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UNCONVERTED 5 Provocative Marketing Truths Being Hidden From You... And Why You’ll Never Make “Big Money” Without Them!


(This book is not for the weak marketer.)

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DISCLAIMER The publishers do not assume any responsibilities whatsoever under any condition or circumstances. It is recommended that the reader obtain their own independent advice.


Copyright © 2017 by Todd Brown All rights reserved. NO part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the author.

ISBN: 978-0-692-05448-2

Published by Todd Brown

For further information about orders email Support@ marketingfunnelautomation.com 2

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Table Of Contents CHAPTER 1

The Most Powerful Marketing Secret Of Them All!.............pg.7


How To Create Buying Demand Out Of Thin Air!........................pg.28


The First 350-800 Words Out Of Your Mouth!..............................pg.34


Controlling The Verdict!................................................................pg.39


The Marketing Tale Of The Two Cars...........................................pg.45

CONCLUSION ...............................................................pg.51


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Warning! Whether you have a great product or not… Your entire existence as an entrepreneur lives and dies by how well your marketing works to bring you new customers. Your business success is ​NOT​ based on your motivation, your passion, or your desire to help people. Your business success is based on how well your marketing converts. Period. If you have marketing which is bringing you new customers every day, life can be grand. If not, your business, your income, and your livelihood is vulnerable and at risk of evaporating. You can choose to ignore this fact and bury your head in the sand. Or, you can read this book cover to cover and make sure you don’t become another loathsome statistic. Either way, YOU MUST RECOGNIZE:



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All the “cool” whizbang marketing tactics and techniques being peddled will not fix a marketing campaign which isn’t bringing you consistent new customers. ​(Not unless you realize the truth of what you’re about to discover in the following pages.)

More tactics are not the answer. And you likely already realize that deep down inside. You need something different. So, ​yes,​ I’m going to tell you things in this book

you won’t hear anywhere else.

Stuff about marketing campaigns most other experts aren’t willing to share with you. Stuff... the "experts" are afraid for you to hear. And you'll understand why in just a second. Fact is: The methods you’ll find divulged in the following pages are highly controversial. Not because they’re not true. But because they’re truer than anything else you’ve likely ever been taught about making big money with your marketing.


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Yet, what you're about to read goes against almost everything you’ve been led to believe about marketing that produces lots and lots of sales. But what you'll discover in this little book will change everything for you, your business, and your income. Hi, my name is Todd Brown. You may recognize my name as the marketing guy other marketing experts go to when they need help with their own campaigns. Or you may have seen my name in any number of articles or news stories on sites like: The Wall Street Journal, Fast Company, Fortune, CNBC, and the Huffington Post. Or, you may have seen well-known online entrepreneurs like Russell Brunson, Jeff Walker, Ryan Levesque, and dozens of others refer to me and my E5 Method as "Genius"... "Amazing”... "Life-changing"... and "The single best marketing breakthrough of the past decade!"


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Regardless, what you'll find in the following pages will, no doubt, challenge your beliefs about what's needed to generate big money from your marketing efforts. If you're not willing to accept brutal honesty, this book is ​not​ for you. And you should set it aside or pass it along to an entrepreneur who is.

If you are willing to accept the truth... and you're excited to discover the five marketing secrets which will truly​ bring you a predictable, reliable, and consistent flow of new customer sales – you want to read every

word on every page of this book. Fact is: No matter how much you've been taught about online marketing, you have not been told the full story. I won't say you've been lied to. But, there's a reason you've been kept in the dark. First, here's the brutal truth: None of the common marketing tactics you're being taught will ever bring you the "big money"… without you understanding the five things


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you're going to learn in this little book​. Consider these: the missing pieces.... the elements left-out... the indispensable marketing strategies concealed from you and the rest of the market. The stuff the "experts" don't tell you. Why would they keep these five things hidden from you? For two simple reasons: (1) Most "experts" simply don't know them. (2) They're not easy to sell to entrepreneurs. Yet, as you're about see in the following pages, these five things are absolutely essential... mandatory... if you're to ever have marketing which brings you new customer sales, every day... day after day. So, as I see it, not sharing these with you is simply callous. And it's exactly why -- despite it being easier than ever to create marketing pages and publish all different types of content -- eight out of ten online


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entrepreneurs are still struggling to generate consistent new customer sales every day. Because they've never been taught the five things that you're about to learn. Even with all the "internet marketing" conferences, courses, books, coaching programs, and mastermind groups, most online entrepreneurs are still not experiencing the business growth or take-home income they desire. Again, because they've never been taught the five things you're about to learn. So, if you're not getting new customer sales every day... if you're struggling to get adequate sales conversions... if you're having a tough time generating profitable traffic... or if you're just not banking the money you're after from your business -- this little book is going to be a complete game-changer for you. So, what do you say? Let's get down to business.


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Chapter One The Most Powerful Marketing Secret Of Them All! Sadly, there seems to be this unspoken belief today that the most important element behind profitable marketing is simply having a funnel — the right sequence of web pages and offers. Go to any marketing-related Facebook group or forum and you’ll see swarms of questions, like: What’s the best type of lead magnet to use? Which is better: a video sales letter or webinar? Should I offer something low-priced or high-priced first? How many upsells are best? How many emails should I send in the follow-up? Even when marketers hear about another


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successful campaign, they ask these same types of questions (e.g. what was your price point, how many upsells did you have, how was the funnel setup, etc.) But here’s the brutal truth: A whizbang marketing funnel with all the tactical bells and whistles that presents a mediocre marketing idea… will never beat a simple marketing funnel that presents a new, unique, and compelling marketing idea. The real power lies not in the depth or sophistication of the funnel. The real power lies in the quality of the idea behind the funnel. The “perfect funnel” will never make up for a weak marketing idea. Like the saying goes, “You can put lipstick and a dress on a pig, but you’ll still have a pig.” You can’t make-up for a boring, ordinary marketing idea with whizbang funnel tactics. That’s what the average marketers are trying to do. And that’s


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why most are struggling. Fact is: the money is not in the funnel. It’s in the marketing idea. And not understanding this, or ignoring it, will cost you more sales, money, and business growth than you realize. It was around 2008 that I first came to understand this. I was chatting with legendary direct marketer, Mark Ford. Mark has been the chief marketing consultant for Agora Inc., a direct response publishing company. It was only a handful of years ago Agora was doing around 10 million a year. Today, they do over one billion in annual sales. We were sitting at a table outside a cigar lounge in Delray Beach, Florida. Curious, I leaned over and asked Mark, ​“How

has Agora been able to grow so big and so fast?”

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I fully expected Mark to say something about Agora’s list size or the amount they invest into advertising or the quality of their copywriters. But that’s not at all what Mark said. “We recognized early on, when it comes to marketing, we’re really in the idea business. We're in the business of developing interesting, arresting, and captivating ideas.” It took a bit for me to fully digest what Mark was saying. But, once I did, it made complete sense. Everything we do as marketers is built on top of some idea. Whether we're publishing a blog post, creating a video for YouTube, doing a Facebook Live, or creating a landing page, a sales page, or a full-blown marketing campaign… behind each of those is an idea. That idea can be new and novel. Or it can be old and run-of-the-mill. The idea behind what you’re sharing in your marketing campaign could be a plain vanilla, average


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idea which rolls off the back of your prospects as something they've seen or heard before. Or, it could be an idea that strikes your prospects as new, unique, and different. As something they find startling, arresting, and compelling. Something they have to stop and hear more about. Now, please understand: In this context, I’m not talking about the idea behind your product or service. I’m not talking about you coming up with the latest and greatest idea for some new app, new technology, or new biotech breakthrough. No. I’m talking about the idea behind your marketing message. The idea behind what you’re saying in your ad, your headline, and throughout your marketing funnel. You see, the quality of the marketing idea determines the success of the marketing campaign — and ultimately how well it converts prospects into buyers. Because the quality of the idea is what determines whether prospects will take notice, stop what they’re doing, and engage with your marketing message.


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Now, here’s the thing… Mark didn’t stop at simply getting me to understand the foundational value and necessity of a good marketing idea. He continued by explaining what he said was ​“the real secret behind the biggest, most

profitable marketing campaigns published.”

He said it was the true secret behind how many of the biggest direct response companies and entrepreneurs are able to produce millions of dollars from their marketing promotions. And that it was the one, single thing which has created more millionaires and multi-millionaires in the direct marketing world than any other single strategy or tactic. And that if I really, truly wanted to make the “big money”, I needed to learn it, master it, and implement it with every marketing campaign I rolled out. That’s when he taught me about… “The Big Marketing Idea” Over the course of the next six years, I went on a


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life-changing exploration… investing well over 1,500 hours… researching and studying the “Big Marketing Idea”. I went through and analyzed everything about it that I could get my hands. Even going as far as to scrutinize and dissect over 92 individual million-dollar-plus marketing campaigns and sales promotions. (I won’t even tell you what I had to go through to get those, let alone go over every detail of them with a fine-tooth comb.) I questioned every top advertising copywriter I could get access to… including, Mike Palmer, the guy who wrote the End Of America​ ​— the most successful

marketing promotion ever to come out of the financial newsletter publishing industry. And, as I routinely saw Mark over those next six years at Cigar Connoisseur, I picked his brain relentlessly about the “Big Marketing Idea”. I fired dozens of questions at him like: how is a “Big Marketing Idea” discovered? How do you know when you have a “Big Marketing Idea”? How do you turn ordinary marketing ideas into “Big Marketing


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Ideas”? How do you communicate the “Big Marketing Idea” throughout a marketing campaign? How do you know when you’ve chosen the correct “Big Marketing Idea”? And so on and so on. And frankly… it was… The Most Profitable And Eye-Opening Journey Of My Life! Now, look: Before going any further, I need to make sure you understand something. This is critical. So, please pay close attention. When I say, “Big Marketing Idea”, I’m NOT talking about the typical marketing “hook”, “promise”, “premise”, “theme”, or “benefit-driven headline”. Nor am I talking about the “idea” behind your product, your Unique Selling Proposition, your positioning statement, or your string of marketing claims. No. Those are all valuable. Sure. And those are all taught by most marketing experts. Absolutely. As they should be. But… as you’re about to discover, those are not


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responsible for why some marketing campaigns produce millions a year while most others don’t even come close. Those, in fact, are the exact things Mark dismissed when he said, “It’s the stuff marketers are taught to focus on. But, it’s not what makes an advertising promotion a grand-slam home run”. And, it was only until I was knee-deep into my six-year journey of mastering the use of the “Big Marketing Idea” that I came to the startling realization even though the “Big Marketing Idea” was almost never taught or talked about publicly by marketing experts… it was acknowledged by almost all of the best marketers on the planet as… The Real Secret Weapon Behind Their Marketing Success & Wealth! They almost all said, it wasn’t their copy, their headlines, products, or offers. No. It was the “Big Marketing Idea” they credited. For example: take legendary copywriter, Gary


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Halbert. Most students of marketing think Gary’s monster success as a copywriter came from his sales chops and writing skills. That’s what I thought. But that’s not what Gary said. In fact, listen to what his son, Bond Halbert, shared (when being interviewed) about the most valuable marketing lesson Gary ever taught him: HOST: “You mentioned right before we jumped on the phone how one of the things your dad, he's known for copywriting and whatnot, but what he always thought was the most important thing, the thing that he felt biggest about and you agreed as well is The Big Marketing Idea.” BOND: “People would come to my dad and try and learn copywriting and he would give them a word-smithing lesson and tell them how to begin their copy and how to close, and stuff like that. Pretty quickly when they felt like, ‘Okay, I am getting some of that,’ he would start to teach them what was important. What was important was not that, it was ‘The Big Marketing


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Idea’.” And, even Gary himself, when writing (on one rare occasion) about how powerful the “Big Marketing Idea” is… and why it needs to be the foundation of every marketing campaign… said… “It’s so damn valuable!” And Gary is just the beginning. Clayton Makepeace, the highest-paid active copywriter today, says his biggest winners in terms of his copywriting and his promotions were all based on “Big Marketing Ideas”. “It’s from your marketing’s ‘Big Marketing Ideas’ that accelerated growth in your business happens”. How much growth? Well… Look at what Mark Ford wrote in one of his newsletters about the money produced thanks to the “Big Marketing Idea”: “I have learned many valuable lessons from my


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15-year partnership with Agora’s legendary CEO, marketing genius Bill Bonner. None is more important than The Big Marketing Idea. Bill is widely recognized as the man who brought The Big Marketing Idea into consumer direct marketing and sold more than a billion dollars’ worth of publications by doing so.” And how about, John Forde (no relation to Mark), Bill Bonner’s most famous copywriting protégé here’s what he said: “For all the great tips and tricks that can make an ad look slick, you'll fail if you don't have a ‘Big Marketing Idea’. I can tell you personally, every winning ad I've ever written has had a ‘Big Marketing Idea’ at the core.” Even legendary ad man and copywriting giant, David Ogilvy, championed the necessity of having a “Big Marketing Idea”: "You will never win fame and fortune unless you invent ‘Big Marketing Ideas’. It takes a ‘Big Marketing Idea’ to attract the attention of consumers and get them to buy your product. Unless your advertising contains a ‘Big Marketing Idea’, it will pass


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like a ship in the night.” And I could go on and on listing out a string of world-class entrepreneurs, marketers, and copywriters who all attribute their monster success to their understanding of — and ability to find and develop — “Big Marketing Ideas” for their marketing promotions. Many credit their first “Big Marketing Idea” campaign for the point in their careers when their income and reputation shot into the stratosphere. A true transformational event. Which is why… One “Big Marketing Idea” For One Marketing Campaign Can Change Your Business (and Life) Forever! Just one “Big Marketing Idea” for one marketing campaign can bring in more sales for your business than most entrepreneurs will make in their entire lifetime. Seriously. For example: With one marketing campaign built on one “Big Marketing Idea”… my good friend and former business


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partner, Rich Schefren, created one 29-page report… and generated over three million dollars in sales in 7 days! With another seven million dollars in sales coming-in over the next year. With one marketing campaign built on one “Big Marketing Idea”… Porter Stansberry launched S&A Investment Research… which today is the largest investment advisory in the world… generating over a hundred million dollars a year. With one marketing campaign built on one “Big Marketing Idea”… marketing wizard, Frank Kern, helped his client, Neil Strauss, sell a product in the dating market… and generated over $1.4 million dollars in just four hours! And, with one marketing campaign built on one “Big Marketing Idea”, Mark Ford, at the age of just 33, launched his first financial newsletter subscription, The Oxford Club, which generated over 30,000 customers, was later sold to Agora, and allowed Mark to retire… financially-free… before turning 40! All… from… just… one “Big Marketing Idea”.


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See: A “Big Marketing Idea” is a way of crafting a marketing message which your prospects see as new, unique, and different. As something fresh and timely. As something exciting and beneficial. As something they want to engage with because it promises to open their eyes to something they haven't been exposed to before. And because of that, when your marketing is built with a “Big Marketing Idea”, it stands-out, gets attention, and compels prospects to consume your message. Ultimately, leading to greater sales. And that’s why I've become absolutely convinced it’s more crucial for you to focus your attention on learning how to develop “Big Marketing Ideas” for your marketing campaigns, than on any other single advertising strategy or tactic — regardless of what business you’re in, what you sell, and what marketing campaigns you may currently have in place. Having a “Big Marketing Idea” will ensure your marketing cuts through all the noise and clutter and makes your message stand-out from all of the others. It’ll get you attention, engage prospects, and compel them to want to hear more about the idea… and


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ultimately, your product and offer. Think of it like this: The “Big Marketing Idea” is really the advertisement for your marketing campaign. It’s the hook for your marketing message. Again, it's not the hook for your product. And it's not the hook for your offer. It's the advertisement and hook for your marketing message itself. It’s the idea behind what you’re presenting to prospects. And that idea goes way beyond your copy and the simple wording of a headline. See: Your idea and your headline are not the same. Your headline is simply the expression of your underlying marketing idea. Every headline, just like every book title, is there to communicate an idea. And every marketing idea can be presented a number of different ways with a number of different words. Simply changing your copy, adding a word, or replacing a word with a more descriptive word in a


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headline, doesn’t necessarily change the underlying idea. Changing “How To Grow Big Tomatoes” to “How To Grow Monster-Sized, Juicy, Red Tomatoes” doesn’t make the idea behind the headline better. It may make the copy behind the headline better. But the idea behind the headline is still the same. What we’re talking about is the underlying idea behind your headline. For example, take a look at this book:

You can see from the title it’s, obviously, all about how to outsource your business. I don't know who published this. I don't know the author behind this. I


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don't know where this came from, but it’s crystal clear what this book is about. It's a simple, straight-forward, ordinary idea: how to outsource. I have no idea if this book sold well or not at all. If I was a betting man, I would bet a stack of chips it did not. Now I want you to compare it to this book:

The 4-Hour Work Week.​ It was on the New York

Times' Bestseller List for over four years. Translated

into 35 languages. Sold over 1.3 million copies. And put the author, Tim Ferriss, on the map.


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What’s the difference between the content, the material covered in ​The 4-Hour Work Week​ and the

first book, ​How to Outsource​?

Really, there is no difference. Both are about outsourcing for your business. The difference is not in the content. The difference is not in the essence of the material. The difference is in the idea behind how the content is being presented. Tim Ferriss took the ordinary and common idea of outsourcing, and turned it into something new, unique, and different. Into, a “Big Marketing Idea” — you can work a four-hour week, escape the 9-to-5, live anywhere, and join the new rich. And that one shift — that one “Big Marketing Idea” — was enough to propel Tim Ferris on to super-stardom in the publishing world. That's the power of a “Big Marketing Idea”. So here’s the big takeaway: Don’t allow yourself to fall prey to lie average


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marketers have bought-in to — that you can make-up for an ordinary, run-of-the-mill marketing idea with whizbang funnel tactics. You can’t. Instead, focus the bulk of your time and attention on developing “Big Marketing Ideas”. With the right “Big Marketing Idea”, the funnel model, timeline, and fancy-pants tactics become far, far less important. Almost, insignificant That’s why great ideas and messages can be delivered in a variety of formats, via a variety of mediums, and still resonate and move people. When you understand and use the formula for developing “Big Marketing Ideas”… you’ll possess the knowledge and ability to crank-out marketing campaigns that standout, get attention, engage prospects… and bring you more leads, more new customers, and more sales than you can imagine. --FREE GIFT #1:​ One of the things which can help you


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understand the nuances of “Big Marketing Ideas” faster is seeing real-world examples of ones which have produced millions in sales. I’ve been collecting them for years. And I’ve saved 21 of the best, most profitable in a neat little resource I call my “Private Big Idea Swipe File”. And you can have it free. Go here to get your copy instantly: ​h ttp://unconvertedbook.com/swipefile http://unconvertedbook.com/swipefile-0313



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Chapter Two How To Create Buying Demand Out Of Thin Air! Have you heard of the Google Marketing Slap? Not the “slap” related to SEO, rankings, or any black hat shenanigans. I’m talking about the Google ​Marketing​ Slap. If you haven’t heard of it, it’s likely robbing you of a significant amount of new customer sales. Here’s how it works: A prospect enters your marketing funnel… watches your video sales letter… hears you mention one of the “trigger” words or phrases… immediately presses pause on your video… and goes over to Google to search for where they can get a cheaper, more convenient version of your product. You lose a sale. And a competitor gets what could


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have been ​your​ new customer. And this is happening to you over and over… likely every day… if your marketing message isn’t properly designed to prevent prospects from viewing your product as a generic, commoditized solution. Let me give you a simple example: Let's suppose you're marketing and selling a powerful fat burning supplement. It has great branding, a great name, a great website, and great testimonials and case studies. But, in the middle of your marketing message you tell prospects the reason why your fat burner works is because it contains the amino acid L-Carnitine — a “nutrient” which can be obtained in a variety of different products from a variety of different sources. On the surface, this may not seem like a big deal. I mean, you’re just explaining how your fat burner works to help your prospects lose weight, right? Wrong! Because, with this type of marketing message,


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what you’ve really done is commoditized your product. You’ve presented it as a generic solution, whether it is one or not. Now, because of the way the marketing message is constructed, there's no longer anything unique, different, or special about your fat burning supplement. Nothing new about how it works. And, boom… the Google Marketing Slap. So, your prospects press pause on your video, go over to Google, and do a quick search for L-Carnitine. And what comes up? Dozens, if not hundreds of different options for where to get it cheaper, faster, etc. This is why you must… ​MUST​… make sure your

marketing never positions your product or service as a generic, commoditized solution. Instead, you want your marketing message to present your prospects with a “proprietary solution”. Something exclusive and different. And that's what having a ​Unique

Mechanism™​ at the heart of your marketing does for


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you. So, what is a Unique Mechanism™? It’s nothing more than the unique piece, part, component, aspect, process, or system behind your product or service which makes your product work. It’s the thing within your product or service that gives your prospect the result. It's the reason why your product or service works. And every product or service can have a Unique Mechanism™. Because it’s nothing more than a marketing invention. In fact, there are three simple ways to identify and name a Unique Mechanism™ for any product or service. And the process is fairly straight-forward. Selling a software? The Unique Mechanism™ could be the "algorithm" behind how it works. Selling massage therapy? It could be the combination of different bodywork methods you use. Selling a cardiovascular supplement? It could be the nutrient formula.


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Selling birthday cakes? It could be the unique recipe you use. Again, no matter what you’re selling — no matter the product, price, or market — you can identify and name your own Unique Mechanism™. And when you do… and when you properly build it into your marketing… you not only prevent the Google Marketing Slap by having a “proprietary” and exclusive solution… you also give your prospects tremendous hope and excitement in your product or service. See: Presenting a Unique Mechanism™ at the heart of your marketing gives your prospects hope that maybe this time… with your product or service… they will​ experience the results they’re after — the results

which have eluded them. The results which they didn't experience from the other products and services they've bought. It gives them hope, because they view the Unique Mechanism™ as the thing they've been missing. The one thing they haven't tried. The one thing that's been missing from all the other products and services they've


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bought. It gives them hope that maybe this time things will be different because of the Unique Mechanism. Because they've never tried another product or service with this mechanism. So… maybe… this will be the difference maker for them. And when that happens, watch how fast your sales conversions shoot up. --FREE GIFT #2:​ Learn the details of how to structure your own Unique Mechanism™ with access to a free four-part E5 Method Workshop series. Go here: http://unconvertedbook.com/workshop​. http://unconvertedbook.com/workshop-0313


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Chapter Three The First 350-800 Words Out Of Your Mouth! What you say, and don’t say, at the beginning of your marketing message has a tremendous impact on your sales and your conversion rate. And most marketers get this all wrong. Most, have never been taught the correct way to open their marketing. Yet, the first 350 - 800 words of what you say can make or break whether prospects ever even see your offer. Let alone, respond. Get those first words right... and you'll make more sales and more money without having to change any other element of your entire marketing campaign. Let me illustrate how to do it correctly with a quick story. If you didn't know, I'm a Jersey boy. Born and


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raised. Now living in South Florida with my wife and two daughters. My backyard has a gorgeous water view of a lake stocked with turtles and large-mouth bass, and likely a gator or two. When I first moved down here ten years ago, a couple of days a week I'd take my girls out back for a little fishing. But, not being an experienced angler, I botched many opportunities to pull the big ones out of the water. Here's why... Whenever I felt a fish swallow the bait I'd immediately begin reeling-in as hard and as fast as I could. And it was exciting. My rod would be bent over. The reel would be tight and screaming. And my girls would be jumping up and down cheering me on. I was all ready to be the outdoorsman hero. But, then... in an instant... it would all stop. The line would go slack. The rod would straighten-up. And I'd reel-in nothing but my torn bait


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and a few blades of grass. What the heck happened? The fish spit-out the bait and swam away, that's what happened. Why? Because, as I later learned, before reeling in any fish, you need to "set the hook" -- yank back on the rod to make sure the hook gets embedded in their jaw so they can't spit it out and swim away. Once I began setting the hook, I rarely ever lost a fish again. Today, I routinely pull chunky three pounders out of my lake. And, today, I do look like the outdoorsman hero. Sort of. Just like with fishing, if you attempt to reel your prospect in too early in your marketing, you'll lose them. They'll spit your marketing out and swim off to a competitor. Before attempting to reel prospects in, you need


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to "set the emotional hook". If you talk about your product, your product features, your product benefits, or your offer before setting the emotional hook properly, you'll lose most prospects. What you say, and don't say, within the first 350 - 800 words of your marketing campaign determine how well and deep that hook gets set. To set the hook firmly in your prospects' mind and heart -- so they're highly-engaged and glued to your message -- ​you need to get them emotionally

excited about the pay-off and benefits they can experience with your Unique Mechanism™. That's it. That's the whole objective of the first 350 - 800 words. Do anything else, skip this, or get it wrong, and your conversion rate will continue to suffer. You'll continue to let new customers slip away. And you'll continue to make less money than you could and should. Learn how to properly set the emotional hook in the first 350 - 800 words of your marketing, and watch as you pull more and more new customers out of your


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market and into your business. Watch as your sales conversion rate jumps up immediately. And watch as you bank more and more money. The choice is yours.


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Chapter Four Controlling The Verdict! Have you heard the expression, "Good marketing is really just salesmanship in print"? Well, today, it's dead wrong. Fact is: Marketing and selling are two different activities with two different objectives. If you're reading this little book, like me you're a marketer. Not a sales person. So, you should be marketing, not selling. And here's the deal: Selling is all about your product: the features... the benefits... the price... the terms... the guarantee... the bonuses... etc. Selling is what you do when you're talking to a prospect who already knows they want your type of product. And your job is simply to show them what


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makes your product a better choice than the others. But what about all the other prospects in your market who don't know what they want yet? The ones who don't know what type of product or service they want. Who, maybe, are just aware of their problem or of the need for a solution. The ones who don't know what's out there or any of the possible products and services they can use. That's where marketing comes in. And, as Peter Drucker said, "The job of marketing is make selling superfluous." To make selling unnecessary. Marketing, when done correctly, creates demand for your product or service where it didn't exist before. It takes your prospect's desire for a result and transforms it into a desire for your product. And it creates the desire before you ever even mention your product or service. But, if you conflate selling and marketing... thinking they're the same thing... you’ll never see sales from the largest segments of prospects in your market. You'll lose-out on a big, big chunk of potential buyers.


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Because, without an effective marketing argument before you present your product, you only have a chance to convert the prospects who already know what they want. But you'll miss-out on all the other prospects not quite ready for a "sales pitch". See: Every high-conversion marketing campaign is made-up of two main chunks: (1) the marketing argument (2) the offer presentation (the selling) When you have a properly structured marketing argument, the offer presentation is a simple and natural extension. With a solid marketing argument, the offer presentation is easy and comfortable and produces a much, much higher sales conversion rate. Sadly, most marketers have never been taught how to put together a simple, yet powerful marketing argument. Most have been taught to simply focus their marketing around product benefits (i.e. "These are all the great things my product will do for you.) Which, you now know, is selling, not marketing. And is only


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appropriate for the smallest segment of your market. An effective marketing argument establishes the beliefs your prospects need to have in order to buy no matter where they are in the buying cycle. And here's the thing: A properly structured marketing argument is much more akin to a prosecutor presenting a court case than it is a salesman pitching a product. Think about it: A prosecutor constructs their opening remarks, entire line of questioning, and closing statement to establish certain beliefs in the minds of the jury members. The prosecutor's opening remarks... that’s setting the emotional hook. The bulk of the prosecutor's presentation... that’s the marketing argument. The closing statement... that’s the call to action.


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From beginning to end... presenting a rock-solid, airtight emotional and logical argument which leads the jury to a single conclusion. And that's exactly what effective marketing does -- it sets the emotional hook and presents a rock-solid, airtight emotional and logical argument which leads prospects to believe their problem can be best solved with your Unique Mechanism™. It's a beautiful thing in action! Because, when it's done correctly, it positions your product as unique and different... it prevents the Google Marketing Slap... it creates demand for your product... and it propels prospects to buy because they see your product as the only place to get the benefits of the Unique Mechanism™. And when you have a marketing message constructed like that, instead of the typical "sales pitch" approach you've likely been taught to use, you convert prospects into buyers at a much higher rate... while building goodwill, establishing authority positioning, and generating excited new buyers.


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--FREE GIFT #3:​ Learn how to structure your own powerful marketing argument for your specific product or service in a single free masterclass webinar. Go here:

http://unconvertedbook.com/workshop-0313 www.e5camp.com/webinar​.


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Chapter Five The Marketing Tale Of The Two Cars "This is one of the most important... and most valuable marketing lessons I can share with you,"​ I

said to David.

We had just kicked-off his four months of apprenticeship. We were on Zoom. And I was getting ready to show him some stuff on my screen. "It can make a mediocre marketing campaign convert like crazy. It can double, triple, even quadruple sales conversions. And, it's the ultimate shortcut to having a marketing campaign that produces the sale. But, it’s not what you think." I had David's complete attention. That's when I shared the marketing tale of the two cars. Let me give you a quick overview...


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Imagine I've asked you to sell two cars for me... One is a brand new 2018 gun-metal Jaguar F-Type coupe. Gorgeous. Fully loaded. Outfitted with every bell and whistle you can have. Valued around $90,000. The other one is a discolored 1973 Volkswagen Thing. 163,000 miles. Original parts. No air conditioning. And a blown gasket. Valued around $7,500. My instructions to you: Sell each car for $30,000. Now let me ask you… How much marketing and sales skill do you think it takes to sell a brand-new $90,000 Jaguar for just 30K? Yeah, not a whole lot. How about the Volkswagen Thing? How much marketing and sales skill do you think it takes to sell a beat-up $7,500 vehicle for 30k?


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Yeah, A LOT! If you’d even be able to sell it. With the Jag, it’d actually be difficult to screw-up the sale. A simple ad on Facebook and maybe a little landing page would likely do the trick. You wouldn’t have to be a master copywriter… a slick salesman… a tech wizard… or some marketing automation guru. And you’d probably have more calls and interested buyers than you could handle. But, the Thing… man o man, you better have some serious chops to sell that bad boy. Why? What’s the difference between these two? Simple. The offer! The offer for the Jag… over the top. A no-brainer. A slam-dunk. The offer for the Thing… garbage. And, with every commercial proposition, the


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offer plays the biggest role in making the sale. The better the offer, the better sales conversions will be. The worse the offer, the worse sales conversions will be. And not just that... The better the offer, the easier it is to generate those conversions. Meaning: There’s an inverse correlation between the quality of your offer and the quality of marketing needed. A higher quality offer can get away with lower quality marketing. Because the offer does the heavy lifting. A lower quality offer requires much higher quality marketing to get the job done. That’s why the savviest marketers start working on any new marketing campaign by, first, assembling the right offer. Before choosing the funnel model. Before


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writing a headline. And before setting-up any web pages or doing anything else. And the offer is NOT just your product and price. Your product is only one piece of the offer. One of seven pieces to be more precise. Just like price. There are other elements (e.g. terms, bonuses, guarantee, etc.) You're not selling your product. You're selling your offer. And your job is to start with a great offer. Because the offer will make or break your entire marketing campaign. And make your job easy or brutally difficult. When assembled correctly — as a ​S.I.N. offer ​—

your offer can double, triple, even quadruple your sales. When treated as an after-thought — something thrown together in a few minutes — it can be the single cause of in-the-toilet sales. That’s why putting together a ​S.I.N. Offer​ is

one of the very first things I teach as part of my E5

C.A.M.P. (Customer Acquisition Marketing Protocol)


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Masterclass. It's that important. That critical.


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Conclusion Congrats and welcome to the club. You're now part of a small percentage of entrepreneurs and marketers who are no longer in the dark. Because you now understand the truth about what's at the core of every high-converting marketing campaign. You understand why and how a Big Marketing Idea ensures your marketing message standouts, gets attention, and captivates your prospects as something new and different. You understand why and how a Unique Mechanism™ positions your product as unique and proprietary... creates demand for your product... and it propels prospects to buy because they see your product as the only place to get the benefits of the Unique Mechanism™. You understand why and how "setting the emotional hook" in the opening of your marketing campaign -- the first 350 - 800 words -- keeps your prospects engaged and excited to hear your entire


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message. You understand why and how a properly structured marketing argument takes your prospect's desire for a result and transforms it into a deep buying desire for your product. Leading prospects to buy with hope, belief, and excitement. And you understand why and how having a well-constructed S.I.N. Offer can double, triple, even quadruple your sales. Now I want to invite you to turn your newfound understanding into a fully-launched marketing campaign which brings you more new customers than anything you've ever experience. I want you to see the power of having the five elements in your own sales-producing campaign. And I want to invite you to do it with a coveted seat in my E5 C.A.M.P. Masterclass. If you’re looking to learn a powerful, customer-generating method that will finally make your marketing work, the E5 C.A.M.P. Masterclass will give


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you the path to succeed right away. •

Right off the bat you'll learn the difference between setting-up an E5 Campaign and an ordinary marketing funnel.

You'll learn how to make sure you’ve nailed your Big Marketing Idea to ensure your campaign gets lots of attention in your marketplace.

You'll learn how to identify and name your Unique Mechanism™ so your prospects see your product as something new, unique, and different.

You'll learn exactly what you need to say in the critical first 350 to 800 words of your marketing campaign so your prospects are engaged until the end.

You'll learn how to develop the perfect marketing argument for your specific product or service that gets prospects ready to buy.

You'll learn how to construct your S.I.N. Offer which makes it a no-brainer for prospects to


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purchase your product. •

You'll learn how to prove the profitability of your new marketing campaign in just days... without wasting any time or money.

You'll learn how to grow the daily volume of new customers you're getting by using my simple traffic formula: B.A.C.O.

...and much, MUCH MORE! And, in just 45 days you'll have your new and

profitable E5 Campaign published and bringing you brand new customers. PLUS: There's zero risk to put everything to the test and see how fast the results come in. Because you're protected by a full 100% Money-Back Guarantee. You're either thrilled with the quantity of sales and new customers the E5 CAMP Masterclass is bringing you, or you can send one email and get all of your money back.


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This is your opportunity to finally have marketing which really does bring you new customer sales, every day. You just need to take action and enroll in the E5 C.A.M.P. Masterclass. Look: I have no idea what your financial situation or lifestyle looks like. But I believe you're a motivated entrepreneur. Maybe you want a successful business to finally get free of a 9-5 job. Maybe you want to elevate your family's financial status. Maybe you want to experience the best life has to offer. Or maybe you just want extra cash every month you can splurge on a vacation, a new car, the newest electronic gadget, or a second home.


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Whatever you're after, this is your chance to finally have a business which gives you the cash flow and profits you want. It all begins when you enroll in the E5 CAMP Masterclass and learn how to use it to bring you new customer sales, every day. Do it. This will be best decision you make for your business. Go to: http://unconvertedbook.com/e5camp http://unconvertedbook.com/e5camp-0313


U N CON VE RT E D ©2017-Todd Brown Inc. For More Free Training Go To UNCONVERTEDBOOK.com/gifts


Regularly referred to as, “The go-to guy for creating wildly profitable marketing funnels” and “the marketing funnel expert other marketing funnel experts go to when they need help with their own funnels”, Todd Brown has an uncanny knack for being able to rapidly transform ordinary, mundane marketing campaigns into grand-slam money-makers. With over a dozen years of in-the-trenches direct response marketing experience, Todd’s unique marketing funnel strategies, tactics, and copy hacks have generated tens of millions of dollars for himself, his coaching students, and his many clients. His extraordinary list of well-known clients -- many of which are some of the most respected marketers, copywriters, and entrepreneurs in the online marketing community today -- consists of individuals and companies in several dozen different markets and niches... from over 23 different countries around the globe. Todd has also been part of multiple marketing projects with business luminaries such as: Rich Schefren, Jay Abraham, Clayton Makepeace, John Carlton, and many other legends of the direct response world. And that’s why Todd is consistently able to produce such extreme and radical results for his clients -- and FAST!