Prime Time 3 Plus [PDF]

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konsultacja: Bożena Sendor-Gala

Published by Express Publishing Liberty House, Greenham Business Park, Newbury, Berkshire RG19 6HW, United Kingdom Tel.: (0044) 1635 817 363 Fax: (0044) 1635 817 463 email: [email protected] © Virginia Evans – Jenny Dooley, 2014 Design and Illustration © Express Publishing, 2014 Colour Illustrations: Victor, Emmanuel, Angela, Simon Andrews, Kyr © Express Publishing, 2014 First published in this edition 2014 Made in EU All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, photocopying, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers. This book is not meant to be changed in any way. ISBN 978-1-4715-3085-2

Contents Matura Skills 1 Poziom podstawowy .............................................................................................................. p. 4 Poziom rozszerzony ............................................................................................................... p. 5

Matura Skills 2 Poziom podstawowy .............................................................................................................. p. 6 Poziom rozszerzony ............................................................................................................... p. 7

Matura Skills 3 Poziom podstawowy .............................................................................................................. p. 8 Poziom rozszerzony ............................................................................................................... p. 9

Matura Skills 4 Poziom podstawowy .............................................................................................................. p. 10 Poziom rozszerzony ............................................................................................................... p. 11

Matura Skills 5 Poziom podstawowy .............................................................................................................. p. 12 Poziom rozszerzony ............................................................................................................... p. 13

Matura Skills 6 Poziom podstawowy .............................................................................................................. p. 14 Poziom rozszerzony ............................................................................................................... p. 15

Further Practice Matura Extra Practice Poziom podstawowy ............................................................................ p. 17 Matura Extra Practice Poziom rozszerzony .............................................................................. p. 25

Matura Skills


Poziom podstawowy

Rozumienie ze słuchu (Dobieranie) Preparing for the task



Look at statements A-E. Then read the script. Choose the statement that best matches what the speaker says. This speaker can’t stand working with children. is bored with their job. often suffers from upper back problems. is tired of working with children. works with sick children. Speaker 1

Uzupełnianie luk w tekście Najpierw przeczytaj tekst pobieżnie, aby dowiedzieć się, czego dotyczy. Potem przeczytaj go uważnie, zdanie po zdaniu. Zwracaj uwagę na wyrazy występujące przed każdą luką i następujące po niej, gdyż będą one pomocne w wyborze prawidłowej odpowiedzi. Gdy uzupełnisz luki, przeczytaj tekst jeszcze raz, żeby sprawdzić, czy jest on spójny i logiczny.

Working with children is really rewarding but it’s tiring as I am standing most of the time. I write on the board a lot and so I often get pains in my neck, shoulders and back as my arms are raised most of the day.


Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi związane z pracą. Do każdej wypowiedzi (1–4) dopasuj odpowiadające jej zdanie (A–E). Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli. Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.

This speaker: A thinks the job is exciting but requires strength. B feels their work is never done. Speaker 1 C feels they would be lost Speaker 2 without their voice. D thinks that the risks are low. Speaker 3 E needs to be careful not to get Speaker 4 hurt while practising.

Znajomość środków językowych (Uzupełnianie luk w tekście) Preparing for the task



Choose the correct word. Which words helped you decide? 1 My granddad has a bad leg and walks very ….. . A slow B slowly C slower 2 A fireman has to be a very ….. person. A courage B brave C hard b)


Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą tak, aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

Ten-year-old Matt is standing on the edge of the roof. His family and relatives are calling out to him from below. He can’t hear what they’re saying because his heart is beating 1) ........ than their calls. Matt is afraid. Suddenly, he hears his mother’s voice. “Just jump, Matt!” You’re probably wondering what’s going on. Well, in Matt’s family it’s a phrase you 2) ........ all the time and Matt’s jump is his initiation into the family business. Matt was born into a family of stuntmen. In fact, the Epper family has been doing death-defying stunts since the 1930s. They have appeared in films like Die Hard, Commando and Transformers. Of all the crazy risk-takers in this family, there is one name that stands out as 3) ........ the toughest of the bunch. Her name is Jeannie Epper: Matt’s great-grandmother. She 4) ........ in the business for over 60 years and is still going strong. She worked 5) ........ a stunt double for Linda Carter in Wonder Woman and Linda Evans in Dynasty. So what’s it like living with the Eppers? According to Matt’s great-grandmother, “When we do stunts, there’s just no room for fear. You just have to close your eyes and jump!” 1 2 3 4 5


louder hear to being has been at


the loudest listen be is as


loudly catch being was like

Poziom rozszerzony


Rozumienie ze słuchu

Znajomość środków językowych

(Wybór wielokrotny)

(Parafraza zdań)

Preparing for the task

Preparing for the task

Read the question and the choices (A-C). Then read the script and underline key words. Which is the correct answer? What words helped you? How does Jill feel about her job? A She finds it boring. B She finds it interesting. C She finds it tiring.

Over the years many people have asked me how I can put up with the silence and isolation of the library because for some reason they think it’s a boring job. But I get tired of hearing that because it’s just not so. On the contrary, I can’t wait to go to work as everyday is different and I’m always learning new things.


Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy teksty. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią nagrania. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

1 Which of the following is stated as an opinion, not a fact? A College doesn’t prepare students for work. B Many internships don’t lead to jobs. C Many graduates are overqualified for their job. 2 Which would be the best headline for the news item? A UFOs LINKED TO ANCIENT EGYPT B FIRST UFO EXHIBITION OPENS C UFO SEEN IN SKY 3 What relationship does the man have with the girl? A He is her employer. B He is a relative of hers. C He is her teacher.


Read the first sentence and choose the sentence (A or B) that has the same meaning.

1 Ned had to stop skiing when he hurt his knee. A Ned took up skiing when he hurt his knee. B Ned gave up skiing when he hurt his knee. 2 He will probably get the job. A He is keen to get the job. B He is likely to get the job.


Read the rubric, then do the task. Wykorzystując wyrazy podane drukowanymi literami, uzupełnij każde zdanie z luką tak, aby zachować sens zdania wyjściowego (1–4). Nie zmieniaj formy podanych wyrazów. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań.

1 You’ll hear from us soon. (TOUCH) We .......................................................... soon. 2 She is a very careful driver in bad weather. (DRIVES) She .......................................... in bad weather. 3 I look forward to hearing from you. (WAIT) I ................................................................ you. 4 Peter looks after his little brother at weekends. (CARE) Peter ................................................................. his little brother at weekends.

Wypowiedź pisemna


Read the rubric, then do the task. Jesteś zainteresowany/-a ubieganiem się o stanowisko sekretarza/sekretarki w międzynarodowej korporacji. Napisz podanie o pracę (200–250 słów), w którym przedstawisz swoją kandydaturę,i uzasadnisz, dlaczego uważasz się za właściwą osobę na to stanowisko.


Matura Skills


Poziom podstawowy

Rozumienie tekstów pisanych (Dobieranie) Preparing for the task


Match sentences 1-3 to sentences A-C that follow. Which words helped you decide? Alan lost his job and didn’t know what to do. James had a great time on his trip. His first concert was a sell-out.

1 2 3

A It was the beginning of a great career. B Then, one day he came up with an idea for a new company. C He got to visit many different sites.


Do the reading task. Which words helped you decide? Compare with your partner. Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto trzy zdania. Wpisz w luki 1–3 litery, którymi oznaczono brakujące zdania (A–E) tak, aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst. Dwa zdania zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.

A They have also carved many of the beautiful sculptures visitors see during the tour of the mine. B Sometimes people even use this chamber for weddings or other celebrations. C It was amazing to see the underground salt lakes, passages, corridors and sculptures as we started out on our tour. D Then we travelled to the little village of Wieliczka. E They even let us sit with them and take photographs.

Our guide had explained the history of salt-mining before our tour of the Wieliczka Salt Mine, near Kraków in Poland. Nothing, however, prepared us for climbing down the 387 wooden steps to the first level and finding ourselves 100 metres underground. The first thing we noticed was the air; it was cool and a lot fresher than I had imagined. The guide told us that the air here was so pure that there is a treatment centre in the mine for people with health problems like asthma and eczema. 1 I had imagined that everything would be white, but the salt is grey and looks more like stone than salt. There has been a salt mine at Wieliczka since the 12th century, when salt was as valuable as oil is today. Over the years, the miners have dug out over 300 km of chambers and corridors on nine levels to a depth of 327 metres. 2 Today, about 1 million visitors visit the mine every year. The 3 km tour only covers about 1% of it. The highlight of the tour was a magnificent chamber with statues, sculptures, wall carvings and chandeliers all made completely out of salt. 3 When we asked why the floors were so smooth, the guide told us that our feet were actually polishing it as we walked. At the end of the tour, we got into a huge elevator to take us back to the surface. It was a tour I’ll never forget. And yes, the walls did taste salty!

Znajomość środków językowych (Tłumaczenie fragmentów zdań) Preparing for the task



Read sentence 1. Pay attention to the underlined words. Then read the options A-C. Which is the correct answer? Why?

1 Ann (zamierza odwiedzić) ................................... her friend from secondary school this afternoon. A has met B is meeting C meets b)


W zadaniach 2–4 spośród podanych opcji (A–C) wybierz tę, która jest tłumaczeniem fragmentu podanego w nawiasie, poprawnie uzupełniającym lukę. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

2 He (czekał) ........................................................ ..................... for an hour before the bus came. A had been waiting B has been waiting C was waiting 3 Greg (zapytał, czy było) ..................................... ................... many people at the film premiere. A asked me if I knew B was asked if there were C asked if there had been 4 We (nie mamy wyboru poza oglądaniem) ........... .............................................. the film on DVD. A have chosen not to watch B have no choice but to watch C have to choose whether to watch

Poziom rozszerzony Rozumienie ze słuchu (Dobieranie)


Preparing for the task



Read the script. Use the underlined sentences to choose the option (A-C) which best matches what the speaker says.

I’ve been a tour guide for the last twenty years and I take visitors around all the attractions of London. Well, I say all the attractions, but that would be impossible because there are so many. That’s why I tend to concentrate on the area around the Houses of Parliament. I like my job because I get to meet so many new people every day. The only drawback is seeing the same places day in day out. Perhaps I should do tours of somewhere else in the city.

This speaker suggests that A there are far too many tourists. B it is about time for him to retire. C he would like a change of scene. b)


Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery ogłoszenia dotyczące zwiedzania. Do każdej wypowiedzi (1–4) dopasuj odpowiadające jej zdanie (A–E). Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli. Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.

This speaker thinks there is no other way to see the city. says it’s fun for all the family. mentions the possibility of Speaker 1 a price reduction. Speaker 2 recommends a visit by night. Speaker 3 advises listeners not to bring Speaker 4 their children.

Znajomość środków językowych (Zadanie z luką) Preparing for the task



Read the sentences. What type of word is missing in each sentence? Choose. 1 The artist uses ...... colours. adjective/adverb 2 Ben enjoys watching ...... on TV. noun/verb b) Choose the word which best fits the gap. 1 beautifully - beautiful 2 box - boxing

Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę (1–4), przekształcając jeden z wyrazów z ramki w taki sposób, aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów. Dwa wyrazy zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.







Gough’s Cave, near the village of Cheddar in Somerset, where cheddar cheese 1) ..........................., is a popular tourist attraction. The cave is part of Cheddar Gorge, a spectacular valley with breathtaking scenery. The cave reaches about 400 metres into the rock and contains a number of large chambers and 2) ........................... structures, such as stalactites and stalagmites. An underground river created the caves which feature some 3) .................... historic remains. Explorers of the area have found cave paintings and carvings and also the grave of the oldest complete human skeleton in the country, Cheddar Man. Scientists believe he died over 8,000 years ago and they have discovered, through DNA 4) ............................., that his distant relative is a school teacher who still lives in Cheddar! (Parafraza zdań)


Wykorzystując wyrazy podane drukowanymi literami, uzupełnij każde zdanie z luką tak, aby zachować sens zdania wyjściowego (1–5). Nie zmieniaj formy podanych wyrazów. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań.

1 The crossword was too difficult for him to do. ENOUGH The crossword wasn’t ...................... .............................................. to do. 2 He had difficulty finding the way to the exit. DIFFICULT It was .............................................. ......................... the way to the exit. 3 When did they decide to go to Gdansk? SINCE How long is it .................................. ............................ to go to Gdansk? 4 They moved to London two years ago. LIVED They ................................................ .................................. for two years. 5 When did he start learning Spanish? STARTED How .................................................. ............................ learning Spanish?


Matura Skills


Rozumienie ze słuchu

Poziom podstawowy W zadaniach 1–5 wybierz wyraz poprawnie uzupełniający luki w obydwu zdaniach. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.


(Prawda/Fałsz) Preparing for the task


Read the first sentence. Underline the key words. Which statement A or B paraphrases the first sentence?

1 The club is only for people over 14 years old. A Only fourteen-year-olds can go to the club. B The club is not for under fourteens. 2 You won’t win unless you train more. A If you don’t train more, you won’t win. B If you win, you won’t need to train more.



Do the task. Compare your answers with your partner’s.

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedź na temat pracy podczas wakacji. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu zdecyduj, które zdania (1–5) są zgodne z treścią tekstu (True), a które nie (False).

1 Jiten’s experience as a volunteer was rewarding. 2 Jiten got paid for his services by the locals. 3 Knowledge of Spanish isn’t required in order to join the Surf School in Latin America. 4 In Sri Lanka volunteers work under guidance. 5 Families can’t participate in volunteer holidays. b)

hink! T Think!

Would you go on a volunteer holiday? Why (not)?

1 What did you ........ Mathew? I can’t ........ the difference between those twins. A explain B say C tell 2 Jim ........ wait for his holidays. He’s really tired. That ........ be Paula. She’s supposed to be on holiday. A might B can’t C must 3 I heard you ........ a lot of money in the lottery. The company has just ........ a contract worth £2 million. A earned B gained C won 4 Deforestation puts wildlife ........ risk. Tom works ........ an animal shelter. A in B for C at 5 I’m taking ........ in the wok racing world championship. Jane has a ........ in the school play. A part B role C place

Część ustna - bez określania poziomu (Wypowiedź na podstawie materiału stymulującego)


Read the rubric. Do the task.

Wraz z kolegą/koleżanką planujesz weekendową wycieczkę po zdaniu matury. Przyjrzyj się trzem plakatom i zdecyduj, gdzie pojedziecie. Uzasadnij swój wybór i podaj powody odrzucenia pozostałych propozycji. Następnie odpowiedz na dwa pytania.

Znajomość środków językowych (Uzupełnianie luk w dwóch zdaniach) Preparing for the task



Read the sentences. Look at the words before and after the gaps in sentences. Think of a word to fill the gap.

Explore the depths

Enjoy doing nothing!

Watch ...................... for that tree! You should check .................. the new games café.

Take up the challenge! b) Look at the options A-C. Which option best fits both sentences? A at


B in

C out

1 Some people say that it is impossible to spend an enjoyable holiday without having a lot of money. Do you agree? Why?/Why not? 2 Is it better to spend holidays in your country or abroad?

Poziom rozszerzony (Słowotwórstwo)

Znajomość środków językowych (Wybór wielokrotny)

Preparing for the task


Preparing for the task


Choose the correct word. Which words helped you decide?

1 How many people turned .......... for the event last night? A in B on C up 2 It is feared that the species will go .......... . A exit B extinct C exist 3 What time .......... this afternoon? A you leave B are you leaving C you are leaving



Do the task. Compare your answers with your partner’s. Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą tak, aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D.

CARING FOR CHIMPANZEES There are a lot of animal shelters in Spain which look after abandoned or neglected pets. But did you know there is also one that 1) .......... for rescued chimpanzees? The Mona Foundation in Girona, Catalonia, provides a safe home for chimpanzees, which were being used by photographers or were performing in circuses. The chimps can run and climb, and they even have their own pond! Although The Mona Foundation receives funding, it 2) .......... on volunteers. The centre is often visited by community groups and also holds regular fundraising events. Volunteers help out on these occasions as well as 3) .......... routine maintenance and gardening at the centre. There are other volunteers at the foundation. Volunteer keepers, who stay for six months, live in accommodation at the centre. They collect and prepare the chimpanzees’ food and keep their sleeping areas clean. The work is demanding and the hours are long but the volunteers are getting the 4) .......... experience of working and playing with chimpanzees.

B cares 1 A looks 2 A depends B runs 3 A to doing B having done B only 4 A single


D treats takes D trusts stays doing do unique D one

Read the sentences. What kind of word is needed to complete each sentence: adjective, adverb or noun?

1 Sally’s done quite well ...................................... (profession) since she changed jobs. 2 John’s really .................................. (artist) and writes poems in his spare time. 3 You should be .............................. (care) when you cross a street. b) Complete the sentences above with the correct word (A, B or C). 1 A professor B professional C professionally 2 A artistically B artistic C artful 3 A responsible B response C responsibility


Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij luki 1–4, przekształcając wyrazy podane w nawiasach tak, aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.


Floating School

As sea levels rise, many countries are facing a life on or under water. Makoko Floating School is a three-storey floating structure situated in the 1) ................................................. (HISTORY) fishing community of Makoko in Lagos, Nigeria, where tens of thousands of people live in floating homes. The school provides much needed 2) ..................................... (EDUCATION) facilities for the children of Makoko, who travel to and from there by boat. This 3) ....................................................................... (IMPRESS) construction floats on 256 recycled barrels. It opened in spring 2013 and can accommodate 100 students. The architect hopes similar buildings will soon become a 4) ................................................................ (REALITY) transforming the lives of floating communities worldwide.


Matura Skills


Znajomość środków językowych (Parafraza zdań) Preparing for the task



Read the sentence. Choose the option (A-C) which indicates the purpose of the phrase in bold.

Do you fancy going to the cinema tonight? A inviting B complaining C asking permission b) Which phrase (a-c) means the same as the words in bold? a Is it okay if we go b Why do you have to go c Would you like to go


1 I’m sorry but we’ll have to put off the match until the weather improves. A cancel B postpone C replay C succeed in

Rozumienie tekstów pisanych (Dobieranie) Preparing for the task


Read the paragraph and the questions paying attention to the underlined sections. Which question (A-C) matches the paragraph? Give reasons.

Medical professionals generally agree that 2 litres of water is enough to replace the liquids we lose every day. That’s roughly about eight glasses, but we should keep in mind that all liquids count, not just water. We should also remember that we might need more in hot weather when we sweat more. A How much water should we drink every day? B Why is drinking plenty of water good for us? C What advice do doctors give about hot weather?



Przeczytaj informacje dla osób, które zamierzają trenować. Dobierz właściwe pytanie (A–F) do każdej z oznaczonych części tekstu (1–4). Wpisz odpowiednią literę w każdą kratkę. Dwa pytania zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej części tekstu.

A How much exercise should I do to begin with? B Is there anything I need to buy before I start exercising? C Which form of exercise works best for losing weight? D Where can I buy all the equipment I need? E Should I have a physical examination before training? F What are the benefits of a gym?

First Steps to Fitness:

W zadaniach 1–2 spośród podanych opcji (A–C) wybierz tę, która może najlepiej zastąpić zaznaczony fragment. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

2 Did you pass your exams? A do B sit

Poziom podstawowy

Advice on beginning an exercise programme 1 Before starting any exercise, see your doctor first. You may have a health problem which you do not know about. For example, do you ever lose your balance through dizziness? Or do you have a bone or joint problem in your back, knee or hip? Certain forms of exercise could make such problems worse so definitely get a check-up. 2 Secondly, choose exercise that best suits your needs, and then plan a schedule. If you want to slim down, aerobic exercise such as walking or jogging is beneficial. For joint problems, walking will help build strong bones. And if gym workouts aren’t for you, try a gentler form of exercise like Pilates. Finally, plan your schedule wisely; for example, if you’re not a morning person, it isn’t a good idea to exercise first thing! 3 For any form of exercise, investing in the right shoes first is really important. Don’t assume that any old pair of trainers from the back of the wardrobe will do. A good pair of running shoes will support forward movement, while shoes designed for basketball or tennis also give you support for side to side movement. 4 Whatever exercise you’re planning to do, start slowly. If you’re walking, begin with just 10 or 15 minutes at a time and then gradually increase your walking as you feel able. Research shows that people who go from an inactive lifestyle to one including moderate physical activity feel the most health benefits from exercise.

Poziom rozszerzony Rozumienie ze słuchu

Znajomość środków językowych

(Wybór wielokrotny)

(Zadanie z luką) Preparing for the task

Preparing for the task



Read the question, answer choices, then the script. Match the underlined phrases (1-4) to the options (A, B, C or D). Which option answers the question? After her operation, the doctor A said she had to eat right. B told her to do exercises. C didn’t show any emotion. D said running was dangerous.

A: Sue, what motivated you to get back into sport? B: When I first broke my leg, the doctor told me that I 1) wouldn’t be able to run again. 2) There was no expression on his face. It was 3) like he had told me that I was going to have cornflakes for breakfast! Right then, I decided he was wrong, and from then on if 4) the physical therapist asked me to do ten leg lifts every day, I did twenty.


Do the task.

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedź na temat wyjątkowej osoby. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią nagrania. Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D.

1 While the person is trying to tie his shoelaces, he A feels completely lost. B tries to persuade himself not to do it. C is on his own. D feels confident he can make it. 2 Frank’s life completely changed A when he was four years old. B on his sixtieth birthday. C while he was at work. D when he retired from the factory. 3 After the accident, Frank A lost his job. B couldn’t help himself. C asked his wife to leave him. D could still do some simple things. 4 Frank became able to use his hand again A using artificial fingers. B after he had a minor operation. C with the help of a robot. D after undergoing a nightmare. 5 Frank and his wife are planning to A eat with friends next week. B go fly-fishing. C take a break. D have a party in a few years.



Which word (gradual or risk) fits the gap in the sentence? Write the correct form of the word.

Some phobias are treated by a technique called exposure therapy, where the person is .................... exposed to the thing that they fear in a series of small steps.



Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę (1–4), przekształcając jeden z wyrazów z ramki w taki sposób, aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów. Dwa wyrazy zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.






Some scientists think that humans are biologically programmed to be afraid of certain things, like the dark and 1) .................... insects. Others are convinced that a frightening event in the past lies behind many phobias. A recent breakthrough in medical research suggests that our memories can be rewritten and our fear erased. Studies at New York University have shown that a retrieved memory can 2) .................... be changed. However, it appears that this is only possible within six hours of the memory emerging. After this time, the mind will simply form a second version of the memory. 3) .................... are excited. Previously, they had thought that the human long-term memory was fixed and that the fears and phobias which hid inside it could only be treated with drugs. Now, they may have discovered a much 4) .................... way to prevent the return of fear.


What grammatical structure is needed to complete the sentence correctly: past modal; past participle? Write the correct word. Luckily, I was …...……. to get the spider outside.


Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę (1–4) jednym wyrazem tak, aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

The Placebo Effect The placebo effect is a term to describe how we can apparently cure ourselves of illness simply 1) ..................... believing something will make it better. The placebo effect was first noted in the 1700s, but wasn’t 2) ..................... seriously until the 20th century. Strangely, it seems the 3) .................. testing medical experts conduct, the stronger the placebo effect becomes. Experts believe this is because we trust medical science. This further supports the theory the placebo effect occurs because we want to 4) ................. cured.



Matura Skills

Poziom podstawowy (Uzupełnianie luk w tekście)

Rozumienie ze słuchu (Dobieranie)


Preparing for the task


Read the question and the section of a script. What is the correct answer, Steve or Jane? What words/phrases in the script helped you make up your mind? Which person ...




Do you think Sharon will arrive on time? Well, she might be a little late. You know what Sharon is like. It gets on my nerves, actually. Oh, it’s OK, Jane. We still have 20 minutes before the film starts. I actually don’t mind people being a little late. I’m not always on time myself, after all!

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę Liama i Megan na temat problemu dotyczącego niektórych przyjaciół. Odpowiedz na pytania 1–5 zgodnie z treścią nagrania. Zaznacz znakiem X odpowiednią rubrykę w tabeli (L – Liam lub M – Megan). Which person ...

1 2 3 4 5

L M (Liam) (Megan)

(Tłumaczenie fragmentów zdań) W zadaniach 1–2 spośród podanych opcji (A–C) wybierz tę, która jest tłumaczeniem fragmentu podanego w nawiasie, poprawnie uzupełniającym lukę. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

1 He (nie może być) .......... English. He’s got a very strange accent. A might be B can’t be C may be


1 2 3 4 5

is feeling angry? decided not to see some friends who gossip? felt bad about an incident that happened? worries about the possibility that others might gossip about him/her? decides to discuss a problem with their friends?

Znajomość środków językowych


At 5:30 every morning, before he got 1) ............... the school bus, 15-year-old Trevon Jenifer took his dog out for a walk. The difference between Trevon and any other early morning dog walker was that Trevon walked on his hands. He was born in 1988 in Maryland, USA without legs. The family were poor, but they encouraged him to adopt the attitude that he could do anything he put his 2) ............... to. Even though he was given a pair of prosthetic legs, he preferred to use his arms and hands as his legs and feet instead. Trevon is now a member of the Paralympics wheelchair basketball team and has 3) ............... published a book about his life. What annoys him is when reporters ask him if his life would have been 4) .................................... with legs. His response to this is that he thinks the question is as pointless as asking “What if the sun rose in the west?”. His attitude is that he is the way he is and he is happy that this attitude 5) ............... others to do better things in their lives.

S J (Steve) (Jane)

admits that he/she is sometimes late for appointments?

Steve: Jane:

2 What is Dave doing? I (czekam) .......... for him for over an hour. A was waiting B had been waiting C have been waiting

Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą tak, aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.


in brain also various dreams


into head both different inspires


on mind too other hopes

Wypowiedź pisemna


Ostatnio w sklepie internetowym kupiłeś/-aś elektroniczny gadżet, ale nie jesteś z niego zadowolony/-a. W e-mailu 80–130 słów) do sprzedawcy napisz: • jaki przedmiot kupiłeś/-aś i jak za niego zapłaciłeś/-aś, • kiedy i w jakich okolicznościach otrzymałeś/-aś przesyłkę, • jaką wadę ma zakupiony gadżet, • jakich działań oczekujesz od sklepu internetowego.

Poziom rozszerzony Rozumienie tekstów pisanych (Wybór wielokrotny)


Text 1

Przeczytaj dwa teksty związane z literaturą. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D.

Great Expectations

Pip is a poor young orphan who lives with his sister in rural England. After a terrifying encounter with an escaped convict, Pip’s life takes a further unexpected turn when he is summoned to Satis House, home to the mysterious Miss Havisham. I arrived at Miss Havisham's house with Pumblechook, an old family friend, though in all honesty, no friend of mine. The house was of old brick, and dismal with a great many iron bars to it. Some of the windows had been walled up; of those that remained, all the lower were rustily barred. There was a courtyard in front, and that was barred; so after ringing the bell, we had to wait until someone came to open it. A window was raised, and a clear voice demanded "What name?" To which my companion replied, "Pumblechook." The window was shut again, and a young lady came across the courtyard, with keys in her hand. "This," said Mr Pumblechook, "is Pip." "This is Pip, is it?" returned the young lady, who was very pretty and seemed very proud; "come in, Pip." Mr Pumblechook was coming in also, when she stopped him at the gate. "Oh!" she exclaimed. "Did you wish to see Miss Havisham?" "If Miss Havisham wishes to see me," returned Mr. Pumblechook, uncomfortably. "Ah!" declared the girl, "but you see she doesn't." She spoke in such an authoritative way, that Mr. Pumblechook, though very much her elder, could not protest. But he glared at me severely - as if I had spoken to him in such a way! – and left. We went into the house by a side door, and the first thing I noticed was, that the passages were all dark, and that she had left a candle burning there. She picked it up, and we went through more passages and up a staircase, with only the candle lighting us. At last we came to the door of a room. "Go in," she ordered. I nodded then answered, more in shyness than politeness, "After you, miss." She crossed her arms and laughed, "Don't be ridiculous, boy; I am not going in." She strode away, and - what was worse - took the candle with her. Timidly, I knocked, and a faint voice from within told me to enter. I entered and found myself in a pretty large room. No glimpse of daylight was to be seen and in an armchair, with an elbow resting on a table and her head leaning on her hand, sat the strangest lady I have ever seen, or shall ever see.

1 When Pip arrived at the house, A no one was at home. B it was impossible to enter. C he was told he wasn’t welcome. D a young lady was waiting to let him in. 2 In the third paragraph, Mr. Pumblechook A speaks rudely to the girl. B accuses the girl of being rude. C refuses to leave when asked to. D appears to get annoyed with Pip. 3 Neither Pip nor the girl A wanted to go into Miss Havisham’s room. B were able to see Miss Havisham. C had met Miss Havisham before. D liked Miss Havisham. Text 2

Two Great Authors Meet

Charles Dickens, one of the most famous writers in the English language, met Edgar Allan Poe, American poet and story-writer, during Dickens’ 1842 tour of the United States. At the time, Poe was not well known, so it seems likely that he hoped to impress Dickens with his short stories and also make an important request. In order to persuade Dickens to see him, Poe sent some of his tales to him, together with some other ‘papers’. It is probable that these ‘papers’ were a review of Dickens’ novel Barnaby Rudge, something which appealed to Dickens’ vanity. We do not know exactly what took place during the meeting, but we assume that Poe asked Dickens to use his contacts in London to find publishers for his books. According to the writer of Poe’s biography, the meeting between the two writers was a little cold and they didn’t like each other very much. Whether this is true or not, in a letter to Poe, Dickens wrote that he had mentioned Poe’s work to some publishers but they had all refused to consider it. Despite this disappointment, Edgar Allan Poe went on to become ‘the father of the detective story’, capturing the imaginations of readers around the world with his mystery stories and poems.

4 Edgar Allan Poe probably met with Charles Dickens because he A wanted to get some writing tips. B deeply admired his latest novel. C wanted to ask a favour of him. D felt that their writing style was similar. 5 Which of the following is stated in the text as a fact, not as an opinion? A Dickens’ publisher friends weren’t interested in Poe’s work. B The two authors weren’t very fond of each other. C Dickens praised Poe’s work during their meeting. D Poe wrote a very positive review of Dickens’ work.


Matura Skills

Poziom podstawowy

Rozumienie ze słuchu

Znajomość środków językowych

(Wybór wielokrotny)

(Uzupełnianie minidialogów)

Preparing for the task


Read the question and answer choices, then read the dialogue below. Look at the underlined parts of the dialogue (1-3) and match them to the answer choices (A, B or C). Which is the correct answer? What words helped you to choose? The conversation takes place at A a sports centre. B an Internet café. C a lab.

Preparing for the task



A: Hey, James! Let’s play basketball! Look, 1) there’s nobody on the court! B: Sorry, Tom. I’ve 2) got to go to the IT lab. My brother’s there with our laptop computer. Mr Penn said he’d try to help us fix it during lunch. A: What happened to it? B: I think it’s got a virus. My brother 3) was checking his emails at the Internet café, and the screen just went blue. It won’t work at all now. My essay was on there, too!


2 The conversation takes place A at the zoo. B at the girl’s home. C in a park. 3 The speaker thinks the series A is worth watching. B is too scary. C will not continue. 4 The man says that Banksy A is not talented. B is breaking the law. C is earning a lot of money. 5 The job of forensic artist isn’t a good choice for people who A have studied art. B like being creative. C want to fight crime.


6 The text is A an advertisement. B an educational talk. C a police announcement.

Uzupełnij poniższe minidialogi (1–3), wybierając brakującą wypowiedź jednej z osób. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

1 X: Is there anything else you can tell us? Y: ................................. X: OK, that should be enough to catch the thief. A I can. B Sorry, I can’t. C No, I don’t think so. 2 X: I fell and broke my arm. Y: ................................. X: It’ll be in a cast for ages! A Too bad. B Is that so terrible? C What happened? 3 X: Here you are, sir. Y: ................................. X: You’re welcome. A Thank you. B I’m glad to be here. C Make yourself at home.

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie sześć tekstów. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią nagrania. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

1 Which sentence is TRUE about Patrick Senn? A His store has been broken into. B He reads a lot about crime prevention. C He has reduced crime in his area.

Read the question. What is it about? What tense is the verb form? Read the answers (A-C). Which best completes the exchange? Why? How long have you been waiting? A Yes. I have. B Yes, very long. C Not long.

(Parafraza zdań)


W zadaniach 1–5 spośród podanych opcji (A–C) wybierz tę, która może najlepiej zastąpić zaznaczony fragment. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

1 You don’t look very happy. Is there a problem? A What’s wrong? B How’s it going? C How are you finding it? 2 Shaun is late but he’s coming soon. A on his way B out of his way C getting his way 3 I’m tired of doing the dishes all the time! A sad about B put off by C fed up with 4 Mike is excited about going on the trip. A is looking forward to B doesn’t mind C is waiting for 5 Without warning, it started to pour with rain. A Once in a while B All of a sudden C From time to time

Poziom rozszerzony (Zadanie z luką)

Rozumienie ze słuchu (Dobieranie)




Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi na temat przestępstw. Do każdej wypowiedzi (1–4) dopasuj odpowiadające jej zdanie (A–E). Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli. Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.

The speaker: fell victim to a pickpocket. was mugged. sympathises with a vandal. had their home broken into. was penalised for speeding.

Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4

Znajomość środków językowych (Układanie fragmentów zdań) Preparing for the task


We’ve all seen heroes from action films fight off gangs of bad guys, and many of us have seen 1) .......................... acts of bravery in the real world. But the story of 70-yearold Ann Timson is one of a kind! One afternoon Mrs Timson was in Northampton town centre with a friend. Suddenly, she saw six men trying to break 2) .......................... a jewellery shop. Mrs Timson, wearing a long red coat (although a long red superman cape 3) .......................... have been more suitable), ran towards the criminals and started hitting them with her handbag. The men tried to escape on their scooters but Mrs Timson managed to hit one of them 4) .......................... hard that he fell to the ground. Other bystanders eventually ran to help. Due to Mrs Timson’s heroic courage, the men were arrested and nothing was stolen.

a) Choose the correct item to complete the sentence. Give your reasons. 1 Tom worked/has been working as a forensic scientist since he left university. 2 I not/didn’t update my security software and someone hacked into my laptop. 3 The police said there is little chance for/of catching the criminals after all this time. 4 People’s rights are being/to be abused in many countries around the world. b)

Uzupełnij zdania 1–4, wykorzystując podane w nawiasach wyrazy w odpowiedniej formie. Nie zmieniaj kolejności podanych wyrazów. Dodaj niezbędne elementy tak, aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie sześć wyrazów, wliczając w to wyrazy już podane.

1 Thieves broke into the museum ………………. .................... (order/steal) valuable painting. 2 The security system is brand new. We .......... ................... (it/install) a very good company. 3 Dan says that ................................................. ................................... (be/not/worth/clean) up graffiti, but I think he’s wrong. 4 My credit card’s been stolen so I have .......... .................................... (get/touch) my bank.

Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę (1–4) jednym wyrazem tak, aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

Wypowiedź pisemna


Czy okolica, w której mieszkasz, może być bardziej bezpieczna? Napisz rozprawkę (200–250 słów), w której zaproponujesz sposoby walki z przestępczością i podasz spodziewane rezultaty podjętych działań.

Część ustna - bez określania poziomu (Opis ilustracji)



Listen to someone describing a picture. Which of the two does he describe? Is his description accurate? B



Opisz drugie zdjęcie i odpowiedz na pytania.

1 How do you think they feel? 2 Do you participate in recycling projects? 3 How could you help make your area a nicer place to live in?


Further Practice


Matura Extra Practice (Poziom podstawowy) Wybór wielokrotny

Rozumienie ze słuchu Dobieranie zdań do osób (określanie rozmówców)

Read the questions and underline the key words. They contain the information that you should listen for. Listen for words/phrases that mean the same as the underlined words. Then listen for the identity of the speaker who says them.


Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę Emily i Stevena na temat telefonów komórkowych. Odpowiedz na pytania (1–5) zgodnie z treścią nagrania. Zaznacz znakiem X odpowiednią rubrykę w tabeli (E – Emily lub S – Steven).

Which person E 1 bought a phone to use for work? 2 thinks it’s impolite to use a phone at the restaurant? 3 compares the other person to a child? 4 didn’t want to go to the restaurant? 5 suggests calling some friends?


Dobieranie zdań do osób

In this task all four speakers will speak about the same topic. For this reason, you may hear the same or similar words in many of the recordings. Be careful not to listen for single words and, instead, focus on the entire recording.


Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi, które łączy temat problemów związanych z miejscem zamieszkania. Do każdej wypowiedzi (1–4) dopasuj odpowiadające jej zdanie (A–E). Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli. Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.

This speaker A lives in the countryside. B doesn’t have enough room to live the way they did in the past. C is not completely in charge of Speaker 1 running their home. D has a home that gets messy in Speaker 2 bad weather. Speaker 3 E wants to move somewhere else. Speaker 4

In this task, there are different types of questions. One of the questions may be about the intention of the person speaking. For questions like these, listen for words that express why someone is speaking. This will help you answer the question.


Usłyszysz dwukrotnie sześć tekstów. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią nagrania. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

Tekst 1. The speakers are discussing A the cost of living. B a future holiday. C ways to save money. Tekst 2. The announcement is mainly for people who A have just joined the club. B are thinking about joining the club. C have been in the club for a long time. Tekst 3. What happened to Jennifer? A Her flat was burgled. B She was mugged. C Her identity was stolen. Tekst 4. The speaker is talking to A campers. B hikers. C sailors. Tekst 5. Which statement is TRUE about Brad Thompson? A He almost drowned. B He crashed his car while racing it. C He rescued someone. Tekst 6. The speaker thinks that A the leading actor is brilliant. B the film is boring. C everyone will like the film.


Matura Extra Practice (Poziom podstawowy) Rozumienie tekstów pisanych Wybór wielokrotny (trzy teksty)

Read the texts quickly. Identify the type and main topic of each text. Read the questions, one for each text and underline the key words. Read the texts again, one at a time, and decide on the best answer.


Przeczytaj trzy teksty związane z jaskiniami. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

1 Back in 1940, at the age of 11, Prahlad Jani

became a follower of the Hindu goddess Amba. He believes that since that day the goddess has provided him with a liquid which drops down through a hole in his palate and allows him to live without food or water. For over forty years, he has lived in a cave in a forest where he wakes up every day at 4 am to meditate and claims that he never eats or drinks. Doctors around the world maintain that it is impossible for a human to live more than a few days without water and some have questioned his claim. However, several studies have shown that he does indeed live without food and water. 1 The author of the text A doubts that Jani lives without food and water. B believes that Jani lives without food and water. C expresses no opinion on Jani’s story.

2 Troglobites are among the least well-known animals in the world and that’s because they live their lives entirely in the dark areas of caves. Unlike cave-dwelling bats or swallows that leave the cave to find food, troglobites are unable to survive outside. Many types of animals, including spiders, beetles, fish and salamanders have evolved into troglobites. To survive in the darkness troglobites have highly developed senses of hearing, touch and smell and are usually blind. Over 7,700 species of troglobite have been discovered so far but researchers believe that it is just a small fraction of the total number of Earth's troglobite species as many caves have not been totally explored. 2 Researchers think that A there are probably more species of troglobites than we know about. B most troglobites have been discovered. C some troglobites can survive outside caves.

3 Mammoth Cave in Kentucky includes over

630 km of passageways and is the largest known cave system in the world. This maze-like cave system developed over time in thick limestone capped by a layer of sandstone, which made it very stable. Ancient human remains and artifacts have been found in the cave, which prove that it was used by Native Americans over 6,000 years ago. Today, it is a World Heritage Site and a Biosphere Reserve and can be visited by the public all year round and is wheelchair friendly. The Picnic Area is open seasonally. There are two handicapped parking spaces and picnic tables, a picnic shelter and restrooms. 3 People can have picnics in the picnic area A all year round. B at certain periods of the year. C depending on the weather.


Matura Extra Practice (Poziom podstawowy) Wybór wielokrotny (jeden tekst)

Quickly read the text to get the gist. Read the questions and possible answers and find the key words. Read the text again and identify the part that contains the answer to each question. Try to find words/phrases synonymous to the key words in the questions and answers. This will help you do the task.


Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

Blue Food part from blueberries, can you think of any blue food? Blue food is quite rare in nature and because of that, the colour blue can suppress your appetite! That’s right believe it or not, experts claim that blue will make you eat less. They actually recommend that people on diets should try eating from blue plates.


see it. So it seems our sight can play a more important role than smell, texture and even taste in our appreciation of food.

Painting your dining area blue or putting a blue light in your fridge could also stop you getting hunger pangs. Dyeing food blue will produce the same effect. In Japan you can even buy blue ‘weightless’ glasses! The idea is that when you put them on, they make all foods look blue and therefore unappetising. But why is this?

However unnatural they are though, it seems some people do want to eat blue food. When an American sweet manufacturer asked people what colour sweets they would like added to their selection, the answer was blue. But was this just for novelty value because blue food is so unusual? When a different American company actually put a blue product on the market - blue cola - it quickly disappeared from supermarket shelves because of poor sales.

Millions of years ago, when our ancestors looked for food, they learned to avoid eating anything blue, purple or black, which could be poisonous in some way. Just like our ancestors, the first thing we do before we eat something is look at it; our sight plays an important role when we decide whether or not to put something in our mouths. One test showed that when people ate food in the dark, they enjoyed it much less than when they could

Many food products fail because of their unappetising appearance, but green, white and brown foods are very popular. The colours that are the best appetite stimulants, however, are red and yellow. Have you noticed that many big fast food chains use red and yellow in their logos? These are the best colours to paint your dining room to make people enjoy any food you cook as much as possible!

1 According to the writer, blue food is A becoming fashionable. B unusual in nature. C never found in nature. D common in nature. 2 The article says people can use the colour blue to try to A make their food more interesting. B remind themselves what to eat. C reduce the amount of food they eat. D create a pleasant dining atmosphere. 3 The reasons people first rejected blue food were connected with A politics. C money. B religion. D health.

4 Researchers found that to really enjoy food, we need to A see what we are eating. B know what we are eating. C show our appreciation of it. D avoid blue food. 5 In the text, the author A tries to persuade people to eat blue food. B explains what effect blue food has on us. C describes the pros and cons of blue food. D describes how opinions about blue food are changing.


Matura Extra Practice (Poziom podstawowy) Dobieranie nagłówków do akapitów

Read the text and underline key words. Think about what each part of the text is about, then read the headings and match the words in the headings to the underlined key words.


Przeczytaj tekst o doświadczeniu zdobytym w pracy. Dobierz właściwe pytanie (A–F) do każdej z oznaczonych części tekstu (1–4). Wpisz odpowiednią literę w każdą kratkę. Dwa pytania zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej części tekstu.

Dobieranie brakujących zdań do luk

Read the missing sentences and underline the key words. Look for words/phrases in the text with a similar meaning to the underlined words. Then match the missing sentences to the gaps.


Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto trzy zdania. Wpisz w luki (1–3) litery, którymi oznaczono brakujące zdania (A–E), tak aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst. Dwa zdania zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.

HOUSEHOLD CHORES? NO MORE! Chelsea MacDuff spent six months working on Golden Valley Organic Farm in Canada. Here’s what she says about it. The 100-acre farm produces a wide range of fruit 1 and vegetables and raises pigs and hens, using 100% organic methods. No chemicals are used in fertilisers and pesticides, so the soil and air remain unpolluted. It’s also really good news for the river near the farm, which is clean enough to drink! From June to November myself and three other 2 helpers were out in the fields, planting seeds, weeding and harvesting. In addition, we were given our own special jobs. Nuala and I looked after the chickens. Chet and Sam had carpentry work to do, building and repairing barns and outhouses. Of course, some things were hard to get used to. 3 For me, the worst thing was getting up at six in the morning and feeding the chickens before breakfast. Cleaning out the chicken coop wasn’t exactly my favourite job, either! Time is also set aside for lessons where you study 4 the theory behind organic farming. I chose how to grow salad crops all year round in unheated greenhouses, which is a great way to save energy. All in all, Golden Valley is an experience I would recommend to anyone who likes working alongside Mother Nature! A B C D E F


What did I find difficult? What else did we do apart from manual work? What attracted me to the farm? What were our responsibilities? How does the farm respect the environment? What did I enjoy the most?

Early in the 20th century, everybody did their washing-up and their laundry by hand. The dishwashers and washing machines of today were unheard of. So, how will technology help us in the home in the next 100 years? It looks like we won’t need to vacuum our floors so much, for one thing. There are several robotic vacuum cleaners now available to buy online. 1 Unfortunately, though, they don’t do the job as well as a person! If you don’t have carpets, how about a machine that can wash hard floors? There is one – and reviewers say it does the job better than a mop. 2 Of course, that won’t bother businesses if they can stop paying people to clean their floors! While floor-cleaning robots are small machines that can do only one task, human-like robots that can do more than one chore are also appearing. 3 Its creators hope it will be on sale by the middle of this decade. So perhaps a robot that is gentle enough to water plants, dust and polish furniture or even iron clothes isn’t too far away. But there is one big problem. None of these robots are able to get upstairs on their own! A Not everyone is keen on the idea of robots doing their housework, though. B They can find their way around a room without any human help. C In Japan, scientists have invented a robot that moves around on wheels and can tidy up, put dishes away and load a washing machine. D Some are so small you can fit them in your pocket. E However, it takes a lot longer than a person and it’s somewhat noisy.

Matura Extra Practice (Poziom podstawowy) Uzupełnianie luk w dwóch zdaniach

Znajomość środków językowych Wybór wielokrotny Uzupełnianie luk w tekście

Read the text and then the options. Choose the best option. Pay attention to the words before and after each gap.


Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

Beamish Museum: Bringing the Past to Life Beamish museum is 1) .................. of the largest open air museums in the UK, celebrating the cultural history of North East England. The museum opened in 1971, under the direction of Frank Atkinson. Atkinson realised that the industrial heritage of the North East of England, 2) .................. coal mining, shipbuilding and steel manufacturing were disappearing fast and wanted to preserve the customs of the region for future generations. The 300-acre site features a town, a railway station, a mine village and a 1940s farm. There are 3) .................. exhibits behind glass cases at Beamish - they are all placed in their natural context to create a ‘living’ museum. Visitors can also interact with staff in period costumes acting as railway drivers, shop 4) .................. and farmers. And all of their efforts have certainly paid off. 5) .................. 40 years welcoming visitors, Beamish achieved record visitor numbers in 2013! 1 2 3 4 5


some including few helpers For


one containing only assistants After


Read the two sentences and identify the meaning of each sentence. Choose which word from the possible answers completes the meaning of both sentences.


W zadaniach 1–5 wybierz wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia luki w obydwu zdaniach. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

1 Thanks for coming. We’ll be in ……… . Please don’t ……… the objects on display. A contact B touch C turn 2 Thousands of people have signed ……… with the organisation. Is it true Pat gave ……… his job at the town hall? A away B in C up 3 How do you like to ……… your free time? How much money did you ……… while on holiday? A enjoy B pass C spend 4 Is Dave going to travel ……… the same bus as us? Do you get ……… well with your sister? A in B on C through 5 Nora has got very dark ……… hair. Go ……… on until the end of the road and turn right. A line B right C straight

any involving no attendants With


Matura Extra Practice (Poziom podstawowy) Parafraza zdań

Read the sentences and pay attention to the words in bold. Look for synonymous words and phrases in the possible answers. If you are unsure of the answer, try to disregard at least one option, and then choose the answer that best fits the meaning of the sentence.


W zadaniach 1–2 spośród podanych opcji (A–C) wybierz tę, która może najlepiej zastąpić zaznaczony fragment. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

1 Molly is trying to be paid as an opera singer, but it’s difficult to get work. A get her wage B make her way C earn a living 2 Ken once couldn’t find the right way on a hike after losing his map. A missed out B got lost C fell away Tłumaczenie fragmentów zdań

Read the sentences. Find words in the sentences that help you decide what grammatical or lexical structure will follow. Be careful of ‘false friends’ (words in Polish and English that look the same but have a different meaning). Then complete the sentences with the English translation.


W zadaniach 1–2 spośród podanych opcji (A–C) wybierz tę, która jest tłumaczeniem fragmentu podanego w nawiasie, poprawnie uzupełniającym lukę. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

1 You said a room in the hotel costs $75 per night. (Czy śniadanie jest wliczone?) ....... A Do you like the breakfast? B Does that include breakfast? C Are you eating breakfast?


2 Sally (nie musiała) ....... buy a new laptop. Mark fixed her old one. A wasn’t able to B couldn’t C didn’t have to

Uzupełnianie minidialogów

In this exercise, read the first available line of the exchange and try to understand what the speakers could be talking about. Then try to think of a number of possible responses that could fit in the gap. See if any of these responses match the options.


Uzupełnij poniższe minidialogi (1–2), wybierając brakującą wypowiedź jednej z osób. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

1 X: How was your weekend? Y: ........................................... X: I went hiking with some friends. It was fantastic! A I didn’t do anything special. How about you? B Not much. Did you have a nice time? C Not really. I just stayed at home. 2 X: Your music is so loud that I can’t sleep. Y: ........................................... X: That’s OK. A Why don’t you turn it down? B I’m so sorry, I didn’t realise. C I’d really appreciate that.

Wypowiedź pisemna


W zeszły weekend Twoja klasa zorganizowała bieg, z którego dochód przeznaczony został na rzecz organizacji dobroczynnej. Napisz wiadomość przeznaczoną do zamieszczenia na blogu. W tej wiadomości poinformujesz: • jak nazywa się organizacja charytatywna i komu pomaga, • kto wziął udział w biegu, • ile pieniędzy udało się zebrać i jakie są w związku z tym Twoje odczucia, • o planowanej kolejnej imprezie charytatywnej.

Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów, pamiętając, że jej długość powinna wynosić od 80 do 130 słów. Oceniania jest umiejętność pełnego przekazania informacji (4 punkty), spójność i logika wypowiedzi (2 punkty), bogactwo językowe (2 punkty) oraz poprawność językowa (2 punkty).

Matura Extra Practice (Poziom podstawowy) 14

Przeczytałeś/-aś ogłoszenie popularnej restauracji znajdującej się w znanej miejscowości turystycznej. Restauracja poszukuje kelnerek i kelnerów znających język angielski. Napisz podanie o pracę (80-130 słów), w którym: • poinformujesz, gdzie natknąłeś/natknęłaś się na ogłoszenie, i wyjaśnisz, dlaczego jesteś zainteresowany/-a ofertą pracy, • opiszesz swoje dotychczasowe doświadczenie zawodowe i poziom znajomości języka angielskiego, • opiszesz swoje cechy osobowości i wyjaśnisz, dlaczego nadajesz się na to stanowisko, • poinformujesz, kiedy możesz przyjść na rozmowę kwalifikacyjną i jak można się z Tobą skontaktować.

Część ustna - bez określania poziomu Rozmowa z odgrywaniem roli


Chcesz sprzedać swój rower górski. Twój znajomy z Anglii jest zainteresowany kupnem. Omów z nim warunki sprzedaży, uwzględniając następujące kwestie: • cenę, • wiek/stan roweru, • powód sprzedaży, • dodatkowe oprzyrządowanie.

Wypowiedź na podstawie materiału stymulującego i odpowiedzi na dwa pytania


Przyjrzyj się plakatom 1 i 2. Twój wujek z Anglii poszukuje studentów, którzy podczas wakacji chcieliby pracować na pół etatu na jego jachcie wycieczkowym. Kandydaci powinni być pracowici i towarzyscy. • Wybierz plakat, który Twoim zdaniem bardziej zachęci potencjalnych kandydatów, i uzasadnij swój wybór. • Wyjaśnij, dlaczego odrzucasz drugą propozycję. Następnie odpowiedz na dwa z poniższych pytań.


Opis ilustracji i odpowiedzi na trzy pytania


Opisz zdjęcie i odpowiedz na poniższe pytania.


1 Who do you think is enjoying themselves the most? 2 How could you improve the flat or house where you live? 3 Have you ever changed the style of your bedroom? How?

1 Do you think students should work during the holidays? Why? Why not? 2 If you had to choose between a job you like and a well-paid one, which would you choose? Why? 3 Would you rather work inside or outside? 4 Do you enjoy teamwork or do you prefer working alone?


Matura Extra Practice (Poziom rozszerzony) Rozumienie ze słuchu Wybór wielokrotny (trzy teksty)

Read the questions. Before you listen to the recordings, underline the key words. This will give you an idea of what you should listen for and whether you are listening for clues about the intention of the speaker (why the speaker says what he says), the main idea of the recording (what the recording is about) or the context of the recording (where the recording takes place, who the speaker is, etc).


Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy teksty. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią nagrania. Zakreśl literę A, B lub C.

Tekst 1. The main speaker is A a doctor. B a dentist. C a photographer. Tekst 2. What is the best headline for this piece of news? A HOUSEWORK IS GOOD FOR THE BRAIN B SCIENTISTS FIND NEW WAY TO CLEAN BRAIN C SLEEP CLEANS THE BRAIN Tekst 3. Which of the following is stated as an opinion, not a fact? A Traditional remedies are worthless. B Medical experts only want to make money. C Most traditional remedies are very effective. Dobieranie zdań do osób

You will usually hear at least two clues to the correct answer. Listen carefully, because some of the other answers may appear to paraphrase what is said.




Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi na temat snów. Do każdej wypowiedzi (1–4) dopasuj odpowiadające jej zdanie (A–E). Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli. Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.

This speaker says that dreams are basically meaningless. we dream to rehearse responses we need when we’re awake. the purpose of dreams is to filter Speaker 1 information. Speaker 2 we will never know the meaning of dreams. Speaker 3 dreams have a problem-solving function. Speaker 4 Wybór wielokrotny (jeden tekst)

Read the questions and answer choices and underline the key words. Sometimes, these key words are rephrased in the recording. Think of other words with the same meaning as the underlined words/phrases. This will help you do the task.


Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wywiad z naukowcem. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią nagrania. Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D.

1 The spider Nephila Jurassica A evolved before dinosaurs. B gets its name from the time period it existed. C had short legs but a huge body. D is the largest spider to have ever lived. 2 The fossil spiders found in England are A not as old as Nephila Jurassica. B directly related to Nephila Jurassica. C smaller than Nephila Jurassica. D not as complex as Nephila Jurassica. 3 Scientists believe Nephila Jurassica is an ancient relative of today’s golden orb-weave spiders because of its A diet. B appearance. C size. D habitat. 4 When asked about Nephila Jurassica’s diet, Dr Seldon says the spider A was probably eaten by small dinosaurs. B ate small birds as part of its diet. C may have been preyed upon by other spiders. D lived on a diet of insects. 5 Bigger body size for female spiders means they A live longer than males. C face less danger than males. B mature later than males. D can mate more often than males.

Matura Extra Practice (Poziom rozszerzony) Rozumienie tekstów pisanych Dobieranie brakujących zdań do luk

In this task, you complete a text from which four sentences have been removed. You fill in the gaps by selecting from five options. One of the options is an extra sentence that does not fit any of the gaps. You must identify connections between particular parts of the text. Before you read the options, underline key words in the sentences before and after the gaps. Predict the sentences that are missing, and then look through the options. This will help you do the task.


Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. Wpisz w luki (1–4) litery, którymi oznaczono brakujące zdania (A–E), tak aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst. Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.

Musical Instruments

in Antiquity It is not certain when the first musical instrument was invented. Archaeologists have discovered flutes made from animal bones that are at least 37,000 years old. Objects that may or may not be musical instruments have also been found that are 67,000 years old. 1 Images of musical instruments appear in Mesopotamian artwork dating back to 2,800 BC. By far the most frequently-depicted instruments are stringed instruments such as harps, lyres and lutes. Ancient Egyptian instruments bear striking similarity to those from Mesopotamia. 2 Egyptian tomb paintings depict lutes, lyres and harps, as well as vertical flutes, double clarinets and drums.

The chief instrument in ancient Greece was the phorminx, a lyre used to accompany poet-singers. Harps, flutes, castanets, cymbals and pipes were also popular. The favoured musical instrument of the ancient Romans was the kithara, a type of guitar. Artwork also shows the Romans played trumpets, harps, flutes, drums, pipes and lutes. Interestingly, the development of musical instruments in ancient Greece and Rome stood in marked contrast to these cultures' outstanding and original achievements in architecture and sculpture. 3 The Greeks considered it extremely important that poetic and dramatic performances be coupled with music. As in Greece, music was central to Roman religious ceremony, entertainment and the military. To the Greeks, music was central to the 4 education of every citizen and professional musicians were publicly recognised for their talent. By contrast, music for the Romans was seen as mere entertainment.

A Musical instruments were all simple and virtually all were taken from other cultures. B The role of music there differed in that it wasn’t only central in festivals but also a part of daily life. C This has lead historians to conclude these two civilisations must have been in contact with one another. D However the function of these ancient objects is disputed by experts. E However, when the role of musicians in the two cultures is compared and contrasted, important differences emerge.


Matura Extra Practice (Poziom rozszerzony) Rozumienie tekstów pisanych Wybór wielokrotny (zadanie z dwoma tekstami)

In this task, you read a literature text and answer three 4-option multiple choice questions. This is followed by a shorter non-literature text which is in some way related to the first text. There are two multiple choice questions on this text. From a total of five questions, three test specific information and two test your ability to identify the main idea, context or purpose, or to distinguish between fact and opinion. Read through the two texts and try to decide what they have in common. Then read the questions and identify what each one is testing – understanding of specific information or global comprehension. This will help you to do the task.

5 Tekst 1.

Przeczytaj dwa teksty związane z utratą pamięci. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D.

Molly sat under the old oak tree enjoying the warm, summer breeze. She had been outside for perhaps fifteen minutes, but due to hospital rules would have to go back inside in half an hour. She looked down at her hospital gown and smiled. Tomorrow she’d change the ugly clothes for something more befitting a return to normal life. For tomorrow was the day she would finally leave the dreary brick walls that had been her home for the past six months. Molly closed her eyes, let her body drink in the hot sunshine, and thought about her recovery. Her memories were flooding back more rapidly every day – a relief beyond words, as for many months she had been unable to remember even the most basic facts about her life. It had been terrifying to wake not knowing where she was, who she was, or even what year it was. She recalled how she had listened, confusedly, to her doctors explaining that she had been in a terrible car accident which had put her in a coma for 5 weeks. She recalled the months of frustration as her memories returned to her piece by painfully slow piece. But most of all, she recalled her terror the time the woman with dark hair and green eyes had told her that she was her mother. It had been many months before Molly’s brain had been able to confirm the woman’s words. But it had been even longer before Molly was able to recall the fact that she, too, was a mother. The dream had begun just a few weeks after she had regained consciousness. And it was always the same. A blonde-haired, blue-

eyed angel would visit her and sit quietly behind her, not saying a word. Just waiting, it seemed, for her to look around and acknowledge her presence. After many months, she had mentioned the dream to her mother. It was only then that Molly found out she had a 7-year-old daughter named Ashley. Molly felt terrified and ashamed that she couldn’t remember her own daughter. It was Molly herself who had refused to let Ashley come and visit her in hospital. Ashley would only see her when she knew who she was – on this point she was determined. Her mother had brought in pictures of Ashley and slowly the memories had returned. The day she finally remembered who Ashley was, was the happiest day of her life. And then there had also been the painful resurfacing of the memories of the accident: the dark night, the black ice on the road, the grip of her tyres becoming useless, the awful moment she had lost control of her car and the terror of spinning wildly towards the oncoming traffic. So upsetting were the memories that she’d awake screaming. The nurses who rushed to her room were kind, allowing her to talk time and time again about that fateful night. Molly got up and began walking slowly back towards her room. There were, she knew, many difficult days still ahead. But fate had been kind to her. It had given her a second chance at life and she would be forever thankful for that gift. The miracle of being able to hold Ashley again and watch her grow into adulthood – this fact alone would help her face whatever challenges lay ahead.

1 While outside, Molly felt A grateful to be outside for the first time in 6 months. B happy about her future. C puzzled that she wasn’t allowed to stay out longer. D regret about the past. 2 Molly’s recovery A was not helped by her mother. B happened more slowly than her doctors expected. C began once she remembered she had a daughter. D got faster as time went on.


3 Molly’s accident was the result of A driving along a poorlysurfaced road. B being blinded by another vehicle’s headlights. C the weather causing slippery road conditions. D the tyres on her car being too old.

Matura Extra Practice (Poziom rozszerzony) Tekst 2.


, post-traumatic amnesia, is a state of confusion that occurs immediately after an accident in which the brain of the injured person suffers damage. In such cases, the victim is often unable to recall what happened, state their name, or sometimes even recognise friends or family. About a third of patients can recall some events but are generally confused. Many patients are often unaware of their condition and if confined to a hospital may feel they are being kept prisoner and feel anxiety and anger. Others may behave like children or show a loving, caring attitude. PTA can last anything from a few minutes to several weeks or more and its length usually indicates how long the patient will take to recover fully. In patients experiencing PTA for just one hour, the injury is very mild and full recovery is expected, while a patient experiencing it for several days may need months to recover. If it lasts over 12 weeks, the injury is very severe they may never be able to recover fully and go back to studies or work.

4 Which if the following is stated in the text as a fact, not an opinion? A Thirty-three percent of patients feel anger. B Thirty-three percent of patients cannot remember their name. C Thirty-three percent of patients remember some things. D Thirty-three percent of patients remember nothing.

5 From both texts, we learn that A Many patients need more than 12 weeks to recover. B PTA rarely lasts more than a few hours. C Most patients recover in a few days. D Some patients take months to recover.

Dobieranie tekstów do pytań

When you read the paragraphs, take note of key vocabulary. To match the statements to the texts, look for language within the questions that refers to the key words and phrases in the paragraphs.


Przeczytaj tekst o rytuałach inicjacyjnych, który został podzielony na trzy części. Do każdego pytania (1–4) dopasuj właściwą część tekstu (A–C). Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli. Jedna część tekstu pasuje do dwóch pytań.

A In many societies around the world, the coming of age, or entry into an age group, is marked by an initiation rite. Some of these rites can be elaborate ceremonies while others are simple formalities. Between the 16th and 19th centuries, breeching was the occasion when boys in western countries were dressed in breeches, or trousers, for the first time. It marked the moment when the boy’s father became more involved in his upbringing and was a very important rite of passage in life. Family and friends gathered to see his first appearance in trousers and he often received gifts or money. For wealthier children a portrait was painted and in later times a photograph was taken for the occasion. B In many Native American tribes, the Vision Quest is the most important rite of passage. It marks the transition between childhood and full acceptance into society as an adult and is a turning point in a person’s life. The Vision Quest usually consists of a child going off into the wilderness for several days, alone and often without food. It is believed that during this time a guardian animal or other natural force will come in a dream or vision and give guidance and direction for the

child’s future. The child then goes back to the tribe and follows the path in life they were given. For example, a child may become an apprentice to an older member of the tribe and learn a certain trade. C Up until recently getting a driver’s licence was considered to be an important rite of passage in the life of an American teenager. Kids couldn’t wait until they turned 16 to rush out and get a licence. That seems to be no longer the case with only 44 percent of teens now obtaining a driver’s license within 12 months of the minimum age for licensing in their state. These findings mark a significant drop from two decades ago when data showed more than two-thirds of teens were licensed by the time In which paragraph does the they turned 18. Low-income and author minority teens are mention a career choice? 1 the least likely to obtain a driver’s refer to a study? 2 license before refer to a parent? 3 age 18. mention advice? 4


Matura Extra Practice (Poziom rozszerzony) Układanie fragmentów zdań

Znajomość środków językowych Zadanie z luką z podanymi wyrazami

In this task, you complete each of four gaps in a short text with the correct form of one of the words given in a box. There is a choice of six words; two of the words are not used. Read the text carefully to get the gist of it. Identify what is missing in each gap (noun, adjective, etc). Carefully select the word that best fits each gap and decide what form it should take. Read the completed text to see if it makes sense.


Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę (1–4), przekształcając jeden z wyrazów z ramki w taki sposób, aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów. Dwa wyrazy zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.

• different • emotion • feel • hard • move • difficult The pressures and challenges of the workplace can be immense. It is 1) ....................................... surprising, therefore, that nine in ten employees complain of suffering from work-related stress. If stress on the job is interfering with your ability to work, care for yourself, or manage your personal life, even small changes can make a significant 2) ...................................... . Aerobic exercise is an excellent way to lift your mood, increase your energy and relax your mind and body. Eating small, healthy meals frequently throughout the day maintains stable blood sugar levels in your body. Lack of food will lead to low blood sugar and leave you 3) .................................. anxious and irritable. On the other hand, eating too much can make you lethargic. Make sure you get a good night’s sleep every night. This way it's much easier to keep your 4) ........................... balance, a key factor in coping with work-related stress.


In this task, there are four sentences with the missing parts given as prompts in brackets. You are required to write grammatically correct and logical sentences and can use up to six words in each gap. Read the whole of the sentence first and think about each of the words in the brackets individually and the other forms that they could take. Be aware that you may need to add a word such as an article, auxiliary verb, etc.


Uzupełnij zdania 1–4, wykorzystując podane w nawiasach wyrazy w odpowiedniej formie. Nie należy zmieniać kolejności podanych wyrazów, trzeba natomiast – jeżeli to konieczne – dodać inne wyrazy, tak aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie sześć wyrazów, wliczając w to wyrazy już podane.

1 Frank (remind/Mary/set/she) …….....………….. alarm last night. 2 By the time Mary arrived, they (eat/all/food) ……………..........….. on the table. 3 The burglar broke into the house while Emily (sleep/peaceful) ……………...........….. in her bedroom. 4 Frank asked ………................... (I/drive/he) to work, as his car had broken down. Parafraza zdań

In this task, you are given four sentences which you have to transform using different words. There is often a key word given in brackets for you to use. Care should be taken to keep the meaning of the second sentence as close as possible to the meaning of the first sentence. Read each pair of sentences and try to decide what grammar/lexical phenomenon is being tested. After completing the sentences, read them again to check if they make sense.

Matura Extra Practice (Poziom rozszerzony) 9

Wykorzystując wyrazy podane drukowanymi literami, uzupełnij każde zdanie z luką, tak aby zachować sens zdania wyjściowego (1–4). Nie zmieniaj formy podanych wyrazów. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna i gramatyczna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań.

1 It isn’t worth having the party on a weekday. POINT There’s ........................ ............................. the party on a weekday. 2 I first met Jack way back in 1969. SINCE I .................................. .......................... 1969. 3 It’s a good idea to install a burglar alarm in the offices. SHOULD A burglar alarm .......... ................................ in the offices. 4 I’ve decided to do all I can to pass this exam. MIND I’ve ............................. .................... to do all I can to pass this exam. Wybór wielokrotny (uzupełnianie luk w tekście)

In this task, you complete each of four gaps in a short text by choosing from four options. The missing words that are tested are a mixture of lexical and grammatical items. In this task, read before and after the gap and first decide what is missing (noun, verb form, etc). Then, guess the correct answer before you look at the four options. Read the completed text to see if it makes sense.

Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D.


The Ancient Phoenicians The ancient Phoenicians were a thriving civilisation that 1) ............ the east coast of the Mediterranean sea for over a thousand years between 1,500 BC and about 300 BC. For more than 400 years, the Phoenicians ruled the seas. Not only were they the first people to learn how to sail using the stars at night, but they were accomplished 2) ............, too. As they sailed their ships around the Mediterranean, they sold items such as a purple-coloured dye which no one else was able to produce to the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians. At the time purple 3) ............ the colour of royalty and was therefore very precious. The Phoenicians also invented an alphabet and writing system around 1,400 BC 4) ............ communicate with their foreign trading partners including the Greeks. Soon afterwards, the Greeks developed their own alphabet, from which the Roman alphabet evolved in the 7th century BC. 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B

inhabited resided purchasers shopkeepers considered being considered so that in order to


lived located traders sellers was considered to be was being considered due to as well as

Zadanie z luką bez podanych wyrazów

In this task, you read a short text which has four gaps. You are required to supply the missing words so that the text makes grammatical and logical sense. Only one word is used in each gap. Many items tested in this task are parts of set phrases or collocations. Think of as many words as you can that can make suitable combinations with the words either before or after the gaps. This will help you to choose the correct items. Read the completed text afterwards to see if it makes sense.


Matura Extra Practice (Poziom rozszerzony) 11

Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę (1–4) jednym wyrazem, tak aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

Polar bears: not as cuddly as they look! Polar bears may look cute, 1) ............................... you might be surprised that they are actually one of the most dangerous creatures on the planet. The world’s largest meat-eaters that live 2) ............................... land, they are known to be fierce hunters and ready to consume any kind of meat, including other polar bears. Moreover, they are extremely protective of their cubs and attack viciously in an instant 3) ............................... they perceive any kind of threat to them. There is also mounting evidence that polar bears are becoming more aggressive because of climate change. As temperatures warm up in Arctic coastal regions, the bears are forced to move further inland to find food, where they are likely to 4) ............................... into contact with more humans. Polar bears mostly hunt and eat whales, walruses and seals and don’t usually attack humans, but that’s perhaps because that there aren’t many around in the freezing cold! Słowotwórstwo

In this task, you translate parts of four sentences into English. The Polish fragments are given in brackets. You are required to write grammatically correct and logical sentences and can use up to five words in each gap. This task can test both grammar and vocabulary. Read the whole of the sentence first, so that the intended meaning is clear, before you start to complete it.


Przetłumacz na język angielski podane w nawiasach fragmenty zdań 1–4, tak aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie pięć wyrazów.


Read the whole text first to get the gist of it. Then start filling in the gaps. Ask yourself what parts of speech are missing. Once you have completed the text, read it through to see if it makes sense.


Tłumaczenie fragmentów zdań

Uzupełnij każdą lukę (1–4) jednym wyrazem, przekształcając wyraz podany w nawiasie, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

It really (działa mi na nerwy) ....... ..................................................... when people talk during a film at the cinema. 2 We couldn’t (zdecydować) ............. up which restaurant to go to. 3 Don’t worry, Brian. (Prędzej czy później) ....................................... .......................... you’ll find a job! 4 Peter doesn't (spędza dużo czasu rozmawiając) .............. with his friends online these days.

Wypowiedź pisemna Headteacher I love this job, but most of the stress I experience comes from knowing that teachers can make such a huge 1) ............................... (DIFFER) to the lives of the students they teach. There are over 1,000 people in my school, and I always feel 2) ............................... (PERSONAL) responsible for making sure that everyone is doing what they are supposed to be doing. When I first arrived at the school, I tried to encourage both the students and teachers to always stay calm in a 3) ............................... (STRESS) situation. As soon as you shout, people don’t listen to you. I stand at the school gates when students are leaving, too, so that students or parents can talk to me in case of any problems. This way I am able to deal with them before they become serious. I also go jogging every day. If an issue has come up, I can usually think of a 4) ............................... (SOLVE) on my run!



Wypowiedz się na jeden z poniższych tematów. Wypowiedź powinna zawierać od 200 do 250 słów i spełniać wszystkie wymogi typowe dla formy wskazanej w poleceniu.

Napisz rozprawkę przedstawiającą dobre i złe strony turystyki z perspektywy mieszkańców miejscowości turystycznych. Pracujesz w USA na letnim obozie dla nastolatków. Dyrektor obozu poprosił pracowników o sugestie, jak przyciągnąć więcej uczestników. Napisz list do dyrektora obozu, w którym opiszesz swoje dotychczasowe doświadczenia w tej pracy i zasugerujesz, co można zrobić, aby obóz stał się bardziej atrakcyjny.

Matura Extra Practice Wypowiedź na podstawie materiału stymulującego i odpowiedzi na dwa pytania

Część ustna - bez określania poziomu (Rozmowa wstępna)


Odpowiedz na pytania.


1 Do you enjoy visiting zoos? Why?/ Why not? 2 Which animal do you think makes the best pet? Why? 3 Would you like to work with animals? Why?/Why not? 4 Can you see much wildlife where you live? 5 Did you have a favourite toy animal when you were a child? What was it?

Read the rubric carefully to familiarise yourself with the content of the task. Look carefully at the pictures and form an opinion thinking of the pros and cons of each option. Justify your decision and give reasons why you rejected the other options.



1 How much time do you spend watching TV? 2 How do you usually prefer to learn about world events? 3 Do you prefer watching TV or listening to the radio? 4 Do you find advertisements on TV enjoyable to watch? 5 What sections in a newspaper do you find most interesting?

Popatrz na trzy poniższe zdjęcia. Wyobraź sobie, że Twój amerykański przyjaciel przyjeżdża w odwiedziny na weekend. Chciałbyś/chciałabyś go zabrać w jedno z miejsc pokazanych na zdjęciach. • Wybierz miejsce, które Twoim zdaniem będzie najbardziej odpowiednie, i uzasadnij swój wybór. • Wyjaśnij, dlaczego odrzucasz pozostałe propozycje. Następnie odpowiedz na dwa z poniższych pytań.

Rozmowa z odgrywaniem roli

Read the rubric to find out who you are and who you will be talking to. This will help you decide on the style (formal/informal). Then decide on the appropriate language you will need e.g. asking for information, expressing opinion. This will help you do the task.


Zamierzasz spędzić wakacje w egzotycznym miejscu. Porozmawiaj z pracownikiem biura podróży na temat swoich planów wakacyjnych, uwzględniając następujące kwestie: • oferowane miejsca pobytu • koszt wakacji • preferowane zajęcia • atrakcje turystyczne

Opis ilustracji i odpowiedzi na trzy pytania


Opisz zdjęcie i odpowiedz na poniższe pytania.

1 Do you think the people are enjoying their holiday? 2 Where do you prefer going on holiday: to the mountains or to the seaside? 3 What was the best holiday you’ve ever been on?

1 What are some interesting museums in your country? 2 Is it expensive to eat out in Poland? 3 What’s a popular form of entertainment with young people where you live? 4 How did people entertain themselves before there was television?


ISBN 978-1-4715-3085-2