Ekr 500 Digital Unit Touch: Installation and Commissioning Manual [PDF]

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Web Guiding System

Installation and Commissioning Manual

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch MD.497.EN.04

Translation of the Original Manual

BST eltromat International GmbH Heidsieker Heide 53 D-33739 Bielefeld Tel.: +49 (0) 5206 999 0 Fax: +49 (0) 5206 999 999 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.bst-eltromat.com

This documentation is protected by copyright. The translation as well as reproduction and distribution in any form is forbidden without the approval of the rights holder and will be pursued under civil and criminal law. Technical modifications reserved.

Table of contents

Table of contents 1 About This Document........................................................................................  7 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3 1.5

What You Need to Know...............................................................................................  7 Target Group.................................................................................................................  7 Storage and Distribution ...............................................................................................  7 Meanings of the Safety Instructions and Symbols ........................................................  7 Safety Instructions ........................................................................................................  7 Symbols.........................................................................................................................  8 Operation Using Keys....................................................................................................  8 More Detailed Information ...........................................................................................  8

2 About Safety .....................................................................................................  9 2.1 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.3 2.3.1 2.4 2.5 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.8.1 2.8.2 2.8.3

Intended Use.................................................................................................................  9 Non-intended Use.......................................................................................................  10 Non-intended Infringement of Guidelines..................................................................  10 Non-intended Operation.............................................................................................  10 Non-intended Modification of Electronic Data...........................................................  11 Safety Instructions ......................................................................................................  12 General Safety Instructions.........................................................................................  12 Qualification of the Personnel ....................................................................................  14 Duties of the Operating Company and Personnel ......................................................  15 Duties of the Operating Company ..............................................................................  15 Duties of the Personnel...............................................................................................  16 Conduct in the Event of Danger and Accidents ..........................................................  16 Personal Protective Equipment ..................................................................................  17 Guarantee and Liability...............................................................................................  17 Disclaimer ...................................................................................................................  17 Exceptions to the Disclaimer.......................................................................................  18 License and Liability for Software Supplied ................................................................  18

3 Design and Function......................................................................................... 19 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.5.1 3.5.2 3.5.3 3.6 3.7

Design .........................................................................................................................  19 Controller ....................................................................................................................  19 Control Panel ..............................................................................................................  19 Function ......................................................................................................................  20 Message Output “System OK“ ....................................................................................  21 Connectable Components...........................................................................................  22 Designation of the Sensors .........................................................................................  23 Edge Sensors (Sensor 1/2) ..........................................................................................  23 Line and Contrast Sensor (Sensor 3) ...........................................................................  24 CCD Cameras (Sensor 1/2) ..........................................................................................  25 Accessories..................................................................................................................  26 Nameplates .................................................................................................................  26

4 Technical Specifications ................................................................................... 27 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 4.1.6 4.1.7 4.1.8 4.1.9 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2

Controller ....................................................................................................................  27 Ambient Conditions ....................................................................................................  27 Protection Category ....................................................................................................  27 Power Supply ..............................................................................................................  27 Analogue Inputs ..........................................................................................................  28 Digital Inputs / Outputs...............................................................................................  29 Output Motor Output Stage .......................................................................................  29 Message Output "System OK" ....................................................................................  30 Bus Interface ...............................................................................................................  30 Weight and Dimensions ..............................................................................................  31 ekr commander Control Panel ....................................................................................  32 Ambient Conditions ....................................................................................................  32 Protection Category ....................................................................................................  32

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual


Table of contents

4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.3 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8

Power Supply ..............................................................................................................  32 Touchscreen Display ...................................................................................................  32 Weight and Dimensions ..............................................................................................  32 Power Pack..................................................................................................................  33 Sensors........................................................................................................................  34 Edge Sensors ...............................................................................................................  34 Line and Contrast Sensor ............................................................................................  36 CCD Cameras...............................................................................................................  37 Sensor Positioner ........................................................................................................  37 Electric Motor Powered Actuators..............................................................................  38 Emissions.....................................................................................................................  40 RoHS Conformity.........................................................................................................  40

5 Transport, Delivery and Storage ....................................................................... 41 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4

Transport.....................................................................................................................  41 Scope of Delivery ........................................................................................................  42 Unpacking the Delivery ...............................................................................................  42 Storage........................................................................................................................  42

6 Installation....................................................................................................... 43 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.3.3 6.3.4 6.3.5 6.4 6.4.1 6.4.2 6.4.3 6.4.4 6.4.5

Safety Instructions ......................................................................................................  43 Selecting the Installation Location ..............................................................................  44 Installing the Controller ..............................................................................................  45 Installation Positions...................................................................................................  45 Securing Hole Template ..............................................................................................  46 Space Needed to Open the Housing Cover.................................................................  46 Installing the Controller ..............................................................................................  47 Turning the Control Panel ...........................................................................................  48 Installing the Control Panel.........................................................................................  49 Attachment Alternatives.............................................................................................  49 Cable Extension...........................................................................................................  49 Wall Mounting ............................................................................................................  50 Console Installation.....................................................................................................  52 Magnet Attachment....................................................................................................  55

7 Electrical Connection........................................................................................ 57 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.8.1 7.8.2 7.8.3 7.8.4 7.8.5 7.8.6 7.8.7 7.8.8 7.8.9 7.8.10 7.8.11 7.8.12 7.9 7.9.1 7.9.2


Safety Instructions ......................................................................................................  57 Cable Routing..............................................................................................................  58 Connecting the Cables ................................................................................................  59 EMC Suitable Wiring ...................................................................................................  60 Ensuring Equipotential Bonding..................................................................................  61 Connections on the Controller....................................................................................  62 Terminal Strips ............................................................................................................  63 Terminal Assignment ..................................................................................................  64 Overview .....................................................................................................................  64 Terminal Strip X1 - Sensor 1/2 (Analogue Connection) ..............................................  65 Terminal Strip X6 - Power Supply................................................................................  65 Terminal Strip X7 - Actuator, OMG 4 ..........................................................................  66 Terminal Strip X8 - Sensor 1/2 (CAN Bus) ...................................................................  67 Terminal Strip X9 - ekr commander Control Panel, Sensor 3, Drive Module 160 .......  67 Terminal Strip X10 - Controller Interlock, OMG 4, OMG 8, CK 37, EFE 1 ....................  68 Terminal Strip X11 - Message Output "System OK"....................................................  68 Terminal Strip X12 - CAN Bus 4 ...................................................................................  68 Terminal Strip X14 - Digital Inputs 1...6, EFE 1000 ......................................................  69 Terminal Strip X15 - Digital Inputs 7...12, EFE 1000 ....................................................  69 Terminal Strip X16 - Digital Outputs 1 ... 4..................................................................  69 Plug Connection ..........................................................................................................  70 X60 - Actuator Connection EMS 17/18/21/22 ............................................................  70 X70 - Power Supply .....................................................................................................  71

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual

Table of contents 7.9.3

X100 ... 103 - Connection of CAN Bus Participants .....................................................  72

8 Commissioning................................................................................................. 73 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.3.1 8.3.2 8.3.3 8.3.4 8.3.5 8.3.6 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.6.1 8.6.2 8.7 8.7.1 8.7.2 8.8 8.9 8.10 8.11 8.11.1 8.11.2 8.12 8.12.1 8.12.2 8.12.3 8.13 8.13.1 8.13.2 8.14 8.15 8.16 8.16.1 8.16.2 8.16.3 8.16.4 8.17 8.17.1 8.17.2 8.17.3 8.17.4 8.17.5 8.17.6 8.17.7 8.18 8.18.1 8.18.2 8.18.3 8.18.4 8.18.5 8.19 8.19.1 8.19.2

Safety Instructions ......................................................................................................  73 Requirements..............................................................................................................  74 Setting the DIL Switches of the Controller ..................................................................  75 DIL Switch Overview ...................................................................................................  75 Using the DIL Switch ...................................................................................................  76 Setting DIL Switch S4...................................................................................................  77 Setting DIL Switch S5...................................................................................................  78 Setting DIL Switch S6...................................................................................................  79 Setting DIL Switch S7...................................................................................................  79 Setting the DIL Switches of the Control Panel ............................................................  80 Setting the Jumper......................................................................................................  81 Checking the Device Addresses ..................................................................................  82 Controller Device Address...........................................................................................  82 Control Panel Device Address .....................................................................................  83 Setting the Terminating Resistors...............................................................................  84 Terminating Resistor of the Controller .......................................................................  84 Terminating Resistor of the Control Panel..................................................................  86 Calling up the Setup Menu..........................................................................................  88 Setting the Dimension Unit.........................................................................................  90 Setting the Motor Rotation Direction .........................................................................  91 Commissioning the Actuator Without Position Feedback ..........................................  92 Setting the Guiding Direction for Center Positioning..................................................  92 Setting the Gain of the Servo Center Transducer .......................................................  93 Commissioning the Actuator With Position Feedback................................................  95 Setting the Guiding Direction for Center Positioning..................................................  95 Setting Stroke Limitation and Servo-Center Position..................................................  96 Activating Position Control .........................................................................................  99 Setting the Guiding Direction....................................................................................  100 Guiding Direction for Web Edge Guiding and Web Center-Line Guiding (Sensor 1/2) . 100 Guiding Direction for Line and Contrast Guiding (Sensor 3) .....................................  100 Performing the Material Setup .................................................................................  101 Adjusting the Controller Gain ...................................................................................  101 Commissioning the CCD Camera...............................................................................  103 CCD Camera Calibration............................................................................................  103 Material Thickness Compensation............................................................................  107 Setting the Material Thickness (After Changing the Material)..................................  110 Entering the Position Offsets ....................................................................................  111 Commissioning the Sensor Positioner ......................................................................  113 Calling Up the Setting Menu .....................................................................................  113 Overview Setting Menu ............................................................................................  114 Activating Retract Mode ...........................................................................................  115 Activating Automatic Setpoint Acceptance ..............................................................  116 Setting Automatic Sensor Tracking ...........................................................................  117 Activating Automatic Edge Sensor Standardization..................................................  118 Entering the Position Offset for the Sensor Slides ....................................................  119 Commissioning the Positioning Unit .........................................................................  121 Utilization..................................................................................................................  121 Calling Up the Setting Menu .....................................................................................  122 Overview Setting Menu ............................................................................................  122 Reversing the Operating Direction of the Arrow Keys ..............................................  123 Entering the Position Offset for the Sensor Slides ....................................................  125 Commissioning the Electronic Remote Precision Adjustment (Optional).................  127 EFE 1..........................................................................................................................  127 EFE 1000....................................................................................................................  128

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual


Table of contents

9 Remote Control (Digital Inputs / Outputs)...................................................... 129 9.1 9.2 9.2.1 9.2.2 9.2.3 9.2.4 9.3

Safety Information ....................................................................................................  129 Digital Inputs / Outputs.............................................................................................  129 Digital Inputs .............................................................................................................  129 Digital Outputs ..........................................................................................................  129 Truth Tables ..............................................................................................................  130 Digital Inputs / Outputs Configuration......................................................................  131 Remote Control With External Control Keyboard ekr commander ..........................  143

10 Service LEDs ................................................................................................... 144 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7

Status Display of Remote Control Inputs ..................................................................  145 Status Display of Digital Outputs ..............................................................................  145 Display of Bus Status .................................................................................................  146 Display of Device Status ............................................................................................  146 Status Display of Message Output "System OK".......................................................  146 Status Display of Power Supply.................................................................................  146 Status Display of Controller Interlock .......................................................................  146

11 Accessories and Spare Parts ........................................................................... 147 11.1 11.2

Order Address ...........................................................................................................  147 Accessories................................................................................................................  147

12 Customer Services.......................................................................................... 148 13 Connection Diagram....................................................................................... 149 13.1 13.2 13.2.1 13.2.2 13.3

Application with Edge Sensors..................................................................................  149 Application with CCD Cameras..................................................................................  150 Application with CCD CAM 100.................................................................................  150 Application with CCDPro 30000/5000 ......................................................................  151 Application with Sensor Positioner FVG POS 100 .....................................................  151

Index.............................................................................................................. 152


ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual

About This Document


About This Document


What You Need to Know


These instructions help you to install and start up the system in a safe manner. The following instructions must be observed in order to avoid hazards and incorrect operation: ■ Every user that has been assigned with the installation and the start-up of the system must have read these instructions in full before working with or on the system. ■ Every user must follow the safety information in these instructions. ■ The basic operation and the system functions are described in the operating manual. Every user must be familiar with the operating manual and observe the safety instructions contained therein.


Target Group These instructions are directed to all persons that have been assigned with the installation and the start-up of the system. The operating company of the entire system and supervising personnel must also be familiar with these instructions.


Storage and Distribution These instructions must be stored at the workplace in such a manner that the user has access to them at all times. These instructions and all other applicable documents are a component of the product and must be handed over to the operating company of the system.


Meanings of the Safety Instructions and Symbols


Safety Instructions

DANGER Danger that will lead to death or severe injuries! ► Here you can find how to avoid the danger.

WARNING Danger that may lead to death or severe injuries! ► Here you can find how to avoid the danger.

CAUTION Danger that may lead to medium or minor injuries! ► Here you can find how to avoid the danger.

NOTICE Danger that may lead to damage to assets! There is no risk of injury. ► Here you can find how to avoid the danger.

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual


1 1.4.2

About This Document Symbols Information that is essential for successful operation.

Information that makes operation easier.

Action requirements may include the following symbols:

›› Requirements that must be fulfilled for the action steps. 1. Requirement for you to take actions. And ... 2. …in the sequence specified. ►


Requirement for you to take actions - without any certain sequence.

Operation Using Keys Operations using the keys are indicated by the following symbols:


Press key ①.

Press key ① or key ②.

Press key ① and key ② at the same time.

More Detailed Information ►

Observe the accompanying documents (e.g. order confirmation) for this system and the operating instructions of the entire system.

There are other documents available for this system. Document

Document number

Operating manual ekr 500 digital Unit Touch


The latest version of these instructions can be obtained in all available languages at: www.bst-eltromat.com


ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual

About Safety



About Safety The system has been designed according to the state of the art and fulfils the latest safety standards. When using the system, risks may occur that could threaten your life or health or lead to material damage. In order to avoid these risks, all instructions in this manual concerning safety and all relevant documentation of the entire system must be observed.


Intended Use The system is only determined for web guiding. It permits guiding according to the web edges, web center-line, printed lines or contrast edges. The system is installed in a machine or assembled together to form a machine with another machine in compliance with the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. All machines of the entire system must comply with the guidelines of the Machinery Directive after being installed in the system. The system and all of its components are only intended for use in industrial environments. The system may only be put into operation if the following guidelines are also complied with: ■

The product must only be installed or operated in a nonexplosive atmosphere.

The product and all components must only be used in a perfect technical condition.

All technical safety equipment must be in a perfect technical condition.

The product must only be operated using the components that belong to the system. An exception are such third party components that have been supplied by BST eltromat International or have been explicitly approved for being operated with the system.

Any part found to be working incorrectly must be replaced using original spare parts immediately.

All work on or with the product must only be carried out by instructed and qualified personnel, see chapter Qualification of the Personnel, page 14.

These instructions and all safety information must be observed.

The operating conditions and performance limits specified in the technical specifications must be observed.

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual


2 2.2

About Safety

Non-intended Use Every use is non-intended, that is not described in the chapter Intended Use or does not comply with the guidelines specified there, see Intended Use, page 9.




Non-intended Infringement of Guidelines ■

Infringement of operating, maintaining or installation instructions

Unsuitable, incorrect or unauthorized use of the product

Operating the product in an environment not intended for its use

Operating the product in breach of the legal safety guidelines relevant at the location of use

Neglecting the warning and safety instructions in the relevant documents for the product

Operating the product under faulty safety and protective conditions

Operation by unauthorized or insufficiently qualified personnel

By-passing, disassembling, switching off or manipulation of safety equipment

Incorrect or negligent handling by the customer

Any intervention, modification or conversions on the product without the express approval of BST eltromat International GmbH

The use of unsuitable operating materials or spare parts

Operation of the product near to sources of interference, e.g. electro-magnetic fields (high voltage lines) or sources of heat

Operation of the product under the influence of chemical, electro-chemical or electrical factors

Non-intended Operation

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual

About Safety 2.2.3


Non-intended Modification of Electronic Data ■

No virus scanners, firewalls or similar items may be installed on any products of BST eltromat International GmbH. Virus scanners or other scan or registration programs must not (be able to) access products via networks.

Writing, deleting and editing of system data / files on BST eltromat products is not permitted. Exempt from this is service work carried out at the instruction of BST eltromat International GmbH.

Access of any external software to BST eltromat products via networks is not permitted.

USB memory sticks may only be used together with BST eltromat products if they are free of viruses and harmful software.

Products or supplied software from BST eltromat International GmbH must never be modified without permission.

All software supplied is protected by copyright and must not be edited, copied or made available to third parties. Except where explicit approval has been sought from BST eltromat International GmbH or the respective owner of the copyright.

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual


2 2.3

About Safety

Safety Instructions Every user must read and follow the safety instructions in these instructions before working with or on the system. The following contains general safety instructions that always have to be observed. Special safety information that must be observed for certain work will be specified at the start of the respective chapter of these instructions.


General Safety Instructions

DANGER Danger of death when operated in potentially explosive areas! ► The system must not be installed or operated in potentially explosive areas.

DANGER Danger to life due to moving machine components! Crushing, shearing, scraping, pulling in or impact injuries of body parts may occur. ► Never reach into the area containing moving rollers or machine components. ► Do not wear necklaces, scarves or similar near moving rollers/ machine components. ► Never stay within the swivel/movement range of moving machine components or reach into these areas. ► Prior to set-up/operation of the system, ensure that no persons are in the operating range of moving machine components.

DANGER Danger to life due to electrocution! Fatal injuries due to incomplete shut-down or residual currents. ► If insulation defects or defects on live components occur, immediately shut down the power supply and have the system repaired by a qualified electrician. ► Completely switch off the system, disconnect it from the power supply and wait for ten minutes before carrying out any maintenance, repair, cleaning or assembly work. ► Secure the system against being switched on again.

WARNING Danger of cutting on sharp edges of the material web! Severe cutting injuries caused by the edges of the moving material web. ► Never touch the edges of moving material webs.


ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual

About Safety


WARNING Danger to life caused by movements of the setting drive! If position control is active, the setting drive may execute automatic movements in manual mode . Body parts could be crushed, sheared or impacted. ► Ensure that no persons remain in the swivel or positioning range of machine components positioned by the actuator.

WARNING Danger of falling and damage to assets caused by stepping/climbing onto components! Stepping/climbing onto components (e.g. traverse bars or camera housing) can lead to life-threatening falling accidents and to the destruction of the components. ► Never climb or step onto components.

WARNING Danger to life due to missing Emergency Stop devices! Severe injuries may occur, if no Emergency Stop device (Emergency Stop button) is installed on the overall machine line. Only an Emergency Stop device permits an immediate stop of the machine line in emergencies. It is not permitted to operate the overall machine line without an Emergency Stop device. ► If one is not already installed, have an Emergency Stop button and Emergency Stop systems installed by the owner/user/ machine manufacturer prior to using the machine line.

WARNING Severe injuries due to unfamiliarity with/non-observance of Emergency Stop devices and safety information! ► Prior to starting work, familiarize yourself with the Emergency Stop and rescue devices of the overall machine line, e.g. Emergency Stop button. ► Prior to starting work, ensure that all safety regulations and instructions are observed.

NOTICE Damage to electronic components caused by ESD (electrostatic discharge)! Destruction/loss of capacity of electronic assembly elements caused by contact with electro-statically charged persons/objects. ► Only open system components at ESD-compliant workplaces (according to 61340-5-1). ► If there is no ESD-compliant workplace, take ESD protection measures (according to DIN EN 61340-5-1) to discharge electrostatic charges in a controlled manner. ► When returning electronic assembly elements, adhere to DIN EN 100015 (“Protection of protection of electrostatic-sensitive devices”). ► To transport electronic components, only use suitably marked, electrically conductive ESD packaging.

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual



About Safety

NOTICE Damage to the touchscreen due to faulty operation! Use of sharp, strong or coarse objects (e.g. pens, gloves) may damage the surface of the touchscreen. ► Touch the touchscreen only using bare fingers or a special input pen (touchpen).


Qualification of the Personnel The qualifications required by the personnel are defined as follows: Instructed personnel have been instructed comprehensively by the operating company and informed about the following points: ■

Tasks assigned

Possible hazards when carrying out the tasks

Possible hazards in the event of incorrect conduct

Measures for avoiding the hazards

Moreover, qualified personnel have sufficient experience or practice in the safe implementation of the tasks assigned. Specialists are in addition in the position to deal with the following tasks by themselves due to their training, knowledge and experience as well as knowledge in the relevant regulations: ■

Carrying out the tasks assigned to them

Recognizing possible hazards

Undertaking appropriate measures for avoiding the hazards

Specialists must only carry out tasks according to their professional training. Qualified electricians have in addition an electrical engineering training according to the applicable guidelines (in Germany, DIN VDE 1000-10). Moreover, all personnel must satisfy all requirements that are derived from the following documentation or directives:


Operating instructions for the entire system

National guidelines, laws and applicable guidelines for protecting employees, general safety at workplaces and for accident prevention

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual

About Safety


Duties of the Operating Company and Personnel


Duties of the Operating Company


The operating company of the entire system is responsible for safety in the workplace as well as for the information and training of the personnel. In particular, for the entire life-cycle of the system and the entire system, the operating company must ensure that: ■

All relevant legal safety, accident prevention and environmental guidelines are maintained

All hazards are determined that result from the special operating conditions at the operating location of the system and from the construction of the entire system

All hazards determined are avoided. This means, in particular: - Constructive prevention of hazards - Assembly of protection and safety equipment and checking that these are working properly - Mounting of warning signs at hazard sites and checking their correct condition - Information and training of the personnel for safe conduct, intended use, safety equipment, prevention of hazards and conduct in the event of emergencies - Provision of the necessary personal protective equipment - Supervision of the personnel with regard to safety-relevant conduct

The system is integrated into the safety concept of the entire system

The system is stopped immediately if the safety of people or the environment is endangered or changes occur that could impair the safety

All employees have read and understood these instructions before working on or with the system

Only personnel are assigned that are qualified and trained for the respective task

The responsibility of the personnel is determined for the task to be completed and that the personnel are informed

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual


2 2.5.2

About Safety Duties of the Personnel Each and every employee is responsible for their own safety. In particular, each and every employee must abide by the following instructions:


Read these instructions completely before working on or with the system and follow all safety instructions.

Observe all warning instructions on the system and entire system.

Observe the operating instructions for the entire system and the separate machines as well as all safety instructions included in it.

If required, wear the necessary personal protective equipment.

Before starting work, check if the safety equipment is intact.

Stop the system immediately if the safety of people is at risk and secure against being switched back on unintentionally.

The system must be visually inspected for any recognizable damage or problems at least once per shift.

If sections of these instructions are unclear, inform your supervisor and ensure for clarification.

Conduct in the Event of Danger and Accidents Preventative Measures Emergency and rescue equipment must be ready for use in every company. These include, for example, emergency stop buttons, fire extinguisher, first aid kit and equipment for reporting accidents. ►

Always be prepared for emergencies, accidents and fire.

Familiarize yourself as to where the emergency and rescue equipment is located and how to use it.

Keep emergency and rescue equipment at hand and ready for use.

Ensure all access routes for rescue vehicles and escape routes are kept free.

If an emergency is impending or has occurred 1. Press the emergency stop button immediately. 2. Make sure that the system cannot be switched on again. 3. Rescue the persons from the danger zone if your personal safety is not at risk. 4. Initiate first aid measures. 5. Warn the emergency doctor and / or fire brigade. 6. Inform the responsible person at the operating location. 7. Clear the access route for the emergency vehicles.


ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual


About Safety


Personal Protective Equipment When carrying out certain activities, you have to wear personal protective equipment in order to avoid accidents and injuries. Personal protective equipment includes, depending on the activity:


Protective clothing

Safety helmet

Safety shoes

Safety gloves

Eye protectors

Ear protectors

Observe the safety information in these instructions and the information signs on the system for personal protective equipment.

Guarantee and Liability The warranty terms are specified in the sales documentation.


Disclaimer BST eltromat International GmbH is not liable for damage or defects arising from any incorrect or non-intended use of the product, see Non-intended Use, page 10. Liability for defects does also not apply if the fault originates from one or more of the following causes: ■

Catastrophic events and force majeure

Natural wear

Incorrect operation of the product resulting from the effect of connected or neighboring third party devices

Malfunction of the product due to unsuitable operating resources, spare parts, chemical, electro-chemical or electrical factors.

Unsuitable or faulty execution of the maintenance work described by the operating company

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual


2 2.8.2

About Safety Exceptions to the Disclaimer In the cases listed above BST eltromat International GmbH shall also not be liable (for damages) unless: ■

The damage results from a willful or grossly negligent breach of duty on the part of BST eltromat International GmbH or its legal representatives or vicarious agents

The damage is associated with injury to life, body or health and results from a willful or grossly negligent breach of duty on the part of BST eltromat International GmbH or its legal representatives or vicarious agents

The form of damage can usually and typically be insured against by means of third-party liability insurance taken out by BST eltromat International GmbH on reasonable conditions

This applies in particular to claims for damages associated with fault or negligence occurring before or upon conclusion of the contract, the infringement of secondary obligations and claims associated with impermissible actions; this does not affect claims asserted in accordance with the German Product Liability Act or those associated with a guarantee. Otherwise, the specific terms of license of BST eltromat International GmbH apply. 2.8.3

License and Liability for Software Supplied Software supplied that has not been produced by BST eltromat International GmbH underlies the respective liability and license agreements of the manufacturer.


ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual

Design and Function


Design and Function




The ekr  500  digital  Unit  Touch comprises the controller and the removable ekr commander control panel. 3.1.1

Controller The housing of the controller includes the entire control electrics and connections for all necessary web guiding components (sensors, actuator, servo center transducer, remote controls, etc.).


Control Panel Controller with control panel fitted The ekr  commander control panel is fitted on the front of the device in the factory.

Fig. 1: Controller with ekr commander control panel fitted

Controller with control panel detached If necessary (e.g. if the controller is installed in a position difficult to access on the machine) the ekr  commander control panel can be detached and installed in a central operator panel or a customer-supplied control station. In this case the connection between the controller and the control panel is completed using a cable extension that is available as an optional extra.

Fig. 2: Controller with ekr commander control panel detached

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual



Design and Function Controller with additional control panel Depending on the conditions in the production machine or the production demands, it may be necessary to operate the controller from a remote location on the machine. In this case an additional ekr  commander control panel can be connected to the bus interface (socket X101) of the controller. The connection between the controller and the additional control panel is completed using a cable extension that is available as an optional extra.

Fig. 3: Controller with additional ekr commander control panel


Function With web edge guiding or web center-line guiding in automatic mode, one or two edge sensors connected to the controller detect the current position (ACTUAL position) of the material web and transmit the respective information to the integrated position controller. With line and contrast guiding, the sensor CLS Pro 600 detects the current position (ACTUAL position) of a line or contrast transition on the material web and transmits the respective information to the position controller. The position controller compares the ACTUAL recorded position against the predetermined SETPOINT position. The controller will send a relevant correction signal to the actuator if a deviation is found to exist between the two values. The actuator will move the guiding device (rotating frame guide or swivel roll guide) until the material web returns to its SETPOINT position.


ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual

Design and Function



Message Output “System OK“ The controller is equipped with a message output with potentialfree changeover contact. In a fault-free state, the message “System OK” is active at the output. If a fault is detected, the relay switches and the message output signalizes that a fault is present in the system. The message output can, e.g. be used to report faults of the web guiding system to the machine control. The following faults are output at the message output: Fault

Fault icon (display screen)

Supply voltage not present Limit switch active Motor overcurrent

Motor control timeout

Supply voltage outside the permissible range

External motor output stage fault A description of the individual faults can be found in the operating manual of the ekr 500 digital Unit Touch controller (document number MD.492).

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual



Design and Function


Connectable Components The figure shows the standard components of the web guiding system that you can connect to the controller. Controller with control panel detached

Controller ekr 500 digital Unit Touch

Additional control panel

ekr commander

24 V ⎓

Edge sensors IR 2011 IR 2012 US 2010 Wide array edge sensors

Message output "System OK"

Actuator without position feedback

EMS 5, EMS 10, EMS 16, ECO EMS 22

OMG 4 OMG 8 CK 37 Servo center transducer

Actuator with position feedback IR SEN ..., US SEN ... EMS 17...22

Sensors (optional)

CCD cameras

EMS 23

CCD CAM 100 CCDPro* 48 V ⎓ Line and contrast sensor

Drive Module 160 Power pack box

100 - 240 V∿

Electronic remote precision adjustment

CLS Pro 600

optional Sensor positioner



Remote control, keyboard lock Bus line * Required accessory parts see connection diagram

Fig. 4: Connectable components


EFE 1000

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual

Design and Function



Designation of the Sensors You can connect two edge sensors or CCD cameras and one line and contrast sensor to the controller. In this manual, the sensors are designated with Sensor  1, Sensor  2 and Sensor  3. In accordance with the BST eltromat definition, the following assignment applies between the sensors and the selector keys for the guiding mode: Key


Sensor assigned

Guiding mode

Sensor 1

Left web edge

Sensor 2

Right web edge

Sensor 3

Line / contrast guiding

Edge Sensors (Sensor 1/2) For the installation position of the edge sensors (Sensor 1/2), the following applies: The sensor that is located on the left of the web in the web running direction (viewed from the top of the material) is Sensor 1. The top of the material is also the side of the web that has no direct contact with the deflection pulleys of the guiding device.

Fig. 5: Examples for the definition of Sensor ① and Sensor ②

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual


3 3.5.2

Design and Function Line and Contrast Sensor (Sensor 3) In conjunction with the CLS Pro 600 line and contrast sensor, the controller permits guiding on continuous or interrupted printed lines or contrast edges. In this case, the line and contrast sensor is connected to the controller as Sensor 3. The following applies for the installation position of the line and contrast sensor: The connecting cable of the line and contrast sensor points in the direction of Sensor 2.

Fig. 6: Installation position Sensor 3

① Outfeed roll ② Sensor 1 ③ Sensor 2

④ Sensor 3 ⑤ Connecting cable Sensor 3 ⑥ Printed line

In order to achieve optimum guiding results, the distance between the sensors and the outfeed roll ① of the guiding device must be kept as small as possible.


ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual


Design and Function 3.5.3

CCD Cameras (Sensor 1/2) The assignment of the web edges to the selector keys for the guiding mode can be obtained from the following figures.

One-camera system CAN address = 21

Left edge

Fig. 7: Web edge guiding with one CCD camera

CAN address = 21

Left edge

Right edge

Fig. 8: Web edge or web center-line guiding with one CCD camera

Dual-camera system CAN address = 21

CAN address = 31

Left edge

Right edge

Fig. 9: Web center-line guiding with two CCD cameras

Adjustment of the CAN address of the CCD camera(s), see separate instruction manual. CCD Camera

Instruction Manual (Document Number)

CCDPro 30000/5000




ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual


3 3.6

Design and Function

Accessories For accessories and the order address, see Accessories and Spare Parts, page 147.


Nameplates The nameplates are located on the top of the controller and on the rear of the control panel. The nameplate displayed is only an example. Please obtain the current data from the nameplate attached to the product.

Fig. 10: Example of a nameplate




② ③



Meaning Manufacturer address RoHS designation CE designation


Serial number


Type designation


Operating voltage


Hardware version


Nominal current consumption


Protection type


Date of manufacture (Year / Calendar week)


Data matrix code, Content = 30 digit serial number (IDC)

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual


Technical Specifications


Technical Specifications




Ambient Conditions

DANGER Danger of death when operated in potentially explosive areas! ► The system must not be installed or operated in potentially explosive areas.


Ambient condition

Permissible values

Working temperature

0 to +45 °C

Storage temperature

-10 to +70 °C

Humidity during operation

5% to 90 %, non-condensing

Place of installation

Closed, dry building

Protection Category When observing the requirements at the installation location, see Installation Positions, page 45 Protection category


IP 54

Power Supply Terminal strip X6 / plug X70 Voltage

24 V⎓ ± 10% (including ripple)


Max. 4 A (including actuator)


Plugged in from the outside using a 3-pin plug as per CEN 175301-803 (DIN 43650)

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual


4 4.1.4

Technical Specifications Analogue Inputs Analogue sensors (terminal strip X1) Input signal sensor 1/2

0 … 10 V⎓ or 0 … 20 mA (can be switched using DIL switch S7)

Power supply

24 V⎓ / max. Σ 0.3 A


Internally on the spring-cage terminal block

Position feedback EMS 17 … 22 (terminal strip X7) Input signal

0 … 10 V⎓

Power supply

+12 V⎓


Internally on the spring-cage terminal block

Servo center transducer, remote precision adjustment EFE 1 (terminal strip X10) Input signal

0 … 10 V⎓

Power supply

+12 V⎓

Current supply

Max. Σ +12 V⎓: 150 mA


Internally on the spring-cage terminal block

Servo center transducer OMG 4, OMG 8, CK 37 (terminal strip X10)


Input signal

According to Namur specifications

Power supply

According to Namur specifications


Internally on the spring-cage terminal block

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual


Technical Specifications 4.1.5

Digital Inputs / Outputs Digital inputs (terminal strips X14, X15, X16) Remote control, remote precision adjustment EFE 1000 (terminal 9 – 30)

< 4 V⎓ (low), > 8 V⎓ (high)

Controller interlock

< 4 V⎓ (low), > 8 V⎓ (high) Switching is carried out via the hardware, i.e. not via the processor or the software.

Galvanic isolation



Internally on the spring-cage terminal block

Digital outputs (terminal strips X15, X16)



Max. 24 V⎓


Max. 0.2 A

Current supply max. (terminal 20 – 30)

Max. Σ +24 V⎓: 300 mA

Output Motor Output Stage Terminal strip X7 / plug X60 Voltage

±24 V⎓ (with lower power supply, the maximum adjustment force of the actuator reduces)


Max. 1.2 A (Peak current 4 A)


Automatic electric switching off after approx. 400 ms if overcurrent occurs with motor current in one direction (no polarity change): > 1.9 A (EMS 21, EMS 22, ECO EMS 22) > 1.1 A (EMS 10, EMS 16, EMS 17, EMS 18) > 0.4 A (EMS 5)


Socket M12

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual



Technical Specifications


Message Output "System OK" Terminal strip X11



Max. 24 V∿/⎓


Max. 1 A


Internally on the spring-cage terminal block

Bus Interface Connectable components

Terminal strip X8 (plug X102, X103)

Terminal strip X9 (plug X100, X101)

Terminal strip X12

IR 2011, IR 2012 (optical edge sensor)

US 2010 (ultrasonic edge sensor)

CCD CAM 100, CCD Pro (CCD camera)

Drive Module 160 (external output stage for actuator EMS 23)

CLS Pro 600 (line and contrast sensor)

Additional ekr commander control panel

CAN bus extension

Bus interface



24 V⎓ (corresponds to the supply voltage)


Max. 0.2 A Max. Σ +24 V⎓: 500 mA

Transfer rate

500 kBit/s, no galvanic isolation


Plugged in from the outside using a 4-pin micro style M8 connector

Terminal strip X101

If required, the bus interface can be switched to galvanic isolation (Jumper JX1)

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual

Technical Specifications 4.1.9


Weight and Dimensions Controller without control panel Weight

Approx. 1.18 kg

Dimensions (details in mm)

Fig. 11: Dimensions of the controller with ekr commander control panel fitted

Fig. 12: Dimensions of the controller without ekr commander control panel

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual



Technical Specifications


ekr commander Control Panel


Ambient Conditions


Ambient conditions

Permissible values

Working temperature

0 to +45 °C

Storage temperature

-10 to +70 °C

Humidity during operation

5% to 90 %, non-condensing

Place of installation

Closed, dry building

Protection Category Control panel without controller

Protection category


IP50 When installing the controller with the control panel fitted, the complete unit has protection category IP54.

Power Supply Power supply from the controller Voltage


24 V⎓

Touchscreen Display LCD touchscreen display



320 x 240 pixels


LED background lighting

Weight and Dimensions ekr commander control panel Weight


Approx. 0.28 kg

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual

Technical Specifications


Dimensions (details in mm)

Fig. 13: ekr commander control panel dimensions


Power Pack Only the following power packs may be used for the power supply of the controller including the BST eltromat components connected: Power pack from Puls GmbH Type


BST eltromat order number

103 837

or Power pack with the following specifications Output voltage

24 V⎓ ± max. 10% (including ripple)

Output power

Max. 100 W

The power packs must fulfill the requirements of the IEC 61010-1 for energy limited current circuits. When being used in countries that have defined deviations to IEC 61010-1, these must also be observed.

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual



Technical Specifications




Edge Sensors Optical edge sensor IR 2011 Fork width Measuring range

40 mm

70 mm

Digital mode

24 mm (±12 mm)

20 mm (±10 mm)

Analogue mode

16 mm (±8 mm)

16 mm (±8 mm)

Supply voltage

12 to 30 V⎓ (including ripple)

Current consumption

20 mA (24 V⎓)

Light emitter wave length

630 nm

Output signal (analogue mode) 0 to 10 V⎓ (±2.5%)


Output signal (digital mode)

CAN bus

Polarity reversal protection (supply)


Short circuit protection (analogue output)


Operation display

LED (2-coloured)

Electrical connection

M8 plug, 4-pin

Ambient temperature during operation

0 to +60 °C

Storage temperature

-10 to +70 °C

Protection category

IP 54

Noise emission

< 70 dB
