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The plane finally arrived after a of three hours. slowing stall halt delay Appliances and electronics are sold on the second landing stage floor base Jennifer said she would her son to play online games if he got low marks on his report card. Prevent forbid deny exclude A notable of the symposium was the speech by a famous entrepreneur. Feature attentia headline emphasis You have been an help since I moved out here a few months ago. intense infinite excessive enormous The black rhinoceros is listed as a critically species. endangered dangerous exposed


Passage A The Notting Hill Carnival is one of the world's largest street festivals. It is held in the Notting Hill area of West London. Over one million people attend the carnival, which takes place over three days every August. The event started in 1966 as a celebration of Caribbean culture, with people from the West Indies, who had immigrated to London, organizing the festival. Nowadays, the event is very multi-cultural and people from all the different communities of London come together at the festival. However, the music, costumes, floats and food still have a strong Caribbean influence. Passage B The Rio de Janiero Carnival is the biggest and most famous street festival in the world. It is held annually in the Brazilian city, over six days before the Christian festival of Lent. On each day, over two million people come out on to the streets of Rio to dance and play music. There are competitions between the different samba schools, with each school trying to have the best float, costume and music, as well as to be the best at samba dancing. These days, some of the main events are ticketed and held in stadiums.

The passage explains how the carnival started. Passage Passage Both Passages The passage says how often the carnival is held. Passage Passage Both Passages The passage suggests what is available to eat at the carnival. A Passage B Passage Both Passages The passage says that people have to pay for parts of the carnival. A Passage Passage Both Passages The passage describes what people see and do at the carnival.

A Passage B Passage Both Passages The passage explains where the festival is held.

Both Passage Passage Passages -Hi Danny, I've been thinking about the advice you gave me last night. I think you're right. I should really make a few changes in my life. If I try and change everything at once it will be just like before. I'll probably give up and return to my old routine and bad habits. So, first I'm going to just focus on three things: coffee, lunch and walking. So, these are the changes l'm going to make from tomorrow. I'm going to stop taking sugar in my coffee. I've been having about ten teaspoons of sugar each day, so that will make a difference. And I'm going to start taking my lunch to university. I eat way too many pies and chips every week! And I'm going to walk to lectures from now on, no matter how bad the weather is. I've got a coat so I'm going to use it. I'm going to stop using the weather as an excuse for taking the bus all the time. And I'm finished with elevators. None of my lectures are higher than three flights of steps. I'm going to think of my heavy bag as weight training. I imaaine l'll feel much better this time next month. and it'll be easv for me. 1. What kind of problem is Tomo probably trying to solve? Weight Relationship Academic Financial 2. What does Tomo say is the best way to solve a problem? Avoid it urn Make changes Make excuses Understand habits 3. What does I take plan to stop doing? Drinking coffee Eating lunch Using a coat Using elevators

4. How long will I take try his new routine? One day One week One month As long as necessary 5. Before Tomo wrote this email, I've probably drank a cup of coffee with no sugar. asked his friend for some help. read some books about making changes. He went to a lecture about healthy habits 6. What items will I take most probably need at university from now on? A bus pass Lunch money A backpack Extra weights 7. What is most likely true about Tomo? I've made similar plans before. He thinks his plan is too ambitious. I must travel far to school. He does not like to eat out. 8. What will the first line of an e-mail reply from Tomo's friend Danny say? Thanks for asking me to walk to university with you. I am glad you are feeling better already. First, I think your idea about a warm coat is good. Hi Sally, It's a pity you couldn't come to Sarkis last night. The food was, as always, Mom, Dad, my brother Peter and Grandma. Grandpa was so happy to have all of us there. It was very special because he turned 70. I had the steak, the one you have every time we go there, that comes with apple sauce, potato salad and tomatoes. It was superb! Dad tried the mushroom pie with the tomato salad and that one was good too. It's a new dish on the menu; you must try it the next time we go. I didn't have dessert this time, but Mom had Tiramisu, and Peter tried the apple pie. Both looked delicious, but I was just too full to get in another delicious! Everybody was there bite. How's work going in New York? You are coming back on Friday, right? Miss you very much. Love, Patrick Test of English.html 1.

What does Patrick write about? A party at his grandfather's house Birthday plans for his grandmother New foods I've tried Dinner at a restaurant 2. Who was Patrick with last night?

His friends His cousins His family His colleagues 3. Why was Patrick at Sarkis? To try a new dish To celebrate his grandfather's retirement To meet with friends and family To be at someone's birthday celebration 4. The email suggests that Sally and Patrick usually celebrate birthdays together. work at the same company. go out to dinner together. often travel to New York together 5. When Sally and Patrick go to Sarkis the next time he wants ial to try a new dessert. go to get Sally to try a new dish. to save room for dessert. to try his grandfather's favorite dish. 6. Sally is out of town because she is traveling for business. visiting her friends. visiting her family. taking a vacation. 7. What did Patrick have with dinner? Tomatoes Mushrooms Apple Pie Salad 8. How do Patrick and Sally know each other? They work together. They are close friends. They are brother and sister. They are acquaintances from school.


1. anuncio uno si desea hablar con uno de nuestros Representantes sobre el pago de su factura de electricidad hoy, mantenga la cola y espere al siguiente operador disponible. ¿Tiene listos su número de cuenta y los detalles de su tarjeta de crédito? 2.

3. 4.



Anuncio de si desea hablar con el servicio al cliente sobre un problema con su factura más reciente., Tenga a mano su factura más reciente. Nuestro próximo operador disponible estará con usted. En breve anunciará a tres clientes que desean organizar el servicio para una nueva factura. casa, por favor presione cuatro. Nuestro representante acordará una fecha y hora para enviar técnicos a su nuevo hogar para configurar el anuncio de servicio para…. si necesita cancelar o desactivar sus servicios por cualquier motivo, presione 5. Debe proporcionar una nueva dirección para detener el servicio. Su factura final será enviada a su nueva dirección. anuncio cinco Hola, soy Young de ABC Electric. ¿Cómo estás hoy? La razón del frío es con las tarifas de electricidad en un mínimo histórico. Parece que puede calificar para alimentar su hogar a una tasa mucho más baja. Solo necesito hacerle algunas preguntas rápidas. Anuncio 6 hola. Estoy llamando desde la electricidad ABC. Lo llamamos hoy para completar una breve encuesta sobre la satisfacción del cliente. No tomará más de 3 minutos.

You hear the main menu with different possibilities to choose from. You want to end your service. You can give your opinion about the service. You want to make a payment. You may save money by answering questions. You want to inquire about an error on your bill. You want to inquire about electricity service for your new office. You need to schedule an appointment.

and I'm 21 passengers flying on Air New Zealand flight NZ 5462 Sydney may now board at gate 22 have all passports ready for checking .. announcement to apologize for any inconvenience.

announcement 3 ounces flight 756 from Singapore has been delayed I will now arrive at 2200 .

announcement for last call with passenger Michael Taylor flying on Flight nz2 142 Perth please report to gate 22 immediately.

announcement 5 at the information desk on level 1 we have a small boy named Johnny Morton looking for his parents repeat Johnny Morton is at the information desk on level 1..

announcements 6 all passengers Landing in New Zealand must declare any plant or animal material on arrival. A person is lost An item has been lost A passenger must obey A flight will be late A person is late A plane is ready for boarding A flight is canceled A gate has been changed

speaker 1 Surah permanent movie last night 1. What is the best response to Speaker 1? Did you stay out late? What was it about? Why was it so bad? speaker 2 Chain is a terrific piano player 2. What is the best response to Speaker 2? Yes, I heard her play last month. Yes, she's never played the piano before. Yes, she needs to practice more. speaker 3 your tickets for dream machine please 3. What is the best response to Speaker 3? Here you go. Or Please. It starts later.

speaker for shall we go to the library tomorrow 4. What is the best response to Speaker 4? OK, then I can lend you a book. Yes, I want to buy a book. Sorry, I can't. I'm busy. speaker five if you meant the Peruvian man next door 5. What is the best response to Speaker 5? Hi, pleased to meet you. O No, I haven't met him yet. O No, he does not work at night. speaker 6 use a hammer to break the glass 6. What is the best response to Speaker 6? That's what the doctor said? Or where are my sunglasses? Ian't that dangerous? speaker seven what's the time 7. What is the best response to Speaker 7? I have 1 o'clock. It's 2 o'clock. It was at 3 o'clock.

speaker 8 what does this product do 8. What is the best response to Speaker 8? It is red. Or it costs £ 50. It makes your hair curly. speaker 9 it is too hot for me in 9. What is the best response to Speaker 9? O Let me open the door. O I will close the window. You should go inside. here speaker 10 to put the dry clean only blouse in the washing machine 10. What is the best response to Speaker 10? Or did the washing machine break? O That must have ruined the blouse. O She must wash it in the washing machine.

OTRA speaker 1 I'm Jessie 1. What is the best response to Speaker 1? Nice to meet you, too. Nice to meet you. Good to see you again. speaker 2 play a Pablo and Pedro from 2.

What is the best response to Speaker 2? They are Colombian. you are from Argentina We are from Spain.

speaker 3 there is a book on the table 3. What is the best response to Speaker 3? Yes, I booked a table for two. I don't know who has booked it. Yes, it's my book. speaker for I have a new blue pan to use in class 4. N What is the best response to Speaker 4? How big is it? Did you lose your old notebook? Where is your red pencil? speaker 5 it is 5 5. What is the best response to Speaker 5? Oh, I'm late. O OK, see you tomorrow at five. Yes, we met at five o'clock. speaker 6 when were you born 6.

What is the best response to Speaker 6? I was born in Berlin. I was born in a hospital. I was born in April.

speaker seven I'd like to live with Fred please 7. What is the best response to Speaker 7? The chocolate croissants are £ 1.50 each. that's £ 4.50, please. The dinner rolls are sold out for today.

speaker 8 what does he usually wear to work 8.

What is the best response to Speaker 8? Today he is wearing a suit. He wears casual clothes. He was wearing black trousers and a white shirt.

speaker 9 this skirt is too long on me 9. What is the best response to Speaker 9? Shall I get a shorter one Shall I get a longer one? Shall I find a bigger size? speaker 10 does your stomach hurt 10. What is the best response to Speaker 10? Yes, and I have no appetite. Yes, I am fine. Yes, and I can't complain.