Right On 1 Test Booklet [PDF]

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Jenny Dooley

Express Publishing

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Published by Express Publishing Liberty House, Greenham Business Park, Newbury, Berkshire RG19 6HW, United Kingdom Tel.: (0044) 1635 817 363 Fax:(0044)1635 817 463 email: [email protected] www.expresspubIishing.co.uk © Jenny Dooley, 2017 © Express Publishing, 2017 First published 2017 Made in EU All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, photocopying, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers. This book is not meant to be changed in any way. ISBN 978-1-4715-6821-3

Photocopying The publishers grant permission for the photocopying of the tests for classroom use only. School purchasers can make copies for use by their staff and students only. Individual teachers can make copies for their own use or for use by the students they teach. Under no circumstances may any part of this book be photocopied for resale.

Note The Exit Test at the back of the book covers all the material learned at this level and can be used as an effective assessment test for those planning to move on to the next level. A student who scores above 60% on the test can be considered to have the language skills necessary to cope competently at the next level.

Contents Test-1A



Test 1B



Test 1C

p. 14



p. 19


p. 25

Test 2C

p. 31

Test 3A

p. 37

Test 3B

p. 42

Test 3C

p. 47

Mid Test

p. 52

Test 4A

p. 57

Test 4B

p. 63

Test 4C

p. 69

Test 5A

p. 75

Test 5B

p. 81

Test 5C

p. 87

Test 6A

p. 93

Test 6B

p. 100



p. 107

Exit Test

p. 114


p. 119

Key to Tests

p. 131

Key to Quizzes

p. 144


p. 145






/100 (Time: 50 minutes)

Complete the table with the names of the countries or the nationalities. Country


Greece 2



Canadian the UK




Spanish Brazil 7x1 = 7 points

Label the pictures with the correct sports.

4x1 = 1 points

> Express Publishing




Complete the table with the correct family member. Male


dad 2



grandma uncle daughter 5x 1 =5 points

Look at the picture and fill in the gaps with the correct appearance or character adjectives. "\

TI 1 y-



2 f

3 P_

4 P_ 4x1=4




Complete the sentences with the correct form of can. 1 Lucy 2 3 Frank. 4 They_

do martial arts. (/) you do gymnastics? No, I _ play basketball. (X) play tennis. (/)

) Express Publishing


J Complete the sentences with the correct subject personal pronoun or possessive adjective. 1 Your family is from Canada.

're Canadian.

2 I'm Fred and this is


3 Robert and Michael are brothers.

are from Canberra.

4 We are friends.

names are Lisa and Emma. 4x1=4


Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb to be. 1 Betty

South African. She's from South Africa.

2 "Is your name David?" "No, it

. It's Jordan."

3 The children

at school today. It's Saturday!

4 My favourite subject

Maths. I love numbers! 4x 1 =4 points

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb have got. 1 Ryan 2 I 3

brothers and sisters. (/) a cat. (X) you

4 You

a yellow parrot?

.two sisters. (/) 4x1=4


Complete the sentences with 's, of the or - . 1 Ruth

cat is old and fat. rabbit.

2 This is the children

. schoolbag is orange.

3 The colour

and Paul

4 Jake

mum is very friendly. 4x1=4

© Express Publishing



Match the sentences (A-E) to the sentences (1-5) to make correct exchanges.

How are you? Hey who's that boy over there?

Cool! Who? ... The short one?

Where's he from? \

He's 11 years old.

How old is he?

I'm fine. Thanks.

Come on, let's go and say hello.

Brazil. He's Brazilian. 5x2 = 10 points

Read the article and answer the questions.

The Thundermans The Thundermans are a normal family ... well, almost. They are a family of superheroes from Hiddenville, USA. Thundergirl is 14 years old and her real name is Phoebe Thunderman. Her best friend is Cherry. Phoebe's brother is Maximus Octavius or Max Thunderman and he is 14 years old, too. They go to Hiddenville High School. Max and Phoebe's parents are Hank and Barb Thunderman. Their brother is Billy and their two sisters are Nora and Chloe. Everyone in the family wears a blue superhero outfit.

1 Where are the Thundermans from? 2 How old are Max and Phoebe Thunderman? 3 Who is Hank Thunderman? 4 What are the names of Phoebe Thunderman's sisters? 5 What does the family wear?

5x3 = 15 points

© Express Publishing


Read the fact file below and write an article.




E_ « |§« HI

He's an amazing superhero! 20 points

Listen and complete the personal profile below.

1 Name:


2 Age: _

years old

3 From: 4 Nationality: 5 Favourite sport: 5x3 = 15 points





/100 (Time: 50 minutes)


Complete the table with the names of the countries or the nationalities. Country


Turkey 2



Egyptian in USA




Russian Canada 7x1 = 7 points

Label the pictures with the correct sports.

4x1 = 1 points

) Express Publishing


Complete the table with the correct family member. Male


granddad 2



wife brother mum 5x1 = 5 points

Look at the picture and fill in the gaps with the correct appearance or character adjectives.


m 2 k

1 o

3 s

4 c_ 4x1=4




Complete the sentences with the correct form of can. 1 George 2 Frank 3

play tennis. (X) you play football? Yes, we _

4 Suzie


do gymnastics. (/)

© Express Publishing

do martial arts. (/)


Complete the sentences with the correct subject personal pronoun or possessive adjective. 1 I'm Vicky and this is

dog, Spot.

2 Rita and Maria are sisters.

are Spanish.

3 My family and I are from Greece.

're Greek.

4 They are friends.

names are Tim and Eric. 4x1=4



Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb to be. 1 Mark and I

British. We're from the UK. basketball. I love it!

2 My favourite sport. 3 The children

at school today. It's Sunday! . It's Peter."

4 "Is your name Steve?" "No, it.

4x 1 =4 points

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb have got 1 Randy 2 I 3 4 We

any brothers or sisters. (X) a cat. Its name is Suzy. (/) your friend

a yellow parrot?

.two cousins. (/) 4x1=4




Complete the sentences with 'sf of the o r - , 1 Wanda


2 These are the women 3 The colour 4 Jill

granddad is very funny.

and Ed ball is white. friends are kind.

© Express Publishing



Match the sentences (A-E) to the sentences (1-5) to make correct exchanges.

How are you? Hey, who's that girl over there? Where's she from? How old is she? Come on, let's go and say hello.

Cool! Who? ... The tall one? She's 13 years old. I'm fine. Thanks. China. She's Chinese. 5x2

= 10 points

Read the text and complete the personal profiles.

Hi, I'm Cristiano and I'm 12 years old. I'm from Sao Paolo, Brazil. Brasilia is the capital city of Brazil. I'm very good at football. This is my efriend, Daniel. He's 11 years old. He's from Maidenhead in the UK. Maidenhead is a town near London, the capital city of the UK. He can do gymnastics very well. He's in the school gymnastics team. He's great! St ^ : i*

Name: 1) Age: 12 years old From: Sao Paolo, Brazil Nationality: 2) _ Sport: 3) .


Name: Daniel Age: 4) _

From: 5)

years old


«onaIity^^7 Sport: gymnastics

5x3 = 15 points

© Express Publishing




Read the fact file below and write an article.



He's an amazing superhero! 20 points

Listen and complete the personal profile below.

Smith .years old r°

4 Nationality: 5 Favourite sport:


> Express Publishing



= 15 points






/100 (Time: 50 minutes)

Complete the table w i t h the names of the countries or the nationalities.



Argentina 2

South African


Australian Egypt




Greek Spain 7x1 = 7 points

Label the pictures with the correct sports.

4x1 = 1 points

© Express Publishing


Complete the table with the correct family member. Male


son 2



aunt husband sister 5x 1 = 5 points

Look at the picture and fill in the gaps with the correct appearance or character adjectives.


^:v Ij




3 f

2 c_

4 t 4x1=4




Grammar Complete the sentences with the correct form of can. 1 Lucy and I 2 Stanley 3 4 The children

play tennis. (/) play football. (/) you do martial arts? No, we _ do gymnastics. (X)

> Express Publishing


Complete the sentences with the correct subject personal pronoun or possessive adjective. 1 I'm Robert and this is

friend, Patrick.

2 They are cousins.

are Australian.

3 My family and I are from China.

're Chinese,

4 We are sisters.

names are Ann and Tara. 4x1=4








Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb to be. 1 Mark and I

British. We're from the UK.

2 The children

at the park. They're at school.

3 My favourite sport

football. I love it!

4 "Are you American?" "No, I

. I'm Canadian."

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb have got. 1 Dan 2 Jill 3

a sister. Her name is Carla. (/) any cousins. (X) you

4 We

a brother? a dog. (/)

Complete the sentences with 's, of the or - . 1 These are the men 2 Eric 3 Bianca 4 The colour


© Express Publishing

cars. and Amanda

mum is very clever.

cousins are funny. bike is black.


Match the sentences (A-E) to the sentences (1-5) to make correct exchanges. How are you?


Hey, who's that girl over there?

I'm great. Thanks.

Where's she from?

Canada. She's Canadian.

How old is she?

Who? ... The thin one?

Come on, let's go and say hello.

She's 12 years old. 5x2 = 10 points


Read the text and complete the personal profiles.

Hi, I'm Erica and I'm 13 years old. I'm from New York, USA. New York is a very big city, but it isn't the capital city of the USA. Washington, D. C. is the capital city of the USA. I'm very good at tennis. This is my e-friend, Olga. She's 14 years old. She isn't from the USA. She's from Athens in Greece. Athens is the capital city of Greece. She can play football very well. She's in the school football team. She's great!

Name: Erica

Age: 1) From: 2) . Nationality: American Sport: tennis

years old Name: 3) Age: 14 years~old" From: Athens, Greece

Nationality: 4) Sport: 5)

5x3 = 15 points

© Express Publishing



Read the fact file below and write an article.

Green Lantern" : - £ > - , •.•


Green Lantern

He's a great superhero! - \ ^ « E 8 & K & a * >SfflSB£S!K^*^&SSSKX&*2Bi:4ISi3

20 points

Listen and complete the personal profile below.

1 Name:


2 Age: _

.years old


3 From: 4 Nationality: 5 Favourite sport:




© Express Publishing


= 15 points







/100 (Time: 50 minutes)

Label the pictures with the correct rooms.

i ^



- « Wl*






-**#» «





Label the pictures with the correct furniture/appliance.

i TV

© Express Publishing



Complete the sentences with: chimney, wall, garden and wince 1 There are flowers and trees in our 2 We've got a

. on the roof of our house.

3 I've got blue curtains in front of my 4 There are three paintings on the 4x1=4






Write the ordinal number for the numbers below. 1 3

3 20

2 15-

4 58

Label the pictures with the correct place in a town.

Choose the correct items. 1 This/These bag is Jack's.

3 That/Those books are in the bookcase.

2 I've got two watch/watches.

4 The child/children are in the park. 4x1=4

© Express Publishing



/$£&>;#**. &M§M ^^&J^0ki9


Fill in the gaps with the correct form of there is/there are. 1

three chairs in the kitchen. (/)


a sofa in the bedroom? No,


windows in the garage. (X)


a coffee table in the living room. (/) 4x1=4








Fill in the gaps with a, an, some or any. 1 There is 2 There are 3 There aren't 4 There is

armchair in the bedroom. pictures on the wall. pillows on the bed. bookcase in the bedroom.

Complete the sentences with the correct possessive case of the word in brackets. 1 Those are the

(women) desks.

2 These are the

(boys) bikes.

3 That is the

(man) house.

4 This is the

(girls) room.

Label the pictures with the correct prepositions of place.

) Express Publishing



Match the sentences (A-E) to the sentences (1-5) to make correct exchanges,

Your house is great! What's your house like?

Because there's a parK cen r Express Publishing



Listen and choose the correct answer (A, B or C) 1 Where's the bed?





2 Where's Paula?



Smss^% V

3 What isn't there in the living room?


4 Which house is Emma's?




,,,,{ L™ i




5 What floor is Martin's flat on?



4m*4±. |

i.^ f > Express Publishing




= 15 points






/100 (Time: 50 minutes)

Label the pictures with the correct rooms. % n •






Label the pictures with the correct furniture/appliance.




":vi i '^I'PIll I t ';*&>*< "——J^

4x1=4 © Express Publishing


points 25


Complete the sentences with: chimney, wall, garden and windc/,, 1 I've got white curtains in front of my 2 There are three paintings on the


3 There are flowers and trees in our 4 We've got a

. .

on the roof of our house. 4x1=4






Write the ordinal number for the numbers below. 1 1-

3 33-

2 18-

4 65-

Label the pictures with the correct place in a town.

Choose the correct items. 1 This/These bags are green.

3 That/Those girl is my sister.

2 I've got two scarf/scarves.

4 There are butterfly/butterflies in the park. 4x1=4


© Express Publishing



Fill in the gaps with the correct form of there is/there are. 1

a fridge in the kitchen. (/)


a fireplace in the bedroom? No,


curtains in the bathroom. (X)


a bedside cabinet in the bedroom. (/) 4x1=4








Fill in the gaps with a, an, some or any. 1 There is 2 There are 3 There aren't. 4 There is

desk in the bedroom. chairs in the kitchen. paintings on the wal armchair in the living room.

Complete the sentences with the correct possessive case of the word in brackets. 1 This is the 2 These are the 3 That is the 4 Those are the

(man) car. (girls) hats. (children) house. (women) books.

Label the pictures with the correct prepositions of place.

> Express Publishing



Match the sentences (A-E) to the sentences (1-5) to make correct exchanges.

Your house is great!

It's big and modern.

What's your house like?

No, it isn't.

Is your room big?


Is there a garden?

Because there's a park behind my house. No, there isn't but that's OK.

Why's that?

5x2 = 10 points

Read the text and answer the questions.

tMiiMj i%^#S •».-•«•%;'



We've got a new house. It's really great! It's a modern detached house. It's got I three bedrooms and two bathrooms. There's a living room and a big fireplace. The kitchen isn't very big. There's a small table and two chairs in it. Outside the kitchen there's a small garden. My favourite room is my bedroom. It's blue and it's very big! I've got some posters on my walls and books in my bookcase. I've also got a desk and a chair. What about your house? What does your favourite room look like?

1 What kind of house is Tom's new house?_ 2 How many bathrooms has it got? 3 What is there in the living room? 4 Where's the garden? 5 What's his favourite room? 5x3 = 15 points © Express Publishing


www n%itf^(si Write a blog entry about your house. Write: what type of house it is - where it is -what it is like - what there is inside - what there is outside.

's Blog r


My house


My house is great!

20 points

> Express Publishing



Listen and choose the correct answer (A, B or C) 1 Where's the armchair?


(£) \i._

—t 2 Where's Anna? (A) /^^^h/ '>ZZ^. ^^i'-R



3 What isn't there in the living room?

v_ Zl 4 Which 1nouse is Oliver's?

® II M


111 53

fbd bzl bdl






m m ii
















5 What floor is Julie's flat on? (A)


'•^grf ***- ^"S

© Express Publishing


i 5x3

= 15 points





/100 (Time: 50 minutes)


S ^ . H


Label the pictures with the correct rooms.

t «tifc#



Label the pictures with the correct furniture/appliance.

* *L04frVm


KA^hZ*/*> '


4x1=4 © Express Publishing


points J |

Complete the sentences with: chimney, wall, garden and window. 1 We've got a

on the roof of our house.

2 There are flowers and trees in our


3 There are five paintings on the 4 I've got a great view from my

. . 4x1=4






Write the ordinal number for the numbers below. 1 2-

3 37-

2 12-

4 49-

Label the pictures with the correct place in a town.

Choose the correct items. 1 Mary has got two baby/babies.

3 There are three box/boxes in the room.

2 This/These chairs are new.

4 That/Those keys are my mum's. 4x1=4

© Express Publishing



Fill in the gaps with the correct form of there is/there are. 1

a toilet in the bedroom? No,


a sink in the kitchen. (/)




a wardrobe in the bedroom. (/) lamps on the bedside cabinets. (X) 4x 1 = 4 points

Fill in the gaps with a, an, some or any. 1 There aren't

cupboards in the bathroom.

2 There is

.armchair in the living room.

3 There are

_ pillows on the bed.

4 There is

.fireplace in the living room. 4x1=4






Complete the sentences with the correct possessive case of the word in brackets. 1 That is the

(girls) brother.

2 Those are the

(men) cars.

3 These are the

(women) keys.

4 This is the

(boys) desks.

Label the pictures with the correct prepositions of place.


© Express Publishing



\ . V :\„ •• "' /V ""-iii*v'lSL

Match the sentences (A-E) to the sentences (1-5) to make correct exchanges,

Your house is great!

No, there isn't, but that's OK.

What's your house like?

It's big and modern.

Is your room big?

Because there's a park opposite my house.

Is there a garden?


Why's that?

Yes, it is. 5x2 = 10 points

Read the text and decide if the sentences are R (right), W (wrong) or DS (doesn't say).

- m

Iffi m | x ;xi


Hi How are you? On Saturday,

Write back soon,



^s^:zif~KZi'fr- ^ T T K S M S I



^S'., 54 .

^ ivst f '

5 x 7 = 5 points © Express Publishing



Complete the sentences w i t h : knife, spoon, bowl, whisk or frying pan. 1 I need a

to beat the eggs.

2 We put all the ingredients in the

and mix them.

3 Fry the omelette in a very hot 4 Use a

. to mix the batter.

5 You need a

to slice the tomatoes. 5x1 = 5 points

Fill in the gaps w i t h a/an, some or any. Then decide if the nouns in bold are C (countable) or U (uncountable). 1 There is.

rice in the bowl.

2 I need

egg for this recipe.

3 Is there _

_ m i l k in the fridge?

4 There is.

_ cucumber on the table. bread with your meal?

5 Would you like

• • • • • 5x1 = 5 points

Fill in the gaps w i t h : loaf, glass, bowl, cup or carton. 1 Would you like a

of water?

2 There is a

of fruit juice in the fridge.

3 Mum buys a fresh

of bread every day.

4 My dad always has a 5 Greg has a

of coffee in the morning. of cereal for breakfast. 5x1=5

© Express Publishing



Choose the correct item. 1 How much/many flour do you need for the cake? 2 There are very little/few eggs in the fridge. We can't make an omelette. 3 We haven't got many/much strawberries. 4 There is too many/much salt in the soup. 5 Robert has got a few/a little apples in his bag. 5x1=5


Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative or superlative form. 1 Rice is

(healthy) than crisps.

2 Vito's is the

(expensive) restaurant in town.

3 Jack's burgers are

(delicious) than Ken's.

4 I think Jamie Oliver is the

(good) chef in the world.

5 This restaurant serves the

(bad) pizza in the area. 5x1 = 5 points



Match the sentences (A-E) to the sentences (1-5) to make correct exchanges.

These biscuits are delicious. Are they simple to make? And then? How long do you bake them for? Wow, it sounds simple!

Then you add the chocolate. It really is. For 25 minutes. Thanks! It's my mum's recipe. Yes, they are. 5x2=

© Express Publishing


10 points


Read the text and decide if the sentences are R (right), W (wrong) or DS (doesn't say).



Jose Avillez is a famous Portuguese chef. He's got many restaurants all around Portugal. One of his restaurants in Lisbon has got two of the famous AAichelin star awards. Jose has a cooking show on TV and the radio. He also writes many cookbooks. They are very popular in Portugal and allow people to cook Jose's dishes at home. Jose loves cooking with different ingredients like fresh fish and vegetables. That's why his favourite meal is 'bacalhau a bras' - a very tasty fish dish with eggs, potatoes, onions and other fresh ingredients. He believes that this dish is the perfect example of Portuguese food - fresh, simple and delicious!

:^Jt W

1 Jose Avillez is from Portugal. 2 He has got 3 restaurants.

Q] Q

3 He only cooks with fresh fish and vegetables.


4 'Bacalhau a bras'is a delicious fish dish.


5 You need 4 eggs to make'bacalhau a bras'.

[^ 5x3


© Express Publishing


= 15 points

Writing Read the fact file about the street food below and complete the blog entry.

! . K ^ / iift^v/ : r i # i ^ fe ! f ^ ^ \ l ^ ^ f e ' f e P ' o ^ / f e ^ § r O

'lOTJm fife? litfe&ggrvilS p M ^ m - p | ftHnfi® •;{












W^-f^Wk KIBflfl i H SSSX

. Vendors usually sell it from a van. They . Some people like ., too. It's really delicious!

tf® m 20 points

> Express Publishing



Listen and choose the correct answer (A, B or C). 1 What does Martin need?


2 What is Melanie's favourite food?

*g>-~^mm "'


3 What do Tara's parents drink in the morning?

© Express Publishing






/100 (Time: 50 minutes)

Choose the correct item.

< r :^ j^f^*%

*A ftfi§§

1 tea/coffee

2 pasta/ yoghurt

3 crisps/ biscuits

4 milk/fruit juice

5 salt/pepper

6 rice/flour

7 cereal/ cheese

8 potato/ tomato

9 chicken/ meat

10 eggs/onion

10x1 = 10 points

Label the pictures with the correct food preparation.

k\ //J ^i>«y^a£r***

5x1=5 © Express Publishing




Complete the sentences with: knife, spoon, bowl, whisk or frying pan. 1 You need a

to chop the onions.

2 Add the eggs and sugar into the

and mix for 5 minutes. to beat the eggs.

3 Mark always uses a 4 Fry the fish in a very hot 5 Use a

to mix the salad. 5x1=5


Fill in the gaps with a/an, some or any. Then decide if the nouns in bold are C (countable) or U (uncountable). _ bread on the table.

1 There is

cucumbers in the salad.

2 There aren't. 3 Can I have _


4 There is

_ carrot in the fridge,

5 I need

.flour for this recipe.

• • • • •





Fill in the gaps with: loaf, glass, bowl, cup or carton. 1 Can you buy a

of milk from the supermarket?

2 Maria always has a

of tea after lunch.

3 I would like a

of water.

4 Kim has a

of rice for dinner.

5 Janie makes a fresh

© Express Publishing


of bread every day.

Choose the correct item. 1 There is little/few milk in the carton. 2 Robert has got a few/a little tomatoes in his fridge. 3 We haven't got many/much butter. 4 There is too many/much pepper in the stew. 5 How much/many apples do you need for the pie? 5x1=5



Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative or superlative form. 1 Meat is

(tasty) than chicken.

2 This is the

(popular) restaurant in town. _ (good) chef than Dad.

3 Mum's a 4 This is the.

(spicy) dish ever!

5 Henry is _

. (friendly) than Simon. 5x 1 =5 points

Eweryday English |

Match the sentences (A-E) to the sentences (1-5) to make correct exchanges.

This cake is delicious. Is it simple to make? And then? How long do you bake it for? Wow, it sounds simple!

3 Yes, it is. ;! For 45 minutes. #< It really is. % Then you add the strawberries. \l) Thanks! It's my mum's recipe. 5x2=

) Express Publishing


10 points

Read the text and decide if the sentences are R (right), W (wrong) or DS (doesn't say).

K t o B y [BODPC^ Mary Berry is a famous British food writer. She writes about food in books and magazines. She has got over 20 cookery books and is often on TV shows, such as The Great British Bake Off and her own cookery shows. Mary isn't a chef and she hasn't got any restaurants. However, she loves food and cooking traditional British dishes. Sometimes, Mary Berry cooks main courses with meat, fish and vegetables, but she is most famous for her bread, biscuit and cake recipes. Mary wants all the people in Britain to bake tasty food in their own kitchens. Lots of people love Mary Berry's recipes and use them to bake delicious cakes for their family and friends.

\ r ^ i

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• " • * - • - - . »

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1 Mary writes her own cookery books. 2 Mary Berry is a British celebrity chef. 3 Mary Berry has two restaurants in the UK. 4 She is famous for her cakes. 5 She wants people to cook healthier food at home. 5x3 © Express Publishing


= 15 points

Writing Read the fact file about the street food below and write a blog entry.


i\V. !;/'.,, 'V\tf ;, r r: 'J''

The is a popular street food in Vendors Then they Customers

It's delicious!

20 points

> Express Publishing



>.;.: "\'*\* v" ^/.^V;^*-"':v V:;"' t*^^i^S^*-3«^^

Listen and choose the correct answer (A, B or C). 1 What does Jessica need? (A)

2 What is Harry's favourite food?



© 1 vf 4/y

3 What does Josh have for breakfast?

3x5 = 15 points


© Express Publishing






/100 (Time: 50 minutes)

Choose the correct item.


ki .sals. 1 cereal/ cheese

2 rice/flour

3 milk/fruit juice

6 pasta/ yoghurt

7 tea/coffee

8 chicken/ meat

4 crisps/ biscuits

5 eggs/onion

9 potato/tomato

10 salt/pepper

10x1 = 10 points

Label the pictures with the correct food preparation. ; i


* '\


£ T ^

5x1=5 ) Express Publishing




Complete the sentences w i t h : knife, spoon, bowl, cake tin or grater. 1 Add the butter, flour and sugar into the 2 Use a

to mix the soup.

3 You need a 4

and mix for 8 minutes.

.to peel potatoes.

Put the cake batter in the

and bake for 30 minutes.

5 Karen always uses a

to grate the cheese. 5x1=5


Fill in the gaps w i t h a/an, some or any. Then decide if the nouns in bold are C (countable) or U (uncountable). 1 There is

.lettuce in the salad. flour.

2 We haven't g o t . 3 Can I have

biscuit, please?

4 There is

.fish in the fridge.

5 I always eat.

orange at lunch.

• • • • •

5x1= 5 points

Fill in the gaps w i t h : packet, can, bowl, cup or bar. 1 Maria always has a

of coffee for breakfast.

2 I sometimes eat a

of chocolate after lunch.

3 Frank has always got a

of biscuits in his bag.

4 I would like a 5 Sandy has

of cola. of soup for dinner. 5x1= 5 points

© Express Publishing


Choose the correct item. 1 How many/much flour do you need? 2 There aren't much/many cherries in the bowl. 3 James eats too many/much biscuits. 4 We still have a few/a little strawberries in the fridge. 5 Dave adds very few/little sugar to his tea. 5x1 = 5 points

Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative or superlative form. 1 Nancy is the

(bad) chef I know.

2 Gina is

(kind) than Tonia.

3 This is the

(busy) restaurant in town.

4 Fish is

(delicious) than meat.

5 This is the

(good) pie ever! 5x1-5


Everyday English Match the sentences (A-E) to the sentences (1-5) to make correct exchanges.

This pie is delicious.

Yes, it is.

Is it simple to make?

Thanks! It's my aunt's recipe.

And then? How long do you bake it for? Wow, it sounds simple!

For 30 minutes. It really is. Then you add the apples. 5x2=


10 points

. -> ,-j;H$ v^ZSSsgi

Read the text and answer the questions.

The Victoria Sponge In the UK, people love having a cup of tea and a slice of cake in the afternoon. One of the most famous cakes in Britain is the Victoria Sponge. Its name is from Queen Victoria. People buy it in cafes or make it at home. To make the cake you need eggs# flour, butter and sugar. Mix all of the ingredients well for about 5 minutes. Then, pour the batter in a cake tin and bake it for 35 minutes. After that, take the cake out of the oven and let it cool before you add strawberry or raspberry jam on it. People also add some sugar or some strawberries. It's really simple to make and it's delicious!

1 What do British people love doing in the afternoon? 2 Where does the Victoria sponge get its name from? _ 3 Where can you buy Victoria Sponge from? 4 What ingredients do you need to make the cake?_ 5 What do people add to the cake? 5x3


© Express Publishing


- 15 points

Writing Write a blog entry about your favourite dish.




( Express Publishing




Complete the activities w i t h : hot, raining, cold and snowing.

1 It's

2 It's

3 It's

4 It's 4x1=4




Label the pictures.




1 d



2 s

3 s

4 j.

Label the pictures with the correct geographical features.

*£ if v

\ -A (

I r

"5 "." '

1 I

2 r

3 w


4 r 4x1=4

© Express Publishing






Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form of the present continuous. 1


(he/prepare) lunch at the moment?

2 Wanda

(not/go) shopping right now.

3 Peter and I 4 I

(take) a bike ride now. (not/read) a book now. 4x1=4



Choose the correct prepositions of movement. 1 Mark is putting the burgers into/onto the barbecue.

3 My dad is walking across/to work. 4 The girls are going along/into the shop.

2 The woman is getting to/out of the car. 4x1=4


Choose the correct item. 1 Him/His trainers are white. Her/Hers are grey.

3 Our/Ours scarves are orange. Their/Theirs are blue.

2 This is he/his cap. My/Mine is at home.

4 -My/Mine jumper is black. Your/Yours is red. 4x0.5 = 4 points

Complete the sentences with the correct form of will or going to and the verbs in brackets. 1 Look! That girl.

(dive) into the pool.

2 Tomorrow, we

(visit) our grandparents.

3 I think the show 4 T m really hungry." "I

(be) amazing. (make) you a sandwich." 4x1=4



Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to or don't have to and the verbs in brackets. 1 Felicia 2 I 3 Zack 4 We

. (walk) her dog every day. (/) . (keep) my room tidy. (/) (bring) a packed lunch with him. (X) . (go) to bed early. It's Saturday. (X) 4x1=4 © Express Publishing




Match the sentences (A-E) to the sentences (1-5) to make correct exchanges. Why don't you put on your scarf? Thanks! Umm ... Simon? Have you got a scarf in your bag? Let's ask Martin for his.

What's wrong now? No, I haven't. I haven't got it with me. No problem. Good idea! 5x2 = 10 points

Read the postcard and answer the questions.

Hello Emily, I'm in Phuket; a tropical island in Thailand. We are staying in an amazing hotel near the beach. The weather is very hot and sunny. In the mornings, we usually visit markets and then go to the beach. In the evenings, we take a bike ride and have dinner at a restaurant. Right now, we are having lunch at a restaurant and planning a boat tour

> t ,, :c t- ; .r/,'.


around the island. I'm so excited! Anyway, I have to go. We're going diving in the sea. I'm so happy!


Speak to you soon, Andre

1 Who is in Phuket? 2 Where are they staying?, 3 What's the weather like? 4 What are they planning now?. 5 How does the writer feel? 5x3 = 15 points © Express Publishing


rite a postcard to your English-speaking friend about a holiday you're on.





PQ3Z. 5 •mDear Greetings from beautiful here. We're

! It's

mso to be here! See you soon, THIS SPACE FOR

20 points © Express Publishing


Listen and complete the correct answer. 1 What is Stan buying? A shorts

B a T-shirt

C trainers

B next to the hat

C behind the jacket

2 Where's the girl's bag? A next to the boots

3 What footwear does Richard need? A boots

B shoes

C trainers

4 What are they getting Greta for her birthday? A a belt

B a hat

C a scarf

B shorts and a T-shirt

C a skirt and a T-shirt

5 What is Victoria wearing? A a dress

5x3 =

© Express Publishing






/100 (Time: 50 minutes)

h %# «fa SB b»v b/J B fe =f Express Publishing




Write an email to your English-speaking friend describing your experience at the London Dungeon. Write: where you went, who you went with, what you did and how you felt.

email To:_ From: Subject:

Dear , How are you? I'm writing to you to tell you all about It was


Write back soon,

20 point


© Express Publishing


Listening Listen and choose the correct answer. 1 Where did Ben go on holiday? A The Philippines

B Vietnam

C China

B family

C grandparents

2 Who was with him? A friends

3 What was the weather like in the mornings? A cool

B raining

C sunny

B walking around the city

C going to the zoo

B bored

C relaxed

4 What did he most enjoy there? A going to the beach 5 How did he feel? A happy

5x3 = 15 points

) Express Publishing







/100 (Time: 50 minutes)

Complete the sentences with actor, Queen, painter or writer. 1 Vincent van Gogh was an amazing Dutch 2 Elizabeth I was the

of England.

3 Charlie Chaplin was a great English 4 Charles Dickens was a famous English 4x1=4 poinz.

Label the pictures with the correct means of transport *"-TH:,.. ^^&~*i$ ^^^^^^^1 lb

6x1 = 6 poirz


© Express Publishing


Write the opposite of the adjectives below. 1 fast


3 expensive


2 relaxing


4 exciting

* 4x1=4


Look at the pictures and choose the correct answers.

/° ©

/ ^




An elephant has a big 1) body/mane, big 2) ears/legs, a big 3) neck/head and a long 4) tail/trunk. A cat has thick 5) wings/fur and a long 6) tail/neck.

6x1 = 6 points

Complete the sentences with was„ wasn't were or weren't. 1 We 2 I 3 Josh and I 4 Sarah

in London last weekend. (X) at the airport at 7 o'clock this morning. (/) at a restaurant last night. (/) . at the beach yesterday. (X). 4x1=4 © Express Publishing




Write the past simple of the verbs below. 1 cook


5 speak

2 think


6 eat

3 drink


7 put

4 buy


8 need 8x0.5 = 4 point:

Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple. . (take) lots of pictures while I was on holiday

1 I 2 Roger_

(not/like) the boat tour.

3 Brianna

(go) to the museum.

4 I

. (not/bring) a hat with me. 4x1=4




Look at what Amanda did/didn't do yesterday. Write questions, then answer them. 1 watch TV? (/) 2 walk the dog? (X) 3 play video games? (/)_ 4 visit a friend? (X)


© Express Publishing


Use the words in brackets to write questions. 1 We ate pizza last night. (What?) 2 They went to the park by bus. (How?) 3 I travelled to Ireland last summer. (When?) 4 Terry went to the library. (Where?)



Match the sentences (A-E) to the sentences (1-5) to make correct exchanges.

How was your holiday? What was the weather like? What did you do there?

I'd love to. We visited museums and the zoo. It was warm and sunny.

It sounds like you had a great time!

It was great, thanks.

Why don't you come by this Saturday?

Yes, it was fantastic. 5x2 = 10 points

© Express Publishing



Read the text and complete the sentences.

Tel: Entrance:

0871 781 3000 Adults: £26 Children: £21

Opening hours:

Monday - Sunday: 10:00 am-8:30 pm

i he London Eye is the perfect place to see London from above on a beautiful, sunny day. This is a huge wheel on the South Bank of the River Thames. It is 135 metres high and has got 32 capsules. The wheel moves slowly. A complete turn takes about 30 minutes. You can see famous landmarks from there such as Buckingham Palace and the Houses of Parliament.

m^mm Randy, 17 I was there yesterday. I had a great time! It gets crowded, though, so make sure you book your ticket online in advance. It's cheaper, too!

I went there with my friends last week. It was amazing. We had a box of chocolates in a private capsule and something to drink. The view of London was incredible!


1 Tickets cost.

_for children.

2 The London Eye is open from 3 The London Eye is a good place 4 It takes

every day. from above. . for the London Eye to make a complete turn.

5 Tickets are cheaper when you.

online in advance. 5x3


© Express Publishing


= 15 points

Writing Write an email to your English-speaking friend describing your experience at the London Eye. Write: where you went, who you went with, what you did and how you felt



To: From: Subject;

Dear , How are you? I'm writing to you to tell you all about . It was experience.

Write back soon,

20 points

> Express Publishing


105 ••'-•Si

Listen and choose the correct answer. 1 Who was with her on holiday? A friends

B parents

C grandparents

2 Where did Natalie go on holiday? A France

B Portugal

C Spain

3 What was the weather like on the last day? A hot

B cloudy

C sunny

B walking around the city

C going to a waterpark

B bored

C relaxed

4 What did she most enjoy there? A going to the beach 5 How did she feel? A excited



© Express Publishing


= 15 points





/100 (Time: 50 minutes)

Complete the sentences with physicist, Queen, painter or writer. 1 Elvis Presley was a popular American 2 Albert Einstein was a great German 3 Charles Dickens was a famous English 4 Elizabeth I was the

of England. 4x1=4


Label the pictures with the correct means of transport.




-:• - 4 * |||§f|^ ^



Ipf IPtfe^ll IftlT"'




6 x 7 = 6 po/nts

> Express Publishing



Write the opposite of the adjectives below. 1 tiring


3 boring

2 expensive *

4 slow 4x1=4



Look at the pictures and choose the correct answers.



A horse has a long 1) tail/neck, a thick 2) mane/fur and long 3) ears/legs.

A rabbit has, small 4) head/eyes, big 5) ears/neck and thick 6) mane/fur.

®-^m 6J





Complete the sentences with was, wasn't, were or weren't. 1 Eric

at the park yesterday. (X)

2 Davina

in her room last night. (/)


they at school on Monday?

4 Rita and I



© Express Publishing

on holiday last week. (X)




Write the past simple of the verbs below. 1 play


5 talk

2 spend


6 pay

3 meet


7 come

4 make


8 study

8x0.5 = 4 points


Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple. 1 James. 2 I 3 The children 4 Petra

.(have).a barbecue last Saturday . (not/go) to the theatre last night. (listen) to music after school. .(not/enjoy) her holiday. 4x1=4


Look at what Sam and Kate did/didn't do on their holiday last summer. Write questions, then answer them. 1 meet their friends? (/) 2 chat online? (X)_ 3 gotothemall?(/)_ 4 play football? (X)„


> Express Publishing




Use the words in brackets to write questions. 1 Judy saw Peter at the zoo. (Who?) 2 The train left at 6 pm. (What time?) 3 Ann went to the mall to buy some shoes. (Why?) 4 We went to the beach by car. (How?) 4x1=4


Match the sentences (A-E) to the sentences (1-5) to make correct exchanges.

How was your holiday? What was the weather like? What did you do there?

We went skiing and ate local food. It was amazing, thanks. Yes, it was great.

It sounds like you had a good time!

I'd love to.

Why don't you come by tomorrow?

It was cold but sunny. 5x2 = 10 points


© Express Publishing


Read the text and answer the questions.



" N^

Tel: Prices:

020 3657 6525 £21-£29.50 (for 60 minutes)


Mon-Tiiy: 4:00 pm -12:00 am Fri-Son: 12:00 pm -01:00 am

,~-V;\ ounce London is a great place to p V \ get together and have fun. There -ziJ are lots of ping-pong tables to play with your friends and then have something to eat in the restaurant. There is a huge menu to choose from. Bounce also offers private ping-pong rooms and even a conference room for businesses to use for their events and meetings. Bounce really is the place to be!

I was there last night. I had a fantastic time, but it's a good idea to book ahead since it gets very crowded there.

went to Bounce last month for my birthday. I took five friends and we had a private room. It was a lot of fun and the food was delicious!

Our office had a meeting there last week. We used the special conference room and ate lunch in the fantastic restaurant. It made a long meeting fun!



1 How much does it cost t o play ping pong for one hour? 2 What time is Bounce open on a Saturday? 3 What can you do at Bounce?

4 What can businesses do in the conference room?_ 5 Why is it a good idea to book in advance?

5x3 = 15 points © Express Publishing



Write an email to your English-speaking friend describing your experience at Bounce London. Write: where you went, who you went with, what you did and how you felt.

emai! To: From: Subject:

Dear How are you? I'm writing to you to tell you all about . It was


Write back soon,

20 points

© Express Publishing


Listening |U Listen and choose the correct answer. 1 Who was with him on holiday? A friends

B parents

C grandparents

2 Where did Jake go on holiday? A Greece

B Spain

C France

3 What was the weather like on the last day? A snowing

B cloudy

C sunny

4 What did he most enjoy there? A sitting by the fire

B having a snowboarding lesson

C drinking hot chocolate

B bored

C tired

5 How did he feel? A excited

5x3 = 15 points

> Express Publishing







/80 (Time: 50 minutes)

Choose the correct item.

1 Sophie and Ryan

a picnic this



A am having B is having

A Really? I do.

C are having

B Yes, it is.

2 Fry the egg in a A frying pan

C Same here.


B cake tin

10 A: Are you free this afternoon?

C saucepan 3

B: A I'm OK.

you eat pizza yesterday? A Were

B Are

C Did

11 A: Why don't you come by tomorrow?

B: A Wow!


B It was amazing!

A Wow! Lucky you!

C Welcome back! 5 Harry can do

B I'd love to.

.very well.

A martial arts B basketball

C tennis


A fish

A It's delicious!

B lettuce


C rice

13 A: Why don't you put your hat on?

B It really is!


C Thanks! 7 In the summer, I wear my


B jumper

8 Would you like a A bowl

C Nice to see you. 12 My favourite British dish is chips.

6 A: Wow, it sounds simple!

A cap

B Sure. I'd love to. C I think so.

4 A: How was your holiday?


9 A: I love it here in Madrid.

C scarf of cola?

B can

© Express Publishing


C carton

A I've always got an extra one in my ba( B My head is cold. C I haven't got it with me. 14 Einstein was a German A writer

B physicist

. C actor

15 Betty

to Francs by plane.

A travel

24 A: Where's she from?

B travelling


C travelled

A The UK. She's British. B She's 13.

16 A: This c^ke is delicious!

C The thin one.

B: A Thanks! It's my mum's recipe.

25 Fiona

online at 9:00 pm.

B Wow. It sounds simple!

A don't chat

C It really is.

C aren't chatting

17 We need to buy supermarket. A any

apples from the

B an

18 June,

26 In summer, the weather is sunny.

C some

and August are in the

A snowing

A body B July

19 Let's put some burgers


B beak

A Thanks! B into

B Good idea! Thanks!

29 Chop the onions with a

are my boxes and this is my

A spoon

watch. B This

C That

B whisk

30 Igor is from Russia. He's A American

21 A: What was the weather like?

B Russian

A I was OK.


B Fantastic! It was warm and sunny.

A Sorry, I can't make it.

C Yes, it was.

B 8:00 pm is fine.

22 I go to school on

23 This is the A tasty C tastiest

. C knife . C British

31 A: Would you like to meet on Sunday?


A bus

C head

C Wow!

C through

A Those





C warm

28 A: Ask Adam. He's always got a cap in his bag.

C September

A onto

B cold


27 Tina's parrot has got a sharp

summer. A May

B doesn't chat

C Let's go to the cinema.


B bike

C foot

32 "It's hot." "I

A is going to B am going to

dish on the menu. B tastier

open the window."


C will

you watching a film right now? A Am

© Express Publishing

B Are


C Is


1 34 Belinda







43 We usually eat A pasta

A mother

for breakfast. B chicken

C cereal

B aunt 44 How

C grandmother

strawberries do you need?

A much

B many

35 A: How many eggs do we need?

Jumper. It is blue.

45 This is.

B: A Three.

B Three grammes.

36 Elvis Presley was a famous A writer

A me 46 We took museum.

C Three millilitres.

C little

B my

C mine

a guided

A talk


B walk


C tour

B singer 47 A: I took lots of photos.

C painter

B: 37 Would you like a glass of A tea

A What did you do?

B milk

B How was your holiday?

C yoghurt

C Can I see them?

38 A: What was the weather like?

48 My mum goes to work


A on


B in

C by

A It was nice and sunny.

49 She's Victoria. Ottawa, Canada.

B Oh yes! C Yes, it was perfect.

A Her

39 Lions have got thick heads. A tails

on their

B eyes

C manes

B His

50 The salad is A cheap


is in

C Their than the stew.

B cheaper

C cheapest 40 There is an armchair in the 51 There is lots of wildlife in the Amazon

A living room

B kitchen

A waterfall

C bathroom

C rainforest

41 My birthday is A at

_ December. B in

C on

42 A: Ummm...Toby?

52 A: How long do you bake it for? B: A Then, mix some more.


B At 220 degrees Celsius.

A What's wrong now?

C For 30 minutes.

B Have you got a scarf in your bag? C Why don't you put on your scarf?


B island

© Express Publishing




L 53 In the , I like to make snowmen with my friends. A spring

63 On Saturdays, I my dad and my brother.

B winter

A make

C autumn

bike rides with

B go

C take

64 A: What did you do on holiday?

54 You bring your own because there is a restaurant.


B: A We went to Spain.

A doesn't have to

B We went sightseeing.

B have to

C We stayed in a hotel.

C don't have to 65 Last summer, we 55 I

to music at the moment.

A go

A am listening

to Greece.

B are going

C went

B listen 66 Ruth and Simon weekend.

C listened 56 A: How are you?

A was


in London last

B were

C are

67 It's cold, so you need to wear your

A I'm from the USA. B I'm 10 years old.

A gloves

C I'm great, thanks. 57 Then, A mix

68 A: And then? B:

B grate

A For 20 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius.

C peel

B First of all, beat the butter and sugar.

eggs in the fridge. B any

59 I

C skirt

some cheese on top.

58 There aren't A some

B shorts

C Then, add the flour and mix it with a spoon.

C an

at school yesterday.

A weren't

B am not

C wasn't

69 There isn't A many

60 Gemma has got a pet A elephant

B rabbit

milk left. B much

C few

. C giraffe

70 Robert Spain.

61 A: Thanks for the jumper.

from the UK. He's from

A am not



A I haven't got it with me.

B isn't

C aren't

the eggs with a whisk. A Beat

B Chop

C Mix

B No, I haven't. 72 Bridget

C No problem.

to the cinema last night.

A didn't went B didn't go 62

time is your flight? A Why

B What

C don't go C When ) Express Publishing




73 Look at Tim and Rupert! are green. A Your 74

B They


B: C Their

did you go on holiday last year? I went to Australia. A What

B Where

75 Let's read books at the A library

C How .

B supermarket

A bar

of bread, please? B loaf

C jar

77 A: It sounds like you had an amazing time. B: A Wow!

B Sure. I'd love to.

C Yes, it was just perfect.

© Express Publishing


A Yes, it is. B No, but that's OK. C It's not very big. 79 There is a A cooker

in the kitchen. B bed

80 At 8:30 pm, I family.

C museum 76 Can you buy a

78 A: Is there a balcony?

A watch

C toilet television with m

B chat

C do





7100 (Time: 50 minutes)

¥©cai3«iiar\f Choose the correct answer. 1 My little sister is tall and very A short

B old

C thin

2 My friend Francesca is from A Greek

B Spain

3 My sister plays


A wife .

C Chinese for the school team.

C martial arts

A clever


. He's got lots of C friendly

B Canada


C son

7 Julian is from the UK. He's A Brazilian B American 8 My sister is my parents'

9 Samuel can do

B polite

5 Tara is from the

B husband

A daughters cousin

A football B gymnastics

4 Gary is very friends.

6 My dad is my mum's.

A tennis

C British . C son

very well.

B gymnastics C football

10 Susan is grades. A clever


She's got very good B polite

C funny

C Australia 10x4 = 40 points

© Express Publishing



Choose the correct answer. 1

play tennis?

is small.

A You can B Can you 2 He's Carl. A Her

A Als'cat

3 The children

C His

7 This is Marie. A She

Chinese. B is

4 Martina

C are


A am not

A Can she B Can they

B He isn't

9 My teacher

do martial arts or play tennis. C I can't


C Her

10 years old? A I am

C haven't got

.'s from the UK.

B He


a dog.

A have got B has got

B Al'scat

C The cat of Al

friend is William. B Our

A am

C I can't

C Are you

from Russia. B isn't

C aren't

a hamster? A I've got

B He hasn't got

C Have you got 10x4 = 40 points

Choose the correct answer. 1 A: How are you?

4 A: Who's that boy over there?

B: A And you?

B: A The thin one.

B I'm fine.

B He's Greek.

C Cool!

C That's Paul.

2 A: How old is he?

5 A: Come on, let's go and say hello.

B: A He's 10.

B: A Cool!

B He's British.

B Who?

C The tall one.

C And you?

3 A: Where's he from? B: A American. B He's my cousin. 5x4 = 20 points

C The UK.


© Express Publishing






/100 (Time: 50 minutes)

Vocabulary fi^

Choose the correct answer. 1 There is a sink and a fridge in the A kitchen

B bathroom C bedroom

2 Outside there is a trees. A garage

B roof

3 There is a bed and a A wardrobe


with flowers and C garden in my bedroom.

6 My house is on the A 5

B 2nd

A bed

B bedside cabinet


in my

C chimney floor.

A door

B wall


C balcony

9 The toilet and the washbasin are in the

C hospital

5 There's a great view from the bedroom. A window B wall


8 There are lots of paintings on the

B cooker C bath

B library

in the living

C coffee table

4 My neighbourhood has got a lots of books. A gym

7 There is a sofa and a

A bathroom

B living room

C kitchen 10 My neighbourhood has got a


lots of trees. A cinema

B supermarket

C park

C 3 10x4 = 40 points

© Express Publishing


|: Jfi

Choose the correct answer. .book is blue. A These

B This

2 There aren't room. A any

6 There are C Those armchairs in the living

A boxes

on the floor. B box

7 This is the


A children B childrens' B an

the bookcase. B next to

A below

any paintings in the room. A There are

the bedside cabinet.

B on

C in

C above 9 There is


C children's

C some 8 There is a lamp

3 The bed is A under

C boxs

A a

wardrobe in the bedroom. B some

C an

B Are there 10

C There aren't

a table in the kitchen? A There is B There isn't C Is there


curtains are in front of the window. A That

B Those

C This

10x4 = 40 points

Choose the correct answer. 1 A: Your house is great! B: A Thanks!

4 A: Is there a garage? B: A No, it isn't.


B It's really big.

C No, there isn't.

C No, there isn't.

2 A: What's your house like? B: A It's small.

5 A: Why's that? B: A Sounds nice.

B There's a bed.

B That's OK.

C Yes, it is.

C We haven't got a car.

3 A: Is your room big? B: A It's big. B No, it isn't. 5 x 4 = 20 points

C Yes, there is.


> Express Publishing









/100 (Time: 50 minutes)

¥ocabulary /^

Choose the correct answer. 1 The children have A breakfast 2 Gina free time. A helps 3 Ben A watches 4 I like A playing

at 1 pm.

B lunch

C dinner

a charity for animals in her

A takes 7 I

B goes

C does

B plays

C listens

A playing

C hanging

B Music

C Maths

. I

C spends

my teeth after dinner.

8 Susan likes free time.

out with my friends. B chatting

B has

A brush

to music after school.

5 My favourite school subject is love painting. A Art

6 My dad his free time with my brother and me.

9 We always A get

B take

C have

jigsaw puzzles in her B doing

C going

up at 7 am. B go

C come

10 My favourite school subject is love sports. A English


. I

C Science 10x4 = 40 points

© Express Publishing



Choose the correct answer. 1 Mark

his friends at 6 pm.

A meets

6 He

B meet

A must keep

C don't meet that

I have

7 She is

on time. She's never late.

A usually

B First



B on

C at

to bed late?

A You go

B You don't go

C Do you go 5 "

C sometimes

TV after dinner.

A watch

B Whose

C What

B don't watch

C watches 9 We visit our weekend. A at

is he?" "He's my best friend Joe.'

A Who

B always

C After 8 Jane

3 I have piano lessons _ A in

B mustn't keep

C must keeps

2 I get up at 8 am. breakfast. A Then

his room tidy. It's his duty.

10 "

grandparents B on


C in

does she live?" "Near our school."

A When

B Where

C What 10x4 = 40 points

Choose the correct answer. 1 A: Hi, Henry! How are you? B: A Thanks!

4 A: Let's meet at 6 o'clock. B: A What time?

B I'm OK. And you?

B I can't make it at 6.

C No, I'm not.

C No, I can't.

2 A: Are you free on Saturday? B: A I'm fine.

5 A: How about 7 o'clock then? B: A 7 o'clock is fine!

B See you!

B I have tennis practice.

C I think so.

C I'm OK, thanks.

3 A: Can we go to the cinema? B: A I'd love to. B I can't make it at 7. 5x4

C Why?


© Express Publishing


= 20 points





/100 (Time: 50 minutes)

Choose the correct answer. 1 I eat fruit like apples and A lettuce


B eggs

2 Mix the soup with a



B spoon

B Add

4 Wally always puts A butter

A fish

B cereal

A yoghurt

C bowl

8 Use a

on his bread.

. He hates dairy C milk

to fry the omelette. B frying pan C cake tin

9 We always put tomatoes and salad. A cucumbers B flour

with milk for 10 C crisps

C Slice

B cheese

A saucepan

C Beat

B fruit juice C pasta

5 They have a bowl of breakfast.

B Chop

7 Dan never drinks products.

the eggs with a whisk. A Slice

some salt to the soup. A Add

C strawberries

A knife


in our C biscuits

the onions with a knife. A Grate

B Chop

C Beat

10x4 = 40 points

£ £ « * £ £ ^JDMPC

Choose the correct answer. 1 Fish is

than chicken.

A tasty

B tastier

2 Would you like a A cup 3 I need

7 I don't need C tastiest

of tea?

B glass

B a

4 There are A a few

C jar

5 There is a A bar

A tastiest

A a

of bread on the table.

A famous

C loaf than

_cake of all. C tastier milk in the fridge.

B some

C any

10 Jamie Oliver is one of the the world.

B carton

C few

B tasty

9 We haven't got

C a little

6 Making a pie is biscuits. A difficult

C some

apples in the fridge. B much

B much

8 Chocolate cake is the

.cherries for this recipe.

A any

A many

flour for this cake.

chefs in

B most famous

C more famous


B more difficult

C most difficult

10x4 = 40 points

Choose the correct answer. 1 A: This pie is very tasty! B: A And then?

4 A: How long do you bake it for? B: A At 220 degrees Celsius.

B I don't know.

B For 40 minutes.

C Thanks!

C 200 ml.

2 A: Is it difficult to make? B: A No, it isn't.

5 A: Wow, It sounds simple! B: A It really is.

B It's my recipe.

B Thanks!

C Yes. It's easy.

C It's easy to make

3 A: And then? B: A First beat the eggs and butter. B Then, add the flour. C You need apples.


© Express Publishing


5 x 4 = 20 points





/100 (Time: 50 minutes)


Choose the correct answer, 1

.sledging in the winter.

ike A making


B going

C having

is the month before September. A November

3 It is warm and A cold

B July

in the summer. B sunny

5 You wear A belts

B taking

C snowing pumpkins in

B rainforest C island

7 My brother is wearing A a hat 8

B shorts

on his head. C a belt

is the month before January. A May

B December C October

9 George doesn't like A visiting

C making

on your feet. B boots

A waterfall

C August

4 My parents and I love the autumn. A picking

6 I live on a(n)

10 It is cold and A hot


B taking

C going

today. B warm

C snowing

C gloves 10x4 = 40 points

© Express Publishing



Choose the correct answer. 1 They now.

a bike ride in the park right

going to the beach right now? A You're

A am taking

B You aren't C Are you

B is taking 7 I think it

C are taking

snow tomorrow.

A are going to 2 The man is getting A through

his car.

B out of

3 This weekend, Jack A are going to

C is going to

C over visit his cousins.

B isn't going to


B us

5 "I'm thirsty." "I


C him get you a glass of


A will


B along

9 Look! Justin

4 Harold is speaking. Let's listen to

A will

8 Julia is putting bookcase. A into

C am going to

A he

B will

the C to

dance. B are going to

C is going to 10 These aren't my gloves. They are A yours

B mine


C your

B am going to 10x4 = 40 points

C isn't going to

Choose the correct answer. 1 A: Why don't you put on your hat? B: A Yes, it is.

B: A I know.

B No, I haven't.

B No, I haven't.

C I haven't got it with me.

C No problem.

2 A: Here, take mine. B: A I know .

4 A: Have you got a scarf in your bag?

5 A: Let's ask Rob for his. B: A Good idea!

B Thanks!

B I love it here.

C No problem.

C No, he hasn't.

3 A: Umm... Alex? B: A What's wrong now? B Good idea!


C Wow! ) Express Publishing


= 20 points






/100 (Time: 50 minutes)

Choose the correct answer. 1 My mum drives to work in her A ship

B car

C helicopter

2 My parrot has got a sharp A beak

B eye


A plane


7 A(n)

C neck

3 Vincent Van Gogh was a Dutch A actor 4 A A parrot

B painter


A head

C painter

C ship

is a pet. B elephant

B mane

C rabbit . C body

9 We went to the island by

C giraffe

5 Albert Einstein was a German A physicist B actor

A lion

B bike

8 A lion has got a thick

C writer

isn't a pet. B cat

6 My friends and I go to the park by after school.


A bus

B train

. C ship

10 Charles Dickens was an English A writer

B singer


C actor

10x4 = 40 points

Choose the correct answer. 1 Stanley

. t o Paris last summer.

A went

B go

2 Louis and I

C goes

A Who

at school yesterday.

A is

B was


is your best friend?

B When

C were

4 Joan

C Where

A You walked B Did you walk C You didn't walk 9 Nathan A buys

well yesterday.

A wasn't 5 We

B were

C weren't

. our day at the museum.

A spend

B spent

C spended

C When

walk to school this morning?

is your mother from? A Why

B What


a new jacket last week. B buyed

C bought

at the park last Saturday? A You were

B You weren't

C Were you

to Justin's new song? A You listened

B Did you listen

C You didn't listen 10x4 = 40 points

Choose the correct answer. 1 A: How was your holiday? B: A Yes, it was.

4 A: It sounds like you had a great time. B: A The weather was great.

B It was great, thanks.

B No, I haven't.

C Hi# Susan.

C Yes, it was great.

2 A: What was the weather like? B: A No# it wasn't.

5 A: Why don't you come by this Friday? B: A I'd love to.

B Sure.

B Oh!

C It was warm and sunny.

C Wow!

3 A: What did you do there? B: A Oh yes! B It was amazing. C We went sightseeing and shopping. © Express Publishing


5x4 = 20 points


5 Everyone in the family wears superhero outfits.


TEST 1A (MODULE 1) Writing

Vocabulary A 1 2 3 4

Greek the USA Canada British

B 1 gymnastics 2 football C 1 mum 2 brother

L Suggested answer Spider-Man Spider-Man is from New York in the USA. His real name is Peter Parker. He lives with his aunt. Her name is May. Spider-Man is short and thin. He is very clever and he wears a red and blue outfit. He's an amazing superhero!

5 China 6 Spain 7 Brazilian

3 tennis 4 basketball 3 granddad 4 aunt

D 1 young 2 friendly

5 son

Listening M 1 Erica 2 10 3 Bethesda, USA

3 plump 4 polite



E 1 can 2 Can, can't

3 can't 4 can


F 1 You

2 my

3 They

4 Our

G 1 is

2 isn't

3 aren't

4 is

H 1 has got 2 haven't got I 1 's

2 's

3 of the

2 B

3 E

4 -,'s

4 C

A 1 2 3 4

Turkish Australia Egypt American

5 New Zealand 6 Russia 7 Canadian

B 1 football 2 basketball

3 Have, got 4 have got

Everyday English J 1 D

4 American 5 tennis

5 A

Reading K 1 The Thundermans are from Hiddenville, USA. 2 Max and Phoebe Thunderman are 14 years old. 3 Hank Thunderman is Max and Phoebe's dad. 4 Phoebe Thunderman's sisters are Nora and Chloe.

C 1 grandma 2 uncle D 1 old

3 gymnastics 4 tennis 3 husband 4 sister

2 kind

5 dad

3 short

4 clever

Grammar E 1 can 2 can't

3 Can, can 4 can

F 1 my

2 They

3 We

4 Their

G 1 are

2 is

3 aren't

4 isn't

H 1 hasn't got 2 have got © Express Publishing

3 Has, got 4 have got | PH0T0C0?-ABL£

I 1 ~'s

2 's

3 of the

4 's

Everyday English J 1 D

2 B

3 E

4 C

F 1 my

2 They

G 1 are

2 aren't 3 is

Reading 1 Cristiano 2 Brazilian 3 football

4 11 5 Maidenhead, UK

1 has got 2 hasn't got

I 1

3 Have, got 4 have got

2 -,'s

J 1 B

L Suggested answer Batman Batman is from Gotham, USA. His real name is Bruce Wayne. He hasn't got any family members. Batman is tall and thin. He's very clever and he wears a black outfit. He's an amazing superhero! Listening 1 Eddie 2 11 3 London, UK

4 British 5 basketball

TEST 1C (MODULE 1) Vocabulary A 1 2 3 4

4 'm not

4 of the

3 's

Everyday English



4 Our

5 A H


3 We

Argentinian South Africa Australia Egyptian

5 the UK 6 Greece 7 Spanish

B 1 tennis 2 gymnastics

2 D

3 C

4 E

Reading K

1 13 2 New York, USA 3 Olga

4 Greek 5 football

Writing L Suggested answer Green Lantern Green Lantern is from Coast City, USA. His real name is Harold 'Hal' Jordan. His brother's name is Jim Jordan and his cousin, Hal Lawrence Jordan is the superhero "Air Wave". Green Lantern is tall and thin. He is clever and he wears a green and black outfit. He's a great superhero! Listening M

1 Lucy 2 13 3 Ottawa, Canada

4 Canadian 5 gymnastics

3 basketball 4 football

MODULE 2 C 1 daughter 2 granddad D 1 short

3 uncle 4 wife

5 brother

2 clever 3 friendly 4 tall

Grammar E 1 can 2 can


© Express Publishing

3 Can, can't 4 can't


5 A

TEST 2A (MODULE 2) Vocabulary A

1 bedroom 2 living room

B 1 cooker 2 chair

3 kitchen 4 bathroom 3 sofa 4 wardrobe

U/&& £&$&£»

J C 1 garden 2 chimney

3 window 4 wall

D 1 third 2 fifteenth

3 twentieth 4 fifty-eighth

E 1 gym 2 library

3 park 4 cinema

TEST 2B (MODULE 2) Vocabulary

Grammar F 1 This 2 watches

3 Those 4 children

G 1 There are 3 There aren't 2 Is there, there isn't 4 There is H 1 an

2 some

3 any

4 a

I 1 women's 2 boys'

3 man's 4 girls'

J 1 on 2 in front of

3 next to 4 under

2 B

3 E

4 C

3 chair 4 bookcase

C 1 window 2 wall

3 garden 4 chimney

D 1 first 2 eighteenth

3 thirty-third 4 sixty-fifth

E 1 park 2 cinema

3 gym 4 library

3 That 4 butterflies

G 1 There is 3 There aren't 2 Is there, there isn't 4 There is 5 A

4 his family 5 small garden


H 1 a

2 some

3 any

4 an

I 1 man's 2 girls'

3 children's 4 women's

J 1 next to 2 under

3 on 4 behind

Everyday English

M Suggested answer Buckingham Palace is in London near the River Thames. It is over 300 years old. It is a very large building. It is 24 metres high. It's got 775 rooms, lots of bedrooms, toilets, a courtyard and a huge garden. It's a really beautiful building. Listening N 1 A

B 1 sofa 2 cooker

F 1 These 2 scarves

Reading L 1 Stratford-upon-Avon 2 over 450 years 3 some small rooms

3 bedroom 4 living room


Everyday English K 1 D

A 1 kitchen 2 bathroom

2 C

3 C

4 C

K 1 C

2 A

3 B

4 E

Reading L 1 Tom's new house is a modern detached house. 2 It has got two bathrooms. 3 In the living room there is a fireplace. 4 The garden is outside the kitchen. 5 His favourite room is his bedroom.

5 B © Express Publishing



Writing M

I 1 girls'

Suggested answer Mary's Blog My house Hi guys! I love my house. It's a detached house in Oxford - a city near London. My house is really big and modern. Inside, there is a big kitchen and a living room with a fireplace downstairs. Upstairs, there are three bedrooms and t w o bathrooms. Outside, we have a garden. It isn't very big, but there are lots of trees and flowers. My house is great!

J 1 behind 2 opposite

2 B

1 C

3 C

4 A

K 1 D

L 1 W


5 B

3 living room 4 kitchen

B 1 chair 2 wardrobe

3 cooker 4 bookcase

C 1 chimney 2 garden

3 wall 4 window


3 thirty-seventh 4 forty-ninth

3 E

4 A

5 C

2 DS

3 R

4 R

5 DS


Vocabulary 1 bathroom 2 bedroom

2 B




3 on 4 under

Everyday English

Listening N

2 men's 3 women's 4 boys'

Suggested answer Hi Gemma, How are you? My house is in York, England. It is small and modern. Inside there are some small rooms. There is a kitchen, a living room, a bathroom and t w o bedrooms. Outside, there is a balcony. There isn't a garden, but it's okay because there is a beautiful park opposite my house. What's your house like? Write back soon, Maria


1 second 2 twelfth

E 1 library 2 gym

3 hospital 4 park


F 1 babies 2 These

3 boxes 4 Those

G 1 Is there, there isn't 3 There is 2 There is 4 There aren't H


1 any

2 an

© Express Publishing

3 some

4 a


3 A

4 B

5 C

MODULE 3 TEST 3A (MODULE 3) Vocabulary 3 walk 4 take

5 chat

B 1 6:45 2 11:30

3 2:00 4 5:15

5 9:35

C 1 Art 2 Maths



5 PE



A Grammar

2 B

1 A

1 get 2 watch


- : ; ^ Vi V




3 watch 4 play

D 1 listen 2 hang Grammar E 1 watch 2 doesn't play


5 go

M 1 7:45 am 2 break 3 12:30 pm

4 has 5 don't prepare

3 Do you do


6 Does Irene go


F 1 in

2 at

3 on

G 1 never

2 sometimes

3 always

H 1 Who

2 When 3 Where

4 Which

3 mustn't 4 must

I 1 mustn't 2 must Everyday English J 1 C

2 A

3 E

4 B

5 D

A 1 get 2 watch

3 walk 4 take

5 chat

B 1 6:10 2 3:55

3 8:35 4 1:30

5 12:45

C 1 Maths 2 Art

3 Geography 4 PE

5 English

D 1 go 2 go

3 listen 4 do

5 hang


Reading K 1 R

4 basketball 5 to bed

2 W

3 DS;

4 w



Writinq Suggested answer Hi Ruth, How are you? Here's my Monday daily routine. In the morning, I get up at 7:30 am. Then I take a shower and have breakfast. I walk to school at 8:15 am. Lessons start at 9:00. We stop at 10:30 for a short break and again at 12:30 for lunch. In the afternoon, I finish school at 3:15 pm and go to tennis practice. Then, at 4:30 pm I come home and do my homework. In the evening, I have dinner with my family at 7:00 pm and then I watch TV and chat online. At 9:00 pm, I go to bed. What about you? Write back soon, Anna

E 1 don't watch 2 plays 3 Does she bring

4 don't have 5 catches 6 Do you go

F 1 on

2 in

3 at

G 1 never

2 usually

3 often

H 1 When 2 Who

3 Which 4 Where

I 1 must 2 mustn't

3 must 4 mustn't

Everyday English J 1 B

2 A


4 E

5 C

Reading K 1 7:30 am 2 school begins 3 lunch break

> Express Publishing

4 the canteen 5 watches TV



Writing L Suggested answer Hi James, How are you? On Saturday, I get up at 9:00 am in the morning. I take a shower and have breakfast. Then, I tidy my room and go to visit my grandma and granddad. In the afternoon, I have lunch with my family and then I go t o the park t o hang out with my friends. We play football and listen to music. In the evening, I eat dinner with my family at 7:00 pm and then I play computer games with my brother. I go to bed at 10:00 pm. Write back soon, Justin Listening M

1 2 3 4 5

walk to school break 12:30 pm football practice play computer games

G 1 always 2 often H 1 Who I

3 sometimes

2 Where 3 When

1 must 2 must

4 Which

3 mustn't 4 mustn't

Everyday English J 1 D

2 C

3 E

4 A

5 B

Reading K 1 Nadine lives in Burkina Faso in West Africa. 2 She wakes up at 4 am. 3 She rides her bike t o school. 4 After lunch, she goes to the market and helps her mother and then goes back to school. 5 She can't watch TV of surf the Internet. Writing

TEST 3C (MODULE 3) Vocabulary A 1 brush 2 take

3 chat 4 watch

5 go

B 1 11:50 2 7:05

3 3:30 4 5:45

5 10:15

C 1 PE 2 Geography

3 English 4 Maths

5 Art

D 1 go 2 do

3 go 4 watch

5 play

L Suggested answer Hi Daniel, How are you? Here's my Friday daily routine. In the morning, I get up at 7:30 am. Then I take a shower and have breakfast. I walk to school at 8:15 am. Lessons start at 9:00. We stop at 10:30 for a short break and again at 12:30 for lunch. In the afternoon, I finish school at 3:15 pm and go to tennis practice. Then, at 4:30 pm I come home and do my homework. In the evening, I have dinner with my family at 7:00 pm and then I watch TV and chat online. At 9:00 pm, I go to bed. What about you? Write back soon, Cristiano

Grammar E 1 does 2 Does sh e wa Ik 3 Do you have F 1 at


2 on

© Expres s Publishin g

4 don't chat 5 don't get 6 catches 3 in PHOTOCOPIABLE

Listening M

1 walk to school 2 11:00 am 3 have lunch

4 football practice 5 have dinner

Mid Test (MODULES 1-3) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

C C B . A B C B C B C C C A B A B

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64




65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80



6 7 8 9 10

cerea tea crisps tomato fruit j uice

B 1 peel 2 chop

3 beat 4 grate

5 mix

C 1 whisk 2 bowl

3 frying pan 4 spoon

5 knife

3 any, U 4 a, C

5 some, U

Grammar D 1 some, U 2 an, C


4 C 5 B

Reading I 1 R





Writing J Suggested answer In towns and cities all over the UK, one street food that people like eating is a roast pork bap. Vendors usually sell it from a van. They roast the pork for over 3 hours, slice it into small pieces, put it into a large bun and add toppings like onions, lettuce and different sauces. Some people like to add apple sauce, too. It's really delicious!

K 1 A

Vocabulary rice pepper meat eggs yoghurt

Everyday English H 1 D 2E

4 best 5 worst


TEST 4A (MODULE 4) A 1 2 3 4 5

G 1 healthier 2 most expensive 3 more delicious

2 C

3 B

TEST 4B (MODULE 4) Vocabulary A 1 2 3 4 5

tea yoghurt crisps fruit juice pepper

6 7 8 9 10

rice cereal tomato meat eggs

B 1 chop 2 grate

3 mix 4 peel

5 beat

C 1 knife 2 bowl

3 whisk 4 frying pan

5 spoon

3 an, C 4 a, C

5 some, U

Grammar E 1 glass 2 carton

3 loaf 4 cup

5 bowl

F 1 much 2 few

3 many 4 much

5 a few

D 1 some, U 2 any, C

© Express Publishing



E 1 carton 2 cup

3 glass 4 bowl

5 loaf

F 1 little 2 a few

3 much 4 much

5 many

G 1 tastier 2 most popij l a r 3 better

4 spiciest 5 friendlier/ more friendly

Everyday English H 1 E

2 A

3 D

4 B

5 C

2 W

3 W

4 R

5 DS

Grammar D 1 some, U 2 any, U

3 a, C 4 some, U

5 an, C

E 1 cup 2 bar

3 packet 4 can

5 bowl

F 1 much 2 many

3 many 4 a few

5 little

G 1 worst 2 kinder 3 busiest

4 more delicious 5 best

Rppirf i n n

I %COM i i I U

I 1 R

Everyday English 3 E

4 C

5 D

Writing J Suggested answer The soft pretzel is a popular street food in New York City. Vendors boil the pretzel. Then they add salt on top and bake it in an oven. Customers sometimes add lots of mustard on it. It's delicious! Listening K 1B

2 C

3 B

Vocabulary cereal rice fruit juice crisps eggs

6 7 8 9 10

I 1 British people love having a cup of tea and a slice of cake in the afternoon. 2 The Victoria Sponge gets its name from Queen Victoria. 3 You can buy Victoria Sponge from cafes. 4 The ingredients you need are: eggs# flour, butter and sugar. 5 People add sugar or strawberries. Writing

TEST 4C (MODULE 4) A 1 2 3 4 5


yoghurt tea meat tomato pepper

B 1 mix 2 peel

3 chop 4 beat

5 grate

C 1 bowl 2 spoon

3 knife 4 cake t n

5 grater

J Suggested answer My favourite dish by Anna Gomez. My favourite dish is fish and chips. I like it because it is simple and very tasty. To make fish and chips you mix a batter of flour, egg and milk and dip the piece of fish into it. Then, you peel and chop the potatoes to make chips and you fry everything in very hot oil. After a few minutes, it is ready to eat. Sometimes people add salt and vinegar to their fish and chips to make it more delicious. Yummy! Listening K 1B


© Express Publishing


2 A

3 C

J Writing

MODULE 5 TEST 5A (MODULE 5) Vocabulary A 1 December 2 February 3 spring B 1 visit

4 April 5 June 6 August

2 go

7 autumn 8 November

3 have

4 make

C 1 cold 2 snowing

3 raining 4 hot

D 1 trainers 2 leggings

3 skirt 4 dress

E 1 rainforest 2 waterfall

3 river 4 lake

M Suggested answer Hi Sarah, I'm having a great time in Miami, Florida in the USA. I'm staying in a beautiful hotel near the sea. It's hot and sunny here! Luckily, I've got lots of shorts and T-shirts with me. In the mornings we go sightseeing and go swimming. In the evenings we go shopping and have dinner at a restaurant. Right now we are having breakfast at the hotel and planning to take a bus tour. I'm so excited and happy to be here! See you soon, Chris Listening N 1 B


3 C

4 A

3 aren't having 4 are taking

G 1 to 2 through

3 onto 4 along

H 1 My, Yours 2 his, Mine

3 Our, Theirs 4 His, Hers

J 1 have to respect 3 don't have to go 2 doesn't have to tidy 4 has to wear Everyday English 2 A

3 B

4 E

Vocabulary A 1 2 3 4

January March May summer

B 1 take

I 1 am going to travel 3 is going to jump 2 will rain 4 will open

5 6 7 8 2 have

July autumn September October

3 visit

3 cold 4 snowing

D 1 gloves 2 jumper

3 jeans 4 shoes

E 1 river 2 lake

3 rainforest 4 waterfall

Grammar Joshua is in New York City. The weather is cold but sunny. They are staying in a great hotel. They are planning a picnic in Central Park. The writer feels excited,

4 go

C 1 raining 2 hot

5 C

Reading L 1 2 3 4 5

5 B


F 1 am going 2 Is she playing

K 1 D

2 A

F 1 2 3 4

are going Are you drinking is not/isn't watching is having


G 1 through 2 along

3 to 4 onto


3 His, Hers 4 Our, Theirs


1 his, Mine 2 My# Yours

TEST 5C (MODULE 5) Vocabulary A

1 are going to watch 3 will/'ll be 2 will/'ll get 4 is going to fall

J 1 2 3 4

have to do don't have to prepare has to study doesn't have to go

Everyday English K 1 E


3 D

4 A 5 C

Reading L 1 2 3 4 5

Maria is in Athens. They are staying in a great hotel. The weather is hot and sunny. They are planning their trip to the beach. The writer feels excited.

Writing M


winter February spring April

B 1 visit

1 A

2 C

© Express Publishing

3 A

4 B


5 A

2 take

5 6 7 8

June July October November

3 go

4 have

C 1 snowing 2 raining

3 hot 4 cold

D 1 dress 2 shoes

3 shorts 4 jumper

E 1 lake 2 river

3 waterfall 4 rainforest

Grammar F 1 2 3 4

Is he preparing is not/isn't going are taking am not/'m not reac ing

G 1 onto

Suggested answer Dear Joana, Greetings from Nassau, Bahamas! It's beautiful here. We're staying in a nice resort near the beach. The weather is hot and sunny. We're having a great time. In the morning we usually go swimming at the beach or visit different tourist attractions on the island. In the evening we go for dinner at a restaurant and go shopping for souvenirs. Right now I'm sitting with my family at a cafe and eating ice cream. I'm excited because we are planning a boat tour around the island. I'm so happy to be here! See you soon, Catherine

Listening N

1 2 3 4



2 out of 3 to



1 His, Hers 2 his, Mine

3 Our, Theirs 4 My, Yours

1 is going to dive 2 are going to visit

3 will be 4 will/'ll make

J 1 has to walk 2 have to keep

3 doesn't have to bring 4 don't have to go

Everyday English K

1 C

2 D

3 A

4 B

5 E

Reading L 1 Andre is in Phuket. 2 They are staying in an amazing hotel near the beach. 3 The weather is very hot and sunny.

4 They are planning a boat tour around the island. 5 The writer feels excited and happy. Writing M Suggested answer Dear Toby, Greetings from Thredbo in Australia! It's beautiful here. We're staying in a nice resort on the mountain. The weather is cold and snowing. In the mornings we go skiing and visit tourist attractions. In the evenings we go for dinner at a restaurant and go shopping. Right now we are sitting in a cafe drinking hot chocolate. We are planning to watch a firework display tonight. I'm so excited to be here! See you soon, Jake

F 1 wanted 2 bought 3 drank

4 read 5 listened 6 ate

G 1 sent 2 didn't take H 1 2 3 4

7 put 8 wrote

3 paid 4 didn't want

Did they buy souvenirs? Yes, they did. Did they travel by plane? No, they didn't. Did they visit museums? Yes, they did. Did they stay in a hotel? No, they didn't

I 1 What time did your plane leave? 2 Who did Melissa see at the museum yesterday? 3 Where did Tony go last week? 4 What did you eat in Rome? Everyday English J 1 D

2 C

3 B

4 E

5 A

2 W

3 DS

4 R

5 DS

Listening 2 B

N 1 A

3 B

4 A


Reading K 1 R



TEST 6A (MODULE 6) Vocabulary A 1 writer 2 singer

3 physicist 4 painter

B 1 bus 2 plane

3 car 4 train

C 1 fast 2 expensive D 1 tail 2 neck

5 ship 6 tram

3 relaxing 4 exciting 3 legs 4 beak

5 eyes 6 wing

Suggested answer Dear Chloe, How are you? I'm writing to tell you all about the London Dungeon. It was a fantastic experience. I went there with my friend Sam and his parents. We walked around the dungeon. It was dark and scary. We listened to some actors tell scary stories and then we went on an underground ride. It was scary, but very exciting! Write back soon, Galium Listening M 1 A

2 B

3 C

4 C

5 A

Grammar E 1 were

2 wasn't 3 weren't 4 was




3 to see London 4 about 30 minutes 5 book them

Vocabulary A

1 painter 2 Queen

3 actor 4 writer

B 1 bike/bicycle 2 ship 3 helicopter C 1 slow

4 plane 5 train 6 motorcycle

2 tiring

D 1 body 2 ears


3 cheap

4 boring

3 head 4 trunk

5 fur 6 tail


E 1 weren't 2 was

3 were 4 wasn't

F 1 cooked 2 thought 3 drank

4 bought 5 spoke 6 ate

G 1 took 2 didn't like H


7 put 8 needed

3 went 4 didn't bring

3 B

4 E

Reading K


1 £26 for adults, £21 2 10:00 am until 8:30 pm ) Express Publishing


2 B

3 B

4 C

A 1 singer 2 physicist

3 writer 4 Queen

B 1 tram 2 ship 3 taxi

4 helicopter 5 bus 6 bike/bicycle

C 1 relaxing 2 cheap

3 exciting 4 fast

D 1 tail 2 mane

Everyday English 2 C

M 1 C



What did you eat last night? How did you go t o the park? When did you travel to Ireland? Where did Terry go?

J 1 D



1 Did Amanda watch TV? Yes# she did. 2 Did Amanda walk the dog? No, she didn't. 3 Did Amanda play video games? Yes, she did. 4 Did Amanda visit a friend? No, she didn't. 1 2 3 4

L Suggested answer Dear Arthur, How are you? I'm writing t o tell you all about The London Eye. It was an incredible experience. I went there with my parents and my sister. We went in one of the capsules and it took about 30 minutes t o go all the way round. I saw Buckingham Palace and the Houses of Parliament. The view was amazing. We had a fantastic time and I'm very happy that I went there. Write back soon, Carla

5 A

3 legs 4 eyes

5 ears 6 fur

Grammar E 1 wasn't 2 was

3 Were 4 weren't


K F 1 played 2 spent 3 met

4 made 5 talked 6 paid

G 1 had • 2 didn't go H 1 2 3 4 I 1 2 3 4

Did they Did they Did they Did they

7 came 8 studied

meet their friends? Yes, they did. chat online? No, they didn't. go to the mall? Yes, they did. play football? No, they didn't.

Everyday English 2E

M 1 A

3 listened 4 didn't enjoy

Who did Judy see at the zoo? What time did the train leave? Why did Ann go to the mall? How did you go to the beach?

J 1 B



4 C 5 D

Reading K 1 It costs between £21 and £29.50 to play ping-pong for one hour. 2 Bounce is open from 12 pm until 1 am on a Saturday. 3 At Bounce you can play ping-pong and eat in the restaurant. 4 In the conference room, businesses can hold events and meetings. 5 It's a good idea to book in advance because it gets very crowded.



4 B 5 A

Exit Test (MODULES 1-6) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32


33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48


49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64


65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80


Writing L Suggested answer Dear Matt, How are you? I'm writing to tell you all about Bounce London. It was a great experience. I went there with a few friends last weekend. We played ping-pong for an hour and then we ate lunch. The food was delicious. We had a great time, it was so much fun. I am so excited to go back there again! Write back soon, Anna © Express Publishing



Quiz 1 (MODULE 1)


Vocabulary 1 C 2B

Vocabulary 3A 4C

5A 6B

7 C 9 B 8 A 1 0 A

Grammar 1B 2C

3C 4B

5C 6B

7 A 9 B 8 C 1 0 C



4 C 5 A

1B 2A

3A 4B

5 A 6B

7 C 9 A 8 B 1 0 C

3B 4C

5B 6A

7 C 9 A 8 B 1 0 C

1 C

1B 2C


1 C 2B


4 C 5 C

4 B 5 A

3B 4A

5B 6C

7 A 9 A 8 B 1 0 C

3B 4C

5A 6C

7 B 9 C 8 A 1 0 A

1 C


4 B 5 A


Vocabulary 3C 4C

5A 6C

7 A 9 A 8 B 1 0 B


1B 2A

3B 4C

5A 6B

7 C 9 C 8 B 1 0 A

3C 4A

5B 6B

7 A 9 C 8 B 1 0 C

Grammar 3B 4C

5A 6A

7 B 9 A 8 C 1 0 B

Everyday English




Quiz 6 (MODULE 6)



7 B 9 C 8 A 1 0 B

Everyday English

Quiz 3 (MODULE 3)

1A 2C

5C 6B


Everyday English

1B 2A

3C 4A




7 C 9 A 8 B 1 0 B

Quiz 5 (MODULE 5)


1B 2A

5B 6A

Everyday English

Quiz 2 (MODULE 2)

1A 2C

3C 4A


Everyday English 1B

1 C 2B


© Express Publishing

1A 2C

Everyday English 3A

4 B 5 A





4 C

5 A

Module 1

Module 2

Listening test 1A Hi, Tania. Who's the girl in that photo? Oh hi, Jessie. She's my e-friend, Erica Jones. Is she 11 years old like me? No, she isn't. She's 10 years old, like me! Where is she from? She's from the USA. She's American. Her house is in Bethesda - a city near Washington, D.C. - t h e capital city. What's her favourite sport? She likes tennis. Really? My favourite sport is football. Cool!

Listening test 2A 1 Where's the bed? My bedroom is great! It has got a single bed, a big wardrobe and a window. Also, there is a bookcase with all of my books in it so I can read in the evenings. The wardrobe is opposite the window and the bookcase is next to my bed so that I can reach the books when I'm in bed.

Listening test 1B Hi James. Who's the boy in that photo? Oh, hi Liam. He's my e-friend, Eddie Smith. Is he 10 years old like me? No, he isn't. He's 11 years old, like me! Where is he from? He's from the UK. He's British. His house is in London - the capital city. What's his favourite sport? He loves basketball. Really? My favourite sport is tennis. Cool! Listening test 1C A: Hi Suzie. Who's the girl in that photo? B: Oh, hi Rachel. She's my e-friend, Lucy Gamer. Is she 12 years old like me? No, she isn't. She's 13 years old, like me! Where is she from? She's from Canada. She's Canadian. Her house is in Ottawa - t h e capital city. What's her favourite sport? She loves gymnastics. Really? My favourite sport is basketball. Cool!

2 Where's Paula? A: Hi Paula! Why are you here? Why aren't you in the gym? Haven't you got a gym class now? B: Hi George! No, that's on Saturday. And on Friday, I've got my birthday party at the new restaurant on Park Street. A: Oh! So that's how you've got time to be in the department store right now! B: That's right! 3 What isn't there in the living room? A: Hi Ben! How is your new house? B: Hi, Susan. It's just great! It's so big. A: What's your favourite room? B: The living room. It's got a sofa, a coffee table and a carpet. A: Is there an armchair? B: No, that's in my parent's bedroom. 4 Which house is Emma's? My new house is not very big, but it's very cosy. It's in a block of flats. Opposite my house there are semi-detached houses. There is a park with a small cottage in it near my house, too. It's a great place to live. 5 What floor is Martin's flat on? Hi, Rebecca! It's Martin. Where are you? I can't reach you on your mobile phone or your home phone. Anyway, my birthday party is on Friday evening at 7 o'clock. Please come. My house is at 1 Rose Avenue on the 4th floor. See you there! © Express Publishing



Listening test 2B

Listening test 2C

1 Where's the armchair? My living room is great! It has got a sofa, a bookcase and a fireplace. Also, there is an armchair where I can sit in the evenings and read a book. The sofa is opposite the fireplace and the armchair is next to the bookcase.

1 Where's the bed? My bedroom is great. It has got a single bed, a bedside cabinet, and a window. Also, there is a desk so I can do my homework in the evenings. The desk is in front of the window so I can look outside and the bedside cabinet is next to my bed.

2 Where's Anna? A: Hi Anna! Why are you here? Why aren't you in the library? Haven't you got an exam tomorrow? B: Hi Sam. No, that's on Friday. Tomorrow, we've got a class trip to a museum. A: Oh! So that's how you've got time to be at the cinema! B: That's right!

2 Where's Sam? A: Hi Sam! Why are you here? Why aren't you at the park? Haven't you got football practice? B: Hi Lily! No, practice is tomorrow. This afternoon, I've got a check-up at the hospital. A: Oh! So that's how you've got time to be at the supermarket right now! B: That's right!

3 What isn't there in the living room? A: Hi Ben! How is your new house? B: Hi, Susan. It's just great! It's so big. A: What's your favourite room? B: The living room. It's got a sofa, a fireplace and a carpet. A: Is there a table? B: No, that's in the kitchen. 4 Which house is Oliver's? I love my new house. It's not very big but it's got a huge garden. In my t o w n , most people live in terraced houses but, I live in a detached house. Next to my house there is a big block of flats. My neighbourhood is very nice. 5 What floor is Julie's flat on? Hi, Joshua! It's Julie. Where are you? I can't reach you on your mobile phone or your home phone. Anyway, my birthday party is on Friday evening. Please come. My house is at 9 Hillside Drive on the 7th floor. There is no lift on my floor, but you can take it to the 6th floor and walk up to the 7th. See you there!


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3 What isn't there in Ken's bedroom? A: Hi, Ken! How is your new house? B: Hi, Chloe. It's great! It's big and modern. A: So, have you got your own bedroom? B: Yes, I have. It's got a single bed a wardrobe and a big armchair. A: What about your computer? B: It's on a desk in the living room. 4 Which house is Nancy's? I love my new house. It's not very big but it's beautiful. In my t o w n , there are lots of terraced houses and semi-detached houses, but my house is a cottage with a beautiful garden. Opposite my house, there is also a big park with lots of flowers and trees. My neighbourhood is very nice. 5 What floor is Betty's flat on? Hi, Mark! It's Betty. Where are you? I can't reach you on your mobile phone or your home phone. Anyway, my birthday party is on Saturday evening at 7 o'clock. Please come. My house is at 5 Sandwell Grove on the 9th floor. See you there!

Module 3 Listening test 3A Hi! I'm Laura. My school day starts when I get up at 6:30 am. I take a shower, have breakfast and brush my teeth. I walk to school at 7:45 am. We have registration at 8:00 and begin lessons. There is a short break at 10:00 am. We stop again at 12:30 pm for lunch. I always bring a packed lunch from home. At 1:15 pm# we have more lessons. School finishes at 3:00 pm, and I have basketball practice at 3:30 pm. I do my homework when I go home, at 5:00 pm. My family and I have dinner at 6:30 pm. I watch TV at 7:00 pm. Then I go to bed at 9:00 pm. Listening test 3B Hi! I'm Robert. My school day starts when I get up at 7:00 am. I take a shower, have breakfast and brush my teeth. I walk to school at 7:45 am. We have registration at 8:15 am and begin lessons. There is a short break at 10:15 am. We stop again for lunch at 12:30 pm. At 1:15 pm we have more lessons. School finishes at 3:15 pm and I have football practice at 3:30 pm. I do my homework when I go home, at 5:30 pm. My family and I have dinner at 6:30 pm. I play computer games at 7:00 pm. Then, I go to bed at 10:00 pm. Listening test 3C Hi! I'm Georgia. My school day starts when I get up at 7:45 am. I take a shower, have breakfast and brush my teeth. I walk to school at 8:30 am. We have registration at 9:00 am and begin lessons. There is a short break at 11:00 am. We stop again for lunch at 1:15 pm. At 2:00 pm we have more lessons. School finishes at 3:45 pm and I have football practice at 4:00 pm. I do my homework when I go home, at 6:30 pm. My family and I have dinner at 7:15 pm. I play computer games at 8:00 pm. Then, I go to bed at 10:00 pm.

Module 4 Listening test 4A 1 What does Martin need? A: I need to beat these eggs. Can you pass me a whisk, please? B: Is it next to the spoon? A: No, it's next to the knife. 2 What's Melanie's favourite food? A: It's Melanie's birthday. What food do you want to prepare? B: We can make her a cake or maybe roast a chicken. She loves chicken. A: I've got an idea. What about pizza? You know it's her favourite! 3 What do Tara's parents drink in the morning? A: Good morning, Tara. What do you want to drink? Your brother wants milk. B: A glass of fruit juice, please, mum. A: Of course. That's a glass of fruit juice, a glass of milk and two cups of tea for me and your dad. Listening test 4B 1 What does Jessica need? A: Jessica, do you need the whisk? B: No thanks, but can you give me the knife that is next to that bowl? A: Sure. Here you are. 2 What is Harry's favourite food? A: Here's the menu, Harry. What do you want? It's fish and chips for me. B: Mmmm ... I want the pizza, please. A: Oh, but isn't burger and chips your favourite? B: It is, but I like pizza too! 3 What does Josh have for breakfast? A: It's time for breakfast Josh. Your sister is having cereal, would you like some? B: No, thanks. Have we got any bread and jam? A: No, we haven't. B: Okay. I'd like fruit and yoghurt then, please. © Express Publishing


Listening test 4C 1 What does Terrence want? A: OK# the lettuce is ready. Here's your knife back. B: Good, now put the lettuce into that bowl and mix it up. A: OK# please pass me a spoon. 2 What is Naomi's favourite food? A: Wow! Naomi, this chicken and rice is delicious. It's my favourite. B: Thanks. I like love chicken, too. But my favourite is pasta, I like it even more than pizza! 3 What does Peter have for lunch? A: How about lunch in the canteen today, Peter? They've got fish and chips or chicken salad. B: Mmm ... that sounds good, but I've got a sandwich from home!

Module 5 Listening test 5A 1 What is Zack buying? A: Look at this shirt, Zack. B: Wow, it's really nice and it goes with my jeans. I'll buy it! A: Now, you only need to find some shoes to match. 2 Where's the boy's cap? A: Where's my cap? It's not here next to my scarf. B: Is it the one next to Julie's hat? A: No...Oh! Here it is - next to my gloves. 3 What footwear does Rachel need? A: Rachel, look at these shoes! B: They're really nice! I like these boots, too, but I really need some trainers.


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4 What are they getting Sue for her birthday? A: What do you think about these gloves, Jessica? B: They're nice and they match Sue's favourite jacket, but I think this belt is the perfect present for Sue. A: You're right! It's beautiful! 5 What is Paula wearing? A: Where's Paula? B: She's standing over there next to the girl wearing the skirt and T-shirt. A: Is she the one in the dress? B: No. She's the one wearing shorts and a T-shirt. Listening test 5B 1 What is Bianca buying? A: Look at this skirt, Bianca. B: Wow, it's really nice and it goes with my T-shirt. I'll buy it! A: Now, you only need to find some shoes to match. 2 Where are the boy's gloves? A: Where are my gloves? They're not here next to my hat. B: Are they the ones next to Ben's jacket? A: No...Oh! Here they are - behind my scarf. 3 What footwear does Emma need? A: Emma, look at these shoes! B: They're really nice! I like these trainers, too, but I really need some boots. 4 What are they getting Steve for his birthday? A: What do you think about this scarf, Joshua? B: It's nice and it matches Steve's favourite jacket, but I think this belt is the perfect present for Steve. A: You're right! It's great!

K 5 What Is Lucinda wearing? A: Where's Lucinda? B: She's standing over there next to the girl wearing the skirt and T-shirt. A: Is she the qne in shorts and a T-shirt? B: No. She's the one wearing the dress. Listening test 5C 1 What Is Stan buying? A: Look at these shorts, Stan. B: Wow, they're really nice and they go with my T-shirt. I'll buy them! A: Now, you only need to find some trainers to match. 2 Where's the girl's bag? A: Where's my bag? It's not here next to my boots. B: Is it the one next to Gemma's jacket? A: No...Oh! Here it is - next to my hat. 3 What footwear does Richard need? A: Richard, look at these trainers! B: They're really nice! I like these boots, too, but I really need some shoes. 4 What are they getting Greta for her birthday? A: What do you think about this hat, Jessica? B: It's nice and it matches Greta's favourite scarf, but I think this belt is the perfect present for Greta. A: You're right! It's beautiful! 5 What Is Victoria wearing? A: Where's Victoria? B: She's standing over there next to the girl wearing the dress. A: Is she the one in the skirt and T-shirt? B: No. She's the one wearing shorts and a T-shirt.


Module 6 Listening test 6A A: Hi Ben! How are you? B: Hi Lisa! I'm fine! I was on holiday with my parents. We visited some friends in the Philippines. It's near Vietnam and China. A: Was it hot there? B: It was quite hot, yes. It was sunny in the mornings, but it rained every day in the afternoons. That cooled it down. A: Where did you stay? B: In Manila. Our hotel was near the beach. Itwas great! A: What did you do there? B: In the mornings, we walked around the city or relaxed on the beach. In the afternoons, we went shopping. There was a lot to see and do, so I was never bored. My favourite activity was our visit to the zoo. I had a fantastic time and was very happy! Maybe we can meet this Saturday and look at my holiday photos together. A: That sounds great! See you then. Listening test 6B A: Hi Natalie! How are you? B: Hi James! I'm fine! I was on holiday with my grandparents. My parents and I usually go to France to visit some friends, but this year we went to Portugal. It's next to Spain. A: What was the weather like? B: It was usually hot and sunny, but it was cloudy for two days before we left. A: Where did you stay? B: We stayed in a great resort in Porto. It was near the ocean. It was amazing! A: What did you do there? B: In the mornings, we walked around the city or relaxed on the beach. In the afternoons, we went shopping. There was a lot to see and do, so I was never bored. My favourite thing was visiting a waterpark. I was very excited! I had a fantastic time! Maybe we © Express Publishing


can meet tomorrow. We can watch my holiday video together. A: That sounds great! See you then. Listening test 6C A: Hi Jake! How are you? B: Hi Louise! I'm fine! I'm at my grandparents' house. I came back from holiday with my friends today. My parents and I usually go somewhere hot like Greece or Spain, but this year I decided to go to the Alps in France to ski. A: What was the weather like? B: It was usually snowing and cloudy, but it was sunny on our last day there. A: Did you stay in a hotel?


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B: No, we didn't. We stayed at a ski resort with an amazing view of the Alps. A: What did you do there? B: In the mornings, we went skiing and spent time on the mountain. It was lots of fun. In the evenings, we went for dinner in a restaurant and then we sat by the fire and drank hot chocolate. There was a lot to see and do, so we never got bored. I also had a snowboarding lesson while I was there. For me, that was the best of all. I was so excited! I had a fantastic time, but some of my friends got very tired. Maybe we can meet this afternoon. We can check out my holiday blog together. A: That sounds great! See you then.