H Carb Fat Loss [PDF]

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Copyright Notice No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without expressed written, dated and signed permission from the author. All copyrights are reserved.

Disclaimer and/or Legal Notices The information provided in this book is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor and this is not meant to be taken as medical advice. The information provided in this book is based upon my experiences as well as my interpretations of the current research available. The advice and tips given in this course are meant for healthy adults only. You should consult your physician to insure the tips given in this course are appropriate for your individual circumstances. If you have any health issues or pre-existing conditions, please consult with your physician before implementing any of the information provided in this course. This product is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept any responsibilities for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived, resulting from the use of this information.

Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore

Table of Contents

Introduction: Chapter 1: Societies That Have Thrived on High Carb Diets Chapter 2: How Carbs Are Used by Your Body Chapter 3: Carbs Rarely Get Converted & Stored as Body Fat Chapter 4: The Popularity of Low Carb Diets Chapter 5: Carbohydrates and Your Metabolism Chapter 6: How Much Protein Do We Really Need Chapter 7: The Psychology of a Fat Loss Diet Chapter 8: An Introduction to the High Carb Low Fat Plans Chapter 9: Rusty's “Regular Food” HCLF Diet Plan Chapter 10: Mark's Advanced HCLF Diet Plan Chapter 11: Supplements Chapter 12: Final Thoughts

Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore

Introduction I've known Mark Kislich for about 8 years now. Back when I was posting a bunch on my first fitness blog, Fitness Black Book,

Mark consistently dropped knowledge bombs in the comment section. After about a year of this, I reached out to find out more about his background. It turns out he was (and is) a strength and conditioning coach for Olympic and professional athletes over in Iceland.

Iceland was a mysterious place to me. I want to visit at some point, so I have grilled Mark with questions for years. Here's the funniest thing he's told me about Iceland:

Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore

“You can tell easily tell who foreigners are because they don't get clean enough when showering before going into a pool or hot spring. It's like they are embarrassed to be nude, so they do a quick rinse. We require people to really dig in there and get that soap deep into all crevices.” I am paraphrasing here. I did some research afterwards. Apparently, they require people to shower fully nude before entering a pool or hot spring... even if they are going to wear a swimsuit in the pool.

The best part? They even have “bath guards” that check to make sure you are washing your body well enough before going into the pool or hot spring. It cracks me up just thinking someone is watching me to make sure I'm getting soaped up in all the right places. Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore

When I first met Mark he was a vegetarian. He was in good shape and showed that a vegetarian could be muscular and athletic. Along with being a strength and conditioning coach, Mark also competes in Judo. I always knew he kept in awesome shape, but in Spring of this year he put up a photo on Facebook that blew me away (Mark is in his mid 40's).

I commented something along the lines of “What have you been doing? It looks like you are at 5% body fat!”. I sent him a private message and found out that 5 years ago he made the switch from a vegetarian diet, to an ultra-low fat vegan diet. Within 3 months of reducing fats to 10% and increasing his carb intake he got this lean.

Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore

I don't want to freak you out, if you don't want to become vegan or vegetarian. That is the approach that Mark chooses to follow and it works well, but I will present modifications for those of us who aren't vegan or vegetarian. I will also outline Mark's exact approach. Seeing Mark's success with a high carb low fat diet, has made me question a lot of advice about diet recently.

Maybe Mark is some sort of freak. I had to research this further. What I found were small clusters of people online having great success following high carb low fat diets. Unfortunately their success stories have been drowned out by the MUCH larger group... the followers of low carb, keto, and paleo diets. Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore

After doing a bit of research, I decided to give Mark's high carb approach a test drive. I have been doing a loose version with more refined carbs, but my results have been fantastic. As I write this, I'm on my 6th week. I started at 212 pounds and just weighed in at 198 this morning. I would probably be

slightly lighter, but I ate two bowls of Golden Grahams cereal in Rice Milk right before bed last night.

This is NOT the way Mark eats. I'm just testing out this diet with a combo of whole and processed foods. This way of getting lean will work with processed foods, but it's healthier to focus on whole foods whenever possible. I've created this course, but Mark is the one who has helped me by outlining his diet and sending me all the research behind why it works, etc.

Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore

Chapter 1 Societies That Have Thrived on High Carb Diets This whole diet thing can be a little confusing. The Inuit Indians live on an extremely high fat diet and tend to be healthy... but there are societies who eat exactly the opposite, super low fat and high carb, who thrive and live healthy lives.

 Traditional Okinawans: 6% calories as fat  Traditional Thai: 9% calories as fat  Traditional Pima: 8-12% calories as fat  Highlanders of Papua New Guinea: 3% calories as fat Okinawa has the highest rate of people living over 100. Their diet now has slowly crept up to 27% fat and their life Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore

expectancy is lower than it once was. The people over 100 years old were born on or before 1917, and spent much of their lives eating low fat and high carb. Denise Minger the author of "Death by Food Pyramid" pointed out something that makes a lot of sense to me. There is something special when you either eat the majority of your diet as fat (over 65%) or very little fat (less than 10%).

Over 65% Fat: Your body goes into ketosis and uses fat for fuel. Under 10% Fat: Insulin sensitivity drastically improves and your carbohydrate metabolism becomes optimized. The zone that doesn't work as well for fat loss is in between these two extremes. You won't necessarily gain weight eating in this middle zone. Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore

Most Americans and other Western Countries eat about 30-35% of their calories as fat. It's fine to eat this way, you just won't get the additional benefits of eating over 65% or under 10% fat. The societies I mentioned above all had remarkable health and thrived on these high carb low fat diets. There are also scientists, doctors and researchers who have all demonstrated powerful effects of eating a high carb low fat diets. Walter Kempner and His Rice Diet

Walter treated diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and even psoriasis with a diet that was 94% carbs, 4% protein, and 2% fat. The diet was a combo of white rice, fruit, fruit juices, and as Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


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much table sugar as desired (up to a pound). Calories were not restricted. His high refined carb diet worked wonders, just as long as fat was kept low. Later on in his career he used a slightly modified version of this diet and called it the "Rice Reduction Diet". Here's a link to a research paper of 100+ patients who all lost at least 100 pounds eating his diet of white rice and refined sugar.

I'm not claiming his diet is ideal. Although all of his patients experienced dramatic health benefits and weight loss, it simply HAS to be healthier to eat less refined carbs.

Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore

I would like to thank Walter Kempner for making me feel a little better about having a pack of Red Vines or Sour Patch Kids at the movie theater (I like sugar with my IMAX experience). Nathan Pritikin Treats Type 2 Diabetes & Heart Disease With High Carb Diets

Nathan Pritikin created a high carbohydrate diet of less than 10% fat. It was successful at helping people lose weight and drastically improve cardiovascular function. It also helped heal type 2 diabetes. Here's a link to a study using the Pritikin high carb low fat diet:

Beneficial effects of a high carbohydrate, high fiber diet on hyperglycemic diabetic men.

The study involved 13 diabetic men who required insulin shots or oral medication to control their blood sugar. For one week they followed the normal recommended diet of the American Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


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Diabetic Association. After that first week, they switched to a diet of 75% carbs and 9% fat (I'm assuming 16% protein). They followed this diet for two weeks. After two weeks, 9 out of the 13 patients no longer had the need to take their insulin or oral medication. There was 1 patient who was able to drastically reduce his need for insulin medication. The remaining 3 had weren't helped by this diet... they were the 3 with the most advanced and severe diabetes. Both Kempner and Pritikin's patients got phenomenal results by eating under 10% fat. Heck... Walter Kempner had people consume up to 1 cup of table sugar per day and they were STILL losing weight. I'm not suggesting that you to eat a pound of table sugar per day. It is a better idea to eat whole nutritious foods that contain vitamins and minerals. In the next chapter I want to explain a bit about how your body processes carbs... and give insight into why people are able to get lean even eating a diet high in refined carbs. Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore

Chapter 2 How Carbs Are Used by Your Body I don't want to turn this into a boring textbook, so I'll try to explain this with just enough detail. When you eat carbohydrates they get broken down into simple sugars which then get absorbed into your bloodstream. The 3 types of simple sugars are:  Glucose  Fructose  Galactose Eventually, most carbohydrates end up as glucose. Even most of the galactose and fructose you eat mostly gets converted to glucose. Most of the carbs you eat eventually get broken down into glucose, which is the body's primary and preferred source of energy. Fructose has come under fire recently and it seems that the obesity epidemic is blamed on High Fructose Corn Syrup.

Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore

I'll discuss this briefly. Not all Fructose gets converted to glucose. Here's some extensive research on the subject: Fructose Metabolism in Humans – What Isotopic Tracer Studies Tell Us Their findings? Less than 1% of the fructose ingested gets turned into lipids (fat).

...and this is just fat that gets released into the bloodstream, it doesn't even mean that small percentage necessarily gets stored as fat. To keep things simple you can think of all carbs as getting broken down into glucose. Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore

 Complex Carbs = More Steps to Break Down Into Glucose  Simple Carbs = Fewer Steps to Break Down Into Glucose Complex carbs like yams or oatmeal take a while to get broken down, so this glucose is released slowly into the bloodstream. Simple carbs like candy are already close to being pure glucose, so get broken down quickly for a faster surge of glucose into the bloodstream.

Insulin is a hormone that gets released into the bloodstream to help us use glucose for energy. Insulin basically acts like a key, opening up the cells to take in glucose and use it as an energy source.

Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore

Insulin also helps our bodies store excess glucose as energy we can use later. This form of glucose is called glycogen, which are basically stored carbohydrates in your muscles. Insulin also helps our bodies store fat and protein. Think of insulin as a “storing hormone”. When you eat carbs, which get broken down into glucose, this is what happens to that glucose.  It immediately gets used as an energy source.  It gets stored later as glycogen.  It gets turned to fat (de novo lipogenesis). Glucose gets used in the order above. It first supplies the energy, then gets stored later as glycogen. Your body ONLY begins the process of turning glucose into fat once your muscles are 100% full of glycogen. Here's a little more about the body's glycogen reserves. The average person has the capacity to store up to 1,5002,000 calories of stored glycogen. Your body's blood glucose lasts about 3-4 hours, if you don't eat after that time it begins to breakdown that stored glycogen Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


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to keep your body running. Glycogen is one of the reasons why we don’t need to eat nonstop. Carbohydrates are easily converted to glycogen stores, then broken down and burned when you need more energy. It's not easy to eat enough carbs to fill your glycogen reserves. Your body is in a constant state of using these stored carbs. Your muscle glycogen levels are rarely topped out.

Here is an interesting study where the goal was to fill the glycogen reserves and track carbs being converted to fat: Glycogen Storage Capacity and De Novo Lipogenesis During Massive Carbohydrate Overfeeding in Man

Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore

The study had the participants eat 5,000 calories and 1,000 grams of carbs per day. To give you an idea of how much 1,000 grams of carbs are, a medium-sized russet potato has about 50 grams of carbs.

1,000 grams of carbs are about 20 medium-sized potatoes per day. These carbs were in addition to protein and fat that their meal contained. Initially, the goal wasn't to have participants eat 5,000 calories per day. The goal was to have them eat 1,500 over maintenance levels, using carbs as that additional source of calories. What happened was that every time they increased carbs, the metabolism also increased. The first day they increased the calories by 1,500 over maintenance, the energy expended Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore

increased and they wound up burning an additional 370 calories. At that point, they increased the calories by 1,870 and then the energy expended increased by another 100 calories. At around 5,000 calories per day of mainly a carb-based diet is when they were able to create a 1,500 calorie surplus.

It was after 5 days of 1,000 grams of carbs and 5,000 calories per day did they notice carbs getting converted into fat (de novo lipogenesis). It is hard to get the body to convert carbs into fat. It takes a sustained overfeeding of carbs, your glycogen levels have to be full and you have to eat more than what is oxidized during the day. Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore

There have even been studies examining the effect of a massive carbohydrate meal. Here's one that looks at how many carbs get stored after eating a 500 gram carbohydrate meal... roughly 10 medium russet potatoes worth. That is 2,000 calories just from carbs alone in one meal.

Glycogen Synthesis Versus Lipogenesis After a 500-gram Carbohydrate Meal in Man What was found was that this single massive carbohydrate meal simply slowed down the rate of fat oxidation. Meaning, these carbs didn't get stored as fat they just slowed the rate of dietary fat and stored fat being burned by the body. The next chapter discusses this in more detail. Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore

Chapter 3 Carbs Rarely Get Converted & Stored as Body Fat Carbs only get converted to fat of any significant amount when people hit extreme surpluses... so why do so many people these days avoid carbs when trying to get lean? When a lot of carbs are eaten, the body stops using fat for fuel. Insulin will rise and store almost all of the fat consumed in a meal as body fat.

The fat you see on your body is from dietary fat, NOT carbs. Carbs simply assist that dietary fat in getting stored as body fat. It's the fat you eat that ultimately gets stored as body fat.

Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore

I've already shown that the body rarely converts carbs to fat. The conversion of protein to fat is minimal as well. We ALMOST Had it Right in the 80's

We were on the right track to staying lean in the 80's. We knew that most of the carbs we ate didn't get converted to body fat. As I covered in the previous chapter, it is the fat we eat that gets stored as body fat. The idea was to limit fat and eat a diet of carbs and protein. Chicken, broccoli and white rice were a bodybuilding and figure competitor staple back then. The low-fat pre-contest diet of bodybuilders in the 80's was actually awesome. Men and women got as lean as desired eating oatmeal, rice, yams, etc.

Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore

As long as they avoided most dietary fat... they got ripped. Fats were kept to less than 10% of calories and given enough time, this diet worked ridiculously well. Where we screwed up was with the low fat diet prescribed to the general public.

The "low fat" diet recommended by the USDA back then was still 30% fat. This was and STILL is considered low fat. When you combine a high carb diet with 30% fat, there is a solid chance that you will become fatter over time. If a person consumes a 2,000 calorie diet and 30% of it is fat, then they are consuming roughly 700 calories worth of fat.

Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore

There are 9 calories in a gram of fat, so that person is consuming 77 grams of fat. The carbs in this diet are high enough to ensure that most of those 77 grams of fat get stored as body fat. Throughout the day and while sleeping, some of this fat will get burned off.

If calories are low enough the fat burned will equal or surpass the fat stored. The problem is when calories consumed are more than what is burned throughout the day. This equals a net fat gain. The high carb and 30% fat diet recommended to the general public wasn't working very well. Some concluded that low fat high carb diets were to blame for the increase in obesity rates. Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore

...but remember, it isn't carbs that get converted and stored as body fat under normal conditions. It's STILL the fat you eat that gets stored as body fat. Throughout the 90's people stuck with this 30% "low fat" way of eating and it was not working well.

Instead of looking at reducing the fat further, people began looking into cutting out carbs. When carbs are cut WAY back to near zero, the body doesn't release as much insulin. Insulin is what stores the fat you eat as body fat. If you avoid carbs and increase fats, less insulin gets released and less of that fat gets stored as body fat. Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore

Remember though, it is the FAT you eat that gets stored as body fat. It's funny to me that people didn't address the problem DIRECTLY by simply reducing the fat they ate even further. Pre-contest bodybuilders reduced their fat to less than 10%,

but nobody else looked at that and thought "hmmm, maybe we

can learn something from this."

I'm just as guilty as everyone else. In college in the late 80's we would "bulk up" until spring. In March, April, and May we would eat nothing but carbs and protein to get shredded by June. My diet was large amounts of rice, Grape Nuts cereal, non-fat milk, a bit of skinless boneless chicken breasts, tuna packed in water, and keg parties where we drank a lot of Coors Light. Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore

I know I'm probably not supposed to talk about keg beer in a diet book, but I don't want to pretend like I'm a saint when it comes to diet. We all have various role models and people who inspire us. I have learned a ton from various fitness experts, but overall I'm most inspired by people like Anthony Bourdain.

He is 61 and looks great. He gets to travel the world connecting with people of various cultures over their food, their wine and their beer. Okay, back to the 80's... Back in college I bet I was consuming 4,000+ calories per day. Yes, I was walking everywhere. Yes, I was young, but when we avoided fat we ALL got lean back then. I'm not sure why I ever moved away from this way of getting lean.

Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore

Looking back on my life I've been the leanest when fats were limited. I've written a ton about my "2 protein shakes and chicken salad diet". This is a low fat high protein diet. The downside of a high protein low carb and low fat diet is that it is tough to have much energy. It's not an easy diet, but works well. Why have low carb high fat diets taken off recently?

I actually believe the high fat low carb craze became big because leading up to that we were told bacon was the worst thing in the world for us. Losing weight eating bacon was (and is) such a novelty. The next chapter will dig deeper into low carb diets.

Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore

Chapter 4 The Popularity of Low Carb Diets No doubt that low carb diets can work. If they didn't work, the Atkins, Ketosis, and Paleo movements wouldn't be such a big thing. These are high fat diets and as I discussed, it is dietary fat that gets stored as body fat.

The reason this doesn't happen? Reduced food variety and reduced appetite lead to an automatic reduction in calorie intake.

Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore

Low carbs = lower insulin levels. Let's compare what happens when you eat a meal of 750 calories of carbs compared to a meal of 750 calories of fat. When you eat a meal of 750 calories of carbs, insulin gets released to use that glucose for fuel. The body does NOT use stored body fat for energy.

This is why so many people believe low carb diets are superior. When you eat 750 calories worth of fat. Your body burns that circulating fat for fuel instead. It still does NOT use stored body fat for energy. Low carb diets also create an immediate reward for a lot of people. Within 1-2 weeks of starting the diet, rapid weight loss Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


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typically occurs. This is due to losing glycogen, because you are not replacing the glycogen used with carbs in your diet. You lose all that water that was bound to that glycogen as well. This is a marketers dream: "Lose 10 Pounds in 14 Days Eating

Bacon-Wrapped Steak"

Emptying glycogen reserves and the water attached to that glycogen is responsible for almost all rapid weight loss at this level. I'm not saying this is a bad thing. Seeing weight loss results on a scale gives people hope and makes them more likely to stick to a diet plan.

Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore

Psychologically, it is hard to beat a low carb or ketogenic diet... especially in the first few weeks. I've used this way of dieting in the past. I had a blast following an ultra-low carb diet at first. It almost felt like I was getting away with something.

I'd wake up and have a 6 eggs omelet cooked in butter. For lunch I'd have salami and cheese. Dinner would be sausage and onions. I remember dropping about 12 pounds in two weeks. About 3 weeks in I hit stable weight. If I had a carb containing meal or any beer on the weekend at all, my weight would jump up 7-8 pounds by Monday.

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Rusty Moore

I'd go low carb again until Friday or Saturday and get back down to match my previous low weight. I was perpetually going 7-8 pounds up and 7-8 pounds down. About 6 weeks in I decided to restrict my calories more each day. I began losing weight again, but now I had to limit myself to about 1,600 calories per day M-F. I weighed 195 at the time, so this is pretty low. What I began to notice was, I was now getting cold during the day. My feet would get cold at night. This is really unusual for me.

I hit another sticking point about 2 and 1/2 months in. I was cold, my skin was looking paler than its normal pale shade and dry and flaky. These are all signs of a sluggish metabolism.

Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore

I went from 208 down to 192, so a loss of 16 pounds. I lost 16 pounds, but paid for it by slowing my metabolism to a crawl. I could have stayed on this low carb ketogenic style diet, but at this point I wasn't looking or feeling good. I began to eat a more traditional diet again. I figured I would increase the calories to about 2,200 to maintain my weight. At 192 pounds I should have been able to maintain my weight at 2,200 calories. Heck, I should have been able to continue to lose weight possibly.

Within 2 weeks I regained all the water weight, I was fine with that. So at that point I was at 202. The problem was that within a month I was back at 208... only Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


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now I had to cut the calories below 2,000 or I would continue to gain weight. This was in the Spring of 2016. I had a trip to Hawaii planned in the summer. Instead of dieting for it further and trying to get lean, I decided I would just use that summer as a time to get my metabolism healthy again.

I topped out at 215 pounds. I stayed stable at that weight until early 2017, then the weight began to drop with a more realistic diet approach. The lesson I learned? Don't diet in a way that slows the metabolism. Luckily, a high carb diet is exactly what is needed to get the metabolism revving again. Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore

Chapter 5 Carbohydrates and Your Metabolism Glucose is your body's preferred energy source and carbohydrates are the main source of this glucose. If you avoid carbs long enough your body hits a ketogenic state, where fat becomes the primary energy source. This is called becoming “fat adapted” by those who follow a low carb ketogenic diet. One of the issues with the ketogenic diet is that it can take up to three weeks to become fat adapted.

Some people even nickname this 2-3 week break-in period as going through “the ketogenic flu”. The first couple of weeks when the body switched from burning glucose to burning fat it Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


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is common to feel a bit more fatigued and sluggish. Once you are fat adapted or keto-adapted your energy will return. Like I mentioned earlier, I have tried the ketogenic diet on several occasions. For me, it will never work. I simply can't go three weeks without having a day with more than 5% carbs. Another obstacle? The ketogenic diet is NOT beer friendly.

I'm part German and live in an area of Seattle surrounded by small breweries. Sampling new batches of beer from local breweries with friends is a past-time here. My biggest issue with the idea of becoming fat adapted, is that it is a state that doesn't allow for flexibility. An off day would get me out of ketosis, and I would have to wait many more days to become fat adapted again. Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore

In an upcoming chapter I'm going to outline a high carb low fat diet where your goal is to consume less than 10% of your calories as fat. Isn't this just as strict as the ketogenic diet? You might be thinking that what I am going to suggest is just as restrictive as limiting carbs to under 10%. This is simply not the case. When fat loss is a goal you are going to want to keep fat to a minimum on a high carb diet...

...but eating pizza on Friday isn't a big-time setback. You won't be losing fat on that Friday. It's possible that you might even gain a tiny bit of body fat.

Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore

The biggest difference is that you don't have to go through a lengthy process to get your body “carb adapted” again. This isn't even a term, because this is your body's natural state. If you resume your low fat eating the following day, you will continue to use glucose as your primary energy source. Since the fat is low you won't add body fat to your body. To get really lean, you WILL need many more days of low fat than high fat when following this way of dieting.

How lean you get and how quickly you get there is really just a matter of how many days per week are high carb and low fat. Mark stays under 5% body fat because a high proportion of his days and meals are low fat. He got there rapidly, because he was really disciplined when it came to diet. Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore

I'll be satisfied with around 10% body fat. I'm 47, so it's not like I need to be shredded for a music festival or Ibiza (or whatever the kids are doing these days). My top goal is to avoid getting “pumpkin head”. This is when someone looks like they did when they were younger except now their head has become HUGE.

[Looks like Cathy is fully Halloween Adapted] How do carbs affect your metabolism? When you increase calories in your diet, your metabolism tends to ramp up to burn these calories. Remember that study I mentioned earlier where the goal was to create a 1,500 calorie surplus with carbs?

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Rusty Moore

The problem was that the energy expended increased by 370 with the 1,500 calorie increase. So they had to keep increasing carbs day after day until they hit 5,000 calories. This is how dieting works. When you eat more, you tend to burn more... and when you eat less you tend to burn less.

Carbs are especially good at ramping up calorie-burn. When you supply your body with glucose, it's easiest to use fuel source, you get a quick and powerful response by the metabolism. Here's a study that compared overeating of carbs vs fats. Effects of Short-term Carbohydrate or Fat Overfeeding on Energy Expenditure and Plasma Leptin Concentrations in Healthy Female Subjects Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


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This study found that short term overeating of carbs increased leptin levels and energy expenditure, but NOT when overeating fats. This is why people following low calorie diets or low carb diets will often throw in a high carb high calorie day to get leptin levels and metabolism rolling again... and this is how carb cycling works for the most part.

Don't carbs cause diabetes and insulin resistance? Well there are quite a few societies that have kept under 10% dietary fat and eat over 70% carbs. They have less prevalence of diabetes than we do in the US. I would say that it is probably refined carbs that are the real culprit behind type 2 diabetes. Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore

The problem with this assumption? Walter Kempner TREATED diabetes with a diet that was largely refined carbs and up to a pound of table sugar! Just to give you an idea of what a pound of table sugar looks like. A tray of Red Vines has about 64g of sugar.

These “dieters” were allowed the same amount of sugar as about 7-8 trays of Red Vines per DAY.

They lost weight and health markers improved with a high refined carb diet. I'm NOT saying this is ideal, but again... it does make me feel a touch better about my movie theater snack of choice. Nathan Pritikin also has helped countless people over the years at his Pritikin Longevity Center. He has passed away, but his Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


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high carb low fat diet has helped thousands. Unfortunately, most low fat studies have been on diets that are around 30% fat. The 30% fat range is where fat gain and health issues tend to be easy to come by. Once again, here's that “fancy” chart I created.

Walter Kempner and Nathan Pritikin saw success by having their patients stay under 10% dietary fat. *That being said, I'm NOT a doctor and NOT suggesting this is a treatment for any disease or diabetes.* I simply think this is a fantastic way to get lean and stay lean. I'm reviving the most successful 80's method for getting lean, but adding some 2010's wisdom and Icelandic magic. Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore

Chapter 6 How Much Protein Do We Really Need When I asked Mark about how many grams of protein he eats each day, he gave me an unexpected answer.

“I honestly don't even keep track of protein. People are way too obsessed with protein and protein guilt is what stops them from getting really lean.”

Here's a picture of Mark's bicep. He maintains muscle while eating a low amount of protein by normal standards. Mark is 100% convinced that people are unable to get as lean as they would like, because they are striving to hit a specific number of grams of protein per day. Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore

When you eat more protein than you need, it just adds unnecessary calories to your diet. Protein recommendations have almost become a reflex. Here's a recent conversation I overheard in the gym.

“You must get at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. So since you are 200 pounds you should aim for 200 grams of protein at the minimum.”

I used to believe high amounts of protein were needed to build muscle. After reading How Much Protein by Brad Pilon, I'm convinced we can build muscle with much less protein.

For BUILDING muscle Brad recommends 70-120 grams of protein per day. For MAINTAINING muscle he says around 60 grams of protein per day will do the trick. Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore

If you are over 30 or have lifted for 10+ years, you are probably well past a true “muscle building” phase and around 60 grams per day will do the trick. It really isn't that hard to hit 60 grams of protein, even with foods that are considered carbs.  2,000 calories of rice have 42g of protein.  2,000 calories of potatoes have around 55g protein.  2,000 calories of pasta have about 60g protein.  2,000 calories of oatmeal have about 66g protein. The goal isn't to eat only rice, potatoes, or pasta. I just want to show that it isn't that hard to hit a protein level of 60 grams. Even foods considered carbs have substantial protein. If you are eating a 100% vegan diet, it's best to mix carbs to ensure you get “complete protein”. Here's the general rule of thumb: Mix grains like wheat, rice, corn... with beans or lentils. You don't even have to have these in the same meal. You can get your essential amino acids by eating beans or lentils one meal and grains the next.

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Potatoes have all 9 essential amino acids, but it is still recommended to mix in vegetables and perhaps beans or lentils to ensure you get enough of each essential amino acid. When I asked Mark if he hits at least 60 grams of protein per day, here was his response.

“Yeah , that sounds about right. Although I never count it or worry about it. You might say I average around 10%. When my fat intake goes down to 8%, I sometimes go as high as 12%.”

According to the UN's 2017 World Happiness Report, Iceland

ranks as the 3rd happiest nation on earth. They are right behind Norway and Denmark. Mark's “don't worry about it” attitude is maybe a product of living in a happy laid-back place. Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


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He doesn't track protein at all. The foods he eats simply have the right percentage of protein... around 10%. He gets ample protein by simply sticking to his high carb plant-based diet. When I heard about Mark's approach to getting ripped this past spring, I conducted deep research in regards to the low amount of protein he was consuming. I really just needed to jump in and give it a shot.

I was overthinking and overcomplicating an approach he has successfully been using for 5+ years. After reading 10's of thousands of articles stressing the importance of protein and striving to add more to my diet, it was just a big paradigm shift to consider eating less protein.

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Finally I just figured, “what is the worst that can happen?” Let's say I go on this high carb and low protein diet and lose some muscle along with the fat. Losing a bit of muscle isn't a huge deal... especially if you have been training for 5+ years. Regaining any muscle loss would take 2-3 months max. Heck, with creatine it is possible to add muscle volume in 2-3 weeks. People tend to get too hung up on numbers as well... especially men. For instance, when you lose a bunch of belly fat your arms will get smaller in the process.

In this next chapter, I'll discuss tricks the mind will play on you when getting lean.

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Chapter 7 The Psychology of a Fat Loss Diet So, who am I to discuss "Psychology"? Well.. I do have a 4-year Bachelors degree in Psychology. It doesn't mean I'm a Psychologist. It really just means that it is beyond a casual interest for me. I love studying about human behavior and why we think the way we do. It started in college, but I've read hundreds of books on the subject since earning my degree in 1992.

Your mind WILL play tricks on you whenever you go on a diet and begin to lose body fat. If you don't know what to expect it Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


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is possible that you will get frustrated and quit altogether. Unless you are already pretty lean, you will look worse at first... before you look better. It all comes down to glycogen. Carbs are broken down into glucose and that glucose gets stored in the muscle as glycogen. Every gram of glycogen is bound to 3-4 grams of water. If your muscles are loaded with glycogen, there are several pounds of water bound to that glycogen.

Muscles look their best when full of glycogen and water. This isn't the same thing as retaining water under your skin from eating too much sodium. This is a good type of water retention. Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


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In fact, fitness competitors carb load before a show in order to have full and defined muscles. When you maximize glycogen, it even looks like you are carrying less body fat. In comparison to the increased muscle size, even with the same amount of fat, you will look slightly leaner. So what happens when you reduce glycogen in the muscles? You will lose the glycogen and 3-4 parts water bound to the glycogen and your muscles will deflate.

This happens within days of reducing calories typically. Since your body fat is about the same compared to your deflated muscles you will look less muscular, less defined, and slightly skinny fat. Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


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You will lose weight rapidly when this happens. This is what is meant when people say they lost "water weight". For every gram of glycogen lost, 3-4 grams of water is lost along with it. A loss of strength can come along with this as well. I can't tell you how many people have contacted me, freaking out that they were losing muscle when really it was just loss of glycogen. A muscle loaded with glycogen does generate a bit more power. It CAN mean a slight loss of strength. I've noticed this varies from person to person. So here's what to expect when glycogen is depleted:  Smaller muscles  Less definition  Loss of strength  Appearance of fat gain ALL effective diets deplete glycogen to a certain extent. Low carb diets do this to an extreme, but it will even happen when following this high carb diet. This is why you see a lot of people (especially men) in the gym Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


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who are perpetually in bulk mode. They start a diet, freak out that they are losing hard earned muscle, and quit that diet after a few weeks. When you first start a decent fat loss routine, count on looking a little skinny fat compared to how you look now. The older you are the more you will have to deal with it. It isn't as big of an issue with young cats who are under 30.

Expect a slight loss of strength in the beginning. I know I'm being repetitive here, I've just seen way too many people panic and quit when everything was actually working as expected. At some point your body fat loss will surpass the glycogen and water weight loss. This is when you will begin to look better Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


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than when you started. This can take 4-6 weeks. If I can convince someone to stick to one of my programs for 6 weeks, I know they will continue on and have awesome results. I almost don't want people to even look in a mirror the first 6 weeks of starting a diet.

Here's an analogy I thought of last night. It's a slightly wacky, yet helpful way, to look at glycogen levels and looking worse before you look better. Growing up our family had three cats: LuLu, Isabelle, and Copper.

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For some reason, my younger sister loved giving our cats a bath. When she was finished her hands and forearms always looked a little shredded. I knew that cats didn't enjoy water, so I didn't want to be part of it. Then one day I heard some odd sounds coming out of the bathroom. It was our cat LuLu and she was making sounds that were part cat, part Exorcist. I honestly didn't know cats could make noises like that.

My instincts were to flee from this freaky scene. Unfortunately, my little sis wanted me to get involved.

"Rusty, will you come in here and help me with LuLu?" Darn it! My big brother instinct to help my little sister was Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


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stronger than my own survival instinct. I walk into the bathroom, see our cat LuLu and then panic.

"Suzy, what did you do to LuLu?" I had never seen a wet cat before and I was slightly horrified. Our fluffy cat LuLu looked like Yoda or one of the evil Gremlins. I couldn't believe how small and skinny her body looked.

I held LuLu in a towel while my sister used a blow drier on her fur. Crazy sounds kept coming out of our cat's mouth. I SWEAR I was hearing actual words mixed in with the growls. We didn't have smart phones to record this stuff back then, but this would have gone viral.

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"Meow. Meoooow. Roaaaw! Ruuuun! Ruuuun!" I'm pretty sure LuLu was telling us to "run". There may have even been a few Italian words mixed in... and none of us taught her Italian! I then told Suzy that bathing our cats wasn't the best idea. I could tell it stressed LuLu out... it stressed me out even more.

Our cat was even summoning evil cat spirits to let us know that this probably wasn't a good idea. What does this have to do with glycogen levels and dieting? When you first start a diet, your body sort of gets that "wet cat" effect. You won't look great and it could even be slightly traumatizing. Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


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Diet and weight loss books don't discuss this. They don't even have a term for it. So I'm going to refer to it as the Wet Cat Phase of dieting. I could tell that LuLu didn't want me to see her like this.

“Look the other way... human!” You won't want people to see you like this either. This is why I'm selling this book at the end of summer. You can go through this awkward phase without having to display your skinny fatness in a swimsuit. So many people in the gym never hit their goals, because they get discouraged during this awkward phase. They look like a wet cat and get terrified to keep pushing on. Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


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I wish I could fly my little sister Suzy around the globe to counsel people about this phase. She was good with our demon possessed cat, so she would probably be good with people going through this phase.

"You are going to look pretty again soon. What a good kitty!" What is interesting is once you go through this yourself a few times, you will begin noticing other people in this phase of losing weight. Have you ever seen those terrible tabloid magazines where they show an unflattering picture of a beautiful actress at the beach? They will try to point out cellulite or that she is flabby (some people make themselves feel better by bringing others down). Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


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Often times they will catch an actress when she is obviously dieting down for a role. They will do the same with male actors, just not as often. There is a certain recognizable appearance to a person when they are in low glycogen fat loss mode. You will begin to notice it in the gym, at the beach, etc. When you are in this phase please keep pushing.

You won't look visibly better until your fat loss surpasses glycogen and water loss. This doesn't happen overnight. No matter what diet and fat loss plan you are following, you do have to push through a period of looking worse before you look better. Typically the older you are, the longer this period could be. Try not to stress out about it when it happens. Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore

Chapter 8 An Introduction to the High Carb Low Fat Plans I didn't plan to write this many pages leading up to the actual high carb plans. With the low carb approach being mainstream, I guess I had a bit of explaining to do. We're kind of doing our own thing here.

“Three of these kids belong together. Three of these kids are kind of the same. But one of these kids is doing his own thing. Now it's time to play our game... It's time to play our game.” I should ask Mark if the kids of Reykjavik were exposed to

these difficult Sesame Street brain-teasers. If this isn't familiar to him, he is going to wonder why I have included such a lowtech grainy picture in this book. Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


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The diet itself is pretty simple and easy to follow. For maximum fat loss and for keeping the metabolism running hot this is what Mark recommends. 80% carbs – 10% protein – 10% fat The only way to really hit these macros is to eat mainly vegan. If you are a vegetarian or meat eater you will hit higher protein numbers. This is fine as long as you keep the fat 10% or lower. This also doesn't have to be all-or-nothing.

The past few weeks when I make dishes for myself they are mainly vegan. One of my favorite dinners is a huge plate of pasta with marinara sauce and steamed vegetables on the side. When out with friends at a restaurant, I'll eat vegetarian or a Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


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dish with a bit of meat. I thought I would be dying for meat, by not eating it throughout the week. The funny thing is that I'm simply not craving it as much as I thought I would be. I think part of this is psychological: By allowing myself the option to still eat meat, I find it no big deal to skip it. Most vegans and vegetarians don't eat low fat like we are describing in this book. This isn't a vegan or vegetarian diet, it's a high carb low fat diet.

Starches make up the bulk of this diet. Think rice, potatoes, pasta, yams, corn, beans, bread, oatmeal, fruits, grains, etc. A starch-based diet is heavenly (in my opinion). You can get really creative when starches are the main part of your diet.

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Mark sticks to mainly a whole food starch based diet and adds a variety of fruits and vegetables. As a beginner, I definitely mix in more processed foods. That being said, I'm getting better at eating more and more whole foods and a little less refined stuff (baby steps). Last night before bed, I had a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios and rice milk (processed refined stuff).

 Cheerios carb/protein/fat ratio is 80/9/11.  Rice Milk carbs/protein/fat is 78/4/18. This is slightly higher than ideal fat levels. I was fine with it since my dinner was a big plate of baked homemade french fries with ketchup and a large bowl of boiled frozen peas. Potatoes and peas both have around 1% of their calories as fat... and ketchup is fat free. Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


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The daily goal really is to stay under 10% fat whenever possible. Mark hits around an average of 8%, because he needs to keep the abs looking extra sharp for the Aurora Borealis party. I'm making this up, but I'm pretty sure Aurora Borealis is an Icelandic term which means “Natures Rave”.

The people of Iceland dance around in swimsuits during this celebration. At about 3AM Tiesto shows up and starts his set. As soon as the bass drops mother nature lights up the sky with brilliant colors. Okay, that may or may not happen. Mark likes to keep fats around 8% because that is simply a percentage where he feels and looks his best. Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


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This high carb diet can be something temporary that you use to just get lean -OR- you can adopt this way of eating going forward. As a reminder, here's how it works:  Carbs you eat don't get stored as fat to any large degree.  It's the fat you eat that gets stored as body fat.  Limit dietary fat to limit the storing of body fat.  When lots of carbs are eaten, the metabolism boosts to burn off those carbs.  Any carbs not burned for energy get stored as glycogen.  If the glycogen levels are full, at that point your body will convert those carbs to fat.  It takes energy to convert carbs to fat, so some of those carbs are burned off in the process. For the most part, your glycogen levels aren't close to being topped off. This is the only time carbs get converted to fat to any significant degree. What I find is that my muscles seem just partially full of glycogen all day. They are never as flat as when I cut carbs, but not all the way full either. Keeping in this state while keeping fat to a minimum, works extremely well for getting lean. Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


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Chapter 9 Rusty's “Regular Food” HCLF Diet Plan I was raised on Cool Ranch Doritos and boxes of powdered

donuts with raspberry filling. Once I could drive, my main diet was the Taco Bell value menu (.49, .59, and .69 cents).

I shouldn't even type this in a diet book, but my body feels GREAT after eating tortilla chips and jars of processed cheese.

I'm not kidding. I feel awesome after heating up cheese dip in the microwave and scooping it up with “Hint of Lime” tortilla chips. The only time I have stomach issues is when I eat too many vegetables. The past 20 years I've cleaned up my diet substantially, but I still enjoy a bit of processed foods. Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


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My guess is that Mark wasn't raised on this level of chemical deliciousness. As far as fast food goes, I picture Iceland as a place that has maybe 1-2 McDonald's restaurants.

In my imagination, the kids of Iceland mainly play with wooden toys that their parents hand-carve.

The whole place smells of different types of wood. The kids play with the toys while snacking on fish. It's boiled fish with a name that is hard to pronounce. While the kids play with wooden toys, the parents play chess by the fire. They sip on a clear alcoholic beverage made from a rare “sea cactus” only found in the southern region of Iceland. If I were to hop in a time machine back to the 80's when Mark

was a child and have him snack on Nacho Cheese Doritos... he immediately would have been hospitalized.

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I eat WAY better now than I did as a teen. I just want you to know that I have a full understanding of this type of food. This chapter is the high carb and low fat diet for beginners... for those who want to ease their way into this diet. The bulk of this diet is starch based.

You will be eating potatoes, rice, pasta, bread, beans, corn, peas, oatmeal, cereal, etc. Along with these starches, you will mix in various fruits and vegetables. Really, you are simply seeking high carb low fat carbohydrate sources (including fruits and vegetables). I recommend cooking without cooking oil whenever possible. For instance, it is easy to make baked french fries without oil. Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


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Fat free sauces are fine, especially when starting out. Feel free to use ketchup, BBQ sauce, teriyaki sauce, etc. If you are going to eat a mix of processed foods with whole foods, you will just need to get good at reading labels.

What you are looking for is roughly 1g of fat (or less) per 100 calories. The example above is too high in fat. How did I arrive at 1g per 100 calories?

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One gram of fat equals 9 calories. If you divide 9/100 you get 9 percent. You want to keep fats at 10% or less, so this works perfectly. You really don't need to get hung up on protein or carbs. If it is a starch based food the carbs and protein typically fall within range. For those who are concerned about protein?

A boneless and skinless chicken breast has about 11-12% fat. A diet with rice and veggies will bring the meal to the proper range. I still don't think you need meat to maintain muscle, but I realize some people will be too worried about muscle loss. Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


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If that is the case, broil and eat 1 chicken breast along with dinner. You definitely won't need more than that. Note: Teriyaki restaurants are probably the best choice for fast food. You can can get chicken rice bowls that are low fat and high carb... and they are typically cheap. If you want to stick to vegan, beans are a great source of protein. In Mark's chapter we cover additional vegan sources of protein.

How many calories per day? I don't want you to track calories at all (at first). If your fat intake is under 10% you simply aren't going to gain a bunch of body fat.

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The worst case scenario is that you simply won't lose any body fat by having an extra high calorie day. These high calorie days keep the metabolism revving without adding fat. This keeps the “calories burned” part of the calorie deficit equation strong. Once calories dip on a lower calorie day you will lose fat from that calorie deficit. You can eat stuff like Quaker Maple & Brown Sugar Instant

Oatmeal . It isn't an ideal whole food, but not evil either.

This is just a hair over 10% fat. We are looking for 1g of fat for every 100 calories. So using quick math, we would want the fat to be 1.7g or lower with 170 calories. Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


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I'm smart enough to realize that I would probably lose body fat faster if I ate regular less processed oatmeal, but I'm not going backwards eating like this. How many meals per day? You can eat when you are hungry, you can use intermittent fasting, etc. Meal frequency doesn't matter at all.

Eat in a way that gives you steady energy. Some people hit this energetic state eating every few hours, others do better with fewer meals. I prefer fewer and larger meals, but if snacking gives you energy by all means feel free to snack. Isn't sugar and processed food terrible for you? Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


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You are definitely better off if you slowly replace some of the processed foods you eat with whole foods... but the focus on sugar as a terrible food has been WAY overblown. All carbs you eat get broken down into glucose eventually. Candy and simple carbs get broken down into glucose faster than a food like brown rice. Walter Kempner's patients got drastically healthier eating up to a pound of sugar every day.

People are quick to criticize sugar, but don't hesitate a bit when it comes to eating bacon... or putting butter in their coffee. I'm not here to attack low carb, I've just been around long enough to see how diet trends affect public opinion. Low carb is the current trend, but some of the healthiest societies do extremely well with low fat high carb diets. Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


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For getting lean, I'm 100% convinced low fat is the way to go. Remember, it is the fat you eat that becomes fat on your body. You can sort of work your way around this with keto, but the moment the calories go too high that fat gets stored as body fat. When carb calories go high and you eat more than you can burn, those calories largely get stored as glycogen. My version of this diet is very simple:  Your goal is 80% carbs – 10% protein – 10% fat.  Mainly eat starches like potatoes, rice, pasta, beans, corn.  Add a mix of fruits and vegetables.  For processed foods... 1g of fat (or less) per 100 calories.  1 chicken breast per day if you want more protein.  Eliminate or limit cooking oil.  Fat-free sauces are fine.  Aim to eat this way at least 5 days per week until you hit your goal. This diet works extremely well. Give it 6 weeks and I know I'll have you hooked. Next is Mark's much more advanced Vegan whole food ninja master version of the diet. Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore

Chapter 10 Mark's Advanced HCLF Diet Plan Mark wasn't raised on junk food. In the “land of ice” he has been exposed to nothing but pure air, pure water and pure beauty. In my imagination, almost everyone is blonde in Iceland. They live long, healthy and beautiful lives. Here's a picture of a 70 year old Icelandic woman named Hekla.

Hekla is a little sad because these past 70 years have flown by. She realizes that it is probably time to settle down since her youthful days are behind her. I tried to introduce her to Mark. He tells me “she's probably nice but looks exactly like my Great Aunt, Freyja.” Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


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As you can see, Iceland is a unique place... and Mark's diet is

no exception.

Note: Mark was actually born in Germany. I didn't realize this until he read this part of the book. The story is too good to take out, so we are going with it. Back in Spring when he posted a picture displaying very little body fat he gave me a brief overview of his diet. I knew the macros, so I began reading non-stop about other variations of dieting that involved less than 10% fat.

There are a few corners of the Internet where people eat low fat, but many of those groups are pretty extreme. For instance, there are raw vegans who don't cook anything. In my opinion this is the REAL Paleo... Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


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“Let's go deep Paleo, and eat like they did before humans discovered fire”. If you are a raw vegan I don't want to offend you, but I just thought of the term “Deep Paleo” and it made me laugh. There are also people who eat nothing but fruit, a girl on Youtube is known for eating large amounts of bananas, etc.

What I like about Mark is that he isn't tied to any one method... and he isn't “preachy” about veganism. You wouldn't know unless you asked him. I call Mark's high carb diet advanced, because it is based mainly on whole foods. A lot of people eat a much higher ratio of processed foods.

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Mark's diet is here to give you ideas you can implement into your high carb diet. It is actually pretty simple. He starts the day with fruit and works in vegetables and staches as the day progresses. He finishes with a massive starch based meal, then another serving of fruit before bed. Wake up: 1 Apple or other piece of fruit. Breakfast (5 hours later): A larger portion of fruit (a few bananas or a bunch of dates). For those looking to add muscle he recommends a protein smoothie made with fruit and 1 scoop of pea protein. Lunch: A large bowl of peas and sweet Thai chill sauce. 1-2 Vegetable and Soup Snacks: Between lunch and dinner 1-2 meals of tomato soup with portobello mushrooms and onions. A large portion of steamed veggies on the side (broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, etc). Dinner: A big plate of pasta with garlic ketchup and green salad with fat-free dressing. Mark uses “spelt” pasta. I had to look it up. It is simply a grain like wheat that is more nutritious than wheat.

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Bedtime: 25 fresh dates. The total calories are roughly 2500-3000 This is just a sample day, Mark varies the fruit he eats and the starches, etc. Here's the basic template and summary.  Fruit upon waking.  More fruit 3-5 hours later, but will eat a big bowl of oatmeal if especially hungry.  Lunch is almost always peas and Thai chili sauce.  Two mini meals of tomato soup and steamed veggies.  A large carb-based meal with a salad... like pasta and sauce, beans and rice, sweet potatoes fries and beans, etc.  Fruit at bedtime or a large bowl of oatmeal sweetened with raisins, cinnamon, dates, and apple sauce. This is Mark's standard template. He generally eats like this but with flexibility. He doesn't count calories or protein, but hits somewhere in between 2500-3000 calories on average and about 70-80 grams of protein. He also gives himself a mental break by having an extra high calorie day each week.

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Before a high calorie day, he will have a slightly lower calorie day. He does this by cutting back on the fruit that day and having smaller portions. The high calorie day involves a lot of homemade cookies and multiple french baguettes, etc.

Mark will go 5,000+ calories on his high calorie day each week, but that is only because he is already at his ideal weight. If someone wants to lose body fat at a faster rate he advises to maybe not go quite as crazy as he does. You won't put on body fat, but won't be losing any if you increase the calories to this level too often.

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Chapter 11 Supplements Mark likes to keep supplements to a minimum. He takes Vitamin B12, Vitamin D3, and BCAA's. I would recommend those three along with Vitamin K2. All of these are inexpensive and easy to find on Amazon. Vitamin B12 This is the one nutrient that is hard to get if you eat a pure vegan diet. From what I understand, you don't need a lot of it. I take 1 to 2 of these 1000mcg tablets per day. Vitamin K2 I've been taking vitamin K2 for a few years now. My teeth were getting sensitive so I did a little research. Apparently vitamin K2 helps your bones and teeth absorb calcium. This is the brand I take. One 180 capsule bottle lasts 6 months. Vitamin D3 Most of us should take vitamin D3, especially if you live in the north or rarely get outside. Sunshine is a better source, but someone needs to give the memo to Seattle :) BCAA's These are totally optional. I like to simply think of BCAA's as protein without calories. The common use is to take before hard workout sessions to ensure you don't break down muscle. Especially effective if you train while in a fasted state.

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Chapter 12 Final Thoughts My goal was to make this a book you could easily read in one sitting and then immediately implement. Normally I start to get less enthused with a project as it progresses. This has been exactly the opposite. Today I weighed in at 194 pounds! In the past 10 years I've been as low as 192, but that was by greatly reducing calories which slowed my metabolism.

It's a big difference reaching a low weight and lower body fat level with the metabolism still running hot. The fat loss won't slow down as long as I follow Mark's lead. My thoughts about being vegan or vegetarian? Mark is a vegan because he loves animals. His long term goal is to build dog shelters and help pets in need. Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


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I'm not vegan, but I personally like the idea of eating fewer animals. I've felt a bit of guilt about it for years. These are living beings with emotions. Here's a picture of Mark's beautiful dog, Mani.

If you have a dog or a cat you are close with, you realize just how human these little animals are. Anyway... this isn't the main message of the course, I just wanted to mention it. For version 2.0 we will have have a Q&A section, recipes, etc. We just wanted to get this main manual out first then send out a questionnaire in a few weeks. Cheers,

Rusty Moore & Mark Kislich Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss


Rusty Moore