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Teacher's Book Virginia Evans - Jenny Dooley

~~ Express Publishing - ~



Contents nationalities, jobs, appearance, rooms & furniture, daily routines, family, the weather, places in town

pp. 5-6

Home and away pp. 7·20

language Review 1 p_21

Skills Practice 1 pp. 22·23 Revision 1 p. 24

Food & Drinks pp. 25·38

• prepositions of movement • present simple vs present continuous • stative verbs • modals (can/can't, beablera, could, have to/don't hove to, must/mustn't, should/ought to) • comparative/superlative

adjec:tives to describe cityfcountry features of a town/city places & activities modes of transport dangers in the countryside types of housing home & chores publk services & facilities

• countable/uncountable nouns (aJon - some/any) • quant ifiers • too/enough • ·ing form/(to) infinitive

food/drinks contai nerslpartit ives supermarket sections & products food preparation tastes

• past simple (regularlirregular verbs) • wh - questions • past continuous • linking words (because, so, and, too, also, but) • subject/object questions

people & achievements

language Review 2 p. 39 Skills Practice 2 pp. 40-41 Revision 2 p. 42

Great people & legends pp. 43-56

language Review 3 p. 57

Skills Practice 3 pp. 58-59

past activities historical figures

legendary creatures crime & breaking the law jobs & nationalities of famous people

Revision 3 p. 60

On holiday pp. 61-74

Language ReView 4 p. 75 Skills Practice 4 pp. 76-]7 Revision 4 p. 78

Helping hands pp. 79-92

language Review 5 p. 93 Skills Practice 5 pp. 94-95 Revision 5 p. 96

Art & Culture pp. 97·110

• will • be going to • present continuous (future meaning) • time clauses • conditionals (types 0, 1 & 2) • might, may, could, will probably, will definitely • aJanJrhe • rela tives

types of holidays holiday experiences holiday activities eco·tourism places in a ci ty holiday problems tourist attractions

• present perfect • yet, already, since, for, never, ever, j ust • present perfec:t vs past simple • present perfect continuous • ·ingl--ed adjectives • past perfect • conditional type 3 • w ishes • have been/have gone

world problems natural disasters social problems threats to animal species injuries activities at an eccxamp

• • • • •

the passive reported speech reported questions/orders reflexive pronouns question tags

• • • • •

forms of art materials shops & products music & musical instruments places of cultural interest

language Review 6 p. 111 Skills Practice 6 pp. 112-111 Revision 6 p. 114

Vocabulary Bank pp. VB1-VB20 Writing Bank pp. WB1·WB7


Grammar Reference pp. GR1-GR11

Rules for Punctuation p. GRll American English - British English Guide p. GR12 Pronunciation p. GR13

. ~


llifriting ~ •.


Culture Cor rl Curricular

describe a room , describe the weather , describe appearance , tell the time , , , , The Florida Everglades: Surviving the , Swamp (open-ended sentences) , , emails about different types of houses (RIWIDS statements & comprehension questions) , listening for specific information (TtF)

, Police, Camera, Action (T/F

statements) , Hot Spots (multiple matching)

in a supermarket

; a recipe (reading specific information) listening for specific (YeslNo)

Is this the most talented person who ever lived? (T/F/DS statements) • He,~s of the Ancient World (quiz) , Creatures of Legend (open-ended sentences) The Vanishing Smile (multiple choice) , listening (gap filling)

buying a ticket compare places make requests in the home ask for/give advice Pronunciation: 15/.1/1. 1dJ!. ItSl

, describe something happening , sentences about a journey in your country , a list of survival tipS in the jungle , an informal email about your house , an informal email of advice

• talk about your eating habits • • order food in a cafe • make a restaurant booking • • give instructions on how to make a dish • • Pronunciation: 1nl , ITjI •

• discuss past activities • talk about past actions , read dates • ask for & give personal information • Intonation: stressed syllables/weak vowels

• Adventure Tour South America • future plans & intentions (multiple matching) • ask for in'ormation • Sculptures Under the Sea (multiple • talk about your holiday choice) , Pronunciation: '1I/won'r;/hl • She Reasons to see Sydney (answer questions) • listening (matching speakers to problems)

a description of a food festival in your country

, Pacific Coast Highway' (T/FfDS) , (Citizenship) Are

you a good citizen?(quiz)

Eating out in the UK (reading for

short texts about places to eat


out in your country a description of your own

information) (Science) Food for life! (note taking & summarising)

strange restaurant

an informal email about your favourite dish

• a quiz about famous historical


• a description of a traditional

celebration in your country , a stocy about a legendary creatur write about a theft a biography of a famous person , a text about an explorer

• •

• •

• an itinerary for a tour in your • country • a pamphlet advertising a national park or area of natural beauty in your country , a letter about your holiday how to be a responsible tourist

The PilgrimsSailing to Q OM life! (TIF statements) (US HOIO




\ LJ






-El through

- >-:-0 towards

In picture 1the suspect is driving along the pavement. b)

linda wrote to her friend Kate to give her directions to her house. Choose the correct preposition . I, .' listen and check .

When you get off the bus, walk 1) along/through Main Street 2) Intoltowards the clock tower. Go 3) past/out of some shops on your left and then tum nght and go 4) through/along some big gates

5) along ~ nto Slanley PariWpr,' !When: questIOn word)

Conditionals (trees 0,1 &2J Conditional clauses conSist of two parts the if-clause (hypotheSIS) and the main clause (resultl

If ... present Simple

present Simple

If yvlJ heat water, rt boils

Use: to talk about general truths or things that always happen.

If · present slmp'e WI: ... bare l!'1flMlve

Be going to


If r's really h)j tomorrow ""t'lf go fO the beach.

Us. We use be going to for future plans and intentions om going to fly loSpni nex! weet Who! ore you going to do tonight, Salty? for predictions based on what we see or know espeCIally when there IS eVidence Tok.e a photo! She's 90in9 to blowout rhe candles. Look 01 the clouds, it is going to rain ' • to talk about things we have already decided to do ,n -+;e near future -'e re 90in9 ro travel ro (:.Iba i l "''''11' (We have already deCided thiS

Use: to talK about things that afe present/future


Conditional UnruI pnsontI



to happen In the

If + past Simple

If hod a

'1 of >T!01t'y,


d buy a-'ew

"'ouse IBut ha .. en!1 If weft rOL- d see cdoc or. iAdvlee:


Use: to talk about an Imaginary situation or give adYlce the present or future


Notes: • When the if·clause comes before the main clause, the two clauses afe separated with a comma If the weather improves, flights will run 01 normal. • We can use unless Instead of if not In the if-clause of Type 1 conditionals. The verb after unless IS always In the

Relative Pronounsl Adverbs Relative Pronouns We use • who/that for people Genghis Khan was the man who/that

affirmative Unless you go /0 bed nnw, you 11 be fired 1'1 rhe morning

With the names of streets (Wilson Srrt'frl. parks (Hyde Park), titles (Rome), mountains (Moonroympus), individual islands (Ireland), lakes (Lake Windermere) and continents ~),

started the Mongol Empire. which/that for animals or things The Mona llsa is rhe poimmg which/that ike the mosf. whose to show possession. Tutonkhamun was a ruler of Egypr whose 10mb hod 0 lot of treasure inside,

May - Might - Could - Will probably Will definitely

We use may - might - could to express possibility Notice the difference In meaning "Where's Peler? -He may/could srr I beel! worK. (It's possiblefperhaps he IS at work.) "He might HI be or wart. (There IS a slight possibility he 15 still at wor\{, but I doubt 11.)

Note; We don't use a relative pronoun With another pronoun (I, you, he, him, etc), I mel someone who is 0 famous

Note: We can also express POSSibility With the adverbs probably and definitely probably go Soi Ing tomorrow. (It's likely/There's a very

artist. (NOT:


lJIer SQlJleQr:le l~hQ he is Q f9/ll9W5 gF/lit )

Relative Adverbs We use' • when to refer to time 1254 was the year when Mareo Polo • •

good chance.)

was born. whtre to refer to place This is the museum whtre Emma works. why to give reason This ort gal/ery is very imeresting. Ihon why so many people visit If.

We definitely go on holiday this lum'7ler. (It's certain.)

MODULE 5 AIAn - The We use a/an • With nouns when refernng to something

Present Perfect In


Form : subject + hove/has + past participle

Emily has got a dog,

With singular countable nouns when we want to say what sblsth IS Greg;s a reocher. In a panda.

We use the • With nouns when talking about something specific or something that has already been ment oned

l/YoulWefThey haveI' ve arrived He/She/It hasl's arrived

l/YouIWe/They have not/ haven't arrived IHe/shellt has not/hasn't I arrived

Than the man I told you about.

• •


With nouns that.are unique (the sky, thf moon), With the names of rivtrS (the Thames ), groups of islands (the Mo/dives ), mountain rongu (the Rocky Mountains ), duerrs (the Sahara ), oceans (the Atlantic), canals (the Bridgewaler), countries when they ,nclude the words' State, Kingdom, Republic (the JKl, m geographical terms such as the North Po/eIAfCli,jArl'Jlon, the .;Jull lfE1Q ld, the NorrrlEolrlSoull 'Wesr With the names of musical instruments (the pi 10) With family names (the Brew, i) and nationalities ending In -sh, -ch or -ese (the Polish ), With titles (the King , the Prime Mlni5ler), but not With titles Includmg a proper name (0" ''I Elizabeth),

We do not use the • With uncountable and plural nouns when talkmg about something In general Huskies pul sledges oWlhe snow, • With proper names Alan is a dOClor • With languages, unless they are followed by the word language IPfok Spanish BUT The Spanish language • With the names of countries which don't Include the word State, Kingdom or Republic Enfj md, Frar ce, BUT the IMe Srmes , the Czech Republic

Have VyoulweJthey arrived1 Has he/shellt arrived1

Yes, Vyoulwelthey have { No, I/you/we/they haven't Yes, helshellt has I { No, he/shelit hasn't


We use the present perfect • for actIOns which started In the past and continue up to the present. He has worked os a doctor for five years 1= He started working as a doctor five years ago and he 51 works as a doctor.} • to talk about a past action which has a visible resul; m the present. She has lost 0 lot of weight. (= We can see she looks thinner • for actIOns Which happened at an unstated time I(l oN.> past The actIOn is more Important than the time happened He has bought a new cor (When1 We don t know; It's not important.) • for recently completed actions Lindo has U cleaned foom. (The action IS complete The room 's now de • for personal experiences/changes Which twwe I";.",:::-~ . hove never tried bUflqet lump "19.

Tune expressions used with the prtsent ptrftcr. lust, already, Ke, ever, never, so far, thIs week/month! ,.ear, etc

Have been (to}/Have gone (to) • We ;e htl~e betn (to) to say that someone went somewhere, but has come back Tom has been to Italy. (He 'Nent to Italy, but he's no longer there.) • We use have gone (to) to say that someone went somewhere and IS stili there Meg has gone roLondon. (She's stll there)

for an action that started In the past and lasted for some time It may stili be continuing, or have finished, but It has left a Visible result In the present She~ Ilred because she hos been cleaning the house 01/ mornmg.

Time e)(pressions used with the present ptrfKt continuous: Slfl{e, for, how long (to place emphaSIS on duration).

-ing/-ed adjectives •

·;ng adjectIVeS describe what somebody or something IS like I've had a very tiring day. (What was the day like' Tiring.) Lucy;svery interest;ng (What's lucy like' Interesting.) ·ed adjectives descflbe how someone feels Cathy, very tired · (How does Cathy feel? Tired.)

Just - Yet- Already - Since - For - Ever Never

We've just (Jfflved (a few minutes ago) I Meg hasn't called yetJHas Meg called yet 1 (We expect her to l

Past Perfect

Icall soon.) She~ already watered the plants. (It's done She doesn't have I to water the plants any more) They've lived in Spain since 2005. (starting pOint) I He's been in Malta (or a week. (duration) I Have you e~er been la Paris1 (at any pOint) II hove never /Tied scuba diving (I haven't tried scub~ dIVing)

Present Perfect vs Past Simple PRESENT PERFECT


an action which happened at an action whKh ha~ned at a an unstated time In the past stated time In the past He has hurt hi leg. rWhen' They went 10 Australia We don't know! Isumme' (When? las: summer.)



ian actIOn whICh started In I the past and IS stili continuing In the present

I an actIOn which started and

I finished In the past She was m New Yo·~ for 'wc

Shf hos lived mCalf0 (of/en years. years. (She lived in New York I

(She went to Cairo ten years for two years She doesn't l ago and she stili lives there.) live there any more)

Present Perfect Continuous Form: subject + hove/has + been + verb -ing

IVYouNJefThey have/'ve been playing He/Shellt hasl's been playing


VYouNIefThey have notl haven't been playing :He/She/lt has not! hasn't been playing

Form : subject + had + past participle , lNou/WefThey had not/ hadn't finished finished . I He/Shellt had not/hadn't Wef(oulThey had finished . finished

lIYoulHelShellt had

Had 1fin ished , Yes, I hadJNo, 1hadn't Had you finished J Yes, you hadJNo, you hadn't Had he/shellt finished Yes, he/shefrt hadJ ) No, helshelit hadn't Had we/you/they Yes, welyou/they had / finished 1 No, we/you/they hadn't

Us. We use the past perfect for • an action that happened before another past action or before a stated time In the past. They hod hod dinner by 'he lime I arri'le plant' ) nna watered rh

The ;JlantJ are watered by Joonl'/a. The ;J/anrJ are being watfred by Joanno. The ,Iants were

D) 11S

watered by n , Th· 'lIOn/I were being watfred by Joanna. The a/aMs have been watered by )Gnna Theolan1s had been watered by Jf)Qnna The plaM5 will be watered by Joanna The plants may/mightJ cou/dl mustJ have tol should be watered by Joonna.

,na was watering rh 'plaMs. Joonna has watered rh 'plant.( ,(lllno had watered rh 'plants Joanna will waler the Future Simple plaMs mna may/m;ghtJ could/ mustlhave Modal Verbs to/should water rt

Past Continuous Present Perfect Simple Past Perfect Simple



Verb cooked


Subject lunch

Verb was cooked

Object lunch

l Agent by Mary

The agent can be omitted when the subject IS they, he someone/somebody, people, one, etc Active: Someone has ·ft th .... mOt woo' Passive: Thewmdowholifj >frop~

~~---------------Form: subject + to be + past participle

We form the pass"..e With the verb to be In the appropnate tense and the past participle of the main verb.



The Passive

Present Simple Present Continuous

to make statements more formal or polite The ceremony will be held m the CIty hall. (forma!) This saucepan has not betn cleaned properly. (more polite than !.dylfly You honn 'l cleaned the saucepan proptrly'.

to say that we would 'wlshlif 7nly I was/ wlrt like something to be ~.,y flgtl/ m w different In the I

The agent IS not omitted when It IS a speCifiC or iln Important person, or when It IS essential to the meaning of the sentence The announcement will be mode by the president himself With verbs that can take two objects, such as bring tell send, show, teach, promise, sell, read, offer, give lend

etc, we can form two different passIVe sentences Active: He offered her some flowers. Passive: She was offered lome flowers.

Some flowers wNe offered to htr

(pa551~e, less usualJ • In paSSive questIOns With who , whom or which we do n')t omit by Compare the examples Who w!, rgive the speech? Who W!II the speech be given by 1

Reported Speech Reported Speech IS the exact meaning of sorr:tone said, but not the exact words We don't use QJo~a·?n With reported sp~ch. We can use thot after 'rte trod ...... ~ verb (say, rem or we can lea~e It out He said thal he liked the film. or Ht said ht I f rI t f.

, ,

Say - rtll •


reported speech we use say without to (without a

personal object) when we don't mention the person being spoken to

• We use ask/beg + sb + (not) to-infinitive to report requests. Usually, the direct sentence contains the word 'please' ·Pleasedon'flhout. hf'wOJ. HI asked If 1( 10 shOUf

.ir soid 'rhol l In NOS angry. We use say With to (with a personal obJe' (n)


film of an event

viewer /vju41 (n) =sb who watches

TV voice-over fv.:J b :JOv'J/ (n) =the sound of sb speaking and describing what is happening zebra cross ing I.zi:brn 'kro'illj.ze-/ (n)


black and white lines on a

road where people


lb (pp. 10-11)

absolute beginner !Cf~IUj blgtnJI (n)

=a person who is doing

an activi t y for the first time amusement park 1:ts senw (n) =a building where you can play different sports swim fswrrn/ (v) =to move through


I • "\~ter

your body

track-down /trrek daun/ (phr v) =to find after a long search

treat yourself to (phr)

=to buy sth

nice for yourself trend y shop ftrendi lOP! (n) =a shop that sells things in fashion water par k IW;):I:J pa:k/ (n) = a large area wi t h many pools and slides

elephant seal /el:)f;)l1t si:l! (n) =a very big type of seal fai rytale mansion l,fe:lritctl maml3fII (n) =a very beautiful, large house fall /hV (n) autumn female !fi:meIV (n) =woman give birth Iglvb3:91(phr) =to have


a baby impressive /rm'preslvl (adj) =causing admiration including fmklu:dlrY (prep) =having as a part of miss /mrs/ (v) =to be late for sth

pu~'i,.,~\nY~ a baby seal


return /n1'3:n/ (v) to come back to a place ride /raId/ (v) =to sit on a horse or bicycle and control its movement road trip fr;>ud tnp/ (n) =a long journey using a personal vehicle sandy beach fsa:ndibi:tJ! (n) an area of sand next to the sea sight lsarl/ (n) =a tourist attraction skyscraper Isk.a~skretP;¥ (n) =a very tall modern building spectacular Ispek'ta:kj;ll;)j (adD = irT)pressive; extraordinary


l' . .



steep /'1;'" (adJ) =(of a road or hili) going up or down very quickly wild animal l.warld a:[\;)rt1;)V (n) an animal that grows in its natural environment zebra Izi:bi.l. 'ze·1 (n) an animal that looks like a horse with black and white lines


le (p. 12) ancient /cmJ;)nl/ (adj) =belonging to the distant past breeding season Ibri:dtl) ~i:l.:)I1/ (n) = a time of year when animals produce young animals cable car ' ker!»1 ka:l (n) =a vehicle that hangs from thick wires and transports people up and down high areas cliff /klrfl (n) =a steep rocky surface next to the sea coast /busl/ (n) = land next to the

sea coastline Ik:)Ustlarn/ (n) = land which runs along the edge of the sea


ld (p. 13) bike /balk! (n) =a motorcycle or a bicycle car lko:J (n) =a vehicle with four wheels that carries a small number of passengers cost /kost/ (v) =to have a price coach /k:)U(lf (n) =a bus for long journeys


...;;:a-______________________________ Word list custom er 1k,.,\t..'mI:)/ (n) =sb who buys goods or services, from a

shop, company, etc ferry fferiJ (n ) =a boat that takes people, goods and vehicles

across an area of water motorbike /lTl:IlIbballl (n)

=a vehicle

with two wheels and an eng ine pla ne Iplem/ (n) =a vehicle that flies return /n'ml/ (adj) =allowing you to travel to a place and back again si ngle '~rIJlPV (adj) =allowing you to take a one-way trip taxi ft:rhi/ (n) =a car with a driver who you pay to take you somewhere t icket ftr L~ (n) =a piece of paper to show that you have pa id for a journey t rain /lrelrV (n) =a long vehicle which travels along metal

tracks underground IlI.rwbgraund/ (n) =a system of trains which travel under a city

le (pp. 14-(5) bubble !h,ooV (n) = a ball of liquid which contains air or gas cli ff IkJrrl (n) =a steep rot:ky surface next to the sea climb /klalml (v) =to go up or onto

the top of sth

crawl (out) lLr:d JUI/ (v) =to come out of a place on your hands and knees eart hquake /"J:9ky,elk,/ (n) =a sudden violent movement of the earth's surface engine lend:;x1l (n) =the part of a vehicle that uses fuel to make it move escape /tskerpl (v) =to get away fall (into) I.fJ:1lnlJ/ (v) =to move down into a place without intending it


."nt; (adj) = causing death

feed /fi:d/ (v)

=to give sb food to

eat get a snake bite (phr) = to receive a wound from the teeth of a snake get caught in a flash flood (phr) = to be stuck in a place which suddenly became covered in


pressure IprcJ3I (n)

=a situation

that causes you to feel stress pu ll (i n) /pol / (n)

=a flat at

the top of a building

pretty sure (ph r) =quite certain semi·detached house I~mi dllztJt l!au~1


(n) a house which is joined to anot her house on one side skyscraper I\k.ard.rerp"i (n) a very tall modern bu ilding storey ISIJ:riJ (n) floor; level of a building townhouse llaonhatbi (n) = a house which is joined to ot her houses on bot h sides view Mu:) (n) = sight; scenery villa hila . (n) = a large house in a wa rm country



19 (p. 18) appliance ,aplaoo~' (n) = an electrical device used in the house chore /tI:J:) (n) = sth boring that needs to be done

do the washing-up (phr)


wash dishes

W L4

lay the table (phr)

=to prepare a

table for a meal


(n) =the

people who live In a particular

make the bed (phr) =to tidy the bed after sleeping in it


mop the floor (phr) to dean the floor with a stick that has a wet cloth fixed at one end neighbourhood lneroohod/ (n) a


part of a town take out the rubbish (phr) =to remove waste material from your house and throw it in a bin outside

lh(p. 19)


commun it y

awful /:J:faV (adj) terrible flatmate /flzlmelv (n) roommate invite '1n\"3ll' (\I) = to ask sb to come to a place realise Inalarrj (v) = to understand responsibility in\pDfI\Jbrblii (n) = the duty we have to deal with situations or people and make decisions share fIe:J/ (v) = to have or use sth with another person


upset 'p'" (adj) =unhappy; frustrated

l i (p. 20) bank ""-I (n) =a build ing where people keep their money

dust the furniture (phr) =to

(be) involved in (phr) =be part of

remove dirt from tables, cupboards, etc with a cloth equipment Irl~lpm.mti (n) = a set of necessary thin gs for a particular purpose feature ffi:lJ~' (n) = an interesting or characteristic part of sth furniture lh:mtJ:J/ (n) = large movable things in a house or an office hoover the carpets (phr) = to clean the carpets using a vacuum cleaner iron the clothes (phr) = to make clothes smooth using an electrical device

borrow books (phr) = to take books that do not belong to you and give them back later car tyre Iko: [alal (n) = a rubber covering that fits around the wheel of a car care (for) ILe:. b. b; (v) = to look after check /tIek} (v) = to examine sth to make sure that it is the way it

should be citizen f~rt:lz:>n" (n) = a legal resident of a country Citizenship fm3;Q11IIpi (n) = a school subject in which students learn about the roles and responsib ilities of the people who live in a country

area community centre IbmJu:n:IIl \Cl" (n) =a place where local

residents meet together and do various activities crime !halm} (n) =an illegal action which is pun ished by law deposit money (phr) =to put

money in a bank hospital /h[)\pnl/ (n) = a place where

ill or injured people go for treatment in need (phr) = needing help library flalbQri. -001 (n) a build ing wh ich contains a collect ion of books you can read or borrow


obey laws (phr)

=to follow official

rules obey signs (phr) to not go against the messages in publ ic places petrol stat ion lpetroll stelI, (adj)


one feel calm and pleasant shocked IlobI (adj) =very surprISed and upset by sth bad that happens unexpectedly

species /spi:Jj:l/ (n) =a set of animals or plants that can breed with each other spectacular Ispektzkpb (adj) = im pressive; extraordinary steep slope Isti:p .~. (n) =the side of a hill or mountain which rises abruptly _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Word List

survey fS'J:'IIel/ (n)


=a study; a


team Iti:rn/ (n) an organ ised group of people threat {fmtl (n) =a danger to sth tiring lta l~nl}' (adj) =making you

feel that you need to rest track

/U/ (n) :: sth which is done to fix sth roadside attraction iJ;1txh"lld ~tnr:kI;,nJ (n) sth that is on the edge of a road and which people want to visit or see sculptor IskAlpI;)/ (n) :: sb who makes pieces of art out of wood, stone, etc steel l~tdl (n) :: a hard metal made from iron and carbon transform !trrens'f,,:m/ (v) :: to change wildlife reserve twalldlalf nn:v/ (n) :: a protected area of land to keep animals safe


=a large Australian

bird which cannot fly

If""""" (n) = a light material made with glass and


plastic fossil ffr:&l/ (n) :: a part of or the shape of sth that lived in prehistoric times and is preserved in rock hand in I,hrend In I (ph r v) :: to give sth to sb have a sweet tooth (phr) :: to be fond of sweets hold """'" (v) =to have limestone Ilalm~oon/ (n) :: a white rock line wn/ (v) :: to cover the inside surface of sth mighty beast imalti hi:'" (n) :: magnificent creature

6c (p. 102) Aboriginal /l!b;lnd?l1 Exercise 3b

Cp. 23)

DyJan: Hey Holly, a new water park opens on Thursday.

let s go this weekend. Hony: I can't, I work on Saturdays and Sundays. DyJan: ~o problem. We can go on Friday. Holly: OK Where IS the water park? Orlon: You know where the library is on the high street. Turn left and go down Station Road. It's in Fulton Street, the road just before the train station. Holly: It sounds qUite a long way to me. Oy/on: Don't worry. We don't have to walk there, we can get the bus.

;:;. Exercise 3 (p. 36)

Moria: So Frank, did you see Chef Jeff on TV last night? Frank: Oh, I love Chef Jeff, but I missed it last night. How was it?


Student', Book Tapescripts _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __

Moria: It was great! He is 50 entertaining . last night, he

> Exercise 4b (p. 41)

went to a steakhouse restaurant in a small town

In the picture, I can see a man in his mid-thirties with short curly brown hair. He is in a superma rket doing some shopping . He is wearing a blue shirt and some light brown trousers and he is holding a green shopping basket. He is in the fruit and vegetable section . He is looking at the fresh vegetables. There are potatoes, cabbages and celery. He is probably going to buy some

somewhere in Texas. Fronk: A steak house? But they only serve steak there.

right? Morio: Not exactly! They specialise in steak, but they

also serve other dishes. Fronk: Oh, all right. Maria : Anyway ... it was awful! The kitchen was really

dirty and the cooks were terrible. I mean I love beef but I would never eat their steaks. It was scaryl Customers

Module 3

sent back several dishes because the meat wasn 't

:;;;.. Exercise 2a (p. 46)

cooked ... and one customer even found a hair in his food . Frank: No wayl Maria: I'm seriousl Chef Jeff shouted at them all the

Presenter: Hello and welcome to Thar's Ancient History! the quiz show that tests how much you know about long long ago. On tonight's show, our contestants are Rob Talbot and Moira Bell. The first question goes to Rob. Rob, which empire did Genghis Khan start? Was It the Ottoman Empire, the Persian Empire or the Mongol Empire7 Rob: That's easy. It was the Mongol Empire. Presenter: Yes, it was . Well donel Now, Moira, according to legend, what did Manco Capac do? Did he start the Inca Empire, discover South America or build many Mayan temples? Moira: Err ... I know he didn 't discover South America. Did he start the Inca Empire7 Presenter: Yes, he did, Moira . Rob, Marco Polo set out along the Silk Road in 1271 . When did he return home7 Was it 5 years later, 12 years later or 24 years later? Rob: Er ... I think it was 12. Presenter: Sorry Rob, it was a lot longer than that. He didn't return until 24 years later ! Back to you, Moira .. , accord ing to many poets and historians, how did Cleopatra die? Did she eat some poisoned food , did a poisono us snake bite her or did she stab herself7 Moira: Oh , I know that! She died after a poisonous snake bit her. Presenter: Correct! Rob, who famously said - I came, I saw, I conquered ." after one victory in Asia Minor? Was it Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan or Tutankhamen ? Rob: Oh, that 's easy. It was Julius Caesar. Presenter: Yes, it was, Rob . Moira, if you get the next question correct, you 're tonight's winner! Are you ready? Moira: I think so. Presenter: OK, then . How old was Alexander the Great w hen he died ? Was he 76, 49 or 33? Moira: I know he wasn 't old, so ... was he 33 7 Presenter: Yes, he was l Congratulations, Moira ! You win a leather-bound atlas of the ancient world and I' ll see you next week on That's Ancient Historyl

time. He closed the restaurant down for two days and told them to clean it properly. Then, he taught them how to cook from the beginning . Frank : I love it when he does that . Maria: Yeah, so do I. Frank: Do you remember when he had to teach a chef from Spain how to make paella7 Maria: Yeah! That episode was so funny. Listen to this thoughl last night he threw away all the meat because it was bad. He bought fresh meat and showed them how to cook it. Imagine a steak house where they don't know how to cook steak! Frank: Unbelievable I :;;;.. Exercise 3b (p. 41) Ben: Hi Tina! Great party! rina: Hi Ben - thanks. How's the food? Ben: The food's delicious. There's a lot to choose from and everyone's enjoying it. rina: That's good ; my favourite's the apple pie on the dessert table I Ben: Oh yes, it's great! The chocolate brownies are also very popular. Sandra can't stop eating them . Tina: We are all so unhea lthyl What do the others like ? Ben: Well, Annie's very healthy so she's enjoying all the fresh fruit, especially the strawberries! Tina: Yes, those are lovely. Janet's enjoying the fresh fruit too but prefers fresh vegetables. She loves vegetables that are in season so the tomatoes are her favourite . What do you think about the roast meat7 Ben: Carl likes the roast chicken; however, he thinks the roast lamb is even better. He 's eating the whole plate! Tlna: Excellent . What about the rice with prawns7 Ben: Joe thinks it 's good but a little too salty; he loves the homemade pasta though . Tina: I'm glad Joe's enjoying it- that's my Mum 's recipe I

> Exercise 3 (p. 54) FEMALE VOICE: Hello and welcome t o the Floreoce

Nightingale museum informat ion line. Adm ISSIon IS £5 .80 for adults and £4.80 for children WIth SPK a prices for group bookings . The price inchJdes a free audio tour of the museum.


-11-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- --- Student"

Book Tapescripts

The tour covers three exhibition areas which tell the

When was the re-enactment?

story of Florence: The first, The Gilded Cage, tells you about her childhood

Man: How was the re-enactment? Woman: It was great, but we almost missed it. Man: Oh , why? Woman: Well, usually it is on the 15th every year but

and her struggle to enter the nursing profession . The: Calling exhibition is next on the tour and introduces you to the legend of 'the lady of the lamp' and her dramatic time in the military hospitals of the Crimean

this year they planned it for the 13th but it rained so they had to postpone it. Man: So, when was it? Woman: They had it the following day.


Finally, the Reform and Inspire exhibition takes you t hrough her tireless campaigns for hea lth reform at home and abroad .

Just plac!! your stethoscope on the audio hotspots in each section to hear Florenc!! and her present-day equals explain her moving story.

Along with a host of other attractions and exhibits we are sure there is something to interest everyone, young and old. We are open daily from lOam to 5pm . Thank you for calling the information line and we look forward to your visit.

>- Exercise 4a (p. 55) Albert Einstein was a world-famous scientist, philosopher and physicist. He was born on 14th March, 1879 in the city of Ulm, which later became part of Germany. As a child, he grew up in Munich. He attended Luitpold Grammar School where he was a quiet student interested in Science and Mathematics. He also enjoyed playing his violin . When he was 15, he left school and w ent with his family to Milan . His ambition was to become a Maths or Physics teacher. He graduated from high school in Switzerland and finished his university studies in Zurich in 1900. In 1901 , Einstein, now in his early twenties, couldn't find a teaching position . Instead, he got a job as a techn ical assistant in the Swiss Patent Office. In his spare time, he worked -on maths problems, and in 1905 he published some of his famous scientific theories . Included was the well-known 'Special Theory of Relativity'. During the 1920s, he received many different honors. He accepted the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921 . Throughout his life, he published over 400 scientific works and gave lectures in Europe and America . Albert Einstein died on 18th April, 1955. He was 76 years old His name and face are still famous all over the world. and many people believe he was the greatest g~nlus of t h~ 20t h century and perhaps of all t ime . ~ Ex~rcise

1 (p. 58)

o How old IS Cra'g1 Woman: look at thIS Cra ig, Alexander the Great was only 33 when he d,~d Man: Really? H~ was qUi te young . Woman: Yes, but not as young as Tutankhamen, he only lived for 18 years. Man: Wow, that's 2 y~ars younger than I am.


What did the thieves take? hear about the burglary at the museum? Woman: No, what happened? Mon: Thieves broke in, vandalised a painting and sprayed paint on a statue. Woman: Did they steal anything? Man: Yes, some valuable jewellery. Man: Did you

3 Where is da Vinci 's bridge ? Woman: Leonardo da Vinci was a brilliant man . Man: I know, he is one of the world 's most famous painters. Everyone knows the Mona Lisa in the louvre in Paris, France. Woman: Yes, but did you know he was also an eng ineer? In 2001 the Norwegian built a bridge based on his design . Man: Wow, not bad for a 15th century Italian. 4 What was the weather like? Man: Did you do anything special at the weekend? Wom an: Bill and I were going to go to the museum because the forecast said it was going to be nice but the weather was so bad we just stayed home . Man: Was it raining? Wo man: Worse, there was a hailstorm.

S How many people were on board the boat? Mon: Can you imagine being on a boat in the middle

of the ocean for 66 days? Woman: No, the 100 sai lors on the Mayflower had to be very brave . Man: And it's a wonder that any of them managed to survive that first winter in 1620. Woman: Yes, they had a lot to be thankful for.

Module 4 ;:.. Exercise 2 (p. 61 ) Soroh: Every summer, all my friends go on beach

holidays with their families, but my family always goes camping l It's fun . We stay in a really nice campsite in the country and take nice long walks, but this summer we' re all th inking of doing something different. My parents are hoping to go on a cruise and I really want to go on an activity holiday with my friends. I can't wait!


Student', Book rapescripts _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

~ Exercise 2 (p. 72)

A: Hi Nancy, how was your trip;

B: Oh, hi Rachael. I had a great time but I think I was the only one. A: Why, what happened? B: Well, you know how Tristan's always late for everything. A: Oh no, he didn't miss the flight. did he?

B: No, this time he got to the airport in plenty of time but he forgot his passport 50 he had to cali his mum and get her to bring it . A: Typical, but everybody else's flight was OK, Janice

wasn't sick again. was she? 8: Actually, Carly was the one who was sick . A: What was wrong with her? B: She got food poisoning at the airport. A: Oh, poor early. So Janice was OK?

8: A: B: A:

On the flight yes, but the airline lost her luggage. Oh no. Yeah. she was borrowing clothes the whole week. What about Monica?

8: She had a problem with the hotel; they didn't have a room for her 50 she had to share with Janice. A: I'm sure they didn't mind. And were the boys OK? 8: Roger wanted to go sailing but the weather stopped that happening. A: Why, was it raining? B: No, he got sunburnt on the first day and couldn't move. A: And what about Douglas? Don't tell me he got sunburnt too. He should know better being 50 fair skinned. B: He was having a great time until someone stole his wallet when we were shopping at the market. A: Wow, what a holiday, I'm glad I couldn't make It now.

Chr;s: Yes. She'll leave as soon as she finishes school. Tom was planning to go with her, but he's going on an adventure holiday tomorrow. I think he'll have a great time because he loves dangerous and exciting activities ! Girl: Do you think he'll go sandboarding? Chris: I'm not sure. but he definitely wants to driVE! a dune buggy. Girl: I wish I could be brave like Tom!

Module 5 ).>

Exercise 2 (p. 79)

Speoker J Many animals are in danger of disappearing forever. Sometimes this is because people cut down too many trees in the forests where the animals live. The giant panda of China, for example, doesn't have enough forest land to live on. Today, there are only about 1600 of them left in the wild.

Speaker 2 The temperature of the Earth has become a lot higher in the last hundred years. Scientists say that the problem mostly comes from factory gases and that this is causing big changes in the weather.

Speoker 3: Studies show that more and more ordinary people are losing their homes. People are even sleeping in their cars or in tents because homeless shelters already have too many people in them. ~

Exercise 8a (p. 81)

Peter: Oh, hi Mum. It's Peter! Mum: Oh, Peter! How are you? How was your first day

with the team? Peter: Oh, it's been fine, Mum. I can't believe my eyes Girl: Hi (hris. Are you going on holiday this year? I'm not though. The hurricane has destroyed so many houses going anywhere this summer. and a lot of people are injured. Chris: Yes, I am. I'm going on a camping holiday with my Mum: Yes, I've seen the pictures on TV. It's awful. So family. We go camping every year. But if I had money, I'd what did you do today? go on a safari holiday with my friends. Peter: Well. we've been really busy. We've helped to Girl: Really! That sounds exciting. I'm not daring enough clear some roads because a lot of trees have fallen on to go on a safari holiday, I always go on boring beach them. It was really difficult. We've brought lots of holidays. supplies in, too, like medical supplies and food. Chris: Beach holidays aren't my favourite either. But! Mum: Have you helped any of the injured people? heard that Lauren is going on a beach holiday next Peter: No, actually there are other teams of medical week. workers and they are doing that. We want to collect Girl: Yes, she told me. Is Anna going too? some money in the next town to help the people of the Chris: Not th is year. She's decided to go on a sightseeing village. too, but we didn't have time today. I think we're holiday to the historical city of Rome . going to do that tomorrow. Girl: Personally if I was going on holiday, I'd go on a Mum: Well, stay safe, Peter. And make sure you take lots cruise. of photos! Chris: Well, Ben said he wanted to go on a walking Peter: Actually, I've taken lots of photos today already. holiday, but he's going on a cruise with his family. They Mum. I'll show you them when I get back. I halle to go always go on a cruise in the summer. now, Mum. Girl: I heard that Sophie's leaving soon for her backpacking Mum: OK, byel trip. I bet she's really excited! Peter: Bye l I'll call you again in a few days . ).>


Exercise 4b (p. 77)

1 1


1 I



1-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Student" Book rapescriplS :.;.. Exercise 6 (p. 87)

lone: I know what you mean. You look tired, Robert.

Mark: We were in India . We went for a walk In the forest one morning . Then, suddenly, there was a very loud roar. It was a huge tiger and he was really nearl l ucki ly, our guide was really calm. " Don't move or say

Tough day? Robert: Yeah, planting trees was hard work . Did your t eam enjoy the nature walk? lane: Actually, there was a change of plans and we collected rubbish from the motorway for recycling. Robert: That's great I If only people understood that they shouldn't litter. I mostly see kids throwing candy wrappers out of cars, but also tourists are quite careless. l one: Actually, the w ind blows most of it off lorries. Robert: That's sad . Did you have a lot help with the clean up) lone: There were only five of us but we worked from 10 to 4. Robert: How much rubbish did you collect? lone: We took 160 bags with us, we had 16 at the end of the day, so, 144. We could've filled another SO if we had had more t ime . Robert: All this work has made me hungry. lane: Why don 't we go cook on the barbecue ? Robert: Sure . Why not? I really feel like having a big burger, criSps and a cola . lone: The burger and cola are fine but I'd rather have fresh vegetables from the camp's garden. Robert: Good idea . This place really is great. Don't you agree? Jone: I know. I've already signed up to be a counsellor next July. Do you want to join me? Robert: I'd prefer June but I'll think about it. I know the deadline isn't until the end of August anyway. l one: That's right . Well, let's go and eat something.

anything' " he told us . I (ould hear my heart beating loudly inside me! After a few seconds, the tiger just walked away. It was really scary, I can tell youl Whew!

Holly: I took part in a conservation project at the beach last summer. We collected litter in big plastic bags . Anyway, at the end of the afternoon, I saw a dead sea bird caught in a fishing netl I cou ldn't believe it! It was just awful to see something like that I I couldn 't forget

that scene for a long time afterwards ... less: I've never seen anything like it. I was on San Cristobal, one of the Galapagos Islands. I went diving with my group and as soon as I was under the water, I couldn't believe my eyes! The water was really clear and t he fish were amazing . They were so colourful - it was like a rainbow under the sea. Best of all were the sea lions they actually swam with us for a while. It was incredible!


Exerci se 3 (p. 90)

Kor/: Judy, I'm just filling in my application form for the eco-camp. I want to apply to be a counsellor this summer. It's all in English, of course. Can you give me it hand? ludy: Sure. I can write the information for you if you like . OK, let's see ... first, they want your full name. That's Karl Martinez, right? How do you spell your surname again? Kor/: It's M-A-R-T-I-N-E-Z. ludy: Ok, that's done. How old are you? Korl: I'm seventeen . ludy: Right. And you 're from Mexico, of course ... Korl: Yes, and my email addressisKarl@zmail. com . ludy: Got it . Ok , now they need your phone number. Ko,l: Ok. It's 213-746-2254. l udy: Can you say that again ? Ko(I:Sure.213-746-2254. l udy: OK, that's great . Now, you have to tick the box for the camp you want to go to. Which one is it, 16th to 31st July or 2nd to 16th August? Ko,l: Tick the August one. ludy: Fine. Now, what about previous experience? Have you done any of the things here on the list before? Kart: Sure I'vt! organised activities for kids. I did that at another summer camp last year. Oh, and I taught sports there. too. I taught the kids volleyball . I haven't had a fi rst-aId course . though . ludy: OK, wel~ think. we've finished then . You can send the form now Korl: Thanks so much, Judy! ludy: You 're welcorT'e


Exercise lb {p_94}

l one: Th is eco-camp is ill lot of fun! Robert: But also ill lot of work.

Module 6


Exe rcise 2 (p. 104)

A A: Hi. Can I help you? B: Yes, please . I'd like a box of chocolate truffles. A: What fla vour would you like? We've got almond, praline or caramel. B: Ooh ! A selection please.

S A: Can you recommend something for my sore throat? B: Certainly. We have syrup or lozenges. A: I'd prefer syrup. B: Then this one is very good and doesn't make you drowsy. C A: Hi. Can I have 200 grammes of sliced salami, please? B: Coming right up . Would you like anything else? A: Yes. Do you have any stilton? B: Yes, we have three varieties : plain, blue and with fruit added . D A: Hi. I' m looking for a pair of silver earrings for my girlfriend. B: OK. Well, we have a number of different styles. Here we are . A: They look nice. How much are they? B: They're £15 .


Student', Book Tapescripts _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

:;;;.. Exercise 2a (p. 108)

,... Exercise 3b (p. 113) 1 It was fantastic. The fort was huge and the guide told U5 all about its history. I was fascinated . I could imagine soldiers over the centuries fighting the different battles

We lcome on board . Please note that you ' re on a hop-on, hop-off service and your t ickets are valid all day, so you can see the city at your leisure. Tour buses leave every 60 minutes and the tour itself takes 90 so if you want to hop off and then hop back on, it's never more than an bour before the next bus. As we leave Central Square, which has been a popular meeting place for centuries, we pass the city'S bestknown shopping street, Station Road . If you want to buy someth ing to remember your trip, that's the place. For more expensive purchases like designer goods, try Belgrave Avenue . Our first stop is the Roman fort . Show your bus ticket here to get 10% off admission to the fort and its museum . There are guided tours every day at 9am, llpm and 3pm . That's one every three hours. We are now climbing City Road towards the old town hall which is well-known for its Victorian architecture although perhaps it's more famous these days for its pop concerts. The clock tower was designed by Herbert Bailey, but not many people remember him these days. From the top of City Road, you can admire the sea t o the west . We've got a spectacular coast here and if you'd like to visit it while you ' re here, you can take the bus service from Central Square. Then you mig ht like to take a short ferry ride to Fern Island to spot some wildlife . Our next stop is a little piece of the countryside right here in the heart of the city. In Woodland Park, you can go boating on the lake or even do a bit of sunbathing in the summer. Not today of course! It 's a bit chilly for that. The area around Wood land Park is also well-known for its lively nightlife. This is very much the playground of the city.

that have taken place here on the battlements throughout history.

Speabrl You should definitely go to the science centre. We went last week and it was incredible . I think. we need to go seven days in a row to see all the things we missed . You can try all sorts of different equipment and find out how everything works .

Speoker 3 The temple was beautiful. There were amazing statues

inside and around 300 steps to get to the top of the dome. It was very tiring, especially in the heat, but it

was worth it for the panorama . Sptoktr4 I absolutely recommend the natural history museum . It is the best museum I have ever been to. There were complete dinosaur skeletons and fossils that were amazing to see . I was so engrossed in the exhibits that I didn't even notice the time passing . By the time I had made my way around the whole museum , it was very late in the afternoon .

Spt oktr 5 The archaeological site was amazing and well-worth the long queues to get in . The site itself is very big and as most of the ruins are roped off it takes a while to walk around . I understand why they have to keep the numbers of visitors under control because otherwise you wouldn't be able to see everything easily.






Formative Evaluation Chart Name of game/activity: ... .. ... ...... . Aim of game/activity: ................................................................................................................................ .

Module: .................. .......................... .

Unit: .................................... .

Students' names:

( ourse: ......................... .

Mark and comments


2 3

•5 6 7

8 9 ID


"13 J4

15 16 J7



19 2.

" " 13



Eva luation criteria:


0 EKpress Publishing PHOTOCOP1ABlE

c (green)

w (yellow)

n (red)

Cumulative Evaluation (

Student's Self Assessment Forms



'U. Excellent


Very Good

* Not Very Good

** OK

Student's Self Assessment Form

Module 1

Go through Module 1 and find examples of the following . Use the code to evaluate yourself.

• describe places •

identify TruefFatse statements

buy a ticket

• complete sentences based on a text •

talk about survival

• guess meaning of new words through context •

talk about types of housing

compare places in my country

talk about home and chores

make requests

talk about public services & facilities

Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the (ode to evaluate yourself. •

write about a journey to my country that is interesting for tourists

write a list of survival tips ......

write an email describing my home

write an informal em ail of advice

• write a note


Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABlE




•••• Excellent


Very Good

• Not Very Good


Student's Self Assessment Form

Module 2

Go through Module 2 and find exa mples of the following. Use th e code to evaluate you rself.

talk about food & drinks

talk about containersJpartitives

talk about eating places in the UK

.... ..


.. ... . ... ... ...

... ..

.. .. .... .. .......... ...........

.............................. .... ....... ... .... ....... .. " ................. .. ................ " ....... ...



order food

.. .. .. ...... .. .... .. .. ...... ...... ......


a cafe


............................. ............................................. ....... ........................... " .. " ,

• •

complete a gapped text




... ......

..... ...

.. ...


.. .. .. .. ..

............................................. ...... .... ............. identify TruefFalse statements

talk about healthy/unhealthy food/drinks

.... .... ...


........ ..

.. .. .. .. ...... ................. ...............

make a restaurant booking

• •

.. .. ..


..... ...

...... .. ..... .. .. .... .. .... .. .. ..... ................


match headings to paragraphs ....



" ...•



work with multiple·choice questions

describe a photograph

........................ ...... ..... ........ ....







........ .... . ...... ..... ...... .... ........ .... ...... ...

..... ....... .... .......


... ...


Go through the co rrected writi ng tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself.

write a text describing a food festival

write sentences about my eating habits

write short texts about places to eat out in my country

write a description of my own strange restaurant

................. ..... ..... ....




..... ............. .. ...... ...... .............. ............


..... .. .. " ................ ...

.................. ..... ..... ................ .......

write an email about my favourite dish ,



write a notice

......... ...... .. ... ..


.... ..




.. .



........ .... .... .... ....



give instructions how to make a dish ...


.... .... ....... ...

....................................................................... ......................


" ....

.......................... ... .. .. ... .... ..





... ........ .............. ..... ...... .


.. .



1 1 E3

0 Express Publishing PHOTO(OPIABlE





Very Good

** OK

• Not Very Good

Student's Self Assessment Form

Module 3

Go through Module 3 and find examples of the following. Use the (ode to evaluate yourself. •

talk about famous people & their achievements

ask wh-questions

complete a summary

discuss past activities

• talk about legendary creatures •

expand my vocabulary in English

talk about crime

do a multiple-choice reading task

talk about jobs & nationalities

read dates

use linking words to (onnect parts of a sentence

Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself. •

write a quiz about famous historical figures

write a short text about a traditional celebration in my country

write a short story about a legendary creature in my country

write a biography of a famous person

write a text about a famous explorer

write a formal letter giving suggestions

o Express Publishing






• • • Very Good


• Not Very Good


Student's Self Assessment Form

Module 4


Go through Module 4 and find exa mples of the followi ng. Use t he (ode t o eval uate yourself.


talk about types of holidays & holiday experiences




. ."

talk about holiday plans

work with multiple matching reading tasks

complete sentences based on a dialogue

talk about real, possible or imaginary situations

ask for Information over the phone ........... .......... ......... .......

. ....

.. ........ .. .... .. ....... .. .

work with multiple choice texts

match headings to paragraphs




........ .. .....




" ....


....... ..

....... .



talk about holiday problems

talk about holidays

match speakers to what they say

complete a gapped text selecting appropriate words


.. ...

.... ...





... ... ....... .............. ....... .............



......... ....


............. ..................... ...


.. ... .. ... .... ......


....... ...

..... ....

.... . .......




...... "



....... ...

.. ..

....... ..



.. ..... .. .. ... .. ........... ....... .. .......

... .. ..




.. .. ..


.. .. .. . ,..................................................




.. ..


.. .. .......... .. .. .........


... ...........

Go th roug h the corrected wri t ing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself.

write an itinerary for a six·day tour in my country

write about a place of natural beauty in my country

write a short email about a viSit J am going to make


....... ... .......

... ..... ............. .. ... ... .......... .. .. ....................... ... ... ..................... ..... .....

... .. ..... .. ... ..... .. ....... .- ....... ..... .. .. .. .. .. .... ..... ........... ... ....... • ... ... .. ............ ... ....... .......... ................................................. ........ touri,t • write ways to be a responsible .. ... .. .. .. .... .. .... ..... .. .... .. .. .... .. ..... .. ..... .. ......... ,



write a letter about my holiday









Cl Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABlE

(OOE uu



* Not Very Good

** OK

Very Good

Student's Self Assessment Form

Module 5

Go through Module 5 and find examples of the following. Use the code to evaluate yourself. 0


talk about world problems & social problems .. . ...

talk about natural disasters


.. .. .. ... .. .... .. ....... .. .... .. ........ " ...... .........


identify TruefFalseJDoesn't Say statements


complete a gapped text with appropriate sentences ..




.... ....


ask for & offer help

.... 0



talk about injuries .... .. , .. ... .. ,' , .. .



., ......

. ...



...... .



work with a multiple choice gapped text


.. .•...

.. .. ..

eltpress wishes/regrets

.... .. ... ..

.. . .. .• ... - .. .. ..... .. . .. ........ .. ....... ............. .. .. .......................... ,.. ..

talk about activities at an eco·camp

... 0



.. . ...... ... ............- ........



.. .


talk about threats to animal species ...................... ..... ... ..... ....







talk about a charity event

... 0

........ - ...............................

fill out a form

- ...



make suggestions/express preferences


proofread a piece of writing






.. .. ..

.. .. .. .. ..


.. .. .. .....


. .. ..

.. ..... .. . ..


. ..... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... ... .. ..


... ...

.. .



.. .


Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself. 0

write a short diary entry about a disaster


write an interview

.. .

.... ..




.. .. ... ...... .. , ... ............... ... ...... .... ......


..... ,

........ .....

write a paragraph comparing a charity evert in my country to Red Rose Day ..

. . . . . ..






.'.' ;e a few sentences giving reasons why I would go on a working holiday


Wf '.;

.. .



an emaT1 glvmg news

..... 0


wflte a short telt about an ocean

. ..

wllte a note


.. ..



.. ..

. .. .. .. .. ..... .. ..

C Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABlE




• *** Excellent


Very Good

• Not Very Good


Student's Self Assessment Form

Module 6



Go through Module 6 and find examples of the following . Use the (ode to evaluate yourself.

talk about types of art

talk about materials

.. .

. .............. .....

... ......




• • • •

talk about a cultural festival

post a parcel

talk about shops & products

work With multiple chOice reading tasks


expand newspaper headlines

.... ....................... ...

.......... .....

talk about roadside attractions

................... ...........

. ......... ...



.. ...

••..... ,

.. .. ... .. ..................

... .. ....


identify True/False statements


.. ,...



.. ..


......... .. .•.







.. .................


.. ..

.. .. ... ,-


.. " ...._, ." ..,"

.. .

.. .. ..

..... ..... .. ... ..... .. ..... .. .. ..... ..


,, ,,



.. ..



... .. ....... .. ..... .. ..

create my own mall


........... ...

. .......


.. ,.... .. ....... ..... .. .. ..... .. .. ....... .......

• •

talk about types of music & musical instruments

report someone's actual words

talk about places of cultural interest

express preferences

... .. ..... .. .. ........ .... .. ..


work with gapped teKts


-- .

. ...........

..... .. .. ........ .....

..... ........ .. ... ..... " ......... .....................

.. ........... .. ..... .. .. ...... .. ........ .. .. ... .......... ............ ..

. .....................

...... .. ...... .. ....... .. ... ... .. .. ..... .. .. ........... ... ..




Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself.

write a short description of a discovery

write a paragraph about a building/monument in my country

write a text about a cultural festival in my country

• •

make notes

write an informal email suggesting a place to visit

write about a style of art

• E7


... .....

. ...... .......... ......


............. - .....


........... .. ...




.. .....


write a telephone conversation

.. . ..... ..

..... .. ..... .. .. .. .. ..... .. ..... .. .. .. ... .. .. ... ..... .. ....

... ....... ................ ... ........ ...... --

.............................. .. " ... .. ...............

... .. .. .......... .. .............. ...... ......... .. write a postcard

.. ................ .. ,,, ...... ................ '

... .. .. ..... .. .. ...... .. .. ... .. .. ..... .. .. ...... .. .. .. -- .. .... -- ... ...

Cl Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABlE



. . ...




Progress Report Cards Progress Report Card



........... .............. ............. ... (name) can :

Module 1 very well


not very well

describe places identify True/False statements

buy a ticket

complete sentences based on a text talk about survival

guess meaning of new words through context

talk about types of housing compare places in their country talk about home and chores

make requests

talk about public services & facilities write about a Journey to their (ountry that is interesting for tourists

write a Itst of survLval tipS write an email describing their home write an mformal emall of advice

write a note .

.~~.P\t '!1!:' 'e,"~ ~~' 'IiI';.-'::~·~.wr"':>"""'''':>fE~:''S -,;




C Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABlE


Progress Report Card

........ ............. (name) can:

Module 2 lIery well


not very wel:

talk about food & drinks

talk about containersipartitives talk about eating places in the UK order food in a cafe

complete a gapped text match headings to paragraphs make a restaurant booking

identify True/False statements talk about healthy/unhealthy food/drinks

give instructions how to make a dish work with multiple-choice questions describe a photograph write a text describing a food festival

write sentences about their eating habits write short texts about places to eat out in their country write a description of their own strange restaurant write an email about their favourite dish write a notice


Cl Express Publishing PHOTO(OPIABLE


Progress Report Card ..................................... ......... .............. (name) can:

Module 3 very well


not very well

talk about famous people & their achievements ask wh·questions complete a summary discuss past activities

talk about legendary creatures expand their vocabulary in English talk about crime

do a multiple-choice reading task talk about jobs & nationalities

read dates

use linking words to connect parts of a sentence write a quiz about famous historical figures write


short text about a traditional celebration in their

country write a short story about a legendary creature in their country

write a biography of a famous person

write a text about a famous explorer write a formal letter giving suggestions

-------------------------------------------------Progress Report Card .................................. .......... ...............

(name) can:

Module 4 very well


not very well

talk about types of holidays & holiday experiences talk about holiday plans work with multiple matchmg reading tasks complete sentences based on a dialogue talk about real. pOSSIble or Imaginary situatIOn) ask for information over the phone work with multiple choice texts match headings to paragraphs talk about holiday problems talk about holidays match speakers to what they say complete a gapped text selecting appropriate words write an itinerary for a six-day tour in their country write about a place of natural beauty in their country write a short email about a visit they are going to make write a letter about their holiday write ways to be a responsible tourist

Cl Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIA8lE


Progress Report Card ............

............................................... (name) can:

Module 5 very well


not very wei:

talk about world problems & social problems talk about natural dlsastef1

identify True/False/Doesn't Say statements complete a gapped text with appropriate sentences talk about a charity event

ask for & offer help

talk about threats to animal species talk about Injuries


work with a multiple choice gapped text

eKpress wishes/regrets

talk about activities at an eeo·camp fill out a form make 5uggestions/eKpress preferences proofread a piece of writing

write a short diary entry about a disaster write an interview write a paragraph comparing a charity event In their country to Red Rose Day write a few sentences giVing reasons why they would go on a working holiday write an email giving news write a short text about an ocean write a note


I I I E11

Cl Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIAeLE

Progress Report Card .... ,,, .... (name) can:

Module 6 very well


not very well

talk about types of art

talk about materials expand newspaper headlines talk about roadside attractions

identify True/False statements talk about a cultural festival post a parcel

talk about shops & products work with multiple choice reading tasks create their own mall

talk about types of music & musical instruments work with gapped texts

report someone's actual words talk about places of cultural interest express preferences

write a short description of a discovery write a paragraph about a building/monument in their country

write a text about a cultural festival in their country

make notes & write a telephone conversation write an informal email suggesting a place to visit write about a style of art write a postcard

Cl Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE


Workbook & Grammar Book Key Module 1


1. 1 1 B


2 0


5 A 6 E

4 H

7 G 8 C

, traffic light 2 tunnel

5 road sign 6 bridge

3 pavement 4 zebra crossing

8 level crossing



7 bus lane

2 C

3 D

4 B

5 A

1 channel hop

4 video footage

2 bad driving 3 reality shows

5 oncoming traffic


1 along

4 down

2 past 3 on

5 into




7 over 8 across

5 B

3 H 4 E

7 A B D

6 G

1 latest fashions

4 food outlets 5 must have accessory

2 weights room

3 relaxed atmosphere 2 1 cater

3 offer 4 treat

2 track down

3 1 b

3 (

5 f

7 •

2 9

4 e

6 d

8 h

3 needs, Does she want 4 am looking. Do you know. think 5 Do you play, am going 6 cleans, understand

7 (ooks. is viSiting 5 1 am writing

6 is standing

2 are staying

7 is sliding 8 are having 9 love 10 don't want

4 spend 5 am sitting

coach ferry tube/ underground

1 b

2 b

4 a

3 •

5 b


A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B:


Can I help you? I'd like a ticket to York, please . Single or return ? Single. What time would you like to leave? I'd like to take the 13:30 bus. That's £15, please. Here you are. Have a nice day. Thanks, you too .

2 A

C 2 3 4 5

3 E

3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

4 B

1 I 5 D

get lost get stung by bugs get stuck in mud get caught in a flash flood get a snakebite


3 reptiles 4 shakes

You mustn't fish in this area. You can see poisonous snakes in the swamp. You don't have to sleep in a tent at night. You can't/ mustn't feed the animals. You have to wear protective boots . Can I borrow your insect repellent? You must stay on the path .

4 a) ,


2 T

3 F



6 T



7 T

b) (Suggested Answer)

le, d 1 steep 2 coastline

2 a)


2 1 escape 2 poisonous

4 1 Is Steven playing, is studying 2 do you go, exercise

3 have


5 (Suggested Answer)

6 through

2 F


Enjoy yourselves. lust to go or to come back also? What would you like? When do you want to go? Here 's the money.

3 1 2 3 4 5



bike plane car

2 3

, 2 3

3 season 4 skyscrapers

ferry tube/underground aeroplane/plane

4 5 6

5 spectacular

car coach bicycle/ bike

Yes, I want to visit Uluru-Kata Tjuta Nationa l Park and take part in the different types of activities the centre offers. I would also like to climb Uluru as well as walk around the bottom of the rock . I believe it's a place of great beauty and I would love to have the chance to viSIt It _





=:il:--------------------------- Workbook & Grammar Book Key 11 1










crowded 2: exciting very


3 dirty 4 dangerous

5 cheap 6 noisy

3 much

5 very

4 much

2: much 4

The best thing you can do is ask your flatmate to separate the two animals. This way, they can't fight. Also, I think you should suggest that she train the dog so it is more obedient. What's more, you could ask your flatmate to get some animal toys. These can keep both pets busy so they don't damage the furniture. I really hope my advice helps. Write back and tell me what happens. Judith

5 worse

1 (older 2 the driest 3 more crowded 4 warmer

9 big

6 the highest 7 the largest

10 the longest 11 deeper 12 the smallest

8 older

11 1 1 post office 2 petrol station 3 bank 4 police station A 6

19 1

1 f

3 9

S b

2 a

6 •


o take out the rubbish E hoover the carpet F iron the clothes

A mop the floor B make the bed C dust the furniture



1 T



citizen 2 obey

2 T



1 A 3

B 1

C 2

2 3 4 S 6


Advice 1 talk with your flatmate

Expected Result make him realise


2: suggest that you share the TVI he buys a new one

he can play video games in his room

3 InVite him to go out

everything should be fine


3 ;n

2 on

2 5 ;n

4 fo,

3 public volunteers

• 3 b 4 a

S b 6 b

7 b 8 a

9 a 10 b

3 should 4 shouldn't

2 •

3 d


S should


S (Suggested Answer) Hi Sarah , I'm sorry to hear that your flatmate has got a dog and a cat as pets and they fight al the time. I think I can help you.


7 B 9 10 11 12



13 A 15 16 17 18

C A A B 23 C 2' B

19 20 21 22


25 26 27 28 29 30


Reading Task 3 E

1 0 2 F

that he can't keep playing video games

1 shouldn't 2 should


Notions & Functions

5 T


3 a


C 3

Language & Grammar Review

2 a


6 library 7 community centre


1 b 2 b




4 room 5 furniture

2: appliances 3 upstairs


7 (

5 hospital

5 G 6 B

7 A B C

Module 2 2a 1 Dairy products: butter, yoghurt, cheese Drinks: lemonade, coffee, tea Fruit & Vegetables: cabbage, cherries, lemon, celery, broccoli, strawberries, beans Meat & Poultry: beef, chicken, lamb Fish & Seafood : salmon, tuna, trout, prawns Other: pasta, rice, cereal, bread, eggs 2


1 seaside 2 fireworks C

3 creations celebrate

2 E

1 attracts visitors 2 run wild 3 design, statues

3 B

5 floats

4 A

5 0

4 watch parades S buy local products


Workbook & Grammar Book Key _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


1 some 2 some

6 some 7 any.

3 • 4 any

some 8 some 9 any

5 some

10 some 11 any 12 any, some 13 •

14 an


15 any 16 an

F 2 A

3 E

5 B


6 D


1 junk food 2

4 minced beef 5 dairy products 6 drinks aisle

fizzy drinks

3 bakery section 2

1 box

3 bar

2 tin

5 bunch

4 tub

6 loaf

Paul :

1 cool 2 thick


Paul : Waitress: Paul : Alice: Waitress:

2b 1

No problem. Would you like any side orders7 Yes, could we have some chips, please? Sure. What would you like to drink7 Some fruit juice for me, please. And I'd like a lemonade. Thank you. That's a spicy chicken sandwich, a roast beef sandwich, chips, a fruit juice and a lemonade. Is that all? Yes, that's all . Thank you.


7 jar

3 tip 5 landmark 7 main freezing 6 boiling 8 staff

2 1 of 2 of, from

3 Countable: sweets, banana, egg. apple, tomato, biscuit

Uncountable: sugar, milk, butter, flour. bread,


4 a few,


some 5 any,

2 much. a little

5 1 2 3 4

7 a lot of, a little 8 many,

many 6 too much,

3 no, some

4 a) 1 T

2 F


big enough

5 too spicy 6 warm enough

3 NS 4 T

5 F 6 F

7 T



too much

loaves. bread packet, pasta box, cereal pots, yoghurt

5 for

3 1 too crowded 2 too sweet 3 too expensive

cheese, chicken. rice. chocolate 4

3 in, to 4 to, from

5 bottles

Nuremburg, Germany. 1 on computer screens at their tables. 3 send emails from your touch screen . 4 a small amusement park .


6 fruit

7 bars. chocolate


2f 1


2 A

3 B

4 E

5 D

2c,d 2


3 A

5 D


6 C


1 ethnic cuiSine 2 deep fried fish


7 F 8 G 2

5 hot snack

3 cashew nuts 4 side dish

6 mufti·cultural society 7 baked goods 8 mushy peas

grab 1 serves

3 suit

3 1 2 3 4 5

1 poached egg 2 oljve oil 3 chOCOlate bar

3 1 cooking 2 drinking 3 Eating

4 chooses

Are you ready to order? What about you? Would you like any side orders? What would you like to drink? Is that a1l7


5 4 (Suggested Answer) Waitress: Paul : Waitress : Alice:


Good afternoon. Are you ready to order7 Yes, we are. I'd like a spicy chicken sandwich, please . Of course! What about you? Can I have a roast beef sandwich, please7

1 protect 1 enjoy

4 salad dressing 5 healthy food 3 contain 4 replace

4 attending

5 doing 6 run 7 trying 8 going

1 going, to order 1 to make, have

3 cooking, Cooking 4 grilling, helping

1 missing

5 to tip 6 to do 7 to tell 8 eating

2 dieting 3 coming 4 to grab

5 lower

9 to become 10 waiting

5 to shop, to go 6 to lay, to do 9 having 10 to make


"-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Workbook & Grammar Book Key

29 1





























0 P










Remove the vegetables from the soup. Melt the butter in a separate pan. Stir the flour into the melted butter. Mix the vegetables in the butter and flour mixture. Add the mixture to the soup and cook for S minutes. • . Pour into bowls and serve with thick, crusty bread.
























5 l



Across protects 4 bones 5 muscles 6 system


1 fish 2 energy


2 1 Boil 2 stir F


• • • • •



5 (HOP




3 Melt 4 Beat 2 F


5 add 6 Mix 3 T

7 Pour

4 T

5 F

3 meat 4 body

3 a 4 a

b 2 a Boil 2 Peel

2 2


3 1 sweet 2 spicy

3 chop 4 Melt

5 Add

3 T

5 T




7 (

1 C 2 8

7 T


5 delicious

4 creamy

Peel and chop vegetables. Pour stock into pan, add salt and bring to the boil. Add vegetables and cook

for 30 minutes or until soft. Remove vegetables. Melt butter in separate pan. Stir in flour. Mix vegetables in flour and butter mixture. Add

mixture to soup and cook for 5 min . 4 It serves 6 people . S Serve with thick, crusty bread . S (Suggested Answer) Gemusesuppe (Vegeta ble Soup) Ingred ients (serves 6) 200g cauliflower 1009 green beans 100g Brussels sprouts 1.5 Itr vegetable stock 70g carrots 30g butter 30g celery 30g flour 90g leek salt Peel and chop the vegetables. Pour the stock into a pan, add the salt and bring to the boil. Add the vegetables and cook for 30 minutes or until soft .

13 A 14 A

8 C

9 8

3 C 4 A

10 (

15 ( 16 C

5 A 6 8

11 12

17 A 18 C


1 B


3 0


19 C

25 (

20 (

26 8

21 A

27 C

22 C 23 (


24 A


29 B 30 A

4 C

5 A

6 C

Module 3

beans, 1.5 litres vegetable stock, 30g flour, salt.

10 a

Reading Task

1 GemOsesuppe (Austrian Vegetable Soup) 2 You need 2009 cauliflower, 100g Brussels sprouts, 70g carrots, 30g celery, 90g leek, 1009 green

• •

9 a

7 b 8 b

Language &: Grammar Review

4 (Suggested Answer)


5 a 6 b

7 serve

6 mix

3 salty

S calcium

Notions &: Functions

2h 1

Down 1 protein 2 carbohydrates 3 skin

3a 1

inventor 2 scientist 3 engineer

4 painter 5 writer 6 architect




















































7 sculptor

8 philosopher













Workbook & Grammar Book Key

2 1 sketched 2 discovered 3 survived

4 constructed 5 invented 6 studied

7 painted


1 finished

5 tried

9 walked

2 lived 3 watched

6 died

10 created

b) (Suggested Answer) 1 It's never easy to settle in a new town.

2 The settlers found it difficult to survive the first winter in North America.

2 3 4 5 6 5

She She She She

sailed a boat. didn't paint a picture. didn't visit a museum . surfed the Internet.


Claude Manet paint the Starry Night? he didn't. He painted the Water Lillies. Mozart and Beethoven design machines? they didn't . They composed music. Sir Alexander Flem ing discover penicillin?

S captain 6 celebrations

2 Did you have a nice time 3 Yes, it was fantastic 4 Did you have a nice weekend S I didn't do anything special

Did Thoma s Edison study plants? No, he didn't. He invented the light bulb.

5 (Suggested Answer) A: Hi Bethl How was your weekend? B: It was great thanks . I went on a trip to Plimoth Plantation, a living history museum . A: Oh, really? I'd love to go there. too. Did you have a nice time ? B: Yes, it was fantastic. First, we went on a tour of a Native American village and watched craft demonstrations and then we visited the gift shop and the visitor centre. VVhat about you? Did you have a nice weekend? A: Oh, I didn 't do anything special. I just stayed home and studied for my exams.

aeroplane? Yes, they did .

3b 4 conquered S poisonous 6 explorer

1 Empire

2 armies 3 legend


4 tradition

It was great, thanks


S Did the Wright brothers invent the first modern


3 voyage

3 1 It was just an ordinary weekend. 2 Did you enjoy yourself? 3 I'm sure you had a great time. 4 I want to see that place.

Yes, he did.



2 harvest

She played a musical instrument . She tidied the house.

Did No, 2 Did No, 3 Did

The early settlers learnt how to fish and hunt for food. S They had a feast to celebrate the New Year.


7 dropped 8 carried

4 stopped 4

3 Native Americans grew crops such as corn.

1 lived

2 was 3 developed 4 became'

Shad 6 couldn't 7 cut 8 grew

7 pharaoh

9 asked 10 managed

3e 3 1 Did Hercules live in Italy? No, he didn't. He lived in Greece . 2 Did Hercules become big and strong? Yes, he did . 3 Did Hercules have to kill Zeus? No, he didn't. He had to kill the Hydra . 4 Did the Hydra have nine heads? Yes, it did . S Did Hercules kill the Hydra by himself? No, he didn't. He asked his nephew lolaus to help him kill the Hydra.


1 VVhere 2 VVho

3 VVhat 4 How

S How many 7 VVhy 6 VVhen 8 VVhich

1 a) 1 B

2 E

3 0

4 C

5 A


Mexico City legend marry his daughter if he went to battle and came back alive 4 was sadness S Popocatepetl came back from war 6 from Popocatepetl 's fire that still burns

2 1 giant

2 unicorn

3 f 4 A

5 B


3 dragon 4 mermaid

S fairy

2 of, for

3 of

3f 1


E 2 C

2 3


3e, d


vandalising 2 arrest

3 spray painted S burgle 6 rob 4 break

;ooo~f------------------------- Workbook & Grammar Book Key


1 international

2 maintenance 3

caused 2 admitted 4 1 stole 2

was driving,

3 star 4 bulletproof

5 iron

3 served

5 shot


6 conflicting

When! Where born: Early years:

4 committed stopped

Achievements! later years:

3 sentenced 4 was listening. was driving 5 ran, heard

6 caught. was escaping 7 screamed. saw 5 1 were sleeping 7 saw

2 heard

When! Where died:

13 came

3 jumped 4 ran

8 was wearing 14 turned 9 was holding 15 realised 10 attacked 16 was

5 didn 't see


6 walked

'2 yelled



.2 4

39 1



, 2 3 5



• T


4 1 2 3 4

Who was Charles Dickens? In Portsmouth, England . When was he born? In 1870.

2 F

3 T

3h 1 1 1732 2 11 years old 3 age of 21

4 1759 5 5,000-acre

14th December, 1799, in Virginia

also because

3 so 4 and

1 on 4th August, 1901 4 a teenager .2 poor family 5 moved to Chicago 3 stopped going to school 6 on 6th July, 1971

5 (Suggested Answer) Louis Armstrong was born on 4th August 1901, in New Orleans, USA . Louis grew up in a poor family. He stopped going to school at the age of 11 and started singing and playing the cornet. When he was a teenager he joined a band and played on riverboats on the MiSSissippi River. In 1922, he moved to Chicago where he became a famous jazz musician and made 'scat' singing popular. He also toured around the world. In 1943 Louis moved to New York. There he had many hit records and appeared in many Hollywood films. Louis Armstrong died in New York, on 6th July, 1971.

2 1 seventeen ninety-three 2 nineteen oh eight/nineteen hundred and eight 3 nineteen forty -seven 4 two thousand and nine 5 eighteen oh two/ eighteen hundred and two 6 nineteen fifty-nine


2.2nd February, 1732, in Virginia, USA family wealthy, loved horses; going hunting with his father & exploring caves, his father died when he was 11 1753 - military career begins; 1759 - married Martha Dandridge Curt is; 1789 - became president; 1797 - left office & spent time farming

S F 31

1 a) 1 explorer .2 route 3 spices

b) 1 F 2 T

4 voyage 5 supplies 6 set sail 3 T


• T

6 F

7 reached

7 T

6 1799

Notions" Functions 1 a 2 b

3 a • b

7 b 8 b

S a 6 b

9 a 10 b

language" Grammar Review 1 8 2 e 3 8

•S A e

6 8

7 8 9 10 11 12



8 8

e 8



1. e lS 8 16 e 17 e 18 e

19 20 21 22

8 A 8 8


e e


2S 26 27 28 29 30

e A 8

e 8 8


Workbook & Grammar Book Key

Reading Task

2 (Suggested Answer)








8 H

Yellowstone National Park is a great tourist attraction. Visitors can visit a number of hot springs and thermal pools. Nature lovers can hike through the deep canyon and see spectacular waterfalls. What's more, animal lovers can see wild animals such as grizzly bears, wolves and mountain lions.

Module 4 4a cruise 2 activity holiday 3 camping holiday

4 beach holiday 5 safari 6 backpacking holiday

1 enormous 2 surrounded by 3 spend the night

4 spectacular views 5 head back 6 time of your life



3 a) ,


2 D

3 E

4 A

5 F



3 opening 4 anything

2 calling 4 1 How can I help you?

2 How much does it cost to get in? 3 What is the best way to get there by car? 4 Enjoy your visit!

6 8 S (Suggested Answer)

b) (Suggested Answers)

A: National Space Centre . How can I help you? 8: "m calling for some information. How much does it cost to get in? A: It's £13 for adults and £'' for children . 8: Could you also tell me the opening hours? A: 10 am to S pm every day. 8: Just one more thing. What is the best way to get there by car? A: Exit the A6 two miles north of Leicester City Centre, then follow the signs . 8: Thank you very much for your help. A: You're welcome. Enjoy your visit!

1 trek in the mountains 2 swim with piranha 3 I'd like to explore ancient rronuments because I think it would be interesting . 4 I'd love to drive a dune buggy because I think

it would be fun . 4 1 will/'Il have 2 will!'!! go


I 0

3 will!'!! join 4 will!'!! travel 5 will!'!! take 6 will noUwon 't come





1 E

3 A

5 F

2 D

4 G

6 C

7 8



2 1 tried local food 4 enjoy nature 2 sunbathed on the beach 5 take, photographs 3 shop for souvenirs 3

2 8



1 will call

4 go

5 arrive 6 will go



2 drop 3 don't leave 4 would take

7 gets

3 T

4 F

3 1 sculptures 2 cement 3 encourage

6 went sightseeing

2 leave 3 comes

1 F

2 T

3 A 5 F 6 T


8 Pollution

4f 5


2 A

3 8

4 C

5 A

6 C

1 1 features