Lean Manufacturing Quiz [PDF]

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Multiple Choice Items 1) Lean manufacturing is a (n): a) Fad. b) Method for reducing labor. c) Way to improve customer value. d) Efficiency improvement technique. 2) Customer Value is defined as: a) Cost. b) Delivery. c) Reliability. d) Response. e) All of the above. 3) A “cell” is: a) An amoeba. b) A layout that moves sequential operations close together. c) A unit of measure. d) A management tool to make workers miserable. 4) The five “W’s” of Root Cause Analysis are: a) Who, what, where, when, why. b) What, where, when, who, why. c) Who, who, who, who, who. d) Why, why, why, why, why. 5) Cycle time is: a) Elapsed time from customer order to payment. b) Reduced to eliminate jobs. c) The amount of time the machine runs. d) Improved by larger lot sizes. 6) Cycle-time-efficiency is: a) Improved by increasing utilization. b) The machine cycle divided by number of pieces produced. c) Increased by larger lot size. d) Value-added time over elapsed time. 7) One-piece-flow means: a) Batch. b) Larger lot sizes. c) One piece moves to the next operation.

d) Operators need to work harder. 8) Statistical Process Control Charts include all the following except: a) Upper Control Limit. b) Sample average. c) Product specifications. d) Sample range. 9) The primary focus of any improvement activity is the elimination of: a) Workers. b) Waste. c) Flexibility. d) Decision making at the lowest level. 10) In a manufacturing cell, who has authority to stop production? a) The line supervisor. b) Machine operators. c) The material handler. d) All of the above. 11) In a cell, the operator is responsible for: a) Maximum production output. b) Meeting customer demand. c) Just the machines they are running. d) Directing requests to the supervisor. 12) Lean manufacturing uses which of the following techniques? a) Economic order quantity. b) Make to stock. c) Run whatever material is available. d) Excess capacity. 13) The main purpose of set up reduction activity is to: a) Run smaller lot sizes. b) Make higher production. c) Eliminate set up personnel. d) Charge more per hour. 14) Set up reduction involves all of the following except: a) Define internal and external tasks. b) Mistake proofing. c) Add adjustments to fixturing. d) Keep tools and gages in kits. 15) Pilot projects should be chosen based on: a) Total savings to the company.

b) Anticipated chance for success. c) The number of people affected by the changes. d) All of the above. 16) The worst that can happen in a pilot project is: a) Total failure of the company. b) People’s jobs will be eliminated. c) Having to change it back. d) All of the above. 17) Measures should be developed that: a) Show number of jobs eliminated. b) Workers can affect in their daily decisions. c) Are aggregate and financial. d) Require an MBA to understand. 18) Implementing shorter cycle times: a) Creates problems. b) Uncovers problems. c) Requires tight controls on machine utilization. d) All of the above. 19) Which of the following is not one of the five wastes: a) Overproduction b) Transporting c) Waiting d) Excess machine capacity 20) An operator with time-on-hand should: a) Be punished. b) Be rewarded. c) Run extra pieces. d) Practice changeover. 21) An operator with time-on-hand should: a) Fix an oil leak. b) Perform the next operation on work-in-process. c) Rearrange his work for more time-on-hand. d) All of the above. 22) A worker who lacks material for downstream demand should: a) Move upstream to help. b) Run another job they are qualified for. c) Practice changeover. d) Report to the supervisor.

23) When implementing Kanban, existing production orders should be: a) Processed to the next store, and then split into kanban units. b) Left alone and pushed through conventionally. c) Split into kanbans, then processed conventionally. d) None of the above. 24) Products with low demand should be: a) Produced in exactly the quantity needed. b) Batch processed and held in stock until needed. c) Assigned higher cost per unit. d) Discontinued or purchased from another supplier. 25) Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) techniques apply to: a) All business processes. b) Stamping and molding dies only. c) Machining operations only. d) Manufacturing only. 26) Change over should be organized on the basis of: a) Internal, external, and adjustment. b) The cost of direct vs. indirect labor. c) Machine utilization. d) How many workers it takes to perform the change over. 27) Kanban is based on a model of: a) Shipbuilding. b) Automotive assembly line. c) Supermarket. d) Job shop machining. 28) In Kanban, production is triggered by: a) The production planner. b) Forecast and production plan. c) Downstream demand of product. d) Any of the above. 29) The supervisor’s main responsibility is: a) Keeping production moving. b) Keeping workers busy. c) Achieving production quotas. d) Abnormality control. 30) Defective product should be: a) Immediately moved to the MRB area. b) Displayed for everyone to see. c) Scrapped or repaired immediately.

d) Moved to the next process. 31) Each discrete operation must be completed within the: a) Lead time. b) Cycle time. c) Takt time. d) Shift time. 32) In Kanban, demand flows: a) Upstream. b) Downstream. c) From production control. d) According to the routing. 33) In assembly operations, subassemblies should be: a) Produced in batches and returned to stock. b) Produced in the quantity consumed. c) Pulled from stock well in advance. d) Outsourced based on quantity discounts. 34) Value Stream Mapping begins with: a) Customer specifications. b) A consensus among managers of how product should flow. c) A theory of how the product should flow. d) A map of product and information flow as it exists today. 35) The number one reason Six Sigma projects fail is: a) Poor team dynamics. b) Scope creep. c) No / poor project champion involvement. d) Lack of analysis / jump to solutions.

True – False Items Each of the following statements is either true of false. Using your mouse, select the true or false button. If your answer is correct, you will advance to the next slide. 36) Lead time is the same thing as cycle time. False 37) Implementing lean manufacturing will require huge investments in capital. False 38) We should offer quantity discounts to our customers. False 39) Lean manufacturing only works in high production environments. False 40) Implementing lean manufacturing means everyone will have to work harder. False 41) Production cells should be configured for flexible demand. True 42) Lean manufacturing techniques apply to accounts payable and payroll. True 43) Top management needs to be involved with the implementation of a pilot cell. False 44) Once 5S is done, we can claim to have implemented Lean Manufacturing. False 45) Lot size should continually be decreased with a goal of one piece. True 46) Set-up is all activity performed on a change over while the machine is idle. False 47) It is OK to increase external set up time. True 48) A production line that never stops is either tremendously good or bad. True 49) Production line problems should be apparent to even a casual observer. True 50) Six Sigma Black Belts are trained to implement Lean Manufacturing from the bottom up. False