CFX-Intro 14.5 WS07 Centrifugal-Pump [PDF]

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Workshop 07 Cavitating Centrifugal Pump 14. 5 Release

Introduction to ANSYS CFX © 2012 ANSYS, Inc.

December 17, 2012


Release 14.5

Introduction Workshop Description: The problem consists of a five-blade centrifugal pump operating at 2160 rpm. The working fluid is water and flow is assumed to be steady and incompressible. Due to rotational periodicity a single-blade passage will be modeled. The initial flow-field will be solved without cavitation. It will be turned on later.

Learning Aims: This workshop introduces several new skills: • Working with rotating domains • Modeling cavitation in ANSYS CFX

Learning Objectives: To model cavitation in a centrifugal pump, which involves the use of a rotation domain and the cavitation model. Introduction © 2012 ANSYS, Inc.

December 17, 2012

No cavitation

Cavitation 2

Summary Release 14.5

Workbench 1. Start Workbench and save the project as centrifugalpump.wbpj 2. Drag a CFX system into the Project Schematic from the Component Systems toolbox 3. Start CFX-Pre by double clicking Setup

4. When CFX-Pre opens import the mesh by right-clicking on Mesh and selecting Import Mesh > ICEM CFD 5. Browse to pump.cfx5 (workshop_input_files\WS_07_Cavitating Pump) 6. Keep Mesh units in m 7. Click Open

Introduction © 2012 ANSYS, Inc.

December 17, 2012

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Cavitation 3

Summary Release 14.5

Creating Working Fluids Modifying the material properties:

1. Expand Materials in the Outline tree 2. Double-click Water 3. On the Material Properties tab change Density to 1000 [kg/m3] 4. Expand Transport Properties and change Dynamic Viscosity to 0.001 [kg m^-1 s^-1] 5. Click OK

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Cavitation 4

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Setting up the Fluid Domain 1.

Double-click on Default Domain


Under Fluid and Particle Definitions, delete Fluid 1 and then create a new Fluid named Water Liquid


Set Material to Water


Create another new Fluid named Water Vapour


Next to the Material drop-down list, click the “…” icon, then the Import Library Data icon (on the right of the form), and select Water Vapour at 25 C under the Water Data object

• 6.

Click OK

Back in the Material panel, select Water Vapour at 25 C

Click OK

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Cavitation 5

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Setting up the Fluid Domain 7.

Set the Reference Pressure to 0 [Pa]


Set Domain Motion to Rotating


Set Angular Velocity to 2160 [rev min^-1]

10. Switch on Alternate Rotation Model. The Alternate Rotation Model is used to avoid “False swirl” which could occur when a significant amount of the fluid is flowing in the axial direction. 11. Make sure Rotation Axis under Axis Definition is set to Global Z 11. Switch to the Fluid Models tab and set the following: 12. Turn on Homogeneous Model in the Multiphase section 13. Under Heat Transfer set the Option to Isothermal, with a Temperature of 25 C 14. Set Turbulence Option to Shear Stress Transport 15. Click OK

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December 17, 2012

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Cavitation 6

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Inlet Boundary Condition 1. Insert a boundary condition named Inlet 2. On the Basic Settings tab, set Boundary Type to Inlet 3. Set Location to INLET

4. Set Frame Type to Stationary 5. Switch to the Boundary Details tab 6. Specify Mass and Momentum with a Normal Speed of 7.0455 [m/s] 7. Switch to the Fluid Values tab 8. For Water Liquid, set the Volume Fraction to a Value of 1 9. For Water Vapour, set the Volume Fraction to a Value of 0 10. Click OK

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Cavitation 7

Summary Release 14.5

Outlet Boundary Condition 1. Inset a boundary condition named Outlet 2. On the Basic Settings tab, set Boundary Type to Opening 3. Set Location to OUT

4. Set Frame Type to Stationary 5. Switch to the Boundary Details tab 6. Specify Mass and Momentum using Entrainment, and enter a Relative Pressure of 600,000 [Pa] 7. Enable the Pressure Option and set it to Opening Pressure 8. Set Turbulence Option to Zero Gradient 9. Switch to the Fluid Values tab 10. For Water Liquid, set the Volume Fraction to a Value of 1 11. For Water Vapour, set the Volume Fraction to a Value of 0 12. Click OK Introduction © 2012 ANSYS, Inc.

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Cavitation 8

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Periodic Interface 1. Click

to create an Interface, and name it Periodic

2. On the Basic Settings tab set the Interface Type to Fluid Fluid 3. For Interface Side 1 set the Region List to DOMAIN INTERFACE 1 SIDE 1 and DOMAIN INTERFACE 2 SIDE 1 (use the “…” icon and the Ctrl key) 4. For Interface Side 2, set the Region List to DOMAIN INTERFACE 1 SIDE 2 and DOMAIN INTERFACE 2 SIDE 2 5. Set the Interface Models option to Rotational Periodicity 6. Under Axis Definition, select Global Z 7. Switch to the tab labelled Mesh Connection and set Option to 1:1 8. Click OK Introduction © 2012 ANSYS, Inc.

December 17, 2012

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Cavitation 9

Summary Release 14.5

Wall Boundary Conditions 1.

Insert a boundary condition named Stationary


Set it to be a Wall, using the STATIONARY location


On the Boundary Details tab, enable a Wall Velocity and set it to Counter Rotating Wall By default, all walls in a rotating domain rotate with the rotating reference frame. Since this wall is stationary in the absolute frame it must be counter rotating in the rotating frame.


Click OK


In the Outline Tree right-click on the Default Domain Default boundary and Rename it to Moving

The default behavior for the Moving boundary condition is to move with the rotating domain. So there is nothing that needs to be set

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December 17, 2012

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Cavitation 10

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Initialization 1.


to initialize the solution


On the Fluid Settings form, set Water Liquid Volume Fraction to Automatic with Value, and set the Volume Fraction to 1


Set Water Vapour Volume Fraction to Automatic with Value, and set the Volume Fraction to 0


Click OK

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December 17, 2012

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Cavitation 11

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Solver Control 1.

Double click Solver Control in the Outline tree


Set Timescale Control to Physical timescale A commonly used timescale in turbomachinery is 1/omega, where omega is the rotation rate in radians per second. You can use an expression to determine a timestep from this. In this case, 2/omega will be used to achieve faster convergence.


Enter the following expression in the Physical Timescale box: 1/(pi*2160 [min^-1])


Set Residual Target to 1e-5


On the Advanced Options tab turn on Multiphase Control. Then turn on Volume Fraction Coupling and set the Option to Coupled. This will speed up convergence


Click OK

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Output Control 1.

Double-click on Output Control in the Outline tree


On the Monitor tab turn on Monitor Objects


Under Monitor Points and Expressions, create a new object and call it InletPTotalAbs


Set Option to Expression


Enter the following expression: massFlowAve(Total Pressure in Stn Frame )@Inlet


Create a new object called InletPStatic and set Option to Expression


Enter the following expression: areaAve(Pressure )@Inlet


Click OK

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December 17, 2012

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Cavitation 13

Summary Release 14.5

Solver 1.

Close CFX-Pre and switch to the Workbench Project Schematic window


Save the project


Now double-click on Solution in the Project Schematic to start the CFXSolver Manager


When the CFX-Solver Manager opens click Start Run

This run takes about 9 minutes. To save time you can stop the run after a few iterations (in the Project Schematic right-click on the Solution cell and choose Interrupt Solution) and continue with an existing results file

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December 17, 2012

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Cavitation 14

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Solver If running to completion, then when the solution has finished close the CFXSolver Manager and return to the Project Schematic window. Save the project. OR

If you have stopped the run early, save the project. Drag and drop the provided results file, CFX_001.res, into the Project Schematic

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December 17, 2012

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Cavitation 15

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Post-processing 1.

View the results in CFD-Post by double-clicking Results cell in the component system, in the Project Schematic, that contains the completed solution.


Insert a Contour by clicking


For the Location click , , expand Regions and then select BLADE


Set Variable to Absolute Pressure from the extended list


Set Range to Global


On the Render tab switch off Lighting and Show contour Lines


Click Apply

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December 17, 2012

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Cavitation 16

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Post-processing 8.

Create a contour on the HUB location, using the variable Absolute Pressure over the Local Range. Turn off Lighting and Show Contour Lines.


Create a contour on the SHROUD location, using the variable Absolute Pressure coloured by Local Range. Turn off Lighting and Show Contour Lines. The minimum pressure is above the saturation pressure of 2650 Pa for water here. In the next step the outlet pressure will be reduced so as to induce cavitation.

Introduction © 2012 ANSYS, Inc.

December 17, 2012

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Cavitation 17

Summary Release 14.5

Adding another Analysis 1.

Close CFD-Post and return to the Project Schematic


Click the arrow next to the A cell and select Duplicate

A copy of the first CFX system is created


Change the name of the new system to Cavitation


Use the arrow next to the A cell to Rename it to No Cavitation


Save the Project


Double-click Setup for the Cavitation simulation to open CFX-Pre

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December 17, 2012

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Cavitation 18

Summary Release 14.5

Physics Modifications 1.

Edit the Default Domain


On the Fluid Pair Models tab set Mass Transfer to Cavitation


Set Option to Rayleigh Plesset. Leave the Mean Diameter (mean nucleation site diameter) set to 2e-6 [m]. This is a reasonable value.


Turn on Saturation Pressure


Set a Saturation Pressure of 2650 [Pa]


Click OK


Edit the Outlet Boundary Condition


On the Boundary Details tab, set the Relative Pressure to 300,000 [Pa]


Click OK

Most cavitation solutions should be performed by turning cavitation on and then successively lowering the system pressure over several runs to induce cavitation gradually. To speed up this workshop a sudden change in pressure is introduced. Note that this approach may not be suitable for modelling some industrial cases. Introduction © 2012 ANSYS, Inc.

December 17, 2012

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Cavitation 19

Summary Release 14.5

Physics Modifications 1.

Edit Solver Control


Set the Max. Iterations to 150


Set the Residual Target to 1e-4


Click OK


Close CFX-Pre and save the project


In the Project Schematic drag cell A3 on to cell B3 or B2 on to C3

• 7.

Double-click Solution for the Cavitation system


The non-cavitating solution will be used as the initial guess for the cavitating solution

In the CFX-Solver Manager note that the initial conditions have been provided by the Project Schematic

Click Start Run Introduction © 2012 ANSYS, Inc.

December 17, 2012

No cavitation

Cavitation 20

Summary Release 14.5

Cavitation Solution There is a significant spike in residuals, in part due to the outlet pressure difference, but also due to the fact that the absolute pressure is low enough to induce cavitation. 1.

This run takes about 12 minutes. Either allow the run to complete, close the CFXSolver Manager and return to the Project Schematic or stop the run after a few iterations.


Save the project


If you ran the simulation to completion, double-click Results for the Cavitation project to open CFD-Post. If you stopped the run early then drag and drop CFX_002.res, provided, into the schematic and open those results in CFD-Post. Introduction © 2012 ANSYS, Inc.

December 17, 2012

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Cavitation 21

Summary Release 14.5

Post-processing 1.

If it is not enabled, turn on visibility for the Wireframe and turn off visibility for any User Locations and Plots


Create an XY Plane at Z = 0.01 [m]


Colour it by Absolute Pressure ( Range

). Use a Global

The minimum absolute pressure is equal to the saturation pressure specified earlier. This suggests that some cavitation has occurred


Change the Colour Variable to Water Vapour.Volume Fraction


Change the Colour Map to Blue to White

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Cavitation 22

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Post-processing 1.

Turn off visibility for Plane 1


Create a Volume using the Isovolume method


Set the Variable to Water Vapour.Volume Fraction


Set Mode to Above Value, and enter a value of 0.5


To view 360 degrees of the model, double-click Default Transform


Uncheck Instancing Info from Domain


Set Number of Graphical Instances to 5


Make sure that Apply Rotation is checked


Under Axis Definition set Method to Principal Axis and select the Z axis

10. Under Instance Definition set Number of Passages to 5

11. Click OK Introduction © 2012 ANSYS, Inc.

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Cavitation 23

Summary Release 14.5

Summary The main area of cavitation exists between the suction side of the blade and the shroud in this geometry. A secondary area of cavitation is just behind the leading edge of the blade on the pressure side.

Further steps to try: 1.

Calculate torque on the BLADE using the function calculator (hint, use the extended region list to find the BLADE and use Global Z axis)


Plot velocity vectors on Plane 1, using the variable Water Liquid.Velocity in Stn. Frame


Calculate the mass flow through the pump (hint: use the function calculator to evaluate massFlow at the Outlet region)


Using a similar method to step 2, calculate the drop in Total Pressure from Inlet to Outlet


Plot Streamlines, starting from the Inlet location Introduction

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December 17, 2012

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Cavitation 24

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