Siemens Siremobil Compact Error Codes [PDF]

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SIEMENS SIREMOBIL Iso-C/ SIREMOBIL Compact (L) Helptext Version VC01C Contents view 5/2009 · SIREMOBIL overview »Page · Error messages, general informations »Page Error classes »Page Error organization »Page Error messages »Page · Host 7-segment display »Page Host 7-segment display, error codes »Page Host 7-segment display, status messages »Page Host 7-segment display, standby messages »Page · MEMOSKOP overview »Page (new: CX-200) · Host, D1 service switches »Page · Parameter overview »Page Brightness nominal value »Page Buzzer and blocktime settings »Page Camera rotation »Page Camera TV-Iris »Page Control curve selection (FL/PFL) »Page Diamentor »Page Doserate adjustment »Page Error log »Page Foot switch »Page Laser »Page Limitation of skin dose rate (FL) »Page Screen display Slot diaphragm »Page Screen display X-Iris »Page Settings for "STOP-MODE" »Page Settings for Service PC »Page Slot diaphragm »Page X-Iris »Page Memoskop »Page · Calibration overview »Page Camera rotation »Page Diamentor »Page Screen display X-Iris »Page Screen display Slot diaphragm »Page Slot diaphragm »Page X-iris »Page Memoskop »Page · Tests overview »Page Cassette simulation »Page Internal tests »Page (not available for service) Memoskop test »Page

Videomed DC test »Page · Monitoring overview »Page Doserate adjustment overview »Page Generator adjustment »Page KV offset adjustment »Page Actual values »Page ·

Memoskop C / C-E »Page Configuration to the number of existing monitors »Page Memoskop C-E, Keyboard emulation »Page Memoskop test patterns »Page Video frequency configuration »Page

· Download »Page Download board D1 »Page Download Memoskop C / C-E / SUB »Page · Backup »Page · Serial port »Page

SIEMENS SIREMOBIL Iso-C / SIREMOBIL Compact Overview SIREMOBIL Compact SIREMOBIL Iso-C Go to Contents view »Page

Serial Port Connecting cable: 99 00 440 RE999 (Null modem cable, 9pin cannon plugs ) Default settings: Connection: Baudrate: FIFO:

COM1 19200 ON *)

*) For to turn ON select "Standard" in Start/ Settings/ Control Panel/ System/ Hardware/ Device Manager/ Ports/ COM1/ Properties/ Port Settings/ Advanced: Use FIFO

If needed, select another serial port during callup of the service program. Go to Contents view »Page

Error messages, general informations Error class »Page The SIREMOBIL Error classes »Page are: · Informations »Page · Warnings »Page · Errors »Page · Fatal Errors »Page Error organization »Page The SIREMOBIL Error messages are organized »Page in: · User console »Page · Host »Page · Memoskop »Page · Generator »Page · EEProm data checks »Page · Videomed DC »Page · Radiation release control »Page · Collimator, slot diaphragm »Page · Camera rotation Videomed DC »Page · Collimator X iris »Page · Diamentor »Page (if present) See also: Deleting error log »Page Go to Contents view »Page

Error classes The SIREMOBIL · I · W · E · F

Error classes are: = Informations = Warnings = Errors = Fatal Errors

· Informations: Description: Displayed on basic unit? Stored in Error Log? Remarks

Operating error no no (default service software setting) For Unit observation, activate "Log warnings and

infos" See Error Log »Page . · Warnings: Description: Displayed on basic unit?

sporadic disturbance, no function limitations no

Stored in Error Log? Remarks:

no ( default service software setting) For Unit observation, activate "Log warnings and

infos" See Error Log »Page . · · Errors: Description: Displayed on basic unit? Stored in Error Log? Remarks:

disturbance, (strong) function limitations yes yes Error reset possible, in the case of Videomed DC actual brightness errors, maybe "emergency operation »Page " possible

Description: Displayed on basic unit? Stored in Error Log? Remarks:

disturbance, Unit use not possible yes yes If a fatal error will occur, radiation will stop

· Fatal Errors:

immediately. Error reset is possible. see also Error organization »Page Go to Contents view »Page

D1 Software · Boot software: The host starts with the boot software. The boot software is stored in a unerasable area of the Flash Prom. After the successful initialization routine and test of the D1 hardware, the user software is started. Exceptions: User software not present, or switch D1. S3.3 »Page set to position ON. See also Host 7-segment display, standby messages »Page . · User software: After the successful D1 hardware initialization, the user software ist started. The user software is stored in Flash PROMs. Using Download, the user software can be loaded into the Flash PROMs via the service interface. See also Host 7-segment display, standby messages »Page . · Download: Updating the user software using a service PC. (Connect the service PC to the serial interface D1. Start the service program and select the Download menu). See also Download board D1 »Page . Go to Contents view »Page

Error Organization The SIREMOBIL errors are organized as follows and also used in the service pc:

Error code XYYZZ reference list with X: with YY: YYZZ = YYZZ = YYZZ = YYZZ = YYZZ = YYZZ = YYZZ = YYZZ = YYZZ = YYZZ = YYZZ = YYZZ = YYZZ = YYZZ = YYZZ = YYZZ = YYZZ = YYZZ = »Page YYZZ = YYZZ = YYZZ = YYZZ = YYZZ = YYZZ = YYZZ = YYZZ = YYZZ =

Error class »Page

00ZZ 01ZZ 10ZZ 20ZZ 40ZZ 45ZZ 46ZZ 47ZZ 48ZZ 49ZZ 50ZZ 60ZZ 61ZZ 611Z 62ZZ 63ZZ 70ZZ 71ZZ

integration to a component User console messages »Page Host - User console messages »Page Host - Job control messages »Page Host Bios messages »Page Host - Memoskop messages »Page Memoskop information messages »Page Memoskop warning messages »Page Memoskop error messages »Page Memoskop fatal error messages »Page Host - Error classification error messages »Page Generator hardware messages »Page EEProm data checks - Error log »Page EEProm data checks - Generator »Page EEProm data checks - Info datas »Page EEProm data checks - Parameters »Page EEProm access error messages »Page Host - Slot diaphragm motor driver error messages »Page Host - Slot diaphragm rotation motor driver error messages

72ZZ 73ZZ 74ZZ 80ZZ 85ZZ 90ZZ 91ZZ 97ZZ FFFF

Host - Camera rotation motor driver error messages »Page Host - X-Iris motor driver error messages »Page Host - TV-Iris motor driver error messages »Page Host - Videomed DC messages »Page Videomed DC messages »Page Host - Radiation release control messages »Page Host - Collimator, slot diaphragm messages »Page Host - Diamentor messages »Page (if diamentor is present) Host - Power up message »Page

and ZZ:

error numbers within a component.

The component mentioned first registers the error and reports the error code to the host. The host enters the error in the error memory. According to Error class »Page , the error is stored and/ or displayed on the user console. Go to Contents view »Page

Host 7-segment display The 7-segment display shows informations about the host: These informations are divided into: Error codes »Page Status messages »Page Standby messages »Page Error codes: »Page 0 = Processor error D1. »Page 1 = Checksum error boot code D1. »Page

2 = RAM error D1. »Page 4 = Watchdog error »Page 8 = Telegram NAK error, serial port Service PC. »Page 9 = Telegram overrun error, serial port Service PC. »Page C = Telegram checksum error, serial port Service PC. »Page P = Telegram parity error, serial port Service PC. »Page F = Telegram framing error, serial port Service PC. »Page b = Telegram break error, serial port Service PC. »Page E = AD converter error D1. »Page S = serial port to service pc defective. »Page L = CPU timer error »Page Status messages »Page 1 = Checksum error boot code D1 »Page . 2 = RAM test D1 active. »Page 3 = Checksum test user software D1 active. »Page 4 = Watchdog test active. »Page 6 = Internal messages »Page 7 = Internal messages »Page d = Init EEProm »Page Standby messages »Page Circulating segment clockwise »Page Circulating segment counter clockwise »Page Horizontal segment, vertical jumping »Page Flashing middle horizontal segment »Page Go to Contents view »Page

Host 7-segment display, standby messages The standby messages indicate the operating status of the host after the end of the internal tests. Circulating segment clockwise Host user software »Page started from flash prom »Page . User software »Page is active, normal case.

Circulating segment counter clockwise Possible trouble: host boot software »Page started from boot prom »Page . - Boot software »Page is active, normal during Download. - Normal in replacement boards with empty flash proms »Page . Possible help: Try Download »Page Host. D1 defective. Horizontal segment, vertical jumping Possible trouble: D1 service switch S3.3 »Page in position "on". - Boot software »Page is active - Download »Page is possible. Possible help: Start Download of the Host (if needed) or switch to "off". Flashing middle horizontal segment Possible trouble: D1 service switch S3.2 in position "on".

Possible help:

Download Memoskop »Page is possible. Start Download of the Memoskop (if needed) or switch to "off".

See also Host 7-segment display, error codes »Page and Host 7-segment display, status messages. »Page Go to Contents view »Page created with Help to RTF file format converter

Host 7-segment display, status messages The messages 1 to 4, 6, 7 and "d" represent status messages of the host. These are displayed only briefly in the normal case. If the test was completed successfully, the processor jumps to the next test. Once all tests are completed successfully, the momentarily valid standby messages »Page are output. 1=

Checksum test boot software D1 active. Host is testing the boot prom checksum.


RAM test D1 active. Host is testing the RAM.


Checksum test user software D1 active. Host is testing the flash prom checksum.


Watchdog test active. Host is testing the watchdog timer.


Internal status message Initializing message


Internal status message Host is calculating the kV/mA curve


Init EEProm Host is deleting the EEProm. The procedure takes about 5


service activities!

Only active, after the first download »Page , if the board D1 was changed and the EEProm on board D1 was not empty. Attention ! Do not switch off the unit! Do nit start other Wait, till the 7 segment display is changing to the normal standby messages (see standby messages »Page

). If one of the status messages is displayed permanently, this test could not be ended successfully. See Host 7-segment display, error codes. »Page Go to Contents view »Page

Host 7-segment display, error codes

The messages 1 to 4 and 7 are displayed only briefly in the normal case and represent only status messages »Page . If these messages are displayed permanently, the relevant test could not be ended successfully. The message must therefore be assessed as an error message. The messages 8 to C, F and P indicate errors of the serial interface to the service PC. If these messages are displayed only sporadically and briefly, no further measures have to be taken. Further information: see Host 7-segment display, standby messages. »Page The following error codes are displayed: 0=

Processor error D1. Possible trouble: Possible help:

Processor detects internal error. Test +5 V power pack D1 defective.


Checksum error boot code D1. Possible trouble: Processor detects checksum error of the boot prom. Possible help: Test +5 V power pack D1 defective.


RAM error D1. Possible trouble: Possible help:



Watchdog error Possible trouble: Possible help:

Processor detects checksum error of the flash prom. Test +5 V power pack D1 defective. Processor detects watchdog error. Jumper X98. 1-2 not plugged in. D1 defective.

Telegram NAK error, serial port Service PC. Possible trouble: If the boot prom is active, the serial interface to the service PC is controlled by the boot software. The host detects errors during the communication with the service

PC. Possible help:


Sporadic: Interface cable defective. Faults in the system. Check service PC. D1 defective.

Telegram overrun error, serial port Service PC. Possible trouble: If the boot prom is active, the serial interface to the service PC is controlled by the boot software. The host detects errors during the communication with the service

PC. Possible help:


Sporadic: Interface cable defective. Faults in the system. Check service PC. D1 defective.

Telegram break error, serial port Service PC. Possible trouble: If the boot prom is active, the serial interface to

the service PC is controlled by the boot software. The host detects errors during the communication with the service PC. Possible help:


Sporadic: Interface cable defective. Faults in the system. Check service PC. D1 defective.

Telegram checksum error, serial port Service PC. Possible trouble: If the boot prom is active, the serial interface to the service PC is controlled by the boot software. The host detects errors during the communication with the service

PC. Possible help:

Sporadic: Interface cable defective. Faults in the system. Check service PC. D1 defective.


AD converter error D1. Possible trouble: AD converter test could not be completed successfully. Possible help: Check + 15 V / - 15 V power supplies. D1 defective.


Telegram framing error, serial port Service PC. Possible trouble: If the boot prom is active, the serial interface to the service PC is controlled by the boot software. The host detects errors during the communication with the service

PC. Possible help:


CPU timer error Possible trouble: Possible help:

Sporadic: Interface cable defective. Faults in the system. Check service PC. D1 defective. Timer on D1 defective. D1 defective.


serial port to service pc defective. Possible trouble: Serial interface to the service PC defective. Possible help: D1 defective.


Telegram parity error, serial port Service PC. Possible trouble: If the boot prom is active, the serial interface to the service PC is controlled by the boot software. The host detects errors during the communication with the service

PC. Possible help:

Go to Contents view »Page

Host, D1 switches

Sporadic: Interface cable defective. Faults in the system. Check service PC. D1 defective.

The following switches are provided on the board D1: Switch D1. S2

SS switch ON: OFF:

DIP switch D1. S3

SS switch is on if LED V85 lights up. Radiation release is possible. The radiation generation of the SIREMOBIL is disabled (for service). However, if radiation is released, the error E5006 will occur.

Default settings: All switches in position OFF S3.1

Always in OFF position.

S3.2 OFF S3.2 ON

Normal position. Only Download Memoskop »Page possible. See also Download Memoskop »Page .

S3.3 OFF S3.3 ON

Normal position. Prevents the user software starting, boot software is active. Only Download board D1 »Page

possible. See also Host 7-segment display, standby messages. »Page See also Download board D1 »Page . S3.4 OFF S3.4 ON

Normal position. DEMO mode, radiation is blocked. SIREMOBIL otherwise ready for demonstration.

Go back to Contents view »Page

Error messages The SIREMOBIL error messages are organized as follows: See also Error organization »Page and Error classes »Page . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

Error messages Error messages Error messages Error messages Error messages Error messages Error messages Error messages Error messages Error messages »Page Error messages Error messages Error messages Error messages Error messages Error messages Error messages Error messages

00zz »Page 01zz »Page 1zzz »Page 2zzz »Page 40zz »Page 45zz »Page 46zz »Page 47zz »Page 48zz »Page 49zz »Page

= = = = = = = = = =

User Console messages »Page Host - User Console messages »Page Host - Job Control messages »Page Host - Bios messages »Page Host - Memoskop messages »Page Memoskop information messages »Page Memoskop warning messages »Page Memoskop error messages »Page Memoskop fatal error messages »Page Host - Error classification error message

50zz »Page 60zz »Page 610z »Page 611z »Page 615z »Page 62zz »Page 63zz »Page 70zz »Page

= = = = = = = =

Generator hardware messages »Page EEProm data checks - Error log »Page EEProm data checks - Generator »Page EEProm data checks - Info datas »Page EEProm data checks - Parameters »Page EEProm data checks - Parameters »Page EEProm access error messages »Page Host - Slot diaphragm motor driver error

messages »Page · Error messages 71zz »Page driver error messages »Page · Error messages 72zz »Page messages »Page · Error messages 73zz »Page »Page · Error messages 74zz »Page messages »Page · Error messages 80zz »Page · Error messages 85zz »Page · Error messages 90zz »Page messages »Page · Error messages 91zz »Page messages »Page · Error messages 97zz »Page present) · Error messages FFFF »Page · Error messages



Host - Slot diaphragm rotation motor


Host - Camera rotation motor driver error


Host - X-Iris motor driver error messages


Host - TV-Iris motor driver error

= = =

Host - Videomed DC messages »Page Videomed DC messages »Page Host - Radiation release control


Host - Collimator, slot diaphragm


Host - Diamentor messages »Page (if


Host - Power up message »Page

Multispot error messages »Page

Go to Contents view »Page

Multispot error messages · The Multispot hardcopy camera error messages are only displayed in the Multispot camera front display. · The error messages will not be stored in the SIREMOBIL error log. You will find additional informations in the Multispot camera user manual. Go to Contents view »Page

User Console messages E0001 »Page User Console no contact to host »Page I0002 »Page User Console internal info »Page W0003 »Page User Console internal watchdog reset »Page Go to Contents view »Page

Host - Job Control messages W1001 »Page W1002 »Page W1003 »Page I1004 »Page I1005 »Page I1006 »Page I1007 »Page I1008 »Page

User console internal system error »Page Cassette switch pressed dur. radiation »Page Cassette switch released dur. radiation »Page User console reserve keycode 1 »Page User console reserve keycode 2 »Page User console reserve keycode 3 »Page User console unknown keycode »Page User console ROADMAP pressed »Page

I1009 »Page W1010 »Page W1101 »Page W1102 »Page W1103 »Page W1104 »Page W1105 »Page W1106 »Page E1107 »Page E1108 »Page E1109 »Page E1110 »Page E1111 »Page E1112 »Page E1113 »Page E1114 »Page W1115 »Page E1116 »Page E1117 »Page E1118 »Page E1119 »Page E1120 »Page E1121 »Page E1122 »Page E1900 »Page E1920 »Page

User console SUB pressed »Page Foot switch parameter wrong configurated »Page Operating system driver int. syst. error »Page Radiation release driver int. error »Page Gen. driver int. system error »Page Fluoro state machine int. system error »Page DR state machine internal system error »Page IDL state machine internal system error »Page Videomed DC radiation release timeout »Page Gen. learning internal system error »Page Dose adjustment internal system error »Page Cassette mode internal system error »Page Acquisition mode internal system error »Page Cassette switch simulation int. error »Page Operating mode not valid »Page Gen. learning routine int. error »Page Gen. learning user break »Page Diamentor adjustment routine int. error »Page KV Offset adjustment routine int. error »Page Memoskop timeout »Page Host - Memoskop dose reduction not received »Page RM state machine wrong state pointer »Page SUB statemachine wrong state pointer »Page 3D statemachine wrong state pointer »Page System initialization timeout »Page System init. timeout motor control »Page

Go to Contents view »Page

Host - User Console messages W0100 »Page W0101 »Page W0102 »Page E0103 »Page W0110 »Page W0111 »Page E0112 »Page W0113 »Page W0115 »Page W0116 »Page W0117 »Page W0118 »Page I0119 »Page I0198 »Page

User Console ACK timeout »Page User Console Byte timeout »Page User Console receive timeout »Page User Console initialization timeout »Page User Console internal system error »Page User Console internal system error »Page User Console does not answer »Page User Console internal system error »Page User Console timeout »Page User Console timeout »Page User Console timeout »Page User Console timeout »Page Internal System Info »Page Internal System Info »Page

Go to Contents view »Page

Host - Bios messages W2000 »Page Undefined processor interrupt »Page E2001 »Page System reboot after watchdog timeout »Page I2002 »Page Invalid acquisition end interrupt »Page

W2003 »Page W2004 »Page E2005 »Page E2006 »Page E2007 »Page W2008 »Page

Serial port 0, invalid interrupt »Page Serial port 1, invalid interrupt »Page Videomed DC, ser. receive line error »Page Memoskop, ser. receive line error »Page User console, ser. receive line error »Page Service, ser. receive line error »Page

E2010 »Page E2011 »Page E2012 »Page E2013 »Page E2020 »Page E2021 »Page W2030 »Page W2031 »Page W2032 »Page W2033 »Page W2034 »Page W2035 »Page W2040 »Page W2041 »Page F2050 »Page F2051 »Page F2052 »Page F2053 »Page E2060 »Page E2061 »Page F2070 »Page F2071 »Page E2080 »Page W2090 »Page W2091 »Page F2105 »Page F2106 »Page F2201 »Page F2202 »Page F2203 »Page F2204 »Page F2205 »Page F2206 »Page F2206 »Page F2207 »Page F2401 »Page F2402 »Page F2403 »Page F2404 »Page F2405 »Page F2406 »Page F2407 »Page F2408 »Page W2600 »Page E2601 »Page W2601 »Page W2602 »Page E2603 »Page W2604 »Page

Videomed DC, ser. port init not possible »Page Memoskop, ser. port init not possible »Page User console, ser. port init not possible »Page Service, ser. port init not possible »Page Internal system error »Page Internal system error »Page User console serial port parity error »Page User console serial port overflow error »Page User console serial port framing error »Page Memoskop serial port parity error »Page Memoskop serial port overflow error »Page Memoskop serial port framing error »Page Host serial port buffer overflow »Page Host serial port buffer overflow »Page Host - filament configuration failed »Page Host - filament code corrupted »Page GLUE control unit initialization error »Page GLUE configuration device error »Page Host - ARC configuration failed »Page Host - ARC code corrupted »Page Host - ADC test failed »Page Host - ADC Busy too long »Page Host - powerfail signal active during bootup »Page Missing ID device (D1 board »Page ) ID device failure »Page Internal system error »Page Internal system error »Page Internal system error »Page Internal system error »Page Internal system error »Page Internal system error »Page Internal system error »Page Internal system error »Page Internal system error »Page Internal system error »Page Internal system error »Page Internal system error »Page Internal system error »Page Internal system error »Page Internal system error »Page Internal system error »Page Internal system error »Page Internal system error »Page Elapsed time meter initialization error »Page Elapsed time meter uncorrectable error »Page Elapsed time meter uncorrectable error »Page Elapsed time meter correctable error »Page EEProm area for elapsed time meter defective »Page Elapsed time meter writing not more possible »Page

W2700 »Page Host - powerfail signal active (sporadic »Page ) F28zz »Page Delay task internal debug messages »Page F29zz »Page Delay task internal debug messages »Page Go to Contents view »Page created with Help to RTF file format converter

Host - Memoskop messages W4009 »Page W4013 »Page W4016 »Page E4017 »Page E4018 »Page W4020 »Page E4021 »Page E4024 »Page E4025 »Page W4027 »Page E4028 »Page E4029 »Page E4030 »Page E4031 »Page W4032 »Page E4040 »Page E4041 »Page

Internal system error »Page Memoskop acq timeout »Page Memoskop wait telegram timeout »Page Memoskop busy signal timeout »Page Memoskop acq start signal timeout »Page Memoskop send timeout »Page Memoskop does not answer »Page Memoskop initialization timeout »Page Memoskop CX-200 PC initialization timeout »Page Memoskop unexpected reset »Page Memoskop unexpected acq end signal »Page Memoskop unexpected acq. reset »Page Memoskop acq. active w.o. start signal »Page Memoskop acq. too short time active »Page Memoskop acq. too short time active »Page Memoskop acq active dur. initialization »Page Memoskop init error (Digital Img. Rotation »Page )

Go to Contents view »Page

Memoskop fatal error messages F4808 »Page F4809 »Page

Memoskop harddisk drive image datas lost »Page Memoskop battery ram failed »Page

Go to Contents view »Page

Memoskop error messages E4701 »Page E4702 »Page E4703 »Page E4704 »Page E4705 »Page E4709 »Page E4710 »Page E4711 »Page E4712 »Page E4713 »Page E4714 »Page E4715 »Page E4716 »Page E4717 »Page

Memoskop corrupted patient directory »Page Memoskop hardcopy timeout error »Page Memoskop harddisk drive error »Page Memoskop hardware error »Page Memoskop harddisk drive not ready »Page Memoskop battery ram failed »Page Memoskop D/A 1 LUT error »Page Memoskop D/A 1 0V error »Page Memoskop D/A 2 LUT error »Page Memoskop D/A 2 0V error »Page Memoskop D/A 3 LUT error »Page Memoskop D/A 3 0V error »Page Memoskop memory 1 access failure »Page Memoskop memory LSN access failure »Page

E4718 »Page E4719 »Page E4720 »Page E4721 »Page E4722 »Page E4723 »Page E4724 »Page E4730 »Page E4731 »Page E4732 »Page

Memoskop memory 2 access failure »Page Memoskop memory 3 access failure »Page Memoskop no response from 3D PC »Page Memoskop communication error with 3D PC »Page Memoskop disk read or write error in 3D mode »Page Memoskop memory allocation error in 3D mode »Page Memoskop, error message from 3D PC received »Page Memoskop CX-200 missing license »Page Memoskop CX-200 missing dongle »Page Memoskop license error »Page

Go to Contents view »Page

Memoskop warning messages W4601 »Page W4602 »Page W4603 »Page W4606 »Page

Memoskop no HS_ACK within timeout period »Page Memoskop realtime clock malfunction »Page Memoskop disk store was not successful »Page Memoskop disk full »Page

Go to Contents view »Page

Memoskop information messages I4501 »Page I4507 »Page

Memoskop disk transfer time too long »Page Memoskop no stored images »Page

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Host - Error classification error messages E4999 »Page

Host received telegram with wrong error class »Page

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Generator hardware messages W5000 »Page W5001 »Page W5002 »Page F5003 »Page F5004 »Page E5005 »Page E5006 »Page E5007 »Page F5010 »Page F5011 »Page F5012 »Page F5013 »Page F5014 »Page E5015 »Page

Gen. Cassette exposure user break »Page Gen. mAs actual value too low »Page Gen. Sirephos temp. value out of range »Page Gen. ref. voltage +10V out of range »Page Gen. Uz ist out of range »Page Gen. tried X-Ray on without LIH signal »Page Gen. tried X-Ray on without SS relais »Page Gen. IH max exceeded »Page Gen. filament inverter short circuit »Page Gen. main inverter short circuit »Page Gen. kV max exceeded »Page Gen. +15 V or -15 V out of tolerance »Page Gen. Sirephos max oil pressure exceeded »Page Gen. Sirephos temp. lower limit obtained »Page

E5016 »Page W5017 »Page E5018 »Page E5019 »Page F5030 »Page F5031 »Page F5032 »Page F5033 »Page E5034 »Page E5035 »Page E5080 »Page E5081 »Page E5090 »Page F5099 »Page F5901 »Page

Gen. Sirephos max temp. exceeded »Page Gen. Sirephos temp. fast level change »Page Gen. kV offset below lower limit »Page Gen. kV/mA courve selection, int. error »Page Gen. tube current actual value too high »Page Gen. tube current actual value too low »Page Gen. high voltage actual value too high »Page Gen. high voltage actual value too low »Page Gen. IH actual value too high (standby »Page ) Gen. IH actual value too low (standby »Page ) Gen. learning pushfactor out of tolerance »Page Gen. learning internal error »Page Gen. Videomed DC not available »Page Obsolete error message »Page Gen. tried X-Ray on w.o. XRAY_query signal »Page

Go to Contents view »Page

EEProm data checks overview Error messages 60zz Error messages 61zz Error messages 611z Error messages 62zz Error messages 63zz

EEProm data checks - Error log »Page EEProm data checks - Generator »Page EEProm data checks - Info datas »Page EEProm data checks - Parameters »Page EEProm access error messages »Page

Go to Contents view »Page

EEProm data checks - Error log E6000 »Page W6001 »Page W6002 »Page W6003 »Page W6004 »Page W6005 »Page W6006 »Page W6007 »Page E6008 »Page E6009 »Page

Error log is not initialized »Page Error log, reading error »Page Error log, writing error »Page Error log, end marking not found »Page Error log, checksum error »Page Error log, correctable error »Page Error log, error could not be registrated »Page Error log, EEProm blocked »Page Error log, EEProm write failed »Page Error log, EEProm write failed »Page

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EEProm data checks - Info datas E6110 »Page

Infodatas checksum error »Page

Go to Contents view »Page

EEProm data checks - Generator

E6100 »Page E6101 »Page E6102 »Page E6103 »Page

Generator needs learning »Page Gen, kV offset out of range »Page Gen, push factor out of range »Page Gen, filament heat. factor out of range »Page

Go to Contents view »Page

EEProm data checks - Parameters E6150 »Page E6200 »Page

Parameter checksum error (block 2 »Page ) Parameter checksum error »Page

E6201 »Page E6202 »Page E6203 »Page E6204 »Page

Param. Cam. rot. -180 deg. out of range »Page Param. Cam. rot. 0 deg. out of range »Page Param. Cam. rot. -180 deg. out of range »Page Param. Cam. rot. max position out of range »Page

E6205 »Page E6206 »Page E6207 »Page E6208 »Page E6209 »Page E6210 »Page

Param. X-iris min. pos. out of range »Page Param. X-iris max pos. out of range »Page Param. X-iris close pos. out of range »Page Param. X-iris full format pos. out of range »Page Param. X-iris zoom format pos. out of range »Page Param. X-iris cassette pos. out of range »Page

E6211 »Page

Param. brightness nom. value out of range »Page

E6212 »Page E6213 »Page

Param. kV/mA curve normal wrong »Page Param. kV/ma curve push wrong »Page

E6214 »Page

Param. settings for stop mode wrong »Page

E6215 »Page

Param. Limit. of skindoserate wrong »Page

E6216 »Page E6217 »Page E6218 »Page

Param. Buzzer/blocktime settings wrong »Page Param. Buzzer/blocktime settings wrong »Page Param. Buzzer/blocktime settings wrong »Page

E6219 »Page E6220 »Page

Param. Diamentor existing wrong »Page Param. Diamentor constant wrong »Page

E6221 »Page E6222 »Page

Param. Error log is wrong »Page Param. Laser existing is wrong »Page

E6223 »Page Param. Monitoring timeout is wrong »Page W6224 »Page Param. Test enable is wrong »Page E6225 »Page Param. Max error messages is wrong »Page E6231 »Page E6232 »Page E6233 »Page E6234 »Page E6235 »Page E6236 »Page

Param. TV-Iris not plausible »Page Param. Zoom area factor out of range »Page Param. MID-HIGH Factor out of range »Page Param. MID-LOW Factor out of range »Page Param. Adjustment mode out of range »Page Param. Settings for Stop parameter out of range »Page

E6240 »Page E6241 »Page

Param. Diamentor Resolution out of range »Page Param. Reference Location out of range »Page

E6250 »Page E6251 »Page E6252 »Page

Param. Slot D. rot. speed-l out of range »Page Param. Slot D. rot. speed-h out of range »Page Param. Slot D. rot. p-div. out of range »Page

E6253 »Page E6254 »Page E6255 »Page

Param. Slot D. o/c speed-l out of range »Page Param. Slot D. o/c speed-h out of range »Page Param. Slot D. o/c p-div. out of range »Page

E6256 »Page E6257 »Page E6258 »Page

Param. Cam. Rot speed low out of range »Page Param. Cam. Rot speed high out of range »Page Param. Cam. Rot p-divisor out of range »Page

E6259 »Page E6260 »Page E6261 »Page

Param. X-Iris speed low out of range »Page Param. X-Iris speed high out of range »Page Param. X-Iris p-divisor out of range »Page

E6262 »Page E6263 »Page E6264 »Page

Param. Cam. TV-Iris speed-l out of rang »Page Param. Cam. TV-Iris speed-h out of range »Page Param. Cam. TV-Iris p-div. out of range »Page

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EEProm access error messages E6301 »Page E6302 »Page E6303 »Page E6304 »Page E6305 »Page

EEProm reading error »Page EEProm writing error »Page EEProm reading blocked »Page EEProm writing blocked »Page EEProm writing failed »Page

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Host - Slot diaphragm motor driver error messages E7000 »Page E7001 »Page E7002 »Page E7003 »Page E7004 »Page E7005 »Page E7006 »Page E7008 »Page E7009 »Page E7010 »Page W7012 »Page W7013 »Page

Slot diaphragm movement blocked »Page Slot diaphragm movement blocked »Page Slot diaphragm movement to wrong direction »Page Slot diaphragm movement to wrong direction »Page Slot diaphragm incremental encoder out of range »Page Slot Dia. did not reach o/c target pos »Page . Slot diaphragm incremental encoder out of range »Page Slot diaphragm unexpected movement »Page Slot Diaphragm movement wrong position »Page Slot diaphragm, programmed limit exceeded »Page Slot Diaphragm o/c motor swinging »Page Slot Dia. o/c movement out of limits »Page

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Host - Slot diaphragm rotation motor driver error messages E7100 »Page E7101 »Page E7102 »Page E7103 »Page E7104 »Page E7105 »Page E7106 »Page E7108 »Page E7109 »Page E7110 »Page W7112 »Page W7113 »Page E7150 »Page E7151 »Page E7152 »Page

Slot diaphragm rotation blocked »Page Slot diaphragm rotation blocked »Page Slot diaphragm rotation to wrong direction »Page Slot diaphragm rotation to wrong direction »Page Slot diaphragm rotation actual value out of range »Page Slot Dia. did not reach rot. target pos »Page . Slot diaphragm rotation actual value out of range »Page Slot diaphragm rotation unexpected movement »Page Slot Diaphragm rotation wrong position »Page Slot diaphragm rotation limits exceeded »Page Slot Diaphragm rotation motor swinging »Page Slot Dia. rot. movement out of limits »Page Slot diaphragm rotation index not found »Page Slot diaphragm rotation 0 deg.. pos. not found »Page Slot diaphragm rotation unexpected position values »Page

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Host - Camera rotation motor driver error messages E7200 »Page E7201 »Page E7202 »Page E7203 »Page E7204 »Page E7205 »Page E7206 »Page E7208 »Page E7209 »Page E7210 »Page E7211 »Page W7212 »Page W7213 »Page

Camera rotation blocked »Page Camera rotation blocked »Page Camera rotation to wrong direction »Page Camera rotation to wrong direction »Page Camera rotation actual value out of range »Page Camera Rotation did not reach target pos »Page . Camera rotation actual value out of range »Page Camera rotation unexpected movement »Page Camera rotation wrong position »Page Camera rotation limits exceeded »Page Camera Rot. blocked during calibration »Page Camera Rotation motor swinging »Page Camera Rotation movement out of limits »Page

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Host - X-Iris motor driver error messages E7300 »Page E7301 »Page E7302 »Page E7303 »Page E7304 »Page E7305 »Page E7306 »Page E7308 »Page E7309 »Page E7310 »Page W7312 »Page W7313 »Page

X-Iris movement blocked »Page X-Iris movement blocked »Page X-Iris movement to wrong direction »Page X-Iris movement to wrong direction »Page X-Iris actual value out of range »Page X-Iris did not reach target position »Page X-Iris actual value out of range »Page X-iris unexpected movement »Page X-Iris wrong position »Page X-Iris limits exceeded »Page X-Iris motor swinging »Page X-Iris movement out of limits »Page

I7350 »Page I7351 »Page I7352 »Page E7353 »Page

X-Iris stored positions not plausible »Page X-Iris monitor display values not accessible »Page X-Iris stored position values not accessible »Page X-Iris, I.I. format not plausible »Page

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Host - TV-Iris motor driver error messages E7400 »Page E7401 »Page E7402 »Page E7403 »Page E7404 »Page E7405 »Page E7406 »Page E7408 »Page E7409 »Page W7410 »Page W7412 »Page W7413 »Page

TV-Iris movement blocked »Page TV-Iris movement blocked »Page TV-Iris movement to wrong direction »Page TV-Iris movement to wrong direction »Page TV-Iris actual value out of range »Page TV-Iris did not reach target position »Page TV-Iris actual value out of range »Page TV-Iris unexpected movement »Page TV-Iris wrong position »Page TV-Iris position out of limits »Page TV-Iris motor swinging »Page TV-Iris movement out of limits »Page

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Host - Videomed DC messages E8000 »Page W8002 »Page W8003 »Page E8005 »Page W8006 »Page E8007 »Page E8008 »Page E8020 »Page W8030 »Page E8031 »Page E8032 »Page E8033 »Page E8050 »Page

VID DC initialization timeout »Page VID DC receive error »Page VID DC Internal system error »Page VID DC camera mode not confirmed »Page VID DC internal system error »Page VID DC no data transfer possible »Page VID DC no data transfer possible »Page VID DC unknown error »Page VID DC internal system error »Page VID DC brightness nominal value wrong »Page VID DC brightness nominal value rejected »Page VID DC brightness nominal value wrong »Page VID DC, Service switch not in default position »Page

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Videomed DC messages W8500 »Page W8501 »Page W8502 »Page W8503 »Page E8510 »Page E8511 »Page E8512 »Page

VID DC parity error »Page VID DC Internal system error »Page VID DC Internal system error »Page VID DC Internal system error »Page VID DC act. brightness device error »Page VID DC manual gain out of range »Page VID DC black level out of range »Page

E8513 »Page E8514 »Page E8515 »Page E8516 »Page E8517 »Page E8518 »Page

VID DC video signal out of range »Page VID DC +5V digital out of range »Page VID DC -9V out of range »Page VID DC +5V analog out of range »Page VID DC +15V out of range »Page VID DC CCD sensor defective »Page

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Host - Radiation release control messages W9010 »Page W9011 »Page W9012 »Page W9013 »Page W9014 »Page W9015 »Page E9016 »Page E9017 »Page E9018 »Page E9019 »Page E9020 »Page E9021 »Page E9022 »Page W9023 »Page W9024 »Page

Radiation release conditions not allowed »Page Radiation release conditions not allowed »Page Radiation release conditions not allowed »Page Radiation release conditions not allowed »Page Radiation release conditions not allowed »Page Radiation release conditions not allowed »Page Obsolete error message »Page Obsolete error message »Page Obsolete error message »Page Obsolete error message »Page Obsolete error message »Page Obsolete error message »Page Radiation release conditions not allowed »Page Radiation release conditions not allowed »Page Radiation release conditions not allowed »Page

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Host - Collimator, slot diaphragm messages E9101 »Page E9102 »Page

Slot diaphragm lift magnet too hot »Page Slot diaphragm lift magnet test failed »Page

E9200 »Page W9201 »Page W9202 »Page E9301 »Page E9302 »Page E9303 »Page E9304 »Page E9305 »Page E9306 »Page E9307 »Page

Obsolete error message »Page Obsolete error message »Page Obsolete error message »Page Obsolete error message »Page Obsolete error message »Page Obsolete error message »Page Obsolete error message »Page Obsolete error message »Page Obsolete error message »Page Obsolete error message »Page

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Host - Diamentor messages E9701 »Page E9702 »Page

Diamentor High voltage error »Page Diamentor Wrong test value »Page

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Host - Power up message IFFFF »Page

Host - Power up message »Page

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Error E0001

User Console no communication to host

Possible trouble:

User console recognized that the serial port to the host does not work.


a) E0001 is stored in the error log, but not displayed at the user console: The control console is not working. b) E0001 is displayed on the control console: Host (D1) application software is not running. Host Service switch D1.S3.2 is in position 1 (only download Memoskop possible) or Host software is not downloaded. c) E001 + E6200 are displayed on the control console: No error, if D1 was exchanged and first time host SW downloaded.

Possible help:

a) E0001 is stored in the error log, but not displayed at the user console: Check the voltage supply of the control console. Check the wiring to the control console. Maybe control console defective. b) E0001 is displayed on the control console: Check D1.S3.2. In normal operation, it has to be set to position "0". Check D1, that the Host software is downloaded. Try download of the Host software. After download of the Host software switch system off and on. After reboot of the system, if the error message E6100 is

displayed, perform  KV Offset and Generator learning. After reboot of the system, if the error message E6200 is displayed, reload the parameters to the system. Check host 7-segment display (D1 board). Go to Contents view »Page

Error I0002 User Console internal info Possible trouble:

Internal dummy message

Possible help:

No action necessary

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Error W0003

User Console Internal watchdog reset

Possible trouble:

User Console recognized an internal watchdog reset

Possible help:

On sporadic entry in the error memory possibly faults in the system. Check power supply. Check User Console connector and wires. User Console defective.

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Error W0100

User Console ACK timeout

Possible trouble:

Host registered communication error of the User Console.

Possible help:

On sporadic entry in the error memory possibly faults in the system. Check connection cable to the User Console. Check power supply.

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Error W0101

User Console byte timeout

Possible trouble:

Host registered communication error of the User Console

Possible help:

On sporadic entry in the error memory possibly faults in the system. Check shieldings to the User Console. Check connection cable to the User Console. Check power supply.

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Error W0102

User Console receive timeout

Possible trouble:

Host registered communication error of the User Console

Possible help:

On sporadic entry in the error memory possibly faults in the system. Check connection cable to the User Console. Check power supply.

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Error E0103

User Console initialization timeout

Possible trouble:

Host registered a timeout of the User Console during initialization of the system.

Possible help:

Check power supply. Check connection cables to the User Console. User Console defective.

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Error W0110

User Console internal system error

Possible trouble:

Host registered an internal error. Host software problem

Possible help:

Internal debug message.

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Error W0111

User Console internal system error

Possible trouble:

Host registered an internal system error. Host software problem

Possible help:

Faults in the system, Internal debug message.

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Error W0113

User Console internal system error

Possible trouble:

Host registered a telegram with unknown contents. Host software problem.

Possible help:

Faults in the system. Internal debug message.

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Error W0115

User Console timeout

Possible trouble: times NAK-telegramn

User Console communication failure.

The User Console rejected data: 3

received from the User Console during X-ray. Possible help: Go to Contents view

Check for additional error messages

Error W0116

User Console timeout

Possible trouble: times NAK-telegramn

User Console communication failure.

The User Console rejected data: 3

received from the User Console during no X-ray. Possible help:

Check for additional error messages

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Error W0117

User Console timeout

Possible trouble: User Console communication failure. The User Console does not respond: 3 times no ACK-telegramn received from the User Console during X-ray. Possible help:

Check for additional error messages

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Error W0118

User Console timeout

Possible trouble: User Console communication failure. The User Console does not respond: 3 times no ACK-telegramn received from the User Console during no X-ray. Possible help:

Check for additional error messages

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Error I0119

Internal System Info

Possible trouble:

a) User Console button was pressed 2 times b) A button is defective

Possible help:

a) No action necessary b) Possibly User Console defective

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Error I0198

Internal System Info

Possible trouble:

Main system registered a LED mode state with an unkown contents

Possible help:

Check for additional error messages

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Error W1001

User console internal system error

Possible trouble:

Host registered an internal system error. Host software problem.

Possible help:

Faults in the system. Internal debug message.

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Error W1002

Cassette switch pressed during radiation

Possible trouble:

Cassette switch for direct exposure selection was pressed during radiation.

Possible help:

Operating error, Check cables to the cassette switch for insulation damage. Microswitch for direct exposure selection defective.

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Error W1003

Cassette switch released dur. radiation

Possible trouble:

Cassette switch for direct exposure selection was released during radiation.

Possible help:

Operating error, Cassette holder damaged mechanically. Check leads to the cassette switch for wire breakage. Microswitch for direct exposure selection defective.

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Error I1004

User console reserve keycode 1

Possible trouble:

Host registered reserved key code on the user console.

Possible help:

Sporadic: Communication error Host - User console. Maybe user console defective.

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Error I1005

User console reserve keycode 2

Possible trouble:

Host registered reserve key code on the user console.

Possible help:


Communication error Host - User console.

Maybe user console defective. Go to Contents view »Page created with Help to RTF file format converter

Error I1006

User console reserve keycode 3

Possible trouble:

Host registered reserve key code on the user console.

Possible help:

Sporadic: Communication error Host - User console. Maybe user console defective.

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Error I1007

User console unknown keycode

Possible trouble:

Host registered unknown keyboard code on the user console. Host software error.

Possible help:

Faults in the system. Internal debug message.

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Error I1008

User console ROADMAP pressed

Possible trouble:

Host registered pressed key ROADMAP on the user console, but no MEMOSKOP SUB present.

Possible help:

User fault, no error. Internal debug message.

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Error I1009

User console SUB pressed

Possible trouble:

Host registered pressed key SUB on the user console, but no MEMOSKOP SUB present.

Possible help:

User fault, no error. Internal debug message.

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Error W1010

Foot switch parameter wrong configurated

Possible trouble:

Host registered a wrong configurated Foot switch.

Programmed is a single pedal, but radiation was released from the second pedal. Possible help:

Check the parameter Foot switch and programme it to the correct type (single pedal / double pedal). See also Parameter overview »Page and Parameter Foot switch »Page .

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Error W1101

Operating system driver int. syst. error

Possible trouble:

Host registered internal system error in the operating system driver. Host software error.

Possible help:

Faults in the system. Internal debug message.

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Error W1102

Radiation release driver int. error

Possible trouble:

Host registered internal system error in the driver for radiation release. Host software error.

Possible help:

Faults in the system. Internal debug message.

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Error W1103

Gen. driver int. system error

Possible trouble:

Host registered internal system error in the host driver for the generator. Host software error.

Possible help:

Faults in the system. Internal debug message.

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Error W1104

Fluoro state machine int. system error

Possible trouble:

Host registered internal system error in the software control for the generator. Host software error.

Possible help:

Faults in the system. Internal debug message.

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Error W1105

DR state machine internal system error

Possible trouble:

Host registered internal system error in the software control for the generator. Host software error.

Possible help:

Faults in the system. Internal debug message.

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Error W1106

IDL state machine internal system error

Possible trouble:

Host registered internal system error in the software control for the generator. Host software error.

Possible help:

Faults in the system. Internal debug message.

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Error E1107

Videomed DC radiation release timeout

Possible trouble:

Host sends request for radiation release, but the Videomed DC does not answer.

Possible help:

Service switch of the Videomed DC in wrong position. Check power supply for Videomed DC. Videomed DC defective.

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Error E1108

Gen. learning internal system error

Possible trouble:

Host started generator learning and an internal system error occurred. Host software error.

Possible help:

Faults in the system. Execute generator learning once again.

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Error E1109

Dose adjustment internal system error

Possible trouble:

Host started routine for dose rate setting, and an internal system error occurred. Host software error.

Possible help:

Faults in the system. Perform dose rate setting once again.

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Error E1110

Cassette mode internal system error

Possible trouble:

Host registered internal system error in the software control for executing direct exposure. Software error D1

Possible help:

Faults in the system. Perform direct exposure selection once again.

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Error E1111

Acquisition mode internal system error

Possible trouble:

Host registered internal system error in the software control on querying the acquisition cable. Host software error.

Possible help:

Faults in the system, check shieldings.

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Error E1112

Cassette switch simulation int. error

Possible trouble:

Host started routine for simulation of the cassette switch, (direct exposure selection without attachment of the cassette holder), and an internal system error occurred. Host software error

Possible help:

Faults in the system. Perform simulation of the cassette switch once again.

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Error E1113

Operating mode not valid

Possible trouble:

Host registered invalid operating mode. Host software error.

Possible help:

Faults in the system.

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Error E1114

Gen. learning routine int. error

Possible trouble:

Host started routine for generator learning, and an internal system error occurred. Host software error

Possible help:

Faults in the system. Perform generator learning once again.

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Error W1115

Gen. learning user break

Possible trouble:

Host registered break of the generator learning service routine.

Possible help:

Operating error (radiation release switch let go during generator learning). Perform generator learning once again.

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Error E1116

Diamentor adjustment routine int. error

Possible trouble:

Host started service routine for Diamentor adjustment, (area dose product - measuring device) and an internal system error occurred. Host software error.

Possible help:

Faults in the system. Perform Diamentor adjustment once again.

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Error E1117

KV Offset adjustment routine int. error

Possible trouble:

Host started routine for setting the kV offset, and an internal system error occurred. Host software error.

Possible help:

Faults in the system. Perform kV offset adjustment once again.

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Error E1118

Memoskop timeout

Possible trouble:

Host registered Memoskop timeout.

Possible help:

Faults in the system. Internal debug message.

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Error E1119

Host - Memoskop dose reduction not received

Possible trouble:

Host did not receive the dose reduction from the Memoskop, but was waiting for.

Possible help:

Faults in the system. Internal debug message.

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Error E1120

RM state machine wrong state pointer

Possible trouble:

Host registered internal system error in the software control for the RM state machine. Internal system error.

Possible help:

Faults in the system. Internal debug message.

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Error E1121

SUB statemachine wrong state pointer

Possible trouble:

Host registered internal system error in the software control for the SUB statemachine. Internal system error.

Possible help:

Faults in the system. Internal debug message.

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Error E1122

3D statemachine wrong state pointer

Possible trouble:

Host registered internal system error in the software control for the 3D statemachine. Internal system error.

Possible help:

Faults in the system. Internal debug message.

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Error E1900 System initilization timeout Possible trouble:

System initialization has been not carried out because of internal timeout.

Possible help:

Check for additional error messages.

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Error E1920

System init. timeout motor control

Possible trouble:

A drive from the Slot Diaphragm, X-Iris, Camera-Iris or Camera Rotation is not correctly detected within 1 minute during boot up.

Possible help:

Check for additional error messages.

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Error W2000

Undefined processor interrupt

Possible trouble:

Host registered an undefined processor interrupt, hardware error D1.

Possible help:

Faults in the system. Internal debug message.

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Error E2001

System reboot after watchdog timeout

Possible trouble:

Host registered a system reboot, The watchdog on D1 triggered the reboot (system overload).

Possible help:

Faults in the system. Check power supply (voltage and ripple).

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Error I2002

Invalid acquisition end interrupt

Possible trouble:

Even though the Memoskop acq end line is not active, the host registers level changes on this line.

Possible help:

Faults in the system, check shieldings of the acq end line.

Check shieldings to the single tank. Check shieldings of the board D2. Check shieldings of the monitor carriage. Go to Contents view »Page

Error W2003

Serial port 0, invalid interrupt

Possible trouble:

The module for the serial interface to the Videomed DC and service registered an invalid interrupt.

Possible help:

Faults in the system, check shieldings of the serial interface. Possibly D1 defective.

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Error W2004

Serial port 1, invalid interrupt

Possible trouble:

The module for the serial interface to the console and to the Memoskop registered an invalid interrupt.

Possible help:

Faults in the system, check shieldings of the serial interfaces. Possibly D1 defective.

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Error E0112

User console does not answer

Possible trouble:

Host sent 3 telegrams to the user console, but this did not answer.

Possible help:

Check power supply. Check connection cable to the user console. Possibly user console or D1 defective.

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Error E2005

Videomed DC, ser. receive line error

Possible trouble:

The receive line has a constant level.

Possible help:

Check receive line between D1 and Videomed DC. Check service switches on D4. In normal use, all switches s1 to S8 should be set to OFF. Possibly D4 or D1 defective.

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Error E2006

Memoskop, ser. receive line error

Possible trouble:

The receive line has a constant level.

Possible help:

Check connector "X-Ray Interface" at the Memoskop. Check receive line between D1 and Memoskop. Check contact pins of connector X10 (Monitor cart cable) With installed option DICOM Bridge or 3D Reconstruction, check the Y-cable. Possibly wires broken. Possibly Memoskop or D1 defective.

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Error E2007 User console, ser. receive line error Possible trouble:

The receive line has a constant level.

Possible help:

Check receive line between D1 and user console. Possibly user console or D1 defective.

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Error W2008

Service, ser. receive line error

Possible trouble:

The receive line has a constant level.

Possible help:

Check receive line between D1 and service interface. Possibly service-PC, serial interface or D1 defective.

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Error E2010

Videomed DC, ser. port init not possible

Possible trouble:

The initialization of the serial interface D1 - Videomed DC is not possible.

Possible help:

D1 defective.

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Error E2011

Memoskop, ser. port init not possible

Possible trouble:

The initialization of the serial interface D1-Memoskop is not possible.

Possible help:

D1 defective.

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Error E2012

User console, ser. port init not possible

Possible trouble:

The initialization of the serial interface D1 - user console is not possible.

Possible help:

D1 defective.

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Error E2013

Service, serial port init not possible

Possible trouble:

The initialization of the serial interface D1 - service interface is not possible.

Possible help:

D1 defective.

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Error E2020

Internal system error

Possible trouble: .

Error queue overflow. Host software error. Overloaded system.

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Error E2021

Internal system error

Possible trouble:

Single shot task overflow (SSTASK queue overflow) System software failure

Possible help:

Check for additional error messages.

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Error W2030

User console serial port parity error

Possible trouble:

Host registered a parity error of the host serial port. (Host - User console)

Possible help:

Check shieldings. Check cables. Board D1 defective.

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Error W2031

User console serial port overflow error

Possible trouble:

Host registered an overflow error of the host serial port. (Host - User console)

Possible help:

Check shieldings. Check cables. Board D1 defective.

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Error W2032

User console serial port framing error

Possible trouble:

Host registered a framing error of the host serial port. (Host - User console)

Possible help:

Check shieldings. Check cables. Board D1 defective.

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Error W2033

Memoskop serial port parity error

Possible trouble:

Host registered a parity error of the Host serial port. (Host - Memoskop)

Possible help:

Check shieldings. Check cables. Board D1 defective.

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Error W2034

Memoskop serial port overflow error

Possible trouble:

Host registered an overflow error of the Host serial port. (Host - Memoskop)

Possible help:

Check shieldings. Check cables. Board D1 defective.

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Error W2035

Memoskop serial port framing error

Possible trouble:

Host registered a framing error of the Host serial port. (Host - Memoskop)

Possible help:

Check shieldings. Check cables.

Board D1 defective. Go to Contents view »Page

Error W2040

Host serial port buffer overflow

Possible trouble:

Host registered a buffer overflow of the host serial port. (Host - User console)

Possible help:

Internal system error Board D1 defective.

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Error W2041

Host serial port buffer overflow

Possible trouble:

Host registered a buffer overflow of the host serial port. (Host - Memoskop)

Possible help:

Internal system error Board D1 defective.

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Error F2050

Host - filament configuration failed

Possible trouble:

During power up, the filament configuration failed.

Possible help:

Board D1 defective.

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Error F2051

Host - filament code corrupted

Possible trouble:

During power up, the host registered a corrupted filament code.

Possible help:

Board D1 defective.

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Error F2052

GLUE control unit initialization error

Possible trouble:

During power up the configuration of the GLUE control unit failed (D1 board). The GLUE control software is part of the SIREMOBIL system software.

Possible help:

Restart the main system.

Press Reset button at the D1 board. Download GLUE software. Possibly D1 board defectiv. Go to Contents view »Page

Error F2053

GLUE configuration device error

Possible trouble:

GLUE configuration device (EPCSx) is defective. The GLUE control software is part of the SIREMOBIL system software.

Possible help:

Restart the main system. Press Reset button at the D1 board. Download GLUE software. Possibly D1 board defectiv.

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Error E2060

Host - ARC configuration failed

Possible trouble:

During power up, the ARC encoder (motor positioning system) configuration (Software code) failed.

Possible help:

Board D1 defective.

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Error E2061

Host - ARC code corrupted

Possible trouble:

During power up, the host registered a corrupted ARC encoder code. (Motor positioning system)

Possible help:

Try download. Board D1 defective.

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Error F2070

Host - ADC tests failed

Possible trouble:

The AD Converter configuration (Software code) failed.

Possible help:

Check the voltage supply M14 (+/-15V) Check cables from voltage supply M14 to board D1 M14 defective Board D1 defective.

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Error F2071

Host - ADC Busy too long

Possible trouble:

The AD Converter on board D1 did not deactivate the ADC busy signal. The analog signals cannot longer be digitalized.

Possible help:

Try download. Board D1 defective.

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Error E2080

Host - powerfail signal active during bootup

Possible trouble:

The powerfail signal was active during bootup.

Possible help:

Check powerfail signal wire (from power supply M14) Power supply M14 defective Board D1 defective.

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Error W2090

Missing ID device (D1 board)

Possible trouble:

ID device (D1 board hardware identifier) is missing.

Possible help:

No action is necessary, because the ID device is not used.

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Error W2091

ID device failure

Possible trouble:

A CRC failure occured during read of the ID device (D1 board hardware identifier).

Possible help:

No action is necessary, because the ID device is not used.

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Error F2105

Internal system error

Possible trouble:

System queue overflow. Host software error. Overloaded system.

Possible help:

Check for additional error messages

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Error F2106

Internal system error

Possible trouble:

Generator queue overflow Host software error Overloaded system

Possible help:

Check for additional error messages

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Error F2201

Internal system error

Possible trouble:

Host software error.

Possible help:

Check for additional error messages

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Error F2202

Internal system error

Possible trouble:

Host software error.

Possible help:

Check for additional error messages

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Error F2203

Internal system error

Possible trouble:

Host software error.

Possible help:

Check for additional error messages

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Error F2204

Internal system error

Possible trouble:

Invalid S-task reference

Possible help:

Check for additional error messages

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Error F2205 Internal system error Possible trouble:

Invalid D-task reference

Possible help:

Check for additional error messages

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Error F2206

Internal system error

Possible trouble:

Host software error.

Possible help:

Check for additional error messages

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Error F2207

Internal system error

Possible trouble:

Host software error.

Possible help:

Check for additional error messages

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Error F2401

Internal system error

Possible trouble:

Host software error.

Possible help:

Check for additional error messages

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Error F2402

Internal system error

Possible trouble:

Host software error.

Possible help:

Check for additional error messages

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Error F2403

Internal system error

Possible trouble:

Host software error.

Possible help:

Check for additional error messages

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Error F2404

Internal system error

Possible trouble:

Host software error.

Possible help:

Check for additional error messages

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Error F2405

Internal system error

Possible trouble:

Host software error.

Possible help:

Check for additional error messages

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Error F2406

Internal system error

Possible trouble:

Host software error.

Possible help:

Check for additional error messages

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Error F2407

Internal system error

Possible trouble:

Host software error.

Possible help:

Check for additional error messages

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Error F2408

Internal system error

Possible trouble:

Host software error.

Possible help:

Check for additional error messages

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Error W2600

Elapsed time meter initialization error

Possible trouble:

New board D1: no fault.

Possible help:

no action necessary.

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Error W2601

Elapsed time meter uncorrectable error

Possible trouble:

The elapsed time meter is uncorrectable deleted. It will be set to 0.

Possible help:

Sporadic: no action necessary. Permanent: board D1 defective.

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Error E2601

Elapsed time meter uncorrectable error

Possible trouble:

The elapsed time meter is uncorrectable deleted. It will be set to 0.

Possible help:

Sporadic: no action necessary. Permanent: board D1 defective.

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Error W2602

Elapsed time meter correctable error

Possible trouble:

If the SIREMOBIL is switched off exactly at the time when the elapsed time meter was updated, this error comes up.

Possible help:

no action necessary.

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Error E2603

EEProm area for Elapsed time meter defective

Possible trouble:

The EEProm area for the Elapsed time meter is defective.

Possible help:

Sporadic: no action necessary Permanent: Board D1 defective.

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Error W2604

Elapsed time meter writing not more possible

Possible trouble:

After an elapsed time of more than 83200 hours, the elapsed time meter stops. That is necessary because the maximum EEProm write cycles are reached.

Possible help:

no action necessary.

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Error W2700

Host - powerfail signal active (sporadic)

Possible trouble:

The powerfail signal was active for less than 300ms.

Possible help:

Check mains powerline. Check connector X10. Check power supply M14. Check powerfail wire and it´s connector pins.

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Error F28zz

Delay task internal debug messages

Possible trouble:

This group of error messages (from w2800 to W2899) are internal debug messages.

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Error F29zz

Delay task internal debug messages

Possible trouble:

This group of error messages (from W2900 to W2999) are internal debug messages.

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Error W4009

Internal system error

Possible trouble:

Host registered internal system error in the software control for the communication with the Memoskop. Host software error.

Possible help:

Faults in the system. Internal debug message.

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Error E4013

Memoskop acq timeout

Possible trouble:

Host registered timeout of the Acq end task.

Possible help:

Faults in the system. Internal debug message. Sporadic error messages 4013 + 4028 with MEMOSKOP CX-200 and software version up to and including VD01A are caused by a SW bug. Update software to VD01B (SP026/07/P) or higher.

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Error W4016

Memoskop wait telegram timeout

Possible trouble:

Host registered timeout of the wait telegram task.

Possible help:

Faults in the system. Internal debug message.

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Error E4017

Memoskop busy signal timeout

Possible trouble:

Host registered timeout of the busy telegram task,

Possible help:


Faults in the system. Memoskop timing too slow. Continuous: D1 - Memoskop software version not compatible Memoskop defective.

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Error E4018

Memoskop acq start signal timeout

Possible trouble:

Host registered timeout of the acquisition start signal task.

Possible help:


Faults in the system. Memoskop overloaded. Continuous: D1 - Memoskop software version not compatible Check timing between Memoskop start signal (D1.X10.27) and Memoskop acquisition signal (D1.X10.26). Time offset must be < 40 ms (in fluoroscopy). Possibly Memoskop or D1 defective.

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Error W4020

Memoskop send timeout

Possible trouble:

Host registered timeout of the send task.

Possible help:

Faults in the system. Internal debug messages.

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Error E4021

Memoskop does not answer

Possible trouble:

Host has tried to send a telegram to the Memoskop for three time, but he got no answer. Host repeats a task 3 times, error E4021 is then

entered. Verification:

a) Error 4021 is displayed and no additional error messages are displayed: Connection Memoskop - Host D1 is OK (20mA serial current loop is OK). Sporadically the MEMOSKOP does not answer.

  b) Error E4021 + E4024 are displayed: Connection Memoskop - Host is OK (20mA serial current loop is OK). Memoskop system is not running. c) Error E4021 + E4024 + E2006 are displayed: Connection Memoskop - Host not OK (20mA serial current loop is open).

d) Error E4021 without E4024 is displayed after power on.

Possible help:

a) Error E4021 is displayed, no additional error message is displayed: 1. Check for bad connected shieldings. Tube arcing? If MEMOSKOP software Version VC02A is installed, download a newer MEMOSKOP software version. 2. If the MEMOSKOP C / CE 100 / C-MOD / C-SUB / C-SUB or C-SUB-MOD was replaced, try "Erase Harddisk" (MEMOSKOP, Technical setup, menu "Diagnostics" - "Erase Harddisk") NOTE: Ask your customer before you start erasing! All images will be lost! b) Error E4021 + E4024 are displayed: Check MEMOSKOP software version, if still possible. Try download MEMOSKOP software. c) Error E4021 + E4024 + E2006 are displayed: Check the wires and connectors of the serial current loop between MEMOSKOP and Host D1. d) Error E4021 without E4024 is displayed after power on: Could be caused by wrong Diamentor configuration; e.g. MEMOSKOP C-

E, C-E100, C or SUB is used with 0.01 cGy cm^2 Diamentor resolution. Go to Contents view »Page

Error E4024

Memoskop initialization timeout

Possible trouble:

Host registered a timeout of the Memoskop during the initialization of the system Waiting time for the Memoskop reporting exceeded.

Possible help:

Check the reset switch at the Memoskop. With installed option "DICOM Bridge" or "3D Reconstruction": - Check the programmed Bridge delay (Memoskop Technical setup). If present, disconnect the external "SCSI" cable from the Memoskop. Disconnect the "X-Ray Interface" cable from the Memoskop. Reboot the Memoskop. - If the Memoskop is still not working, try Download of the Memoskop. - Possibly Memoskop defective. - If the Memoskop is working, possibly D1 defective. Additional info: See Memoskop Service software help file, "Check

communication". Go to Contents view »Page

Error E4025

Memoskop CX-200 PC initialization timeout

Possible trouble:

If the boot up of the MEMOSKOP CX-200 integrated PC is not finished

within 120 seconds (host sw VB01K, VB02A, VC00A) or within 300 seconds (all other host sw versions) after power on, this error message is diplayed. Possible help: book) temporarily unplug

- Plug the adapter included with delivery (15-pin SUB-D plug, included in log into the "Printer" socket of the MEMOSKOP CX200. If necessary, the remote cable from the printer beforehand. NOTE: On this adapter, pin 15 is connected to pin 10. This causes the messages of the integrated PC (BIOS and WINDOWS XP

messages), which are normally suppressed, to be displayed on monitor B during booting. - Switch on the system. 1.

E4025 occurs always AND MEMOSKOP CX-200 integrated PC

does not boot (boot up procedure can not be followed on the monitor). => Replace MEMOSKOP CX-200, also see the description "Checking the integrated PC »Page ". 2.

E4025 occurs always AND the boot up procedure of the PC can be

followed on the monitor without error messages (i.e. boot up is running but takes longer than 120 or 300 seconds. The MEMOSKOP CX-200 is running in "Minimum Mode"; see description MEMOSKOP CX-200 "Minimum Mode »Page "). - Wait for about 1 minute after error message E4025 occurs. - Start the Technical Setup (press "CTRL" + "T" simultaneously). - Start the license check manually by pressing "CTRL" + "K" simultaneously. (a) MEMOSKOP CX-200 is still running in "Minimum Mode". => Replace MEMOSKOP CX-200. (b) MEMOSKOP CX-200 is running in normal mode (i.e. MEMOSKOP is not defective, but boot up takes longer than 120 or 300 seconds). => Search reason for time delay (check IP configuration; check the date in the MEMOSKOP CX-200 (wrong date may cause time delay during boot up, e.g. year "2037")). 3.

E4025 occurs sporadically (i.e. MEMOSKOP is not defective, but

boot up takes sometimes longer than 120 or 300 seconds. The MEMOSKOP CX200 is running in "Minimum Mode »Page ". => Check IP configuration. => Check the date in the MEMOSKOP CX-200 (wrong date may cause time delay during boot up, e.g. year "2037"). => Check messages on the monitor during boot up for warnings/

errors (e.g. DLLfailure => reinstall the MEMOSKOP C-X200 integrated PC operating system). Go to Contents view »Page created with Help to RTF file format converter

Error W4027

Memoskop unexpected reset

Possible trouble:

Host registered unexpected reset of the Memoskop.

Possible help:

Memoskop has reset itself independently. Faults in the system. Check Memoskop. Check connection cables to the Memoskop.

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Error E4028

Memoskop unexpected acq end signal

Possible trouble:

Host registered unexpected acq end signal of the Memoskop.

Possible help:

For failure investigation check the error log for additional error messages. Check faults on the Memoskop acquisition cable (D1.X10.27). Check Memoskop. Check connection cables to the Memoskop.

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Error E4029

Memoskop unexpected acq. reset

Possible trouble:

Host registered unexpected acq. reset

Possible help:

Check faults on the Memoskop acquisition cable (D1.X10.27). Check Memoskop. Check connection cables to the Memoskop.

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Error E4030

Memoskop acq. active without start signal

Possible trouble:

Host registered acq. signal, before start signal is active.

Possible help:

Check faults on the Memoskop acquisition cable (D1.X10.27). Check Memoskop. Check connection cables to the Memoskop.

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Error E4031

Memoskop acq. too short time active

Possible trouble:

Host registered the acq. signal, but only for a too short time. (10% below the calculated time)

Possible help:

Check faults on the Memoskop acquisition cable (D1.X10.27). Check Memoskop. Check connection cables to the Memoskop.

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Error W4032

Memoskop acq. too short time active

Possible trouble:

Host registered the acq. signal, but only for a too short time. (10% below the calculated time)

Possible help:

Following error. Check for additional VIDEOMED DC errors (e.g. E8000)

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Error E4040

Memoskop acq. active dur. initialization

Possible trouble:

Host registered active level on the acquisition line of the Memoskop.

Possible help:

Check faults on the Memoskop acquisition line (D1.X10.27). Check Memoskop. Check connection cables to the Memoskop.

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Error E4041 Memoskop init error (Digital Img. Rotation) Possible trouble:

MEMOSKOP initialization error because of digital image rotation failure. The MEMOSKOP is not able to do the digital image rotation. Wrong MEMOSKOP configuration.

Possible help:

Check the parameter "Digital Image Rotation".

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Error I4501

Memoskop disk transfer time too long

Possible trouble:

Memoskop registered a timeout during the image transfer of the harddisk drive.

Possible help:

Memoskop harddisk drive or harddisk controller busy or defective Check Memoskop. Check connection cables to the Memoskop.

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Error I4507

Memoskop no stored images

Possible trouble:

There are no stored images, but the operator tied to select one.

Possible help:

no fault, no action necessary.

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Error W4601

Memoskop no HS_ACK within timeout period

Possible trouble:

The Memoskop registered a timeout of the signal HS_ACK.

Possible help:

Sporadic: timing problems Memoskop - Host. Continuos: check cables to Memoskop.

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Error W4602

Memoskop realtime clock malfunction

Possible trouble:

The realtime clock sent a wrong date or time.

Possible help:

Set the realtime clock, date and time to the correct values. If not possible, Memoskop defective.

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Error W4603

Memoskop disk store was not successful

Possible trouble:

MEMOSKOP CX-200 registered a temporary hard disk drive problem. NOTE: The image is not stored.

Possible help:

Occurs sporadic: Check the error log, how often the error is registered. If several time a day or also E4703 »Page is registered, Memoskop is

defective. Occurs continuous: Memoskop is defective. Go to Contents view »Page

Error W4606

Memoskop disk full

Possible trouble:

The harddisk drive is full, all stored images are protected.

Possible help:

Unprotect images.

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Error E4701

Memoskop corrupted patient directory

Possible trouble:

The Memoskop registered a corrupted patient directory,

Possible help:

Normal after download of the Memoskop. Format harddisk drive. (see Memoskop technical setup, CTRL + T)

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Error E4702

Memoskop hardcopy timeout error

Possible trouble:

With Viking interface: The Memoskop registered a viking interface hardcopy timeout failure

Possible help:

Select the Memoskop Technical Setup (CTRL + T) and programme the Viking interface to "NO".

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Error E4703

Memoskop harddisk drive error

Possible trouble:

The Memoskop registered a harddisk drive problem.

Possible help:

Try erase of the MEMOSKOP harddisk. Note: Ask your customer before you start erasing ! All images will be lost ! Memoskop defective.

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Error E4704

Memoskop hardware error

Possible trouble:

The Memoskop registered a internal hardware error.

Possible help:

Memoskop defective.

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Error E4705

Memoskop harddisk drive not ready

Possible trouble:

The Memoskop registered a harddisk drive problem.

Possible help:

Operator fault. If the image transfer buttons or the "All Pat" button were

pressed during startup of the Memoskop, this error comes up. Wait till the SIREMOBIL initialization is finished completely. ( > 30 seconds) Go to Contents view »Page

Error E4709

Memoskop battery ram failed

Possible trouble:

During the selftest, the Memoskop registered a battery ram error. The Memoskop parameters will be set to the default values.

Possible help:

Sporadic: check the Memoskop parameters. Continuos: Memoskop defective.

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Error E4710

Memoskop D/A 1 LUT error

Possible trouble:

During the selftest, the Memoskop registered a digital to analog converter (Monitor A video output) failure.

Possible help:

Memoskop defective.

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Error E4711

Memoskop D/A 1 0V error

Possible trouble:

During the selftest, the Memoskop registered a digital to analog converter (Monitor A video output) failure.

Possible help:

Memoskop defective.

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Error E4712

Memoskop D/A 2 LUT error

Possible trouble:

During the selftest, the Memoskop registered a digital to analog converter (Monitor B video output) failure.

Possible help:

Memoskop defective.

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Error E4713

Memoskop D/A 2 0V error

Possible trouble:

During the selftest, the Memoskop registered a digital to analog converter (Monitor B video output) failure.

Possible help:

Memoskop defective.

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Error E4714

Memoskop D/A 3 LUT error

Possible trouble:

During the selftest, Memoskop registered a digital to analog converter failure. (Hardcopy / Video tape recorder video output)

Possible help:

Memoskop defective.

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Error E4715

Memoskop D/A 3 0V error

Possible trouble:

During the selftest, the Memoskop registered a digital to analog converter failure. (Hardcopy / Video tape recorder video output)

Possible help:

Memoskop defective.

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Error E4716

Memoskop memory 1 access failure

Possible trouble:

During the selftest, the Memoskop registered a memory access failure.

Possible help:

Memoskop defective.

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Error E4717

Memoskop memory 1 LSN access failure

Possible trouble:

During the selftest, the Memoskop registered a memory access failure.

Possible help:

Memoskop defective.

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Error E4718

Memoskop memory 2 access failure

Possible trouble:

During the selftest, the Memoskop registered a memory access failure.

Possible help:

Memoskop defective.

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Error E4719

Memoskop memory 3 access failure

Possible trouble:

During the selftest, the Memoskop registered a memory access failure.

Possible help:

Memoskop defective.

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Error E4720

Memoskop no response from 3D PC

Possible trouble:

The MEMOSKOP registered an communication error with the 3D PC

Possible help:

Is the 3D PC running? Check the 3D PC and restart the system. Check connectors MEMOSKOP - 3D PC

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Error E4721

Memoskop communication error with 3D PC

Possible trouble:

The MEMOSKOP received an unknown or corrupted telegram code

Possible help:

Check the cables and shieldings.

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Error E4722

Memoskop disk read or write error in 3D mode

Possible trouble: times)

The MEMOSKOP registered a harddisk drive problem during 3D mode (3

Possible help:

MEMOSKOP defective.

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Error E4723

Memoskop memory allocation error in 3D mode

Possible trouble:

Internal software error

Possible help: Go to Contents view »Page

Error E4724

Memoskop, error message from 3D PC received

Possible trouble:

The 3D PC reported an error message.

Possible help:

Check the error log files of the 3D PC

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Error E4730

Memoskop CX-200 missing license

Possible trouble:

During boot up of the MEMOSKOP CX-200 the license is checked for availability and plausibility. If the license file is missing or wrong, this error message is displayed.

Possible help:

- Check the presence of the license file. - Reinstall the license file.


The license file is available on the license CD-R and also stored on the backup CD-R (Log book). See SIREMOBIL Compact L Service Instructions SPR2-130.840.01.02.02 (or newer rev. level of the document)

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Error E4731

Memoskop CX-200 missing dongle


During the boot up of the MEMOSKOP CX-200 the dongle is checked. If the dongle is missing or not working properly, this error message is displayed and the Memoskop is only working in the "Minimum Mode »Page

". The text "Minimum Mode »Page " is visible for the user at the upper-left corner of the life monitor. Possible trouble:

- The dongle is not present. - The dongle has no or bad contact to the USB port. - The dongle is defective. - The MEMOSKOP CX-200 integrated PC operating system is not working properly.

Possible help:

- Check the presence of the dongle. - Check the dongle of proper contact to the USB port. - Check the dongle, if connected to the correct USB port ("n.c." port). - Check the dongle; see description "Checking the Dongle »Page ". - Try reloading the license; see description "Checking the License »Page ". - Check the MEMOSKOP CX-200 integrated PC; see description "Checking the integrated PC »Page ".

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Error E4732

Memoskop license error


During the boot up phase of the MEMOSKOP CX-200, this error

is normal, if the MEMOSKOP CX-200 "Minimum Mode" is active and the user is selecting an operating mode (DR / PFC or SUB). See description MEMOSKOP CX "Minimum Mode »Page ". The text "Minimum Mode" is visible for the user at the upper-left corner of the life monitor. Possible trouble:

- During the boot up phase of the MEMOSKOP CX-200, the user activated an operating mode DR, PFC or SUB. - The MEMOSKOP CX-200 is running only in the "Minimum Mode" and  the user activated an operating mode DR, PFC or SUB. See description MEMOSKOP CX "Minimum Mode »Page ".

Possible help:

If this error is displayed, based on the selection of an operating mode DR, PFC or SUB, during the boot up phase of the MEMOSKOP CX200 (see description MEMOSKOP CX-200 "Minimum Mode »Page "), please inform the user, that the error can be ignored. The error can be quitted from the user (radiation release key or > 0< key). See description in the user manual, register 2. After the correct boot up of the MEMOSKOP CX-200 the system is working properly.

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Error F4808

Memoskop harddisk drive image datas lost

Possible trouble:

The Memoskop harddisk drive lost image datas.

Possible help:

Memoskop defective.

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Error F4809

Memoskop battery ram failed

Possible trouble:

The Memoskop battery ram test failed. All user parameters will be set to the default values.

Possible help:

Sporadic: The user setup must be programmed new. Continuos: Memoskop defective.

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Error E4999

Host received telegram with wrong error class

Possible trouble:

The Host received a telegram with wrong error class.

Possible help:

Fault in the system Internal debug message

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Error W5000

Gen. Cassette exposure user break

Possible trouble:

During direct exposure, the radiation switch was released.

Possible help:

Operating error or radiation switch (hand switch) defective. Check cable of the handswitch.

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Error W5001

Gen. mAs actual value too low

Possible trouble:

In direct exposure, despite maximum exposure time, the selected mAs value was not reached, or the exposure was ended prematurely.

Possible help:

Check line resistance. Operating error.

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Error W5002

Gen. Sirephos temp. out of range

Possible trouble:

Single tank temperature outside the valid range.

Possible help:

In combination with E5015: Check temperature sensor cable for breakage. In combination with E5016: Check temperature sensor cable for short circuit. Possibly hardware error D1.

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Error F5003

Gen. ref. voltage +10V out of range

Possible trouble:

The reference voltage +10V for the analog circuits of the generator deviate by more than 1 % from the nominal value.

Possible help:

Check +15V power supply on board D1. D1 defective.

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Error F5004

Gen. Uz ist out of range

Possible trouble:

The unregulated intermediate circuit voltage is outside +200V to +320V.

Possible help:

Check voltage Uz on board D1. Measuring divider: 50 V corresponds to 1 V line voltage wrongly programmed on transformer T1. Check fuse D2/F1 and D2/F2.

D1 defective. D2 defective. Go to Contents view »Page

Error E5005

Gen. tried X-Ray on without LIH signal

Possible trouble:

Generator attempts radiation without active LIH signal.

Possible help:

Hardware error on board D1.

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Error E5006

Gen. tried X-Ray on without SS relais

Possible trouble:

Generator attempts radiation with SS relay switched off.

Possible help:

D1, switch S2 in wrong position. D1 defective.

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Error E5007

Gen. IH max exceeded

Possible trouble:

Generator exceeded maximum filament current.

Possible help:

Actual value acquisition on D1 defective. D1 defective. D2 defective. Sirephos defective (filament transformer).

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Error F5010

Gen. filament inverter short circuit

Possible trouble:

Filament circuit inverter has short circuit.

Possible help:

Filament circuit defective (board D2).

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Error F5011

Gen. main inverter short circuit

Possible trouble:

Main inverter has short circuit.

Possible help:

Main inverter defective (board D2).

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Error F5012

Gen. kV max exceeded

Possible trouble:

The maximum KV values were exceeded.

Possible help:

KV actual value acquisition defective (board D1). Possibly board D2 defective. Oscilloscope + KV and - KV. Values must be symmetrical. (Measuring divider: 10 KV corresponds to 1 V). With asymmetric KV values check actual value cables, possibly Sirephos defective.

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Error F5013

Gen. +15 V or -15 V out of range

Possible trouble:

The +15V or -15V power supply of the generator is outside the tolerance band.

Possible help:

Check +15V and -15V power supply. Switching power supply defective. Check supply lines of the power supply to board D1. D1 defective.

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Error F5014

Gen. Sirephos max oil pressure exceeded

Possible trouble:

The oil pressure switch on the Sirephos has responded.

Possible help:

Temperature of the Sirephos too high. Check oil pressure switch. Check cables to the oil pressure switch. In the case of defective oil pressure switch, replace the Sirephos. Monitoring of the oil pressure switch defective (board D1).

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Error E5015

Gen. Sirephos temp. lower limit obtained

Possible trouble:

Single tank temperature lower temperature range not reached (< 5 deg. Celsius).

Possible help:

In combination with E5002: Check temperature sensor cable for interruption. Temperature of the Sirephos < 5 deg. Celsius - unallowable operating temperature.

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Error E5016

Gen. Sirephos max temp. exceeded

Possible trouble:

Single tank temperature maximum temperature range exceeded (> 75 deg. Celsius).

Possible help:

In combination with E5002: Check temperature sensor cable for short circuit. Temperature acquisition defective (board D1).

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Error W5017

Gen. Sirephos temp. fast level change

Possible trouble:

Temperature acquisition on D1 registered abrupt temperature changes.

Possible help:

Wrongly determined AD value. Possibly D1 defective.

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Error E5018

Gen. kV offset below lower limit

Possible trouble:

The KV offset is below the valid value range.

Possible help:

Perform automatic KV offset adjustment or generator learning. If unsuccessful: D1 or D2 defective.

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Error E5019

Gen. kV/mA courve selection, int. error

Possible trouble:

Generator registered the selection of an inadmissible KV/mA curve.

Possible help:

Check parameters for KV/ma curves. D1 defective.

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Error F5030

Gen. tube current actual value too high

Possible trouble:

Actual tube current (Iroe_ist) too high.

Possible help:

Sirephos tube arcing, Sirephos no longer high-voltage-proof. Measure Iroe_ist at D1."mA". Check actual value cables.


Measured value acquisition on D1 defective. Sirephos defective. Go to Contents view »Page

Error F5031

Gen. tube current actual value too low

Possible trouble:

Actual tube current (Iroe_ist) too low.

Possible help:

Measure Iroe_ist at D1. "mA". Check actual value cables. Measured value acquisition on D1 defective. Check filament circuit cables (short circuit or interruption). Sirephos defective.

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Error F5032

Gen. high voltage actual value too high

Possible trouble:

Actual high voltage (sum voltage KV I) too high.

Possible help:

Try KV offset adjustment »Page / Generator adjustment »Page . Measure KV I at D1 (measuring divider 20 kV corresponds to 1 V). Measured value acquisition on D1 defective. Oscilloscope + KV and - KV. Values must be symmetrical (measuring divider: 10 KV corresponds to 1 V). With asymmetrical KV values, check actual value cables, possibly Sirephos defective.

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Error F5033

Gen. high voltage actual value too low

Possible trouble:

Actual high voltage (KV I) too low.

Possible help:

Try KV offset adjustment »Page / Generator adjustment »Page . Measure KV I at D1. Check actual value cables. Measured value acquisition on D1 defective. Check line resistance. Check connection terminals. Sirephos defective.

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Error E5034

Gen. IH actual value too high (standby)

Possible trouble:

Actual filament current (IH_ist) in standby mode too high.

Possible help:

Measure IH_ist at D1. Faults in the system. Check actual value cables. Measured value acquisition on D1 defective.

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Error E5035

Gen. IH actual value too low (standby)

Possible trouble:

Actual filament current (IH_ist) in standby mode too low.

Possible help:

Measure IH_ist at D1. Check actual value cables. Measured value acquisition on D1 defective, possibly D2 defective. Filament broken.

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Error E5080

Gen. learning pushfactor out of tolerance

Possible trouble:

During generator learning a pushfactor value out of the tolerance limits was set.

Possible help:

Check the kV offset adjustment. Switch off the unit and repeat generator learning. possibly D2 defective.

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Error E5081

Gen. learning internal error

Possible trouble:

During generator learning the internal exposure counter was uncorrect set.

Possible help:

Internal software error. Switch off the unit and repeat generator learning. possibly D2 defective.

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Error E5090

Gen. Videomed DC not available

Possible trouble:

Generator recognized Videomed DC error. If the Videomed DC is defective and no contact to it is possible, this error will be stored after each radiation.

Possible help:

For failure investigations, check the error log for additional

error messages. Check Power supply Videomed DC. Check Videomed DC serial port. Videomed DC defective. Go to Contents view »Page

Error F5099

Obsolete error message

Possible trouble:

Error message belongs to an obsolete sw version

Possible help:

Check the version of the service program

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Error F5901

Gen. tried X-Ray on without XRAY_query signal

Possible trouble:

Generator attempts radiation but the signal XRAY_query was not present. Software error D1.

Possible help:

Faults in the system. Sirephos defective D1 defective.

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Error E6000

Error log is not initialized

Possible trouble:

D1 is new and EEProm is empty. Normal after change of the Board D1.

Possible help:

After exchange of the board D1: no actions necessary. Continuos: Change board D1.

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Error W6001

Error log, reading error

Possible trouble:

EEProm error log could not be read.

Possible help:

Sporadic : timing problem, no actions necessary. Continuous: change board D1.

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Error W6002

Error log, writing error

Possible trouble:

Error datas could not be written and stored in the EEProm.

Possible help:

Sporadic : timing problem, no actions necessary. Continuous: change board D1.

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Error W6003

Error log, end marking not found

Possible trouble:

EEProm error log end marking was not found. The error log will be reorganized. Maybe the error log is lost.

Possible help:

Sporadic : timing problem, no actions necessary. Continuous: change board D1.

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Error W6004

Error log, checksum error

Possible trouble:

EEProm error log checksum is not correct. The error log will be reorganized. Maybe the error log datas are lost.

Possible help:

Sporadic : timing problem, no actions necessary. Continuous: change board D1.

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Error W6005

Error log, correctable error

Possible trouble:

EEProm error log recognized a correctable error. The error log will be reorganized. No error datas will be lost.

Possible help:

Sporadic : Power off during writing to the error log. No actions necessary.

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Error W6006

Error log, error could not be registrated

Possible trouble:

An error could not be registrated and could not be stored in the error log. This error datas will be lost.

Possible help:

Sporadic : timing problems, no actions necessary.

Continuous: change D1. Go to Contents view »Page

Error W6007

Error log, EEProm blocked

Possible trouble:

An error could not be registrated and could not be stored in the error log. This error datas will be lost.

Possible help:

Software corrupted or software error Try download.

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Error E6008

Error log, EEProm write failed

Possible trouble:

An error could not be stored in the error log. This error datas will be lost.

Possible help:

Board D1 defective

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Error E6009

Error log, EEProm write failed

Possible trouble:

An error could not be stored in the error log. This error comes up, if the error E6008 could not be stored in the error log.

Possible help:

Board D1 defective

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Error E6100

Generator needs learning

Possible trouble:

The following generator learning datas are invalid: . kV offset. Push factor, Filament heating factor.

Possible help:

Start Generator learning.

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Error E6101

Generator, kV offset out of range

Possible trouble:

The kV offset is out of range .

Possible help:

Start Generator learning.

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Error E6102

Generator, push factor out of range

Possible trouble:

The push factor is out of range .

Possible help:

Start Generator learning.

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Error E6103

Generator, filament heating factor out of range

Possible trouble:

The kV offset is out of range .

Possible help:

Start Generator learning.

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Error E6110

Infodata checksum error

Possible trouble:

The infodata checksum , stored in the EEProm is wrong.

Possible help:

Sporadic : timing problems, no actions necessary. Continuous: change D1.

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Error E6150

Parameter checksum error (block 2)

Possible trouble:

The EEProm checksum for the parameter block 2 is wrong

Possible help:

Check, if the error message E6200 »Page is in the error log nearby. If E6200: see decription of E6200 »Page . if no E6200: Host software download was done from software version VB01K or less (= without air kerma parameters) to software version VB02A or greater (= with air kerma parameters). See UI "SP 022/ 06/ P".

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Error E6200

Parameter checksum error

Possible trouble:

The EEProm checksum for the parameter area is wrong

Possible help:

Load / reload parameter file to EEProm. If not possible: change D1. See also Parameter overview »Page

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Error E6201

Parameter Camera rotation -180 deg. out of range

Possible trouble:

The EEProm data for camera rotation -180 degree position is out of range.

Possible help:

Adjust / readjust camera rotation. Camera rotation mechanic faults. Camera actual value uncorrect (potentiometer...) Maybe D1 defective. See also Parameter overview »Page

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Error E6202

Parameter Camera rotation 0 deg. out of range

Possible trouble:

The EEProm data for camera rotation 0 degree position is out of range.

Possible help:

Adjust / readjust camera rotation. Camera rotation mechanic faults. Camera actual value uncorrect (potentiometer...) Maybe D1 defective. See also Parameter overview »Page

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Error E6203

Parameter Camera rotation +180 deg. out of range

Possible trouble:

The EEProm data for camera rotation +180 degree position is out of range.

Possible help:

Adjust / readjust camera rotation. Camera rotation mechanic faults. Camera actual value uncorrect (potentiometer...) Maybe D1 defective. See also Parameter overview »Page

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Error E6204

Parameter Camera rotation max position out of range

Possible trouble:

The EEProm data for camera rotation maximum position (+220 degree position / -220 degree position) is out of range.

Possible help:

Adjust / readjust camera rotation. Camera rotation mechanic faults.

Camera actual value uncorrect (potentiometer...) Maybe D1 defective. See also Parameter overview »Page Go to Contents view »Page

Error E6205

Parameter X-iris minimal position out of range

Possible trouble:

The EEProm data for x-iris minimal position (mechanical end position) is out of range.

Possible help:

Adjust / readjust x-iris X-iris mechanic faults. X-iris actual value not correct (potentiometer...) Maybe D1 defective. See also Parameter overview »Page

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Error E6206

Parameter X-iris maximum position out of range

Possible trouble:

The EEProm data for x-iris maximum position (mechanical end position) is out of range.

Possible help:

Adjust / readjust x-iris. X-iris mechanic faults. X-iris actual value not correct (potentiometer...) Maybe D1 defective. See also Parameter overview »Page

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Error E6207

Parameter X-iris close position out of range

Possible trouble:

The EEProm data for x-iris close position (smallest size if the x-iris will be closed with the x-iris close button) is out of range.

Possible help:

Adjust / readjust x-iris. X-iris mechanic faults. X-iris actual value not correct (potentiometer...) Maybe D1 defective. See also Parameter overview »Page

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Error E6208

Parameter X-iris full format position out of range

Possible trouble:

The EEProm data for x-iris full format position

(II full format size) is out of range. Possible help:

Adjust / readjust x-iris. X-iris mechanic faults. X-iris actual value not correct (potentiometer...) Maybe D1 defective. See also Parameter overview »Page

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Error E6209

Parameter X-iris zoom format position out of range

Possible trouble:

The EEProm data for x-iris zoom format position (II zoom format size) is out of range.

Possible help:

Adjust / readjust x-iris. X-iris mechanic faults. X-iris actual value not correct (potentiometer...) Maybe D1 defective. See also Parameter overview »Page

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Error E6210

Parameter X-iris cassette exposure position out of range

Possible trouble:

The EEProm data for x-iris cassette exposure position is out of range.

Possible help:

Adjust / readjust x-iris. X-iris mechanic faults. X-iris actual value not correct (potentiometer...) Maybe D1 defective. See also Parameter overview »Page

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Error E6211

Parameter brightness nominal value out of range

Possible trouble:

The EEProm data for brightness nominal value is out of range.

Possible help:

Set the parameter brightness nominal value. See also Parameter overview »Page .

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Error E6212

Parameter kV / mA curve normal wrong

Possible trouble:

The EEProm data for kv / mA curve normal

is wrong. Possible help:

Set the parameter kv / mA curve normal to a correct value. The programmed curves are described in the user manual. See also Parameter overview »Page .

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Error E6213

Parameter kV / mA curve push wrong

Possible trouble:

The EEProm data for kv / mA curve push is wrong.

Possible help:

Set the parameter kv / mA curve push to a correct value. The programmed curves are described in the user manual. See also Parameter overview »Page .

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Error E6214

Parameter settings for stop mode wrong

Possible trouble:

The EEProm data for settings for stop mode is wrong.

Possible help:

Set the parameter settings for stop mode to a correct value. See also Parameter overview »Page .

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Error E6215

Parameter Limitation of skindoserate wrong

Possible trouble:

The EEProm data for Limitation of skindoserate is wrong.

Possible help:

DHHS countries: Adjust / readjust the limitation of skindoserate. Other countries: Set the value to 50. (no limitation) See also Parameter overview »Page .

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Error E6216

Parameter Buzzer and blocktime settings wrong

Possible trouble:

The EEProm data for Buzzer and blocktime settings, Buzzer/Blocking Timing, is wrong.

Possible help:

Set the parameter Buzzer and blocktime settings, Buzzer/Blocking timing to a correct value. ( depending on the national regulations.) See also Parameter overview »Page .

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Error E6217

Parameter Buzzer and blocktime settings wrong

Possible trouble:

The EEProm data for Buzzer and blocktime settings, Buzzer Mode (FL/IFL/DR), is wrong.

Possible help:

Set the parameter Buzzer and blocktime settings, Buzzer Mode (FL/IFL/DR) to a correct value. ( depending on the national regulations.) See also Parameter overview »Page .

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Error E6218

Parameter Buzzer and blocktime settings wrong

Possible trouble:

The EEProm data for Buzzer and blocktime settings, Buzzer mode (CEX) is wrong.

Possible help:

Set the parameter Buzzer and blocktime settings, Buzzer mode (CEX) to a correct value. ( depending on the national regulations.) CEX = Cassette Exposure See also Parameter overview »Page .

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Error E6219

Parameter Diamentor existing wrong

Possible trouble:

The EEProm data for Diamentor, Diamentor existing, is wrong.

Possible help:

Set the parameter Diamentor, Diamentor existing to a correct value. See also Parameter overview »Page .

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Error E6220

Parameter Diamentor constant wrong

Possible trouble:

The EEProm data for Diamentor, Constant is wrong.

Possible help:

Set the parameter Diamentor to the correct value. (Qt x Kg) Readjust the Diamentor. See also Parameter overview »Page .

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Error E6221

Parameter Error log is wrong

Possible trouble:

The EEProm data for Error log is wrong.

Possible help:

Set the parameter Error log to a correct value. See also Parameter overview »Page .

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Error E6222

Parameter Laser existing is wrong

Possible trouble:

The EEProm data for Laser existing is wrong.

Possible help:

Set the parameter Laser, Laser existing to the correct value. See also Parameter overview »Page .

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Error E6223

Parameter Monitoring timeout is wrong

Possible trouble:

The EEProm data for Monitoring timeout is wrong.

Possible help:

Set the parameter Monitoring timeout to the correct value. See also Parameter overview »Page .

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Error W6224

Parameter Test enable is wrong

Possible trouble:

The EEProm data for Test enable is wrong. This parameter is only for internal debug routines and cannot be set from service engineers.

Possible help:

no action necessary, if this parameter is wrong, it will be automatically set to a valid value.

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Error E6225

Parameter Max error messages is wrong

Possible trouble:

The EEProm data for maximum errors is wrong.

Possible help:

Set the parameter Maximum errors to the correct value. See also Parameter overview »Page , Settings for service PC »Page

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Error E6231

Parameter TV-Iris position not plausible

Possible trouble:

The EEProm datas for TV-Iris opening are not plausible.

Possible help:

Readjust the doserate. See also Doserate adjustment »Page .

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Error E6232

Parameter Zoom area factor out of range

Possible trouble:

The EEProm data for zoom area factor is out of range.

Possible help:

Set the parameter Zoom factor to the correct value. See also Parameter Dose adjustment »Page

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Error E6233

Parameter MID-HIGH Factor out of range

Possible trouble:

The EEProm data for MID-HIGH factor is out of range.

Possible help:

Set the parameter MID-HIGH Factor to the correct value. See also Parameter Dose adjustment »Page

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Error E6234

Parameter MID-LOW Factor out of range

Possible trouble:

The EEProm data for MID-LOW factor is out of range.

Possible help:

Set the parameter MID-LOW Factor to the correct value. See also Parameter Dose adjustment »Page

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Error E6235

Parameter Adjustment mode out of range

Possible trouble:

The EEProm data for Adjustment mode is out of range.

Possible help:

Set the parameter Adjustment mode to the correct value. See also Parameter Dose adjustment »Page

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Error E6236

Parameters Settings for "STOP MODE" out of range

Possible trouble:

The EEProm datas Settings for "STOP Parameter" are out of range.

Possible help:

Set the parameters Settings for Stop parameter to the correct values. See also Parameters Dose adjustment, »Page , Parameters X-Iris »Page or Parameters Camera rotation »Page .

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Error E6240

Param. Diamentor Resolution out of range

Possible trouble:

The parameter "Diamentor Resolution" is out of range

Possible help:

Check the parameter

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Error E6241

Param. Reference Location out of range

Possible trouble:

The parameter "Reference Location" is out of range

Possible help:

Check the parameter

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Error E6250

Param. Slot D. rot. speed-l out of range

Possible trouble:

Parameter "Slot Diaphragm rotation speed low" is out of range

Possible help:

Check the parameter

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Error E6251

Param. Slot D. rot. speed-h out of range

Possible trouble:

Parameter "Slot Diaphragm rotation speed high" is out of range

Possible help:

Check the parameter

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Error E6252

Param. Slot D. rot. p-div. out of range

Possible trouble:

Parameter "Slot Diaphragm rotation p-divisor " is out of range

Possible help:

Check the parameter

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Error E6253

Param. Slot D. o/c speed-l out of range

Possible trouble:

Parameter "Slot Diaphragm open/ close speed low" is out of range

Possible help:

Check the parameter

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Error E6254

Param. Slot D. o/c speed-h out of range

Possible trouble:

Parameter "Slot Diaphragm open/ close speed high" is out of range

Possible help:

Check the parameter

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Error E6255

Param. Slot D. o/c p-div. out of range

Possible trouble:

Parameter "Slot Diaphragm open/ close p-divisor " is out of range

Possible help:

Check the parameter

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Error E6256

Param. Cam. Rot speed low out of range

Possible trouble:

Parameter "Camera Rotation speed low" is out of range

Possible help:

Check the parameter

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Error E6257

Param. Cam. Rot speed high out of range

Possible trouble:

Parameter "Camera Rotation speed high" is out of range

Possible help:

Check the parameter

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Error E6258

Param. Cam. Rot p-divisor out of range

Possible trouble:

Parameter "Camera Rotation p-divisor" is out of range

Possible help:

Check the parameter

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Error E6259

Param. X-Iris speed low out of range

Possible trouble:

Parameter "X-Iris speed low" is out of range

Possible help:

Check the parameter

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Error E6260

Param. X-Iris speed high out of range

Possible trouble:

Parameter "X-Iris speed high" is out of range

Possible help:

Check the parameter

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Error E6261

Param. X-Iris p-divisor out of range

Possible trouble:

Parameter "X-Iris p-divisor" is out of range

Possible help:

Check the parameter

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Error E6262

Param. Cam. TV-Iris speed-l out of range

Possible trouble:

Parameter "Cam. TV-Iris speed low" is out of range

Possible help:

Check the parameter

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Error E6263

Param. Cam. TV-Iris speed-h out of range

Possible trouble:

Parameter "Cam. TV-Iris speed high" is out of range

Possible help:

Check the parameter

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Error E6264

Param. Cam. TV-Iris p-div. out of range

Possible trouble:

Parameter "Cam. TV-Iris p-divisor" is out of range

Possible help:

Check the parameter

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Error E6301

EEProm reading error

Possible trouble:

The processor system tried reading dates from the EEProm outside the addressable EEProm size.

Possible help:

internal system error, internal debug message.

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Error E6302

EEProm writing error

Possible trouble:

The processor system tried writing dates to the EEProm outside the addressable EEProm size .

Possible help:

internal system error, internal debug message

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Error E6303

EEProm reading blocked

Possible trouble:

The processor system tried reading dates from the EEProm but reading was not possible.

Possible help:

internal system error, internal debug message. try rebooting maybe board D1 defective

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Error E6304

EEProm writing blocked

Possible trouble:

The processor system tried to write datas to the EEProm but could not.

Possible help:

Sporadic: internal system error, internal debug message try rebooting Continuous: Board D1 defective

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Error E6305

EEProm writing failed

Possible trouble:

The processor system tried to write datas to the EEProm but could not.

Possible help:

internal system error, internal debug message try rebooting maybe board D1 defective

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Error E7000

Slot diaphragm movement blocked

Possible trouble:

The host activated the slot diaphragm motor, but the actual value did not change.

Possible help: Sporadic:


Slot diaphragm mechanic needs too much force. Actual value increment disk defective. Actual value increment disk mechanically blocked. Check wires. D1 defective. See Error E7001.

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Error E7001

Slot diaphragm movement blocked

Possible trouble:

The host activated the slot diaphragm motor, but the actual value did not change.

Possible help:

Slot diaphragm mechanically blocked. Actual value increment disk defective. Actual value increment disk mechanically blocked. Check wires. D1 defective.

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Error E7002

Slot diaphragm movement to wrong direction

Possible trouble:

The host detected a movement of the slot diaphragm to the wrong direction.

Possible help:

Motor wires wrong connected. Check motor wires. Cable harness, pins wrong connected. Incremental encoder wrong connected. Board D1 defective.

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Error E7003

Slot diaphragm movement to wrong direction

Possible trouble:

The host detected a movement of the slot diaphragm to the wrong direction.

Possible help:

Motor wires wrong connected. Check motor wires. Cable harness, pins wrong connected. Incremental encoder wrong connected. Board D1 defective.

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Error E7004

Slot diaphragm incremental encoder out of range

Possible trouble:

The increment / decrement counter of the slot diaphragm positioning system is below the minimum value.

Possible help:

Slot diaphragm moved by hand ? Wrong slot diaphragm parameters. Incremental encoder defective or wrong connected. Board D1 defective.

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Error E7005

Slot Dia. did not reach o/c target pos.

Possible trouble:

Slot Diaphragm did not reach open/ close target position

Possible help:

Check the speed and the p-divisor parameters

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Error E7006

Slot diaphragm incremental encoder out of range

Possible trouble:

The increment / decrement counter of the slot diaphragm positioning system is above the maximum value.

Possible help:

Slot diaphragm moved by hand ? Wrong slot diaphragm parameters. Incremental encoder defective or wrong connected. Board D1 defective.

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Error E7008

Slot diaphragm unexpected movement

Possible trouble:

The slot diaphragm motor was off, but the positioning system detected a movement.

Possible help:

Slot diaphragm moved by hand ? Motor driver short circuit, board D1 defective.

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Error E7009

Slot Diaphragm movement wrong position

Possible trouble:

If the errors 7000 to 7008 were detected, this error maybe displayed.

Possible help:

For more informations read out the previous error messages.

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Error E7010

Slot diaphragm, programmed limit exceeded

Possible trouble:

The slot diaphragm exceeded the programmed limit

Possible help:

Slot diaphragm moved by hand? Check the programmed slot diaphragm parameters Check the slot diaphragm adjustment. Check the incremental encoder wires. Incremental encoder defective. Board D1 defective.

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Error W7012

Slot Diaphragm o/c motor swinging

Possible trouble:

The Slot Diaphragm open/ close motor is swinging

Possible help:

Check the speed and the p-division parameters

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Error W7013

Slot Dia. o/c movement out of limits

Possible trouble:

The Slot Diaphragm open/ close move command exceeds currently set limits. Internal warning, internal software failure.

Possible help:

No action necessary

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Error E7100

Slot diapragm rotation blocked

Possible trouble:

The host activated the slot diapragm rotation, but the actual value did not change.

Possible help: Sporadic:


Slot diaphragm mechanic needs too much force. Lifting magnet blocked. Actual value potentiometer defective. Actual value potentiometer mechanically blocked. Check wires. D1 defective. See Error E7101.

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Error E7101

Slot diaphragm rotation blocked

Possible trouble:

The host activated the slot diaphragm rotation, but the actual value did not change.

Possible help:

Slot diaphragm mechanic needs too much force. Lifting magnet blocked. Actual value potentiometer defective. Actual value potentiometer mechanically blocked. Check wires. Collimator defective. D1 defective.

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Error E7102

Slot diaphragm rotation to wrong direction

Possible trouble:

The host detected a movement of the slot diaphragm rotation to the wrong direction.

Possible help:

Motor wires wrong connected. Check motor wires. Cable harness, pins wrong connected. Actual value potentiometer wrong connected. Board D1 defective.

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Error E7103

Slot diaphragm rotation to wrong direction

Possible trouble:

The host detected a movement of the slot diaphragm rotation to the wrong direction.

Possible help:

Motor wires wrong connected. Check motor wires. Cable harness, pins wrong connected. Actual value potentiometer wrong connected. Board D1 defective.

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Error E7104

Slot diaphragm rotation actual value out of range

Possible trouble:

The actual value of the slot diaphragm rotation is below the minimum value. (AD converter value)

Possible help:

Slot diaphragm rotation moved by hand ? Wrong slot diaphragm rotation parameters. Actual value potentiometer defective or wrong connected. Board D1 defective.

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Error E7105

Slot Dia. did not reach rot. target pos.

Possible trouble:

Slot Diaphragm did not reach rotation target position

Possible help:

Check the speed and the p-divisor parameters

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Error E7106

Slot diaphragm rotation actual value out of range

Possible trouble:

The actual value of the slot diaphragm rotation is above the maximum value. (AD converter value)

Possible help:

Slot diaphragm rotation moved by hand ? Wrong slot diaphragm rotation parameters. Actual value potentiometer defective or wrong connected. Board D1 defective.

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Error E7108

Slot diaphragm rotation unexpected movement

Possible trouble:

The slot diaphragm rotation was not activated, but the system detected a movement.

Possible help:

Slot diaphragm rotation moved by hand ? Lifting magnet driver short circuit, board D1 defective. Motor driver short circuit, board D1 defective.

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Error E7109

Slot Diaphragm rotation wrong position

Possible trouble:

If the errors 7100 to 7108 were detected, this error maybe displayed.

Possible help:

For more informations read out the previous error messages.

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Error E7110

Slot diaphragm rotation limits exceeded

Possible trouble:

The slot diaphragm rotation exceeded the programmed limit

Possible help:

Slot diaphragm moved by hand? Check the programmed slot diaphragm rotation parameters Check the slot diaphragm rotation adjustment. Check the incremental encoder wires. Incremental encoder defective. Board D1 defective.

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Error W7112

Slot Diaphragm rotation motor swinging

Possible trouble:

The Slot Diaphragm rotation motor is swinging

Possible help:

Check the speed and the p-division parameters

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Error W7113

Slot Dia. rot. movement out of limits

Possible trouble:

The Slot Diaphragm rotation command exceeds currently set limits. Internal warning, internal software failure.

Possible help:

No action necessary

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Error E7150

Slot diaphragm rotation index not found

Possible trouble:

The slot diaphragm rotation index position was not found during initialization.

Possible help:

Check the index switch Check the index switch wires. Check the motor. Check the motor wires. Check the mechanical movement. Board D1 defective.

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Error E7151

Slot diaphragm rotation 0 degr. pos. not found

Possible trouble:

The slot diaphragm rotation 0 degree position was not found during initialization.

Possible help:

Check the mechanical movement. Check the motor. Check the motor wires. Check the actual value potentiometer wires. Check the actual value potentiometer. Board D1 defective.

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Error E7152

Slot diaphragm rotation unexpected position values

Possible trouble:

The host started the slot diaphragm rotation movement, but the position values did not change.

Possible help:

Check incremental encoder.

Check incremental encoder wires. Check the motor. Check the motor wires. D1 defective. Go to Contents view »Page

Error E7200

Camera rotation blocked

Possible trouble:

The host activated the camera rotation, but the actual value did not change.

Possible help: Sporadic:


Camera rotation, mechanic needs too much force. Cable drum is blocking the camera rotation. Actual value potentiometer defective. Actual value potentiometer mechanically blocked. Check wires. D1 defective. See Error E7201.

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Error E7201

Camera rotation blocked

Possible trouble:

The host activated the camera rotation, but the actual value did not change.

Possible help:

Camera rotation, mechanic needs too much force. Cable drum is blocking the camera rotation. Actual value potentiometer defective. Actual value potentiometer mechanically blocked. Check wires. Camera rotation (I.I. optical system) defective. D1 defective.

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Error E7202

Camera rotation to wrong direction

Possible trouble:

The host detected a movement of the camera rotation rotation to the wrong direction.

Possible help:

Motor wires wrong connected. Check motor wires. Cable harness, pins wrong connected. Actual value potentiometer wrong connected. Board D1 defective.

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Error E7203

Camera rotation to wrong direction

Possible trouble:

The host detected a movement of the camera rotation rotation to the wrong direction.

Possible help:

Motor wires wrong connected. Check motor wires. Cable harness, pins wrong connected. Actual value potentiometer wrong connected. Board D1 defective.

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Error E7204

Camera rotation actual value out of range

Possible trouble:

The actual value of the camera rotation is below the minimum value. (AD converter value)

Possible help:

Camera rotation moved by hand ? Wrong camera rotation parameters. Actual value potentiometer defective or wrong connected. Board D1 defective.

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Error E7205

Camera Rotation did not reach target pos.

Possible trouble:

Camera Rotation did not reach target position

Possible help:

Check the speed and the p-divisor parameters

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Error E7206

Camera rotation actual value out of range

Possible trouble:

The actual value of the camera rotation is above the maximum value. (AD converter value)

Possible help:

Camera rotation moved by hand ? Wrong camera rotation parameters. Actual value potentiometer defective or wrong connected. Board D1 defective.

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Error E7208

Camera rotation unexpected movement

Possible trouble:

The camera rotation was not activated, but the system detected a movement.

Possible help:

Camera rotation moved by hand ? Motor driver short circuit, board D1 defective.

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Error E7209

Camera rotation wrong position

Possible trouble:

If the errors 7200 to 7208 were detected, this error maybe displayed.

Possible help:

For more informations read out the previous error messages.

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Error E7210

Camera rotation limits exceeded

Possible trouble:

The camera rotation exceeded the programmed limit

Possible help:

Camera rotation moved by hand? Check the programmed camera rotation parameters Check the camera rotation adjustment. Check the actual value potentiometer wires. Actual value potentiometer defective. Board D1 defective.

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Error E7211

Camera Rot. blocked during calibration

Possible trouble:

Camera Rotation blocked during calibration

Possible help:

Check the speed and the p-divisor parameters

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Error W7212

Camera Rotation motor swinging

Possible trouble:

The Camera Rotation motor is swinging

Possible help:

Check the speed and the p-division parameters

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Error W7213

Camera Rotation movement out of limits

Possible trouble:

The Camera Rotation move command exceeds currently set limits. Internal warning, internal software failure.

Possible help:

No action necessary

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Error E7300

X-Iris blocked

Possible trouble:

The host activated the X-Iris movement, but the actual value did not change.

Possible help: Sporadic:


X-Iris, mechanic needs too much force. Actual value potentiometer defective. Actual value potentiometer mechanically blocked. Check wires. D1 defective. See Error E7301.

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Error E7301

X-Iris blocked

Possible trouble:

The host activated the X-Iris movement, but the actual value did not change.

Possible help:

X-Iris, mechanic needs too much force. Actual value potentiometer defective. Actual value potentiometer mechanically blocked. Check wires. Collimator defective. D1 defective.

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Error E7302

X-Iris movement to wrong direction

Possible trouble:

The host detected a movement of the X-Iris to the wrong direction.

Possible help:

Motor wires wrong connected. Check motor wires. Cable harness, pins wrong connected. Actual value potentiometer wrong connected. Board D1 defective.

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Error E7303

X-Iris movement to wrong direction

Possible trouble:

The host detected a movement of the X-Iris to the wrong direction.

Possible help:

Motor wires wrong connected. Check motor wires.

Cable harness, pins wrong connected. Actual value potentiometer wrong connected. Board D1 defective. Go to Contents view »Page

Error E7304

X-Iris actual value out of range

Possible trouble:

The actual value of the X-Iris is below the minimum value. (AD converter value)

Possible help:

X-Iris moved by hand ? Wrong X-Iris parameters? Actual value potentiometer defective or wrong connected. Board D1 defective.

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Error E7305

X-Iris did not reach target position

Possible trouble:

X-Iris did not reach target position

Possible help:

Check the speed and the p-divisor parameters

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Error E7306

X-Iris actual value out of range

Possible trouble:

The actual value of the X-Iris is above the maximum value. (AD converter value)

Possible help:

X-Iris moved by hand ? Wrong X-Iris parameters programmed? Actual value potentiometer defective or wrong connected. Board D1 defective.

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Error E7308

X-Iris unexpected movement

Possible trouble:

The X-Iris movement was not activated, but the system detected a movement.

Possible help:

X-Iris moved by hand ? Motor driver short circuit, board D1 defective.

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Error E7309

X-Iris wrong position

Possible trouble:

If the errors 7300 to 7308 were detected, this error is displayed after each radiation release. User warning: The user must delete this error before radiation can be released again.

Possible help:

For more informations read out the previous error messages. Check the X-Iris adjustment. Check the actual value potentiometer. Check the actual value potentiometer wires.

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Error E7310

X-Iris limits exceeded

Possible trouble:

The X-Iris exceeded the programmed limit

Possible help:

X-Iris moved by hand? Check the programmed X-Iris parameters Check the X-Iris adjustment. Check the actual value potentiometer wires. Actual value potentiometer defective. Board D1 defective.

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Error W7312

X-Iris motor swinging

Possible trouble:

The X-Iris motor is swinging

Possible help:

Check the speed and the p-division parameters

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Error W7313

X-Iris movement out of limits

Possible trouble:

The X-Iris move command exceeds currently set limits. Internal warning, internal software failure.

Possible help:

No action necessary

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Error I7350

X-Iris stored positions not plausible

Possible trouble:

The X-Iris position values are not plausible

Possible help:

Check the programmed X-Iris parameters Check the X-Iris adjustment. Check the actual value potentiometer wires.

Actual value potentiometer defective. Board D1 defective. Go to Contents view »Page

Error I7351

X-Iris screen display values not accessible

Possible trouble:

The X-Iris screen display values cannot be read.

Possible help:

Check the programmed X-Iris screen display parameters Check the X-Iris screen display adjustment. Type of Memoskop does not support the X-Iris screen display functions. Parameter value for Type of diaphragm »Page wrong set. Board D1 defective.

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Error I7352

X-Iris stored position values not accessible

Possible trouble:

The X-Iris position values cannot be read.

Possible help:

Check the programmed X-Iris parameters Check the X-Iris adjustment. Board D1 defective.

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Error E7353

X-Iris, I.I. format not plausible

Possible trouble:

The X-Iris values for I.I format are not plausible.

Possible help:

Check the programmed X-Iris parameters Check the X-Iris adjustment. Board D1 defective.

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Error E7400

TV-Iris movement blocked

Possible trouble:

The host activated the TV-Iris movement, but the actual value did not change.

Possible help: Sporadic:


TV-Iris, mechanic needs too much force. Actual value potentiometer defective. Actual value potentiometer mechanically blocked. Check wires. D1 defective. See Error E7401.

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Error E7401

TV-Iris movement blocked

Possible trouble:

The host activated the TV-Iris movement, but the actual value did not change.

Possible help:

TV-Iris, mechanic needs too much force. Actual value potentiometer defective. Actual value potentiometer mechanically blocked. Check wires. TV-Iris (I.I. optical system) defective. D1 defective.

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Error E7402

TV-Iris movement to wrong direction

Possible trouble:

The host detected a movement of the TV-Iris to the wrong direction.

Possible help:

Motor wires wrong connected. Check motor wires. Cable harness, pins wrong connected. Actual value potentiometer wrong connected. Board D1 defective.

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Error E7403

TV-Iris movement to wrong direction

Possible trouble:

The host detected a movement of the TV-Iris to the wrong direction.

Possible help:

Motor wires wrong connected. Check motor wires. Cable harness, pins wrong connected. Actual value potentiometer wrong connected. Board D1 defective.

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Error E7404

TV-Iris actual value out of range

Possible trouble:

The actual value of the TV-Iris is below the minimum value. (AD converter value)

Possible help:

TV-Iris moved by hand ? Wrong doserate parameters.

Actual value potentiometer defective or wrong connected. Board D1 defective. Go to Contents view »Page

Error E7405

TV-Iris did not reach target position

Possible trouble:

TV-Iris did not reach target position

Possible help:

Check the speed and the p-divisor parameters

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Error E7406

TV-Iris actual value out of range

Possible trouble:

The actual value of the TV-Iris is above the maximum value. (AD converter value)

Possible help:

TV-Iris moved by hand ? Wrong doserate parameters. Actual value potentiometer defective or wrong connected. Board D1 defective.

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Error E7408

TV-Iris unexpected movement

Possible trouble:

The TV-Iris movement was not activated, but the system detected a movement.

Possible help:

TV-Iris moved by hand ? Motor driver short circuit, board D1 defective.

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Error E7409

TV-Iris wrong position

Possible trouble:

If the errors 7400 to 7408 were detected, this error is displayed after each radiation release. User warning: The user must delete this error before radiation can be released.

Possible help:

For more informations read out the previous error messages. Check the doserate adjustment. Check the actual value potentiometer. Check the actual value potentiometer wires.

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Error W7410

TV-Iris position out of limits

Possible trouble:

The TV-Iris position is out of limits.

Possible help:

Check the TV-Iris motor parameters. Check the actual value of the potentiometer. Check the wires. Check the TV-Iris (I.I. optical system). Possibly D1 board defective.

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Error W7412

TV-Iris motor swinging

Possible trouble:

The TV-Iris motor is swinging

Possible help:

Check the speed and the p-division parameters

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Error W7413 TV-Iris movement out of limits Possible trouble:

The TV-Iris move command exceeds currently set limits. Internal warning, internal software failure.

Possible help:

No action necessary

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Error E8000

Videomed DC initialization timeout

Possible trouble:

Host registered timeout during initialization of the Videomed DC.

Possible help:

Check power supply of the Videomed DC. Check cables to the Videomed DC. Possibly Videomed DC or D1 defective.

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Error W8002

Videomed DC receive error

Possible trouble:

Host registered a receive timeout of the Videomed DC.

Possible help:

For sporadic entry in the error memory possibly faults in the system. Check connection cable to the Videomed DC. Check power supply of the Videomed DC.

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Error W8003

Videomed DC Internal system error

Possible trouble:

Host registered unknown ID of the Videomed DC.

Possible help:

For sporadic entry in the error memory possibly faults in the system. Check connection cable to the Videomed DC. Check power supply of the Videomed DC.

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Error E8005

Videomed camera mode not confirmed

Possible trouble:

Host registered no acknowledgement of the Videomed DC on operating mode selection.

Possible help:

DIP switch of the Videomed DC in wrong position. Check power supply of the Videomed DC. Videomed DC defective.

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Error W8006

Videomed DC Internal system error

Possible trouble:

Host registered communication error of the Videomed DC

Possible help:

For sporadic entry in the error memory possibly faults in the system. Check connection cable to the Videomed DC. Check power supply of the Videomed DC.

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Error E8007

Videomed DC no data transfer possible

Possible trouble:

Host registered the failure of the Bright Actual telegrams of the Videomed DC.

Possible help:

Host selects KV Stop automatically Emergency operation of the system may possible. Check power supply of the Videomed DC. Check cables to the Videomed DC. Videomed DC defective.

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Error E8008

Videomed DC no data transfer possible

Possible trouble:

Host registered the failure of the Bright Actual telegrams of the Videomed DC.

Possible help:

Host selects KV Stop automatically Emergency operation of the system may possible. Check power supply of the Videomed DC. Check cables to the Videomed DC. Videomed DC defective.

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Error E8020

Videomed DC unknown error

Possible trouble:

Host registered unknown error number of the Videomed DC.

Possible help:

Internal debug message.

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Error W8030

Videomed DC Internal system error

Possible trouble:

Host registered communication error of the Videomed DC.

Possible help:

For sporadic entry in the error memory possibly faults in the system. Check connection cable to the Videomed DC. Check power supply of the Videomed DC.

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Error E8031

Videomed DC brightness nominal value wrong

Possible trouble:

Host sent the brightness nominal value but the VIDEOMED DC answered with another brightness nominal value.

Possible help:

Host selects KV Stop automatically Emergency operation of the system may possible. Check parameter brightness nominal value. Check power supply of the Videomed DC. Check cables to the Videomed DC.

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Error E8032

Videomed DC brightness nominal value rejected

Possible trouble:

Host sent the brightness nominal value but the

VIDEOMED DC rejected it. Possible help:

Host selects KV Stop automatically Emergency operation of the system may possible. Communication problems. Check power supply of the Videomed DC. Check cables to the Videomed DC.

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Error E8033

Videomed DC brightness nominal value wrong

Possible trouble:

VIDEOMED DC sent an incorrect brightness nominal value to the host.

Possible help:

Host selects KV Stop automatically Emergency operation of the system may possible. Communication problems. Check power supply of the Videomed DC. Check cables to the Videomed DC.

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Error E8050

VID DC, Service switch not in default position

Possible trouble:

If the VIDEOMED DC service switch D4.S301.1 to D4.S301.8 are not in position off, this error occurs.

Possible help:

Set all to position off.

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Error W8500

Videomed DC parity error

Possible trouble:

Videomed DC reports parity error.

Possible help:

Check power supply of the Videomed DC. Videomed DC defective.

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Error W8501

Videomed DC Internal system error

Possible trouble:

The Videomed DC records the wrong order of messages.

Possible help:

Sporadically: Internal system errors - check the connection cables/ Videomed DC-D1. Possibly Videomed DC or D1 defective.

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Error W8502

Videomed DC Internal system error

Possible trouble:

The Videomed DC records a message not defined.

Possible help:

Sporadically: Internal system errors - check the connection cables /Videomed DC-D1. Possibly Videomed DC or D1 defective.

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Error W8503

Videomed DC Internal system error

Possible trouble:

The Videomed DC records a message with a wrong content.

Possible help:

Sporadically: Internal system errors - check the connection cables/ Videomed DC-D1. Possibly Videomed DC or D1 defective.

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Error E8510

Videomed DC act. brightness device error

Possible trouble:

Videomed DC Bright Actual value acquisition defective.

Possible help:

Check power supply of the Videomed DC. Videomed DC defective.

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Error E8511

Videomed DC manual gain out of range

Possible trouble:

Videomed DC automatic adjustment of the manual gain not possible or outside the valid tolerance band.

Possible help:

Check power supply of the Videomed DC. Videomed DC defective.

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Error E8512

Videomed DC black level out of range

Possible trouble:

Videomed DC black level of the video signal outside the valid tolerance band.

Possible help:

Check black level in the video signal of the camera.

Check power supply of the Videomed DC. Videomed DC defective. Go to Contents view »Page

Error E8513

Videomed DC video signal out of range

Possible trouble:

Videomed DC B signal in the BAS outside the valid tolerance range.

Possible help:

Check video cable between Videomed DC and Memoskop Check 75 ohm termination of the Videomed DC. Check power supply of the Videomed DC. Videomed DC defective.

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Error E8514

Videomed DC +5V digital out of range

Possible trouble:

Videomed DC +5V power supply for the digital part outside the valid tolerance range.

Possible help:

Check power supply of the Videomed DC. Videomed DC defective.

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Error E8515

Videomed DC -9V out of range

Possible trouble:

Videomed DC -9V power supply for analog circuits outside the valid tolerance range.

Possible help:

Check power supply of the Videomed DC. Videomed DC defective.

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Error E8516

Videomed DC +5V analog out of range

Possible trouble:

Videomed DC +5V power supply for the analog circuits outside the valid tolerance range.

Possible help:

Check power supply of the Videomed DC. Videomed DC defective.

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Error E8517

Videomed DC +15V out of range

Possible trouble:

Videomed DC +15V power supply for the analog circuits outside the valid tolerance range.

Possible help:

Check power supply of the Videomed DC. Videomed DC defective.

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Error E8518

Videomed DC CCD sensor defective

Possible trouble:

Videomed DC CCD Sensor defective.

Possible help:

Test LED for test of the Videomed DC defective or CCD sensor defective. Videomed DC defective.

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Error W9010

Radiation release conditions not allowed

Possible trouble:

Release conditions for radiation release are not fulfilled. Error detected with radiation. SW RELEASE signal active, but neither HAND/MANUAL or FOOT signal detected

Possible help:

Error in the radiation release circuit. Check the supply voltage +15V at board D3 (D30). Check the signals SW RELEASE, HAND/MANUAL and FOOT (see circuit diagram, page RADIATION RELEASE). If the signal SW RELEASE is active (approx. +5V), board D3 (D30) is

defective. If the signal SW RELEASE is not active ( or