Across Ukraine 3 Answer Keys [PDF]

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Across Ukraine 3 Answer keys Do You Know Your Country? Ex. 1

1 – d) 2 – h) 3 – b) 4 – a) 5 – f) 6 – e) 7 – c) 8 – g) Ex. 2 A5B3C4D2E1F8G6H7 Ex. 3 1 – a) 2 – b) 3 – c) 4 – b) 5 – b) HOVERLA Ex. 1 Students’ own answers. Ex. 2 Students’ own answers. Ex. 3 1 NI 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 T 6 T 7 NI 8 F Ex. 4 1 ascent 2 furious 3 severe 4 to descend 5 a wizard 6 a stream 7 sunrise Ex. 5 Suggested answers. The baron: ambitious, brave, angry, furious, strong Prut: brave, loving, strong, sincere, outgoing, goodlooking, young, devoted Hoverla: loving, sincere, outgoing, beautiful, young, devoted The Mountain King: ambitious, loving, angry, furious, old, strong, devoted The wizard: wise, old, sincere Ex. 6 Students’ own answers. Ex. 7 1 I don’t think that football is a boys’ game. 2 My dad’s car can go very fast. 3 The children’s room is spacious and full of light. 4 I spent one month at my Granny’s. 5 We don’t know what to do! We need somebody’s advice. 6 The teacher’s desk is always tidy. 7 My friend goes to a girls’ school. 8 The winner’s speed was amazing! (It is possible to say The winners’ speed was amazing! if we talk about rowing or another group sport.) 9 My grandparents’ house is big. Ex. 8 1 is 2 is 3 has 4 p 5 is 6 is 7 p 8 is 9 is 10 has 11 p 12 p 13 is 14 has 15 us Across Ukraine 3 - Answer keys

Ex. 9 1 We often go to the mountains in summer. 2 I always take my camera with me. 3 We went there by train. 4 I took a lot of pictures of birds. 5 The weather was good but sometimes it rained. 6 We explored several caves there. 7 It was a wonderful holiday. Ex. 10 1 What do you usually take with you? 2 Where did you go in summer? 3 Who did you go with? 4 Why did you go there? 5 What was the weather like? 6 How long did you stay there? 7 Did you have a good time? 8 What did you do in the evenings? Ex. 11 Students’ own answers. Ex. 12 1 A Who wants a candy? B What do you want? 2 A Who locked the door? B What did they lock? 3 A Who told us the news? B What did Maria tell us? Ex. 13 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 e 5 i 6 d 7 f 8 j 9 g 10 h Ex. 14 Sashko hasn’t fed the budgie. He has walked the dog. He hasn’t cleaned his room. He has taken out the rubbish. He hasn’t dusted the furniture. He hasn’t watered the flowers. He has called Granny. He hasn’t done his homework Ex. 15 1 I get up quite early because I have to walk the dog! 2 Vacuuming the carpets is my favourite household task! I just like the sound! 3 My sister hates mopping the floors. She says it’s so boring. 4 My mum doesn’t ask me to do the laundry. She does it herself. 5 When I go out to play with friends I often take out the rubbish. 6 I often forget to water the plants! Ex. 16 1 Nobody 2 anything 3 everything 4 somebody 5 Everywhere 6 anything 7 anybody 8 anything 9 everywhere 10 somebody/something 11 nothing 12 somebody/something 13 somebody/something

14 Everybody 15 nobody

Includes Students’ own answers.

Ex. 17 The suggested end of the story

Ex. 12 1 from 2 till 3 take 4 the 5 for 6 take 7 on 8 at 9 must 10 than 11 like 12 after

“Come out!” he cried a minute later. “There’s nothing to worry about! It’s only a hedgehog!” We all relaxed. For some reason, on the way back Stas was very silent.

MODULE 1 SCHOOLS Ex. 1 Suggested answers: 1 H 2 H 3 S/H 4 H 5H 9 H 10 S/H Ex. 2 Students’ own answers. Ex. 3 A 3 B 1 C 10 D 5 E 4 F 2 G 9 (Extra options: 6, 7, 8)


7 S/H


Ex. 4 1 2 3 4 5

science definitions by heart, study stretch improve, academic surroundings

Ex. 5 1 habit 2 definition 3 working out 4 flashcards 5 proper Ex. 6 1 give 2 take 3 give/take 4 give 5 give/take 6 take 7 take 8 give 9 give 10 take 11 take 12 give 13 give Ex. 7 1 give 2 gave, take 3 taking 4 take 5 Give 6 took 7 Take Ex. 8 Maths: triangle, equation, solution, theorem Physics: molecule, electricity, matter, Chemistry: molecule, solution, acid, reaction Biology: cell, root, leaves Geography: equator, continent, climate, History: kingdom, republic, empire Includes Students’ own answers. Ex. 9 1 Physics, Chemistry 2 Chemistry 3 Maths 4 Biology 5 History 6 Geography Ex. 10 /k/ chemistry, mechanic, character, choir, archeology, chemical, echo, choral, architect /tʃ/ chair, arch, check, chore, chalk, chance, chapter, change, chess Across Ukraine 3 - Answer keys

Ex. 13 1 are making 2 walk, is giving 3 try 4 are running, are doing 5 do you come Ex. 14 1 Where are you going? 2 Why doesn’t she like physics? 3 Because she doesn’t understand it. 4 School starts at 8:30. 5 Are you still writing that essay? 6 Yes, I want to improve my grade. 7 He doesn’t remember the rule! 8 What do you mean? 9 Why do you need the ruler? Ex. 15 1 Do you have 2 I’m thinking 3 I am having 4 I am thinking 5 are having Ex. 16 1 are having 2 isn’t listening 3 doesn’t usually listen 4 gets 5 sit 6 doesn’t always see 7 looks 8 dreams 9 don’t know 10 is dreaming 11 is looking 12 has 13 doesn’t hear 14 is calling 15 have 16 have 17 are doing 18 use


2 D

Ex. 2 1 E 2B 3A

3A 4C

4E 5D

Ex. 8 1 was walking, saw 2 was sleeping 3 were performing, were dancing 4 played, finished 5 was playing, broke 6 dropped, splashed 7 was dancing, buzzed


Ex. 9 1 were discussing 2 appeared 3 had 4 were wearing 5 were 6 were looking 7 said 8 started 9 were dancing 10 was getting 11 were standing and clapping 12 finished 13 got 14 didn’t get 15 showed Ex. 10 1 challenging 2 successful 3 lucky 4 skilful 5 traditional 6 critical 7 artistic 8 confident Ex. 11 1 confident 2 critical 3 artistic 4 successful 5 success 6 lucky 7 challenge 8 talent Ex. 12 . 1 stunning 2 surprised 3 discouraging 4 shocked 5 excited 6 challenging Remember box 1 music 2 playing Ex. 13 1 b 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 c 6 a 7 c 8 c 9 c 10 b 11 a 12 c

Para D: (4) The book was written in the 12th century… (5) Her book is considered the first scientific work on medicine in Kyivan Rus. Para F: (6) Traditional medicine in Ukraine was rediscovered in the middle of the 19th century… (7) These days a lot of books are written on traditional methods of healing … Ex. 9 1 Around 500,000 babies are born in Ukraine every year. 2 Serious diseases are treated in hospitals. 3 Diets are used to prevent diseases. 4 Vitamin C is found in fruit and vegetables. 5 New medicines are invented every year. 6 Bad teeth are sometimes extracted. 7 We are often examined by school doctors. Ex. 10 1 What were you told to do? 2 Were you told to stay in bed? 3 What medicine were you given? 4 Were you given any natural remedies? 5 Were you allowed to watch TV or play games? Ex. 13

MODULE 3 HEALTH Ex. 1 Students’ own answers. Ex. 2 1 honey, 2 ointment, 3 berries, 4 herbs, 5 powder, 6 plant roots Ex. 3 A 5 B 7 C 3 D 1 E 4 F 6 (The extra title is 2.) Ex. 5 1 Prince Volodymyr Monomakh 2 In the 12th century 3 Extracting teeth, bloodletting, making plasters for healing wounds, splints for treating broken bones. 4 Medicines, weapons and food. 5 (Studying) old books from the 15th – 18th centuries. Ex. 6 1 was known 2 were used 3 were described 4 were invented 5 were built Ex. 7 1 were used 2 were used 3 were added 4 was made 5 were covered 6 was added 7 was cooked 8 was brewed 9 were preserved Ex. 8 Para A: (1)…you are usually given pills or antibiotics… (2) These are not sold in pharmacies. (3) Herbs and plant roots are used to make different remedies…, Across Ukraine 3 - Answer keys



















Ex. 14 1 infect, 2 bacteria, 3 bacterial, 4 viral, 5 harmful, 6 infections, 7 infectious, 8 medical, 9 medicine, 10 harm Ex. 15 1 healthy 2 killed 3 could 4 washed 5 spent 6 outdoors 7 meals 8 drank 9 boiled 10 made Ex. 16 1 A famous footballer was died during a match! 2 We were told about the flu epidemic. (correct) 3 What was happened to you? 4 Red spots were appeared on his cheeks. 5 I was sneezing all day yesterday. (correct) 6 He wasn’t didn’t agree with the diagnosis. 7 The thermometer was fallen fell and broke. Ex. 17 1 was started 2 dug 3 came 4 were dug 5 decided 6 were built 7 asked 8 was built 9 was established 10 was given 11 appeared 12 were created 13 was known 14 became 15 was named

MODULE 04 PEOPLE Ex. 3 C Ex. 4 1B 2A 3D 4E 5 F 6C Ex. 5 1D 2C 3A 4F 5B 6G 7E Ex. 6 1 prosperity 2 invasion 3 pantry 4 fearless 5 rely on Ex. 7 Sentences 2, 4, 7 and 8 must be underlined. Ex. 8 1d 2e 3c 4b 5a 6g 7f Ex. 9 Students’ own answers. Ex. 10 Students’ own answers. Ex. 11 1 do, 2 make, 3 making, 4 doing, 5 make, 6 do, 7 made, 8 make Ex. 12 …не дозволили мені дивитися… …не дозволили мені піти… …примусили мене залишитися … Ex. 13 make somebody





to do


1 Some teachers make us work hard. 2 I think parents should allow their kids to choose their clothes. 3 At my music school, my teacher always let me stay after classes to practice. 4 His dad got angry and made him clean his room. Ex. 14 1 Students were made to clean the classrooms. 2 Students were made to do detention. 3 Students were allowed to keep pets in the classrooms. 4 Girls weren’t allowed to wear make-up. Ex. 15 1 a 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 a 6 c 7 c 8 a 9 b 10 b 11 a 12 c

MODULE 5 ON THE MOVE Ex 1 Student’s own answers. Ex 2 1B 2A Ex 3 1 F 2 T 3 T 4 T 5F 6 F 7 T 8 T 9 F

Across Ukraine 3 - Answer keys

Ex 4 перетнути пустелю, піднятися на гору, займатися підлідним дайвінгом, виживати в екстремальних ситуаціях, здійснити подорож, впоратися з проблемами Ex 7 50% - fifty per cent 1.4142 - one point four one four two 44,000,000 - forty-four million 4000 - four thousand 3.14 -three point one four 100% - one/a hundred percent 1 44,000,000 2 3.14 3 50% 4 100% 5 4000 6 1.4142 Ex 8 1 second 2 hour 3 month 4 week 5 kilo 6 day Ex 9 1,700 737

European bisons living in Europe at the end of the 19th century The number of European bisons in 1914


The number of European bisons in 1917


The year when the European bison became extinct


The year when scientists started the project to save the European bison


The number of European bisons living in different zoos around the world in the 1920s


The number of European bisons living in Ukraine in 1992.


The year when hunting the European bison was made illegal in Ukraine

Ex 10 1 catastrophe 2 extinct 3 illegal 4increased 5 hunting Ex 11 1b 2 c 3e 4 g 5d 6a 7h 8f Other examples from the text: extreme team, travel projects, extreme situations, filming team, long-distance cross-country motor races Ex 12 1 world record 2 time zones 3 ice diving 4 engine capacity 5 mountain bike 6 record breakers 7 passenger plane 8 rowing boat

USE OF ENGLISH Ex 13 1 long 2 allowed 3 without 4 easily 5 you 6 inside 7 narrow 8 wear 9 need 10 batteries 11 taking 12 first 13 follow 14 safe 15 like Ex 14 1 When I came into the classroom I saw a mobile on my desk. Somebody had left it there. 2 My parents were angry with me because I had been rude to my sister. Ex 15 1 had already gone 2 had just left 3 had already begun 4 hadn’t packed 5hadn’t done 6 hadn’t had 7 had left 8 had gone 9 had received 10 hadn’t done

MODULE 06 FILMS AND BOOKS Ex. 1 Students may need help with some words. Ex. 2 Students’ own answers. Ex. 3 1 B/C

2 A/C

3 A/D





Ex. 4 Students’ own answers. Ex. 5 1 director 2 producer 3 camera operator 4 actor/actress 5 sound engineer 6 make-up artist 7 critic 8 editor Ex. 6 1 poetry 2 ballad 3 fairy tales 4 legends 5 tragedy 6 comedy 7 fables 8 short story 9 play 10 historical novel Ex. 7 1C 2E 3D 4A 5B Ex. 8 3 Ex. 9 1 F 2T 3F 4F 5T 6F 7T Ex. 10 1 will 2 will 3 will 4 will 5 will 6 won’t 7 is going to 8 will 9 will 10 may/might/will 11 will 12 Will 13 may/might 14 will 15 are going to 16 are going to/might 17 are going to

Across Ukraine 3 - Answer keys

Ex. 11 1 of 2 that 3 them 4 to 5 was 6 per 7 to 8 the 9 one 10 For Ex. 12 1 frames 2 similar 3 another 4 pictures 5 cartoon 6 everything 7 moving 8 background Ex. 13 1 have seen 2 has starred 3 starred 4 won 5 has won 6 began 7 hasn’t started

MODULE 07 MUSIC Ex. 1 Students’ own answers. Ex. 2 A1 B4 C8 D7 E5 F6 G2 H3 Ex. 3 1 Because people have different tastes and opinions about music and performers. 2 The Carol of the Bells 3 “Song Unites Us” 4 The songs had to be in the Ukrainian language and could only be sung once. 5 No 6 Oleh Skrypka 7 You can attend master classes of top jazz performers. Ex. 4 1 which 2 which 3 who 4 which 5 why 6 who 7 where Ex. 5 Suggested answers. 1 Some Ukrainian songs are both sad and romantic. 2 Okean Elzy is famous not only in Ukraine but also in many other countries. 3 Hard rock is a style of music which you can either love or hate. 4 The band played not only their best hits but also some new songs. 5 Both my grandpa and grandma sing in a local choir. 6 You can either start a band or perform solo. 7 Unfortunately, their new song was neither catchy nor lively. 8 The festival was both educational and fun. Ex. 6 1 were performed 2 became 3 spread 4 were built 5 wrote 6 were invited 7 worked 8 was written 9 was performed 10 was called 11 banned 12 came 13 is performed 14 was composed 15 was changed 16 was recorded

Ex. 7 The text mentions the following topics: a, d, e, f, h Ex. 8 1 The first operas were performed to kings, princes and their courts. 2 Such composers as Mozart, Vivaldi or Handel were invited to write operas. 3 A Cossack Beyond the Danube. 4 In 1955. 5 Students’ own answers. Ex. 10 1 front 2 orchestra pit 3 rows 4 view 5 back 6 control booth 7 aisle 8 first 9 dress circle 10 upper circle 11 stage 12 box 13 actors 14 balcony 15 tickets USE OF ENGLISH Ex. 11 1 c 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 c 6 a 7 b 8 a 9 a 10 c 11 a 12 b 13 c 14 a 15 b 16 b 17 a

MODULE 8 DISCOVERIES Ex. 1 In the pictures: (stone Scythian) statues, ancient (Trypillian) pottery, an ancient tool, jewellery, a sword Ex. 2 A2 B4 C1 D6 E7 F5 G3 Ex. 3 1 hypotheses 2 predict 3 extensive 4 excavations 5 artefacts 6 remains 7 temple 8 inquisitive Ex. 4 Do: damage, experiments, research, work Make: hypotheses, mistakes, progress Study: artefacts, data, phenomena, artefacts, remains Check: data, hypotheses, results Carry out: excavations, field surveys Ex. 5 1 damage 2 phenomena 3 mistakes, hypotheses 4 experiments, data 5 artefacts 6 field survey 7 results, research 8 work, excavation 9 remains Ex. 6 beehive, beekeeper, bee veil, bee yard, honey, honeycomb, movable frame Ex. 7 1 beehive 2 beekeepers 3 honey 4 bee colony 5 bees 6 bee yard 7 bees 8 bee colonies 9 honey

Across Ukraine 3 - Answer keys

Ex. 8 1 and 2 in 3 with 4 had 5 its 6 more 7 In 8 of 9 a 10 would Ex. 9 1 start, will finish 2 doesn’t leave, will be 3 won’t achieve, don’t study 4 isn’t, will go 5 won’t tell, get 6 finish, will go 7 will begin, arrive 8 will learn, finish 9 disappear, will destroy Ex. 10 1 would know 2 knew 3 wouldn’t be 4 had 5 would do 6 promoted 7 would know 8 understood 9 wouldn’t seem 10 used 11 would be 12 had 13 would treat 14 was/were 15 would suffer 16 saved 17 would use 18 didn’t produce 19 would be 20 gave 21 would live Ex. 11 Students’ own answers.