want the others to wait for you if this is the case. So, you say: A) I really don’t think I’ll be able to come; but I’ll try.

E) As regards actual size, however, the brain of an elephant is four times larger

B) I probably can’t get there until well after 5 o’clock. But do wait for me. C) If I’m not there by 5 o’clock it will mean I’m not coming, so you go on in. D) We really don’t need to meet at 5 o’clock. The film doesn’t start till half-past. E) We will meet promptly at 5 o’clock and not wait for late-comers.

87. The father of a friend of yours is seriously ill in hospital and, because of this, your friend is very upset. You wish to give him some support, and not leave him to keep on going to the hospital alone. So, you say:

85. Politicians have traditionally sought out actors and musicians as a way of attracting the youth vote. ----. But they know very well that they must do so. A) Celebrities do at least generate enthusiasm

A) Some time, when you visit your father I’d like to come with you.

B) Celebrities naturally attract attention, and this is what every election campaign needs

B) How long is he likely to be in hospital?

C) Public interest in celebrities has increased, but its interest in politics has decreased

C) Are you satisfied with the treatment he’s getting?

D) Indeed, politicians seem to know of no other way of attracting the attention of the youth

D) Let me know the visiting hours and I’ll try to go. E) Isn’t there any improvement to be seen yet?

E) The cost of an election campaign cannot be disregarded

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88. In a shop, you’ve found a pair of jeans you really like. But they cost more than you can afford. You decide to try your luck and ask the shopkeeper quite plainly to bring the price down. So, you say:

90. You feel sorry for a neighbour’s daughter, Jane, because her mother is frequently away on business. You want your daughter to invite her to your house from time to time, and so you say:

A) They’re nice, and actually they are not really too expensive.

A) I wish you’d go and see how Jane is; I haven’t seen her all week.

B) Can’t you sell them to me for less?

B) There must be something we can do to help Jane.

C) I’ll take them but they are certainly not worth the price you’re asking.

C) I saw Jane today and asked her to come round for tea. I’m going to make a cake.

D) There can’t be many people prepared to pay so much!

D) If we ask Jane to stay with us for a week, that might help.

E) Do you always charge so much?

E) Why don’t you ask Jane to come round here from time to time? She’s alone too much.

91. – 95. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.

89. Your British pen-friend has written inviting you to spend a few weeks with her family in England. Obviously, you want to go but first you must persuade your parents to let you go. You feel that they are somewhat uneasy about you going there alone. So, you say: A) Shall we ask her to come here instead?

91. Norman : - They are asking here for volunteers to help with a research project in the Philippines. Dan : - Yes; I read that. Sounds interesting. Norman : - ---Dan : - No; but they may help with the airfare out there. Let’s ask for more details!

B) You’re quite right. It is a long journey. C) Don’t worry! I’ll be safe and well-looked after.

A) I’ve never done anything like that but would love to!

D) I won’t be on my own, you know; there will be others going.

B) It certainly does! Let’s go!

E) I knew you’d agree in the end!

C) It would be a grand way to spend the summer holiday. D) I presume no one will get paid! E) If we could go together, we’d have a grand time.

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94. David : - Now, this is good news!

92. Alice : - It has to be very cold before a sea can freeze. James : - ----

Peter : - Tell me about it.

Alice : - I know. During World War II, for instance, the Baltic Sea froze to such a depth that the Russians were able to drive their tanks over it.

David : - ---Peter : - Well, I find it hard to believe but it’s certainly worth a try.

James : - Then it must have been terribly cold.

A) I thought you’d read the article yourself!

A) Icebergs, like glaciers, are salt-free.

B) It says here that chocolate is the best way of preventing coughs.

B) Perhaps only inland seas can freeze.

C) They’ve found a new way of preventing coughing.

C) Moving water doesn’t freeze easily. D) But there can be icebergs in the sea.

D) Actually, it probably isn’t true at all; forget about it.

E) But it does happen sometimes.

E) There are no cheaper ways to manufacture chocolate.

93. Penny : - Is that a travel book you’re reading?

95. Amy : - Whose books are these?

Jo : - Yes, it is. Why do you ask?

Terry : - ----

Penny : - ----

Amy : - Could they be Jane’s?

Jo : - Some aren’t, of course. But many of them are. This one, for instance, which is about Sri Lanka, is absolutely fascinating.

Terry : - They could be. In fact, they probably are hers. A) They’re yours, surely; aren’t they?

A) Well, I’ve never read one. I never thought they’d be interesting.

B) I thought they were yours!

B) I’d like to borrow it when you’ve finished with it.

C) I don’t know. They’re certainly not mine.

C) I’m thinking of writing one myself.

D) They must be Jane’s.

D) I’d like to do the travelling myself!

E) Well, they aren’t mine and they aren’t Jane’s.

E) They might be interesting if they are about places you’ve never been to.

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99. (I) The Industrial Revolution means the sudden acceleration of technical and economic development that began in Britain. (II) Birmingham is an industrial city and the administrative headquarters of central England. (III) It is a major manufacturing, engineering, commercial and service centre. (IV) The city’s concert halls, theatres and three universities also make it an important cultural and educational centre. (V) Its main products are cars, machine tools and electrical equipment.

96. – 100. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz. 96. (I) Yeats was not simply a writer. (II) He was involved in many different kinds of activity. (III) In particular he worked to help Ireland get its independence. (IV) Indeed, Maud Gonne, a very beautiful woman, was to influence him greatly. (V) And all the various things he did and all his experience are brought together and unified in his art. A) I












E) V

100. (I) Try to imagine what would happen to the bones of astronauts going to Mars. (II) They would probably come back hardly able to walk at all. (III) This is because, on Earth, bones are renewed by walking. (IV) But on Mars this does not happen. (V) This new device simulates the low-intensity interactions between bone and muscle. A) I

E) V




E) V


98. (I) It is well worth visiting this bird sanctuary to see the swans feed. (II) When we went there the weather was gorgeous. (III) Visit at 8.30 am and be there as the swans come out for breakfast. (IV) Or arrive around 6.30 pm as they gather for their dinner. (V) Either way you’ll enjoy watching the way they fight over their food. A) I


E) V

97. (I) The horse’s eye is a remarkable organ. (II) It is at least twice as large as the human eye. (III) It also has a special property which enables it to see much better than its rider. (IV) This is true, both when the light is poor and when there is full daylight. (V) As many horse owners have observed, some horses are much more excitable than others. A) I

A) I


E) V

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1. C

26. B

51. D

76. A

2. D

27. C

52. E

77. E

3. E

28. E

53. B

78. A

4. A

29. B

54. C

79. D

5. B

30. D

55. A

80. C

6. E

31. C

56. D

81. A

7. D

32. A

57. C

82. B

8. A

33. B

58. A

83. A

9. C

34. D

59. E

84. E

10. D

35. E

60. B

85. D

11. B

36. B

61. A

86. C

12. E

37. D

62. D

87. A

13. D

38. C

63. C

88. B

14. B

39. A

64. E

89. C

15. D

40. E

65. A

90. E

16. C

41. D

66. D

91. D

17. D

42. B

67. C

92. E

18. E

43. A

68. E

93. A

19. A

44. E

69. A

94. B

20. D

45. D

70. B

95. C

21. E

46. E

71. D

96. D

22. D

47. B

72. C

97. E

23. B

48. D

73. A

98. B

24. C

49. C

74. E

99. A

25. A

50. A

75. B

100. E

A İNGİLİZCE 5. Solar heating never ---- in the US because of the cost and limited winter sunlight in most areas.

1. – 15. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

A) caught on

D) waited on

1. The laws concerning the breeding of animals for research could turn out to be to the ---- of medical research. A) admission

B) detriment

D) preference

B) played up

C) turned over

E) looked back

C) exclusion

E) cohesion

6. Having read so many contemporary American writers, I ---- to feel impatient with the kind of fiction that ---- in England.

2. At present, interest rates are comparatively ----; let’s hope they remain that way. A) frequent

B) uneasy

C) consecutive

D) comprehensive

A) was beginning / will have been written B) had begun / has been written C) have begun / would have been written

E) steady

D) would begin / is being written E) began / was being written

3. In some parts of Western Europe, ---- in France, Denmark and Sweden, cohabitation has become almost as common as marriage. A) completely

B) deceptively

D) voluntarily

C) notably

E) relatively 7. Cross-border shopping is a fundamental right under EU law and ---- as a form of tax evasion. A) must not have been regarded B) had not been regarded C) should not be regarded

4. What are some of the things that differentially affect siblings and help ---- their success or failure? A) pursue

B) recognize D) determine

D) would not have been regarded E) was not being regarded

C) recreate

E) reinstate

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A İNGİLİZCE 12. ---- little respect the British people may feel for the monarchy, they are still not likely to change to a republic.

8. He certainly ---- party members last weekend when he announced that he ---- to regain his party chairmanship.

A) As far as

A) has shocked / had not sought

B) Whatever

D) However

B) would have shocked / will not seek

C) Such a

E) Just as

C) had shocked / would not have sought D) was to shock / is not seeking E) shocked / would not seek

13. All of the world’s major national parks are included on the map, ---- are most of the important reserves of lesser status.

9. The 1980s ---- a surge of new interest ---- the definition of intelligence. A) have brought / to be expanding

A) as

B) had brought / having expanded

B) as well D) which

C) were bringing / to have expanded

C) such

E) that

D) brought / in expanding E) would have brought / to expand

14. His latest novel is about people who take their work seriously, ---- that’s being a mother, a nurse or a soldier.

10. For decades presidents have been coming ---plans to deal with the fact that one day the world will run ---- its key source of energy: oil. A) up with / out of

B) out of / up against

C) down to / away from

D) up for / through

A) even so

B) as if

D) besides

C) unless E) whether

E) over to / into

15. Héviz is Europe’s largest warm-water lake and visitors can swim there even in winter, ---- helps extend the tourist season.

11. Philosophers have debated the relation ---thought and emotions ---- at least two millennia. A) from / over

B) over / in

C) between / for

D) in / by

A) thus

B) which D) too

C) nor E) so

E) through / to

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A İNGİLİZCE 16. – 20. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

21. – 25. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

The term “emotional intelligence” was probably first used in an unpublished dissertation in 1986. In 1990 it (16) ---- into the field of scientific psychology, defined as “the ability to monitor (17) ---- and others’ feelings, to (18) ---- among them and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and action.” The concept developed (19) ---- a growing emphasis on research into the (20) ---- of emotion and thought.

Should a vote in Los Angeles count more than a vote in Montana? That’s one question raised (21) ---- an analysis of Census Bureau data conducted by researchers at the Centre for Immigration Studies (22) ---- found that nine congressional seats (23) ---to different states in 2000, if noncitizens, (24) ---illegal aliens, had been excluded from the counts Congress uses to (25) ---- seats.


21. A) was being introduced

B) had been introduced

C) would be introduced

D) has been introduced

A) by

B) to

C) at

D) onto

E) off

E) was introduced 22. A) whose 17.

B) which D) thus

A) one’s own

B) one another’s

D) the self

C) what E) whether

C) oneself

E) each other’s 23. A) would be allotted


B) have been allotted A) identify

B) distribute D) discredit

C) justify

C) will have been allotted

E) discriminate

D) would have been allotted E) were being allotted

19. A) off

B) against D) out of


C) without

A) regardless of

E) under

B) concerning

D) excelling

C) pertaining to

E) including

20. A) alternation

B) participation

D) obstruction


C) interaction

A) select

E) complication

B) exchange D) circulate

C) allocate

E) classify

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A İNGİLİZCE 29. The Bermuda Triangle, ----, is noted for a high incidence of unexplained losses of ships, small boats and aircraft.

26. – 35. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

A) that an entire squadron of planes vanished shortly after takeoff

26. There is a general agreement among car manufacturing companies that, ----, hydrogen is likely to be the fuel of choice. A) if sulphur emissions had been checked

B) as local environmental conditions could be the cause

B) when oil runs out

C) since the sea here is particularly fast moving

C) as it could have been stored as a gas

D) when there is an almost unique magnetic effect on compasses

D) as if no mechanical energy was required

E) which is off the southeastern Atlantic coast of the US

E) unless there were giant fuel cells

27. He has focused on moving the complexity of computing from the desktop to the network, ----.

30. The stereotype of woman as the more “emotional” sex is the one ----.

A) where it can be managed more easily

A) that still persists today

B) if computers could communicate more easily with one another

B) as emotions are so unpredictable

C) that his improvements actually caught the eye of the Pentagon

C) but it had been encouraged by the Stoics D) until overruled by 20th century psychology

D) though it became the most widely used operating system of its day

E) which a more sophisticated mode of thinking will have denied

E) which would have been the greatest challenge of his career

28. Salmon farms are prohibited in Alaska ----.

31. ---- who will become schizophrenic.

A) unless salmon actually does protect against cancer

A) There seems to be a genetic predisposition B) A cure is nowhere in sight

B) because fishermen blame the farms for undercutting their price

C) Neither doctors nor scientists can accurately predict

C) since farmed salmon used to be fattier than wild salmon

D) They confuse the real and the imaginary

D) but they say salmon farms are bad for the environment

E) Treatment of the disorder is improving

E) once the industry begins to attack some of the problems Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 34. ---- that engineers do not restrict themselves to technical matters.

32. In general, when credit demand is low, ----. A) it is not sensible to take out loans during deflation

A) The engineering curriculum has long required B) Many potential leaders were of the opinion

B) following the wrong guideline could have been catastrophic

C) The courses involved substantial reading and writing assignments

C) interest rates measure the cost of credit, not the price of money

D) The aim was to attract a wider audience

D) interest rates are correspondingly low

E) He acquired a sophisticated knowledge of scientific and technical matters

E) precautionary savings were rising at this time

35. ---- even though she’s still not prepared to forgive herself.

33. ---- since it has been described as among the most terrifying works of history ever penned.

A) The wrong person got blamed B) After all, she committed an error, not a crime

A) The story focuses on Hitler’s end in his underground banker

C) Others were also involved in the affair

B) I want to get hold of this new account of World War II

D) A lot of people have forgiven her E) She was wrongly accused

C) The story is well told by one of Germany’s renowned historians D) I’ve read all I want to read about World War II E) In particular the bombing of Dresden is objectively presented

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A İNGİLİZCE 38. The Pentagon has estimated that about 25 per cent of the military facilities in the country are unnecessary.

36. – 40. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.

A) Pentagon’a göre, ülke içinde bulunan askeri tesislerin yüzde 25’i gereksizdir.

36. Last fall, Tony Blair announced that he would serve a full five-year term if the Labour Party won.

B) Pentagon, ülke içindeki askeri tesislerin hemen hemen yüzde 25’ine gereksinim duymadığını belirtmiştir.

A) Geçen sonbaharda, Tony Blair, İşçi Partisi kazandığı takdirde, beş yıl tam dönem hizmet edeceğini ilan etti.

C) Pentagon’un hesaplarına göre, ülkedeki askeri tesislerin yüzde 25’ine hiç gereksinim yoktur.

B) Tony Blair, eğer İşçi Partisi kazanırsa, beş yıl daha hizmet edeceğini geçen sonbaharda açıklamıştı.

D) Pentagon, ülkedeki askeri tesislerin yaklaşık yüzde 25’inin gereksiz olduğunu hesaplamıştır.

C) Geçen sonbaharda İşçi Partisi’nin kazanması üzerine, Tony Blair görevini beş yıl daha sürdüreceğini ifade etti.

E) Ülkedeki askeri tesislerin aşağı yukarı yüzde 25’ine gereksinim olmadığı konusunda Pentagon kararlıdır.

D) Tony Blair, İşçi Partisi’nin kazanmasının kendisine beş yıl tam dönem hizmet olanağı sağlayacağı yolundaki açıklamasını geçen sonbaharda yaptı. E) Geçen sonbaharda Tony Blair, eğer İşçi Partisi kazanırsa, bir beş yıl daha hizmet etmek istediğini söyledi.

39. Germany’s far-right National Democratic Party upset the other parties by winning nearly 10 per cent of the votes in the economically depressed state of Saxony last year. 37. Minority representatives in any political establishment must be made to feel that their interests are sufficiently protected.

A) Almanya’nın aşırı sağ Ulusal Demokratik Partisi, geçen yıl, ekonomik olarak geri kalmış Saksonya eyaletinde, oyların hemen hemen yüzde onunu kazanarak diğer partilerin canını sıktı.

A) Herhangi bir siyasal kuruluşta, azınlık temsilcileri, çıkarlarının tam olarak korunduğunu hissetmelidirler.

B) Geçen yıl, daha büyük ekonomik sıkıntılar içinde olan Saksonya eyaletinde, oyların yüzde onunu alan aşırı sağ Ulusal Demokratik Partisi, Almanya’daki diğer partileri telaşlandırmıştır.

B) Herhangi bir siyasal kuruluştaki azınlık temsilcilerine, çıkarlarının yeterince korunduğu hissettirilmelidir.

C) Almanya’nın aşırı sağ Ulusal Demokratik Partisi, geçen yıl, ekonomik sıkıntılar içinde olan Saksonya eyaletinde oyların aşağı yukarı yüzde onunu kazanmış ve diğer partilerin çoğunu sıkıntıya sokmuştur.

C) Herhangi bir siyasal kuruluşun azınlık temsilcileri, çıkarlarının olabildiğince korunduğunu hissedebilmelidirler. D) Azınlık temsilcileri, bir siyasal kuruluştaki çıkarlarının tamamen korunduğunu hissetmelidirler.

D) Almanya’daki diğer partilerin canını sıkan aşırı sağ Ulusal Demokratik Partisi, geçen yıl, ekonomik durgunluk içinde olan Saksonya eyaletindeki oyların yüzde onunu kazanmıştır.

E) Bir siyasal kuruluş, azınlık temsilcilerine, çıkarlarının tamamen korunduğunu hissettirmelidir.

E) Almanya’nın aşırı sağ Ulusal Demokratik Partisi, geçen yıl, ekonomik sıkıntı içindeki Saksonya eyaletindeki oyların yüzde onunu alınca, diğer partiler telaşa kapılmıştır.

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A İNGİLİZCE 42. Ortaçağ haritaları Hollanda’nın neredeyse yarısını su altında gösterir, ama o zamandan beri denizden geniş alanlar kazanılmıştır.

40. The European Union is engaged in a variety of programmes all around the world to promote and protect the rights of children, particularly in countries where children are affected by war.

A) In medieval maps nearly half of the Netherlands is under water, but since then the sea has withdrawn from large areas.

A) Tüm dünyada özellikle savaşan ülkelerdeki çocuklar için çocuk haklarını desteklemek ve korumak için Avrupa Birliği birçok programa izin veriyor.

B) Large areas of what is now the Netherlands have often been claimed from the sea, but in medieval maps they were under water.

B) Avrupa Birliği dünyada savaşan ülkelerin çocuklarının haklarını desteklemek ve korumak için çeşitli programları destekliyor.

C) Nearly half of the Netherlands does not exist on medieval maps but later large areas were recovered from the sea.

C) Avrupa Birliği tüm dünyada, özellikle çocukların savaştan etkilendiği ülkelerde, çocuk haklarını desteklemek ve korumak için çeşitli programlarla ilgileniyor.

D) Medieval maps show that large areas of the Netherlands used to be under the sea, but they have since been reclaimed.

D) Avrupa Birliği özellikle savaştan etkilenen ülkelerin çocuklarını desteklemek ve korumak için tüm dünyada çeşitli programlar düzenliyor.

E) Medieval maps show nearly half of the Netherlands under water, but since then large areas have been claimed from the sea.

E) Özellikle çocukların savaştan etkilendiği ülkelerdeki çocuk haklarını destekleyen ve koruyan Avrupa Birliği tüm dünyada çeşitli programlarla ilgilidir.

43. Geçen yüzyılın başlarında, önyargıyı, bazı ırklara karşı doğuştan ve içgüdüsel bir tepki olarak düşünmek yaygındı. A) At the turn of the last century, prejudice was generally regarded more as an innate or instinctive reaction to certain races.

41. – 45. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.

B) At the turn of the last century, it was common to consider prejudice to be an innate and instinctive reaction to certain races.

41. Yaklaşık olarak M.Ö. 8. yüzyılda Homer tarafından kaleme alınan Truva Savaşı hakkındaki destanlar, birkaç yüzyıl boyunca sözlü olarak korunmuş olabilir.

C) By the turn of the last century people were prejudiced against certain races and this was regarded as an innate and instinctive reaction.

A) Homer’s epics about the Trojan War were written down, probably in the 8th century B.C., but may have been around for centuries in oral form.

D) By the turn of the last century this innate and instinctive reaction against race was commonly seen as prejudice.

B) Homer apparently wrote down the epics of the Trojan War sometime in the 8th century B.C., but they had already existed in oral form for centuries.

E) With the turn of the last century people grew more prejudiced against certain races and this was regarded as an innate and instinctive reaction.

C) The Trojan War epics had probably existed for centuries in oral form before they were finally transcribed by Homer sometime in the 8th century B.C. D) The epics about the Trojan War written down by Homer in about the 8th century B.C. may have been preserved orally for several centuries. E) Homer transcribed the Trojan War epics sometime during the 8th century B.C., but their origins go back to an earlier oral tradition.

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A İNGİLİZCE 44. Çocuklar daha fazla bağımsızlık kazandıkça, onların genleri kendilerine uyan çevreler yaratmak için daha aktif bir tarzda işleyebilir.

46. – 51. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

A) Once children start to grow more independent, their genes operate in a more positive manner to create environments that suit them better.

46. Mollusks can be found in virtually every habitat on Earth and range in size from microscopic to more than 10 m long. ----. But others, the octopus for instance, are considered to be delicacies.

B) As children get more independence their genes start to operate more forcefully to create what is for them a more congenial environment.

A) They are indeed an extremely fascinating group of creatures

C) As children gain more independence, their genes can operate in a more active manner to produce environments that suit them.

B) Not all of them, however, are encased in a shell C) All the mollusks are invertebrate animals

D) When they attain more independence, children start to desire a more congenial environment and their genes work with them to attain it.

D) Some, like the snails in our gardens, are regarded as pests

E) Once children have attained a greater degree of independence, their genes prompt them to desire a more congenial environment.

E) The octopus even has problem-solving abilities

47. Archaeologists have a duty, both to colleagues and to the general public, to explain what they are doing and why. ----. Further, their work can also be enjoyed by the wider public which, after all, has usually paid the bill for the work, however indirectly.

45. Katherine Mansfield, özellikle Rus yazar Chekhov’un kısa hikâyelerinden etkilenmiş ve onun gibi, konudan çok çevre ve karaktere dayalı hikâyeler yazmıştır. A) The Russian writer Chekhov’s short stories depend more on atmosphere and character than on plot, and this impressed Katherine Mansfield and influenced the way she wrote.

A) Up to 60 per cent of modern excavations apparently remain unpublished B) Archaeologists often prefer to dig new sites rather than devote time to laborious postexcavation analysis

B) Katherine Mansfield was a great admirer of the Russian writer Chekhov, and her short stories, like his, are centred around character and atmosphere rather than action.

C) Many projects depend upon the willing hands of amateur enthusiasts

C) Like the Russian short-story writer, Chekhov, Katherine Mansfield wrote short stories that depend for their effect more on character and atmosphere than upon action.

D) Unfortunately, some archaeologists hoard their finds and prevent colleagues from gaining access to them E) Basically, this means publishing the discoveries so that the results are available to other scholars

D) Katherine Mansfield greatly admired the style of Chekhov in his short stories and, like him, wrote short stories in which character and atmosphere, not action, come to the fore. E) Katherine Mansfield was particularly impressed by the short stories of the Russian writer Chekhov, and, like him, she wrote stories which depend more on atmosphere and character than on plot.

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A İNGİLİZCE 50. Most Western industrialized nations have an individualistic orientation, which values independence and self-assertiveness. ----. They stress the interdependence of people within the community.

48. Well into the 1860s the American West remained divided from the East by the harsh nature of the country’s interior. ----. Their aim was to build a railroad across the formidable mountainous lands of the Sierra Nevada. They were ridiculed on all sides, but the ambitious enterprise eventually succeeded.

A) There is no internal evidence to suggest this

A) Their high-flying goal comes with similarly steep challenges

B) Individuals in collectivist Asian cultures are even less likely to commit such errors

B) Top engineers had agreed that the Sierra Nevada could not be crossed by road or rail

C) In contrast, many non-Western cultures have a more collectivist orientation

C) Naturally, politicians were not in favour of uniting East and West

D) This is why Americans tend to use psychological traits to describe themselves

D) Then four merchants began raising money to fund a seemingly impossible project

E) Actually, situational factors also play quite an important role

E) The high peaks of the Sierra Nevada were acknowledged as being impassable

51. How common are other civilizations in the universe? This question has fascinated humanity for centuries, but so far no definitive answer has been found. ----. Chief among these is the confirmation, after a long wait and several false starts, that planets exist outside our solar system.

49. In the annals of computing, nothing has caused as much disappointment as putting ideas on paper. ----. However, with the coming of the inkjet printer it was soon possible to print really highquality images. A) For decades, printing computer files was a thankless task for users seeking to reproduce precisely what they saw on their screens

A) Most surprising of all is the speed with which life was established on this planet B) A number of recent developments have brought the question once again to the fore

B) To start with, thermal inkjets were no match for the costlier laser printers that had just been introduced C) For all its originality the idea behind the inkjet is far from new

C) So far, astronomers have found no Earth-like planets, but we can be fairly confident that they will do so

D) The first inkjet printers were slow, messy machines, but they gradually got better and better

D) In spite of all this activity, researchers have made no positive detections of extraterrestrial signals

E) Designers of printers grew more ambitious and they started to want colour, speed and low costs

E) The lack of success to date cannot be used to infer that Earth is the only planet with life

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A İNGİLİZCE 54. A friend hates to say “no” when asked to do something. As a result she often agrees to help or join in, even when she knows she probably won’t be able to do so. This morning she has announced that she won’t be able to help at the afternoon’s fund-raising tea, though last week she said she would. You are very angry and say:

52. – 57. sorularda, verilen durumda söylenmiş olabilecek sözü bulunuz. 52. A colleague is going to check someone out on the Internet for you. It’s his life that you are interested in, not his works, so you say: A) He’s rather an obscure person. I’m not surprised you couldn’t find out anything about him.

A) Can’t you change your mind? It will be difficult to find someone to take your place.

B) Get me something about his life and check who has written his biography.

B) You’re always letting us down like this. Learn to say “no” from the start!

C) I believe he’s written an autobiography; can you check if that’s so? But it’s other publications that I’m really interested in.

C) Why didn’t you say so before? Can you find someone to take your place? D) Can’t you come even for a short time?

D) He’s rather a controversial figure, and that interests me.

E) We counted on you. You’re always so reliable.

E) I know so little about him; I can’t tell you what to look for.

55. You are being interviewed by a rather aggressive reporter, who seems intent on stirring up trouble. You are determined to be as non-committal as possible in your answers. So, when asked for your opinion of a highly controversial law that has recently been enforced, you say:

53. You are planning to retire at the end of the month. This means closing your office which means that the secretary will be unemployed. You’d like to know that this secretary has a good job to go to as she has given you good service. So when you run into a friend you say:

A) It’s sure to be revoked before long.

A) It’s not easy to get a good secretary these days. How did you find yours?

B) I refuse to answer your question.

B) I’ve had my secretary for 10 years now and I’ll be sorry to see her go.

C) Don’t misunderstand me; but I’m all in favour of it. You’ll see. It will work out fine.

C) She’s quite the best secretary I’ve ever had; so she won’t be out-of-work for long.

D) Circumstances being as they are it was probably necessary.

D) Some secretaries are too efficient for my liking. They make you feel they’re the boss!

E) It’s too early to say. There’s a lot to be said on both sides. Let’s just wait a while.

E) I’m job-hunting for my secretary! Do you happen to need a really reliable one?

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A İNGİLİZCE 56. A friend has been having a really tough time for several weeks. Everything has been going wrong for her and she’s really very depressed. There’s nothing anyone can do to help except offer a little understanding and sympathy. You say:

58. – 63. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz. 58. (I) It used to be argued that, once there were just two major companies involved in civil-aircraft manufacturing, aircraft prices would rise. (II) There are few engineering tricks left that could give one or other a technological edge. (III) That theory has been thoroughly discredited. (IV) The best indicator of new-aircraft prices – the average price per seat on flights – has been declining for several years. (V) This is due, of course, to the brutal competition between the two rivals.

A) Try to keep smiling. It’ll pass. We all have to go through these hard times. B) Stop worrying and stop complaining. C) We’re all here to help you. Just let us know what you want us to do. D) It’s time to forget all about it and make a new start.

A) I

E) Take a firm stand and don’t let things upset you like this.




E) V

59. (I) The most popular talk show on Arab TV is The Opposite Direction. (II) The show is hosted by Faisal al-Kasim, a forty-two-year-old with glasses. (III) The chance to take part in the region’s first experiment with free journalism was one that could not be missed. (IV) Al-Kasim moderates while two guests debate a topic of his choosing; viewers join in by telephone, fax and e-mail. (V) No other Arab television personality is as controversial, as despised or as revered as al-Kasim.

57. A colleague has just had an article accepted for publication. You are as pleased as he is about this as it has been unfairly turned down by several editors. You congratulate him very warmly and say:

A) I




E) V

A) Good for you! It’s not too good a magazine, but at least it’s getting published. B) I told you to keep on trying. In the end one usually finds a publisher! C) Now get on with the next article and, mind you, don’t make the same mistakes!

60. (I) In the past century US life-expectancy climbed from forty-seven to seventy-seven. (II) Similar rises happened in almost every country. (III) And this process shows no sign of stopping. (IV) Such a pill could give us an extra twenty years of life. (V) According to the United Nations, by 2050 global life expectancy will have increased by another ten years.

D) That’s great news! Congratulations. I’m so pleased someone has finally recognized its worth. E) I suppose the subject of the article isn’t a very popular one.

A) I




E) V

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A İNGİLİZCE 61. (I) Beginning about age 5, the child develops a sense of obligation to follow rules. (II) Indeed, young children change the rules frequently and arbitrarily. (III) He treats them as absolute moral imperatives handed down by some powerful authority. (IV) For him, rules are permanent, sacred and not subject to modification. (V) Obeying them to the letter is more important than any human reason for changing them. A) I




E) V

64. – 69. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın olan cümleyi bulunuz. 64. I find the way he habitually orders people about quite objectionable. A) If he persists in giving orders in this manner, I will be forced to show my resentment. B) If he ordered me about like that, I’d certainly object on every occasion. C) I’m always on the offensive when he starts giving orders to everyone. D) He persistently orders people around which I find really offensive. E) I always get upset when he starts giving orders to the people around him.

62. (I) The eruption of Nevada del Ruiz in Columbia in 1985 illustrates how a lack of monitoring and poor evacuation can lead to loss of life. (II) The eruption itself was a small one and didn’t kill anyone. (III) Disaster came later when molten rock melted the ice cap. (IV) This caused mudflows which wiped out 230,000 people. (V) Sometimes there are early signs that an eruption is imminent. A) I




65. At first glance, Chinese students appear as eager as ever to study in the US.

E) V

A) On the surface it seems that there is no decline in the desire of Chinese students to get educated in the US. B) Apparently, Chinese students are increasingly keen to continue their studies in the US. C) To all outward appearances, Chinese students are no less eager than they used to be to go to the US. D) Apparently, as long as Chinese students are eager to study in the US, they’ll do so.

63. (I) Teachers naturally welcome information about their students that might help them to teach more effectively. (II) For many, results from standardized assessment tests, such as IQ and academic achievement measures, are one useful source of information. (III) Teachers, however, often interpret a child’s quick responses as rude interruptions. (IV) Normally, of course, such tests are designed to be as accurate as possible. (V) There is one famous one, however, that was built around deliberately inaccurate information. A) I




E) It seems as if Chinese students are still equally keen to study in the US.

E) V

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A İNGİLİZCE 68. Great or notorious leaders seem to have unusual and distinctive capabilities that mark them off from the rest of us.

66. Getting a law passed is one thing but getting it enforced is quite another thing. A) The law has already been passed, but I suspect it won’t be easy to implement it.

A) Leaders, whether they are remarkable for good or evil, are different from the rest of the world on account of their rare potential.

B) Once the law has been passed, it will be easy enough to put it into effect. C) If the law has been passed, it will soon come into effect. D) The law has been passed and will soon be enforced.

B) It is the distinctive quality of uniqueness that marks the great and the notorious leaders alike, and that sets them off from the rest of us. C) Leaders, both illustrious and infamous ones, are apparently endowed with rare and remarkable capacities that distinguish them from other people.

E) The passing of a law and the implementing of it are two very different things.

D) Both the eminent and the notorious leaders of the world are set apart from the rest of mankind on account of their rare abilities. E) It is on account of their remarkable capabilities that the great and the disreputable leaders alike, are so different from the rest of mankind.

67. An enduring illusion of the Americans is that every social imperfection can be corrected simply by passing a law.

69. Of all the decisions a free people must face, the question of war or peace is the most crucial.

A) Americans can still be deluded into thinking that social problems can be effectively overcome by passing laws.

A) A free people is never confronted by a more momentous choice than that of war or peace. B) The choice of war or peace is a critical one, but all free people do, on occasion, have to face it.

B) A continuing misconception of the Americans is that all it takes to rectify a social shortcoming is the passing of a law.

C) The issue of war or peace is a vital one but free people sometimes have to come up against it.

C) Among the recurring delusions of Americans is the idea that, by passing laws, a remedy can be found for all social grievances.

D) When confronted with the choice of war or peace free people realize it is the most momentous of all issues.

D) Americans can easily be tricked into believing that all social wrongs can be righted by the passing of laws.

E) The most critical choice that a free people is ever called upon to make concerns the issue of war or peace.

E) The erroneous belief that social defects can easily be overcome by the passing of laws still persists among the people of America.

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A İNGİLİZCE 72. Reg : - Have you put your house up for sale yet?

70. – 75. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.

Dave : - Oh, yes. And I’ve had several offers. The estate agent is urging me to accept the last one.

70. Helen : - How long have the TV’s nature documentaries been going?

Reg : - ----

Beth : - For at least 40 years, I should think. ----

Dave : - I’ve noticed that. Mine actually wanted me to accept the initial offer, and that was really low.

Helen : - Indeed they have. In one of the latest they actually show a penguin chick developing inside its egg!

A) That’s typical. They like to get the sale over as soon as possible. B) Why is that?

A) The series explores the limits of animal endurance in hostile environments.

C) And why is that? Are they really offering a very good price?

B) And over that time they’ve been transformed beyond recognition.

D) It’s not a buyer’s market at the moment.

C) Moreover, the films grow even more spectacular and sophisticated.

E) Don’t let him push you into a sale.

D) Some of the world’s leading wildlife camera teams are with the BBC’s national history unit. E) Some remarkable footage has been shot.

71. Brian : - The aim of this article, apparently, is to show that Shakespeare isn’t as special as he’s made out to be! Fred : - ---Brian : - Well; it points out that Shakespeare’s King Lear and Cervantes’ Don Quixote were written in the same year, and then asks which is the best? Fred : - Yes. A tricky question. Thought-provoking, too. A) I don’t want to hear any more! B) I shan’t bother to read it! C) How does it manage to do that? D) That’s the fashionable approach at the moment! E) Didn’t Marlowe write his plays?

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 75. Sue : - Is your computer reasonably modern?

73. Matthew : - I’ve been looking at this map of the world’s oil.

Wendy : - ----

George : - Yes. I took a look at that, too. What surprised you most?

Sue : - Then it’s terribly out of date! With computers there are new things happening all the time.

Matthew : - ----

Wendy : - That may be. But I’m comfortable with mine and have no intention of changing it.

George : - Yes. I hadn’t realized that either. A) I don’t think anything did.

A) I suppose so. I’ve never really thought about it.

B) I don’t know. But production costs for North Sea Oil are going up.

B) Are you trying to sell me a new one?

C) The newly discovered oil reserves in West Africa could have proved useful.

C) Probably not. It’s a bit slow, though, and that can be annoying.

D) Nothing really.

D) Oh, yes. I’ve had it about six years, that’s all.

E) The fact that central and South America come second, after the Middle East, for oil reserves.

E) I don’t know. But it’s been giving me a lot of trouble lately.

74. Sam : - Don’t forget, “clean coal” means different things to different people. Charles : - I know it does. But at least people are beginning to realize that coal can be cleaned and, indeed, should be. Sam : - ---Charles : - It used to be. But there are now new systems that are far more efficient and far less expensive. A) What’s the big problem, sulpher dioxide? B) Clean coal technologies fall into three categories. C) But isn’t the cleaning of coal an extremely expensive process? D) Coal that has been “aged” gives out more heat and fewer gases. E) Is it really possible to “clean” coal?

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 78. The point is made in the passage that aesthetic principles ----.

76. – 80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) have no place in an engineer’s design Engineering is akin to writing or painting in that it is a creative endeavor that begins in the mind’s eye and proceeds into new frontiers of thought and action, where it does not so much find as make new things. Just as the poet starts with a blank sheet of paper and the artist with a blank canvas, so the engineer today begins with a blank computer screen. Until the outlines of a design are set down, however tentatively, there can be no appeal to science or to critical analysis to judge or test the design. Scientific, rhetorical or aesthetic principles may be called on to inspire, refine and finish a design, but creative things do not come of applying the principles alone. Without the sketch of a thing or a diagram of a process, scientific facts and laws are of little use to engineers. Science may be the theater, but engineering is the action on the stage.

B) are central to the very best works of art C) and creativity are two very different things D) cannot be taught or learnt E) can infuse life into an ill-conceived poem

79. It can be inferred from the passage that, once a poet has achieved the basic core of his poem, ----. A) the creative process is complete B) he tends to lose interest in it

76. The writer’s main aim in this passage is to ----. A) show how many different types of creativity there are

C) he should wait a while before transcribing it onto a blank sheet of paper

B) stress the creative and constructive aspects of an engineer’s work

D) aesthetic principles may help him to intensify and complete it

C) compare and contrast the way poets and painters work

E) he must start to examine it for flaws and then remove them

D) show that literary creativity is superior to the painter’s creativity E) establish the fact that it is the engineers’ scientific knowledge that makes him creative

80. According to the writer of the passage, each act of creativity ----.

77. We understand from the passage that, for the engineer, scientific laws ----. A) only have a role to play after a design has taken some sort of form

A) necessitates the crossing of frontiers and entry into unknown regions

B) are only relevant in details concerning safety

B) is dependent upon a storehouse of closely related knowledge

C) are a constant factor all through the creative process of design

C) arises almost equally out of thought and inspiration and knowledge

D) play an important role only when it comes to finalizing certain details

D) has some bearing on other acts of creativity

E) are rarely applicable at any stage in his projects

E) in one sphere of endeavour has its counterpart in another

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 83. The term “Gilded Age” as it is used in the passage means ----.

81. – 85. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Just as every teenager thinks he is brighter than his parents, every decade considers itself superior to the one that came before. Over the past few months, we of the 2000 decade have made it quite clear that we are morally heads above those who lived in the 1990s. We’ve done it first by establishing a reigning cliché for that period. Just as the 1960s are known for student unrest, the 1980s for Reagan, Thatcher and the Yuppies, the 1990s will henceforth be known as the second Gilded Age. They will be known as the age when the real problems in the world were ignored while the illusions of the dotcom types were celebrated. It was the age of effortless abundance, cell phones on every ear, stock markets that only went up and Mercedes sport utility vehicles. Never before had business leaders enjoyed so much prestige, and never before had capitalism had fewer mortal enemies. Bill Gates couldn’t be on enough business-magazine covers; tycoons like him felt free to assume the role of global sages, writing books with such weighty titles as “The Road Ahead.”

A) to be admired

B) golden age

C) with moral principles

D) with surface shine

E) in bad taste

84. We understand from the passage that, during the 1990s, ----. A) there was a great deal of student unrest B) capitalism again fell into disrepute C) technological advance took the form of useful gadgets D) teenagers grew very critical of their parents

81. According to the passage, the decade of the 1990s was characterized by ----.

E) business tycoons received undue respect and were indeed almost idolized

A) capitalism, blindness and possessions B) hard-work, greed and the need to communicate C) indifference, immorality and selfishness D) generosity, spontaneity and individuality E) disagreements, competition and prejudice

85. One point made in the passage is that ----.

82. In the opinion of the author of the passage, the 2000 decade ----.

A) with each passing decade life gets easier and more comfortable

A) differs very little from the decade of Reagan, Thatcher and the Yuppies

B) any hopes of the 2000 decade are not likely to survive the decade

B) inherited a failing global economy from the previous decade C) is far more moral than the preceding one

C) the business magazines of this decade differ very little from those of earlier decades

D) still admires the values of the business leaders of the 1990s and the books they wrote

D) each new decade regards itself as superior to the previous one

E) is fast losing its idealism and growing more and more like previous decades

E) the real problems of each decade are essentially the same

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 88. Before he took over the running of BBC4, Roly Keating ----.

86. – 90. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) was involved in commercial TV enterprises BBC4, a comparatively new TV channel, has a character of its own. From the start it aimed to be “a place to think”, and it was always designed as something “that the commercial market would never do”, says Roly Keating, its controller and formerly head of arts at the BBC. Its first week’s schedule indeed verged on a parody of non-commercial TV, with township opera from South Africa and a performance by a Senegalese singer in a London church hall. A top-rated show will typically draw some 50,000 viewers – almost negligible in television terms. Yet that narrow appeal makes BBC4 a model of what a publicly financed broadcaster ought to do. It has roamed into territory where its ratings-driven sister channel, BBC1, seldom dares to tread. Despite a tiny 35m budget, it boasts an intelligent prime-time talk show and a world news programme so internationally minded that its London provenance is barely visible. BBC4 may wear its gravity a little too heavily at times, but it supplies a variety and thoughtfulness unavailable on prime time BBC1. The more the other BBC channels chase the ratings, and the more that BBC4 refuses to be dictated to by them, the more the channel looks like a model for what BBC television could look like.

B) was criticized because his programmes were too intellectual and too serious C) was a severe critic of the BBC1 channel D) had taken a firm stand against the trend to let ratings dictate programming E) was arts director at the BBC

89. According to the passage, the programmes BBC4 has to offer ----. A) rarely come up to expectations B) are varied, unusual and thought-provoking C) are mostly news programmes and Londonorientated

86. It is clear from the passage that, since BBC4 is publicly financed, it ----.

D) are attracting very large numbers of viewers

A) has to give viewers the kind of programmes they want

E) constitute a close rival for BBC1 as regards ratings

B) has a large budget with which to work C) is under no pressure to attract large numbers of viewers D) is under an obligation to offer a great variety of programme E) is often severely criticized for the subjectivity of its news programmes 90. It is clear that the writer of the passage ----. A) feels BBC4 has not lived up to its aim to be “a place to think”

87. In the passage, BBC1 is described as being “ratings-driven”; this means ----.

B) regards BBC4’s budget of £35m as excessive

A) it is obliged to put on popular programmes

C) would like to see the BBC1 channel closed down

B) its appeal is a very narrow one

D) is very impressed by the performance of the BBC4 channel

C) it sees BBC4 as its greatest rival D) it feels very secure and can take risks

E) was full of admiration for BBC4’s choice of programme for the first week

E) it never experiments or tries out a new type of programme

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 93. According to the passage, Lewis Island ----.

91. – 95. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) has the climate and conditions favourable to agriculture

The natives of the Lewis Island know wind – sometimes too well. Every winter the Atlantic gales come blasting across the northern tip of Scotland’s Outer Hebrides. The wind hardly slows down even after striking land; in the island’s marshy interior, gusts regularly exceed 160kph. Everyone stays indoors but the sheep. Tourists arrive in summer, lured by mild temperatures and unspoiled countryside; even so, there’s rarely a calm day. “The weather here is changeable”, says Nigel Scott, spokesman for the local government. “But the wind is constant”. The brutal climate could finally be Lewis’s salvation. The place has been growing poorer and more desolate for generations, as young people seek sunnier prospects elsewhere. But now the energy industry has discovered the storm-swept island. The multinationals AMEC and British Energy are talking about plans to erect some 300 outsize wind turbines across a few thousand hectares of moorland. If the 500 million-pound project goes through, the array will be Europe’s largest wind farm, capable of churning out roughly 1 per cent of Britain’s total electrical needs – and generating some badly needed jobs and cash for the people of Lewis.

B) suffers more than any other island in Scotland’s Outer Hebrides from Atlantic gales C) will undergo many important changes unless a wind farm is established there D) may one day be home to Europe’s largest wind farm E) has an aging population that regards the windfarm scheme with distrust

94. If the energy industry carries out the project described in the passage and sets up 300 wind turbines on Lewis, ----. A) maintenance costs due to the gale force winds could cause financial failure B) the young people will want to leave their much loved island

91. We understand from the passage that, in summer, the island of Lewis ----.

C) there will be a shortage of land for the sheep to graze on

A) attracts visitors as nature there has remained unspoiled

D) other windswept coastlines throughout Europe will probably follow suit

B) enjoys a warm, wind-free climate

E) these will provide Britain with roughly of 1 per cent of her total electrical needs

C) is one of the most attractive of the islands that make up the Outer Hebrides D) has little to offer its inhabitants by way of a living other than fishing E) can offer its inhabitants even less in the way of a livelihood than it can in the winter

95. According to the passage, if the proposed wind farm is set up on Lewis, ----. A) this could make the island unattractive to summer visitors

92. It’s clear from the passage that for a long time now the young people of Lewis ----. A) have been looking forward to the establishment of a wind farm on their island

B) the idea could spread rapidly to neighbouring islands

B) have been leaving the island intent on finding a better way of life elsewhere

C) this will open up much needed employment opportunities for the islanders

C) have realized that the island’s most valuable asset is its climate

D) it will only function efficiently in the winter months

D) have been reluctant to leave the island on a permanent basis

E) the costs will be shared equally by AMEC and British Energy

E) feel no sympathy for the old traditions and ways of life of the island Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 98. It is clear from the passage that science and the application of science ----.

96. – 100. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) will not help to further global awareness In this century, the wealth and success of nations will depend like never before on the ability to produce and use knowledge. Universities have long been instrumental in generating knowledge and ideas. But in an increasingly globalized world, and in the face of rapid scientific change, they will need to think about a set of new challenges and how best to prepare their students for the coming decades. Universities will need to teach a new kind of literacy, in which global awareness will play an important role. They also need to deal with the dilemmas posed by the accelerating pace of change brought on by scientific and technological advances. We are on the brink of once-in-human-history progress in combating disease through the application of modern science. Doctors will have at their disposal blood tests that will tell you with substantial predictive power how long you will live and from what diseases you are likely to suffer. The Internet and the application of information technology may well represent the most profound change in the way knowledge is disseminated since the printing press. We are close to understanding the first second of the history of the cosmos.

B) is largely confined within the universities C) has grown so complex that it is beyond the understanding of all but a very few D) cannot go on advancing at this rate E) is opening up startling new possibilities

99. The writer of the passage seems convinced that the current rapid developments in science and technology ----. A) will be accompanied by new problems B) cannot go on much longer C) will bring more harm than good D) are largely concentrated in the field of medicine E) are beyond the grasp of most people in most countries

96. According to the passage, universities are under an obligation to ensure that their students ----. A) have the chance to work alongside foreign students B) are equipped to deal with the changing conditions of the coming decades C) are introduced to international perspectives in every area of study

100. The phrase, “once-in-human-history progress” is saying ----. A) we cannot expect or, indeed, hope for such progress ever to happen again

D) are taught not specific facts as much as broad ways of thinking

B) this is only the first of many spurts of progress

E) all have a good grounding in science and technology

C) this is the first instance of a widespread application of science D) there has never been such progress ever before and there may not be again

97. One point that is given considerable emphasis in the passage is ----.

E) this is the highest possible peak of progress

A) the need of all students to get acquainted with foreign cultures and global issues B) that the universities have a commitment to the pursuit of truth for its own sake


C) that the universities are in a position to further greater global integration


D) the incredible speed with which knowledge is increasing E) that universities must stick to the values that have made them successful in the past Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 5. There has been increasing pressure in the US to ---- the amount of funding allocated to foreign aid, and instead, use the funds to improve the domestic economy.

1. – 15. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

A) make up for

1. A strong ---- exists between a country’s wealth and the freedom afforded its citizens. A) coincidence

B) correlation

C) consideration

D) determination

B) point out to

D) cut down on

E) interpretation

C) keep up with

E) take up with

6. Many parts of rural America ---- to reflect the values and traditions of the European immigrants who ---- in the country during the nineteenth century. A) continued / have arrived

2. Satellite television transmission now makes it ---for us to watch events as they unfold in other countries.

B) have continued / would have arrived C) continue / arrived

A) worldwide

B) substantial

D) would have continued / were arriving

C) aware

D) commonplace

E) will continue / would arrive

E) liable

7. With few exceptions, most totalitarian governments ---- more liberal since 1989 when the Berlin Wall ----.

3. Latin American countries on average export only about 10 per cent of their products to other Latin American countries but ---- 20 per cent of them to the US. A) almost

B) fairly

C) respectively

D) initially

A) became / falls B) are becoming / would fall C) were becoming / has fallen D) had become / was falling

E) extensively

E) have become / fell

8. Of all the arts it ---- to classical music that Germany ---- the greatest contribution.

4. Until the sixteenth century, when the first international postal agreement was ----, there was no postal system as we know it today. A) assigned

B) maintained

D) seized

A) had been / made B) is / has made

C) enacted

C) has been / had made

E) conducted

D) was / will have made E) might be / would have made

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A İNGİLİZCE 13. ---- by making an internal analysis can a company set the overall rationale for its international activities.

9. Severity of autism ranges ---- those who are mute and have no functional behaviour ---- individuals with high IQ scores. A) into / among

B) in / about

C) between / of

D) through / for

A) Still

B) While D) Until

C) Only E) Just as

E) from / to

10. Most companies would prefer to concentrate ---domestic rather than foreign markets because of their greater familiarity ---- their own environments. A) in / of

B) on / with D) at / from

14. ---- an organization depends on collaborative arrangements, ---- likely it is to lose control over decisions.

C) over / by

E) for / to

A) Not only / but also

B) Neither / nor

C) Either / or

D) When / then E) The more / the more

11. Management must learn to determine market conditions in the countries ---- it is doing business. A) where

B) what D) of which

C) as for E) so that

15. A corporation’s formulation of its international strategy will greatly determine ---- it will benefit more from protectionism or from some other means for countering international competition.

12. ---- the growth in e-mail and fax transmissions, many communications are still best handled by face-to-face or voice-to-voice contact. A) Contrary to

B) In spite of

C) By means of

D) Since

A) so

B) as D) whether

C) unless E) whereby

E) As regards

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A İNGİLİZCE 16. – 20. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

21. – 25. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

All hay fever sufferers will be aware of the pollen “rain” that (16) ---- them in the spring and summer. Pollen grains – the tiny male reproductive bodies of flowering plants – have an almost (17) ---- outer shell (exine) that can survive in certain sediments for tens of thousands of years. In pollen analysis the exines are extracted from the soil, studied under a microscope, and identified (18) ---- the distinctive exine shape and surface ornamentation of different families and genera of plants. (19) ---- quantified, these identifications are then plotted as curves on a pollen diagram. Fluctuations in the curve (20) ---each plant category may then be studied for signs of climatic fluctuation, or forest clearance and cropplanting by humans.

Underwater archaeology is beginning to yield a detailed picture of whaling undertaken by Basque fishermen at Red Bay, Labrador, in the 16th century. The Basques were at this time the largest suppliers to Europe of whale oil – an important (21) ---- used for lighting and in products such as soap. In 1977, prompted by the discovery in Spanish archives that Red Bay (22) ---- a prominent whaling centre, Canadian archaeologist James A. Tuck began an excavation on the island at the mouth of Red Bay Harbour. Here he found remains of structures for turning blubber (23) ---- whale oil. (24) ----, in 1978, the nautical archaeologist Robert Grenier led a Parks Canada team in search of the Basque galleon San Juan, (25) ---- the archives said had sunk in the harbour in 1565.

16. 21.

A) should afflict

B) can afflict

C) had afflicted

D) would afflict

A) commodity

B) refinement

D) hardship

E) afflicted

C) artifact

E) settlement


17. A) intense

B) approachable

C) indestructible

D) abundant

A) would have been

B) is

C) was going to be

D) had been

E) will be

E) unsteady 23. A) by


D) upon

A) according to

B) ahead of

C) with a view to

D) on behalf of

19. B) Whenever D) Until

B) Frequently

C) Otherwise

D) Subsequently E) Conclusively

E) Once

25. A) whose

B) on D) about

E) into

A) On the contrary

C) While

20. A) across

C) next to


E) in place of

A) Before

B) about

B) when D) who

C) for

C) whom E) which

E) at Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 29. ---- but cannot be proved and is difficult to assess.

26. – 35. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

A) The influence of Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary of the English Language on the development of the language has been widely assumed

26. Because energy production expends resources and causes pollution, ----.

B) Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary of the English Language played a role in propagating a standard spelling among the less literate

A) we depend upon nature to provide the basics of life, such as food and oxygen B) many resources are used once and then thrown away

C) Samuel Johnson was an enthusiastic reader of classical and English literature from his earliest years

C) modern technical challenges are seldom met by scientists

D) It took Samuel Johnson eight or nine years to complete work on his Dictionary of the English Language

D) scientists and engineers must work to develop energy-efficient processes

E) With his Dictionary of the English Language, Samuel Johnson provided a powerful but conservative model of language usage

E) engineers must solve problems without even understanding the underlying theory

27. If only she had come up with some positive suggestions, ----. A) the scheme certainly had very many drawbacks B) nobody else is likely to complain C) so far this is the best thesis to be submitted D) the others will already have been rejected E) I wouldn’t have minded her criticism of the project 30. Before the 21st century has run its course, ----. A) the powers of computers have expanded vastly due to advanced research B) countless technologies not envisioned yet will be available to us 28. ---- while such African languages as Hausa and Swahili continued to serve the everyday needs of the masses.

C) a great deal of scientific effort is being made to find solutions to complex problems D) most people in developed countries enjoy a state of true health throughout their lives

A) During the colonial era in Africa, English became the shared language of the administration and a Western-educated élite,

E) our knowledge of the world around us has improved to a great extent

B) In colonial Africa, the teaching of English literature is no longer popular C) Modern African writers have found it necessary to adapt certain aspects of English, D) Today, English is the official language of sixteen countries in Africa, E) English as a second language has been taught in Africa for nearly four hundred years,

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A İNGİLİZCE 31. Smallpox was once a dreaded human disease, ----.

34. By 1809, Sweden’s military power had waned to such an extent ----.

A) while genetic engineering can be used in several ways to make vaccines

A) as a new constitution transferred power from the king to Parliament

B) although today DNA technology is helping medical researchers develop vaccines

B) so that it could no longer continue as a great power

C) even if artificial-mutant vaccines may cause fewer side effects than natural mutants

C) that the country was forced to surrender part of its territory to Russia

D) but it was eradicated worldwide in the 1970s by widespread vaccination

D) in that nearly one million Swedes migrated, mostly to America

E) since there has been no effective drug treatment for many viral diseases

E) even though the Swedes had contributed to Europe’s Age of Enlightenment with advances in science

32. Neanderthals were a recent evolutionary human relative ----. A) who lived in Europe and became extinct 30,00040,000 years ago B) as researchers studying human origins debated this question for decades C) which are muscular and robust, with a brain similar to ours in size D) while the relationship between humans and Neanderthals may best be described as sister species

35. Road and rail connections in Italy are generally better in the north, ----.

E) despite the fact that they had hands as nimble as those of present-day humans, with a thumb and fingers

A) because between the snowy peaks of the Alps and the rugged shores of Sicily lies a whole series of regions, each with its distinctive culture B) but there are many other attractive historic towns and cities

33. The Welsh language has changed so little through the centuries ----.

C) but people speak of two Italies: the rich industrial North and the poorer agricultural South

A) whose annual Eisteddfod celebration honours its best poets and writers

D) just as the government has allocated extra funds for road repairs

B) that an educated Welshman can still read the Welsh of the Middle Ages

E) where Milan, Bologna and Verona are the key transport centres

C) as more and more English families settle in Wales, bringing their habits with them D) although Wales recently formed its own national assembly E) unless it embodies the kind, unambitious nature of the Welsh people

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 37. As we learn from the works of many biologists in the past, since sponges did not move from one place to another, they were thought to be plants.

36. – 40. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.

A) Geçmişteki pek çok biyoloğun, eserlerinde, süngerlerden bitki olarak söz etmesinin nedeni, bu canlıların bir yerden bir yere hareket etmemesidir.

36. A person’s health history may reveal a disease that interferes with the body’s use of nutrients or that affects the person’s eating habits. A) Kişinin sağlık öyküsü, yemek yemesini engelleyen veya bedeninin besinlerden yararlanma sürecini etkileyen bir hastalığı açığa çıkarmada kullanılabilir.

B) Geçmişteki biyologların eserlerinden öğrendiğimiz kadarıyla, süngerler bir yerden bir yere hareket etmemeleri dolayısıyla bitkilerle aynı grupta ele alınıyordu.

B) Kişinin sağlık öyküsü, bedenin besinlerden yararlanmasını engelleyen veya kişinin yemek yeme alışkanlıklarını etkileyen bir hastalığı açığa çıkarabilir.

C) Geçmişteki pek çok biyoloğun eserlerinden öğrendiğimiz kadarıyla, süngerler bir yerden bir yere hareket etmediği için onların bitki olduğu sanılıyordu.

C) İnsanın yemek yemesini engelleyen veya bedenin besinlerden yararlanma sürecini etkileyen hastalıklar, kişinin sağlık öyküsünden yararlanılarak ortaya çıkarılabilir.

D) Geçmişte, süngerler, bir yerden bir yere hareket etmedikleri için bitki olarak kabul edildiği halde, pek çok biyolog bu görüşe eserlerinde yer vermemiştir.

D) Bir kişinin sağlık öyküsünden, hem onun yemek yeme alışkanlıklarını etkileyen hem de bedenin besinlerden yararlanmasını engelleyen hastalıklar kolaylıkla anlaşılabilir.

E) Süngerler, bir yerden bir yere hareket etmedikleri için, geçmişte bitki olarak sınıflanıyordu; fakat birçok biyolog, eserlerinde bunun yanlış olduğunu belirtmektedir.

E) Bedenin besinlerden yararlanma sürecini etkileyen veya kişinin yemek yemesini engelleyen hastalıkların çoğu, kişinin sağlık öyküsünden anlaşılmaktadır.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 40. When the Sirkeci train station went into service on November 3, 1890, the waiting room was heated with stoves brought from Austria and lit by coal-gas lamps.

38. Overrun by the Austro-German armies in World War I, Poland declared its independence on November 11, 1918, and on June 20, 1919, was recognized as an independent state by the Treaty of Versailles.

A) 3 Kasım 1890’da hizmete giren Sirkeci tren istasyonunun hava gazı lambalarıyla aydınlatılan bekleme salonu, çoğu Avusturya’dan ithal edilen sobalarla ısıtılıyordu.

A) I. Dünya Savaşı’nda Avusturya-Alman orduları tarafından işgal edilmiş olan Polonya, bağımsızlığını 11 Kasım 1918’de ilân etmiş olsa da bağımsız bir devlet olarak tanınması, 20 Haziran 1919’da imzalanan Versailles Antlaşması’yla gerçekleşmiştir.

B) Sirkeci tren istasyonu 3 Kasım 1890’da hizmete girdiğinde, bekleme salonu Avusturya’dan getirtilen sobalarla ısıtılıyor ve hava gazı lambalarıyla aydınlatılıyordu.

B) Avusturya-Alman ordularınca I. Dünya Savaşı’nda işgal edilmiş olan Polonya, 11 Kasım 1918’de bağımsızlığını ilân etmiştir; ancak bir devlet olarak bağımsızlığı Versailles Antlaşması’yla 20 Haziran 1919’da kesinleşmiştir.

C) 3 Kasım 1890’da, bekleme salonu hava gazı lambalarıyla aydınlatılan ve Avusturya’dan ithal edilen sobalarla ısıtılan Sirkeci tren istasyonu hizmete girdi.

C) Polonya, I. Dünya Savaşı’nda Avusturya-Alman ordularının işgaline uğrasa da 11 Kasım 1918’de bağımsızlığını ilân etmiş ve bir devlet olarak bağımsızlığı, 20 Haziran 1919’da Versailles Antlaşması’yla kesinleşmiştir.

D) Sirkeci tren istasyonu 3 Kasım 1890’da hizmete girdiğinde, hava gazı lambalarıyla aydınlatılan bekleme salonunu ısıtmak için Avusturya’dan soba ithal edilmişti. E) Sirkeci tren istasyonunun Avusturya sobalarıyla ısıtılan ve hava gazı lambalarıyla aydınlatılan bekleme salonu, 3 Kasım 1890’da hizmete girmişti.

D) I. Dünya Savaşı sırasında Avusturya-Alman ordularının işgaline uğrayan Polonya, Versailles Antlaşması’na göre, bağımsızlığını 11 Kasım 1918’de ilân etmiş ve 20 Haziran 1919’da da bağımsız bir devlet olarak tanınmıştır. E) Avusturya-Alman ordularınca I. Dünya Savaşı’nda işgal edilmiş olan Polonya, 11 Kasım 1918’de bağımsızlığını ilân etmiş ve Versailles Antlaşması’yla 20 Haziran 1919’da bağımsız bir devlet olarak tanınmıştır.

41. – 45. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz. 41. Kuzey İrlanda, Birleşik Krallığın ayrılmaz bir parçasıdır; ancak, 1920’de İrlanda’nın Yönetimi Yasası’na konmuş olan hükümlere göre, yarı özerk bir yönetime sahiptir. A) Northern Ireland constitutes a major part of the United Kingdom even though, according to the Government of Ireland Act of 1920, it is governed semi-autonomously.

39. James Joyce, whom Samuel Beckett knew in Paris in the 1920s, had a great impact on Beckett’s thinking regarding the art of writing. A) Samuel Beckett’in 1920’lerde Paris’te tanıdığı James Joyce’un, Beckett’in yazma sanatıyla ilgili düşünceleri üzerinde büyük bir etkisi oldu.

B) According to the terms of the Government of Ireland Act of 1920, Northern Ireland makes up a significant part of the United Kingdom despite the fact that its government is semi-autonomous.

B) James Joyce’un yazma sanatı konusundaki düşüncelerinden çok etkilenen Samuel Beckett, onu 1920’lerde Paris’te tanımıştı.

C) Northern Ireland is an integral part of the United Kingdom, but, in accordance with the provisions made in 1920 in the Government of Ireland Act, it has a semi-autonomous government.

C) Samuel Beckett 1920’lerde James Joyce’la Paris’te tanıştıktan sonra, yazma sanatı konusundaki düşünceleri bir ölçüde değişti.

D) Northern Ireland is regarded as an essential part of the United Kingdom and, under the terms of the Government of Ireland Act of 1920, is administered by a semi-autonomous government.

D) James Joyce 1920’lerde Paris’te tanıdığı Samuel Beckett’in yazma sanatı konusundaki düşüncelerini büyük ölçüde etkiledi. E) 1920’lerde Paris’te yaşayan Samuel Beckett’in yazma sanatı konusundaki düşünceleri James Joyce sayesinde tamamıyla değişti.

E) According to the provisions made in the 1920 Government of Ireland Act, Northern Ireland, which is an inseparable part of the United Kingdom, has a semi-autonomous administration. Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 42. Patara’da pek çok pansiyon ve birkaç görkemli otel olmasına rağmen, geleneksel köy yaşamı hâlâ devam etmektedir.

44. On dokuzuncu yüzyılın sonlarında X ışınları keşfedildiğinde, bilim adamları benzer tür başka ışınlar bulmak için hemen yoğun araştırmalara giriştiler.

A) Patara boasts various pensions and a number of magnificent hotels even though village life continues here in a traditional way.

A) It was in the late nineteenth century that, following the discovery of X-rays, scientists suddenly embarked on a serious research programme to trace various other similar rays.

B) Despite a number of pensions and some excellent hotels, Patara is still a village which has a traditional way of life.

B) Following the discovery of X-rays in the nineteenth century, comprehensive research was soon undertaken by scientists in order to detect other rays of the same kind.

C) Though a village where traditional life still goes on, Patara has a great number of pensions and several luxurious hotels.

C) Towards the end of the nineteenth century, when X-rays were discovered, scientists were already involved in extensive research in order to study other kinds of rays.

D) Although in Patara there are many pensions and a few splendid hotels, traditional village life still continues. E) Patara, which has several pensions but few nice hotels, is just a village where life goes on in a traditional manner.

D) The discovery of X-rays in the late nineteenth century motivated scientists to carry out exhaustive research in order to detect other types of rays. E) When X-rays were discovered in the late nineteenth century, scientists immediately set out on intensive research to find other similar types of rays.

43. On altıncı yüzyılın ilk yarısında Fransa kralı olan I. François, ülkesini Avrupa’da önde gelen bir güç yapmayı düşlemiş, ancak Avusturya imparatoru V. Charles tarafından engellenmiştir.

45. Roma İmparatorluğu’nun yıkılışından sonra, İmparatorluğun bir parçası olan Avusturya, Slav kökenli çeşitli milletlerce istila edilmiştir.

A) The French king François I, who had the dream of making his country Europe’s dominant power in the first half of the sixteenth century, was opposed by the Austrian emperor Charles V.

A) Following the fall of the Roman Empire, Austria, which had constituted part of the Empire, was settled by different peoples of Slavic origin.

B) François I, the king of France in the first half of the sixteenth century, dreamt of making his country a leading power in Europe but was prevented by Charles V, emperor of Austria.

B) In the aftermath of the fall of the Roman Empire, Austria, which had been one of the regions of the Empire, was overrun by a number of originally Slavic peoples.

C) Charles V, the emperor of Austria, stood up against François I, the king of France, who dreamt of making his country a major European power in the first half of the sixteenth century.

C) Soon after the fall of the Roman Empire, Austria, which had been a region of the Empire, was conquered by various nations, mostly of Slavic origin.

D) François I, the king of France, had the dream of turning his country into the chief European power in the first half of the sixteenth century although he was opposed by Charles V, emperor of Austria.

D) After the fall of the Roman Empire, Austria, which had been a part of the Empire, was invaded by various nations of Slavic origin. E) When the Roman Empire fell, a number of nations of Slavic origin had already invaded Austria, which was part of the Empire.

E) The king of France in the first half of the sixteenth century, François I, dreamt of making his country one of the major powers in Europe but was dissuaded by the Austrian emperor Charles V.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 48. Headaches are among the most common medical problems. Some people have headaches often, while others hardly ever have them. ---- However, a change in the pattern or nature of headaches could signal a serious problem and calls for prompt medical attention.

46. – 51. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz. 46. Many professions, such as law, rely almost exclusively on the written and oral word. Although engineers also must write and speak well, this alone is insufficient to convey complex engineering information. For this, graphical or visual communication is required. ---- In addition, it can provide readers with insight they can obtain through no other means.

A) In addition to drugs, which are enormously beneficial in treating diseases, many other treatments can help relieve pain. B) In general, though headaches may be painful and distressing, they rarely reflect a serious medical condition.

A) On the contrary, tables are useful for presenting technical information.

C) Pain is an unpleasant sensation signalling that the body is damaged or threatened with an injury.

B) As a matter of fact, graphs are prepared from tabulated data.

D) On the contrary, high blood pressure may produce a throbbing sensation in the head.

C) A well-prepared graph can accurately communicate a great deal of information in just a few seconds.

E) Actually, pain begins in and around the eyes and begins to affect the whole head.

D) However, a wide variety of graphs are available to help visualize data. E) Nevertheless, graphs should have a descriptive title. 49. Elizabeth Barrett Browning, who was to become Victorian England’s most famous woman poet in the nineteenth century, received an unusual education for a woman of her time. Availing herself of her brother’s tutor, she studied Latin and Greek. ---- But as her intellectual and literary powers matured, her personal life became increasingly undermined by ill health. Although, by the age of thirty-nine, she was a prominent woman of letters, she continued to live in semiseclusion as an invalid in her father’s house, where she occasionally received visitors.

47. Compared to its Balkan neighbours, Greece is a wealthy country, but it remains one of the poorer members of the European Union. ---Nevertheless, with a nominally capitalist orientation, it has overcome its resemblance to pre-1989 Eastern Europe. Loss-making state enterprises have been sold off, and inflation and interest rates have fallen. However, unemployment remains high.

A) In her later poems, in which she took up the cause of Italian nationalism, she was mostly concerned with the political issues of her time.

A) It is still a developing economy, with the agriculture and service sectors accounting for two-thirds of its GNP.

B) Once in Italy, she regained much health and strength, bearing and raising a son, to whom she was ardently devoted.

B) Still, the Greek islands attract thousands of tourists, many of whom come simply to enjoy the sun and sand and the relaxed pace of life.

C) Hence, in her early work, she tended to use the visionary modes of Romantic narrative poetry.

C) Accordingly, it now seems poised to become a significant regional power.

D) Moreover, she read voraciously in history, philosophy and literature and began to write poetry from an early age.

D) Furthermore, it has one of the lowest birth rates in Europe.

E) However, her work fell into disrepute with the modernist reaction against the didacticism and rhetorical excess of Victorian poetry.

E) Yet family life and social life are usually one and the same, and tend to revolve around eating out.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 50. The human body changes in many noticeable ways with age. Perhaps the first sign of aging occurs when the eye cannot focus easily on close objects. Often by age 40 or so, many people find it difficult to read without using glasses. ---- People tend to lose some ability to hear the highest pitched tones. Therefore, older people may find that violin music no longer sounds as exciting as it did when they were young.

52. – 57. sorularda, verilen durumda söylenmiş olabilecek sözü bulunuz. 52. You are interviewing someone for a job. You don’t think the applicant has the right qualifications or even the right character for the position. However, you decide to give him the chance to further explain his talents. You say: A) If you would like to ask any questions you may do so.

A) Hearing loss may be caused by a mechanical problem in the ear canal or middle ear that blocks the conduction of sound.

B) This job starts at a low salary, but there is the possibility of promotion.

B) Some hearing tests can detect disorders in the auditory processing areas of the brain.

C) You do realize, don’t you, that you will sometimes be required to work at weekends?

C) Neural hearing loss may be caused by brain tumours that also damage nearby nerves and the brain stem.

D) What makes you think you are the best candidate for this job?

D) People who can’t hear well enough may need hearing aids that keep the volume of sound at a suitable level.

E) Have you applied elsewhere for a job?

E) Hearing also changes with age.

51. At the beginning of the 1990s, it seemed to all appearances that the US comprehensively dominated global affairs. ---- Thus, it was described as “the lonely superpower”. However, that said, the 1990s proved to be a decade of uncertainty and questioning for many Americans. In broad terms, the challenges of the post-Cold War era were as demanding for the US as they were for other countries.

53. You are at the airport in a foreign city. You want to hire a taxi to take you to your hotel, but first you want to find out the fare so that the taxi driver can’t overcharge you. You say to the taxistand attendant: A) It’s very expensive to take a taxi these days, isn’t it?

A) In many respects, the ending of the Cold War was expected to usher in a period of profound uncertainty.

B) I’m sorry to disturb you, but is there a taxi available to take me to the Smith Hotel?

B) The debates about US foreign policy in the postCold War period have been shaped by the impact of world events.

C) Excuse me, could you please tell me approximately how much it will cost me to go to the Smith Hotel?

C) One of the most frequently used images of US foreign-policy making has been that of contest and struggle.

D) Why aren’t there any taxis waiting? E) I think I’ll rent a car instead of taking a taxi. Where are the rental offices?

D) Indeed, the US has always found it difficult to reconcile the issue of world order with national perspectives. E) It occupied a pre-eminent position in terms of military power, technology and global economic reach.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 56. You turn on the television to watch your favourite programme, only to discover that it had been rescheduled and shown the previous evening. Since you have missed the programme, you are angry and say:

54. Your director at work has offered you a promotion. You don’t want to take the position even though there would be a large pay increase, because it would involve moving your family to another city. You go to the director and say: A) What do you think I should do?

A) Let me see what programmes they have tonight.

B) Thank you for considering me for this position, but I’ve decided I’d rather stay where I am for now.

B) So at what time will the programme be on next week?

C) Could you give me a week to think it over?

C) Oh well, now I have extra time to get caught up on my e-mail.

D) How much would my salary increase were I to take this promotion?

D) They’ve no right to make changes without first announcing them!

E) I’ll take the position only if I can find a good job for my wife and good schools for my children.

E) I’m thinking of buying a new television.

57. You are in a subway train on your way to visit a friend who is in hospital. You aren’t sure which stop to get off at, so you say to another passenger:

55. You are hosting a dinner party in your home and want to offer your guests a chance to sit and talk before they come to the table to eat. As your guests arrive, you say:

A) Which stop are you getting off at?

A) Won’t you come into the living room to have something to drink and chat before we eat?

B) Is it far to walk to Central Hospital after I get off?

B) I hope that you like lamb – it’s the main dish tonight.

C) Do you know which stop is the closest to Central Hospital?

C) Welcome! Thank you so much for coming.

D) This train runs very deep underground, doesn’t it?

D) Let’s sit down to eat right away. The food’s getting cold!

E) You need the train going in the opposite direction, don’t you?

E) Can I take your coats for you?

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 58. – 63. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz. 58. (I) Science is systematic because of the attention it gives to organizing knowledge and making it readily accessible to all who wish to build on its foundation. (II) If the results support the hypothesis, the scientist may use them to generate related hypotheses. (III) In this way science is both a personal and a social endeavour. (IV) In other words, it is beneficial both to the individual and to society at large. (V) Moreover, science contributes a great deal to the improvement and the quality of human life. A) I













E) V

62. (I) Seismic waves are the vibrations from earthquakes that travel through Earth. (II) The Richter magnitude scale was developed in 1935 by Charles F. Richter of the California Institute of Technology to compare the intensity of earthquakes. (III) They are recorded on instruments called seismographs. (IV) Seismographs record a zigzag trace that shows the varying amplitude of ground oscillations beneath the instrument. (V) Sensitive seismographs, which greatly magnify these ground movements, can detect strong earthquakes from sources anywhere in the world. A) I




E) V

E) V

60. (I) Many Romantic writers in Europe were preoccupied with the fact and idea of revolution. (II) For instance, in the early period of the French Revolution, all the leading English Romantics were in sympathy with it. (III) In fact, they were among its most fervent adherents. (IV) Through the greater part of the eighteenth century, man had been viewed as a limited being in a strictly ordered and essentially unchanging world. (V) Later, even after the first enthusiastic expectations had been disappointed by the events in France, the younger writers felt that its example still constituted humanity’s best hope. A) I

A) I

E) V

59. (I) As people age, the amount of water in the body decreases. (II) Since many drugs dissolve in water, and since less water is available to dilute them, these drugs reach higher levels of concentration in the elderly. (III) Also, the kidneys are less able to excrete drugs into the urine, and the liver is less able to metabolize many drugs. (IV) For these reasons, many drugs tend to stay in an elderly person’s body much longer than they would in a younger person’s body. (V) People in every civilization in recorded history have used drugs of plant and animal origin to prevent and treat disease. A) I

61. (I) Modern Bergama is a sleepy agricultural market town in the midst of a well-watered plain. (II) There has been a town here since Trojan times. (III) Of Bergama’s four main tourist attractions, only the museum is in the centre of the town. (IV) However, it was during the period between Alexander the Great and the Roman domination that Bergama, then called Pergamum, enjoyed its greatest prosperity. (V) At that time, it became one of the Middle East’s richest and most powerful small kingdoms.

63. (I) In the fall of 2000 and the winter of 2001, Britain was beset by a series of problems. (II) In September 2000, rising oil prices prompted protests by truck drivers and farmers who demanded a reduction in the fuel tax. (III) In November 2000, a series of unusually severe rainstorms and tornadoes caused high flooding and killed 12 people. (IV) In June 2001, Blair won a second landslide victory, with the Labour Party capturing 413 seats in Parliament. (V) In February 2001, foot-and-mouth disease broke out among British livestock, prompting other countries to ban British meat import and forcing the slaughter of thousands of cattle, pigs and sheep. A) I




E) V

E) V

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 66. On seeing the new shopping centre for the first time I wondered whether it would succeed, with all the other shops already in the neighbourhood.

64. – 69. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın olan cümleyi bulunuz.

A) I’m sure the new shopping centre will make a profit, because it is much nicer than the other shops nearby.

64. Visitors to the country are often struck by the warmth and hospitality of its people. A) The inhabitants of the country are quite courteous and kind, which is why so many people want to visit there.

B) Because there were already many shops in the area, when I first noticed it I wasn’t sure if the new shopping centre would do well.

B) What always amazes the natives of the country is the graciousness and geniality of the travellers there. C) The thing about the people visiting the country is that they dislike being surprised.

C) Due to the lack of shops in the area, I couldn’t understand why the new shopping centre wasn’t successful from the beginning. D) There are quite a few shops in the neighbourhood, so the new shopping centre will face stiff competition.

D) The friendliness and generosity of the country’s inhabitants frequently impress tourists.

E) I don’t know why they built a new shopping centre in our neighbourhood; there was certainly no need for one.

E) The country’s natives are especially friendly and helpful to tourists, which greatly surprised us all.

67. A recent survey regarding new engineering graduates revealed that these graduates lack communication skills.

65. Today we are more prosperous and have better relationships across the generations than ever before. A) I think people today have more money than they used to, but inter-generational relationships have suffered as a consequence.

A) New engineering graduates are not as good at communicating as their predecessors, according to the results of a recent survey.

B) In the past there used to be more prosperity and better inter-generational communication.

B) A deficiency in communicative skills was the most common complaint about new engineering graduates, according to a recent survey.

C) People these days are better off financially and there is better communication between different age groups than at any time in the past.

C) The fact that recent engineering graduates do not have the ability to make themselves understood was made clear by a new survey.

D) These days we are better at establishing trust between people than we used to be, although we may lack financial resources.

D) The results of a new survey on engineering graduates suggest that the most recent of these graduates are only average communicators.

E) Nowadays people think that relationships and trust between generations are more important than wealth.

E) Good communication skills were rated in a recent survey as the most sought-after quality in new engineering graduates.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 68. Until recently people felt that Nigerian ministers were being too optimistic, but there is now no question that the country’s financial position is growing steadily stronger.

70. – 75. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.

A) It is now clear that Nigeria’s economy is in a strong upward cycle but previously people doubted the hopeful attitude of Nigerian ministers.

70. Cheryl : - Did Michelle tell you what happened to her on her vacation in Thailand?

B) Nigerian ministers today have no apprehensions about their country’s financial status, as it is plain that it is constantly getting better. C) In the past, even though Nigeria’s economic status was constantly improving, people were often mistrustful of its ministers’ confident views. D) Though Nigerian ministers were previously sceptical of positive ideas about their country’s financial status, it has become obvious that its economy is advancing day by day.

Mike : - ---Cheryl : - Yes, that’s it. She’d booked a hotel room online, and when she arrived the hotel was full. She had to spend four hours in the rain trying to find another place to stay. A) When did she return from her trip? B) She told me all about it.

E) Today we see that Nigeria is progressing economically, but in the recent past, this was not the case and economists were wary of the optimistic views of its leaders.

C) No; what happened? D) Thailand? I thought she went to Indonesia for her vacation. E) Wasn’t it something to do with her hotel reservation?

71. Jeff : - Are there considerable cultural differences in the way business is conducted between China and Western countries? Neal : - Oh yes, there are many differences and you have to be aware of these if you want to succeed in China. 69. It’s only now that she understands how unhappy she was during her twenties.

Jeff : - ----

A) Despite the fact that her twenties were not a happy time for her, she now understands how to be happy. B) What makes her regretful is that, in her twenties, she could not be happy at all. C) Having been unhappy during her twenties, she is now a very understanding person.

Neal : - Well, in Western-style business, we focus on the deal, the possibilities and the risks. In China, top businessmen spend a good deal of time exploring what sort of person you are. Your character is more important than what you do. A) What sort of differences?

D) She was terribly unhappy during her twenties, but she has only just realized it.

B) Have you ever done business in China?

E) She now realizes that she must come to terms with the unhappiness she faced in her twenties.

C) How does one go about making business contacts there? D) What are the advantages of doing business in China? E) Which regions of China are the best for making high profits? Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 72. Carol : - People appreciate the extraordinary beauty of butterflies, but their colours and shapes might also be functional, mightn’t they?

74. Meghan : - Did you know that the government will reduce the amount of taxes you have to pay this year if your baby is born on or before December 31st?

Paul : - I’ve really no idea. In what way?

Anna : th - Well, mine’s due on December 27 .

Carol : - ----

Meghan : - ----

Paul : - Really? That’s interesting.

Anna : - Me too. I could really use a bit of extra money for the baby’s things.

A) This specific chapter is on the evolution of patterns on the wings of butterflies.

A) Well, I hope it’s not born after the deadline.

B) For instance, the markings that resemble eyes on butterflies may help them startle predators and then escape from them.

B) Oh no, you might miss the deadline if it’s overdue! C) How nice to have a baby born around the New Year.

C) This has to do with genetics. One should try to learn more about it. D) This book gives examples of all of this and more. E) Some dark forms of swallowtail butterflies mimic unrelated inedible species. Is that what you are referring to?

D) What does your daughter think about having a new little brother or sister? E) Well, that’s all right, then.

75. James : - Are you planning to attend any of the plays at the Shakespeare festival this year?

73. Helen : - I think forensics programmes on TV are giving a distorted view of what forensic science can or cannot do. Mark : - ----

Allie : - ---James : - One critic, Harold Bloom, says that it’s because he teaches us more about ourselves than any other writer. Allie : - That could be the reason.

Helen : - But they do. Some attorneys think that these forensics programmes can affect the jurors’ demands and decisions.

A) I’d like to, but I’m not sure I’ll have time. Why do you ask? B) No, but did you know that he wasn’t really respected by the public during his own lifetime? It was only a hundred years later that he was taken seriously.

A) I think most people are responsible enough not to be affected. B) You do? In what way? C) Do you actually watch those programmes?

C) I’m planning to see all of them. In fact, I’ve already bought a season ticket.

D) Oh, come on. People don’t take those programmes seriously!

D) Do you know, Shakespeare’s really not my favourite thing.

E) What’s on TV this evening?

E) Yes, of course. I wonder what it is that makes his plays so popular, year after year.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 78. As we learn from the passage, occult practices in our time ----.

76. – 80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Unlike the older forms of occultism, such as magic and astrology, organized occultism is a modern phenomenon. Few of the various organized occult movements have existed for more than 150 years; some were formed as a belated countermovement to the Enlightenment, when people began to follow rational schools of thought. Today’s occult views are based on the idea that there are events within nature, as well as within one’s spiritual life, which seem mysterious and cannot be explained by science. Examples include extrasensory perceptions such as telepathy and telekinesis, and haunted places or people. Believers maintain that these phenomena stem from unknown powers that can often be accessed only by some people with special abilities.

A) are particularly widespread among people who follow rational schools of thought B) have mostly focused on the mysteries of telepathy and telekinesis C) essentially stem from the occult movements of the past D) are concerned with phenomena which are thought to be scientifically inexplicable E) seem to benefit from science in explaining natural phenomena

79. It is implied in the passage that magic and astrology ----.

76. We understand from the passage that adherents of occultism claim that certain people ----. A) have extraordinary talents that allow them to have contact with the unknown

A) have failed as occult practices in explaining extrasensory perceptions

B) practise magic and explain events by means of astrological signs

B) are forms of occultism which can be traced back into the past

C) were the pioneers of the anti-Enlightenment movements in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries

C) lost their significance with the rise of rationalism during the Enlightenment

D) can tell us what places are haunted and why

D) did not exist as occult practices prior to the Enlightenment

E) can teach others what extrasensory perceptions are

E) have always been used in order to communicate with unknown powers

77. According to the passage, some of the organized occult movements in the past came into being ----.

80. It is obvious from the passage that occultism ----. A) contributes enormously to a more comprehensive understanding of nature

A) as a result of various magical and astrological practices

B) has gained far more popularity in modern times than in the past

B) since people in the past were seriously concerned about their extrasensory perceptions

C) is an unscientific practice that doesn’t rely on rationality

C) because the public was not satisfied with scientific explanations of events in nature

D) can fully explain the spiritual side of humanity

D) due to the assumption that many phenomena in nature were related to man’s spiritual life

E) derives a great deal from magic and astrology

E) in reaction to the rational thinking style that characterized the Enlightenment

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A İNGİLİZCE 83. It is pointed out in the passage that, during their travels, the professor and the Chinese couple ----.

81. – 85. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) were often harassed by the proprietors The assumption that a person’s attitudes determine his or her behaviour is deeply ingrained in Western thinking, and in many instances the assumption holds. However, research has shown that the relationship between attitudes and behaviour is complex. A classic study conducted during the 1930s was the first to question the link. A white professor travelled across the US with a young Chinese couple. At that time, there was quite strong prejudice against Asians, and there were no laws against racial discrimination. The three travellers stopped at over 200 hotels, motels and restaurants, and were served at all the restaurants and all but one of the hotels and motels without problem. Later, a letter was sent to all of the establishments visited, asking them whether or not they would accept a Chinese couple as guests. Of the 128 replies received, 92 per cent said they would not. In other words, these proprietors expressed attitudes that were much more prejudiced than their behaviour.

B) were doing research to find out whether a person’s behaviour affects his or her attitudes C) encountered discriminatory behaviour only on one occasion D) were not upset at all by the proprietors’ racist attitudes E) were extremely surprised by the proprietors’ prejudice against them

84. The point has been made in the passage that the American people ----. A) have always been remarkably hospitable to Asians visiting America

81. One understands from the passage that the link between attitudes and behaviour ----.

B) in the 1930s really did dislike Asians

A) had already been established before the 1930s

C) have waged war against racial discrimination since the 1930s

B) has always been a major topic of psychological research

D) and the Asians have always discriminated against each other

C) has aroused a great deal of controversy in the US

E) always do their best to provide comfort for their guests, no matter what their racial background

D) is an area which has been neglected and, indeed, deserves fresh study E) is not so definite as has been generally assumed 85. It is clear from the passage that the replies the professor received from the proprietors to whom he sent letters ----. 82. As one concludes from the passage, racial discrimination ----.

A) revealed a strong attitude of racial discrimination against the Chinese

A) is the way whereby the relationship between attitudes and behaviour can best be assessed

B) could not be regarded as an indication of prevalent racism in the US

B) has always been a major issue in the US and cannot be eradicated

C) were not concerned with the interrelationship between one’s attitudes and behaviour

C) was a problem of the 1930s in the US, but has now disappeared altogether

D) were confined only to a very small part of the US

D) in the US and the rest of the world can be fought most effectively through legislation

E) clearly showed why one’s attitudes determine one’s behaviour

E) was not practised by a great majority of the proprietors visited by the professor and his Chinese companions

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A İNGİLİZCE 88. According to the passage, while the narrator was in New Zealand, he ----.

86. – 90. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. When you stay as a guest in someone’s house, you give up your anonymity. This becomes quite a challenge if you are the kind of person who cherishes independence. However, when you and your host are on the same wavelength, you can have a trip more special than money can buy. Some years ago when I went to Auckland, New Zealand, for the first time, my hosts were a couple, about my age, whom I had met while travelling in Europe. They had a full programme lined up for me. They drove me around and showed me their favourite hot springs and also the beach where a popular TV series had once been filmed. At mealtimes, they introduced me to their favourite restaurants, where I sampled cheeses from south New Zealand that don’t get exported, and fruits grown locally. Normally such a tight schedule would make me nervous, but I found myself happily relinquishing control to my hosts, who truly understood the pleasures of their native country and enjoyed sharing them. I couldn’t have encountered this New Zealand on my own.

A) tried to find ways whereby he could travel independently B) had the opportunity to taste the native produce unique to the country C) was frustrated with the programme prepared for him by his hosts D) was particularly attracted by the location of a popular TV series E) did not have enough money to see the other parts of the country outside Auckland

89. It is pointed out in the passage that the narrator and his hosts ----. A) knew each other before he travelled to New Zealand B) had made a long journey together across many European countries

86. As we understand from the passage, the narrator ----. A) was a person who shamelessly exploited the couple’s hospitality

C) spent a fortune to experience the pleasures of New Zealand

B) expected his hosts to meet all the expenses of his sightseeing in and around Auckland

D) were genuinely interested in sampling a large variety of New Zealand’s food and drinks

C) and his hosts had similar tastes and interests, which made his trip most enjoyable

E) were independent people who preferred to be on their own

D) was more interested in eating than visiting places E) enjoyed the beginning of the holiday but not the latter part

90. It is implied in the passage that the narrator usually likes ----.

87. It is suggested in the passage that a person with a sense of independence ----.

A) local food more than nationally popular food

A) enjoys travelling together with other people B) can make friends easily while travelling

B) to be in New Zealand rather than in Europe or anywhere else

C) soon mixes with other people

C) to follow a full programme on his travels

D) wants to be led around by friends who know the territory

D) to see his travels as a challenge

E) usually prefers to be anonymous when he or she travels

E) to travel in a relaxed and leisurely way

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A İNGİLİZCE 93. We understand from the passage that Finland’s population ----.

91. – 95. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) resents outside interference in its economy In Finland now, everything is all right. Fifteen years after one of the worst recessions any European country has seen, triggered by the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Finns feel very content. Their small country of a population of 5 million is the first in the World Economic Forum’s list of the world’s most competitive countries, and the second in its business-competitiveness index. It is also the first in the OECD’s world ranking of educational performance and has the second-highest share of research-and-development spending in the European Union. Moreover, the country is reversing its demographic decline and, hence, its fertility rate is one of the highest in Europe. Perhaps best of all the Finns are facing globalization without paranoia. Theirs is one of the few European countries to have succeeded in businesses in which international prices are falling because of global competition and technological change. In most of Europe public opinion and even business élites seem gloomily resigned to being overwhelmed by India and China. Finland suggests that this fate is not inevitable.

B) is becoming one of the highest in Europe C) is an extremely competitive one when it comes to internal trade D) is now increasing due to a higher birth rate E) is not well-educated by European standards

94. We see from the passage that Finland’s economy ----. A) is by far the strongest in the world B) remains unaffected by technological change C) is still undergoing the effects of the fall of the Soviet Union D) has had a direct effect on its fertility rate

91. We learn from the passage that, in addition to Finland’s recent economic success, ----.

E) hasn’t always been stable

A) it is also a popular tourist destination B) it is resigned to being overwhelmed by India C) it also ranks very high in education D) it remains in a deep recession E) its businesses are not globally competitive 95. According to the passage, one indicator of Finland’s economic success is its ----. 92. It is clear from the passage that Finland’s previously weak economy ----.

A) experience with recession

A) was caused by the collapse of the Soviet Union

B) high ranking within the World Economic Forum

B) had no effect on the country’s standing in the World Economic Forum

C) paranoia regarding globalization D) small population

C) caused the country to spend more on research and development

E) public opinion regarding China

D) improved dramatically fifteen years ago E) became stronger after it began to reverse its demographic decline

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A İNGİLİZCE 98. We understand from the passage that, when Kenneth Lay was a child, he ----.

96. – 100. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) worked as a part-time salesman together with his father

Until the giant American energy company Enron collapsed, and its director Kenneth Lay was imprisoned, his life had been a model of the American dream of rising from rags to riches on the strength of merit and hard work. His beginnings were socially and financially very modest. He was born in Tyrone, Missouri, in 1942, as the son of a preacher who was also a part-time salesman. He helped his father make ends meet by cutting grass and delivering papers. His start in the energy industry seemed similarly modest. After obtaining a doctoral degree in economics from the University of Houston, he got his start in the booming Texan oil industry. In 1985 he merged Houston Natural Gas with InterNorth of Nebraska in order to form Enron. As Enron became stronger, Mr Lay turned increasingly to politics and was one of the biggest donors to the Bush-Cheney campaign. After Mr Bush entered the White House, Mr Lay had hopes of a seat in the cabinet, perhaps as energy secretary or even at the Treasury. However, for reasons that remain unclear, Mr Bush overlooked him, so his professional life ended in frustration.

B) wanted to become a preacher like his father C) moved with his family from Tyrone, Missouri, to Houston, Texas D) contributed to his family’s income by working at part-time jobs E) dreamed of becoming an oil tycoon

99. We can infer from the passage that Kenneth Lay expected Mr Bush to offer him a high position in his administration because Mr Lay ----. A) had contributed a very large amount of money to Mr Bush’s presidential campaign B) was an important player in the Texan oil industry C) was frustrated with his political life

96. According to the passage, after Mr Bush was elected president of the US, Kenneth Lay ----.

D) had obtained a high level of education, and was therefore quite knowledgeable

A) turned increasingly to politics

E) had become very rich through his hard work

B) became involved in the Texan oil industry C) was not offered a cabinet seat D) obtained a doctoral degree from the University of Houston

100. We see from the passage that Kenneth Lay’s imprisonment was ----. A) the result of his involvement in the Bush-Cheney campaign

E) dissolved Enron, the company he had created

B) a miscarriage of justice C) due to a crime he had committed while studying at the University of Houston

97. It is clear from the passage that the giant American energy company Enron was founded through ----. A) Kenneth Lay’s increasing interest in politics

D) carried out despite the fact that he was a good friend of President Bush

B) Kenneth Lay’s dream of rising from rags to riches

E) implemented at around the same time that Enron, the company he had founded, collapsed

C) the fact that Kenneth Lay had been imprisoned D) Kenneth Lay’s modest beginnings as the son of a preacher and part-time salesman


E) the merging of two companies: Houston Natural Gas and InterNorth


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26. D

51. E

76. A

2. D

27. E

52. D

77. E

3. A

28. A

53. C

78. D

4. C

29. A

54. B

79. B

5. D

30. B

55. A

80. C

6. C

31. D

56. D

81. E

7. E

32. A

57. C

82. E

8. B

33. B

58. B

83. C

9. E

34. C

59. E

84. B

10. B

35. E

60. D

85. A

11. A

36. B

61. C

86. C

12. B

37. C

62. B

87. E

13. C

38. E

63. D

88. B

14. E

39. A

64. D

89. A

15. D

40. B

65. C

90. E

16. B

41. C

66. B

91. C

17. C

42. D

67. C

92. A

18. A

43. B

68. A

93. D

19. E

44. E

69. D

94. E

20. C

45. D

70. E

95. B

21. A

46. C

71. A

96. C

22. D

47. A

72. B

97. E

23. E

48. B

73. D

98. D

24. D

49. D

74. A

99. A

25. E

50. E

75. E

100. E

A İNGİLİZCE KPSS/1-YD-CS/2006 5. At airports, planes waste a lot of fuel and ---large amounts of exhaust as they taxi to the runway.

1. – 13. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

A) give off 1. The river Loire runs through the heart of France, and this region embodies the ---- of the French way of life. A) essence

B) approval

D) explanation

D) put away

E) take off

E) decision

B) rigid D) pleasant

C) turn on

C) conscience

6. The country’s Minister for Development couldn’t get much work done today because there were so many visitors to ----.

2. China went through a long period of ---population growth. A) delicate

B) leave off

A) come across

C) rapid

B) find out

D) leave out

E) comfortable

C) lead on

E) show around

3. Scientists and various organizations are ---working to develop vaccines for the top three killer diseases: AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis. A) socially

B) suddenly D) currently

C) recently 7. When I ---- one book I usually go straight on to the next but, with this one, I ---- time to think it over.

E) nearly

A) finish / would have needed B) had finished / would need C) have finished / needed D) will finish / need E) was finishing / had needed

4. The Central Asian region ---- buried in poverty and plagued by corruption and social inequality. A) belongs

B) remains

D) depends

C) prospers

E) maintains

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A KPSS/1-YD-CS/2006 11. The children knew, only too ----, that their father was fighting overseas, and would be gone for a long time.

8. If natural selection ---- running, we ---- a lot more like apes now. A) would not have favoured / had looked

A) better

B) has not favoured / will look

B) much D) more

C) did not favour / looked

C) many E) well

D) had not favoured / would look E) does not favour / have looked

9. It ---- that, by 2050, global life expectancy ---- by another ten years.

12. Sometimes a snap decision can be ---- effective ---- one made deliberately and cautiously.

A) seemed / would have been increasing

A) more / than

B) seems / will have increased

B) either / or

D) much / as

C) has seemed / will be increasing

C) so / too

E) most / for

D) would seem / has increased E) will seem / would increase

13. You wouldn’t mind if I opened the window a little, ----?

10. New parents may be amazed when their baby, even ---- the first moments of life, lies ---- eyes wide open, seemingly examining them and other objects in the room. A) from / across

B) at / for

C) on / by

D) in / with

A) didn’t I

B) did you D) had I

C) would you

E) don’t you

E) through / of

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A KPSS/1-YD-CS/2006 19. – 24. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

14. – 18. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

19. If one end of an electrical conductor is heated while the other is kept cool, ----.

Scientists have been researching viable alternatives to petroleum ever since the “energy crisis” of the 1970s. As a result, in recent years, the world market for wind turbines (14) ---- by an average of 40 per cent annually. Last year alone, wind-power production worldwide (15) ---- by almost a third. (16) ---- wind plants you build, the cheaper and more powerful you can make them. Turbine makers now (17) ---- giant machines that once existed only in theory. Today one standard turbine can (18) ---- at least 1 megawatt of power, more than double the amount produced 20 years ago. This is enough power for as many as 800 modern households.

A) the group of scientists is developing new methods for recycling energy B) the electricity saved would be especially useful C) attaching thermoelectric devices to power plants could generate more useful power D) a small voltage is created between the two E) these thermoelectric devices will also be used alongside solar cells and in geothermal and nuclear power plants

14. A) would have grown

B) will grow

C) will have grown

D) has grown

E) would grow

15. A) decided

B) remained

D) produced

C) fluctuated

E) increased

16. A) The more

B) As much

D) As few

C) How much 20. As soon as he saw the picture ----.

E) The little

A) the trees and the flowers are so lovely B) he is impressed by the depiction of light and shade 17.

C) he realized it was a fake A) had produced

B) are producing

C) would produce

D) having produced

D) it is the portrait of a girl E) the technique couldn’t have been worse

E) would have to produce

18. A) subtract

B) allow

D) repeat

C) provide E) respect

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A KPSS/1-YD-CS/2006 23. The EU has been struggling with a range of problems ----.

21. Although the new underwater glider has military uses, ----.

A) which threaten to divide its members as never before

A) there are hydraulic pumps to release water B) it could run for months without human interference

B) that no country would run a budget deficit of more than 3% of its GDP

C) it actually uses very little electricity indeed D) it will mainly be used for environmental purposes E) the buoyant design helps to make it mobile

C) since the old members will patronize and antagonize the newer, poorer ones D) even though the Dutch have traditionally been sceptical of European unity E) that the Netherlands and Spain have made significant efforts to keep within the rules

22. Conservationists are still criticizing the government of India ----.

24. ----, the cost of petrol is unlikely to fall dramatically in the near future.

A) that the tiger has become an endangered species there

A) Since house prices were falling B) While consumers will be paying much more for heating

B) if the tiger population has dropped from 40,000 to 3,700 in the course of a century

C) If the budget deficit were to increase

C) because it is not giving the tiger population sufficient protection

D) As global supplies of refined petroleum are limited

D) where there would have been a census of all the endangered species

E) Although there has been an increase in consumer spending

E) until everyone realized how accurate the census was

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A KPSS/1-YD-CS/2006 27. China and India have banned the use of prenatal diagnostic techniques to learn the sex of an unborn child.

25. – 28. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.

A) Çin ve Hindistan’da, doğum öncesi bazı tanı tekniklerinin kullanımı yasaklanınca, doğmamış çocukların cinsiyeti artık öğrenilemiyor.

25. A research report prepared by a financial firm suggests that the private sector in China accounts for no more than 30 per cent of the economy. A) Bir finans şirketinin son araştırma raporuna göre, Çin’de özel sektörün ekonomideki payı % 30’dan fazla değildir. B) Bir finans kuruluşunun raporunda belirtildiği gibi, Çin’de özel sektör, ekonominin % 30’undan fazlasını oluşturmamaktadır.

B) Çin’de ve Hindistan’da doğum öncesi tanı tekniklerini kullanmak yasak olduğundan, çocukların cinsiyeti doğumdan önce öğrenilemiyor. C) Hindistan gibi Çin’de de, çocukların cinsiyetini doğumdan önce öğrenmek için kullanılan tanı teknikleri yasaklandı. D) Çin ve Hindistan, doğmamış çocuğun cinsiyetini öğrenmek için doğum öncesi tanı tekniklerinin kullanımını yasaklamıştır.

C) Bir finans şirketinin hazırladığı araştırma raporuna göre, Çin ekonomisinin % 30’unu özel sektör oluşturuyor. D) Bir finans şirketinin yaptığı araştırma, Çin’de özel sektörün ekonomide yaklaşık % 30 payı olduğunu iddia ediyor.

E) Çin ve Hindistan, doğum öncesi tanı tekniklerini, bunların çocukların cinsiyetini öğrenmek için kullanılması nedeniyle yasakladığını ilan etti.

E) Bir finans şirketi tarafından hazırlanan araştırma raporu, Çin’de özel sektörün ekonominin % 30’undan daha fazlasını oluşturmadığını ileri sürüyor.

28. New research has revealed why the efforts to create an effective vaccine for malaria have so far failed.

26. The European Union believes that torture and illtreatment are among the most abhorrent violations of human rights and that all countries have an obligation to prohibit them unconditionally. A) Avrupa Birliği, işkence ve kötü muamelenin insan hakları ihlallerinin en nefret uyandıranları arasında yer aldığına ve tüm ülkelerin bunları kayıtsız şartsız yasaklama zorunluluğu olduğuna inanıyor. B) Avrupa Birliği’ne göre, insan hakları ihlallerinin en nefret uyandıranları işkence ve kötü muamele olduğundan, tüm ülkeler bunları kayıtsız şartsız yasaklamalıdır. C) Avrupa Birliği, insan hakları ihlallerinin en kötülerinden olan işkence ve kötü muamelenin, tüm ülkelerde kayıtsız şartsız yasaklandığına inanıyor.

A) Sıtma için etkili bir aşının neden bulunamadığı konusundaki yeni araştırmalar bugüne kadar sonuç vermemiştir. B) Yeni araştırmalar, sıtma için etkili bir aşı bulunması çabalarının neden bugüne kadar başarısız olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. C) Sıtma için etkili bir aşının bulunması amacıyla yeni araştırmalar yapılması için bugüne kadar yeterli çaba gösterilmemiştir. D) Bugüne kadarki araştırmalar, sıtma için yeni bir aşı bulunmasına yönelik çabaların etkili olmadığını ortaya koymuştur. E) Sıtma için bugüne kadar neden etkili bir aşı bulunmadığını ortaya koymak için yeni araştırmalar yapılıyor.

D) Tüm ülkelerde insan hakları ihlallerinin en nefret uyandıranları olduğuna inanılan işkence ve kötü muamele, Avrupa Birliği’ne göre kayıtsız şartsız yasaklanmalıdır. E) Avrupa Birliği, tüm ülkelerde insan hakları ihlallerinin en kötüsü olduğuna inandığı işkence ve kötü muamelenin kayıtsız şartsız yasaklanması gerektiğini açıkladı.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A KPSS/1-YD-CS/2006 31. Bazı psikolojik çalışmalar, okula ilk başlayan çocukların, bir arkadaşlarıyla beraber giderlerse daha iyi uyum sağlayacaklarını öne sürmektedir.

29. – 32. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz. 29. Ortadoğu ülkeleri yeni işçileri istihdam etmek için, gelecek 20 yılda, şu andaki sayıyı ikiye katlayarak 77 milyon yeni iş yaratmak zorunda kalacak.

A) The psychological study has established that, when children start school they should go with a friend, otherwise they will have trouble in adjusting.

A) To accommodate 77 million new workers the Middle Eastern countries plan to create twice as many job openings as there are at present.

B) According to several psychological studies, children entering school for the first time need to go with a friend, then they adjust easily.

B) During the next 20 years, 77 million new jobs – twice the present number – will have to be created in the Middle Eastern countries to accommodate new workers.

C) Some psychological studies suggest that children entering school for the first time adjust better if they go with a friend.

C) The creation of 77 million jobs in the Middle East over the next 20 years, which is twice the present number, should be enough to accommodate the new workers. D) As there are going to be 77 million new workers, the Middle Eastern countries plan to double the number of job openings over the next 20 years.

D) The psychologist’s report explains why children should have a friend with them when they start school so they can settle in more easily. E) These psychological studies all demonstrate that children starting school need to have a friend with them or they have trouble settling in.

E) Middle Eastern countries will have to create 77 million new jobs – doubling the present number – over the next 20 years to accommodate new workers.

30. 2005’teki Asya tsunamisi, uluslararası yardım çabuk ve cömert olduğunda, Birleşmiş Milletler’in son derece değerli bir koordinasyon rolü oynayabileceğini gösterdi.

32. Bilimadamları, Hiroşima’ya bomba atan uçağın yok olmaktan kurtulmak için, patlamadan en az 14 km uzakta olmuş olması gerektiğini hesapladılar.

A) It was the United Nations that assumed the vital role of coordinator for the distribution of international aid that poured into Asia following the tsunami of 2005.

A) Since the aircraft that dropped the bomb on Hiroshima was unharmed by the blast it must, in the opinion of various scientists, have been more than 14 km away.

B) With the Asian tsunami of 2005 it became clear that the United Nations has an important role to play in coordinating international aid when it is speedy and generous.

B) Scientists wanted the aircraft that dropped the bomb on Hiroshima to be at a distance of at least 14 km from the explosion and so be out of danger.

C) Following the Asian tsunami of 2005, the important role of coordinating international aid which came promptly and abundantly, fell to the United Nations.

C) Scientists are of the opinion that the aircraft that dropped the bomb on Hiroshima would have been destroyed in the blast if it had been less than 14 km away.

D) The Asian tsunami of 2005 showed that the United Nations can play an invaluable coordinating role when the international aid is prompt and generous.

D) Scientists calculated that the aircraft that dropped the bomb on Hiroshima must have been at least 14 km away from the blast so as not to be destroyed.

E) The United Nations excelled in the role of coordinator for the distribution of the international aid that soon poured into Asia after the 2005 tsunami.

E) Scientists have established the fact that the aircraft that dropped the bomb on Hiroshima escaped destruction because it got a full 14 km away before the explosion occurred.

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A KPSS/1-YD-CS/2006 35. When the word “cyborg”, meaning part machine, part human, first appeared in the middle of the 20th century, it was only in the context of sciencefiction novels and films. Everybody knew that humans couldn’t be put under mechanical or electronic control. ----. This possibility presents some interesting questions. It also suggests some rather horrifying possibilities.

33. – 36. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz. 33. Heavily armoured and trained to advance as one giant machine, Roman legionary troops would cut to pieces any enemy not wise enough to flee. They were unstoppable in open ground even if greatly outnumbered, and no cavalry charge could break their unbroken wall of shields. ----. This was because the tactics of these enemies were the tactics of the guerrilla, for they knew that to confront the Roman legions head-on could only lead to defeat.

A) Today, however, some researchers believe that cyborgs will be possible within 50 years B) In fact, scientists have recently proved that the creation of a cyborg will remain impossible in the foreseeable future

A) War has always been asymmetrical whenever there has been a power with clear superiority

C) On the contrary, cyborgs will certainly continue to be a favourite subject of science-fiction writers

B) However, even in the best days of the empire, the Roman legions suffered defeats at the hands of much less accomplished enemies

D) In fact, humans will always remain firmly in control of their machines

C) The Romans had had the advantages of superior organization, doctrine, training and equipment for centuries

E) One example of fictional artificial intelligence is HAL, the self-determining computer in Stanley Kubrick’s film 2001: A Space Odyssey

D) The Romans tended to fight symmetrical battles only in the first encounter with each new enemy E) As they had to fight ordinary wars from time to time with the Parthians and Persians, the Romans knew both kinds of war

34. According to conventional economic thinking, Sweden is doing everything wrong. Its government consumes nearly 60 per cent of GDP, its taxes are among the highest in the world, and its labour market is deeply inflexible. ----. And yet, far from being punished for these economic “mistakes”, Sweden’s economy is booming.

36. The Spanish are known for their natural sociability and zest for living. ----. Sometimes it even seems as if they fit their work around the demands of their social life and not the other way round, as most people do. A) It is not uncommon for three generations to live together under one roof

A) Similarly, countries like Britain, Sweden and Denmark were warned that opting out of the euro would be an expensive expression of national sovereignty

B) Eating out with friends and family is an important social activity

B) Much of this suggests a new approach to globalization

C) They commonly put as much energy into enjoying life as they do into their work

C) However, the differences in efficiency between Europe and America are not immense

D) A popular saying with them is “leave it until tomorrow”

D) Over the last decade, most European countries have begun to reform their economies

E) In a crisis, it is always the family that provides assistance

E) Moreover, it provides very extensive social services

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A KPSS/1-YD-CS/2006 37. – 40. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz. 37. (I) In many parts of Asia, cranes are held sacred as symbols of happiness, good luck, long life and peace. (II) Although these birds are held in such esteem, they are also being destroyed. (III) In fact, cranes are among the most endangered families of birds. (IV) As many as nine of the planet’s 15 crane species are threatened with extinction because of habitat loss. (V) The image of cranes can be seen in prehistoric art, on Egyptian tombs, and on the totems of Native Americans. A) I







A) I




E) V

E) V

38. (I) There are a great many more senior citizens today than in the past. (II) There are also far fewer young people to support them. (III) Most people view the aging of our planet’s population negatively, believing that it could cause economic problems and social unrest. (IV) Much research is being carried on to find ways of helping people to live longer. (V) It is, however, a fact that has to be faced, and one should try to approach it in a positive way. A) I

39. (I) Wealth began to pour into Istanbul as the Ottoman State spread westwards. (II) Further, the city had an influx of skilled craftsmen from the new territories of the empire. (III) Towards the end of the 17th century the Ottomans began to lose their technological advantage over Europe. (IV) Thus, the city, which had begun to fall into disrepair with the slow decline of the Byzantine Empire, began to return to its former glory. (V) This was helped by the works of the great architect Sinan.

E) V

40. (I) In a competitive global market, all that employers can afford to care about is profit and cost. (II) Male participation in the American work force fell from 80 per cent in 1970 to 75 per cent in 2000, while female participation rose from 43 to 60 per cent. (III) One result of this is that record numbers of men are moving back in with their parents. (IV) It seems they would rather remain unemployed than pursue traditionally female jobs such as nursing or teaching, despite severe shortages in these professions. (V) The trend is much the same in Europe, where many unemployed men sit and wait for the labour market of their fathers’ and grandfathers’ time to return. A) I




E) V

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A KPSS/1-YD-CS/2006 41. – 44. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.

42. Peter : - Have you read this article? It says that two thirds of all the senior citizens who have ever lived are alive today.

41. John : - Have you heard about the apart-hotel in the Netherlands that has moveable cloth walls in the rooms?

Katie : - Yes. With the world’s large aging population, I’m surprised that so many companies still market their products to the younger generation.

Anne : - ----

Peter : - ----

John : - What a good idea.

Katie : - That’s right. In addition to being the largest market, seniors are also the richest market today.

Anne : - Yes, it really allows for a lot of flexibility. A) No, I haven’t. What do you mean by cloth walls?

A) What about the grown children of seniors? Aren’t they a large market?

B) Yes, since the walls are made of cloth, the rooms can be made larger or smaller to suit the needs.

B) I’m not. You know what a “youth culture” we have in the world these days.

C) Yes, but since the walls are made of cloth, wouldn’t that be a fire hazard?

C) But aren’t there an awful lot of rich young people around?

D) I think it’s a terrible idea. You’d be able to hear everything through the cloth walls.

D) You’re right. There’s a lot of money to be made in products tailored for older people.

E) Why do they need moveable walls in the room? You’d have to rearrange the furniture every time you moved the walls!

E) I don’t think the senior market is as large as is often suggested.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A KPSS/1-YD-CS/2006 44. Amy : - There’s a saying that goes: “There’s no time like the present.” What does it mean?

43. Hannah : - ---Bob : - Yes; it also seems that if women continue to have a larger share of the labour market, it will create social problems.

Cindi : - ---Amy : - Something like: “Do it now!” or “Don’t put it off till tomorrow.”

Hannah : - Really? Like what? Bob : - Well, it says in this article that male unemployment and crime will rise, leading to over-crowded prisons and difficult family life.

Cindi : - That’s exactly right.

A) Women today are receiving a better education than they used to.

B) I’ve no idea. Forget it.

A) I presume it means the present time.

C) Don’t ask me. I never can understand proverbs.

B) It seems that women are now working outside the home more than ever before.

D) How should I know? Do your own homework. E) I’d have thought it was obvious. Make a guess.

C) It says here that in secondary schools, girls do better than boys on standardized tests in all subjects, even in maths and science. D) Women shouldn’t be willing to work for less money than men. E) I think it’s wonderful that more and more women are working in managerial positions.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A KPSS/1-YD-CS/2006 46. It is clear from the passage that the writer ----.

45. – 48. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) believes that individuals with access to the new technologies must use them responsibly

Unlike 20th-century technologies like nuclear weapons, which were self-limiting because they depended on rare and expensive materials, new technologies such as genetic engineering, nanotechnology and robotics are easily within the reach of individuals or small groups. With each of these new technologies, a sequence of small, harmless advances leads to an accumulation of great power, and at the same time, great danger. Individuals with knowledge of the technologies could use them to cause great damage to the human race or to the earth. Nanotechnology, for example, could create viruses that reproduce uncontrollably and cover the planet. Intelligent robots could make copies of themselves and eventually control our civilization. Accordingly, with new technology comes the new responsibility to use it to help, rather than harm, the human race and the planet.

B) is sure that only responsible individuals have so far been allowed access to the new technologies C) is confident that individuals with access to the new technologies will definitely use them to help, rather than harm, the human race and the planet D) fears that all the individuals with access to the new technologies wish to harm the human race and the planet E) is extremely optimistic about how the new technologies will be used

47. It can be understood from the passage that 20thcentury technologies such as nuclear weapons ----. A) could easily have been controlled by a few individuals B) were easy to control due to their reliance on costly resources that are difficult to obtain C) were easy to control since only the national governments had access to them D) were controlled by the national governments of a very few countries, and thus, were unlikely to prove dangerous E) were far more likely to prove beneficial than harmful

48. It is made clear in the passage that new technologies such as genetic engineering, nanotechnology and robotics could prove dangerous ----.

45. We understand from the passage that the new technologies of the present century ----. A) are not likely to bring any benefits, not even of a temporary nature

A) even though those working on them are all fully aware of their responsibilities

B) will certainly put an end to life on the planet

B) since they are designed to harm not to help life on earth

C) pose a possible threat to society and the planet D) are largely controlled by individuals and groups that want to destroy the planet

C) as they are already showing signs of getting out of control

E) are already showing signs of controlling our civilization

D) due to their easy accessibility by individuals or small groups E) but nobody expects them to do so

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A KPSS/1-YD-CS/2006 50. It is pointed out in the passage that the orangutans weren’t able to replace those that had died or been stolen because ----.

49. – 52. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) the government gave its support to the destruction of the forests

For thousands of years the wild orangutan lived in rich tropical forests. The species has no natural enemy, but in the last three decades it has been driven to extinction. The main causes for this are miners, peasants and illegal loggers who have destroyed the orangutan’s habitat on the Indonesian islands of Sumatra and Borneo. More than half of these lowland forests were cut down during President Suharto’s autocratic reign, but the change to democracy in Indonesia in the late 1990s did nothing to stop the forest clearing. In addition, illegal hunters have killed more than 1,000 orangutan mothers per year, stealing their babies to sell on the black market. Because orangutans breed slowly, they could not reproduce quickly enough to counter these threats to their existence and so they died out.

B) they could only reproduce very slowly C) the black market price for young orangutans was rising rapidly D) no one, anywhere, showed any interest in the fate of the orangutans E) illegal hunters had carried out their plan to kill all the orangutan females

51. This passage is mainly concerned with ----. A) how the wild orangutan has become extinct B) the difficult life of the miners and loggers on Sumatra and Borneo C) how the lowland forests of Sumatra and Borneo are disappearing D) former Indonesian president Suharto’s autocratic reign E) the change to democracy in Indonesia in the late 1990s

49. It is clear from the passage that despite the shift to a democratic government in Indonesia, ----. A) the practice of selling baby orangutans on the black market increased B) the orangutans there began to have a better life

52. We can understand from the passage that the primary reason for the disappearance of the orangutans is ----.

C) the illegal hunting practices of the loggers were stopped

A) illegal hunting by miners

D) the orangutans were moved to safety

B) the dictatorship of former President Suharto

E) the forests there continued to be cut down

C) the destruction of their forest habitat D) the start of democracy in Indonesia E) the fact that they have no natural enemy

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A KPSS/1-YD-CS/2006 54. We understand from the passage that Branagh is of the opinion that films of Shakespeare’s plays have the advantage over stage productions ----.

53. – 56. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) because they are in a medium audiences are familiar with

If Shakespeare were alive today, he’d probably be writing movies. And Kenneth Branagh would probably direct them. Branagh is a celebrated stage actor who took his love of Shakespeare into filmmaking. Altogether, he has made six of the plays into films, starting with the award-winning Henry V in 1989. “The stories that Shakespeare writes, about kings and queens, the fates of nations and very powerful domestic dramas, are written at an intensity that can be presented in a bold and heightened way through film”, he says. “In the theatre, the words and the performances are the same, but film does it in a language people are more familiar with”. In As You Like It, the film he is working on now, Branagh transfers the action to 19th century Japan, where romance blossoms against the country’s tranquil landscapes. This new setting speaks to modern audiences because, Branagh says, the play is partly about “the idea of the simple life, that feeling of getting out of the terrible competition of city life and being somewhere quiet, meditative and transformative.”

B) since they can add more power and excitement to the background C) as the plays have constant scene changes D) but the writer of the passage disagrees with him E) especially when the aim is to modernize them

55. According to the passage, Shakespeare’s play As You Like It ----. A) established Branagh as a famous actor B) is the only Shakespearean play to be set in Japan C) is Branagh’s first attempt at filming a Shakespearean play D) is the one Branagh is presently making into a film E) is one of the less popular of Shakespeare’s comedies

56. It is clear from the passage that Branagh feels that the Japanese setting he uses for As You Like It ----.

53. It is clear that the writer of the article thinks that ----.

A) is the best of several startling innovations aimed at shocking audiences and instilling new life into a tired play

A) Shakespeare’s best play is Henry V B) Shakespeare would probably be in the film industry if he were living now

B) will not meet with much approval

C) modern audiences prefer stage productions of Shakespeare’s plays to films of them

C) would not have pleased Shakespeare at all D) adds a valuable new dimension to Shakespeare’s play

D) Branagh’s films are far too experimental E) Japan is an ideal country for filming Shakespeare’s plays

E) reflects the desire expressed in the play to escape town pressures and escape to the tranquillity of the country

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A KPSS/1-YD-CS/2006 59. In the passage, several alternatives that could be used to replace fossil fuels are discussed but ----.

57. – 60. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) all of them pose health problems In recent years, scientists have come to an agreement that the Earth is warming mostly due to the emission of carbon dioxide from electrical power plants that burn coal, oil and natural gas. Discussions of alternatives to these fossil fuels generally include windmills, photovoltaics (panels which convert sunlight to electricity) and even hydrogen fuel. Although these technologies hold a great deal of promise for the long term, none of them provides an immediate solution to the problem of global warming. Even if these new technologies fulfill their potential at some time in the future, it is unclear whether they will meet the world’s energy needs. For this reason, nuclear power still remains the only really attractive alternative to fossil fuels.

B) all are rejected for one reason or another C) fossil fuels remain the best choice D) with one exception, it is not likely that they will ever be able to supply enough energy E) they all present insurmountable technological problems

57. According to the passage, nuclear power ----. A) is seen as a good alternative to fossil fuels because it could supply the world’s energy needs B) is less attractive than fossil fuels as it is the main cause of global warming C) has a great future potential for clean energy production, but is not a practical solution at present

60. We learn from the passage that one important cause of global warming is ----.

D) presently supplies the world with more than half its energy

A) the sudden growth in the world’s energy needs

E) enjoys very little favour as it is so dangerous

B) the increasing use of photovoltaics to produce electricity C) the production of electrical power from coal, oil and natural gas D) related to the closure of so many nuclear power plants

58. It is pointed out in the passage that although fossil fuels could be replaced by cleaner, safer alternatives to produce electricity ----.

E) the failure to recognize the potential of windpower

A) the price of electricity would soar B) this cannot be achieved in a short space of time C) these will certainly never be sufficient to meet the world’s energy needs D) all known possible alternatives are potentially dangerous


E) none of these alternatives has as yet been tested


Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.




21. D

41. B

2. C

22. C

42. D

3. D

23. A

43. B

4. B

24. D

44. E

5. A

25. E

45. C

6. E

26. A

46. A

7. C

27. D

47. B

8. D

28. B

48. D

9. B

29. E

49. E

10. D

30. D

50. B

11. E

31. C

51. A

12. A

32. D

52. C

13. C

33. B

53. B

14. D

34. E

54. A

15. E

35. A

55. D

16. A

36. C

56. E

17. B

37. E

57. A

18. C

38. D

58. B

19. D

39. C

59. D

20. C

40. A

60. C

A İNGİLİZCE 3. Parçaya göre BT-A’nın kozmetik amaçlı kullanımı nasıl başlamıştır?

1. – 5. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) Deneme-yanılma yoluyla Botulinum toxin type A (BT-A) is a potent inhibitor of the neuron end plate. After intramuscular injection, BT-A is taken up selectively by neuronal cells via specific membrane-bound acceptor molecules. Intracellularly, a proteolytic subunit is cleaved off, which interferes with neuronal acetylcholine release. This results in a flaccid paralysis of the corresponding muscles that may last for several months until acetylcholine release is restored by sprouting of new nerve endings and finally regeneration of the original end plate. On the basis of this unique mechanism, BT-A has become a precise and highly effective tool for many types of therapeutic muscle denervations. Reduction of facial expression lines, originally observed as an anecdotal event after BT-A injections for blepharospasm, has opened doors to a rampantly expanding use of BT-A among dermatologists to treat wrinkles, which were formed as hyperkinetic mimic expression lines.

B) In vitro araştırmalarla C) Klinik araştırmalarla D) Anektodal olarak E) Tarihi bilgilerle

4. Parçada cilt kırışıklıkları neye bağlanmaktadır? A) Hiperkinetik ifade çizgileri B) Kaslarda asetilkolin eksikliği C) Sinirlerde asetilkolin fazlalığı D) Ciltaltı yağ dokusunun azlığı

1. Parçaya göre BT-A aşağıdakilerden hangisi üzerinde etkilidir?

E) Kasların denervasyonu

A) Nöron membranı B) Nöron aksoplazması C) Nöron uç plağı D) Kas membranı E) Kas hücre çekirdeği

5. Parçanın beşinci cümlesinde geçen “unique” sözcüğünün Türkçe karşılığı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

2. Parçaya göre BT-A etki mekanizması aşağıdakilerden hangisinin engellenmesiyle gerçekleşir? A) Asetilkolinin hücre içine girmesi



B) Proteolizin başlaması



C) Kas membranının aktivasyonu



D) Nöronlarda elektrik deşarjı



E) Asetil kolinin salıverilmesi


Kendine özgü

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 8. Aşağıdakilerden hangisi parçada sözü edilen çalışmada incelenen değişkenlerden biridir?

6. – 10. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) Babanın memnuniyet durumu Short postpartum stays are common. Current guidelines provide scant guidance on how routine follow-up of newly discharged mother-infant pairs should be performed. The aim of this study is to compare 2 short-term (within 72 hours of discharge) follow-up strategies for low-risk mother-infant pairs with postpartum length of stay (LOS) of37.5 ºC, due to resettings of the thermoregulatory center in the medulla. To detect fever, oral, rectal, tympanic membrane, and pulmonary artery measurements are more reliable than axillary temperatures. Fever is a useful marker of inflammation; usually the height of the fever reflects the severity of the inflammatory process. Anorexia, malaise, myalgias, headache, and other constitutional symptoms often occur concomitantly. When the body temperature changes rapidly, chills and sweats are also observed. Fever with night sweats is a feature of many chronic inflammatory conditions. Hyperthermia is a term for fever due to a disturbance of thermal regulatory control: excessive heat production (e.g., with vigorous exercise or as a reaction to some anesthetics), decreased dissipation (e.g., with dehydration), or loss of regulation (e.g., due to injury to the hypothalmic regulatory center). Most febrile patients have tenderness, redness, and swelling at the site of inflammation, and in this case, the cause of the fever is readily identified. In otherwise healthy individuals, fever alone is not a cause for hospitalization unless it is quite high (>39 ºC) or accompanied by shaking, chills, hypotension, a change in the sensorium, or other symptoms suggesting bacteremia.

A) Halsizlik

B) Başağrısı

C) İştahsızlık

D) Kusma E) Kas ağrısı

63. Parçada aşağıdaki ölçüm yollarından hangisinin daha az güvenilir olduğundan söz edilmektedir? A) Pulmoner

B) Rektal

C) Oral

D) Timpanik membran E) Aksiller

64. Parçaya göre, inflamasyon bölgesinde aşağıdakilerden hangisi olduğunda ateşin nedeni kolaylıkla bulunur? A) Ağrı

B) Kaşıntı

C) Solukluk

D) Kızarıklık E) Kabuklanma

61. Parçada ateş yükselmesine neden olan durumlar arasında aşağıdakilerden hangisinden söz edilmemektedir?

65. Parçada ateşin tek başına hastane bakımı gerektireceği durumlar arasında aşağıdakilerden hangisi sayılmamıştır?

A) Su kaybı B) İshal

A) Tansiyonun yükselmesi

C) Ağır egzersiz

B) Ateşin 39 ºC’den yüksek olması

D) Anestetiklere tepki

C) Titreme

E) Hipotalamusta düzenleyici merkezde hasar

D) Ürperme E) Duyu değişimleri

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 68. Parçaya göre mastositozun en nadir şekli aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

66. – 70. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) Mast hücre lösemisi Mastocytosis is a interesting disease characterized by an abnormal increase in mast cells in the bone marrow, liver, spleen, lymph nodes, gastrointestinal tract, and skin. Mastocytosis may present in any age group and demonstrates a slight male predominance. The prevalence of the disease is unknown. Familial occurrence is unusual. The disease is divided into four categories on the basis of clinical presentation, pathologic findings, and prognosis. Patients in the first category have a good prognosis, whereas patients in the other three groups do poorly. Indolent mastocytosis is divided into two subgroups: those with isolated skin involvement and those with systemic disease. In most cases such patients gradually accrue more mast cells with progression of symptoms but can be managed successfully for decades using medications that provide symptomatic relief. The second most common form of mastacytosis is that associated with a hematologic disorder, in which examination of the bone marrow and peripheral blood reveals the hematologic abnormality. The prognosis in these patients is determined by the associated hematologic disorder. The third category of mast cell disease is mast cell leukemia; it is the rarest form and has the most fulminant behavior. Mast cell leukemia is distinguished by its unique pathologic and clinical picture. The peripheral blood smear shows immature mast cells.

B) Kan yapımına bağlı C) Deri ile ilişkili D) Prognozu düşük E) Birinci kategorideki

69. Parçada, mast hücreli lösemide periferik kanın incelenmesi ile gözlenen mast hücrelerinin hangi özellikte olduğundan söz edilmektedir? A) Koloni şeklinde B) Çok sayıda C) Olgunlaşmamış D) Parçalanmış

66. Parçada mastositoz ile ilgili olarak aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenmemektedir?

E) Çok büyük

A) Sıklığı bilinmiyor. B) Ailevi geçiş azdır. C) Mast hücrelerinin anormal çoğalmasıdır. D) Herhangi bir yaşta görülebilir. E) Erkeklerde nadir görülür.

70. Parçanın sekizinci cümlesinde geçen “gradually” sözcüğünün Türkçe karşılığı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

67. Parçaya göre uzun zamandır kullanılan ilaçların hastalığa etkisi hangi şekildedir?

A) Belirsiz bir şekilde

A) Tedaviyi tümüyle sağlama

B) Aşamalı olarak

B) Hücre çoğalmasını durdurma

C) Zaman zaman

C) Sadece belirtilerde iyileşme

D) Azalarak

D) Erken dönemde yararlı olma

E) Kolayca

E) Yüksek dozda etkili olma

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 72. Parçada aşağıdakilerden hangisinin septik kızılda görüldüğünden söz edilmemektedir?

71. – 75. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) Üst solunum yolu tıkanıklığı During the last 30 to 40 years, outbreaks of scarlet fever in the Western world have been notably mild, and the illness has been referred to as “pharyngitis with a rash” or “benign scarlet fever”. The fatal or malignant forms of scarlet fever have been described as either septic or toxic. “Septic scarlet fever” refers to patients who develop local invasion of the soft tissues of the neck and complications such as upper airway obstruction, otitis media with perforation, meningitis, mastoiditis, invasion of the jugular vein or carotid artery, and bronchopneumonia. “Toxic scarlet fever” is rare today, but historically patients initially developed severe sore throat, marked fever, delirium, skin rash, and painful cervical lymph nodes. In severe toxic cases, fevers of 41ºC, pulses of 130 to 160 beats per minute, severe headache, delirium convulsions, little if any skin rash, and death within 24 hours were common. These cases occurred before the advent of antibiotics, antipyretics, and anticonvulsants, and sudden deaths were the result of uncontrolled seizures and hyperpyrexia. In contrast, children with septic scarlet fever had prolonged courses and ceased 2 to 3 weeks after the onset of pharyngitis. Complications of streptococcal pharyngitis and malignant forms of scarlet fever have been less common in the antibiotic era. Even before antibiotics became available, necrotizing fasciitis and myositis were not described in association with scarlet fever.

B) Ağrılı lenf düğümü C) Orta kulak iltihabı ve delinme D) Bronkopnemoni E) Menenjit

73. Parçaya göre ciddi toksik olgularda daha az görülen belirti aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? A) Bir günde ölüm B) Boğaz ağrısı C) Taşikardi D) Belirgin ateş E) Deride kızarıklık

74. Parçaya göre, ilaç tedavilerinin bilinmediği dönemlerde septik kızıl hastalıklı çocuklarda faranjiti takiben 2-3 hafta sonra görülen durum aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

71. Parçada son yıllardaki kızıl salgınları için aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenmektedir? A) Yavaş seyreden

A) Ölüm

B) Baygınlıklar

C) Hiperpreksi

D) Aşırı titreme

B) Belirgin biçimde çok

E) Kasılma

C) Oldukça zararsız D) Dikkati çekecek şekilde hafif E) Önemli oranda değişken 75. Parçanın üçüncü cümlesinde geçen “have been described” ifadesinin Türkçe karşılığı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? A) Ayırt edilmiştir

B) Görülmüştür

C) Anlaşılmıştır

D) Bilinmiştir E) Tanımlanmıştır

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 78. Parçaya göre, frenginin günümüzdeki durumu geçmişteki durumuyla karşılaştırıldığında aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğrudur?

76. – 80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Syphilis is a chronic infectious disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. It is usually acquired by sexual contact with another infected individual. Syphilis is remarkable among infectious diseases in its large variety of clinical presentations. It progresses, if untreated through primary, secondary, and tertiary stages. The early stages (primary and secondary) are infectious. Spontaneous healing of early lesions occurs, followed by a long latent period. In about 30 % of untreated patients, late disease of the heart, central nervous system, or other organs ultimately develops. At one time this disease was termed “the great imitator.” Although the disease is less common now than previously, it remains a great challenge to the clinician because of its protean manifestations and is of great interest to biologists as well because of the long and tenuous balance between the host and the invading spirochete.

A) Tanısı daha kolaydır. B) Daha geniş bir yaş aralığında görülür. C) Daha seyrek rastlanır. D) Daha kolay tedavi edilir. E) Klinisyen için artık güçlük oluşturmaz.

79. Parçaya göre, biyologların spirokette ilgisini çeken aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? 76. Parçada frengi, bulaşıcı hastalıklar arasında hangi yönüyle dikkate değer bulunmaktadır?

A) Konakçıyla kurduğu denge

A) Merkezi sinir sistemini etkilemesiyle

B) Çoğalma biçimi

B) Cinsel yolla bulaşmasıyla

C) Proteinlerinin çeşitliliği

C) Çok çeşitli klinik belirtileriyle

D) Tiplerinin çokluğu

D) Hızlı ilerlemesiyle

E) Yaşam döngüsü

E) Geç dönemde görülen yaralarıyla

80. Parçanın yedinci cümlesinde geçen “ultimately develops” ifadesinin Türkçe karşılığı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? A) Birlikte görülür

77. Parçaya göre, hastalık için bir zamanlar yapılan tanımlama aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

B) Yavaşça ilerler

A) Bulaşıcı yara

C) Mutlaka oluşur

B) Gizli düşman

D) Sonunda gelişir

C) Sinsi hastalık

E) Hızla etkiler

D) Büyük darbe E) Büyük taklitçi

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 83. Parçada, sistemik bozuklukların dil ve koku epitelindeki duyu hücre reseptörlerinin hangi özelliğini etkiliyor olabileceği söylenmektedir?

81. – 85. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. The most frequently encountered causes of loss of smell are congenital abnormalities, viral infections, head injuries that sever the neurons crossing through the cribriform plate, and normal aging. Patients can lose their sense of smell not only from chronic allergies and sinusitis but also from the nasal sprays and drops that they use to treat these conditions. The most common causes of loss of the sense of taste are viral infections and drug ingestion, particularly antirheumatic and antiproliferative drugs. Many of the systemic disorders probably have their effect by decreasing the rate of turnover of sensory receptors on the tongue and olfactory epithelia. Disturbances of smell and taste in malnourished patients may be due to specific deficiencies in vitamins and minerals, such as zinc. Viral illnesses such as influenza and viral hepatitis produce disorders of both taste and smell. Multifocal neurologic disorders such as multiple sclerosis can affect the central olfactory and gustatory pathways at multiple levels, and therefore abnormalities of taste and smell are common in such patients. Treatment of olfactory dysfunction due to nasal disease is aimed at opening the air passageways while preserving the olfactory epithelium. Intranasal steriods, antibiotics, and allergic therapies are useful in selected cases. Drugs known to affect taste or smell should be removed for a trial. Vitamin and mineral therapies are of unproven benefit.

A) Dönüşüm hızını

B) Değişim hızını

C) Sayısal oranını

D) Kimyasal yapısını

E) Duyarlılık oranını

84. Parçada vitamin ve mineral tedavisi hakkında aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenmektedir? A) Kötü beslenmenin etkisini düzeltir. B) Yararı kanıtlanmamıştır. C) Deneme amacıyla uygulanmaktadır.

81. Parçada aşağıdakilerden hangisi koku duyusu kaybının en sık nedenleri arasında sayılmamıştır?

D) Aralıklı olarak uygulanmalıdır. E) Bazı durumlarda uygulanabilir.

A) Sinüzit B) Viral enfeksiyonlar C) Kafa travmaları D) Yaşlanma E) Doğuştan anomaliler

82. Parçada aşağıdakilerden hangisi hem tat hem de koku duyusunu bozacağından söz edilen etkenlerden biri değildir?

85. Parçanın sekizinci cümlesinde geçen “while preserving” ifadesinin Türkçe karşılığı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) Multiple skleroz

A) Sunarken

B) Açarken

B) Viral hepatit

C) Korurken

D) Düzeltirken

C) Vitamin ve mineral eksikliği

E) Etkilerken

D) Zatürre E) Kronik alerji

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 88. Parçaya göre. radyoterapi planlandığında yeterli beslenme için ilk önce hangi yöntem kullanılır?

86. – 90. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) Psikoterapi A recent unintended weight loss of 5 kg or more than 5 % of usual weight should prompt efforts to diagnose the underlying disorder or social circumstance. Weight loss alone does not distinguish the composition of tissue loss, which can range from 25 to 30 % lean tissue in semistarvation to 50 % lean tissue loss following starvation plus injury. Therefore, unintentional weight loss of more than 5 kg indicates a need for thorough nutritional assessment. Weight loss in excess of 10 % of usual weight should be considered to represent protein-energy malnutrition that will impair physiologic function, particularly muscle strength and endurance. Weight loss in excess of 20 % should be considered severe proteinenergy malnutrition that will substantially impair most organ systems. If major elective surgery is planned, such individuals would benefit from adequate feeding preoperatively. If radiotherapy is planned, adequate feeding during therapy with the use of supplemental formulas, tube feeding, or parenteral nutrition (in that order) is indicated.

B) Tüple beslenme C) Parental beslenme D) İştah açıcılar E) Ek beslenme formülleri

89. Parçanın beşinci cümlesinde geçen “will substantially impair” ifadesinin Türkçe karşılığı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? A) Ciddi biçimde bozacak B) Sonunda etkileyecek C) Kesinlikle ulaşacak D) İlişkili bulunacak

86. Parçaya göre, istemdışı kilo kaybının altında yatan hastalığın teşhisi aşağıdakilerden hangisini gerektirir?

E) Temelden sarsacak

A) İlginin yoğunlaştırılmasını B) Çalışmaların yapılmasını C) Dikkatlice yaklaşılmasını D) Çabaların başlatılmasını E) Cevaplara ulaşılmasını

90. Parçanın altıncı cümlesindeki “such individuals” ifadesi aşağıdaki gruplardan hangisi için kullanılmıştır?

87. Parçaya göre, kas gücünü etkileyecek düzeydeki kilo kaybı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? A) % 5 oranında

A) Hızla kilo veren sağlıklı kişiler

B) % 10 dan çok

B) Damardan beslenmek zorunda olanlar

C) % 20 den çok

C) % 20’den fazla kilo kaybı olanlar

D) % 25-30 civarında

D) Yeterli protein alamayanlar

E) % 50 kadar

E) Beslenme bozukluğu dışındaki nedenlere bağlı olarak kilo kaybedenler

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 93. Parçada, hastalığın tedavisiyle ilgili olarak aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenmektedir?

91. – 95. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) Sadece belirtilerin düzeltilmesi, başarı olarak kabul edilmemelidir.

Alzheimer’s disease, the leading cause of senile dementia, is characterized by a selective neuronal degeneration affecting the hippocampus resulting in progressive memory loss, impairments in behavior, language and visual-spatial skills, and ultimately, death. Despite a multitude of studies aimed at forestalling the progression and onset of Alzheimer’s disease, current therapeutic management strategies for patients with Alzheimer’s disease have been limited to palliative treatment of symptoms. Unfortunately, this approach has only met with minimal success and, even with state of the art pharmaceutical intervention, continued and progressive cognitive decline in patients is inevitable. To date, the major obstacle in managing the disease and designing a rationale for therapeutic targets is our incomplete understanding of the pathogenesis of the disease.

B) Tedaviyle, sınırlı da olsa hastalığın iyileşmesi olanaklıdır. C) Mevcut tedavi yaklaşımları, belirtilerin hafifletilmesi ile sınırlıdır. D) Uygulanan tedavi yaklaşımları, eczacılığın sanatsal yönüne bir örnektir. E) Önemli olan, tedavi hedeflerini iyi saptayabilmektir.

94. Parçaya göre, çalışmaların çoğunluğunda aşağıdakilerden hangisinin amaçlandığı ileri sürülmektedir?

91. Parçada, Alzheimer hastalığıyla ilgili olarak aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenmemektedir?

A) Hastalığın başlamasının ve ilerlemesinin önlenmesi B) Patogenezin aydınlatılması

A) Yaşlılık bunamasının önde gelen nedenidir.

C) Tedavi yaklaşım stratejilerinin belirlenmesi

B) Hipokampus dışındaki diğer kortikal beyin kısımlarını etkiler.

D) Mortalite ve morbiditenin azaltılması

C) Sinir hücrelerinin dejenerasyonu ile karakterizedir.

E) Bilişsel bozukluklar arasında Alzheimer hastalığının görülme sıklığının azaltılması

D) Bilişsel bozulma ilerleyicidir. E) Konuşma yetisinin bozulmasına sebep olur.

95. Parçaya göre, bugüne kadar hastalığın yönetimindeki en önemli engel aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? A) İlaç çeşitliliğinin yetersiz olması

92. Parçada, Alzheimer hastalığının aşağıdakilerden hangisine yol açtığı söylenmemektedir?

B) Akla yatkın bir temel hedefin belirlenememesi

A) Ölüm

C) Tedavi etkinliğinin kanıtlanamamış olması

B) İlerleyici hafıza kaybı

D) Patogenezin tam anlaşılamamış olması

C) Görsel-uzaysal yetilerde bozulma

E) Tanı ve tedavi yöntemlerinin çok pahalı olmaları

D) İşitsel işlev kaybı E) Davranış bozukluğu

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 98. Parçaya göre, rozeola infantumda kızamıkçıktan farklı olarak aşağıdaki özelliklerden hangisi bulunur?

96. – 100. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) Laboratuarda kan bulguları farklıdır.

Because similar symptoms and rashes can occur with many other viral infections, rubella is a difficult disease to diagnose clinically except when the patient is seen during an epidemic. A history of having had rubella or rubella vaccine is unreliable; immunity should be determined by antibody testing. Particularly in its more severe forms, rubella may be confused with the mild types of scarlet fever and rubeola. Roseola infantum is distinguished by a higher fever and the appearance of the rash at the end of the febrile episode rather than at the height of the signs and symptoms. Infectious mononucleosis may have a rash but is associated with generalized lymphadenopathy and characteristic atypical lymphocytosis. Enteroviral infections accompanied by a rash can be differentiated in some instances by accompanying respiratory or gastrointestinal manifestations and the absence of retroauricular lymphadenopathy. Drug rashes may be extremely difficult to differentiate from the rash of rubella, but the characteristic enlargement of the lymph nodes strongly supports a diagnosis of rubella.

B) Döküntüler ateşli dönemden önce oluşur. C) Döküntüler bulgu ve belirtilerin en şiddetli olduğu dönemle eş zamanlıdır. D) Döküntülerin vücuttaki dağılımları farklıdır. E) Vücut sıcaklığı daha yüksektir.

99. Parçada lenf nodları ile ilgili olarak aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenmemektedir? A) İlaca bağlı döküntülerde lenf nodları büyümez. B) Döküntülü hastalıklarda lenfadenopati daima ilk bulgudur. C) Kızamıkçıkta karakteristik olarak lenf nodları büyümüştür. D) Enteroviral enfeksiyonlarda kulak arkasında lenfadenopati görülmez.

96. Parçaya göre, aşağıdaki hangi durum dışında, kızamıkçığı diğer viral hastalıklardan klinik olarak ayırt etmek zordur?

E) İnfeksiyöz mononükleozda yaygın lenfadenopati vardır.

A) Döküntü yüksek ateşe eşlik ediyorsa B) Öyküde kızamıkçık geçirildiği belirtilmişse C) Daha önce aşı yaptırılmışsa D) Çok ağır klinik tablo varlığında E) Kızamıkçık epidemisi durumunda

100. Parçada, kızamıkçık için antikor testi aşağıdaki durumlardan hangisinde önerilmektedir? A) Kızamıkçık geçirmiş olana aşı uygulandığında 97. Parçada, aşağıdakilerden hangisi kızamıkçığın karışabileceği hastalıklar arasında sayılmamıştır? A) Kızamık

B) Önceden kızamıkçık geçirme öyküsü olmadığında C) Hamilelerde her çeşit döküntülü hastalıkta D) Hastalığa karşı bağışıklığın araştırılmasında

B) Kızıl

E) Yapılan aşının etkinliği konusunda şüpheler olduğunda

C) Su çiçeği D) İlaç döküntüleri


E) İnfeksiyöz mononükleoz


Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 3. Parçaya göre, özellikle aşağıdakilerden hangisini kapsayan teknolojilerin daha yaygın kullanımıyla, kanserlerin görülme sıklıkları daha da azaltılabilecektir?

1. – 5. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Decades of biomedical research in developed nations have resulted in many effective interventions that affect cancer incidence and mortality. Examples include hepatitis B vaccine for liver cancer, screening methods for cervical cancer, foecal occult blood test for colorectal cancer, mammography for breast cancer, and surgical prevention for those at high risk of colorectal cancers. Undoubtedly, increased coverage of the above technologies, especially those that involve early detection, would help reduce further the burden of cancers. There has, however, been less success with respect to other cancers: sputum cytology and chest radiographs for lung cancer have not been promising, and multiple chest radiographs might even be harmful; and vaccines for H.Pylori and HPV are still under investigation. The efficacy of chemotherapy and radiotherapy varies from cancer to cancer and depends on multiple technical and biological factors, such as stage of cancer.

A) Koruyucu aşıları B) Tarama programlarını C) Erken tanıyı D) Kemoterapi yöntemlerini E) Radyoterapi yöntemlerini

4. Parçada aşağıdakilerden hangisi daha az başarı nedeniyle, ümit vadetmeyen yöntemlere örnek gösterilmiştir? A) Mamografi

1. Parçaya göre, yıllardır yapılmakta olan biyomedikal araştırmalar aşağıdakilerden hangisinde gerçekleştirilmiştir?

B) Dışkıda gizli kan C) Serviks kanseri taraması

A) Gelişmekte olan ülkelerde

D) Balgam sitolojisi

B) Kanserlerin daha sık görüldüğü yaş ortalaması yüksek toplumlarda

E) Hepatit B aşısı

C) Koruyucu hekimliğin ön planda tutulduğu yerlerde D) Kanser sıklıklarının yüksek olduğu sanayileşmiş ülkelerde E) Gelişmiş milletlerde

5. Parçada aşağıdakilerden hangisinin ümit vadetmediği, hattâ zararlı olabileceği belirtilmiştir? 2. Parçaya göre, aşağıdakilerden hangisi etkili girişimlerle sıklık ve mortalite hızları değiştirilebilmiş kanser tiplerinden biri değildir?

A) Çok sayıda akciğer grafisi B) İlaç sektörünün yönlendirdiği biyomedikal araştırmalar

A) Akciğer kanseri

C) Kaynakların taramalardan çok, tedavilere yönlendirilmesi

B) Karaciğer kanseri

D) Mamografilerde yüksek doz radyasyon kullanılması

C) Serviks kanseri D) Kalın barsak, rektum kanseri

E) Radyoterapinin giderek daha yaygın kullanılması

E) Meme kanseri

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 8. Parçaya göre, aşağıdakilerden hangisinin kadınlarda görülme sıklığı erkeklerdekinden daha azdır?

6. – 10. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) Enfarktüsü takip eden ilk yılda ölüm

Research has shown that gender differences in health and disease are significant. Coronary heart disease presents in women 10 to 15 years later than it does in men. Men are more likely to present with myocardial infarction as a manifestation of the disease, but women are more likely to die within 1 year of having an initial recognized myocardial infarction. Women are more likely to have comorbidities such as congestive heart failure, hypertension and diabetes. Blood pressure is higher in men than in women of comparable ages until menopause. Then blood pressure in women increases to levels higher than those in men. Women live significantly longer after colon cancer resection than men with comparable disease. Women smokers are more likely to develop lung cancer than men, taking into account baseline exposure, body weight, and body mass index. Men and women respond differently to medications.

B) Konjestif kalp yetmezliği C) Diabetes mellitus D) Hipertansiyon E) Miyokard enfarktüsü

9. Parçaya göre, aşağıdakilerden hangisi kadınlarda menopozdan sonra erkeklere kıyasla daha yüksek düzeylere çıkar?

6. Parçaya göre, araştırmalar aşağıdaki konuların hangisindeki cinsiyet farklılıklarının önemli olduğunu ortaya koymuştur? A) Ölüm oranlarında B) İlaçların yan etkilerinde

A) Vücut kitle indeksi

B) Kan basıncı

C) Vücut ağırlığı

D) Nabız hızı

E) Solunum sıklığı

C) Belirtilerin şiddetinde D) Bağışıklık cevabında E) Hastalık ve sağlıkta

10. Parçanın yedinci cümlesinde geçen “comparable disease” ifadesi aşağıdakilerin hangisini belirtmektedir?

7. Parçaya göre, aşağıdakilerden hangisi erkeklerde kadınlardan daha erken yaşlarda görülmektedir?

A) Kolon kanseri

A) Koroner kalp hastalığı

B) Kolon kanseri

B) Hipertansiyon

C) Akciğer kanseri

D) Obezite

C) Koroner kalp hastalığı

E) Tromboembolik olaylar

D) Akciğer kanseri E) Miyokard enfarktüsü

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 13. Parçada, rubellaya mâruz kalındığında uygulanan serolojik testlerle ilgili olarak aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenmemiştir?

11. – 15. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) Kadın bağışık ise onun güvende olduğu söylenebilir.

If a pregnant woman whose immune status is unknown is exposed to rubella, an antibody test should be performed immediately. Immune women should be reassured. Susceptible pregnant women exposed to rubella should not receive vaccine because of the potential risk of transmission of vaccine virus to the foetus. Susceptible women should undergo repeat serologic testing 3-4 weeks after exposure, and, if they are still seronegative, again 6 weeks after exposure. Seroconversion on either specimen indicates infection, and the mother should be counseled about the risk of transmission to the foetus and the resulting anomalies. For the susceptible pregnant woman exposed to rubella for whom termination of pregnancy is a viable option and for whom timing permits documentation of seroconversion within the period of time when abortion is possible, immune globulin is not recommended, since it may provide an unjustified sense of security, and precludes a positive serologic diagnosis as the basis for termination of pregnancy. However, for the susceptible pregnant woman exposed to rubella for whom abortion is not an option, immunoglobulin should be administered, which reduces the attack rate but does not eliminate the risk of foetal infection. Foetal infection may occur even in the absence of clinical signs in the mother.

B) İlk test negatif ise 3-4 hafta sonra test tekrarlanmalıdır. C) Test 3.-4. haftada hâlâ negatif ise, 6. haftada bir daha tekrarlanmalıdır. D) Testlerden herhangi biri pozitif çıkarsa fetus mutlaka etkilenecek demektir. E) Serolojinin negatiften pozitife dönmesi enfeksiyona işaret eder.

14. Parçada aşağıdakilerden hangisinin gebe kadını, fetusun etkilenmeyeceği konusunda, yersiz bir güven duygusu içine sokabileceği belirtilmektedir? A) Önceden aşılanmış olmanın

11. Parçaya göre, aşağıdakilerin hangisinde derhal antikor testi yapılmalıdır?

B) Önceden hastalığı geçirmiş olduğunu hatırlamanın

A) Bağışıklık durumuna bakılmaksızın tüm erken gebeliklerde

C) İmmün globülin uygulamasının

B) Haftasına bakılmaksızın tüm gebeliklerde

D) Serolojik testlerin pozitif olmasının

C) Rubellaya mâruz kalan tüm kadınlarda

E) Serolojik testlerin negatif olmasının

D) Rubellaya mâruz kalsın ya da kalmasın gebelik öncesi tüm kadınlarda E) Bağışıklık durumu bilinmeyen ve rubellaya mâruz kalan tüm gebelerde

12. Parçada gebelere rubella aşısı uygulanması konusunda aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenmiştir?

15. Parçada immün globülin uygulamasıyla ilgili olarak aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenmiştir?

A) Zaten bağışık iseler, aşı boş yere yapılmış olur.

A) Gebeliğin sonlandırılmasına gerek bırakmaz.

B) Bağışık olmayan gebelere rubella aşısı yapılırsa, potansiyel olarak virüsün fetusa geçme riski vardır.

B) Gebelik sürdürülecekse gerek yoktur.

C) Gebelikte uygulanan rubella aşısı potansiyel olarak fetusta yan etkilere yol açabilir.

D) Fetusa karşı olası virüs saldırı oranını azaltmaz.

C) Annede klinik belirtileri etkili biçimde önler.

E) Fetal enfeksiyon riskini ortadan kaldırmaz.

D) Bağışık olan gebelere uygulanan rubella aşısı hastalığın tekrar geçirilmesine yol açabilir. E) Rubellaya mâruz kalındıktan hemen sonra aşı yapılabilirse, fetusa virüs geçişi engellenebilir.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 17. Parçaya göre, bazıları, erkeklerin vazektomiyi hangi nedenle kabul etmeyeceklerini öngörmüştür?

16. – 20. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) Erkekliklerini kaybedecekleri korkusu

Vasectomy is now well-recognized worldwide as one of the safest and most effective contraceptive methods. It is estimated that more than 42 million men are currently vasectomized. Although most are concentrated in a small number of countries, the distribution of users is becoming increasingly widespread. In comparison, an estimated 150 million women have been sterilized worldwide; however, in several countries, vasectomy incidence approaches that of female sterilization. Some predicted that men would not accept the vasectomy procedure because they fear loss of masculinity or because they mistakenly equate vasectomy with castration. Men’s desire to limit family size and their concern for economic and educational advancement must outweigh their desire for more children, and their concerns about maternal morbidity and the failure of female contraceptive methods must be an overriding consideration. Most couples seeking vasectomy are dissatisfied users of other forms of contraception. To some men, condoms attenuate glans sensitivity and inhibit erection. Women using hormonal methods may have suffered from related side-effects or experienced user difficulties such as limited access to pill supplies or trained providers for implants. The risk of infection with intra-uterine devices has been a concern. Long-term complications following vasectomy, including increased risk for heart disease, testicular cancer, immune complex disorders, and erection disorders (except little evidence for a causal association between vasectomy and prostate cancer) have not been supported by long-term epidemiologic studies.

B) İşlem sırasında yanlışlıkla kastre edilecekleri korkusu C) Kadınların vazektomi ile kastrasyonun eş anlamlı olduğu yönündeki yanlış kanısı D) Vazektomi yapılanların bazılarında erkeklik kaybının görülmesi E) Üreme yetilerini geri dönüşsüz şekilde kaybedecekleri korkusu

18. Parçada, erkeklerin vazektomi lehine karar vermeleri için baskın olması gereken etkenler arasında aşağıdakilerden hangisi sayılmamıştır? A) Ailenin büyüklüğünün sınırlandırılması isteği B) Ekonomik durumun ve eğitimin iyileştirilmesi kaygısı C) Çok sayıda çocuğun, aile bütçesine katkı sağlayamayacağı gerçeği D) Maternal morbidite kaygısı E) Kadınların kullandıkları kontraseptif yöntemlerin başarısız olması

19. Parçada, farklı kontraseptif yöntemlerin istenmeyen etkileri göz önüne alındığında, vazektominin seçilme nedenleri arasında aşağıdakilerden hangisi belirtilmemiştir? A) Kontraseptif hapların unutulmadan kullanımındaki zorluklar B) Hormonal yöntemlerin yan etkileri

16. Parçada vazektomi ile ilgili olarak aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenmemiştir?

C) Kondomun penis duyarlılığını azaltıcı etkisi

A) Şimdilerde en güvenli ve etkili kontraseptif yöntemlerinden biridir.

D) İmplantları yerleştirecek eğitimli uygulayıcılara ulaşılamaması

B) Kullananların çoğunluğu az sayıdaki belirli ülkelerde yoğunlaşmıştır.

E) Rahim içi araç kullanımında enfeksiyon riski kaygısı

C) Kullananların dağılımı çoğalarak yaygınlaşmaktadır.

20. Parçaya göre, epidemiyolojik çalışmalar, vazektomi ile aşağıdakilerden hangisi arasında zayıf da olsa bir ilişkiyi desteklemektedir?

D) Birkaç ülkede vazektomi insidansı, kadında sterilizasyon sıklığının bile üzerine çıkmıştır.

A) Kalp hastalığı B) Prostat kanseri

E) Vazektomi yapılmış erkek sayısının 42 milyonun üzerinde olduğu tahmin edilmektedir.

C) Testis kanseri D) İmmün kompleks bozuklukları E) Sertleşme sorunları Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 22. Parçada koruyucu antibiyotiklerle ilgili olarak aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenmemiştir?

21. – 25. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) Cerrahi bölgesinde yerleşmiş bakteri sayısını azaltır.

Several interventions are of proven effectiveness in decreasing the frequency of infection after major pelvic surgery. Patients who have preexisting medical illnesses should be stabilized before surgery. Prolonged preoperative hospitalization should be avoided, so that the patient’s risk of being colonized with hospital-acquired bacteria is reduced. Compared with the patient’s endogenous bacterial flora, such organisms are more likely to be resistant to commonly used antibiotics. The physician should pay strict attention to those surgical techniques that clearly have been proven to reduce the rate of postoperative infection. Finally, patients undergoing most major pelvic surgery procedures should receive prophylactic antibiotics. Prophylactic antibiotics have three major mechanisms of action. They decrease the size of the bacterial inoculum at the surgical site. They alter the environment at the operative site to make it less hospitable to the growth of bacteria. Finally, by concentrating in white blood cells, the antibiotics also enhance the phagocytosis of pathogenic bacteria. Selected antibiotic should not be a drug used as the primary treatment for an established infection. For most patients, a single dose of antibiotics is sufficient to attain the desired therapeutic effect. In indigent patient populations with a high baseline rate of wound infection, the frequency of wound infection also is reduced. Prophylaxis usually does not influence the frequency of urinary tract infection.

B) Cerrahi bölge ortamını bakteri gelişmesine uygun olmayacak şekilde değiştirir. C) Beyaz kürelerde yoğunlaşarak bakteri fagositozunu hızlandırır. D) Tek doz kullanımı hastaların sadece bir kısmında arzu edilen etkiyi sağlar. E) Mevcut enfeksiyonun primer tedavisinde verilen antibiyotikler, profilaktik olarak kullanılmamalıdır.

23. Parçada, hangi özellikteki hasta gruplarında koruyucu antibiyotiklerin yüksek yara enfeksiyon oranlarını da azalttığı söylenmektedir? A) Yoksul B) Yaşlı C) Bağışıklık sistemleri baskılanmış D) Şişman E) Boşaltım sistemi cerrahisi geçiren

24. Parçaya göre, profilaksi genellikle aşağıdakilerden hangisinin enfeksiyonlarının önlenmesinde etkisizdir?

21. Parçada, majör pelvik cerrahi sonrası enfeksiyon sıklığını azaltan girişimler sayılırken aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenmemektedir?

A) Alt solunum yolu

B) Barsaklar

C) İdrar yolları

D) Perihepatik E) Vasküler sistem

A) Mevcut tıbbî hastalıklar cerrahi öncesi dönemde kontrol altına alınmalıdır. B) Cerrahi öncesi hastanede kalış süresinin uzamasından kaçınılmalıdır.

25. Parçanın dördüncü cümlesinde geçen “such organisms” ifadesi aşağıdakilerden hangisine işaret etmektedir?

C) Cerrahi sonrası enfeksiyon hızını düşürdüğü kanıtlanmış cerrahi tekniklere bağlı kalınmalıdır.

A) Sıklıkla kullanılan antibiyotiklere dirençli bakteriler

D) Koruyucu amaçlı antibiyotik verilmelidir. E) Seçilen antibiyotiğin geniş spektrumlu olmasına dikkat edilmelidir.

B) Hastanın endojen bakteriyel florası C) Kesi yerinde yerleşmiş mikroorganizmalar D) Hastanede kazanılmış bakteriler E) Patojenik bakteriler

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 28. Parçada, sorun çıkaran tipik ilaçlar arasında aşağıdakilerden hangisi sayılmamıştır?

26. – 30. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) Antihipertansifler Polypharmacy is an iatrogenic problem that affects many of the elderly. Adverse drug reactions are responsible for many of this group’s hospital admissions, and the more medications the patient is taking, the more likely is an adverse reaction. The annual check-up can be an opportunity to review continuing need for all prescription drugs, and also to ask about over-the-counter and herbal remedies that the patient may ignore mentioning. Typical problem medications are psychotropics, antihypertensives, digoxin, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs and steroid preparations. The elderly woman’s diet can significantly affect her health. Nutritional status can be affected by slowing metabolic rate, loss of dentition, loss of smell and taste receptors, and the effects of poverty, isolation, and depression. The practitioner should encourage physical activity tailored to the patient’s medical problems and level of fitness. Exercise has been shown to improve cardiopulmonary and muscular fitness in the elderly and preserve functional capacity.

B) Antiinflamatuvarlar C) Psikotroplar D) Steroidler E) Antibiyotikler

29. Parçada, aşağıdakilerden hangisi yaşlı kadınların beslenme durumlarını etkileyen faktörler arasında sayılmamıştır? A) Diş kayıpları B) Koku duyusu kaybı

26. Parçada polifarmasi ile ilgili olarak aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenmemiştir?

C) Yoksulluk

A) Çoğu hastanın hastaneye başvuru nedeni ilaç yan etkileridir.

D) Aşağılanma duygusu E) Depresyon

B) Hekimlerin sebep olduğu problemlerdir. C) Yaşlıların çoğunu etkiler. D) Ne kadar çok ilaç alınırsa, yan etki olasılığı o kadar yüksektir. E) Temel sorun yaşlıların hastaneye sık başvurmasıdır.

30. Parçada, hekimlere teşvik etmeleri önerilen fiziksel aktiviteler konusunda aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenmemiştir?

27. Parçaya göre, hastanın yıllık tıbbî muayenelerde bahsetmeyi ihmal etmiş olabileceği konu aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) Tıbbî durumlarına uygun şekilde planlanmalıdır.

A) Kullandığı bitkisel deva yöntemleri

B) Kalp ve akciğer işlevlerini iyileştirir.

B) Kullandığı reçeteli ilaçlar

C) İşlevsel kapasiteyi korur.

C) Kullandığı ilaçların yan etkileri

D) Kasların formda kalmasını sağlar.

D) Eczaneden almayı unuttuğu reçeteli ilaçlar

E) Aşırı yapıldığında yorgunluğa yol açar.

E) Önceki muayeneden bu yana yeni ortaya çıkan şikayetleri

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 33. Parçaya göre, glikoprotein uzantılar aşağıdakilerin hangisinden çıkmaktadır?

31. – 35. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Mumps is an acute systemic viral infection that is usually self-limited, occurs most commonly in schoolaged children, and is clinically characterized by nonsuppurative parotitis. Mumps virus is classified as a member of the Paramyxovirus family. Mumps virions are pleomorphic, roughly spherical, enveloped particles with an average diametre of 200 nm. Glycoprotein spikes project from the surface of the envelope, which encloses a helical nucleocapsid composed of nucleoproteins and linear, nonsegmented, single-stranded, negative-sense RNA. Humans are the only natural hosts for mumps virus, although infection can be induced experimentally in a variety of mammalian species. In vitro, mumps virus can be cultured in many mammalian cell lines and in embryonated hens’ eggs. In unvaccinated urban populations, mumps is a disease of school-aged children, and >90% will have mumps antibodies by age 15.

A) Zarfsız bölgeler

B) Nukleusun yüzeyi

C) Nukleusun içi

D) Zarfın yüzeyi


34. Parçaya göre, kabakulak virüsünün doğal konağı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

31. Parçada kabakulak hastalığının özellikleri arasında aşağıdakilerden hangisi sayılmamıştır? A) Akut

A) Memeli hayvanlar

B) Bebeklerde görülen

B) İnsanlar

C) Viral

C) Otobur hayvanlar

D) Sistemik

D) Etobur hayvanlar

E) Genellikle kendi kendini sınırlayan

E) Yumurta ile üreyen hayvanlar

35. Parçaya göre, % 90’ından fazlasında antikor bulunan grup aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

32. Parçaya göre, aşağıdakilerden hangisi kabakulak virüsünün bir özelliğidir? A) Kapsülsüz

A) Evde büyümüş olan ilkokul çocukları

B) Çubuksu

B) Aşılanmamış erişkinler

C) Değişik şekillerde görünen

C) 15 yaşa kadar olan aşılanmamış kişiler

D) Kıvrımsız

D) Hastalık geçirmiş erişkinler

E) Hızla çoğalan

E) Hastalık geçirmemiş toplumun tümü

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 38. Parçada, aşağıdakilerden hangisinin kan damarı içerdiği belirtilmektedir?

36. – 40. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) Derinin The subcutaneous tissue is a fibrofatty layer spread between skin and muscles. It functions not only as a thermal and mechanical insulator but also as an active metabolic organ. The characteristic “signet ring” lipocytes are organized into lobules by fibrous septa, which are continuous with the dermis and contain the blood and lymph vessels and reticuloendothelial cells. The diagnosis of panniculitis frequently requires deep skin biopsy. The most important histologic characteristic is the location of the inflammatory process. Inflammation primarily in the septa is designated septal panniculitis, whereas inflammation primarily of the fat lobules is called lobular panniculitis. The presence or absence of vasculitis further differentiates panniculitis into four major groups.

B) Lenfatik sistemin C) Retiküloendotelyal hücrelerin D) Fibröz septaların E) Kasların

39. Parçaya göre, panikülit tanısı genellikle aşağıdakilerden hangisiyle konur?

36. Parçada “fibröz yağlı tabaka” olarak nitelenen aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? A) Yağ hücreleri

B) Deri

C) Kas

D) Damar duvarı

A) Ciltten sürüntü alınmasıyla B) Ciltten parça alınmasıyla C) Cilt kültürüyle

E) Cilt altı dokusu

D) Palpasyonla E) Aspirasyonla

37. Parçaya göre, aşağıdakilerden hangisi cilt altı yağ dokusunun görevlerinden biridir?

40. Parçaya göre, panikülit tiplerinin ayrımını sağlayan bulgu aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) Rahat hareket etmeyi sağlaması

A) Yağ dokusunda artış

B) Terlemeyi önlemesi

B) Septal tutulum

C) Çarpmalara karşı koruması

C) Lobüler tutulum

D) Kan dolaşımını sağlaması

D) Damar iltihabı

E) Hastalıklara karşı koruması

E) Yağ dokusunda sertleşme

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 43. Parçaya göre, aşağıdakilerden hangisi sözü edilen hastalığa “iyi huylu” denmesiyle çelişen durumlardan biridir?

41. – 45. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) Hastaların yazı yazmalarına engel olması

Essential tremor is the most common type of tremor encountered in developed countries. The tremor is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern with high penetrance. Affected patients lack the hypokinetic features and rigidity of Parkinson’s disease (PD). Essential tremor typically produces flexion-extension oscillation of the hands at the wrists or adductionabduction movements of the fingers when arms are outstretched in front of the body. Although frequently referred to as “benign essential tremor”, it may be partially disabling, often causing spilling of liquids and interfering with handwriting. Essential tremor also frequently involves the head and voice, which helps to differentiate it from parkinsonian tremor. Another useful distinguishing feature is the occurrence of essential tremor during maintenance of posture; parkinsonian tremor is usually present when the affected body part is at relative rest. Parkinsonian patients, however, often exhibit postural tremor, and patients with essential tremor may have tremor at rest, suggesting an overlap between PD and essential tremor. Nearly half of all patients with essential tremor show evidence of an associated dystonia.

B) Hastaların uzun süre ayakta kalmalarına engel olması C) Baş hareketlerini de etkilemesi D) Konuşmayı etkilemesi E) Parkinsona dönüşmesi

44. Parçaya göre, esansiyel tremorun parkinsondan ayırt edici özelliği aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? A) Postürün sabit tutulması hâlinde tremorun durması B) Sıklıkla başı ve sesi etkilemesi C) Tremorun heyecanla artması

41. Parçaya göre, tremor hangi tip kalıtım gösterir?

D) Dikkat edilirse tremorun azalması

A) Otozomal resesif

E) Yorgunlukla tremorun artması

B) Otozomal dominant C) X’e bağlı resesif D) X’e bağlı dominant E) Mendelyan

42. Parçada esansiyel tremorun özellikleri arasında aşağıdakilerden hangisi sayılmamıştır?

45. Parçaya göre, hastaların yaklaşık yarısında olan ek durum aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) Fleksiyon-ekstansiyon osilasyonun olması B) Hipokinetik becerilerin olmaması C) Kolların öne uzatılamaması

A) Duruş bozukluğu

B) Ses kısıklığı

C) Tonus bozukluğu

D) Parkinson hastalığı

E) Titreme

D) Addüksiyon-abdüksiyon hareketlerin olması E) Parkinson tipi rijiditenin olmaması

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 48. Parçada sözü edilen on olgunun incelendiği çalışmada en fazla görülen tümör tipi aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

46. – 50. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) Hodgkin

Neuroendocrine tumours of the thymus are rare, histologically diverse neoplasms with an unpredictable clinical behaviour. Ten neuroendocrine tumours of the thymus were analyzed in a study for specific clinical and pathological features. Prognostic factors of these cases and 71 previously published cases were evaluated by Kaplan-Meier survival curves and Cox multivariate hazard model. There were 7 males and 3 females, with ages ranging from 26 to 77 years. Cases were classified as carcinoid tumour (2), atypical carcinoid tumour (6), and small cell carcinoma (2). An advanced clinical stage was evident in all instances with frequent recurrence (4) and metastases (8), and a short disease-free survival. Overall mortality was 60%. Statistical analysis of current and previously published cases revealed that unresectability, extent of surgical resection, and advanced clinical stage at presentation were associated with higher mortality. By multivariate Cox regression analysis, advanced clinical stage was associated with decreased survival.

B) Sarkoma C) Lenfoma D) Atipik karsinoid tümör E) Miyelom

49. Parçaya göre, aşağıdakilerden hangisi timusun nöro-endokrin tümörlerinin mortalitesinin yüksek olmasıyla ilişkilidir? A) Damarlı olması B) Çevreye yapışık olması

46. Parçaya göre, aşağıdakilerden hangisi timusun nöro-endokrin tümörlerinin özelliklerinden biridir?

C) Geniş rezeksiyon gerektirmesi

A) Genellikle iyi huylu olması

D) Metastatik olması

B) Histolojik yapılarının iyi bilinmemesi

E) Hızlı ilerlemesi

C) Giderek daha sık görülmesi D) Her zaman kötü huylu olması E) Klinik davranışının öngörülememesi

50. Parçaya göre, timusun nöro-endokrin tümörlerinde, hayatta kalmadaki azalma aşağıdakilerden hangisiyle ilişkili bulunmuştur? A) Hızlı metastaz yapmış olması

47. Parçada sözü edilen çalışmada önceden yayımlanmış olanlar dahil toplam kaç olgu prognoz açısından değerlendirilmiştir? A) 81

B) 77

C) 71

D) 61

B) İlerlemiş klinik evrede olması C) Uzak metastaz yapmış olması

E) 10

D) Tekrarlama riskinin yüksekliği E) Kötü huylu olması

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 53. Parçaya göre, deney yapılan hayvanlara kontrol amacıyla verilen madde aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

51. – 55. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Ischemia-reperfusion injury of the lung frequently occurs after cardiopulmonary bypass, after pulmonary thromboendarterectomy, and especially after lung transplantation. Heparin is known to be protective in ischemia-reperfusion injury, but the risk for bleeding disorders may restrict its use in a variety of diseased conditions. Therefore, researchers tested the efficiency of nonanticoagulant N-acetyl heparin to protect from post-ischemic reperfusion injury of the lung. Pentobarbital-aneshetized, mechanically ventilated Lewis rats were heparinized (100IU/kg) before insertion of catheters. Additionally, animals received either heparin, NA heparin; or saline (control) before ischemia.

51. Parçaya göre, akciğerin iskemi-reperfüzyon hasarı özellikle aşağıdakilerden hangisini takiben olmaktadır? A) Karotis endarterektomi

A) N-asetil heparin

B) Heparin

C) Tuzlu su

D) Pentobarbital E) Oksijen

54. Parçanın ikinci cümlesinde geçen “its” adılı aşağıdakilerden hangisinin yerine kullanılmıştır? A) Hastalık durumları B) İskemi-perfüzyon süreci

B) Kardiopulmoner bypass

C) Kanama bozukluğu

C) Pulmoner trombo endarterektomi

D) Heparin

D) Ventriküler bypass

E) Akciğer

E) Akciğer nakli

52. Parçaya göre, heparinin özelliklerinden biri aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

55. Parçanın üçüncü cümlesinde geçen “Therefore” sözcüğünün Türkçe karşılığı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) Kanama bozukluğuna yol açabilmesi

A) Neyse ki

B) Bu yüzden

B) Kasa verilebilmesi

C) Zaten

D) Oysa E) Buna rağmen

C) Ağızdan kullanılması D) Vücut dokularında birikmesi E) Kan basıncını yükseltmesi

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 58. Parçaya göre, yapılan çalışmada kitlenin hangi özelliği ek olarak değerlendirilmiştir?

56. – 60. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. The purpose of this study was to assess whether the descriptive terminology and final assessment categories of the Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) lexicon can be used for breast carcinomas detected on MR imaging and to assess the inter- and intraobserver variabilities in the use of the descriptors and final assessment categories. In 82 patients, 101 masses, including 68 infiltrating carcinomas and 33 benign lesions, were interpreted independently by four radiologists and described by BI-RADS terminology with respect to mass shape and margin and BI-RADS final assesment categories. The enhancement pattern of the mass was also reported. In addition, two radiologists interpreted each case twice to evaluate interobserver variability. The final case set for analysis was the 68 infiltrating carcinomas. Most of the infiltrating carcinomas were described as irregular, speculated, and heterogeneously enhancing masses. The final impression of the 68 carcinomas was BI-RADS category 5 (highly suggestive of malignancy) in 41 (61%), category 4 (suspicious abnormality) in 24 (35%), and category 3 (probably benign) in three (4%).

A) İlaçla yoğunluk biçimi

B) Damarlanma tarzı

C) Yoğunluk biçimi

D) Boyanma tarzı

E) Boyanma süresi

59. Parçada sözü edilen çalışmada gözlemciler arası farklılık hangi yöntemle değerlendirilmiştir? A) Her olgu iki radyolog tarafından bir defa değerlendirilmiştir. B) Dört radyolog her olguyu iki kez değerlendirmiştir. C) İki radyolog her olguyu dört kez değerlendirmiştir. D) Her radyolog her olguyu bir kez değerlendirmiştir. E) İki radyolog her olguyu iki kez değerlendirmiştir.

56. Parçada sözü edilen çalışmaya kaç iyi huylu lezyon alınmıştır? A) 33

B) 68

C) 82

D) 101

E) 169

57. Parçada sözü edilen çalışmada, meme dokusunda kitle hangi açılardan değerlendirilmiştir?

60. Parçaya göre, BI-RADS sınıflamasına göre, kaç numaralı kategori en sık görülmüştür?

A) Büyüklük ve şekil

A) 5

B) 4

C) 3

D) 2

E) 1

B) Şekil ve sınır C) Yapı ve sınır D) Yapı ve büyüklük E) Sınır ve büyüklük

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 63. Parçaya göre, virüsler hangi yolla enfeksiyon yaratmaktadır?

61. – 65. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) Yetersiz diyetle aktive olarak The common cold, also known as upper respiratory infection (URI) or acute coryza, is an acute, selflimited illness caused by a virus. Nasal symptoms including rhinorrhea is invariably present; sore/scratchy throat and/or cough may be present. Many myths surround the source of the virus causing colds. There are no normal viral flora of the respiratory tract in humans (one possible exception is human herpesvirus type 6 in saliva). In sharp contrast, luxuriant normal bacterial flora occur in the upper respiratory tract and mouth. Because viruses are not part of normal flora, the viruses that cause colds are not present in the host ready to be activated because “resistance” has been lowered by chilling, loss of sleep, or bad diet. Instead, the virus must be passed from another human in order to produce the cold. Colds are common because the viruses with few serotypes reinfect many times, and the viruses that infect an individual only once have multiple serotypes. Rhinoviruses cause 30 to 50% of colds in adults, and coronaviruses are responsible for 10 to 15%. Each of the other virus groups cause 50% of the gland. The development of pancreatic necrosis is associated with infection, organ failure and death. Although the exact mechanisms that trigger the inflammatory aspect of pancreatitis are not completely understood, activation of neutrophils and lymphocytes has been recognized as an important pathogenic factor. Several methods for estimating the prognosis of acute pancreatitis and its complications are in widespread clinical use today and include the Atlanta classification, Imrie and Ranson scores, the Balthazar computed tomographic scoring system, and C-reactive protein. However, these methods have little value in predicting which patients will develop pancreatic infection. Currently, guided fine needle aspiration is the only invasive means of early and accurate diagnosis of infected necrosis. As with sepsis, evidence is mounting that local production of the proinflammatory cytokines tumour necrosis factor-α, interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6 and IL-8 may play a central role in acute pancreatitis and may mediate the systemic response with increased soluble IL-2 receptor antagonist and neopterin seen in clinical studies.

B) Tomografi C) C-reaktif protein D) Atlanta sınıflandırması E) Derecelendirme sistemleri

54. Parçada aşağıdakilerden hangisinin akut pankreatitte merkezi rolü olduğundan söz edilmektedir? A) Lenfositlerin B) IL-2 reseptör antagonistinin C) Neopterinin D) Nötrofillerin

51. Parçada tümüyle anlaşılamadığından söz edilen tetikleyici mekanizmalar pankreatitin hangi özelliğiyle ilgilidir?

E) Yangı öncesi sitokinlerin

A) Patojenik B) Organ yetmezliklerine yol açan C) Bağışıklıkla ilişkili D) Prognozu etkileyen E) Yangı ile ilişkili 55. Parçanın son cümlesinde geçen “evidence is mounting” ifadesinin Türkçe karşılığı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? 52. Parçada sözü edilen yöntemlerin değerinin hangi açıdan az olduğu söylenmektedir?

A) Nedenler ortaya çıkıyor B) Bulgular belirmeye başlıyor

A) Sepsisi engelleme B) Pankreasın nekrotik bölümünün oranını saptama

C) Kanıtlar artıyor D) Belirtiler saptanıyor

C) Pankreatite yol açan etkenleri gösterme

E) Etkenler belirginleşiyor

D) Pankreatik enfeksiyon geliştirecek hastaları belirleme E) Pankreatitte prognozu öngörme

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 58. Parçada, sözü edilen çalışma nasıl nitelendirilmektedir?

56. – 60. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) Kapsamlı Streptococci are gram-positive globular or coccoid bacteria that grow in chains. Streptococci colonize the mucous membranes of animals, produce catalase, and may be aerobic, anaerobic or facultative. Streptococci require complex media containing blood products for optimal growth. On blood agar plates, streptococci may cause complete (β), incomplete (α) or no hemolysis (γ). The comprehensive work of Rebecca Lancefield has allowed hemolytic streptococci to be classified into types A through O based on acid-extractable antigens of cell wall material. Availability of rapid latex agglutination kits provides even small clinical laboratories with the means to identify streptococci according to Lancefield group. Bacitracin susceptibility, bile esculin hydrolysis, and the CAMP test are useful presumptive tests for classifying groups A, D or B streptococci, respectively. Modern schemes of classification of hemolytic and nonhemolytic streptococci use complex biochemical and genetic techniques.

B) Farklı

D) Başarılı

C) Karmaşık E) Yararlı

59. Parçada hemolitik streptokokların aşağıdakilerden hangisindeki antijenlerine göre sınıflandırıldıklarından söz edilmektedir? A) Ortamdaki

B) Hücre zarındaki

C) Salgıdaki

D) Hücre duvarındaki E) Stoplazmadaki

56. Parçada streptokoklar ile ilgili olarak aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenmemektedir? A) Oksijensiz ortamda yaşayamazlar. B) Gram pozitiftirler. C) Kataloz üretirler. D) Agarda hemoliz oluşturmalarına göre üç tiptirler. E) Kan ürünleri içeren ortamlarda daha iyi ürerler.

60. Parçaya göre, karmaşık biyokimyasal ve genetik teknikler streptokokların aşağıdaki hangi özelliğine göre sınıflanmasında kullanılmaktadır? A) Gram pozitif/negatif B) Aerobik/anaerobik

57. Parçaya göre, streptokoklar nasıl çoğalmaktadır?

C) Aglutine olan/olmayan

A) Küreler oluşturarak

D) Tip A/D/B

B) Zincir şeklinde

E) Hemolitik/nonhemolitik

C) Çembersel koloniler geliştirerek D) Asit üreterek E) Oksijen kullanarak

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 62. Parçaya göre, primer genital herpes hastalarından ne kadarı menenjit belirtisi göstermektdir?

61. – 65. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Genital herpes, most often caused by HSV-2, may be complicated by local or radicular pain, aseptic meningitis, autonomic (bowel, bladder and sexual) dysfunction, and, rarely, myelitis. These complications are more common in association with primary genital herpes but may occur with recurrent disease as well. Prodromal neuritic symptoms commonly precede recurrences and may involve the buttock, the groin, or, less commonly, the lower extremities. Aseptic meningitis and autonomic dysfunction may occur either independently or together. Meningitic symptoms are associated with primary genital herpes in about one fourth of patients, but only a minority require hospitalization. Its course is benign, usually clearing in 4 to 10 days without residua. The CSF profile is typical of an aseptic meningitis, with a mononuclear pleocytosis, mild protein elevation, and normal, or occasionally reduced, glucose level. When the history clearly implicates an epidemiologic and temporal relationship with genital herpes and the CSF findings are those of a typical mononuclear profile, a clinical diagnosis can usually be made. Specific diagnosis can often be established by isolation of HSV-2 at lumbar puncture. Urinary retention, constipation and sexual impotence in association with genital herpes are less common than meningitis. Symptoms and signs of a sacral sensory radiculopathy sometimes accompany the autonomic changes. The pathophysiology of this disorder is uncertain, but direct herpetic infection of nervous system structures is likely. Fortunately, autonomic dysfunction is reversible, and patients can be assured that their symptoms will probably clear.

A) Çok azı

B) Yarısı

C) Yüzde dördü

D) Dörtte biri E) Çoğu

63. Parçada beyin omurilik sıvısıyla ilgili aşağıdaki bulgulardan hangisinin ara sıra görüldüğünden söz edilmektedir? A) Mononükleer hücre artışı B) Protein artışı C) Glukoz azalması D) Normal glukoz düzeyi E) HSV-2

64. Parçada hastaların hangi konuda rahat olmaları gerektiği söylenmektedir? A) Enfeksiyonların kısa süreli olduğu B) Belirtilerin büyük bir olasılıkla yok olacağı C) Herpetik lezyonların yok olacağı D) Genital herpesin sinir sistemini etkilemeyeceği E) Menenjit belirtilerinin her zaman çıkmayabileceği

61. Parçada genital herpesin aşağıdaki komplikasyonlarından hangisinin nadir olarak görüldüğü belirtilmektedir? A) Aseptik menenjit B) Miyelit C) Bölgesel ağrı

65. Parçanın sekizinci cümlesinde geçen “clearly” sözcüğünün Türkçe karşılığı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

D) Sempatik sistem bozukluğu E) Cinsel işlev bozukluğu

A) Açıkça

B) Kısaca

D) Tam olarak

C) Özellikle

E) Kesin olarak

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 68. Aşağıdakilerden hangisi, parçada sözü edilen hastanın ekokardiyografisinde saptandığı belirtilen durumlardan birisidir?

66. – 70. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Absence of one papillary muscle for the mitral valve is rare. In patients with this condition, all of the chordae tendineae are usually inserted into a single papillary muscle, i.e., the so-called parachute mitral valve. The absence of one papillary muscle with normal positioning of the other is a different, but rare, mitral deformity. A 21-year-old woman had a ventricular septal defect (with spontaneous closure) and mitral regurgitation as a child. She was referred to hospital for detailed examination. Transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography showed massive anterolateral mitral regurgitation. The posteromedial papillary muscle was positioned normally and controlled the posteromedial half of both leaflets. Protrusions on the anterolateral ventricular wall were not a papillary muscle and became indistinct during scanning, particularly during diastole. The corresponding half of the anterior leaflet prolapsed heavily, and no chordae were visible. Cardiac catheterization showed severe grade 4 mitral regurgitation with normal left ventricular function. Although the patient was asymptomatic, she had an operation because of the severity of regurgitation and because she hoped to become pregnant later.

A) Anterolateral mitral regürjitasyon B) Anormal yerleşimli posteromedial papiller adale C) Posteromedial kontrollü papiller adale kısalığı D) Anterolateral ventriküler duvar inceliği E) Papiller adalelerde gevşeklik

69. Parçaya göre, kardiak kateterizasyonda “normal” olarak saptanan durum aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? A) Diastolde mitral kapak hareketi B) Sol ventrikül ön duvar kalınlığı C) Ventriküler septum işlevi D) Sol ventrikül işlevi E) Sistolde mitral kapak işlevi

66. Parçaya göre, aşağıdaki durumlardan hangisi “paraşüt mitral kapak” olarak adlandırılmaktadır? A) Papiller kas zayıflığı B) Korda tendinea eksikliği C) Papiller kas hipertrofisi D) Normal bağlanımlı korda tendinea fazlalığı E) Anormal bağlanımlı papiller kas eksikliği

70. Parçada sözü edilen hastanın ameliyata alınmasının bir nedeni aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? A) İleride belirtilerinin başlayacak olması 67. Parçada sözü edilen kadın hastanın kendiliğinden düzelmiş olan sorunu aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? A) Posteromedial papiller kasın yerleşimi

B) Hamile kalmayı planlaması C) Ventriküler septal defektinin olması D) Genç olması

B) Anterolateral mitral regürjitasyon

E) Çocukluğundan beri kalp hastalığının olması

C) Ventriküler septal defekt D) Mitral kapak yetmezliği E) Mitral kord defekti

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 73. Parçada sözü edilen hastada yumuşak devamlı üfürümün nerede işitildiği belirtilmiştir?

71. – 75. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) Sağ kolda Coarctation of the aorta typically occurs in the area distal to the left subclavian artery near the insertion of the ligamentum arteriosum. However, researchers have observed an unusual form of coarctation of the distal thoracic aorta just above the diaphragm in an infant. The unique challenges of this complex vascular anatomy are discussed. A 6-week-old female infant underwent evaluation due to the presence of a heart murmur, hypertension, and signs of congestive failure. On examination the blood pressure in the right arm was 105/43 mm Hg and 66/23 mm Hg in the right leg. Femoral pulses were present but weak. There was a grade III/VI blowing systolic murmur of mitral regurgitation at the apex and a soft continuous murmur over the back. Echocardiography demonstrated a large patent ductus arteriosus and a discrete juxta-ductal infolding suggestive of coarctation of the aorta. A 36 mm Hg peak instantaneous pressure gradient was predicted. The distal thoracic aorta was not visualized. The abdominal aorta was fully delineated and revealed a low velocity, poorly pulsatile flow pattern.

B) Apekste

D) Sırtta

C) Femoral arterde

E) Karında

74. Parçada sözü edilen hastada aort koarktasyon düşündüren bulgu aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? A) Zayıf ama mevcut femoral nabız B) Belirsiz jukstaduktal içe katlanma ve geniş patent duktus arteriozus C) III/VI derecesinde sistolik üfürüm

71. Parçaya göre, aort koarktasyonu tipik olarak nerede meydana gelmektedir?

D) Kan basıncının sağ kolda 105/43 mmHg olması E) Kan basıncının sağ bacakta 66/23 mmHg olması

A) İki subklaviyan arterin ortasında B) Ligamentum arteriozumun distalinde C) Sol subklaviyan arterin distalinde D) Sol karotis arterin yakınında E) Sol ventrikülerin yakınında

75. Parçada sözü edilen hastanın ekokardiyografisinde görülmediği belirtilen bulgu aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? A) Distal torasik aorta

72. Parçada sözü edilen hastanın özellikleri arasında aşağıdakilerden hangisi sayılmamıştır?

B) Abdominal aorta

A) Altı haftalıktır.

C) Patent duktus arteriozus

B) Taşikardisi vardır.

D) Mitral yetmezlik

C) Cinsiyeti kızdır.

E) Ventriküler septal defekt

D) Hipertansiyonu vardır. E) Konjestif kalp yetmezliği vardır.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 78. Parçada eritrazmanın başlangıçta oluşturduğu lezyon nasıl tanımlanmaktadır?

76. – 80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Erythrasma is infection of the top layers of the skin caused by the bacterium Corynebacterium minutissimum. Erythrasma affects mostly adults, especially those with diabetes; it is rarely seen in the tropics. Erythrasma often appears in areas where skin touches skin, such as under the breasts and in the armpits, webs of the toes, and genital area – especially in men, where the thighs touch the scrotum. The infection can produce irregularly shaped pink patches that may later turn into fine brown scales. In some people, the infection spreads to the torso and anal area. Although erythrasma may be confused with a fungal infection, doctors can easily diagnose erythrasma because skin infected with Corynebacterium glows coral red under an ultraviolet light. An oral antibiotic, such as erythromycin or tetracycline, can eliminate the infection. Antibacterial soaps, such as chlorhexidine, may also help. Topical drugs such as clindamycin and miconazole cream are also effective. Erythrasma may recur in 6 to 12 months, necessitating a second treatment.

A) Kırmızı, düzenli

B) Kahverengi, düzensiz

C) Kahverengi, kabarık

D) Kırmızı, çukur

E) Pembe, düzensiz

79. Parçada eritrazmanın ayırıcı tanısıyla ilgili olarak aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenmektedir? A) Lokalizasyonu ile ultraviyole yanığından ayrılır. B) Viral enfeksiyonlardan ayırt etmek için ultraviyole ışığı kullanılır. C) Bakteriyel enfeksiyonlardan mercan kırmızısı rengi ile ayrılır.

76. Parçaya göre, eritrazma özellikle aşağıdaki gruplardan hangisini etkilemektedir? A) Diyabetli erişkinler

D) Mantar enfeksiyonlarından ayırt etmek için ultraviyole ışığı kullanılır.

B) Tropikal bölgelerde yaşayanlar

E) Alerjik lezyonlardan kolayca ayırt edilebilir.

C) Ciltleri hassas çocuklar D) Cildinde hastalık olanlar E) Beslenme bozukluğu olan çocuklar

80. Parçada eritrazmanın tedavisiyle ilgili olarak aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenmektedir? 77. Parçada eritrazmanın sık görüldüğü vücut bölgeleri arasında aşağıdakilerden hangisi sayılmamıştır?

A) Nüks ederse tedavi değiştirilmelidir. B) Antibakteriyel sabunlar nüksü önler.

A) Ayak parmak araları

C) Bölgesel ilaçlar nükse yol açar.

B) Memelerin altı C) Koltuk altları

D) Nüksü önlemek için tedaviyi 6-12 ay sürdürmek gerekir.

D) Kulak arkası

E) Ağızdan antibiyotikler etkilidir.

E) Skrotumun bacaklara değdiği yer

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 83. Parçaya göre, korneanın bankalarda en az 10-12 gün geçirmesi aşağıdakilerden hangisi için gerekmektedir?

81. – 85. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Corneal storage in organ culture is the most common preservation technique in Europe. Compared with storage at +4ºC, it allows better detection of pregraft microbiological contaminations, as well extended storage time. Organ culture was originally introduced in order to extend cornea storage time to more than 10-14 days, a duration beyond which +4ºC techniques no longer ensure the viability of endothelial cells. However, owing to the high temperature involved, organ culture presents a greater risk of micro-organism development. So although it is well known that reducing storage time increases endothelial viability, corneas are not usually delivered by the banks until they have spent at least 10-12 days in organ culture, the period required to reveal any bacterial or fungal contamination using conventional bacteriological techniques and/or to observe any macroscopic changes in the storage medium. Microbiological controls are typically performed using standard bacteriological media in aerobic and anaerobic atmospheres, and Sabouraud broth. Micro-organism development is monitored by daily visual inspections of the inoculated media.

A) Vericinin kesin ölüm nedeninin saptanması B) Endotelin mikroskobik incelemesinin yapılması C) Vericinin ailesinden izin alınması D) Korneanın mikrobik kontrolünün yapılması E) Uygun alıcının beklenmesi

84. Parçada sözü edilen mikrobiyolojik denetimlerde kullanılan yöntemler arasında aşağıdakilerden hangisi sayılmamıştır? A) Anaerobik bakteriyolojik inceleme B) Aerobik bakteriyolojik inceleme C) Işık mikroskobisiyle günlük inceleme

81. Parçaya göre, korneanın organ kültüründe saklanmasının en yaygın teknik olmasının nedeni aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

D) Sabouroud besiyerinde inceleme E) Kültür ortamının günlük gözlenmesi

A) +4ºC’de saklanabilmesi B) Mikrop bulaşının engellenmesi C) Mikrop bulaşının saptanabilmesi D) Kısa sürede kullanılabilmesi E) Organ kültürünün kolay hazırlanabilmesi

85. Parçanın beşinci cümlesinde geçen “although it is well known” ifadesinin Türkçe karşılığı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

82. Parçaya göre, korneanın +4ºC’de saklanmasının dezavantajı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) İyi bilindiği varsayılan

A) Ortamın yeterince soğuk olmaması

B) Pek iyi bilinmemekle beraber

B) Endotel hücrelerinin 10-14 günden daha uzun süre canlı kalamaması

C) İyi bilinmesi nedeniyle D) Öylesine iyi bilinen

C) Sıcak ortamda hücrelerin hemen bozulması

E) İyi bilinmesine rağmen

D) 10-14 günden daha uzun sürede mikropların harekete geçmesi E) Pratik bir yöntem olmaması

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 88. Parçaya göre, daha önce ameliyat yapılmış olan bazı hastalarda en sık ameliyat nedeni aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

86. – 90. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Severe tricuspid valve regurgitation (TR) occurs with other congenital heart defects, typically after repair of right-sided obstructive lesions. Forty-one children, aged 5 months to 22 years (mean, 10 years) underwent 42 De Vega tricuspid annuloplasties for moderate or severe TR during correction of other heart defects. Some patients had prior repair of tetralogy of Fallot or pulmonary atresia, or both (19 patients), double-outlet right ventricle (6 patients), pulmonary stenosis (4 patients), pulmonary atresia and intact ventricular septum (3 patients), complete atrioventricular septal defect (3 patients), and other diagnoses (6 patients). At the time of the De Vega, 37 patients (88%) had pulmonary valve replacement or right ventricular to pulmonary artery conduit replacement. Other procedures included aortic or mitral repair or replacement (6 patients), atrial septal defect and ventricular septal defect closure (5 patients), pulmonary arterioplasty (6 patients) and, tracheoplasty (1 patient). Early post repair echocardiography quantified TR as absent or mild (34 patients; 81%) mild-to-moderate (4 patients), moderate (3 patients), and severe (1 patient).

A) Sadece Fallot tetralojisi B) Çift çıkışlı sağ karıncık C) Pulmoner stenoz D) Fallot ve pulmoner atrezi beraber E) Pulmoner atrezi ve sağlam karıncık septumu

89. Parçaya göre, De Vega tekniği uygulaması sırasında aşağıdaki işlemlerden hangisi en sık yapılmıştır? A) Mitral replasman B) Aort düzelmesi C) Pulmoner kapak replasmanı D) Atrial septal defek kapatılması E) Trakeoplasti

86. Parçaya göre, ciddi TR aşağıdaki durumlardan hangisiyle ilişkili olarak görülür? A) Her türlü regürjitasyon ile B) Travmalardan sonra C) Onarılmamış tıkayıcı lezyonlarıyla D) Sağ tarafta tıkayıcı lezyon onarımından sonra E) Aort kapakçığı işlev bozukluğuyla 90. Parçaya göre, erken post ekokardiyografi bulgularından en sık görüleni aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

B) 10

C) 22

D) 37

B) TR hafif–orta

C) TR orta

D) TR ağır E) TR ve ek bulgu

87. Parçada kaç hastaya De Vega tekniğinin uygulandığı söylenmektedir? A) 5

A) TR yok veya hafif

E) 41

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 93. Parçaya göre, kan damarlarının genişlemesi aşağıdakilerden hangisine yol açmaktadır?

91. – 95. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Anaphylaxis is a sudden, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction. Allergic reactions can be triggered by foods, medications, latex, or insect stings. The severity of anaphylactic reactions can be minimized by recognizing the symptoms early, having the proper medications available for self-treatment, and seeking emergency medical care promptly. It is also important to try to identify the specific trigger for each person, although this is not always possible. Anaphylaxis occurs when a trigger activates immune cells, which then release large amounts of multiple substances, including histamine, into the blood stream. This sets off a number of reactions, including itching, dilated blood vessels (leading to low blood pressure and rapid heart rate), mucus secretion, stimulation of the nervous system, and activation of other cells of the immune system. Children are more likely than adults to have anaphylactic reactions to foods. Adults are more likely to have anaphylactic reactions to antibiotics, radiocontrast media, insect stings, anaesthetic drugs, and certain intravenous medicines.

A) Yavaş kalp atımı

B) Ciltte kızarıklık

C) Hızlı solunum

D) Düşük kan basıncı

E) Düzensiz nabız

94. Parçada immün hücrelerin uyarılmasına bağlı olarak gelişen reaksiyonlar arasında aşağıdakilerden hangisi sayılmamıştır? A) Sinir sisteminin uyarılması B) Baygınlık C) Mukus salgısı

91. Parçada alerjiyi tetikleyen etkenler arasında aşağıdakilerden hangisi sayılmamıştır? A) Böcek sokması

B) Gıda

C) İlaç

D) Lateks

D) Kaşıntı E) İmmün sistemin diğer hücrelerinde uyarım

E) Polen

95. Parçada anaflaktik reaksiyonların çocuklarda en sık aşağıdakilerden hangisine bağlı olarak meydana geldiği söylenmektedir?

92. Parçaya göre, anaflaktik reaksiyonların ağırlığı aşağıdakilerden hangisiyle azaltılabilir? A) Etkenin saptanması B) Sürekli tedavi C) Erken tanı

A) Anestetik ilaçlar

B) Antibiyotikler

C) Radyokontrast madde

D) Böcek sokması

E) Gıdalar

D) Ailevi yatkınlığın saptanması E) Kişinin yatkınlığının saptanması

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 98. Parçaya göre, çalışmaya alınan hastalarda PPl’lar nasıl bırakılmıştır?

96. – 100. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. As the economic burden of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is largely weighted to maintenance as opposed to initial therapy, switching from more potent to less expensive medication once symptoms are alleviated (step-down therapy) may prove to be most cost-effective. In a recent study, it is aimed to prospectively evaluate the feasibility of step-down therapy in a cohort of patients with symptoms of uncomplicated GERD. Patients whose GERD symptoms were alleviated by proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) were recruited from outpatient general medicine clinics. After baseline demographic and quality of life information were obtained, PPls were withdrawn from subjects in a stepwise fashion. Primary outcome was recurrence of symptoms during follow-up that required reinstitution of PPls. Secondary outcomes included changes in quality of life and overall cost of management.

A) Basamaklı olarak

B) İsteğe bağlı olarak

C) Hızla

D) Kurayla E) Plaseboyla

99. Parçaya göre, yapılan çalışmanın ikincil sonucu aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? A) Ailelerin yaklaşımında değişiklik B) Belirtilerin artması C) Yaşam kalitesinde ve toplam giderdeki değişiklikler D) Yeni yakınmalar

96. Parçaya göre, reflünün yol açtığı en önemli ekonomik sıkıntı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

E) İş ve güç kaybı

A) Hastanın çalışma yaşamını aksatması B) Tedavide kullanılacak ilaç sayısının fazla oluşu C) Tanının pahalı oluşu D) Sürekli tedavinin pahalı oluşu E) Hastanın acil bakım gerektirmesi

100. Parçanın beşinci cümlesinde geçen “required” sözcüğünün Türkçe karşılığı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

97. Parçada sözü edilen çalışmaya alınan hastalar kimler arasından seçilmiştir?

A) Önleyen

B) Tanımlayan

C) Saptayan

D) Değerlendiren E) Gerektiren

A) Yatan hastalar B) Genel kliniklerde ayakta tedavi edilenler C) Bakım evlerinde kalanlar


D) Gastroenteroloji kliniklerine başvuranlar


E) Gazete ilanıyla ulaşılanlar

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 3. Parçada kemik mineral yoğunluğunun ölçüldüğü belirtilen bölgeler arasında aşağıdakilerden hangisi sayılmamıştır?

1. – 5. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) Ön kol

To examine the effect of gynaecologic factors alongside anthropometric factors as determinants of bone mineral density (BMD), a group of investigators performed dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) in 422 healthy women aged over 40 years (average 57.2 years). The women had an average number of parities of 4.42. Osteoporosis was diagnosed in 32.2 per cent of the women. After taking into account age, increased parity number was linked to higher body mass index (BMI) and lower BMD in the hips, spine, radius, phalanx and heel. However, age at menarche, age at menopause, and the period of fertility were not associated with BMD. BMD at the lumbar spine and hips negatively correlated with age, years since menopause, history of fragility fracture and parity, whereas it was positively associated with BMI.

B) Vertebra D) Topuk

C) Ayak bileği

E) Kalça

4. Parçada sözü edilen araştırmanın sonuçları aşağıdaki faktörlerden hangisinin kemik mineral yoğunluğu ölçümlerini olumlu yönde etkilediğini göstermektedir?

1. Parçada sözü edilen çalışmada, aşağıdaki etkenlerden hangisinin kadınlarda kemik mineral yoğunluğuna etkisinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır?

A) Parite B) Yaş

A) Obstetrik

C) Menopoz süresi

B) Endokronolojik

D) Kırık öyküsü

C) Epidemiyolojik

E) Vücut kitle indeksi

D) Jinekolojik E) Anatomik

2. Aşağıdakilerden hangisi parçada sözü edilen epidemiyolojik veriler arasında yer almamaktadır?

5. Parçanın ilk cümlesinde geçen “alongside” sözcüğünün Türkçe karşılığı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) Kadınların tümü postmenopozaldir. B) 422 sağlıklı kadın araştırılmıştır. C) Kadınların % 32.2’sine osteoporoz tanısı konulmuştur.

A) Tek başına

B) Yanı sıra

C) Farklı olarak

D) Ayrı ayrı

E) Diğerinin arkasından

D) Kadınların ortalama doğum sayıları 4.42’dir. E) Kadınların ortalama yaşı 57.2’dir.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 8. Parçada, aşağıdakilerin hangisinde verilenler arasındaki ilişkinin tartışmalı olduğu belirtilmektedir?

6. – 10. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) Tedavi yaşı-kanser riski

Undescended testis, which occurs in 2-5% of boys born at term, is one of the most common congenital abnormalities. It is a risk factor for infertility and testicular cancer. Testes that are undescended at birth may descend spontaneously during early life, but seldom thereafter. By 12 months of age, 1% of all boys have cryptorchidism. There is evidence that postnatal germ-cell development deteriorates in the undescended testis after the first year, and perhaps for this reason, the risk of infertility increases with age. The recommended age for orchiopexy has therefore been successively lowered, and the procedure is now recommended for patients even as young as 6 months old. The question of whether the age at treatment has any effect on the risk of testicular cancer is controversial. According to the predominant view, the mechanism leading to testicular cancer is present before birth and the risk of cancer is largely determined in utero or early in life. Some studies suggest, however, that orchiopexy at an early age decreases the risk of testicular cancer. Even so, most of these studies used retrospectively collected data, and all of them were too small to produce conclusive results.

B) Tedavi yaşı-infertilite C) İnfertilite-kanser riski D) Kanser riski-inmemiş testis E) İnfertilite-inmemiş testis

9. Parçada, hâkim görüşe göre kansere yol açan mekanizmanın hangi dönemde mevcut olduğu iddia edilmektedir?

6. İnmemiş testis ile ilişkili olarak parçada sözü edilen epidemiyolojik veriler arasında aşağıdakilerden hangisi yer almamaktadır? A) Bir yaşındaki erkek çocukların % 1’inde görülür. B) En sık görülen doğumsal anormalliklerden biridir.

A) Erken çocukluk

B) Doğum öncesi

C) Geç çocukluk

D) Adolesans

E) Erişkinlik

C) Gününde doğan tüm erkek çocukların % 2-5’inde görülür. D) Testis kanseri için bir risk faktörüdür. E) Doğumdan hemen sonra testislerin kendiliğinden skrotuma inmesi, nadiren olur.

10. Parçaya göre, geriye dönük verilere dayanan küçük çaplı bazı çalışmaların iddiası aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

7. Parçada, inmemiş testis ile ilişkili olarak aşağıdakilerden hangisi hakkında kanıt olduğu belirtilmiştir? A) Tedavinin 6 aylıktan sonra yapılması gerektiği

A) Kendiliğinden düzelme olabileceğinden, cerrahi için acele edilmemesi gerektiği

B) Yaş ilerledikçe skrotuma inme olasılığının arttığı

B) Erken yaşta cerrahinin infertiliteden koruyacağı

C) Doğumun birinci yılından sonra tohum hücrelerinin gelişiminin bozulduğu

C) Testislerin konumu ile kanser riskinin ilişkili olmadığı

D) Tedavi yöntemi ile testis kanseri riski arasında ilişki olduğu

D) Erken yaşta cerrahinin kanser riskini azaltacağı E) Kanser ile infertilitenin birbirinden bağımsız olduğu

E) Testis kanseri riskinin skrotuma inme yaşı ile bağlantısız olduğu

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 13. Parçaya göre, venöz tromboemboli ile ilgili olarak aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenemez?

11. – 15. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) Olguların % 70’inden fazlası sürekli yatan hastalardır.

Venous thromboembolism is a frequent cause of preventable illness and death in hospitalized patients. About 25% of all cases of venous thromboembolism are associated with hospitalization, and 75% of cases of venous thromboembolism in hospitalized patients occur in those on the internal medicine ward. In prospective studies of hospitalized patients at high risk, deep-vein thrombosis was found by means of venography in 14.9% of patients and by means of ultrasonography in 5.0% of patients. In these studies, pulmonary embolism occurred in 1.5% of cases, and proximal deep-vein thrombosis in 4.9% of cases. Thrombosis was asymptomatic in over 70% of cases, probably because most patients spent much of the day in bed, with little ambulation. Pulmonary embolism is thought to be associated with 5% of deaths of hospitalized patients, but this diagnosis is not suspected clinically in the vast majority of cases.

B) Ultrasona kıyasla venografi ile daha yüksek oranda tanı konulabilir. C) Akciğer embolisine kıyasla derin ven trombozu daha sık görülür. D) Olguların çoğunluğu dahiliye servisinde görülür. E) Asemptomatik olma olasılığı daha yüksektir.

14. Parçada akciğer embolisiyle ilgili olarak aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenmektedir? 11. Parçada tromboembolinin özellikleri arasında aşağıdakilerden hangisi sayılmamıştır?

A) Toplumda görülme sıklığı % 1,5’tir. B) Hastane ölümlerinin % 5’i ile ilişkili olduğu düşünülmektedir.

A) Hastanede yatan hastalarda görülebilir. B) Venöz ya da arteryel olabilir.

C) Çoğu kez klinik olarak tanınabilir.

C) Hastanede yatan hastalarda önlenebilir bir ölüm nedenidir.

D) Her zaman venöz tromboemboliyi izler.

D) Hastanede yatan hastalarda önlenebilir bir hastalık nedenidir.

E) Yatan hastaların mobilize edilmesiyle önlenebilir.

E) Akciğer embolisine yol açabilir.

15. Parçanın son cümlesinde geçen “the vast majority of cases” ifadesinin Türkçe karşılığı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

12. Parçaya göre, aşağıdakilerden hangisi venöz tromboemboli olgularının dörtte biri ile ilgili olarak söylenebilir?

A) Sonuçların tamamına yakını

A) Hastalıklarının tanısı kolaydır.

B) Belirtilerin önemli bir bölümü

B) Hastalıkları profilaksi ile önlenebilir.

C) Çarpıcı özellikteki kişiler

C) Hastalıkları pulmoner emboliye yol açar.

D) Etkenlerin en belirgin olanları

D) Hastalıkları özellikle derin venleri tutar.

E) Olguların büyük çoğunluğu

E) Hastanede yatan hastalardır.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 18. Parçaya göre, kansızlığı ve kardiyovasküler hastalığı olduğu halde kan nakli yapılmayan olgularda, kansızlığı olup kardiyovasküler hastalığı olmayanlara kıyasla, aşağıdakilerden hangisinin olasılığı daha yüksektir?

16. – 20. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Red-cell transfusions can be lifesaving in the setting of acute bleeding, but most transfusions in critically ill patients are not given for acute bleeding. A large body of experimental and clinical evidence suggests that patients with cardiovascular disease do not tolerate anaemia well. Among patients who decline to undergo blood transfusion, the odds of death are greater in patients with anaemia who have cardiovascular disease than in such patients without cardiovascular disease. But results from observational studies of transfusion in patients with acute coronary syndromes or underlying cardiovascular disease are conflicting. Red-cell transfusion has always made sense to physicians when the haemoglobin concentration is low, particularly in a sick patient. The weight of evidence, however, does not support the unrestricted use of red-cell transfusion in critically ill patients. Instead, a transfusion trigger of 7.0 g per decilitre for most critically ill adults and children appears to be appropriate.

A) Enfeksiyon B) Böbrek yetmezliği C) İnme D) Akut koroner sendrom E) Ölüm

19. Parçaya göre, ağır hastaların çoğunda kırmızı küre nakli için uygun endikasyon aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

16. Parçaya göre, kırmızı küre nakli kansızlığa eşlik eden aşağıdaki durumlardan hangisinde hayat kurtarıcıdır?

A) Çok yaşlı olmak

A) Akut kanama

B) Sınır değerin 7 g/dl olması

B) Miyokard enfarktüsü

C) Çocuk yaşta olmak

C) Yaygın enfeksiyon

D) Erişkinlerin klinik olarak düşkün olmaları

D) Koroner sendrom

E) Ayırt etmeden hemoglobin düşüklüğü

E) Erişkinlerin ve çocukların ağır hastalıkları

17. Parçada sözü edilen çok sayıda deneysel ve klinik kanıt, aşağıdakilerden hangisinde kansızlığın iyi tolere edilemediğini düşündürmektedir?

20. Parçanın dördüncü cümlesinde geçen “conflicting” sözcüğünün Türkçe karşılığı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) İleri yaştakilerde

A) Çelişkili

B) Yanıltıcı

B) Genel durumu bozuk olanlarda

C) Belirsiz

D) Kanıtlanmamış E) Yetersiz

C) Kalp ve damar hastalığı olanlarda D) Uzun süredir anemisi bulunanlarda E) Önceden transfüzyon almış olanlarda

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 23. Parçaya göre, diğer çalışmaların aksine, verilerinin sınırlılığı nedeniyle, diyetteki tuz tüketiminin aşağıdaki parametrelerden hangisi üzerindeki etkisi kesin olarak gösterilememiştir?

21. – 25. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Observational data indicate a strong positive association between sodium intake and blood pressure within and between populations. “The dietary approaches to stop hypertension” study offers strong evidence of short term effects on blood pressure in a dose-response fashion, and five large randomized trials that lasted at least one year have confirmed a modest effect of sodium reduction on blood pressure in those with high normal blood pressure. In contrast, data on the effect of dietary sodium intake on subsequent morbidity and mortality are limited and inconclusive. Several ecological studies support a direct association between higher sodium intake or urinary sodium excretion and mortality from stroke. Analyses of the national health and nutrition examination follow-up study (NHEFS) found that dietary sodium intake was either inversely or directly associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease. In Scottish, Finnish and Japanese studies, a single measure of urinary excretion was directly correlated with increased risk of coronary heart disease or stroke, although this direct relation has been disputed by some.

A) Hipertansiyonun şiddeti B) Koroner arter hastalığı sıklığı C) Morbidite ve mortalite D) İnme riski E) İdrarla atılan tuz miktarı

24. Parçada yüksek tuz alımı veya idrardan tuz atılımı ile inmeye bağlı mortalite arasındaki doğrudan ilişkiyi desteklediği belirtilen bazı araştırmaların türü aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? A) Ekolojik

21. Parçada sözü edilen gözlemsel veriler, aşağıdakilerden hangisinde verilenler arasında güçlü bir pozitif ilişki olduğuna işaret etmektedir?

B) Gözlemsel

D) Retrospektif

C) Prospektif

E) Vaka kontrol

A) Koroner kalp hastalığı ve inme B) İdrardan tuz atılımı ve kardiyovasküler hastalık C) Yüksek kan basıncı ve genel mortalite D) Tuz alımı ve inmeye bağlı mortalite E) Tuz alımı ve kan basıncı

22. Parçaya göre, “hipertansiyonu durdurmak için diyet yaklaşımı” çalışmasında aşağıdakilerden hangisiyle ilgili olarak güçlü kanıtlara ulaşılmıştır?

25. Parçanın son cümlesinde geçen “has been disputed” ifadesinin Türkçe karşılığı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) Yüksek normal kan basıncı olanlarda ılımlı düzeyde etki B) Doza bağlı olarak kan basıncı üzerinde kısa dönem etkiler

A) Değerlendirilmiştir

B) Önemsiz bulunmuştur

C) Rapor edilmiştir

D) Karşı çıkılmıştır

E) Araştırılmıştır

C) Tuzsuz diyetin mortaliteye etkisi D) İdrar tuz düzeyinin morbiditeye etkisi E) Diyetin inme sıklığına etkisi

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 28. Parçaya göre, klinisyenlerin topluma önereceği testler yüksek over kanseri riski taşıyan kadınlarda aşağıdakilerden hangisininin gereksinimi konusunda uyarı oluşturabilecek niteliktedir?

26. – 30. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Although the lifetime risk of ovarian cancer is very low, the mortality rate is high, and the 5-year survival rate is less than 50%. Life expectancy with ovarian cancer has been slow to improve because the prognosis for this disease is largely dependent on early diagnosis, and there are at the present time no reliable methods to identify ovarian cancer at an early stage. However, identifying women at risk for ovarian cancer enables clinicians to offer 2 tests that might signal the need for further diagnostic testing in a specific population. The single greatest indicator of risk is family history of ovarian cancer, in either the maternal or paternal line. There is also an increased risk of ovarian cancer in families with nonpolyposis colorectal cancer.

A) Soy ağacına odaklanılması B) Yaşam tarzlarının gözden geçirilmesi C) İleri tanısal testlerin yapılması D) Toplumun hastalık konusunda bilinçlendirilmesi E) Genetik tarama yapılması

29. Parçada risk öngörüsündeki tek ve en önemli göstergenin aşağıdakilerden hangisi olduğu belirtilmiştir?

26. Parçada, over kanserinin epidemiyolojik özellikleri arasında aşağıdakilerden hangisi sayılmamıştır? A) Prognoz büyük oranda erken tanıya bağlıdır.

A) Ailede over kanseri öyküsü

B) İyileşme süreci yavaştır.

B) Babanın hücre hattında mutasyon

C) 5 yıl yaşayanların oranı yarıdan azdır.

C) Kolon kanseri öyküsü

D) Yaşam boyu hastalığa yakalanma riski çok düşüktür.

D) Annenin hücre hattında mutasyon E) Ailede hem meme hem de kolon kanseri öyküsü

E) Öldürücülüğü yüksektir.

27. Parçada, over kanserinin erken evrede belirlenmesine yönelik gereken tanı yöntemleri ile ilgili olarak aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenmektedir?

30. Parçanın üçüncü cümlesinde geçen “enables” sözcüğünün Türkçe karşılığı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) Özgünlükleri orta derecededir. B) Gelecek vaat etmektedir. C) Yaygın kullanılamayacak kadar pahalıdır.

A) Uyarır

B) Yönlendirir

C) Zorunda bırakır

D) İmkân tanır

E) Hizmet sağlar

D) Toplum tarafından geniş oranda kabul görmemiştir. E) Şu anda güvenilir yöntem yoktur.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 32. Parçaya göre, enfeksiyöz enterit olgularında, apandisitten farklı olarak ilk görülen belirti aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

31. – 35. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. The clinical signs and symptoms depend on the pathologic phase of appendicitis at examination. The classic triad consists of pain, vomiting and fever. In the initial stage of appendiceal obstruction, the pain is periumbilical. Emesis usually follows the onset of pain and is infrequent. Anorexia is more common. Fever is low grade unless perforation with peritonitis has occurred. The sequence of symptoms with pain preceding emesis and fever is important in distinguishing appendicitis from infectious enteritis, which usually begins with vomiting followed by the crampy pain of hyperperistalsis. Diarrhea, if it occurs, is infrequent. As the inflammation progresses to involve the serosa and overlying peritoneum, the pain migrates to the area of peritoneal irritation, usually the right lower quadrant. If the appendix is retrocecal, the pain will be lateral or posterior and may mimic the symptoms associated with septic arthritis of the hip or psoas abscess. With perforation, the pain becomes generalized unless the contamination is well localized to produce a discrete abscess, usually of the right lower quadrant. Palpation of an abdominal or rectal mass indicates abscess formation.

A) Diare

B) Ateş

C) Kusma

D) Kramp tarzı ağrı E) Bulantı

33. Parçaya göre, apendiks çekumun arkasında lokalize ise, belirtiler aşağıdaki hastalıklardan hangisini taklit edebilir? A) Psoas apsesi

B) Enterit

C) Peritonit

D) Romatoid artrit E) Barsak obstrüksiyonu

34. Parçaya göre, perforasyon durumunda ağrının nasıl olması beklenir? A) Kramp tarzında B) Sağ üst kadranda C) Yaygın D) Arkada E) Kalça bölgesinde 31. Parçada apandisitin klinik işaretleri ve belirtileriyle ilişkili olarak aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenmemiştir? A) Ağrı ve kusma görülür. B) Hastalığın evresine göre değişir. 35. Parçanın dördüncü cümlesinde geçen “infrequent” sözcüğünün Türkçe karşılığı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

C) Başlangıçta ağrı göbek etrafındadır. D) Ateş eşlik eder.

A) Zararlı

E) Muayene bulguları çok tipik ve tanısaldır.

B) Sürekli D) Seyrek

C) Değişken

E) Yoğun

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 38. Parçada aşağıdakilerden hangisine ek önlem olarak her yıl pelvik muayene önerilmektedir?

36. – 40. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) Normal karyotipi olsa da over yetmezlikli olguların tümüne

All patients under the age of 30 who have been assigned the diagnosis of ovarian failure on the basis of elevated gonadotropins must have a karyotype determination. The presence of mosaicism with a Y chromosome requires excision of the gonadal areas because the presence of any testicular component within the gonad carries with it a significant chance of malignant tumour formation. Approximately 30% of patients with a Y chromosome will not develop signs of virilization. Therefore, even the normal-appearing adult woman with elevated gonadotropin levels must be karyotyped. Even if the karyotype is normal, as an added precaution all patients with ovarian failure should have an annual pelvic examination. Over the age of 30, amenorrhea with high gonadotropins is best labeled premature menopause. Genetic evaluation is unnecessary because it is essentially unheard of to have a gonadal tumour appear in these patients after the age of 30. Deletions of the X chromosome can be responsible for premature ovarian failure. Accurate diagnosis of these deletions is not essential for decision making regarding the patient; however, the presence of such abnormalities within a family is associated with infertility due to premature ovarian failure. Having this information can influence the family planning decisions of family members. Researchers also recommend that women with premature ovarian failure who are less than 160 centimetres tall be karyotyped because of the close conjunction of the genes responsible for stature and normal ovarian function.

B) Gonadotropinleri yüksek olguların tümüne C) Y kromozomu olan gonadal yetmezlikli olgulara D) Adet görmeyen olguların tümüne E) Boyu 160 cm. nin altında olan olgulara

39. Parçada prematür menopoz olarak nitelendirilen 30 yaş üzeri kadınlar aşağıdaki özelliklerden hangisini taşımaktadır? A) Kromozom bozukluğu gösteren amenore olguları B) Erken menopoz aile öyküsü veren amenore olguları C) Normal görünümlü, normal karyotipli erişkin olgular D) Gonadotropinleri yüksek, amenore olguları

36. Parçaya göre, hangi özellikteki olgular için genetik inceleme gereksizdir?

E) Gonadotropinleri normal, amenore olguları

A) Over yetmezliği olan 30 yaş altı B) Prematür menopoz olan C) Gonadotropin düzeyleri yüksek olup normal görünen erişkin D) Aile bireylerinde kromozom delesyonu olan E) Boyu 160 cm. nin altında prematür over yetmezliği olan

40. Parçada X kromozom delesyonları ile ilgili olarak aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenmemiştir? A) Kesin tanısı, hastayla ilgili karar vermek için gerekli değildir.

37. Parçada Y kromozomu taşıyan kadınlarla ilgili olarak aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenmemiştir?

B) Ailedeki çocukların erişkinlikteki boyları açısından önem taşıyabilir.

A) Gonadları kötü huylu tümöre dönüşüm riski taşır.

C) Aile bireylerinde infertilite ile ilişki gösterebilir.

B) Gonadlarında testiküler yapı taşıyabilirler. C) Gonadal bölgenin eksizyonu gerekir.

D) Aile bireylerinin aile planlaması kararlarını etkileyebilir.

D) Olguların yarısından çoğu virilizm gösterir.

E) Prematür over yetmezliğinin sebebi olabilir.

E) Olguların tümünde mozaisizm durumu vardır.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 42. Parçada tüpü sağarak dış gebeliğin fimbrial uçtan dışarı itilmesi tekniğiyle ilgili olarak aşağıdakilerden hangisi belirtilmemektedir?

41. – 45. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) İşlem sonrası ileride tekrar dış gebelik görülme sıklığı daha yüksektir.

With earlier diagnosis, conservative surgery to preserve fertility has replaced the life-saving procedure of salpingectomy. Ectopic pregnancies in the ampulla are usually located between the lumen and the serosa, and thus these are ideal candidates for linear salpingostomy. Segmental excision with microsurgical anastomosis is the preferred procedure for isthmic pregnancies. Occasionally, an ampullary pregnancy can be expressed through the fimbrial end of the tube (milking the tube), but this procedure is associated with a higher incidence of persistent and recurrent ectopic pregnancy, undoubtedly due to invasion of the tube by the trophoblastic tissue. Interstitial pregnancy at the utero-tubal junction usually requires surgical excision, and even hysterectomy if bleeding cannot be controlled. The first unruptured ectopic pregnancy treated with methotrexate was an interstitial pregnancy, and this is now the treatment of choice if diagnosis is achieved early enough. In patients with a history positive for previous tubal disease, the risk of a recurrent ectopic pregnancy in the same tube is very much higher after salphingostomy, and in this case, some clinicians argue in favour of salpingectomy. When performing a salpingectomy, a cornual wedge excision as prophylaxis against recannulation and a subsequent ectopic pregnancy is no longer considered to be necessary.

B) Ampuller bölgedeki gebeliklerde uygulanabilir. C) İşlem nedeniyle trofoblast dokusu tüp duvarını invazyona uğratabilir. D) İşleme rağmen dış gebeliğin tüpte devam etmesi durumuna daha sık rastlanır. E) Ara sıra başvurulan bir yöntemdir.

43. Parçada interstisyel gebelikle ilgili olarak aşağıdakilerden hangisinden söz edilmemiştir? A) Yalnızca rüptüre olmamış olgular tedavi edilmeksizin sadece gözlenebilir. B) Genellikle cerrahi eksizyon gerektirir. C) Kanama durdurulamazsa histerektomi gerektirebilir. D) Uterus ile tüplerin birleşme yerinde lokalizedir. E) Yeterince erken yakalanırsa, ilk seçenek methotrexate tedavisidir.

44. Parçaya göre, bazı klinisyenler önceden tübal hastalık geçirme öyküsü olanlar için aşağıdaki tedavilerden hangisini önermektedir? A) Histerektomi B) Salpinjektomi 41. Parçaya göre, salpinjektomi yapmadan fertilite koruyucu cerrahi aşağıdakilerden hangisi sayesinde gerçekleşebilmiştir?

C) Salpingostomi D) Methotrexate

A) Hastaların sınırlı cerrahiyi ya da tıbbi tedaviyi giderek daha fazla seçmeleri

E) Kornual bölgenin eksizyonu

B) Yeni tıbbi tedavilerin ve cerrahi tekniklerin geliştirilmesi

45. Parçada, aşağıdaki yöntemlerden hangisinin dış gebelik durumunun tekrarlamasını önlemek için gerekli olmadığı öne sürülmektedir?

C) İn vitro fertilizasyon tekniklerinin bulunması D) Tübal mikrocerrahi tekniklerinin bulunması

A) Salpingostomi

E) Erken dönemde tanı konulabilmesi

B) Salpinjektomi C) Methotrexate D) Kornual bölgenin eksizyonu E) Histerektomi

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 46. – 50. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. According to the 2001 guidelines of the American College of Physicians for the treatment of uncomplicated acute bronchitis, antibiotic treatment is not recommended, regardless of duration of cough. According to the 2006 guidelines of the American College of Chest Physicians for treating acute bronchitis, routine treatment with antibiotics is not justified, antitussive agents are only occasionally useful, and there is no routine role for inhaled bronchodilators or mucolytic agents. Inhaled anticholinergic agents are not recommended. However, these guidelines note that subgroups of patients with chronic airflow obstruction at baseline or wheezing at the onset of illness do have a benefit from β2-agonists. These guidelines have been criticized on the grounds that many of the recommendations were based more on opinion than on evidence. Distinguishing the minority of cases of acute bronchitis due to a treatable cause from those due to currently nontreatable viruses is often challenging. Recently, the measurement of serum levels of procalcitonin, which is typically elevated in bacterial infections, has been proposed as a means of identifying patients in whom treatment with antibiotics is warranted. Previous studies involving volunteers exposed to rhinovirus showed that nonsteroidal drugs alone or in combination with antihistamines reduced the severity of symptoms, including cough.

47. Parçaya göre, 2001 ile 2006 yıllarına ait kaynaklarda, kronik havayolu obstrüksiyonu olanlar veya hastalığın başlangıcında hırıltısı olanlarda aşağıdaki ajanlardan hangisinin yararlı olabileceği belirtilmiştir? A) Antibiyotiklerin

B) Bronkodilatörlerin

C) Balgam söktürücülerin

D) Antikolinerjiklerin

E) β2 agonistlerinin

48. Parçaya göre, sözü edilen kaynaklardaki önerilere yöneltilen eleştiri aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? A) Kanıtlar tamamen göz ardı edilmiştir. B) Destekleyici verilerden yoksundur. C) Kanıttan çok görüşlere dayalıdır. D) Birbirleriyle çelişen kanıtlara dayalıdır. E) Aksi görüşler karşısında, uzlaşma yerine kanıtlar geçerli sayılmıştır.

49. Parçada prokalsitonin ölçümü aşağıdaki amaçlardan hangisi için önerilmektedir? A) Öksürük nedenlerinin ayırıcı tanısı B) Yüksekliği durumunda bakteriyel enfeksiyonların dışlanması C) Bakteriyel enfeksiyon etkenlerinin saptanması D) Antibiyotik tedavisi gereken olguların belirlenmesi E) Tedavi edilemeyen virütik etkenlerin tanınması

50. Parçaya göre, rhinovirüs’e mâruz kalan gönüllüleri de içine alan önceki çalışmalar aşağıdakilerden hangisini göstermiştir?

46. Parçaya göre, 2001 ile 2006 yıllarına ait kaynaklarda akut bronşitin rutin tedavisiyle ilgili olarak öne sürülenler arasında aşağıdakilerden hangisi yer almamaktadır?

A) Tek başına antihistaminik ilaçların belirtileri azaltıcı etki gösterdiğini

A) Sadece uzun süreli öksürük varsa antibiyotikler verilebilir.

B) Nonsteroidal ilaçların belirti şiddetini azalttığını

B) Öksürüğü kesen ajanlar ancak nadiren yararlıdır. C) Rutin tedavide bronkodilatör inhalasyonunun rolü yoktur. D) Balgam söktürücülerin rutin tedavide yeri yoktur.

C) Kombinasyon tedavisinin iyileşme hızını daha da arttırdığını D) Olguların nonsteroidal ilaçlara aşırı duyarlı olduklarını E) Öksürük ve diğer belirtilerin tedaviye kesinlikle cevap vermediğini

E) Tedavide antikolinerjik ajan inhalasyonu önerilmemektedir.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 53. Parçaya göre, aşağıdaki hastalıklardan hangisine bağlı ölümlerde artma olmuştur?

51. – 55. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) Kızamık In the wealthier parts of the world, the death of a child from an infectious disease is a rare tragedy. In poor countries, it is commonplace. In rural subSaharan Africa, the majority of families have lost at least one child to a treatable infectious disease. Fortunately, with improvements in immunization coverage and public health in recent years, the death toll from killers such as pneumonia, diarrheal disease, measles and tetanus has fallen. But deaths from AIDS and malaria have increased. It is estimated that 1 million children die each year from falciparum malaria, yet malaria is both preventable and treatable. The main reason why malaria-related mortality has increased while mortality associated with most other treatable and preventable infections has decreased is the continued deployment of ineffective antimalarial drugs in the face of increasing resistance.

B) Zatürre


C) İshal

E) Tetanoz

54. Parçada sıtmaya bağlı ölümlerin artmasındaki asıl nedenin aşağıdakilerden hangisi olduğu söylenmiştir? A) Etkili ilaçlara ulaşılamaması B) Etkili olmayan sıtma ilaçlarının dağıtımının sürdürülmesi C) Diğer enfeksiyonların hasta direncini düşürmesi

51. Parçada enfeksiyon hastalıklarına bağlı çocuk ölümleriyle ilgili olarak aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenmemektedir?

D) Hastalığın giderek yaygınlaşması E) Diğer enfeksiyon tedavilerinde kullanılan ilaçların dirence yol açması

A) Fakir ülkelerde olağandır. B) Dünyanın daha zengin bölgelerinde nadir rastlanan bir felakettir. C) Son yıllarda aşılama ve toplum sağlığı politikalarındaki iyileşme, ölümleri azaltmıştır. D) Nedenlerinden birisi olan sıtma önlenebilir ve tedavi edilebilir bir hastalıktır. E) Tedavi ile her yıl 1 milyon çocuk ölmekten kurtarılmaktadır.

52. Parçada, Afrika’nın kırsal bölgelerinde ailelerin çoğunluğunun aşağıdaki durumların hangisiyle karşılaştığı belirtilmektedir?

55. Parçanın yedinci cümlesinde geçen “main” sözcüğünün Türkçe karşılığı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) Çocuklarının en az birinin tedavi edilebilir bir enfeksiyondan ölmesi B) Aile bireylerinin en az birinde enfeksiyon görülmesi

A) Belirgin

B) Dolaylı

C) Temel

D) Diğer E) Olağan

C) Çocuklarında enfeksiyon hastalıklarından en az birinin görülmesi D) Çocuklarının en az birinde enfeksiyon görülmesi E) Ölen her çocukla birlikte en az bir erişkinin de enfekte olması

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 58. Parçada derin hemanjiyomların aşağıdaki iç organların hangisinde bazen meydana geldiğinden söz edilmektedir?

56. – 60. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Deep hemangiomas grow within the skin and deep beneath it. They cause the skin to bulge and may be purple or, if they are very deep, flesh-coloured. Most deep hemangiomas grow between ¼ inch and 2 inches across, although sometimes they grow much larger. More than half occur on the head and neck. Sometimes, hemangiomas develop in organs, such as the liver. Superficial and deep hemangiomas do not cause pain but occasionally break open (ulcerate) and bleed, which can be difficult to stop. Hemangiomas around the eye may grow large enough to block vision, which can lead to permanent vision loss if uncorrected. Hemangiomas may also block the nose or throat, which can obstruct breathing. Because hemangiomas often go away on their own, doctors do not treat them when they first appear unless they grow rapidly, obstruct vision or breathing, ulcerate, or are cosmetically distressing.

A) Akciğer

B) Kalp D) Karaciğer

C) Dalak E) Mide

59. Parçaya göre, doktorların hemanjiyomları, belirli sorunlara yol açmadığı sürece, başlangıçta tedavi etmeme nedeni aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? A) Genellikle kendiliğinden yok olmaları B) Büyümelerinin beklenmesi C) Sayılarının çok fazla olması

56. Parçada hemanjiyomların deride aşağıdakilerden hangisine neden olduklarından söz edilmektedir? A) Yırtılma

B) Kanama D) Kuruma

D) Kanamanın durdurulmasının güçlüğü

C) Kaşıntı

E) Göze çok yakın olabilmeleri

E) Kabarma

57. Parçada hemanjiyomlarla ilgili olarak aşağıdakilerin hangisi söylenmemektedir?

60. Parçanın altıncı cümlesinde geçen “occasionally” sözcüğünün Türkçe karşılığı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) Görmeyi engelleyebilir. B) Ağrılı olabilir.

A) Aniden

B) Yerine göre

C) Nefes almaya engel olabilir.

C) Ara sıra

D) Kendiliğinden E) Benzer biçimde

D) Yarısından çoğu kafa ve boyunda oluşur. E) Mor renkli olabilir.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 62. Parçada sistein tellurit kanlı agar ile ilgili olarak aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenmemektedir?

61. – 65. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Corynebacterium is an aerobic, nonencapsulated, nonspore-forming, mostly nonmotile, pleomorphic, gram-positive bacillus. Not fastidious in growth requirements, its isolation is enhanced by use of a selective medium (i.e. cystine-tellurite blood agar) that inhibits growth of competing organisms and, when reduced by Corynebacterium diphtheriae, renders colonies gray-black. Three biotypes (i.e. mitis, gravis, and intermedius), each capable of causing diphtheria, are differentiated by colonial morphology, haemolysis, and fermentation reactions. A lysogenic bacteriophage carrying the gene that encodes for production of exotoxin confers diphtheria-producing potential to strains of C. diphtheriae, but it provides no essential protein to the bacterium. Indigenous nontoxigenic C. diphtheriae can be rendered toxigenic and disease-producing after importation of toxigenic. C. diphtheriae Diphtheritic toxin can be demonstrated in vitro by the agar immunoprecipitin technique (Elek test) by polymerase chain reaction, or by the in vivo toxin neutralization test in guinea pigs. Toxigenic and nontoxigenic strains are indistinguishable by colony type, microscopy, or biochemical tests.

A) Bazı durumlarda gri-siyah kolonilerin oluşmasını sağlar. B) Seçici bir ortamdır. C) Yarışan bakterilerin çoğalmasını baskılar. D) Katı bir besiyeridir. E) Bakteri tarafından indirgenir.

63. Parçada, bakteri toksininin saptanması ile ilgili olarak sözü edilen testlerden hangisinin kobaya uygulandığı söylenmektedir? A) Mikroskopi B) Biyokimyasal testler C) Polimeraz zincir reaksiyonu D) Agar immunpresipitasyonu E) Toksin nötralizasyonu

64. Parçanın ikinci cümlesinde geçen “requirements” sözcüğünün Türkçe karşılığı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? A) Alışkanlıklar

B) Olasılıklar

C) Gereksinimler

D) Düzensizlikler

E) Düzeyler

65. Parçanın son cümlesinde geçen “indistinguishable” sözcüğünün Türkçe karşılığı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

61. Parçaya göre, aşağıdakilerden hangisi corynebakterilerin özelliklerinden biri değildir? A) Çoğunlukla hareketli

B) Kapsülsüz

C) Spor oluşturmayan

D) Şekil değiştiren

E) Oksijene ihtiyaç duyan

A) Vazgeçilmez

B) Ayırt edilemez

C) Sınırlandırılamaz

D) Karşılaştırılamaz

E) Açıklanamaz

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 68. Parçaya göre, serum magnezyum miktarı ile geri emilimi arasında nasıl bir ilişki vardır?

66. – 70. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Magnesium is the second most common intracellular cation, with only three other cations – potassium, calcium and sodium – occurring with greater abundance in the body. It plays a crucial role in storing and using energy inasmuch as all enzymatic reactions involving adenosine triphosphate frequently require magnesium. Because magnesium is also an essential element for plants in that it is a constituent of chlorophyll, it is present in virtually all vegetable food sources. Despite this wide distribution, the average diatary intake of magnesium is about 25 mEq/day, which only marginally meets the recommended daily requirements for this element. Fractional absorption of magnesium varies from 80% on a magnesium-restricted diet to less than 10% when large oral loads of magnesium are consumed. Renal magnesium reabsorption occurs in multiple nephron segments, and a tubular maximum (TMMg) may be described for the whole kidney. Normal tubular reabsorption for magnesium is very close to the TMMg. Therefore, small changes in serum magnesium levels are accompanied by rather rapid increases or decreases in urinary magnesium excretion. This intrinsic TMMg phenomenon, which is not directly controlled hormonally, allows the kidney to be the major determinant of plasma magnesium levels.

A) Serumdaki magnezyumun % 10’undan azı geri emilir. B) Serumdaki azalma geri emilimi azaltır. C) Serumdaki miktar artsa bile atılan miktar uzun süre değişmez. D) İdrarla atılan miktar ile geri emilen miktar serumdakine göre azdır. E) Serumdaki değişimlere, idrarla atılan miktarda hızlı artma ve azalmalar eşlik eder.

69. Parçaya göre, aşağıdakilerden hangisi plazmadaki magnezyum miktarının en önemli belirleyicisidir? A) Barsak

B) İdrar miktarı D) Enzimler

66. Parçada magnezyum ile ilgili olarak aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenmemektedir?

C) Böbrek

E) Enerji kullanımı

A) Enerji depolanmasında önemli rol oynar. B) İkinci en sık hücre içi katyondur. C) Adenozin trifosfat ile ilgili tepkimeler için sıklıkla gerekir. D) Bitkilerin çok azında bulunur. E) Enerji kullanımında önemli rolü vardır. 70. Parçanın dördüncü cümlesinde geçen “Despite this wide distribution” ifadesinin Türkçe karşılığı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

67. Parçada, besinlerden magnezyum alınmasıyla ilgili olarak aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenmektedir?

A) Bu yaygın dağılıma rağmen

A) Emilimi böbrekte nefronun ilk bölümünde gerçekleşir.

B) Söz konusu tüm bulgulara rağmen

B) Önerilen günlük gereksinimi güçlükle karşılar.

C) Dağılımıyla doğrudan ilişkili olarak

C) Barsak emilimi hızlıdır.

D) Geniş çapta etkili olsa bile

D) Hayvansal gıdalarda bol bulunur.

E) Bazı bulguları yaygın olsa da

E) Hormonlar ile idrar atılımı kontrol edilir.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 73. Parçada sözü geçen kireçlenmeler sağlam fetusların yüzde kaçında görülmüştür?

71. – 75. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) 1 Over the past two decades, a variety of ultrasound findings have been associated with Down syndrome. These have ranged from relatively sensitive and specific findings (such as nuchal translucency) to softer findings with less sensitivity and specificity (such as renal pyelectasis and echogenic bowel). Among these softer findings is the echogenic intracardiac focus (EIF). The sonographic finding of EIF was first described in 1987 in a study in which 1 foetus among 26 with EIF had Down syndrome. Since then, numerous studies have associated EIF with an increased risk of Down syndrome, particularly in high-risk populations that undergo level II ultrasound examination or amniocentesis. Alternatively, there have been several studies that show no increased risk of Down syndrome in the setting of isolated EIF. In the pathology literature, it has been reported that calcifications of the foetal papillary muscle are correlated with the sonographic finding of EIF. Such calcifications were present in 17% of Down syndrome foetuses and 5% of normal foetuses. A recent study showed that the visualization of the EIF may also be influenced by a variety of technical factors that include the technologist, ultrasound equipment and settings, and foetal position.

B) 5

C) 9,1

D) 17

E) 26

74. Parçada sözü edilen yeni çalışma EIF’nin görüntülenmesiyle ilgili olarak aşağıdakilerden hangisini göstermiştir? A) Çeşitli teknik etkenlerden etkilenebilir. B) Ultrason cihazları daha fazla geliştirilmelidir. C) Bebeğin anne karnındaki konumu izlenebilir. D) Teknik elemanlar oldukça bilinçlidir. E) Görüntüleme merkezlerinin uzmanlaşması gereklidir.

71. Parçaya göre, aşağıdaki ultrasonografik bulgulardan hangisi Down sendromu tanısında hassas ve özgün olanıdır? A)

Renal pyelektazi

B) Nazal kemik oluşumu C) Barsak ekojenisitesi D) Kalsifiye kalp içi odak E)

Ense saydamlığında artış

75. Parçanın beşinci cümlesinde geçen “particularly” sözcüğünün Türkçe karşılığı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

72. Parçadan ekojenik kardiyak fokusun nasıl bir bulgu olduğu çıkarılabilir? A) Yeterli

B) Sıradan D) Zayıf

C) Genel

E) Geçici

A) Genelde

B) Başlıca

C) Yaygın olarak

D) Özellikle

E) Aslında

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 78. Parçada, sözü edilen salgı bezleriyle ilgili olarak aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenmemektedir?

76. – 80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) Salgılarını derideki deliklerden dışarı verirler. Acne is a common skin condition producing pimples on the face and upper torso. Acne is caused by an interaction between hormones, skin oils, and bacteria that results in inflammation of hair follicles. Acne occurs mostly on the face, upper chest, shoulders, and back and is characterized by pimples, cysts, and sometimes abscesses. Both cysts and abscesses are pus-filled pockets, but abscesses are somewhat larger and deeper. Sebaceous glands, which secrete an oily substance (sebum), lie in the dermis, the middle layer of skin. These glands are attached to the hair follicles. The sebum, along with dead skin cells, passes up from the sebaceous gland and hair follicle and out to the surface of the skin through the pores. Acne results when a collection of dried sebum, dead skin cells, and bacteria clog the hair follicles, blocking the sebum from leaving through the pores. Acne occurs mainly during puberty, when the sebaceous glands are stimulated by increased hormone levels, especially the androgens (such as testosterone) resulting in excessive sebum production. By a person’s early to mid 20s, hormone production stabilizes and acne usually disappears. Apart from these, certain cosmetics may worsen acne by clogging the pores. Because acne naturally varies in severity for most people – sometimes worsening, sometimes improving, – pinpointing the factors that may produce an outbreak is difficult. Acne is often worse in the winter and better in the summer, for unknown reasons. There is no relationship, however, between acne and specific foods or sexual activity.

B) Kıl folikülüne yapışıktırlar. C) Derinin üst tabakasında bulunurlar. D) Yağlı bir madde salgılarlar. E) Salgıda ölü deri hücreleri de bulunur.

79. Parçada aşağıdakilerden hangisinin delikleri tıkayarak akneyi daha da kötü hale getirebileceği söylenmektedir? A) Bazı ilaçlar B) Bakteriler C) Hormonlar D) Belirli makyaj malzemeleri E) Yağlı salgı

76. Parçada aknelerin en sık görüldüğü yerler arasında aşağıdakilerden hangisi sayılmamıştır? A) Yüz

B) Üst kol D) Sırt

C) Omuzlar

E) Göğüs üst kısmı

80. Parçada akne ile ilgili olarak aşağıdakilerden hangisinin sebebinin bilinmediği söylenmektedir? A) Kışın artıp yazın azalması

77. Parçaya göre, apseler hangi özellikleriyle kistlerden ayrılır?

B) Oluşumunun, bazı yiyecekler tarafından hızlandırılması

A) Ağrıya neden olmaları B) İltihapla dolu olmaları

C) Vücuttaki dağılımının kişilere göre farklılık göstermesi

C) Cep oluşturmaları

D) Cinsel yaşamla ilişkili olması

D) Hormonların etkisiyle oluşmaları

E) Bulaşıcı olabilmesi

E) Biraz daha büyük ve derin olmaları

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 82. Parçada, yetersiz aşılamanın aynı zamanda aşağıdakilerden hangisinin göstergesi olduğundan söz edilmektedir?

81. – 85. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. In the US, although immunization rates in early childhood are currently at record or near-record high levels, rates remain insufficient in many urban areas. A recent report by the Institute of Medicine emphasized the need to address disparities in vaccine coverage between low-income groups and the general population. Importantly, these low rates of immunization not only leave many young children at high risk for a variety of serious, vaccine preventable diseases but underimmunization also serves as an indicator of inadequate receipt of other preventive health care. There seems to be no single cause for these low immunization rates, but rather a group of possible factors including provider practices, parental/child characteristics, and system barriers to receiving care. Studies have emphasized the importance of minimizing “missed opportunities,” i.e. visits to a health care provider where an immunization could have been appropriately given but was not. Other research has focused on identifying parental and child characteristics associated with underimmunization to allow appropriate targeting of interventions. Several studies have identified delayed receipt of the initial 2month vaccinations as a strong risk factor for lack of age-appropriate immunization at 2 years. However, only 1 prospective study has sought to identify behavioural attributes predictive of initiation of immunization.

A) Çocuk ölüm oranının yüksekliği B) Gelir düzeyinin düşüklüğü C) Diğer önleyici sağlık hizmetlerinin yetersizliği D) Hasta olma riskinin yüksekliği E) Sağlık sisteminin bozukluğu

83. Parçaya göre, aşağıdakilerden hangisi aşılamanın yetersizliğiyle ilgili faktörlerden biri değildir? A) Aşıların ulaştırılmasındaki gecikmeler B) Ebeveynlerin özellikleri C) Çocuk özellikleri D) Sistemle ilgili engeller E) Aşı sağlayanların uygulamaları

84. Parçada, aşılamanın başlatılmasıyla ilişkili davranışsal özellikleri belirlemeye yönelik araştırma aşağıdakilerden hangisiyle nitelendirilmektedir? A) Kapsamlı

B) Önemli

C) Çok merkezli

D) İleriye dönük

E) Kontrollü

85. Parçanın beşinci cümlesinde geçen “appropriately” sözcüğünün Türkçe karşılığı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

81. Parçada aşağıdakilerden hangisinin birçok kentsel alanda hâlâ yetersiz olduğu söylenmektedir? A) Sağlık kurumu sayısı

A) Yeterli olarak

B) Uygun bir şekilde

B) Aşılamaya bilinçli yaklaşım

C) Öncelikli olarak

D) Belirgin bir biçimde

C) Aşılamayı takip eden ebeveyn sayısı

E) Yaklaşık olarak

D) Aşı zamanlamasındaki başarı E) Çocuklarda aşılama oranı

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 87. Parçaya göre, megakaryositler plateletleri özellikle aşağıdakilerden hangisinde oluşturur?

86. – 90. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) Damar çeperlerinde Platelets are minute round or oval discs 2 to 4 micrometres in diametre. They are formed in the bone marrow from megakaryocytes, which are extremely large cells of the hemopoietic series in the bone marrow that fragment into platelets either in the bone marrow or soon after entering the blood, especially as they try to squeeze through the pulmonary capillaries. The normal concentration of platelets in the blood is between 150,000 and 300,000 per microlitre. Platelets have many functional characteristics of whole cells, even though they do not have nuclei and cannot reproduce. In their cytoplasm are such active factors as (1) actin and myosin molecules, similar to those found in muscle cells, as well as still another contractile protein, thrombosthenin, that can cause the platelets to contract; (2) residuals of both the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus that synthesize various enzymes and store large quantities of calcium ions; (3) mitochondria and enzyme systems that are capable of forming adenosine triphosphate and adenosine diphosphate (ADP); (4) enzyme systems that synthesize prostaglandins, which are local hormones that cause many types of vascular and other local tissue reactions; (5) an important protein called fibrin-stabilizing factor; (6) a growth factor that can cause vascular endothelial cells, vascular smooth muscle cells, and fibroblasts to multiply and grow, thus causing cellular growth that helps repair damaged vascular walls.

B) Kemik iliğinde C) Atardamarlarda D) Toplardamarlarda E) Akciğer kılcal damarlarında

88. Parçada, plateletlerin aşağıdakilerden hangisine sahip olmadığı söylenmektedir? A) Çekirdek B) Endoplazmik retikulum C) Golgi D) Mitokondri E) Aktin ve miyozin

89. Parçaya göre, plateletler aşağıdakilerden hangisini depolamaktadır? A) Adenozin trifosfat

B) Adenozin difosfat

C) Kalsiyum iyonları

D) Aktif faktörler

E) Çeşitli enzimler

86. Parçada plateletlerle ilgili olarak aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenmemektedir?

90. Parçada aşağıdakilerden hangisinin hasarlı damar çeperinin onarımında rol aldığı belirtilmektedir?

A) Büyük hücrelerin parçalanmasıyla oluşurlar.

A) Enzim

B) Çok küçük hücrelerdir.

B) Büyüme faktörü

C) Yuvarlak veya ovaldirler.

C) Fibrin stabilizan faktör

D) Bölünerek çoğalırlar.

D) Prostaglandin

E) Kasılabilir protein içerirler.

E) Trombostenin

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 92. Parçada kalp cerrahlarının, kardiyologların ve ilgili klinisyenlerin hastalarda aşağıdakilerden hangisini gözlemledikleri söylenmektedir?

91. – 95. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Stroke remains one of the most devastating potential complications of cardiac surgery. Many investigators have studied the incidence of stroke in a group of 5,971 cardiac surgery patients, yielding estimates ranging from 1.6% to 5.2%. Of the more than 400,000 adult patients in the US and 800,000 patients worldwide who undergo cardiopulmonary bypass procedures each year, up to 21,000 patients in the US and 42,000 patients worldwide will suffer stroke. The economic impact of stroke after coronary revascularization is estimated to exceed $2 to $4 billion annually worldwide. Although cardiac surgeons, cardiologists and affiliated clinicians have witnessed the profound effects of perioperative stroke in patients, few data exist to characterize both the functional impact and long-term survival for those who suffer this complication. Many attempts have been made, however, to determine the essential risk factors for perioperative stroke. Although these efforts have yielded important data, it is clear that definitive prediction and prevention of these strokes remain elusive. This is likely due to the multifactorial etiology of stroke, as well as the heterogeneity of this patient population and the cardiac procedures themselves. Previous studies were limited by small sample size, retrospective study design, incomplete or late capture of stroke events, minimal analysis of brainimaging findings and lack of long-term follow-up.

A) Sağkalım süresinin değişimini B) Ameliyat sırasında inmenin derin etkilerini C) İşlevsel kayıpları D) Beyinde oluşan hasarları E) Ameliyatın çok az durumda inmeye yol açtığını

93. Parçada çok sayıda girişimde bulunulduğu belirtilen konu aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? A) Cerrahi işlemlerde olası riskleri önceden belirlemek B) Ameliyat öncesinde inme konusunda bilgili olmak C) Ameliyat sırasında inme için temel risk faktörlerini saptamak D) İnme ile ilgili etiyolojik verileri tümüyle değerlendirmek E) İnmede sağ kalım ve işlev kaybı ile ilgili verileri toplamak

94. Parçada, önceki çalışmaların sınırlı yönleri arasında aşağıdakilerden hangisi sayılmamıştır? A) Hasta öyküsünün yeterince dikkate alınmaması B) Geriye dönük çalışma taslağı C) İnme olgularının geç yakalanması 91. Parçada inmeyle ilgili olarak aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenmektedir?

D) Beyin görüntüleme bulgularının alt düzeyde incelenmesi

A) Kalp cerrahisinde gerçekleşme olasılığı her zaman bulunmaktadır.

E) Uzun süreli izlemenin olmaması

B) Kalp cerrahisinin en yaygın sorunlarındandır. C) Kalp ile ilgili cerrahi işlemlerde belki de en kalıcı komplikasyondur.

95. Parçanın dördüncü cümlesinde geçen “is estimated” ifadesinin Türkçe karşılığı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

D) Kalp damar cerrahisinde göz ardı edilmemesi gereken olası bir sonuçtur. E) Kalp cerrahisinin olası en zararlı komplikasyonlarından biri olmaya devam etmektedir.

A) Gerekiyor

B) Görülüyor

C) Araştırılıyor

D) Tahmin ediliyor E) Kaydediliyor

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A İNGİLİZCE 98. Parçaya göre, frengi hangi yönüyle doktorlar için güçlük oluşturmaktadır?

96. – 100. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) Tanı konmasının güç olması Syphilis is a chronic infectious disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. It is usually acquired by sexual contact with another infected individual. Syphilis is remarkable among infectious diseases in its large variety of clinical presentations. It progresses, if untreated, through primary, secondary and tertiary stages. The early stages (primary and secondary) are infectious. Spontaneous healing of early lesions occurs, followed by a long latent period. In about 30% of untreated patients, late disease of the heart, central nervous system (CNS) or other organs ultimately develops. At one time this disease was termed “the great imitator”. Although the disease is less common now than previously, it remains a great challenge to the clinician because of its protean manifestations and is of great interest to biologists as well because of the long and alternating balance between the host and the invading spirochete.

B) Hastaların doktora geç başvurması C) Tedavisinin uzun sürmesi D) Hastaların belirtileri fark edememesi E) Belirtilerinin değişken olması

99. Parçaya göre, frengi hangi yönüyle biyologların ilgisini çekmektedir? A) Etken-konakçı arasındaki uzun ve değişen denge ilişkisi B) Hastalığa neden olan bakterilerin yapısı C) Merkezi sinir sistemi tutulumu D) Spiroketin yaşam döngüsü

96. Parçaya göre, enfeksiyon hastalıkları arasında frengi hangi yönüyle dikkat çekicidir?

E) Çok eski bir hastalık oluşu

A) Cinsel yolla bulaşması B) Kronik olması C) Çok bulaşıcı olması D) Hızla ilerlemesi E) Çok çeşitli klinik belirtilerinin olması

100. Parçanın yedinci cümlesinde geçen “ultimately develops” ifadesinin Türkçe karşılığı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? A) Gerekirse oluşur B) Belirgin olarak gözlenir C) Zor iyileşir D) En sonunda gelişir

97. Parçada frengiyle ilgili olarak aşağıdakilerin hangisi söylenmemektedir?

E) Sonuna kadar ilerler

A) Üç evresi vardır. B) Tedavi edilmezse ilerler. C) Sadece birinci evrede bulaşıcıdır. D) Eskiye göre daha seyrek görülmektedir.


E) İlk yaralar kendiliğinden iyileşir.


Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.




26. E

51. E

76. A

2. E

27. B

52. D

77. D

3. A

28. A

53. A

78. E

4. D

29. B

54. E

79. D

5. E

30. D

55. C

80. E

6. B

31. A

56. A

81. C

7. A

32. B

57. B

82. B

8. C

33. C

58. A

83. D

9. A

34. E

59. D

84. C

10. C

35. A

60. E

85. E

11. E

36. D

61. B

86. D

12. E

37. B

62. D

87. E

13. B

38. E

63. C

88. D

14. A

39. A

64. B

89. C

15. B

40. C

65. A

90. A

16. C

41. D

66. E

91. E

17. E

42. C

67. C

92. C

18. B

43. B

68. A

93. D

19. A

44. A

69. D

94. B

20. E

45. D

70. B

95. E

21. A

46. E

71. C

96. D

22. E

47. A

72. B

97. B

23. B

48. C

73. D

98. A

24. A

49. B

74. B

99. C

25. D

50. D

75. A

100. E



26. B

51. E

76. B

2. A

27. E

52. A

77. E

3. C

28. C

53. D

78. C

4. E

29. A

54. B

79. D

5. B

30. D

55. C

80. A

6. E

31. E

56. E

81. E

7. C

32. C

57. B

82. C

8. A

33. A

58. D

83. A

9. B

34. C

59. A

84. D

10. D

35. D

60. C

85. B

11. B

36. B

61. A

86. D

12. E

37. E

62. D

87. E

13. A

38. A

63. E

88. A

14. B

39. D

64. C

89. C

15. E

40. B

65. B

90. B

16. A

41. E

66. D

91. E

17. C

42. C

67. B

92. B

18. E

43. A

68. E

93. C

19. B

44. B

69. C

94. A

20. A

45. D

70. A

95. D

21. E

46. A

71. E

96. E

22. B

47. E

72. D

97. C

23. C

48. C

73. B

98. E

24. A

49. D

74. A

99. A

25. D

50. B

75. D

100. D

A İNGİLİZCE FEN BİLİMLERİ 5. Several research groups have been racing to ---how to regenerate hair cells.

1. – 18. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. 1. The greatest ---- to the spread of nuclear technology and nuclear power reactors to developing countries is that it will increase the risks of nuclear weapons proliferation. A) obligation

B) contribution

C) solution

D) condition

A) figure out

B) go for

C) connect with

D) set up E) make up

E) objection 6. An important aspect of the application of mathematics is that different ways of making mathematical sense of everyday questions ---different answers. 2. A combination of factors made the 1984 accident in a storage tank at a Union Carbide plant in India almost ----. A) crucial

B) inevitable

C) vulnerable

D) bearable

A) keep up

B) bring over

C) lead to

D) show off E) find out

E) permanent

7. Earthquake rupture ---- to occur by enlargement of a crack, but more recent observations ---- a “pulse-like” mode of rupture enlargement.

3. In the opinion of most scientists, engineering does not ---- offer universally acceptable solutions. A) randomly

B) previously

C) necessarily

D) excessively

A) had been thought / would be indicated B) can be thought / had indicated C) was thought / will have indicated

E) extremely

D) has been thought / indicate E) must be thought / may have indicated

4. Scientists suggest that huge amounts of greenhouse gases will be ---- into the atmosphere if rising temperatures cause the Arctic permafrost to melt. A) produced

B) accelerated

C) disrupted

D) released E) joined

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A FEN BİLİMLERİ 11. Sea bindweed Calystegia soldanella ---- a fleshyleaved cousin of the more widespread, whiteflowered hedge bindweed (C. sepium) that ---fences and hedges everywhere in the summer.

8. Cosmologists are addressing some of the fundamental questions that people ---- to resolve over the centuries through philosophical thinking, but they ---- this based on systematic observation and quantitative methodology.

A) might be / had clothed

A) would attempt / have done

B) is / clothes

B) attempt / will do

C) should be / has clothed

C) may attempt / did

D) could be / would have clothed

D) attempted / should do

E) was / can clothe

E) have attempted / are doing

12. In February 1996, ---- a meeting in Bermuda, international partners in the Human Genome Project agreed to formalize the conditions of data access, including release of the sequence into public databases ---- 24 hours.

9. The shuttle ---- the atmosphere at precisely 38° for heat shields below the fuselage and the wings ---- the craft from heat damage. A) must re-enter / to protect B) has re-entered / having protected C) re-entered / to have protected

A) at / within

B) from / in

C) in / by

D) during / to E) on / through

D) re-enters / to be protecting E) should re-enter / to have been protecting

13. The United States government is about to start monitoring the air ---- major cities for biological weapons ---- looking for bacteria and viruses in the air filtres that now monitor pollution.

10. From the year 1665, when Robert Hooke ---- cells, until the middle of the twentieth century, biologists ---- only light microscopes for viewing cells. A) used to discover / could have had B) had discovered / would have

A) of / on

B) at / towards

C) out of / with

D) in / by E) from / through

C) discovered / had D) has discovered / have had E) could discover / have

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A FEN BİLİMLERİ 14. Comets are thought to have changed very little over the last 4 billion years, ---- their composition should hold clues to the origin of the solar system. A) but

B) whereas

C) just as

D) in that

19. – 23. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. Names and numbers were causing trouble long before the Internet age. Biology had a naming crisis in the 17th and 18th centuries. The problem wasn’t so much a shortage of names but an excess of (19) ----. Plants and animals (20) ---- by many different names in different places. Then came the great reform of Carolus Linnaeus and his system of Latin binomials, (21) ---- each organism by genus and species. The new scheme revolutionized taxonomy, not because there is any magic in Latin or in two-part names, but because Linnaeus and his (22) ---- laboured to preserve a strict one-to-one mapping between names and organisms. Official codes of nomenclature continue to enforce this rule – one name, one species – although rooting out synonyms and homonyms is a (23) ---- struggle.

E) so

15. Robots will never be much good at household tasks such as pouring coffee or polishing shoes ---- they can calculate their position accurately. A) since

B) when

C) unless

D) so that E) in case 19.

A) them 16. About half of all women over 65 years of age take some type of nutrition supplement, ---- only about one-fifth of older men do. A) before

B) because

C) that is

D) while

B) that D) those

C) theirs E) themselves


E) despite

A) were to be known

B) would be known

C) are known

D) were known E) will be known

21. A) to have been identifying B) identified

17. Coal produces ---- CO2 per energy unit ---- any other fossil fuel. A) also / as

B) more / than

C) such / that

D) either / or

C) to have identified

D) to be identifying

E) identifying

E) so / as

22. A) participants

B) followers

C) occupants

D) suppliers

18. Every rock, ---- copper-veined, silver-clad, or black-glazed, tells a story about the Earth as a whole. A) both

B) also

C) whether

D) all

E) practitioners


E) that

A) constant

B) primary

C) rapid

D) similar E) partial Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A FEN BİLİMLERİ 27. ---- when they are exposed to higher than normal temperatures.

24. – 35. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

A) Recent climate warming is associated with genetic change

24. Shortly after the Golden Gate Bridge was opened, ----.

B) Recent global warming might already be driving such changes

A) some aesthetic and artistic concerns may have dominated the visual design of the bridge

C) Researchers compiled data on chromosomal polymorphism covering periods of 13 to 46 years

B) it has been an enormously successful bridge by most aesthetic and functional criteria

D) Some organisms undergo genetic change

C) its roadway proved to be overly flexible under certain wind conditions

E) Weather records for the same periods and locations are studied

D) the design of the bridge’s towers was tested on scale models, and construction of the bridge started E) a number of such structures were acting similarly

28. ---- as to why human mental capacities are so much greater than those of chimpanzees.

25. ----, yet relatively few have been identified in modern organisms.

A) Two scientists recently reported

A) Scientists hypothesize that the human hepatitis delta virus (HDV) arose from a ribozyme

B) Scientists have always suspected C) Researchers have found a clue

B) The CPEB3 ribozyme is structurally and biochemically related to human hepatitis deltavirus (HDV) ribozymes

D) The newly adopted scheme also includes a third category

C) This ribozyme occurs exclusively in mammals

E) Such a decision was reached after days of debate

D) The selection had yielded several ribozymes E) Ribozymes are thought to have played a pivotal role in the early evolution of life

26. Should the cabin pressure somehow be lost, ----.

29. Although stem cells are found in many tissues, ----.

A) the oxygen canisters located above the passenger seats in a plane provide oxygen to the passengers through masks

A) they have great potential to treat diseases B) the most promising ones seem to be those in bone marrow

B) the oxygen-generator canisters must be replaced periodically to ensure that they will operate properly when needed

C) specialists have been very enthusiastic

C) the oxygen canister contains a core of sodium chlorate, which is activated by a small explosive charge

D) special staining techniques revealed that the cells were indeed dividing E) the results of that study have yet to be announced

D) the airline maintenance rules made it clear that a bright yellow safety cap must be installed on the oxygen canisters E) a small explosion was initiated when a passenger pulled the oxygen mask toward herself

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A FEN BİLİMLERİ 33. Until fairly recently, we viewed the ocean as a bountiful, virtually limitless resource, ----.

30. Our eyes can detect photons, the smallest quantum unit of an electromagnetic wave, ----.

A) so many countries are also taking steps to restore and conserve wetlands

A) whose frequencies lie in the narrow visible range B) in which the human retina has more “pixels” than a consumer digital camera

B) unless we are now seeing the effects of our disregard for marine communities

C) that it increases our knowledge of the structure of atoms

C) yet seafood would become less plentiful

D) because scientists have lacked a detector able to see an individual photon

D) and we have harvested the ocean heavily and used it as a dumping ground for wastes

E) if a revolution in photon detection is now under way

E) regardless of the fact that laws in many countries now prohibit disposal of sewage and other wastes at sea

34. In the Pacific Ocean, the analogue of the Gulf Stream Current in the Atlantic is the Kuroshio Current, ----.

31. Abnormally heavy and early rainfall in the Sudan caused the River Nile to overflow in 2007, ----. A) so global land surface temperatures in January and April had reached the highest levels ever recorded for those months

A) which flows north along the coast of Asia to the east coast of Japan B) as it flows northeast across the Atlantic from its source in the Gulf of Mexico

B) because the first documented tropical cyclone in the Arabian Sea hit Oman and Iran, causing 50 deaths

C) so the Gulf Stream Current indeed contributes to Europe’s warmth

C) but in May, ocean waves up to 5 metres high swamped parts of the Maldive Islands

D) where it transports no heat to locations on the eastern side of the Pacific

D) unless other extreme weather events include the summer heatweave in southeastern Europe

E) but ocean currents do little to warm the region

E) while unusually heavy snowfall affected South Africa and parts of South America

35. Researchers have found that the DNA in bacteria deteriorates sharply after about 1.1 million years, ----.

32. ALH84001 is one of several meteorites that are generally acknowledged to have come from Mars ----.

A) whereas the DNA of the average bacterium has about 3 million units

A) when it is named for the place in Antarctica (Allan Hills) and the year (1984) it was found

B) which consisted of just 210 units linked together

B) because they contain trapped gases that match the Martian atmosphere

C) after which the size of the DNA gets cut in half D) but older microorganisms didn’t perform as well

C) while geologists at NASA discovered in the rock a variety of surprising characteristics at a microscopic level

E) and some of the oldest microorganisms were watched for as long as a year

D) where it turned out to be the oldest known rock from any planet E) so that the findings were based on meticulous studies and the papers of scientists at NASA

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A FEN BİLİMLERİ 38. Meteorites provide the best available data about the chemical and physical processes that occurred during the first few million years of our solar system’s history.

36. – 38. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz. 36. Scientists tell us that 90 per cent of all matter in the universe consists of hydrogen.

A) Güneş sistemimizin tarihinde, ilk birkaç milyon yıl içinde ortaya çıkmış olan kimyasal ve fiziksel oluşumlara ilişkin elde edilebilen en iyi veriler göktaşlarında bulunmaktadır.

A) Bilim adamlarının bize söylediğine göre, hidrojen içeren maddeler evrendeki tüm maddelerin yüzde 90’ını oluşturmaktadır.

B) Güneş sistemimizin başlangıcındaki birkaç milyon yıl içinde meydana gelmiş kimyasal ve fiziksel süreçlerle ilgili kullanılabilir verilerin en iyileri göktaşlarından elde edilmiştir.

B) Bilim adamları bize, evrendeki tüm maddelerin yüzde 90’ının hidrojen içerdiğini söylemektedir. C) Hidrojenin evrendeki tüm maddelerin yüzde 90’ını oluşturduğu, bize bilim adamlarınca söylenen bir gerçektir.

C) Göktaşlarının sağladığı veriler, güneş sistemimizin tarihinin ilk birkaç milyon yıllık sürecindeki kimyasal ve fiziksel oluşumları anlayabilmemize en büyük katkıyı sağlamıştır.

D) Bilim adamlarının bize söylediği gibi, hidrojen, evrendeki maddelerin yüzde 90’ında bulunmaktadır.

D) Güneş sistemimizin ilk birkaç milyon yıllık tarihinde meydana gelen kimyasal ve fiziksel süreçlerle ilgili verilerin en güvenilir olanları göktaşlarından sağlanmıştır.

E) Bilim adamları, hidrojenin, evrendeki tüm maddelerin yüzde 90’ını oluşturduğunu söylüyor.

E) Göktaşları, güneş sistemimizin tarihinin ilk birkaç milyon yılında meydana gelmiş olan kimyasal ve fiziksel süreçler hakkında mevcut en iyi verileri sağlar.

39. – 41. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz. 37. Inventions of modern science are no longer the creations of a single person, as they were in the past.

39. Bilim adamlarına göre, atmosfere yayılmakta olan atık gazlar nedeniyle dünyadaki iklimler daha sıcak bir hale gelmiştir.

A) Çağdaş bilimin buluşları, artık, geçmişte olduğu gibi tek bir kişinin yaratıları değildir.

A) Scientists claim that so much waste gas has been spread into the atmosphere that the climates in the world have become increasingly warm.

B) Çağımızda bilimsel buluşlar, geçmişte olduğunun tersine, bir kişinin yaratıcılığına dayanmamaktadır.

B) As scientists have pointed out, due to waste gases that pollute the atmosphere, the world’s climate has become much warmer.

C) Çağdaş bilimde artık, geçmişte olduğu gibi, tek kişinin yaratıcılığına dayanan buluşlara rastlanmamaktadır.

C) According to scientists, the climates in the world have become warmer because of waste gases that are spreading into the atmosphere.

D) Çağdaş bilimle ortaya konan buluşlar, geçmişten farklı olarak, birden çok kişinin ortaya koyduğu yaratılardır.

D) For scientists, the atmosphere has been so polluted by waste gases that the climates in the world have already become much warmer.

E) Geçmişteki buluşlar, çağdaş bilimdekilerin tersine, bir tek kişinin yaratılarıydı.

E) As far as scientists are concerned, the world’s climate has become extremely warm owing to waste gases in the atmosphere.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A FEN BİLİMLERİ 40. Evrenin sakinleri olarak, ışığın ilk kaynağının nasıl oluştuğunu, hayatın nasıl meydana geldiğini ve bu çok büyük boşlukta akıllı varlıklar olarak bizim yalnız olup olmadığımızı merak etmekten kendimizi alamayız.

42. – 46. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz. 42. Engineers are hired by clients (and employers) specifically for their specialized expertise. ----. Therefore, engineers have ethical obligations to their clients, because the client often cannot assess the quality of the engineer’s technical advice. These obligations are part of engineering ethics, the set of behavioural standards that all engineers are expected to follow.

A) How the first light was formed, how life started, and whether we are the only intelligent beings in this huge emptiness are the questions that, as inhabitants of the universe, we cannot keep ourselves from asking. B) As inhabitants of the universe, we cannot help wondering how the first source of light formed, how life came into existence and whether we are alone as intelligent beings in this vast emptiness.

A) Civil engineering is generally considered the oldest engineering discipline

C) As this universe’s only intelligent inhabitants, it is up to us to ask questions such as how the first light source was formed, how life on Earth started, and how we came to inhabit a tiny planet in this vast emptiness.

B) Successful teamwork results in accomplishments larger than those that can be produced by individual team members C) Generally, the client knows less about the subject than the engineer

D) As inhabitants of this universe, we cannot help asking such pressing questions as how the first light source was formed, how life started, and whether there are other intelligent beings living in this vast emptiness.

D) Biochemical engineers combine biological processes with traditional chemical engineering to produce foods and pharmaceuticals and to treat wastes

E) Being inhabitants of the vast emptiness that is our universe, we cannot help wondering how light was formed, how life started, and whether we are quite alone as intelligent beings in the universe.

E) An engineer does not need to have a licence to practise engineering, but those who do may have more career opportunities

41. ABD Ticaret Bakanlığı, hassas teknolojik bilgilere ulaşımı sınırlandırmaya ilişkin politikaların gözden geçirilmesi gerekip gerekmediğini incelemek üzere bir grup uzmanı görevlendirmiştir.

43. An athlete’s body must be heavier for its height than a nonathlete’s body because the athlete’s bones and muscles are denser. ----. However, this is not true. Weight standards that may be appropriate for others are inappropriate for athletes. Therefore, measures such as fatfold tests yield more useful information about body composition.

A) A group of experts commissioned by the US Department of Commerce are examining how the policies concerning limited access to sensitive technological information should be reformulated.

A) When athletes consult standard weight-forheight tables and see that they are on the heavy side, they may mistakenly believe that they are too fat

B) A group of experts have been appointed by the US Department of Commerce to review the policies that limit access to confidental technological information.

B) The increasing incidence of abnormal eating habits among athletes, especially young women, is causing concern

C) The US Department of Commerce has recruited a group of experts to find out to what extent the policies for the limitation of access to delicate technological information can be revised.

C) Athletes are particularly likely to develop eating disorders

D) The US Department of Commerce has commissioned a group of experts to examine whether policies on limiting access to sensitive technological information should be reviewed.

D) They fail to realize that the loss of lean tissue that accompanies energy restriction actually impairs their physical performance E) Male athletes, especially wrestlers and gymnasts, are affected by these disorders as well, but research shows that females have a greater tendency

E) The policies on limited access to confidental technological information are being reviewed by a group of experts, appointed by the US Department of Commerce.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A FEN BİLİMLERİ 46. Seismologists have struggled for years to find a reliable earthquake predictor. Could balls of light in the sky preceding quakes hold the key? The US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has begun asking that very question. ----. Thus, they have funded NASA to study earthquake lights using weather satellites and the MODIS research satellite during the past few years.

44. Thanks to their status as one of the world’s top predators, great whites are among the best known sharks on Earth, yet essentially nothing is known about their mating habits. That could soon change, as researchers have discovered a remote spot in the North Pacific Ocean that may be a mating ground for great whites, according to a recent study. ----. But, as scientists have explained, the theory that the area is a feeding ground for great whites may be incorrect.

A) In 1999, floating balls of light in the sky were broadcast on Turkish television, reportedly filmed the night before the earthquake in İzmit

A) It’s not an area that a shark would logically go to from California to find something to eat

B) In 1968, the first photographs of “earthquake lights” were taken by Yutaka Yasui of the Kakioka Magnetic Observatory

B) At first, scientists nicknamed the region, 1,553 miles west of the Baja Peninsula, the “great white café” because they suspected sharks could be going there to feed

C) The main problem facing FEMA is that earthquake lights still don’t have an accepted scientific explanation

C) The sharks migrate long distances seasonally from the coast of California to Hawaii and to the offshore area

D) Most earthquakes occur at plate boundaries, where one plate slides beneath another hundreds of kilometres below the Earth’s surface

D) On average, the sharks dive every 10 minutes, 325 metres down, perhaps to sniff for mates, whose scent could be detected at a certain level of depth

E) Mainstream geologists had dismissed these earlier claims as coincidental

E) Sharks gather at marine mammal habitats in California during autumn and winter months, feeding on the abundant elephant seals and other prey before migrating to the offshore waters

45. The dark side of nanotechnology is the nightmare possibility that “nano-robots” could be programmed to turn everything on Earth into more nano-robots. ----. Some researchers, however, say that while they also have some worries about nanotechnology, they don’t want it banned because its benefits outweigh its risks. A) R. Smalley discovered the three-dimensional nanoscale carbon cages called fullerenes B) E. Drexler says he invented the word “nanotechnology” C) The inventors of nanotechnology were awarded a Nobel Prize D) In 1990, a team of scientists found they could use a scanning tunnelling microscope to drag individual atoms of xenon over the surface of a crystal of nickel E) There are other fears, such as nanoscale particles creating unforeseen toxic hazards

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A FEN BİLİMLERİ 48. Lisa : - What are you reading?

47. – 51. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.

Andy : - A book about caterpillars in the Costa Rican tropical forests. Did you know that there’s one type of caterpillar that looks like a snake’s head?

47. Sarah : - Have you ever thought about how paleontologists name the new fossils they find? They don’t only give the fossils a boring, descriptive name in Latin.

Lisa : - ----

Laura : - ----

Andy : - I should imagine, only to scare away predators.

Sarah : - Well, in this article it says that one paleontologist named a newly discovered type of dinosaur fossil gojirasaurus after the original Japanese name for Godzilla!

A) Looking at caterpillars always makes me feel like I’ve got one crawling up my arm! B) How strange. I wonder why? C) I don’t know why this type of caterpillar lives in a tropical forest.

Laura : - That’s funny! I wonder if they’ll name any fossils after King Kong.

D) How interesting. Does the book mention other types?

A) I have a cousin who’s studying paleontology; why don’t we ask him?

E) Why did the writer choose to focus on only the forests in Costa Rica?

B) Certainly. There are rules for how new species and fossils must be named. C) Well, they surely have a catalogue of names they can use for every fossil they discover. D) Oh, really? What kinds of names do they give them, then? E) Paleontologists have a sense of humour, too!

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A FEN BİLİMLERİ 51. Keith : - It looks like more and more countries in the EU are turning to wind power for their energy.

49. Kathy : - I went to a lecture yesterday given by a microbiologist. He focused on bacteria caught in Antarctic ice millions of years ago, and stressed their importance in understanding how life on Earth works over long periods of time.

Cherie : - ---Keith : - Actually it’s not, because sometimes the wind turbines are built without proper planning, and this affects the surrounding environment negatively.

Bruce : - ---Kathy : - He said that life on Earth consists mostly of microbes, and they can adapt to every possible environment.

Cherie : - Oh, I wasn’t aware of that. A) I think a combination of wind and solar power would be best.

Bruce : - That sounds interesting. Did he suggest any reading material on the subject? A) What is the lecturer’s special area of study within the field of microbiology?

B) I think that’s very good. Yes? C) What’s your opinion of wind power? D) I thought wind turbines couldn’t generate enough power to make a difference.

B) Did you ask him any questions after the lecture? C) I find microbiology incredibly interesting; don’t you?

E) Do you think wind power will help reduce carbon emissions?

D) Who else attended the lecture besides you? E) How can anything so tiny have an influnce on the planet as a whole? Amazing. Anything else?

50. Terry : - Did you know that scientists have found perfectly preserved comet dust in the ice in Antarctica? Lynne : - ---Terry : - Yes, it is. The samples found previously in Antarctica and in Greenland had been compacted and changed by the ice around them, but these new samples haven’t. Lynne : - Then their larger size and good condition must make them easier to analyse. A) That’s nothing new! Don’t you think? B)

Are the dust samples taken from a comet’s tail by spacecraft similar to this?


Where in Antarctica was the dust discovered?


It must have been difficult for the scientists to locate the dust.


That was Jean Duprat’s study, wasn’t it?

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A FEN BİLİMLERİ 52. – 56. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz. 52. (I) When their nuclear fuel is exhausted, stars die, and the residual iron core collapses on itself. (II) The outcome of a star’s death depends on mass, however. (III) Stars with between 10 and 20 times the mass of the Sun collapse in a spectacular explosion known as a supernova, leaving behind a neutron star, whereas those larger than 20 solar masses implode to form black holes in a hypernova. (IV) In both cases, copious bursts of neutrinos are released along with optical, x-ray and gamma radiation. (V) Recent studies indicate that some massive stars may be rotating only slowly or not at all. A) I







A) I




E) V

E) V

53. (I) Since the cloned-sheep Dolly’s birth, researchers have cloned many other mammals, including mice, cats, horses, cows and pigs. (II) Such reproductive cloning has many potential applications. (III) Their most advanced embryo, however, had stopped growing at about six cells, and their intention was solely to harvest embryonic stem cells. (IV) By using genetically engineered donor nuclei, geneticists can study the effects of changing single genes or combinations of genes. (V) And in the future, biologists may routinely produce genetically identical animals for experimentation, a potential benefit to genetics research. A) I

55. (I) Humans have a long history of studying, appreciating, and using animal diversity, but classifying a new animal isn’t always easy. (II) Imagine you were the first European zoologist to encounter a strange animal in Australia that has the following physical features. (III) It has a bill and webbed feet similar to a duck’s, but the rest of its furry body looks very much like that of a muskrat or other aquatic rodent, and it lays eggs. (IV) Unlike the rest of the world, Australia has relatively few placental mammals. (V) How would you classify it?

56. (I) Reefs are under attack from all sides. (II) Coral reefs are one of the oldest and most diverse ecosystems on Earth. (III) Hurricanes and tsunamis can cause injuries that take decades for a reef to repair naturally. (IV) Meanwhile, destructive fishing practices, pollution, ships running aground and climate change pose an even more serious threat. (V) A report issued by the UN Environment Programme warned that 30 per cent of the world’s coral reefs are either already dead or seriously damaged. A) I

E) V




E) V

54. (I) The algal ancestors of plants may have carpeted moist fringes of lakes or coastal salt marshes over 500 million years ago. (II) Both groups have similar microscopic structures for making their cellulose cell walls and a similar mechanism for forming the cell plate that divides the cytoplasm during cell division. (III) These shallow-water habitats were subject to occasional drying, and natural selection would have favoured algae that could survive periodic droughts. (IV) Some species accumulated adaptations that enabled them to live permanently above the water line. (V) The modern-day green alga Coleochaete may resemble an early plant ancestor, and it grows at the edges of lakes as disk-like, multicellular colonies. A) I




E) V

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A FEN BİLİMLERİ 58. It is clear from the passage that robots used in the United States for weedkilling ----.

57. – 60. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Robots make unlikely green warriors, but they could soon be doing their bit for the environment. Trials of a Danish robot that maps the position of weeds growing among crops suggest that herbicide use could be reduced by 70 per cent if farmers used it to adopt more selective spraying techniques. Actually, the robot drives across fields scanning the ground for any weeds and noting their positions. A later version will be able to kill the weeds too by applying a few drops of herbicide. But the longer-term goal is to avoid herbicides altogether by having the robot pluck the weeds out of the ground rather than poisoning them. Although weedkilling robots have already been put to work in the United States, they cannot be used for agricultural purposes because they do not distinguish between plant species and tend to treat anything green as a weed. Instead, they are used to clear unwanted plants from railways and airport runways.

A) are a technological challenge that farmers in Denmark and the United States face B) were first invented and widely used by farmers in the United States C) will never be useful for improving traditional spraying techniques D) are convenient for use only on railways and airport runways rather than in farming areas E) are being developed and tested in Denmark

59. It is implied in the passage that herbicides used for weedkilling ----. A) have certainly done much damage to the environment in Denmark B) can be most effective if they are sprayed along with fertilizer C) are more commonly preferred in the United States than in Denmark

57. As one understands from the passage, when the ultimate version of the weedkilling robot comes into use, ----.

D) cause no environmental damage if applied only in small amounts E) are poisonous and, therefore, threaten the environment

A) there will be no need for the use of herbicides since weeds will simply be pulled out by the robot B) herbicides will no longer be used anywhere in the world C) the American type of weedkilling robots will still be used since they are very efficient

60. As is clear from the passage, the type of robot currently under trial in Denmark ----.

D) farmers will be able to upgrade their spraying techniques in order to kill the weeds among their crops

A) is actually adaptable to all kinds of agricultural purposes

E) many of the environmental problems farmers face will be solved much more efficiently

B) has been regarded by farmers as a major step forward in agricultural technology C) identifies the weeds among crops but does not pluck them D) has been copied from the type which is used in the United States and is far more efficient E) is not able to tell the difference between different plant species

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A FEN BİLİMLERİ 62. We see from the passage that Seversky’s 1942 book Victory through Air Power ----.

61. – 64. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. The first documented scheme for in-flight refuelling came from a young Russian aviator named Alexander de Seversky. His father owned a plane and taught him to fly when he was in his early teens. In 1917, when he was 23, Seversky proposed a method for extending flight: One plane could carry extra fuel and deliver it to another through a hose. After the Russian Revolution, Russia’s new Bolshevik government sent him to the United States to study aircraft design, and he stayed there when political developments made his return to Russia dangerous. He got a job as an aeronautical engineer for the US War Department and was awarded the world’s first patent for air-to-air refuelling, in which large fuel tankers would supply fuel to fighter aircraft while in flight. Seversky went on to a distinguished career in airplane design and achieved perhaps his greatest fame as the author of the influential 1942 book Victory through Air Power. He never put his refuelling plan into action, though, and other aviators later came up with ideas of their own.

A) made him more famous than his ideas for inflight refuelling B) was extremely unpopular in Bolshevik Russia C) was used as a training manual by the US War Department D) extensively detailed his plans for in-flight refuelling E) remained unpublished at the time of his death

63. According to the passage, Seversky was unable to return to Russia due to ----. A) his employment as an aeronautical engineer for the US War Department B) the dangers of international travel at the time C) changes in the political situation there D) the fact that he was an extremely popular aircraft designer E) the political nature of the book he published in 1942

61. One understands from the passage that although Alexander de Seversky was the owner of the first patent for in-flight refuelling ----. A) the US War Department was uninterested in his plans

64. It is clear from the passage that Seversky’s original plan for in-flight refuelling ----.

B) his true passion was always flying, which he learned as a teenager

A) was perceived as a threat by the Russian government

C) Russia’s Bolshevik government did not support his schemes

B) involved the transfer of fuel from one airborne aircraft to another by means of a hose

D) his plans were never implemented

C) gave him a clear advantage when he was applying for work in the United States

E) other inventors made use of his ideas on aircraft design

D) was inspired by his aeronautical studies in America E) was completely revised, following suggestions from the US War Department

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A FEN BİLİMLERİ 66. It is clearly pointed out in the passage that it is very hard to ----.

65. – 68. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. One of the most pressing international priorities is to control the dissemination of nuclear materials that could be used in attacks by terrorists or rogue states. Nuclear materials contain unstable isotopes, which emit x-rays and gamma rays. The characteristic energies of these photons provide a fingerprint revealing which radioactive isotopes are present. Unfortunately, some isotopes that occur in benign applications emit gamma rays with energies that are very similar to those emitted by materials used in weapons, which leads to ambiguous identifications and false alarms. This problem has been worrying the United States, which is installing thousands of radiation portal monitors to detect the gamma rays emitted by nuclear materials carried by vehicles crossing the Canadian and Mexican borders. One of the worst fears of the authorities is that terrorists might smuggle highly-enriched uranium into the country to build a crude Hiroshima-style atomic bomb.

A) reach an international understanding that the dissemination of nuclear materials must be fully controlled B) trace how highly-enriched uranium can be smuggled and marketed internationally C) distinguish between gamma rays emitted by nuclear materials used for constructive or destructive purposes D) force rogue states to give up their efforts to develop nuclear weapons E) identify all radioactive isotopes that emit x-rays and gamma rays

67. As pointed out in the passage, the United States ----. A) is so worried about the dissemination of nuclear materials that it is making every effort to isolate rogue states B) has started taking technological precautions along its Canadian and Mexican borders to control the entry of nuclear materials into the country

65. The point is made in the passage that an issue of extremely compelling urgency in the world ----. A) is to ensure that nuclear materials are used not in weapons but in benign applications

C) is confident that the only type of atomic bomb terrorists or rogue states can build will be no better than a Hiroshima-style one

B) has been the international threat posed against the United States by terrorists and rogue states

D) strongly maintains that nuclear materials should be used only in useful and benign applications

C) is to make sure that nuclear energy facilities are much safer and more reliable than ever

E) claims that the nuclear materials used in weapons are controlled strictly to prevent any leakage

D) has been to find out how rogue states have come to possess highly-enriched uranium E) is the prevention of the spread of nuclear materials, serving the aims of terrorists and rogue states

68. As one understands from the passage, the kind of radioactive isotopes present in nuclear materials are ----. A) more useful for weapons than for any other purpose B) only revealed when they are activated for any use C) those which mostly emit a large amount of gamma rays D) identified by the energies typical of their nature E) those that emit far more energy if uranium is highly enriched Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A FEN BİLİMLERİ 70. It is maintained in the passage that although more than 50 per cent of paper used is recycled ----.

69. – 72. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. The world now recycles just over 50 per cent of the paper it uses. Reprocessing plants are being established in most countries. However, trees will never be fully spared because of the use of wood fibres themselves. Pure pulp is rich in water, which provides for ample hydrogen bonding that holds fibres together when made into paper. But each time a fibre is cleaned, de-inked and dried in a reprocessing plant, only 80 per cent of the bonds are recovered. After four or five recyclings, a fibre can no longer make strong enough bonds. Engineers can do little that is economically viable to overcome this physical limitation, so they focus on reducing the cost of reprocessing fresher fibres. One main challenge is finding a better way to neutralize “stickies”, which is the mess of adhesives from stamps, labels, seals, tape, magazine spines and various other sources, that jam the machinery. The industry has been working for a decade to find a chemical process that will break down stickies, but no full solution has been found yet.

A) there is still much dependence in the paper industry on the use of wood pulp B) the world’s paper industry is still in its early stages and needs to upgrade itself in terms of efficiency and cost C) most countries regard this as minimal and, therefore, encourage the establishment of more paper plants D) this is not enough to save forests from total destruction due to widespread exploitation E) engineers are working hard to develop new technologies in order to increase the amount to 80 per cent

71. It is pointed out in the passage that as the number of recyclings increases ----. A) the dependence on wood fibres will no longer be necessary B) less and less pure pulp will be used in the paper industry 69. According to the passage, in the recycling of waste paper, ----.

C) the problem of adhesives becomes less and less serious and urgent

A) engineers have developed a chemical process to get rid of adhesives

D) the cost of reprocessing is reduced to a viable level

B) it is essential that, among other chemical procedures, de-inking is first to be completed to enable fibres to bond strongly

E) the ability of a fibre to make strong bonds decreases

C) there is actually no need to depend on pure pulp since the fibres are adequately bonded D) various countries have developed new techniques except for an effective solution for the removal of “stickies”

72. It is pointed out in the passage that engineers in the paper industry ----. A) do not regard “stickies” in waste paper as a serious challenge

E) one serious and costly handicap is the problem of adhesives that get stuck in the machines

B) have made a breakthough in strengthening the bonding capacity of recycled fibres C) are mostly interested in reducing the cost of reprocessing the fresher fibres found in waste paper D) do not consider the recycling of waste paper to be a viable way of making profit E) maintain that wood fibres make better paper although it can cost much more

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A FEN BİLİMLERİ 74. It is clear from the passage that the tectonic plates in the Pacific Ocean ----.

73. – 76. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) move constantly and, thus, undermine the formation of a volcanic chain in the region

Mount Everest is the highest mountain on Earth above sea level, but it is not the world’s tallest. That honour goes to the Hawaiian volcano Mauna Kea. When measured from its base on the Pacific Ocean floor, it is about 1,000 metres taller than Mount Everest. Mauna Kea is part of a 5,600-kilometre-long chain of volcanoes stretching westward from the main Hawaiian island. This volcanic chain is formed by small convection streams called “hot spots”, just below the Earth’s crust, where magma rises from the hotter parts of the mantle, the region between the crust and the core of the earth. These hot spots melt sections of the tectonic plates moving above them, causing magma and bits of the molten plate to erupt onto the sea floor. Over time, the lava accumulates, forming a mountain that rises above sea level. The moving tectonic plates carry the newly-formed mountain away from its original location, as newer volcanoes continue to form in the same spot.

B) prevent the formation of convection streams that cause eruptions on the ocean floor C) are so thick that the so-called “hot spots” have no physical effect on them D) play a part in the formation of volcanic chains on the ocean floor E) cover the mantle so well that no eruption of magma can take place on the ocean floor

75. According to the passage, the lava which erupts onto the Pacific Ocean floor ----. A) mainly consists of magma but also includes small pieces of the molten tectonic plate B) is constantly dispersed in all directions because of the movements of the tectonic plates C) soon forms a chain of mountains that are relatively high but hardly rise above sea level

73. One understands from the passage that, as much of Mauna Kea is below sea level, ----.

D) flows from newly-formed mountains such as the Hawaiian volcano Mauna Kea E) can cover a very large area that may extend for thousands of kilometres in all directions

A) nobody knows how high it actually is since it cannot be measured precisely B) it looks lower than Mount Everest, but in fact, it is not when measured from its bottom C) its volcanic activity is actually much more extensive than is generally thought

76. In this passage, the writer ----.

D) the process of its geological formation is only now being revealed scientifically

A) gives an account of the benefits that convection streams provide to the Hawaiian Islands

E) the so-called “hot spots” on the ocean floor continue to add lava to its base

B) describes in detail the movements and effects of the tectonic plates under the Pacific Ocean C) gives information about how Mount Everest was formed D) explains how the volcanic chain extending across the Pacific Ocean was formed E) states that different types of volcanoes will continue to form across the Pacific Ocean

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A FEN BİLİMLERİ 79. As is pointed out in the passage, the growth of planets in the early solar system ----.

77. – 80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) can only be understood through a close study of mesosiderites rather than pallasites

Meteorites offer glimpses of the earliest stages of planetary formation. Stony-iron meterorites come in two main classes: pallasites and mesosiderites, and it was previously thought they may have had similar origins. A new study, however, has revealed that their oxygen isotope properties differ and that they come from distinct places. Accordingly, the characteristics of mesosiderites suggest they came from the third largest asteroid, Vesta, which is the target of the NASA Dawn Mission. On the other hand, pallasites are made of mixed core-mantle material from a disrupted asteroid, indicating that extensive asteroid deformation was an integral part of planetary enlargement in the early solar system.

B) was mainly due to the oxygen isotope properties of certain meteorites C) depended on mixed core-mantle material from disrupted asteroids D) was essentially influenced by Vesta, which is the third largest asteroid E) was closely connected with the large-scale deformation of asteroids

77. According to the passage, while scientists think they know the asteroid from which mesosiderites came, ----.

80. As one learns from the passage, pallasites and mesosiderites ----.

A) its oxygen isotope properties need to be fully studied and explained

A) have their origins in various disrupted asteroids including the asteroid Vesta

B) the original asteroid with which pallasites are associated is not named C) its characteristics are only now being revealed in a series of new studies D) there are conflicting views among scientists as regards pallasites

B) provide us full knowledge of how planets were formed in the early solar system C) are the two major groups of meteorites that have a stony-iron nature D) played a formative role in planetary enlargement in the early solar system

E) the NASA Dawn Mission has not yet established its position in the solar system

E) have always remained a scientific mystery, which NASA is trying to unravel

78. As one understands from the passage, meteorites ----. A) are scientifically useful because through them is partially revealed the very early development of planets B) have been the major target of the NASA Dawn Mission, which is primarily concerned with planetary formation C) are made up of the material that has come from disrupted asteroids such as the asteroid called Vesta D) are known as either pallasites or mesosiderites, both of which have the same physical properties


E) clearly show that, in the early solar system, every asteroid underwent a process of structural disruption

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1. E

21. E

41. D

61. D

2. B

22. B

42. C

62. A

3. C

23. A

43. A

63. C

4. D

24. C

44. B

64. B

5. A

25. E

45. E

65. E

6. C

26. A

46. C

66. C

7. D

27. D

47. D

67. B

8. E

28. C

48. B

68. D

9. A

29. B

49. E

69. E

10. C

30. A

50. A

70. A

11. B

31. E

51. B

71. E

12. A

32. B

52. E

72. C

13. D

33. D

53. C

73. B

14. E

34. A

54. B

74. D

15. C

35. C

55. D

75. A

16. D

36. B

56. B

76. D

17. B

37. A

57. A

77. B

18. C

38. E

58. D

78. A

19. A

39. C

59. E

79. E

20. D

40. B

60. C

80. C

A İNGİLİZCE SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ 5. If adenosine triphosphate (ATP) supply does not ---- demand, muscle contraction ceases.

1. – 18. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. 1. Damage to the liver is the main health ---- for long-term heavy drinkers. A) consideration

B) conclusion

C) attentiveness

D) examination

A) make up for

B) keep up with

C) account for

D) run out of E) give up

E) regulation 6. A wise vegetarian does not solely ---- the products made of textured vegetable protein, but learns to use a variety of whole foods instead. 2. Health risks from pesticide exposure are probably small for healthy adults, but children, the elderly, and people with compromised immune systems may be ---- to some types of pesticide poisoning. A) hostile

B) substantial

C) severe

D) reversible

A) set out

B) take along

C) draw up

D) rely on E) make for

7. Insomnia is a difficulty in falling or staying asleep or a disturbance in sleep that ---- people feel as if they ---- insufficient sleep when they awaken.

E) vulnerable

A) makes / have had B) made / have C) has made / should have 3. The amount of alcoholic drinks a person can consume safely is ---- individual, depending on genetics, health condition, sex, body composition, age, and family history. A) violently

B) worthily

C) offensively

D) highly

D) had made / had had E) would make / had

E) loudly 8. During pregnancy, lead ingested by the mother ---- across the placenta, ---- severe damage on the developing foetal nervous system.

4. For people who have a family history of a genetic disorder but no symptoms, a predictive test can help ---- a person’s risk for developing the disorder in the future.

A) has moved / to have inflicted B) moves / inflicting

A) sustain

B) remove

C) had moved / having inflicted

C) determine

D) arouse

D) would move / to be inflicted

E) represent

E) moved / having been inflicted

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A SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ 9. The first evidence that there are genetic factors in smoking ---- in the 1950s from studies which ---that identical twins tended to be more similar in their choice to smoke or not than did fraternal twins. A) could appear / would indicate

12. ---- 1992 and 1998, total lung cancer deaths in the United States declined 1.6% per year, but almost all of this decline was due to a decrease ---- 2.7% annually for men. A) During / in

B) Through / at

C) Over / about

D) Among / under

B) has appeared / had indicated

E) Between / of

C) had appeared / have indicated D) would appear / were indicating E) appeared / indicated

10. In an article published in 1990, scientists of the National Institute of Medical Research ---- more than 300 biological theories that ---- to account for senescence – the progressive and general deterioration that accompanies aging in humans.

13. People with an avoidant personality are oversensitive ---- rejection, and they have a strong desire ---- affection and acceptance.

A) were reviewing / attempted

A) with / in

B) to / for

C) about / over

D) through / with

B) have reviewed / should attempt

E) for / about

C) reviewed / had attempted D) would review / have attempted E) may have reviewed / attempt

11. If she ---- energy-spending activities into her daily routine when she was younger, she ---- a weightcontrol programme today. A) could incorporate / doesn’t have to attend B) incorporated / didn’t have to attend

14. ---- the immune system is intricate, its basic strategy is simple: to recognize the enemy, mobilize forces and attack. A) Although

B) If

C) Because

D) In case E) When

C) would incorporate / wouldn’t have had to attend D) had incorporated / wouldn’t have to attend E) was able to incorporate / hadn’t had to attend

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A SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ 15. Scientists are developing various countertechnologies, from vaccines made of DNA to proteins that prime our blood to attack the malaria parasite ---- it is still inside the mosquito. A) so long as

B) as soon as

C) while

D) just as

19. – 23. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. It has been nearly two years since the last cases of SARS were reported in China. (19) ----, a new affliction has risen to take its place as a more deadly pandemic – avian flu. Also known as H5N1, this influenza virus is endemic to waterfowl and has shown a disturbing propensity (20) ---- the past nine years to infect chickens and human beings. Avian flu is the Ebola of the poultry world, a haemorrhagic fever that (21) ---- much bleeding from every orifice of its winged victims. It leads to extensive destruction of these animals in (22) ---- two days. When the virus jumps to humans, it (23) ---- very noticeable at first, but in fact, has a fatality rate as high as 33 per cent.

E) whether

16. According to geneticists, genetic testing (also called genetic screening) is useful ---- it is presented in such a way that people can understand what the limitations of the tests are and what the results mean. A) whereas

B) only if

C) even if

D) so that

19. A) As a result

B) Accordingly

C) Moreover

D) Likewise

E) before

E) Since then

20. A) over

B) through D) by

17. Most patients want to know even bad prognoses, but ---- a physician tells a given patient should be determined primarily by the patient, not the physician.

C) at

E) from


A) how long

B) how many

A) upholds

B) spreads

C) how often

D) how much

C) causes

D) implements E) consists

E) how few

22. A) just

D) several

18. Excess vitamin A can cause toxicity, ---- it is taken all at once (acute toxicity) ---- over a long period of time (chronic toxicity). A) whether / or

B) not only / but also

C) both / and

D) neither / nor

B) any

C) most E) still


E) so long as / and

A) was not

B) has not been

C) must not be

D) is not E) ought not to be

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A SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ 26. Because adults dislike hearing babies cry, ----.

24. – 35. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

A) infants sometimes stop crying if they have interesting things to watch

24. Whenever doctors consider prescribing a drug, ----.

B) the infant uses basic techniques for getting the caregiver to come closer

A) infrequent headaches or muscle strains can be relieved with over-the-counter drugs

C) babies learn very early to control their social environment

B) they must weigh the possible risks against the expected benefits

D) they try various techniques for soothing them

C) infants and very young children are at special risk of adverse drug reactions

E) the crying of healthy newborn infants is fairly characteristic in both pitch and rhythm

D) it’s necessary to accept a higher risk of a severe drug reaction to treat a life-threatening disease E) potential benefits and risks were seldom able to be determined with mathematical precision

27. Even though there is widespread publicity about the genetic causes of cancer, ----.

25. ----, but the question of its effect on health is less clear.

A) genetics actually plays a fairly minor role in the development of cancer

A) Some early research indicated that cycles of weight loss and gain presented risks for blood pressure and cardiovascular disease B) The very thinnest and the very heaviest people seem to be at greatest risk for all-cause mortality C) Gaining weight is a risk for health

B) scientists estimated that lung cancer was nine times higher among smokers than non-smokers C) epidemiologists generally agree that sufficient research evidence exists for infection D) the leading cause of cancer deaths for both women and men continues to be lung cancer

D) Being severely obese places a person at an elevated risk for several types of health problems and premature death E) Obesity is undesirable from a social point of view

E) these genes protect against cancer by providing the code for a protective protein

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A SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ 30. Anaemia means a deficiency of red blood cells, ----.

28. When people do not have insurance to obtain health care, ----. A) this reluctance has consequences for the management of their diseases

A) whereas the body replaces the plasma within 1 to 3 days after rapid haemorrhage

B) they are less likely to have regular medical attention and more likely to have a chronic health problem

B) but red blood cells are delivered from the bone marrow into the circulatory system C) so in sickle cell anaemia, the cells contain an abnormal type of haemoglobin called haemoglobin S

C) they need to be regularly checked for any serious disorder

D) which can be caused by either too rapid a loss or too slow a production of red blood cells

D) they have a wide experience of receiving health care, from the time they are children to the time they are adults

E) yet a person cannot absorb enough iron from the intestines in chronic blood loss

E) medical dominance began to decline and other types of health care providers became more prominent

29. Even if tumours grow in and disrupt the brain, ----.

31. Cholesterol is notorious as a possible factor in heart disease, ----.

A) cancers are named according to the organ or tissue in which they originate

A) so that the body regulates lipoprotein levels in several ways

B) cancer cells may continue to grow until they kill the organism

B) because each type of lipoprotein serves a different purpose

C) they can often be removed completely by surgery

C) but about one in 500 babies inherits a disease called hypercholesterolemia

D) certain brain diseases change the pattern of brain waves

D) although it circulates in the blood, mainly in particles called low-density lipoproteins

E) symptoms result when brain tissue is destroyed or pressure builds on the brain

E) yet it is essential for the functioning of all our cells

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A SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ 34. ----, the jaw should be held in place with the teeth together and immobile.

32. People of all sizes eagerly try the best diet ever on the market, ----. A) in case they cannot afford to consult a physician

A) As many jaw fractures can be repaired surgically

B) hoping that this one will really work

B) Just as antibiotics are usually given to a person with a jaw fracture

C) as some diets do not offer a safe and effective plan for weight loss

C) Even though fractures can cause internal bleeding

D) in which they often offer distorted bits of legitimate research

D) If a jaw fracture is suspected E) While a blow powerful enough to fracture the jaw may cause bleeding within the skull

E) so that they do not have to conduct credible research on the benefits or dangers of their diet

35. Cancer cells are immortal; they can go on dividing indefinitely ----.

33. A team of medical researchers were granted financial support to explore ----.

A) once the body’s immune system normally recognizes a transformed cell as abnormal

A) whether there was a connection between autism and a newly discovered class of nerve cells in the brain called “mirror neurons”

B) but chemotherapy is used to treat metastatic tumours

B) although these observations must be taken into account in any final explanation of autism

C) as long as they have a supply of nutrients

C) that the most conspicuous feature of this disorder has been a withdrawal from social interaction

D) because this process has already been controlled E) insofar as many tumours, luckily, can be treated

D) when further investigations also supported the existence of mirror neurons E) if they have continued to investigate mirror neurons in different species

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A SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ 38. Since salts are lost from the body daily through sweat, urine and faeces, they must be replaced by dietary intake.

36. – 38. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz. 36. Even when we are not moving, our muscles are in a state of partial contraction known as “muscle tone”.

A) Ter, idrar ve dışkı ile her gün vücuttan kaybedilen tuzların telafi edilmesi ancak besin alımı yoluyla olur.

A) Hareket etmediğimizde bile, kaslarımız “kas tonüsü” olarak bilinen kısmî bir kasılma durumunda olur.

B) Her gün alınan besinler, vücudun ter, idrar ve dışkı yoluyla kaybettiği tuzların telafi edilmesini sağlar.

B) Hareket etmesek bile, bazı kaslarımız kısmen kasılır ve bu duruma “kas tonüsü” denir.

C) Tuzlar, her gün vücuttan ter, idrar ve dışkı yoluyla kaybedildiği için, besin alımı ile telafi edilmelidir.

C) “Kas tonüsü” olarak bilinen kısmî kasılma durumu, kaslarımız hareket etmediği zaman oluşur.

D) Her ne kadar ter, idrar ve dışkı yoluyla vücuttan her gün tuz kaybedilse de besin alımıyla bu kayıp telafi edilir.

D) “Kas tonüsü”, hareket etmediğimiz halde kaslarımızda oluşan kısmî kasılma durumuna verilen addır.

E) Vücuttan ter, idrar ve dışkı ile her gün önemli miktarda tuz kaybedilmesine rağmen, bu tuzlar besin alımı yoluyla hemen telafi edilir.

E) Eğer hareket etmezsek, kaslarımız “kas tonüsü” olarak bilinen kısmî kasılma durumunu sürdürür.

39. – 41. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.

37. Brain activity can be studied by measuring and recording the “brain waves” given off by various parts of the brain when they are active.

39. Tiroid bezi işlevini yerine getirmediği zaman, bazal metabolizma hızı yaklaşık % 40 düşer.

A) Beyin faaliyetini tetkik etmek için ölçülen ve kaydedilen “beyin dalgaları”, beynin çeşitli bölümleri tarafından faal oldukları zaman yayılır.

A) Invariably, the basal metabolic rate falls to 40% as soon as thyroid function is reduced.

B) Beynin faal olan çeşitli bölümlerinden yayılan “beyin dalgaları”nı ölçerek ve kaydederek, beyin faaliyetlerini tetkik etme olanağı vardır.

B) When the thyroid gland does not carry out its function, the basal metabolic rate is reduced by about 40%.

C) Beyin faaliyetlerinin tetkik edilmesi demek, beynin o an faal olan bölümlerinin yaydığı “beyin dalgaları”nın ölçülüp kaydedilmesi demektir.

C) Since there is no thyroid function, the basal metabolic rate has dropped to a level of 40%. D) The reduction of the basal metabolic rate to a level of 40% is inevitable only if the thyroid ceases to function.

D) Beyin faaliyetini, beynin çeşitli bölümlerince faal durumda iken yayılan “beyin dalgaları”nı hem ölçerek hem de kaydederek tetkik etmek mümkündür. E) Beyin faaliyeti, beynin çeşitli bölümleri tarafından faal oldukları zaman yayılan “beyin dalgaları”nı ölçerek ve kaydederek tetkik edilebilir.

E) A 40% reduction of the basal metabolic rate occurs when the thyroid’s function is compromised.

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A SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ 40. Bebeklerin büyüme ve gelişmesinin, yedikleri yiyeceklerden etkilendiğini hepimiz biliyoruz.

42. – 46. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

A) As far as we know, the kind of food babies eat has much influence on their growth and development.

42. In the United States, more doctors are using hypnosis for procedures in which sedation is inappropriate or patients are allergic to anaesthetics. Yet not even the most enthusiastic proponents of hypnosedation suggest it can replace anaesthesia entirely. ----. Some 60% of patients are hypnotizable to some extent; an additional 15%, highly so. The rest seem to be unresponsive.

B) All of us know that the food babies eat can have some adverse effect on their growth and development. C) We are all aware of the fact that babies’ growth and development depend a great deal on the kinds of food they consume. D) We all know that the growth and development of babies are influenced by the food they eat.

A) Millions of Americans have employed hypnosis to stop smoking cigarettes or cut back on their eating

E) It is well known to us all that whatever food babies consume essentially affects their growth and development.

B) Meanwhile, studies using advanced scanning technology have shed additional light on how hypnosis works to block pain C) Since the early 1990s, hypnosis has increasingly been used in operating rooms as a substitute for or as a complement to anaesthesia D) This application, now widely employed in Europe, stems in part from studies showing that hypnosedated patients suffer fewer side effects than fully sedated ones do E) For one thing, not everybody can be hypnotized; to oversimplify, one must be open to the process first

41. Çoğu sindirim enzimi, yalnızca, sindirim kanalında yemek bulunduğu zaman üretilir. A) While food is passing through the digestive tract, a number of enzyme secretions take place. B) As soon as food enters the digestive tract, many digestive enzymes are produced. C) Most digestive enzymes are produced only when food is present in the digestive tract. D) Several kinds of enzymes are secreted into the digestive tract whenever there is food in it.

43. Before treatment was available, most people who had acute leukemia died within 4 months of diagnosis. Now many people are cured. ----. The disease returns in many, but 50 per cent of children show no signs of the leukemia 5 years after treatment. A) These symptoms include weakness and shortness of breath, resulting from too few red blood cells; infection and fever, resulting from too few normal white blood cells; and bleeding, resulting from too few platelets B) Common blood tests, such as the complete blood cell count, can provide the first evidence that a person has leukemia

E) Soon after food moves into the digestive tract, a large number of enzymes are secreted.

C) However, a bone-marrow biopsy is almost always performed to confirm the diagnosis and determine the type of leukemia D) For more than 90 per cent of people who have acute lymphocytic leukemia (usually children), the first course of chemotherapy brings the disease under control E) They are released into the bloodstream and transported to the liver, spleen, lymph nodes, brain, kidneys and reproductive organs, where they continue to grow and divide Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ 46. Some obese people who lose weight voluntarily benefit from their weight loss. Research on obese people who lost weight indicates that a 10% loss is sufficient to produce significant decreases in lifetime health risks and personal health-related expenditures. ----.

44. People adopt health-related behaviours in order to stay healthy and to combat disease. ----. However, all of these models have some limitations, especially in their ability to predict the health-related behaviours of people who lack the financial resources necessary to pursue proper medical attention.

A) Dieting is a good choice for some people but not for others

A) Several theoretical models have been formulated in an effort to explain and predict health behaviours, and most of these theories have some value in predicting and explaining health-related behaviour

B) The eating disorders that have received the most attention, both in the popular media and in the scientific literature, are anorexia nervosa and bulimia

B) Although the meaning of these models may seem obvious, their definitions have been elusive

C) Therefore, even modest weight loss can be important for those who are obese D) On the contrary, the factors that influence obesity in adolescents are the same as those in adults

C) The limitation of each of these models is their inability to accurately measure a number of social, ethnic and demographic factors that also affect people’s health-seeking behaviour

E) In addition, behaviour modification programmes with obese children have greater success in promoting permanent weight loss than similar programmes with adults

D) Among these stages is the necessity of overcoming their optimistic bias; that is, their belief that, although certain behaviours are dangerous, the danger pertains to other people and not to them E) In the United States and other Western countries, people are not “officially” ill until they are diagnosed by a physician, making physicians the gatekeepers to further health care

45. In the United States, child abuse is by no means a recent phenomenon, but the identification of child battering as a social problem and its definition as a crime did not occur on a national level until the 1960s. ----. Evidence began to accumulate that such beatings were common and a major source of injury for infants and children. A) One common result of intentional injuries is that abused children may be vigilant and feel threatened in a variety of situations – the world becomes a dangerous place

47. – 51. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz. 47. Diane : - Everyone knows that physical exercise lowers our risk for diabetes and heart disease, but do you know why? Ed : - ---Diane : - No, it’s because our bodies have evolved in such a way that our muscles need to be used in order for the rest of our bodies to remain healthy. A) Which types of exercise are best for people with heart disease?

B) Treating infants with skull and long bone fractures led paediatricians and radiologists to recognize that these injuries were caused by beatings

B) I am afraid overexercising makes joints, muscles, tendons, and bones ache. Don’t you agree?

C) Children who fail to thrive, especially during the first year of life, may never catch up developmentally or socially with their peers

C) I think swimming is one of the best forms of exercise, isn’t it?

D) Violence is a more common cause of injury and death in the United States than in other industrialized nations, with violent crimes occurring at a rate of about 8 per 1,000 people

D) Is it because exercise lowers the percentage of fat in our bodies? E) Well, the recommended heart rate for exercise is 60 per cent of a person’s estimated maximum heart rate.

E) Abused children also tend to be fearful about rejection, abandonment and additional abuse

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A SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ 50. Doctor : - ----

48. Ann : - My doctor told me that I should have screening for colorectal cancer.

Richard : - Why not? What’s wrong with it?

Kathy : - ----

Doctor : - Studies have shown that second-hand smoke has more toxins and cancer-causing chemicals than what smokers inhale from their cigarettes.

Ann : - Yes, I know; she said that I need a screening only as a preventative measure because of my age.

Richard : - Well, I guess I’d better be more careful, then.

Kathy : - That’s right. The disease has a higher prevalence in people 50 and older.

A) You really shouldn’t smoke, you know, when there are people around you.

A) You’ll need to be screened at regular intervals, won’t you?

B) Do you still smoke? You know it’s the leading avoidable cause of death!

B) Does she have a reason to believe you have the disease? C) Have you had a screening before? I had one last month. D) Don’t you know that diet plays some role in the risk of colon cancer?

C) Your heart and lungs will be affected negatively if you don’t quit smoking soon. D) How many packs of cigarettes do you smoke every day? E) Many work places and public places have banned indoor smoking.

E) But that doesn’t necessarily mean you have colorectal cancer.

51. Kelly : - My doctor says that I have something called pre-diabetes.

49. Christopher : - My aunt went to the doctor because she thought she had flu, and the doctor said she was ill from carbon monoxide poisoning.

Eric : - ----

Patricia : - ---Christopher : - Yes, and it’s a good thing she found out in time. She’ll have to have it checked and repaired.

Kelly : - Maybe not, if I exercise and watch what I eat. A) What are the symptoms? B) Does that mean you are going to develop diabetes?

Patricia : - I think that people should be educated more about carbon monoxide, so that they can take precautions against it.

C) Do you think I should get my glucose levels checked, too?

A) I think the doctor must have made a mistake.

D) Could you give me your doctor’s name and telephone number?

B) How strange! There must be a problem with her heating system.

E) I wonder whether you’ll have to change your diet.

C) Carbon monoxide? Where did that come from? D) She’s lucky she only became ill. Many people die from carbon monoxide poisoning each year. E) She should have had a carbon monoxide monitor installed in her home.

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A SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ 55. (I) Almost everyone has experienced heartburn at one time or another, usually after a meal. (II) Heartburn is the painful sensation a person feels when the cardiac sphincter fails to prevent the stomach contents from refluxing into the esophagus. (III) As a matter of fact, anyone who has heart trouble should consult a doctor. (IV) This may happen if a person eats or drinks too much or both. (V) Tight clothing and even changes of position (lying down, bending over) can cause it, too, as can some medications and smoking.

52. – 56. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz. 52. (I) Anything that irritates the eyes can also irritate the eyelids and cause swelling. (II) The most common irritant is an allergy, which can make one or both lids crinkled or swollen. (III) Allergic reactions may be caused by medications instilled into the eyes, such as eyedrops; other drugs or cosmetics; or pollen or other particles in the air. (IV) Insect stings or bites as well as infections from bacteria, viruses, or fungi can also cause the eyelids to swell. (V) In fact, tears are salty fluid that continuously bathes the surface of the eye to keep it moist. A) I




A) I






E) V

E) V

53. (I) When a person eats too much, metabolism favours fat formation. (II) The human body can digest a wide variety of plant and animal tissues, converting these foods into usable proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. (III) The digestive system takes in food, processes it into particles that can be absorbed, and excretes the undigested wastes. (IV) The particles that are absorbed through the digestive system are transported through the bloodstream so as to be available to the whole body. (V) This provides the energy for activity as well as the materials for body growth, maintenance and repair. A) I


E) V

56. (I) Some people have especially active, decaycausing bacteria in their mouth. (II) A parent may pass these bacteria to a child, presumably by kissing. (III) However, one must understand that not all tooth pain is caused by cavities. (IV) The bacteria flourish in the child’s mouth after the first teeth come in and can then cause cavities. (V) So a tendency toward tooth decay that runs in families doesn’t necessarily reflect poor oral hygiene or bad eating habits. A) I




E) V

54. (I) The relationship between genes and proteins was first proposed in 1909 when English physician A. Garrod suggested that genes dictate phenotypes through enzymes, the proteins that catalyze chemical processes in the cell. (II) The idea came from his observations of inherited diseases. (III) He hypothesized that an inherited disease reflects a body’s inability to manufacture a particular enzyme, and he referred to such diseases as “inborn errors of metabolism”. (IV) The function of a gene is to dictate the production of a specific enzyme. (V) His hypothesis was ahead of its time but research conducted decades later by other scientists proved him right. A) I




E) V

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A SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ 58. It is pointed out in the passage that, through pain, ----.

57. – 60. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Pain is a signal that protects us from harmful stimuli. An excess of any type of stimulus such as pressure, heat, cold, excessive mechanical stretch, and specific chemical compounds stimulates pain receptors. In the human body, pain receptors are the tips of certain sensory neurons found in almost every tissue. However, most internal organs are poorly supplied with pain receptors. For this reason, pain from internal structures is often difficult to locate. In fact, pain is often not projected back to the organ that is stimulated. Instead, it is referred to an area just under the skin that may be some distance from the organ involved. The area to which the pain is referred is connected to nerve fibres from the same level of the spinal cord as the organ involved.

A) the relationship between the spinal cord and an internal organ becomes extremely compromised B) the function of the organs in the body is seriously reduced C) the area in an internal organ which is most affected by a harmful stimulus can be identified right away D) it is extremely easy to determine the excess of a harmful stimulus in an internal organ E) we become aware of those stimuli in the body that can have an adverse effect

59. As can be understood from the passage, the stimulation of pain receptors ----. A) is much stronger in an internal organ than in any other area of the body B) takes place only if the stimulus endangers the organs C) depends a great deal on the kind of chemical compounds found in the body

57. According to the passage, although most of our body is thoroughly equipped with pain receptors, ----.

D) occurs when any tissue in the body is overstimulated

A) this is not true for all the internal organs B) it is in the internal organs that they function most efficiently

E) clearly indicates the somatic importance of the spinal cord

C) they are mostly located in the tissues of some internal organs D) some of them are far more sensitive than others E) the pain caused by heat and cold is much stronger than other kinds of pain

60. It is explained in the passage that when a pain occurs in an internal organ, ----. A) it can be located immediately through the work of certain sensory neurons B) it is usually felt in an area under the skin, which may not be close to the organ itself C) pain receptors throughout the body begin to work efficiently D) it is obvious that the organ cannot cope with a wide range of harmful stimuli E) the connection between the organ and the spinal cord is seriously disrupted

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ 62. It is pointed out in the passage that the kidneys ----.

61. – 64. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Our kidneys excrete metabolic wastes and help regulate the volume and composition of body fluids. Their vital function is compromised in more than 13 million people in the United States who suffer from kidney disease. In fact, kidney disease ranks fourth in prevalence among major human diseases in the United States. Kidney function can be impaired by infections, poisoning by substances such as mercury, lesions, tumours, kidney stones, shock or circulatory disease. For instance, one of the most common kidney diseases both in the United States and in the world is glomerulonephritis, which is related to the damage of the kidney’s filtering units. The damage is thought to result from an autoimmune response.

A) have an autoimmune system which is very efficient, especially against poisoning B) have a very efficient filtering system which is immune to certain infections C) are responsible only for the excretion of waste matter from the body D) can fail to function properly owing to a wide range of causes E) can be easily infected once a tumour begins to grow in them

63. As one understands from the passage, the kidneys play a role ----. A) in the partial filtration of various types of fluids in the body B) especially in regard to the concentration of mercury in the body C) in the efficient circulation of body fluids

61. As pointed out in the passage, glomerulonephritis ----.

D) in the body’s response to various infections

A) is the failure of the kidney function caused by various infections and other factors

E) in relation to the fluids in the body

B) is widespread and occurs when the kidney fails to filter properly C) becomes a deadly disease when the kidney’s autoimmune response fails D) has a limited extent of prevalence throughout the United States E) can cause serious damage to the filtering units of the kidney

64. The author suggests that ----. A) the spread of kidney disease in the world will continue to increase B) the immune response may be the cause of the impairment of the kidney’s filtration function C) the number of people who suffer from kidney disease in the United States will remain stable D) glomerulonephritis can lead to the growth of tumours in the kidneys E) mercury is the only substance that has a devastating effect on the kidneys

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A SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ 66. It is suggested in the passage that an environmental influence ----.

65. – 68. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. The causes of schizophrenia are unknown, although the disease has a strong genetic component. Studies of identical twins show that if one twin has schizophrenia, there is a 50% chance that the other twin will have it, too. Since identical twins share identical genes, this indicates that schizophrenia has an equally strong environmental component, the nature of which has not been identified. Current treatments for schizophrenia focus on brain pathways that use dopamine as a neurotransmitter. Despite their ability to alleviate symptoms, many of the drugs used to treat schizophrenia have such negative side effects that patients frequently stop taking them. Now that the human genome has been sequenced, there is a vigorous effort under way to find the mutant genes that predispose a person to the disease. This effort includes sequencing DNA from families with a high incidence of schizophrenia.

A) is not of primary importance in understanding the type of schizophrenia a patient has B) must be completely ruled out in the diagnosis of schizophrenia C) need not be taken into account in a genetic study of schizophrenia D) is also considered to be as significant as the genetic factor in schizophrenia E) has a very minimal share in a patient’s predisposition to schizophrenia

67. It is clear from the passage that the treatment of schizophrenia through the use of drugs ----. A) is most suitable especially in the case of twins with identical genes B) is the most effective therapy which is commonly practised in the medical world C) has serious drawbacks and, hence, is often disrupted

65. As one understands from the passage, identification of genetic mutations that contribute to schizophrenia ----.

D) also has to take into account the patient’s social environment E) is least concerned with the role of dopamine in the brain

A) can only be useful in the treatment of the disease if the use of drugs is also continued B) will take a very long time before an effective treatment for the disease can be developed C) is being actively pursued D) is not a solution since there are different forms of the disease E) has led to a wide range of new therapies that are particularly effective for the disease

68. As one learns from the passage, the current genetic studies of schizophrenia ----. A) also focus on the families in which the disease has a high rate of occurrence B) have already produced positive results for more efficient therapies C) are mostly concerned with cases of twins and how they can be treated effectively D) have already radically changed the norms of treatment for the disease E) totally leave out the role of the environmental component in the incidence of the disease

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A SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ 70. As it is pointed out in the passage, there are so many nerve fibres in the spinal cord that ----.

69. – 72. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Protected inside the bony vertebrae of the spine is an inch-thick gelatinous bundle of nervous tissue called “the spinal cord”, which acts as the central communication conduit between the brain and the rest of the body. Millions of nerve fibres carry motor information from the brain to the muscles, while other fibres bring sensory information from the body to the brain. In its structure and functions, the spinal cord may be compared to a transcontinental telephone cable jam-packed with wires, each of which carries messages both ways. But what happens if that cable is cut? Signals cannot get through, communication is lost, and the cable must be repaired or replaced. In humans, though, this is not a simple process due to the sensitive nature of the spinal cord. The spinal cord is rarely severed because the vertebrae provide rigid protection. However, a traumatic blow to the spinal column and subsequent bleeding, swelling and scarring can crush the delicate nerve bundles and prevent signals from passing. The result may be a debilitating injury.

A) the appearance reminds one of a telephone cable consisting of innumerable wires B) each has a different function to perform for the brain C) it takes no time for the messages to reach the brain D) any injury to them can be absolutely fatal E) their delicate nature makes them vulnerable to injuries

71. As one understands from the passage, while a severed telephone cable can be repaired or replaced, ----. A) the vertebrae make it impossible for us to treat the spinal cord B) the nerve bundles inside the spinal cord need to be carefully treated C) this is not so easy with the spinal cord due to its very delicate structure D) this is not the case with the spinal cord due to bleeding and swelling

69. According to the passage, the spinal cord in the human body ----.

E) in the case of the spinal column the procedure takes a long time

A) is very sensitive to external blows and can be easily injured B) only carries the brain’s messages to all the parts of the body C) is far more intricate and vulnerable than a mere telephone cable

72. As pointed out in the passage, the communication between the brain and all the other parts of the body ----.

D) is not affected by swelling and scarring caused by an injury

A) is extremely complicated due to the structure of the spinal column

E) can almost never be completely cut as it is wellplaced within the vertebrae

B) is maintained by nerve fibres through the spinal cord C) is not affected even when the vertebrae are injured D) can still be maintained even though the spinal cord is broken E) depends a great deal on the proper functioning of the brain

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A SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ 74. As one can understand from the passage, the causes of immune deficiency ----.

73. – 76. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Immune deficiency, which in fact means an inadequate immune response, may occur for several reasons. For example, it is a side effect of most chemotherapy drugs used to treat cancer. Immune deficiency also occurs naturally. Although the immune system is not functional at birth, infants are protected by antibodies they have received from their mother through the placenta, and infants who breastfeed also receive antibodies from their mother’s milk. These antibodies offer protection until the infant’s own immune system develops during the first months of life. In rare cases, the immune system fails to develop, leaving the child without immune protection. Exposure to any virus or bacterium can be fatal to these children. Therefore, they are sealed into sterile quarters to isolate them from the microorganisms that are part of the normal world.

A) in an infant can be understood easily, as the development of the immune system is yet in its early stage B) can sometimes be traced to a microorganism such as a virus C) are fundamentally linked with chemotheraphy, which is used in cancer treatment D) in children can be traced back to the first months after birth E) may vary

75. It is clear from the passage that, at birth, infants ----. A) have a non-functioning immune system, and so rely on antibodies from their mother’s milk for protection against microorganisms B) have a relatively well-developed immune system and are therefore well-protected against viruses or bacteria 73. According to the passage, the development of a child’s immune system ----.

C) are so exposed to viruses or bacteria that the rate of mortality is usually very high

A) is not of vital importance since the child is always protected by various antibodies

D) hardly need antibodies gained from breastfeeding to protect them against the fatal effects of disease-causing bacteria and viruses

B) begins in the placenta before birth and is completed at birth

E) have a very strong immune system which enables them to cope with viruses

C) depends completely on the protective nature of antibodies in the mother’s milk D) is only completed a few months after birth E) is closely related to the child’s physical development and, hence, takes a very long time

76. It is clearly pointed out in the passage that, occasionally, there may be cases when ----. A) chemotherapy drugs have no effect whatsoever on the occurrence of immune deficiency B) there occurs a failure in the development of a child’s immune system C) even antibodies do not provide protection for the infant in the placenta D) child mortality may not be related to children’s exposure to viruses or bacteria E) the mother’s milk does not contain antibodies to protect the infant in the first months of life

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A SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ 78. As pointed out in the passage, many people already infected with HIV ----.

77. – 80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. People who believe they may be infected with HIV, as well as those who know they are, can benefit from various psychological interventions. People with high-risk behaviours may have difficulty deciding whether to be tested for HIV, and psychologists can provide both information and support for these people. A significant minority of homosexual and bisexual men, intravenous drug users, and a larger proportion of heterosexual men and women with multiple partners and inconsistent users of condoms have never been tested for HIV. Indeed, an estimated 70% of people who are HIV-positive have not been tested and thus do not know their HIV status. Because HIV infection has a long incubation period, at-risk heterosexual men and women may contaminate others for years before they learn they have HIV. However, people learning of an HIVpositive test result typically react with increased anxiety, depression, anger and distress. Therefore, trained psychotherapists are needed to help such people cope with their diagnosis.

A) have agreed to be tested and undergo long periods of treatment B) have been receiving help from psychotherapists to overcome their psychological problems C) are not aware of their own situation because they have not been tested D) mostly include intravenous drug users and heterosexual men with multiple partners E) have been identified through a number of tests they have taken

79. One learns from the passage that because it takes a long time before HIV infection reveals itself, ----. A) heterosexual men and women with HIV may already have infected many other people B) homosexuals deliberately avoid taking HIV tests and, thus, endanger themselves C) intravenous drug users think that they are free from any infection D) this does not mean that bisexual men cannot be infected

77. It is clearly emphasized in the passage that psychological help ----. A) and the clinical treatment of HIV are two different procedures which are irrelevant to each other

E) homosexuals and heterosexuals must be tested regularly to make sure that they are free from HIV

B) plays a minimal role in the treatment of HIV patients C) has not proven to be useful in the treatment of HIV patients because they often do not want to cooperate with psychotherapists

80. It is suggested in the passage that when people discover that they are HIV-positive, they ----. A) adopt an indifferent attitude and continue to live their usual life

D) is often ignored in HIV treatment not only by patients but also by physicians

B) begin to act responsibly by refraining from contaminating others

E) can be beneficial to patients with HIV infection

C) usually experience various negative feelings D) seek help and support from psychotherapists and apply for treatment E) volunteer to undergo a series of tests in order to obtain the most effective treatment





1. A

21. C

41. C

61. B

2. E

22. A

42. E

62. D

3. D

23. D

43. D

63. E

4. C

24. B

44. A

64. B

5. B

25. E

45. B

65. C

6. D

26. D

46. C

66. D

7. A

27. A

47. D

67. C

8. B

28. B

48. E

68. A

9. E

29. C

49. B

69. E

10. C

30. D

50. A

70. A

11. D

31. E

51. B

71. C

12. E

32. B

52. E

72. B

13. B

33. A

53. A

73. D

14. A

34. D

54. D

74. E

15. C

35. C

55. C

75. A

16. B

36. A

56. C

76. B

17. D

37. E

57. A

77. E

18. A

38. C

58. E

78. C

19. E

39. B

59. D

79. A

20. A

40. D

60. B

80. C

A İNGİLİZCE SOSYAL BİLİMLER 4. The search for truth ---- rational guidelines, and, though some of our subjects may lie on the outer limits of scientific research, we examine them through science’s lens.

1. – 18. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. 1. Foreshadowing is an established literary ---- that adds layers of meaning to events or details in films and literary works. A) reference

B) indication

C) device

D) deception

A) demands

B) relates

C) reaches

D) orders E) establishes

E) appreciation

5. The term “geography” ---- the English language in the 16th century from Latin and ultimately Greek, at the time when European navigators were beginning to explore Africa and the New World.

2. Due to its geographical position, ---- historical heritage, and strategic importance, Strasbourg was chosen as a seat for various European institutions. A) familiar

B) rich

A) broke into

B) turned out

C) fluent

D) elective

C) carried away

D) went on E) came into

E) subsequent

6. If this business goes on in such an awful way, it will ---- hundreds of unemployed.

3. The endlessly flat landscape and thousands of miles of well-maintained cycle tracks make cycling an ---- popular activity in the Netherlands. A) additionally

B) effectively

C) ultimately

D) extremely

A) do without

B) hang around with

C) end up with

D) go up against E) make out for

E) accurately

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A SOSYAL BİLİMLER 10. Smoking ---- in almost all segments of the American population, so that, in various polls, 60 to 65% of Americans ---- non-smokers today.

7. Although there ---- some growth in the non-oil sector, Nigeria ---- dangerously reliant on hydrocarbon revenues. A) has been / remains

A) declines / may have been

B) had been / would remain

B) has declined / are

C) was / would have remained

C) had declined / would be

D) must be / has remained

D) could have declined / will be

E) is / had remained

E) declined / were

11. If a new environmental or safety rule ---- in the auto industry, executives warn that the company ---- money.

8. In 1972, two collective burials ---- under an overhanging rock at Qilakitsoq, a small Inuit settlement on the west coast of Greenland, ---- to about A.D. 1475.

A) were to be proposed / had lost

A) are discovered / dated

B) had been proposed / would have lost

B) were discovered / dating

C) will be proposed / is going to lose

C) have been discovered / having dated

D) were proposed / should lose

D) had been discovered / having been dated

E) is proposed / will lose

E) were being discovered / having to be dated

9. In 1989, Jennifer Johnson of Sanford, Florida, ---the first woman ---- of transferring cocaine to her unborn baby through the umbilical cord.

12. Tibetan monks, who are experts ---- meditation, rid themselves of negativity ---- augmenting the brain’s gamma waves, which can be measured in a lab.

A) was becoming / having been convicted B) has become / to convict

A) of / from

B) on / about

C) would become / to be convicting

C) for / through

D) in / by E) at / towards

D) became / to be convicted E) had become / convicting

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A SOSYAL BİLİMLER 16. ---- the average education level of the women in the United States is higher than that of their male counterparts, they are highly concentrated in underpaid and menial jobs.

13. One can see ---- a glance why small children are immediately attracted ---- these noisy, colourful toys. A) at / to

B) in / by

C) with / for

D) by / with E) of / to

A) Although

B) Now that

C) Until

D) As if E) In case

17. Despite the passage of a decade since its opening, the Maritime Museum in Istanbul remains undeservedly little-known today ---- a lack of publicity.

14. Children can benefit from their experiences ---they retain information from these experiences over time. A) that

B) even though

A) instead of

B) in spite of

C) so long as

D) so

C) contrary to

D) as to

E) while

E) owing to

18. ---- in France, where it was a pleasure strictly limited to the aristocracy, in the British Isles drinking chocolate was made available to the middle classes from the outset.

15. ---- fiction gives something more than pleasure, it hardly justifies itself as a subject of study. A) Because

B) Unless

C) When

D) If

A) Except

B) Rather

C) Unlike

D) Just as E) Besides

E) After

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A SOSYAL BİLİMLER 24. – 35. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

19. – 23. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. Statutes are usually framed in more or less general terms, and, in order to apply these general terms to particular cases, interpretation becomes necessary. (19) ---- the famous Byzantine Emperor Justinian but also the framers of the Prussian and Napoleonic Codes (20) ---- to take away this power of interpretation from the judiciary. But these efforts and similar ones all failed because interpretation is (21) ---- whenever a written formula has to be applied to a particular case. When interpreting the meaning of a legal rule, the judge must first discover the true facts of the case before him, and secondly, he must find out (22) ---- the legislator intended him to do (23) ---- the existing circumstances.

24. ----, but he had a reputation for blurring the line between fact and fiction. A) In the early twentieth century, some Americans were still hunting whales much as they had in Herman Melville’s day B) For “Moby-Dick”, Herman Melville drew on scientific, historical, and journalistic accounts of whales C) Once a whale washed ashore, it was bound to end up as someone’s property D) Whales entered early American law through the question of who owned them when E) There is no shortage of whaling histories for a Melville aficionado to turn to

19. A) Not only

B) Even if

D) Both

C) The more

E) As

20. A) may have attempted B) attempted C) are attempting D) have been attempting E) could have been attempted 25. Whenever attitude researchers ask participants questions, ----. 21. A) influential

B) incomparable

C) impressive

D) plausible

A) researchers would have probably needed to demonstrate that the scientific benefits of the research outweighed the possible ethical costs B) this is especially so when a person’s attitude runs counter to a prevailing norm

E) unavoidable

C) researchers have devised several techniques to overcome such problems

22. A) that

B) which D) what

D) the techniques often raised questions about research ethics, especially if participants did not know their attitudes were being measured

C) why E) whoever

E) there is the possibility that participants will be reluctant to reveal their true feelings

23. A) after

B) towards D) over

C) on

E) under

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A SOSYAL BİLİMLER 26. Thanks to the popularity of nature documentaries on TV, ----. A) many observers have noted high biological productivity around seamounts and islands B) biologists know much less about the migration of marine species C) the healthy populations of pelagic fish are in a worldwide decline because of over-harvesting

28. If teamwork were taught along with reading, writing and mathematics, ----. A) some of the research in this area would centre on bad behaviours that degrade a team’s performance B) it is only after a great tragedy or triumph that the importance of teamwork is drawn into the spotlight C) there would be enormous benefits to students and society alike

D) there has been an increase of environmental awareness among people from all walks of life

D) a crucial question that should be asked before putting a team together is whether you need one at all

E) in Africa every year, hundreds of thousands of wildebeests and zebras leave their traditional habitats to avoid the dry season

E) a successful team would deal with its members who do not contribute anything to the group

27. ----, whose drums marked the hours of the emperor’s day.

29. As most businesses in Southeast Asia have remained as family enterprises and not attained a global dimension, ----.

A) Most Chinese emperors in the past led a prosperous life

A) in the wake of the 1997 financial crisis, Southeast Asia had been overtaken by China and India

B) In Beijing, during imperial times, no structure was permitted to be taller than the Drum Tower

B) some are being left behind by foreign businesses

C) The female members of the imperial family in China were not allowed to take an interest in the affairs of the State

C) across Southeast Asia, the impact of the 1997 crisis was closely related with the degree of corruption in the banking system

D) Of the numerous gardens within the Forbidden City, the Imperial Garden is the most accessible

D) today, South Korea and Taiwan are four times richer than Malaysia and ten times richer than Indonesia

E) The Forbidden City in modern Beijing has been extensively renovated and, thus, made more attractive for visitors

E) compared with other regions of the world, Asia’s income gap is slowly decreasing

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A SOSYAL BİLİMLER 30. In a recently published paper, it is pointed out that China has produced much of the world’s rice for many decades, ----.

32. In 1993, the philanthropist Henry Buhl bought a rare gelatin-silver print of a Stieglitz photograph of Georgia O’Keeffe’s hands, ----. A) which was the beginning of a collection he continued to amass over the years

A) but in these rice paddies, nitrogen-based fertilizer has, to a large extent, replaced animal manure

B) if he would have had over a thousand images of hands

B) so it is another change in agricultural practice that has the unintended side benefit of reducing methane emissions

C) so the Guggenheim is exhibiting more than a hundred and seventy of them

C) what is more, these rice farmers are using less water than they did before

D) when it is an interesting way to contemplate the history of photography, among other things

D) yet for the past 30 years, the area devoted to rice agriculture there has fallen from about 37 million hectares to about 27 million

E) and they include a shot by Robert Capa and a portrait of Nusch Eluard by Dora Maar

E) and this change in how rice is grown in China reduces the amount of methane given off

33. Muğla has always preserved its traditional cultural fabric, ----.

31. One of the first questions the archaeologist must face ---- is to decide the cause of death.

A) if you’d like to take a journey through its history

A) since the area has been explored for remains

B) yet it constitutes a unique model for Turkish traditional architecture

B) whatever happens to bones between the time they are deposited and dug up

C) although the luxury tourist centres that surround it have not

C) on which a great deal of work is currently focussed

D) so it has links to resort towns such as Bodrum, Köyceğiz, and Marmaris

D) even though few scholars went further than labelling animals as either wild or domestic

E) because it started to urbanize rapidly with the founding of Muğla University

E) when he or she is interpreting animal remains

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A SOSYAL BİLİMLER 34. Hierapolis was a famous spa in Roman times ----.

36. – 38. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.

A) since the founder of the city was the emperor Antiochus ll of the Seleucid dynasty B) when it was founded in the second quarter of the 3rd century B.C. C) because the only shrines that remain today are a temple of Apollo and the cave-sanctuary of Pluto D) just as Pamukkale is today E) even if these date from the Hellenistic period

36. Due to high fertility and the high number of young people in the population, the proportion of adolescents in the total global population is likely to increase in the coming years. A) Doğurganlık oranı ve genç nüfusun sayısı dikkate alındığında, ergenlerin toplam küresel nüfus içindeki oranının önümüzdeki yıllarda artma olasılığı oldukça yüksektir. B) Yüksek doğurganlık ve nüfus içindeki gençlerin yüksek sayısı nedeniyle, toplam küresel nüfusta ergenlerin oranı, gelecek yıllarda muhtemelen artacaktır. C) Ergenlerin toplam küresel nüfus içindeki oranının önümüzdeki yıllarda artması, yüksek doğurganlığa ve nüfus içindeki genç sayısının yükselmesine bağlıdır. D) Yüksek doğurganlığın ve nüfustaki gençlerin yüksek sayısının sonucu olarak, gelecek yıllarda, toplam küresel nüfus içinde ergen oranı giderek yükselecektir. E) Yüksek doğurganlığa ve genç nüfusun artışına bağlı olarak, yetişkinlerin toplam küresel nüfus içindeki oranı, gelecek yıllarda kademeli bir şekilde yükselecektir.

35. In the 1950s, particularly in the Unites States, logistics as a business concept began to gain ground ----. A) whereas the need for expert logisticians became imperative 37. It has been estimated that the number of tourists visiting China will grow by the end of this decade to about 50 million.

B) that it was a branch of military science C) because businesses expanded and reached out both to far-flung markets and sources of materials, creating complex supply chains

A) On yıl sonra, Çin’i ziyaret eden turist sayısında meydana gelecek artışın 50 milyonun üstünde olacağı hesaplanmaktadır.

D) when the world of commerce as we know it today would have been impossible without the logistics industry

B) Önümüzdeki on yılın içinde, Çin’i ziyaret eden turist sayısındaki artışın aşağı yukarı 50 milyon olacağı tahmin ediliyor.

E) in that logistics companies have become more sophisticated with today’s increasing globalisation

C) Tahmin edileceği gibi, bu on yılın sonunda, Çin’i ziyaret eden turist sayısı artarak yaklaşık 50 milyonu bulacaktır. D) Çin’i ziyaret eden turist sayısındaki artışın 50 milyona ulaşmasının yaklaşık on yılı bulacağı tahmin ediliyor. E) Çin’i ziyaret eden turist sayısının bu on yılın sonuna kadar yaklaşık 50 milyona yükseleceği tahmin edilmektedir.

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A SOSYAL BİLİMLER 38. All oil-producing African countries have agreed in principle to set aside a certain percentage of the revenues they earn from oil exports in order to establish a common investment fund. A) Petrol ihracatından sağladıkları gelirlerin belirli bir yüzdesini ayırarak ortak yatırım fonu kurmayı amaçlayan tüm petrol üreten Afrika ülkeleri ilke anlaşmasına varmışlardır. B) Ortak bir yatırım fonu oluşturmak için, petrol üreten Afrika ülkelerinin tümü, ilke olarak, petrol ihracatından sağladıkları gelirlerle belirli bir oranda katkı yapma konusunda anlaşmaya varmışlardır. C) Belirli bir oranın üzerinde petrol üreten Afrika ülkeleri, petrol ihracatından elde edilen gelirlerle ortak yatırım fonu oluşturmak için ilke anlaşmasına varmış bulunuyorlar. D) Petrol üreten tüm Afrika ülkeleri, ortak bir yatırım fonu kurmak amacıyla, petrol ihracatından elde ettikleri gelirlerin belirli bir yüzdesini ayırmak için ilke olarak anlaşmışlardır. E) Petrol üreten Afrika ülkelerinin tümü, petrol ihracatından elde ettikleri gelirlerin belirli bir yüzdesini ayırarak ortak bir yatırım fonu oluşturma ilkesinde de anlaştılar.

40. İspanya’da on dokuzuncu yüzyıl sonları, yaygın siyasal yolsuzluklara bir tepki olarak gelişen anarşizmle birlikte ulusal bir çöküş dönemiydi. A) The later decades of the nineteenth century in Spain were a period of national decline as well as anarchism, which emerged as a reaction against extensive political malpractice. B) The late nineteenth century in Spain was a period of national decline, along with anarchism developing as a response to widespread political corruption. C) As a response to extreme political decadence, anarchism developed in Spain in the late nineteenth century, which was a period of national decline. D) Anarchism in Spain came into being in the late nineteenth century, also known as a period of national decline, as a response to widespread corruption in politics. E) The end of the late nineteenth century in Spain marked a period of national decline, which was also noted for anarchism developing as a struggle against extreme political corruption.

41. Öteki Avrupalılara kıyasla, Almanların daha uzun yıllık tatilleri olduğu ve yurt dışı gezilere daha çok para harcadıkları bir gerçektir.

39. – 41. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.

A) It is true that, compared with other Europeans, the Germans have longer annual holidays and spend more money on foreign travel.

39. 930’dan Norveç’le birleştiği 1262’ye kadar bağımsız bir cumhuriyet olan İzlanda, bağımsızlığını 1944 yılında geri kazandı.

B) It is admitted that, comparatively, the Germans enjoy longer annual holidays than other Europeans and save a lot of money for their foreign travels.

A) Though an independent republic since 930, Iceland was taken over by Norway in 1262 and only regained its independence in 1944. B) Iceland, annexed by Norway in 1262, had been an independent republic since 930, and became independent again only in 1944. C) Iceland had been an independent republic between 930 and 1262 when it was invaded by Norway, becoming a republic again in 1944.

C) The fact that, unlike other Europeans, the Germans are entitled to longer holidays each year and put aside more money for their travels abroad is undeniable. D) Truly, contrary to other Europeans, the German people tend to have longer annual holidays and are prepared to spend more money on their travels abroad.

D) Before it united with Norway in 1262, Iceland had, as it is today and has been since 1944, been an independent republic since 930.

E) When the Germans are compared with other Europeans, it is clear that their annual holidays are longer and the money they spend for their travels abroad is much more.

E) Iceland, which was an independent republic from 930 to 1262 when it joined with Norway, regained its independence in 1944.

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A SOSYAL BİLİMLER 44. Photo interpretation in archaeology is the process by which features photographed from the air, such as soil-marks, are analyzed in order to deduce the types of archaeological structures causing them. ----. Such plans may guide excavation to key points in a structure, place field-collected data in context, or themselves be used as the starting point for new research.

42. – 46. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz. 42. Unlike wine, whisky does not change after it has been bottled. ----. The first rule to respect is to keep whisky bottles upright so that the alcohol is not in contact with the cork. It should also be kept away from all sources of heat in order to avoid drying out the cork, which would allow air to get into the bottle.

A) Archaeologists may use aircraft to search the ground for traces of former sites in the landscape B) Given that the visibility of features varies from year to year, photos taken over several years need to be studied to compile an accurate plan

A) Keeping a young whisky in a bottle and putting an old whisky in a decanter combines aesthetic pleasure with the joy of tasting

C) The aerial photograph also highlights an interesting earlier feature: a shallow Neolithic ditch running across the middle of the fort

B) One question which is often asked, and over which whisky lovers are divided, concerns whether or not to use a decanter

D) Soil marks may reveal the presence of varied ditches, banks or foundations

C) However, it is advisable to take some precautions to assure its longevity D) The Classic Malts Collection owes its considerable success since its launch in 1988 as much to the quality of the whisky as to the excellent design of the six bottles that make up the range

E) Those who take and use aerial photographs must understand the means by which the evidence is made visible in order to determine the type of feature that has been recorded

E) Marketing and design have revolutionized the whisky industry, especially the manufacture of containers

45. Near-death experiences are relatively stereotyped in format. ----. They often describe sensations like “floating” or “flying”. These experiences can also cause fear or a feeling of detachment, but they are usually described as intensely “real” – not at all like a dream or a hallucination.

43. The scientific study of facial expression has largely focused on the way in which facial expressions communicate emotions. ----. In fact, subsequent research generally identified six basic emotions (happiness, surprise, sadness, fear, disgust and anger) and their related facial expressions, from which more complex or blended emotions are derived.

A) People who have had such experiences say that they seemed to be no longer in their own body but outside it, looking down on themselves from two or three metres above

A) In this respect, Darwin suggested that there are only a small number of universal emotions and that these are associated with universal facial expressions

B) Survivors of these experiences may, weeks later, experience a surge of emotionality, as if emotions of every sort were being stimulated or released

B) Similarly, tears are an acceptable display of sadness at a funeral but not on hearing disappointing news in a business setting

C) Sometimes, near-death experiences are followed by a sudden onset of musical or artistic interest

C) These rules exist because of the important communicative function of facial expressions

D) Tony Cicoria reported seeing a bluish-white light that surrounded him and having a sense of ecstacy

D) People from a variety of Western, Asian and tribal cultures were remarkably accurate in identifying the six emotions

E) Similar near-death experiences have often been described by people who have been, or believed themselves to be, in great danger

E) For instance, the expression of emotion is encouraged for women in Mediterranean cultures but is discouraged for men in northern European and Asian cultures

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A SOSYAL BİLİMLER 46. Adults who abuse children were almost always abused themselves, but not all people who were abused during childhood become abusers. ----. However, children who do not form such relationships are at high risk to become abusers themselves.

47. – 51. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz. 47. Steve : - It’s clear that, during his time in office, former US President John F. Kennedy inspired many people to enter public service.

A) Biological fathers are much more likely than mothers to abuse their children B) These children often grow to adulthood displaying aggressive behaviours, lacking the ability to adequately express emotions, and having inadequate cognitive and problem-solving skills C) Older children and adolescents are even more likely to be witnesses and victims of such violence

Gary : - ---Steve : - Actually, some people think that his extramarital affairs and his elegant style made him more interesting, so that people wanted to follow his call to serve their country. Gary : - You may be right about that.

D) Many have experiences that compensate for the abuse, forming relationships that allow them to feel valued and safe in some ways and grow up to become good parents

A) What about his contribution to American civil rights?

E) School-age children and adolescents who are abused may exhibit symptoms of psychopathology or behaviour disorders

B) I’ve read he was a near-professional level golfer, but didn’t want the public to know it. C) I think the public loved his wife Jackie as much as the president himself, didn’t they? D) There’s no strong evidence that he was assassinated as the result of a conspiracy. E) But what about his reputation as a wealthy womanizer? Didn’t that work against him?

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A SOSYAL BİLİMLER 48. Geri : - Did you know that there’s a new kind of test that shows us our true ideas about certain topics? Alfred : - ----

50. Marian : - Do you remember China’s “one child” policy, where each family was allowed to produce only one child in order to reduce the country’s population? Helen : - Yes, of course I do. The policy has created a huge imbalance in the male-to-female population ratio, due to the fact that many couples abort their female foetuses.

Geri : - It’s more than that; this test can show us opinions and prejudices that we didn’t even know we had!

Marian : - ----

Alfred : - Well, it sounds interesting. Where did you find this test?

Helen : - It did, but only recently, and many couples are still doing it even though it’s against the law.

A) What’s the test called? B) Oh, you mean like a personality test? C) How do you know that the test is reliable?

A) I think that abortion should be allowed only in medical emergencies.

D) Have you taken the test yet? What were the results like?

B) How can they bring themselves to do that? C) Why don’t they want to have a girl?

E) You’re really interested in this kind of thing, aren’t you?

D) Didn’t the couples think before deciding to have a child? E) But I thought the Chinese government made abortion illegal.

49. Della : - Did you know that Eugene O’Neill was the son of a Shakespearean actor? Hector : - ----

51. Geneveive : - Did you know that nuclear weapons are regularly transported by truck to inspection facilities in the US and the UK?

Della : - That’s right. Instead, he started acting in plays where he could make more money, and Eugene spent his first seven years travelling with him while he was acting in such a play.

Carl : - ----

Hector : - I suppose that had an effect on the plays that Eugene O’Neill would write in the future.

Geneveive : - Yes; it’s extremely dangerous. If there were a traffic accident and some of the weapons were to explode, many people would die.

A) No, I didn’t. Did Eugene O’Neill act as well? B) And he had a long and distinguished Shakespearean career.

Carl : - I suppose the trucks would also be a target for terrorist attacks, wouldn’t they?

C) Didn’t he have a brother who died at the age of two? D) Yes, but didn’t his father give up acting Shakespeare?


Isn’t that a bit risky?


Why do they do that?

C) What is your opinion of this practice?

E) He won the Pulitzer Prize a year after his death, for Long Day’s Journey into Night.

D) I don’t support the idea of nuclear weapons, anyway. E) Can’t the weapons inspectors travel instead of transporting the weapons?

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A SOSYAL BİLİMLER 55. (I) Good reading involves criticism, for choice necessitates judgement. (II) In a good story every element works with every other element for the accomplishment of the central purpose. (III) Yet there are no easy rules for literary judgement. (IV) Such judgement depends ultimately on our perceptivity, intelligence, and experience. (V) It is a product of how much and how alertly we have lived and how much and how well we have read.

52. – 56. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz. 52. (I) Why do people pursue self-esteem? (II) Most people would answer that having self-esteem makes you feel good. (III) They found that participants who had their self-esteem raised had lower psychological arousal and reported less anxiety. (IV) There is probably a grain of truth here, but on the other hand, there are causality issues to be addressed. (V) So actually, rather than self-esteem producing happiness, feeling happy may inflate self-esteem. A) I




A) I






E) V

E) V

53. (I) A longstanding issue in European prehistory is that of the so-called megalithic monuments. (II) Similarly, in the 19th century, megaliths were seen as the work of a single group of people, who had migrated to western Europe. (III) These are impressive prehistoric structures built of large stones. (IV) In general, the stones are arranged to form a single chamber, buried under a mound of earth and entered from one side, and the chambers may be large with a long entrance passage. (V) Human remains and artifacts are usually found within these structures, and it is clear that most served as collective burial chambers, i.e., tombs for several people. A) I


E) V

56. (I) In the film Amistad, Steven Spielberg expresses his outrage at the institution of slavery. (II) That is, he makes something that enables the film audience to feel the same kind of outrage toward slavery that he feels. (III) Clearly, the artist at the start felt deeply about slavery. (IV) He then set out to give to his audience a similar feeling. (V) On the contrary, these configurations stimulate differing emotional states in the audience. A) I




E) V

54. (I) Why is it important for engineering students to study engineering ethics? (II) Several notorious cases that have received a great deal of media attention in the past few years have led engineers to gain an increased sense of their professional responsibilities. (III) Most engineers are, on the whole, motivated by the size and social impact of their projects. (IV) These cases have led to an awareness of the importance of ethics within the engineering profession as engineers realize how their technical work has far-reaching impacts on society. (V) Indeed, the work of engineers has always affected public health and safety and influenced business practices and even politics in society. A) I




E) V

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A SOSYAL BİLİMLER 58. As regards the use of the terms “law” and “laws”, the writer claims that ----.

57. – 60. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. We commonly speak of both law and laws, and these terms, though not used with precision, point to two different aspects under which legal science may be approached. The laws of a country are thought of as separate, distinct, individual rules; the law of a country, however much we may analyse it into separate rules, is something more than the mere sum of such rules. It is, rather, a whole, a system which orders our conduct and in which the separate rules have their place and their relation to each other and to the whole. Moreover, it is never completely exhausted by any analysis, however far the analysis may be pushed, and however much the analysis may be necessary to our understanding of the whole. Thus, each rule which we call a law is part of the whole we call the law. Lawyers generally speak of law; laymen more often of laws.

A) there needs to be a common approach among the lawyers of a country B) lawyers and the people outside the legal profession share the same view C) each country has a different approach because of its distinct legal system D) it is not lawyers but laymen who need to be more precise E) there is not much clarity since both terms are often confused

59. As is emphasized in the passage, there can be no limit to ----. A) the political laws that constitute the totality of a country’s legal system B) the number of the laws in a country that are distinct from each other 57. It is pointed out in the passage that, in legal science, the term “law” ----.

C) an analysis of a country’s law, however extensive the analysis may be

A) is very ambiguous and cannot be clearly defined due to the variety of meanings it has

D) what meanings and interpretations laymen can make of the laws of a country

B) signifies a whole which, as a system, embodies all the separate rules referred to as laws

E) the variety of laws that can be included within the law of a country

C) refers to the different aspects of a country’s legal system and, hence, is difficult to explain D) has always been controversial and, therefore, cannot be interpreted accurately E) has a limited meaning that does not deserve any analysis or understanding

60. As can be understood from the passage, the laws of a country, ----. A) though varied and numerous, embody a common goal for the country’s peace and prosperity B) which lawyers are expected to interpret precisely, indicate the efficiency of the legal system C) whether understood properly or misinterpreted, are necessary for the well-being of society D) which can also be understood accurately by laymen, are seldom related to each other E) though separate and distinct from each other, are essentially interrelated

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A SOSYAL BİLİMLER 62. As one understands from the passage, in the aftermath of September 11, Muslims in America ----.

61. – 64. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Four years ago in 2003, when Paul Barrett first began planning an ambitious book on Muslims in America, who would have thought that the topic would still be of such urgent interest by the time it was published early this year? But, if anything, intervening events have made Barrett’s exploration of American Muslims more timely and important than ever. With the United States even more deeply embroiled in warfare in Iraq and Afghanistan, with sectarian conflict exploding within the Muslim world, with tensions high among Muslim populations in Europe, and with relations strained between some leaders of the Christian and Islamic religions, readers need as much information as they can get about Islam and its adherents. In his book, Barrett notes that, despite being targets of suspicion in the wake of the attacks of September 11, Muslims in America, as a group, offer a perfect illustration of old-fashioned American assimilation. Overall, they are prosperous, well-educated, politically active, and successful in business and the professions.

A) experienced a wide range of economic handicaps and political setbacks B) formed a group that ambitiously pursued their professional objectives C) began to resist full assimilation into American society and culture D) began, according to Barrett, to be regarded as potentially dangerous E) were involved in sectarian conflicts that divided them politically

63. It is suggested in the passage that although Barrett’s book was published four years after its initial planning in 2003, ----. A) it has captured the attention of the reading public due to the events that took place during this period B) the facts that it relayed about Muslims in America had already been revealed to the reading public C) the war in Iraq was deliberately excluded from it because of the uncertainty about the outcome D) its predictions about the consequences of the American involvement in the Middle East were proven by the developments during this period

61. It is clear from the passage that Paul Barrett’s book ----.

E) it dwelt solely on a comparison of Christianity and Islam, leaving out a number of other important current issues

A) presents a socially, politically and economically very positive picture of Muslims in America B) focuses completely on the political achievements of Muslims in America C) seems to present a somewhat cynical view of the way of life of American Muslims D) is mainly concerned with how the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have affected American Muslims

64. According to the passage, there are several reasons ----. A) why the relations between the Christian and Muslim leaders in Europe have been broken B) that can be put forward for the American involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan

E) has failed to arouse any significant interest among American Muslim readers

C) for the sectarian conflicts that are taking place in Iraq and elsewhere in the Muslim world D) why readers should be attracted by any study, such as Barrett’s, related to Islam and Muslims E) for the war in Iraq, which has already increased tensions between the United States and Europe

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A SOSYAL BİLİMLER 66. It is pointed out in the passage that much of Kierkegaard’s most striking writings ----.

65. – 68. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Kierkegaard was one of the most original thinkers of the nineteenth century in Europe. He wrote widely on religious, philosophical, and literary themes. However, his peculiar manner of presenting some of his leading ideas initially obscured their fundamental significance. He developed his views in strong opposition to prevailing opinions, such as certain metaphysical claims about the relation of thought to existence. He reacted against the ethical and religious theories of Kant and Hegel. Moreover, he opposed the doctrines and ideas which were being advanced by some of his contemporaries like Feuerbach and Marx. His discussion of the human condition, which emphasizes the significance of individual choice, has arguably been his most striking philosophical legacy, particularly for the growth of existentialism.

A) restate the views and theories which prevailed and were commonly shared in his time B) were based on the ethical and religious theories that had been formulated during earlier centuries C) were widely read and discussed by his contemporaries in Europe in the nineteenth century D) are limited to topics related to religion and philosophy E) deal with the idea of individual choice

67. It is suggested in the passage that because Kierkegaard expressed his major ideas in an unusual personal way, ----. A) their essential importance was not recognized at first B) he was widely appreciated and fully understood by his contemporaries C) he immediately became famous as a philosopher in nineteenth-century Europe D) they were very influential on other philosophers, including Feuerbach and Marx E) most thinkers in Europe sensed that he was formulating a new philosophy

65. It is clear from the passage that, in view of his focus on the question of individual choice, Kierkegaard can be regarded as ----. A) the only thinker in the nineteenth century who was concerned with metaphysical matters

68. The point is made in the passage that Kierkegaard ----.

B) a follower of Kant and Hegel, whose ethical and religious ideas inspired him greatly

A) approved of certain metaphysical arguments concerning the relation of thought to existence

C) the philosopher who led the way for the development of existentialist philosophy

B) relied heavily on Kant and Hegel for the development of his own philosophy

D) the philosopher who explained the religious and philosophical aspects of human existence

C) was a thinker, some of whose ideas were unusual for his time

E) a major thinker who influenced his contemporaries, including Feuerbach and Marx

D) clearly defined what existentialism meant for a full understanding of human existence E) benefited a great deal from the philosophical legacy of his predecessors

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A SOSYAL BİLİMLER 70. In the passage, the writer points out that while on the one hand, describing other countries or peoples in general terms may be misleading, on the other, ----.

69. – 72. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. We have all heard people from other countries described in very general terms. For instance, it has been said that “Germans work hard” and “Americans are friendly”. Such generalizations or stereotypes are very crude, and common sense tells us that not all Germans work hard and not all Americans are friendly. At the same time, there appears to be some truth in these generalizations since people from different countries share different characteristics. What these crude statements acknowledge, however, is that people from different countries have distinctive cultures and social customs. A society’s culture includes its customs, values, beliefs, ideas and the artifacts it produces. Attitudes towards such things as work, leisure, wealth, the role of women, and the value of education in one society’s culture might be significantly different from the attitudes and values found in another society’s culture. This is also the case regarding attitudes found in different countries towards politics and the political system.

A) generalizations of this kind may be true to some extent B) one must make an effort to appreciate and understand their culture C) it is important for us to have a friendly attitude towards them D) we must do our best to ignore the differences among them E) such generalizations are useful especially in understanding the value of education

71. The writer suggests that political attitudes ----. A) in a country are fundamentally influenced by education B) vary greatly from country to country C) in a society have nothing to do with its cultural values D) towards women in society must be constructive E) in a country cannot be differentiated from the attitudes towards work and leisure

69. It is stressed in the passage that each country ----. A) attaches much importance to its own social customs and educational system B) has developed a political system which may differ from its social and cultural values

72. The writer states that the customs, values, and beliefs of a society ----.

C) can be identified through its people’s attitudes towards other countries and peoples D) has its own special characteristics and, hence, is culturally and politically unlike the others

A) may have some impact on its educational system B) are a poor guide to the nature of that society C) should be excluded from its political system

E) shares with other countries a wide variety of values and attitudes

D) must always uphold the role of women in that society E) are among the elements that make up its culture

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A SOSYAL BİLİMLER 74. The writer claims that British people ----.

73. – 76. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) do not share the policies adopted by other European countries towards the United States

The way in which British people view Britain’s role in the world is still influenced by its past. Today Britain is an important regional power, but in the recent past it was a world power. Until World War II, Britain ruled the largest empire that the world has ever known. Incredible as it may seem today, during the 1920s, almost one-fifth of the world’s population lived under British rule. But the empire disappeared rapidly during the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s as the colonies that had made up the empire gained their independence. In the aftermath of the empire, British leaders were not very successful in adapting to play a much smaller part in world affairs. However, Britain’s allies made it clear that they no longer saw Britain as a major force in world politics. The “special relationship” which was said to exist between Britain and the United States weakened as other European countries, particularly Germany, recovered after World War II. So, whereas London had been recognized by American leaders as the “capital” of Europe during the 1940s and the 1950s, Bonn was seen as the new capital of Europe during the 1960s.

B) attach great importance to relations with the United States C) think of Britain’s place in world politics today in terms of their imperial past D) still regard the former colonies, along with the United States, as their lasting and strongest allies E) no longer think that the political legacy of their empire has any significance whatsoever

75. The writer asserts in the passage that the demographic and territorial size of the British Empire ----. A) remained unchanged right into the 1960s, when some colonies began to gain their independence B) was the cause of much hostility from Germany and other European countries C) led American leaders into thinking that Germany was not a major force in world politics D) was an indication of the fact that Britain had a large number of colonies seeking independence E) was so vast that no other empire in world history was ever a match for it

73. The point is made in the passage that, during the period following World War II, ----. A) London and Bonn were equally regarded by the world as the major political centres of Europe

76. In the passage, the writer ----.

B) the American attitude towards Britain was still one of admiration and strong cooperation

A) depicts a very distorted picture of Britain’s colonies in their struggle for independence

C) the Americans followed a policy of neutrality towards Britain and Germany

B) points to the fact that Britain is still an important European power

D) Britain lost the empire and so ceased to be a leading power in the world

C) explains how American political leaders deliberately undermined Britain’s relations with Germany

E) Britain and the United States formulated a set of new policies to strengthen their relationship

D) approves the political strategies formulated by British leaders in the aftermath of World War II E) discusses the economic reasons for the decline of the British empire

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A SOSYAL BİLİMLER 78. As one learns from the passage, despite their current economic success, ----.

77. – 80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Developing markets, historically the domain of hyperinflation and political manipulation, now enjoy high surpluses, thanks to record commodity prices and severe fiscal discipline. Since 2001 these economies have achieved three times the average annual per-capita economic growth of their developed counterparts and now represent a quarter of global output. Stocks in emerging markets are causing much excitement among investors. However, too much excitement invites peril. Emerging markets have undeniably changed in the past decade, but lately they are looking overgrown, and even a minor crisis could send them tumbling. And while the potential triggers for a fall have changed, they are still there. As economies in the developing world get stronger, governments are getting more assertive and meddling with both companies and neighbouring countries, increasing political risk.

A) emerging markets are not trusted by companies since there is always the possibility of political manipulation B) developing economies are still far from overcoming hyperinflation C) governments in the developing world have maintained their fight against hyperinflation D) developed economies remain unconcerned about the potential of a severe crisis E) the countries in the developing world have traditionally suffered from hyperinflation 79. It is emphasized in the passage that although investors are excited by the stock market situation in emerging markets, they ----. A) are always prepared for a risk of hyperinflation which could send stock prices tumbling B) know that these markets now represent a quarter of global output C) must be aware of the fact that these markets can be risky since they are potentially very fragile D) feel that severe fiscal discipline introduced by governments puts their investments at high risk E) are very critical of governments’ meddling with companies and neighbouring countries

77. It is clear from the passage that, over the last few years, ----.

80. According to the passage, as the economic strength of the developing world increases, one of the drawbacks this leads to is that ----.

A) the economies of the developed countries have had so much growth that its effects on emerging markets have been harmful

A) prices of commodities and stocks reach higher levels, opening the way to hyperinflation and political manipulation

B) stock prices in emerging markets have been relatively stable due to very harsh fiscal measures introduced by governments

B) governments begin to interfere in the affairs of their neighbours and, hence, may cause political risk

C) inflation rates in the developing world have shown an upward trend because of political manipulation and poor economic performance

C) governments get into fierce competition with each other in order to double their share in global output

D) emerging economies have performed so well that their growth has been much higher than the growth achieved by the developed world E) governments of developing economies have taken every measure in order to avoid the kind of political crisis that may trigger an economic collapse

D) investors begin to be seriously concerned about the future of stock and commodity prices E) the annual per-capita growth slows down owing to high surpluses and record commodity prices


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1. C

21. E

41. A

61. A

2. B

22. D

42. C

62. D

3. D

23. E

43. A

63. A

4. A

24. B

44. B

64. D

5. E

25. E

45. A

65. C

6. C

26. D

46. D

66. E

7. A

27. B

47. E

67. A

8. B

28. C

48. B

68. C

9. D

29. B

49. D

69. D

10. B

30. D

50. E

70. A

11. E

31. E

51. A

71. B

12. D

32. A

52. C

72. E

13. A

33. C

53. B

73. D

14. C

34. D

54. C

74. C

15. B

35. C

55. B

75. E

16. A

36. B

56. E

76. B

17. E

37. E

57. B

77. D

18. C

38. D

58. E

78. E

19. A

39. E

59. C

79. C

20. B

40. B

60. E

80. B

A İNGİLİZCE FEN BİLİMLERİ 5. In recent years, carbon dioxide (CO2), a naturally occurring greenhouse gas, has been ---- as a result of activities such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation.

1. – 18. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. 1. Marine biodiversity ensures that ecosystems recover relatively quickly after an accidental or natural ----. A) disturbance

B) hesitation

C) encouragement

D) dedication

A) setting out

B) building up

C) going out

D) coming in E) reaching up

E) spectacle

6. The movement of electrons within electromagnetic waves ---- some of the wave’s energy, affecting the properties of the wave and how it travels.

2. According to kinetic theory, the absolute temperature of a gas is directly ---- to the average kinetic energy of the molecules. A) experimental

B) fundamental

C) negligible

D) proportional E) exceptional

A) tells off

B) puts in

C) finds out

D) uses up E) goes around

3. At times during the last Ice Age the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation was ---- weaker than it is today. A) pleasantly

B) rarely

C) considerably

D) directly

7. Some evolutionary biologists argue that if the clock of evolution ---- to the beginning and allowed to run again to the present day, the resulting animals on Earth ---- very different from the ones we know now.

E) fully

A) has been rewound / would have been B) is rewound / will be C) might be rewound / will have been 4. In the 1940s, computer pioneer Konrad Zuse began to ---- that the universe might be nothing but a giant computer continually executing formal rules to compute its own evolution. A) denounce

B) pressurize

C) empower

D) evade

D) had been rewound / had been E) could be rewound / might be

E) speculate

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A FEN BİLİMLERİ 11. Until recently, some scientists ---- that many individuals of the same species ---- specific tasks better than the same number of individuals from different species.

8. Scientists who ---- alert the world to the existence of a hole in the stratospheric ozone layer recently reported that this feature of the atmosphere ---widening soon. A) help / would stop

A) will think / are performing

B) have helped / might have stopped

B) were thinking / will perform

C) helped / may stop

C) think / ought to perform

D) will help / might stop

D) had thought / would be performing

E) had helped / has stopped

E) thought / could perform

9. Meteorites ---- the best available record of the chemical and physical processes that ---- during the first million years of our solar system’s history.

12. Archaeological records show evidence ---- local plants being used as medicine ---- ancient Egyptian and Stone Age times.

A) provide / occurred B) are providing / have occurred

A) about / at

B) of / in

C) with / by

D) from / for

C) had provided / occurred

E) on / to

D) could provide / would occur E) provided / might occur

10. Today one third of the carbon dioxide (CO2) given off by burning fossil fuels ---- the oceans, thus ---their naturally alkaline pH.

13. The Weddell seal can swim under the ice ---- a depth of 500 metres ---- more than an hour without coming up for air.

A) is entering / reduces B) enters / reducing C) had entered / will reduce

A) to / between

B) in / during

C) at / for

D) on / through E) with / about

D) will enter / reduced E) would enter / having reduced

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A FEN BİLİMLERİ 14. ---- providing energy, proteins provide the raw materials for building the body’s tissues and regulating its many activities. A) According to

B) As regards

C) Despite

D) In addition to

19. – 23. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. Among the earliest events in fruit fly development are those that determine which end of the egg cell will become the head and which end will become the tail. These events (19) ---- in the ovaries of the mother fly and involve communication between an unfertilized egg cell and the cells next to it. One of the first genes activated in the egg cell produces a protein that leaves the egg cell and signals neighbouring follicle cells. Then these follicle cells (20) ---- to turn on genes for other proteins, which signal back to the egg cell. One of the egg cell’s responses is to localize a specific type of mRNA at one end of the cell. This mRNA marks the end of the egg (21) ---the fly’s head will develop, and thus defines the fly’s head-to-tail axis. (22) ----, other egg cell genes direct the positioning (23) ---- the top-to-bottom and side-toside axes.

E) Contrary to

15. The theory posits that Earth’s climate changes ---- cyclic variations in the way it orbits the sun. A) in place of

B) in case of

C) so as to

D) in view of E) as a result of


16. Life on Earth would be impossible without water, ---- all life forms, from bacteria to plants and animals, contain it. A) since

B) even so

C) unless

D) that

A) instruct

B) dispel D) identify

C) embrace E) occur


E) when

B) such / that

C) so / as

D) much / like

B) stimulate

C) are stimulated

D) have been stimulated

E) are stimulating

17. Obtaining nutrients is of ---- vital importance ---both individual organisms and ecosystems are structured around the central theme of nutrition, the process of taking in and using food. A) more / than

A) will be stimulated

21. A) who

B) what D) where

C) whom E) how

E) either / or 22.

18. Butterflies have some characteristics that are ---for professional scientists to understand ---amateur enthusiasts. A) easier / than

B) the easiest / as

C) as easy / so

D) so easy / that

A) On the contrary

B) Similarly

C) Nevertheless

D) Despite this

E) As a result


E) easiest / like

A) behind

B) to

C) about

D) of E) at Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A FEN BİLİMLERİ 27. Having taken in more carbohydrates than it needs, ----.

24. – 35. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

A) sugar can contribute to nutrient deficiencies only by displacing nutrients

24. Long before Linnaeus established his system for naming plants in the 18th century, ----.

B) the body uses glucose to meet its energy requirements, fills its glycogen stores to capacity, and may still have some left over

A) around the world, orchids have long been symbols of fertility and potency as in the Greek legend of Orchis

C) researchers agree that unusually high doses of refined sugar can alter blood lipids to favour heart disease

B) the common names of flowers should be highly evocative or imaginative

D) high-fibre foods not only add bulk to the diet, but are economical and nutritious

C) early attempts at growing orchids had consisted of placing plants in pots filled with a thick mixture of rotting wood and leaves

E) a high-fat diet raises the risks of heart disease, some types of cancer, hypertension, diabetes and obesity

D) many Amazonian orchids are referred to locally as “monkey love-potions” E) people throughout the world called plants by their own inventive names

28. ----, yet the “software programmes”, or genes, inside our bodies have not changed much in thousands of years. 25. While air quality may improve with increased biofuel use, ----.

A) Computer software has come down in price by half annually

A) water quality can suffer due to over-use of fertilizers and overdrawn water supplies

B) There is a gene that tells fat cells to hold on to every calorie in order to protect the body during periods of starvation

B) worldwide ethanol demand has pushed up the cost of corn by 25% and sugar by 100%

C) Scientists are researching new methods to overcome the difficulties of gene therapy

C) meanwhile, fuel crops had increased in value

D) A human gene is composed of two sets of 23 chromosomes

D) the energy balance of today’s ethanol is positive E) 75 million gallons of biodiesel and 4 billion gallons of ethanol were made last year

E) Our computers and other electronic devices typically have their software updated every few months

29. ---- because at these speeds they can propel the car without using engine power.

26. When sunlight hits a raindrop, ----. A) a ray of sunlight actually consists of a mixture of differently-coloured light

A) The two-mode hybrid systems contain two electric motors surrounding two planetary gear sets

B) a typical raindrop is spherical in shape C) the rainbow is actually a circle which is centered on the point that is directly opposite the sun from the observer

B) At higher velocities, engine power is required C) The systems can deliver continuous power in the required amounts

D) there is a reduction in its speed and this causes the light to bend

D) Single-mode hybrid automobile systems are more fuel-efficient at lower speeds

E) refraction is the bending of light as it passes from one medium to another

E) Two-mode systems switch between modes without the driver realizing it

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A FEN BİLİMLERİ 33. Physical activity limits the rise in blood glucose that would normally occur after a meal ----.

30. Biological psychology is interdisciplinary by nature ----.

A) but aerobic exercise is typically recommended for people who want to lose weight

A) now that about half the people who have advanced degrees in psychology will work in colleges and universities

B) since research is ongoing in this area

B) if our treatment of consciousness reflected both the biological and cognitive perspectives

C) whereas it takes weeks to months of aerobic training to improve physical fitness

C) since it seeks to establish relationships between pyschological processes and biological ones

D) that it will be required only under certain specific conditions

D) just as biological researchers have often attempted to explain psychological principles in terms of biological ones

E) by making insulin work better in moving glucose into muscle

E) and so cognitive science and cultural psychology are further examples of this phenemenon

31. Most viruses cannot survive very long outside a living host cell, ----.

34. ----, astronomers want to take pictures of galaxies of various ages from infancy to maturity.

A) although temperate bacteriophages do not always destroy their hosts

A) Because Hubble has taken long exposures of small patches of sky

B) but the type of attachment proteins on the surface of a virus determines what type of cell it can infect

B) In order to get an idea of what the Milky Way might have looked like in the past

C) since viruses have several ways to penetrate animal cells

C) Even though old galaxies were smaller in size and more irregular in shape than modern ones

D) so their survival depends to a great extent on their being transmitted from animal to animal

D) As one would expect, if today’s galaxies formed from the union of several smaller ones

E) yet under a microscope, most bacteria appear similar in size and form

E) If the rate of star formation reached its peak around seven billion years ago

32. ----, it is now actually quite a simple matter to make electrons oppose the “push” of applied electric and magnetic fields.

35. RNA interference, ----, can turn specific genes off. A) that a new technology could be developed

A) Although this process might have seemed impossible in the past

B) whose ability to understand the brain was accelerating

B) Rather than the wave reacting to an individual molecule

C) just as hypertension in animals is common

C) Whether there is a collective response of milions of molecules

D) in that nanoparticles can latch onto cancer cells

D) Because one wants to understand how negative refraction can arise

E) which scientists have only recently begun to understand

E) Since much remains to be done to turn such visions into reality

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A FEN BİLİMLERİ 38. Even if all fossil-fuel power stations worldwide were switched off tomorrow, global temperatures would continue to rise for another fifty years.

36. – 38. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.

A) Fosil yakıta dayanan enerji santralleri tüm dünyada durdurulsa bile küresel sıcaklıkların hızla artması sorunu en az bir elli yıl daha çözülemeyecektir.

36. Most scientists are of the opinion that hurricane Katrina, which caused colossal damage to the coastal areas of Louisiana in America, was clearly linked with global warming.

B) Tüm dünyadaki fosil yakıtla çalışan enerji santralleri yarın kapatılsa bile, bu durum küresel sıcaklığın artmasını elli yıl daha durduramaz.

A) Pek çok bilim adamı, Amerika’da Louisiana sahil bölgelerinde büyük tahribata yol açan Katrina kasırgasının, küresel ısınmanın bir sonucu olduğu görüşünü benimsemektedir.

C) Eğer fosil yakıtlı enerji santralleri tüm dünyada hemen kapatılabilse, küresel sıcaklık ancak elli yıl daha yükselmeye devam eder.

B) Çoğu bilim adamı, Amerika’da Louisiana’nın sahil bölgelerinde çok büyük hasara neden olan Katrina kasırgasının, küresel ısınmayla açıkça bağlantılı olduğu görüşündedir.

D) Fosil yakıt kullanan enerji santralleri yarın tüm dünyada kapatılsaydı, küresel sıcaklığın artması sadece elli yıl sürerdi.

C) Pek çok bilim adamına göre küresel ısınmayla açıkça bağlantılı olan Katrina kasırgası, Amerika’da Louisiana kıyılarında çok büyük tahribata yol açmıştır.

E) Dünyadaki tüm fosil yakıtlı enerji santralleri yarın devreden çıkarılsa bile, küresel sıcaklıklar bir elli yıl daha yükselmeye devam edecektir.

D) Çoğu bilim adamına göre küresel ısınmayla kesin ilişkisi olan Katrina kasırgası, en korkunç etkisini Amerika’nın Louisiana sahillerinde göstermiştir. E) Birçok bilim adamı, küresel ısınmadan kaynaklanan kasırgaların Amerika’da Louisiana’nın sahil bölgelerini vuran Katrina gibi, büyük hasarlara neden olacağını düşünmektedir.

39. – 41. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz. 37. The fact that the majority of the scientific world subscribes to a particular view does not make it absolutely right.

39. Darwin’in ileri sürmüş olduğu başlıca düşünceler, bilimdeki pek çok kavram gibi, eski Yunanlılara kadar izlenebilir.

A) Belirli bir görüş mutlak doğru olmasa da bilim dünyasında çoğunluk tarafından benimsenmiş olabilir.

A) The main ideas Darwin advanced, like many concepts in science, can be traced back to the ancient Greeks.

B) Bilim dünyasında çoğunluğun aynı görüşe sahip olması, bu görüşün mutlaka doğru olduğu anlamına gelmez.

B) Similar to many concepts in science, the majority of ideas put forward by Darwin are often attributed to the ancient Greeks.

C) Bilim dünyasının çoğunluğu belirli bir görüşü mutlak doğru kabul etmiş olsa da gerçek bunun tam tersi olabilir.

C) Like a number of scientific concepts, most of the ideas suggested by Darwin may have been derived from the ancient Greeks.

D) Bilim dünyasının çoğunluğunun belirli bir görüşü kabul etmesi, bu görüşü mutlak doğru kılmaz.

D) Many ideas advanced by Darwin can, like the majority of concepts in science, be related to the ancient Greeks.

E) Belirli bir görüş bilim dünyasında çoğunlukla benimsenmiş olsa bile, mutlaka doğru olmayabilir.

E) Like a lot of ideas in science, a great majority of concepts developed by Darwin are referred to in the works of the ancient Greeks.

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A FEN BİLİMLERİ 40. Tür olarak varlığımızı sürdürmemiz toprağa bağlıdır; ancak erozyon ve kimyasal kirlilik, bu yaşamsal kaynağı tüm dünyada tehdit etmektedir.

42. – 46. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

A) Erosion and chemical pollution throughout the world threaten our survival as a species, which depends on soil as a vital resource.

42. Hippopotamuses can be irritable and aggressive when it comes to defending their territory and their young. ----. They have trampled or gored people who came too near, dragged them into lakes, tipped over their boats, and bitten off their heads.

B) Soil is indispensable for our survival, and yet this resource of vital importance is threatened by erosion and chemical pollution worldwide. C) For our survival as a species, we especially depend on soil, and yet this important resource is threatened worldwide by erosion and chemical pollution.

A) Hippos are led by dominant males, which can weigh 6,000 pounds or more B) Agricultural irrigation systems and other developments have depleted the hippos’ wetland, river and lake habitats

D) Our survival as a species depends on soil, and yet erosion and chemical pollution threaten this vital resource throughout the world.

C) Although hippos occasionally fight with crocodiles, a growing number of their attacks are on humans

E) Throughout the world, erosion and chemical pollution threaten soil, which, as a vital resource, is indispensable for our survival.

D) A decade ago there were about 160,000 hippos in Africa, but the population has dwindled to between 125,000 and 148,000 today E) In countries beset by civil unrest, where people are hungry and desperate, hippos are hunted for their meat

41. İki galaksinin çarpışması, evrenin kütlesine hükmettiği sanılan görünmez kara maddenin bugüne kadar elde edilen en iyi kanıtını sağlar.

43. The historian G. Sarton said that the development of mathematics is unknown to the general public. ----. Cayley’s seminal investigations of matrix algebra were crucial for the development of linear algebra. The terms matrix, determinant and Jacobian, familiar to most science students, were invented by Slyvester.

A) Following the collision of two galaxies, there appears the best evidence so far known of the invisible dark matter which is believed to pervade the mass of the universe.

A) Cayley was a Trinity College fellow at Cambridge for a few years until he married

B) The collision of two galaxies provides the best evidence yet obtained of the invisible dark matter assumed to dominate the mass of the universe.

B) It isn’t clear when they met, but by 1847 they were corresponding to share thoughts about mathematics

C) The only evidence so far of the invisible dark matter thought to penetrate the mass of the universe is provided by the collision of two galaxies.

C) Each had triumphed on the University of Cambridge’s fearsome Tripos examinations

D) It is from the collision of two galaxies that the best evidence yet of the invisible dark matter which is assumed to hold together the mass of the universe has been obtained.

D) Certainly very few have ever heard of A. Cayley or J.J. Slyvester, two of the most prolific mathematicians of the Victorian era E) J.J. Slyvester was not only a mathematician but also an enthusiastic poet who called himself the “mathematical Adam”

E) The invisible dark matter which is thought to dominate the mass of the universe is best understood through the evidence provided by the collision of two galaxies.

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A FEN BİLİMLERİ 46. Why do young chameleons prefer to stay close to the ground? In a recent study published in Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, biologists argue that cannibalism in the common chameleon has resulted in a habitat shift. ----. Juvenile chameleons tend to stay in low grasses, whereas adults make better use of their anatomical gifts by living primarily in trees.

44. ----? The answer to that question can range from days to months to decades on the one extreme and from centuries to millenia, and possibly even longer depending on such diverse and interrelated factors as design, construction and maintenance. A) How old is the world-famous Brooklyn Bridge B) Can a bridge possibly be designed to last a century

A) That is, as individuals develop, their choice of habitat changes

C) How long did London’s Millennium Bridge stay open

B) With its prehensile tail and strong, opposing toes, the common chameleon is a natural climber

D) The Tacoma Narrows Bridge lasted only four months before it fell to the wind, didn’t it

C) Young chameleons showed little change in behaviour when with other juveniles

E) How long can a bridge last

D) The biologists placed a one-way mirror between an adult and a juvenile, so that the adult could see the juvenile but not the other way round E) Whether an attack was likely when there was close contact between the generations was also tested

47. – 51. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz. 45. Detecting a virus on any nanosize particle usually means fixing it to a substrate or attaching a fluorescent probe to it, neither of which is practical for detecting particles in real time. ----. The system splits a laser beam in two, sending one half to a sample. When the light hits a small particle, it is reflected back and recombined with the reserved half of the laser beam, producing a detectable interference pattern only when a moving particle is present.

47. Maeve : - l learned today that there are actually two types of synapses in an animal’s nervous system. Charles : - ---Maeve : - Which type transmits signals faster? Charles : - The second, because it sends signals directly, without using a neurotransmitter.

A) The method works because it relies on the light’s amplitude rather than its intensity B) The investigators have so far detected single particles as small as seven nanometres across


Oh, really? I only know of one type.

C) Now physicists have assembled a simple system for doing just that


Most people have only heard of chemical synapses.

D) A substrate is a substance that reacts when it comes into contact with a particular enzyme


Electrical synapses were first found in crayfish in 1957.

E) Amplitude is the square root of intensity


Yes, chemical and electrical synapses.


Synapses send information from the nervous system to the brain, and vice versa.

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A FEN BİLİMLERİ 49. Mary : - I watched a news report this evening about a man who had started many forest fires. Investigators were able to find him by examining the areas where the fires had started.

48. Tim : - Did you know that NASA is going to send another manned mission to upgrade and repair the Hubble space telescope? Max : - Oh? I thought that, after the 2003 Columbia shuttle disaster, they were going to send manned spacecraft only to the International Space Station.

Paul : - ---Mary : - No; they looked very carefully, sometimes with a magnifying glass or metal detector, to find the match or other agent that had been used to set the fire, and then they traced it back to the person. It almost always works.

Tim : - ---Max : - I hope NASA’s taking the proper precautions this time.

A) Have you ever been near a forest fire when it was burning?


The space telescope is deteriorating because of dust and radiation.


Well, NASA changed its mind because a robotic mission has turned out to be impossible.

B) A fire last August nearly burnt up my aunt’s home in California. I hope they catch whoever set that fire, too.


Hubble was first launched into space in 1990. Did you know that?

C) How could they possibly have done that? Weren’t all the clues burnt up in the fire?


I learned from this article that Edwin Hubble was the first astronomer to describe the expansion of the universe.

D) How could they find the place where the fire had started?


The Hubble telescope has sent back thousands of valuable images. I think it’s worth the mission, don’t you?

E) I think people should be very careful with matches or cigarettes when they are in the forest.

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A FEN BİLİMLERİ 51. Brenda : - Have you heard of the new Internet technology that allows people to conduct a search for information by entering a photo taken with a mobile telephone into the search engine?

50. Carol : - Do you know what makes birds’ vision better than ours? Mike : - ----

Ryan : - ----

Carol : - Why do they have that ability when humans don’t?

Brenda : - Well, for example, sending a photo of a nearby landmark building might give you a street map of the area.

Mike : - I think it’s because early mammals were active at night, when there’s no ultraviolet light from the sun, and so they lost the ability, but birds didn’t. A) B)

Ryan : - That would be useful if you were lost in a foreign city.

It’s partly because they can see ultraviolet light wavelengths, while humans can’t. They need to see better in order to determine the health of a potential mate.


It’s impossible for humans to know what birds’ perception of colours is actually like.


I think their vision is always strengthened by ultraviolet light.


Insects can also see ultraviolet wavelengths.


I can barely use my mobile to call someone, let alone to send a picture over the Internet!


Who told you that?


What good would that be?


Oh, another new technology.


Don’t believe everything you read or see on the television.

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A FEN BİLİMLERİ 52. – 56. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz. 52. (I) Are humans the only primates that cry? (II) The answer depends on how you define “crying”. (III) If it is defined as tears coming from the eyes, then the answer is yes. (IV) Others take a conservative stance and say that it is too difficult to tell whether or not non-human primates have feelings. (V) However, if crying is vocalization that occurs under the conditions of distress, then you can find crying in almost all primates. A) I




55. (I) Plant biologists estimate that 25-50% of all plant species are polyploids, that is, having three or more sets of chromosomes. (II) Hybridization between two species accounts for most of this polyploidy, perhaps because the unusually diverse assortment of genes a hybrid inherits from parents of different species can be advantageous. (III) Many of the plants we grow for food are polyploids, including oats, potatoes, bananas, plums, apples and wheat. (IV) Cotton, also a polyploid, is the source of one of the world’s most popular clothing fibres. (V) Cotton thread is made from the long white plumes that extend from the seeds of the plant. A) I




E) V

E) V

53. (I) Vertebrate skeletons must be both rigid and strong. (II) However, there are disadvantages to having grossly under- or overbuilt bones. (III) Animals have to balance the needs for strength and stability against the cost of producing, maintaining and manufacturing a heavier skeleton. (IV) Consequently, skeletal size tends to match mechanical requirements closely. (V) Indeed, limb-bone fractures are relatively rare. A) I




E) V

56. (I) Migration is a very precise evolutionary adaptation to seasonal changes, but the benefits of migration are not without cost. (II) Many weeks may be spent each year on energy-demanding journeys. (III) Some animals may become lost or die along the way. (IV) Green turtles migrate more than 2,000 kilometres across open ocean between their feeding area off the coast of Brazil and their nesting place on Ascension Island. (V) And migrating individuals are often at greater risk from predators in unfamiliar areas. A) I




E) V

54. (I) The world’s coral reefs are in trouble. (II) According to an international consortium of scientists and volunteers, only 30 per cent of reefs are healthy now. (III) Modern coral reefs as we know them have been accumulating since the Holocene Epoch 10,000 years ago. (IV) US government agencies, conservation organizations and other scientists echo the point. (V) A few go so far as to say that coral reefs in some areas may be doomed. A) I




E) V

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A FEN BİLİMLERİ 58. It is clear from the passage that the mice native to the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone ----.

57. – 60. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) had suffered extensive chromosomal damage During our visit in the summer of 1994 to the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, a region within a 30 km radius of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, we were amazed by the diversity of mammals living in the shadow of the ruined reactor only eight years after the meltdown. During our excursion through the woods, we trapped some of the local mice for examination in a makeshift laboratory. We were surprised to find that, although each mouse registered unprecedented levels of radiation in its bones and muscles, all the animals seemed physically normal, and many of the females were carrying normal-looking embryos. We found that the mice did not have any obvious chromosomal damage. We wondered whether the absence of injury could be explained by some sort of adaptive change, perhaps a more efficient DNA-repair mechanism, after many prior generations had been exposed to radiation. But when we transplanted wild mice from uncontaminated regions into cages in the Exclusion Zone and then examined their chromosomes, they were likewise unaffected by the radiation. In at least this respect, the mice seemed to have a natural “immunity” to harm from radiation.

B) were found to have very high radiation levels in their bodies C) were not affected by the radiation as much as the mice which had been brought in from outside the Exclusion Zone D) were not put in cages by the scientists studying them E) showed less genetic diversity than mice from other areas

59. According to the passage, the lack of subsequent chromosomal damage in mice brought into the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone from radiation-free areas proves that ----. A) mammals can suffer the effects of radiation and still carry a normal embryo B) the radiation found in the mice native to the Exclusion Zone had compounded with each new generation C) the mice native to the Exclusion Zone had, actually, not developed their immunity to radiation after the explosion occurred D) unprecedented levels of radiation in an animal’s tissues always signal extensive chromosomal damage

57. We see from the passage that the scientists who visited the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone in 1994 concluded that ----.

E) trapping animals is a difficult task, best left to hunters native to the area

A) all mice appear to have inborn protection against the harmful effects of radiation B) only the mice born in the Exclusion Zone were immune to the chromosomal damage caused by high levels of radiation

60. We understand from the passage that, on their visit to the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, the scientists ----.

C) mice certainly have better-developed DNA-repair mechanisms than other animals

A) did not expect to find animals that were physically normal

D) the meltdown of the nuclear reactor at Chernobyl caused greater than usual diversity among the mammals living nearby

B) themselves began to suffer from exposure to high levels of radiation

E) their makeshift laboratory did not produce valid results for their experiments with the mice

C) mainly wanted to observe the effects of the reactor’s meltdown on the surrounding plant life D) transported mice from the Exclusion Zone to an uncontaminated area to see if their radiation levels would decrease E) were surprised to find that animals in the Exclusion Zone did not look the same as animals from outside the Exclusion Zone

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A FEN BİLİMLERİ 62. We understand from the passage that, as part of an effort to prove the existence of ice on the moon, NASA ----.

61. – 64. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) will make no use of high-resolution radio telescopes

In an attempt to settle the question of whether ice exists on the moon, NASA plans to launch the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) in 2008. Travelling in a polar orbit only 50 kilometres above the moon’s surface, the probe will focus a high-resolution neutron sensor on the suspected ice deposits to determine their precise locations. But because the ice is probably buried and mixed with lunar dirt, NASA will also need to land a probe to dig up and analyze soil samples. This mission, scheduled for 2011, is a challenging one because instruments operating in shadowed areas cannot use solar power. The craft could land at a sunlit site and send a battery-powered vehicle into a dark crater, but the batteries would quickly die. A radioisotope thermal generator could provide electricity using heat from plutonium decay, but NASA is leaning against this option because it is expensive and controversial. Another idea under consideration is sending a probe that could hop from place to place on the lunar surface by restarting its landing rockets, lifting the craft to 100 metres above its original landing site and moving it to another spot in the crater basin to hunt for ice. Investigating more than one site is crucial because the ice may be unevenly distributed. Yet another alternative would be to fire groundpenetrating instruments at several places in the shadowed basin, either from a lander at the crater’s rim or from an orbiting craft.

B) is currently observing the moon from Earth C) is planning to send one spacecraft to orbit the moon and another to land there D) is going to send a landing craft that will rely solely on solar power E) has already sent a spacecraft there to take pictures

63. It is pointed out in the passage that, since there may be more ice on one part of the moon’s surface than on another, ----. A) a battery-powered vehicle is an essential part of the probe B) facilities which will examine the ice must be built near larger ice patches C) the search there for ice is expensive and controversial D) it is essential to test for ice in several different areas E) it will not be possible to use the ice for future space exploration

61. It is clear from the passage that ----. 64. We see from the passage that the main problem of landing a probe on the moon to test for ice in shadowed areas is ----.

A) firing ground-penetrating instruments at the moon could upset the balance of its surface B) there are several options for producing a probe that could work in the shadowed areas of the moon

A) that the public is not interested in the project

C) NASA will use plutonium decay to provide power for its newest landing probe

C) lack of government funding for the project

B) the hard, rocky surface of the moon

D) the extremely cold temperatures the probe would have to work in

D) the spacecraft that NASA wants to send to the moon will probably never actually be manufactured

E) that it would not be able to use solar power

E) NASA plans only to send a probe to orbit the moon, not to land on it

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A FEN BİLİMLERİ 66. As regards the therapeutic possibilities, the passage emphasizes the advantages of ----.

65. – 68. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Stem cells, unlike all other cells in the body, can copy themselves indefinitely. So-called adult stem cells are found in many parts of the body, constantly rejuvenating the brain, remodelling arteries so blood can bypass clogs, and growing new skin to heal wounds. However, adult stem cells have more limited power than embryonic stem cells, which can turn into any type of cell in the body. Indeed, scientists are hoping that embryonic stem cells could be turned into neurons to fix damaged brains, cardiac cells to repair damaged hearts, or pancreatic cells to create insulin for people with diabetes. Maybe they could even be used to regenerate whole organs. To date, scientists worldwide have made more than 100 different human embryonic cell lines. Still, the existing lines have serious limitations. Most have been grown on a lattice of mouse embryonic skin cells for support. Consequently, the human embryonic cells are contaminated by mouse cells, and though they’re still useful for research, they cannot at present be used to develop therapies for humans.

A) developing human embryonic stem cells based on mouse cells B) embryonic stem cells over adult stem cells C) human embryonic stem cells over mouse embryonic skin cells D) man-made embryonic stem cell lines E) adult stem cells when used to rejuvenate the blood

67. We see from the passage that embryonic stem cells ----. A) are far less versatile than adult stem cells B) hold no possibility of being used to cure disease C) in the past were able to treat illnesses, but cannot be used for this purpose today D) might, in the future, be used to treat humans with damaged brains or hearts E) cannot reproduce themselves, unlike adult stem cells

65. According to the passage, the main problem with the currently existing embryonic stem cell lines is ----.

68. lt is understood from the passage that adult stem cells ----. A) have been manipulated by scientists in order to produce new organs

A) the fact that they could be turned into neurons B) the lack of diversity between the different lines

B) are not as well-understood as other types of cells in our bodies

C) that there are not enough of them to develop therapies useful for treating human diseases

C) are always actively engaged in our bodies

D) that they are contaminated by the mouse cells upon which they have been grown

D) will someday be used to regenerate whole organs

E) that they do not produce reliable research results

E) can turn into any other cell type

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A FEN BİLİMLERİ 70. According to the passage, although atmospheric carbon dioxide levels continue to rise, ----.

69. – 72. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) atmospheric methane levels are no longer rising The concentrations of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) gases in the atmosphere have both risen dramatically since the start of the Industrial Revolution. However, unlike its more familiar greenhouse-gas cousin, atmospheric methane has recently stopped increasing in abundance. This development wasn’t entirely unanticipated, given that the rate of increase has been slowing for at least a quarter-century. The recent stabilization of methane levels is something that some scientists are trying very hard to explain. Methane has many sources. Some are natural, such as wetlands and plants, and some are the consequences of modern society, such as landfills and wastewater treatment. Methane is destroyed principally by its reaction with the hydroxyl radical (OH) in the lower atmosphere. One theory about the stabilization of methane levels is that deforestation has reduced the number of plants contributing to atmospheric methane. Another idea is that an increase in the prevalence of tropical thunderstorms may have raised the amounts of the various nitrogen oxides high in the atmosphere. There, these gases have the side effect of boosting the production of OH, which in turn acts to destroy methane.

B) an increase in tropical thunderstorms may reduce these carbon dioxide levels C) this rise is expected to level out some time in the next quarter-century D) scientists are trying very hard to explain this increase E) they are not evenly distributed

71. We understand from the passage that landfills and wastewater treatment facilities are examples of ----. A) natural sources of carbon dioxide B) ways to boost the production of OH in the atmosphere C) man-made sources of methane D) high levels of atmospheric methane E) the recent stabilization of methane levels

72. It can be inferred from the passage that ----. A) atmospheric methane is produced only by human activity

69. It is pointed out in the passage that methane in the atmosphere is destroyed primarily by ----.

B) the greenhouse effect of methane is not as widely-known as that of carbon dioxide

A) the interventions of scientists B) the presence of carbon dioxide gas

C) scientists expect atmospheric methane levels to continue rising

C) wetlands and plants

D) deforestation contributes to increasing atmospheric methane levels

D) contact with OH, the hydroxyl radical E) the Industrial Revolution

E) carbon dioxide is not as important as methane in terms of causing global warming

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A FEN BİLİMLERİ 74. It is pointed out in the passage that the cloud of dust caused by the supposed meteor impact ----.

73. – 76. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. In 1980, the physicist Luís Alvarez and his son Walter advanced a startling theory about the demise of the dinosaurs: that it was caused by forces that came from beyond this world. They hypothesized that perhaps a meteor impact had ended the age of the dinosaurs. The primary evidence was that in soil core samples taken in locations around the globe, iridium, a substance very rare on Earth but prevalent on asteroids, had been found in a thin layer of clay separating the fossil-rich rock of the late Cretaceous period (the end of the dinosaur age) and the sparsely fossiled rock of the Tertiary period that followed. The Alvarezes hypothesized that a very large extraterrestrial object had slammed into the planet, sending an enormous fireball into the stratosphere, along with vast amounts of debris. A great cloud of dust enshrouded Earth, blocking sunlight for months, even years, and plants and animals perished in the ensuing cold and dark. When the dust finally settled back to Earth, it formed the telltale worldwide layer of iridium in the clay. The scientific world was not impressed by the theory. Indeed, some scientists scoffed at the Alvarezes’ hypothesis, but in 1990 scientists realized that a crater of 112 miles in diametre in Mexico and dated at 65 million years old might be evidence that the dinosaurs had indeed died out due to the effects of a giant meteor.

A) caused the fossils of that period to be particularly easy to extract B) poisoned the plants and animals living on Earth at that time C) made the Earth dark and cold for a very long time, causing plants and animals to die D) did not contain iridium E) formed a very large crater in Mexico when it settled

75. We understand from the passage that, by the time of the Tertiary period, ----. A) the dinosaurs had died out B) forces from beyond this world had invaded the planet C) the dust from the meteor impact had still not settled D) fossils were well-preserved E) the age of the dinosaurs was thriving

76. According to the passage, the main proof given by Luís and Walter Alvarez of a giant meteor impact that could have destroyed the dinasours was ----.

73. It is clear from the passage that, when the Alvarezes advanced their meteor-impact theory, ----. A) their focus was mostly on the Tertiary period

A) the fossil-rich rock of the late Cretaceous period

B) it was not a surprising idea

B) a great cloud of dust surrounding Earth

C) they didn’t make use of core samples

C) the 112-mile-wide crater they had discovered

D) few scientists believed them

D) an enormous fireball in the stratosphere

E) there were vast amounts of debris in the stratosphere

E) the presence of iridium in soil all over the world

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A FEN BİLİMLERİ 78. We can understand from the passage that the pushing of the African continental plate beneath the European continental plate ----.

77. – 80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) does not create magma containing sulfur dioxide and other unstable gases

Mount Vesuvius in southern Italy is actually a volcano inside the exploded skeleton of an older volcano. Looked at from above, the remaining ridge of a much larger volcano can be seen on the north side. This older volcano had probably erupted violently long before human settlement. Southern Italy is unstable ground. The African continental plate, on which most of the Mediterranean Sea rests, is actually diving beneath the European plate. That kind of underground collision produces molten rock, or magma, rich in volatile gases such as sulfur dioxide. Under pressure underground, these gases stay dissolved. But when the magma rises to the surface, the gases are released. Accordingly, when volcanoes like Vesuvius erupt, they tend to erupt explosively. To this day, in fact, Vesuvius remains one of the world’s most dangerous volcanoes; some 3.5 million Italians live in its shadow. Although monitoring devices are in place to warn of the volcano’s activity, if there were a major eruption with little warning, there could be a tremendous loss of life.

B) is the result of volcanic activity such as we see in Southern Italy C) makes Southern Italy a region prone to volcanic eruptions D) has made Northern Africa a “hot spot” for volcanic activity E) means that the Mediterranean Sea is slowly widening

79. We understand from the passage that Mount Vesuvius’s eruptions are usually very explosive because of ----. A) the exploded skeleton of an older volcano within which it is located B) the strong skelatal structure of the volcano C) its proximity to a large body of water D) the unstable gases released when the volcano’s magma reaches the surface of the Earth E) the monitoring devices placed near the volcano

80. It is clear from the passage that ----.

77. We see from the passage that although Mount Vesuvius is a very dangerous volcano ----. A) it is safe to live nearby because of the monitoring devices that warn of the volcano’s activity B) many people still live nearby

A) Mount Vesuvius is a dying volcano which will someday cease to erupt B) the Mediterranean Sea is part of the European continental plate C) the European continental plate will one day completely cover the African one

C) it is more dangerous than the older volcano that used to be in its place

D) 3.5 million Italians lost their lives in Vesuvius’s last eruption

D) it does not result from an underground collision of continental plates E) its eruption would never result in people’s deaths

E) there was once a much larger volcano where Mount Vesuvius is today


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1. A

21. D

41. B

61. B

2. D

22. B

42. C

62. C

3. C

23. D

43. D

63. D

4. E

24. E

44. E

64. E

5. B

25. A

45. C

65. D

6. D

26. D

46. A

66. B

7. E

27. B

47. D

67. D

8. C

28. E

48. B

68. C

9. A

29. D

49. C

69. D

10. B

30. C

50. A

70. A

11. E

31. D

51. C

71. C

12. B

32. A

52. D

72. B

13. C

33. E

53. E

73. D

14. D

34. B

54. C

74. C

15. E

35. E

55. E

75. A

16. A

36. B

56. D

76. E

17. B

37. D

57. A

77. B

18. A

38. E

58. B

78. C

19. E

39. A

59. C

79. D

20. C

40. D

60. A

80. E

A İNGİLİZCE SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ 5. When someone chokes on food, it is because the food has slipped into the air passage and ---breathing.

1. – 18. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. 1. The ---- of lactose intolerance varies widely among ethnic groups, indicating that the trait is genetically determined. A) conversion

B) prevalence

D) notice

A) given in

B) kept on

C) set out

D) switched off E) cut off

C) recession

E) supply

6. The vitamin portion of a coenzyme allows a chemical reaction to ----, while the remaining portion of the coenzyme binds to the enzyme. 2. Some evidence suggests that weight training can raise HDL if undertaken regularly, but frequent and sustained aerobic activity may be more ---- in lowering LDL and raising HDL. A) tentative

B) irrelevant

D) effective

A) put on

B) get off

C) catch up

D) take place E) settle down

C) factual

E) protective 7. In a study carried out over a period of six months, researchers ---- that smoking ---- far more heart attacks than haemochromatosis. A) have found / had caused B) had found / has caused C) found / caused

3. The army psychologists ---- initiated treatment, and so he soon regained his confidence as a soldier.

D) find / could have caused E) would have found / causes

A) promptly

B) vaguely

C) obviously

D) relunctantly E) imminently 8. Alcohol ---- every organ of the body, but the most dramatic evidence of its disruptive behaviour ---in the liver. A) affected / has appeared B) affects / appears

4. Red blood cells contain haemoglobin, which enables them to carry oxygen from the lungs and ---- it to all parts of the body. A) contribute

B) organize

D) transform

C) is affecting / appeared D) had affected / would appear

C) deliver

E) has affected / had appeared

E) guide

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A SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ 12. People who wish to improve their athletic performance need to be aware that it can be achieved ---- physical conditioning combined ---high energy food intakes.

9. Although constipation usually ---- lifestyle habits, in some cases it may be a side effect of medication or may reflect a medical problem such as tumours that ---- the passage of waste.

A) by / with

A) had reflected / obstruct

B) with / for

D) through / to

B) has reflected / obstructed

C) in / by

E) of / into

C) reflected / had obstructed D) will reflect / have obstructed E) reflects / are obstructing

13. Almost 2 million people die ---- tuberculosis (TB) each year, mostly in developing countries lacking access ---- fast, accurate testing technology.

10. Indeed, some studies ---- that taking the glycemic effect into account in meal planning ---- a practical way to improve glucose control. A) have shown / is

B) show / was

C) had shown / had been

D) showed / will be

A) from / at

B) about / with

D) by / in

C) of / to

E) with / through

E) could show / has been

14. ---- the body has manufactured antibodies against a particular antigen (such as the measles virus), it remembers how to make them the next time it is attacked by the same antigen.

11. Of every 10,000 children born in the US, almost 7 ---- from health problems because their mothers ---- alcohol during pregnancy. A) suffered / have consumed B) were suffering / consume C) had suffered / were consuming

A) Until

B) Once

C) Unless

D) Even though E) Whereas

D) will have suffered / will consume E) suffer / consumed

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A SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ 15. Some researchers believe schizophrenia is a single disorder, ---- others believe it is a syndrome based on numerous underlying diseases. A) if

B) since D) while

19. – 23. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

C) even so

Older people suffer more broken bones than younger people because the mass and strength of bones decrease with age. There is no single reason why this occurs, or why some individuals and populations are more (19) ---- than others. Like other complex traits, age-related changes in bones result (20) ---interactions between environmental and genetic factors. Scientists have linked changes in bone strength to (21) ---- in physical activity, the levels of dietary calcium and vitamin D, and alcohol and tobacco use. However, among (22) ----, physical activity is the variable (23) ---- likely to account for the geographic heterogeneity in the incidence of fractures.

E) unless

16. Anyone who wonders ---- the newborn baby senses touch or experiences pain should watch the baby’s reaction to a heel prick for a blood sample. A) whereby

B) whether

D) in case


C) until

A) considerate

B) equal

C) sensible

D) negligible

E) what

E) vulnerable

20. A) to

B) of D) over

C) from E) at

17. Water, indispensable and abundant, provides the environment ---- nearly all the body’s internal activities are conducted. A) in which

B) whose

C) wherever

D) by what


E) however

A) circulations

B) settlements

C) variations

D) tendencies E) similarities

22. A) these 18. Certain plants can help some conditions more effectively than medical drugs, and with significantly ---- side-effects. A) little

B) more D) fewer

B) that D) whom

C) which E) this

C) much E) any

23. A) how

B) as D) so

C) such E) most

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A SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ 26. By comparing urinary creatinine excretion to standards for sex and height, ---- if muscle mass is adequate or depleted.

24. – 35. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

A) it is concluded

24. Although AIDS still has no cure, ----.

B) it has been understood

A) the devastating effects of HIV infection seemed unstoppable

C) one can determine

B) remarkable progress has been made in understanding and treating HIV infection

D) the physician can assume

C) a specific dietary strategy for the treatment of the disease has not been devised

E) we are convinced

D) the severity of wasting may determine the duration of survival E) the causes of malnutrition and wasting in HIV infection are related to the disease itself

27. Just as the human mind allows a person to develop a concept of intellectual self, ----.

25. If a child has the potential for cardiovascular disease, ----.

A) each cell in a person’s body has molecules on its surface that are unique to that specific person

A) this article focuses on efforts to prevent childhood obesity and cardiovascular disease

B) the function of the immune system is to defend the body against invaders

B) most people consider cardiovascular disease to be an adult disease C) obesity in children affects these changes

C) virtually any organ can be attacked by the immune system, including the kidneys, lungs, heart and brain

D) poor health choices, such as poor diet, will cause the disease itself to develop

D) the immune system provides a concept of biological self

E) questions arose about the extent to which genetics is involved in the risk of cardiovascular disease

E) the immune system is composed of cells and soluble substances

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A SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ 30. Imitation is a very important means ----.

28. Once people have been diagnosed with cancer, ----.

A) that the mirror neuron system serves as a bridge in this process

A) therapists could have used relaxation methods to assist them in coping with some of the negative aspects of cancer treatments

B) though Iacoboni and his group used functional magnetic resonance imaging to observe the brains of human subjects

B) they can affect their survival time by adapting a “fighting spirit”, having strong emotional and social support or attending group counselling sessions

C) in which both activities triggered the inferior frontal gyrus of the brain

C) attempts by their partners to protect them from the reality of their illness were not helpful

D) from which scientists can derive evidence about gene function

D) at least half of those treated with chemotherapy had experienced nausea, fatigue, depression, sleep problems and loss of appetite

E) by which we learn and transmit skills, language and culture

E) family history and ethnic background are factors in many types of cancer

31. Most researchers find the new method of generating human embryonic stem cells promising, ----.

29. Because the visual system is not well-developed at birth, ----. A) newborn babies’ ability to change focus is limited and they are very nearsighted B) a nearsighted adult with 20/30 vision will be able to see at 20 feet

A) even if they held the possibility of regenerating body parts B) as it might lead to new and possibly better stemcell lines C) so that stem cells can become any other kind of cell

C) newborn infants can distinguish the sound of the human voice from other sounds

D) if this had led to healthier children

D) developmental psychologists would have designed some ingenious procedures to study the mental capacities of young infants

E) since this procedure was introduced more than a decade ago

E) parents noticed with delight that the baby had begun to make eye contact

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A SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ 34. A person with leukemia has an unusually high number of leukocytes, ----.

32. ----, analysts had to rely on a more primitive urine screen for this purpose. A) Unless drugs opened the way to a better system

A) since it is usually fatal unless treated

B) Although an athlete could beat the test by ingesting artificial testosterone throughout the testing period

B) although cancerous cells grow uncontrollably

C) If later screens for testosterone levels matched the preliminary results

D) that is, cancer of the white blood cells

C) most of which do not function normally

E) whereas, in some cases, they do not respond to the standard treatments

D) Only if the body were able to make testosterone from an artificial compound E) Before the carbon isotope radio (CIR) urine test became standard protocol for testing athletes for doping

35. Hypnosis was first used as a surgical anaesthetic in India in 1845, ----.

33. The vast majority of smoking-related cancer deaths are from lung cancer ----.

A) if doctors had used hypnosis for patients who are allergic to anaesthetics

A) although smoking may also be responsible for deaths from cancers of the lip, pharynx, pancreas, trachea and kidney

B) since hypnotized patients will recover more quickly, with less pain and with fewer side effects

B) because the rate of smoking in the US has slowly declined since the mid-1960s, especially among men

C) although hypnosis as an alternative to sedation is making a comeback in the operating room

C) but weight gain would have been quite modest for most people who had stopped smoking

D) but it was quickly abandoned with the introduction of ether the following year

D) if group counselling had been successful in helping people to quit smoking

E) even if studies using advanced scanning technology have shed new light on how hypnosis works to block pain

E) even if many nonsmokers find the smoke of others to be a nuisance and even irritating to their eyes and nose

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A SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ 38. If a person has a family history of a certain disease, it is a powerful indicator of his/her tendency to contract that disease.

36. – 38. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz. 36. Although many forms of therapy have been tried, none has been able to prevent the disease from progressing.

A) Bir hastalığın aile içindeki öyküsü, kişinin bu hastalığa yakalanma eğilimini ortaya koyan en güçlü belirtidir.

A) Pek çok tedavi biçimi denenmiş olmasına rağmen, hiçbiri hastalığın ilerlemesini engelleyememiştir.

B) Bir ailedeki bireylerin hastalık öyküleri, o ailedeki bireylerin hastalığa yakalanma eğilimini ortaya koyar.

B) Uygulanan tedavi yöntemlerinden hiçbiri hastalığın ağırlaşmasını engelleyemedi.

C) Kişinin belirli bir hastalığa yakalanma eğilimi, en doğru biçimde, ailesinin hastalık öyküsünden belirlenebilir.

C) Pek çok tedavi yöntemi var, ancak hiçbiri hastalığın ilerlemesini tam olarak durduramıyor.

D) Kişinin belirli bir hastalığa yakalanma eğiliminin en güçlü belirtisi, o hastalığın aile öyküsüdür.

D) Farklı bir tedavi yöntemi bulunsa da hastalığın yayılması hiçbir zaman engellenemez.

E) Kişinin belirli bir hastalıkla ilgili aile öyküsü varsa bu, onun o hastalığa yakalanma eğiliminin güçlü bir göstergesidir.

E) Hastalığın ilerlemesini durdurmak için bazı tedavi biçimleri denenmesine rağmen başarılı olunamadı.

39. – 41. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.

37. People who do not consume milk products or other calcium-rich foods that provide even half of the recommended calcium amount may benefit from calcium supplements. A) Süt ürünleri ya da kalsiyum yönünden zengin diğer besinleri tüketmeyenler önerilen kalsiyum miktarının ancak yarısını alabildiklerinden kalsiyum desteğinden yararlanabilirler. B) Tavsiye edilen kalsiyum miktarının yarısını bile karşılayacak miktarda süt ürünleri ya da kalsiyum bakımından zengin diğer besinleri tüketmeyen insanlar kalsiyum desteğinden yararlanabilirler. C) Tavsiye edilen kalsiyum miktarının yarısını karşılayacak kadar kalsiyum desteğinden yararlanan insanlar süt ürünleri ve kalsiyum yönünden zengin diğer besinleri tüketmeyebilirler.

39. Yıllarca, gelişmiş pek çok ülkede başlıca ölüm nedeni, genellikle kardiyovasküler hastalıklar olarak bilinen kalp ve damar hastalıkları olmuştur. A) Over the years, it has generally been known that among the major causes of death in most developed countries is cardiovascular disease, which refers to diseases of the heart and blood vessels. B) Generally, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, which for many years were known as cardiovascular disease, have been among the main causes of death in various developed countries. C) Cardiovascular disease, which as a whole includes the major diseases of the heart and blood vessels, has over the years been the usual cause of death in a number of developed countries. D) For years, the major cause of death in many developed countries has been diseases of the heart and blood vessels, generally known as cardiovascular disease.

D) Önerilen kalsiyum miktarının yarısını karşılasa da kalsiyum desteğinden yararlanan insanlar süt ürünleri ve kalsiyum bakımından zengin diğer besinleri de tüketmelidirler.

E) Numerous diseases of the heart and blood vessels, which are as a whole called cardiovascular disease, have for years been the most common cause of death in developed countries.

E) Kalsiyum desteğinden yararlanan insanlar, tavsiye edilen kalsiyum miktarının ancak yarısını karşılayabilecek miktarda süt ürünleri ya da kalsiyum bakımından zengin diğer besinleri tüketenlerdir.

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A SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ 40. Yiyeceklerdeki iyot miktarı değişkendir ve genellikle, bitkilerin yetiştiği veya hayvanların üzerinde otladığı topraktaki miktarı yansıtır.

42. – 46. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

A) The amount of iodine contained in foods varies significantly and depends on the amount in the soil, needed for the growth of plants or the grazing of animals. B) Foods contain various amounts of iodine, and these are usually related to the amount in the soil used for plant cultivation and animal grazing. C) The amount of iodine in foods is variable and generally reflects the amount in the soil in which plants are grown or on which animals graze.

42. Alcohol is rich in energy (7 kcalories per gram), but, as in pure sugar or fat, the kcalories are empty of nutrients. ----. This means that the more alcohol people drink, the less likely it is that they will eat enough food to obtain adequate nutrients. A) Thus, the more kcalories provided by alcohol, the less nutritious food is normally eaten B) Alcohol in heavy doses is not efficiently metabolized, generating more heat than fat

D) The soil in which plants are grown or on which animals graze usually contains the same amount of iodine as found in various foods.

C) Most dramatic, however, is alcohol’s effect on the B vitamin folate D) The combination of poor folate status and alcohol consumption has, as a result, been implicated in promoting colorectal cancer

E) The amount of iodine which is contained in the soil used for the cultivation of plants or the grazing of animals is, on the whole, reflected by the amount of iodine in foods.

E) Generally, moderate drinkers consume alcohol as added energy – on top of their normal food intake

41. Mikroskop altında incelenmek üzere iğne ile alınmış karaciğer dokusu örneği içeren karaciğer biyopsisi, vakaların yalnızca % 75’i kadarında tanıyı doğrular. A) A liver biopsy, which is carried out by the removal with a needle of a sample of liver tissue for microscopic examination, is indispensable for a reliable diagnosis in 75% of cases. B) About 75% of cases can be definitively diagnosed through a liver biopsy, which involves the removal by needle of a sample of liver tissue for examination under a microscope.

43. The pharmaceutical industry is particularly interested in new substances that could mask unpleasant flavours. ----. And chronically ill people, such as AIDS patients, who have to force down many unpleasant tablets daily, would greatly appreciate more agreeable formulations.

C) The diagnosis of about 75% of cases can be confirmed through a liver biopsy, which is performed with the removal of a sample of liver tissue for microscopic examination.

A) Such a quality might prove undesirable for sweets or soda

D) A liver biopsy, in which a sample of liver tissue is removed by needle for examination under a microscope, confirms the diagnosis in only about 75% of cases.

C) Flavour-optimized drugs would be especially valuable for treating children, who often refuse to swallow nasty-tasting syrups

B) The idea of a bitter-blocker has still to be tested

E) In about 75% of cases, the diagnosis is confirmed by means of a liver biopsy, which is performed by removing with a needle a sample of liver tissue for examination.

D) Nutritionists want to know how much these choices could affect the health of individuals E) Widespread use could possibly undermine a natural protective function

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A SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ 46. The liver has primary responsibility for detoxifying alcohol. ----. Cancer is more likely to occur in cirrhotic livers than in healthy ones, but alcohol abusers are likely to die of a variety of causes before liver cancer develops.

44. The main diagnostic signs of autism are social isolation, lack of eye contact, poor language capacity and absence of empathy. ----. Many people with autism, for instance, have trouble understanding metaphors; they also have difficulty mimicking other people’s actions.

A) An excessive intake of alcohol often leads to cirrhosis of the liver, a degenerative disease that limits the organ’s effectiveness

A) It would be premature to conclude that damage to the cerebellum is the sole cause of the disorder

B) This evidence indicates that high levels of alcohol consumption are related to various kinds of cancer

B) Other, less well-known symptoms, however, are also commonly evident

C) For cancers of all sites, alcohol is not as strong a risk factor as either smoking or an imprudent diet

C) Some researchers posit that the main abnormality in autism is a deficit in the ability to construct “a theory of other minds” D) Certain brain cells are often referred to as motorcommand neurons E) Still, children with autism do have characteristic abnormalities in the cerebellum

D) Recent research has found a synergistic effect between alcohol and tobacco E) Pancreatic cancer has a special affinity to alcohol consumption

47. – 51. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz. 45. A pregnant woman should participate in “lowimpact” activities and avoid sports in which she might fall or be hit by other people or objects. ----. Swimming is also ideal because it allows the body to remain cool and move freely with the water’s support. A) It also maintains the habits that help a woman lose excess weight and get back into shape after the birth B) In general, the more weight a woman gains beyond what she needs for pregnancy, the more she will retain

47. Margaret : - Have you read this article about the 1987 nuclear contamination incident in Goiânia, Brazil? Henry : - ---Margaret : - Well, apparently some people found an abandoned radiation-therapy machine and opened it up. Many people were contaminated and 4 eventually died. Henry : - That’s terrible! The machine should have been disposed of safely.

C) Women who begin their pregnancy at a healthy weight need to gain about 30 pounds, which covers the growth and development of the placenta, uterus, blood, breasts and infant

A) Why did you read the article?

D) Several of these guidelines have been aimed at preventing dehydration


E) For example, a daily walk is always beneficial

C) Yes, it’s terrible, isn’t it?

Not yet. Is it worth reading?

D) What do you think about it? E) No, what happened?

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A SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ 50. Fran : - ----

48. Bill : - I read today about a new type of stent used to widen a patient’s artery.

Jim : - Why are these studies so important?

Jen : - ----

Fran : - Well, scientists are comparing monozygotic (identical) twins with dizygotic (fraternal) twins to see if their traits or behaviour are influenced more by their genes or their environment.

Bill : - It releases a drug into the artery over several weeks which prevents excess build-up of fibrous tissue, reducing the further narrowing of the artery.

A) According to a recent study, fraternal twins are no more similar than any two biological siblings.

Jen : - That sounds like a promising development. A)

I think many doctors are too quick to insert stents. They should first try medication to reduce clogging in the patient’s arteries.


How does it differ from other stents?


Doctors say that coronary stents have revolutionized patient care.


Patients with clogged coronary arteries always used to undergo bypass surgery.


Have you ever recommended this procedure?

B) In the study, it has been suggested that the IQ scores of two identical twins are usually more closely related than those of two fraternal twins. C) There are lots of studies recently being carried out on twins. D) One can conclude from this study that fraternal twins share an environment as similar as that of identical twins. E) That particular study concentrated on identical twins.

49. Tracy : - Here’s an article about a drug trial that went badly wrong. After testing a drug on monkeys and obtaining the desired result, researchers went ahead and did a trial on six human volunteers. Now they’re all in intensive care, and one of them is in a coma!

51. Art : - Did you know that as many as 235,000 hospital patients in the US die unneccessarily each year? Ed : - ----

June : - ----

Art : - About 45 per cent of the deaths are due to medical errors, and the rest are because of adverse reactions to medication.

Tracy : - I think it’s because the humans’ cells reacted differently with the drug than the monkeys’ cells.

A) When are you going to begin your residency?

A) The researchers should release the clinical data so that other researchers can benefit from their mistake.

B) I don’t believe it. Where did you read that?

B) Researchers should be more careful when testing new drugs on humans.

D) I think there must be some sort of mistake in that article.

C) What do you think will happen to him?

E) That’s a staggering number! What causes them?

C) That must result in a lot of malpractice lawsuits.

D) I wonder why the drug didn’t work in the volunteers in the same way it had worked in the monkeys? E) Researchers hoped that the drug would be capable of activating immune cells other antibody-drugs could not activate. Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ 54. (I) Most people believe that some drugs are acceptable and even desirable because of the medical benefits they confer. (II) But all psychoactive drugs – drugs that cross the blood-brain barrier and alter mental functioning – are potentially harmful to health. (III) Even drugs that are not psychoactive have the potential for unpleasant side effects. (IV) For a time, cocaine was used as an anaesthetic for surgery, especially eye surgery. (V) For example, antihistamines may cause confusion, dizziness, dry mouth and blurred vision.

52. – 56. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz. 52. (I) According to a recent study, depressed white girls are more likely to grow out of their problems than black girls are. (II) White teens become less depressed as they approach early adulthood. (III) Factors such as social class and parental separation should not be overlooked. (IV) The depression rate among blacks, however, remains steady. (V) This appears to be largely the result of poorer health care and lack of insurance. A) I




A) I




E) V

E) V

55. (I) Antibiotics are drugs that disable or kill infectious microorganisms. (II) However, for nearly every antibiotic that has been developed, a resistant strain of bacterium has appeared within a few decades. (III) Penicillin, for example, was originally isolated from a mold and has been widely prescribed since the 1940s. (IV) A revolution in human health rapidly followed its introduction, rendering many previously fatal diseases easily curable (such as strep throat and surgical infections). (V) During the 1950s, some doctors even predicted the end of human infectious diseases altogether. A) I

53. (I) According to recent data, doctors sometimes misdiagnose migraines as “sinus headaches”. (II) Migraines are an inherited form of recurring headaches. (III) This confusion in diagnosis occurs because neurons in the brain stem can activate the sinuses during a migraine, causing them to secrete a clear fluid. (IV) Yet this discharge differs from the cloudy fluid produced by a sinus infection. (V) Therefore, it is advisable for doctors to consider migraines more seriously and to look for clear nasal secretions as symptoms. A) I







E) V

56. (I) Of all the things we feel, none captures our attention like pain. (II) We may sometimes be unconcerned about other experiences but it is hard to ignore the experience of pain. (III) Yet for all the discomfort it causes, we would be at risk if we had no sense of pain. (IV) For instance, it would be difficult for children to learn not to touch a hot stove, or to stop chewing their tongues. (V) These receptors are neurons with specialized free nerve endings.

E) V

A) I




E) V

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A SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ 58. According to the passage, in very severe cases of cyanide poisoning, ----.

57. – 60. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. The most common cause of cyanide poisoning is smoke inhalation. A source to the public is acetonitrile in the form of artificial fingernail remover. Cyanide poisoning produces cellular hypoxia by binding with the ferric iron of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase, disrupting the electron transport chain and the ability of cells to use oxygen. Patients who inhale cyanide may rapidly develop coma, shock, seizures, lactic acidosis, and respiratory and cardiac arrest. Mild exposures following smoke inhalation are now being described. Diagnosis may be difficult in these patients, and emergency administration of an antidote may be lifesaving. Patients with smoke inhalation who show evidence of lactic acidosis should be suspected of cyanide poisoning. The body has a natural enzyme, called “rhodanese”, which can complex cyanide and sulphur to form mildly toxic thiocyanate. Intravenous administration of sodium thiosulphate provides the sulphur necessary to produce thiocyanate and is relatively safe. Sodium nitrite may also be administered, but its use is reserved for the most critical cases only, because it causes hypertension and methemoglobinemia.

A) administration of sodium nitrite may be recommended B) hypertension and methemoglobinemia cannot be avoided C) various kinds of antidotes can be administered but few are reliable D) patients should be put under constant observation to control lactic acidosis E) the use of sodium thiosulphate should be completely ruled out

59. It is suggested in the passage that lactic acidosis in patients suffering from smoke inhalation ----. A) is the most common cause of cyanide poisoning B) can be eliminated through the enzyme called “rhodanese” C) can cause the formation of toxic thiocyanate in the body D) is one of the indicators of cyanide poisoning E) should not be taken as evidence of cyanide poisoning

60. It is clearly emphasized in the passage that several important bodily functions ----.

57. It is pointed out in the passage that cyanide poisoning ----. A) results solely from the use of some cosmetics such as artificial fingernail remover

A) are severely impaired as a result of cyanide poisoning

B) can be diagnosed very easily, but its treatment takes a long time

B) can be weakened through intravenous administration of sodium thiosulphate

C) has the potential to quickly lead to some very serious complications

C) can be undermined by rhodanese unless an antidote is administered

D) has no effect whatsoever on cells and their functions

D) depend, to a large extent, on the presence of thiocyanate in the blood

E) is rarely related to smoke inhalation

E) are not affected by cellular hypoxia or the disruption of the electron transport chain

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A SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ 62. It is clear from the passage that, for testing purposes, a small amount of cerebrospinal fluid ----.

61. – 64. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. When doctors suspect meningitis, they must quickly determine whether it is from a bacterial, viral, fungal, or other type of infection or from irritation caused by something other than an infection (for example, a chemical). The possible causes are many, and the treatment differs for each. The test usually used to diagnose meningitis and determine its cause is the spinal tap, or lumbar puncture. A thin needle is inserted between two bones in the lower spinal column to withdraw a sample of cerebrospinal fluid from an area just below the spinal cord. The doctor then examines the fluid for bacteria under a microscope and sends a sample of it to the laboratory to be cultured and identified. The bacteria can be tested for susceptibility to treatment with different antibiotics. The sugar level, an increase in protein, and the number and type of white blood cells in the fluid also help determine the type of infection.

A) can be removed from low down in the spinal column B) is not enough for an accurate diagnosis of meningitis C) can be extracted once meningitis has been diagnosed D) should be taken but this will have no influence on the choice of antibiotic to be used E) should be examined only if an increase in the protein levels is suspected

63. It is pointed out in the passage that, since the causes of meningitis are varied, ----. A) any kind of antibiotic may be used to treat any case of meningitis B) the treatments must also vary C) it is virtually impossible to track down the cause in any one instance D) irritation caused by a chemical is the most likely E) the type of white blood cell determines the choice of antibiotic

61. It is mentioned in the passage that the fluid obtained from a lumbar puncture ----.

64. We see from the passage that meningitis may be caused by ----.

A) always contains elevated levels of protein and white blood cells

A) different antibiotics

B) is different from that obtained during a spinal tap

B) cerebrospinal fluid

C) is examined carefully to help understand the cause of the meningitis

C) a spinal tap D) the blood-sugar level

D) is not helpful in deciding on methods of treatment for meningitis

E) an infection or an irritation

E) is not a common diagnostic test for meningitis

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A SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ 66. We see from the passage that the permeability of the membrane to the solute ----.

65. – 68. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) is the most important of the variables mentioned In dialysis with an artificial kidney, the rate of movement of solute across the dialyzing membrane depends on four variables: the concentration gradient of the solute between the blood and the dialyzing fluid, the permeability of the membrane to the solute, the surface area of the membrane, and the length of time that the blood and fluid remain in contact with the membrane. Thus, the maximum rate of solute transfer occurs initially when the concentration gradient is greatest (when dialysis is begun) and slows down as the concentration gradient is dissipated. In a flowing system such as haemodialysis, in which blood and dialysate fluid flow through an artificial kidney, the dissipation of the concentration gradient can be reduced, and diffusion of solute across the membrane can be optimized by increasing the flow rate of either or both the blood and dialyzing fluid.

B) is one of the variables that affects the speed of dialysis C) decreases as the surface area of the membrane decreases D) is not a factor in haemodialysis E) is greater initially and then decreases as dialysis continues

67. It is clear from the passage that increasing the flow rate of blood through the artificial kidney is ----. A) a good way to increase the length of time the blood and fluid are in contact with the membrane B) not a practical option in dialysis C) only achieved when certain pre-conditions are met D) one of the ways in which dialysis can be made more efficient E) better than raising the rate of flow of the dialyzing fluid

65. According to the passage, solute transfer in dialysis is faster ----.

68. It can be understood from the passage that, as the concentration gradient between the blood and dialyzing fluid is reduced, ----.

A) than the natural kidney function

A) the maximum rate of transfer occurs

B) when the concentration gradient between the blood and dialyzing fluid is dissipated

B) the membrane slowly becomes more permeable to the solute

C) when the patient’s own kidney is used

C) the diffusion of solute across the membrane slows down

D) at the beginning of the process E) when dialysis is prolonged

D) the transfer of blood and fluid across the membrane is optimized E) an artificial kidney must be used to keep the patient healthy

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A SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ 70. The topic of this passage is ----.

69. – 72. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) the effect of the destruction of the main areas of the brain

Stimulation of several areas of the hypothalamus in the brain causes an animal to experience extreme hunger, a voracious appetite, and an intense desire to search for food. The area most associated with hunger is the lateral hypothalamic area. Damage to this area sometimes causes the animal to lose desire for food, sometimes causing lethal starvation. On the other hand, a centre in the hypothalamus that opposes the desire for food, called the satiety centre, is located in the ventromedial nucleus. When this centre is stimulated electrically, an animal that is eating food suddenly stops eating and shows complete indifference to food. However, if this area is destroyed bilaterally, the animal cannot be satiated; instead, its hypothalamic hunger centres become overactive, so that it has a voracious appetite, resulting in tremendous obesity.

B) the effect of brain damage on the choice of food C) changes in the lateral hypothalamic area of the brain resulting from starvation D) the stimulation of different areas of the brain E) the hypothalamus and its relation to appetite

71. According to the passage, obesity in animals can be caused by ----. A) stimulation of the ventromedial nucleus in the hypothalamus B) a damaged lateral hypothalamic area C) irreparable bilateral damage to the ventromedial nucleus D) over-stimulation of the satiety centre E) the easy availability of food

72. We see from the passage that, when the lateral hypothalamic area of an animal’s brain is damaged, the animal ----.

69. It is pointed out in the passage that the satiety centre, when stimulated, causes an animal to ----.

A) cannot control its activities

A) lose interest in eating

B) may starve to death

B) have a voracious appetite

C) becomes overactive

C) have an overactive hunger centre D) have an intense desire to search for food

D) is in danger of also losing the ventromedial nucleus

E) connect this stimulation directly with hunger

E) loses all sensitivity to stimulation of the brain

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A SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ 74. According to the passage, dead space air ----.

73. – 76. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) aids the gas exchange process tremendously

The ultimate importance of the pulmonary ventilatory system is to continually renew the air in the gas exchange areas of the lungs, where the air is in proximity to pulmonary blood. These areas include the alveoli, alveolar sacs, alveolar ducts and respiratory bronchioles. However, during normal quiet respiration, the volume of air is only enough to fill the respiratory passageways down as far as the terminal bronchioles, with only a small portion of the inspired air actually flowing all the way to the alveoli. Some of the molecules in the inspired air travel the final short distance to the alveoli through diffusion, but most never reach the gas exchange areas of the lungs, instead going to fill respiratory passages where gas exchange does not occur, such as the nose, pharynx and trachea. This air is called dead space air because it is not useful for the gas exchange process; the respiratory passages where no gas exchange takes place are called dead space. On expiration, the air in the dead space is expired first, before any of the air from the alveoli reaches the atmosphere. Therefore, the dead space does not aid in removal of the expiratory gases from the lungs.

B) is the last to reach the atmosphere during expiration C) flows all the way to the alveoli through diffusion D) does not help in the expiration of gases from the lungs E) is of ultimate importance in the pulmonary ventilatory system

75. It can be understood from the passage that the main function of the pulmonary ventilatory system is to provide ----. A) clean air to the pulmonary blood B) dead space air to the gas exchange areas of the lungs C) gas exchange in the dead space areas D) atmospheric air during expiration E) clean air to the nose, pharynx and trachea

73. It is clearly pointed out in the passage that only a small amount of the air inspired during normal respiration ----.

76. It is mentioned in the passage that the alveoli, alveolar sacs, alveolar ducts and respiratory bronchioles ----.

A) reaches the atmosphere

A) occasionally renew the air in the gas exchange areas of the lungs

B) is expired before the next breath is taken

B) are the parts of the lungs that are closest to pulmonary blood

C) is called dead space air D) stays in the nose, pharynx and trachea

C) do not receive any of the inspired air during quiet respiration

E) ever reaches the gas exchange areas of the lungs

D) are part of the dead space of the respiratory system E) are outside the gas exchange areas of the lungs

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A SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ 78. It is clear from the passage that if the human flu virus and the H5N1 strain were to infect the same mammalian cell at the same time, ----.

77. – 80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Virologist Robert Webster thinks that the H5N1 strain of the avian influenza virus poses the most serious public health threat since the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, which killed an estimated 40 million to 100 million people worldwide. Although the H5N1 strain has so far shown no signs that it has acquired the ability to transmit easily from person to person, Webster says that it is only a matter of time before it does. For that to happen, Webster and others believe that a version of the human flu virus, which is easily transmittable between people, and the H5N1 avian virus would have to infect the same mammalian cell at the same time and re-combine their DNA. If H5N1 picks up those genes from the human flu virus that enable it to spread from person to person, Webster says that virtually nobody will have immunity to it, and many deaths may ensue.

A) the H5N1 strain would probably gain the ability to spread between people B) mammals would become immune to both flu strains C) this could prove dangerous but will almost certainly never happen D) it would pose no danger to the public E) the H5N1 strain would be destroyed

79. As we can infer from the passage, virologist Robert Webster thinks that ----. A) most humans are immune to the H5N1 avian influenza strain as it exists at present B) the H5N1 strain is unlikely ever to be transmitted between humans C) the H5N1 strain and the human flu virus could never combine to create a stronger virus D) the avian influenza virus will soon pose a huge threat to humans E) many human deaths could result from a resurgence of the Spanish flu

77. We see from the passage that although the H5N1 strain of the avian flu virus is not easily transmitted from person to person at present, ----.

80. According to the passage, 40 to 100 million people worldwide ----. A) transmit flu viruses to other people every year B) have already died from the H5N1 strain

A) the human flu virus is also not easily transmittable between people

C) are currently infected with the H5N1 avian virus

B) neither was the Spanish flu virus in 1918

D) were threatened by the Spanish flu pandemic

C) it will probably acquire the ability to do so in the near future

E) died from the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918

D) most people already have immunity to it


E) it is not a serious public health threat


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1. B

21. C

41. D

61. C

2. D

22. A

42. A

62. A

3. A

23. E

43. C

63. B

4. C

24. B

44. B

64. E

5. E

25. D

45. E

65. D

6. D

26. C

46. A

66. B

7. C

27. D

47. E

67. D

8. B

28. B

48. B

68. C

9. E

29. A

49. D

69. A

10. A

30. E

50. C

70. E

11. E

31. B

51. E

71. C

12. A

32. E

52. C

72. B

13. C

33. A

53. B

73. E

14. B

34. C

54. D

74. D

15. D

35. D

55. B

75. A

16. B

36. A

56. E

76. B

17. A

37. B

57. C

77. C

18. D

38. E

58. A

78. A

19. E

39. D

59. D

79. D

20. C

40. C

60. A

80. E

A İNGİLİZCE SOSYAL BİLİMLER 5. As a family we are used to moving from one part of the country to another, and we usually ---pretty quickly in each new home.

1. – 18. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

A) run through 1. In their ---- to overcome the anti-social effects of modern architecture, architects have directed their attention to more informal settlements. A) avoidance

B) condition

D) involvement

B) move round

D) come through

C) turn down

E) settle down

C) attempt

E) development 6. The EU recognizes that progress on human rights around the world ---- the cooperation and collaboration of many groups and individuals. A) gets into

B) makes up

D) depends on

C) takes off

E) puts off

2. Much of our knowledge of the ---- lives of the ancient Romans has been derived from the excavations at Pompeii and nearby Herculaneum. A) pretentious

B) daily

D) convenient

C) complete

E) extensive 7. If they ---- us their plans at the beginning, these problems ---- us now. A) showed / would not have been worrying B) had shown / would not be worrying C) show / will not be worrying D) have shown / could not be worrying

3. The growing closeness between China and the Gulf nations has not gone unnoticed in the rest of the world, most ---- in the US. A) similarly

B) vaguely

D) equally

E) will show / may not be worrying

C) relatively

E) notably

8. Most physical anthropologists ---- that modern human abilities ---- present since the emergence of Homo sapiens some 40,000-100,000 years ago. A) will agree / would be B) could agree / are C) have agreed / were

4. Language learning can ---- in interesting ways across different societies and cultural settings. A) divide

B) distract D) tend

D) agree / have been

C) vary

E) had agreed / must be

E) dismay

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12. Two factors that contribute ---- the Eastern Sierra’s wildflower diversity are its local habitat diversity and the fact that it is the meeting point ---- three floristic regions.

9. It ---- until the 17 century that military leaders began to realize that stress on soldiers ---- a profound influence on the success of military operations.

A) over / from

A) had not been / is having

B) for / in

D) on / about

B) is not / has

C) into / at

E) to / for

C) was not / could have D) has not been / had E) may not be / must have

10. A deeply hypnotized subject ---- to initiate activity and would rather wait for the hypnotist ---something to do.

13. ---- the same time as modern humans pushed into Europe, some of the same group that had paused ---- the Middle East spread east into Central Asia. A) Of / for

A) does not like / to suggest

B) About / in

D) During / to

B) had not liked / suggesting

C) With / at

E) On / through

C) did not like / should suggest D) may not like / has suggested E) will not like / to be suggesting

11. Ever since James R. Flynn ---- his startling results, psychologists and educators ---- to figure out whether people really are getting smarter. A) has published / had struggled

14. Research evidence suggests that, in their games, girls show preference for home-centered interests ---- boys are drawn to more naughty and dangerous themes and plots. A) unless

B) published / have struggled

B) when D) whereas

C) had published / will struggle

C) as though E) now that

D) was publishing / had been struggling E) publishes / are struggling

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A SOSYAL BİLİMLER 15. ---- winemaking in France dates back to preRoman times it was the Romans who spread the practice. A) Although

B) Until

D) Whether

19. – 23. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

C) If A market economy provides plenty of opportunities to people, but there are risks. Your level of success in a market economy – how much income you earn and how much wealth you accumulate – will depend on your innate intelligence (19) ---- your efforts. But there is also an element of luck: Your fate (20) ---affected by where you were born, what occupation you choose, and your genetic makeup and health. There are also chance events, such as natural disasters and human accidents, that can affect your (21) ----. Given the uncertainty of market economics, most governments have a “social safety net” (22) ---provides for citizens who do not succeed in the market economy. The safety net includes programmes that redistribute income from the rich to the poor and (23) ---- programmes of support.

E) In that

16. ---- regulate the life of a society, general and legal rules are set down in written form by the highest legislative authority of a country. A) Due to

B) In order to

C) With reference to

D) Contrary to 19.

E) With regard to

A) owing to

B) in case of

C) by means of

D) as well as E) on behalf of

20. 17. The Mann-Whitney test is a procedure used in nonparametric statistics to determine ---- the means of two populations are equal. A) so far as

B) so long as

D) since

A) was

B) is

C) had been

D) would have been E) should have been

C) while

E) whether

21. A) account

B) demand

D) requirement

B) more / as

D) either / or

E) schedule


18. France is a large country and, although it has over 56 million inhabitants, is ---- densely populated ---- most of its western European neighbours. A) so / that

C) prosperity

A) what

B) of which D) that

C) when

E) wherever

C) less / than 23.

E) not only / but

A) one another D) each other

B) other

C) another

E) every other

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A SOSYAL BİLİMLER 26. As most of the archaeological and paleontological records consist of bones, ----.

24. – 35. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. 24. Although the pace of progress in Latin America and the Caribbean over the past two decades has been impressive, ----. A) there remain tremendous development needs in the region, resulting from poverty and inequality

A) people often think of the human skeleton as a symbol of death B) skeletal remains form the basis for most of what we know about human ancestors and our evolution C) the pace of skeletal weakening has accelerated over the past few millenia

B) the EU works with Latin American and Caribbean nations to advance these goals

D) it is undoubtedly true that bone resists decomposition better than flesh

C) since 2000, the European Investment Bank has financed €1.3 billion in projects in the region

E) the bones of modern humans are, on average, more slender than those of our ancestors

D) Europe and Latin America share historic and cultural ties stretching back over 500 years E) the European Commission Humanitarian Aid Office has funded disaster relief operations in the region

25. Once rarely found in newsrooms, ----.

27. While some of the tapestries at the exhibition are representations of local life, ----.

A) each radio and television station and daily newspaper will have subscribed to one or more wire services

A) they were created by individuals without any formal art training

B) the news editor will also assign headline sizes to be written on the various stories as they are edited throughout the night

B) few observers appreciated the colour or the creativity of the abstract designs C) others depict fruit, flowers, trees and the like

C) a very small newspaper or radio station may have a reporting staff consisting of one or two persons

D) one wonders whether they have taken up to 18 months to complete

D) the reporter’s task could have been to present information, not to pass judgement on it

E) the exhibition itself will continue until the end of the year

E) women now comprise about half of the newseditorial staffs of America’s daily newspapers

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A SOSYAL BİLİMLER 30. ----, the actual pace of change in these countries has been disappointingly slow.

28. ---- if it is faced with American-inspired international sanctions.

A) Since most of the sub-Saharan African countries have good governance

A) Iran has threatened to disrupt oil supplies B) Tehran would probably have found considerable foreign support

B) Even though many sub-Saharan African governments say they support structural reforms

C) Iran’s use of the “oil weapon” in the past had serious economic consequences around the globe

C) Unless firmer action is taken against corruption in sub-Saharan Africa

D) The Iranians have developed a petro-euro system for oil trading

D) In order to improve the management of public spending in sub-Saharan African countries

E) The likelihood of Tehran taking action to undermine the US economy has grown stronger

E) In spite of the IMF’s demand that countries at a similar stage of development should receive equal treatment

29. Though there has been significant improvement in the growth of Africa’s gross domestic product in recent years, ----.

31. France’s biggest problem is mass unemployment, ----.

A) inflation eased to single digits, from 10.6% to 8.4%, in the previous year

A) since students are protesting against a new, more flexible job contract

B) macroeconomic conditions in the region continued to improve in 2006

B) if employers transform permanent jobs into less secure ones

C) the report suggests concrete approaches for employment-based poverty reduction programmes

C) which had been outside the control of the government for at least two decades D) as long as the government continues to support the heavily-protected high-level workers

D) poverty remains higher there than in other developing regions

E) which has continued for more than two decades

E) West Africa has the lowest unemployment rate of all

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A SOSYAL BİLİMLER 34. The public may be interested in whom ministers have lunch with, ----

32. In Britain last year, there were about 5.5 million residents born outside the country, ----. A) whatever one means by Britishness, citizenship and integration

A) regardless of the fact that civil servants are always at the heart of public decision-making.

B) since the government denies migrants free English lessons

B) even though the contribution of civil servants to policy-making was decreasing in recent years.

C) of whom only about 60 per cent were citizens

C) and what are the benefits of greater openness for a democratic political system?

D) although many migrants work in situations that only require their native language

D) but is it in the public interest for the day-to-day activities of ministers to be fully disclosed?

E) while British customs and institutions help people to integrate

E) even if most senior civil servants get paid more than academics.

35. It is generally felt that members of the white working class in Britain express racist sentiments ----.

33. Classical musical literacy in much of Europe today is in decline ----. A) because its theory remains far behind the realities of contemporary music practice

A) or there may be disagreements and tensions between different groups of people

B) whether the musical world has changed

B) since they are the people most directly affected by Asian immigration

C) even though new technology has also affected the music itself

C) if the class hierarchy is internalized by each member of society

D) when hundreds of thousands of musicians form amateur symphony orchestras and chamber music groups

D) unless they want to be respected on their own terms

E) though many countries were giving considerable encouragement to young conductors and composers

E) whether or not they have control over their own lives

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A SOSYAL BİLİMLER 38. Although the British gained control of the Alabama region in 1763 with the Treaty of Paris, they had to cede almost all of the region to the US and Spain after the American Revolution.

36. – 38. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz. 36. With the exception of its southwest, a large part of Afghanistan is covered by high snow-capped mountains and divided by deep valleys.

A) 1763 Paris Antlaşması’yla Alabama bölgesinin kontrolü İngilizlere geçti; ancak, Amerikan Devrimi’nden sonra bölgenin tümü Birleşik Devletler’e ve İspanya’ya bırakıldı.

A) Afganistan’ın güneybatısı hariç büyük bir bölümü, zirveleri karla örtülü yüksek dağlarla kaplıdır ve derin vadilerle bölünmüştür.

B) İngilizler, 1763 Paris Antlaşması’yla kontrolünü ele geçirdikleri Alabama bölgesinin hakimiyetini, Amerikan Devrimi’nden sonra, Birleşik Devletler’e ve İspanya’ya bırakmak zorunda kaldılar.

B) Afganistan’ın birçok bölgesinde olduğu gibi güneybatısında da karla kaplı yüksek dağlar ve derin vadiler büyük bir yer tutar. C) Afganistan’da güneybatı kesimler dışındaki bölgelerin çoğunu, karlı yüksek dağlar kaplar ve derin vadiler böler. D) Karlı yüksek dağlar ve derin vadiler, güneybatısı dışında Afganistan’ın büyük bir bölümünü kaplar. E) Afganistan, güneybatısının büyük bir bölümü dışında, tepeleri karlı yüksek dağlarla ve boydan boya uzanan derin vadilerle kaplıdır.

C) 1763 Paris Antlaşması’ndan sonra Birleşik Devletler ile İspanya’nın hakimiyeti altında olan Alabama bölgesinin kontrolü daha önceden İngilizlerin elindeydi; ancak, bu durum sadece Amerikan Devrimi’ne kadar sürdü. D) Alabama bölgesinin kontrolü 1763’te imzalanan Paris Antlaşması’yla tümüyle İngilizlere geçmiştir; fakat bölgeye Amerikan Devrimi sonrasında Birleşik Devletler ve İspanya hakim olmuştur. E) İngilizler 1763’te Paris Antlaşması’yla Alabama bölgesinin kontrolünü ele geçirmelerine rağmen, Amerikan Devrimi’nden sonra bölgenin hemen hemen tümünü Birleşik Devletler’e ve İspanya’ya bırakmak zorunda kaldılar.

39. – 41. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz. 39. 2000 seçimlerinden sonra Başkan George W. Bush her ne kadar ülke içi sorunlara odaklanmış olarak Beyaz Saray’a gelmişse de kısa sürede, dikkatini dış konulara çevirmek zorunda kaldı.

37. The writers of the Romantic movement generally regarded humans as inherently good but corrupted by society and its institutions. A) Romantik akımın yazarları, çoğunlukla, doğuştan iyi olan insanın toplumdaki kurumlar tarafından bozulduğunu kabul ederler. B) Romantik akımın yazarları, insanların doğuştan iyi olduğunu ancak toplumun kurumlarının genellikle onları değiştirdiğini benimsemişlerdir. C) Romantik akım yazarlarının, tüm insanların doğuştan genellikle iyi olmalarına rağmen, toplum ve kurumları yüzünden bozulduklarını kabul ettiklerine inanılmıştır.

A) Although, after the 2000 election, President George W. Bush came into the White House focused on domestic issues, he was soon forced to turn his attention to foreign affairs. B) Following the 2000 election, President George W. Bush came into the White House with a full awareness of domestic problems but, within a short time, he had to focus his attention on international issues. C) After the 2000 election, when President George W. Bush entered the White House primarily concerned with domestic matters, his attention was immediately focused on foreign affairs.

D) Romantik akım yazarları, genellikle, insanları doğuştan iyi fakat toplum ve kurumları tarafından bozulmuş olarak görmüşlerdir. E) Romantik akım yazarlarına göre, insanlar doğuştan iyidir, fakat genellikle toplum ve kurumları tarafından bozulmuştur.

D) Even if, after the 2000 election, President George W. Bush began his tenure in the White House thoroughly aware of domestic affairs, his attention soon turned to international matters. E) A short time after the 2000 election, President George W. Bush began to focus his attention on foreign issues, although he had come into the White House mainly concerned with domestic affairs. Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A SOSYAL BİLİMLER 40. 100 yaş ve üzerinde olan insanlar, Amerikan nüfusunun en hızlı artan yaş gruplarından birini temsil etmektedir.

42. – 46. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

A) The fastest-growing age group of the American population is represented by people living to age 100 and beyond. B) People living to age 100 and beyond is known as the fastest-growing age group of the American population. C) It is known that people living to age 100 and beyond are one of the fastest-growing age groups of the American population.

42. Isaac Newton and Francis Bacon were considered by their contemporaries to be ornaments of the English humanities, and many whom we now call scientists were called “natural philosophers” in their day. ----. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the earliest use of the term was in 1840. A) Inspired by the example of the University of Berlin, other institutions of learning were beginning to detach themselves from theology and classics and devote themselves to research

D) It is in the American population that the group of people living to age 100 and beyond is growing the fastest.

B) Sigmund Freud considered himself a “biologist of the mind”

E) People living to age 100 and beyond represent one of the fastest-growing age groups of the American population.

C) Charles Darwin was a man driven to explain his ideas in rational terms D) The term “scientist” was only invented in the 19th century as a kind of counterpart to the term “artist” E) Human life was illuminated by being compared to a chariot pulled by two horses of different temperaments, a flowing stream, or the task of pushing a stone up a hill

41. Vietnam ile Amerika Birleşik Devletleri arasındaki savaşta en vahşi çarpışma, 1968 başlarında, Tet olarak bilinen Vietnam Yeni Yılı sırasında olmuştur.

43. The low-tax, high-income countries are mostly English-speaking ones that share a direct, historical lineage with 19th century Britain. ----. The high-tax, high-income states are the Nordic social democracies, notably Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Norway, which have been governed by social democratic parties for much or all of the post-World War II era. They combine a healthy respect for market forces with a strong commitment to anti-poverty programmes.

A) The bloodiest fighting in the Vietnam-United States of America war took place during the Vietnamese New Year known as Tet, in 1968. B) During the war between Vietnam and the United States of America, it was early in 1968, the time of the Vietnamese New Year known as Tet, that the fiercest battle was fought.

A) Unemployment rates are roughly the same in both groups

C) In the war between Vietnam and the United States of America, the most savage fighting occurred early in 1968, during the Vietnamese New Year, known as Tet.

B) These countries include Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the UK and the US

D) Throughout the war between Vietnam and the United States of America, the most dangerous of the battles fought was the one early in 1968, during the Vietnamese New Year known as Tet. E) In the war between Vietnam and the United States of America, the fighting occurring early in 1968, during the Vietnamese New Year known as Tet, was quite terrible.

C) All of them, but especially Sweden and Finland, have taken to the sweeping revolution in information and communications technology D) One of the great challenges of sustainable development is to combine society’s desire for economic prosperity and social security E) The US spends less than most other rich countries on social services for the poor and disabled

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A SOSYAL BİLİMLER 46. After earning his degree, John M. Keynes became a civil servant, taking a job with the India Office in Whitehall, London. ----. With the onset of World War I, Keynes returned to government employment, this time in the Treasury.

44. As you may have seen in a museum, men and women have grown taller and heavier in the last 300 years. ----. Body weights are also substantially higher today. The average weight of English males in their thirties was about 60 kg in 1790 – 20% below today’s average.

A) Between the wars, Keynes wrote his most famous work: The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money

A) Not only did lower food supplies lead to smaller physical stature, but they also led to a higher incidence of chronic disease

B) After World War I, he attended the Versailles Peace Conference

B) A typical Frenchman in his thirties at that time weighed only 50 kg

C) His book, The Economic Consequences of the Peace, condemned the Versailles Peace Treaty and its negotiators

C) As an example, an average male adult today is at approximately 1.75 m tall, which is nearly 12 cm taller than the typical Englisman in the late eighteenth century

D) His wife, a Russian ballerina, was very active in promoting the arts

D) Robert Fogel from the University of Chicago estimated that the chronic malnutrition caused by limited food supplies at those times limited labour productivity

E) After a while, he returned to Cambridge, where he taught economics at the University

E) Economic growth increased food supplies, enabling workers to become more productive and increase gross domestic product even more

45. A number of globalization issues involving children require our thoughtful consideration and action. ----. These children and their families represent a challenge to educators because of cultural and language barriers. A) A great challenge in the twenty-first century is how to enrich or give positive content to the process of globalization

47. – 51. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz. 47. Benjamin : - Have you ever heard of a “cargo cult”? Adam : - ----

B) The effects of globalization are seen over a wide spectrum of our lives, including children’s play and people’s beliefs and attitudes about it

Benjamin : - It happens when a person from an economically-developed country goes to a place that is completely isolated from the outside world. The people there see all the things the foreigner brings, and start to treat the foreigner as a god.

C) One can judge the quality of a nation by the willingness of its citizens to care about other people’s children D) An educational consequence of globalization facing many teachers of young children in the US and elsewhere is the growing number of recent immigrant children in classrooms

A) No. You tell me. B) No, is it something about world travel? C) What did you say?

E) Conditions are being created so that more and more people will come to have both a global identity and a local identity (one’s own cultural reference group) in the twenty-first century

D) Who came up with that term? E) I don’t want to hear about it.

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A SOSYAL BİLİMLER 50. Alex : - This article claims that, within the next ten years, the economies of developing countries will grow extensively.

48. Frank : - Do you know which country has the most tourists each year? Tom : - ---Frank : - No, it’s France, but the US takes in more money from tourism than any other country. A)

Jeannette : - Yes, I’ve read it. I don’t think the economies will grow only because of foreign or domestic investment, however. Alex : - ----

No, I don’t.

B) I should think it must be Italy. C) There is fierce competition among countries, isn’t there?

Jeannette : - They’ll grow because most of the poor people in those countries will finally have enough money to start spending it.

D) Where do you like to travel?


How do you know?

E) Portugal is the country I am most interested in.


Then what is it that will cause the growth?


I don’t agree with the article, do you?


Who wrote this article, anyway?


What do you think will happen?

49. Barry : - It says in this newspaper article that, in the year 2000, almost 40% of all traffic fatalities in the US were alcohol-related. Jean : - ----

51. Anna : - With global warming seeming to become a reality, tourist destinations are changing. Peter : - ---Anna : - Well, the most popular places formerly have become too hot for most tourists, so they’re choosing cooler spots.

Barry : - Yes. The percentage has dropped from 51% in 1987.

Peter : - Then the traditional tourist spots probably stand to lose income.

Jean: - That’s an improvement, then.

A) What can we do to stop the trend?

A) What do you think about this topic? B) People shouldn’t drink alcohol and then drive.

B) Oh, are people going to Antarctica to see the ice before it melts?

C) I think they need better public transportation systems in US cities.

C) I don’t believe that the earth is really warming up.

D) Is that a change from previous years?

D) Do you think this will affect Turkey’s economy?

E) Were intoxicated pedestrians also included in the survey?

E) Really? In what way?

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A SOSYAL BİLİMLER 52. – 56. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz. 52. (I) During the 1990s, the Japanese economy was in a prolonged recession. (II) Economists and journalists put forward many different ideas to try to jump-start the economy. (III) This is an example, although an unusual one, of government fiscal policy. (IV) One suggestion was that the Japanese government should issue everyone a certificate entitling each person to the equivalent, in yen, of $200. (V) However, these yen certificates would only be valid for purchases for one month. A) I




55. (I) Oil wealth in Venezuela has given rise to grand aspirations ever since 1922, when a blowout of oil sprayed “black rain” over the small town of Cabimas. (II) By 1928, Venezuela had become the world’s largest oil exporter, with Venezuelans of all classes acquiring costly Yanqui tastes. (III) In recent surveys, a majority of Venezuelans said they had benefitted from government spending on food and health care as well as on education. (IV) In 1976, the government nationalized its subsoil wealth, and high oil prices and stable politics increased the national living standard. (V) But by 1980, oil prices began to fall, and hard times followed, making life difficult for most Venezuelans. A) I




E) V

E) V

53. (I) Folk ballads were songs sung by the common people of England. (II) Their origins remain a mystery. (III) Most seem to have been composed between 1200 and 1500, and while there has been much argument, no one is exactly sure how they were created. (IV) The ballad form does not allow elaborate detail in plot, setting or character. (V) Present-day theories suggest that many were invented by local minstrels, descendants of the Anglo-Saxons, who entertained the humble people of a village by making up songs. A) I




E) V

54. (I) In the last decade, improvements in the effectiveness of organ transplants have increased the demand for used human organs. (II) Each year, thousands of Americans will die waiting for replacement kidneys, hearts and lungs. (III) Because the supply has not increased along with demand, however, there are shortages of transplantable organs. (IV) In a normal market, the price would rise to eliminate the shortage, but because it is illegal to buy and sell human organs, there is no pricing mechanism to close the gap between the quantity supplied and the quantity demanded. (V) This gap in the organ-transplant system has led Nobel-winning economist Gary Becker to suggest monetary incentives for organ donors. A) I




56. (I) The 26.2-mile footrace known as the Last Marathon takes place every other February on King George Island, about 2,000 miles from the South Pole. (II) Some 600 scientists and support workers live here in the summer conducting meteorological and wildlife studies. (III) The race was founded in 1955 by Thom Gilligan, a marathoner from Boston. (IV) The participants, ranging in age from 18 to 71 years old and hailing from 15 countries, are competitive runners as well as casual joggers. (V) All the participants, however, possess the “three D’s” some runners jokingly say are necessary to complete a marathon: desire, discipline and dementia. A) I




E) V

E) V

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A SOSYAL BİLİMLER 58. It is emphasized in the passage that the economic well-being of Pompeii ----.

57. – 60. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. The Roman city of Pompeii in A.D. 79 was a thriving provincial centre, a few miles from the Bay of Naples, with a population of between 10,000 and 20,000 people. Its narrow streets, made narrower by street vendors and shops with cloth awnings for shade, were full of shoppers, tavern-goers, slaves, and vacationers from the North. A huge new aqueduct supplied running water from the Lower Apennine mountains, which flowed from fountains throughout the city, even in private homes. But the key to Pompeii’s prosperity, and that of smaller settlements nearby like Oplontis and Terzigna, was the region’s rich black earth provided by Mount Vesuvius’ volcanic eruptions. “One of the ironies of volcanoes is that they tend to produce very fertile soils, and that tends to tempt people to live around them”, says geologist Philip Janey. Had Roman knowledge in the summer of A.D. 79 been less mythological and more geological, the Pompeiians might have recognized the danger signs from Mount Vesuvius and escaped the volcanic eruption that was to follow.

A) reached its climax in A.D. 79, the year in which there was a sharp increase in its population B) primarily depended on the commercial activities of its people as well as holidaymakers from the North C) attracted all kinds of people with money, who crowded its streets and led a carefree life D) was essentially related to the fertility of its land, which was due to the volcanic eruptions of Mount Vesuvius E) was the outcome of its exploitation of the settlements around it such as Oplontis and Terzigna

59. One understands from the passage that Pompeii ----. A) was the only Roman city famous for its taverns and shopping centres B) was one of the Roman centres for the slave trade C) had a very efficient water system D) was the second largest city in the Roman Empire E) had been destroyed by volcanic eruptions several times before A.D. 79

60. According to the passage, what geologist Philip Janey is actually saying in the part quoted is that ----.

57. According to the passage, in A.D. 79, there had been some geological indications that ----.

A) the city of Pompeii should have been founded on the other side of the Bay of Naples

A) Mount Vesuvius was about to erupt, but the people of Pompeii failed to understand them

B) volcanic terrain is most suitable for people to settle and live on

B) the Bay of Naples posed a serious danger to the city of Pompeii, but it was ignored by the Pompeiians

C) people always prefer to settle in volcanic areas since they believe the land there is more fertile

C) the area in which the city of Pompeii was situated was becoming less and less fertile

D) the Pompeiians knew that the area around Mount Vesuvius was not a safe place to settle in, but they settled there anyway

D) the water resources in the Lower Apennine mountains were no longer adequate to supply water to the city of Pompeii

E) people attracted by the fertile lands around volcanoes prefer to live there, ignoring the dangers of a volcanic eruption

E) Oplontis and Terzigna, the settlements near Pompeii, were not safe to live in and, therefore, had to be evacuated

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A SOSYAL BİLİMLER 62. According to the passage, Cézanne’s style of painting ----.

61. – 64. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Artist Paul Cézanne wanted to make paint “bleed”. The old masters, he said, painted warmblooded flesh and made the trees look warm and alive, and he would too. He wanted to capture “the green odour” of his Provence fields and “the perfume of marble from Saint-Victoire”, the mountain that was the subject of so many of his paintings. He was bold, spreading and slapping paint onto his still-lifes with a palette knife. “I will astonish Paris with an apple”, he boasted. In the years when his friends Manet, Monet, Pissarro and Renoir were finally gaining acceptance, Cézanne worked furiously and mostly in isolation, ridiculed by critics and mocked by the public, sometimes tearing up his own canvases. He wanted more than the quick impressions of the Impressionists, and devoted himself to studying the natural world. He called himself a “slave to nature”, but he knew that he could never completely capture the natural landscape on canvas.

A) was widely acclaimed by art critics and the public B) mainly derived from the views held by his friends Manet, Monet, Pissarro and Renoir C) was achieved by copying the works of the old masters whom he studied D) differed significantly from that of his fellow artists E) had a great influence on his contemporaries and their work

63. It is pointed out in the passage that the world of nature ----. A) appealed to Cézanne so powerfully that it became the main focus of his art B) depicted by Manet and the other Impressionists failed to appeal to the public C) was most successfully represented by Cézanne in all of his works D) meant for Cézanne only different shades of colours and nothing else E) was understood by Cézanne as a reference to environmental issues

61. It is stated in the passage that, as a painter, Cézanne ----. 64. It is clear from the passage that, in his paintings, Cézanne ----.

A) wasn’t able to depict nature in his works as fully or as vividly as he would have liked to

A) developed a completely new style which was imitated by his contemporaries

B) achieved far more popularity in art circles than his contemporaries

B) was influenced, to a great extent, by the French Impressionists

C) dismissed the old masters as only artists whose style was old-fashioned

C) used daring techniques to produce his likenesses of the fields of Provence

D) was interested more in the representation of still life than in the depiction of landscape and natural scenes

D) attached more importance to the depiction of the human body than the natural landscape

E) was noted for his quiet personality and refined manners

E) almost always depicted Paris and its surroundings

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A SOSYAL BİLİMLER 66. One understands from the passage that Angola’s previously poor oil output ----.

65. – 68. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Angola’s emergence as a serious player in the global oil sector has been underlined by the publication of its latest production figures. After several years of slow output growth, the fruits of the multi-billion dollar deepwater investment programme are finally feeding through. Thus, production reached 1.3 million barrels a day during the final quarter of 2005. With the new deepwater fields now coming into production, the government’s target of producing 2 million barrels a day by 2008 now seems eminently within reach. In the meantime, official Angolan government figures indicate that oil production averaged 1.25 million barrels a day during the course of 2005, a steep jump on the year before. In addition, the government’s estimate of proven oil reserves has finally been increased from 5.4 billion barrels to 12.4 billion barrels. This shows that, as sub-Saharan Africa’s second biggest oil producer after Nigeria, Angola is in an excellent position to overtake countries such as Libya and Algeria in the table of oil powers on the continent as a whole.

A) can only be improved through the exploitation of its deepwater reserves B) has improved dramatically and reached a record level in 2005 C) is related to Nigeria’s dominant position in the sub-Saharan oil sector D) prevents it from competing efficiently with other oil producing countries E) does not make it a current major player in the global oil sector

67. It is pointed out in the passage that the Angolan government ----. A) is working on multi-billion dollar deepwater investment programmes to be implemented in 2008 B) feels that its 2008 oil production target may not be realized due to the high costs of deepwater investments C) is resolved to challenge only Libya for oil leadership in Africa D) has invested huge sums for the production of oil from its deepwater fields E) announced that it has published its oil figures in order to prove to the world that it is a serious player in the global oil sector

65. It is suggested in the passage that, with its rich oil reserves and rapidly increasing oil production, Angola ----.

68. It is pointed out in the passage that, according to the Angolan government, ----.

A) has become one of the major oil powers in Africa

A) the country’s verified oil reserves are more than twice the original estimate

B) has already completely left behind such major oil producers as Nigeria, Libya and Algeria C) has emerged as a threat in sub-Saharan Africa as well as the global oil sector

B) the country owns the largest and most productive deepwater oil fields in sub-Saharan Africa C) Angola has already become the largest oil producer in all of Africa

D) can be regarded as a long-time constructive player in the African oil league

D) after 2008, Nigeria and other oil producing countries in Africa will no longer be major players in the global oil sector

E) has always been in fierce competition with Nigeria and other sub-Saharan African countries

E) the country’s deepwater oil reserves have finally been verified but are too costly to be exploited

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A SOSYAL BİLİMLER 70. It is stressed in the passage that the Nuremberg and Tokyo trials ----.

69. – 72. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Supporters of today’s international criminal tribunals say that their work builds on the post-World War II tribunals in Nuremberg and, to a lesser degree, Tokyo. As a matter of legal doctrine, that is true. The category of “crimes against humanity”, for example, was developed at Nuremberg and is now a central element in many prosecutions. But there is a critical difference between now and then. The courts in Nuremberg and Tokyo were part of a broader political project that aimed to rehabilitate Germany and Japan, respectively, both socially and economically, not simply to try guilt or innocence or hand out harsh punishments. These were military courts that operated with military efficiency, and the Allies could then focus fully on the reconstruction of these countries. Yet, the international courts for the former Yugoslavia, Rwanda, and the new International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague, on the other hand, operate under civilian law and provide generous protection to defendants. The result is a ballooning of the court timelines and costs. For instance, it took the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) 10 years to complete the same number of trials that Nuremberg conducted in less than a year. Indeed, it is clear that, because of their protracted proceedings and excessive costs, today’s war crimes trials cannot serve the decisive political and social function that Nuremberg did.

A) were not interested in what is today termed “crimes against humanity” B) were conducted in accordance with the provisions of both military and civilian law C) involved both prolonged and extremely complicated proceedings D) were mainly confined to war crimes with the single aim of handing out harsh punishments E) made up the first stage of a broader policy which aimed for the reconstruction of Germany and Japan

71. It is stated in the passage that, a case in an international criminal court today ----. A) may not always be conducted within the context of civilian law B) has far-reaching positive political and social consequences C) is not necessarily concerned with crimes against humanity D) can continue for many years before being finalized E) can be conducted at a lower cost

69. It is argued in the passage that today’s international criminal courts ----.

72. One understands from the passage that people put on trial at an international criminal court today ----.

A) were originally established in Nuremberg and Tokyo for the trial of war crimes committed during World War II

A) usually complain about protracted proceedings and excessive expenses

B) have no correlation whatsoever with the principles of the Nuremberg trials

B) always deny that they have committed crimes against humanity

C) follow a punitive policy and recognize no right of appeal for defendants

C) are given extensive rights to defend themselves

D) are costly, time-consuming and lacking in efficiency

D) are invariably found guilty and, therefore, given harsh punishments

E) have been set up only for the trial of specific crimes and are to be abolished in due course

E) only remain on trial for, at most, one year

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A SOSYAL BİLİMLER 74. It is suggested in the passage that boys ----.

73. – 76. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) are never influenced by their social environment in their attitude towards mathematics

The ability to deal with numbers and mathematical concepts reveals an interesting pattern of differences between girls and boys. Girls usually begin counting before boys. Throughout the primary-school years and middle school, girls are better at computational problems, whereas boys do better with mathreasoning problems. During this period, girls also tend to get higher grades. By high school, however, boys begin to perform better, especially at the higher levels of ability. Some psychologists believe this advantage is genetic, but others think that it may derive, in part, from males’ use of more effective strategies and their lower level of anxiety when approaching mathematics problems. It has also been suggested that the sex differences come about to some degree because girls view math as a male activity (and, therefore, have less interest in it) and because some parents and teachers offer greater encouragement to males in this area. Some studies support this analysis, but others do not. In this area, too, biological and socialization factors probably combine to produce the observed differences.

B) are always discouraged when they are faced with a mathematical problem C) are genetically far more motivated towards mathematics than girls D) are more successful than girls at primary level in dealing with mathematical problems which require reasoning E) usually rely on their parents and teachers in solving all kinds of mathematical problems

75. One learns from the passage that, according to one view, the sex difference between boys and girls ----. A) has been categorically ruled out by all psychologists as an important factor in learning mathematics B) ought to be taken into consideration by parents and teachers C) is negligible at the high school level D) cannot be a significant factor in their performance at high school E) does have some effect on their mathematical performance

73. The author thinks that differences between girls and boys ----. A) can be observed only through their approach to mathematics

76. It is pointed out in the passage that girls ----. A) never fail in their determination to excel over boys in mathematics

B) have concerned psychologists far more than their performance at school

B) begin to use numbers before boys do

C) is a subject that has attracted a great deal of attention in recent years from psychologists

C) are relatively more conscious than boys as regards their sex differences

D) remain constant throughout their school years

D) always use mathematical concepts as efficiently as boys in solving problems

E) may be attributed to the joint effect of their biological nature and social environment

E) in the long run perform much better than boys in all aspects of mathematics

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A SOSYAL BİLİMLER 78. One understands from the passage that, with the printing press, ----.

77. – 80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) Caxton soon caught the attention of the general public and was much respected

The printing press was first introduced into England by William Caxton in the last quarter of the fifteenth century. During his earlier travels in Europe, he had seen the newly invented system of printing from moveable type in Germany. He set up his own press in London in 1476. This initiated a major change in English literature. Now books did not have to be laboriously copied by hand. Soon, they would become relatively cheap. With books easily obtainable, more people could learn to read, and more books would be produced. The experience of literature would soon shift from the breathless group of listeners gathered in a hall or around a fire, hearing an old tale told once more, to the solitary individual, alone with the thoughts and feelings of another person speaking from the printed page.

B) Caxton was able to produce a lot of books and make a huge profit from their sale C) London came to be a major centre of book production in the fifteenth century D) the number of books produced increased greatly and to the benefit of the reading public E) booksellers in London began to compete with each other fiercely

79. It is clear from the passage that Caxton’s interest in the printing press ----. A) was originally aroused when he was visiting Germany B) had always been strong ever since his early years C) was essentially related to his desire to make a lot of profit from book production D) was the main motive for his journey to Germany E) became stronger as more and more people were learning to read

80. It is pointed out in the passage that, after the introduction of the printing press, a reader’s easy access to books ----. A) contributed enormously to the development of different types of literature in fifteenth-century England

77. It is asserted in the passage that the introduction of the printing press into England ----.

B) was hindered by the fact that books were hardly affordable

A) made book production easy but caused a major increase in their prices

C) was what the London book publishers primarily cared about

B) caused the complete disappearance of oral literature

D) made storytelling obsolete and, hence, angered the storytellers of the time

C) was too late to have any constructive effect on social and literary life

E) enabled the individual to share the thoughts and experiences of another person through the printed page

D) aroused a great deal of objection from copyists and booksellers E) had a very significant impact on people’s relationship with literature


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1. C

21. C

41. C

61. A

2. B

22. D

42. D

62. D

3. E

23. B

43. B

63. A

4. C

24. A

44. C

64. C

5. E

25. E

45. D

65. A

6. D

26. B

46. E

66. B

7. B

27. C

47. A

67. D

8. D

28. A

48. B

68. A

9. C

29. D

49. D

69. D

10. A

30. B

50. B

70. E

11. B

31. E

51. E

71. D

12. E

32. C

52. C

72. C

13. B

33. A

53. D

73. E

14. D

34. D

54. B

74. D

15. A

35. B

55. C

75. E

16. B

36. A

56. B

76. B

17. E

37. D

57. A

77. E

18. C

38. E

58. D

78. D

19. D

39. A

59. C

79. A

20. B

40. E

60. E

80. E

A KPDS İNG / MAYIS 2008 5. In the resort areas of Greece, travel agents offer a wide range of excursions on air-conditioned coaches ---- qualified guides.

1. – 15. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. 1. The genetic fingerprinting technique, which was developed in the UK and is now used as a ---- of legal identification, determines the pattern of certain parts of the genetic material DNA that is unique to each individual. A) benefit

B) structure

C) sufficiency

D) combination

A) accompanied by

B) put up with

C) adapted to

D) designed for E) turned into

E) means

2. In existentialism, it is argued that people are responsible for, and the ---- judge of, their actions. A) expansive

B) sole

C) previous

D) irresistible

6. The ruins of ancient Troy ---- as breath-taking as those of Ephesus or Aphrodisias, but, for anyone who has ever read Homer’s Iliad or Odyssey, they have a romance few places on Earth ----. A) have not been / hoped to have matched B) had not been / would hope to match

E) prevalent

C) may not be / can hope to match D) are not / hoped to match E) could not have been / hope to match 3. By the start of the 1990s, popular music had become ---- globalized, with seventy per cent of all production resting in the hands of just five companies. A) possibly

B) rarely

C) negligently

D) significantly E) respectively 7. Nineteenth-century military helmets ---- than they now appear, but even at their best they ---- the way to the future of head protection.

4. The League of Nations, established in Geneva in 1920, included representatives from states throughout the world, but was severely weakened by the US decision not to become a member, and had no power to ---- its decisions.

A) have been better designed / do not point B) could be better designed / would not point C) are better designed / will not point

A) impress

B) compel

D) may have been better designed / did not point

C) accomplish

D) implicate

E) can be better designed / had not pointed

E) enforce

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A KPDS İNG / MAYIS 2008 12. The Danish poet and novelist Jeppe Aakjær grew up in the Jutland farming area and ---- was well aware of the harsh conditions endured by farm labourers in his country.

8. Cabbage ---- as early as 2000 B.C., and the commercial varieties now ---- Brussels sprouts, common cabbage, sprouting broccoli, and kohlrabi. A) might have been cultivated / have included

A) on the contrary

B) even so

B) had been cultivated / included

C) so

D) still E) nevertheless

C) would be cultivated / used to include D) would have been cultivated / can include E) was cultivated / include

13. ---- the US and Brazil both occupy the American continent, the northern location of the former and the southern location of the latter plainly mark a real distinction and bring important policy consequences.

9. Foreign policy is composed of the goals sought, values set, decisions made and actions taken ---states and the national governments acting ---their behalf. A) by / on

B) about / for

C) at / from

D) over / between

A) As long as

B) Now that

D) After

E) in / among

10. A priori knowledge ---- Western philosophy is knowledge that is independent ---- all particular experiences, as opposed to a posteriori knowledge, which derives from experience alone.

C) Only if

E) Although

14. ---- Windsor Castle, occupying ---- area of 287 hectares, is among the most beautiful royal residences in Europe.

A) at / for

B) in / of

A) The / an

B) This / such an

C) through / by

D) beside / towards

C) An / the

D) The most / such E) That / Some

E) with / from

15. Geometry is usually divided into pure geometry, which roughly embraces the plane and solid geometry dealt with by Euclid, and analytical or coordinate geometry, ---- problems are solved using algebraic methods.

11. ---- not all negative thoughts and feelings are bad for health, specific emotional states, especially stress and depression, have now been linked to heart trouble of all kinds. A) When

B) Suppose that

C) As if

D) Whenever

A) in that

B) in which D) which

E) Though

C) by whom

E) whichever

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A KPDS İNG / MAYIS 2008 16. – 20. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

21. – 25. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

However hazy their grasp of astronomy may be, most adults hold several beliefs with some certainty. They believe, for example, that the Earth is round and that it revolves around another, larger round body (the Sun), (16) ---- a smaller round body (the Moon) revolves around it. They also believe (17) ---- certain familiar phenomena, such as the day-night cycle and the seasons, depend on the movements and relative positions of the Earth, Sun, and Moon. But how do adults come to form such beliefs? The facts of astronomy are hardly evident in everyday experience; if anything, the reverse (18) ---- to be true. Children experience an apparently flat earth from which they see the Sun move (19) ---- the sky, and they learn things that seem incompatible with the notion that people could somehow live on the surface of a large ball. Is the development of adult-level understanding, therefore, simply a matter of suppressing childish beliefs and gradually (20) ---- the views of modern adult society?

The Pergamum of Eumenes II is remembered (21) ---- for its library. Said to have held more than 200,000 volumes, the library was a symbol of Pergamum’s social and cultural status. Eumenes was a passionate book collector, and his library came to challenge the world’s greatest one in Alexandria (700,000 books). Afraid that the Pergamum library (22) ---- famous scholars away from Alexandria, the Egyptians cut off the supply of papyrus from the Nile. Never one to refuse a challenge, Eumenes set his scientists to work and they (23) ---- pergamen (Latin for parchment), a writing surface made from animal hides rather than pressed papyrus reeds. (24) ---- the end, however, it was the Egyptians who had the last laugh. (25) ---- the library at Alexandria was damaged by fire, Mark Antony pillaged the one at Pergamum for books to give to his beloved Cleopatra. 21.

16. A) after

B) as if D) while

A) with a view

B) as well as

C) most of all

D) enough

C) where

E) just in case

E) if 22. A) attracted

17. A) in that

B) as D) since

B) would attract

C) those

C) might have attracted

E) that

D) will attract


E) may attract

A) must have been argued 23.

B) could be argued C) will be argued

A) came up with

B) stepped over

D) might have been argued

C) stood against

D) ran over

E) carried on with

E) would have been argued 19. A) along

B) about D) across


C) among

A) Off

E) aboard

B) In D) Through

C) By E) To

20. A) accepting

B) eliminating

C) recovering

D) maintaining

25. A) Even though

E) overloading

B) Until

D) Even if

C) In case E) When Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A KPDS İNG / MAYIS 2008 28. ----, but just over 1 per cent of them spend the night in Umbria, in the south of Tuscany.

26. – 35. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

A) Visitors to Lake Trasimeno will see few other tourists

26. Although the British Royal Navy claims that it was not operating any warships in the area at the time, ----.

B) Perugia is home to a world-famous jazz festival in the summer and a chocolate festival in the fall

A) underwater noise hasn’t been fully recognized as a form of pollution

C) In the town of Deruta, handmade gift-items fill many shop windows

B) it must have been military sonar that killed the whales and dolphins

D) Tuscany attracts more than 12 per cent of all visitors to Italy

C) there are no hard and fast guidelines for seismic surveys

E) Scenic stone hilltowns such as Assisi and Gubbio are among the main attractions

D) the UK would have had 25 warships which carried active sonar E) a number of marine mammals beached themselves during this American military operation

29. If labour could be measured adequately in simple homogeneous units of time, such as labourhours, ----.

27. Half of the increase in EU Aid for Trade is specifically targeted toward the African, Caribbean and Pacific countries (ACP), ----.

A) it covers many other kinds of areas as well, such as social security and worker satisfaction

A) unless the European Commission set up this programme to promote investment and technology flow in these countries

B) a change in the organization of the community’s labour would be likely to increase the annual production of wealth

B) although the EU has used trade to advance its development cooperation objectives in the ACP nations for decades

C) earlier economists failed to find a simple relation between the value of a product and the quantity of labour that it embodied

C) with which the EU is negotiating regional Economic Partnership Agreements designed to remove all tariff and quota barriers to the EU market

D) different uses of the available supply of labour need to be considered

D) which could have enabled the least-developed countries to use trade more effectively to achieve their development goals

E) the problems of economics would be considerably simplified

E) because the European Commission allocated billions of dollars for cooperation with non-ACP countries

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A KPDS İNG / MAYIS 2008 33. All the major cities and islands of Spain have airports, ----.

30. ----, where they are often seen floating in the water like logs, with only their nostrils, eyes, and ears above the surface.

A) but buses will be a faster and more frequently used option between smaller towns

A) The Mississippi alligator, the American crocodile, and the Chinese alligator are the only other species

B) until Spain has an increasingly efficient transportation system

B) Crocodiles are found near swamps, lakes, and rivers in Asia, Africa, Australia, and Central America

C) even if both the road and rail networks were greatly improved during the 1980s and in the run-up to the Barcelona Olympics in 1992

C) As recently as several decades ago, crocodiles were plentiful in much of the tropics and subtropics

D) so in much of rural Spain, public transportation is limited and a car is the most practical solution for getting around

D) This would have helped crocodiles to adapt to different environments

E) though only a few of them cater to international flights

E) Crocodiles can grow up to 7 metres in length, and have long, powerful tails that propel them when swimming 34. In the US in 1882, Peter J. McGuire, who is generally given credit for the idea of Labor Day, suggested to the Central Labor Union of New York ----.

31. While some argue that the Elgin Marbles, ----, are more carefully preserved there, the Greek government does not accept the legality of the sale that took place in 1816 and believes they belong in Athens.

A) if there was any particular significance for the date B) that there should be a holiday honouring American workers

A) after they were acquired from the Ottoman authorities of the time

C) whether the significance of Labor Day in the US had changed

B) since they are also called the Parthenon Marbles

D) whereas, in many other countries, May Day serves a similar purpose

C) so they are very famous indeed D) which are kept in the British Museum in London

E) when the first Monday in September was to be known as Labor Day

E) as if they were sold to the British nation

35. Germany is similar in many ways to France, Italy and the UK ----.

32. A colour-blind person cannot see any difference between two colours ----.

A) unless it attaches primary importance to both multilateral and bilateral diplomacy

A) while to people with normal sight they are clearly different

B) as though the EU were essentially in control of environmental policies

B) as if red and green were completely different

C) where the foreign policy process in Germany had to agree to a compromise in recent years

C) if this were the case with traffic-lights D) since this is a potentially dangerous situation

D) although this had led to arguments concerning the proper role of the German Foreign Ministry in shaping and implementing policy

E) whether the top light or the bottom light signals “stop”

E) in that it is one of just a few European states which attempt to maintain worldwide representation Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A KPDS İNG / MAYIS 2008 38. In addition to traffic fatalities, alcohol use has been implicated in many other deaths among young people, including drownings, falls, suicides, and homicides.

36. – 40. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz. 36. People spend energy when they are physically active, but they also spend energy when they are resting quietly.

A) Gençler arasında alkol kullanımı, trafik ölümlerinden başka, boğulmalar, düşmeler, intiharlar ve cinayetler gibi diğer ölüm türlerinin de nedeni olmuştur.

A) İnsanlar, bedensel olarak etkin olduklarında enerji harcarlar, ama sakin bir şekilde dinlenirlerken de enerji harcarlar.

B) Gençler arasındaki alkol kullanımı, trafik ölümlerinin yanı sıra, boğulmalar, düşmeler, intiharlar ve cinayetler gibi diğer pek çok çeşit ölüme yol açabilmektedir.

B) İnsanların bedensel olarak etkin olması, onların enerji harcamalarına yol açar; ancak, hiç hareket etmediklerinde de enerji harcarlar.

C) Alkol kullanımı, gençler arasında, trafik ölümlerine ek olarak, boğulmalar, düşmeler, intiharlar ve cinayetler dahil diğer birçok ölümün nedeni olmuştur.

C) Bedensel olarak etkin olduklarında enerji harcayan insanlar, sakin olduklarında da enerji harcarlar.

D) Trafik ölümlerinden ayrı olarak, boğulmalar, düşmeler, intiharlar ve cinayetler, alkol kullanımı nedeniyle gençler arasında yaygın olan diğer ölüm biçimleridir.

D) İnsanlar, bedensel etkinlikte bulunurlarsa enerji harcaması olur, ama hiç hareket etmezlerse de enerji harcaması olur. E) Bedensel etkinlikte bulunan insanlar enerji harcarlar; ancak, bu insanların enerjileri dinlendiklerinde de harcanır.

E) Alkol kullanımı nedeniyle, trafik ölümlerinden ayrı olarak, gençler arasında yaygın olan diğer ölüm biçimleri, boğulmalar, düşmeler, intiharlar ve cinayetlerdir.

39. We are proud to be part of a programme that gives these often overlooked but extremely talented athletes long-overdue recognition.

37. Many people believe that an ulcer is caused by stress or spicy foods, but this is not the case.

A) Son derece yetenekli olsalar da bugüne kadar ihmal edilmiş olan bu atletlere hak ettikleri itibar, katılmaktan bizim de kıvanç duyduğumuz bu programla sağlanmaktadır.

A) Stresin veya baharatlı yiyeceklerin ülsere neden olduğu çoğu insanın kanısıdır, fakat bu hiç de doğru değildir. B) Birçok insan, ülserin oluşmasında stresin veya baharatlı gıdaların etkili olduğuna inansa da, gerçek durum böyle değildir.

B) Bizim de gururla dahil olduğumuz program, bugüne kadar unutulmuş, ancak üstün yeteneklere sahip tüm bu atletlere hak ettikleri itibarı sağlamaktadır.

C) Çok sayıda insanın inancına göre, stres veya baharatlı gıdalar sıklıkla ülsere yol açmaktadır, ancak durum öyle değildir.

C) Biz hepimiz, çoğu kez önemsenmemiş, ancak üstün yetenekleri olan tüm bu atletlere hak ettikleri itibarı sağlayan bir programda yer almaktan son derece kıvançlıyız.

D) Pek çok insan, ülserin, stres veya baharatlı gıdalar nedeniyle oluştuğuna inanır, ancak durum böyle değildir.

D) İçinde yer almaktan son derece kıvanç duyduğumuz bu programla, bugüne kadar önemsenmeyen, ancak yetenekleri en üstün olan bu atletlere hak ettikleri itibar sağlanmaktadır.

E) Ülserin özellikle stresin veya baharatlı yiyeceklerin sonucu olarak ortaya çıktığına birçok insan inanmaktadır, ancak işin gerçeği bu değildir.

E) Biz, çoğu kez önem verilmemiş, ancak son derece yetenekli bu atletlere çoktan hak ettikleri itibarı sağlayan bir programın parçası olmaktan gurur duyuyoruz.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A KPDS İNG / MAYIS 2008 40. The purpose of this training is to accustom the soldiers of the United Nations Peacekeeping Forces to working in a dangerous but largely civilian environment.

41. – 45. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz. 41. 1996’da bir Güney Kore araştırma gemisi, Güney Korelilerin “Dokdo,” Japonların ise “Takeshima” dedikleri bir grup adaya yakın ihtilâflı sulara girerek Japonya’nın öfkesine yol açtı.

A) Bu eğitimle, Birleşmiş Milletler Barış Gücü askerlerinin tehlikeli fakat çoğunlukla sivil bir çevrede çalışma ve görev yapmaları amaçlanmaktadır. B) Birleşmiş Milletler Barış Gücü askerlerini tehlikeli ancak sivil bir çevrede görev yapmaya alıştırmak bu eğitimin asıl amacını oluşturmaktadır.

A) In 1996, a South Korean research vessel aroused Japanese anger by entering disputed waters near a group of islands that the South Koreans call “Dokdo” and the Japanese “Takeshima”.

C) Bu eğitimin amacı, tehlikeli ancak çoğunlukla sivil bir çevrede, Birleşmiş Milletler Barış Gücü askerlerinin görevlerini yerine getirmelerini sağlamaktır.

B) It was in 1996 that, when a South Korean research vessel entered disputed waters around a group of islands called “Dokdo” by the South Koreans and “Takeshima” by the Japanese, the Japanese people got exceedingly angry.

D) Bu eğitimin amacı, Birleşmiş Milletler Barış Gücü askerlerini, tehlikeli fakat çoğunlukla sivil bir çevrede çalışmaya alıştırmaktır.

C) Upon the entry of a South Korean research vessel in 1996 into disputed waters surrounding a group of islands which the South Koreans call “Dokdo” and the Japanese “Takeshima,” a great deal of anger was aroused among the Japanese people.

E) Bu eğitimle amaçlanan, Birleşmiş Milletler Barış Gücü askerlerinin son derece tehlikeli ancak çoğunlukla sivil bir çevrede görev için çalışmalarını sağlamaktır.

D) In 1996, the Japanese people were angered since a South Korean research vessel had entered disputed waters near a group of islands called “Dokdo” by the South Koreans, and “Takeshima” by the Japanese. E) In 1996, disputed waters surrounding a group of islands, which the South Koreans call “Dokdo” and the Japanese “Takeshima,” were entered by a South Korean research vessel, causing much anger in Japan. 42. Göğüs kanseri hakkındaki korkunun bir kısmı, bu hastalığın tehlikelerine ilişkin yanlış bilgiye ve yanlış anlamaya dayanmaktadır. A) There is so much misinformation as well as misunderstanding about the risks of breast cancer that it has led to a great deal of fear about this disease. B) Misinformation and misunderstanding with regard to the risks of breast cancer have caused people to fear this disease. C) The risks of breast cancer are such that misinformation and misunderstanding about this disease have been the cause of much fear. D) Some of the fear about breast cancer is based on misinformation and misunderstanding concerning the risks of this disease. E) Breast cancer involves various risks, but some of the fear about this disease mainly derives from misinformation and misunderstanding concerning it. Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A KPDS İNG / MAYIS 2008 43. Siyasî bir dahi, ancak bir ekonomi amatörü olan Başkan Bill Clinton’ın en kayda değer başarısı, Beyaz Saray’da bulunduğu sekiz yıl boyunca, Amerika’nın ekonomik temeline gerçekten yeni bir güç katılmasıdır.

45. Çoğu oyunda, bize sunulan dünya ne denli gerçek dışı olursa olsun, bizden onu geçici olarak gerçek dünya gibi görmemiz beklenir. A) In a variety of plays, the world presented to us may be unreal, but it is expected that, at least temporarily, we take it for the real world.

A) During the eight years President Bill Clinton was in the White House, the American economic base was remarkably strengthened by the truly new power which, as an economic amateur, but a political genius, he put into it.

B) In most plays, however unreal may be the world presented to us, we are expected to regard it temporarily as the real world. C) The world presented to us in most plays may be unreal, even though we are expected to consider it for some time to be the real world.

B) During his eight years in the White House, President Bill Clinton, who was a political genius but an economic amateur, achieved great success by adding a great deal of new power to the heart of the American economy.

D) In a number of plays, we are presented with an unreal world, which is to be understood by us, at least for a certain period, as the real world.

C) As a political genius, but an economic amateur, President Bill Clinton’s most controversial success was in fact the new power which he injected into the core of the American economy during his eight years in the White House.

E) We are expected temporarily to take for real the unreal world which we see presented in most plays.

D) During the eight years he spent in the White House, President Bill Clinton, a political genius, though an economic amateur, put real new power into America’s economic base. E) The most remarkable achievement of President Bill Clinton, who was a political genius but an economic amateur, was that, during the eight years he was in the White House, truly new power was added to America’s economic base.

46. – 51. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz. 46. An independent city close to Berlin, Potsdam has almost 150,000 inhabitants and is the capital of Brandenburg. ----. The town blossomed in the 1600s, during the era of the Great Elector, and then again in the 18th century, when the splendid summer palace, Schloss Sanssouci, was built for Frederick the Great. Potsdam suffered badly in World War II, particularly on April 14 and 15, 1945, when the Allies bombed the town centre.

44. İklim değişikliği ile ilgili çoğu bilim adamı, kentlerin, çevrelerinden daha sıcak olduğu ve bulut oluşumuna neden olan dikey hava akımları yarattığı görüşündedir. A) Most scientists concerned with climate change are of the opinion that cities are hotter than their surroundings and create updrafts of air causing cloud formation.

A) The Marmorpalais (Marble Palace) is located on the edge of the lake in the Neuer Garten, a park northeast of Potsdam’s centre

B) A number of scientists dealing with climate change maintain that, as cities are much hotter than the surrounding environment, updrafts of air occur over them and lead to cloud formation.

B) Despite its wartime losses, Potsdam is today one of Germany’s most attractive towns

C) As many scientists studying climate change have suggested, since cities are relatively warmer than their surroundings, there are updrafts of air over them which bring about cloud formation.

C) The Schloss Cecilienhof played an important role in history in 1945, when it served as the venue for the Potsdam Conference

D) Many scientists who are experts in climate change are convinced that cloud formation results from updrafts of air over cities, which are usually hotter than their surroundings.

D) The first documented reference to the town dates from A.D. 993; it was later granted municipal rights in 1317 E) Tourists flock to see the magnificent royal estate, Park Sanssouci, and to stroll in the Neuer Garten

E) A lot of scientists who are specialists in climate change have argued that, because cities are far hotter than their surroundings, this causes updrafts of air which lead to cloud formation.

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A KPDS İNG / MAYIS 2008 49. With more than 600 species of orchids, Nicaragua is prime territory for one of nature’s most exquisite treasures. The Selva Negra Mountain Resort in the central part of the country boasts at least 140 species in its grounds, with 14 hiking trails that make orchid sightings anything but rare. ----. The best time to visit this particular region is in the dry season, from February to May, when there is little rain and temperatures are cool.

47. ----. For instance, Alpine scenery predominates in the Tatra Mountains to the south, while the north is dominated by lakes. Mountain lovers can make use of the well-developed infrastructure of hostels and shelters, such as those found in the Tatras. The countless lakes of Warmia and Mazuria, collectively known as the Land of a Thousand Lakes, are a haven for water-sports enthusiasts. A) Since 1989, many new luxury hotels have been built in Poland and the majority of them belong to international hotel chains

A) The dodsoniana, one of these newly identified species, was found just 4 years ago

B) Poland’s borders have changed continually with the course of history

B) Five new species have been discovered in recent years in other parts of the country

C) Bordering the Baltic Sea, Poland is one of the largest countries in Central Europe, with a population of around 39 million

C) Selva Negra is situated in a cloud forest – an ecosystem ideal for orchids and other air plants D) If an orchid’s growing conditions are gradually modified to acclimatize it to a new location, the plant can make a healthy transition

D) Warsaw, the capital of Poland, is located at the centre of Poland, on the banks of the Vistula River

E) In fact, the Stanhopea flower looks like a hovering butterfly, and some are very aromatic, with a fragrance of vanilla or hot chocolate

E) Although situated on the plains of Central Europe, Poland has an extremely varied landscape

50. Ballet is theatrical representation in dance form in which music also plays a major part in telling a story or conveying a mood. Some such form of entertainment existed in ancient Greece. ----. From there, it was taken by Caterina de’ Medici in the 16th century to France in the form of a spectacle combining singing, dancing, and speech. During the 18th century, there were major developments in technique, and ballet gradually became divorced from opera, emerging as an art form in its own right.

48. The Scandinavian countries – Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland – are, arguably, among the least-populated countries in Europe. ----. Away from the main towns and cities lie vast expanses of unspoiled, often wild terrain, from the breathtaking Norwegian fjords to the dense pine forests and clear lakes of Finland. Smaller and largely flat and rural, Denmark shares characteristics with both mainland Europe and Scandinavia proper. A) In Norway, Sweden, and Finland, the majority of the population lives in the south, in affluent, modern cities, which are also rich in history and tradition

A) Ballet developed in the UK through the influence of Marie Rambert B) But Western ballet as we know it today first appeared in Renaissance Italy, where it was a form of court entertainment

B) Sweden is Europe’s fifth-largest country, with an area about the size of California

C) Ballet developed further in the USA through the work of George Balanchine and the American Ballet Theater

C) Finland’s main cities are all served by an efficient railroad system and regular, inexpensive internal flights

D) In fact, it was drama, rather than ballet, which greatly appealed to the Greeks

D) Norway is so long and narrow that, if Oslo remained fixed and the rest were turned upside down, it would stretch all the way to Rome

E) In the 20th century, Russian ballet had a vital influence on the classical tradition in the West

E) Oslo, Norway’s capital, is an attractive city of grand Neoclassical buildings, wide boulevards, and green open spaces

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A KPDS İNG / MAYIS 2008 51. In finance, interest, which is a sum of money paid by a borrower to a lender in return for the loan, is usually expressed as a percentage per annum. ----. In compound interest, the interest earned over a period of time is added to the principal, so that at the end of the next period, interest is paid on that total. A) Nevertheless, certain problems remain in perennial interest, and these fall into two main groups

53. One of your colleagues has to interview candidates for a position in the company she works for. There are a lot of applicants and she is not used to conducting interviews and comes to you for advice on how to gain full insight into each candidate’s character. You say: A) Be a careful listener, and avoid asserting your own opinions and comments. B) Ask open-ended questions that will reflect the candidate’s personality more than a simple “yes” or “no” response would.

B) The theory of capital was not a matter of primary concern to economists in the late 20th century

C) Once the interview has ended, review what has been said by each candidate.

C) Simple interest is calculated as a straight percentage of the amount loaned or invested, called the principal

D) If you are tape-recording the interview, first ask the candidates’ permission and start the proceeding.

D) However, it may be expressed either in money terms or as a rate of payment

E) Maintain a friendly facial expression, adopt positive body language, and be polite.

E) Various theories have been developed to account for and justify interest

52. – 57. sorularda, verilen durumda söylenmiş olabilecek sözü bulunuz. 52. Your roommate has been seriously ill. The doctor says she needs to rest in bed for quite some time. Since she’s normally very active, she’s going to find this very difficult. You know that the doctor is right, and are determined to help your friend carry out his advice. You say: A) The instructions of the doctor are final you know. You’ll just have to make the best of it. I’ll get you some books. B) You have been seriously ill, so you can’t expect to get back to normal quickly.

54. You are being interviewed for a highly confidential job. You are told that, should you be employed, you must on no account discuss the nature of the work even with your closest friends. You want to assure the person who is interviewing you that this would present no difficulty. You say: A) People who talk non-stop about their working lives are extremely boring. B) Actually, I am not interested in other people’s working lives.

C) He’s rather an old-fashioned doctor! You don’t have to spend the whole of each day in bed!

C) I am used to keeping my work and my private life quite separate, so there would be no problem here for me.

D) How did you get so ill? You’re always so careful about what you eat! I can’t understand it.

D) That’s a pity. A little bit of gossip is always nice! People expect to hear about what you’re doing.

E) After a couple of days in bed you’ll be as fit as ever.

E) I’ll do my best to keep quiet, but I can’t promise to do so.

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A KPDS İNG / MAYIS 2008 55. You are a well-known dramatic critic, and various newspapers have asked you to write about a new play by a young dramatist. The general opinion is that the play is magnificent and that the young dramatist is an extremely promising writer. You feel that, though you liked the play itself, it is too early to reach a final judgement about the writer’s creativity. You say:

57. Your daughter is upset because there is a lot of unpleasantness going on in her class. She says that one girl in particular has been telling lies and trying to manipulate the other girls in the class. You know that this girl’s parents were recently divorced, and you think that this may be the reason for the girl’s behaviour. You want your daughter to understand this, so you say: A) Have you thought about the possibility that this girl is acting this way because she feels insecure after her parents’ divorce?

A) The dialogue is colourful, spirited and credible; but the plot is weak and improbable. B) The play itself is rather disappointing, but the quality of acting in this production is extremely high.

B) How would you feel if your father and I were divorced? Do you think it would change your behaviour at school?

C) This play is better than any of his earlier plays, but that’s not saying much! D) It is clearly a good play. However, it would surely be better to wait a while before attempting any serious criticism of the writer himself.

C) I think you should try to stay away from her for a while until her behaviour improves. D) Why isn’t your teacher involved in trying to sort all of this out? E) What if I call her mother and talk to her? Would that help?

E) As far as I am concerned, this play deals very successfully with the issues of creativity and loneliness.

56. Your friend, who was recently widowed, tells you that he has made plans to get married. You think it is still far too early for your friend to be thinking about re-marriage as he hasn’t yet had time to recover from the loss of his wife. You want to tell him this in a gentle manner so as not to make him angry or hurt his feelings. You say: A) I’m glad you’re moving on with your life. It was time you stopped grieving, anyway. B) What a big decision! But I think you’re doing the right thing. C) You’re making the wrong decision. You should definitely wait at least another year. D) Surely, loneliness is a terrible thing. It is time you made up your mind. E) Are you sure you’re ready to take such a big step? Why not wait a while?

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A KPDS İNG / MAYIS 2008 61. (I) Carl Sandburg (1878-1967), born in Galesburg, Illinois, is best known for his poetry. (II) He was, however, also a journalist, an author of children’s books, and a historian. (III) Sandburg’s poetry celebrates the lives of ordinary people. (IV) In “The People, Yes,” he uses the words, style, and rhythms of common speech to celebrate the tall tales of the American people. (V) Indeed, most American poets in the 19th century were concerned with nature and country life.

58. – 63. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz. 58. (I) The label homo sapiens was first attached to man by Linnaeus in his classification of the animal kingdom over two hundred years ago. (II) That kingdom is now thought to include over threequarters of a million species. (III) Still, the physiology of the human body parallels, in a host of different ways, that of the animals. (IV) Though very many more species may be discovered, it is not likely that anything will ever shake our conviction that we belong to a very special class. (V) This conviction is quite as strong today as it was in the eighteenth century. A) I




A) I




E) V

60. (I) In a rare instance of a vertebrate’s behaviour being revealed by its fossil, a new species of dinosaur was found with its head tucked under a forelimb. (II) It represents the earliest known example of a dinosaur displaying the sleeping posture exhibited by modern-day birds. (III) As a result, though it is not known how the dinosaur died, it probably was killed instantly by a thick deposit of volcanic ash or by volcanic gas followed by a covering of ash and mud. (IV) The “tuck-in” pose would have preserved body heat, suggesting that, like birds, at least some dinosaurs were warmblooded. (V) Delighted palaeontologists named this pigeon-sized dinosaur “Mei long”, meaning “soundly sleeping dragon.” B) II




E) V

62. (I) Izmir owes its famously “special” atmosphere to its turbulent history. (II) What you see today has mostly risen from the ashes of Ottoman Izmir and dates from 1922, when a terrible fire swept across the city. (III) Before that, Izmir was known as “Smyrna” and was the most Westernized and cosmopolitan of Turkish cities. (IV) Nevertheless, famous citizens of ancient Smyrna include the poet Homer, the founder of Western literature, who lived before 700 B.C. (V) It was a city where the Muslims, Christians and Jewish communities lived in harmony and got on well with each other. A) I

A) I


E) V

59. (I) An incoming hurricane might at first seem a powerful photographic subject. (II) But how is a photojournalist to make a decent still image when people are hiding, and when there is only howling wind and spraying water? (III) “That’s why hurricane photography generally documents the aftermath,” says an illustrations editor. (IV) But this image was different enough to catch one’s eye. (V) Uprooted trees and building rubble are mainstays of the genre. A) I





E) V

63. (I) We may not know very much about butterflies, but they are certainly very beautiful. (II) For the first time, British scientists have tracked the movements of butterflies. (III) Two types of flight were found in the 30 butterflies monitored. (IV) One was the straight and fast flight used for travel. (V) The other was a slow and looping route to aid foraging. A) I




E) V

E) V

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A KPDS İNG / MAYIS 2008 66. Students will usually concentrate harder in the lesson if they know they will be organized into small groups for interactive discussion.

64. – 69. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın olan cümleyi bulunuz. 64. Though management may not realize it, a very large proportion of the success of this company is due to the loyalty and hard work of its workers.

A) Once students get used to being split up for interactive discussion, their ability to concentrate generally improves. B) On the whole, when students know they are going to be split up into small groups for interactive discussion, they will concentrate better.

A) Whether or not management is aware of it, this company owes its success, to a very large extent, to the industry and loyalty of its staff. B) Whatever management may say, the success of this company depends more than anything else on the dedication of those who work here.

C) One way to improve concentration is to split students up into small groups for interactive discussion.

C) Management should be made to recognize that the role of the staff is of first importance in the company’s success.

D) Interactive discussion is a sure way of encouraging students to increase their powers of concentration.

D) As management realizes full well, it is the workers in the factory who make it so successful. E) The workers in this company, with their hard work and devotion, contribute more to the success of the company than management does.

E) The best way to stimulate concentration is to organize these students into small groups for interactive discussion.

65. Many people prefer to eat organic food, that is, food unpolluted by chemical fertilizers and pesticides. A) A growing number of people are interested in organic food, since it is produced free of chemicals and pesticides. B) Organic food is thought to be healthier as no chemical fertilizers or pesticides are used in its production. C) Obviously, organic food is preferable since it is free of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. D) The preference for organic food has led to a reduction in the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. E) Organic food, food produced without the aid of chemical fertilizers or pesticides, has many adherents.

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A KPDS İNG / MAYIS 2008 th

69. The pictures of the 18 -century painter, Hogarth, seem modern because of their wit and satire.

67. Get your brother to fix the roof; he’s quite the best person to do it. A) Try to persuade your brother to fix the roof: he’s good at such things.

A) Hogarth gives an authentic picture of 18thcentury life which appeals to modern times.

B) As he’s good at things like that, why don’t you get your brother to fix the roof?

B) It is the detail and worldliness of the drawings of Hogarth that give them a modern touch, though they date from the 18th century.

C) Your brother would mend the roof better than any one else; tell him to do it.

C) Though the scenes and the costumes in the drawings are very 18th century, there is still something modern about Hogarth’s drawing.

D) Why don’t you get your brother to fix the roof? I’m sure he would.

D) The appeal of Hogarth lies in the dramatic depiction of everyday life in the 18th century.

E) Since your brother is good at roof-fixing, ask him to do it.

E) There is a contemporary feel for the pictures of 18th-century painter, Hogarth, owing to their humour and satirical content.

68. Take-off was delayed again and again, so we began to wonder if there was something seriously wrong with the aircraft. A) Unless the problem were serious, they wouldn’t have delayed the flight for so long. B) If there had been no problem with the aircraft, they wouldn’t have delayed take-off like that. C) The flight was postponed indefinitely, so we presumed there was engine-trouble. D) We began to feel that there might be a real problem with the aircraft as take-off was continually being delayed. E) We assumed that, since there was a problem with the aircraft, they were obliged to delay takeoff indefinitely.

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A KPDS İNG / MAYIS 2008 71. Chris : - Did you know that several years ago Luciano Pavarotti released his first solo album of Italian pop songs?

70. – 75. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.

Robert : - No, I didn’t. I wonder what other tenors thought of this.

70. Ralph : - I’ve learned that there are many details to learn about the maintenance of home aquariums. Dick : - ----

Chris : - ----

Ralph : - At first glance, it’s true. But do you know that even the decorative materials used in aquariums should be placed properly? Otherwise, for example, they may obstruct the filter pipes.

Robert : - In which case, I suppose opera fans are also accepting the situation.

Dick : - Really? I hadn’t thought of that before.

B) It was at least 20 years ago that his record company asked him to make this album.

A) Yes. For example, fish don’t disrupt the cleanliness of the home with messy fur or feathers.

C) As far as I know, it was the song “Caruso” that made him do it.

A) Well, at first they were not in favour of it, but now they are doing the same thing themselves!

D) He asked three well-known singers to join him, but for some reason they said no.

B) Right; routine maintenance only requires a few minutes of your attention daily, supplemented by an hour or so once a week.

E) I don’t know. Presumably, they were annoyed.

C) Oh, are there? I’ve always thought that looking after an aquarium is very easy. D) Anyone knows that keeping an aquarium is expensive. E) In fact, I am as interested as you are in aquariums.

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A KPDS İNG / MAYIS 2008 72. Lee : - Do you know about the Iron Age hair gel found on the head of a 2,300-year-old body discovered in Ireland? Ron : - Yes. I read that the body was found with its hair gelled unusually high above the head. Also, chemical analysis by scientists shows that the hair gel was made of a vegetable oil mixed with a resin probably imported from France or Spain. Lee : - ----

73. James : - How’s your philosophy course going? Peter : - It’s hard to say. It certainly requires a lot of effort. James : - ---Peter : - No. Quite the opposite. In the main, it consists of learning to look at the old and familiar facts in a new and fresh way.

Ron : - Well, the body has been preserved incredibly well in a peat bog because the bacteria that decompose flesh can’t survive in that oxygenfree environment. Even fingerprints can be seen.

A) Which of the great philosophers are you going to study?

A) I can say that it’s a bit like a Mohican style. Do you know what it is made of?

D) I might take the course next year.

B) But are you enjoying it? C) Well, I hope you’re finding it interesting!

E) Why? Are there a lot of facts to learn?

B) It seems our ancestors were not so primitive that they didn’t like to take care of themselves. C) I think this indicates he was a wealthy member of Irish society; do you agree? D) Oh, that’s interesting. But how do they know so much about the gel and the body? E) These findings must be important. But what can we learn from them?

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A KPDS İNG / MAYIS 2008 75. Sue : - Did you know that there are three types of zip and that each is used in a different way?

74. Mary : - What I look for in an airline company is a punctual take-off and a punctual landing. June : - ----

Jane : - ----

Mary : - And why not?

Sue : - For instance, chain zips, largely suitable for luggage, have metal teeth and are, therefore, very strong.

June : - Think about it! Something as common as bad weather can lead to delays. Would you care to take off in a hurricane?

Jane : - I see. I didn’t know that. A) As far as I know, there are chain zips, coil zips and concealed zips. Right?

A) What I look for is flight safety. B) But face it; that’s not always possible.

B) What about coil zips? I’ve read something about them; they are lighter and synthetic.

C) For long flights they now provide beds in business class. D) However hard they try to please the passengers, I get bored! E) You are hard to please, aren’t you?

C) Really? Can you give me an example and say where it can be used? D) Well, some are ideal for fine fabrics and others are for stronger ones. E) Does that mean that some of them break easily?

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A KPDS İNG / MAYIS 2008 77. As we understand from the passage, an underlying belief behind the Tibetan prayer-wheel is that ----.

76. – 80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. In many primitive communities there is a taboo on mentioning a man’s name except in certain special circumstances, because his name is believed to contain within it something of himself, which would be lost and wasted if his name were uttered without first taking special precautions. This belief about words is widespread. Among the more primitive and the uneducated, it is universal. A remarkably matter-offact practical application of it occurs even in the present day in the Tibetan prayer-wheel. If, thinks the Tibetan peasant, a prayer uttered once does some good, then the same prayer uttered many times will do more good. Therefore, since he assumes that the efficacy lies in the prayer as an entity in itself, he writes it round the rim of a wheel, and then frugally employs the water of a mountain stream to turn it all day long, instead of wastefully employing his own lungs and lips to say it again and again.

A) for a prayer to be answered, it must be repeated many times B) man can achieve nothing without the help of stronger powers C) man is powerless against the forces of evil D) human effort can achieve almost anything E) the forces of nature must never be opposed

78. The author uses the example of the Tibetan prayer-wheel to ----.

76. In this passage, the author points out that ----. A) most societies in the world today are still very primitive

A) show that all religions are fundamentally alike

B) in primitive societies, words are often felt to embody the idea they express

B) demonstrate how unrealistic primitive peoples are

C) the unsophisticated are no less intelligent than the sophisticated

C) illustrate just how powerful words are felt to be in primitive societies

D) Tibetan peasants should not be regarded as primitive

D) show how inventive primitive peoples are E) show how unique the natives of Tibet are

E) the Tibetan peasant does not really believe that the prayer-wheel can do any good

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A KPDS İNG / MAYIS 2008 80. We can conclude from the passage that the Tibetan peasant ----.

79. It is clear from the passage that, among primitive societies, it is generally believed that a man’s name ----.

A) is not tolerant of the religious beliefs of others

A) should be constantly repeated B) has a wholesome effect upon his life

B) bears no resemblance to other primitive peasants

C) will bring calamity to those who use it

C) never calls any member of his family by name

D) should only be spoken under appropriate circumstances

D) is not deeply religious and does not treat his religion seriously

E) is of little importance as it is so rarely used

E) – though primitive – has a very practical attitude towards life

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A KPDS İNG / MAYIS 2008 82. It is clear from the passage that, once Edison had invented the electric lamp, ----.

81. – 85. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) he lost interest in carrying out experiments Thomas Edison began conducting experiments during his childhood. To start with, there were hundreds of unsuccessful experiments but Edison eventually invented and patented 2,500 items, including the electric lamp and phonograph. He was determined to “give laughter and light” to people, but, until he actually managed to do so, most people ridiculed him. Without losing hope, Edison attempted over 1,000 unsuccessful experiments in his efforts to make an electric lamp. When people told him he was wasting his time, energy, and money for nothing, Edison exclaimed, “For nothing! Every time I make an experiment, I get new results. Failures are stepping stones to success.” Determined to give people electric lamps, Edison said he’d meet his goal by early 1880. In October, 1879, he created his first electric lamp, and in so doing, received much praise. People realized that Edison’s invention was not affected by rain or wind, remaining constant through bad weather. Just as he had hoped, Edison provided people with light and laughter.

B) he admitted that at one point he had very nearly given up the project C) he wasn’t at all interested in what people felt about it D) people were particularly impressed by the fact that wind and rain had no damaging effect on it E) he felt discouraged because he had failed to meet the goal he had set himself for the completion of his invention

83. As we understand from the passage, with the phrase, “Failures are stepping stones to success”, Edison meant that ----.

81. As we understand from the passage, Edison conducted many unsuccessful experimental trials, ----.

A) one should forget one’s failures as soon as possible

A) most of which were very expensive and got him into financial difficulties

B) one cannot be successful every time

B) but the list of his patental inventions is a long one

C) success and failure are both a matter of chance

C) most of which were related to the phonograph

D) there are two kinds of failure: those that lead to success and those that don’t

D) but the people who knew him encouraged him to keep on trying

E) the knowledge and experience that one gains from failure contributes to success

E) and on many occasions he felt his experiments were pointless

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A KPDS İNG / MAYIS 2008 85. It is clear from the passage that, when Edison was working on the electric lamp, ----.

84. According to the passage, when Edison was working on an invention, he ----.

A) he worked slowly because he was disheartened

A) was keen to pass on to others the knowledge he was accumulating

B) he knew for certain that he would attain success very quickly

B) was very secretive about what he was doing

C) no one felt that an electric lamp was in any way desirable

C) was not discouraged by the possibility of failure D) avoided friends and detractors alike

D) he was hindered by rain and bad weather in general

E) felt embarrassed by periods of no progress

E) people didn’t believe that it was possible at all

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A KPDS İNG / MAYIS 2008 87. According to the writer, the present-day unsatisfactory and ineffectual state of education ----.

86. – 90. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Questions of education are frequently discussed as if they bore no relation to the social system in which and for which the education is carried on. This is one of the most common reasons for the unsatisfactoriness of the answers. It is only within a particular social system that a system of education has any meaning. If education today seems to deteriorate, if it seems to become more and more chaotic and meaningless, it is primarily because we have no settled and satisfactory arrangement of society, and because we have both vague and diverse opinions about the kind of society we want. Education is a subject which cannot be discussed in a void: our questions raise other questions, social, economic, financial, and political. And the bearings are on more ultimate problems even than these: to know what we want in education, we must know what we want in general, we must derive our theory of education from our philosophy of life.

86. The main point made in the passage is that education, ----.

A) can be regarded as a passing phase, and no action need be taken B) is a result of the disordered state of society and the fact that society does not know what it wants C) offers no real cause for concern D) has provoked a great deal of useful discussion about how it relates to the social system E) is receiving a great deal of much-needed attention

88. The point is made in the passage that each and every system of education ----.

A) should be isolated from financial issues

A) needs to be tailor-made to fit the specific social system for which it is designed

B) is becoming more and more meaningless

B) will inevitably have shortcomings or faults

C) will improve when the political and economic situation improves

C) should be constantly updated

D) must be related to the social and political background in which it occurs

D) should be designed on the basis of educational theory, not on the opinions of society at large

E) will naturally evolve in accordance with the process of history

E) has a great deal in common with every other system of education

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A KPDS İNG / MAYIS 2008 90. The attitude of the author towards education is ----.

89. In this passage, the author aims to make us think about not only what we want from education, but also about ----.

A) negative and disinterested

A) how harmful is the effect it is having on society

B) angry and pessimistic

B) how far we are prepared to support it

C) critical and constructive

C) to what extent we have ourselves benefited from it

D) encouraging and hopeful

D) whether it really is deteriorating at a great speed

E) scornful and destructive

E) what we want from life

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A KPDS İNG / MAYIS 2008 92. The writer prefers to define journalism ----.

91. – 95. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) through a close study of violently contrasting examples

The distinction between “journalism” and “literature” is quite futile, unless we are drawing such a violent contrast as that between Gibbon’s History and today’s paper; and such a contrast itself is too violent to have meaning. You cannot, that is, draw any useful distinction between journalism and literature merely on a scale of literary values, as a difference between the well-written and the supremely wellwritten: a second-rate novel is not journalism, but it certainly is not literature. The term “journalism” has deteriorated, so let us try to recall it to its more permanent sense. To my thinking, the most accurate as well as most comprehensive definition of the term is to be obtained through considering the type of mind, concerned with writing what all would concede to be the best journalism. There’s a type of mind, and I have a very close sympathy with it, which can only turn to writing, or only produce its best writing, under the pressure of an immediate occasion; and it is this type of mind which I propose to treat as the journalist’s. The underlying causes may differ: the cause may be an ardent preoccupation with affairs of the day, or it may be (as with myself) laziness requiring an immediate stimulus, or a habit formed by early necessity of earning small sums quickly. It is not so much that the journalist works on different material from that of other writers, as that he works from a different, no less and often more honourable, motive.

91. In this passage, the writer asserts that ----.

B) while disregarding literary qualities C) by looking at the type of mind that produces good journalism D) after first drawing up a scale of literary values E) in a way that will help journalism to recover the respect it formerly enjoyed

93. It is clear from the passage that the writer ----.

A) literature is far more valuable than journalism

A) regards journalism as second-rate literature

B) the difference between literature and journalism bears little relation to literary qualities

B) is very critical of the motives of the journalist

C) he has all the qualities of a journalist

C) thinks one can best come to an understanding of journalism by contrasting it with literature

D) the best stimulus for a journalist is the need for money

D) is far more interested in literature than in journalism

E) one must be ardently concerned with the events of each day if one wants to be a journalist

E) feels great respect for good journalism

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A KPDS İNG / MAYIS 2008 95. According to the passage, what characterizes the work of the journalist is ----.

94. The point is made in the passage that the journalist does his best writing when ----.

A) not the thing he writes about but why he writes about it

A) events in his own life have stimulated him B) there is no pressure upon him

B) the non-literary style of the writing

C) he is closely involved in the affairs of the time

C) the every-day nature of the material he chooses

D) under an obligation to do so

D) the desire to stimulate people to action

E) he can choose his own material

E) his obsession for accuracy

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A KPDS İNG / MAYIS 2008 97. With the sentence, “Honest debate can start at Number Two”, the writer is really saying ----.

96. – 100. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) one cannot expect popular opinion to judge fairly Leonardo da Vinci is a member of a very small class of “transformative geniuses,” not ordinary or common geniuses, who have contributed abundantly to their fields, but rather the ones who have created or defined entire fields. In literature, no one asks, “Who was the greatest writer?” Honest debate can start at Number Two. Shakespeare, the consensus choice as greatest writer, is a member of this class of transformative geniuses. Similarly, Isaac Newton is recognized as the greatest among scientists and mathematicians; Ludwig van Beethoven, and possibly Bach and Mozart, are the transformative geniuses among composers. The most recent transformative genius the world has seen may have been Albert Einstein, a scientist like Newton – and Time Magazine’s “Man of the Century” for the 20th century. In ranking artists, one can start the debate at Number Three – a rank for which Raphael and Rembrandt are candidates, or perhaps one of the great French Impressionists, or the 20th century’s most famous artist, Picasso. The ranks of Number One and Number Two, however, are reserved for Leonardo and Michelangelo, taken in either order. These two are far above all other artists. Michelangelo lived a very long lifetime of eighty-nine years, and was productive to the end. Leonardo, on the other hand, lived sixty-seven years, and left behind just a dozen paintings. And only a half of these are incontrovertibly one hundred per cent by him. In contrast, Rembrandt painted hundreds of paintings, 57 of himself alone; van Gogh created nine hundred paintings in a period of nine years. So how can we put Leonardo at the very pinnacle? The answer is really quite simple: his dozen or so paintings include the Number One and the Number Two most famous paintings in the history of art – The Last Supper and Mona Lisa.

B) people don’t always give their honest opinions C) Shakespeare doesn’t deserve his position at the head of the list D) the relative merits of writers are very controversial E) there can be no doubt about Number 1; that’s definitely Shakespeare’s place

98. According to the passage, when it comes to ranking artists, ----.

96. The passage is about “transformative geniuses” ----. A) as they have affected the world of literature and science

A) van Gogh comes very high on the list as a result of the great number of his paintings

B) but the author feels that the way the public opinion ranks them is faulty

B) at least six artists have a claim to top place C) it is either Leonardo or Michelangelo who is Number One

C) and the massive changes they have brought to the world

D) the third place definitely goes to Raphael

D) and instances of them are given in several fields

E) 20th-century ones come low on the list

E) and the times in which they lived and produced

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A KPDS İNG / MAYIS 2008 99. We learn from the passage that, although Leonardo left the world only a dozen or so paintings, ----.

100. It is clear from the passage that Michelangelo ----. A) richly deserves his Number One position as the best of the artists

A) these include the world’s two best-known paintings

B) was a far more productive artist than Leonardo

B) they are all of remarkably high quality

C) had a profound influence upon the next generation of painters

C) he actually painted a great many more

D) was jealous of the fame of Leonardo and strove to excel him

D) he knew they would keep his name alive to the end of civilization

E) has only been recognized as a great artist in recent times

E) they rightly earned him the undisputed position of the world’s Number One artist


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26. B

51. C

76. B

2. B

27. C

52. A

77. A

3. D

28. D

53. B

78. C

4. E

29. E

54. C

79. D

5. A

30. B

55. D

80. E

6. C

31. D

56. E

81. B

7. D

32. A

57. A

82. D

8. E

33. E

58. C

83. E

9. A

34. B

59. D

84. C

10. B

35. E

60. C

85. E

11. E

36. A

61. E

86. D

12. C

37. D

62. D

87. B

13. E

38. C

63. A

88. A

14. A

39. E

64. A

89. E

15. B

40. D

65. E

90. C

16. D

41. A

66. B

91. B

17. E

42. D

67. C

92. C

18. B

43. E

68. D

93. E

19. D

44. A

69. E

94. D

20. A

45. B

70. C

95. A

21. C

46. D

71. A

96. D

22. B

47. E

72. D

97. E

23. A

48. A

73. E

98. C

24. B

49. C

74. B

99. A

25. E

50. B

75. C

100. B

A KPDS İNG / KASIM 2008 5. Dublin is a fairly easy city to ---- because of its frequent and efficient bus and underground services.

1. – 15. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

A) get around 1. Good leadership is about tackling big challenges, and the first and most important step in this process is recognizing which ---- should take precedence over the others. A) obsessions

B) debates

C) emissions

D) candidates

B) make over

D) get on

C) set up

E) go with

6. The price of crude oil ---- by 40% this year due to the continuing risk of disruption in the Middle East, which ---- for one-third of global production.

E) issues

A) surges / accounted B) had surged / has accounted C) has surged / accounts

2. By the 14th century, the Holy Roman Empire was little more than a ---- federation of the German princes who elected the Holy Roman emperor. A) negotiable

B) current

C) prescriptive

D) loose

D) surged / had accounted E) will surge / could have accounted

E) recurrent

7. At the end of 1998, Estonia ---- the strict citizenship requirements that ---- the country’s Russian minority from gaining citizenship. A) relaxes / kept

3. Roman numerals are expressed by letters of the alphabet and are ---- used today except for formality or variety. A) courteously

B) arguably

C) consecutively

D) equivalently

B) had relaxed / have kept C) has relaxed / were keeping D) relaxed / had kept E) will relax / are keeping

E) rarely

8. An ideal anticancer drug ---- cancer cells without harming normal cells, but no such drug ----. 4. The Gulf, the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea are increasingly seen as potential trouble zones that could ---- energy supplies from the Middle East to Asia. A) increase

B) disrupt

D) involve

A) would destroy / exists B) destroyed / existed C) may have destroyed / has existed

C) consume

D) has destroyed / had existed

E) expand

E) had destroyed / would exist

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A KPDS İNG / KASIM 2008 13. Algeria is particularly keen to increase its gas exports ---- OPEC production quotas restrict its oil exports.

9. Despite the official ban ---- demonstrations, 2008 has seen Egyptians take to the streets ---massive numbers on several occasions. A) about / by

B) for / with

C) over / at

D) of / through

A) since

B) so that D) that

C) as if

E) whereas

E) on / in

10. According to the generally accepted platetectonics theory, scientists believe that Earth’s surface is broken ---- a number of shifting plates, which average ---- 50 miles in thickness. A) up / above

B) at / for

C) down / beyond

D) into / about

14. In the early twentieth century, the motor car was one of the first major consumer products to be ---- mass produced ---- mass marketed.

E) of / below

A) such / as

B) more / than

D) as / as

C) so / as

E) both / and

11. The island groups in the Pacific are often called “Oceania,” ---- this name does not imply that they are the remains of a continent. A) whether

B) but

D) whereby

C) just as E) so that

15. The body’s immune system attacks and eliminates ---- bacteria and other foreign substances ---- cancer cells.

12. ---- most people who commit suicide are depressed, having depression correctly diagnosed and treated is the most important step towards preventing suicide. A) As long as

B) Although

D) Even if

A) not only / but also

B) rather / than

C) such / that

D) as well as / and E) just as / as

C) Because

E) Unless

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A KPDS İNG / KASIM 2008 16. – 20. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

21. – 25. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

Nearly fifteen years after South Africa’s democratic overthrow of apartheid, the country is facing growing (16) ---- over the rise of “economic apartheid” and the way it (17) ---- millions of South Africans in the same, if not a worsening economic position than they endured prior to 1994. (18) ---- South African government statistics, the average black household has become 15% poorer over the last fourteen years, while an average white household has seen its wealth grow (19) ---- some 19%. There has been a 20% decrease in the income of the poorest 50% of South Africans, and black South Africans have lost (20) ---- two million jobs over the same period.

The gondola has been a part of Venice since the 11th century. (21) ---- its slim shape and flat underside, the boat is perfectly adapted to manoeuvring in Venice’s narrow, shallow canals. The front of the boat has a (22) ---- leftward curve to prevent it from going around in circles, as the gondolier, or operator of the boat, uses the oar only on the right side. In 1562, it (23) ---- that all gondolas should be black to stop people from making an (24) ---- show of their wealth. Today, gondola rides are expensive, and are (25) ---taken only by tourists.

21. A) About

16. A) interest

B) demand

C) encouragement

D) criticism

B) With D) From

C) Through E) Along


E) threat

A) slight

B) habitual D) cheerful

17. A) is leaving

B) had left

C) would have left

D) left

C) relevant

E) favourable

23. A) has been decided

E) was leaving

B) decided

18. A) Because of

B) According to

C) was decided

C) Instead of

D) In addition to

D) would have decided E) had decided

E) Contrary to


19. A) through

B) for D) with

C) in E) by

A) ostentatious

B) affluent

C) adjacent

D) omnipresent E) inescapable

20. A) yet

B) mostly D) nearly


C) hardly

A) possibly

E) also

B) obviously

D) usually

C) seldom

E) definitely

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A KPDS İNG / KASIM 2008 28. During the Cold War, even as they prepared to destroy one another, ----.

26. – 35. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

A) the West has always sought opportunities to make peace with the Soviet Union

26. If Iran were to go nuclear, ----.

B) the United States and the Soviet Union had been involved in a constructive dialogue

A) Russia and China did their best to stop it B) the United States may have taken preventive action

C) Britain has imported enormous quantities of timber from the Soviet Union

C) other countries in the region would follow suit

D) the West and the Soviet Union struck deals and traded in energy

D) the UN Security Council sanctions need to be enacted without delay

E) the Soviet Union contributes a great deal to China’s economic development

E) it can fire hundreds of missiles at Israel

29. ---- because they were continually forced to defend their own conquests against other invaders.

27. ---- after strong winds and a heatwave started dozens of forest fires. A) Many villages in the area will be evacuated B) No precautions had been taken

A) The Romans did not usually impose heavy tax burdens on the cities they conquered

C) The government would have set up a special team of fire fighters

B) The geography of the Italian peninsula had a decisive influence on Rome’s development

D) Many fire fighting teams will have been called in

C) The Romans were descended from various IndoEuropean peoples that had crossed the Alps into Italy during the second millennium B.C.

E) Last summer, Athens was engulfed in thick smoke

D) The Romans were a sternly military society almost from the moment they settled on Italian soil E) The Romans looked to their gods to bestow upon their households and their city the blessings of prosperity, victory, and fertility

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A KPDS İNG / KASIM 2008 32. ----, it does not necessarily produce peace, equality, or homogeneity.

30. ---- that they influenced cultures across the Mediterranean. A) Phoenician textiles commanded a high price everywhere their merchants went

A) If a key feature of globalization has been the transformation of the world economy

B) The Phoenicians may have played an important role in introducing urban life into the Greek world

B) Just as globalization has radically altered patterns of trade around the world

C) Phoenician cities oriented themselves towards the sea

C) Whenever globalization has forced the reorganization of economic enterprises

D) The Phoenicians became famous as merchants and seafarers

D) Since globalization suggests a uniform process, one that operates similarly everywhere

E) The widespread colonial and mercantile efforts of the Phoenicians meant

E) Although globalization means worldwide economic integration

33. Everyone knows ----.

31. Economic as well as social problems plagued Europe during the 1970s and 1980s ----.

A) that the politics of oil is crucial to life in the Middle East

A) but these problems had actually begun much earlier B) because new industries continued to prosper

B) whether to the Arabs oil means the vast petroleum reserves lying under the desert sands

C) in case the West German growth rate would slow down

C) if in the Middle East oil is a precious source of wealth and all too often a cause for war

D) whereas seven hundred thousand French workers had been laid off

D) since non-OPEC oil producers currently account for 58% of total production

E) unless demand for manufactured goods fell sharply

E) as Iraqi crude oil exports in 2007 were more than 5% lower than in 2006

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A KPDS İNG / KASIM 2008 34. According to a report released by the US Secret Service, the Middle East is one of the world’s hotspots ----.

36. – 40. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.

A) as there are other conspiracy theories emanating from the region

36. In 1979, when its alliance with Great Britain ended, Malta sought to guarantee its neutrality through agreements with other countries.

B) whether Iran and Syria are actively engaged in economic warfare against the US

A) Malta, İngiltere ile ittifakının sona erdiği 1979’da, başka ülkelerle antlaşmalar yaparak tarafsızlığını güvence altına almaya çalışmıştır.

C) when it comes to counterfeit US currency D) while the Iranian government dismisses charges of collaboration with counterfeiters

B) Malta, 1979’da İngiltere ile ittifakına son vererek, tarafsızlığını güvence altına almak için birçok ülke ile antlaşmalar yapmıştır.

E) although there is a conspiracy to undermine the US economy through counterfeit currency

C) Tarafsızlığını güvence altına almak amacıyla çeşitli ülkelerle antlaşmalar yapan Malta, İngiltere ile olan ittifakına 1979’da son verdi. D) İngiltere ile olan ittifakı 1979’da sona eren Malta, başka ülkelerle antlaşmalar yapmış ve tarafsızlığını güvence altına almıştır. E) Çeşitli ülkelerle antlaşmalar yaparak tarafsızlığını güvence altına alan Malta, İngiltere ile olan ittifakını 1979’da bitirmiştir.

35. Few figures in Western history have held the attention of the world ----. A) so long as Napoleon pursued serious interests in history, law, and mathematics B) as Napoleon did during the fifteen years of his rule in France C) because Napoleon’s character seemed suited to the age in which he lived D) since Napoleon’s particular strength as a leader lay in his capacity for inspiring others E) just as Napoleon believed that he was destined to be the saviour of France

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A KPDS İNG / KASIM 2008 39. Albania remained under Turkish rule for more than four hundred years until it proclaimed its independence on 28 November 1912.

37. In February 1994, the US lifted its trade embargo on Vietnam, which had been in place since it entered the war. A) ABD, savaşa girdiğinden beri Vietnam üzerinde uyguladığı ticaret ablukasını ancak Şubat 1994’ te kaldırabilmiştir.

A) Arnavutluk, dört yüz yıl Türk yönetiminde kaldıktan sonra, 28 Kasım 1912’de bağımsızlığına kavuşmuştur.

B) ABD’nin Şubat 1994’te Vietnam üzerinden kaldırdığı ticaret ablukası, savaşa girdiği yıldan beri uygulanmaktaydı.

B) Dört yüz yıldan daha fazla Türk yönetiminde kalmış olan Arnavutluk, bağımsızlığını 28 Kasım 1912’de elde etmiştir.

C) 1994 Şubat’ında Vietnam üzerinden kaldırılan ticaret ablukasını, ABD, savaşa girdikten sonra uygulamaya başlamıştı.

C) Bağımsızlığına 28 Kasım 1912’de kavuşan Arnavutluk, dört yüz yılı aşkın bir süre Türk yönetiminde kalmıştır.

D) ABD, Şubat 1994’te, savaşa girdiğinden beri Vietnam üzerinde uygulamış olduğu ticaret ablukasını kaldırmıştır.

D) Arnavutluk, her ne kadar bağımsızlığını 28 Kasım 1912’de elde etmişse de, dört yüz yıldan fazla bir süre Türk yönetiminde kalmıştır.

E) Şubat 1994’te Vietnam üzerinden kaldırılan ticaret ablukası, ABD’nin savaşa girmesinden beri uygulanıyordu.

E) Arnavutluk, 28 Kasım 1912’de bağımsızlığını ilân edinceye kadar, dört yüz yıldan fazla Türk yönetiminde kalmıştır.

38. In Egypt, a number of oil deposits have been discovered in recent years, but it is unlikely that oil will play a major role in the country’s economy in the near future. A) Son yıllarda Mısır’da birçok petrol yatakları keşfedilmiştir, ancak petrolün, yakın gelecekte ülke ekonomisinde önemli bir rol oynaması muhtemel değildir. B) Mısır’da son yıllarda birtakım petrol havzaları bulunmuş olsa da petrolün, ülke ekonomisinde yakın gelecekte oynayacağı rol çok önemli olmayacaktır. C) Son yıllarda Mısır’da, ülke ekonomisinde yakın gelecekte önemli rol oynaması muhtemel olan pek çok petrol havzası keşfedilmiştir. D) Son yıllarda Mısır’da keşfedilen petrol yataklarının, ülke ekonomisinde yakın gelecekte önemli bir rol oynaması ihtimal dışındadır. E) Mısır’da, ülke ekonomisinde yakın gelecekte önemli bir rol oynaması muhtemel olmayan petrol yatakları son yıllarda ortaya çıkarılmıştır.

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A KPDS İNG / KASIM 2008 40. The lungs are particularly prone to allergic reactions because they are exposed to large quantities of airborne antigens, including dusts, pollens, and chemicals.

41. – 45. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz. 41. Sürücüsüz metroları, kişi başına düşen 25.200 dolarlık millî geliri ve tıkır tıkır işleyen ticaret merkezleri ile Singapur, Asya’nın en Batılılaşmış şehirleri arasındadır.

A) Akciğerler, toz, polen ve kimyasallar dahil havadan gelen çeşitli antijenlere fazlasıyla açık oldukları için alerjik reaksiyonlardan çok etkilenirler. B) Toz, polen ve kimyasallar gibi hava ile gelen pek çok antijene açık olan akciğerler, alerjik reaksiyonlara oldukça yatkındırlar.

A) With its driverless subways, $25,200 per capita income and smoothly running business centres, Singapore is among the most westernized cities in Asia.

C) Alerjik reaksiyonlara fazlasıyla yatkın olan akciğerler, hava ile taşınan toz, polen ve kimyasalların da arasında bulunduğu çok sayıda antijene açıktırlar.

B) One of the most westernized cities in Asia is Singapore, for it has driverless subways, $25,200 per capita income and smoothly running business centres.

D) Akciğerler alerjik reaksiyonlara özellikle yatkındır, çünkü toz, polen ve kimyasallar dahil hava ile taşınan büyük miktardaki antijenlere açıktırlar.

C) It is because of the driverless subways, $25,200 per capita income and smoothly running business centres that Singapore is one of the most westernized cities in Asia.

E) Toz, polen ve kimyasallar gibi hava ile taşınan pek çok antijen, daima bunlara açık olan akciğerlerde alerjik reaksiyonlara yol açar.

D) Singapore remains the most westernized city in Asia with driverless subways, $25,200 per capita income and smoothly running business centres. E) The reason why Singapore is regarded as one of the most westernized cities in Asia is that it has driverless subways, $25,200 per capita income and smoothly running business centres.

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A KPDS İNG / KASIM 2008 43. İster kendinden emin büyük çocuk, ister çok yönlü ortanca çocuk olun, aile içindeki konumunuz iş seçiminizden evliliğinizin ne kadar başarılı olduğuna kadar her şeyi etkileyebilir.

42. Çevredeki değişikliklerin, beyinlerimizde zamanın öznel biçimde algılanmasına nasıl yol açtığı sorusu, ruhbilimcileri ve beyin araştırmacılarını düşündürmeye devam etmektedir. A) Psychologists and brain researchers have recently started to wonder how changes in the environment cause the brain to experience time subjectively.

A) Everything, from your choice of career to the success of your marriage, is determined by whether you were born as a confident first child or as a resourceful younger child.

B) The question of how changes in the environment give rise to the subjective experience of time in our brains continues to preoccupy psychologists and brain researchers.

B) No matter what your position in the family may be, your choice of career and the success of your marriage depend highly on whether you have been a confident elder child or a resourceful middle child.

C) How changes in the environment can lead to the subjective experience of time in our brains is a matter of discussion among psychologists and brain researchers.

C) Whether you are a confident first-born or a resourceful middle child, your position in the family can affect everything from your choice of career to how successful your marriage is.

D) The subjective time experience of our brains resulting from environmental changes has long been a controversial issue among psychologists and brain researchers.

D) It seriously matters, both as regards your career and the success of your marriage, whether you were born the confident elder child or the resourceful middle child of the family.

E) The reasons behind the subjective perception of time by the brain have not yet been explained by psychologists or brain researchers.

E) Even if you are a confident first child rather than a resourceful middle child, everything from your choice of career to how successful your marriage is will be affected by your position in the family.

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A KPDS İNG / KASIM 2008 44. Eğer Rusya ve Amerika’nın yoğun nükleer silahlarını ortadan kaldırmak için daha fazla bir şey yapılmazsa, Kuzey Kutup bölgesi yeniden bir nükleer cephe haline gelebilir. A) Unless further steps are taken to dismantle their extensive nuclear arms, the Arctic may become a nuclear front again for Russia and the US. B) If nothing further is done to dismantle the extensive Russian and US nuclear arms, the Arctic could once again become a nuclear front. C) In order for the Arctic to become a nuclear front again, something must be done to reduce the vast amount of nuclear weapons of Russia and the US. D) Whether or not the Arctic is to become a nuclear front again, Russia and the US must reduce their nuclear arms. E) Should Russian and US plans for turning the Arctic once more into a nuclear front be put into effect, both countries will have to reduce the amount of nuclear power.

46. – 51. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz. 46. Logistics as a business concept began to gain ground in the 1950s, particularly in the US. This was because, as businesses expanded and reached out both to far-flung markets and sources of materials, the need for expert logisticians became imperative. Logisticians applied their own ingenuity to create companies that aimed to deliver the right item in the right quantity at the right time in the right place for the right price. ----. Indeed, with increasing globalization and ever longer and more complex supply chains, logistics companies have become ever more sophisticated and adaptable. A) The US has led the way in the development of efficient logistical systems B) No region in the world requires efficient logistics more urgently than Africa does C) Logistics is considered one of the most important aspects of military campaigns D) The problems of the logistics industry have not been clearly identified yet E) These aims have not changed, but the world has

45. Gladyatör dövüşleri ilk kez Roma’da, M.Ö. 264 yılında, Junius Brutus’un oğulları tarafından babalarının anısına düzenlenmiştir. A) Gladiator fights were first organized in Rome in the year 264 B.C. by the sons of Junius Brutus in memory of their father. B) The gladiator fights, which were held in Rome in 264 B.C. for the first time, were organized by the sons of Junius Brutus as they wanted to commemorate their father. C) The sons of Junius Brutus, who organized gladiator fights in Rome in the year 264 B.C. for the first time, did so in memory of their father. D) Gladiator fights date back to 264 B.C., when the sons of Junius Brutus first organized a ritual of sacrifice in Rome in memory of their father. E) The origin of gladiator fights goes back to 264 B.C., when the sons of Junius Brutus wished to honour the memory of their father in this way in Rome.

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A KPDS İNG / KASIM 2008 47. The year 1960 seemed golden and full of promise. Despite nearly constant international tension, everyday life in Europe and North America seemed to be improving. Economies recovered, many standards of living rose, and new forms of culture flourished. The economic horizon looked bright. ----. Western Europeans could no longer be so certain of their prosperity or of their leaders’ ability to provide the sort of life they took for granted. A) Legal changes would not have occurred without women’s movements of the time

48. St. Petersburg is not just a city of names and movements. It is also a city of bridges, with more of them than any other city in the whole world. With its 101 islands, it is also worthy of the title “city of islands.” Not only that, but it has enough canals to compete with Venice, Amsterdam, and Stockholm. ----. As Dostoevsky’s hero puts it, “It is the most abstract and fantastic city on earth.” A) But most of all St. Petersburg is a city of culture, of literature and poetry in particular B) There are a total of 539 bridges, including 315 in the city centre

B) These changes marked a new culture of mass consumption boosted by marketing, advertising, and credit payment

C) The sports facilities and activities in it cannot go unnoticed

C) However, by 1990, most of the familiar landscape had been dramatically transformed

D) The people of St. Petersburg are offered various educational opportunities

D) The civil rights movement in the US had enormous significance for the twentieth century

E) A considerable number of painters and sculptors have lived there, too

E) The most serious outbreak of student unrest in Europe came in Paris in the spring of 1968

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A KPDS İNG / KASIM 2008 49. Despite numerous intellectual and literary advances, the longest-lived achievements of the Italian Renaissance were made in the realm of art. Of all the arts, painting was undoubtedly supreme. Although Giotto was the great artistic genius around 1300, it was not until the fifteenth century that Italian painting began to come fully of age. ----. Fifteenth-century artists also experimented with effects of light and shade and, for the first time, carefully studied the anatomy and proportions of the human body. A) From about 1450 until about 1600 Italian thought was dominated by a school of Neo-Platonists, who sought to blend Platonism with Christianity

50. World War II left Europe a land of wreckage and confusion. Millions of refugees travelled hundreds or thousands of miles on foot to return to their homes while others were forcibly displaced from their lands. ----. Food remained in dangerously short supply, and even a year after the war roughly 100 million people in Europe still lived on less than 1,500 calories per day. A) In some areas housing was practically nonexistent, with no available means to build anew B) The Soviet campaign to control eastern Europe did not go unchallenged C) Historians estimate that in World War II nearly 50 million people died

B) One reason for this was that, in the early fifteenth century, the laws of linear perspective were discovered and first employed to give the fullest sense of three dimensions

D) Even more than World War I, World War II involved the combined efforts of whole populations

C) Sixteenth-century Italian writers, such as Machiavelli, Ariosto, Tasso, and Sannazaro, were also highly accomplished creators of imaginative prose and verse

E) Since industry was essential to winning the war, centres of industry became vital military targets

D) Perhaps the greatest of the Florentine artists was Leonardo da Vinci, one of the most versatile geniuses who ever lived E) Most Venetian painters showed little of the Florentine school’s concerns with philosophical and psychological issues

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A KPDS İNG / KASIM 2008 53. A friend is being posted to rather a remote part of the world, for two years, to carry out some research. You hear that his wife feels very reluctant to go. You want to awaken in her a more positive approach to the people and culture of the area where the husband has been posted. So you say:

51. Western perceptions of the Middle East as a viable tourist destination have been adversely affected by the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the US, the subsequent war on terrorism, and the war in Iraq. Indeed, the impact of the 9/11 attacks upon the tourist sector in the region has been profound. ----. North Africa in general and Tunisia in particular have fared comparatively well, but Morocco has suffered badly.

A) Take your computer with you and then you won’t feel so cut off from the rest of the world.

A) Morocco is already one of the biggest tourist destinations in the Middle East and North Africa, drawing 2.25 million visitors a year

B) Don’t worry; after a time you’ll find you’ve got used to the conditions there. C) What’s worrying you? Is it the language?

B) Especially, the effect on visitor numbers has been decisive although it has varied considerably from country to country C) Morocco has a better developed domestic beach culture than probably anywhere else in the Middle East or North Africa

D) What a wonderful opportunity to meet different people and watch a completely different way of life from close quarters. E) The secret is: keep busy. Then you won’t have time to get bored.

D) The target of 10 million visitors a year by 2010 may have been a little over-optimistic, although Egypt has made huge investments E) Some of the driest parts of Morocco lie on the coast, and so one feasible option is to pipe water there from the Atlas Mountains

52. – 57. sorularda, verilen durumda söylenmiş olabilecek sözü bulunuz.

54. A colleague has started to spend rather too lavishly and got herself into debt. But this doesn’t seem to worry her and she continues to buy very expensive and quite unnecessary things. One day you happen to see her on the point of buying shoes she doesn’t need and run across to stop her. You say to her firmly:

52. In the workplace a friend is very disappointed because someone else has been promoted to the position she felt she deserved. She is also extremely angry and talking of giving in her resignation. You feel this would be very unwise, and say:

A) Are you sure you can afford them?

A) Don’t do anything while you are so angry; you may regret it later.

B) Think it over and come back tomorrow.

B) Of course you’re angry. You deserved to be promoted.

C) Yes. They’re quite nice, but there’s really nothing special about them.

C) After all, you are better qualified than anyone else here.

D) Let’s go and have a coffee somewhere and discuss the problem.

D) Don’t you enjoy working here? I always thought you did.

E) No, you don’t! You’ve got to give up this reckless spending!

E) If you want to resign, do: there’s no one stopping you!

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A KPDS İNG / KASIM 2008 57. A friend has been over-working for months and has been losing weight and sleeping badly. You decide to really shock her into taking care of herself on the principle that sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind, and say:

55. Your niece has been for an interview for a post. She very much wanted the job on offer, but has been turned down. Learning that this was her first-ever interview, you want to help restore her confidence and give her some practical advice. So, you say: A) The person who is giving the interview should try to put you at your ease. B) I’m sorry to hear that you were turned down.

A) Get away from it all for a weekend. Go to a nice quiet place in the country. B) Why are you driving yourself like this? C) There should be more to life than making money!

C) Don’t worry. This was your first interview. You need some practice in being interviewed! Apply for lots of posts and go to lots of interviews.

D) I suggest you look after yourself well. E) You’re killing yourself by working too much. Besides, you’re really neglecting your family!

D) Were the questions he asked really all that difficult? E) What did you do wrong at this interview? Did you feel you were being treated unfairly?

56. Your sister is about to buy her first car, and wants your advice. You realize she is attracted to rather large and luxury-class models. You decide to give her a practical reason for choosing something smaller, and say:

58. – 63. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz. 58. (I) The brain’s functions are both mysterious and remarkable. (II) From the brain come all thoughts, beliefs, memories, behaviours, and moods. (III) The brain is the site of thinking and the control centre for the rest of the body. (IV) Before performing a physical examination, the doctor interviews the patient to obtain his or her medical history. (V) The brain coordinates the ability to move, touch, smell, hear, and see.

A) I’d love to drive a car like that. B) What do you want a big car like that for? C) That’s a difficult car for a learner driver. D) Parking big cars like that is always a problem. E) Cars like that are for experienced drivers only!

A) I




E) V

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A KPDS İNG / KASIM 2008 61. (I) Since 1988, when China delivered intermediaterange ballistic missiles and missile launchers to Saudi Arabia, there has been genuine concern that China may have been trying to buy into the lucrative Gulf arms market. (II) However, there has been no evidence of further significant arms deals between China and the Gulf since that time. (III) On the other hand, since the 1990s, China has enjoyed a healthy trade in military equipment with Iran. (IV) In 2005 Saudi Arabia supplied China with 17% of its imported oil needs. (V) Obviously, this has caused a great deal of worry in the other Gulf states about the military imbalance that exists between themselves and Iran, an imbalance that China has been instrumental in creating.

59. (I) Most episodes of illness with a fever in children are caused by viral infections, although bacterial infections can also produce a fever. (II) The first symptom of a severe eye infection is usually swollen and red eyelids. (III) In fact, it is often hard to distinguish a bacterial infection from a viral infection. (IV) Though bacterial infections can be serious, they usually respond readily to antibiotics. (V) Prompt diagnosis of a bacterial infection is thus important to ensure prompt treatment. A) I




E) V

A) I

60. (I) Devaluation of the Jamaican dollar made Jamaican products more competitive on the world market, and the country achieved record growth in tourism and agriculture. (II) Jamaica was inhabited by Arawak Indians when Columbus explored it in 1494 and named it St. Iago. (III) It remained under Spanish rule until 1655, when it became a British possession. (IV) In the following decades disease decimated the Arawaks. (V) As a result, slaves were brought from Africa to work on the sugar plantations. A) I




E) V




E) V

62. (I) Earthquakes are the result of forces deep within Earth’s interior that continuously affect its surface. (II) The energy from these forces is stored in a variety of ways within the rocks. (III) Although the Richter Scale has no upper limit, the largest known shocks have had magnitudes in the 8.8 to 8.9 range. (IV) When this energy is released suddenly by rupturing movements along faults in the crust of Earth, an earthquake results. (V) The area of the fault where the sudden rupture takes place is called the focus of the earthquake, while the point on Earth’s surface directly above the focus is called the epicentre of the earthquake. A) I




E) V

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A KPDS İNG / KASIM 2008 63. (I) The average salt concentration in the oceans at the present time is around 35 grams per litre of sea water. (II) Geological evidence shows that this figure has remained constant for the last 1.5 billion years. (III) Actually, this means that the oceans must lose nearly three billion tons of salt each year to balance the amount that enters them. (IV) Suggested mechanisms for this process include loss through sea spray, chemical reactions at the sea floor, biological activity, and the formation of salt deposits on land. (V) It is true that floating ice would not change sea levels if it melted. A) I




E) V

65. By all accounts, the operation was a success, but the period of recuperation looks like being a long one. A) So long as the operation is carried out successfully, the period of recuperation that follows will be short. B) Even if the operation is successful, it will be a long time before he gets back to normal. C) Since the operation was only a partial success, we mustn’t expect a speedy recovery. D) The operation was a huge success, so he is expected to be back to normal almost at once. E) The operation apparently went off well, but quite some time may be required for him to recover fully.

64. – 69. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın olan cümleyi bulunuz. 66. Everyone seems to be on edge these days, but with the elections so near that is hardly surprising.

64. Actually, I try to keep out of her way because, whenever I do run into her, she pesters me for a loan.

A) The approaching elections seem to have caused a higher than average amount of friction between people.

A) Whatever you do, don’t ever give her a loan or you’ll find yourself forced to lend her money every time she asks for it.

B) As elections are drawing near, we can expect such displays of bad-temper.

B) Even so, it’s best to keep out of her way, if you can, as she takes every available opportunity to get money out of you.

C) The approach of the elections is no excuse for such displays of bad-temper.

C) As a matter of fact, I avoid her as much as possible since, if we ever do happen to meet, she’s sure to work on me to lend her money. D) Even so, I prefer not to risk a meeting with her as I know she will do her best to make me lend her the money.

D) Nowadays tempers everywhere are frayed, which, I suppose, is only natural, with election day so close. E) With elections so close it’s essential that everyone makes an effort to stay calm.

E) I’d rather not put myself in a position to be forced to lend her money again.

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A KPDS İNG / KASIM 2008 69. Leonardo da Vinci forged close friendships with a wide variety of people, from humble apprentices to the king of France.

67. If the film focuses on terrorism, it is not likely to attract large audiences. A) Films that focus on terrorism are not as popular as they used to be.

A) Leonardo da Vinci had some close friends, who mainly included apprentices and also the king of France.

B) If terrorism is central to the film, it probably won’t achieve much popularity.

B) Among the few people Leonardo da Vinci regarded as his friends were some poor apprentices as well as the king of France.

C) As the film touches on terrorism we can’t expect it to be popular. D) Unless there is at least a background of terrorism to the film, it won’t be a hit.

C) Leonardo da Vinci was very fond of his friends, who in fact consisted of the French king and some poor apprentices.

E) If you want the film to be a box-office success, choose any subject but terrorism.

D) Leonardo da Vinci had a wide range of close friends, including poor apprentices and also the king of France. E) The king of France and a number of apprentices were the only people who made friends with Leonardo da Vinci.

70. – 75. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.

68. People have usually assumed that this mountain village was abandoned because easier living conditions were available elsewhere. A) The prospect of better living conditions in another place must have tempted the inhabitants to desert this mountain village. B) Apparently, people abandoned this mountain village, tempted by the prospect of a better way of life elsewhere.

70. James : - Have you been to the Dali exhibition? Rodney : - ---James : - Why is that?

C) It must have been hard to make a livelihood in this mountain village, so people opted out and went in search of an easier way of life.

Rodney : - I don’t like being caught up in a crowd when I’m looking at paintings.

D) The mountain village was presumably abandoned when people realized that easier conditions were on offer elsewhere.

A) I certainly have. And I hope to go again soon. B) Not yet. I don’t go to such exhibitions till they’ve been going for some time.

E) It has generally been presumed that people deserted this mountain village because there was the prospect of a pleasanter way of life in another place.

C) I was there at the opening. What about you? D) Yes. I was surprised at how few large paintings there were. E) Of course. And it was quite an experience.

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A KPDS İNG / KASIM 2008 73. Steve : - According to this latest report on Afghanistan, it’s not safe for aid agencies to work there.

71. Clare : - What’s the matter with you? You’re not your usual self! Kate : - I know I’m not. This report I’m doing is getting me down.

Ken : - How come? There is a strong NATO force there to provide security.

Clare : - ----

Steve : - ----

Kate : - No; thank goodness. But the deadline is near.

Ken : - So, it seems that the NATO-led attempts to bring peace to this country have already failed.

A) So that’s the trouble. Is there still much left to be done? B) The trouble with you is that you’re a perfectionist. C) When are you expected to hand it in? D) Would you like me to go over it for you?

A) You know that the aims of the NATO intervention in this country have been clearly defined. B) Indeed, northern Afghanistan remains reasonably peaceful and open to trade. C) Sure, but a large part of the country, especially the troublesome southern parts, are controlled by rebel groups.

E) But it was nearly finished last week, wasn’t it?

D) In fact, for this country to achieve peace and security, there is an urgent need for more foreign involvement. 72. Fred : - Have you read this article on the economies of the Middle Eastern countries?

E) Actually, several nations have helped to build roads, bridges, and other important facilities.

Mike : - No, not yet. Anything interesting in it? Fred : - ---Mike : - That’s to be expected. After all, Iran is the second-largest producer of oil in OPEC. A) Well, Iran’s nuclear aims seem to have increased international tension. B) To my surprise, 50% of Iran’s revenue comes from its oil exports. C) Clearly, the global economy is suffering heavily from the current US economic crisis. D) Just one point: every day, the world spends around $5.5 billion at current price levels on crude oil purchases. E) It seems that China, India, and Japan have become the primary markets for the Middle East’s oil and gas.

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A KPDS İNG / KASIM 2008 75. Liz : - Do you think the Russian invasion of Georgia will do lasting damage to Russia’s relations with the EU?

74. Tim : - A recent study has found that, in the oilproducing Arab countries in the Middle East, a quarter of the population lives below the poverty line, defined by the World Bank as earning less than $2 per day.

Brian : - In the short term, tensions will be high, but before long things will settle down smoothly again.

Tony : - Unbelievable. Despite record oil profits for those countries?

Liz : - How can you be so positive?

Tim : - ---Tony : - In that case, one can say that Arab governments have been negligent of their social responsibility. A) Yes, indeed. In fact, this clearly shows that the current oil boom has not benefited the average Arab citizen at all.

Brian : - ---A) Russia’s decision last year to reduce gas supplies to Europe was based on economic considerations rather than on any political aim. B) Russia has always shown a keen interest in European politics and often tries to influence it to its own advantage.

B) It is true that higher oil prices allow governments to avoid making difficult decisions.

C) The response of France has been to construct several new nuclear power stations.

C) Moreover, massive infrastructure and housing projects have been undertaken.

D) If we’re to live side by side, there must be a good measure of trust.

D) So far, open economies have done much better than the closed ones.

E) Very simple. Russia needs European goods and technology as much as Europe needs Russian gas.

E) For instance, in the Gulf states, rising real estate prices have pushed up rents and housing costs.

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A KPDS İNG / KASIM 2008 77. One gathers from the passage that, in the Hellenistic Age, ----.

76. – 80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. The major sciences of the Hellenistic Age were astronomy, mathematics, geography, medicine, and physics. The most renowned of the early Hellenistic astronomers was Aristarchus of Samos (310-230 B.C.), sometimes called the “Hellenistic Copernicus.” His primary accomplishment was his deduction that the Earth and the other planets revolve around the Sun. This view was not accepted by his successors because it conflicted with the teachings of Aristotle and also with the Greek conviction that humanity, and therefore the Earth, must be at the centre of the universe. Later, in the second century A.D., Aristarchus’s fame was overshadowed by that of Ptolemy of Alexandria. Although Ptolemy made few original discoveries, he systematized the works of others. His principal writing, The Almagest, based on the view that all heavenly bodies revolve around the Earth, was handed down to medieval Europe as the classic summary of ancient astronomy.

A) Aristotle’s writings and the works of other philosophers were edited and published B) astronomy was the science which received the most attention C) all astronomers held the same views about the Sun and the planets D) astronomy was just one of several sciences to be studied seriously E) it was commonly accepted that Aristarchus’s ideas had mainly derived from Aristotle

78. It is clear from the passage that, with his view of the universe, Aristarchus ----.

76. According to the passage, it was Ptolemy of Alexandria who ----.

A) opened the way for the study of astronomy as a science

A) adequately summarized in his Almagest Aristarchus’s ideas on astronomy

B) was only repeating the traditional Greek idea

B) was greatly inspired by Aristarchus’s heliocentric view of the universe

C) did not differ from other Hellenistic astronomers D) had much influence on his contemporaries

C) fundamentally shaped the European understanding of astronomy for the Middle Ages

E) made an unprecedented breakthrough in astronomy

D) first studied and explained in The Almagest the movements of all the planets E) contributed extensively to the development of astronomy as a science

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A KPDS İNG / KASIM 2008 80. One understands from the passage that Aristarchus’s reputation as an astronomer ----.

79. It is pointed out in the passage that the Greeks ----. A) regarded the Earth as the centre of the universe B) were extremely influenced by Aristarchus’s ideas C) were not fully familiar with the teachings of Aristotle

A) can be attributed to Copernicus’s study of his work B) never lost its significance in the Middle Ages C) began to grow only after the second century A.D.

D) completely ruled out whatever Ptolemy said about the universe

D) became widespread through Ptolemy’s famous work The Almagest

E) knew how the planets revolved around the Sun

E) has been acknowledged as correct by modern astronomers

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A KPDS İNG / KASIM 2008 82. It is stressed in the passage that the Berlin Wall ----.

81. – 85. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. The most significant political change in eastern Europe during the late 1980s was the collapse of communism in East Germany and the unification of East and West Germany. Although long considered the most prosperous of the Soviet satellite countries, East Germany suffered from severe economic stagnation and environmental degradation. Waves of East Germans registered their discontent with worsening conditions by massive illegal emigration to the West. This exodus together with evidence of widespread official corruption led to the resignation of East Germany’s long-time, hard-line premier, Erich Honecker. His successor, Egon Krenz, promised reforms, but he was nevertheless faced with continuing protests and continuing mass emigration. In the end, on 4 November 1989, the government, in a move that acknowledged its powerlessness to hold its citizens captive, opened its border with Czechoslovakia. This move effectively freed East Germans to travel to the West. In a matter of days, the Berlin Wall, which had been the embodiment of the Cold War, the Iron Curtain, and the division of East from West, was demolished by groups of ordinary citizens. Jubilant crowds from both sides walked through the gaping holes that now permitted men, women, and children to take the few steps that symbolized the return to freedom and a chance for national unity.

A) had been built by the East German government in order to prevent any access to West Berlin B) not only divided East and West, but also, more importantly, symbolized the Cold War and the Iron Curtain C) signified both the powerlessness of Honecker’s government and the failure of his economic policies D) would have been demolished even if East Germany had retained communism E) gave rise to a great many ideological controversies between East and West Germany

83. According to the passage, with the collapse of the Berlin Wall, ----.

81. As pointed out in the passage, in the late 1980s, ----.

A) the Soviet satellite countries were exposed to Western ideas

A) Honecker and Krenz were fully committed to the ultimate unification of East and West Germany

B) East and West Germany signed a treaty of reunification

B) East Germany began to enjoy so much prosperity that the other Soviet satellite states became envious of its economic success C) the East German government, already corrupt and disliked by the people, was no longer able to prevent mass emigration to the West D) Honecker introduced extremely austere economic measures in order to improve worsening conditions and get rid of corruption

C) the economic prosperity of East Germany continued to increase D) the East Germans took up their fight against political corruption E) the East German people were, as it were, finally freed from captivity

E) East Germany adopted a policy of cooperation with West Germany so that the effects of the Cold War could be eliminated

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A KPDS İNG / KASIM 2008 85. It is made clear in the passage that Honecker’s resignation from the government ----.

84. It is stated in the passage that East Germany ----. A) made various attempts to fight corruption in the government, but failed

A) led to a serious political crisis in the country, which was finally resolved by the intervention of his successor Egon Krenz

B) had continually tried to be re-unified with West Germany before the fall of the Berlin Wall

B) was inevitable because he had failed to carry out the reforms urgently needed to improve the economy and the environment

C) had never regarded communism as an acceptable regime until the 1980s D) faced extremely severe economic and environmental problems in the 1980s

C) was required by his successor Egon Krenz, who was far more popular with the people and took the necessary precautions to stop illegal emigration

E) had a considerable economic and political influence on other east European countries

D) was demanded because, without having consulted his colleagues, he had opened East Germany’s border with Czechoslovakia E) took place as a result of widespread official corruption and the massive illegal emigration to the West of the people of East Germany

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A KPDS İNG / KASIM 2008 87. As pointed out in the passage, the new states in eastern Europe, created in accordance with the Versailles treaty, ----.

86. – 90. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. The causes of World War II were rooted in the peace settlement at Versailles in 1919-1920. The peace had created as many problems as it had solved. The senior Allied heads of state yielded to demands that involved annexing German territory and creating new states out of the eastern European empires. In doing so, the peacemakers created fresh bitterness and conflict. The Versailles treaty and its champions, such as US President Woodrow Wilson, proclaimed the principle of self-determination for the peoples of eastern and southern Europe. Yet the new states created by the treaty crossed ethnic boundaries, involved political compromises, and frustrated many of the expectations they had raised. The unsteady new boundaries would be redrawn by force in the 1930s. The Allied powers also kept up the naval blockade against Germany after the end of World War I. This forced the new German government to accept harsh terms that deprived Germany of its political power in Europe. The blockade and its consequences created grievances that made the German people feel angry and completely humiliated.

A) became the source of many problems in Europe and caused much disillusionment B) were protected by the Allied powers against a possible German invasion C) formed an alliance in order to resist Germany’s territorial demands D) maintained their independence until the start of World War II E) did their best to be on good terms with Germany and so pursued a pro-German policy

88. According to the passage, in the face of the Allied naval blockade, ----.

86. It is argued in the passage that the Versailles treaty, signed after World War I, ----.

A) Germany openly refused to reach any political compromise with the Allied powers

A) went into effect soon after the Allied naval blockade against Germany had been lifted

B) the German government gave up its demands for the annexation of the east European countries

B) did not take into consideration Woodrow Wilson’s principle of self-determination

C) the newly-created east European countries soon began to disregard each other’s boundaries

C) enabled Germany to regain its territories in eastern Europe and become militarily strong again D) was a total failure, since it ultimately led to World War II E) was accepted with great jubilation by the German government and people

D) the German people strongly opposed Woodrow Wilson’s principle of self-determination E) Germany had no other choice but to agree to the severe conditions dictated by the Allies

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A KPDS İNG / KASIM 2008 90. Clearly, the passage ----.

89. It is clear from the passage that, contrary to Allied expectations, ----. A) the Germans were able to overcome the grievances caused by the naval blockade

A) is a comprehensive assessment of the impact that the Allied naval blockade of Germany had on the Versailles treaty

B) the peace deal made at Versailles brought about new hostilities and conflicts

B) is a detailed account of how Germany prepared itself economically and politically for World War II

C) Germany’s political power in Europe became further strengthened by the Versailles treaty

C) focuses directly on the problems that faced the new east European states created after World War I

D) President Wilson was worried about the political future of the new states in eastern Europe

D) is a detailed study of the European importance and consequences of Woodrow Wilson’s principle of self-determination

E) Germany and the new east European states soon realized they had much in common and established good relationships

E) summarizes the developments in Europe in the aftermath of the Versailles treaty

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A KPDS İNG / KASIM 2008 92. As pointed out in the passage, compared with the French Revolution, the Industrial Revolution ----.

91. – 95. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. The French Revolution transformed the political and diplomatic landscape of Europe suddenly and dramatically. The transformation of industry came more gradually. By the 1830s or 1840s, however, writers and social thinkers in Europe were increasingly aware of unexpected and extraordinary changes in their economic world. They began to speak of an “industrial revolution,” one that seemed to parallel the revolution in politics. The term has stayed with us. The Industrial Revolution spanned the hundred years after 1780. It represented the first breakthrough from an agricultural and overwhelmingly rural economy to one characterized by large-scale manufacturing, more capital-intensive enterprises, and urbanization. It involved new sources of energy and power, faster transportation, mechanization, higher productivity, and new ways of organizing human labour. It triggered social changes with revolutionary consequences for the West and its relationship with the world. Of all these changes, perhaps the most important one was to be seen in energy. Over the space of two or three generations, a society and an economy that had traditionally drawn on water, wind, and wood for most of its energy needs came to depend on steam engines and coal. In other words, the Industrial Revolution brought the beginnings of “the fossil fuel age.”

A) was so sudden and unexpected that there emerged a desperate need for new sources of energy and more workers B) had no impact at all on the social changes which took place in Europe in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries C) had so much influence on European politics in the nineteenth century that governments had to revise their development plans D) was primarily concerned with social welfare and forced many countries in Europe to introduce new benefits for workers E) was a process of industrial, economic, and social transformation in Europe, which covered a hundred years beginning with the late eighteenth century

93. One learns from the passage that, with the Industrial Revolution, ----.

91. As one understands from the passage, the term “the Industrial Revolution” ----.

A) a great deal of improvement was made in transportation so that goods could be carried in large quantities all over the world

A) was only used during the first half of the nineteenth century and has since been replaced by new terms, such as “the fossil fuel age” B) was invented after the Industrial Revolution was completed

B) the usual energy resources, such as wind, water, and wood, began to be used far more efficiently in order to meet growing energy needs

C) always signified the process of urbanization in Europe, which was closely linked with the migration of rural people to major cities

C) the traditional rural economy was replaced by a capital-based economy of mass production and labour

D) was first invented by a group of European social thinkers who recognized that huge changes were occurring in the economic world

D) economic affairs came to dominate politics and diplomatic relations in Europe so much that governments adopted policies for more cooperation with each other

E) essentially referred to the use of steam power in industry, but has today lost its original meaning completely

E) agriculture in Europe was fully modernized and, consequently, much higher productivity was achieved

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A KPDS İNG / KASIM 2008 95. As can be seen clearly, the passage ----.

94. It is clear from the passage that coal-fired steam power ----.

A) explains how the Industrial Revolution transformed the landscape of European politics and relations

A) had not been used as a primary source of energy before the Industrial Revolution B) was only used as a source of energy for industry in the 1830s and 1840s C) quickly lost its importance for industry after the advantages of fossil fuels became apparent

B) gives a detailed account of the ways in which the French Revolution differs from the Industrial Revolution C) extensively outlines the role which various sources of energy equally played in the Industrial Revolution

D) was not regarded as a feasible source of energy during the Industrial Revolution

D) mainly deals with the meaning and the economic and social consequences of the Industrial Revolution

E) played a minimal role in the transport of goods during the Industrial Revolution

E) discusses in depth the political and economic causes of both the French Revolution and the Industrial Revolution

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A KPDS İNG / KASIM 2008 97. According to the passage, unlike their French or German counterparts, ----.

96. – 100. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. The Renaissance originated in Italy for several reasons. The most fundamental reason was that Italy in the later Middle Ages was the most advanced urban society in all of Europe. Unlike aristocrats north of the Alps, Italian aristocrats customarily lived in urban centres rather than in rural castles and consequently became fully involved in urban public affairs. Moreover, since the Italian aristocracy built its palaces in the cities, the aristocratic class was less sharply set off from the class of rich merchants than in other European countries. Hence, whereas in France or Germany most aristocrats lived on the income from their lands while rich town dwellers, called bourgeois in French, gained their living from trade, in Italy so many town-dwelling aristocrats engaged in banking or mercantile enterprises, and so many rich mercantile families imitated the manners of the aristocracy that, by the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, the aristocracy and upper bourgeoisie were becoming virtually indistinguishable. For instance, the noted Florentine family of the Medici, which had emerged as a family of physicians (as the name suggests), made its fortune in banking and commerce, and rose into the aristocracy in the fifteenth century. Obviously, social mobility as such brought about a great demand for education in the skills of reading and counting necessary to become a successful merchant, but the richest and most prominent families sought above all to find teachers who would impart to their sons the knowledge and skills necessary in politics and public life.

96. It is suggested in the passage that, in the period before the Renaissance, ----.

A) medieval Italian aristocrats lived in cities and mixed with the general public B) Italian merchants in the Renaissance period were also engaged in trade north of the Alps C) distinguished Italian families wished their sons to become successful merchants D) the Medici were actively involved in the politics and diplomatic relations of their time E) the Italian upper bourgeoisie were strongly opposed to social mobility

98. It is pointed out in the passage that wealthy medieval Italian merchant families ----.

A) the aristocrats in Europe were indifferent to the quality of education offered at schools

A) deliberately avoided any involvement in the political affairs of their cities

B) the Medici of Florence had been a poor mercantile family with no skills in politics

B) disliked urban centres and preferred to live in their castles built in rural areas

C) France and Germany had many more aristocratic families than Italy

C) never took an interest in the political activities of the aristocracy

D) European banking was completely monopolized by the rich town-dwellers of France

D) were greatly influenced in their habits and way of life by urban aristocrats

E) no other European country had an urban society as advanced as that of Italy

E) were far more enterprising in trade than their French and German rivals

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A KPDS İNG / KASIM 2008 99. According to the passage, it was in Italy that ----. A) what the French called bourgeois had the monopoly on banking

100. It is clear from the passage that banking and trade ----. A) contributed a great deal to social mobility in Italy in the later Middle Ages

B) merchants and aristocrats were clearly set apart C) banking developed much faster than trade

B) were far more advanced in France and Germany than in Italy during the Renaissance

D) most aristocrats wanted their sons to learn only the skills associated with politics

C) were major enterprises that medieval Italian aristocrats chose to ignore

E) the rise of the Renaissance first took place

D) first emerged in medieval Italy, but were more professionally practised north of the Alps E) had much impact on the development of education throughout medieval Europe


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26. C

51. B

76. C

2. D

27. E

52. A

77. D

3. E

28. D

53. D

78. E

4. B

29. D

54. E

79. A

5. A

30. E

55. C

80. E

6. C

31. A

56. D

81. C

7. D

32. E

57. E

82. B

8. A

33. A

58. D

83. E

9. E

34. C

59. B

84. D

10. D

35. B

60. A

85. E

11. B

36. A

61. D

86. D

12. C

37. D

62. C

87. A

13. A

38. A

63. E

88. E

14. E

39. E

64. C

89. B

15. A

40. D

65. E

90. E

16. D

41. A

66. D

91. D

17. A

42. B

67. B

92. E

18. B

43. C

68. E

93. C

19. E

44. B

69. D

94. A

20. D

45. A

70. B

95. D

21. B

46. E

71. A

96. E

22. A

47. C

72. B

97. A

23. C

48. A

73. C

98. D

24. A

49. B

74. A

99. E

25. D

50. A

75. E

100. A


KPSS-YD-CS / 2008

5. The original inhabitants of Burundi were the Twa, a people who now ---- only 1% of the population.

1. – 13. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

A) set out

D) come to

1. More than just a dance, flamenco is an artistic ---of the joys and sorrows of life. A) familiarity

B) difference

D) expression

B) stand by

C) take on

E) make up

C) resource

E) sense

2. The Lord of the Rings has been reprinted ---times and translated into many different languages. A) additional

B) abundant

C) common

D) delicate

6. It is often argued that a country should not rely on foreign sources for many of its products because, in times of war, these sources might well be ----. A) cut off

E) numerous

B) broken down D) brought in

C) held on

E) got away

3. Although money is not the only means of payment for goods and services, it is the one which is most ---- used. A) densely

B) widely D) suddenly

C) closely

E) inclusively

7. Mount Etna, which is one of the world’s largest active volcanoes, ---- by the ancient Romans ---the home of Vulcan, the mythological god of fire.

4. The book and movie series of Harry Potter has ---- extremely popular, in part because the story involves witchcraft. A) concerned

B) admitted

D) played


would be thought / being


has been thought / having to be

C) is thought / to have been D) was thought / to be

C) become


E) reached

had been thought / having been

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A KPSS-YD-CS / 2008 11. Estonia, which was created ---- World War I, enjoyed only two short decades of independence before it once again became a part ---- its powerful neighbour, the Soviet Union.

8. Evidence that humans ---- to cultivate crops approximately 10,000 years ago ---- the presence of agricultural tools at archaeological sites. A) have begun / will include B)

might have begun / would have included

C) had begun / had included

A) from / at

B) during / for

C) after / of

D) on / in E) around / within

D) were beginning / has included E)

began / includes

9. Wisconsin ---- the US dairy capital, and each year the village of Little Chute ---- the Great Wisconsin Cheese Festival.

12. ---- you buy something, you buy it because of the satisfaction you expect to receive from having it and using it.

A) has been / would host

A) While

B) is / hosts

B) If only D) When

C) was / shall host

C) Since

E) Though

D) can be / had hosted E)

will be / used to host

10. Detroit, the largest city in Michigan, is situated ---the southeastern part ---- the state. A) in / of

B) at / on

C) along / from

D) by / through

13. ---- the death of the dictator General Franco in 1975, Spain became a constitutional monarchy under King Juan Carlos I. A) In spite of

B) Since

D) As well as

C) After E) Instead of

E) within / for

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A KPSS-YD-CS / 2008 19. – 24. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

14. – 18. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. Swedish belongs to the northern group of Germanic languages. Various dialects are spoken, especially in Southern Sweden, (14) ---- the accent is almost Danish. (15) ---- the Swedish people look reserved, they are friendly and open-minded. Their cities are rich (16) ---- tradition, but also modern and dynamic. Stockholm, the capital, (17) ---- the latest in design and architecture. The country (18) ---- increasingly multicultural in recent years.

19. Although some people are happy to head off into the mountains alone, ----. A) it is advisable to hire a local who knows the paths B) the Kaçkars are becoming increasingly visited for their trekking opportunities C) you should bring a good quality tent, stove and sleeping bag D) most of them aren’t aware that good personal hygiene is quite important in the wild

14. A) wherever

B) which

D) what

E) measuring a distance on the map is very important for estimating the length of a walk

C) that E) where

15. A) Although

B) Because

D) As if

C) If

E) As long as

16. A) about

B) at D) in

C) of E) by

17. A) gains

B) replaces D) completes

20. Before you spend any money on fish for your aquarium, ----.

C) competes

A) it is worth considering that juvenile fish are dark blue with distinctive white markings

E) offers

B) bear in mind that much of the food we eat ourselves is also suitable for fish

18. A) would have become

B) has become

C) should become

D) had become

C) be sure that you have provided the right environment for the well-being of your fish D) you should have checked if they were likely to grow much larger

E) will become

E) feed your fish sparingly as any uneaten food will cause pollution problems in the tank

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A KPSS-YD-CS / 2008 23. Portugal, an independent state since the 12th century, was a kingdom ----.

21. Because inflation has adverse effects on the consumer, ----. A) most companies are reluctant to offer competitive prices

A) although the country is crossed by three large rivers that flow into the Atlantic

B) high inflation results in a weaker currency

B) until a revolution in 1910 drove out King Manoel II, and a republic was proclaimed

C) economists may have used different types of indexes to measure inflation

C) which occupies the western part of the Iberian Peninsula

D) high inflation creates problems for companies that deal with exports

D) so that the Roman Empire conquered the region in about 140 B.C.

E) governments are always under pressure to bring inflation under control

E) since the Portuguese Empire in the 16th century extended to Africa and South America

24. Oil supplies are limited, and natural gas prices are rising, ----.

22. All developed countries’ governments are worried about unemployment, ----.

A) although, within the next two decades, most countries will go bankrupt

A) so that demand for labour is derived from the demand for the product

B) in case much of the demand is likely to be met with coal

B) if some employers pay good wages because of market forces

C) since the US has some of the world’s richest deposits

C) and there is a good deal of international discussion about it

D) but coal could light our homes and power our factories for centuries

D) so investment in new technology makes people more productive

E) even if more than a quarter trillion of tons of coal lie underfoot

E) even if employers must be able to reduce the number of people they employ

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A KPSS-YD-CS / 2008 27. The European Central Bank should remain focused on holding inflation down.

25. – 28. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz. 25. There has been much discussion about why ancient Athenian culture encouraged philosophy. A) Eski Atina kültürünün felsefeyi neden teşvik ettiği hususunda çok tartışma olmuştur. B) Eski Atina kültürünün felsefeyi neden özendirdiği önemli tartışmalara yol açmıştır. C) Felsefenin Eski Atina kültüründen nasıl beslendiği konusu çok tartışılmıştır.

A) Avrupa Merkez Bankası, enflasyonu durdurmaya odaklanmalıdır. B) Enflasyonu durdurmak için odak noktası, Avrupa Merkez Bankası olmalıdır. C) Enflasyonu alt seviyede tutmak için odak noktası, Avrupa Merkez Bankası olmalıdır. D) Avrupa Merkez Bankası, enflasyonu alt seviyede tutmaya odaklanmaya devam etmelidir. E) Avrupa Merkez Bankası, enflasyonu kontrol altına almaya odaklanmak için çaba göstermelidir.

D) Eski Atina kültürünün felsefeye nasıl kaynaklık ettiği hep tartışılmıştır. E) Eski Atina kültürünün felsefeyi niçin desteklediği daima tartışılmıştır.

28. Most of us realize the impact that our families have on our development.

26. Children may not understand that other people have feelings different from their own. A) Diğer insanların farklı duyguları olup olmadığını çocuklar anlayamazlar.

A) Çoğumuz, gelişimimiz üzerinde ailemizin etkili olduğunu biliyoruz.

B) Çocuklar, diğer insanların farklı duygular taşıdığını kavrayamazlar.

B) Pek çoğumuz, ailemizin gelişimimiz üzerinde sahip olduğu etkinin farkındayızdır.

C) Çocuklar, diğer insanların, kendilerininkinden farklı duygulara sahip olduğunu anlamayabilirler.

C) Gelişimimiz üzerinde ailemizin ne denli etkili olduğunu çoğumuz fark etmektedir. D) Ailemizin gelişimimiz üzerindeki etkilerini hepimiz çok iyi anlıyoruz.

D) Çocukların kavrayamadığı, diğer insanların farklı duygularla hareket edip etmediğidir.

E) Hepimiz, ailemizin gelişimimiz üzerindeki etkisini yeterince biliyoruz.

E) Çocuklar, diğer insanların kendilerinden farklı duygular taşıdığını hiç anlayamazlar.

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A KPSS-YD-CS / 2008 31. Gelişmiş ülkelerde hükûmetler, işsizlik sorununu çözmek için çeşitli yöntemler denemişlerdir.

29. – 32. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz. 29. Uzmanlar, dünya ikliminin gelecekte daha da ısınıp ısınmayacağı konusunda uzlaşamamaktadır.

A) Governments in developed countries have tried various methods to resolve the problem of unemployment.

A) No consensus has been reached by specialists about the question of the world’s climate getting much warmer in the future.

B) In developed countries, governments are trying several different methods for reducing unemployment.

B) There has been no consensus among specialists concerning the question of whether or not the world’s climate is getting warmer and warmer.

C) Various methods have been used by the governments of developed countries to resolve the unemployment problem.

C) For specialists, no consensus can be reached about whether the world’s climate has already become much warmer.

D) The unemployment problem in developed countries has been resolved by the governments using various methods.

D) It is still a long way before a consensus can be reached among specialists about the question of whether or not the world’s climate has already become extremely warm.

E) Governments of various developed countries have tried different ways of reducing unemployment.

E) Specialists are unable to reach a consensus on whether the world’s climate will get warmer in the future.

30. Roman, kısa öyküden çok daha uzun olduğu için, karmaşık bir olaylar dizisi sunar.

32. İhracatlarını artırabilmiş olan ülkeler, çoğu kez hızlı büyümeyi başarmışlardır.

A) A novel, since it is much longer than a short story, can sometimes present a much more complicated sequence of events.

A) By increasing their exports, many countries have often achieved rapid growth. B) Countries achieving rapid growth have also been able to increase their exports.

B) Since it has a more complicated sequence of events, a novel is much longer than a short story.

C) Countries which have been able to increase their exports have often achieved rapid growth.

C) In addition to presenting a more complicated sequence of events, a novel is also much longer than a short story.

D) Rapid growth is usually achieved by countries that have been able to increase their exports.

D) Because a novel is much longer than a short story, it presents a complicated sequence of events.

E) When countries are able to increase their exports, they have usually also been able to achieve rapid growth.

E) Despite being much longer than a short story, a novel presents a complicated sequence of events.

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A KPSS-YD-CS / 2008 33. – 36. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz. 33. (I) If you travel to a foreign country, reading the local paper might not be your only problem; understanding the local people can cause confusion, too. (II) This is because, just as languages have different dialects, there are dialects of emotional expression. (III) For instance, experts coded the facial muscles used while expressing 10 emotions and found several cultural differences. (IV) Reflexive responses like fear and disgust showed the least regional variation, while sadness, happiness, shame, and anger showed the most. (V) Moreover, most of us would find it difficult and uncomfortable to speak for a long time. A) I







A) I




E) V

E) V

34. (I) No other food product has chocolate’s magical ability to take so many different forms. (II) Poured into moulds in liquid form, it may reappear in the shape of bars, individual shells to be filled, or sweets. (III) Also, with the addition of flour, it becomes a delicious pudding. (IV) Most people prefer to eat chocolate after meals. (V) Additionally, it may be used in making various kinds of cake. A) I

35. (I) Consumer research shows that some advertisements have a harmful effect on children. (II) Advertising is not an end in itself, though many advertisements may be, in their own way, works of art. (III) The important thing is for the potential customer to remember the theme of the advertisement, not merely the advertisement itself. (IV) It is far better for a consumer to think, “That must be a great product!” than “That was a great commercial.” (V) Hence, a creative advertising message might prove useless, while other duller advertisements seem to endure forever – for the very sensible reason that they move goods off the shelves.

E) V

36. (I) The air we breathe is often dirty and contaminated with many pollutants, particularly in urban areas. (II) As a matter of fact, air pollution consists of gases, liquids, or solids present in the atmosphere at levels high enough to harm living beings as well as materials. (III) Although air pollutants can come from natural sources, human activities also make a major contribution. (IV) Most industrial countries have taken measures to reduce carbon emissions. (V) For instance, motor vehicles and industry are the two main human sources of air pollution. A) I




E) V

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A KPSS-YD-CS / 2008 38. Matthew : - Have you ever heard of a “hurricane pilgrim”?

37. – 40. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.

Mother : - ----

37. Elizabeth : - According to this article, the world is now a safer place than it was during the Cold War.

Matthew : - Okay, then, let’s hear it.

Philip : - ---Elizabeth : - Not as much as you might think. The number of governments possessing nuclear arms has actually declined since the end of the Cold War. Philip : - So even though terrorists attack more often, they don’t kill the high number of people that a nuclear warhead would.

Mother : - Well, a pilgrim is a person who comes from far away to see something, and we both know that a hurricane is an extremely strong storm. So a hurricane pilgrim must be someone who comes from out of town just to see the storm. A) No, but I can guess what it means. B) I don’t think I have. What do you know about it? C) Yes; there’s an article about them in this journal. What a dangerous interest!

A) It must be due to increased security at national borders.

D) Is it a type of traveller? E) This is for your homework assignment, isn’t it? Look it up on the Internet.

B) That can’t be true. You’d better re-read the article! C) What about the recent rise in international terrorism? Doesn’t that make the world more dangerous? D) I completely agree. Just think of all the missiles the US and Russia had pointed at each other during the 1980s! E) What do you think is the reason for this situation?

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A KPSS-YD-CS / 2008 40. Beverly : - Here’s an article about a 300-metre-tall wind turbine that was built in Denmark.

39. Sarah : - Did you know that in the Pantanal wetlands in western Brazil the people have several different names for “mud”? Jan : - Then it must be a very muddy place!

Cam : - Three hundred metres? That’s unusally tall, isn’t it?

Sarah : - ----

Beverly : - ----

A) The Pantanal is located near Brazil’s border with Bolivia and Paraguay.

Cam : - Unbelievable!

B) There are species of crocodiles that swim to the swamps from the nearby Rio Negro.

A) Indeed, it is, and it will be able to provide enough electricity for 20,000 homes.

C) Most of the people living in the Pantanal raise cattle for a living.

B) More of these huge turbines are going to be built in Germany.

D) Well, at least for part of the year. The mud completely dries up by the end of the summer.

C) Yes, it is. I wonder why the US isn’t doing more to produce renewable energy like this.

E) The jaguars living in the forests of the Pantanal often kill cattle for food.

D) I don’t know. Was it? E) I agree. What about wind turbines in other countries?

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A KPSS-YD-CS / 2008 43. Suppose you were asked how you know the answers to simple addition problems, such as 4+2 and 3+5. Your response would probably be that you simply know and that you have memorized the answers to such oftenencountered problems. And you would probably be right, since all of us have memorized a number of basic arithmetical facts. ----

41. – 44. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz. 41. A country may have a natural advantage in producing a product because of climatic conditions, access to certain natural resources, or availability of certain labour forces. ----. Sri Lanka’s climate, for example, supports the production of tea, rubber and coconuts.

A) So, can research help identify problems and suggest solutions? B) Like memory, children’s problem solving improves dramatically over the childhood years.

A) Thus, if trade were unrestricted, each country would specialize in those products that give it a competitive advantage

C) However, it is quite difficult to determine which of these strategies a child is using.

B) The country’s climate may dictate which agricultural products it can produce efficiently

D) But what about young children who are just beginning to learn about mathematics?

C) New products usually create trade advantages for the countries where they are produced or developed

E) In addition, coping with addition problems is a common experience for any child who has started school.

D) The more the two countries’ climates differ, the more likely they will favour trade with one another E) Rapid technological changes have created new products and displaced old ones

42. Although many people do not recall their dreams in the morning, evidence suggests that nonrecallers do as much dreaming as recallers. If you take people who claim that they have never dreamed in their life and put them in a dream research laboratory, you will get dream recall at rates comparable to other people. ----. A) In contrast, people can be taught to recognize that they are dreaming

44. In Britain, surnames were uncommon before the 13th century. They were originally descriptive in character, and used to distinguish persons of the same name, especially for real-estate matters. ----. These often indicated appearance (Black, Short), the occupation of the person (Baker, Tailor) or the father’s name (McDonald, Robertson). A) People may use names other than given or inherited names for professional purposes

B) Therefore, investigators do not yet understand why people dream at all C) In that respect, psychologists have demonstrated that some control of dream content is possible D) However, modern methods of study have answered a great many questions about dreaming

B) Surnames crept northwards from Germany through Denmark and into Norway in the 15th and 16th centuries C) Thus, the earliest surnames appeared among the urban, rich classes with property D) In some US families, there is a tradition of using a surname as a first name or a middle name

E) So, if people say, “I never dream”, what they really mean is, “I can’t recall my dreams”

E) In Britain, the use of two surnames is usually regarded as snobbish

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A KPSS-YD-CS / 2008 46. It can be understood from the passage that the “heritage industry” refers to ----.

45. – 48. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Tourism now represents a significant part of the economic assets of many countries, and in many of these, the “heritage industry”, as it has come to be called, is a highly significant part of the touristic experience. Of course, the presentation of major archaeological sites to the public has long been seen as part of the responsibility of governments, along with the proper conservation of these monuments. Particularly in Mexico, Egypt, Greece, and Italy, the ancient monuments have attracted a large tourist trade for over a century. But increasingly, the display of archaeological sites is being commercialized. Heritage has become big business, and, at times, it becomes part of the entertainment industry. Public awareness and enjoyment of archaeology are crucial to the discipline’s survival and development when not much government money is available. However, despite the possible financial advantages, many archaeologists and preservationists are worried, since there is already a huge conflict between touristdriven “reconstruction” and the integrity of archaeological sites – many sites have been “reconstructed” so extensively that it has become extremely difficult to study them. Increasing tourism has had an inevitable effect on the preservation of many sites and may put them at serious risk of permanent damage.

A) the commercial opening up of archaeological sites to tourists B) the tourist trade in all countries C) the responsibility of governments to protect their countries’ monuments D) the development in the public of a sense of archaeological awareness E) the entertainment events held at archaeological sites

47. By the words “integrity of archaeological sites” as used in the passage, the author probably means ----. A) adding new details to the sites B) keeping the sites in a state of proper preservation C) reconstructing the sites for the heritage industry D) charging money to view the sites E) allowing only archaeologists to enter the sites

45. It is clear from the passage that archaeological sites ----.

48. The passage is mainly concerned with ----. A) the varied economic assets of countries

A) benefit greatly from the tourism industry

B) tourism in Mexico, Egypt, Greece, and Italy

B) attract a great many tourists

C) tourism’s adverse effects on archaeological sites

C) are never likely to become commercialized

D) the entertainment industry and how it affects the economy

D) are largely dependent on government funding E) are, it is generally agreed, being improved by reconstruction work

E) government funding for the preservation of monuments

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A KPSS-YD-CS / 2008 50. According to the passage, the survivors of the plane crash remained on the mountain ----.

49. – 52. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. On 13 October, 1972, a plane carrying a group of Uruguayan rugby players and their families and friends crashed in the Andes Mountains en route to Chile, where the team was due to play a friendly match. Of the 45 people on the plane, only 27 survived the plane crash. On the freezing mountain, they faced tough conditions, having only small amounts of food and drink. Nine of the survivors died of their injuries and from exposure to the cold. Those remaining took the difficult decision to consume their dead comrades – a clear case of survival cannibalism. Some refused at first, but gave in a few days later out of desperation. About two months after the crash, three of the strongest survivors left the site in order to find help; and they succeeded in doing so. In all, 16 of the group survived. When they arrived at a hospital in Santiago, they were reluctant at first to speak of the cannibalism incident, claiming they had survived by eating cheese they had been carrying.

A) with enough food and drink to help them stay alive B) in order to search for other survivors C) and died from exposure to the cold D) for a relatively long period of time E) so that they could bury their dead comrades

51. We can infer from the passage that no one would have survived the crash at all ----. A) if the survivors had been exposed to tough conditions on the freezing mountain B) even though plenty of food and drink had been available to the survivors C) because some of the survivors died of their injuries D) if the survivors hadn’t been carrying a great deal of cheese with them on the plane E) if three of the survivors hadn’t gone in search of help

52. We understand from the passage that, of the original group of 27 survivors, ----.

49. It can be understood from the passage that the survivors of the plane crash ----. A) were only the rugby players on their way to Chile

A) some decided to go without food so that their friends would have more to eat

B) easily made the decision to eat the flesh of those who hadn’t survived the crash

B) none agreed to eat those who hadn’t survived the crash

C) were supplied with adequate food and drink

C) there were only 16 who finally got off the mountain

D) left the crash site together to try to contact help

D) the majority froze to death on the mountain

E) did not immediately reveal how they had managed to survive

E) few were willing to share the food they had in their possession

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A KPSS-YD-CS / 2008 54. We understand from the passage that, in complex situations, if the news audience is merely presented with unexplained information, ----.

53. – 56. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. News reporters are not robots. They have normal feelings, ideas, sensitivities, opinions, perceptions, prejudices, attitudes, and reactions. Still, the news reporter’s task is to present information, not to pass judgement on it. Many stories, however, are all but useless without analysis and interpretation and at least some suggestion of significance. In situations involving complex trends and events, the facts cannot speak for themselves and the simple presentation of unexplained information may create problems rather than clarify them. In such circumstances, the reporter has to interpret a story with care, and in doing so, avoid giving personal judgements. In this delicate mission, the reporter ideally will quote authoritative sources, and attempt to give both or all sides of the story. It is inexcusable to omit or give only part of a legitimate point of view just because the reporter does not happen to agree with it. A good reporter – in Shakespeare’s phrase, “an honest chronicler” – must be fair-minded.

A) this may cause much confusion and misunderstanding B) purely objective reporting will have been achieved C) they will be able to find its significance for themselves D) the facts will speak for themselves E) they can form their opinion of the events

55. According to the passage, the most important characteristic of a good reporter is ----. A) being able to present all kinds of news without any comments or analysis B) having definite opinions about the news C) the ability to pass judgement on a piece of information D) the ability to be fair when reporting the news E) knowing what is newsworthy and reporting only those events

53. The passage mainly focuses on ----. A) the complexity of news stories

56. According to the author of the passage, it is wrong for reporters to ----.

B) the importance of remaining objective when reporting the news

A) make use of expert sources when reporting the news

C) the fact that reporters are not allowed to analyze news stories for their audience

B) present their news stories with prejudice

D) Shakespeare’s idea of a good reporter

C) present stories that require further analysis

E) ways for reporters to deal with sources

D) avoid expressing their own opinion on any news they report E) give both or all sides of a news story

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A KPSS-YD-CS / 2008 58. We understand from the passage that some consumers buy hardback books because ----.

57. – 60. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Most books are published in two forms – hardback and paperback – the paperback edition being published and available for sale several weeks or months later than the hardback edition. The cost of producing a hardback book is only about 20% higher than the cost of producing the same book as a paperback, but the price of a hardback book is about three times the price of a paperback book. Why? The key to solving this puzzle is the fact that hardback books are published first, followed by the paperback edition. Booksellers use hardbacks and paperbacks to distinguish between two types of consumers: those who are willing to pay a lot and those who are willing to pay a little. The people who are willing to pay the most are eager to read the book as soon as it comes out, so they pay $24 for a hardback book. The people who are willing to pay less are more patient and are willing to wait a few months for the $8 paperback version. The pricing of hardback and paperback books is an example of price discrimination, in which certain people are prepared to pay a higher price for what they want.

A) they do not want to wait for the paperback edition to come out B) they think hardback books have better-quality materials C) booksellers use extensive advertising to sell them D) they have more money to spend E) their cost of production is not much higher than that of paperback books

59. We understand from the passage that the cost of producing a hardback book ----. A) is reflected in the sale price B) is constantly rising C) depends largely on its length D) exceeds that of a paperbook by 20% E) means that very few people can afford them

60. We can understand from the passage that consumers who are willing to wait before buying a product ----.

57. By the words “this puzzle” in the text, the author is referring to the fact that ----.

A) are willing to pay a lot of money for the product

A) paperback books are published later than hardback books

B) must generally settle for a lesser-quality product

B) booksellers charge the same price for paperback books as hardback books

C) may not be able to find the exact product they want to buy

C) the prices of hardback books are excessively high in relation to the cost of their production

D) will be able to choose from a greater selection of products

D) some people are willing to pay a higher price for their books

E) will usually have the chance to pay a lower price

E) there are basically two types of consumers


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21. E

41. B

2. E

22. C

42. E

3. B

23. B

43. D

4. C

24. D

44. C

5. E

25. A

45. B

6. A

26. C

46. A

7. D

27. D

47. B

8. E

28. B

48. C

9. B

29. E

49. E

10. A

30. D

50. D

11. C

31. A

51. E

12. D

32. C

52. C

13. C

33. E

53. B

14. E

34. D

54. A

15. A

35. A

55. D

16. D

36. D

56. B

17. E

37. C

57. C

18. B

38. A

58. A

19. A

39. D

59. D

20. C

40. A

60. E

A TUS İNG / NİSAN 2008 3. Parçada, minimal girişimli ve damar içinden yapılan yeni tedavi arayışlarının süreceği öngörüsü aşağıdakilerden hangisine dayandırılmıştır?

1. – 5. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) Halen kullanılmakta olan teknolojilerin sınırlı olmasına

Although the capacity to surgically correct valvular heart disease through valvuloplasty had been established in the 1920s, the results had been discouraging. Diseased valves were frequently both incompetent and stenosed. Moreover, attempts to surgically decalcify valves either did not sufficiently relieve the stenosis or destroyed the leaflets. Valvereplacement surgery has dramatically altered the natural history of valvular heart disease, affecting the lives of millions of patients. Limitations of the current technology will continue to drive the field toward new, minimally invasive and endovascular approaches for valve delivery. Valves that have the capacity for growth and self-repair, especially suited to the treatment of congenital heart disease, may be within reach through the application of tissue-engineering strategies.

B) Komplikasyon oranlarındaki yüksekliğe C) İşlevsel bir yöntemin bulunmuş ama yaygınlaşmamış olmasına D) Kalp kapak hastalık sıklığının giderek artıyor olmasına E) Mevcut tedavi tekniklerinin kalp kapaklarına zarar veriyor olmasına

4. Parçaya göre, doğuştan kalp hastalıklarının tedavisi için uyumlu kapakların özellikle nasıl olmaları istenmektedir?

1. Parçada, kalp kapak hastalıkları ve hastalıklı kapakların cerrahi ile düzeltilmesiyle ilgili olarak aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenmemektedir? A) Sonuçlar hayal kırıklığı yaratmıştır.

A) Sentetik maddelerden imal edilmiş

B) Cerrahi girişimler kısa süreli de olsa belirtilerin azalmasında yeterli olmuştur.

B) Biyolojik yapıda C) Büyüme ve kendini onarma yetisine sahip

C) Hastalıklı kalp kapaklarının yetersiz ve daralmış olması sıklıkla karşılaşılan bir sonuçtur.

D) İleri teknolojik yöntemlerle üretilmiş E) Kalıcı işlevselliğe sahip

D) Cerrahi girişimler, kalp kapaklarını yeterince genişletmemiş ya da onlara zarar vermiştir. E) Kapak düzeltme cerrahileri 1920’li yıllarda uygulanmaya başlanmıştır.

5. Parçanın son cümlesinde geçen “through” sözcüğünün Türkçe karşılığı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

2. Parçada, aşağıdakilerden hangisinin milyonlarca kalp kapak hastasının yaşamını etkilediği söylenmektedir? A) Doku mühendisliği girişimlerinin

A) Sırasında

B) Açısından

B) Doğuştan kalp hastalıklarının ilaçlarla tedavisinin

C) Amacıyla

D) Yerine E) Yoluyla

C) Doğal süreçlerinde kalp hastalıklarındaki çarpıcı değişikliklerin D) Kapak değiştirme cerrahisinin E) Endoskopik kapak ameliyatlarının

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A TUS İNG / NİSAN 2008 8. Parçada sözü edilen makaleye göre, Evre I hastalıkta aşağıdakilerden hangisinin tedavi edici yararı yoktur?

6. – 10. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) Radyoterapinin

A new review paper highlights the importance of early presentation and diagnosis, showing that endometrial cancer confined to the uterus has an excellent prognosis, while survival rates for advanced disease are low. The paper concludes with a series of “practice points”, which include: “1. Surgery is the cornerstone of treatment for most women with endometrial cancer. 2. Laparoscopic surgery for endometrial cancer can reduce surgical morbidity, although evidence that long-term survival is equivalent to that of open surgery is awaited. 3. Systematic lymphadenectomy has no therapeutic benefit in clinical stage I disease. 4. Adjuvant radiotherapy significantly reduces rates of locoregional recurrence but does not improve survival. 5. Intensive combination chemotherapy currently provides only a small gain in survival of 3 months.” In addition, the author says, there is a need to find out if conservative management with progestogens can be effective in sparing fertility.

B) Kemoterapi ajanlarının C) Radikal cerrahinin D) Progestojen tedavisinin E) Lenfadenektominin

9. Parçada sözü edilen makalede, radyoterapinin aşağıdakilerden hangisini önemli şekilde azalttığı söylenmektedir? A) Yaşam süresini

6. Parçada, endometrium kanseri ile ilgili olarak yazılmış yeni bir makalede aşağıdakilerden hangisinin önemine dikkat çekildiği söylenmektedir?

B) Bölgesel nüks hızını

A) Erken başvurunun ve tanının

C) Lenfatik yayılımı

B) Hastalığın uterusa sınırlı oluşunun

D) Morbiditeyi

C) İleri hastalıkta yaşam oranının düşük olmasının

E) Mortaliteyi

D) Doğru tedavinin yaşam süresini uzatmasının E) Prognozun mükemmel olmasının

7. Parçada sözü edilen makalede, aşağıdakilerden hangisi endometrial kanserin laparoskopik cerrahisi ile ilgili olarak ulaşılan sonuçlardan biri olarak sayılmıştır?

10. Parçada sözü edilen makalede, progestojen ile ilgili olarak aşağıdaki konulardan hangisinin daha fazla araştırılması gerektiği vurgulanmıştır?

A) Tüm kadınlarda tedavinin temel taşıdır.

A) Organ koruyucu cerrahiyi tamamlaması

B) Çoğu kadında uygulanabilir.

B) Lokal radyoterapiden sonra kullanımı

C) Ameliyat kaynaklı morbidite oranını azaltabilir.

C) Kombine tedaviler içindeki yeri

D) Uzun dönemde sağladığı yaşam süresi açık cerrahi ile benzerdir.

D) Üreme işlevini korumadaki etkinliği E) Yaşam kalitesinin korunmasındaki rolü

E) İlk tercih olmalıdır.

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A TUS İNG / NİSAN 2008 13. Parçada sözü edilen gebe kadınların % 12.7 ile % 5’lik dilimlerindekilerin ortak özelliği aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

11. – 15. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) Normal süresinde doğum

Researchers suggest that pregnant women with low cholesterol levels may be at increased risk for giving birth prematurely. They compared birth outcomes in 1,058 pregnant women with low cholesterol, at less than 159 mg/dl (n=118), or moderate cholesterol levels, at 159-261 mg/dl (n=940). Preterm delivery occurred in 12.7% of mothers with low cholesterol levels, compared with 5.0% of mothers with moderate cholesterol levels. Preterm infants born to mothers with low cholesterol levels weighed on average 150 g less than those born to mothers with moderate cholesterol levels. The investigators conclude: “Based on our initial findings, it appears that too little cholesterol may be as bad as too much cholesterol during pregnancy. The right amount of cholesterol is fundamental for good health especially during pregnancy, and it is critical for both the placenta and the developing baby, including the brain”. They add: “It is recommended that women of a childbearing age should know their cholesterol levels. At this point cholesterol is not screened for routinely in women before they become pregnant”.

B) Normal kolesterol düzeyi C) Düşük kolesterol düzeyi D) Erken doğum E) Orta düzeyde kolesterol değeri

14. Parçada, araştırmacıların ulaştıkları sonuçlar arasında aşağıdakilerden hangisi sayılmamıştır? A) Gebe kalmadan önce kolesterol taraması rutindir. B) Gebelikte çok düşük kolesterol, çok yüksek kolesterol kadar sakıncalı olabilir.

11. Parçaya göre, araştırmacılar aşağıdakilerden hangisini ileri sürmektedir?

C) Yeterli kolesterol, özellikle gebelik süresince, sağlıklı olmak için çok önemlidir.

A) Düşük kolesterol düzeyi mutlak erken doğum nedenidir.

D) Yeterli kolesterol, plasenta ve büyüyen bebek için çok önemlidir.

B) Düşük kolesterol düzeyi olan gebe kadınlarda, erken doğum riski yüksek olabilir.

E) Üreme çağındaki kadınların kolesterol düzeylerini bilmeleri önerilir.

C) Erken doğum yapan gebe kadınlarda, kolesterol düşüklüğü riski daha yüksektir. D) Erken doğum yapan gebe kadınlarda, kolesterol düzeyleri düşüktür. E) Kolesterol düzeyleri gebelikte azalan kadınlarda, erken doğum riski artar.

15. Parçanın ikinci cümlesinde geçen “outcomes” sözcüğünün Türkçe karşılığı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

12. Parçada sözü edilen 940 gebe kadından oluşan çalışma grubunda aşağıdakilerden hangisi görülmektedir? A) Normal süresinde doğum oranında azalma

A) Yöntemler

B) Karşılaştırmalar

B) Yüksek erken doğum oranı

C) Sonuçlar

D) Gelişmeler

E) Göstergeler

C) Düşük kolesterol düzeyleri D) Orta düzeyde kolesterol değerleri E) Yüksek kolesterol düzeyleri

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A TUS İNG / NİSAN 2008 18. Parçada, sarkoidozun ince iğne aspirasyonu ile tanısıyla ilgili olarak aşağıdakilerden hangisine yer verilmemiştir?

16. – 20. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) Sarkoidoz tanısının dışlanmasında değeri kesindir.

The diagnosis of sarcoidosis can be supported by biopsy of clinically involved extrathoracic sites, including skin lesions, conjunctiva, lacrimal glands, superficial lymph nodes, and liver. The sensitivity of fiberoptic bronchoscopy with transbronchial biopsy ranges from 60% to 90%; the yield with this modality increases as radiographic staging increases. Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration detects noncaseating granulomas in 82% of patients who have sarcoidosis of stage I or II. However, a negative sample drawn by fine-needle aspiration must be interpreted cautiously because the amount of culture material provided by fine-needle aspiration is small; an examination of lymph node architecture is required to rule out other diseases. In cases in which the results of fiberoptic bronchoscopy are inconclusive, a surgical procedure – either mediastinoscopy or lung biopsy by video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery – may be required to establish the diagnosis.

B) Endoskopik olarak ultrason rehberliğinde uygulanabilir. C) Evre I-II olgularının % 82’sinde granuloma tanısı konulabilir. D) Alınabilen kültür materyali tanı için yeterli boyutta olmayabilir. E) Lenf düğüm mimari yapısının incelenmesi, diğer hastalıkların ekartasyonu için gereklidir.

19. Parçada, aşağıdakilerden hangisinde sonuçların dikkatli şekilde yorumlanması gerektiği belirtilmiştir? A) Lenf örneklemelerinde

16. Parçada, göğüs boşluğu dışındaki bölgeler hangi amaca yönelik olarak sayılmıştır?

B) Kazeöz değişikliklere uğramış granuloma tanısında

A) Ultrasonla taranacak odakların belirlenmesi için

C) Aspirasyon biyopsi sonucu negatif geldiğinde

B) Hastalığın en sık bulunduğu yerler olarak

D) Karaciğer gibi derin organ tutulumlarında

C) Hastalığın evresini belirlemek amacıyla

E) Gözyaşı bezi ve konjunktiva tutulumlarının tanısında

D) Cerrahi uygulanabilecek yerlerin belirlenmesi için E) Tanıyı desteklemek için biyopsi hedefleri olarak

20. Parçada, aşağıdaki durumlardan hangisinde tanı için mediastinoskopik cerrahi endikasyonu gerekebileceği söylenmektedir?

17. Parçada sözü edilen % 60-90 arasında değişen oranlar aşağıdakilerden hangisine aittir? A) Ultrason rehberliğinde ince iğne aspirasyon yönteminin tanı hassasiyetine

A) Torakoskopi başarısızlığında

B) Hastalığın birden fazla dokuda görülme sıklığına

B) Kesin olmayan fiberoptik bronkoskopi sonuçları alındığında

C) Hastalığın tedavisindeki başarıya

C) Transbronşiyal biyopsi ile sarkoidoz tanısı konulduğunda

D) Bronkoskopi ve biyopsi yönteminin tanı hassasiyetine

D) Radyografik evreleme yaygın hastalık gösterdiğinde

E) Radyoloji ile evrelemedeki doğruluğa

E) Komplikasyon ortaya çıktığında

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A TUS İNG / NİSAN 2008 22. Parçada, iyileştirilebilir pankreas kanseri hasta oranını artırabilmek için aşağıdakilerden hangisine acilen gereksinim olduğu belirtilmektedir?

21. – 25. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) Asemptomatik olgular için etkin bir tarama sisteminin geliştirilmesine

The prognosis of patients with pancreatic cancer is extremely poor with less than 5% of patients alive 5 years after diagnosis. Of all the treatment modalities for pancreatic cancer, only resection offers the opportunity for a cure. However, at the time of diagnosis, approximately half of the patients already have metastases and approximately one third of patients are diagnosed as having locally advanced disease, whereas only a small proportion of patients are eligible for surgery. Most symptoms related to this malignancy occur only after disease advancement to unresectable stages and the early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer remains challenging. To increase the proportion of pancreatic cancer patients with a chance of a cure, there is an urgent need to develop an effective screening system for asymptomatic individuals and to improve the diagnostic accuracy for pancreatic cancer in its early stage. Pancreatic cancer is a poor candidate for population-based screening because of its relatively low incidence, the lack of cost-effective or clinically proven screening tools, and the limited options for effective management, even with early tumours. For patients at high risk for pancreatic cancer, such as those with a familial syndrome, screening may have value, although the efficacy of screening has not been demonstrated. CA19-9, a serum tumour marker, may have value for following the therapeutic response of patients with pancreatic cancer. However, CA19-9 has not proved to be useful in screening, for three reasons: (1) approximately 10% to 15% of individuals do not secrete CA19-9; (2) the CA19-9 level may be within normal range in the early stage of pancreatic cancer; and (3) the CA19-9 level may be elevated in benign conditions such as chronic pancreatitis or acute cholangitis.

B) Erken evrede doğru tanı için yeni yöntemlerin icat edilmesine C) Daha etkili yeni medikal tedavi alternatiflerinin bulunmasına D) Cerrahi tedavi yöntemlerinin iyileştirilmesine E) Toplumun bilgilendirilmesine

23. Parçaya göre, aşağıdakilerden hangisi pankreas kanserinin toplum taraması için uygun bir hastalık olmama nedenlerinden biri değildir? A) Erken tümörlerde bile etkili yönetim seçeneklerinin sınırlı olması B) Görülme sıklığının nispeten düşük olması C) Maliyet-etkin bir tarama yönteminin bulunmaması D) Tedaviye genellikle iyi cevap alınamaması E) Klinik olarak değeri kanıtlanmış bir tarama yönteminin bulunmaması

24. Parçada, ailesel sendrom olguları için değeri olabileceği belirtilen aşağıdakilerden hangisidir? A) Erken tanı ve etkin tedavi B) Tarama programları C) Tanıda serum CA19-9 düzeyleri D) Diğer aile bireylerinde erken tanı testleri E) Kronik pankreatit ayırıcı tanısı

21. Parçada, pankreas kanserinin prognostik verileri arasında aşağıdakilerden hangisi sayılmamıştır? 25. Parçada, CA19-9 ile ilgili olarak aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenmemektedir?

A) Hastalığın tanısından 5 yıl sonra olguların % 5’ten azı hayatta kalmaktadır. B) Hastaların sadece üçte birinde cerrahi yapılabilir.

A) Tüm kanser türlerinde yüksek düzeylerde bulunabilir.

C) Hastalığın iyileşmesine sadece rezeksiyon bir fırsat oluşturabilir.

B) Kronik pankreatit ve akut kolanjit olgularında yüksek düzeylerde bulunabilir.

D) Tanı sırasında hastaların yaklaşık yarısında metastaz mevcuttur.

C) Pankreas kanseri olgularında tedaviye cevabı izlemek için kullanılabilir.

E) Belirtilerin çoğu ancak hastalığın rezeksiyon yapılamayacak evresinde ortaya çıkar.

D) Olguların % 10-15’i CA19-9 salgılamazlar. E) Erken evredeki pankreas kanseri olgularında normal sınırlar içinde bulunabilir. Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A TUS İNG / NİSAN 2008 28. Aşağıdakilerden hangisi parçada sözü edilen çalışmanın özelliklerinden biri değildir?

26. – 30. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) 408 kadına tüp bebek uygulanmıştır. Pregnancy rates generally decrease as women age, a likely reflection of the increasing numbers of chromosomally abnormal embryos. In women of advanced maternal age who are undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF), pregnancy rates theoretically should increase if embryos are prescreened and only chromosomally normal embryos are transferred. In this study, 408 women (age range, 35-41) scheduled to undergo IVF were randomly assigned to standard IVF with or without preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) and were followed for three cycles. No more than two embryos were transferred during any one cycle. In both the PGS group and the control group, approximately one third of the participants discontinued treatment. Of 434 follicular aspirations with PGS, 48 resulted in ongoing pregnancies (11%). Of 402 aspirations with standard IVF, 66 resulted in ongoing pregnancies (16.4%). Results of an intentto-treat analysis showed that significantly fewer patients in the PGS group, compared with the control group, had ongoing pregnancies: 25% versus 37%.

B) Olguların bir kısmına PGS yapılırken diğerlerine yapılmamıştır. C) Siklus başına en az 2 embryo nakli yapılmıştır. D) Olgular 3 siklus süresince izlenmiştir. E) Olguların yaşları 35-41 aralığındadır.

29. Aşağıdakilerden hangisi parçada sözü edilen çalışmanın sonuçlarından biri değildir? A) PGS yapılmayanlarda 402 folikül aspire edilmiştir. B) PGS yapılanlarda 434 folikül aspire edilmiştir. C) PGS yapılanlarda devam eden gebelik oranı % 11’dir.

26. Parçaya göre, ilerleyen yaşla birlikte kadınlarda gebelik oranlarının düşmesi aşağıdakilerden hangisinin olası bir yansımasıdır?

D) Olguların yaklaşık üçte biri tedaviyi tamamlayabilmiştir.

A) Foliküllerin yaşlanmasının

E) PGS yapılmayanlarda devam eden gebelik oranı % 16.4’tür.

B) Oositlerin kromozom yapılarındaki bozulmanın C) Anormal kromozomlu embryo sayısındaki artışın D) Uterusun yaşlanmasının E) İmplantasyon defektlerinin

30. Parçaya göre, tedaviyi yarıda bırakan olgular da istatistik analize dahil edilip devam eden gebelik oranları dikkate alındığında, aşağıdaki sonuçlardan hangisine ulaşılmıştır?

27. Parçaya göre, ileri yaştaki kadınların IVF tedavilerinde aşağıdaki yaklaşımlardan hangisinin uygulanmasıyla gebelik hızları teorik olarak artırılabilir? A) Embryo naklinden önce ilaçlarla uterusun hazırlanması

A) Olgu sayıları yetersiz olduğundan değerlendirme yapılamamıştır.

B) Sadece normal kromozomlu oositlerden embryo oluşturulması

B) Her 2 grupta da eşit oranda başarı sağlanmıştır. C) PGS yapılanlarda başarı oranı önemli ölçüde daha yüksektir.

C) Hormonların uyarılması ile sağlıklı folikül gelişimi ve embryo naklinin sağlanması

D) Çalışmanın kurgulanma yöntemi karşılaştırmayı olanaksız kılmıştır.

D) Anormal embryoların kromozomları düzeltildikten sonra nakledilmesi

E) PGS yapılmayanlarda başarı oranı önemli ölçüde daha yüksektir.

E) Sadece normal kromozomlu embryoların seçilerek nakledilmesi

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A TUS İNG / NİSAN 2008 33. Parçada, mevcut literatüre göre trombofili tarama endikasyonları arasında aşağıdakilerden hangisi sayılmamıştır?

31. – 35. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) Aile öyküsünde pıhtılaşma bozukluğu bulunması

Data on baseline prevalence of all thrombophilia types exist for adults, but less is known about risk for thrombosis in adolescents. Given the increased use of oral contraceptives (OCP’s) among adolescents (for a host of conditions ranging from acne to menstrual management) and their association with risk for thrombophilic events, information about family history of thrombophilic events is important. In a retrospective chart review, researchers evaluated the accuracy of family history of early cardiovascular disease (myocardial infarction or cerebrovascular accident before age 55) and venous thromboembolism (VTE) in predicting a positive thrombophilia screen. The authors suggest that thrombophilia screening is warranted before oral contraceptives are administered to adolescents with family history risk factors. Current literature supports thrombophilia screening for individuals who have had an unexplained thromboembolic event before age 45, family history of clotting disorders, multiple miscarriages, or stillbirths. However, no recommendation exists for screening based on family history alone. The results of the current study suggest that a family history of blood clots is a better predictor of thrombophilia in adolescents than a family history of cardiovascular disease.

B) 45 yaşından önce, nedeni açıklanamayan tromboembolik olay öyküsü C) Aile öyküsünde kalp damar hastalığı varlığı D) Çok sayıda düşük yapmış olmak E) Ölü doğum yapmış olmak

34. Parçada sözü edilen çalışmanın sonuçlarına göre, aşağıdakilerden hangisi ergenlerin trombofili öngörüsünde daha iyi bir göstergedir? A) Ailede tekrarlayan düşük ve ölü doğum öyküsü B) Ailede kalp damar hastalığı öyküsü

31. Parçada, trombofili tiplerinin prevalans verilerinin aşağıdaki gruplardan hangisinde eksik olduğu belirtilmektedir?

C) OCP kullanımı D) Kalp hastalığı

A) Ergenlerde

E) Ailede pıhtılaşma bozuklukları öyküsü

B) Doğum kontrol hapı kullananlarda C) Erişkinlerde D) Kalp damar hastalarında E) Venöz tromboemboli geçirenlerde

32. Parçada, OCP’lerle ilgili olarak aşağıdakilerden hangisinin önemi vurgulanmıştır?

35. Parçanın üçüncü cümlesinde geçen “accuracy” sözcüğünün Türkçe karşılığı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) OCP’lerin akneden menstrüel düzenlemeye kadar pek çok nedenle reçetelenmesinin B) Aile öyküsünde trombofili varlığının C) OCP kullanımı ile artan trombofili riski ilişkisinin

A) Farklılık

B) Doğruluk

C) Azalma

D) İlerleme E) Düzensizlik

D) OCP’lerin giderek ergenler tarafından daha çok kullanılmasının E) Erişkinlerde giderek artan tromboz sıklığının

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A TUS İNG / NİSAN 2008 38. Parçada, hormon tedavisinin aşağıdakilerden hangisini önlemek amacıyla kullanılmaması gerektiği belirtilmektedir?

36. – 40. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) İnmenin tekrarlamasını

Stroke is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality, and is the third leading cause of death in women. There are data to suggest that stroke outcomes are worse in women than in men. Among the traditional risk factors for stroke (smoking, hypertension, diabetes, obesity and age), age is the most consistent risk factor, and the potential risk of using hormonal preparations remains controversial. Hormone therapy does not prevent stroke recurrence, and should not be used for this purpose, or in women who have a high-risk cardiovascular status. Data from clinical trials are fairly consistent in showing a small but statistically significant increase in ischemic stroke risk with standard doses of estrogen as well as with estrogen/progestogen. However, there is no evidence that this risk pertains to women in the age range of 50-59 years, where the prevalence of stroke is already low. Recent observational trials do not show any increase in the risk of ischemic stroke, except in hypertensive women. Subgroup analyses suggest the risk is lowered with earlier initiation and younger age at the time of therapy, the use of a lower estrogen dose, and the use of unopposed estrogen in nonhypertensive women.

B) İskemik kalp hastalığını C) Hipertansiyon atağını D) Diyabet komasını E) Venöz tromboemboliyi

39. Parçaya göre, aşağıdakilerden hangisi hormon tedavisi ile iskemik inme riski ilişkisi bağlamında, klinik çalışma verileri arasında değildir? A) Östrojen ile kombine progestojen kullanımı ile risk artar. B) Küçük bir risk artışı vardır. C) Risk artışı 50-59 yaş aralığındaki kadınlarda da saptanmıştır.

36. Aşağıdakilerden hangisi parçada sözü edilen inmenin özelliklerinden biri değildir?

D) Tek başına östrojen kullanımı ile risk artar.

A) Prevalansı 50-59 yaş grubu kadınlarda düşüktür.

E) Riskteki artış istatistiksel olarak önemlidir.

B) Önde gelen bir morbidite nedenidir. C) İnme geçiren kadınlarda prognozun erkeklerden daha kötü olduğu iddia edilmektedir. D) Genel olarak toplumda üçüncü en sık ölüm nedenidir. E) Geleneksel risk faktörlerinden biri sigara kullanımıdır.

40. Parçaya göre, yakın geçmişteki gözlemsel çalışmalarda aşağıdaki hangi durumda hormon tedavisi ile iskemik inme riskinde azalma görülmemektedir?

37. Parçada, inme ile ilgili olarak aşağıdakilerden hangisinin en tutarlı risk faktörü olduğu belirtilmektedir?

A) Progestojen ile karşılanmayan tek başına östrojen verilmesi

A) Yaş

B) Hipertansif kadınlara hormon verilmesi

B) Hormon kullanımı C) Şişmanlık

C) Daha genç yaşlarda hormon tedavisine başlanması

D) Hipertansiyon

D) Düşük dozda östrojen kullanılması

E) Diyabet

E) Hormona erken menopozal dönemde başlanması

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A TUS İNG / NİSAN 2008 43. Parçada, sağlık hizmeti verenlere karşı açılan davaların çoğunun aşağıdaki genel hukuk kurallarından hangisi gözetilerek yürütüldüğü belirtilmektedir?

41. – 45. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Both the practice of medicine and the accepted standards of practice have changed rapidly in recent years. This is due in part to scientific advances, the increasing influence of third party payers, the introduction of new government regulations concerning the organization and financing of medical care, and changes in societal expectations for medicine. Unfortunately, even minor deviations from accepted standards of care have the potential to result in adverse legal judgements. Thus, physicians must continually incorporate medical advances into current practice while remaining cognizant of new legal concepts of potential liability. Most malpractice claims proceed under rules of common law, the body of legal judicial opinion derived from precedent cases rather than statutory or legislative rules. The strength of common law is its ability to adapt its rulings and interpretations to the changes in society, including advances in medical science. As we are well aware as clinicians, our scientific knowledge is still incomplete, and biologic limitations, the inevitable problems caused by human error, and the uncertainties inherent in all clinical diagnoses and in therapy are not going to disappear. Thus the continuation of the complex, interdependent, and contentious relationship between the law and medicine is assured.

A) Bilirkişi raporuna göre yargıcın kanaati B) Önceki benzer davalarda verilmiş kararlardan edinilmiş yasal kanaat C) Kanunlarda iddia edilen suça karşılık gelen ceza maddeleri D) Uluslararası hukuk ilkeleri E) Kanun koyucunun yaptığı yasaların gerekçeleri

44. Parçaya göre, tıbbi davalarda esas alınan genel hukuk, gücünü aşağıdakilerden hangisinden alır? A) Kurallarını ve yorumlarını toplumdaki değişikliklere göre uyarlama yetisinden B) Tıp bilimindeki gelişmelere göre yasama erkinin kuralları değiştirmesinden

41. Parçada, aşağıdakilerden hangisi tıbbi uygulamalarda ve standartlarda son yıllarda görülen hızlı değişimin bir nedeni olarak gösterilmektedir?

C) Kanunların hekimlerin lehine yorumlanabilmesinden D) İyi niyet esasına göre tarafların uzlaştırılmasına yönelik olmasından

A) Yeni gelen hükümetlerin yasalara uymamaları B) Bilim alanındaki kısmi gelişmeler

E) Yargıcın ve jürinin kişisel ve yansız kararına saygılı olmasından

C) Ödeme yapan üçüncü kişilerin artan etkileri D) Tıbbi hizmet kuruluş ve finansmanındaki karmaşık yönetim planları E) Toplumun giderek artan beklentileri

42. Parçada, olumsuz yargı kararları ile sonuçlanma riski taşıdığı belirtilen durum aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

45. Parçaya göre, aşağıdakilerden hangisi yasalar ile tıp bilimi arasındaki karmaşık ilişkinin sürecek olmasının nedenlerinden biri değildir?

A) Hızla değişen tıbbi gelişmelerin günlük uygulamalara yeterince yansıtılamaması

A) Tedavideki belirsizliklerin devam etmesi

B) Sürekli değişen yasalara ayak uydurulamaması

B) Tıp alanındaki uzmanların bilimsel bilgilerinin hâlâ eksik olması

C) Toplumun sürekli artan beklentilerinin sağlık sektörünce karşılanamaması

C) İnsan hatalarının önlenememesi

D) Sunulan tıbbi bakımın beklenen standartlardan sapması

D) Tüm klinik tanılardaki belirsizliklerin devam etmesi

E) Kanunları bilmemenin hekimleri sorumluluktan kurtarmayacağının hekimlerce bilinmemesi

E) Yasaların tıbbi gelişmelere ayak uyduramaması

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A TUS İNG / NİSAN 2008 48. Parçada, şizofreni ile ilgili faktörler arasında aşağıdakilerden hangisinden söz edilmemiştir?

46. – 50. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) Genetik Schizophrenia is a psychiatric disorder characterized in its acute phase by delusions, hallucinations, incoherent speech, catatonia, or flat affect. Generally, the level of the individual’s function declines, with withdrawal and social isolation. The onset is usually during adolescence or young adulthood. Genetic as well as environmental and psychologic factors are involved. The disease is considered to have an organic basis with biochemical abnormalities, and drug treatment is usually with neuroleptic antipsychotics. A psychiatric referral is indicated. Suicidal risk should be assessed. Schizophrenic women may have exacerbations during pregnancy and the puerperium and should be carefully monitored. Symptoms in pregnancy often relate to gestational age, bodily changes and foetal movements.

B) Psikolojik C) Çevresel D) Biyokimyasal E) Hormonal

49. Parçada, şizofren kadınların gebelik dönemleriyle ilgili olarak aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenmemektedir? A) Hastalık gebelik ve lohusalık sürecinde ataklar gösterebilir. B) Hastalar gebelik ve lohusalık dönemlerinde yakından izlenmelidirler.

46. Parçada, şizofreninin akut faz özellikleri arasında aşağıdakilerden hangisi sayılmamıştır?

C) Gebe kadının yaşı belirtilerle bağlantılıdır.

A) Kuruntu ve hezeyan B) Asılsız ve hayali düşünceler

D) Belirtiler gebeliğe özgü vücut değişiklikleriyle bağlantılıdır.

C) Anlamsız ve tutarsız konuşmalar

E) Belirtiler fetal hareketlerle bağlantılıdır.

D) Saldırgan tutum E) Dış ortamla ilişkinin kesilmesi

47. Parçada, şizofreninin genel belirtileri ve başlangıcıyla ilgili olarak aşağıdakilerden hangisi söylenmemektedir?

50. Parçanın yedinci cümlesinde geçen “should be assessed” ifadesinin Türkçe karşılığı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) İçe kapanıklık gözlenir.

A) Değerlendirilmelidir

B) Hasta temel ihtiyaçlarını yerine getiremez.

B) Varsayılmalıdır

C) Sosyal tecrit durumu görülür.

C) Belirtilmelidir

D) Genellikle genç erişkinlik döneminde başlar.

D) Gösterilmelidir

E) Başlangıcı genellikle ergenlik dönemine rastlar.

E) Söz konusu edilmelidir

Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


A TUS İNG / NİSAN 2008 53. Parçada, kronik akciğer hastalığının nasıl bir oluşum şekli olduğundan söz edilmektedir?

51. – 55. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

A) Çeşitlilik gösteren Effective early management of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) has resulted in the survival of an increasing number of very low birth weight infants. However, chronic lung disease (CLD) remains a significant problem among these low birth weight survivors. Infants with CLD are at greater risk for pulmonary compromise in childhood, rehospitalization, neurodevelopmental delay, and late mortality. The care of infants with CLD is costlier than that of premature infants without pulmonary compromise. The pathogenesis of CLD involves a cycle of lung injury, repair, and fibrosis. Lung injury occurs in susceptible infants exposed to mechanical ventilation and supplemental oxygen. Factors including excess fluid administration, patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), infection, and genetic predisposition may further increase the risk of developing CLD. In cases of established CLD, treatment with bronchodilators and diuretics is common. Corticosteroids are widely used to prevent and treat CLD. Corticosteroid therapy may decrease lung injury through a variety of mechanisms, including stabilization of cellular or Iysosomal membranes, decreasing inflammatory response, and decreasing pulmonary edema.

B) Değişken C) Ağır ilerleyen D) Dikkat çekici E) Döngüsel

54. Parçada, kronik akciğer hastalığı gelişme riskini artıran faktörler arasında aşağıdakilerden hangisi sayılmamıştır? A) Gelişme geriliği B) PDA C) Enfeksiyo