Solutions2e - Progress Test - Un01 - B [PDF]

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Pre-Intermediate Progress Test Unit 1 Test B Name: ___________________________________________ 1 Underline the correct verb form. 1 Dad works? in the city. He’s a farmer. 2 It sometimes _________________ (snow) in the UK in spring. 3 I _______________ (not go) to basketball practice this afternoon. I have a lot of homework. 4 Can I take a message? My dad ____________ (have) a shower at the moment. 5 Turn up the volume! I _______________ (love) this song. 6 Which _______________ (she / prefer): coffee or tea? 7 Why _______________ (you / wear) a T-shirt? It’s freezing outside! Mark: ___ /7 2 Complete the sentences. Use the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs below. do



not meet



1 We _______________ to France every summer for our holidays. 2 ‘Who is he?’ ‘Ask Emma. She _______________ everyone at the party.’ 3 He _______________ to be a chef when he grows up. He loves cooking. 4 _______ they ________ their homework at the moment? 5 _______ he ________ her a message every day? That’s so romantic! 6 We _______________ Adele at the sports centre tomorrow. She’s ill. Mark: ___ /6 3 Complete the sentences with the words below. There are two words you do not need. clever








1 James is very ____________ . He always says ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. 2 Hilary got 90% on the maths test and she didn’t study for it. She’s so ____________ . 3 Don’t be late because she won’t wait for you. She’s really ____________ . 4 My brother spent hours on his school project. He’s really ____________ . 5 Kyle always tells the truth. He is completely ______________ . 6 Barbara is very ____________ . She spends hours on the phone to her friends. 7 Jenny is really ____________ . She has her own opinions and doesn’t do what everyone else does. 8 Nick is so ____________ ! He never shares things with his sister.

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

Solutions 2nd edition Pre-Intermediate Progress Tests Unit 1


Pre-Intermediate Progress Test Unit 1 Test B

Vocabulary 4 Complete the sentences with the words below. There are two words you do not need. clever








1 James is very ____________ . He always says ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. 2 Hilary got 90% on the maths test and she didn’t study for it. She’s so ____________ . 3 Don’t be late because she won’t wait for you. She’s really ____________ . 4 My brother spent hours on his school project. He’s really ____________ . 5 Kyle always tells the truth. He is completely ______________ . 6 Barbara is very ____________ . She spends hours on the phone to her friends. 7 Jenny is really ____________ . She has her own opinions and doesn’t do what everyone else does. 8 Nick is so ____________ ! He never shares things with his sister. Mark: ___ /8 5 Complete the diary entry with the words below. activities






I’m so excited! I’ve decided to do the Silver level Duke of Edinburgh Award. I’m going to learn computer programming – that’s my new 1____________. Now I need to write my 2____________ and start thinking about the other 3____________ I’m going to do. I’d really like to 4____________ time helping children or doing voluntary 5____________ with homeless people. But I think the best part is going on the 6____________ . I want to go kayaking in Wales. It’s going to be fantastic! Mark: ___ /6 6 Complete the sentences, Use the negative form of the words below. sensitive






1 Joey is very ____________. He lies to everyone. 2 She’s very ____________ and behaves like a child sometimes. 3 Jane is ____________. She doesn’t think about anyone’s feelings. 4 Ollie is ____________. He doesn’t listen to other people and thinks he’s always right. 5 I helped Frank with his project, but he didn’t say thank you. He’s so ____________ . 6 In the daytime, night birds like owls are ____________ . Mark: ___ /6 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

Solutions 2nd edition Pre-Intermediate Progress Tests Unit 1


Pre-Intermediate Progress Test Unit 1 Test B

Use of English 7

Complete the text with the words below. action active actress characters does flying generous plays charity working Angelina Jolie is an American 1____________. She's 36 and is attractive, kind and intelligent. She 2

____________ many different types of 3____________, but she is often in 4____________ films,

such as Lara Croft: Tomb Raider. She also 5____________ voices for animated films, and at the moment she's 6____________ on Kung Fu Panda 2. She's very hard-working and 7____________ and she does a lot of voluntary work for 8____________ with the United Nations. She's very 9

____________ in her free time too. She likes 10____________ and she owns a small plane.

Mark: ___ /10

Listening 8  Listen to the people talking about the music they like. Match the speakers with the musical styles below. There is one style you do not need. country and western

heavy metal

1 Speaker A


2 Speaker B


3 Speaker C


4 Speaker D


5 Speaker E






Mark: ___ /5

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

Solutions 2nd edition Pre-Intermediate Progress Tests Unit 1


Pre-Intermediate Progress Test Unit 1 Test B

Reading 9 Read the text. Are the sentences true or false? Can Mozart make you clever? Some people believe that young children should listen to classical music. They think it can change a child’s brain and make the child clever. They call this ‘the Mozart effect’. This idea became very popular in the 1990s. Governments and universities spent a lot of money over the next twenty years to test if it is true. The research shows that it is not. Listening to Mozart does not have a permanent effect on your brain. However, research shows that listening to music can help children learn. Mike Edwards teaches eight-yearolds. He works in a special school for children with behaviour problems. He is not a music teacher, but in his classroom there is always music. ‘I play the music at the beginning of the lesson,’ Mike says, ‘and it really works!’ Mike’s students are sometimes difficult to control. ‘They’re not stupid or lazy,’ he says, ‘but they’re sometimes noisy and rude and you have to be very patient.’ The music is calm and quiet. It helps the children to feel calm and quiet too. Then they can learn better. ‘I don’t think music changes a child’s brain or personality, but it helps them to concentrate so they can be more creative. They enjoy coming to class and it makes my job easier because they’re more polite and hardworking.’ So does Mozart make you a better student? Maybe. But Mike’s students are listening to the blues! 1 In the last ten years of the twentieth century, many people believed in the Mozart effect. _____ 2 Research proved that listening to classical music doesn’t make students more clever.


3 Mike teaches children about music.


4 Mike’s students are always badly behaved.


5 Mike’s students don’t listen to classical music in class.


Mark: ___ /5

Writing 10 You are spending the summer in the UK to learn English and you want to make new friends in your language school. Write a message to put on the school bulletin board. 

Introduce yourself.

Describe your personality and say what your hobbies are.

Say what kind of people you want to meet.

Tell people how they can contact you.

Mark: ___ /10

Total: ___ /70 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

Solutions 2nd edition Pre-Intermediate Progress Tests Unit 1


Pre-Intermediate Progress Test Unit 1 Test B

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press

Solutions 2nd edition Pre-Intermediate Progress Tests Unit 1