Prime Time 2 TB - PDF - English Language - Vocabulary [PDF]

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Prime Time 2 TB Загружено: Nikita Fedotko1 Apr 23, 2021

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Teacher s Book Virginia Evans



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Contents nationalities, jobs, appearance, rooms furniture, daily routines, family, the weather, places in town

pp. 5-6

Home and away pp . 7·20

language Revi ew 1 p_ 1 Skill s Practice 1 pp . 22·23 Revis ion 1 p. 24



pp . 25·38

• prepositions of movement • present simple vs present continuous • stative verbs • modals (can/can   t, beablera , could, have to/don t hove to , must/mustn  t, should/ought to ) • comparative /superlative

adjec:tives to describe cityfcountry features of a town/city places activities modes of transport dangers in the countryside types of housing home chores publk services facilities

• cou nt ab le/uncountable nouns (aJon - some/any • quant ifiers • too /enough • · ing form/(to) infiniti ve

food/drin ks contai ne rslpartit ives supermarket sections food preparation tastes

• • • • •

past simple (regularli rregular verbs w questions past continuous linking words (because, so, and,

people achievements past act ivities historical figures

• • • • • • • •

will be going to pres ent continuous (future


lang uage Review 2 p. 39 Skills Practice 2 pp . 40 41 Revision 2 p. 42

Great people legends pp . 43 56

la ng ua ge Revi ew 3 p. 57 Skill s Practice 3 pp . 58 -59 Revi s on 3 p. 60

On holiday pp. 61 7 4

Langua ge ReView 4 p. 75 Skills Practice 4 pp. 76-]7 Revision 4 p. 78

Helping hands pp. 79 92

lang uage Review 5 p. 93 Skills Practice 5 pp . 94-95 Re vi sion 5 p. 96



pp . 97·110

legendary creatures crime breaking the law jobs nationalities of famous people

too , also , but) subject/object quest ions

types of holidays holiday experiences holida y activities eco ·tour is m places in a ci ty holiday problems tourist attractions

me ani ng) ti me clauses co nd ition al s (types 0, 1 2) migh t, may, co uld, will probab ly, will de finitely aJanJrhe rela tives

world problems natural disasters social problems threats to animal species injuries activ iti es at an eccxamp

• present perfect • yet , already, since, for, never, ever, j ust • present perfec: t vs past simple • present perfect continuous • · n  l   ed ad jective s • pa st perfect • condit ional type 3 • w ishes • have bee n/have gone • • • • •

the passive reported speech reported questions/orders reflexive pronouns question tags

• • • • •

forms of art mater ials shops products music musical instruments places of cultural interest

language Review 6 p. 111 k ills Pract ice 6 pp . 112 111 Revision 6 p. 114 Voca bulary Bank pp . VB1 VB2 0



Writing Bank pp . WB1·W 7 Grammar Referen ce pp . GR1 GR11

Rules for Pu nct uat ion p. GRll Am erican Eng lish - Brit ish English Gu ide p. GR12 P onunciation p. GR 13





Culture Cor rl Curricular

describe a room , describe the weather , describe appearance , tell the time , Police, Camera, Action (T/F statements) , Hot Spots (multiple matching) , The Florida Everglades: Surviving the Swamp (open-ended sentences) , emails about diff erent types of houses (RIWIDS statements & comprehension questions) , listening for specific information

, , , , ,

buying a ticket compare places make requests in the home ask for/give advice Pronunciation: 15/.1/1. 1dJ . ItSl

, describe something happening , sentences about a journey in your country , a list of survival tipS in the jungle , an informal email about your house , an informal email of advice

• • • • •

talk about your eating habits order food in a cafe make a restaurant bookin g give instructions on how to make a dish Pronunciation: 1nl , ITjI

• • • •

, Pacific Coast Highway T/FfDS) , (Citizenship) Are you a good citizen?(quiz)


in a supermarket

; a recipe (reading specific information) listening for specific (YeslNo) s this the most talented person who ever lived? T/F/DS statements) • H e ~ s o he Ancient World (quiz) , Creatures of Legend (open-ended sentences) The Vanishing Smile (multiple choice) , listening (gap filling)

• discuss past activities • talk about past actions , read dates ask for & give personal information Intonation: stressed syllables/weak vowels

• • • •

• • •

Скачать сейчас

Adventure Tour South America (multiple matching) Sculptures Under the Sea (multiple choice) She Reasons to see Sydney (answer questions) listening (matching speakers to problems)


short texts about places to e out in your country a description




strange restaurant an informal email favourite dish


future plans & intentions ask for in'ormation talk about your holiday , Pronunciation: 1I/won  r  hl


spedfic information) (Science) Food for life (note taking & summarising)

• •

an itinerary for a tour in your country a pamphlet advertising a national park or area of natural beauty in your country , a letter about your holiday how to be a responsible tourist

, a short diary entry about a hurricane , an interview , an email giving your news , information about any of the five oceans

, Red Nose Oay(gap filling) , (Geography) he W o r l d ~ Amazing Oceans (matching headings to paragraphs)

Миллионы изданий у вас под рукой

Eating out in the UK (reading

bout famous historical figures a description of a traditional celebration in your country , a stocy about a legendary creatu r • write about a thef t • a biography of a famous person , a text about an explorer

, HaW tarthquake (TIF/DS ' talk about a disaster statements) , ask for and offer help , listening for specific c,focm,,;.on l make suggestions/express , From Climbing Mauntains ... to preferences Moving Mountains (filhng in ' Pronunciation: homophones sentences in a text) , Animal SOS (multiple matching) , leod the Way (multiple choice doze)


• a quiz

• •


, , The Ttrracotta Army(multiple ' describe i process , describe a building/monument , choice) , Roadside Attractions you really , , post a parcel , can t miss (TJF/DS) , report people s words , It's Venke ... but not os you know it ' express preferences (multiple choice) , Pronunciation: aSSimilation , Totally cool (miSSing sentences) , listening (matching speakers to different places) Answer Section pp . ASl-AS4 WOfd FOfmation pp. WFl-WB Key Word Tra nsformations pp. KWTl-KWT3 Student s Book Tapesoipts pp. SBT1 SBT6 Eva luatlOm pp E1-£12 WooHist pp. Wl l -Wl1 4

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a description of a food festival in your country

describe an experience write about a monument create your own mall an email describing a visit to a place

The PilgrimsSailing to Q O life (TIF statements) (US HOIO