GF - Maximum Threat Mission Pack 1 v1.0 PDF [PDF]

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This mission pack for Grimdark Future contains 18 unique missions that feature special rules and objectives which bring you new and unique ways to play the game.

Playing with Mission Packs ....................................................... 3 Missions ....................................................................................4 Mission 1 - Storm Clash .................................................4

The missions may be played by page order, or by randomly selecting them, or you can freely pick one. We have also included a simple campaign and progression system for you to play the missions as a series of connected games.

Mission 2 - Psychic Nightmare ......................................5 Mission 3 - The Cave ......................................................6 Mission 4 - Blood & Snow .............................................. 7

To play this campaign you’re going to need the core rules for Grimdark Future as well as some army lists, which you can find for free on our website:

Mission 5 - Crimson Skies .............................................8 Mission 6 - Industrial City ..............................................9

About OPR

Mission 7 - Excavation Site .......................................... 10

OPR ( is the home of many free games which are designed to be fast to learn and easy to play.

Mission 8 - High Speed Chase ...................................... 11

This project was made by gamers for gamers and it can only exist thanks to the support of our awesome community.

Mission 10 - Secure the Drops ..................................... 13

Mission 9 - Fire & Rubble ............................................ 12

If you’d like to support the continued development of our games you can donate on

Mission 11 - Extermination ........................................... 14

Thank you for playing!

Mission 13 - Abyssal Rifts ............................................ 16

Mission 12 - Portal Net................................................. 15

Mission 14 - The Bale Eye Opens ................................. 17 Mission 15 - Big Guns Never Tire ................................ 18 Mission 16 - Tattered Legions...................................... 19 Mission 17 - Aerial Theatre .......................................... 20 Mission 18 - Spatial Distortion ..................................... 21 Army Sheet.............................................................................. 22

Created By: Gaetano Ferrara Game Design: Ivan Ananin, Gaetano Ferrara, Ryan Kowalski, Austin McIlsley Illustrations: Brandon Gillam



Progression System

This mission pack offers you lots of missions which are focused on fun new ways to play, with interesting objectives and special rules to spice things up.

Campaign Progress: The casualties and xp systems are a simple way to add new narrative elements to your campaign by having units suffer injuries and become stronger as the campaign goes on, but this is completely optional.

There are two main ways to use this mission pack when playing: • •

One-Off Games Campaigns

One-Off Games One-off games are just single matches played using any of the missions, and there are different ways you can pick which mission to play next: • • •

Free Pick: Simply pick whichever mission you feel like trying. Page Order: Play the missions in order from the first page to the last. Random: Divide the missions into 3 groups of 6, and then roll a D3 and a D6 to see the mission number that you should play (example: if you roll a 1 followed by a 6, then you should play mission 6).

Campaigns Unlike one-off games, campaigns are a series of connected games in which units suffer injuries and become stronger as the campaign goes on.

Casualties: If the majority of models in a unit were killed at the end of the game, then that unit counts as a casualty. Unit Recovery: For every unit that is a casualty roll one die and check what happens to it here: Result 1 2-5 6

Casualty Injured - Unit gets -1 to all rolls for the next mission. Recovered - Unit recovers and may be used without penalties. Top Recovery - Unit recovers and earns +1 XP.

Earning XP: Units earn XP in battle for each of the following things:

• • •

+1 XP: Not a casualty +1 XP: Killing a unit +2 XP: Killing a hero

Mark earned XP on the army sheet in order to see when units level up.

Before starting, you must pick one of these campaign length types: •

Game-Limited: Play D6+4 missions, and after the last match the player with most CVP is the winner. Point-Limited: The campaign ends once a player has earned D6+4 CVP after a match, who is the winner. Time-Limited: The campaign ends after D6+4 weeks, and the player with most CVP at the end wins. Endless: The campaign never ends, but instead players keep track of how many CVP they earned on a leaderboard.

At the end of each mission, the player that won the match gets 1 CVP. To determine which mission you should play next, pick one using the random method as in one-off games.


Leveling Up: When a unit earns 5 XP it becomes 25pts more expensive and you roll one die to see what trait it gets: Result 1 2 3 4 5 6

Trait Agile - Moves +1” on advance and +2” on rush and charge. Headstrong - Gets +1 to rolls when taking morale tests. Specialist - Gets +1 to rolls in melee or shooting (pick one). Resilient - Gets +1 to rolls when blocking hits. Elite - May re-roll one roll of any kind once per game. Fast Learner - May pick any other trait from the list.

Each trait can only be gained once, so if you roll the same result simply re-roll. Units can’t earn more than 30xp, so they can level up max. 6 times.

Mission Background


Special Rules

Under the thick clouds of inhospitable rain planets, armies often stumble on each other by chance. These battles are highly lethal, not only due to how close armies are, but also due to incessant striking of deadly lightning bolts.

After deployment, players have to set up a total of 6 objective markers.

Disorienting Fog: Units with Scout may only move by D6+3” when deployed, and units with Ambush must be deployed over D6+11” away from enemy units.

The Battlefield For this mission you’ll need a 6’x4’ table with at least 10-15 pieces of terrain on it.

The Armies For this mission you’ll need two armies of equal point cost.

Special Set-Up The deployment zones are split into two sections each, labelled sections 1 and 2.

Deployment The players roll-off, and the winner picks zone A or B to be their deployment zone, with their opponent taking the opposite. Then the players alternate in placing one unit each within section 1 of their deployment zone, starting with the player that won the deployment roll-off.

Starting with the player that started deploying first, the players alternate in placing one objective marker each within section 1 of their deployment zones, at least 9” away from other objectives. At the end of each round, if a unit is within 3” of a marker whilst enemies aren’t, then the objective is seized and remains seized even after leaving. Pinned units can’t seize markers, and if units from both sides are contesting a marker then it becomes neutral again. At the end of the game players get 1 VP for each objective marker they seized, plus 1 VP if they seized more objective markers than their opponent. Players also get 2 VPs if at least one of their non-pinned units is in section 2 of their opponent’s deployment zone. The game ends after 4 rounds, and the player that scored most VPs wins.

First Turn The players must roll-off to see who gets the first turn.


Shifting Visibility: At the beginning of each round, roll one die, on a 1-4 place a low visibility marker next to the table, and on a 5-6 remove a low visibility marker instead. For each marker all units get -1 to hit when shooting at enemies over 12” away. Lightning Bolts: At the beginning of each round, roll one die per unit, and on a 1 the unit takes D3 hits with AP(2).

Special Equipment Protective Shield: Before the game begins, each army may provide D3 units with a protective shield. The first time a unit with a shield is hit by lightning, it takes no hits and the shield is lost. Lightning Beacon: Before the game begins, each army may provide D3 units with a lightning beacon. Once per game, when a unit with a beacon is activated, you may place a marker on an enemy unit within 6”. Enemies with beacon markers get -1 to their lightning bolt rolls for each beacon marker on them.

Mission Background


Special Rules

On barren planets covered in psychic storms, beacons are set up to collect the psychic energy. Any time spent in these zones is extremely dangerous, as all sorts of anomalies manifest, bending minds and bodies alike.

Before the game begins, count the total number of units in each player’s army, with combined units and heroes joining units counting as one.

Psychic Beacons: Psychics within 6” of a beacon may try to cast two different powers each round, and may try to block spells even if they already cast a spell during that round.

The Battlefield For this mission you’ll need a 6’x4’ table with at least 10-15 pieces of terrain on it.

The Armies For this mission you’ll need two armies of equal point cost, and each army must have at least one psychic.

At the end of the game players get 2 VPs for destroying at least half of the units in the enemy army, plus 1 VP for each enemy psychic they destroyed. Players also get 1 VP for each time that they successfully cast or blocked a spell. The game ends after 4 rounds, and the player that scored most VPs wins.

Psychic Backlash: Whenever a psychic rolls an unmodified result of 1 when trying to cast or block a spell, they immediately take D3 wounds. Psychic Terrors: At the beginning of each round, roll one die, and apply the effect until the end of the round: Result 1

Special Set-Up Before deployment, the players roll-off, and then alternate in placing a total of 4 psychic beacon markers anywhere on the table over 9” away from other markers and the table edge, starting with the player that won the roll-off.

2 3



The players roll-off, and the winner picks zone A or B to be their deployment zone, with their opponent taking the opposite. Then the players alternate in placing one unit each within their deployment zone, starting with the player that won the deployment roll-off.

5 6

First Turn The player that has won the deployment roll-off gets the first turn.


Event Madness - One random unit from each army must take a morale test. If failed it takes 1 wound and must keep taking morale tests until it passes one or is destroyed. Torture - All psychics take wounds from psychic backlash on results of 1 and 6. Agony - All units that take any wounds from shooting always take 1 additional wound. Mania - All units that take any wounds from melee always take 1 additional wound. Apathy - All units that don’t move take D3 wounds at the end of their activation. Despair - All units get -4 to morale test rolls.

Mission Background


Special Rules

The constant search for new resources leads many factions to dig deep into the earth, trying to find anything of value. Here darkness is feared by all, as men are swallowed by deep sinkholes, and creatures await to strike from the dark.

Before deployment, players have to set up a total of 6 objective markers.

Low Ceiling: Units with Flying count as having the Strider rule instead.

The players roll-off to see who goes first, and then alternate in placing one objective marker each outside of the deployment zones, and at least 9” away from other objectives.

Deep Sinkhole: At the beginning of each round, the players must roll one die for each unit in their army, and then pick one random unit from all those that they rolled a 1 for. That unit is removed from the game, and may be placed anywhere within 6” of its original position at the end of the round.

The Battlefield

The Armies

At the end of each round, if a unit is within 3” of a marker whilst enemies aren’t, then the objective is seized and remains seized even after leaving.

For this mission you’ll need two armies of equal point cost, and players may not take any aircraft.

Pinned units can’t seize markers, and if units from both sides are contesting a marker then it becomes neutral again.


At the end of each round players get 1 VP for each objective marker they seized.

For this mission you’ll need a 6’x4’ table with at least 10-15 pieces of terrain on it.

The players roll-off, and the winner picks zone A or B to be their deployment zone, with their opponent taking the opposite. Then the players alternate in placing one unit each within section 1 of their deployment zone, starting with the player that won the deployment roll-off.

First Turn The player that has won the deployment roll-off gets the first turn.

Players also get 1 VP if at least one of their non-pinned units is in the enemy deployment zone, as well as 1 VP if they destroyed at least one enemy unit. Starting from the end of round 4, players must roll one die at the end of each round, and on a 4+ the game continues. The game ends once a 1-3 is rolled, and the player that scored most VPs wins.


Shoot Stalactites: Units may choose to fire at the ceiling when targeting enemy units with their ranged weapons. This is resolved like a regular attack with no modifiers, and for each hit the target takes D3 hits with no special rules, regardless of what weapon was used. Shadows in the Dark: At the end of each round roll one die for each unit that is within 12” of the table edge. On a roll of 4+ nothing happens, else the unit takes D3 automatic wounds.

Special Equipment Flashlights: All units start the game with their flashlights turned on, and when a unit is activated it may choose to turn its flashlights on/off. Enemies get +1 to hit when shooting at targets with flashlights on, and -1 to hit if they are off, however units with flashlights off always count as being within 12” of the table edge when rolling for shadows in the dark.

Mission Background


Special Rules

In the sub-zero deserts of abandoned moons, battles are often fought as much with the environment as with the enemy. Thick snow storms hide enemy troops and hidden chasms swallow vehicles, all whilst frostbite sets in, lowering morale.

Before the game begins, count the total number of units in each player’s army, with combined units and heroes joining units counting as one. Each player must then also select one of their heroes to count as the army general.

Orbital Bombardment: At the beginning of each round, players may pick up to three enemy units and roll one die for each, on a result of 6 the chosen unit takes D3+1 hits with AP(4).

The Battlefield

At the end of the game players get 1 VP for destroying at least half of the units in the enemy army, plus 2 VPs for killing the enemy general.

For this mission you’ll need a 6’x4’ table with at least 10-15 pieces of terrain on it.

The Armies For this mission you’ll need two armies of equal point cost, and each army must have at least one hero.

Deployment The players roll-off, and the winner picks zone A or B to be their deployment zone, with their opponent taking the opposite. Then the players alternate in placing one unit each within their deployment zone, starting with the player that won the deployment roll-off.

Players also get 1 VP for each enemy hero they destroyed (not counting the army general), as well as 1 VP if they destroyed the most expensive unit in the enemy army (including the general). The game ends after 4 rounds, and the player that scored most VPs wins.

Danger Close: If a player rolls a 1 when rolling for orbital bombardment, the friendly unit closest to the target takes D3+1 hits with AP(4) instead. Deadly Snowscape: At the beginning of each round, roll one die, and apply the effect until the end of the round: Result 1

2 3 4 5

First Turn


The player that has won the deployment roll-off gets the first turn.


Event Hidden Chasm - Roll one die whenever a unit moves, on a 1 one model of your choice from that unit is killed. Deep Snow - All units get -1” on Advance and -2” on Rush and Charge actions. Snow Storm - Units can’t shoot at targets over 18” away. Extreme Winds - All units get -1 to hit when shooting. Bitter Cold - All units get -1 to morale tests. All Clear - No effect.

Mission Background


Special Rules

When battling under heated dogfights, soldiers run the risk of being crushed by deadly falling debris. In these conditions, anti-air platforms are both a blessing and a curse, for the armies.

Before deployment, players have to set up a total of D3+2 objective markers.

Anti-Air Platforms: After deployment the players roll-off, and then alternate in placing one anti-air platform each inside of their deployment zone, starting with the player that won the roll-off.

The Battlefield For this mission you’ll need a 6’x4’ table with at least 10-15 pieces of terrain on it.

The Armies For this mission you’ll need two armies of equal point cost, and each army must have at least one aircraft.

Deployment Before deployment begins, both players must select half of their units (rounding down and not counting aircraft) to act as their reinforcements. The players roll-off, and the winner picks zone A or B to be their deployment zone, with their opponent taking the opposite. Then the players alternate in placing one unit each within section 1 of their deployment zone, starting with the player that won the deployment roll-off.

The players roll-off to see who goes first, and then alternate in placing one objective marker each outside of the deployment zones, and at least 9” away from other objectives. At the end of each round, if a unit is within 3” of a marker whilst enemies aren’t, then the objective is seized and remains seized even after leaving. Pinned units can’t seize markers, and if units from both sides are contesting a marker then it becomes neutral again. At the end of the game players get 1 VP for each objective marker they seized, plus 1 VP if they seized more objective markers than their opponent. Players also get 1 VP for each aircraft they destroyed, as well as 1 VP for each of their aircraft that is still alive. The game ends after 6 rounds, and the player that scored most VPs wins.

Anti-Air Barrage: Players may seize the platform markers as if they were objectives. At the end of each round if an enemy aircraft is within 18” of a platform it immediately takes D6+1 hits with AP(2) Reinforcements: At the beginning of each round after the first, players must roll one die for each unit that has not been deployed yet, and on a roll of 4+ they may place it anywhere within 6” of their table edge, at least over 3” away from enemy units. At the beginning of round 4 any unit that still hasn’t been deployed may be placed without having to roll for it. Falling Debris: Whenever an aircraft unit takes wounds, one random unit within 12” takes XD3 hits with AP(2), where X is the number of wounds it took. Heated Dogfight: Aircraft may pivot once by up to 45° after every 18” they move.

First Turn The players must roll-off to see who gets the first turn.


Mission Background


Special Rules

On industrial planets, not wearing a gas mask to protect yourself from the toxic fumes is suicide. Fighting the enemy through thick fog is just as dangerous as taking one breath without your mask.

Before deployment, the players roll-off, and the winner may place one objective marker anywhere on the table outside of the deployment zones.

Industrial Smog: At the beginning of each round, roll one die, and the table section with that number is affected by industrial smog. At the end of the round roll one die for each smog section, on a 4+ it stops being affected by smog.

The Battlefield For this mission you’ll need a 6’x4’ table with at least 10-15 pieces of terrain on it, as well as at least one building in each of the 6 table sections.

The Armies For this mission you’ll need two armies of equal point cost.

Deployment Before deployment, both players take as many markers as units in their army plus two, and secretly note down which marker corresponds to each unit (leave the two extra markers blank). The players roll-off, and the winner picks zone A or B to be their deployment zone, with their opponent taking the opposite. Then the players alternate in placing one of their markers each within deployment zone, starting with the player that won the deployment roll-off.

At the end of each round, if a unit is within 3” of a marker whilst enemies aren’t, then remove the marker and it counts as being carried by the unit. If the unit is pinned or destroyed at any point the marker is dropped on the spot. At the end of the game the player that is controlling the marker gets 5 VPs. Players also get 1 VP at the end of each round if at least one of their non-pinned units is in their opponent’s deployment zone, as well as 1 VP if they destroyed at least one enemy unit. Starting from the end of round 4, players must roll one die at the end of each round, and on a 4+ the game continues. The game ends once a 1-3 is rolled, and the player that scored most VPs wins.

Once all markers have been placed the players must place the corresponding units within 3” of the marker, and remove the two blank markers.

First Turn The players must roll-off to see who gets the first turn.


Thickest Fog: Units can’t see through, into or out of smog sections, and units inside of it get -1 to hit when shooting. Toxic Fumes: Smog sections count as dangerous terrain, and deal double the amount of wounds on rolls of 1.

Special Equipment Gas Masks: Before the game begins, each army may provide D3+1 units with gas masks. Units with masks are not affected by the toxic fumes rule.

Mission Background


Special Rules

Some worlds have been host to such an infinite amount of battles, that they are littered with valuable equipment under the surface. Those that seek these relics often find themselves facing-off, just adding more valuables to the pile.

Before deployment, players have to set up a total of D3+3 objective markers.

Excavation: At the end of each round, starting with the player that finished activating first, players alternate in excavating one of the objectives they seized which has a friendly unit within 3” of it. Place one excavation token on the objective, and roll a D3+X, where X is the number of excavation tokens on the objective. On a result of 4+, the objective is fully excavated, and the marker is removed from the table. Then roll one die, and apply the effect to one random friendly unit within 3” of that objective:

The Battlefield For this mission you’ll need a 6’x4’ table with at least 10-15 pieces of terrain on it.

The Armies For this mission you’ll need two armies of equal point cost.

Deployment The players roll-off, and the winner picks zone A or B to be their deployment zone, with their opponent taking the opposite. Then the players alternate in placing one unit each within their deployment zone, starting with the player that won the deployment roll-off.

First Turn The player that has won the deployment roll-off gets the first turn.

The players roll-off to see who goes first, and then alternate in placing one objective marker each outside of the deployment zones, and at least 9” away from other objectives. At the end of each round, if a unit is within 3” of a marker whilst enemies aren’t, then the objective is seized and remains seized even after leaving. Pinned units can’t seize markers, and if units from both sides are contesting a marker then it becomes neutral again. At the end of the game players get 1 VP for each objective they fully excavated, plus 1 VP if they fully excavated more objective markers than their opponent. Players also get 1 VP if at least one of their non-pinned units is in the enemy deployment zone, as well as 1 VP if they destroyed at least three enemy units. The game ends after 5 rounds, and the player that scored most VPs wins.

Result 1-2 3-4 5-6

Event Hidden Bomb – The unit takes D6 hits with AP(2). Teleporter – The unit may be placed anywhere on the table, over 9” away from enemy units. Ammo Cache – The unit may immediately shoot.

Special Equipment Mining Drill: Before the game begins, each army may provide one unit with a mining drill. If a unit with a mining drill is within 3” of an objective marker at the end of the round, you may add one excavation token on it. Wave Locator: Before the game begins, each army may provide one unit with a wave locator. Once per game, if a unit with a locator is within 3” of an objective marker when it is fully excavated, you may re-roll on the excavation table.


Mission Background


Special Rules

Sometimes battles are fought at break neck speeds, with assault vehicles chasing each other mid-battle, whilst infantry tried to keep up. Such battles are extremely deadly, with combatants being crushed under vehicles, or slamming into terrain at high speeds.

Before the game begins, count the total number of units in each player’s army, and each player must also select one of their heroes to count as the army leader.

High Speed: At the end of each round, all models and terrain pieces are moved 9” in the direction of the arrow. Models that move off the table in this way are killed, and pieces of terrain are placed in the same spot on the opposite table edge.

The Battlefield

At the end of the game players get 1 VP for destroying at least half of the units in the enemy army, plus 2 VPs for killing the enemy leader.

The Armies

Players also get 1 VP for each enemy hero they destroyed (not counting the army leader), as well as 1 VP if they destroyed the most expensive unit in the enemy army (including the leader).

For this mission you’ll need two armies of equal point cost, and each army must have at least one hero.

Starting from the end of round 4, players must roll one die at the end of each round, and on a 4+ the game continues.


The game ends once a 1-3 is rolled, and the player that scored most VPs wins.

For this mission you’ll need a 6’x4’ table with at least 5-10 pieces of large terrain on it, which is easy to move.

The players roll-off, and the winner picks zone A or B to be their deployment zone, with their opponent taking the opposite. Then the players alternate in placing one unit each within their deployment zone, starting with the player that won the deployment roll-off.

Moving Transports: When setting up terrain, players can agree to declare some pieces of terrain to be moving transports. Moving transport terrain and units on top of it are not moved by the high speed rule. Models that are moved into or through a moving transport by the high speed rule immediately take one hit with AP(2). Terrain pieces that are moved by the high speed rule and would end on top of it, must keep moving until they are not on top of it anymore.

Special Equipment Hooks: Before the game begins, each army may provide D3+1 units with hooks. Units with hooks that are within 9” of a moving transport at the beginning of the round may roll one die. On a 3+, they are not moved by the high speed rule.

First Turn The player that has won the deployment roll-off gets the first turn.


Mission Background


Special Rules

Cult occupied cities are treated with so little regard, that bombardments can last weeks before an invasion. Once they are deployed, armies try to gain favor of the locals by destroying cult buildings, trying to act as their saviors.

Before deployment, players have to set up a total of 4 objective markers.

Endless Bombardment: At the beginning of each round after the first, roll one die and apply the effect to units within one random table section:

The Battlefield For this mission you’ll need a 6’x4’ table with at least 10-15 pieces of terrain on it, as well as at least one cult building in each of the 6 table sections.

The Armies For this mission you’ll need two armies of equal point cost.

Deployment The players roll-off, and the winner picks zone A or B to be their deployment zone, with their opponent taking the opposite. Then the players alternate in placing one unit each within their deployment zone, starting with the player that won the deployment roll-off.

First Turn The player that has won the deployment roll-off gets the first turn.

The players roll-off to see who goes first, and then alternate in placing one objective marker each outside of the deployment zones, and at least 9” away from other objectives, and not within a table section that already has another objective marker. At the end of each round, if a unit is within 3” of a marker whilst enemies aren’t, then the objective is seized and remains seized even after leaving. Pinned units can’t seize markers, and if units from both sides are contesting a marker then it becomes neutral again. At the end of the game players get 2 VPs for each objective marker they seized, plus 1 VP for each table section in which they have at least one unit. Players also get 3 VPs if they destroyed the cult building inside the enemy deployment zone, as well as 1 VP for each other cult building they destroyed. The game ends after 6 rounds, and the player that scored most VPs wins.


Result 1 2 3-4 5-6

Event Direct Hit – A random unit takes D6 hits with AP(2). Shell Shock – All units must take a morale test, if failed, they are Pinned. Flying Shrapnel – All units outside of terrain must take a dangerous terrain test. Unstable Buildings – All units inside of terrain must take a dangerous terrain test.

Special Equipment Explosive Charges: Before the game begins, each army may provide D3 units with explosive charges. Once per game, if a unit with a charge is within 3” of a cult building, you may roll one die try to destroy it. On a 2+, the cult building is removed from the game, and all enemy units within that table section must take a morale test. If failed, they are Pinned.

Mission Background


Special Rules

During long-lasting battles, supply drops become essential to maintaining combat effectiveness. In these type of situations, securing valuable drops is as important as making sure that they don’t fall into enemy hands.

Before deployment, players have to set up a total of 6 objective markers.

Supply Drops: At the beginning of each round select one random objective marker, which gets a supply drop.

The Battlefield For this mission you’ll need a 6’x4’ table with at least 10-15 pieces of terrain on it.

The Armies For this mission you’ll need two armies of equal point cost, and each army must have at least one hero.

Deployment The players roll-off, and the winner picks zone A or B to be their deployment zone, with their opponent taking the opposite. Then the players alternate in placing one unit each within their deployment zone, starting with the player that won the deployment roll-off.

First Turn

The players roll-off to see who goes first, and then alternate in placing one objective marker each outside of the deployment zones, and at least 9” away from other objectives. At the end of each round, if a unit is within 3” of a marker whilst enemies aren’t, then the objective is seized. Pinned units can’t seize markers, and if units from both sides are contesting a marker then it becomes neutral again. At the end of each round players get 1 VP for each objective marker they seized, and if that marker had a supply drop, then it is removed from play. At the end of the game, players get 3 VP for seizing the last objective marker, as well as 1 VP if they destroyed the enemy hero holding the dropship uplink. The game ends after 6 rounds, and the player that scored most VPs wins.

The players must roll-off to see who gets the first turn.


Useful Equipment: The first time that an objective marker is seized, roll one die and follow the instructions of the event: Result 1 2 3 4 5 6

Event Explosive Goods - Units within 3” of the marker immediately take D3+1 automatic hits. Grenades - Units within 3” of the marker get Impact(+1). Stimulants - Units within 3” of the marker get Furious. Ammunition - Units within 3” of the marker get Relentless. Shields - Units within 3” of the marker get Stealth. Medkits - Units within 3” of the marker get Regeneration.

Special Equipment Dropship Uplink: Before the game begins, each army must provide one hero with a dropship uplink. At the beginning of each round, if a hero with an uplink is still alive, you may roll one die, starting with the player that finished activating first. If the result is equal or lower than the round number, then the uplink is removed, and you may select one objective marker within 12” to get the supply drop. Once a supply drop has been selected, the other player may not place another one for that round.

Mission Background


Special Rules

In the most desperate of circumstances, planet-wide extermination orders are sent out, authorizing armies to use any force necessary to seize their objectives, no matter how extreme, destructive, or irreversible it may be.

Before deployment, the defender has to set up a total of 3 objective markers inside of deployment zone B, at least 6” away from the table edge, and at least 18” away from other objectives.

Encircled: Before deployment begins, the attacker may select up to 3 of their units to act as reinforcements. At the beginning of each round after the first, the attacker may place any reinforcement unit anywhere within 6” of a short table edge, and over 9” away from enemies.

The Battlefield For this mission you’ll need a 6’x4’ table with at least 10-15 pieces of terrain on it.

The Armies For this mission you’ll need two armies of equal point cost.

Attack & Defend Before the game, the players roll-off, with the winner picking to be either the attacker or the defender.

Deployment The defender must first deploy their entire army in zone B, and afterwards the attacking player must deploy their entire army in zone A.

At the end of each round, if a unit is within 3” of a marker whilst enemies aren’t, then the objective is seized. Pinned units can’t seize markers, and if units from both sides are contesting a marker then it becomes neutral again. At the end of each round the defender gets 1 VP for each objective marker they seized, whilst the attacker may remove any marker they seized to get 4 VPs. At the end of the game, players also get 1 VP if all friendly units in the enemy deployment zone are not pinned, as well as 1 VP if they destroyed at least one enemy unit during the last round. The game ends after 6 rounds, and the player that scored most VPs wins.

Extermination Weapons: At the start of the first round, the attacker must pick one of the special equipment options and immediately resolve its initial effect. At the beginning of each round after the first, the attacker must resolve the weapon’s continuous effect instead.

Special Equipment Orbital Rocket Barrage: • •

Life-Eating Toxin: •

First Turn

The attacker gets the first turn.

Initial - D3+1 random defending units take D3+2 hits with AP(2). Continuous - D3 random units take D3+2 hits with AP(2).

Initial - 2D3+2 defending units take a dangerous terrain test. Continuous - All units not in cover must immediately take a dangerous terrain test.

Core-Splitter Laser: • •


Initial - 2D3+2 defending units take D3 hits each. Continuous - Starting with the defender, both players must pick a point on the battlefield, and draw a line between them. All units crossing the line must take a dangerous terrain test until the end of the game.

Mission Background


Special Rules

Many strange artifacts can be found on derelict worlds, such as wide portal networks once used for transporting goods and materials. In these combat zones, fortune favors those bold enough to enter these damaged portals.

Before deployment, players have to set up a total of 6 objective markers.

Portal Net: Units that activate within 3” of an objective marker may teleport. Remove the unit from the table and placed it within 3” of any other objective marker of your choice.

The Battlefield For this mission you’ll need a 6’x4’ table with at least 10-15 pieces of terrain on it.

The Armies For this mission you’ll need two armies of equal point cost.

Deployment The players roll-off, and the winner picks zone A or B to be their deployment zone, with their opponent taking the opposite. Then the players alternate in placing one unit each within their deployment zone, starting with the player that won the deployment roll-off.

First Turn The player that has won the deployment roll-off gets the first turn.

The players roll-off to see who goes first, and then alternate in placing one objective marker each outside of the deployment zones, and at least 9” away from other objectives. At the end of each round, if a unit is within 3” of a marker whilst enemies aren’t, then the objective is seized and remains seized even after leaving. Pinned units can’t seize markers, and if units from both sides are contesting a marker then it becomes neutral again. At the end of each round players get 1 VP for each objective marker they seized, plus 1 VP if they seized more objective markers than their opponent. Players also get 1 VP if at least one of their non-pinned units is in the enemy deployment zone, as well as 1 VP if they destroyed at least one enemy unit. Starting from the end of round 4, players must roll one die at the end of each round, and on a 4+ the game continues. The game ends once a 1-3 is rolled, and the player that scored most VPs wins.


Weathered Tech: Whenever a unit teleports, roll one die and follow the instructions of the event: Result 1

2-3 4-5 6

Event Collapse - Units may no longer teleport from the objective that the unit teleported from, and the objective stops scoring VPs. Portal Shock - The unit must take a dangerous terrain test. Miscalculation - The unit is placed within 3” of a random objective marker. Safe Passage - No effect.

Special Equipment Portal Stabilizers: Before the game begins, each army may provide D3+1 units with portal stabilizers. Units with stabilizers may re-roll on the weathered tech table once per game.

Mission Background


Special Rules

The dies of war have moved deep under the seas of this planet, with the inky darkness making it difficult to find the enemy, much less kill them. In these crushing conditions, entire units go missing without traces.

Before the game begins, count the total number of units in each player’s army, with combined units and heroes joining units counting as one.

Abyssal Rifts: Before the game begins, roll one die for each rift and assign it a number equal to the roll.

The Battlefield For this mission you’ll need a 6’x4’ table with at least 10-15 pieces of terrain on it, of which at least half must be large area terrain features, which count as rifts.

The Armies For this mission you’ll need two armies of equal point cost, and players may not take any aircraft.

Deployment The players roll-off, and the winner picks zone A or B to be their deployment zone, with their opponent taking the opposite. Then the players alternate in placing one unit each within their deployment zone, starting with the player that won the deployment roll-off.

First Turn The player that has won the deployment roll-off gets the first turn.

Before deployment, players have to set up a total of 6 objective markers. The players roll-off to see who goes first, and then alternate in placing one objective marker each outside of the deployment zones, and at least 9” away from other objectives. At the end of each round, if a unit is within 3” of a marker whilst enemies aren’t, then the objective is seized and remains seized even after leaving. Pinned units can’t seize markers, and if units from both sides are contesting a marker then it becomes neutral again. At the end of each round players get 1 VP for each objective marker they seized, and at the end of the last round players get 3 VPs for each marker instead. Players also get 1 VP for destroying at least half of the units in the enemy army, as well as 1 VP if they destroyed the most expensive unit in the enemy army. The game ends after 4 rounds, and the player that scored most VPs wins.


Rift Monsters: At the beginning of each round, roll one die. All units inside rifts with that number must immediately take a dangerous terrain test. Rift Protection: Whenever units inside a rift take wounds from any source other than the rift beings rule, roll one die for each. On a 5+ it is ignored. Unpredictable Depths: At the beginning of each round, roll one die, and apply the effect until the end of the round: Result 1 2 3 4-6

Event Depth Quakes - All units must take a morale test, if failed, they are Pinned. Heavy Currents - All units get -1” on Advance and -2” on Rush and Charge actions. Low Visibility - Units can’t shoot at targets over 18” away. All Clear - No effect.

Mission Background


Special Rules

When the bale eye opens in the night sky of a cursed world, those who do not seek shelter die in agony under the weight of curses as the world is dyed black in a torrent of invisible color.

Before deployment, players must set up a total of 6 objective markers.

Cursed World: At the beginning of each round, roll one die, and apply the effect until the end of the round:

The Battlefield For this mission you’ll need a 6’x4’ table with at least 15-20 pieces of terrain on it, of which at least must be large area terrain, and at least half of area terrain must also be dangerous terrain.

The Armies For this mission you’ll need two armies of equal point cost.

Deployment The players roll-off, and the winner picks zone A or B to be their deployment zone, with their opponent taking the opposite. Then the players alternate in placing one unit each within their deployment zone, starting with the player that won the deployment roll-off.

The players roll-off to see who goes first, and then alternate in placing one objective marker each outside of the deployment zones, not within a piece of area terrain, and at least 9” away from other objectives. At the end of each round, if a unit is within 3” of a marker whilst enemies aren’t, then the objective is seized, but doesn’t remain seized after leaving. Pinned units can’t seize markers, and if units from both sides are contesting a marker then it becomes neutral again. At the end of each round players get 1 VP for each objective marker they seized, and at the end of the game players get 3 VPs for each marker they seized.

First Turn

At the end of the game players also get 1 VP if they have at least one of their non-pinned units is in the enemy deployment zone, as well as 1 VP if they destroyed both the most expensive and the least expensive enemy unit.

The players must roll-off to see who gets the first turn.

The game ends after 5 rounds, and the player that scored most VPs wins.


Result 1 2 3 4-6

Event Frail Constitution – Units get -1 to all defense rolls. Blurred Sight – Units may not shoot at enemies over 6” away. Weak Will – Units always fail all morale tests. All Clear - No effect.

Stare of Pure Malice: At the end of rounds 2 and 4, all units that are not within area terrain take as many hits with AP(2) as models in them. Run for Cover: If a unit is Pinned from the stare of pure malice rule, it must immediately move by up to 6” towards the nearest piece of area terrain.

Mission Background


Special Rules

Why use a scalpel when a hammer will do the job? The commanders of this front have engaged in a long, drawn-out artillery duel, determined to pound each other into the dirt, no matter the cost.

Before the game begins, count the total number of units in each player’s army, with combined units and heroes joining units counting as one.

Off-Map Artillery: At the beginning of each round, each player gets 3 artillery tokens. Instead of activating a unit, you may spend a token to pick an enemy unit and ammo: Blast(6) or Blast(3), AP(2). Roll one die, on a 4+ the target is hit, but on a 1-3 the opponent may pick a unit within 6” of the target to be hit instead. All unspent artillery tokens are lost at the end of the round.

The Battlefield For this mission you’ll need a 6’x4’ table with at least 15-20 pieces of terrain on it.

The Armies For this mission you’ll need two armies of equal point cost.

Deployment The players roll-off, and the winner picks zone A or B to be their deployment zone, with their opponent taking the opposite. Then the players alternate in placing one unit each within their deployment zone, starting with the player that won the deployment roll-off.

First Turn The player that has won the deployment roll-off gets the first turn.

Before deployment, players must set up a total of D3+2 objective markers. The players roll-off to see who goes first, and then alternate in placing one objective marker each outside of the deployment zones, and at least 9” away from other objectives. At the end of each round, if a unit is within 3” of a marker whilst enemies aren’t, then the objective is seized and remains seized even after leaving. Pinned units can’t seize markers, and if units from both sides are contesting a marker then it becomes neutral again. At the end of each round players get 1 VP for each objective marker they seized, and at the end of the game players get 3 VPs for each marker they seized. Players also get 1 VP for each friendly unit that was removed from play via the silence them rule, as well as 1 VP for destroying at least half of the units in the enemy army. Starting from the end of round 4, players must roll one die at the end of each round, and on a 4+ the game continues. The game ends once a 1-3 is rolled, and the player that scored most VPs wins.


Silence Them: At the end of each round, any unit that is within 1” of the long table edge in the enemy deployment zone may be removed from play. For the rest of the game, the enemy receives 1 less artillery token pe round for each unit that was removed from play like this.

Mission Background


Special Rules

The war has been long, and no one was left unscathed. Countless failed pushes, grinding warfare and logistical failures have stretched the forces far past their breaking point. Now commanders are betting everything on one last gambit.

Before deployment, players have to set up a total of D3+2 objective markers.

Tattered Legions: At the beginning of the game all units must take a dangerous terrain test.

The Battlefield

The players roll-off to see who goes first, and then alternate in placing one objective marker each outside of the deployment zones, and at least 9” away from other objectives.

The Armies

At the end of each round, if a unit is within 3” of a marker whilst enemies aren’t, then the objective is seized and remains seized even after leaving.

For this mission you’ll need two armies of equal point cost, and each army must have at least one hero.

Pinned units can’t seize markers, and if units from both sides are contesting a marker then it becomes neutral again.


At the end of each round players get 1 VP for each objective marker they seized, and at the end of the game players get 3 VPs for each marker they sized.

For this mission you’ll need a 6’x4’ table with at least 15-20 pieces of terrain on it.

The players roll-off, and the winner picks zone A or B to be their deployment zone, with their opponent taking the opposite. Then the players alternate in placing one unit each within their deployment zone, starting with the player that won the deployment roll-off.

First Turn

Players also get 5 VPs for each enemy hero they killed, as well as 1 VP for each friendly non-pinned hero is in the enemy deployment zone The game ends after 4 rounds, and the player that scored most VPs wins.

The players must roll-off to see who gets the first turn.


Physical Exhaustion: All units move -1” on Advance and -2” on Rush/Charge. Blurry Vision: All units halve their range value when shooting over 12” away. Mental Weariness: All units always fail all morale tests automatically.

Special equipment Shard of Hope: Before the game begins, each army may provide 6+X units with shards of hope, where X is D6 for each hero they have in their army. Shards of hope may be spent to ignore the physical exhaustion, blurry vision, or mental weariness rules once per activation.

Mission Background


Special Rules

A priority objective has appeared, and traditional forces are too slow and cumbersome to reach it in time. For situations like this, rapid arial or even orbital response teams are maintained in order to get boots on the ground first.

Before deployment, place one objective maker at the centre of the table, and then players have to set up a total of 2 objective markers.

Aerial Theater: Units must have the aircraft rule, must use the ambush rule, or must be inside a transport in order to be deployed.

The players roll-off to see who goes first, and then alternate in placing one objective marker each outside of the deployment zones, and at least 9” away from other objectives.

First on the Field: Units may deploy from ambush on the first round of the game.

The Battlefield For this mission you’ll need a 6’x4’ table with at least 15-20 pieces of terrain on it.

The Armies For this mission you’ll need two armies of equal point cost, and each army must have at least one unit with ambush.

Deployment The players roll-off, and the winner picks zone A or B to be their deployment zone, with their opponent taking the opposite. Then the players alternate in placing one unit each within their deployment zone, starting with the player that won the deployment roll-off.

First Turn

At the end of each round, if a unit is within 3” of a marker whilst enemies aren’t, then the objective is seized, but doesn’t remain seized after leaving. Pinned units can’t seize markers, and if units from both sides are contesting a marker then it becomes neutral again.

Comms-Relay: At the beginning of each round, roll a D3 to determine which objective marker is active.

Special Equipment: Airforce Equipment: Before the game begins, each army may provide D6+3 units with one of the following each: •

At the end of each round, the player that controls the active objective gets 3 VPs. At the end of the game, players get 1 VP for each enemy unit they destroyed, as well as 1 VP if no enemy unit is within 3” of any objective marker. The game ends after 4 rounds, and the player that scored most VPs wins.

The player that has won the deployment roll-off gets the first turn.


• •

Homing Beacon: Friendly units using Ambush may ignore distance restrictions from enemies if they are within 12” of this model. Dive Chutes: This unit gets the Ambush special rule. Interceptor Array: This unit gets the Lock-On rule on one of its ranged weapons.

Mission Background


Special Rules

An ancient artifact has been activated, bending and distorting space around itself. This alien landscape has become the focus of rival commanders convinced that the power of the artifact can be harnessed for their own schemes.

Before deployment, place one objective maker at the centre of the table.

Unknowable Power: At the beginning of each round, roll one die, and apply the effect until the end of the round. If a player has seized the objective, that player rolls two dice and picks which result is applied:

The Battlefield For this mission you’ll need a 6’x4’ table with at least 10-15 pieces of terrain on it.

The Armies For this mission you’ll need two armies of equal point cost.

Deployment The players roll-off, and the winner picks zone A or B to be his deployment zone, with his opponent taking the opposite. Then the players alternate in placing one unit each within their deployment zone, starting with the player that won the deployment roll-off.

At the end of each round, if a unit is within 3” of a marker whilst enemies aren’t, then the objective is seized, but doesn’t remain seized after leaving. Pinned units can’t seize markers, and if units from both sides are contesting a marker then it becomes neutral again. At the end of each round players get 1 VP if they have units in at least two different table quarters, plus 1 VP if they have units in more different table quarters than their opponent. Players also get 1 VP if at least one of their non-pinned units is in the enemy deployment zone, as well as 1 VP if they destroyed at least one enemy unit. The game ends after 4 rounds, and the player that scored most VPs wins.

Result 1

2 3


5 6

First Turn The player that has won the deployment roll-off gets the first turn.


Event High Gravity - All units must take a dangerous terrain test and count as having the Slow special rule. Low Gravity - All units count as having the Fast and Strider special rules. Reality Flicker - The players roll-off and alternate in moving one of their units by up to 6” each, starting with the player that won. Time Reversal - All units may heal 1 wound or restore 1 model (with only 1 health left if it had Tough). Visions of Death - All units must take a morale test. Artifact Overload - All units within 6” of the objective maker take D3+3 automatic hits with AP(2).



Unit Name:

Unit Name:






15xp 25xp












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Unit Name:

















Unit Name:

Unit Name:

















Unit Name:

Unit Name:

















Unit Name:

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