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Nathalya Garcia The Neurolinguistics

Language plays a main role in human activities. The purpose of the language is to communicate and bond up with culture. One can represent the world through language and create better environment. Language learning process was given vital role for the children to understand and express the ideas. Neurolinguistic studies the brain mechanism and the performance of the brain in linguistic competences. The brain plays a main role in controlling motor and sensory activities and in the process of thinking. Studies regarding development of brain bring some substantiation for psychological and anatomical way of language development. Neurolinguistics is the branch of linguistics that analyzes the language impairments that follow brain damage in terms of the principles of language structure. The term “neurolinguistic” is neutral about the linguistic theory it refers to, but any linguistically based approach to aphasia therapy is based on the principle that language has an internal organization that can be described by a system of rules. Many established ideas about neurolinguistics in particular, roles of the traditional language areas (Broca’s area, Wernicke’s area) in the left hemisphere of the brain have been challenged and, in some cases, overturned by recent evidence. Probably the most important recent findings are, that extensive networks involving areas remote from the traditional language areas are deeply involved in language use, that the language areas are also involved in the processing of non-language information, such as some aspects of music that the correlations of particular areas of the brain with particular language impairments are much poorer than had been thought. This new information has become available because of major improvements in our ability to see what is happening in the brain when people speak or listen, and from the accumulation and analysis of many years of detailed aphasia test data. The popularity of neuro-linguistic programming or NLP has become widespread since










of phobias and anxiety disorders and improvement of workplace performance or personal happiness.

NLP uses perceptual, behavioral, and communication techniques to make it easier for people to change their thoughts and actions. NLP relies on language processing but should not be confused with natural language processing, which shares the same acronym. NLP was developed by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, who believed it was possible to identify the patterns of thoughts and behaviors of successful individuals and to teach them to others. NLP tries to detect and modify unconscious biases or limitations of an individual’s map of the world. People have no competency about the usage of their vocal cords. They are able to understand the language and know to use the written forms of the language. Most healthy adults have the language ability which appears in specific areas of the left hemispheric cortex. A unique branch of linguistics is termed as neuro linguistic. It trains the physical structure of the mind and it identifies the language creation and conception of learning. There are many methods to improve second language from nineteenth century. Some methods are Grammar Translation Method, Direct Method, Bilingual Method, Deductive Method Communicative Approach, etc. Neuro Linguistic Programming is the new method used in language learning. It examines the connection between language and brain. Neuro-Linguistic Programming proposes skills, strategies and techniques to overwhelm the mental difficulties and helps to develop the self-learning and self-motivation. The mind is the most complex organ in the human being. It is in charge of thought, dialect, feelings, memory, etc. Human mind views the world through the hearing, vision, touch, development, taste, and smell. Knowledge of the mind and neurological procedures is necessary to understand about the language learning. Learning of the mind and its neurophysiology prompts for better understanding of language development. Improving knowledge about the language is the basic treatment given in the classroom