Diagnostic Test B: Name: Class [PDF]

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Name: Class:

Preliminary for Schools

DIAGNOSTIC TEST B Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). late.

1 The bus

A never is B sometimes is C is often D usually is 2 Harry

buys things online – he never goes to the shops.

A sometimes B always C often D never 3 These photos are great! Did you

them on your holiday?

A make B do C have D take 4 The girls

basketball at the moment.

A are playing B play C have played D played 5 There’s a problem with the

in my computer and I can’t hear any videos.

A speakers B tablet C screen D printer 6 With this app, you can

music to your phone and listen to it later.

A send B play C download D put on 7 Jake

me a text message an hour ago.

A sends B has sent C is sending D sent 8 Grace isn’t well, so she

to the party last night.

A doesn’t go B didn’t go C isn’t going D hasn’t gone 9 There is information about the next school trip on the

. You can read about it there.

A noticeboard B timetable C desk D ruler 10 Our classroom is


A the biggest B biggest than C bigger than D more big 11 Tim thinks physics is

subject of all.

A more difficult than B most difficult C the more difficult D the most difficult 12 When I go out, my dad usually gives me some

for bus tickets and food.

A cash B goods C sales D receipts 13 Before Kevin got a new phone, he

his old one online for €50.

A paid B spent C sold D shopped 14 The girls were at home, but they

when I called them.

A weren’t studying B aren’t studying C didn’t study D haven’t studied 15 That actor is

. All of the films he’s in are really great too.

A kind B boring C strange D excellent 16 Pat

her friends tomorrow afternoon.

A meets B has met C is going to meet D met 17 Let’s

the train. I don’t want to pay for a taxi.

A ride B catch C drive D travel 18 Sam

swim when he was three years old.

A can B should C has to D could 19 I

wear a uniform at my school. It wasn’t necessary.

A couldn’t B shouldn’t C didn’t have to D can’t 20 I don’t

cycling if it’s raining.

A do B make C go D play

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Name: Class:

Preliminary for Schools


to the shops, but they’ll be back soon.

A go

B have gone

22 My grandpa

B never used

23 Are there any fish in this A mountain

C didn’t use

D isn’t using

C forest

D lake

C will invite

D have invited

C doesn’t have to

D couldn’t

C the

D an

C all

D a little

? B desert

24 We’ll come to your party if you A invite


B invited ride his skateboard at night. It isn’t safe.

A can’t

B shouldn’t

26 Jo can play

guitar very well.

A –

B a

27 I watched

good films last week.

A a few

B lot of

28 The town becomes very A lively

in the summer when many people visit it. B happy

29 My aunt and uncle are staying at a hotel A in A closes

31 Sorry, but I can’t go out with you today – I 32 Where

D traditional

C by

D at

C close

D closed

at five o’clock.

B is closing

A study

C safe the coast.

B on

30 Let’s hurry because the post office

for an exam.

B studied

C have studied

D am studying

B does Tom play

C Tom does play

D plays Tom

at the weekend?

A Tom plays 33 Stop watching TV. You’re A losing

time and you need to study for your exams. B spending

34 Katy always tells the truth. She’s a very A confident 35 I

D will go

a computer. He doesn’t know how.

A has never used

25 Chris

C have been

C wasting

D doing

C serious

D honest

C don’t see

D wasn’t seeing

C were working

D are working

C someone

D anyone


B friendly

that. Can you do it again?

A didn’t see

B haven’t seen

36 Did they listen to music while they A work 37 I didn’t see


B have worked from my class at the concert.

A no one

B everyone

38 The objects in this museum are A ancient

. Some of them are more than 2,000 years old.

B useful

C modern

D scary

B delighted

C huge

D tiny

B am not going to eat

C am not eating

D won’t eat

39 I can’t eat all of this pizza on my own. It’s A starving 40 I’m not hungry. I A don’t eat



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Name: Class:

Preliminary for Schools

DIAGNOSTIC TEST B 41 I’m sure Jack

great music at his party tomorrow!

A is having 42 Lucy

B is going to have

D has

C can

D must

C got

D decided

go out with us. She’ll call me when she decides.

A may

B has to

43 What are you going to do? Have you A thought

up your mind?

B made

44 The students who are studying A history

are going to be actors in the school play.

B maths

45 My uncle is a doctor and he A takes

B hotter than

47 You have a lot of video games. Which game is A better than

C makes

D gets

C hotter from

D the hottest

C the better

D the best

C as boring as

D more boring as

C small enough

D too large

C as sweet as

D enough sweet


B the best than

48 The film wasn’t

the book.

A boring as

B as boring for me. I need a bigger size.

A too small

B large enough

50 I can’t drink this tea. It’s A sweet enough

for me. B too sweet

51 I don’t have to wear my A braces 52 Julie is

D drama

it was yesterday.

A more hot than

49 This T-shirt is

C art

a lot of money. B brings

46 I think today is

all the time, only when I watch TV. B make-up

C glasses

D freckles

C trying on

D standing out

her money to buy a pair of gold earrings.

A checking out 53 Tell George he

B saving up

come to the meeting today if he’s busy.

A can’t

B doesn’t have to

54 When you drive, you A must A myself

C mustn’t

D may not

C can

D may

C themselves

D himself

C It has

D Is

stop at a red light. B might

55 My brothers painted their room by 56

C will have


B itself

cold and windy this morning. A There’s

B It’s

57 While we were on the ferry boat, we saw a A dolphin 58 The old horse was A powerful 59 Some birds can A bite

swimming in the sea.

B bee

D koala

C blind

D bright

C climb

D dive

– it couldn’t see at all. B friendly into the sea to catch fish. B jump

60 The dentist took out one of my teeth and I can only eat A hard

C fox

B dry

food for a few days. C burned

D soft

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Name: Class:

Preliminary for Schools

DIAGNOSTIC TEST B 61 A: What are we having for lunch? B: I’ll cook us some


A jam 62 I

B pasta

C butter

D yoghurt

C go

D was going

B yet

C since

D ever

B yet

C just

D now

C just

D since

C since

D after

to Italy before and I loved it.

A have been 63 ‘Have you

B have gone eaten octopus?’ ‘Yes, I have.’

A never 64 Alex hasn’t called me


A already 65 I have known Alice

a very long time.

A for

B already

66 We’ve lived in this street A before

2010. B already

67 They missed their train because they were waiting for it at the wrong A platform 68 The

B visa

C customs

D airport

we bought had a lot of useful information about things to see in London.

A diary

B guidebook

69 Next weekend, my friends and I are A taking A will study 71 You

C digital camera

D charger

a trip to the countryside.

B doing

70 Jo gets good marks at school when she

C making

D going

C is studying

D studied

C won’t find

D haven’t found

C enjoyed

D promised

C want

D try

C walk

D walking


B studies

a part-time job if you don’t look for one!

A don’t find 72 Tim

B didn’t find

to help me with my geography project.

A suggested 73 I’ll

B said

cleaning the house later.

A finish

B help

74 Would they rather A to walk 75 I’m going to A charge

to the city centre or take the bus? B walked

some of the party photos because I don’t like them. B download

76 He doesn’t play in the garden because he’s A frightened 77


C forget

D delete

of spiders.

B bored

C fed up

D terrible

C Spending

D I spend

C does

D to do

time with my friends is fun. A Spend

B To spend

78 Luke always has dinner before A do

his homework.

B doing

79 I have an app on my phone that A understands

80 ‘This box is heavy.’ ‘Don’t worry. I A am helping

from English into Spanish.

B repeats B help

C talks

D translates

C will help

D am going to help

you carry it.’

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Name: Class:

Preliminary for Schools

DIAGNOSTIC TEST B 81 The score is 5–0 and there are two minutes left in the match. My team A loses

B will lose


C is losing

D is going to lose

C You could

D Shall we

82 A: It’s hot in this room. B:

opening the windows?’

A Why don’t you 83 Can you

B How about

the sound on the TV, please? I can’t hear it very well.

A set up

B turn up

C plug in

84 We bought a new dishwasher and someone came to our house to A tap

B connect

85 I don’t see Max very often, but I A see

C have seen

D was seeing

C track

D court

C practise

D beat

C will live

D have lived

C If

D Unless

C orchestra

D stage

C wrote

D have written

B are used

C use

D have used

B have cut my hair

C was cutting my hair

D have my hair cut

C where

D which

in the football World Cup? B kick

in the countryside, we would be happier.

A live 89


B changing room

A compete 88 If we

D upload

him twice this month.

86 When the match ended, the tennis players left the 87 How many countries


C install

B saw

A locker

D go off

B lived

we get two tickets, we can’t go to the concert. A In case

B When

90 During the concert, the fans in the A choir

B audience

91 My favourite books

by Charles Dickens.

A were written

B were writing

92 These classrooms

for art lessons.

A are using 93 I

sang and danced.

every two months.

A am cutting my hair 94 Is that the club

you play tennis?

A who

B that

95 We had to show our passports at the A destination 96 Do you know

before we could enter the country.

B check-in

C location

D border

B who I am

C who am I

D I am who


A I am 97 Kerry is very

. She believes that she will pass all of her exams.

A patient

B creative

98 Peter came to my party because I A was inviting

99 Before he stopped working, my grandfather 100 A: Are you

D sociable

C had invited

D will invite

C has taught

D could teach

C hanging out

D looking forward to


B have invited

A used to teach

C optimistic

B was teaching


the concert, Tim?

B: Yes, I am! It’s going to be fantastic!’ A going for

B dealing with



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