Argumentative Essay [PDF]

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Argumentative Essay | Structure Odată ce avem tema lucrării pentru Argumentative Essay în față, e recomandat să ne gândim la argumentele care susțin sau neagă tema propusă și să le trecem pe ciornă. Eventual putem împărți foaia în pro și contra și să așternem în dreptul lor argumentele, pornind de la cele mai solide și continuând în ordine descrescătoare. Ne putem ușor închipui o dezbatere televizată unde cei doi participanți (presupunând că nu se încalecă în vorbire) aduc rând pe rând argumente ce sunt ulterior combătute de oponent. Nu ne interesează limbajul emfatic și patosul lor, ci doar firul logic al argumentării. Structura corectă Structura eseului argumentativ, ca de altfel a oricărui tip de eseu academic, constă în introducere, cuprins și concluzie, după modelul următor: un paragraf pentru introducere; un paragraf pentru concluzie; trei paragrafe dedicate cuprinsului. Eseul structurat în cinci paragrafe reprezintă forma standard a stilului academic. Deși unii o găsesc restrictivă și inflexibilă, ea exprimă seriozitate, iar ideile prezentate pot fi mai ușor reținute de cititor. Tocmai de aceea, e de preferat să nu ne abatem de la ea. Introducerea În trei-patru fraze (depinde de lungimea eseului), trebuie să captăm atenția cititorului, să oferim un fundal potrivit pentru tema tratată și să expunem pe scurt teza de lucru (working thesis). Indiferent de subiectul dat sau ales, o deschidere/introducere care stârnește interesul cititorului e întotdeauna binevenită. Examinatorul a citit zeci de lucrări pe aceeași temă până la tine. Trebuie să te gândești: Cu ce se evidențiază eseul tău? Ce anume îl face mai interesant? După ce am prezentat pe scurt tema tratată, e momentul să enunțăm teza de lucru (de cele mai multe ori, teza de lucru apare în ultima frază a paragrafului introductiv, și acolo o caută de regulă examinatorii). Ca să înțelegeți mai bine conceptul de „teză”, gândiți-vă la două lucruri: subiect și abordare. Cu alte cuvinte, despre ce intenționăm să scriem și felul în care vom trata subiectul. Felul în care enunțăm teza depinde de tipul de eseu argumentativ cerut. Există într-adevăr mai multe variațiuni ale eseului argumentativ, iar granițele dintre acestea pot fi uneori destul de vagi: În cazul unui eseu de tip for and against, (pro și contra), în teză vor fi prezentate pe scurt ambele fațete ale dezbaterii, fără ca noi să ne situăm într-una dintre tabere. În cazul unui opinion essay (eseu de opinie), trebuie să ne exprimăm clar părerea vizavi de problema tratată. Dacă ni se cere să scriem un eseu argumentativ (și atât), vom susține o anumită poziție și vom combate argumentele ce susțin contrariul tezei propuse de noi. Cuprinsul După cum spuneam înainte, cuprinsul constă din trei paragrafe, reprezentând trei idei separate ce susțin pe rând teza propusă de noi. Cuprinsul eseului argumentativ poate fi structurat în cel puțin trei moduri (mai jos poți observa cele 3 modele, alături de un exemplu și de lista cu linking words). Rămâne la latitudinea noastră să alegem structura potrivită subiectului pe care vrem să-l tratăm. Model 1: Argument pro 1 Argument pro 2 Argument(e) contra + refutarea argumentului(lor): aici enunțăm limpede opiniile cu care nu suntem de-acord, după care le combatem. Model 2: Argument(e) contra + refutare Argument pro 1 Argument pro 2 Model 3: Argument contra 1 + refutare Pagină 1 din 9

Argument contra 2 + refutare Argument contra 3 + refutare Așa cum teza de lucru este ideea principală ce stă la baza întregii lucrări, prima propoziție din fiecare paragraf va conține ideea ce urmează a fi dezvoltată în restul paragrafului. În exemplul oferit aici, (write a 350 argumentative essay on “Success is somebody else’s failure.”) putem vedea un cuprins structurat după modelul 1: Argument pro 1: One can immediately draw a parallel to nature. Indeed, there are countless species living in the plant and animal kingdom today, but not all of them thrive. Argument pro 2: In human society though, the term success is more related to achieving something beyond day-to-day survival. Argument contra 1 + refutare Some will argue that material life isn’t everything, and that there are other types of success, like intellectual or sport success. Fiecare dintre cele trei paragrafe dezvoltă mai apoi ideea de bază. Vom încheia paragraful cu o concluzie. Observăm că paragraful se prezintă ca o miniatură a eseului. Înlănțuirea ideilor expuse în eseu trebuie să fie logică și cursivă. Extrasul de mai jos ilustrează structura internă a paragrafului. Primul argument pune omul în oglindă cu natura. Această idee este dezvoltată în următoarele cinci fraze pentru ca în final, să tragem concluzia că spiritul competitiv (și deci dorința de-ai depăși pe alții, de a-i face să eșueze), face parte din natura umană, fiind prezent pretutindeni în natură. Argumentul 1: One can immediately draw a parallel to nature. Dezvoltarea: Indeed, there are countless species living in the plant and animal kingdom today, but not all of them thrive. Some are dwindling to the point of extinction. One might say they have a low rate of success. This rate would probably take into account a simple food/population equation. And the rule of life states clearly: in order for someone to eat and live, another must die. Life is competitive. Concluzia argumentului 1: Therefore, it is not surprising that some people have taken this rule to heart, and act according to it. În cadrul eseului argumentativ apela cu încredere la elemente de legătură specifice stilului academic (linking words, sau connectors), precum:  Another essential feature of…,  While it can be argued that…, it is also true that…,  However, many critics disagree with this…,  To counter this argument,  Nevertheless, the evidence is that…  Secondly,…  The bulk of the available evidence, then, points to the fact that…,  On the contrary,…  Having analyzed this aspect, I would now like to…,  Furthermore,…  In order to emphasize this point, I would like to point to…,  Moreover, there are other convincing arguments to back up… (etc.) Pe lângă rolul formal pe care îl îndeplinesc, aceste elemente dau coerență și cursivitate prezentării, făcând mai ușor tranziția de la o idee la alta. Încheierea Accesează pentru a vedea exemple de elementele de legătură și tranziție specifice încheierilor. În concluzie vom reitera teza lucrării (de preferință schimbând puțin formularea) și vom arăta că toate argumentele prezentate susțin, în pofida opiniilor contrare, teza noastră. Dacă argumentele noastre au fost bine construite și expuse, concluzia va decurge logic din cuprins. Aici ne putem expune punctul de vedere (ceea ce am evitat să facem în cele trei paragrafe anterioare), cu mențiunea că e un punct de vedere susținut de argumente solide, nu doar o părere personală. Vă puteți eventual ajuta de elementele de legătură și tranziție specifice încheierilor, precum:  Finally,…  Pagină 2 din 9

As I have argued,…  As I have shown,…  Therefore,…  The bulk of the evidence, then, points to…  However, as I have shown,…  Based on this evidence… (etc.). Argumentative essay | Example Înainte de a-ți prezenta „Argumentative essay | Example”, îți prezentăm câteva sugestii finale, care pot face diferența dintre nota 9 și nota 10. Sfaturi practice Nu vă apucați de redactarea lucrării până nu aveți clar în minte ideile principale și felul în care veți trata aceste idei.  Încercați să păstrați un discurs coerent, să nu vă abateți prea mult de la subiect.      Faceți apel la statistici, citate și exemple pentru a fi mai convingători în argumentare.     Evitați să fiți patetici sau emfatici în exprimare. Încercați să convingeți doar prin logica și acuratețea raționamentelor.Folosiți un limbaj cât mai divers și, dacă se poate, expresii specifice limbii engleze (idioms, phrasal verbs, etc.). Trebuie să dovediți că stăpâniți un vocabular și un mod de exprimare în concordanță cu nivelul C1. Nu inventați dovezi și statistici cu care să vă susțineți argumentarea. În continuare, îți prezentăm un exemplu de argumentative essay pentru a putea urmări un model bine scris și a putea obține rezultate foarte bune: Argumentative essay: Success is somebody else's failure Conceput de către unul din profesorii noștri, "Argumentative essay: Success is somebody else's failure" reprezintă un eseu argumentativ pe care îl vei putea folosi fie ca model inspirațional, fie ca resursă educațională pentru a-ți putea îmbunătăți nivelul de limba engleză. Tema a fost propusă pentru clasa a XI-a, Subiectul I la Olimpiada Națională din anul 2011, iar această lucrare urmărește atât baremul, cât și formatul specific acestui tip de examen. Argumentative essay: Success is somebody else's failure In about 350 words, write an argumentative essay starting from the following statement: “Success is somebody else’s failure.” Do not use any title. We live in a Western world where people are less and less concerned with salvation or basic survival, and more prone to look for success. This is undoubtedly a sign of our increased standards of living that allow us to play the game. But at what expense? Do some people have to fail so that others might be called successful or is it possible for all people to be successful in some way or another? In this essay, we will try to briefly examine this question. One can immediately draw a parallel to nature. Indeed, there are countless species living in the plant and animal kingdom today, but not all of them thrive. Some are dwindling to the point of extinction. One might say they have a low rate of success. This rate would probably take into account a simple food/population equation. And the rule of life states clearly: in order for someone to eat and live, another must die. Life is competitive. Therefore, it is not surprising that some people have taken this rule to heart, and act according to it. In human society though, the term success is more related to achieving something beyond day-to-day survival. It follows that not all people can be successful since that would mean the total eradication of poverty, illiteracy, pandemics and other problems that prevent people from raising above the bar. In material terms, it’s a known fact that the total amount of wealth and food production would be sufficient to feed and clothe the entire world population. In reality, some have a lot and many others have almost nothing, and can barely make a living. Not surprisingly, accumulating is often seen as a sign of success. Some will argue that material life isn’t everything and that there are other types of success, like intellectual or sports success. But here too we find stiff competition in each and every domain of human knowledge or sport. Recognition is earned by few, while others fail and are forgotten. In conclusion, as much as some egalitarians would argue to the contrary, success is the mark of a species that is constantly competing with itself. Failure is a key part of this struggle, since it offers the valuable negative example that we strive not to repeat in the future. Argumentive essay about internet Pagină 3 din 9

Acest eseu argumentativ despre internet în limba engleză prezintă avantajele și dezavantajele utilizării internetului în scop educational. În cadrul ”Essay about internet” sunt prezentate ca și argumente pentru utilizarea acestuia: accesul rapid la informații, dezvoltarea abilităților, independența, dar în același timp se argumentează asupra necesității unei mai bune supravegheri de către profesori. Argumentive essay about internet In the era of technology, it is predictable that various aspects of our lives will come to a change. However, many people keep their faith in traditional alternatives when it comes to learning. But is this the wisest choice for the children? Primary school is a period in which youngsters develop their first abilities and are most innovative. So, would you agree that the long-established school system would bring out the best in your child, throughout the power of some old books and hours of practice? Some parents might say that even so, their young scholars would not be able to surf the Internet and learn on their own, without someone to supervise them, so the role of a teacher would be, nonetheless, compulsory. But, let’s think about it for a second- yes, supervision is needed. However, children can learn in a heartbeat how to navigate and search for information and having to find and manage on their own at such young age would help them become more independent. Secondly, and most importantly, in my opinion, is the freedom that comes alongside with the Internet. Combining two of the most powerful tools, a child’s creative brain and a computer that enables them to do or create almost everything, might easily lead to amazing results. It is a freedom of the mind that is constantly fading due to the traditional school system that mainly, tells you what to do and create-and think. So, your child would be able to select his information, to resolve problems in his own way, at his own pace, to find an answer on his own, without being influenced by the subjectivity of a teacher’s personal beliefs. The Internet lays a whole world of information at our reach and I am strongly convinced that it is only a matter of time until our primary school system, and not only, will see its advantages and make good use of it, by teaching children how to employ it. Argumentative essay: People are often affected by their success and fame Lucrarea reprezintă un eseu argumentativ (argumentative essay) în limba engleză despre succes (success) și faimă (fame). În cadrul eseului se discută cum acestea pot influența oamenii (people) în orice arie sau perioadă a vieții lor. Argumentative essay: People are often affected by their success and fame Success has a big influence on our life, because it offers us happiness and self-confidence. Success and fame go hand in hand with one another and they totally influence people’s fate. If a person becomes successful his/her dreams change and the views towards life are different as before. The ambitions get another color and aspect. Sometimes people are wrong towards life itself because the vanity tangles the right way of living. The taste of fame and success grows each day and the person admits that there is a long way to achieve the top. People devote more time on succeeding their aims, they forget about their own life. If in past they wished to have simple things that were valuable now they don’t appreciate them. They want everybody should appreciate them and their fame. While running after success people very frequently forget about true feelings, close people and devotion. The humanity is very sensible and only true feelings for close people make the world go round. If the success and fame are not guided by veritable emotions, people will become robots who are programmed to attend these two aspects of life. In conclusion I want to add that success and fame have negative and positive consequences.  If people care about their future career and personal values they won’t let them affect their life. Thus success and fame will go hand in hand with devotion and true feelings. Argumentative Essay: hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard Acesta este un eseu argumentativ pornind de la afirmația lui Tim Notke “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard.” sau varianta “Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard.” a lui Kevin Durant (jucător de baschet) Argumentative Essay: hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard It is no secret that some people are more talented than others. However, that talent is not just born naturally. What many forget is that all of the world’s biggest professionals in their Pagină 4 din 9

respective domains have worked long, hard hours to get where they are today. Because no matter how talented you are at something, you still have to practice. First of all, if we are talking about talent from an artistic perspective, there is no painter or musician who did not have humble beginnings. While their talent was most likely obvious since they were little kids, they did not just stop at that level. They continued practicing until they were good enough to impress the whole world. Secondly, there are those who you cannot really say they have any talent, yet they still succeed. One good example is sportsmen. You do not really need any talent to run fast or do some amazing gymnastic moves. However, you do need a lot of hard work. There is no person who has become a major sports competitor without working tirelessly. In fact, if they had not worked hard, they would not have been able to achieve such performances. Furthermore, if we are talking about more technical fields, such as engineering or programming, there is no such thing as “talent.” It is all about hard work, memorizing algorithms, equations, and applying logic to have it all make sense. The only real “talent” in such fields is the worker’s capability of encompassing all these traits in such a way that they finish their projects relatively fast and with good results. One similar example can be given when talking about learning foreign languages. While some people learn a new language more easily than others, they will most likely forget all that they have learned if they don’t practice it. The human brain tends to forget information that it has not used in a while. As such, people who have managed to learn German, for example, as kids will forget the language almost entirely if they do not speak it with other individuals or if they do not read books or watch movies in that language. Of course, there are also other examples of talent being an absolute necessity despite hard work. Poetry is a very good example of this. Very few people have the required talent to arrange words in such a manner so that they rhyme and still have a good rhythm. And even then, poets need life experience or to go through certain feelings to be able to put their ideas on paper. In conclusion, talent is overrated. Talent is merely the spark that lights up the fire. But that fire needs to be kept alive through hard work or otherwise it will just fade away like the Olympic torch when it rains. And in the era where nearly everything seems digital, hard work and perseverance win in the long run because all the dots need to connect properly for it to benefit mankind. Argumentative essay: the more elaborate our means of communication the less we communicate Argumentative essay the more elaborate our means of communication the less we communicate este una dintre cautările populare pe site-ul nostru. Prin urmare, am rezolvat această cerință în care vei găsi argumente pro și contra ale evoluției comunicației și impactului asupra oamenilor. Citește cu încredere eseul argumentativ. Argumentative essay: the more elaborate our means of communication the less we communicate It is no secret that our means of communication have evolved significantly since the industrial revolution. Moreover, they have evolved drastically in the past 20 years, with the internet bringing technology that our ancestors could only dream of. However, this did come with a price that not many people could have predicted. It is quite the paradox: we have got numerous ways of communicating instantly, yet we have forgotten how to form genuine connections with people. Why are things like this? Well, there are several elements that need to be addressed: Convenience tends to make people lazy. Instant messaging and social media have made it easier than ever to see what our friends and relatives are doing without actually having to check up on them. People no longer set up meetings as much as they used to in the past and online conversations, while convenient, are very artificial compared to actually standing beside your conversation partner and observing their body language, tone and other aspects that cannot be transmitted through text, which brings us to our next point. Superficiality is ever-present on social media and chats. Because of people’s need for validation, almost nobody is genuine anymore. They like talking only about their achievements and skills, but never about their failures. Pagină 5 din 9

In fact, I believe that this is one of the major factors why a lot of young people prefer talking online instead of in person. Because it is easier to lie and hide who you truly are on the internet. Furthermore, you can create fake profiles on the internet, so it is even easier to hide who you truly are. After all, the concept of “trolling” is not that old. It is a phenomenon that appeared with the rise in the number of people who have internet access at home. Last but not least, brain function can also be altered by online communication. According to a study done by the World Health Organization, the online world, in general, can have a lasting impact on our minds. For teens and young adults, this means that replacing face to face conversations with online communication may defer their natural instinct of forming genuine bonds with people, which in turn can lead to depression and isolation. However, this may be beneficial to older people who are already struggling with feelings of isolation. So, just like all technology, online communication is a double-edged sword. In conclusion, excessive online communication can actually make us communicate less. While the science is not necessarily settled, too many signs point out the fact that human interaction is too important to leave on a screen. This does not mean that elaborate means of communication are all bad. If, for example, you have a friend who moved abroad, it is now easier than ever to keep in touch. Just make sure not to limit yourself to only your computer and smartphone Argumentative essay: The use of smartphones among kids „The use of smartphones among kids | Essay” reprezintă un eseu argumentativ în limba engleză creat de un elev de clasa a 10-a. Citește cele 3 argumente oferite de elev pentru a ști cum ar trebui să redactezi propria ta lucrare de acest fel.  Sfatul nostru este să nu copiezi materialul, ci să observi structura și limbajul folosit, iar apoi să scrii textul tău argumentativ despre folosirea telefoanelor mobile. Argumentative essay: The use of smartphones among kids It is certainly true that kids nowadays tend to spend way too much time on their cellphones, especially if their phones have internet connection. Therefore, smartphones could be a distraction from school, and quality time spent with friends and family.  This leads me to suppose that some parents' decision to not let their kids have access to smart phones could be beneficial for them. Firstly, a young child doesn't really know when it's time to let go of the phone  and spend some time without it, doing different activities with other children, that don't involve the use of such electronic devices.  For instance, a recent study has shown that young children who have access to smartphones spend around 3 and a half hours on them, on a daily basis. In a week that’s 24 and a half hours spent using the smartphone, an amount time which could be used doing some productive and creative activities which could stimulate imagination. Secondly, there are many threatening websites which kids could access involuntarily, and so they would be exposed to what may be inappropriate content. They could even become of victims of cyber bullying through different kinds of social networks that they could encounter in the web medium. Thirdly, parents who wish to keep in touch with their kids don't need to provide them with smartphones, a normal cellphone can do the job. In addition, parents who wish to know where their kids are at all times and what they are doing, can opt for intelligent kid-friendly devices such as watches, which would let parents supervise their children in a safer way, which doesn’t distract or interfere with the natural development of a child’s skills. Having said all these, I believe that the potential threats that may come along with a smartphone are significant and it's not worth risking your children's development for the sake of keeping in touch with them. Why are the British unique? Acesta este un model de eseu argumentativ despre British People and Why They Are Unique. Această lucrare explică ce este ceea ce îi face unici pe britanici față de cetățeni din alte țări. Argumentative essay: Why are the British unique? Each country is unique in their own way. Each has its beautiful parts and its bad parts, just like a person who has qualities and flaws. Pagină 6 din 9

England is a country which, throughout history, has tried to break out of anonymity and differentiate itself from other countries. What makes British people so unique? The key can be found in their way of thinking. First of all, the British are considered superior, and in many areas they really are.  The English are confident that the best things in life have their origins in England or have been developed there. Their patriotic spirit is very developed, but there is also some exaggeration. To understand better, this is what a British person said: “To be born English is to win the Grand Prize in the lottery of life." These words reveal an unparalleled pride, which makes them unique in a way. Secondly, the British proved to be unique in terms of driving rules. England is the only country in Europe where people drive on the right side of the street, not on the right.  Although we don't know for sure, there may be other original rules used by the British. Another unique feature is their impermanence. The English are daring, proud, independent, but undecided people. This instability is reflected especially in family life. Unfortunately, two in five marriages end in divorce in England. Two-thirds of those who divorced re-marry, and another two-thirds  divorce for a second time to marry again. The English can be also represented by a cup of tea. Even in this area, the English show their uniqueness. For the Queen's subjects, tea has soothing, curative, and almost mystical qualities. In times of crisis, as a remedy in the event of an impact or in simple social circumstances, at some point, someone will offer a cup of tea. The English have a unique sense of humor in the world, as well. You can often hear from them, uttered the most serious tone, a succulent remark of a matchless sarcasm. Their humor is not only open, but it also has a complexity, a surrealistic inventiveness and sophistication unmatched in any of the  other English-speaking cultures. Therefore, the English are really unique. This uniqueness starts from the way of thinking, way of life, rules, education, and can even be seen in their clothing style or culinary tastes. Engleză Email: Write your friend an email telling him/her the latest news from home and asking about him/her plans to come home. Nivel B2 Written Subject 1 for level B2:    Hello my dear Jamie,  I tried to phone you last week, but I couldn't reach you. I hope that everything is well, and you are enjoying Italy! Things are going well here. School is great; we're preparing for this semester's exams, and I hope to pass the exams with a good grade. My family is doing fine as well. Do you know when you will return? My cousin is getting married in June, and we are all excited about the wedding. It would be great if you could come too.  I am looking forward to hearing from you.  Love,  Linda Nivel B1 Adesea, a scrie un email în Engleză, într-un număr limitat de cuvinte se dovedește a fi un proces dificil, mai ales atunci cand studentul nu contează pe vocabularul adecvat în limba străină studiată.  De aceea, acest model de e-mail informal, nivel B1, a fost conceput special pentru a veni în întâmpinarea nevoilor tale, pentru ca tu să poți obține rezultate excelente, fiind special creat pentru nivelul tău de limba Engleză și mai ales pentru Bacalaureat.    Written Subject 1 for level B1:        Dear Julia,  How are you? I tried to reach you by phone last week, but I was not able to. 

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I am writing you to tell you the latest news from home and ask you when you are coming back. At school we are preparing for the final exams, so I have to study a lot. My family is also doing well, we are missing you very much.  I hope you are enjoying Italy and you are doing well.  I hope to hear from you soon.  Love,  Linda Nivel A2 Acesta este un eBook care poate fi folosit la Proba C de evaluare a competenţelor lingvistice într-o limbă de circulaţie internaţională studiată în liceu (limba Engleză), din cadrul examenului de Bacalaureat, subiectul 1.  Ebook-ul conține 3 pagini, iar aici îți prezentăm un exemplu de e-mail informal corect în Engleză pentru nivelul A2.   Written Subject 1 for level A2:    Dear Jamie,  I called you last week, but it seems I cannot reach you by telephone. I hope everything is well with you and you are enjoying Italy.  I wanted to tell you about the latest news from home. Your sister came to our house for dinner last weekend and we had a lot of fun. We are both studying hard for the exams and we really miss you.  Do you know when you will come back home? I hope you can come in summer so we can all go camping together.  Talk to you soon. Love,  Linda Reflective essay | Exemplu Mai jos, în pagina „Reflective essay | Exemplu” îți prezentăm un exemplu de reflective essay în limba engleză, pe care îl poți folosi ca și sursă de inspirație pentru a obține rezultate excelente.  Write a 450-word reflective essay starting from the following quote: "To thrive in life you need three bones: a wishbone, a backbone and a funny bone." (Reba McEntire) Consider the issue from at least three perspectives. Two years ago my grandmother died. Her passing was deeply saddening, but it made me look back on the days of my childhood, when her presence radiated kindness and wisdom. And even though she is no more, I want to believe that some parts of her still live through me. Her words still echo in my mind. People always seem eager to give life advice, and one can only wonder at the general discontent with so much good advice floating around.  Yet my grandmother was one of the few people who seemed to have had a genuine knowledge of life, or what I call a deeper understanding of things. Everyone has pillars or guidelines that help them go through life, perhaps even thrive. Some resort to the wisdom of the ancients and their sacred documents. The Vedas, the Upanishads, or the Bible (to give just a few examples) are ripe with advice on how to live a good life. Here, the emphasis is mostly placed on the ‘backbone’, meaning morals or character. These are serious pieces of literature and there is little room for chance or humor, as one might have it.  Others find wisdom in the literary works of great masters, classical or modern alike. Whilst few of these works (if any) claim to be divinely inspired guides to living a good life, they offer a wide range of human models of thought and behavior, and by studying them, one can apply that wisdom to his or her own life. A special place in this category must be allotted to philosophy, whose general goal is to relate the individual to the world through knowledge. And you can’t go through these readings without acquiring a strong sense of irony (or selfirony). It might even be said that these works help one sharpen or even develop the ‘funny bone’, if it’s not already there.   Others still choose to rely on the wisdom of the commoner, on the pieces of advice that float about from one generation to the next and are rooted in the experience of the everyday Pagină 8 din 9

individual. This is the common-sense of the hard-working person, that hasn’t necessarily thrived but knows how others could do it.  And now that I look back, I think my grandmother was all three: she had the upstanding morals of an honest religious person, the subtle humor and openness of the literary mind and the worldly ‘no nonsense’ approach to life of the common folk. And she taught me that to thrive in life, you need a little bit of everything, including luck. Truly, I have no bone to pick with that.  Model de Opinion Essay în engleză Capitolul „Opinion Essay - Model” îți prezintă un model de eseu de opinie în limba Engleză. Modelul a fost redactat de profesorii noștri de limba Engleză. Dacă preview-ul de mai jos te-a convins, accesează „Opinion Essay - Model”, iar apoi redactează propria ta lucrare de nota 10. În încheiere, îți propunem un model de Opinion Essay regăsit în cadrul ediției 2007 a examenului de Bacalaureat, formulat la un nivel B2.  Desigur, posibilitățile sunt nelimitate iar această rețetă nu trebuie urmată întru totul! Partea bună este că tu îți vei putea redacta propriul eseu urmărind formatul propus de noi. Express your opinion on the following statement: People choose fast food as an alternative to home cooking. Sustain your opinion with relevant arguments and examples. (200 words/20 lines) In today's fast-paced world, people choose the advantages of takeaway meals over the benefits of cooking at home. Firstly, the availability of places like McDonald's or KFC provides us with a cheap and timesaving alternative to cooking at home. People spend significantly less time shopping and cooking, as they work longer hours. Secondly, most people tend to ignore the effects fast food has on our body. For instance, as most people lead a sedentary life because of their office jobs, obesity, diabetes and heart disease have become a problem worldwide. Moreover, takeaway food has diminished the time families spend cooking and enjoying a meal together at home. Nowadays, it is more enjoyable for teenagers to spend more time with their friends in a fast food center than share a meal with their family. In contrast, a home-cooked meal is healthier and provides us not only with more nutrients, but also a more balanced diet. Additionally, we can to control the quality of ingredients while also sitting and enjoying our meals. In my opinion, despite the fact that traditional meals take more time to prepare, fast food is not an alternative to home cooking, as they offer less benefits than a cooked meal. 

Se vede ca filmul este ecranizarea unui roman, datorita complexitatii conflictelor si povestii (roman, pe care din pacate nu l-am citit inca). Spre deosebire de un film obisnuit, nimic din poveste nu pare artifical, de umplutura, totul este bine conturat, actiunea este veridica. In filmul Wuthering Heights, drama romantica si psihologica, accentul se pune pe drama lui Heathcliff - un fel de Ion al lui Liviu Rebreanu -, care nu poate scapa de originea sa considerata mai putin nobila, fiind odrasla unei tiganci. Acest lucru ii va marca toata viata, fiind un permanent obstacol si cauza esecului sau. De mic, se dovedeste a avea o inima buna, dar acest lucru il observa doar tatal adoptiv, domnul Earnshaw, si in special Cathy. Renegat si batjocorit de ceilalti, in special de fratele adoptiv, Heatcliff, dupa pierderea lui Cathy, va evolua intr-un om al carui singur scop este razbunarea. In paralel, se observa si celalte drame, care au impact mai mic sau mai mare in poveste: Cathy, Edgar Linton, Isabella. Nu trebuie ratat! nota 10

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