Linguistics Essay [PDF]

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A Sociolinguistics Analysis of Code-Mixing Between English and Indonesian Used by Skinnyindonesian24 in Their Youtube Channel Entitled “Kalah Kalah, Ya Kalah Aja” Ahmad Satria Aji [email protected] 1600004157 Language is the most important thing in the society and human life which used to express human’s feeling and communicate each other. As we know that there are many languages in the world, and most of people in the world can speak more than one language and they will use different language even use two languages at the same utterance. It depends on many things, one of them is because of the situation. According to Holmes (2001), sociolinguistics is a study which learn about the relationship between language and society. From Sociolinguistics, we can learn and do analysis about those kind of phenomenon in frame of Code Switching or Code Mixing. The reality makes people study to major bilingual and multilingual circumstances in their environment because they can know more than one language from their mother tongue. When people do conversation, they tend to use the language that they have. Commonly, people know more than one language. Most of people are mastering two or more languages. The condition where there are some people who master more than one language is called as bilingual or multilingual society. Kridalaksana (2008: 36) states that bilingualism

is the use of two languages by an individual and community. When people do conversation with each others, they use more than one language. In many situations, sometimes they speak by mixing languages or codes. Jendra (2012) states that using the term code-mixing to refer to all cases where lexical items and grammatical features from two languages appear in one sentence. Suwito (1983) states that code is a term which is used instead of language, speech variety, or dialect. It is sometimes considered to be a more neutral term than the others. People also use code when they want to stress the uses of language or language variety in a particular community. According to Crystal (2008), code mixing is the transfer of linguistic elements from one language into another: a sentence begins in one language, then makes use of words or grammatical features belonging to another. From the explanation, The researcher can conclude that code mixing is one of condition where two languages or more is used in the same time. Code mixing mostly is used in informal situation and one of the reason of using code mixing is the speaker does not have much vocabularies to say the things that the speaker means in the same language or there is no words or idiom in the language to explain what the speaker means. In code mixing, there are also distinguished as three types: 1. Intra-Sentential Mixing, this type of code mixing occurs in a phrase, clause or a sentence. 2. Intra-Lexical Code Mixing, this type occurs in a word boundary.

3. Involving a Change of Pronunciation, it occurs at the phonological or pronunciation level. The relevant previous study was conducted by Anjani, Mayank (2016) in her journal entitled “Analyzing of Code Switching And Code Mixing in Super Junior’s Songs” which studied the identity of the differences between code switching and code mixing, and also identify some of Super Junior’s song that using code switching and code mixing as the parts of their songs and also try to find the reasons of the using of English words in their Korean songs using the data that taken from parts of their songs. From that cases, this study will be analyzing about the kind of code (code switching or mixing) that used in skinnyindonesian24’s










skinnyindonesian24’s video, the reasons of skinnyindonesian24 use English words in their video. The researcher found two main reasons why this problem is important to be analyzed: 1. Communications happens between two people, we will be more effective if we use language that works for your conversational partner. Maybe your partner is an academic, a child, a foreigner, an intelligent but untrained adult, etc. We match your language to the listener’s ability to process it. 2. Language also displays identity. Our accent will indicate our country, our region, our level of education, etc. and showing that we and the

listener share an identity makes the conversation more pleasant and more effective. According to those two main reasons, skinnyindonesian24 which is managed by Andovi and Jovial. They tried to reveal their identity as they used to be live in Norway. The researcher assume that refers to cultural code-switching, which is the ability to modify one’s language and behavior to adapt to different cultural environments. By definition, a person capable of cultural code-switching is multilingual and multicultural, and often multiracial. As the researcher analyzed video which is full of conversations, then IntraSentential Mixing appeared more often. For this research, the researcher uses qualitative approach as the method. The purpose of qualitative research is not to find generalization, but instead looking for a comprehending of the meaning of the problem by collecting and doing the data analysis. Sugiyono (2009) said that: “Metode penelitian kualitatif adalah metode penelitian yang berlandaskan pada filsafat postpositivisme, digunakan untuk meneliti pada kondisi objek yang alamiah, (sebagai lawannya adalah eksperimen) dimana peneliti adalah sebagai instrumen kunci, teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan secara triangulasi (gabungan), analisis data bersifat induktif/kualitatif, dan hasil

penelitian kualitatif lebih menekankan makna dari pada generalisasi”.(=Qualitative research methodis a research method based on the postpositivism philosophy, used to examine the condition of natural objects, (as a contrary of experiment) in which the researcher is the key instrument, the data collection technique is conducted by triangulation (combined), the data analysis is inductive/qualitative, and the resultsemphasize the meaning rather than the generalization). The research object is Andovi and Jovial’s video in their Youtube channel skinnyindonesia24 entitled “Kalau Kalah, Ya Kalah Aja.” The data were collected through observation and listen carefully through their video. The findings are as follows: 

So what’s up guys, sekarang gua lagi sama Kajol, kita lagi di mana? Old Trafford. [0:08]

Tanggal 24 nya, ada Manchester derby. [0:39]

Jadi kita ke sana, kita stadium tour, kita makan di red café. [1:06]

We’re not good, I’m not good, nothing is good, nothing is good, but itu sebenanya mindset yang salah. [2:23]

Can’t to be real, tapi sebenarnya kekalahan ini diperlukan. [2:48]

Kalau saya kalah, ya saya kalah, so on you, don’t blame others. [3:19]

Jadi tentang gua ke MU (Manchester United), ya something-lah. [3:32]

So guys, gua sama Avi bukan cuma berdua doang, we went here with many fans, with hardcore of MU fans, fans-fans garis keras. [3:58]

Dan kita Tanya opini mereka, what MU should do?. [4:12]

Refrences: Anjani, Mayank (2016) Analyzing of Code Switching And Code Mixing in Super Junior’s Songs. English Literature, Art and Language Faculty, the State University of Surabaya Crystal, D. (2008) A Dictionary of Linguistic and Phonetic (Sixth Edition.). United Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing. Holmes, Janet. (1992). An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. London and New York: Longman. Ebook Jendra, M.I. 2012. SOCIOLINGUISTICS: Study of Societies‟ Languages. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu. Sugiyono. 2009. Metoda Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D. Bandung: Alfabeta Suwito. 1983. Pengantar Awal Sosiolinguistik: Teori dan Problema. Surakarta: Henary Offset Solo. Payal Khullar. Difference between Code Mixing and Code Switching. Retrieved on 06 February 2018. Skinnyindonesia24. Kalau Kalah, Ya Kalah Aja. – YouTube. Uploaded on 3 Juny 2019.