CocaineCowboy Coca Extraction Guide [PDF]

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By Cocainecowboy Cocaine is the most powerful naturally occurring stimulant known. It is found as an alkaloid in the leaves of the Erythroxylon coca trees native to the Andes Mountains. Coca leaves contain 0.5-1.8 percent cocaine, which can be refined to nearly 100 percent purity. The chemical formula for cocaine is C17H21NO4. A:Sourcing Chemicals, B: Equipment C: Starting material 1. A: Methods of opening teabags quicker B: Preparing your equipment for stage perculation of coca C: Preparing the Coca tea with sodium carbonate solution D: Percolation of coca tea with kerosene in 5l bottle E: Extraction of kerosene by shaking with h2s04 (sulfuric acid) F: crude cocaine Base precipitation with ammonia 10% (optional 2. Oxidation of base to pure base using KMN04 (Potassium permanganate) and water Details of preparing ice bath with salt and water and ice cubes, to keep temp below 5*c 3. Crystallisation of pure base to hydrochloride salt (sniffable cocaine)

A: Chemicals required: -Kerosene (Sold as camping fuel, Paraffin Oil, Liquid Paraffin or Kerosene) It has many uses, the most popular being a fuel for domestic paraffin heaters and greenhouse heaters. Yellow oily liquid -Water (Try to buy purified bottled water, but tap water can be used) -Sodium Carbonate Na2CO3 (Sold as PH UP or PH PLUS in swimming pool shops or grow shops or even aquarium shops, also available easily on EBAY or other online places) White solid -Sulphuric acid H2SO4 5% (Drain cleaner from DIY stores, also available easily on EBAY or other online places, usually available between 98% and 100% pure. Either will do. ) usually clear but can be red in colour if drain cleaner is used. Doesn't matter which is used.

-Ammonia (NH4OH) 9.5/10% ( Sold for household cleaning often as 9.5/10% solution; This is the percentage solution required. No dilution needed. Make sure it does not have any other additives or perfumes added to it. This stuff stinks bad and hurts the nose and eyes, also available easily on EBAY or other online places as of recently in europe) Used as General household cleaner and degreaser. - Clear liquid, strong smell, fumes stings eyes and nose.

-Potassium Permanganate - Solid KMnO4 - (Purple crystal)

- Aquarium use - Water treatment for water purification plants, - Disinfection of premises on farms - Regeneration of the bed in the filter water treatment - Preventive solutions farmed fish - Disinfection of wounds, - Strong oxidizing agent in chemical reactions - Anti-fungal and bactericidal agent.

-Acetone (anhydrous) Get as pure as possible, best to buy online, but available from paint suppliers. clear liquid -Hydrochloric Acid - HCl 37% or close. Try and get as close as you can to 37%. Ebay and online is good for sourcing. It is used as Brick cleaner in industry. Clear liquid. - Diethyl Ether, Used for crystallising, produces instant visible reaction. Clear highly flammable liquid. Acetone and methanol can be used instead if this is not available. Available online, ebay, paint suppliers. One of the most difficult chemicals to source. There are alternatives much easier to acquire, such as methanol and Isopropyl alcohol, but Ether is by far the best due to the way the final crystallisation takes place using this. Get it if you can. - Methanol (optional if ether unavailable) clear liquid used for crystalising

More information can be found in the Chemicals Help file I have provided ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A box of 1000 coca tea bags opened will leave 900g coca leaf. -For a 900g coca tea extraction (3.5g~ cocaine) the following amounts of chemicals will be used: Stage 1: Water - 1.62L Sodium Carbonate - 171g Kerosene - 1.98L (Can use a rough amount to this, does not need to be really accurate) Stage 2: Sulfuric acid 6% - 72ml (upto 80ml can be used) Ammonia 10% - 50-60ml Water - 45ml Potassium Permanganate - 2.70g Ether / Acetone (cleaning base of impurities) 40-50ml (can be approx this amount, no accuracy needed here, just use this as minimum) Stage 3: Acetone - 35ml Ether (optional) 35ml Methanol (if not using ether) 1.78ml Hydrochloric acid 37% - 0.89ml / 1.05g

B: Equipment for 1KG coca tea extraction -Digital scales (0.00g range) -Cheap kitchen scales -10L plastic dish washing bowl / food mixing bowl. -5Litre plastic water Bottle -Graduated jugs ( 3 or 5 litres) -Pipettes (minimum 5ml/10ml capacity) -Filter Papers (coffee filters or lab filter papers) -Beakers (Various sizes, 100ml, 500ml, 1000ml) -Seperatory funnel (Not required can be subsidised, but would be best to try get one. -Thermometer -Glass stirring rod -Ph strips - Food Processor / Blender (optional if not opening bags by hand) - Garden Sieve / Colander (optional if not opening bags by hand)

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C: Starting Materials (Coca Leaf) The Coca leaf actually comes in the form of crushed coca leafs in tea bags, sold as 'coca tea, mate de coca', Inka tea, and other names.

SOURCE and search for inka tea trash bag It is not very worthwhile doing this procedure using most of the major suppliers, it is way over priced. We will be using a supplier based in Peru. They have a product called the INKA TEA TRASH BAG, in which you will receive a standard 1 KG box of coca tea. Nothing special about it, except it is pure coca leaf! The major effort in this process is actually opening and pouring out the contents of 1000 tea bags! Its not to hard though, there are methods to speed up the process, which I will explain in the guide. I used a food proccessor and a sieve. The site we use to buy our coca tea is Although there are others, this site is the best value for money and is reliable. Make an account, search for the item and make your purchase. You have several shipping options. All are fine. Never has a box been seized by customs. sometimes you may find you have a slight wait whilst it is held at customs, but this is rare, and it is always delivered without problem. One box will cost about £45 at time of writing. With shipping, maximum it goes to is around £70. With a wait of around 4/5days or 28/30 days depending on shipping method.

1 2A: Opening bags 2B: Preparing your equipment 2C: Preparing the Coca 2D: Percolation 2E: Extraction 2F: Base precipitation A: Opening bags This is one of the most time consuming procedures within the guide. 1000 tea bags for one standard extraction run must be opened. The best method I have found is with a blender aka food processor, and a sieve of some kind such as a garden soil sieve or kitchen salad colander (picture below) Blend the tea bags in small portions. See how much your blender can handle at a time whilst ensuring the bags are being cut to shreds by the blenders teeth. When you have blended the tea bags, tip the contents into your sieve or colander, and move it around. You will notice the coca leaf falls through to be collected, and the paper tea bags stay inside the sieve/colander. It is a very effective way of doing this.


Garden Sieve

Blender / Food processor:

When all 1000 coca bags are opened and 900g of coca leaf crushed lays in front of you, proceed to the next step. B: Preparing your equipment You will need to construct a device to percolate the coca leaf. this is an improvement on a previous method. there is a method after this that is automated, but I will not go into that in this work. Please ask me for more information. This would be for large scale production. Percolating coca is like percolating coffee. for a 900g run, a 5litre water bottle is best used. Percolation In physics, chemistry and materials science, percolation refers to the movement and filtering of fluids through porous materials We used percolation to remove the alkaloids from the leaf and have them dissolve into the kerosene as it passes through the system. Firstly, we take the coca leaf that has been collected from the tea bags, should be around 900g. - If you have 1000g of coca tea We take our sodium carbonate and weigh 190g of it out. We then dissolve the sodium carbonate into 1.8L of luke warm / slightly warm water . Once it is dissolved, we then pour it onto our coca leaf and mix in thoroughly. This rehydrates the leaves and allows the alkaloids to come out to be absorbed by the kerosene later. - If you have 900g of coca tea (This is the case if you have purchased 1000 tea bags, 100g is weight of bags) Use the following measurments: Water: 1.62L Sodium carbonate: 171.00g - Leave this to soak for 30mins to 1hr. Make sure it is mixed in well and no dry leaves are left. Once done, take the bottle we have used to construct the device for percolation; invert and rest in some form of stand like a retort stand or similar home made stand. Place a graduated jug benieth the percolation bottle to catch the kerosene as it flows through the coca leaf that will be packed inside, and out of the tube we have fitted into the bottle cap (air tight) The base of the device (the neck of the bottle) needs to have a filter material in it between the coca leaf, and the tube the kerosene will flow out of, to stop the coca floating around. Use a piece of cloth or similar woolen material wadded into the neck of the bottle as a filter.

In this image you can see an inverted water bottle used as a percolation device. The bottom is cut off, It is filled with coca, coca is pressed in tightly, and kerosene is poured in. The tube is left open during this first stage. Kerosene is poured into the top, ensuring a puddle is always present and no air is entering the system. When kerosene can be seen to be dripping out of the tube (takes a few minutes) the tube is then closed off tightly and secured. Kerosene is poured in still whilst the tube is closed, until the puddle stays at the same depth. For 900g of Coca it will take about 0.7~L to do this. The device is now left for anywhere from 3-4hrs upto 24hrs. The tube is then opened, and whilst collecting the initial 0.7~L of kerosene we poured in, we add another fresh 0.7~L of kerosene and keep it puddled above like before. We do this until we receive back out our first 0.7L of kerosene we put in. The tube is then closed and we wait again. We come back, push this 2nd 0.7~L portion out with a final 0.7~L, and wait again. Finally, we release the tube and allow the final 0.7 of kerosene to be recovered. We do this to collect 3x0.7~L portions. This will drain the alkaloids completely from the coca tea. Throw the used tea leaf in the bin then! Pool the kerosene together in a fresh 5 litre water bottle.

900g of leaf should pack into a 5l water bottle nicely, leaving a good few centimetres of space at the top. Press the coca down if required to ensure a gap is present at the top. don't pack it to tightly though or percolation will be slow. Try using a weight on top to keep the leaf pressed down. This stops the leaf expanding and kerosene overflowing everywhere Make sure a stop cock /tap device is fitted to the polypropylene tubing used to release the kerosene from the percolator coming out of the base. Ensure it is a good seal. Alternatively, bend the tube back on itself and ensure its secured. This kink should stop the flow of kerosene just as the stop cock would. To percolate the leafs, when packed, open the tube at the base of the device, and begin to flood the vessel with kerosene from the top as described earlier. Pour it in so as to create a puddle on top of the leaf, so no air can get in. Air in the system will stop the kerosene from reaching all of the packed in coca tea. The idea is to keep pouring kerosene in slowly, ensuring a puddle is above the coca leaf, until you see a steady stream of kerosene coming out the tube at the bottom. (takes a few mins) What this is doing is pushing the air through the system, and making sure it is filled with kerosene. When all air is expelled and you see drips coming from the tube, close the stop cock or bend the tube back to close it off, and keep pouring in the kerosene until no more is absorbed by the leaf. About 0.7~L should be enough for the first pouring. A total of about 2.2L will be used for 1kg extraction. Leave this for about 3-4 hrs upto 24hrs. When you return, place a graduated jug / vessel beneath the tubing and open the stop cock to collect the 0.7L~ we put in earlier, whilst pouring in again from the top, another fresh 0.7~L litre of kerosene to replace the stuff we just took out. This pushes the previous 0.7~L batch out, whilst stopping air entering the system at the same time. We repeat this again until we have 3 percolation runs worth of kerosene, or about 2.2~L. It should take about 5/6 upto 36hours to complete this process, it just depends how long you wish to leave the coca to soak in the kerosene for. I have found about 2 hrs to be the minimum to leave it each run to get over 3g yield from 900g leaf.

Looking from the top downwards into a percolation bottle. You can see the coca leaf in the bottle, with the kerosene layer above. The base of the bottle has been trimmed and placed ontop of the coca leaf in the bottle, then a weight (hammer head) has been placed inside. This helps keep the coca pressed inside the bottle.

Help working out your chemical amounts and percentages of solutions I have included a calculator that runs within excel. This calculator if used correctly will show you all the amounts of chemicals needed for the extraction size you specifiy. Here is how it works:

Do not change any of the details in this section on the left.

We type in the 'Leaves weight' section the amount of coca we start with, you can see 0.90kg (900g) there. When you change this, the rest of the table changes below to show you all the other chemical amounts you need, for each stage upto crystalisation.

In the next section below, you can calculate how to make the correct concentration of sulfuric acid for the shaking stage. The column on the left highlighted can be changed to represent the concentration of sulfuric acid you have. It says 96% for now. Edit accordingly. The table on the right gives details of how to make the solution. You dilute 67.85ml of water with 4.15ml of h2so4.

Below is the oxidation calculator. This helps you to make the 6% concentration solution, and shows what amount to use in increments of 8 to complete the oxidation. You shouldnt have to change anything in here.

Below you can see the final stage calculator. You can see in yellow, this is where we tpye in how much cocaine base we have that we want to crystalise. On the left in green you can see the properties of the hydrochloric acid we use for this stage. If you use 37%, do not alter any of the details. If you do have a different concentration, you need to change it and also find out the HCl Density for the concentration you have. 37% is listed as 1.1887. You can find this out on google. On the right in pink, you can see the amount of acetone to dissolve the freebase cocaine (use 10ml per gram), acetone to dissolve HCl (use 10ml per gram again), below that you can see the amount of hydrochloric acid in ML needed to crystalise the base into cocaine hcl, and below that is the weight of the acid in grams. This is useful as weighing the amount of acid being dripped into the acetone can be more accurate that measuring in ML. especially when working on such a small scale. Ensure you do not go over the amount of hydrochloric acid stated, or the cocaine will be acid and burn!

This is a seperatory funnel, with the acid and kerosene mixture inside. The acid layer can be drained off easily with this device. You can see a small layer of emulsion in the middle. This can be left to settle to get rid of the emulsion. Kerosene is at top Small Emulsion Red acid layer at bottom

This is a seperatory funnel. You can see two liquids inside. This is a good example of what the kerosene and sulfuric acid solutution will look like when mixed together ready to be shaken to allow them to mix. The sulfuric acid will be on the bottom and the kerosene will be floating above it, they are immiscible. The kerosene will be green/yellow. We shake the two liquids together for 15-20 mins up to 30mins, then allows to settle until a clear seperation can be seen. The sulfuric acid will be reddish in colour when you complete the procedure.The bottom layer (sulfuric acid) is then drained off. This device makes life alot easier doing this procedure. There are other methods if you cannot get one of these. Buy at least a 3000ml if you do decide to purchase.

To the kerosene we have collected from the percolation step, We will add 40ml of a 6% sulfuric acid solution. Shake quite hard for 15-20 mins for the first extraction. The acid and kerosene form seperate layers, so strong shaking is needed to ensure they mix into eachother. This dissolves the cocaine alkaloids from the kerosene and into the sulfuric acid. So, Shake the mixture ensuring the two immicisble liquids are mixing into eachother. Then seperate the two liquids from eachother and save the sulfuric acid for the next step. By using a seperatory funnel or a home made one the seperation can be done easily. Another technique is to leave the kerosene and acid to settle when shaking has finished. After 15-20 mins when the layers can be clearly seen, decant the top layer of kerosene. You can pour off a good majority of the kerosene this way whilst leaving a small portion of kerosene and the sulfuric acid layer. When you get down to a small layer of kerosene and acid, pour eveything into a tall jug and again leave to settle for 15-20mins. Using a pipette, push it down through the kerosene layer and down to the acid layer that the kerosene is floating ontop of. Simply suck the acid layer from benith the kerosene layer with the pipette and transfer to another beaker. Ensure no kerosene is floating above the acid you extract this way. We then again add another portion of acid, this time just 40ml of 6% sulphuric acid for second extraction and the process is repeated as above. This is added to the first lot when seperated. We now have our cocaine dissolved in the acid, consisting of around 80ml. :) We will then make our potassium permanganate solution for the oxidization stage which makes the cocaine base more pure. The solution of Potassium permangante can be seen below. Below that is the acid and cocaine solution in an ice bath at 0*c, ready to be treated. In a graduated cylinder add a little water,, pour in 6grams of weighed potasium permanganate and top up to 100ml to make a 6% solution. Below is the solution when ready. Deep purple. Below that is the cocaine dissolved in acid, in an ice bath cooled to 0*c for the next stage.

Potassium permanganate mixture

Cocaine alkaloids discolved in sulfuric acid from previous stage. This is known as agua rica. We will drip the purple solution in here slowly, with strong stirring, at 0*c, to clean the cocaine and purify it.

If you want to experiment, you can always basify this solution before oxidization, by using 10% ammonia solution to release the solid cocaine base. Dry and this is now smoke able. It's some fucking crazy shit!! But, some should at least be saved to be converted to the Hydrochloride salt we love so much! The acid layer needs to be extracted from beneath the kerosene layer. It can be seen in the image above. it will actually be a clear to red colour. Once this is complete, We now have a much smaller amount of liquid to work with rather than the 2/3litres of kerosene.. If you do not want to oxidise your cocaine at this stage(which you dont have to if you want to smoke the freebase) This acid can then treated with a 10% ammonia solution, by using a pipette and dripping in the ammonia solution until it is at PH9.7/9.8. Any higher than ph10 and this will damage the cocaine alkaloid. Use PH Strips or a meter. The alkaloids precipitate as a white paste which hardens after some time (30-45mins). It is then filtered and the liquid discarded. The stuff left in the filter is Cocaine base in its crude form. The images below show what it looks like when you add ammonia to the sulfuric acid containing the dissolved cocaine base we extracted from the kerosene. Reach PH9.7, Leave for 45mins, filter and dry.

Result of precipitation(below) (the base takes on a yellow colouring due to other alkaloids. Slightly less pure. Still great for smoking :) To clean this up further we need to do an oxidation.


When we reach this stage we move onto oxidization with potassium permanganate, as shown in images above. This must be performed in an ice bath as the acid and cocaine solution must be kept below 5degrees Celsius. This is important as the cocaine gets destroyed if the heat goes higher than this. Vigorous stirring needs to be used, with a glass stir rod, Steel will react with the acid. Oxidization is an exothermic process and produces heat, so we must cool this process with lots of ice in ice bath otherwise we risk losing alot of product. Once oxidization is complete, the solution is poured through coffee filters. They need to be good ones. A pinkish liquid will run through, which after 5 mins of standing will turn crystal clear. We can now base this out with ammonia and get our yield of cocaine base. High purity. Wow!

The next part of the guide will explain this in more detail so do not worry.

Stage 2 Oxidation. So this stage is the one that requires some skill, but hopefully, if done correctly, this stage shouldn't cause any problems . This section needs to be followed very closely. What happens here is the oxidization gets rid of all the other alkaloids present in the extraction mixture to leave just mostly pure cocaine so long as its carried out at under 5 degrees Celsius. So get an accurate thermometer.. This allows us to reach our 99% purity goal.

So we will need, some ice, water, beakers, thermometer, pipettes, KMNO4 (potassium permanganate), filters and a glass stir rod. We will need a solution of 6% KMnO4. I will detail how to make the solution shortly. It is simple. It needs to be kept cold. This whole section needs to be kept at 0*c when performing the oxidisation otherwise the cocaine molecule can be damaged and destroyed. So this will affect the end yield. It can survive up to 5*c. But try to keep it well below this. When adding the KMnO4, the tempreture will RISE. ensure it is kept low with lots of ice and salted water in an ice bath, with the beaker containing the sulfuric acid to be oxidised (known as agua rica) sat inside the bath. do not allow salted water to go into the acid mix.

This step of purifying the cocaine and removing the other unwanted alkaloids is important as leaving them in can cause problems later when final crystallisation is done if the unoxidised base is not cleaned and dried well.

Below you will see the setup. We will need a thermometer to measure the temperature. It is also wise to pre cool the sulphuric acid we are using for this stage that contains the cocaine from the previous step to 0*Celsius.

Cocaine base dissolved in about 80ml sulfuric acid of a 6% solution.

Get the agua rica cooled down below 4*c and keep it there, use an ice bath like below. (ice, water and salt)When ready, we begin dripping in the potassium permanganate solution slowly in increments. It needs to be dripped in slowly. For a 1kg extraction oxidising 6g of base - 3grams of potassium permanganate is dissolved in 50ML of water. This is added to the cooled agua rice solution in 8 increments of 5.625ml (dropwise slowly), over the course of 80mins., with lots of vigerous stirring throughout, ensuring the solution is kept below 4*c. For 900g coca leaf extraction, oxidising 5.4g of base: - 2.7g of potassium permanganate is dissolve in 45ml of water. This is added to the cooled agua rice solution in x8 increments of 5.625ml (dropwise slowly), over the course of 80mins, with vigerous stirring at temp below 4*c (USE THE EXTRACTION SCALER FOR HELP) The potassium permanganate solution does not need to be cooled in fridge like the acid solution, but use cold water instead. If the solution is too cold, due to it being already saturated, the kmno4 will begin to drop out of solution. So do not put in fridge. Make sure its stirred up and dissolved well when using. It will be added in 8 portions over the course of 80mins, so each addition over the course of ten mins. Vigerous stirring is needed when adding and between additions. Just add it in slowly, dripping it in and stirring lots. towards the end of the additions, you will see the bubble die down.

Keep sitrring the whole way through. This is important. It will froth up and go very dark red brown. It smells strange aswell.

Once the addition is over and the time stated elapsed, the bubbles should have subsided and the reaction finished. You will notice the purple coloration stays for a few seconds when you are dripping in your last portions of potassium solution. At this stage we need to take two or three strong coffee filters, set them up inside eachother, pre wet them with a 6% sulfuric acid solution, and pour the brown solution through. It will take some time to filter. You will see a pinky to clear solution dripping through. If it is pink, wait some time, and over about 30mins this coloration will disappear to leave a crystal clear solution. This contains the oxidised cocaine.In the image below you will see the filters arranged and the solution dripping through clear, with a large brown sludge collected in the filter.

Here you can see the oxidised solution being filtered through 2 good quality filter papers. The liquid dripping out will be clear. You may notice a tint of purple or pink. This will dissapear after 5 or 10 mins. When it is completely clear like the picture to the bottom right, you are ready to move to the next step. The next step is to basify the clear solution with ammonia 10% solution. this will free the cocaine base from the agua rica. This base is then dried and processed into cocaine hydrocloride (the stuff we sniff)

We now need to precipitate the cocaine base from the clear acid or 'agua rica' solution as its known in the trade. This is done with household ammonia. A 10% solution is used to base the acid to PH9.7 /9.8. We wait a further 30-40 mins for the base to fully precipitate. It is then filtered and dried under a heat lamp or left out for 24hrsat room temp. In the image below, you can see the agua rica (sulphuric acid mixture)when the ammonia has been added. it turns a creamy white color and thickens up. This releases the cocaine freebase. It will be whiter than in the image below, as this photo example is slightly under oxidised. It first comes out gooey and gummy, but hardens shortly after for easy filtering. You can smoke this freebase when dried. Be careful though. It is very moreish!

after 30/40mins, This solution is then filtered, and the filtrate saved and dried to complete dryness. This is important. It needs to be FULLY dry for the final stage. If not, it will not crystalise properly when hydrochloric acid is added. Use a desktop lamp to help speedup the process if in a hurry. Otherwise, simply leave at room temp for 24hrs. Dont put it too close to a heat lamp though as this stuff melts at 98*C.

Below is what properly oxidised cocaine base looks like. Bright white. If you do not oxidise, it will be more of an off white/yellow colour. You can clean the base further before crystalising (this is extremely reccomended) by allowing the base to dry fully; then dissolving in acetone or ether (use about 15/20ml per gram. This does not need to be exact. Anything that does not dissolve in the acetone / ether is an impurity and must be removed. You will often see a dark blob at the bottom of the beaker if you have any impurities. When the base is dissolved, Simply filter the solution through a pre wet filter paper (use the same solvent you have used to dissolve base), then pour onto a plate like in the image below, and allow to evaporate. You can then scrape up your fully pure and clean base and be confident it will crystalise properly in the final stage. If you miss this step, there is a chance the cocaine base will not crystalise when hydrochloric acid is added at the final stage. This creates alot more work. If this happens, cover everything, place in fridge and contact me! I will help..

You can also do this, to save time waiting for the acetone/ether to evaporate again if you find impurities when you dissolve you base. Firstly, weigh the base dry and take note. Then dissolve it in acetone as mentioned above. Observe impurities sink. Now weigh a paper filter, take note of weight, then filter the base dissolved in acetone through the filter you weighed. Allow the filter paper and filtrate to dry. Weigh the dry filter paper again. Subtract the gained weight from the original base weight we noted down in the beginning, to work out how much was made up of impurities. The benefit of this information is you do not have to recover the base and re weigh it to be able to then work out the required HCL acid volumes for the crystalisation reaction when you find you have impurities. Make sure your maths is ok!

Stage 3 BASE NEEDS TO BE FULLY DRY FOR CRYSTALISING. Please follow step above in to removing any impurities from the base before crystalising, by dissolving in Crystallisation regards acetone/ether and filtering, then re evaporating the solvent. Please consult the david lee cocaine handbook for further reading and help on crystalising your base to cocaine.hcl

I have included a calculator to help work out the amount of acid to use for this next stage, please take a look -Digital scales that weigh 0.00g or very accurate 0.00ml pipette. -Pipettes You will need. -Beakers -Filter papers -Stirring rod (glass) - Anhydrous Acetone. Normal new acetone thats not sold as anhydrous can be dried with mgso4, but if new this is not usually required. Water content can affect yield so do this if possible, its a simple procedure. Search google for more info: "Drying Acetone with MgSO4" -37 % Hydrochloric acid (Be careful with this shit! It burns skin and clothes!) -Methanol (Diethyl ether if available. Use instead of methanol)

We need to dissolve the weighed amount of base into some acetone where it fully dissolves and leaves no residue as mentioned above. This beaker is then marked Beaker A. For one gram of base we use 10ml acetone / ether. If water is present in the acetone it will effect crystallisation and cause poor yields. Get anhydrous acetone, or a new bottle of pure as you can get acetone.

We also need to have a beaker with 10ml acetone in, This is Beaker B. This is placed on the scales, they are reset to 0.00g, and the hydrochloric acid is dripped in until the desired weight is reached. For 1g of base, if we are using 37% hydrochloric acid, we need to add 0.32g (this is 0.27ml) Dont go over this as the cocaine will be acidic and sting the nose. If too little is used, yields will be poor as not all the cocaine can crystallise. Or worse, none of it will! We also need to add roughly twice the amount in pure methanol ( So approx 55ml) as we are using of hydrochloric acid. This is added to the acetone and acid solution. Try and buy 37% hydrochloric acid, as less percentage means more water is present. This will reduce yields. 36% is ok, anything below and yields drop. Not massively, but noticeably. If you cannot get 37%, contact me and I can tell you the amounts for other concentrations of hydrochloric acid, as it changes as percentage lowers. When everything is set, begin swirling both solutions in a clockwise or anti clockwise manner lightly, and with a swift pouring action, tip beaker B into beaker A. So we are tipping the acetone methanol and acid solution into the beaker with acetone and dissolved base.

cocaine crystal growth

1 Ounce crystalising

Forming the flake: When wet with solvent, the filter paper is folded to enclose the cocaine, then the solvent is slowly squeezed out. when the majority has gone, the filter paper is then pressed between the palms of each hand firmly, this forms the flake crystal structure by flattening the bi crystals produced when crystallised. When pressed, the filter paper and cocaine are put near a heat lamp to dry. When opened, you will be amazed! :0

The finished product

The images above show the final crystalisation taking place in stages, then the filtering and forming of the empanada. This is done by pressing the filter cake once folded lightly but firmly. Once it is dried of solvent, it can be opened and the layers of crystal flake seen when it is broken. Wow!

Don't stir too much when mixing the 2 solutions: Ideally very little stirring should be done before mixing the solutions and not during / after the solution are poured into each other. In If stirred when mixed this can lead to an initial crystal formation of smaller crystals, followed by bigger ones as the solution stops moving. When the two beakers are mixed, cover with cling film to stop solvents evaporating or moisture entering, and place in the fridge for about 2 hrs. Scratching the sides of the glass beaker with a glass stir rod lightly and watching for new crystal growth where scratched, will help work out when crystalisation is complete. 2hrs is plenty. This procedure can be done with acetone, Hydrochloric acid and Diethyl ether only. This reaction produces a much more visual precipitation of cocaine. It is almost instant when the two beakers are combined but is still left for upto 2 hrs. The only difference is that base is dissolved in ether, then acid is added to acetone on the scales. The Acid and acetone solution are added to the ether and base solution. The reaction is usually over in an hour, but best to wait upto 1.5 hours/2 hours for best results. Cover the beakers with Clingfilm to stop solvents from evaporating whilst waiting and place in the fridge.

Above and right: The result of a big batch, over 35g. Pure cocaine like this is very fluffy and light. You will be suprised.. Enjoy... Try not to abuse the sources! Or the coke! :) Have fun, CocaineCowboy