WI QMS 01 5S Implementation [PDF]

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5S Implementation Guideline

Format No.: QF/QMS/15 Rev. No. : 01 Rev. Date: 13/08/2017 WI No.: WI/QMS/01


Purpose: To provide practical guideline on implementing 5S in work area and integrate 5S system in to Setco Automotive culture.


Scope: This work instruction is applicable to all area of Setco Automotive


Terms and Definition:


5S: 5S is one tool of Lean Management and its main function is to eliminate non-value-adding processes. This is done by developing standardized working methods. 5S is a philosophy and a way of organizing and managing the workspace and work flow with the intent to improve efficiency by eliminating waste, improving flow. The 5S system saves time wasted and reduces the walking distances and most importantly increases safety.


What is 5S? 5S comes from five Japanese words that begin with the letter “s” as per below. 1S: SEIRI


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5S Implementation Guideline


Benefits of 5S

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5S Implementation Guideline 4.0

Format No.: QF/QMS/15 Rev. No. : 01 Rev. Date: 13/08/2017 WI No.: WI/QMS/01

Roadmap for 5S Preparation:

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5S Implementation Guideline

Format No.: QF/QMS/15 Rev. No. : 01 Rev. Date: 13/08/2017 WI No.: WI/QMS/01

4.1 Phase 1: Management Commitment and Formation of 5S Council: STEP 1: Define 5S Training Program 

 

Training is provided as follows: - 5S Awareness for Top Management - 5S Awareness for Operators Step-by-Step 5S Implementation for Facilitators Step-by-Step Internal 5S Audit

STEP 2: Formation of 5S Council 

The main objective to establish council is to enhance total participation at all levels of employees and develop a continuous improvement culture and best performance spirit in the teams. The 5S council comprises the following:

5S Council 5S Coordinator

5S Steering Committee

5S Audit Committee

5S Promotion Committee

5S Steering Committee 5S steering committee includes the CEO as a chairman, HOD - HR as a coordinator, All Dept. Head as facilitators and zone wise 5S leaders. The activity to be done are as follow: 5S Chairman 

  

Communicates with everyone involved (Goal setting) with introduction of Why and What of the 5S initiative within the Setco Automotive. Facilitate work group implementation activities. Motivate and monitor implementation activities. Act as a resource for information. 5S Coordinator:

  

Communicates with everyone involved. Provide 5S training to everyone Plan the activities related to 5S. Defining 5S zones and responsibilities.

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5S Implementation Guideline 

 

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Ensure participation of all employees. Supports 5S implementation activities. Establishes accountability for assigned responsibilities. 5S Facilitators:

     

Support 5S implementation. Create structures needed to make everyone 5S minded Communicate with everyone involved. Motivate work groups. Ensure employee implementation plan. Monitor measurement systems. 5S Leaders:

    

Participate in work group implementation process. Communicate with everyone involved. Monitor progress of group activities. Ensuring that section size and team strength are uniform. Defining who is responsible for shared spaces.

Employees’ Responsibilities Participate in group activities with full commitment

5S Promotion Committee: This committee includes HR person, HOD of each department and 5S leaders.

NG COMMITTEE Functions 

  

Promote 5S campaigns for creating awareness. Identify and recommend promotional activities. Recommend and grant rewards or recognition to individuals / groups who have participated or won in the promotional activities. Review the effectiveness of promotion campaigns.

5S Audit Committee Functions    

Develop 5S evaluation criteria, guidelines, and checklist. Perform 5S audit as per plan. Assist in sustaining 5S activities through 5S Internal Audit. Submit monthly audit summary report to top management

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5S Implementation Guideline 

Format No.: QF/QMS/15 Rev. No. : 01 Rev. Date: 13/08/2017 WI No.: WI/QMS/01

Develop guidelines for measuring the impact of audit.

STEP 3: Define 5S implementation Plan 

Following -

factors are considered while defining 5S plan: Training and education for the various level of employees (Top Management) Definition of zones and responsibilities Step wise 5S Implementation timelines and phases Goal and Objectives Promotional activities to create awareness and communication session

STEP 4: 5S Setup Zones 5S Coordinator demarcates the zones from the plant layout. 5S Facilitators assigns responsibilities per zone and divide activities into manageable tasks. This involves:  

Obtaining the layout of the entire work area of Setco Automotive and dividing each section into small zones. Assigning one team to each section, determining the number of people per team, and displaying the names of team members and their areas on 5S board

Define team member and their roles, choose the work area.

Ensuring that at least one person is assigned to each section and there is a leader for every team.

The role of 5S Coordinator/Facilitators/Leaders is of paramount importance in the application of 5S so that 5S activities occur as planned.


Phase 2: Step by Step Implementation of 5S: Prepared by


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5S Implementation Guideline 1)

Format No.: QF/QMS/15 Rev. No. : 01 Rev. Date: 13/08/2017 WI No.: WI/QMS/01

Guidelines for Practicing 1st S : SEIRI (SORT) Description:

 

The first “S” focuses on eliminating unnecessary items in the workplace. The key word in this, is the elimination of unnecessary items in the workplace. Sorting is an excellent technique to transform a cluttered workplace layout into an effective area to improve efficiency and safety. Guidelines:

It is the series of steps to keep only what is needed the amount needed and when it is needed

To implement the 1 st S the Red-Tag process is to be employed. The Red-Tag strategy helps to identify unwanted equipment, material, furniture, tool and files in your working place and determine their usefulness.

There are six steps involved in creating a successful Red-Tagging process. Step 1: Launch the Red-Tag Project: This is usually done by the 5S Steering Committee by creating holding areas and planning for the disposal of unwanted items using the Red-Tag form. Step 2: Identify the Red-Tag Targets: Specify the type of items and the physical work areas to be evaluated. Step 3: Set Red-Tag Criteria: Three questions need to be asked to determine if an item is necessary. - Is it useful? - How often is it needed? - How much is needed?

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5S Implementation Guideline

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Step 4: Attach the Red-Tag: Attach the Red-Tag to unwanted equipment, material, furniture, tool and files in your working place. The Red-Tagging event must be quick and decisive. Take “Before” photo of the area before tagging.

Step 5: Evaluate Red-Tagged Items: Decide what to throw and the actions required as illustrated below.

Unnecessary Items

Required Actions

Items having no value and easy to dispose

Throw away immediately

Items having Some sale value

Look for buyer who offers the best price

Items having no value and their disposal is costly

Work out the least costly and safest disposal way

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5S Implementation Guideline

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Dispose the tagged items by assigning actions to owners. Take Before - After photograph and display on Before-After board. Step 6: Document the Results of Red-Tagging: Results must be logged for accounting purposes so that the improvements can be measured and savings realized through the process. Give recognition to Best 1S implementation team by 5S promotion committee and Update the recognition board. 

Benefits / Potential Impacts: -


Necessary items are identified and positioned in the right workplace and location. Unwanted items are eliminated. Searching time is reduced. Working environment is improved. Space utilization is maximized.

Guidelines for Practicing 2nd S : SEITON (SET IN ORDER) Prepared by


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5S Implementation Guideline 

Format No.: QF/QMS/15 Rev. No. : 01 Rev. Date: 13/08/2017 WI No.: WI/QMS/01

Description: The 2nd S reflects a very popular saying: “A place for everything and everything in its place”. It emphasizes safety, efficiency and effective storage and consequently improves the appearance of the workplace.

Guidelines: Once the 1st S has been successfully implemented, what is left should be arranged so that there is ease of use and storage.

Degree of Need Things you have used in past years

Storage Method


Throw them out

Things you have only used once in a last 6-12 months

Store at a distance

Things you have only used once in the last 2-6 months / Things used more than once a month

Store in central place in the workplace

Things used once a week / Things used every day / Things used hourly

Store near the work site or carry on the person

The process shown in above figure, eliminates waste in production or in clerical activities and ensures all materials, tools and equipments, files etc. have designated locations which are easy to find.

Following steps are practiced for successful implementation of 2 nd S (Set in order). Ensure rational layout for equipment, machines, cabinets etc. Placed frequently use of item at the point of use. Pre-fix the place for everything and put everything in its place with pre-determined quantity. Identify useful items like jigs and fixtures, gauges, measuring instruments tools etc. with labels/item name, color codes and location etc. Use index for files, records, drawing, etc. Plan storage with an intent to retrieve easily, store similar item together. Have visual controls for checking missing items like an inclined stripe for files stored which will indicate a missing file, shadow graphs for tools storage etc.

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5S Implementation Guideline -

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Give recognition to Best 2S implementation team by 5S promotion committee and Update the recognition board.

Office filing and indexing

Visible filing system enhances work discipline and reduces searching time

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5S Implementation Guideline

Visible arrangement to enhance work discipline

Format No.: QF/QMS/15 Rev. No. : 01 Rev. Date: 13/08/2017 WI No.: WI/QMS/01

Organized work area for maximum efficiency

Keeping everything in its designated location

Benefits / Potential Impacts: -

Items easily returned to its designated location after use. Required items easily located, stored and retrieved. First-In First-Out (FIFO) is practiced. Retrieval time is reduced. Right Item, Right Place, Right Quantity and Right Method (4R) are in place.

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5S Implementation Guideline

Format No.: QF/QMS/15 Rev. No. : 01 Rev. Date: 13/08/2017 WI No.: WI/QMS/01

Guidelines for Practicing 3rd S : SEISO (SHINE)


Description: The 3rd S is to thoroughly clean the work area. SHINE speaks for itself. Daily follow-up cleaning is absolutely necessary to maintain a clutter-free workplace and a desirable environment. Everyone enjoys working in a clean environment which raises morale and increases productivity.

 Guidelines: To successfully implement the 3 rd S as a daily value-adding activity, the following steps must be practiced. Step 1: Delegate Cleaning Assignments Cleanliness is the responsibility of EVERY employee and the workplace must be divided into distinct cleanliness areas, which can be based on: 

5S Zones: Show all the cleanliness areas and the names of the people responsible for them.

 5S Schedules: Show in greater detail the different areas and the names of those responsible for them, including daily rosters.

Step 2: Determine what is to be cleaned. Dividing the workplace in “cleaning areas”, and then assigning people in charge of those specific areas.

Step 3: Determine the Methods to be Used: what, where, who, when and how

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5S Implementation Guideline

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Decide on the tools and materials required and what is to be cleaned in each area. Cleanliness must be practiced daily and must take only a short time to execute. Standards must be adopted to ensure people do the cleaning efficiently. Step 4: Prepare the Cleaning Tools and Materials Set up cleaning tools and the required materials in such a manner so that they are easily retrieved for use.

Step 5: Implement Cleanliness -

All equipment malfunction or defects must be fixed or reconditioned. The key word in this description is keeping the workplace and everything in it clean and in good functional condition. This is achieved through the combination of the cleaning function and defect detection. Give recognition to best 3S implementation team by 5S promotion committee and Update the recognition board.

Benefits / Potential Impacts: -

Higher quality work and products More comfortable and safer work environment Greater visibility and reduced retrieval time Lower maintenance cost Creates positive impression on visitors and during customer inspections

Guidelines for Practicing 4th S : SEIKETSU (STANDARDIZE)



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5S Implementation Guideline

Format No.: QF/QMS/15 Rev. No. : 01 Rev. Date: 13/08/2017 WI No.: WI/QMS/01

This aspect of 5S is focusing on standardization, making first three S’s Sort, Set in order, and Shine a constant routine. Standardise has also to do with the concept of Visual 5S: everyone should be able to distinguish between normal and abnormal conditions at a glance. 

Guidelines: -

Once the 3S are in place, the next step is to concentrate on standardizing best practices. The plan must include the creation of procedures, workplace diagrams, flowcharts, work instructions, job aids, miscellaneous visual aids and simple daily checklists which are to be visibly displayed at every workplace. The checklists must serve as visual signpost to ensure that the daily 3S requirements are carried out habitually as best practices in the work area.


Following steps must be practiced for successful implementation of forth S (Standardize). -

Identify the way different people are doing an activity. Discuss and choose the best way. Make this the standard method once everyone accepts it Convert this into written standard with document no. Ensure that everyone does the same work only as per standard. After accepting it as the procedure, review it from time to time and improve it as necessary. Information/training to be provided to 5s zone team. Give recognition to best 4S implementation team by 5S promotion committee and Update the recognition board.

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5S Implementation Guideline

Format No.: QF/QMS/15 Rev. No. : 01 Rev. Date: 13/08/2017 WI No.: WI/QMS/01

Foundation for standardization 

Benefits / Potential Impacts: - Better workplace standards - Better Visual Control Systems - Establishment of Rules and Standard Operation Procedure (SOP). - Information sharing on required standards. - Improvement in operation and workflow. Simple rule is to follow and maintain daily work habit

Visual Control 5)

Guidelines for Practicing 5th S : SEITSUKE (SUSTAIN) Prepared by


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5S Implementation Guideline 

Format No.: QF/QMS/15 Rev. No. : 01 Rev. Date: 13/08/2017 WI No.: WI/QMS/01

Description: The 5th S is to make it a habit of maintaining the momentum of the previous 4S’s to ensure sustainability of the system and to make further improvement by encouraging effective use of P-D-C-A Cycle.

Guidelines: -

Build awareness of the importance of 5S through retraining. Reward and recognize efforts of staff. Use techniques / approaches / strategies to sustain activities.

Review 5S Slogans and Posters 5S Newsletters to share the progress of 5S activities 5S Achievements - standards and performance indicators

Below things are followed to sustain 5thS (Sustain). -

Train employees. Build a team for implementation. Assign time and develop a program for implementation Provide resources for implementation. Recognize and support the implementation by managers and directors. Stimulate creativity of all workers, listen to their ideas and allocate resources to develop those ideas. Create tangible and intangible rewards for the effort. Give recognition to best 5S implementation team by 5S promotion committee and Update the recognition board.

Benefits / Potential Impacts: -

Compliance to workplace rules. Team spirit and discipline are developed. The ‘Kaizen’ mentality is inculcated in the employees. Adoption of best practices. Enhance operation effectiveness in a better working environment.

4.3 Phase 3: Internal 5S Audit Prepared by SIGN DATE

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5S Implementation Guideline 

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Objectives: To ensure that the Setco Automotive can assess its strength as well as the areas for improvement and where our organization stands in the 5S movement.

Steps: -


Audit schedule, criteria and checklist is prepared by 5S Audit committee. Internal 5S Auditors who are in the best position to deal with 5S and guide to respective department. For successful 5S activities measure monitor all department performance through monthly audits using 5S Checklists, Results of the audits must be displayed at the 5S corner of every department. This creates an atmosphere of friendly competition and helps to instill pride in the teams. This evaluation and competition must be linked with a reward system; 5S promotion committee offer monthly rewards for the winning teams in the various 5S categories.

4.4 Phase 4: Review and Improve 

Review and improve 5s council and supporting structure -


Recognize 5S council success Identify and select new members for 5S Council Train and educate new members Recognize outgoing members for their participation

Examples of Best 5S Implementation:

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5S Implementation Guideline

Shadow Board for Tools

Clean and Organized Work Place


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