Lesson Plan. A2. Topic: Celebrations [PDF]

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Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral Unit 3: Celebrations around the world Final Task: record videos about celebrations around world. Global communicative objectives During the unit students will gain insight into foreign cultures and their owns. Develop, with a degree of communicative competence in accordance with their level, the ability and knowledge necessary to: Extract specific information from oral and written texts. Organize the information in charts, conceptual maps. Write descriptive texts. Produce oral and written instructions Give an oral presentation on the topic, Figure out how to produce the video: speech, costumes, and scenography. Discuss with their partners, make suggestions, negotiate, achieve to an agreement. Note: in the process of developing the necessary abilities, students will watch some videos and do some readings and writings in connection with the topic. During the unit, in order to achieve the global communicative objectives, students will recycle their specific linguistic knowledges, like Present Simple Tense, and acquire new linguistic items like ordinals, saying the date, imperative clauses to follow and give oral and written instructions, expressions to make suggestions: Why don’t we…?, Let’s….., How about….?, specific vocabulary.

Lesson 1.      

Age of the students: 12/13 Year: 1st ES Level: elementary. Number of students: 30 Length: 60’. Students’ objectives/aims: expose students to important festivals that give them insight into different cultures. Introduce the topic. Interact in groups to infer the


Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral name of the celebrations. Talk about other celebrations. Recycle the Present Simple in context. Recycle time prepositions. Read a text about the Lantern Festival in Thailand and answer to written questions on the topic. .  Evidence that the objectives have been achieved: Communicative task: students write questions about the issues they want to know about the celebrations.  Language skills: speaking (group interaction). Intensive reading. Listening to the teacher and their mates. Writing: answering and making questions. Language systems:

        

Grammar: Present simple. Interrogative adverbs. Time prepositions. Vocabulary: related to different celebrations around the world. Months of the year (revision) Functions: describing images, interacting with their mates to get to a conclusion, asking for information. Talking about their celebrations. Pronunciation: drilling new vocabulary Intelligences developed: Visual, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Verbal-linguistic, Logical-mathematical Materials: posters. Flash cards. Worksheets. Blackboard. Markers. Assumptions: I assume that students have already developed the proficiency level needed to follow this class. Anticipated problems: If the students do not understand an explanation, I will ask their mates to say what they have understood, I will explain it again and ultimately I will resort to mother tongue. If there is no time to finish with all the activities, I will tell the students to perform the task at home.

Warm-up We sing together a song that students have learned in the previous unit. It’s about Holidays https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsyEX9iIN-I

Stage 1 Pre- Task. Lead-in


Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral


Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral Five posters related to celebrations around the world have been stick on the walls. They represent Rio Carnival; New Year's Eve in Sydney, Australia; Halloween, USA; Lantern Festival, Thailand; La Tomatina, Buñol, Spain. Students will be asked to go around and observe the images. The teacher explains that those are pictures of the most popular celebrations around the world; they will work on this topic and by the end of the unit they will have to record a video about a certain festival to upload to the school website. For the occasion, they will have to use costumes and create an appropriate scenography. Then they sit in groups of 6. They will try to answer the following questions. (The teacher monitors and assists them) The teacher writes on the board CELEBRATIONS WHAT CAN YOU SEE IN THE IMAGES? DO YOU RECOGNIZE THE CELEBRATION? WHICH ONE SEEMS TO BE FUNNIER?

As they discuss on the topic, new vocabulary will come up. It will be provided by students or the teacher. It will be written on the board and repeated in order to focus on pronunciation. Throwing tomatoes Lanterns floating. Asian people Fireworks Masks. Costumes Pumpkins. Jack- o’lantern

After the discussion, each group will be given a flash card with the name of a celebration (at random). They will have to label the pictures; as a result, more discussion will be generated. They will label the pictures based on their knowledge of the world and the scaffolding provided by the previous


Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral small group discussion. Finally, the teacher reads every label, and makes them repeat for pronunciation.

Rio Carnival

Lantern Festival, Thailand

New Year's Eve in Sydney, Australia

Halloween, USA

La Tomatina, Buñol, Spain.

Stage 2 enabling task Pre-task Teacher asks students to mention other celebrations, so as to provide them with the necessary vocabulary a worksheet is handed out.

Worksheet 1 When do these celebrations take place?


Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral Task Students perform their task in pairs. Then, there will be a whole class correction, during which the teacher will focus on meaning, pronunciation and will also recycle the Present Simple and time preposition: at, on, in.

Do your parents celebrate St Valentine’s Day? When do they celebrate it? Do you celebrate Christmas? When do we celebrate Christmas? And so on…

The questions are written on the board.

Does your father give you chocolate eggs for Eastern? Does your mother cook turkey for Christmas? (Short answers are encouraged)

Yes, he does.

No, she doesn’t

yes, they do.

Post-task The previous activity aims at stimulating student’s self-confidence in using the grammatical item learned communicatively. In addition to providing leading questions, a model text is presented to help student to easily focus on the rule. (worksheet 2) I

present worksheet 2 a text taken from the CNN (adapted) (http://edition.cnn.com/2014/11/12/travel/thailand-loi-krathong-festival/) so as to help students notice the grammatical item in context. In the next step, I explicitly tell the students that they are working on the present simple, that they have already seen. I works on the rule, and ask the students to provide examples working as a whole class.


Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral

Worksheet 2

a)The Loi Krathong festival- Lantern Festival in Thailand The Lantern festival marks the end of the rainy season. The celebration takes place in November in Thailand. People adorn the rivers and lakes with floating flowers with candles. Thousands of paper lanterns fly into the night sky for good luck. During the celebration, people worship Buddha and the goddess of the river. Tourists, conversely, don’t go for religious purposes.

-Working in groups: Read and answer the questions with full sentences. Does the text describe a traditional celebration? Where does it take place? When does it take place? How do people celebrate Loi Krathrong? Why do they hold this festival? b) Let’s reflect on the rule. Complete with your own examples. Whole class Present Simple  something that is true in the present:

 something that happens again and again in the present:

 something that is always true:

 we use do and does to make questions.  We use does for the third person (she/he/it)  With the present tense we use do and does to make negatives.  We use does not (doesn’t) for the third person (she/he/it)

We use the present tense to talk about: I teach English People celebrate Loi Krathong every year. Water boils at 100 degrees. - Why do they hold this festival? - Does the festival take place in winter?  We use doe for the other persons (I,you,we,they) - We don’t celebrate Loi Kathrong - Loi Kathrong doesn’t take place in winter. 7

Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral Next, the students will use the rule to revise the answers to the questions in a). Stage 4. Communicative task Finally, following the examples of the questions in a) the students, working in groups, will formulate questions about what they want to know about the

other celebrations we have mentioned: New Year’s Eve, The Tomatina, Halloween, Rio Carnival. The questions will be handed in at the end of the lesson as the teacher will use them in the future.

Lesson 2 •

Students’ objectives/aims: Appealing to students’ musical intelligence, review the name of the celebrations. Work on vocabulary using Quizlet. Use Google Map to complete a chart about the different countries. Peer and teacher correction of the questions about the celebrations (Lesson 1. Stage 4). Listening for the gist and for specific information.  Evidence that the objectives have been achieved: Students will be able to perform the different activities proposed by Quizlet. Reading for specific information: Students will be able to read a short text and complete a chart. Watching and listening: students will be able to do a multiple choice exercise.  Language skills: speaking (group interaction). Reading for specific information. Listening to the teacher and their mates. Writing: completing a chart. Listening for the gist and for specific information. 

Language systems:


Present simple. Interrogative adverbs

• Vocabulary: related to different celebrations around the world. Different activities: image-word matching. Word-definition matching. Spelling. Pronunciation. Vocabulary related to geographic places. • Functions: interacting with their mates to get to a conclusion, searching for information, describing the main features of a country. • Intelligences developed: Visual, Interpersonal, Verbal-linguistic, Logicalmathematical, Musical • Materials: posters. Songs. Computers Quizlet sets. Flash cards. Worksheets. Google maps. Projetor. Power Point. Blackboard. Markers. Video about the Tomatina: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtbJqnFEydI •

Assumptions: I assume that students know how to use the web quite effectively. 8

Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral • Anticipated problems: I will print the Quizlet pdf and the Google Maps Quick Facts just in case the internet connection doesn’t work properly. I will download the video in advance

Warm-up / lead-in (Group of 5) Students will listen to 5 different pieces of music, one for each celebration. Divided in the original groups, they will have to guess what the songs refer to. The group that guesses the songs correctly will choose its own festivities. The others will be design at random. Students won’t watch the videos, they will just listen to the music that has been previously converted to mp3 by the teacher. “Listen to the songs. Write on a piece of paper the name of the festival they refer to from 1 to 5. No spelling mistakes!! The first group that hands in the right list will choose its celebration” Traditional music v=ncRHL3u8nRQ






Auld Lang Syne https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvJRmdN9iyU Samba https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZWPYGbcVR8 Thriller by Michael Jackson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIx_HbmRnQY Loy Krathong v=CBbEXrCrJqo








Stage 1 “It has already been defined the festivity for each group. Let’s work now on the vocabulary” Enter in Quizlet. Work on the study set I have prepared for you. They will use their computers to play and fix the new vocabulary. “Quizlet is a web tool where you can make flashcard sets, which can be used in a variety of ways both in the classroom and by students at home. It’s free, easy and will save you valuable classroom and preparation time.” (Robbio Warre, 2014) https://quizlet.com/adriana_corral : https://quizlet.com/107880479/the-tomatina-flash-cards/ 9

Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral https://quizlet.com/107888895/loi-kathrong-festival-flash-cards/?new https://quizlet.com/29221808/halloween-flash-cards/ https://quizlet.com/17378742/new-years-eve-flash-cards/ https://quizlet.com/107939518/rio-carnival-flash-cards/ • Anticipated problems: I will print the quizlet flashcards in advance, in the event the internet connection does not work properly

I will ask students to mention the new words aloud, and I will work on pronunciation. Worksheet 3 Group work (each group will work on their designed festivity) Search “Google Maps” for information about the country where your celebration takes place: Australia, Spain, Brazil, Thailand and United States. You will include this information in your videos. Task: Read the Quick Facts section and complete the following chart Country Continent

Capital Main Cities Main Attractions


Stage 2 CommunicativeTask Students have seen the places where the celebrations take place in their Quizlet set. Now they will search the web for information about the countries. Pre-task: divide the class. Set the conditions to work. Explain the task: “Read the text to complete the chart, you don’t need to understand every single word.” Keep the chart; you will need it for the final video. While they work, I will monitor and assist them.

Brazil, a vast South The U.S. is a country American country, of 50 states covering a stretches from the vast swath of North Amazon Basin in the America, with Alaska north to vineyards and in the extreme massive Iguaçu Falls in Northwest and Hawaii the south. Rio de extending the nation’s Janeiro, symbolized by presence into the its 38m Christ the Redeemer statue atop Mt. Corcovado, is famed for its busy Copacabana and Ipanema beaches as well as its enormous Carnival festival, featuring parade floats, flamboyant costumes and samba. Population:200.4 million (2013) 10

Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral Currency:Brazilian real Capital:Brasília

Australia is a country, and continent, surrounded by the Indian and Pacific oceans. Its major cities – Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide – are coastal, but its capital, Canberra, is inland and nicknamed the "Bush Capital." The country is known for its Sydney Opera House, Great

Spain, on Europe’s Iberian Peninsula, is really 17 autonomous regions, each with its own geography and culture. The capital, Madrid, is home to the Royal Palace and singular Prado museum, housing works by European masters, and Segovia to the north has a fairy-tale medieval castle and Roman aqueduct. Catalonia’s capital, Barcelona, is defined by Antoni Gaudí’s quirky modernist architecture, including the Sagrada Família basilica. Capital:Madrid Population:46.77 million (2014)

Thailand is a country on Southeast Asia’s Indochina peninsula known for tropical beaches, opulent royal palaces, ancient ruins and ornate temples displaying figures of Buddha, a revered symbol. In Bangkok, the capital, an ultramodern cityscape rises next to quiet canal and riverside communities. Commercial hubs such as Chinatown consist of labyrinthine alleys crammed with shop houses, markets and diners. Currency:Thai baht Capital:Bangkok Population:67.01 million (2013)

Stage 3 The teacher has created a power point with the questions made by the groups the previous lesson. She will project them and will ask the students to edit the questions and make new ones if necessary. They will be encouraged to use the new vocabulary they have already learned. There will be a peer and teacher assessment of the written production. After the formal aspect are solved, the teacher will make students read the questions in order to focus on meaning (Do students fully understand the question?) and pronunciation.


Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral

Worksheet 4 Listen and Watch (Whole class) What’s the video about? (oral) Listen and choose the right answer. Compare with your partners. - When does the party take place? After will be help Stage

multiple First, asked country they Then do the multiple be

 on a hot summer day  on a cold winter day - How many people take part in the celebration?  Ten people  Ten thousands of people - How do they carry the tomatoes?  In 3 trucks  In 5 trucks - How long does the ‘fiesta’ last?  1 hour  1 day

the whole group correction, the questions printed and handed out. These questions will them develop the final task. 4 Students will watch a video https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=RtbJqnFEydI and they will complete a choice activity. they will watch it for the gist. They will be orally the name of the celebration, the where it’s celebrated and the information remember about Spain. (Eliciting previous knowledge) they will listen to the video at least twice to exercise individually. First, they will read the choice activity so as to give them a listening purpose. I explain that this information will useful for the final task. Whole class correction.

What do people do next?  They go to the river to wash themselves.  They go home


Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral

Lesson 3 • Students’ objectives/aims: vocabulary revision. Listening and watching videos about New Year’s Eve. Learning about socio-cultural and geographical contents. Ordinal numbers. Writing and saying the date.  Evidence that the objectives have been achieved: Ss will be able to perform some communicative tasks: sharing information with their mates. Listening and sequencing the information they listen. Playing with ordinal numbers. Completing a chart with the students’ birthdays and reading the dates.  Language skills: Speaking: group interaction, sharing information with the whole class. Mingling, asking and giving information. Listening to the teacher and their mates. Listening a video for the gist and specific information. Sequencing the data. Writing dates. Writing a list of New Year’s resolutions. 

Language systems:


Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral • Grammar: Ordinal numbers. Writing and saying the date. Using infinitives for New Year’s resolutions. • Vocabulary: revision. New vocabulary related to New Year’s Eve. Learning vocabulary in context. Image-word matching. Ordinal numbers. • Functions: interacting with their mates to get to a conclusion, asking for information and giving information. Asking and saying the birthday. Asking and saying the date. •

Pronunciation: ordinal numbers.

• Intelligences developed: Logical-mathematical . Musical.

Visual. Interpersonal. Intrapersonal. Verbal-linguistic,

• Materials: posters. Worksheets. Blackboard. Markers.

Videos. Song: Auld Lang Syne. Flashcards.

• Assumptions: I assume that students have already developed the proficiency level needed to follow this class. • Anticipated problems: I will download the videos before, just in case the internet connection doesn’t work properly.

Warm-up. Game in pairs. I write a long word on the board. “In pairs, attempt to come up with the longest word that begins with each letter.” I give teams a point per word and a bonus point if they use a word related to the topic. (ESLGames Box, 2013) E N T E R T A I 14

Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral N I N G

Stage 1 Pre-task

a) We are going to watch a video about New Year’s Eve. Can the group in charge of the celebration share their knowledge on the topic with their mates? Some vocabulary and sentences will come out. They will be written on the board Countdown / ˈ ka ʊ nt ˌ da ʊ n/. Students will be asked to mimic. The celebration takes place the day before New Year People toast /tə ʊ st/ with champagne / ˌʃ æm ˈ pe ɪ n/ at midnight / ˈ m ɪ d ˌ na ɪ t/ I will focus on content, meaning and pronunciation. b) Make a list of things people might do in New Year’s Eve. Workgroup Students read their list. The teacher checks for grammar mistakes and provides them with the necessary vocabulary. Task While you watch the video, tick the things on your lists. (Anderson, 1988)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doawnVd0mDs up to 1:47. Let’s check your guesses


Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral

Worksheet 5 Listening. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doawnVd0mDs up to 1:47 a) Second listening: Read the sentences, then listen and order them from 1 to 10 as you hear them. Individual Work. o

People make New Year’s resolutions


People go to parties.


December 31 is New Year’s Eve


In the United States, the celebration at Time Square in New York is the biggest party.


People go to concerts


At a New Year’s party there are confetti, streamers, noisemakers, fireworks.


There is a countdown to midnight


Another tradition is the midnight kiss


People make a champagne toast.


People listen to the traditional Scottish song: Auld Lang Syne. (Times gone by)

b) Compare with your friends. Now, let’s read them. (Whole class correction) c) Write the right number next to each image.


Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral Post-Task The teacher explains the meaning of Auld Lang Syne and plays the beginning of the song’s audio they listened to the previous lesson. Then, she show a video showing the fireworks in Sidney Australia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjl9-VatVQw “Where does the fireworks take place? Look up that word in the dictionary. Yes, harbor ./ ˈ h ɑː (r)bə(r)” Let’s look at the map. Where’s Sidney? Why do they have a harbor there? Stage 2 Enabling Task: focus on form. - Discuss in group. Rate the celebrations we have seen so far. The teacher writes the names of the parties on the board. Students will vote raising their hands. The celebrations will be rated First ……………………………… Second ……………………………………… Third ………………………………………. Fourth …………………………………… Fifth…………………………………………………… So we have in the first place….., and in second place…..The teacher makes students read the ordinal numbers and the celebrations. - They are asked to order the teams of the Rugby Championship. (in order to avoid football confrontations in class). Reading aloud New Zealand. Argentina. Australia. South Africa. - Playing with ordinal numbers I give each student a card, but I keep the first one. Then I go: “I have the first card. Who has the second?” The child that has the next card stands up and reads it out quickly: "I have 2nd. Who has third?" The child with the third card continues, and so on. 17

Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral

http://www.activityvillage.co.uk/ordinal-numbers In this way, students use ordinals in communicative activities. Then the teacher tries to elicit the difference between ordinals and cardinals; they might use their mother tongue to explain it. After that, the teacher makes questions to prompt them to find out the rule.


Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral Spelling of Ordinal Numbers. The teacher tries to elicit the rule 1) Just add th to the cardinal number: four – fourth; eleven – eleventh; 2) Exceptions: one – first

two – second

three – third

eight – eighth

nine – ninth

twelve – twelfth

five – fifth

I make them write this rule down on their notebooks and read it aloud. 3) “What day is today? Write it on the board.” So, first we right the month. Do we write it with upper-case or lower case? What comes next? What’s the date today? I write some dates on the board and make them read them. It’s June the first. (June 1st) 4) Go around the class and ask 5 friends when their birthdays are. Write them down. Then I make them all read the dates and complete the birthday chart.

I stick the post on the wall Stage 4 Pre-task Whole class interaction. The teacher explains the conception of New Year’s resolution. Do you make New Year’s resolutions? Someone in your family does? Does he or she stick to them? Task Let’s make a list of Resolution for the next year, mention five things. I start: I write on the board 19

Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral My resolutions Lose weight Exercise more Help others Save money Make a trip

I pin on the board a poster with the most common New Year’s resolutions:

Do more exercise Learn to play an instrument Do my homework Eat less chocolate Watch less TV

Now write your personal lists. You can add new resolutions. I encourage them to ask their friends and use the dictionary for the necessary vocabulary. I monitor, assist and correct while they work. Post- task: The teacher keeps the papers for a followup activity.

be kinder to friends Take up a sport Make new friends Learn how to cook Do my household chores Study more Eat vegetables Read more do not fight with my siblings Go to bed earlier

Lesson 4  Students’ objectives/aims: Assess written productions (group work). Organize new lexis. Use the dictionary. Developing reading strategies. Reading for the gist and for specific information. Follow instructions. Give instructions and sequence them.  Evidence that the objectives have been achieved: Students will be able to correct in groups their resolution lists and read them. Students will be able to make a mind mapping to visually organize and develop new vocabulary. Students will be able to do some DIY projects.

 Language skills: speaking (group interaction).Giving instructions. Reading: developing reading strategies. Skimming and scanning. Reading aloud. Listening to the teacher and their mates. Writing: revise and edit drafts. 20

Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral 

Language systems:


Imperative mood (not explicitly). Sequencing: first, then, finally

• Vocabulary: verbs related to eating habits, school, habits at home, exercising, collocation do exercise; play +name of a sport; go + verb/ing; ride + horse, bike. Halloween vocabulary. Image-word matching. Word-definition matching. Inferring word meaning in context. • Functions: interacting with their mates to get to a conclusion, giving and asking for information, guessing, following and giving instructions to do their craft projects. •

Pronunciation: of new vocabulary. Intonation.

• Intelligences developed: Visual, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Verbal-linguistic, Logical-mathematical, and Kinesthetic. • Materials: posters. Worksheets. Blackboard. Markers. The necessary materials for the DIY projects. • Assumptions: I assume that students have already developed the proficiency level needed to follow this class. • Anticipated problems: I bring the material needed for the craft project, just in case they forget to bring it in. Tasks: make a word mapping with the resolutions vocabulary. Craft projects.

Warm up The resolutions will be stuck on the walls. Students are asked to go around, read their mates’ resolutions and choose a resolutions list other than their own. Then they will take it to their places Stage 1 Task: organize vocabulary used in the previous task in a mind map. Pre-task Students will work on their mates’ resolutions: use the dictionary or the computer to correct spelling mistakes and clarify meaning. They will work in groups. Once the work is done, we will make a word mapping on the board. In order to do this activity, they will read the resolutions and we will work on meaning, pronunciation, and collocations. If they don’t know some words or expressions, I will draw, mimic, make them look up the word in the dictionary and finally, I will use mother tongue to explain them. Task 21

Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral “Let’s organize all this new vocabulary” Word mapping. I encourage them to provide other examples related to each topic.

do more exercise go swimmi ng walking

play tennis

take up a sport

exerci se

play football


Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral

Do not eat quick ly eat less swee ts

eat more vege table s

eat less choc olate

eating habits

Don't eat junk food

eat more fruit

Group work. “Design a word map related to school habits and another one about daily habits at home” Whole class correction. The teacher keeps the corrected resolution lists for the final task. Post- task Matching activity on collocations

Stage 2 Pre-task. “We have to jump to another celebration, let’s talk about Halloween.” 23

Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral I ask the group that worked on Halloween vocabulary to share their knowledge with the rest of the class. I pin a poster on the board. I read the words and they repeat them. (Google Images) Worksheet 7 History of Halloween

Halloween falls on October 31st each year in North America and other parts of the world. Here is a little history about it.

Pre-Task: guessing about the content of a written test. Skimming for general information. Scanning for specific information. Developing reading strategies. http://www.5minuteenglish.com/oct29.htm “What is the text about? How do you know? What are the pictures about? Look at the title!

True or False. Compare with your mates 1. The Celts thought the spirits of dead people returned to the earth on October 31st. 2. The Celts created All Hallows. 3. All Hallows is on October 31st. The word Halloween comes from the word Hallows eve. Over 2,000 years 4. ago, people called the Celts lived in what is now 5. A thousand years ago Europeans wore costumes to get candies. Ireland, the UK, and parts of Northern France. 6. Americans carve turnips to use as lanterns. November 1 was their New Year's Day. They believed 7. Today that the night before the Halloween is especially a children’s celebration. New Year (October 31) was a time when the living and get candy by saying "trick or treat." 8. Children the dead came together. The Christian church named November 1 All Saints Day (also called All Hallows.) The night before All Hallows was Halloween. Like the Celts, the Europeans of that time also believed that the spirits of the dead would visit them on Halloween. So on that night people wore costumes that looked like ghosts or other evil

Post-task Correct the false statements. Stage 3 Craft project http://www.theholidayzone.com/halloween/art.html 24

Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral Pre-Task I divide the class in three groups. The students had been asked to bring in the necessary materials. I give each group some sheets of paper with the instructions to do the craft project. Students have to figure out how to do it making meaning of the language. Group 1 Magic Ghosts Draw and color ghosts on heavy white paper using white crayons. Use a small sponge and very thin (watery) tempera paint to paint over the paper. Watch the ghosts magically appear.

Group 2 Midnight Mosaic Tear orange or white construction paper into small squares (less than 1/2 inch). Paste torn bits of paper onto black construction paper to create a Halloween picture. Simple designs include a jack-o-lantern (create mouth, nose, and eyes by allowing black construction paper to show through), a witch's hat, a haunted house, or a ghost.

Group 3 25

Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral Paper Plate Jack-O-Lanterns Get a white paper plate (the cheap kind). Color the entire plate pumpkin orange. Cut and paste facial features Add a brown construction paper stem at the top.

While Task I go around assisting them. I encourage them to get meaning in context. If they cannot, I help them modelling the action. Post Task I ask each group to tell the others how to do their crafts using the highlighted words. I write on the board: First, Second, Then, Finally. I record their instructions to evaluate them.

Lesson 5  Students’ objectives/aims: vocabulary revision. Group discussion about a celebration: express feelings and emotions. Interactional function of conversation. Revision of Whquestion words. Complete a chart about a celebration. Develop a descriptive text about a celebration gathering the information from different sources.  Evidence that the objectives have been achieved: Students will be able to solve a vocabulary puzzle. Students will be able to talk about their impressions of the celebration. Students will perform some written tasks, compare information from different sources. 26

Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral Complete a chart on the celebration. Write descriptive texts. Students will be able to perform peer correction, revise and edit their drafts.

Language skills: speaking (group interaction).expressing feelings and emotions. Reading: revising texts they have already read in order to get the key concepts for their final projects. Watching and listening a video to get a personal impression and to get new information about the celebration. Writing and learning to write. 

Language systems:

Grammar: use their knowledge to write a coherent and cohesive text.

• Vocabulary: adjectives to describe parties. Expressions like: I think that… I’d rather say that….revision of vocabulary related to the Loi Krathong celebration. • Functions: interacting with their mates to share impressions, feelings and emotions. Negotiating to perform the task. Completing a chart. Comparing information drawn from different sources. Writing a text. •

Pronunciation of new vocabulary. Intonation of new expressions.

• Intelligences developed: Logical-mathematical.

Visual, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Verbal-linguistic,

• Materials: posters. Worksheets. Videos. Projector. Computers. Internet connection. Blackboard. Markers. • Assumptions: I assume that students have already developed the proficiency level needed to follow this class. I assume they have already learned to write descriptive texts in mother tongue. I assume they know how to use a word processor. • Anticipated problems: I download the video in advance. I don’t push students to speak to the whole class if they don’t feel like doing it.

Task: writing a short descriptive text using different sources of information. (Written texts, notes from a website, a video, group discussion)

Warm-up In pairs. Solve the puzzle. (The Holiday Zone: Created by Julie Vickery-Smith with Word Splash Pro)


Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral Worksheet 8 K

















































































broompumpkin costume spider ghost treat mask party witch


Stage 1 Pre-Task Brainstorming “We’re going to watch a video about Loi Kathrong.” I try to elicit previous knowledge on the festival, and on Thailand. I write that information on the board.

Loi Krathong




Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral Pre-task Then I encourage them to revise vocabulary playing with the Quizlet set I prepared on the issue. https://quizlet.com/107888895/loi-kathrong-festival-of-lights-flash-cards/ Task https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMa3xRrLKzw (until 2:22’) Watching a video. In groups. Discuss with your mates. The vision of the film and some questions will prompt the group discussion.  Do you think that the person who talks is giving instructions, commands or he is describing the festival?  Do you think he likes or dislikes the festival? Why?  Do you like it?  What do you like best about the festival? The flying lanterns, the krathongs, the fireworks, the parade. While they are discussing, I monitor and assist. I encourage them to respect the others’ speaking turns, to be patient, to collaborate with the partner. “You can use these expressions: (I write them down on the board, and I read them and students repeat them. I use mimicry to explain their meaning. ) I think that the festival is Exciting



Well, actually I’d rather say that the festival is Disgusting





Post- task “Who wants to share his/her impressions, feelings with the whole class? “ Stage 2 Second and Third visions of the video. Writing a chart Using the vocabulary, the text we read (Worksheet 2), the chart you made about Thailand, you will write a paragraph about the festival. We will upload it to the School website, for your friends, your parents and other teachers. 29

Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral Pre-task Do you remember the Wh-questions words? I try to elicit this information from them. I pin a poster on the board. They provide some examples.

Task: Chart about Loi Krathong Try to answer to these questions first. Complete a chart. I draw the chart on the board What? Where? When? Why? How? What is it like? While they are writing, I go around helping and calling their attention to content or form. Post-task When the five productions are ready, I take one of them; I rewrite it using the Word processor and project it so as to allow a whole class correction. Then, they revise their drafts based on this last work. Next, they give them to another group for peer correction. While they work on the others’ productions, I go around, monitoring and assisting. The chart returns to the owners and there is a final editing. Stage 3 Writing a descriptive text 1st Pre-task Using the previous chart, they write a short descriptive text about the celebration. First, what is the festival like? Let’s revise the adjectives. I make a word mapping and I make them circle the negative adjectives with a different color. 30

Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral


annoyi ng


festiv al



2nd Pre-Task “Before writing your paragraph, I’ll give a sentence to you: Releasing a Krathong signifies letting go all the negativity of your life: hate and anger.” We discuss it’s meaning as a whole class. I use mimicry to explain anger; I say that hate is the contrary of love. Task Individual task. Use the word processor to write (Rashid, 2015) your paragraph. Ask your mates for help. Use dictionaries or the internet for new words. When the drafts are ready, they send them by mail or via FB to another partner for peer correction. They revise I take one of them; I project it so as to allow a whole class correction. I also focus on punctuation and layout. Then I let them revise the others productions. They edit and then, they send me their writings. Studens will be assessed on the whole process and on the final product. Post- Task There might be a follow-up activity based on their productions.


Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral

Lesson 6 • Students’ objectives/aims. Sing a song reading the lyrics. Learn how to give instructions and sequencing them. Write an instruction text based on a picture and on a You Tube video. Follow a tutorial to make a DIY project. Give oral instructions. Develop writing strategies: brainstorming, draft, peer revision, revision and editing. Use the word processor. Send their written production via mail. Recycling knowledge about celebrations. Search for information in a written text.  Evidence that the objectives have been achieved: students will be able to perform the following tasks: write instruction texts, play Simon Says, follow a tutorial to accomplish a task, give oral instruction. Student will be able to revise their peer’s productions. student will be able to use the word processor and mail their written productions. SWBAT understand vocabulary in context. SWBAT verify information.  Language skills: speaking (group interaction). Singing. Playing. Discussing how a craft project can be done and get to an agreement. Giving instructions, sequencing them. Writing: write an instruction text. Learning writing strategies. Intensive reading. Critical reading. Is the information reliable? 

Language systems:


imperative for instructions. Sequence adverbs.

• Vocabulary: verb actions to perform craft projects. Mimic game. New and recycle vocabulary related to Rio Carnival. Understanding meaning in context. • Functions: interacting with their mates to achieve an agreement, singing in English. Giving instructions. Using the language to play. 

Intonation when giving instructions

• Intelligences developed: Visual, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal. Verbal-linguistic, Logical-mathematical, Kinesthetic. • Materials: Video: Halloween song with lyrics. Video: tutorial. Posters. Flash cards. Worksheets. Handouts. Blackboard. Markers. Computer. • Assumptions: I assume that students already know the textual genre in mother tongue. I assume that the student know how to use the word processor and mail attachments. • Anticipated problems: students do not agree on how to make the DIY project. I allow them to make different instruction texts. Students do not know how to use the computer effectively, they will work in groups and they will receive their mates’ support.


Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral Warm up Let’s sing. I show the students a video of a Halloween song with the lyrics, so they can read and sing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRr4TMqawu8 Stage 1 Pre-task I pin the following posters on the wall

Whole class discussion. For what party can we use this decoration? How can we make these lanterns?

I prepare some flashcards with the needed vocabulary.



CUT 33

Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral





I make students revise the instruction for the Halloween craft projects and the highlighted vocabulary. I give some students one flashcard and I encourage them to mimic the action until their mates guess the words I make them repeat them and write them down in their notebooks. Task Group work. Write the instructions to make the lantern. Remember to use: First, then, next, finally. Post- task I choose the best text and I write it on the board. I make the necessary corrections and then, I encourage students to add a negative form, e.g., “Cut the bottle. Don’t cut your fingers.” (I try to elicit funny statements) I lead them to reflect on how we give commands and instructions. (imperative) Handout 9 Giving orders and commands The base form of the verb. Be quiet!. Go home! We add don’t for the negative form. Don’t shout! We add please for politeness. Give me the salt, please!


Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral

And we play for some minutes to Simon Says, different students take the place of Simon. Stage 2 Making Krathongs Pre- task I give them assorted sheets of colored paper. I explain that we’re going to make Krathongs. First, we’re going to make flowers. I give students sheets of square colored paper and scissors. Task I show the students an easy tutorial to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRa5XVGDUkA




They follow the tutorial and make some flower for the Loi Krathong celebration Post-task I make some open questions to prompt whole class discussion. “What else can we add to our flowers?” “Where can we place them?” “Where do people release their Krathongs in Thailand?” “How can we represent the river?” Do you remember what people release Krathongs for?

Stage 3 writing an instructional text, individually I ask the students to write down the instructions using the word-processor. Work individually . They can ask for help to their mates and the teacher. Pre-task Whole class brainstorming. Students try to remember what they have just done. Their need for new vocabulary will come up.

Fold diagonally. Make a cone. Petal shape. I explain their meaning drawing and mimicking 35

Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral Task They write their drafts. They ask their mates for help. They use an online computer. I monitor and assist. Send your partner on the right your tutorial. He/she revise their friends’ drafts and then, return it to the owner. Post-Task Edit it. Pay attention to punctuation and the layout. Send it to me. I will correct them at home. The whole writing process will be evaluated as well as the final product. Stage 4 Rio Carnival. Reading skills. Pre-task What’s the party that’s missing? Yes, the Rio Carnival. https://en.islcollective.com/resources/printables/worksheets_doc_docx/brazilian_ca rnival__text_pictures_comprehension_links_to_videos Worksheet 10 _short_texts__3_tasks_keys_included_4_pages_edita ble/carnival-rio-de/4044 “Try to guess the meaning of the words. You already know some of them.” Work in groups. Worksheet 10

http://busyteacher.org/2 2266-carnival-in-rio-dejaneiro.html


Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral

Worksheet 11

Task Read the article and try to confirm your guesses.


Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral

Post task Students need to be critical readers. I ask them to check if the statement “It’s usually in February” is true. “Please check this at home. We will work on it next class.”

Lesson 7  Students’ objectives/aims: search for information and share it. Talk about a celebration using new vocabulary. Develop textual manipulation skills. Use the word processor. Read adapted texts and websites to look for specific information. Develop reading skill: reading for specific information, underlining key information in a text. Restructure a text to upload it to the School Website.  Evidence that the objectives have been achieved: SWBAT use the new vocabulary to talk about their own way of celebrate Carnival. SWBAT rewrite a text, modifying information and adding new one. SWBAT complete a gap filling exercise, after scanning adapted and authentic texts. SWBAT underline key information in written texts. SWBAT answer questions with the information gathered from different sources. SWBAT upload their productions to the School website and make them visually attractive. 38

Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral  Language skills: speaking: group interaction to perform the tasks. Talking about personal experiences. Listening and retelling. Writing: developing textual manipulation skills. Answering written questions. Reading for specific information to complete gaps in a text, to answer open questions. Scan websites for specific information.

Language systems:


Vocabulary: recycling vocabulary related the topic.

using acquired knowledge to perform the tasks.

• Functions: asking for clarification (can your repeat, please?) interacting with their mates to get to a conclusion, asking for help. •

Pronunciation: listening and pronunciation game.

• Intelligences developed: Logical-mathematical

Visual, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Verbal-linguistic,

• Materials: Worksheets. Blackboard. Markers.






• Assumptions: I assume that students have already developed the proficiency level needed to follow this class. I assume that students use the word processor effectively. I assume that they can navigate quite effectively on line. • Anticipated problems: I provide the students with the websites so as to prevent them from searching the information in Spanish. The internet connection doesn’t work properly; I’ve already downloaded some meaningful texts in my computer.

Warm up Broken Telephone Listening and pronunciation activity: I divide the class in 5 groups of 6. I whisper one of their members a rather long phrase related to different celebrations. That person will whisper what she heard to the next person. Each person can only say, "Can you please repeat that?" one time. When the message reaches the end of the chain that person must speak out loud.

Stage 1. Carnival Pre-task Have you found out why Carnival dates change every year?


Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral Students tell what they’ve learnt. I write down on the board: By the Catholic Calendar, Carnival is always celebrated seven Sundays before the Sunday of Easter. As this varies from March 22nd to April 25th, the Carnival dates also move. Whole class discussion: (personalizing the topic) When do we celebrate Carnival? What do we do? What do you do? Tasks (every group works independently) Worksheet 12 Location: Plaza del Pueblo, Buñol, Valencia, Spain Date: Last Wednesday in August. Level of participation: 5 – get ready to launch – and receive – volleys of tomatoes Being attacked with tomatoes sounds like a punishment, but it’s all in the name of fun at La Tomatina. For one morning a year, the small town of Buñol in eastern Spain dissolves into the world’s greatest tomato fight. Some 140 tonnes of the squishy red beauties are carried in for the running battle, which is concentrated around Plaza del Pueblo and attracts 30,000 visitors. La Tomatina began in 1945, possibly as a

I ask the group in charge of the video about the Carnival to rewrite the text about the Brazilian Carnival using the word processor. I ask them to rewrite the text about the Rio Carnival (Worksheet 11). Correct the information about the celebration date. Add some information about Brazil, drawing on the Google Map chart. The text should answer the questions they’ve made. “Draft, Revise, Edit and send it to me by mail.” Group in charge of the Tomatina

I ask them to check if that text answers all their questions. Otherwise they can search the web for more information.


Costume Costume s s

Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral confetti

carniv carniv


confetti Parade al I provide them with some meaningful links. They are not supposed to understand al the whole articles, just scan for the information they need. floats floats www.pilotguides.com/articles/celebratory-tomato-fighting/

www.spanish-fiestas.com/spanish-festivals/la-tomatina-tomato-battle-bunyol.htm www.cyberspain.com/life/tomatina.htm

Group in charge of New Year’s Eve

Worksheep 13 a) Revise and learn vocabulary playing with the quizlet set https://quizlet.com/109133056/new-years-eve-in-australia-flash-cards/ b) Read the article and underline the parts of the text that answer to the question you’ve made. 41

Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral New Year's Eve in Australia Many Australians annually celebrate New Year’s Eve with parties, music and other forms of entertainment on December 31. New Year’s Eve is the day before New Year’s Day. New Year's Eve events in Australia include masquerade balls or parties. Many Australians celebrate New Year’s Eve on boat cruises, urban parks or beaches. Others hold special parties or barbecues at their own homes. Public countdowns to New Year's Day are made at large events in major cities, such as Sydney, and are often televised so those at home can join in the celebrations. As the clock strikes midnight to mark New Year’s Day, fireworks are launched to farewell the old year and to welcome the New Year. People often hug, shake hands or kiss each other on the cheek to show their joy and appreciation for the old and the new year. Many people also toast their glasses and drink champagne or wine to commemorate this occasion. The Sydney Harbor is an iconic Australian landmark that is a special symbol of New Year’s Eve celebrations in Australia. On this night, the harbor is lit with spectacular fireworks, where hundreds of cultures unite for the Harbour of Light parade.

Group in charge of Halloween Read worksheet 7 and try to answer to the questions you have made.

Use the word processor to write your answers. Make them detailed and complete. If you need more information http://www.elcivics.com/halloween-2.html 42

Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral http://bogglesworldesl.com/halloween_worksheets.htm I ask every group to revise and edit their texts and send them to me by mail Group in charge of the Lantern Festival “You’re going to upload two of your texts about the festival to the School website.”  Choose a title  Upload the text (I have chosen some of their productions, after correcting them)  Pay attention to the layout.  Upload some pictures. Make them appealing.  Upload a map of Thailand. While they work, I monitor, assist and participate

Lesson 8. Learning Auld Lang Syne


Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral  Students’ objectives/aims: recycle acquired knowledge about New Year’s Eve, using a scene of a movie as prompter. Understand a teacher’s explanation in English. Learn Auld Lang Syne. Discuss in small groups: making suggestions, expressing agreement and disagreement politely.  Evidence that the objectives have been achieved: SWBAT talk about New Year’s Eve. SWBAT sign Auld Lang Syne. Order the lines of the song. Get to an agreement on the costumes, scenography and music for the video. Perform some craft project for the video scenography.  Language skills: speaking: group interaction to perform the tasks. Talking about a celebration. Discussing in small groups. Listening: singing. Ordering the lines of a song. 

Language systems:

• Grammar: disagreement. •

expressions to make suggestions, express agreement and

Vocabulary: recycling vocabulary related the topic.

• Functions: making suggestions, expressing agreement and disagreement, interacting with their mates to achieve an agreement. •

Pronunciation: practicing pronunciation intonation and rhythm by singing.

• Intelligences developed: Visual, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Verbal-linguistic, Logical-mathematical, Kinesthetic. •

Materials: Worksheets. Computer. Projector. Song. Blackboard. Markers.

• Assumptions: I assume that students have already developed the proficiency level needed to follow this class. • Anticipated problems: In order to avoid problems of jealousy, I mixed up part of the best written productions to create a collective and anonymous text about each celebration.

Warmer Students watch a scene of a movie, that takes place in New Year’s Eve. There are parties. Confetti. The Auld Lang Song. Time Square. Midnight kisses. Fireworks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FwS4SQSlfc

Group discussion: I write on the board questions to prompt the discussion. What’s this video? When does it take place? How do you know? 44

Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral Stage 1 Pre-task What does New Year’s Eve song lyrics 'Auld Lang Syne' mean? – As the meaning of the text is so complex that even native speakers don’t understand it, I explain its essence. I tell them that it’s the most popular New Year’s Eve song, but almost nobody knows the lyric and the meaning. It derives from and Scottish poem (I point to Scotland on the world map). Auld Lang Syne means “good old times”. The song means: Do we have to forget all the people we know and the old good times? For the old times we will take a cup of kindness and you will buy me a drink and I will buy you a drink. We will run and pick some flowers (daisies) for old times’ sake. Task Worksheet 14. Listen to the song and put the lines in order

I read the lyrics first in this jumbled order, so as to help 1. For auld lang them with the pronunciation. Then we listen to the song syne, my dear, at least twice. for auld lang syne, Post-task 2. We’ll take a cup I project the song lyrics and we sing together of kindness yet, for auld lang Stage 2 Task: getting ready syne. Group in charge of Rio Carnival 3. And surely you'll I give them a video about the Rio’s parade buy your pint https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTc3pv7d5vY and I cup! and surely ask them to discuss how they will make their own video: I'll buy mine! costume, scenography. 4. Should old acquaintance be Pre- task: I write on the board some expressions to make suggestions, express agreement and disagreement. Why don't we do so and so? 45

Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral Let's do so and so. What do you think? How about doing so and so? I'd like to do so and so. How about you? It would be nice to do so and so. I agree with you I don’t think so Sorry, but I’m not so sure about that

I read the sentences aloud, I make them repeat for pronunciation and intonation. I give them some examples to understand their meaning in context. Task Students discuss and get to an agreement

Group in charge of the Tomatina They will perform the same task; decide how they will record their video: costumes, scenography. They can’t throw tomatoes, but they can show them in the video.

Group in charge of Halloween “How will you dress up? Feasible costumes!!”

Group in charge of the Lanterns Festival Paint your half plastic bottles to make your lanterns Set up your flowers on the plastic plates to make the Krathongs.

Group in charge of New Year’s Eve http://www.theholidayzone.com/newyear/art.html

Painted Fireworks Use red, white, gold and orange paint. Uses pieces of yarn and a toothbrush to paint wavy lines on the cardboard Once finished it will look very much like a picture of a fireworks display. Confetti Collage


Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral Create an amazing collage with an assortment of confetti, glue and heavy paper. It must be a master piece. While they work, I play Auld Lang Syne and I encourage them to sing. Stage 3 I check that the costumes and scenography they have chosen are suitable and likely to be done. As soon as the the students finish with the decoration, we will try to sing all together. Stage 4 I give each group some printed copy of the best text they produced about their celebration. I might have mixed two or more productions. It will be anonymous and will be considered a collective production. All the texts were sent back via mail to their owners with guidance for further revision. They will be evaluated and graded. “You will have to learn the text in order to say it clearly. You don’t have to learn it by heart. Each of you will utter a different part of the text. We will practice next lesson.”

Lesson 9. Practicing to say their descriptive texts  Students’ objectives/aims: Reading aloud. Learn a song about Halloween. Recycle acquired knowledge about the celebration. Sign Auld Lang Syne.  Evidence that the objectives have been achieved: SWBAT read their text aloud, focusing on pronunciation, stress and intonation and adding colloquialisms. Formal assessment. SWBAT sing Auld Lang Syne. SWBAT sing a Halloween song for their videos. Match the stanza to a picture that represents its meaning.  Language skills: speaking: singing. Reading aloud. Learning colloquialisms. Talking about a celebration. Discussing in small groups. Listening: songs. Matching stanzas with pictures.  Language systems: • Grammar: some colloquial expressions to try to convince someone. • Vocabulary: recycling vocabulary related the topic. • Functions: trying to convince. • Pronunciation: practicing pronunciation intonation and word stress by reading aloud and singing. 47

Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral • Intelligences developed: Visual, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Verbal-linguistic, Logical-mathematical, Kinesthetic (mimicry) • Materials: Computer. Projector. Song. Videos. Worksheets. Blackboard. Markers. • Assumptions: I assume that students have learned the song lyrics at home and have practiced reading the text. • Anticipated problems: I record their oral productions for an accurate assessment and to allow students to listen to their oral texts.

Warmer We sign Auld Lang Syne Stage 1 Each group will read its text aloud. I focus on pronunciation, word stress and intonation. They keep on practicing reading the whole text, scattered in different parts of the classroom. I suggest adding some colloquial expressions, such as:  Don’t miss the festival.  I tell you, It’s really awesome or really spooky.  Honestly, it’s amazing” When they have achieved a good level of oral expression, I asked them to breakdown the text in parts. Then they assign different roles to group members one or two will explain the features of the celebration, the others will play other roles during the shooting of the video. I will record the oral production of every student for formal assessment. Stage 2 Pre-task I proposed them to learn another song about Halloween. I play a video with the lyrics.


Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral

HALLOWEEN SONG LYRICS: Match the stanza with the image

Halloween, Halloween Creepy, crawly Halloween Trick or treat all in fun, October 31st has come Halloween, Halloween Spooky, kooky Halloween Kids in costumes, what a sight On Halloween tonight Big black cats Vampire bats Ghosts and goblins out tonight Causing quite a fright Halloween, Halloween Painted faces, what a scene Door to door They trick or treat For something sweet to eat


After the first listening I write on the board. Creepy, crawly, spooky, kooky are synonyms. What do they mean? a) Funny b) Frightening c) Delicious Task We sing and mimic the scenes depicted by the song 49

Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral Post- task Students perform the matching activity

Lesson 10: Go!!  Students’ objectives/aims: describe the characteristic of the celebration for a given audience.  Evidence that the objectives have been achieved: SWBAT complete the final task shooting the video. Sing Auld Lang Syne. 

Language skills: speaking: interacting to achieve their objective. Monologue.

 Language systems: • Grammar: recycling some items seen in the unit. • Vocabulary: recycling vocabulary related the topic. • Functions: performing a short oral monologue. • Pronunciation: focus on pronunciation and intonation. • Intelligences developed: Visual, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Verbal-linguistic, Kinesthetic • Materials: Computer. Smartphone or camera. Songs. Decorations. • Assumptions: I assume that students will feel comfortable in front of the camera. • Anticipated problems: the classroom is too small; we use the gym to record the videos. Someone doesn’t come; another one will be ready to perform that part of the monologue because everybody has practiced it the previous lesson.

Final task: recording their videos. Pre- task In different part of the gym, students set up their decorations. They will wear the chosen costumes. The videos will be recorded in chronological order using a smartphone or a camera. I ask them “which party comes first? Why? Which is the second one? Why?...”  Rio Carnival  Tomatina  Halloween  Loi Krathong  New Year’s Eve 50

Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral  Then the whole group will sign the Auld Lang Syne Task The teacher shoots the videos. Post-Task I will edit the videos with “windows movie maker” and upload them to the School Website. Parents and friends will be able to appreciate the students’ effort and learn something about the top 5 celebrations in the world. Assessment: Informal assessments that allows me to track the ongoing progress of my students regularly. Assessment form: 1. Progress during the past month 2. Performance in class on • Oral comprehension • Reading comprehension • Completes writing assignments  Oral performance : • independent work  Team work • Asks for help when needed




Formal assessment: perform-based assessment of the team project, the writing processes (several draft, revising, editing, final product) and the oral performances that were recorded. If necessary, there will be a remedial class. Unit Structure Lesson 1. Introduction to the topic. Loi Krathong Festival -Reading Lesson 2. Countries. Listening about La Tomatina Lesson 3. Listening about New Years’Eve. Lesson 4. Reading about Halloween Lesson 5. Video about Loi Krathong. Giving oral instructions. Lesson 6. Carnival. Writing instructional text. Lesson 7. Producing descriptive texts for the video Lesson 8. Learning Auld Lang Syne. Deciding about costumes and choreography. 51

Inglés y su Enseñanza III. Student: Adriana Corral Lesson 9. Practicing to say their texts. Halloween Lesson 10. Shooting the videos. Bibliography Anderson, A. (1988). Listening. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ESLGames Box. (2013, July). Retrieved December 1st, 2015, from 11 non-prep warm up activities: http://eslgamesbox.com/no-prep-warm-up-activities/ Rashid, S. (2015). Academia. Retrieved December 4th, 2015, from Writing with the Computer: A Malaysian ESL experience: http://www.academia.edu/990422/Writing_with_the_Computer_A_Malaysi an_ESL_experience Robbio Warre, T. (2014, December 22). British Council. Retrieved November 30, 2015, from Voices: https://www.britishcouncil.org/voices-magazine/funways-teach-english-collocations