Skinny Fat Shred - Main Manual [PDF]

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DISCLAIMER NOTICE The advice and information contained in this guide may not be appropriate for all individuals. Therefore, the author, employees, company, affiliates, or any other parties involved in the creation or promotion of this workout and nutrition program are not responsible for any injuries or health conditions that may result from advice, opinions, and workouts contained in any IQphysique workout and nutrition system. The information in this workout and nutrition program are the opinions of the author and are not a replacement for medical advice. You should consult a physician before starting any diet or exercise program. If you choose to follow the workout and nutrition program without consulting your physician, you are doing so at your own risk. We claim no responsibility for any injuries you might sustain. Exercises include tutorials to give you the information you need to be able to perform the exercise with proper form. However, it is your responsibility to warm up properly, determine the weight you will use, perform each movement correctly, get professional supervision if you’re unsure of an exercise technique and ultimately to decide whether or not you are capable of performing the exercise/ workout without sustaining injury.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Copyright © 2019 – Hamaad Bhat and All rights are reserved. You may not distribute this report in any way. You may not sell it, or reprint any part of it without written consent from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.





From the moment I entered the fitness industry, I have been bombarded with nonsense and contradictory information. The only sources of info were from pseudoscientific bodybuilding websites or social media celebrities pushing their supplements. Some of the worst info I hear are for men who want to lose fat and gain muscle— skinny fat guys. As I will talk about later, skinny fat dudes have a unique dilemma: You want to burn fat but also need to build muscle. That leads most guys to try and cut out carbs, do workouts with high reps and short rest periods, or do extreme cardio. On the other hand, you want to build muscle, so you push yourself in the gym but feel like you are looking even softer in the mirror. The result is you spinning your wheels and feeling like you are getting nowhere! This program is meant for anyone who wants to burn stubborn fat and build a lean, chiseled physique so they feel proud and powerful, not weak and soft.





There are scientific principles that apply to every person. You just have to make sure the program applies those principles to your body in a manner that you can sustain. Skinny Fat Shred is meant to be the Holy Grail for skinny fat guys who want to use actual science to achieve their goal physique.

Now I have to set expectations here. Unless you are significantly overweight, if anyone tells you that you can lose 30 lbs of fat in these 30 days and build crazy amounts of muscle, they are lying.

If you have sifted through tons of misinformation and felt lost or just aren’t getting the results you want, Skinny Fat Shred is for you. Your plan utilizes concepts called intermittent fasting and Adaptive Meal Phasing (AMP). These will make fat loss so much easier that you won’t even feel like you are dieting. And your training? Well I’ll tell you what it is not… based on bodybuilding broscience. Your workout program will utilize scientific principles that will maximize muscle growth without spending 6 days in a gym for hours and hours at a time. And for those who want a program that will give them a physique that will impress the ladies, then you are in the right place. Time and time again, gorgeous women explain how they like a lean guy who is defined but not super muscular so that he looks like a roided-out Hulk. They like a natural, fit physique with broad shoulders and a lean waistline. Fortunately for you, that Is exactly what you will get here.

But I will tell you that over the next 30 days, you can truly transform, both mentally and physically. Skinny Fat Shred will give you the step-by-step blueprint of how to: • Burn stubborn belly fat so you have washboard abs without spending hours in the gym. • Build muscle like a Greek God. • Chisel your body, even your jawline • Recharge your energy levels. • Enhance your sex-life. • Eat junk food while keeping the fat off. • Have a social life while sticking to your fitness goals. • And so much more. You can use this program and knowledge you acquire from it for the rest of your life. It will help you get ripped and stay ripped! Just being honest, life is a lot better when you are ripped (without being shredded to the bone). You feel powerful when you look in the mirror, have more energy for your loved ones, and even have confidence that carries over to your career. Now let’s discuss your skinny fat dilemma and how to fix it.



SKINNYFAT DILEMMA You have a big dilemma with 2 opposing problems. On one side, you want to get rid of stubborn belly fat for some lean abs. Maybe you don’t want shredded abs with all your veins popping out, but this is going to require a proper calorie deficit. On the other side, you want to build muscle. This is optimized when you have a surplus of calories—the opposite of a calorie deficit.

Not only do they require different calorie needs, but they also involve opposing cellular signaling pathways. Fat loss involves a catabolic pathway called AMPk while musclebuilding requires an anabolic pathway called mTOR. Research suggests that AMPk actually inhibits the mTOR pathway [1]. In simple terms, fat loss and muscle-building don’t complement each other well. So what do you focus on to beat the skinny fat? A calorie deficit? A calorie surplus? Or do you try some weird combination like eating maintenance calories or being in a small calorie deficit so you can get the best of both worlds? Now everyone’s situation is different. There is no one way to do things, but 99% of cases of true skinny fat are solved with the solution I mention in a couple of minutes.




I hear some crazy suggestions when people want to lose fat and build muscle as a skinny fat guy. Let me tell you that these suggestions are mistakes—ones that could cause you to regain fat in the long-run. Here is what NOT to do: MISTAKE #1 Not paying attention to calories

MISTAKE #2 Bulk when you have tons of fluff

How many times have you heard, “just eat healthy”? Listen, it is crucial to have a balanced diet, but it does not directly cause fat loss or muscle building. Rather, it is important for your health and helps you reduce your calorie intake. Don’t get it twisted, if you consume too many calories even from healthy sources, you will not lose fat!

I understand your desire to pack on muscle in hopes that you will burn fat at the same time. Hate to break it to you, but if you properly bulk, you WILL get fluffier. As I will discuss in the next section, if you are at a high body fat %, you should get rid of it first. Otherwise, you are just worsening nutrient partitioning, insulin sensitivity, and for some people, your self-esteem.

MISTAKE #3 Eliminate carbs

MISTAKE #4 Add in tons of cardio

I get the desire to cut carbs. Doing so allows almost an immediate loss of weight. Unfortunately, this is mostly just due to a loss in water weight. And studies show that fat loss is equivalent for individuals on high carb diets vs. low carb diets when consuming the same number of calories [25]. What matters most is your calorie intake. And if you cut carbs, you will also hurt your performance and recovery in the gym, which means less muscle retention and building.

The final common mistake is just unnecessary torture. Most guys go from 0 to 5 days of cardio in their first week. The problem is that too much cardio will wipe out your energy and interfere will performance and recovery in the gym. The more volume and frequency of this cardio, the greater this interference will be. Another thing that most people don’t talk about is that cardio is a tool to burn more calories. If you plateau and must increase energy expenditure, what are you going to do? Add another hour of cardio on top of the 10 hours you are already in the gym?


And remember, just because you are losing weight doesn’t mean you are burning just fat. Too much cardio or drastically under-eating will make you look soft and weak!


S K I N N Y FAT S O L U T I O N HERE ARE YOUR OPTIONS: Option 1: Bulk to build muscle first Option 2: Eat maintenance calories/small calorie deficit to achieve body recomposition Option 3: Cut to lose the fat first

OPTION 1 BULK If you are skinny fat, that means you have some fat to lose. In a perfect world, you could bulk and pack on pounds of muscle that will make you look leaner. I hate to break it to you, but muscle-building is freaking slow. Lyle McDonald created a generalized chart for muscle growth you can expect under perfect conditions [2]:

Although your individual progress will vary, you can see that muscle growth is pretty slow. Let’s say you are in your 2nd year of lifting. If you have the potential to gain 12 lbs of muscle in a year, that is 1 lb per month. In order to make that a reality, you have to consistently consume enough calories to result in 1 lb of weight gain PLUS more calories since our bodies are not 100% efficient. You’d likely have to gain 2 lbs of weight per month by being in a roughly 250-calorie surplus per day just to support that 1 lb of muscle growth. Theoretically, after a year, you would have gained 12 lbs of muscle and 12 lbs of fat. I hate to burst your bubble, but that means you still will have to end up cutting. Let me re-phrase that. If you try to bulk when you still have some fat to lose…you have to gain more fat as you build muscle!



I only recommend bulking if you have very little to no fat to lose. Basically, you should only bulk if cutting would cause you to just be a smaller version of yourself instead of being leaner. This only applies to the dudes who ask if they should bulk or cut but aren’t even skinny fat…they are just skinny.

OPTION 2 BODY RECOMPOSITION Your second option is the big daddy of achieving a great physique--body recomposition. Body recomposition is essentially burning fat and building muscle at the same time! The best way to achieve it is to eat maintenance calories or be in a small calorie deficit. Body recomposition isn’t likely when bulking because all those extra calories would cause fat gain instead of fat loss. On the other hand, more aggressive cutting would inhibit any muscle growth at all. It sounds freaking amazing, right? Unfortunately, due to the reasons previously mentioned, body recomposition is only realistic for a few categories of people: 1. Beginners to proper strength training 2. People returning to lifting after time off 3. The genetic elite 4. People on steroids So yes, body recomposition is possible, but it is really hard to come by, at least to a significant extent. I only recommend body recomposition if you literally don’t want to gain body fat, for example, if you are an Instagram model (hehe, seriously though). But this is usually a terrible option for 99% of people. Just being honest…I don’t want you spinning your wheels. Now, if body recomposition does occur even if in a moderate calorie deficit or surplus, then consider that icing on the cake.

OPTION 3 CUT (WINNER) This is the solution for 99% of true skinny fat cases. Focus on being in a calorie deficit to remove the fat first. Then, you can focus on gaining mass afterwards. This is the option that we are going to focus on from here on out!


Like I said, if you try bulking, you will be getting even fluffier. If you try eating maintenance calories or in a small calorie deficit, you will likely spin your wheels. But if you just get


rid of the fat once and for all, you will be leaner and have a great starting point for building muscle if that’s what you want. Now that you know cutting the fat first is usually the best option, how the heck do you do it? I have broken down exactly how to beat the skinny fat in 3 simple steps. 1. Eat in a calorie deficit. 2. Consume adequate protein 3. Do progressively overloading resistance training A calorie is a unit of energy in food (and drinks). We need calories to fuel our body’s internal functions and our activity. First, a calorie deficit is what directly causes weight loss. It just means you burn more calories than you consume. Yes, a calorie deficit is literally THE CAUSE of losing weight. If you have been ravenously searching Dr. Google for the key to fat loss, here it is. Think of your body as a 2-way system. On one end, you have calories in, which means the calories you consume through food and drinking. That part is simple. On the other end, you have calories out, the calories your body burns to sustain your life and activity. You essentially burn those calories you consume in 3 ways including your resting metabolic rate (RMR)—the number of calories you burn to fuel life, your activity which includes any movement + exercise, and the thermic effect of food (TEF)—the calories you burn to break down and handle the food

you eat [3]. Studies show that weight loss cannot occur without a calorie deficit [3]. To clarify, when I say weight loss, I am referring to losing body mass, not losing water weight. The body mass you lose will mainly be through 2 main forms: fat and muscle. Clearly, you want to lose fat instead of those precious gains. That’s where these next 2 keys come in. The second thing to worry about is consuming adequate protein. Protein is the building block of muscle. Your muscles are breaking down and building



up every day, especially if you exercise. If you don’t provide the raw materials to repair and build that muscle, you will lose muscle mass. The third thing is progressively overloading resistance training. You need to lift weights to preserve and build muscle. For the next month, you have to focus on getting stronger! Otherwise, you’ll end up being small and soft instead of lean and chiseled. So if you don’t provide the body with adequate protein + heavy resistance, that calorie deficit will waste away your muscle mass instead of fat. Allow me to emphasize that. If you don’t consume enough protein every day and have an optimal training program, the calorie deficit will break down muscle instead of fat. For example, let’s say your body burns roughly 2500 calories per day on average. If you consume 2000 calories each day, you are in a 500-calorie deficit. If you have adequate protein and lift weights, you may be removing 50 calories of muscle and 450 calories of fat each. But if you don’t do those things, you may end up burning 250 calories of muscle and 250 calories of fat each day. After 1 month, you lost 13,500 calories of fat (3.86 pounds of fat) with adequate protein and lifting weights but only 7500 calories of fat (2.14 pounds of fat) in the other instance. Yes, I totally made up the numbers, but you get the point. And BOOM. Those are the main pillars of Skinny Fat Shred and the key steps of the skinny fat solution. Whatever you do, make sure that these 3 things are mastered if you actually want results.




There are tons of things to worry about with your nutrition. Here is what to focus on with your nutrition and the actual order of importance. If you worry about the top of the pyramid before the base of the pyramid, you are likely stressing yourself out when you could be making far better progress focusing on just a few things. I should state that absolutely nothing matters if you are not consistent. You could have the best program in the world, but if you don’t consistently execute every day, then you could end up making zero progress. For example, if you have to eat 2000 calories to lose fat and you end up hitting all your workouts, eating healthy, but only eat 2000 calories on 4 of the days but eat random amounts of calories on the other 3 days, you could literally erase your calorie deficit. Consistency is the prerequisite to any program! With that being said, here is the hierarchy. I am only going into details on the first 3 levels that really drive 90% of results because very few people have them mastered. Otherwise, they would have already achieved their goals.



CALORIES Like I mentioned, your calorie intake is the most important aspect of nutrition in terms of weight loss. It is the limiting factor in your journey. If you want to lose weight, you are going to want to be in a calorie deficit. If you want to gain muscle, you are going to want to be in a calorie surplus. Some people will hope to lose fat by not being in a calorie deficit. Literally the only time this would work is if your response to muscle-building was so high that your body burned fat to synthesize muscle tissue. Like I previously emphasized when discussing body recomposition, this only happens in very few situations. If you are trying to gain muscle while not getting enough calories, you likely will just spin your wheels. Again, before you do anything else, ensure you are consuming the correct number of calories for your goal consistently.

MACRONUTRIENTS Your macronutrient intake, or macros, is the second pillar of your fat-burning/ muscle-building efforts. Your body requires a certain amount of protein, carbs, and fat to optimally function, perform, and recover. For body composition, protein is the most important. Our bodies are always breaking down muscle, also called muscle protein breakdown (MPB). We also have phases of muscle-building,

muscle protein synthesis (MPS). If we don’t get adequate protein, MPB will be greater than MPS, resulting in muscle loss. Studies show that we need around 1 g of protein per pound of body weight in order to maximize muscle retention and muscle-building. You can eat 0.8-1 g/lb if you are bulking or are overweight. You can have 1-1.3 g/lb if you are cutting or are very lean [4]. Carbs and fat can generally be interchanged to hit your target calorie intake. Just keep in mind that carbs (and protein) both have 4 calories per 1 gram while fat has 9 calories per 1 gram. That means fat is much more calorie-dense. Dietary fat is important because there are essential fatty acids that we all need for proper health. I recommend you get 20-30% for your total calorie intake from fats for a proper hormonal profile, vitamin absorption, and to boost your testosterone among other things. Most of your fat intake should come from unsaturated fats, which will reduce your risk of heart disease [5,6]. Then you can fill up the rest of your calorie intake with carbs. Carbs are technically not necessary since we can convert protein into glucose through a process called gluconeogenesis. However, carbs are super important for fueling our performance and helping with recovery. Due to the fact that carbs are not vital to live, they are the macronutrient you play with most when changing your calorie intake.



I will be honest, hitting the right calorie and macro intake will get you almost all of the progress that you want to achieve in terms of body composition. Of course, the rest of the hierarchy is still important.

MICRONUTRIENTS Although calories and protein are most important for body composition, you obviously want a diet rich in micronutrientdense whole foods. I am talking about foods growth from the earth that give the vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals that you need. Studies show that meatheads tend to be deficient in vitamin D, calcium, zinc, magnesium, and iron [4]. These are not just important for health, but your gains will also be hurt if you do not get adequate nutrition. For example, if you do not consume enough zinc, you may experience a down regulation of thyroid so that your metabolism tanks! A study even found supplementing with zinc raised a zinc-deficient person’s metabolism by 527 calories in 2 months [6].

Although you need to eat “healthy”, there is no harm in consuming a little bit of junk food as long as it is part of a balanced diet and fits your macronutrient intake. Remember, a slice of pizza won’t magically make you fat unless it results in a calorie surplus. More on this in the Flexible Dieting Bible. I recommend you consume at least 80% of your calories from whole foods and the remainder of calories can be whatever you want as long as it fits your target calories and macros. I also recommend at least 1 servings of fibrous vegetables and 1 serving of fruits per 1000 caloriesand I am talking about the minimum, especially for those veggies.

Another example is iron. A study found that supplementing with iron raised strength on a bunch of barbell lifts compared to those who did not supplement with iron [7]. The bottom line is that you need to be getting enough of the nutrients you need for health as well as for your muscle and fat loss goals.



NUTRITION PROTOCOLS Now that we got that background science out the way, let’s talk about how we will apply those principles to your own program. You already know about the skinny fat solution. It is probably best to focus on fat loss first by being in a calorie deficit. How do you actually ensure you are in a calorie deficit, you ask? That’s where 2 incredible protocols come in.

INTERMITTENT FA S T I N G The first protocol is called intermittent fasting (IF). IF is a nutritional approach in which you restrict eating calories to an eating window. This is usually done with a 16:8 approach. That means you fast for 16 hours and eat all your calories in an 8-hr period. For example, you can wake up 7 AM and not consume calories. You stick to things like water, sparkling water, and black coffee. Then you break your fast at 12 PM and can eat until 8 PM. After 8 PM, you begin fasting again. In this example, your eating window would be 12 PM – 8 PM.

The way IF works is by making it easier to be in a calorie deficit. If you try eating as soon as you wake up and having multiple meals, you may struggle with keeping your hunger down. IF can make fat loss… almost effortless. Studies show intermittent fasting has some incredible benefits: • • • • • • • •

Weight loss [26] Less hunger and cravings Greater insulin sensitivity [16] Improved cognition Higher adherence to your diet [17] Reduces harmful oxidative stress [30] May reduce risk of heart disease [29] May reduce risk or type 2 diabetes [28]



Before moving on, allow me to bust some intermittent fasting myths.


Doesn’t not eating for so long put you in starvation mode? No. Studies suggest that meal frequency does not affect your total daily energy expenditure [27]. That means you can have 1 meal or 6 meals per day. What matters is having an overall balanced diet and controlling your calories and macros. Also, just think about it. You’re literally not eating for a few hours after waking up. I don’t think the human race would even exist if that was a problem.


Won’t not eating protein for that long cause muscle loss? Nope. Soeters et al. showed similar effects of a traditional diet and intermittent fasting [15]. This should not be surprising because your total calorie and protein intake is more important for body composition than meal frequency (remember the hierarchy!).


So does intermittent fasting trick your hormones to burning fat? Now don’t get confused. IF doesn’t just help you lose fat because it forces your body to burn fat or something like that. It works as a convenient way to reduce your calorie intake. Studies show that IF is not inherently better than traditional eating to lose fat [14]. What I can say is that it personally makes achieving a calorie deficit and stubborn fat loss a heck of a lot easier.

Here’s my experience: I used to struggle to lose any fat at all. Nothing seemed to fit my body or lifestyle. I tried eating healthy and reducing my food intake but still spun my wheels. The summer I discovered intermittent fasting is the summer I first saw my abs. Intermittent fasting pretty much changed my life. I got leaner, I improved my focus, and I honestly felt full of energy. In fact, Hugh Jackman, the actor who plays Wolverine in the X-Men movies, swears by intermittent fasting. He claims to have gotten this method from Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson to get ripped for his roles. In an interview with Men’s Journal, Hugh Jackman explained how he feels so much better on it and how it enhances his results. While you may not be a Hollywood actor, IF is sweeping the nation and can help you get that Hollywood body you’re after.



ADAPTIVE MEAL PHASING (AMP) The second protocol you should know about is called Adaptive Meal Phasing, or AMP. If you were paying attention earlier, carbs are really important. You want them to fuel performance, help with recovery, help you sleep, and help your general mood and energy levels. If you are dieting right now, you probably wish you could eat more carbs. I mean, eating a meal with 40 g of carbs is not very satisfying. That’s barely 2 bananas. This is where AMP comes in. Here’s how it works. You use intermittent fasting to eat in a 6 to 8-hour eating window. But you save the bulk of your carbs for 1 single meal. This carb-filled meal is usually your final and postworkout meal. Let’s say you have 3 meals in a day. The first 2 meals would primarily consist of lean protein and veggies. Then the 3rd meal can include a ton of starchy carbs like from potatoes, rice, pasta, and maybe even a little bit junk food. The “magic” is that it makes enjoying your diet more likely due to meals with more carbs. For example, if you spread 180 g of carbs across 4 meals, that is 45 g of carbs per meal. But if you save your carbs for the final meal, then the first couple meals may take up 60 g of carbs from veggies. That leaves a whopping 120 g of carbs. You’d practically fit in any food you want into your macros.



But it is not just about how enjoyable it is. If you restrict carbs except for the final meal, you will probably lose fat on accident. Think about it. Removing carbs from the first few meals is removing calories by default, thus making it that much easier to achieve a calorie deficit and accelerate fat loss! As I will discuss in the Nutrition Manual, you can alter which meal you load with carbs depending on preferences and when you workout. That’s why I call it “Adaptive” Meal Phasing. SAMPLE SCHEDULE OF AMP 7 AM Wake up and fast 12 PM Meal 1 (lean protein and veggies) 1:30 PM Meal 2 (lean protein and veggies) 5 PM Meal 3 (lean protein, veggies, and all remaining carbs) 6 PM Begin fasting again until 12 PM tomorrow 11 PM Go to sleep




Your actual training program is in the Training Manual. Just a heads up, I want this program to be able to fit your busy schedule. Your Skinny Fat Shred workout program will be a 4-day upper-lower split. This means you will be doing something like is outlined below: MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY

Upper body (strength) Lower body (strength) Rest Upper body (hypertrophy) Lower body (hypertrophy) Rest Rest

The Metabolic Burst bonus will provide you with a cardio program. Besides that, you will be incorporating a variety of rep ranges. The first 2 days are focused on lower volume and heavier sets with the focus of progressive overload. Remember, you cannot make long-term progress unless you are increasing demands on your body over time. The second 2 days are focused more on accumulating a lot of training volume to enhance hypertrophy and to cause a surge of metabolic stress. This combo will be killer!


Before you hit the gym, it is crucial to have a way to track your progress. DO NOT SKIP reading or applying this section. It could mean the difference between spinning your wheels and accelerating towards your goals.

There are a bunch of ways to track your progress. I often see people using bioelectric impedance analysis (BIA) scales. The problem with these is that they send an electric current through your body and base your body fat percentage on inaccurate readings. The gold standard method for tracking body composition is a DEXA scan. These are not very accessible and cost a lot of money. You could try using a tape measurer or a caliper, but as humans, we are not very likely to be precise with how we measure ourselves.



What you need are convenient, precise ways to tracking progress. 2 ways have proven to be very convenient and accurate. 1. Weigh yourself on a bathroom scale 2. Take progress photos every week When combined and done correctly, you will never be guessing whether you are making progress. There is a specific procedure to get the best results. I recommend you weigh yourself every morning in this sequence: Wake up -> Pee -> Weigh yourself nude -> Record your weight If you consistently use this method as I just outlined, it will minimize fluctuations. After all, our body weight fluctuates every day due to what we eat, how much we eat, the temperature, the time of day we measure ourselves, and so on. Weighing yourself every single day in the same way provides more data. I want you to take the average weight by adding up all 7 days and dividing by 7. Then you can compare progress week to week by analyzing the average weigh-ins as well as the trend of individual daily weigh-ins. For your progress photos, I also want you to follow a sequence for consistency. It would be easiest to pick a day, let’s say Sunday, each week in which you take pictures after weighing yourself. Take a front, side, and back physique photo in the same location, at the same time of day, under the same conditions.



WHAT’S NEXT? You are going to make incredible progress in the next 30 days. But if you follow my work closely, you know that your body is dynamic. You cannot keep doing the same thing forever and expect your body to keep improving. So I want to make sure you keep achieving the results you want to have your dream physique…even after the 30 days of Skinny Fat Shred. After completing this program, you have a few options: 1. Lose more fat 2. Maintain what you have 3. Build muscle If you want to lose more fat, your best bet is to start Skinny Fat Shred Advanced, the 12-week program to burn fat. This will focus more on removing all the fat from your body and getting those lean abs and sculpted body you are after. This will incorporate more advanced nutrition tactics so you can lose every pound of fat you want but also keep it off.

Slowly add back 100-200 calories per week until you maximize your metabolism without being in a calorie surplus and gaining weight. Instead of counting calories, you can now use more of my Meal Template and use my hand portion-size method. If you’re satisfied with how lean you are or think losing more fat will just turn you into a smaller version of yourself, then it is time to bulk. All you have to do is slowly add 100-200 calories per week back into your diet. When you have reached your new maintenance calories, add a 200300 daily calorie surplus. With all this extra food, you should have improved energy and recoverability. So focus on increasing training volume over time. Progressive overload is the name of the game. The thing is, I don’t just want to send you a program and hope it gets you results. I want to see it for myself! When you complete these 30 days, send progress photos and some feedback to: [email protected].

If you are happy and want to maintain what you have accomplished, congratulations! You can drop lifting weights to 3 days per week, include a couple cardio sessions for general health, and return to maintenance calories. You can do this by slowly walking up your calories. If you simply go back to how you used to eat or go back higher calories in general, you will regain fat. Don’t forget your habits!



NEED MORE HELP? Although this program gives you what you need to achieve the body of your dreams, the truth is that sometimes people want to be guided to eliminate guesswork and have more accountability. Even the best athletes and bodybuilders in the world have coaches. If you want my help to transform your body with 1-on-1 personalized online coaching, visit the link below.


N O W G E T TO W O R K !



REFERENCES: 1. 2. html/ 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.