Passive Voice Lesson Plan [PDF]

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Passive Voice Lesson Plan Goals:  Students will be able to identify the passive voice in writing and also their respected verb tenses.  Students will practice using the active and passive voice in speaking, listening, reading, and writing through pair, group and individual exercises. Objectives:  To build an understanding of how the active and passive voice are used through T. instruction and SS. implementation through the various writing, reading and listening activities planned for the lesson. Materials:  Teacher Example Sheet  News Story Worksheet  Match Worksheet  Kahoot Quiz  Indirect/Direct Object In The Passive Worksheet  Whiteboard and Felt Pens  Grammar Textbook Procedure:  Warm-Up/Activity 1: Passive Voice and Verb Tense Identify (20 min); 1. T. instructs SS. to turn to page 89 of their textbook and review the passive verb forms with attention to be + past participle. 2. T. breaks class up into pairs numbering 1 to 10. 3. T. hands SS. a short news story that they must read through in their pairs. 4. SS. are instructed to underline any passive statements they can find in the article, T. will locate first example with class. 5. T. then goes into describing passive voice specifically talking about the differences between passive and active sentences with examples on the whiteboard. 6. After identification SS. are to rewrite the passive sentences into active ones. T. will do the first with the class. 7. Upon completion T. will go over the article via overhead.  Activity 2: Textbook page 95 (5 min) 1. T. hand students a worksheet explaining why we use the passive voice. 2. T. goes through worksheet via overhead and offers a few examples to the class. "Rice is grown" "who grows rice?" Not important. 3. SS. are then instructed to do activity 1 on page 94 4. Upon completion T. will go through answers via overhead.

 Activity 3: Match Worksheet (20 min); 1. T. explains that SS. are to work in groups for the next activity. 2. T. explains: SS. will be given a worksheet containing a list of several words and at least 10 blank spaces. SS. are to chooses two related words from the worksheet and create a passive sentence using them. 3. T. provides a few examples via whiteboard: Ex; Words: Dog, Bone. Possible Sentence: Bones are eaten by dogs. 4. When enough SS. are seen to have finished the worksheet, T. will ask 1 from each group to write a few of their sentences on the board. 5. With class help, T. will then go through the sentences identifying the placement of objects, subjects, and verbs. (Break 10 min)  Activity 4: Kahoot Review; (15 min) 1. SS. are instructed to sign into Kahoot using their phones or devices. 2. Questions will be regarding Identification of whether a sentence is passive or active, choosing the right word to fill in the blank and identifying the verb tense.  Indirect and Direct Explanation; (10 min) 1. T. explains the concepts regarding direct and indirect objects when using active and passive voice and how their positioning changes depending on whether the sentence is active or passive utilizing PPT and the whiteboard to assist with explanation and examples.  Activity 5: Indirect/Direct Object In The Passive Worksheet; (20 min) 1. T. explains that SS. will be given a list of sentences containing direct and indirect objects. SS. must rewrite the following sentences in a more natural form of the passive voice. 2. T. will go through the first two answers via whiteboard to give SS. an example to work off of. 3. After most are seen to have finished the exercise, T. will pick individual SS. to write some of their answers on the board. 4. T. will go through the parts of speech in the SS. answers identifying the placements of the direct and indirect objects.  End of Class/Homework: 1. If finished early, SS. are to do exercises 3 and 4 on pages 95 and 96 of the textbook. If not SS. are to do it for homework. Evaluation: 

Informal evaluation/monitoring of SS. use of the active and passive voice through observation and T. elicitation of answers during class exercises.