Full Blast3 Test Booklet - KEY [PDF]

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TEST: MODULE 1 Vocabulary A. 1. humour 2. style B. 1. d

2. a

C. 1. lyrics

3. e

3. stage 4. b

2. material

Communication 1. d 2. a 3. e

4. wheel

5. c

3. Imagine

4. b

4. about

5. c

Grammar A. 1. are thinking 2. is recording 3. are fighting, fight, doesn't share 4. wants 5. isn't coming B. 1. everybody, nothing, Nobody 2. anywhere 3. someone, anything C. 1. taught 2. didn't get along 3. annoyed 4. grew up 5. didn't fancy 6. Did... perform D. 1. ... isn't as stubborn as Sandy. 2. ... the best song on this album. 3. ... is more expensive than the striped shirt. 4. ... aren't as comfortable as casual clothes. 5. ... is less important than being happy. Listening 1. P 2. K

3. P and F

Reading 1. T 2. F

3. F

5. hold

4. P

4. T

Writing Open exercise.

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5. up

6. aerobics

7. rap

8. atmosphere

FULL BLAST 3 - KEY TO TESTS LISTENING TRANSCRIPT Kirsten is my best friend. She's great to hang out with so we spend lots of time together. Kirsten is a bit lazy sometimes, just like me. Sport isn't our idea of having fun. We prefer staying at home, surfing the Net or chatting. She always listens to my problems and tries to cheer me up. I don't think I'll ever have a better friend. I first met Paula at football practice. We play in the same team. She's alright, but she can be really annoying at times. She always thinks she's right about everything. She also wants people to do whatever she says and never changes her mind. This can be really difficult sometimes, especially in football, because it's a team sport and everyone must work together. I like Fiona a lot. She's not perfect, but we get along fine. I'm quite shy and I'm a bit lazy, too, but Fiona is very energetic and makes me join her in all sorts of activities and sports. I don't know where she finds all that energy to do stuff. She really believes in herself and she always knows what she's doing. I like her for that - if it wasn't for her, I would just stay at home by myself and do nothing. The only thing I can't stand is that she doesn't keep any of my secrets. But I guess nobody's perfect.

TEST: MODULE 2 Vocabulary A. 1. e 2. b 3. g 4. a B. 1. bridges

2. suit

C. 1. e

3. a

4. d

Communication 1. d 2. a 3. c

4. b

2. f

Grammar A. 1. (who/that) B. 1. a

2. b

C. 1. neither

3. allow 5. g

2. whose 3. b

5. d

4. c

2. Either

6. f

7. c

4. successful 6. c

7. b

3. (which/that) 5. a

3. All

5. encouraged

6. tie

7. rid

8. h

4. who/that

5. where

6. which/that

6. b 4. Both

5. none

6. both

D. 1. The Houses of Parliament were so dull (that) we only spent ten minutes there. 2. The creature was so small (that) we almost didn't notice it. 3. Linda is such a selfish girl (that) nobody wants to be her friend. 4. The book was so fascinating (that) I read it three times. 5. This is such a simple exercise (that) everybody can do it. Listening 1. c 2. a

3. a

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7. where

FULL BLAST 3 - KEY TO TESTS Reading 1. The Empire State Building is taller. 2. The Eiffage Group built the Millau viaduct and the Eiffel Tower. 3. Cars were allowed to use the Millau viaduct on 16th December 2004. 4. The bridge is just under two and a half kilometres long. 5. Because they didn't want drivers to feel scared at such a height. Writing Open exercise. LISTENING TRANSCRIPT 1. Polly Liz Polly Liz Polly Liz Polly Liz Polly 2. Max Julie Max Julie Max Julie Max

Lovely hair, Liz. Thanks, Polly. I've just come back from the hairdresser's. You know, the new one which just opened. Did you dye it as well? Why? Does it look like I've dyed it? Yes, it looks darker. Well, I didn't. It must be the light. What about your hair? You wanted to get some highlights last time you went to the hairdresser's. I know, but I changed my mind at the last minute. Maybe you should. I think it would look great. Maybe I will. Where are you going, Julie? Home. Why? Don't forget to call Sally later about Saturday's trip, OK? Don't worry. I won't. Are you sure? You're not going to sit in front of the TV all night and forget about it, are you? No, but you're right. The first thing I usually do when I get home is turn on the TV, but not today. I have to study. As soon as I finish, I'll give her a ring. Anyway, if I don't ring her, she'll ring me. We're the type of friends who have to talk every day. Whatever you say.

3. Man

Where were you yesterday? You were supposed to come to the exhibition with us. Did you forget? Woman Well, no. I just thought it would be dull. Man You were wrong. It was definitely worth it. All the works of art were so fascinating! Woman Really? I regret not coming now.

TEST: MODULE 3 Vocabulary A. 1. d 2. g 3. f 4. a B. 1. staring 2. protect 8. definition C. 1. Cover

5. b

6. e

3. revised

2. opportunity

7. c 4. discuss

3. curious

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5. available

4. frequently

6. across

5. freezer

6. reply

7. wonder

7. foreign

FULL BLAST 3 - KEY TO TESTS Communication 1. d 2. b 3. a

4. e

5. c

Grammar A. 1. have been attending, have... learnt 2. has... fallen 3. has been taking 4. haven't visited 5. has been playing, has... given B. 1. never

2. since

3. ago

4. for

5. yet

C. 1. have already made 2. hasn't apologised, said 3. Did... get 4. went, haven't chosen 5. hasn't cooked, made Listening 1. seven o'clock

2. peel

3. fork

4. saucepan

Reading 1. a week ago 2. going to / visiting the Wawel Royal Castle 3. (a bit) shy, fun 4. Roger Writing Open exercise.

LISTENING TRANSCRIPT Jim Mum Jim Mum Jim Mum Jim Mum Jim Mum Jim Mum Jim Mum Jim Mum Jim

Hi, Mum! I'm back. Jim! Is that you? Can you help me in the kitchen? Mum, it's already eleven. Haven't you finished yet? My friends will be here in an hour. I don't know how I lost track of time. I started at seven but I'm still not done. OK, how can I help? Can you see those onions in the bowl? Yes. I need to fry them. But before that, they need peeling. What do you say? Sure. I can do that. Thanks. Is there a fork anywhere around here? What do you need it for? Use that knife over there to peel them. I just want to taste those mushrooms you've made. They smell delicious. Come on Jim, we haven't got much time. Sorry. Can I use this saucepan here? No, I need to put this mixture in there. Use a bowl from the cupboard. OK.

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FULL BLAST 3 - KEY TO TESTS TEST: MODULE 4 Vocabulary A. 1. survived 2. leaves B. 1. b

2. c

3. a

C. 1. enormous

3. low

4. b

2. hide

Communication 1. d 2. b 3. a

C. 1. c

2. next to 2. a

4. e

5. well

6. lightning

7. a 4. wave

5. warned

6. occurred

7. nightmare

8. beast

5. c

2. got, put

3. towards

3. g

6. b

3. terrified

Grammar A. 1. injured, was chasing B. 1. at

5. b

4. shining

4. d

5. b

3. was climbing, broke

4. until 6. e

5. on

4. drowned, were looking

6. across

7. f

D. 1. arrived, had ended 2. had collapsed 3. Had... eaten, got Listening 1. b 2. a

3. c

Reading 1. T 2. NM 5. F

3. F

4. c 4. T

Writing Open exercise. LISTENING TRANSCRIPT Reporter Mr Fisher Reporter Mr Fisher Reporter Mr Fisher Reporter Mr Fisher Reporter Mr Fisher Reporter Mr Fisher

Hello, Mr Fisher. So, is that the famous dog? Yes, my old pal, Buck, the hero. Come here, boy. So tell us what happened last Saturday. Well, I had taken Buck for a walk in the woods as usual, and when we returned home he wouldn't let me go into the house. He kept jumping on me and barking. I couldn't understand why he was acting so strangely. He knew something was wrong and that something was going to happen, didn't he? Yes, it seems, but I didn't realise at the time that he was trying to warn me. I just thought that he wanted me to take him for another walk. Did you? I was too exhausted. Anyway, I took my keys out of my pocket and to my surprise he just grabbed them and started running! Really? Yep. I chased him and after some time, I caught him and got my keys back. But as I was walking towards the house, the earthquake occurred. I just couldn't believe it! You were very lucky! Yeah, I was. Lots of houses in my neighbourhood collapsed. You can imagine how shocked everyone was. Luckily, mine wasn't completely destroyed. There's a lot of damage but at least I still have a place to live, and most importantly, I'm alive.

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FULL BLAST 3 - KEY TO TESTS MID-TERM TEST: Modules 1-4 Vocabulary A. 1. compose 2. skyscraper 3. foreign B. 1. tight

2. in

3. frightening

Communication 1. c 2. a 3. d

4. trim

4. cool

5. disturb

5. receive

6. trains

6. exhausted 7. thunder

4. b

Grammar A. 1. are... doing, 'm watching, need, 'm coming 2. stay, are cleaning B. 1. lower

2. impressive

3. worst

4. more annoyed

5. most easy-going

C. 1. was walking, blew 2. wasn't doing, arrived 3. saw, called 4. was taking, was talking D. 1. who/that

2. whose

E. 1. c

3. a

2. b

3. (which/that)

4. a

4. where

5. c

F. 1. has been, haven't recorded 2. have been complaining 3. has had, was 4. Have... visited, went G. 1. got, had fallen 2. arrived, realised, had left 3. hadn't finished H. 1. shall 2. so 3. Both, neither 9. everybody 10. off Listening 1. a 2. c

3. c

4. to

5. something, anywhere

6. wasn't

7. none

8. During

4. c

Reading 1. Because he was ill. / Because he wasn't feeling well and had to spend the first two days in bed. 2. He went to Acapulco. 3. He couldn't take any pictures underwater. 4. He stayed in Mexico for a month. Writing Open exercise.

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What's that you're listening to? It's my latest R&B CD. It's pretty good. Well, it's better than some of the other music you listen to. Aren't you a bit old for this kind of music, Dad? You're into jazz or something, right? No, I've never liked jazz. Wait a minute. You were in a band once, weren't you? Not really. I wrote a few songs for my brother's band. I was good with words, you see. They played rock. They were very good, actually. Have you got an album of theirs? I don't know. Maybe somewhere.

2. Man Woman Man Woman Man

This is such an amazing place! Yes, I love historic buildings. Hey, come and have a look out of this window. What can you see? Well, the leaflet says that there used to be a river which ran through the town, and a bridge just over there. Woman I can't see it. Man It's not there any more. The university is in its place. Woman Yes, I can see it. Man It says that in the past, kings and queens used to come to the palace by travelling up the river in boats. Woman Imagine that. 3. Girl Boy Girl Boy

Girl Boy

So, have you had a look at the leaflet with the courses? Yes, but I haven't decided yet. Tell me you're not into drawing or painting? No, I'm not the artistic type. Good. My sister took the Spanish course last year and she said it really helped her on her trip to Madrid. So, how about Spanish? I don't know. Sounds like hard work and no fun. But the only ones left are karate and taekwondo. Are you sure you want something so extreme? It could come in useful. I suppose you're right.

4. James Robert James Robert James Robert James Robert James

Look out there. I hate it when the weather's like this. Me too. Foggy weather just makes me feel down. It wasn't like this when I was travelling around Mexico, I can tell you. Lots of sandy beaches and hot weather, eh? Not really. Clear blue skies yes, but the temperatures were about the same as here. Really? Yeah, not very warm. Too bad. I didn't mind. I don't like really hot weather.

Girl Boy

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FULL BLAST 3 - KEY TO TESTS TEST: MODULE 5 Vocabulary A. 1. lift 2. return 3. password B. 1. harmless C. 1. factory

4. unfit

5. suitable

2. hurry

3. invented

4. part

2. decade

3. ringtone

4. treadmill

Communication 1. c 2. e 3. a

4. d

5. b

Grammar A. 1. b 2. c

4. a

5. b

3. a

B. 1. was saved

2. aren't grown

6. b

7. b

3. were taken

6. journey

5. avoid 5. download

8. c

9. a

4. are sold

C. 1. ... should be taught how to use this machine. 2. ... has been discovered by scientists in Borneo. 3. ... must be taken by the government to help the homeless. 4. ... is going to be made in my town. 5. ... will be taken to Brentworth Prison tomorrow. Listening 1. treadmills Reading 1. F 2. T

2. aerobics 3. F

3. €250

4. F

Writing Open exercise.

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4. 9pm

7. surgery

6. medal

10. c 5. Was... used

8. useless

FULL BLAST 3 - KEY TO TESTS LISTENING TRANSCRIPT Keith Sally Keith Sally Keith Sally Keith Sally Keith Sally Keith Sally Keith Sally Keith Sally Keith Sally Keith Sally

Hey, did you know that a new gym opened on Rose Road last week? Yeah. I heard about it. New gyms open all the time, but they aren't all that great. Is this one any good? Well, I haven't been there yet. But I saw a poster as I was coming here. It seems to offer quite a lot. Really? Like what? Has it got weights and ... Of course, silly. All gyms have got weights and treadmills. Oh, OK. What about dance classes? I really want to learn Latin dances. I don't know about Latin. The poster said that there are dance classes. It didn't say what kind, though. But you can also take up aerobics. You like that kind of exercise, don't you? Yeah, of course. Oh, there are also personal trainers who may help you work out. And that's included in the price, too. I see. It sounds good, but it must be quite expensive. Well, it's 50 euros a month. That's 600 euros a year! You can't be serious! Calm down. If you sign up for a year, it's only 250 euros. That's better. Hey, why don't we go and have a look? Sure. What's the time? It's nine o'clock. Oh. It's just closed. We can go tomorrow. Oh, OK. What time? Tomorrow is Monday, so it closes at 11. Fine, then. Let's go around 10 o'clock, after my Spanish class.

TEST: MODULE 6 Vocabulary A. 1. astronomy 2. autograph B. 1. b

2. c

3. b

4. a

Communication 1. c 2. a 3. b

4. d

Grammar A. 1. The 2. The, the, B. 1. d

2. b

C. 1. entering

3. a

4. e

2. to watch

5. c

3. let 6. a

3. The, the 5. f

4. drawer 7. a

5. terrified

6. way

8. c

4. -

6. c

3. talking

4. making

D. 1. ... eating junk food. 2. ... turning off the lights. 3. ... doesn't let them go to the parade. 4. ... buying Paul a new telescope for his birthday? 5. ... to go to the bowling alley tonight.

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5. get

6. to go

7. blind

8. Otherwise

9. to

FULL BLAST 3 - KEY TO TESTS Listening 1. b 2. b

3. a

Reading 1. F 2. T

3. NM

4. F

5. T

Writing Open exercise. LISTENING TRANSCRIPT 1. Brad Stevie Brad Stevie Brad Stevie Brad Stevie Brad 2. Laura Mark Laura Mark Laura Mark Laura Mark Laura Mark Laura Mark Laura

Hi Stevie, what are you doing tonight? Not much, why? Some friends and I are going to the cinema, would you like to come? I'm sorry. I have football practice at the sports centre till half past eight. No problem, we're going a bit later. The film starts at half past nine. OK. Meet you there at a quarter past, then. That's a bit late, actually. We might not find tickets. OK, nine it is then. Great, see you later. Hey, Mark. I had a great idea for my party. Yeah, what's that? I'm going to have it on Thursday, because it's going to be a full moon. How cool is that? Just one problem. What? Everyone will have to get up for school the next day, I know but... No, the full moon is on Friday. Oh no. Just have your party on Friday. There's no school the next day. It's even better. Yeah, but I've planned to go to a concert. I see. I'll just have it on Saturday. Who cares about the moon? It'll probably be cloudy, anyway. Yeah.

3. Radio ad: Spring is here! So, come down and join the fun at the Spring Festival. Don't forget the annual parade which begins at Foster Park, goes through the town and ends at Queen's Park. Everyone is welcome, as long as you all dress up. After the parade in the evening, there will be a fireworks display in the park. Also, there will be a competition for the best mask, and organisers will be giving party poppers to all festival-goers. It's going to be great fun, so be there!

TEST: MODULE 7 Vocabulary A. 1. filthy 2. solve 3. ridiculous B. 1. robberies C. 1. with

2. competitors

2. down

Communication 1. c 2. d 3. a

3. contest

4. solution

3. criminal 4. rob

4. b

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5. donation

4. extremely

5. attach

6. opponent 5. theft

FULL BLAST 3 - KEY TO TESTS Grammar A. 1. myself 2. her

3. themselves

4. it

B. 1. Who turned the computer off? 2. What is your school organising? 3. What did the thief steal? 4. Who will you meet at the shopping centre? 5. Who cleaned the lake? C. 1. entered, would win 2. would... feel, stole 3. were, would buy 4. wouldn't make, had D. 1. I wish my best friend wasn't/weren't angry with me. OR I wish my best friend talked to me. 2. I wish my parents let me stay out after 10pm. 3. I wish the instructions weren't in French. OR I wish I could read the instructions. 4. I wish I could enter the competition. OR I wish I weren't fifteen. OR I wish I were over 17. Listening 1. T 2. F

3. F

4. F

Reading 1. a 2. a

3. b

4. b

Writing Open exercise. LISTENING TRANSCRIPT Good evening, this is the six o'clock news. Police have been investigating the robbery of the Regal Bank on King's Street which took place last Tuesday. They have been questioning Gary Smith, the man who was arrested as he was leaving the bank. €300,000 were found in his backpack and police now know that he wasn't working alone. One of the main reasons is that there's still €100,000 missing from the bank. Their investigation points to the security guard, John Green, who disappeared the day of the robbery. The bank manager told the authorities that the guard was new on the job and that he saw the two men talking. More questions need to be answered and police are now looking closely at the security cameras. On to other news now. A woman with...

TEST: MODULE 8 Vocabulary A. 1. gift 2. cheek 3. crew B. 1. c

2. c

C. 1. passion

3. b

4. a

2. relaxing

4. suitcase

5. b

5. cruise

6. cabin

7. queue

6. a

3. bucket

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4. passport

5. tasteless

6. owe

7. hire

FULL BLAST 3 - KEY TO TESTS Communication 1. a 2. a 3. b

4. a

5. b

Grammar A. 1. ... (that) he was going to complain to the travel agency the next/following day. 2. ... (that) the scenery was beautiful. 3. ... (that) the passenger might refuse to get off the ship. 4. ... (that) she couldn't find her ticket. 5. ... (that) that man had waved at him. B. 1. b

2. b

3. a

4. b

5. b

6. c

C. 1. The ski instructor asked the skiers not to mess around on the slopes. 2. The travel agent asked Lydia if she was going to pay in advance. 3. The farmer asked Ken if he had ever spent time on a farm before. 4. Alison told her daughter (that) she had to steer clear of the busy road. 5. The man told Orlando to show him his passport. D. 1. had

2. asked

Listening 1. b 2. c

3. b

Reading 1. T 2. T

3. F

3. if/whether

4. told/ordered/asked

5. said

4. F

Writing Open exercise. LISTENING TRANSCRIPT Host

OK, back to tonight's phone-in, which is about cultural differences. Next on the line is Debbie from Watford. Debbie Hello, Steve. Host So, what's your story? Debbie Well, I invited my new Brazilian neighbours round for dinner. I spent all day preparing food and a delicious dessert. But when I asked them if they liked the food, they didn't really say much, and I was bit offended. All they kept doing was touching their ears a lot. Host That's strange. Debbie It was only later that I realised that pulling your ear means you like something a lot in Brazil. Host I see, so your hard work didn't go to waste. Nice one, Debbie. Right, now we have Ian from Rochester. Hi, Ian! Ian Hi there, Steve. My story comes from summer camp last year. My Greek roommate, John and I are great friends now, but when we first met, we had a bit of an argument. I asked to borrow his camera and he just raised his eyebrows. I didn't understand and he didn't say 'no', so I just took it. He got really angry, and after arguing about it for a while, I realised that the gesture meant 'no'. Host I didn't know that. Always good to learn these things. Who's next? It's Ken from York. Ken Hi, Steve. I just wanted to point out how long people shake hands for in different countries. I mean, just a few seconds is enough, in my opinion. But I met an Italian man the other week and he was shaking my hand for ages! In the end, I had to say something. I think he was a bit offended, but what could I do? Host That's cultural differences for you. Right, next we're going to...

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FULL BLAST 3 - KEY TO TESTS FINAL TEST: MODULES 1-8 Vocabulary A. 1. annoying 2. ruined 3. mixture 9. impatient 10. down B. 1. overweight

2. venue

Communication 1. d 2. b 3. c

4. e

3. burglar

4. foggy

4. raise

5. frightened

5. delay

6. formal

6. interrupt

5. a

Grammar A. 1. visit, are... flying 2. wants, is taking B. 1. ... to interview the runner who/that had just won the race. 2. ... flared trousers (which/that) I wore to the party. 3. ... to a/the palace where King James used to live. C. 1. have been entering, haven't won 2. robbed, haven't arrested D. 1. cleaning

2. watch

3. wearing

4. to change

E. 1. As Joanne was talking to the instructor, a skier crashed into her. 2. I found an injured bird while I was walking in the forest. 3. By the time Roger got to the/his office, the meeting had finished. F. 1. You don't have/need to buy me a gift. 2. You should apologise to your brother. 3. You must bring a packed lunch. 4. They could not train because it was raining. G. 1. ... were pulled out of the plane by the rescue team. 2. ... has to be mowed/mown (by Jeremy) every Sunday. 3. ... are downloaded every day. H. 1. c

2. a

3. b

4. c

5. a

6. c

I. 1. Fred asked Gary if he was going to the parade the next/following day. Gary told him (that) he couldn't make it. 2. Daisy told Anthea not to get a buzz cut because she would look silly. Anthea told her (that) she just wanted to get a trim. Listening 1. N 2. A

3. J

Reading 1. three/3 weeks

4. E 2. experience

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3. equipment

4. instructors

5. €155

7. smoke

7. suitable

8. place

8. appointment

FULL BLAST 3 - KEY TO TESTS Writing Open exercise. LISTENING TRANSCRIPT Emma My parents were away for the weekend and I was at home with my sister. I remember that night because the weather was really strange. There were strong winds at first and all the windows shook. Then the rain started. It hadn't stopped by the time we went to bed. Mary, my sister, came to sleep with me because she was afraid of the lightning. In the morning, it was still raining. When we went downstairs to make breakfast, we saw there was water everywhere and not just in our house, but the streets, the neighbourhood, the whole village! Alex It was quite silly, actually. I was riding my bike home after rehearsing with the band. I play the guitar, you know. It was late in the afternoon and it was getting dark. As I reached the old cathedral, I remembered the stories my brother used to tell me about that place... you know, that it's haunted. I got a bit scared and lost control of my bike. I didn't see the tree at all. I was hurt, but not badly. My bike, though, was completely destroyed. Jennifer I was at a café with my sister, when at some point, I had to go to the bathroom. The minute I walked in, the lights went out. I wasn't scared at first but then I heard a voice. I couldn't understand what it was saying. The lights came on again and I looked around but I was all alone. Then I noticed a message on the mirror. It said 'HELP ME'. I ran out as fast as I could and told my sister what had happened, but when we went back in there the message was gone. Neil Well, what can I say... I remember the time he ran into a house which was on fire, and all by himself, managed to rescue a five-year-old who was trapped inside. He was the town hero the next day, and of course, I was proud because he was my brother. But there are hundreds of things, both good and bad, about him. He's always confident about himself, for example, but he can be really bossy and stubborn too, sometimes.

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