BS7-Touch Screen Panel [PDF]

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Spark extinguishing system Touch-Display BS7 TOUCH  

Operation & Instruction Manual

Imprint: Fagus GreCon Greten GmbH & Co. KG Dept. Technical Documentation All rights reserved Edition:


Original operating manual [de] This documentation is subject to change in the course of technical progress.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 1   Conventions  ..........................................................................................................................  5   1.1   Maintenance  Contract  .................................................................................................................   6   1.2   Technical  Questions  and  Spare  Parts  Orders  ................................................................................   6   1.3   About  This  Operating  Manual  .....................................................................................................   7   1.3.1   Scope  and  Target  Group  ...............................................................................................................  7   1.3.2   Symbols  used  in  the  manual  .........................................................................................................  7   2   Safety  ...................................................................................................................................  9   2.1   Introduction  ...............................................................................................................................  10   2.2   Basic  rules  for  safety-­‐conscious  working  .....................................................................................  10   2.2.1   Documentation  ...........................................................................................................................  10   2.2.2   Operation  ....................................................................................................................................  10   2.2.3   Specifications  ..............................................................................................................................  10   2.2.4   Production  stop  ..........................................................................................................................  10   2.2.5   Safety  at  work  .............................................................................................................................  10   2.3   System  safety  .............................................................................................................................  11   2.3.1   Technical  personnel  ....................................................................................................................  11   2.3.2   Commissioning  ...........................................................................................................................  11   2.3.3   System  care  and  maintenance  ....................................................................................................  11   2.3.4   Selection  of  the  installation  locations  ........................................................................................  11   2.4   Purpose-­‐conformant  usage  ........................................................................................................  12   3   Description  .........................................................................................................................  13   3.1   Function  BS7  TOUCH  ..................................................................................................................  14   3.2   Hardware  ...................................................................................................................................  15   3.2.1   Display  ........................................................................................................................................  15   3.2.2   Connecting  cable  ........................................................................................................................  16   4   Technical  Data  ....................................................................................................................  17   4.1   Technical  Data  ............................................................................................................................  18   4.1.1   Dimensions  and  weight  ..............................................................................................................  18   4.1.2   Ambient  conditions  ....................................................................................................................  18   4.1.3   Voltage  supply  ............................................................................................................................  18   5   Transport  ............................................................................................................................  19   5.1   Unpacking  ..................................................................................................................................  20   5.2   Storage  ......................................................................................................................................  20   5.3   Return  ........................................................................................................................................  20   6   Commissioning  ....................................................................................................................  21   7   Operation  ...........................................................................................................................  23   7.1   Operating  panel  .........................................................................................................................  24   7.2   Description  of  the  software  ........................................................................................................  26   7.2.1   Startup  screen  ............................................................................................................................  26   7.2.2   Home  ..........................................................................................................................................  29   7.2.3   Alarm  ..........................................................................................................................................  32   7.2.4   Fault  ............................................................................................................................................  35   7.2.5   Disable  ........................................................................................................................................  37   7.2.6   Favorites  .....................................................................................................................................  39   7.2.7   History  ........................................................................................................................................  40   600984 02 0 US


Table of Contents

7.2.8   Language  .....................................................................................................................................  41   7.2.9   Settings  .......................................................................................................................................  44   7.2.10   Info  ...........................................................................................................................................  78   7.2.11   Help  ..........................................................................................................................................  79   7.3   Overview  of  Operation  menu  .....................................................................................................  83   7.4   List  of  fault  messages  .................................................................................................................  85  

8   Maintenance   ......................................................................................................................  91   8.1   Cleaning  the  Display  Unit  ...........................................................................................................  92   9   EC  Declaration  of  Conformity  ..............................................................................................  93  


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1 Conventions

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Maintenance Contract

We recommend a maintenance contract, so that all major maintenance work is conducted reliably and in a timely manner. Your benefit is a longer life and greater reliability of your product. For further information, please contact our service department at the telephone numbers below.


Technical Questions and Spare Parts Orders

Our personal customer support is at your service if you have any questions related to: Spare parts orders Support contracts Maintenance contracts System training General technical questions at the following telephone numbers: (503) 641-7731 (503) 641-7508 [email protected]


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About This Operating Manual


Scope and Target Group

This instruction manual is valid for Touch Displays BS7 TOUCH on Spark Detection Control Consoles CC 5000 and CC 7000 series. This manual replaces the operating section of the earlier Spark Detection Control Consoles CC 5000 and CC 7000 series manuals. This manual is to be used by those persons who operate, conduct maintenance and repair the system. The personnel operating the Spark Detection system must be trained by a GreCon service technician.


Symbols used in the manual

Danger Death or severe bodily injury could occur if the corresponding safety measures are not taken.

Warning Injuries can occur if the corresponding protective measures are not taken.

Caution There could be damage to the product if the corresponding protective measures are not taken.

Note Important information about the product, the handling of the product or the respective part of the documentation to which special attention must be paid.

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2 Safety

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The GreCon spark detection extinguishment system is the state of the art systems available and are manufactured in accordance with the accepted rules of engineering and are safe and reliable. Nevertheless, during all activities, you have to observe several safety instructions that protect you from injuries and the product from damages. Therefore you are asked to carefully read this safety information and these instructions.


Basic rules for safety-conscious working



Keep the documentation ready at hand at all times when working with the system.



Ensure that the spark detection and extinguishing system is only operated by personnel who received specific training by GreCon service engineers during startup.



During all activities observe local electrical and safety regulations.


Production stop

Installation, maintenance and replacement of components may only be conducted with the production plant shutdown and switched offline.


Safety at work

If you have to conduct the required work on ladders or working platforms, protect yourself from falling. Follow local and plant rules for falling hazard protection.


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System safety


Technical personnel

Assembly, maintenance and repair work may only be conducted by specialized staff trained in the respective trade.



Start-up commissioning may only be conducted by a GreCon technician or personnel authorized by GreCon.


System care and maintenance

GreCon spark extinguishing systems are part of safety engineering. Operate the spark extinguishing system only in good condition. GreCon advises that the spark detection and extinguishing system must be serviced at least once a year. If the environment around the system is extremely dirty you may have to service it several times a year. Repair failures immediately after their occurrence. Should you be unable to repair any failure on your own, please contact our customer service or your nearest GreCon representation.


Selection of the installation locations

The installation sites must be chosen so that they comply with the technical requirements and are easily accessible for subsequent maintenance work. Reference OSHA and local regulations for compliance.

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Purpose-conformant usage

Do not make any unauthorized changes or modifications. The manufacturer does not accept any kind of liability for damage or impairment of the functions that results from such changes or modifications. The automatic extinguishers may only be operated in GreCon spark extinguishing systems in accordance with the technical specifications of this operating manual. Using the device for any purpose other than that described in the technical data is considered to be not purposeconformant. The manufacturer is not liable for damage that is caused by usage not in conformity with intended purpose. Compliance with the operating manual is also a part of usage in conformity with intended purpose.


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3 Description

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Function BS7 TOUCH

The Touch display BS7 TOUCH serves as an interface between the operator and the spark extinguishing system. With the help of BS7 TOUCH, the operator can monitor the spark extinguishing system and track and administer events. The operation is very simple and safe due to the intuitive Multi-Touch functions. All the information on these events can be called from the BS7 TOUCH display – both, the current event data as well as long term history. Additionally, the entire production system with all the monitoring zones is shown on the BS7 TOUCH, as a process flow diagram. All the events are marked on the process flow diagram according to their location of occurrence. The multi-touch function enables the operator to navigate to the area affected by the event. With a touch of the display, additional information from the current screen content can be called up directly.

Note The process flow diagram is generated by GreCon based on the data provided by the customer. Additions and adjustments must be added with the generating software. This can only be done at GreCon – not by service technician at the site.


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The front of the panel has a display for the process flow diagram and the buttons and menu guides generated by software. To the right of the display surface are three round hardware buttons.

On its underside, the display unit has various sockets and connection options.

Ethernet/LAN Connection for DHCP client (ETH 1 – customer network)

Communications bus connection (CAN-bus) to the control console (master module)

Ethernet/LAN Connection for DHCP Server (ETH 2 – customer service & remote maintenance)

Power supply connection, 24 V

Audio port

Connector strip with terminal resistance settings for CAN bus

2x USB ports

Opening reserved for future applications

Card slot (do not use)

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Connecting cable

The connecting cable for the display is a combination cable for data and electrical energy with two plugs.

Data line connector  Communications bus connection Power connector Power supply voltage connection


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4 Technical Data

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Technical Data


Technical Data


Dimensions and weight

Weight: ............................................................ Dimensions: .....................................................

approx. 8.4 lbs (3.8 kg) (all dimensions in mm)

Display area of the display unit: ....................... Resolution: ....................................................... Backlighting: .................................................... Color: ...............................................................

10.4 inches 1024 x 768 pixels LED 16.2 million


Ambient conditions

Protection class of the display: ........................

IP 54 when installed in console or cabinet

Operating temperature: ................................... Relative atmospheric humidity: ........................ Air pressure: ....................................................

-4°F to 158°F (-20°C to + +70°C) 5% to 95%, non-condensing 700 hPa to 1200 hPa


Voltage supply

Operating voltage, display unit: ....................... (from the control console power supply)


24 V ± 10%

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5 Transport

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5.1 • • • • • • • • •


Unpacking Check against the delivery note of the freight forwarder whether all the listed items have been delivered. Unpack all the equipment in clean surroundings. Preserve the packaging material for future use. Remove the documentation that is in the package and preserve it. Check the equipment carefully for signs of damage. If there are items missing or damaged, inform the freight forwarder, GreCon or your GreCon representative. All the major components have a serial number. If there are any deviations, inform GreCon or your GreCon representative. If equipment has to be stored until it is installed, ensure suitable storage conditions.


Suitable storage conditions: Storage temperature:........................................ Relative atmospheric humidity: ........................ Air pressure: ....................................................

-4°F to 185°F (-20°C to +85°C) 5% to 95%, non-condensing 700 hPa to 1200 hPa

Note If the specifications for storage are not followed, the warranty will be rendered null and void.



Packaging should be reused for returns.


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6 Commissioning

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Caution – restricted functionality possible When your spark detection control console is refitted with a BS7 TOUCH, a customization of the system software and configuration is necessary. The spark detection control console must then be started up again. Installation of the BS7 TOUCH in the control console and the following start-up may only be conducted by a GreCon service technician.


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7 Operation

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Operating panel

The operating panel is a part of the switch cabinet or a remote unit. It is the interface between the operator and the control console. From the operating panel, the operator can control and monitor the control console. The control console displays all the events in the production monitor on the operating panel. On the left-hand side of the operating panel are the light displays to , which provide information on the status of the control console and about the events in the monitoring system. On the right-hand side of the operating panel, there are three buttons


and indicator lights

. With these buttons, the operator can acknowledge events and test functions. In the middle of the operating panel is a display with the "Multi-Touch function". The display unit is protected with a safety glass cover. By lightly touching the pre-defined buttons with a finger, the operator can click through the operation menu and switch between different views.


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Operating panel light indicators (when lit) Alarm


alarm occurred


green yellow

all extinguishments were successful one or more extinguishment were not successful



trouble fault occurred

System fault


control console system fault



disable of one or more zones

Testing mode


a component is in test mode

Water flowing


water flow due to an alarm or a leak has been detected

Status display of battery Status display of, main power

green yellow green yellow

Silence alarm




batteries are charged and ready for use batteries are defective and needs service main power supply connected no power from main power supply active (horn/flashing light) – by pressing it, the audible alarm is switched off an event that can be acknowledged has happened – upon pressing, all the events that can be acknowledged (alarms, faults) are acknowledged (collective acknowledgement)

Lamp test


a lamp test – all panel LEDs are tested (illuminated)

Operation indication


control console is ready for operation

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Description of the software

The software provides the operator all the information on the control console for the operation, for example, control console status and the events status. Using the software, the operator can control and configure the settings for the control console.


Startup screen

Upon switching the power supply on, the startup screen appears on the display (after the display starts up). The startup screen is divided into three areas.



Description Status bar

Provides information about the current status.

Main area

Contains all the information on the active menu

Menu bar

Contains the buttons of the main menu options

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Operation The status line The status line contains information about the:

Time Date Name of the spark extinguishing system (editable in the configurator) User name of the currently logged-in user Authorization level (1 to 4)

Authorization levels Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

The higher the level, the more rights it encompass. Every higher authorization level automatically has all the rights of the lower authorization levels. At level 1, you can view all the menu options and data. However, for certain applications and actions, you need access to a higher authorization level. In that case, a login screen opens.

Level 4

Login screen

Note At the end of the chapter, there is a schematic menu overview. It shows what authorization levels are required for which applications.

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Operation The main display area The buttons with access to production section (Zones) in the process flow diagram are located in the main display area. The menu bar The menu bar contains the buttons for the main menu options (one button per menu option). From the main menu, it is possible to go to the first and second sub-menus levels. Note At the end of the chapter, there is a pullout page with a schematic view of the structure of the operating software.

Menu option




startup screen


current alarm list


current fault list


current disable list (deactivations)


(Reserved for future applications)


Opens the lists for the historical events (alarms, faults, disables)


Selection of the language, time zone, setting of date / time


System settings for functional test, state enquiry, parameters, setup


Information on the control console and software


Various documents, videos and additional functions

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Pressing the "Home" button, you get to the startup screen. The startup screen contains the projectspecific buttons in the main display area. Every button is assigned to a production section. Pressing the button opens the process flow diagram with the focus on the relevant production section. For this example we are using three production sections covering 4 zones. Home / startup screen with the project-specific buttons

Process flow diagram with the production sections



Note In the larger plants, the buttons are used to focus on the corresponding production section. With smaller plants, the entire plant could be seen on pressing any button. In this process flow diagram example, the edging corresponds to the borders between the projected monitoring area (three production sections covering 4 zones). 600984 02 0 US



Events are displayed in the form of symbols on the startup screen. Alarm



The respective symbol appears both on the buttons in the main display area as well as on the buttons in the menu bar.

Home / startup screen with events

These numbers indicate the number of the respective events in the production section. These numbers indicate the number of respective events in the entire production plant.


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The events are also entered in the process flow diagram with symbols. The symbol is displayed in the zones in which the event has occurred. The number in the symbol indicates the number of the events. Process flow diagram with events in two monitoring zones

Monitoring zone 1 with an alarm

and a fault

Monitoring zone 2 with a disable

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Pressing the "Alarm" button in the menu bar displays the alarm lists. • All • Most recent/oldest Pressing the "All" button opens the entire active and passive alarms list. Alarm  All

The sum of the active alarms and passive alarms that have not been acknowledged is shown on the "Alarm" button. Active = not silenced nor acknowledged Passive = silenced but not acknowledged

In the middle of the main display area, there is a magnifying glass bar selected event, as well as the navigation buttons bar.

, which enlarges the

for following the event in the magnifying glass

Navigation buttons


Up arrow

returns to the production section in the process flow diagram in which the event has occurred. From the process flow diagram, you can go back to the alarm list from the menu bar

Acknowledge button

for acknowledging the alarms in the magnifying glass bar. Acknowledged alarms go to the history list of the alarms.

Information arrow

opens an information window to the event

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Structure of an entry in the alarm list

Database ID as running serial number

Alarm level (alarm 1 or alarm 2)

Symbol for alarm (red = active, black = passive)

Alarm in plain text

Date of start of alarm

Countermeasure activated

Time of start of alarm accurate to the millisecond

End time of alarm, accurate to the millisecond

Abbreviation of the affected component

End date of alarm

Zone/location designation (plain text possible: Filter 1) Active Alarms: Not silenced nor acknowledged Passive Alarms: Event ended and alarm silenced but not acknowledged If the “Acknowledge” button is not shown on the display after silencing the audible alarm, the event has not yet ended. The sensors are still sensing the alarming condition or extinguishment is still activated (typically 5 seconds or a different time interval set in the configuration file).

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Pressing the "Information arrow" navigation button, opens an information window. Here, all the partial results are chronologically listed, which belong to the alarm. Alarm information

Pressing the "Close" button sends you back to the list. Pressing the "Most recent/Oldest" button opens the entire active and passive alarms list. Alarm  Most recent/Oldest

In this list, there is a magnifying glass bar at the upper and lower edge of the screen. The most recent entry is always at the top; the oldest is always at the bottom. All the other entries are arranged between them in chronological order. In this example there are only two alarms thus no alarms in the middle section.


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Pressing the "Fault" button displays the Fault list. • All Fault  All

All the active and passive faults are entered in the fault list. Structure of an entry in the fault list:

Database ID as running serial number

Fault identification (for structure, see the table on the following page)

Symbol for fault (yellow = active, black = passive)

Description of the fault in plain text

Start date of fault

End time of fault, accurate to the millisecond

Start time of fault, accurate to the millisecond

End date of fault

Abbreviation of the affected component

Number of repetitions of this fault (e.g. wire rupture/loose contact)

Zone/location designation plain text possible, example: Filter 1)

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Pressing the "Information arrow" navigation button, opens an information window. Here, you can find detailed information in plain text on the cause of the fault as well as suggestions for fault rectification. Fault or trouble information

Upon pressing the button "Close", you return to the fault list.

Structure of the fault identification fault identification

Name of the figure

Possible numerical values


Module number

01 to 48 Line module 49 Master module 50 Display

Position 1 and 2

01 to 32 Contact points 48 System fault xx01xxxx

Position 3 and 4

Contact point number 64 Alarm bus 65 STW Bus 2 66 STW Bus 3




Position 5

Position 6, 7 and 8

Object number

Fault number


1 to 4 with sensor groups 1 to 6 with extinguishment groups from 001 fault message, from 257 fault identification via the display

list see chapter 7.4


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Pressing the "Disable" button causes the system to display the list of disables. • All Disables  All

All the active disables are entered in this list. Ended disables are written to the history list. Structure of an entry in the disable list:

Database ID as running serial number Symbol for active disable Start date of disable

Abbreviation of the affected component Zone/location designation (plain text possible, example: Dryer 2) switch off identification (for structure, see the table on the following page)

Start time of disable accurate to the millisecond

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structure of the switch off identification switch off identification 01xxxxxx

Name of the figure

Position 1 and 2 Module number

Possible numerical values 01 to 48 Line module 01 Sensor group disable 05 Extinguishment group disable


Position 3 and 4 Object name

10 Manual mode of the mechanical extinguishment 16 Area disable 55 Module disable


Position 5 to 8

Disable type(s)

For the object designation 01, 05 and10 0001 Disable via operating panel 0002 System shut-off 1 0008 currently not in use 0010 Disconnection via ANA1 S3 0020 Disconnection via ANA2 S3 0040 Disconnection via ANA3 S3 0080 Disconnection via ANA5 S3 0100 Disconnection via ANA6 S3 0200 Disconnection via ANA7 S3 0400 Disconnection via ANA4 S1 0800 Disconnection via ANA4 S2 1000 Disconnection via ANA4 S3 2000 Disconnection via ANA8 S1 4000 Disconnection via ANA8 S2 8000 Disconnection via ANA8 S3 For the object designation 16 0001 Disable via operating panel currently all other numbers are not in use For the object designation 55 0001 Disable via operating panel 0002 System shut-off 1 or 2 0004 StartUP disable / wrong module version 0008 PowerFail 0020 – 2000 currently not in use 4000 wrong module version 8000 Configuration disconnection


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This menu option is reserved for later applications.

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Pressing the "History" button displays the lists for historical events. The following are given in these lists: • all acknowledged alarms • all acknowledged faults (summation acknowledgement) • all terminated disables The entries in this historic list have the same structure as the entries in the current lists for alarm, fault and disable in the respective menu options.

History  Alarm

History  Fault

History  Disable


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Pressing the "Language" button takes you to the sub-menus. • Country selection • Time zones • Date/Time Here, you can configure a few user interface settings. Upon pressing the "Country Selection" button there opens a dialog box. Language  Country Selection

Set language 1. Press on the flag to set the language 2. In the check box, make a check mark to activate the relevant keyboard layout  the language replacement is conducted immediately

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Pressing the "Time Zones" button opens a selection list. Language  Times Zones

Setting the time zone 1. Scroll to the desired time zone 2. Click on the desired time zone  In the status line, the time display is adjusted by the corresponding number of hours.


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Pressing the "Date/Time" button opens a screen for adjusting the systems date and time. Language  Date/Time

Set the date and the time 1. Use the keys "+" and "-" to set the date and time. 2. Press the "Store" button to save the setting.  The display in the status bar changes

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Pressing the "Settings" button takes you to the sub-menus. • Disable/functional test o deactivating selected zones of the plant o test selected components individually for correct functioning • Control console state o set selected zones of the plant to test mode o Performing a detection equalization between control console and display o Shutting down the control console or the display • Parameter o Changing the parameters of the detector groups as well as the times of the system switch-off. o Setting the display to cleaning mode • Configuration o Configuring the control console • Management o Login and logout o Administration of users o Update of operating software o Administration of history data


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Operation Disable/functional test Pressing the button "disable/functional test" takes you to the sub-menus. • Disable zone • Disable sensor group • Disable extinguishment group • Disable line module • Test Sensor Group • Test Extinguishment Group • Test alarm equipment In this menu you can select and individually switch off zones, sensor groups, extinguishment groups and line modules as well as test sensor groups, extinguishment groups and alarm measures. Settings  disable/functional test

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Upon pressing the button "Disable zone", other buttons appear. All the zones that can be deactivated are shown here. Settings  disable/functional test  disable zone

Button without a symbol means that that zone is switched on.

Upon pressing the button, the following display is opened:

The switched-off state of the monitoring zone is signaled by LED-like status displays. Here: All status displays are inactive. This means: for this monitoring zone, there is no disable.

Pressing the "Disable" button  the disable is activated Pressing the button "Cancel"  the current status is retained


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Button with a symbol means that that zone is deactivated.

Upon pressing the button, the following display is opened:

The first status display is active. This means: this zone was disabled from the operating panel.

Pressing the button "Enable"  the zone returns to an active state Pressing the button "Cancel"  the current status is retained

Status indication

Type of disable Active (not disabled) 0001 1)

From the operating panel

0002 1)

Via the master module, external (e.g. system disable 1 via external switch)

0004 1) 0008 1)

Via the master module, internal (e.g. this line module is not configured

4000 1) 8000 1)

Via the line module (e.g. via the contact switch of an inspection flap) For this zone, a disable is already set via another line module (this zone is not reachable)


possible numerical values for the object designation 55 (see the Table "Structure of the disable number" under Section 7.2.5)

Note If several status displays are active simultaneously, it means that that zone has been deactivated in several ways. Note The sub-menus "Disable sensor group", "Disable extinguishment group" and "Disable line module" are structured identically. Therefore, they are not described repeatedly in this manual.

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Pressing the "Test Extinguishment Group" button causes other buttons to appear in the display area. All the extinguishment zones that can be tested are shown in the display area. Settings  disable / functional test  test extinguishment group

Note In a function test, the operability of the selected components at the plant is tested. During the function test, the system can report alarms and faults.

Caution – plant damage possible When testing an extinguishment group, water is sprayed for 2 seconds in the zone in the production conveying system or equipment.


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By pressing the button for the respective extinguishment group…

… the following display pops up:

pressing “Start” button  the test starts pressing “Cancel” button  the test is not started and the display returns to the menu During the test, the following display appears:

Upon completion of the test, the view returns to the menu.

A symbol can now be seen on the button. The symbol remains on the button till the menu is quit. When the menu is called again, the symbols are cleared.

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Symbol on the button

Meaning There is no test result available

The test of these components was conducted successfully, the component is functional

The test is not allowed at present

The test is not allowed because of the configuration

The test has failed (display of an error message and fault symbol on the button in the main menu)

Example for entries on the buttons

Alias of the place name (cannot be changed) Place designation created by the configurator (L00x) or plain text (Filter 1) Symbol entries on the status or event

Note The sub-menu "Test Sensor Group" is structured identically. Therefore, it is not described in this manual.


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By pressing the button “Test alarm equipment” choice boxes pop up for the connected alarm measures (horn, strobe light). Settings  disable / functional test  test alarm equipment

Testing an alarm equipment 1. Place a check mark in the corresponding box.  the alarm measure is tested (horn/flash) until you remove the check mark.

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Operation Console state Pressing the "Console State" button takes you to the sub-menus. • Sensor group state • Extinguishment group state • Line module state • Detection equalization • Switch off Settings  Console state

Here you can: • Select sensor and extinguishment groups as well as line modules and set them into the test mode individually • Perform a sensor equalization between control console and display if you are not sure whether all events are displayed • Switch off the control console or the display


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Upon pressing the "test state Sensor Group" button other buttons appear in the display area. Settings  Console state  test state detector group

Note In contrast to the component test (self-diagnosis), with the activation of the test mode, an external examination of the components is prepared. The testing of the respective component is conducted by the GreCon service technician with a separate software tool.

Caution – limited monitoring, plant damage possible As long as the system has a component in test mode, that component is not ready for use. Alarms and faults that occur during the "test mode", for that zone are not reported.

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When pressing the button of the corresponding sensor group…

… the following display pops up:

Pressing the “Start” button  the sensor group is set to test mode Pressing the “Cancel” button  the sensor group is not set to test mode

 in both cases the display returns to the menu If a sensor group is in test mode the following symbol appears on the button: The symbol remains on the button till the test mode is cancelled.

When pressing the button with the test mode symbol the following display pops up:

Pressing the “End” button  the test mode is stopped Pressing the “Cancel” button  the test mode is still active

 in both cases the display returns to the menu

Note The sub-menus "Test state, extinguishment group" and "Test state, line module" are identical in structure. Therefore, they are not described in the manual.


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Pressing the "Update console" button opens a dialog box with a keyboard. Settings  Console state  Update Console

Conduct update console detection equalization 1. Enter the pass code Note The pass code is not the same as your password. You will get the pass code from GreCon service technician. 2. Press the button "Start"

 equalization is conducted between the control console and the display  the display returns to the startup screen, which shows all events

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Upon pressing the button "Switch off" there appear additional buttons. Settings  Control console state  Switch off

Upon pressing the button "Start", the control console or the display is switched off.

Start shutdown of the control console  Monitoring is deactivated example: at the end of the working day (with this type of shutdown, the battery operation is also deactivated)

Start shutdown of the display  Monitoring remains active example: when the display unit is replaced

Upon shutdown of the control console, the following message is displayed:

Switch off the main power separately.


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Operation Parameter Pressing the "Parameter" button takes you to the sub-menus. • Sensor group Parameters • System disable Parameter • Display settings Here, you can customize the parameters to the sensor groups and set the time delays for different system switch-offs. Settings  Parameter

Upon pressing the " Sensor Group Parameters " button other buttons appear in the display area. Settings  Parameter  Sensor group parameter

Pressing the button of the respective sensor group opens a display. Sensor group parameters 600984 02 0 US



Alarm one is within the counter threshold of the number of sparks per unit of time . As soon as the given number of sparks within the given unit of time is reached, Alarm 2 is triggered. The time threshold is a given time span . If continuous sparking is registered during this entire time span, Alarm 2 is triggered. The extinguishment time is the time in which the extinguishing is still active after the last spark. Per sensor, there can be up to three extinguishing valves connected. An individual extinguishment time can be assigned to every extinguishing valve. The following numerical values can be adjusted: Time [s]

Extinguishing time 1 [s]

Number of sparks

Extinguishing time 2 [s]

Time threshold [s]

Extinguishing time 3 [s]

Caution – plant damage and loss of the insurance coverage possible Ensure that all the extinguishing times are at least 5 seconds long. Extinguishing times less than 5 seconds are not recommended.

Note The initial parameters are defined in the base configuration by the GreCon technical department.


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Changing the parameters 1. Tap on the value in the display field  A keyboard is displayed

2. Enter the new value 3. Press the "Done" button  the keyboard is hidden, the changed value remains

4. Press the button "Store" to accept all the changes  the display returns to the menu Or press the button "Cancel" to discard all the changes  the display returns to the menu

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Pressing the "System Disable Parameters" button the dialog display opens. Settings  Parameter  System Disable Parameter


System disable: Partial disable of monitoring – Only the zones defined in the configuration are disabled. Heat sensor zones are still active allowing for silo/filter monitoring of smoldering conditions during weekend or holiday shutdowns.

System disable 2: Complete deactivation of the monitoring – All zones are deactivated.

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Changing the activation time for the system disable 1. By using the "+" and "-" keys, set the desired activation times (delay times) for the system disable 2. Press the button "Save" to accept the changes

Note The activation times for system disable can be customized only in 30-second steps.

Caution – limited monitoring, plant damage possible Change the delay times of the system disable 1 and 2 only and exclusively at production standstill. These delay times are used to allow continuing monitoring of production while fan and conveyors spin down to a stop. Typical setting is 15 minutes is ample time to allow your pneumatic conveyor fan to spin down. This is dependent on your production system.

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Upon pressing the "Display Settings " button there appears a button for the cleaning mode and check boxes for activating the internal horn. Settings  Parameter  Display Settings

Press the "Start" button to activate the cleaning mode.

 The screen locks and the following message is displayed:

 You may now clean the screen (see the chapter on "Maintenance").


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To end the cleaning mode, press the light test switch next to the screen for 3 seconds.

In the check box, make a check mark to activate the internal horn.

Note The internal horn is located in the housing of the operating panel. It has the same function as the regular alarm devices.

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Operation Configuration Pressing the "Configuration" button takes you to the sub-menus. • Console configuration • Configuration files Settings  Configuration

Pressing the "Console configuration" button other buttons appear in the display area. Settings  Configuration  Console Configuration


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Action Compares the module configuration to the current configuration file Activates the configuration file which has been transferred last Saves the current configuration file internally for later readout Configures all modules accordingly to the current configuration file Configures the master module accordingly to the current configuration file Configures the line module accordingly to the current configuration file

Below the buttons information concerning the actions made are displayed.

Exist – the numbers of the line module detected Expected – the numbers of the line modules which exist according to the configuration Differences of the current control console configuration are displayed: • Diff Console – Numbers of modules with invalid control console version • Diff Module – Numbers of modules with invalid module ID • Diff Sw – Numbers of modules with invalid software version • Diff Param – Numbers of modules with invalid parameter data • Diff Config – Numbers of modules with invalid configuration data Module numbers 1 to 29 = line modules Module number 49 = master module

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Configuration process flow In the following diagram the flow of a configuration is described schematically. • • •

By pressing one of the buttons “All“, ”MM“ or “LMx“ the configuration starts with query Q1 (“Do configuration file and control console match together?“). By pressing the “read Module” button the configuration starts with action A4 (transferring the configuration from module to configuration file). Colored indications


on the display show the progress of the configuration.

Indications on the display








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Queries, messages and actions in plain language The different queries and actions proceed in the background and are only marked by colored indications


on the display.

Queries Q1

Do configuration file and control console compare together? (number of modules, software, control console, module version)


Should more modules contain data?


Are more modules installed in the control console?


Do all data match together?

The messages are shown as text on the display for the user. M1



Actions A1

Send configuration to module x


Send parameter to module x


Wait 5 seconds for data processing in the modules


Read out configuration of module x


Read out parameter of module x


Compare the data of all modules to the data of the configuration file


Cancel all error messages concerning the configuration

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Upon pressing the “Configuration Files“ button the following display is opened: Settings  Configuration  Configuration Files

When pressing the “Start“ button, you have the following possibilities: • Copying the configuration files to the USB port (e.g. for saving the configuration before changes are tested) • Copying the configuration files from the USB port (e.g. if a new configuration is to be copied)

Note The configuration files always refer to both the configuration of the plant as well as the displays.


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Operation Administration Pressing the "Administration" button takes you to the sub-menus. • Sign in / Sign out • Add user • Remove user • Change password • Update Display firmware • Screensaver • Log files • Database files Settings  Administration

Here you can: • login/logout • change your password • grant further users authorizations • update the user software • install a screen saver • capture, copy or delete log files • export history data base

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The button "Log in/Log out" opens a dialog box. Settings  Administration  Login/Logout

Logging in 1. Enter your user name and password 2. Press the button "Log In"  You now have access according to your authorization level

Note Your security-relevant operation steps are stored in an information file. Logging out 1. Press the button "Log Out"  The view switches to the starting page  You have access to authorization level 1


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Pressing the "Create User" button opens a dialog box. Settings  Administration  Create user

Create user 1. Enter the user name and password for the new user 2. Enter the password for comparison purposes 3. Assign a user level to the new user from the dropdown menu 4. To confirm, press the button "Create New User" 5. Log out  The new user can log in

Note At the time of commissioning, GreCon service technician will create the users that you need at the time.

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Pressing the "Remove User" button opens a dialog box. Settings  Administration  Remove user

Delete user 1. Enter the user name that is to be removed 2. Press the button "Remove User"  the user name is deleted.


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Pressing the "Change Password" button opens a dialog box. Settings  Administration  Change password

Here, the user who is currently logged in can change his password.

Change password 1. Enter your old password and your new password 2. Enter your new password for confirmation 3. Press the button "Change Password"  Your password is now changed

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Pressing the "Update Display firmware", button the corresponding button is displayed with a confirmatory question. Settings  Administration  Update Display firmware

Updating the Display firmware 1. Connect one data medium with the new Display firmware at the USB port. 2. Press the button "Start"  during the updating, a so-called "Splash-Screen" is displayed  upon completion of the update, the program is restarted  the startup screen appears


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Pressing the "Screen Saver" button opens a dialog box. Settings  Administration  Screen saver

Activate screen saver 1. Make a check mark in the check box "Activate screen saver" 2. Using the "+" and "–" keys, set the delay time, upon the lapsing of which the screen saver is to be activated 3. Press the "Preview Screen Saver" button to get a preview of the screen saver 4. Tap on the screen to end the preview Note The delay time for activating the screen saver can be set in steps of 5 minutes.

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Pressing the "Log Files" button other buttons appear on the display. Logging means recording internal error messages of the software. The logged data can be saved internally, deleted or exported via the USB port. Settings  Administration  Log files

If you wish to save the log files internally, make a check mark in the box after "Save Information in Log Files"

If you wish to export the log files, connect a data medium to the USB port and press the "Start" button after the option "Copy the Log Files to USB Stick" If you wish to delete the log files, press the "Start" button after the option "Delete all Log files"


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Pressing the "History Database" button open another button on the display area. Settings  Administration  History database files

Here, you can copy the complete or part of the lists from the menu option "History".

All lists of the history database are copied completely to the volume A CSV file with the last 100,000 events is generated and copied to the volume 1. Connect a data medium to the USB port. 2. Press the button "Start"

Note The CSV file provides a table structure. The contents of the table can be edited with Excel.

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7.2.10 Info Pressing the "Info" button opens the information window. Here, you can find information, among other things, on the control console and the software as well as brief statistics of the events. Info

Control console type

Date of the last configuration

Serial number

Date of the last parameterization

Number of line module variants: Version 1 / Version 2 Number of occupied detector points / Extinguishment points / Relay contacts

Date of the last history deletion Sum of all the alarms so far

Date of the last battery change

Sum of all the faults so far

IP address of the control console

Sum of all the disables so far

MAC address of the network connection

Size of the current history database

Software versions and their installation date

Latest event and oldest event

Note All the data recorded here are stored in the database and can be viewed there.


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7.2.11 Help Pressing the button "Help" takes you to the sub-menus. • PDF list • Videos List • Activating features Here, you can find installation and assembly instructions as well as product documentation. Help

Pressing the "PDF list" button opens a selection of PDF documents. Help  List of documents

Click on the desired PDF document to open it.

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Pressing the button "Videos list" opens a selection of videos. Help  Videos list

Clicking on the desired video opens a display field.

Click on the arrow key (Play), to play the video.


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Pressing the "Activate Features" button opens a selection of additional functions. Help  Activate Features

Activate additional functions (here, e.g. Screensaver) 1. Click on the desired time additional function  There opens an input window

2. With the on-screen keyboard that is displayed, input the unlocking code from GreCon.

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 As soon as you have correctly entered the last character of the unlocking code, the button "OK" becomes active.

3. Press the button "OK"  The additional function (here: Screensaver) is now unlocked


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Overview of Operation menu Main  menu

1st  Sub-­‐menu

2nd  Sub-­‐menu

Home   Alarm  

All Most  recent/Oldest





Favourites   History  





Deactivation   Language


Deactivation/Function  test

Country  selection  


Time  zones  




Deactivation  of  zone  


Deactivation  of  detector  group  


Deactivation  of  e xtinguishment  group   2

Control  centre  state  



User  management

Deactivation  of  l ine  module  


Test  detector  group  


Test  e xtinguishment  group  


Test  alarm  measures


Test  mode,  detector  group


Test  mode,  e xtinguishment  group


Test  mode,  l ine  module


Detection  adjustment    


Shut  down  control  centre


Parameter  detector  group    


Parameters  system  deactivation  


Display  settings  


Configuration  control  centre


Configuration  files


Log  i n  /Log  out


Create  user  


Delete  user  


Change  password  


Update  Displayfirmware  


Screen  saver  


Log  data  


History  database  


List  of  documents


List  of  videos


Activate  additional  functions


Info   Help

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List of fault messages

Fault number

Display text

001 002

Safety mode active Read / write error

003 004 005 006 007 008 009

Trouble information

Line module fault - call GreCon service Line module fault - call GreCon service Check software version of the modules and bus termination. Communication error Call GreCon service. Operating voltage < 22V Check operational voltage on modules Pin 24V. Minimum 22.5V Line module fault Line module fault - call GreCon service PDO buffer full Too much data between the modules. Call GreCon service. Power interruption The supply voltage of the module has been interrupted. The module module or the console has not been switched off properly. Modules no time No time synchronization of modules synchronization Signal bus defective Signal bus defective Incorrect configuration of valve 1. Several extinguishment groups were assigned to valve 1 and had different control signals. Incorrect configuration of valve 2 Several extinguishment groups were assigned to valve 2 and had different control signals. Incorrect configuration of valve 3 Several extinguishment groups were assigned to valve 3 and had different control signals. Incorrect configuration of valve 4 Several extinguishment groups were assigned to valve 4 and had different control signals. Incorrect configuration of valve 5 Several extinguishment groups were assigned to valve 5 and had different control signals. Incorrect configuration of valve 6. Several extinguishment groups were assigned to valve 6 and had different control signals. At the corresponding line module a failure of the heartbeat signal has been detected. Please check the function of the line module.


Fault in configuration for valve 1


Fault in configuration for valve 2


Fault in configuration for valve 3


Fault in configuration for valve 4


Fault in configuration for valve 5


Fault in configuration for valve 6


Line module fault


Operating voltage < 24V Low operational voltage of valve output. Min. 24V.

033 034


Short-circuit to ground Short-circuit to ground of valve output. Driver faulty Defective valve output of module-> replace module. Broken wire at the valve output of module. Check wiring and Open circuit relay. Short-circuit 24V Valve output connected with 24V voltage of system.


Collective fault


042 043

Current of the valve not OK. Check relay and wiring on output.

Test line: open circuit Test line: open circuit Check wiring and detector. Replace detector if necessary. Test line: shortTest line: short-circuit Check wiring and detector. Replace circuit detector if necessary.

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Fault number

Display text

Trouble information


Test line: general fault

Test line: general fault Check wiring and detector. Replace detector if necessary.

048 049 050

The value of the analogue input is outside tolerance. Check Analogue input: general connected units for moisture, correct wiring and terminal fault contact. Analogue input: shortShort circuit on analogue input. Check wiring. circuit Analogue input: open Analogue input -> open circuit Check wiring to external circuit component.


Output faulty


loose contact


Detector 1 test fault

Loose contact detected. Please check the wiring of the spark extinguishing system Detector 1 test not OK. Check detector and wiring.


Detector 2 test fault

Detector 2 test not OK. Check detector and wiring.


Detector 3 test fault

Detector 3 test not OK. Check detector and wiring.


Detector 4 test fault

Detector 4 test not OK. Check detector and wiring.


Alarm (internal)

Possibly defective module. Call GreCon service.


Alarm 2 Internal thermal detectors

Possibly defective module. Call GreCon service.


Open circuit detector

Open circuit of connected detector. Check wiring.


DG undefined

The value of the detector input is outside tolerance. Check connected units for moisture, correct wiring

072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079

Detector: short circuit to 24V Config. detectors too many +1 Config. detectors too many +2 Config. detectors too many +3 Config. detectors too few -1 Config. detectors too few -2 Config. detectors too few -3 Detector: short circuit to GND


Ball valve not open


Danger of frost at extinguishment




Short circuit of relay output or configured and not used.

Short circuit detector for supply voltage +24V. Configuration and number of connected detectors do not match. 1 detector too many. Configuration and number of connected detectors do not match. 2 detectors too many. Configuration and number of connected detectors do not match. 3 detectors too many. Configuration and number of connected detectors do not match. 1 detector too few. Configuration and number of connected detectors do not match. 2 detectors too few. Configuration and number of connected detectors do not match. 3 detectors too few. Short-circuit of the detector to earth. Check the cable joint and the electrical connections. Ball valve not completely open.

The extinguishing device indicated may freeze. Check trace heating tape, protect extinguishing device from frost. Water extinguishment: no STW signal within the preadjusted No control signal (Type release time. Mechanical systems: no check-back signal from sensor 'Closed' within the preadjusted actuation time. Please 1) check the function. Change of configuration may possibly be required. The flow switch signal continues after extinguishing. The flow Control signal too long switch signal continues for other extinguishing systems.

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Fault number

Display text


Control signal not constant

085 086 087 088 089 090 091 092 093 094 095 096 097 098 099 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107




Trouble information

Irregular flow switch signal during extinguishing. Irregular flow switch signal for other extinguishing systems. Leakage - Water flows. Check pipelines and extinguisher Water flowing valves for leakage. Inspection flap is open Disable input activated for too long. Check switching-off, examine wiring. Position 1 (OPEN) not Initiator ( open) in mechanical extinguishing systems does not OK report open. Position 2 (CLOSE) not Initiator (closed) in mechanical extinguishing systems does not OK report closed. Pump supply pressure Fault manometric switch, storage tank fault water pressure too low Fault manometric switch, supply to the pipeline. External fault External fault Reset pushbutton "Extinguishment" is pressed for a too long Reset button open time >10min. Check the operation and the cable for broken wire. Bypass not closed The manual bypass valve to release water spray is not closed Low air pressure detected at extinguishment. Check No compressed air compressed air supply. Extinguishment excess High temperature detected at extinguishment. Check temperature temperature and reduce below 60°C (140°F). LL-S3-TEXT5 Reserved for EL KK9/1 S3 LL-S3-TEXT6 Reserved for EL KK9/1 S3 LL-S3-TEXT7 Reserved for EL KK9/1 S3 LL-S3-TEXT8 Reserved for EL KK9/1 S3 Detector fault The connected detector is defective. Call GreCon service. Operation fault The connected detector reports an operational fault. Call detector GreCon service. Detector alarm signal Detector alarm signal fault. Check / change detector. defective No bus-STW signal within the preadjusted release time. No control signal BUS Please check the function. Change of configuration may (Type 1) possibly be required. The reset time of the STW signal via the bus is too long. Control signal BUS too Please check the configuration and the STW at long extinguishment Control signal BUS not Flow bus signal not constant. Please check the STW and the constant extinguishing medium. Examination of the heating tape and the wiring including the open circuit heater return line for the heating tape. Examination of the check-back band relay including the wiring. Eliminate external supply of the heating tape or replace Heater band monitor defective check-back relay or check internal wiring of control defective console. Water extinguishment: no STW signal within the preadjusted extinguishing time. Mechanical systems: no check-back signal No control signal (Type from sensor 'Closed' within the preadjusted extinguishing time. 2) Please check the function. Change of the after-extinguishing time may possibly be required. No bus-STW signal within the preadjusted extinguishing time. No control signal BUS Please check the function. Change of the after-extinguishing (Type 2) time may possibly be required. Power supply 1 fault

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Check the power supply in the control console, and the supply voltage



Fault number 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136

Display text

Trouble information

Power fault Power low Power Power fault Power low Power Power fault Power low

The battery in the control console is faulty. Check the battery and wiring, replace if required The battery in the control console is deep--discharged. Check the battery and replace it if required Check power supply in the extension unit 1, supply voltage The battery in the extension unit is faulty. Check the battery and wiring, replace if required The battery in the extension unit is deep-discharged. Check the battery and replace it if required Check power supply in the extension unit 2, supply voltage The battery in the extension unit 2 is fault. Check the battery and the wiring, if required, replace. The battery in the extension unit 2 is deep-discharged. Check the battery and replace it if required Input 1 S1 fault

supply 1 batt. supply 1 batt. supply 2 fault supply 2 batt. supply 2 batt. supply 3 fault supply 3 batt. supply 3 batt.


Input 1 S1 fault


Input 1 S2 switched off Input 1 S2 switched off


Input 1 S3 leakage

Input 1 S3 leakage


Input 2 S1 fault

Input 2 S1 fault


Input 2 S2 switched off Input 2 S2 switched off


Input 2 S3 leakage

Input 2 S3 leakage


Input 3 S1 fault

Input 3 S1 fault


Input 3 S2 switched off Input 3 S2 switched off


Input 4 S1 fault


Input 4 S2 switched off Input 4 S2 switched off


Too many faults LM

Rectify fault and acknowledge


Too many faults MM

Rectify fault and acknowledge

149 150 151






Heater band Temperature Heater band Temperature

Input 4 S1 fault

1 too cold 2 too cold

Heater band 1 Temperature too cold. Please check / switch on the heater band. Heater band 2 Temperature too cold. Please check / switch on the heater band. This detector group has not reported any disable start for the Area disable error type area disabling. If possible, please check the configuration, or 1 get in touch with the responsible customer service desk. This extinguishment group has not reported any disable start Area disable error type for the area disabling. If possible, please check the 1 configuration, or get in touch with the responsible customer service desk. This unexpected detector group has reported a switching-off Area disable error type begin for the area disabling. If possible, please check the 2 configuration, or get in touch with the responsible customer service desk. This unexpected extinguishment group has reported a Area disable error type switching-off begin for the area disabling. If possible, please 2 check the configuration, or get in touch with the responsible customer service desk. This detector group has not reported any end of disable for the Area disable error type area disabling. If possible, please check the configuration, or 3 get in touch with the responsible customer service desk.

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Fault number 156




164 165

257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265

Display text

Trouble information

This extinguishment group has not reported any end of Area disable error type disable for the area disabling. If possible, please check the 3 configuration, or get in touch with the responsible customer service desk. This unexpected detector group has reported an end of Area disable error type switching-off for the area disabling. If possible, please check 4 the configuration, or get in touch with the responsible customer service desk. This unexpected detector group has reported an end of Area disable error type switching-off for the area disabling. If possible, please check 4 the configuration, or get in touch with the responsible customer service desk. Collective message indicates that a malfunction was General memory card determined in the communication with the memory card. Block fault the memory card in the menu and conduct a reset of the display. Then clear the memory card again. The maximum number of backup files on the memory card of files was reached. No more files can be saved. Format the memory exceeded card with card reader or delete files. The time that was set for carrying out a maintenance was Maintenance date reached or has been overshot. reached This fault is generated once every morning at 8:00 a.m.. Database Write error Database full No suitable data set found Database not initialized Null pointer Database Read error Undefined instance Undefined type No connection to the master module

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Could not write to the database The database is full. Overflow of the index. No suitable data set found for the data in the database The database is not initialized Null pointer Could not read correctly from the database Undefined instance Undefined type No connection to the master module




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8 Maintenance

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Cleaning the Display Unit

The display unit is made of robust safety glass. If required, clean the display with a mild commercial household glass cleaning agent and a soft, lint-free cloth.

Note To avoid unintentional operation of the display, ensure that the display is in cleaning mode or has got switched off.


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9 EC Declaration of Conformity

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EC Declaration of Conformity


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EC Declaration of Conformity

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GreCon, Inc. 15875 SW 74th Ave Tigard, Oregon 97224 (503) 641-7731 [email protected]