Hangout 3 Lesson Plan [PDF]

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Date of planning: Date of teaching: I. AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON 1. Language focus - Talk about time and date 2. Skills - To promote Ss to enhance their vocabulary about time and date. - To develop Listening, Speaking and Reading skills. 3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to join in all activities in class. - To help Ss motivate themselves in learning English. II. PREPARATION 1. Teacher - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan, projector, speakers - Teaching method: Communicative language teaching, Student - centered approach 2. Students - Read through “page 6 – page 9” at home III. PROCEDURE 1. Class organization Class Teaching date Attendance 2. Check up - Ask Ss to talk about time and date. 3. New lesson TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES 1. WARM – UP: Play the name Game: Divide the class into two groups. Make each group form a circle. Ask Ss in each group ask and answer questions about their names. Make it more fun by adding speed. The fastest group is the winner.

2. CONTENTS: A. Listen and write the names Play the recording. Ask Ss to write the names under the correct pictures B. Listen and say Play the recording. Ask Ss to say loud in chorus, then check and correct their pronunciation. C. Listen and write the letters Play the recording Ask Ss to listen then write the letters on the picture. D. Listen and draw the time Ask Ss to read and draw the time for each clock


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Song Play the song Ask Ss to stand up and sing the song Reading Ask Ss to read the paragraph. Each S reads one sentence. Ask Ss to write about “What can the dad do?” Check their answers

Speaking Show class flashcards and ask them to say with I can.../ I can’t ... Stick flashcards to the board then ask Ss to answer What can you do? I can .../ I can’t ... What can he/she do? He/She can ... He/She can’t ... 4. Consolidation - Vocabulary related to everyday activities - Structure: What time is it now? It's five o'clock. What's the date today? It's twenty-first. 5. Homework - Review vocabulary and structures - Review the tasks again - Read page 24 – page 28 at home

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Do as appointed Answer Key 1. He can draw anything. 2. He can paint. 3. He can’t sing. 4. He can ride a bike.

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Date of planning: Date of teaching: I. AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON 1. Language focus - Talk about time along with daily routine 2. Skills - To promote Ss to enhance their vocabulary about daily routines. - To develop Listening, Speaking and Reading skills. 3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to join in all activities in class. - To help Ss motivate themselves in learning English. II. PREPARATION 1. Teacher - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan, projector, speakers - Teaching method: Communicative language teaching, Student - centered approach 2. Students - Read through “page 10 – page 13” at home III. PROCEDURE 1. Class organization Class Teaching date Attendance 2. Check up - Ask Ss to talk about their daily routines 3. New lesson TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES 1. WARM – UP: Game: Snap the board (review the last lesson) 1. Play in 2 teams. 2. Teacher sticks flashcards of previous lesson on the board. 3. Teacher uses body language to describe the activity in the picture 4. Each member from 2 teams snaps the flashcard which teacher has described, then gets 1 point for each fast and correct snap. 5. The team with the most points is the winner. 2. CONTENTS: A. Listen and say Vocabularies: Wake up, Make my bed, Wash my face, Brush my teeth, Comb my hair, Get dressed, Eat breakfast, Put on shoe Play the recording. Ask Ss to say loud in chorus, then check and correct their pronunciation. Play “Whispers” game: Organize class in groups of six


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or more. Show a flashcard to the first child in each group. This child whispers the word to the child next to them until the word reaches the final child. The final child says the word out loud and first child holds up the flashcard to check if they match. B. Look, listen and write letters on the picture Play the recording Ask Ss to listen then write the letters on the picture.

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C. Look at the picture and say Point at the pictures and ask Ss to read out loud (read in chorus or individually) Song Play the song Ask Ss to stand up and sing the song

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Reading Ask Ss to read the paragraph. Each S reads one sentence. Ask Ss to write about “What do the children do in the morning?” Check their answers

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Do as appointed Speaking Show class flashcards and ask them to say with I ….. at 6a.m Stick flashcards to the board then ask Ss to answer What time do you do things in the morning? I can ...... at 8a.m 4. Consolidation - Vocabulary related to everyday activities - Structure: What time does she wake up? She wakes up at six o’clock. 5. Homework - Review vocabulary and structures - Review the tasks again - Read page 6 – page9 at home



Date of planning: Date of teaching: I. AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON 1. Language focus - Talk about everyday activities 2. Skills - To promote Ss to enhance their vocabulary about daily activities. - To develop Listening, Speaking and Reading skills. 3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to join in all activities in class. - To help Ss motivate themselves in learning English. II. PREPARATION 1. Teacher - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan, projector, speakers - Teaching method: Communicative language teaching, Student - centered approach 2. Students - Read through “page 14 – page 18” at home III. PROCEDURE 1. Class organization Class Teaching date Attendance 2. Check up - Ask Ss to talk about their daily routines 3. New lesson TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES 1. WARM – UP: Game: Snap the board (review the last lesson) Play ‘Jump’. Teacher holds up a flashcard and says a word. If the word matches the flashcard, students should jump up at their desk.

2. CONTENTS: A. Listen and say Vocabularies: Go home, Eat a snack Do homework, Go shopping, Practice the piano, Take a bath, Change into pajamas, Go to sleep Play the recording. Ask Ss to say loud in chorus, then check and correct their pronunciation. Play “Teacher Can’t Remember”: Go through the flashcards and tell the students you can’t remember some of the words so you want them to help you. If you say the correct word they have to do an agreed upon action (clapping, yelling yes, jump up etc.). If you say the incorrect word the students do a different action and


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yell out the correct word. B. Look, listen and write letters on the picture Play the recording Ask Ss to listen then write the letters on the picture. C. Look at the pictures, ask and answer Point at the pictures and ask Ss “what time is it” Ask Ss to ask and answer in pairs chant Play the audio Ask Ss to stand up and chant

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Listen and Read Play the audio Ask Ss to listen and read. Ask Ss to write about “What they do every morning?” Check their answers

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Speaking Show class flashcards and ask them to say with It’s …. o’clock. It’s time to …….

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Stick flashcards to the board then ask Ss to answer What time is it? I ...o’clock. it’s time to …. 4. Consolidation - Vocabulary related to everyday activities - What time is it? It’s three o’clock. It’s time to eat a snack. What do you do at seven o'clock? I eat breakfast. 5. Homework - Review vocabulary and structures - Review the tasks again - Read page 14 – page 18 at home



Date of planning: Date of teaching: I. AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON 1. Language focus - Review and Practice. 2. Skills - To promote Ss to enhance their vocabulary about daily routine. - To develop Listening, Speaking and Reading skills. 3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to join in all activities in class. - To help Ss motivate themselves in learning English. II. PREPARATION 1. Teacher - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan, projector, speakers - Teaching method: Communicative language teaching, Student - centered approach 2. Students - Read through “page 19” at home III. PROCEDURE 1. Class organization Class Teaching date Attendance 2. Check up - Ask Ss to talk about daily routine. .3. Review TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES


1. WARM – UP: Review Do as appointed 1. Write the vocabulary from the previous lesson on the board. 2. Have students read the words on the board. 3. Write the structures from the previous lesson on the board. 4. Have students read the sentences on the board. 5. Have some students practice using the vocabulary and structure in front of the class. Play ‘Jump’ with the flashcards from previous lessons. Teacher holds up a flashcard and says a word. If the word matches the flashcard, students should jump up at their desk. 2. CONTENTS: Review all The “connect three” Game 1. Divide the class in groups of four. Divide each groups into pairs. Have each pair use a different color

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pen. 2. Have students play rock, paper, and scissors. The winners will go first. 3. Student A from the first team points to space on the board where they wish to put a mark and asks the related question. Student B answers. If the answer is correct, that team can put a mark on the space. If the answer is incorrect, the next team takes their turn. 4. The winner is the team that can get three of their own marks in a row horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Note: Swap students' roles after each turn. 4. Consolidation Review 5. Homework - Review vocabulary and structures - Review the tasks again - Read page 19 at home

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Date of planning: Date of teaching: I. AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON 1. Language focus - Talk about everyday activities 2. Skills - To promote Ss to enhance their vocabulary about daily activities. - To develop Listening, Speaking and Reading skills. 3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to join in all activities in class. - To help Ss motivate themselves in learning English. II. PREPARATION 1. Teacher - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan, projector, speakers - Teaching method: Communicative language teaching, Student - centered approach 2. Students - Read through “page 20 – page 23” at home III. PROCEDURE 1. Class organization Class Teaching date Attendance 2. Check up - Ask Ss to talk about their daily routines 3. New lesson TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES 1. WARM – UP: Game: Snap the board (review the last lesson) 1. Play in 2 teams. 2. Teacher sticks flashcards of previous lesson on the board. 3. Teacher uses body language to describe the activity in the picture 4. Each member from 2 teams snaps the flashcard which teacher has described, then gets 1 point for each fast and correct snap. 5. The team with the most points is the winner. 2. CONTENTS: A. Listen and say Play the recording. Ask Ss to say loud in chorus, then check and correct their pronunciation. B. Look, listen and write letters on the picture Play the recording Ask Ss to listen then write the letters on the picture.


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C. Look at the picture and say Point at the pictures and ask Ss to read out loud (read in chorus or individually) Song Play the song Ask Ss to stand up and sing the song

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Reading Ask Ss to read the paragraph. Each S reads one sentence. Ask Ss to write about “What can the dad do?” Check their answers

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Speaking Show class flashcards and ask them to say with I can.../ I can’t ...

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Stick flashcards to the board then ask Ss to answer What can you do? I can .../ I can’t ... What can he/she do? He/She can ... He/She can’t ... 4. Consolidation - Vocabulary related to everyday activities - Structure: I can.../ I can’t..../ She can .../ She can’t.... 5. Homework - Review vocabulary and structures - Review the tasks again - Read page 24 – page 28 at home



Date of planning: Date of teaching: I. AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON 1. Language focus - Ask and answer questions with “can” 2. Skills - To promote Ss to enhance their vocabulary about asking and answering questions with “can”. - To develop Listening, Speaking and Reading skills. 3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to join in all activities in class. - To help Ss motivate themselves in learning English. II. PREPARATION 1. Teacher - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan, projector, speakers - Teaching method: Communicative language teaching, Student - centered approach 2. Students - Read through “page 24 – page 28” at home III. PROCEDURE 1. Class organization Class Teaching date Attendance 2. Check up - Ask Ss to ask and answer questions using “can” 3. New lesson TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES 1. WARM – UP: Game: Snap the board (review the last lesson) Play “Hot seats”. Divide the class into two teams. Ask one player from each team to sit on the chairs (hot seats) in the front and face to his/her team. (back to the board). Write the first word (e.g. martial arts, play badminton, go camping,…) on the board, making sure the players in the 'hot seats' can't see it. After you say 'Go!, the members of each team try to inform the word to their friend by doing actions without any words. The first player to say the word correctly gets one point for his/her team. The team which has more points at the end of the game wins. 2. CONTENTS: A. Listen and say Vocabularies: Skateboard, Work with wood, Drive a car, Surf, Sew, Bake, Ski Play the recording. Ask Ss to say loud in chorus, then check and correct their pronunciation.


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Play the “Heads up. What’s missing” game. Arrange the flashcard on the board and remove one card when students are not looking. One student from each team calls out the missing flashcard.

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B. Look, listen and write letters on the picture Play the recording Ask Ss to listen then write the letters on the picture.

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C. Look at the pictures, ask and answer Point at the pictures and ask Ss “what time is it” Ask Ss to ask and answer in pairs chant Play the audio Ask Ss to stand up and chant

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Listen and Read Play the audio Ask Ss to listen and read. Speaking Show class flashcards and ask them to say with “can he/she ….? “yes he/she can. No he/she can’t Stick flashcards to the board then ask Ss to answer Can he/she ……? 4. Consolidation - Vocabulary related to questions with “can” -Can he sew? Yes, he can. / No, he can’t. 5. Homework - Review vocabulary and structures - Review the tasks again - Read page 24 – page 28 at home

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Date of planning: Date of teaching: I. AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON 1. Language focus - Review and Practice. 2. Skills - To promote Ss to enhance their vocabulary about the use of “can” and “can’t”. - To develop Listening, Speaking and Reading skills. 3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to join in all activities in class. - To help Ss motivate themselves in learning English. II. PREPARATION 1. Teacher - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan, projector, speakers - Teaching method: Communicative language teaching, Student - centered approach 2. Students - Read through “page 29” at home III. PROCEDURE 1. Class organization Class Teaching date Attendance 2. Check up - Ask Ss to write things they can do and things they can’t do.. .3. Review TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES


1. WARM – UP: Review Do as appointed 1. Write the vocabulary from the previous lesson on the board. 2. Have students read the words on the board. 3. Write the structures from the previous lesson on the board. 4. Have students read the sentences on the board. 5. Have some students practice using the vocabulary and structure in front of the class.

2. CONTENTS: A. Review all B. Play the “walk and talk” game Place different pairs of Student and Teacher Cards around the room

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Have students walk around in pairs. At the signal stop! , partners must stop at a pair of cards and exchange questions and answers, using the cards as cues S1: (pointing to the first card) what’s this? S2: it’s a (pencil). Partners then switch roles S2: (pointing to another card) what’s this? S1: It’s a (pen) 4. Consolidation Review 5. Homework - Review vocabulary and structures - Review the tasks again - Read page 29 at home

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Date of planning: Date of teaching: I. AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON 1. Language focus - Talk about what you did yesterday - To promote Ss to enhance their vocabulary about things they did yesterday. - To develop Listening, Speaking and Reading skills. 3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to join in all activities in class. - To help Ss motivate themselves in learning English. II. PREPARATION 1. Teacher - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan, projector, speakers - Teaching method: Communicative language teaching, Student - centered approach 2. Students - Read through “page 30 – page 33” at home III. PROCEDURE 1. Class organization Class Teaching date Attendance 2. Check up - Ask Ss to talk about what they did yesterday 3. New lesson TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES 1. WARM – UP: Review: Game Word Beetles: Divide the class into two teams. Each team assigns a writer who has to compete with the other team by writing as many words as she / he can. - Give a topic, e.g. Food, Clothes, Family, etc. - Set a time limit. The winner is the writer who can write more words (legs) than the other. (Ask: How many legs does Team A‟s beetle have?) - The game continues with another member of the group. . 2. CONTENTS: A. Listen and say Vocabularies: Carry a backpack, Finish a book, Listen to music Paint, Play, Study, Wait, Walk Play the recording. Ask Ss to say loud in chorus, then check and correct their pronunciation.


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“Tic, tac, toe” game: Divide the class into groups of four with two students in each team. Have teams play rock, paper, scissors. The winning team chooses a square, asks and answers. Have the team take turns. Swap roles and repeat until the game is finished. Before the end of the lesson, check the answers as a whole class

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B. Look, listen and point at the pictures Play the recording Ask Ss to listen and point at the pictures. C. Look at the picture and say Point at the pictures and ask Ss to read out loud (read in chorus or individually) Song Play the song Ask Ss to stand up and sing the song

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Reading Ask Ss to read the paragraph. Each S reads one sentence. Ask Ss to write about “What someone did” Check their answers

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Speaking Show class flashcards and ask them to say with she listened to…../he played……………. Stick flashcards to the board then ask Ss to answer What did she do? She painted What did he do? He studied 4. Consolidation - Vocabulary related to what one did yesterday - Structure: What did she do? She listened to music. 5. Homework - Review vocabulary and structures - Review the tasks again - Read page 30 – page 33 at home

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Date of planning: Date of teaching: I. AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON 1. Language focus - Talk about places around your school 2. Skills - To promote Ss to enhance their vocabulary about places around school”. - To develop Listening, Speaking and Reading skills. 3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to join in all activities in class. - To help Ss motivate themselves in learning English. II. PREPARATION 1. Teacher - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan, projector, speakers - Teaching method: Communicative language teaching, Student - centered approach 2. Students - Read through “page 34 – page 38” at home III. PROCEDURE 1. Class organization Class Teaching date Attendance 2. Check up - Ask Ss to talk about places around their school. 3. New lesson TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES WARM – UP: Review Game: : Ostrich Game: - Select 2 Ss that will play the game. These 2 then face each other in the front of the class. Use a clip to fasten a picture card to the back of each student. - The Ss must always have their hands behind their back. Get them to perform a Sumo Stomp and then say "Ready, steady go!!" - The Ss now have to try and see what card is on their opponent’s back. When they know the answer, they put their hand in the air and teacher asks them what it is. If he/she is correct they win! (Make sure the other Ss don't shout out the answer! - Insist that the Ss always have their hands behind their backs.) - Jumping is one of the best tactics - hence the "Ostrich



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Game"! 2. CONTENTS: A. Listen and say Vocabularies: Bus stop Classroom, Field, Gym, Hallway, Library, Playground, School bus Play the recording. Ask Ss to say loud in chorus, then check and correct their pronunciation.

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Play “Whispers”: Organize class in groups of six or more. Show a flashcard to the first child in each group. This child whispers the word to the child next to them until the word reaches the final child. The final child says the word out loud and first child holds up the flashcard to check if they match B. Look, listen and write letters on the picture Play the recording Ask Ss to listen then write the letters on the picture.

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C. Look at the pictures, ask and answer Point at the pictures and ask Ss “did you play in the gym?” Ask Ss to ask and answer in pairs

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chant Play the audio Ask Ss to stand up and chant

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Listen and Read Play the audio Ask Ss to listen and read. Speaking Show class flashcards and ask them to say with “did you play in the ….? “Yes, I played in the….. No, I played in the….. Stick flashcards to the board then ask Ss to answer Did you play in the ……? 4. Consolidation - Vocabulary related to places around school - Did you play in the gym? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t 5. Homework - Review vocabulary and structures - Review the tasks again - Read page 34 – page 38 at home

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Date of planning: Date of teaching: I. AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON 1. Language focus - Review and Practice. 2. Skills - To promote Ss to enhance their vocabulary about what someone did yesterday. - To develop Listening, Speaking and Reading skills. 3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to join in all activities in class. - To help Ss motivate themselves in learning English. II. PREPARATION 1. Teacher - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan, projector, speakers - Teaching method: Communicative language teaching, Student - centered approach 2. Students - Read through “page 39” at home III. PROCEDURE 1. Class organization Class Teaching date Attendance 2. Check up - Ask Ss to talk about what they did yesterday. .3. Review TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES


1. WARM – UP: Review Do as appointed 1. Write the vocabulary from the previous lesson on the board. 2. Have students read the words on the board. 3. Write the structures from the previous lesson on the board. 4. Have students read the sentences on the board. 5. Have some students practice using the vocabulary and structure in front of the class.



Review unit 3 Do as appointed Play “Change your seat” Have students write a word that they have learnt in the previous lesson on a piece of paper. Speak out one word in random. Students who have this word have to run and find a new seat. Continue with other words. Have the class saying the words after each word. 4. Consolidation Review 5. Homework - Review vocabulary and structures - Review the tasks again - Read page 39 at home



Date of planning: Date of teaching: I. AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON 1. Language focus - Review and Practice. 2. Skills - To promote Ss to enhance their vocabulary about everyday activities, “can/can’t”, what someone did yesterday. - To develop Listening, Speaking and Reading skills. 3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to join in all activities in class. - To help Ss motivate themselves in learning English. II. PREPARATION 1. Teacher - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan, projector, speakers - Teaching method: Communicative language teaching, Student - centered approach 2. Students - Read through “page 40 – page 43” at home III. PROCEDURE 1. Class organization Class Teaching date Attendance 2. Check up - Ask Ss to talk about units 1-3. .3. Review TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES


1. WARM – UP: Review Do as appointed 1. Write the vocabulary from the previous lesson on the board. 2. Have students read the words on the board. 3. Write the structures from the previous lesson on the board. 4. Have students read the sentences on the board. 5. Have some students practice using the vocabulary and structure in front of the class.

2. CONTENTS: Review unit 1-3 Play “Build the words”: Divide the class into six groups. Give each group a set of letter card. Students in each group try to build as many words as possible, using given letter cards. The group to build more words wins.

4. Consolidation Review 5. Homework - Review vocabulary and structures - Review the tasks again - Read page 40 - 43 at home

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Date of planning: Date of teaching: I. AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON 1. Language focus - Talk about what your classmates are doing. - To promote Ss to enhance their vocabulary about what classmates are doing. - To develop Listening, Speaking and Reading skills. 3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to join in all activities in class. - To help Ss motivate themselves in learning English. II. PREPARATION 1. Teacher - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan, projector, speakers - Teaching method: Communicative language teaching, Student - centered approach 2. Students - Read through “page 44 – page 47” at home III. PROCEDURE 1. Class organization Class Teaching date Attendance 2. Check up - Ask Ss to talk about what their classmates are doing. 3. New lesson TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES 1. WARM – UP: Review: Play “Island Hopping” Game: - Ss work in pairs. Give each student a pile of picture cards of the previous theme. They can be different cards, but the amount of cards should be the same for each student. - Teacher says "Go!" - Ss pick up the top card of their pile of cards. They shout out the word on the card - or for a more challenging version, they make up a sentence that features that word.


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They put the card on the desk after shouting out. - The first students to finish shouting out the word or making up a sentence of their piles of cards win! . 2. CONTENTS: A. Listen and say Vocabularies: Show, Help, Practice, Pack Look for, Take a picture, Stand, Close Play the recording. Ask Ss to say loud in chorus, then check and correct their pronunciation. Play “Passing ball” game: Play a song. Ask students to pass the balls (2 balls with different colors) as the music plays and stop passing when the music pauses. The student who has the first ball pick out a flashcard and the other holding the other ball answer.

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B. Look, listen and point at the pictures Play the recording Ask Ss to listen and point at the pictures. C. Look at the picture and say Point at the pictures and ask Ss to read out loud (read in chorus or individually) Song Play the song Ask Ss to stand up and sing the song

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Reading Ask Ss to read the paragraph. Each S reads one sentence. Ask Ss to write about “What is he/she doing?” Check their answers

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Speaking Show class flashcards and ask them to say with she is taking pictures./he is standing Stick flashcards to the board then ask Ss to answer What is Brian doing? He is taking pictures

4. Consolidation - Vocabulary related to what a classmate is doing. - Structure: What is Brian doing? He is taking pictures 5. Homework - Review vocabulary and structures - Review the tasks again - Read page 44 – page 47 at home

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Date of planning: Date of teaching: I. AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON 1. Language focus - ask and answer with a partner about yes/no questions. 2. Skills - To promote Ss to enhance their vocabulary about yes/no questions”. - To develop Listening, Speaking and Reading skills. 3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to join in all activities in class. - To help Ss motivate themselves in learning English. II. PREPARATION 1. Teacher - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan, projector, speakers - Teaching method: Communicative language teaching, Student - centered approach 2. Students - Read through “page 48 – page 52” at home III. PROCEDURE 1. Class organization Class Teaching date Attendance 2. Check up - Ask Ss to ask and answer yes/no questions. 3. New lesson TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES WARM – UP: Review Game: : Play “Slow reveal”: Put a flashcard on the board and cover it with a piece of paper. Very slowly move the paper to reveal the picture, bit by bit. Ask students to guess the word. The first student to guess correctly comes to the front to choose the next card.





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A. Listen and say Vocabularies: Review unit 3 vocabularies

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Play the recording. Ask Ss to say loud in chorus, then check and correct their pronunciation. Play the “Tennis” game. Have one student come to the front and play “Tennis” with you. As you say a word, hit it to the student and have the student respond with another word and hit it back to you. Divide the students into pairs and have them play with each other. A. Review all structures Play “Concentration Matching Game”: - Put all the word cards on one side of blackboard face down and the picture cards on the other side of the board face up. - Ss take turns turning over a word card, and then finding the picture that matches the word. When a pair of cards has been matched correctly, they are put together on the board. - If a student can’t read the word or doesn’t match the word to the correct picture, both cards have to be returned to the board in their original places. Another child has an opportunity to make a match. - The game is over when all cards have been correctly matched.

4. Consolidation - Vocabulary related to places around school - Did you play in the gym? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t 5. Homework - Review vocabulary and structures - Review the tasks again - Read page 34 – page 38 at home

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Date of planning: Date of teaching: I. AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON 1. Language focus - Review and Practice. 2. Skills - To promote Ss to enhance their vocabulary about what classmates are doing? - To develop Listening, Speaking and Reading skills. 3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to join in all activities in class. S- To help Ss motivate themselves in learning English. II. PREPARATION 1. Teacher - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan, projector, speakers - Teaching method: Communicative language teaching, Student - centered approach 2. Students - Read through “page 53” at home III. PROCEDURE 1. Class organization Class Teaching date Attendance 2. Check up - Ask Ss to talk about what their classmates are doing. .3. Review TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES


1. WARM – UP: Review Do as appointed 1. Write the vocabulary from the previous lesson on the board. 2. Have students read the words on the board. 3. Write the structures from the previous lesson on the board.

4. Have students read the sentences on the board. 5. Have some students practice using the vocabulary and structure in front of the class.

2. CONTENTS: A. Review unit 4 Do as appointed Play “Change your seat” Have students write a word that they have learnt in the previous lesson on a piece of paper. Speak out one word in random. Students who have this word have to run and find a new seat. Continue with other words. Have the class saying the words after each word. 4. Consolidation Review 5. Homework - Review vocabulary and structures - Review the tasks again - Read page 53 at home



Date of planning: Date of teaching: I. AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON 1. Language focus - Talk about what your favorite food and ask your partner about his or her. - To promote Ss to enhance their vocabulary about favorite food. - To develop Listening, Speaking and Reading skills. 3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to join in all activities in class. - To help Ss motivate themselves in learning English. II. PREPARATION 1. Teacher - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan, projector, speakers - Teaching method: Communicative language teaching, Student - centered approach 2. Students - Read through “page 54 – page 57” at home III. PROCEDURE 1. Class organization Class Teaching date Attendance 2. Check up - Ask Ss to ask and talk about their favorite food 3. New lesson TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES


1. WARM – UP: Review Play the “Heads up. What’s missing?” game. Two teams. Arrange the flashcards on the board and remove one card when students are not looking. One student from each team calls out the missing flashcard. .

2. CONTENTS: A. Listen and say Vocabularies: Onions, Eggs, Chicken, Omelets, Salt, Pepper, Butter, Oil Play the recording. Ask Ss to say loud in chorus, then check and correct their pronunciation.

Do as appointed

Do as appointed

Play “Passing ball” game: Play a song. Ask students to pass the balls (2 balls with different colors) as the music plays and stop passing when the music pauses. The student who has the first ball pick out a flashcard and the other holding the other ball answer.

Do as appointed

Play vocabulary tennis. Split the class into two teams. Tell the class the category is “travel”. The first team serves by saying one vocab from this theme and play passes to the second team who has five seconds to say another. If they are successful the pay passes to the first team to call out another word, the first team who repeats a word or cannot think of another word loses. Repeat the game with other lexical sets such as animals, school, a shopping trip and home.

Do as appointed

B. Look, listen and point at the pictures Play the recording Ask Ss to listen and point at the pictures. C. Look at the picture and say Point at the pictures and ask Ss to read out loud (read in chorus or individually) Song Play the song Ask Ss to stand up and sing the song

Do as appointed

Reading Ask Ss to read the paragraph. Each S reads one sentence. Ask Ss to write about “have some and don’t have any” Check their answers

Do as appointed

Speaking Show class flashcards and ask them to say with “I have some onions/ I don’ have any chicken”

Do as appointed

Stick flashcards to the board then ask Ss to answer ”do you have …….? Yes, I …….. 4. Consolidation - Vocabulary related to favorite food. - Structure: Do they have any chicken? Yes, they have some chicken. / No, they don’t have any chicken. 5. Homework - Review vocabulary and structures - Review the tasks again - Read page 54 – page 57 at home



Date of planning: Date of teaching: I. AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON 1. Language focus - Talk about what is or isn’t in the kitchen. 2. Skills - To promote Ss to enhance their vocabulary things in the kitchen. - To develop Listening, Speaking and Reading skills. 3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to join in all activities in class. - To help Ss motivate themselves in learning English. II. PREPARATION 1. Teacher - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan, projector, speakers - Teaching method: Communicative language teaching, Student - centered approach 2. Students - Read through “page 58 – page 62” at home III. PROCEDURE 1. Class organization Class Teaching date Attendance 2. Check up - Ask Ss to talk about what is or isn’t in the kitchen. 3. New lesson

TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES WARM – UP Review Game: Island Hoping Game: - Ss work in pairs. Give each student a pile of flashcards from the previous lessons. They can be different cards, but the amount of cards should be the same for each student. - Teacher says "Go!" - Ss pick up the top card of their pile of cards. They shout out the word on the card - or for a more challenging version, they make up a sentence that features that word. They put the card on the desk after shouting out. - The first students to finish shouting out the word or making up a sentence of their piles of cards win!



2. CONTENTS: A. Listen and say Vocabularies: Muffin, Lemon, Hamburger, Strawberry, Toast, Water Peanut butter, Jam

Do as appointed

Do as appointed

Play the recording. Ask Ss to say loud in chorus, then check and correct their pronunciation. “Snap” game: Write one of the words on the board, e.g. always. Say the word aloud. Put the flashcards in a pile in front of you and lift up so the children can only see the facing card. Reveal the cards one at a time by putting the front card to the back. When children see the card “always” they shout snap! Repeat with the rest of the words in the set. B. Look, listen and write letters on the picture Play the recording Ask Ss to listen then write the letters on the picture. C. Look at the pictures, ask and answer Point at the pictures and ask Ss “is there any water?” Ask Ss to ask and answer in pairs Song Play the song Ask Ss to stand up and sing the song Reading Ask Ss to read the paragraph. Each S reads one sentence. Ask Ss to write about “healthy food” Check their answers Speaking Show class flashcards and ask them to say with “yes, there are lemons / No, there aren’t lemons

Do as appointed

Stick flashcards to the board then ask Ss to answer ”are there any………./ yes, there are……..” 4. Consolidation - Vocabulary related to places around school - Is there any water? Yes, there is some water. / No, there isn’t any water 5. Homework - Review vocabulary and structures - Review the tasks again - Read page 58 – page 62 at home



Date of planning: Date of teaching: I. AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON 1. Language focus - Review and Practice. 2. Skills - To promote Ss to enhance their vocabulary about food in the kitchen. - To develop Listening, Speaking and Reading skills. 3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to join in all activities in class. - To help Ss motivate themselves in learning English. II. PREPARATION 1. Teacher - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan, projector, speakers - Teaching method: Communicative language teaching, Student - centered approach 2. Students - Read through “page 63” at home III. PROCEDURE 1. Class organization Class Teaching date Attendance 2. Check up - Ask Ss to talk about food in the kitchen. .3. Review



1. WARM – UP: Review Do as appointed 1. Write the vocabulary from the previous lesson on the board. 2. Have students read the words on the board. 3. Write the structures from the previous lesson on the board. 4. Have students read the sentences on the board. 5. Have some students practice using the vocabulary and structure in front of the class. Stop the bus! Put children into small groups and write four categories on the board [for example clothes, animals, places, foods]. Then say a letter and children must come up with one example for each category *For example if the letter is ‘S’ the answers could be shoe, shark, Singapore, sandwich]. When the team has four answers they shout ‘Stop the bus’ and if they are correct they win that round. Repeat with a different letter. 2. CONTENTS: Review unit 4 Do as appointed Play “Change your seat” Have students write a word that they have learnt in the previous lesson on a piece of paper. Speak out one word in random. Students who have this word have to run and find a new seat. Continue with other words. Have the class saying the words after each word. 4. Consolidation Review 5. Homework - Review vocabulary and structures - Review the tasks again - Read page 63 at home


Mid-term Test



Date of planning: Date of teaching: I. AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON 1. Language focus - Talk about your last birthday party. - To promote Ss to enhance their vocabulary about birthday party. - To develop Listening, Speaking and Reading skills. 3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to join in all activities in class. - To help Ss motivate themselves in learning English. II. PREPARATION 1. Teacher - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan, projector, speakers - Teaching method: Communicative language teaching, Student - centered approach 2. Students - Read through “page 64 – page 67” at home III. PROCEDURE 1. Class organization Class Teaching date Attendance

2. Check up - Ask Ss to talk about their last birthday party. 3. New lesson TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES 1. WARM – UP: Review Play the “Heads up. What’s missing?” game. Two teams. Arrange the flashcards on the board and remove one card when students are not looking. One student from each team calls out the missing flashcard. .

2. CONTENTS: A. Listen and say Vocabularies: Run around, Make snacks, Swim, Eat, Drink, Blow up balloons, Wear costumes, Sing Play the recording. Ask Ss to say loud in chorus, then check and correct their pronunciation. Play “Passing ball” game: Play a song. Ask students to pass the balls (2 balls with different colors) as the music plays and stop passing when the music pauses. The student who has the first ball pick out a flashcard and the other holding the other ball answer.


Do as appointed

Do as appointed

Do as appointed Do as appointed

B. Look, listen and point at the pictures Play the recording Ask Ss to listen and point at the pictures. C. Look at the picture and say Point at the pictures and ask Ss to read out loud (read in chorus or individually) Song Play the song Ask Ss to stand up and sing the song

Do as appointed

Reading Ask Ss to read the paragraph. Each S reads one sentence.

Do as appointed

Speaking Show class flashcards and ask them to say with “Alex sang a song/…..” Stick flashcards to the board then ask Ss to answer ”what did Brian do?”

Do as appointed

4. Consolidation - Vocabulary related to favorite food. - Structure: What did he do? He drank juice. 5. Homework - Review vocabulary and structures - Review the tasks again - Read page 64 – page 67 at home



Date of planning: Date of teaching: I. AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON 1. Language focus - Talk about what people did at your last party. 2. Skills - To promote Ss to enhance their vocabulary about parties. - To develop Listening, Speaking and Reading skills. 3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to join in all activities in class. - To help Ss motivate themselves in learning English. II. PREPARATION 1. Teacher - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan, projector, speakers - Teaching method: Communicative language teaching, Student - centered approach 2. Students - Read through “page 68 – page 73” at home III. PROCEDURE 1. Class organization Class Teaching date Attendance

2. Check up - Ask Ss to talk about what people did at their last party. 3. New lesson TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES 1. WARM – UP: Review Game: Island Hoping Game: - Ss work in pairs. Give each student a pile of flashcards from the previous lessons. They can be different cards, but the amount of cards should be the same for each student. - Teacher says "Go!" - Ss pick up the top card of their pile of cards. They shout out the word on the card - or for a more challenging version, they make up a sentence that features that word. They put the card on the desk after shouting out. - The first students to finish shouting out the word or making up a sentence of their piles of cards win! 2. CONTENTS: A. Listen and say Vocabularies: Dance, Listen to music, Play games, Watch a movie, Open presents, Color pictures, Talk to friends, Clean up


Do as appointed

Do as appointed

Play the recording. Ask Ss to say loud in chorus, then check and correct their pronunciation. Play the “Guess” game. Arrange the flashcards on the board and write a number under each card. Have students look at the flashcards for the count the ten. Turn the flashcards over to face the board when the students are not looking. Call out number and have students take turns to guess the face down card. Turn the card over after each guess. B. Look, listen and write letters on the picture Play the recording Ask Ss to listen then write the letters on the picture. C. Look at the pictures, ask and answer Point at the pictures and ask Ss “did he dance?” Ask Ss to ask and answer in pairs Song Play the song Ask Ss to stand up and sing the song Reading Ask Ss to read the paragraph. Each S reads one sentence. Ask Ss to write about “birthday around the world” Check their answers

Do as appointed

Speaking Show class flashcards and ask them to say with “yes, he did / No he didn’t Stick flashcards to the board then ask Ss to answer ”did he ……….?/ No he didn’t, he ……..”

4. Consolidation - Vocabulary related to places around school - Did she dance? Yes, she did. / No, she didn’t 5. Homework - Review vocabulary and structures - Review the tasks again - Read page 68 – page 73 at home



Date of planning: Date of teaching: I. AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON 1. Language focus - Review and Practice. 2. Skills - To promote Ss to enhance their vocabulary about their last party. - To develop Listening, Speaking and Reading skills. 3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to join in all activities in class. - To help Ss motivate themselves in learning English. II. PREPARATION 1. Teacher - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan, projector, speakers - Teaching method: Communicative language teaching, Student - centered approach 2. Students - Read through “page 73” at home III. PROCEDURE 1. Class organization Class Teaching date Attendance

2. Check up - Ask Ss to talk about their last party. .3. Review TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES


1. WARM – UP: Review Do as appointed 1. Write the vocabulary from the previous lesson on the board. 2. Have students read the words on the board. 3. Write the structures from the previous lesson on the board. 4. Have students read the sentences on the board. 5. Have some students practice using the vocabulary and structure in front of the class. Stop the bus! Put children into small groups and write four categories on the board [for example clothes, animals, places, foods]. Then say a letter and children must come up with one example for each category *For example if the letter is ‘S’ the answers could be shoe, shark, Singapore, sandwich]. When the team has four answers they shout ‘Stop the bus’ and if they are correct they win that round. Repeat with a different letter. 2. CONTENTS: Review unit 6 Do as appointed Play “Change your seat” Have students write a word that they have learnt in the previous lesson on a piece of paper. Speak out one word in random. Students who have this word have to run and find a new seat. Continue with other words. Have the class saying the words after each word. 4. Consolidation Review 5. Homework - Review vocabulary and structures - Review the tasks again - Read page 73 at home





Date of planning: Date of teaching: I. AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON 1. Language focus - Talk about favorite sort of you and your partner. - To promote Ss to enhance their vocabulary about sports. - To develop Listening, Speaking and Reading skills. 3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to join in all activities in class. - To help Ss motivate themselves in learning English. II. PREPARATION 1. Teacher - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan, projector, speakers - Teaching method: Communicative language teaching, Student - centered approach 2. Students - Read through “page 78 – page 81” at home III. PROCEDURE

1. Class organization Class Teaching date Attendance 2. Check up - Ask Ss to talk about their partner’s favorite sport. 3. New lesson TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES 1. WARM – UP: Review Unscramble: Teacher lists words in two columns on the board (depending on number of students). The words must be scrambled so that they are spelled incorrectly. Students work in two teams to fix the words and write them correctly one-by-one. The first team to complete their column is the winner.

2. CONTENTS: A. Listen and say Vocabularies: Pass the ball, Score a goal, Jog, Jump rope, Shoot baskets, Do pushups, Catch the ball, Kick the ball Play the recording. Ask Ss to say loud in chorus, then check and correct their pronunciation. Play “Passing ball” game: Play a song. Ask students to pass the balls (2 balls with different colors) as the music plays and stop passing when the music pauses. The student who has the first ball pick out a flashcard and the other holding the other ball answer.


Do as appointed

Do as appointed

Do as appointed Do as appointed

B. Look and listen Play the recording Ask Ss to look and listen. C. Listen and point at the picture and say Play the audio Ask Ss to listen and point to the right picture. Song Play the song Ask Ss to stand up and sing the song

Do as appointed

Look at the picture and say Ask Ss to to loot at the picture and say what someone is good at.

Do as appointed

listen and answer Play the story

Do as appointed

Ask students to answer questions from the story

4. Consolidation - Vocabulary related to favorite sport. - Steve is good at shooting baskets. 5. Homework - Review vocabulary and structures - Review the tasks again - Read page 78 – page 81 at home.



Date of planning: Date of teaching: I. AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON 1. Language focus - Talk about adverbs. 2. Skills - To promote Ss to enhance their vocabulary about adverbs. - To develop Listening, Speaking and Reading skills. 3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to join in all activities in class. - To help Ss motivate themselves in learning English. II. PREPARATION 1. Teacher - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan, projector, speakers - Teaching method: Communicative language teaching, Student - centered approach 2. Students - Read through “page 82 – page 86” at home III. PROCEDURE 1. Class organization Class Teaching date

Attendance 2. Check up - Ask Ss to talk about adverbs. 3. New lesson TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES WARM – UP: Review Game Play “Spelling Bee”: This can be done with the whole class or in two teams. The first player in team one is given a word to spell orally. The first in team two writes the letters on the board. If correct, the team gets a point.



2. CONTENTS: A. Listen and say Vocabularies: Serve the ball, Use a racket, Throw a ball, Lift weights, Dive, High, Far, Fast

Do as appointed

Do as appointed

Play the recording. Ask Ss to say loud in chorus, then check and correct their pronunciation. “Play ‘slow reveal’: uncovering the flashcard very slowly, little by little while children guess what it is B. Look, listen and write letters on the picture Play the recording Ask Ss to listen then write the letters on the picture. C. Look at the pictures, ask and answer Point at the pictures and ask Ss “Is she good at throwing the ball?” Ask Ss to ask and answer in pairs Song Play the song Ask Ss to stand up and sing the song Reading Ask Ss to read the paragraph. Each S reads one sentence. Ask Ss to write about “the fast animal on land” Check their answers Speaking Show class flashcards and ask them to say with “yes, she’s good at throwing the ball” Stick flashcards to the board then ask Ss to answer ”Is he good at ……….?/ no, he isn’t, he’s good at

Do as appointed

……..” 4. Consolidation - Vocabulary related to adverbs - I can throw the ball far. She can throw the ball far. 5. Homework - Review vocabulary and structures - Review the tasks again - Read page 82 – page 86 at home



Date of planning: Date of teaching: I. AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON 1. Language focus - Review and Practice. 2. Skills - To promote Ss to enhance their vocabulary about activities one is good at. - To develop Listening, Speaking and Reading skills. 3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to join in all activities in class. - To help Ss motivate themselves in learning English. II. PREPARATION 1. Teacher - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan, projector, speakers - Teaching method: Communicative language teaching, Student - centered approach 2. Students - Read through “page 87” at home III. PROCEDURE 1. Class organization Class Teaching date

Attendance 2. Check up - Ask Ss to talk about activities they are good at. .3. Review TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES


1. WARM – UP: Review Do as appointed 1. Write the vocabulary from the previous lesson on the board. 2. Have students read the words on the board. 3. Write the structures from the previous lesson on the board. 4. Have students read the sentences on the board. 5. Have some students practice using the vocabulary and structure in front of the class. Whispers: Organize class in groups of six or more. Show a flashcard to the first child in each group. This child whispers the word to the child next to them until the word reaches the final child. The final child says the word out loud and first child holds up the flashcard to check if they match 2. CONTENTS: A. Review unit 7 Do as appointed Play “Change your seat” Have students write a word that they have learnt in the previous lesson on a piece of paper. Speak out one word in random. Students who have this word have to run and find a new seat. Continue with other words. Have the class saying the words after each word. 4. Consolidation Review 5. Homework - Review vocabulary and structures - Review the tasks again - Read page 87 at home



Date of planning: Date of teaching: I. AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON 1. Language focus - Talk about the game you like and dislike. - To promote Ss to enhance their vocabulary liked and disliked games. - To develop Listening, Speaking and Reading skills. 3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to join in all activities in class. - To help Ss motivate themselves in learning English. II. PREPARATION 1. Teacher - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan, projector, speakers - Teaching method: Communicative language teaching, Student - centered approach 2. Students - Read through “page 88 – page 91” at home III. PROCEDURE 1. Class organization Class

Teaching date Attendance 2. Check up - Ask Ss to talk about the game they like and dislike 3. New lesson TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES 1. WARM – UP: Review Snap: Use the flashcards to review the vocabulary from the last lesson. Write one of the words on the board, e.g. plastic. Say the word aloud. Put the flashcards in a pile in front of you and lift up so the children can only see the facing card. Reveal the cards one at a time by putting the front card to the back. When children see the card plastic they shout snap! After each word snapped, have a student make a sentence with the word. Repeat with the rest of the words in the set. 2. CONTENTS: A. Listen and say Vocabularies: Cards, Board game, Music Chess, Football, Video game, Ping pong, Pool Play the recording. Ask Ss to say loud in chorus, then check and correct their pronunciation. Play “Slap” Game: Divide the class into groups. Give each group a set of picture cards placed face up on the table within reach of all the students. The caller (either you or a student volunteer) has a duplicate set of cards piled in random order. The caller calls out the word. The first student in each group to slap the correct card and produce the word shown on the card takes it. The student in each group holding the most cards is the winner.


Do as appointed

Do as appointed

Do as appointed Do as appointed

B. Look and listen Play the recording Ask Ss to look and listen. C. Listen and point at the picture and say Play the audio Ask Ss to listen and point to the right picture. Song Play the song Ask Ss to stand up and sing the song

Do as appointed

Look at the picture and say Ask Ss to look at the picture and say “let’s play (football)”

Do as appointed

listen and answer Play the story Ask students to answer questions from the story

Do as appointed

4. Consolidation - Vocabulary related to likes and dislikes. I love playing football. I don't like play chess. 5. Homework - Review vocabulary and structures - Review the tasks again - Read page 88 – page 91 at home


I hate playing video game.


Date of planning: Date of teaching: I. AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON 1. Language focus - Talk about what you and your classmates like doing at the weekend. 2. Skills - To promote Ss to enhance their vocabulary about what one like doing at the weekend. - To develop Listening, Speaking and Reading skills. 3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to join in all activities in class. - To help Ss motivate themselves in learning English. II. PREPARATION 1. Teacher - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan, projector, speakers - Teaching method: Communicative language teaching, Student - centered approach 2. Students - Read through “page 92 – page 96” at home III. PROCEDURE 1. Class organization

Class Teaching date Attendance 2. Check up - Ask Ss to talk about what they like doing at the weekend. 3. New lesson TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES WARM – UP: Review Game : TELEPHONE Have students stand in a line. Have the first student in each row read one sentence in the text. Teacher says GO! S1 whisper the sentence to S2, and so on … The last student runs to the front of the class and tells the teacher the sentence and sayhis sentence T or F. The first student to say the sentence correctly wins.



2. CONTENTS: A. Listen and say Vocabularies: Mountain biking, Hiking, Climbing trees, Surfing, Skateboarding Skiing, Ice skating, Snowboarding

Do as appointed

Do as appointed

Play the recording. Ask Ss to say loud in chorus, then check and correct their pronunciation. Play “Charades”: Divide the class into two teams. Bring forward 1 student from each team. Show them 1 flashcard. The student then acts out the verb and the first team to say the correct answer gets a point. B. Look, listen and write letters on the picture Play the recording Ask Ss to listen then write the letters on the picture. C. Look at the pictures, ask and answer Point at the pictures and ask Ss “does he like hiking?” Ask Ss to ask and answer in pairs Song Play the song Ask Ss to stand up and sing the song Reading Ask Ss to read the paragraph. Each S reads one sentence. Ask Ss to write about “sports in the city”

Do as appointed

Check their answers Speaking Show class flashcards and ask them to say with “yes, he does” Stick flashcards to the board then ask Ss to answer ”do they like ……….?/ no, they don’t. They like ……..” 4. Consolidation - Vocabulary related to weekend activities - Does he like hiking? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.. 5. Homework - Review vocabulary and structures - Review the tasks again - Read page 92 – page 96 at home



Date of planning: Date of teaching: I. AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON 1. Language focus - Review and Practice. 2. Skills - To promote Ss to enhance their vocabulary about what classmates like. - To develop Listening, Speaking and Reading skills. 3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to join in all activities in class. - To help Ss motivate themselves in learning English. II. PREPARATION 1. Teacher - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan, projector, speakers - Teaching method: Communicative language teaching, Student - centered approach 2. Students - Read through “page 97” at home

III. PROCEDURE 1. Class organization Class Teaching date Attendance 2. Check up - Ask Ss to talk about what a classmate likes. .3. Review TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES


1. WARM – UP: Review Do as appointed 1. Write the vocabulary from the previous lesson on the board. 2. Have students read the words on the board. 3. Write the structures from the previous lesson on the board. 4. Have students read the sentences on the board. 5. Have some students practice using the vocabulary and structure in front of the class. Whispers: Organize class in groups of six or more. Show a flashcard to the first child in each group. This child whispers the word to the child next to them until the word reaches the final child. The final child says the word out loud and first child holds up the flashcard to check if they match

2. CONTENTS: Review unit 8 : Relay Race - Divide the class into teams. - Teacher assigns a sentence to the first student in each row, who then repeats the sentences to the next student. - The last student says the information aloud and races to the board to write them. - The first team to finish is the winner 4. Consolidation Review 5. Homework - Review vocabulary and structures - Review the tasks again - Read page 97 at home

Do as appointed



Date of planning: Date of teaching: I. AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON 1. Language focus - Talk about what you do every morning. - To promote Ss to enhance their vocabulary about morning routines. - To develop Listening, Speaking and Reading skills. 3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to join in all activities in class. - To help Ss motivate themselves in learning English. II. PREPARATION 1. Teacher - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan, projector, speakers - Teaching method: Communicative language teaching, Student - centered approach 2. Students

- Read through “page 98 – page 101” at home III. PROCEDURE 1. Class organization Class Teaching date Attendance 2. Check up - Ask Ss to talk about the game they like and dislike 3. New lesson TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES 1. WARM – UP: Review Play the categories game: Write three categories on the board for example sports and fitness, my community, the world around us. In teams children race to add words to each category. The first team to write 5 words is the winner.

2. CONTENTS: A. Listen and say Vocabularies: Wash my face, Brush my, teeth, Stay up late, Get exercise, Take a shower, Eat fast food, Drink soft drinks, Wake up early Play the recording. Ask Ss to say loud in chorus, then check and correct their pronunciation. Word Tennis” game. Have one student come to the front and play “Tennis” with you. As you say a word hit it to the student and have the student respond with another word and hit it back to you. Divide students into pairs and have them play with each other. Have some pairs demonstrate in front of the class.


Do as appointed

Do as appointed

Do as appointed Do as appointed

B. Look and listen Play the recording Ask Ss to look and listen. C. Listen, point at the picture and say Play the audio Ask Ss to listen and point to the right picture. Song Play the song Ask Ss to stand up and sing the song Look at the picture, ask and answer Ask Ss to look at the picture and say “how often do you (wash your face)?” “I always wash my face.”

Do as appointed

Do as appointed

listen, read and answer Play the story Ask Ss to read the story Ask students to answer questions from the story

Do as appointed

4. Consolidation - Vocabulary related to morning routines. How often does Brian wash his face? He always washes his face.. 5. Homework - Review vocabulary and structures - Review the tasks again - Read page 98 – page 101 at home



Date of planning: Date of teaching: I. AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON 1. Language focus - Talk about healthy and unhealthy habits. 2. Skills - To promote Ss to enhance their vocabulary about healthy and unhealthy habits. - To develop Listening, Speaking and Reading skills. 3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to join in all activities in class. - To help Ss motivate themselves in learning English. II. PREPARATION 1. Teacher - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan, projector, speakers

- Teaching method: Communicative language teaching, Student - centered approach 2. Students - Read through “page 102 – page 106” at home III. PROCEDURE 1. Class organization Class Teaching date Attendance 2. Check up - Ask Ss to talk about healthy and unhealthy habits. 3. New lesson TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES WARM – UP: Review Game : TELEPHONE Have students stand in a line. Have the first student in each row read one sentence in the text. Teacher says GO! S1 whisper the sentence to S2, and so on … The last student runs to the front of the class and tells the teacher the sentence and sayhis sentence T or F. The first student to say the sentence correctly wins.



2. CONTENTS: A. Listen and say Vocabularies: Eat candy, Drink water, Get fresh air, Wash your hands, Take a rest Get a checkup, Play video games, Eat fruit and vegetables Play the recording. Ask Ss to say loud in chorus, then check and correct their pronunciation. Play “Charades”: Divide the class into two teams. Bring forward 1 student from each team. Show them 1 flashcard. The student then acts out the verb and the first team to say the correct answer gets a point. B. Look, listen and write letters on the picture Play the recording Ask Ss to listen then write the letters on the picture. C. Look at the pictures, talk with a partner Point at the pictures and ask Ss “I am unhealthy?” Ask Ss to ask to talk in pairs Song Play the song

Do as appointed

Do as appointed

Do as appointed

Ask Ss to stand up and sing the song Reading Ask Ss to read the paragraph. Each S reads one sentence. Ask Ss to write about “healthy living” Check their answers Speaking Show class flashcards and ask them to say with “you should eat fruit and vegetables” Stick flashcards to the board then ask Ss to answer ”I am unhealthy./ you should eat ……../you shouldn’t eat…….”

4. Consolidation - Vocabulary related to healthy living - You should eat fruit and vegetables. 5. Homework - Review vocabulary and structures - Review the tasks again - Read page 102 – page 106 at home



Date of planning: Date of teaching: I. AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON 1. Language focus - Review and Practice. 2. Skills - To promote Ss to enhance their vocabulary about adverb of frequency. - To develop Listening, Speaking and Reading skills. 3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to join in all activities in class. - To help Ss motivate themselves in learning English. II. PREPARATION

1. Teacher - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan, projector, speakers - Teaching method: Communicative language teaching, Student - centered approach 2. Students - Read through “page 107” at home III. PROCEDURE 1. Class organization Class Teaching date Attendance 2. Check up - Ask Ss to talk about adverb of frequency. .3. Review TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES


1. WARM – UP: Review Do as appointed 1. Write the vocabulary from the previous lesson on the board. 2. Have students read the words on the board. 3. Write the structures from the previous lesson on the board. 4. Have students read the sentences on the board. 5. Have some students practice using the vocabulary and structure in front of the class. Whispers: Organize class in groups of six or more. Show a flashcard to the first child in each group. This child whispers the word to the child next to them until the word reaches the final child. The final child says the word out loud and first child holds up the flashcard to check if they match 2. CONTENTS: Review unit 9 Do as appointed : Relay Race - Divide the class into teams. - Teacher assigns a sentence to the first student in each row, who then repeats the sentences to the next student. - The last student says the information aloud and races to the board to write them. - The first team to finish is the winner 4. Consolidation Review 5. Homework - Review vocabulary and structures - Review the tasks again - Read page 107 at home



Date of planning: Date of teaching: I. AIMS/OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON 1. Language focus - Review and Practice. 2. Skills - To promote Ss to enhance their vocabulary about party, sports and health. - To develop Listening, Speaking and Reading skills. 3. Attitudes

- To encourage Ss to join in all activities in class. - To help Ss motivate themselves in learning English. II. PREPARATION 1. Teacher - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan, projector, speakers - Teaching method: Communicative language teaching, Student - centered approach 2. Students - Read through “page 108 - 110” at home III. PROCEDURE 1. Class organization Class Teaching date Attendance 2. Check up - Ask Ss to talk about party, sports and health. .3. Review TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES


1. WARM – UP: Review Do as appointed 1. Write the vocabulary from the previous lesson on the board. 2. Have students read the words on the board. 3. Write the structures from the previous lesson on the board. 4. Have students read the sentences on the board. 5. Have some students practice using the vocabulary and structure in front of the class. Whispers: Organize class in groups of six or more. Show a flashcard to the first child in each group. This child whispers the word to the child next to them until the word reaches the final child. The final child says the word out loud and first child holds up the flashcard to check if they match 2. CONTENTS: Review unit 7 - 9 Do as appointed : Relay Race - Divide the class into teams. - Teacher assigns a sentence to the first student in each row, who then repeats the sentences to the next student. - The last student says the information aloud and races to the board to write them. - The first team to finish is the winner 4. Consolidation Review 5. Homework - Review vocabulary and structures - Review the tasks again - Read page 108 - 110 at home


FINAL TEST ( Reading and Writing Test)


FINAL TEST ( Listening and Speaking Test)