Schlumberger Well Completion [PDF]

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Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique

Département BCP Génie Pétrochimique

Rapport de Stage Well completion Réalisé par GAZANI ONDZE Euloge David Encadré par : Mohammed Stewi Anis Kharrat

Annéé universitaire : 2017 / 2018

Table des matières Thanks ....................................................................................................................................... 4


Introduction to Well Completion ............................................................................ 10 1.1


What completion is ? ....................................................................................................... 11


Casing .............................................................................................................................. 12


Cementing ........................................................................................................................ 12


Perforation ....................................................................................................................... 14


Hydraulic fracturing ........................................................................................................ 15



Well Completion .......................................................................................................... 11

Well completion components ....................................................................................... 16


Tubing ............................................................................................................................. 17


Tubing Hanger ................................................................................................................. 18


Packers ............................................................................................................................. 19


Sliding Sleeves ................................................................................................................ 21


Control line ...................................................................................................................... 22


Safety valve ..................................................................................................................... 22


Isolation valve ................................................................................................................. 24


Wireline entry guide / Mule shoe .................................................................................... 25


Production Tree ( Xmas Tree ) ........................................................................................ 25

Intelligent completion .............................................................................................. 30 2.1

Intelligent completion .................................................................................................. 31

2.1.1 2.2


Intelligent completion ( Pressure test ) ........................................................................ 33

Other operation meet in Schlumberger base ( Coiled Tubing , Drilling ) ............... 37 3.1

Coiled Tubing .............................................................................................................. 38

3.1.1 3.2


Intelligent completion packers ......................................................................................... 31

Coiled Tubing Unit .......................................................................................................... 39

Drilling ......................................................................................................................... 42


Pdc ................................................................................................................................... 42


Roller reamer ( Ongauge ) ............................................................................................... 43


Thru – Tubing Underreamer ............................................................................................ 44

Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 45


Figure 1 : Schlumberger policies ............................................................................................... 6 Figure 2 : Commitment .............................................................................................................. 9 Figure 3 : Casing ...................................................................................................................... 12 Figure 4 : Cementing ............................................................................................................... 13 Figure 5 : Borehole .................................................................................................................. 13 Figure 6 : Perforation ............................................................................................................... 14 Figure 7 : Perforation ............................................................................................................... 15 Figure 8 : Tubing Hanger......................................................................................................... 18 Figure 9 : Packers..................................................................................................................... 20 Figure 10 : Packers red ( Halliburton ) .................................................................................... 20 Figure 11 : Sliding Sleeves ...................................................................................................... 21 Figure 12 : Control line ............................................................................................................ 22 Figure 13 : Safety valve ........................................................................................................... 23 Figure 14 : Isolation valve ....................................................................................................... 24 Figure 15 : Wireline entry guide / Mule shoe .......................................................................... 25 Figure 16 : Xmas Tree ............................................................................................................. 26 Figure 17 : Xmas Tree ............................................................................................................. 27 Figure 18 : Recovery machine ................................................................................................. 27 Figure 19 : Test cup ................................................................................................................. 28 Figure 20 : Completion assembly ( hydraulic fracture ) .......................................................... 29 Figure 21 : Intelligent complétion schematic........................................................................... 32 Figure 22 : Intelligent completion Test cup ............................................................................. 33 Figure 23 : Control Line pressure test...................................................................................... 34 Figure 24 : Body test assembly ( we inject water and air into the tube, we compress them if the water comes out at a connection of the pipe .. that's what's a problem ) ................... 34 Figure 25 : Body test assembly ................................................................................................ 35 Figure 26 : Assembly pressure test .......................................................................................... 35 Figure 27 : Coiled Tubing Unit................................................................................................ 39 Figure 28 : Coiled Tubing Unit................................................................................................ 39 Figure 29 : Control cabing ....................................................................................................... 40 Figure 30 : Injector / Coiled tubing / Reel- .............................................................................. 40 Figure 31 : Injecteur ................................................................................................................. 41 Figure 32 : Stripper / BOP ....................................................................................................... 41 2

Figure 33 : Pdc / Tricone ......................................................................................................... 42 Figure 34 : AxeBlade ridge diamond ( Pdc ) ..................... Erreur ! Le signet n’est pas défini. Figure 35 : Roller reamer ( Ongauge ) ..................................................................................... 43 Figure 36 : Thru – Tubing Underreamer.................................................................................. 44


Thanks I would give thanks to Mr. Mohammed Stewi , who helped me by always being there and explaining everything I need to know about completion , thanks to the respect he give to me , for the understanding he showed during my traineeship . Also I give thank to Mr. Anis Kharrat for being there when we were working , for being there and also explaining some tools work but also explaining me how completion were working . I give a thank to Mr Wallid Jaafar who explain how drilling work , he explains me the use of some drilling tools . I also give thank to every Schlumberger employees for their humanity , for the care they showed about every trainee who were there and who I worked with.


General introduction Schulmberger was founded in 1926 by brothers Conrad and Marcel Schlumberger from the Alsace in France as the Electric Prospection Company. The company recorded the first-ever electrical resistivity well log in Melkwiller-Pechelbronn , France in 1927 . Today Schlumberger supplies the petroleum industries with services such as seismic acquisition and processing, formation, evaluation, well testing, and directional drilling, well cementing and stimulation, artificial lift, well completions, flow assurance and consulting, software and information management. The company is also in the groundwater extraction and carbon capture and storage industries. The Schlumberger brothers has experience in conducting geophysical servers in countries such as Romania, Canada, Serbia, South Africa, democratic republic of Congo and the United States. Schlumberger has more than 145 different nationalities in their employees and is located in more than 50 countries. With all of these people from different countries, Schlumberger introduce policies who is the main piece of their thought about security, they call it “Schlumberger Safe”. Schlumberger Safe is one the most important thing for Schlumberger industries cause it all about security. The first thing, the first rule every employees need to have if they wanna start working is “PPE” which is “ Personnal Protective Equipment ” who include “ helmets” ( White helmets are for employees , green for trainee and yellow for contractor ) , outfit , gloves and safety shoes . Rules are made for avoid “hazard”, which is every potential stuff who can become an accident when they present a risk , the risk can be small ( green color ) , medium ( yellow color ) or big ( red color ) . The most significant rules in Schlumberger safe is “Stop The Job” , this rule comes in action when for example someone is going to work on a machine he doesn’t know anything about , the first thing he has to do is to search for a information manual and get all informations he needs for the job he has to do , if he doesn’t find it , he must stop and alert his supervisor . Schlumberger safe is based on the commitment of every employees to follow the rules made for their own security when they’re working on the base. In every operation we must follow the rules, we have to follow policies . Schlumberger has 21 policies and has 6 importants policies which is: -

Confidentiality and information security policy


Driving policy


Employee security policy


Risk management policy


Substance abuse policy


Quality, health , security , and environmental policy


Figure 1 : Schlumberger policies


The Schlumberger HSE Management System defines the principles by which we conduct our operations worldwide with regards to health, safety, and the environment. The HSE Management System model comprises eight interrelated components: •

commitment and leadership and accountability

policies and objectives

organization and resources

contractor and supplier management

risk management

business processes

performance monitoring and improvement

audits and reviews.

These are continuously improved by conformance checks •

on day-to-day standards and procedures (controls)

on the management system (correction)

through modifications to the management system (improvement).

The long-term business success of Schlumberger depends on theirs ability to continually improve the quality of our services and products while protecting people and the environment. Emphasis must be placed on ensuring human health, operational safety, environmental protection, quality enhancement, and community goodwill. This commitment is in the best interests of schlumberger customers, our employees and contractors, our stockholders, and the communities in which we live and work. Schlumberger requires the active commitment to, and accountability for, QHSE from all employees and contractors. Line management has a leadership role in the communication and implementation of, and ensuring compliance with, QHSE policies and standards. We are committed to •

Protect, and strive for improvement of, the health, safety and security of our people at all times;

Eliminate Quality non-conformances and HSE accidents;

Meet specified customer requirements and ensure continuous customer satisfaction;

Set Quality & HSE performance objectives, measure results, assess and continually improve processes, services and product quality, through the use of an effective management system;

Plan for, respond to and recover from any emergency, crisis and business disruption;

Minimize our impact on the environment through pollution prevention, reduction of natural resource consumption and emissions, and the reduction and recycling of waste;


Apply our technical skills to all HSE aspects in the design and engineering of our services and products;

Communicate openly with stakeholders and ensure an understanding of our QHSE policies, standards, programs and performance. Reward outstanding QHSE performance;

Improve our performance on issues relevant to our stakeholders that are of global concern and on which we can have an impact, and share with them our knowledge of successful QHSE programs and initiatives.

This Policy shall be regularly reviewed to ensure ongoing suitability. The commitments listed are in addition to the basic obligation to comply with Schlumberger standards, as well as all applicable laws and regulations where we operate. This is critical to schlumberger business success because it allows us to systematically minimize all losses and adds value for all our stakeholders. Schlumberger has a long-standing commitment to share best practices through HSE Technical Papers and other means, and is a recognized industry leader in HSE performance. -


New Employee Safety Training (NEST) is a training vehicle for new Schlumberger employees on safety and the environment. The purpose of programs such as NEST is to begin an employee's tenure with a strong emphasis on safety and an appreciation for the environment. Concern for safety and the environment should be as much a part of corporate culture as are service to clients and return to stockholders. A formal training program is an organized way to accomplish these goals. The NEST curriculum includes five days of training in the areas of radiation, explosives, driving, water survival, fire fighting, first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), governmental regulations, hazardous materials and personal protective equipment. The program consists of classroom and protective equipment. The program consists of classroom and hands-on training and testing.


Figure 2 : Commitment

This internship report will talk about what I learn during my traineeship to Schlumberger Dowell to Sfax on Gabes Road and will also talk about the reseach I made about the operation I’ve been affected , The Completion . My internship will have 2 big part : Ø First part: Introduction to Well completion Ø Second part: Other operations that I learned ( coiled tubingr etc )


1 Introduction to Well Completion



Well Completion Well completion incorporates the steps taken to transform a drilled well into a producing one.

These steps include casing, cementing, perforating, gravel packing and installing a production tree. The quality of completion will also increase the life of the well. Completion is the operation to complete a well for production or injection after it has been successfully drilled. The completion string transports hydrocarbons to the surface in a safe, controlled, and cost effective manner. Can also be used to transport injected fluids into the reservoir. The completion is designed according to information provided by logs run after the hole is drilled.


What completion is ? Completion is the operation to complete a well for production or injection after it has been

successfully drilled. The completion string transports hydrocarbons to the surface in a safe, controlled, and cost effective manner. Can also be used to transport injected fluids into the reservoir. The completion is designed according to information provided by logs run after the hole is drilled. Once a well has been drilled to total depth , evaluated , cased and cemented, engineers complete it by inserting equipment , designed to optimize production , into the hole . The driver behind every well completion strategy , whether for a complex or basic well , is to recover , at a responsible cost , as large a percentage of the original oil in place as possible . The decision to case and cement a well for production or plug and abandon it as a dry hole relies heavily on formation evaluation using open-hole logs . Completion refers to all operations following the placement of cement behind the production casing , which is performed by a formation evaluation . When the formation evaluation indicates the existence of and depth of formations likely to produce commercial volumes of hydrocarbons, steel casing is run in the borehole and cement is pumping behind it . For a well completion to be done, some parameters are required : •

Production rate

Well pressure and depth

Rock and fluid properties

Surface location

Functional requirements

Service – workover

Drilling considerations

Company policies and government regulations



Casing The first step in completing a well is to case the hole. After a well has been drilled, should the

drilling fluids be removed, the well would eventually close in upon itself. Casing ensures that this will not happen while also protecting the wellstream from outside incumbents, like water or sand. Consisting of steel pipe that is joined together to make a continuous hollow tube, casing is run into the well. The different levels of the well define what diameter of casing will be installed. Referred to as a casing program, the different levels include production casing, intermediate casing, surface casing and conductor casing. Additionally, there are two types of casing that can be run on a well. One type of casing consists of a solid string of steel pipe. Solid casing is run on the well if the formation is firm and will remain that way during the life of the well. Should the well contain loose sand that might infiltrate the wellstream, the casing is installed with a wire screen liner that will help to block the sand from entering the wellbore.

Figure 3 : Casing


Cementing The next step in well completion involves cementing the well. This includes pumping cement

slurry into the well to displace the existing drilling fluids and fill in the space between the casing and the actual sides of the drilled well. Consisting of a special mixture of additives and cement, the slurry is left to harden, sealing the well from non-hydrocarbons that might try to enter the wellstream, as well as


permanently positioning the casing into place. A primary reason to cement casing is to prevent communication between producing zones , thus engineers run and a cement bong log to ascertain that the cement sheath between the casing and the borehole wall is without flaws . If gaps exist , engineers remedy the problem by injecting cement through holes made in the casing at the appropriate depths . This is referred to as a cement squeeze job.

Figure 4 : Cementing

Figure 5 : Borehole



Perforation In order to achieve production, the casing and cement are perforated to allow the hydrocarbons to

enter the wellstream. This process involves running a perforation gun and a reservoir locating device into the wellbore, many times via a wireline, slickline or coiled tubing. . Perforation are holes made in the casing , usually using small , shapped charges fired from perforating guns . the guns may be lowered into the hole on wireline , tubing or coiled tubing . Often , these operation leave debris in the well and in the perforations themselves , which may hamper the flow of formation fluids into the borehole . To reduce the impact of this debris , engineers may pump a weak acid solution downhole to the affected area to dissolve the debris . Once the reservoir level has been reached, the gun then shoots holes in the sides of the well to allow the hydrocarbons to enter the wellstream. The perforations can either be accomplished via firing bullets into the sides of the casing or by discharging jets, or shaped charges, into the casing. While the perforation locations have been previously defined by drilling logs, those intervals cannot be easily located through the casing and cement. To overcome this challenge, a gamma ray-collar correlation log is typically implemented to correlate with the initial log run on the well and define the locations where perforation is required. Perforation are made to make sure that oil comes into the well directly .

Figure 6 : Perforation


Figure 7 : Perforation

Depending on their knowledge of the formations being completed, operation may then perform a well test. In some instances this is carried out through a drillstem test valve attached to the bottom of a string of tubing or drillpipe called work string. The drillstem test valve can be opened from the surface and the well fluids flowed through a separator . Separator is a device that separates the oil, gas, water and completion fluids at the service. By measuring rates of water, gas and oil produced, operators gain information with which to make deductions about future well performance. Well tests also give operators extensive information about the character and extent of the reservoir. Completion engineers may then consider several options, which are determined by formation characteristics. If the formation permeability is low, engineers may choose to create a hydraulic fracture by pumping water and sand or other materials .


Hydraulic fracturing Hydraulic fracturing, informally referred to as “fracking,” is an oil and gas well development

process that typically involves injecting water, sand, and chemicals under high pressure into a bedrock formation via the well. This process is intended to create new fractures in the rock as well as increase the size, extent, and connectivity of existing fractures. Hydraulic fracturing is a well-stimulation technique used commonly in low-permeability rocks like tight sandstone, shale, and some coal beds to increase oil and/or gas flow to a well from petroleum-bearing rock formations. A similar technique is used to create improved permeability in underground geothermal reservoirs. Once the well has been drilled and the wellbore has been tested for integrity, the site is prepared for well stimulation through


hydraulic fracturing. Various surface facilities and mobile equipment including fracture fluid storage tanks, sand storage units, chemical trucks, blending equipment and pumping equipment surround the wellhead on the lease. The hydraulic fracturing process is monitored from a single truck often referred to as the Data Monitoring Van. The Data Monitoring Van will monitor and record the rate and pressure at which the fracturing fluid is pumped down the wellbore, the rates of the necessary additives present in the fracturing fluid and proppant concentration. Prior to and during the hydraulic fracturing job, you can expect to see an increase in heavy traffic on the roads surrounding the lease, as required equipment and services, such as graders, water trucks, the service rig and other heavy equipment is transported to and from the site. Once the hydraulic fracturing program and related operations are completed the traffic should decrease substantially. While oil and gas flow readily through permeable rocks, such formations may be unconsolidated and subject to breaking into small sand particles that may flow into the wellbore with produced fluids. These particles may plug perforation tunnels and stop fluids entering the well. To prevent the migration of these particles through the formation, engineers may inject chemicals into the formation to bind the sand grains together. To prevent sand from entering the wellbore, engineers may also opt for a sand control technique or a combination of techniques that includes various types of sand screens and gravel packing systems. Designed to block the migration of sand, these systems allow fluids to freely flow through them. The next stage in completion includes placing various pieces of hardware referred to as jewelry in the well; the jewelry is attached to production tubing. Tubing, the conduit between the production formation and the surface, is the infrastructure upon which almost all completions are built. Its strength, material and size , weight/unit length and internal diameter are chosen according to expected production rates, production types, pressures, depth, temperatures and corrosive potential of produced fluids.


Well completion components

Completion main components are : ü X-tree ü Tubing ü Tubing Hanger ü Packers ü Sliding Sleeves ü Control line ü Wireline entry guide ü Sub-surface safety valves ü Intelligent control valves ü isolation valves




Production tubing is a tube used in a wellbore through which production fluids are produced. The production string, it provides a continuous bore from the production zone to the wellhead through which oil and gas can be produced. Ø Small diameter pipe inside the casing or liner Ø Where hydrocarbons will flow to surface Ø Allows the operator to place special devices in the string Ø Protects the casing from corrosive fluid Ø Different thread types and material

Figure 8 : Tubing

Figure 9 : Close cabling protector



Tubing Hanger A device attached to the topmost tubing joint in the wellhead to support the tubing string. The

tubing hanger typically is located in the tubing head, with both components incorporating a sealing system to ensure that the tubing conduit and annulus are hydraulically isolated. The tubing hanger locks tubing in place, provides a base for wellhead top assembly (x-tree) and also provides access to annular space.

Figure 10 : Tubing Hanger



Packers Jewelry almost always includes Packers , which seal against the inside of the casing. Packers

isolate production zones within the casing tubing annulus in the same way cement does outside the casing. If the one being produced is the deepest in the well, fluids flow from the formation below the packer and through the end of the tubing to the surface. In wells with multiple zones , a more commun scenario, flow enters the well between an upper and lower packer and into the tubing through perforations or sibling sleeves . Packers systems are among the most important tools in the tubing string.The packers are installed with the completion tubing, facilitating intervention less single-trip completions, preferred for applications such as deep water. The types of packer systems vary greatly. Schulmberger offers a wide range of types and sizes, designed or configured to meet specific wellbore or reservoir conditions, such as single-packer or tandem-packer configurations, single-tubing or dual-tubing strings, and the full range of pressure and temperature applications. The packer must enable efficient flow and must not restrict normal production or injection flow. All new packers are designed and tested beyond ISO standard 14310, which defines packer design validation grades. Premium packers are qualified as V0, the strongest validation overall, and new packer designs must meet the minimum standard of V3, the most stringent standard for testing in liquid media. In addition to enhanced ISO testing, packers undergo design acceptance tests, including vibration and shock testing, standard flow-by testing, and full functional testing. All X-series elements are 100% volumetrically scanned. Schulmbergrer has different kind packers like HTHP packer, Conventional packers ,Sand controls packers ,Thermal packers etc. When the packer reaches the desire depth , the setting mechanism will make a squeeze and put out packer composant . Then a pressure test will verify the zone integrity , and the well can be place on production with an ATLAS or HNBR elements who minimise the risk of chemical degradation. Packers : Ø Means of isolating annulus Ø Provide anchorage for the production tubing string Ø Pressure barrier between formation pressure and upper annulus Ø Protect the upper casing (corrosion, H2S, pressure, etc) Packers are available in 2 main types: •




Figure 11 : Packers

Figure 12 : Packers red ( Halliburton )



Sliding Sleeves Sliding sleeves are assembled to and form part of the tubing string; they are used to establish

communication between the tubing string and the casing annulus for single- or multiple-tubing-string completions. The sliding sleeve separation tool allows flow from the casing and tubing annulus through an open sliding sleeve and up the production tubing, while blanking off the tubing just below the sliding sleeve. This allows alternate production of two zones (isolated from each other by packers) without commingling them. When production from an upper zone is not wanted and the sliding sleeve leaks fluid between the tubing and casing annulus when closed, a packoff is used to isolate this zone. The sliding sleeve packoff is attached to a lock, which anchors and seals in the sliding sleeve. The packoff assembly isolates the sliding sleeve ports and prevents fluid migration between the tubing and casing annulus, while allowing restricted flow up the production tubing from below.

Figure 13 : Sliding Sleeves



Control line A small-diameter hydraulic line used to operate downhole completion equipment such as the

surface controlled subsurface safety valve (SCSSV). Most systems operated by control line operate on a fail-safe basis. In this mode, the control line remains pressurized at all times. Any leak or failure results in loss of control line pressure, acting to close the safety valve and render the well safe.

Figure 14 : Control line

1.2.6 Safety valve Nearly all completions also include Safety valves. These come in a variety of forms but all are placed in the tubing within a few hundred feet of the surface. They are designed to automatically shut in the well when the surface control system is breached. They can also be closed manually to add an extra barrier between the well and the atmosphere when , for example , the well is being worked on or a platform is being evacuated in preparation for a storm. Subsurface safety valves are critical components of well completions, protecting production installations against uncontrolled flow in case of catastrophic damage to wellhead equipment. The valve design, material, and model are critical to its durability and reliability. Our surface-controlled subsurface safety valves incorporate innovative


features, such as the rod piston hydraulic-actuation system, metal-to-metal INCONEL flapper closure system with secondary soft seat, and inverted dual-ferrule hydraulic connection. These valves are available for a range of tubing sizes and incorporate corrosion-resistant metallurgies to suit your requirements. Schlumberger strives to provide the most dependable downhole safety valve on the market. •

Primary Purpose: Emergency well flow control device Prevents losses of personnel, environment, reserves, image It is a fail safe closed device

Secondary Purpose: Downhole Flow Control Allows for wellhead problem corrections Serves as a secondary barrier

Figure 15 : Safety valve



Isolation valve Schlumberger isolation valves safeguard reservoirs by providing a reliable barrier within the

completion string and by containing fluids during completions and workover operations—preventing damage to the formation and minimizing workover costs. Increased safety, efficiency, and production Isolation valves will help you increase wellbore safety by isolating the formation and containing reservoir fluids, increase efficiency by enabling batch drilling and completion operations, and enhance production by preventing formation damage. Proven reliability Schlumberger installed the industry’s first barrier valve in 1996. Since that time, we have installed more isolation valves than all other manufacturers combined―more than 2,300. Today, all our isolation valves use core technology components from the original FIV formation isolation valve, resulting in the most tested and reliable isolation barrier valves available. The FORTRESS premium isolation The FORTRESS isolation valve is suited for all well completion isolation requirement ands is more debris tolerant and reliable than any other valve available.

Figure 16 : Isolation valve



Wireline entry guide / Mule shoe Mule Shoes are the first item into "hole" . The device guides the casing toward the center of the

hole and minimizes problems associated with hitting rock ledges or washouts in the wellbore as the casing is lowered into the well. Coupling OD, tubing ID, top thread female, the bottom facilities entry into restrictions when rotating the string during run-in hole.

Figure 17 : Wireline entry guide / Mule shoe


Production Tree ( Xmas Tree ) The last step in completing a well, a wellhead is installed at the surface of the well. Many times

called a production tree or Christmas tree, the wellhead device includes casing heads and a tubing head combined to provide surface control of the subsurface conditions of the well. Xmas tree configuration and specification is based on production method design and downhole parameters. For a production specialist the Xmas tree is a group of valves used to control flow from and into the well also it is and important monitoring point used for initial testing and routine checking


through out the life of the well. Well site or area surrounding the well is another aspect to consider, since many routine operations are performed on the well site and conditions may directly affect normal operations. While both onshore and offshore wells are completed by production trees, offshore wells can be completed by two different types of trees: dry and wet trees. Similar to onshore production trees, dry trees are installed above the water’s surface on the deck of a platform or facility and are attached to the well below the water. Wet trees, on the other hand, are installed on the seabed and encased in a solid steel box to protect the valves and gages from the elements. The subsea wet tree is then connected via electronic or hydraulic settings that can be manipulated from the surface or via ROVs. Additionally, wells may have production flowing from multiple reservoir levels. These wells require multiple completions, which keep the production separate. Double-wing trees are installed on multiple reservoir levels. Furthermore, completions have evolved to incorporate downhole sensors that measure flow properties, such as rate, pressure and gas-to-oil ratio. Known as intelligent wells or smart wells, these completions help to achieve optimum production rates.

Figure 18 : Xmas Tree


Figure 19 : Xmas Tree

Before to go to do completion , we need to test equipment , test assembly and test the pressure , for doing this test we need to connect assembly to each other and put a test cup . So this part can be divised in 4 steps : Checking the équipement , Taking OD ID ( T and I ) , Assemblage with recovery machine .

Figure 20 : Recovery machine


The test cup is just use for completion préparation , it use for making test pressure of assembly before to do the job.

Figure 21 : Test cup

Before designing a completion, engineers take into consideration for every well the types and volumes of fluids to be ^roduced, downhole and surface temperatures, production zone depth, production rates , well location and surrounding environment. Engineers must then choose from the most basic openhole completion that may not have even a production casing string , to highty complec multilateral wells that consist of numerous horrizontal or high-angle wellbores drilled from a single main wellbore, each of which includes a discrete completion. The indispensable underpinnings of the optimal completion are solid formation evaluation, data from nearby offset wells and flexibility. Armed with reliable knowledge of target zones, how nearby wells accessing thos formations were completed and how they produced, engineers are often able to plan the basic completion before the well is drilled. But the completion engineers know that not every well will behave as expected, so they include contingencies in their completion plans and are prepared to implement them. In the end, how a well is completed , the culmination of all the decisions about jewelry and processes directly impacts the rate at which and how long hydrocarbons will be produced from that well.


Figure 22 : Completion assembly ( hydraulic fracture )


2 Intelligent completion



Intelligent completion With the basics jewelry deployed, many refinements are possible, depending of the specific

needs of the field or well. For example, intelligent completions are often used in situation where entering the well to change downhole settings is costly or otherwise problematic. Intelligent completion include permanent, real time remote pressure and temperatures sensors and a remotely operate flow control valve deployed at each formation . These completions •

Provide real-time zonal downhole monitoring of pressures and temperatures

Enable surface-controlled production from each zone or lateral to optimize production and reservoir management

Reduce production of undesirable water or gas

Increase recovery and extend the economic life of the well

Allow production testing of individual zones without interventions and with minimal production interruption.

Initially used in subsea wells, where intervention is expensive and high-risk, intelligent completions have since proven their value in managing production from multilateral wells, horizontal wells with multiple zones, wells in heterogeneous reservoirs, and mature reservoirs.


Intelligent completion packers Multiport packers isolate fluids and pressure in wells with intelligent completions that rely on

hydraulic and electric lines for control and data transmission. They allow passage of electric and hydraulic conduits for fiber-optic cables, tubing-mounted reservoir monitoring equipment, subsurface flow-control valves, and other equipment that requires connection to the surface. The packers enhance safety, protect against formation damage, reduce the need for costly workovers, and protect reservoir integrity and productivity.



Figure 23 : Intelligent complétion schematic


Figure 24 : Intelligent completion Test cup


Intelligent completion ( Pressure test ) Before to run Intelligent completion for a job , we need test to know if all of the equipment are

able to go for the production. This test are made on all assembly we will need for the job , the control line test, the safety valve test etc.


Figure 25 : Control Line pressure test

Figure 26 : Body test assembly (

we inject water and air into the tube, we compress them if the water comes

out at a connection of the pipe .. that's what's a problem )


Figure 27 : Body test assembly

Figure 28 : Assembly pressure test


This pressure test works like an electrocardiogram, a curve will take shape as the test continues until it forms a circular arc. if the bow is formed, the pressure is good otherwise it is bad. In other wells, the formation pressure is, or eventually becomes, insufficient to lift the formation fluids out of the well. Theses wells must be equipped with pumps or gas lift systems. Electric submersible pumps pump fluids to the surface using rotor and stator. Pump rotor drives can be located on the surface. Reciprocating pumps, called pump jacks, may be used to lift the fluid to surface through a reciprocating vertical motion . Gas lift systems pump gas down the annulus between two casing strings. The gas enters the tubing at a depth below the top of the fluid column. This decreases the fluid density enough for buoyancy to lift the fluid out of the well. The amount of gas entering the well may be regulated through a sequence of valves located along the length of tubing, or it may be streamed in at one or more locations. Also in low pressure formations, water and gas may be injected down one well to push oil through the formation to producing wells. The producers may be lifted with injection control devices that regulate how much and where fluids enter the wellbore.


3 Other operation meet in Schlumberger base ( Coiled Tubing , Drilling )



Coiled Tubing Coiled tubing refers to a very long metal pipe , which is supplied spooled on a large reel. It is

used for interventions in oil and gas wells and sometimes as production tubing in depleted gas wells. Coiled tubing is often used to carry out operations similar to wirelining. The main benefits over wireline are the ability to pump chemicals through the coil and the ability to push it into the hole rather than relying on gravity. Pumping can be fairly self-contained, almost a closed system, since the tube is continuous instead of jointed pipe. A coiled tubing operation is normally performed through the drilling derrick on the oil platform, which is used to support the surface equipment, although on platforms with no drilling facilities a self-supporting tower can be used instead. Coiled tubing can be use for : -

Circulation or for remove water from the producing well. The safest (though not the cheapest) solution would be to attempt to circulate out the fluid, using a gas, frequently nitrogen (Often called a 'Nitrogen Kick'). By running coiled tubing into the bottom of the hole and pumping in the gas, the kill fluid can be forced out to production.


Pumping through coiled tubing can also be used for dispersing fluids to a specific location in the well such as for cementing perforations or performing chemical washes of downhole components such as sandscreens. In the former case, coiled tubing is particularly advantageous compared to simply pumping the cement from surface as allowing it to flow through the entire completion could potentially damage important components, such as the downhole safety valve.


Drilling , a relatively modern drilling technique involves using coiled tubing instead of conventional drill pipe. This has the advantage of requiring less effort to trip in and out of the well . An additional advantage is that the coiled tubing enters the hole via a stripper .


Production: Coiled tubing is often used as a production string in shallow gas wells that produce some water. The coiled tubing may be run inside the casing instead or inside conventional tubing.



Coiled Tubing Unit

Figure 29 : Coiled Tubing Unit

Figure 30 : Coiled Tubing Unit


The powerpack has as basic functions : Provide hydraulic power who is required bt the coiled tubing unit, control and limitation on hydraulic systems, hydraulic accumulator storage for secondary well control equipment, providing operations data to enable well site design and monitoring. The Powerpack also work by using 4 hydraulic pomp : -

One for the auxiliaury system


The second for the Levelwind


The thrid pomp for the reel


The priority circut who give energy to the injector.

Figure 31 : Control cabing

Figure 32 : Injector / Coiled tubing / Reel-


Figure 33 : Injecteur

Figure 34 : Stripper / BOP



Drilling As we know before completion, casing cementing and all of these , we need to drill . The drill

is the first step of oil and gas production, if we don’t drill , we won’t be able to produce . Before to drill , we need to know the rock composition and his geometric structure, we need to know how deep is our reservoir . These information will help dilling engineers to know which tools are gonna be use for the drill. Drilling is the combination of several tools, each with a very specific role. Each hole may be different because everything will depend on the rock formation


Pdc Polycrystalline diamond compact (PDC) drill bits deliver premium performance and durability

for a wide range of standard drilling applications. These matrix- and steel-bodied bits incorporate the latest cutter technology, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), enhanced hydraulics, and various structure geometries to maximize the job. It has the same function than a tricone but it most profitable than a casual tricone .

Figure 35 : Pdc / Tricone



Roller reamer ( Ongauge ) The OnGauge sealed-bearing roller reamer has three cutter assemblies that rotate continuously.

This rotation minimizes the surface area contact that creates friction and increases torque. By comparison, standard stabilizers have a much larger surface area in contact with the borehole wall.

Figure 36 : Roller reamer ( Ongauge )



Thru – Tubing Underreamer

This tools is use for cement cleanout and for remove scale , it has many advantages which is : -

Mechanical assisted knife retarction


Self-stabilizing knife configuration


Durable construction for downhole reliability


Available with various dressings and carbide inserts


Configurable as an anchor for pipe-cutting applications

The underreamer passes through borehole restrictions and opens by hydraulic activation to a present diameter. It effectively removes cement , scale , and hard debris from the liner below the production string.

Figure 37 : Thru – Tubing Underreamer


4 Conclusion This traine was a great experience , it give me a great look about industries who work in petroleum domain . The fact that I’ve worked in good condition made me understand operation with efficiency. I understand a lot of thing about completion , i cannot say that i know everything cause everyday we can learn new things , but i can say that i know the basic about Well completion .