Diagnostic Test B: Choose The Correct Answer (A, B, C or D) To Complete The Sentences [PDF]

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Diagnostic Test B Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentences.

1 He       the guitar for at least an hour every day. A practises B is practising

2 What       ? It smells delicious. A do you cook B are you cook

C practise

D are practising

C are you cooking D is you cooking

3 I fell off my bike when I       home from school. A cycle B cycling C was cycling

D cycled

4 I don’t       some German words very well so some people don’t understand me. A explain B pronounce C repeat D speak

5       friends is easy when you’re young, but it gets more difficult when you’re older. A Make B To make C Made D Making

6 The weather is really bad in the mountains so we       cancel the excursion. A not going to B aren’t going to C ’re going to D going to

7 I don’t like washing up so I’m glad we’ve got a       . A coffee maker B dishwasher C fridge-freezer machine

D washing

8       we get the bus into town? I don’t feel like walking. A Let’s B Shall C What

D Why

9 I       to Paris, but I would like to go one day. A have never been B have ever been

D had been

C have been

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10 Messi       a goal in the last minute of the match, but Barça didn’t win. A beat B hit C scored D won

11 A: Have you seen Laura? B: No. She       hasn’t got home from school. A already B just C still D yet

12 If you       my diary, will you let me know? A came across B come across

C will come across D would come across

13 Have you still got your video camera? We’re looking for someone to       the school concert. A book B entertain C film D review

14 If I       near the sea, I’d go surfing every day. A live B lived

C have lived

15 A lot of traffic accidents       by people driving too fast. A are caused B is caused C cause

D had lived

D causes

16 Weston is great for children because it’s got a lovely sandy       . A beach B cliff C path D sea

17 We need to get the house       this year. It’s starting to look untidy now. A paint B painter C painted D painting

18 These are the shoes       I wore to my sister’s wedding. They’re nice, aren’t they? A which B who C whose D where

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19 I usually       for a flight online because it saves time at the airport. A check in B delay C land

D take off

20 She       leave her laptop at home because there wasn’t enough space in her bag. A have to B must C had to D must have

21 I like to hang       with my friends at the weekend. We usually go to the shopping centre. A away B in C off D out

22 She said she       help me because she was too busy. A could B couldn’t C mustn’t

23 Did he tell you where       my exercise book? A he did leave B did he leave

D would

C he left

24 Where       to go on holiday when you were a child? A you did use B used you C did you used

25 Eva’s a little       because she gets her exam results tomorrow. A calm B embarrassed C mad

D left he

D did you use

D worried

26 Our objective is to reduce the number of children living in       . A volunteer B charity C poverty

D survey

27 Penny       a bath at the moment so it’s better if you call back later. A has B had C have

D is having

28 We need a bright,       design for our T-shirt so that people stop and look at it. A bold B casual C dull D pale

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29 George is usually very       and he doesn’t tend to do silly things. A comfortable B enjoyable C sensible D suitable

30 I hope you       long – we’ve been very busy today. A have waited B have been waiting C haven’t been waiting

D waited

31 There was rubbish all over the beach. It was absolutely       . A awesome B disgusting C massive

D terrific

32 It was the scariest film I       . I had to cover my eyes for most of it. A ever seen B ever saw C had never seen

D had ever seen

33 We live in the city now, but we       in the country. A would live B had lived C were living

D used to live

34 The water isn’t       to make tea at the moment. Wait a few more minutes. A too hot B as hot C hot enough D enough hot

35 We were waiting for a long time, but       the shop assistant came over to us. A badly B eventually C frequently D unfortunately

36 Don’t come to my house at eight o’clock. We       our dinner at that time. A will have B will have had C will be having D are having

37 By the time you       my age, the world will be a completely different. A will be B are being C are D were

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38 I was       to close the door when I realised I didn’t have my keys. A due B probably C unlikely D about

39 We don’t know where we’re going so it makes       to ask for directions. A idea B sense C sure D reason

40 It’s terrible that so many plastic packets are only used once before they’re thrown       . A away B down C over D up

41 My advice is that you       go to the doctor’s if your leg still hurts. A should B shall C don’t have to

D can

42 We       stay long at the library. I just need to return a few books. A couldn’t B mustn’t C needn’t D should

43 Teresa has been really stressed       her driving test. I hope she passes. A about B at C of D to

44 If we leave now, we       get to school by nine o’clock. A should B mustn’t C must

D couldn’t

45 Ottie is a very       person. She’s good at using her imagination to make things. A anxious B competitive C creative D unfriendly

46 The website,       attracts hundreds of visitors every day, has been a great success. A that B who C whose D which

47 Nelson Mandela was an activist       work has inspired millions of people. A where B which C whose D why

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48 I nearly       in the marathon, but I continued to the end. A gave away B gave off C gave out

D gave up

49 It’s very hard to focus       my homework while you’re talking so loudly. A to B on C by D at

50 Fruit and vegetables       by local farmers are the key ingredients in our recipes. A grew B grow C grown D growing

51 I was wondering if you could       me a few euros for a bus ticket? A afford B borrow C lend

D spend

52 My parent still aren’t sure where       on holiday this year. A going B they go C go

D to go

53 Belinda convinced       at home and watch a film. A to stay B us to stay C us stay

D that we stay

54 Bats have excellent       , which they use to help them find their way around. A hearing B sound C taste D vision

55 Scientists       that the Earth’s temperature is likely to continue rising in the future. A experiment B observe C preview D predict

56 I tried on lots of clothes, but       of them looked very good on me. A both B all C neither D none

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57 We’ve eaten most of the sandwiches, but there are       left for you. A few B a few C little

D a little

58 Shall I close the       ? It’s getting dark now. A blankets B curtains C rugs

D sheets

59 I think we’ll be late for the meeting unless we       a taxi. A will get B had got C got

D get

60 If United had made a bit more effort, they       the match. A had won B will win C will have won

D would have won

61 I made a poster at school today and the teacher       on the classroom wall. A cleared it up B put it away C put it up D sorted it out

62 I wish we       about the traffic jams before we left. We could be stuck for hours. A had known B know C would know have known

63 I’d rather       a shower than a bath. It’s more refreshing. A had B have C to have

D would

D having

64 Maurice is named       his grandfather who was a famous artist. A after B of C on D to

65 According to their email, we       at the airport and taken to the hotel. A will meet B will be met C will be meeting D will have met

66 They were upset because they       to turn the television off. A have told B have been told C had told

D had been told

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67 The       of children who do physical exercise every day has risen steadily. A average B fraction C percentage D series

68 I don’t know how to fix the screen on my phone. I’ll       by a professional. A look at it B have looked at it C have it looked at D be looked at

69 The government hopes to create more       for young people in the next ten years. A employ B employers C employment D unemployment

70 My parents       the school that I was sick and would be staying at home. A explained B informed C insisted D mentioned

71 Julie complained that her friends       her any chocolate. A saved B wouldn't save Chad saved

72 It’s important to       your energy before you run a big race. A bring together B build up C start out

D hadn’t saved

D try out

73 Owen seems to have a lot of artistic       . He’s especially good at painting. A character B culture C imagination D skill

74 Vanessa asked       I wanted to go swimming with her so I agreed. A how B that C whether D who

75 Ophelia begged me       anything to John about the surprise party. A to say B not to say C saying D not saying

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76 The later you go to bed,       you’ll be in the morning. A more tired B most tired C the more tired

D the most tired

77 It was       trying to get to school. The roads were all closed because of the snow. A hopeful B hoping C hopeless D unhopeful

78 I had a wonderful sense of       after I completed the Athens Marathon. A achievement B direction C freedom D rhythm

79 I wanted to have a barbecue this afternoon, but I had to       because of the poor weather. A get it across B give it away C put it off D try it out

80 They       all morning so they decided to stop for a break. A had cycled B had been cycling C have cycled cycling

D have been

81 Carmel was       to find out she had got a place at her first choice of university. A down in the dumps B high in her list C over the moon D into the swing of it

82 I don’t think our government does enough to help       poor. A– B the Ca

D some

83 As soon as I       watering the garden, I’ll come round to your house. A have finished B am finishing C will have finished D finished

84 My mum works       in a factory. Sometimes she works nights and sometimes she works days. A time off B part-time C shifts D my own boss

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85       of people reported seeing a strange object shooting across the sky. A Each B A deal C A number D Several

86 What I like about my city is that there are plenty of play       for children. A areas B blocks C spaces D spots

87 As you long as you       the truth, you haven’t got anything to worry about. A had told B have told C will tell D will have told

88 Why are you shouting       the top of your voice? A at B by C on

D with

89 In order       money, the Falcon Heavy has rockets which are recyclable. A save B saving C to have saved D to save

90 My grandfather’s forgotten       me last week. I’m afraid his memory is getting worse. A to see B seeing C not seeing D not to see

91 It gets me       when I hear about all the sad things happening in the world. A down B together C round D back

92 It       that global warming has been increasing faster than predicted. A believes B is believing C is believed D was believed

93 Alan is really disorganised. He always does his homework       . A at the last minute B in time C in good time

D running late

94 My neighbours are building a swimming pool whose       is twenty metres. A long B longer C length D lengthen

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95 My teacher congratulated       my maths exam. A me to pass B me passing

C on passing

D me on passing

96 My sister is very dedicated       her voluntary work. She does it every weekend. A of B to C at D in

97 We needn’t       about not getting in to the exhibition. The museum was empty! A to worry B worry C be worried D have worried

98       not knowing any of the other players, I enjoyed football training. A Despite B In spite C Though D Although

99       was Wendy who recommended we check out this beach. A What B Why C That

D It

100 We’re       the pros and cons of buying a smart TV. Dana thinks it’s a good idea, but I’m not sure. A speaking out about B sleeping on C weighing up D having second thoughts about

Total: ___/100

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