Research Study On Social Media [PDF]

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Preface There is no doubt that social media continue to grow in popularity today. This caught the attention of many, thus provides basic research on the impact of its emergence to the life of college students. This research attempts to be a humble contribution to address the existing question about Social Media in the society, its advantages and disadvantages and the role it plays in education. We believed that the integration of various related studies can lead to a better understanding and the requirements to become a responsible user and to enhance awareness to its limitations. This paper is easy to read and easy to use. In designing such, we agreed to consider three important considerations: substance, presentation and medium for its effectiveness. This paper comprises of the facts gotten from different sources about the impact of social media. It also includes the results and analysis of the data gathered from the interview with the selected bona fide students of DOSCST who serves as respondents of the study. Of course, lastly this paper is open even to the harshest of criticisms to make it more useful and to the unkindest of remarks to make it more meaningful.


Republic of the Philippines Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology Dahican, 8200, Mati, Davao Oriental


We, the Group 8, declare that this requirement is our own original work. Most stipulation presented herein is ours alone. Borrowed ideas are given due recognition and are properly acknowledged. With the best of our ability, this study was treated with utmost care to adhere to internationally known standards/policies in academic integrity. We further attest that this piece of academic requirement has not been submitted previously for an academic credit in this or in any other course.







September 2015 Chapter I INTRODUCTION The rapid development of information and communication technologies has sparked the creative incorporation of social media into current pedagogical applications and processes. Social media is defined as the relationship that exists between networks of people (Walter &Reviera, 2004). It includes a variety of web-based tools and services that are designed to promote community development through collaboration and information sharing (Arnold & Paulus, 2010; Junco, H. &Loken, 2011). Social media nowadays is widely used by students. It aids education at the same time has been used as entertainment. Its advent to this constantly developing world leaves a great impact to the life of every individual. It uplift the communication and information process and provides instant knowledge on something. However, it is also undeniable in today’s society the use of social media in other purposes other than education. Students specifically have been using it for personal interests. Instead of browsing educational websites for research, they tend to pay more time in playing games online and social networking. These attitudes greatly affect not only their studies but also their life as a whole. Frequent engagement to it brings addiction that once it has started, it is very hard to stop. Moreover, social media is continuously dominating the world today. Likewise, the numbers of users are gradually growing. This research is mainly designed to acquire information about the impact of the advent of Social Media on college students particularly in DOSCST.










disadvantages of social media as it is being widely used today. Purpose of the Study Generally, the goal of this study is to investigate the impact of the fast growing social media on college students. Specifically, this aims to:


1. 2. 3. 4.

Find out how social media affects the life of the students. Determine the positive and negative effects it brings. Identify the most popular media site for students. Determine the amount of time spend in utilizing social media in various

ways. 5. Describe the factors affecting addictions to social media. Research Questions The main goal of the study is to investigate the impact of the fast growing social media on the life of students. Specifically, it is intended to answer the following: 1. 2. 3. 4.

How does social media affects the life of college students? What are the positive and negative effects it brings? What is the most popular media site for students? How long does it takes for students in utilizing social media in various

ways? 5. What are the factors affecting the addictions to social media?

Definition of Terms The following are the terms used in this study. Social Media – is a websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking. Social Networking - a dedicated website or other application that enables users to communicate with each other by posting information, comments, messages, images, etc. Online Games – is a specialized application or technology, which connects players through the Internet or over a computer network.

Significance of Study The research was conducted to have a deeper knowledge and better understanding about the growth of social media in the society particularly on the life of the students including its positive and negative effects. For teachers, this study is significant for them to have a wider awareness on the 4

emergence of social media to encourage their students on the proper usage and manipulation of it. On the other hand, for students, the study about social media is significant to know their limits as regard to be the most users of it and also to be mindful of its corresponding consequences if not properly used. Moreover, this study will be helpful to determine the possible ways in preventing addictions to social media. Chapter II Review of Related Literature Social media is a very important element of life which cannot be ignored today. Social media is used for several of purposes by a large community, but unfortunately larger community including majority of youth and teenagers uses social media for personal interests. Specifically, other than educational purposes, social media was used for social networking and playing online games. Social media includes a variety of web-based tools and services that are designed to promote community development through collaboration and information sharing (Arnold & Paulus, 2010; Junno, H. &Luken, 2011). Social media in other words aids the communication and information process. It contributes a lot especially in education where student utilizes it today for varied purposes. These tools provide opportunities for individual expression as well as interaction with other users (Arnold & Paulus, 2010). It opens line communication among students/people even in distant places. Through it, students can easily interact with other users and express themselves in many ways. Social media can include blogs, wikis, media (audio, photo, video, text), sharing tools, networking platforms (including facebook) and virtual worlds. In short, it provides a variety of sites where users are free to login and use it. College students have great interest in social media. Current research has indicated that using social media as an educational tool can lead to increased student engagement (Annetta, Minogue, Holmes & Cheng, 2009; Chen, Lambert & Guidry, 2010; Junco, 2012; Junco, et al., 2011; Patera, Draper &Naef, 2008). In other words, social media also aids education. It has been used for research and other purposes where students are actively 5

engage and manipulate it to gather data and information needed. By encouraging engagement with social media, students develop connections with peers, establish a virtual community of learners and ultimately increases their overall learning (Fewkes& McCabe, 2012; Heafuer& Friedman, 2008; Jackson, 2011; Kuh, 1993; Liu, Liu, Chen, Lin & Chen, 2011; Nelsen Laird &Kuh, 2005; Yu, Tian, Vogel & Kwok, 2010). Moreover, social media also allow students to interact and connect with their fellow and share things they want to. It helps them to freely express themselves. The impact of social media can be good on students, but if we have a closer look on the real impact of social networks, today it is ruining the future and career of students. The social networking websites are continuously distracting students from their studies. Social network was only an electronic connection between users but unfortunately it has become an addiction for students, teenagers and even adults. Today teenagers shows very much interest for social networks but unfortunately social networks affect education badly (Tariq, W., Mehboob, M., Khan, M.A., Ullah, F., 2012). Indeed, students today increasingly engage to social media particularly social networking. They spend more time in it rather than doing research or accessing information. According to Nielsen Media Research study in June 2010, almost 25 percent of student’s time on the internet is now spent on social networking websites. Facebook is the most used social media network by college students. In addition, according to a study by Online PhD, students spend roughly 100 minutes per day on Facebook. This simply shows how social media affects the life of students especially their education that gives negative effects. Social networks grab the total attention and concentration of the students and divert them towards non educational, unethical and inappropriate actions such as useless chatting, time killing by random searching and not doing their jobs. Boyd and Nielsen (2006) reported that the top ten social networking sites developed with the passage of time, and its number of users increases from 46.8 million to 68.8 million. Evidently, as time passes, people show great interest in utilization of social media specifically social networking that causes for its rapid growth and development. According to Charlene Li, et al (2007) student activity on social networking sites focuses on communicating 6

with each other. This simply demonstrates how social media drives the life of students and how students utilize it for their satisfaction and entertainment. The most popular activities done by the students and users on social networking sites revolve around looking at profiles of one another, searching for someone here and there and updating one’s own profile. Furthermore,








application by virtue by which it grabs the attention of students and increase the number of users. The applications include games, advertisements and other online activities. Users can use this application free, that’s why gaming freaks and addicts use to play these games without any installation. These free of costs pleasure destruct students from their education, thus they cannot concentrate on their education (Tariq, W., Mehboob, M., Khan, M.A. &Ullah, F., 2012). On the other hand, from Leuhart and Madden (2007) point of view, social networking websites provide a virtual life to those students who use social networking websites to make new friends although every contact and friend is virtual and un-real. Social network is somehow another way of communication and self-expression by the students. Another factor that supports why college students frequently uses social media is for online gaming. Playing video games has become one of the largest leisure activities in the world. As a leisure activity, it has become an ever-increasing part of many young people’s day-to-day lines (Griffiths & Davis, 2005; Durkin, 2006). It indeed becomes part of their life where they tend to give more attention on it. Moreover, computer game is one of the most exciting and rapidly evolving media of our time (Carr, et al., 2006). Evidence can be seen from the internet where online games are one of the fastest growing areas. Funk (1993) identified computer game playing as relatively high frequency activity among adolescents. In relation to this, a list of statistics done by Media Family: “Effects of Video Game Playing on Children” resulted to 97 percent of kids playing video games in 2008. In 2006, 45 percent of kids were regular gamers and it shows that they played two or more hours on a daily basis. Research conducted by the Pew Internet and American Life Project showed 66 percent of U.S teenagers play or download games online. 7

While 57 percent of girls play online, 75 percent of boys reported that they play Internet games. Although teenagers are reported to play video and computer games for nearly 4 hours a week, some researchers have found that college aged men report playing games over 15 hours per week. This simply shows that teenagers both girls and boys actively engage themselves playing games online which affects their education. Another study was done to analyze the correlation between video game usage and academic performance. The study found out that the amount of time a student spends in playing video games has a negative correlation with student’s Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and grade-point average (GPA) scores. In other words, the more students engage in playing video games, their level of performance decreases. It is also stated in the study that as a video game usage increases, GPA and SAT scores decreases (Anand, 2007). According to the Australian Journal of Educational Technology: “Gaming Frequency and Academic Performance”, individuals who spend two or more hours playing games on a daily basis score lower in every subject than their non-gaming counterparts. By spending a high percentage of time on video games there is not enough time left to spend in studying. Weaver (2003) added that over 70 percent of college students report being avid video game players, due to the fact that they have limited parental supervision and flexible schedules. This research suggests that the increased video game usage leads to lower GPA’s in the college-aged demographic. In contrast, playing video games can give some positive benefits such as improved hand-eye coordination and the potential for improved academic skills (as when educational games are played) (Charles, 2011). However, playing games can also give positive effects. According to Raise Smart Kids: “The Good and Bad Effects of video games”, certain type of video games can help train kids to follow instructions as well as helping them develop their problem solving and logical thought processes. The study also attempted to identify factors affecting the use of social media. With regard to motives for the use of social media, studies found out that it was due to entertainment, boredom relief, interpersonal utility, escape and convenience motives (Rubin, 2000). Therefore, it’s not how social media 8

works that drives people to use it how they do it’s people who are driving how social media works for us. Rutledge (2003) added that one of the five psychological traits that drive the use of social media is the fear of missing out. It is certainly one of the human traits driving how social media works.

Chapter III Methodology This study was primarily carried out to gather information about the Impact of the Advent of Social Media on College Students. This research gathered

data by providing




interview questionnaires for the distributed



chosen to


respondents who are the bona fide students of Davao Oriental State College and Science and Technology and who are enrolled in 1 st semester of school year 2015-2016. Upon approval, the researchers immediately give them the interview questionnaire with the carefully guide questions the researchers 9

have prepared. Out of the questions formulated by the researchers, it is expected to acquire the needed information for this research from the Social Media









subsequently to the researchers. Every answer to each question was recorded. The most common responses were identified and the data collected were summarized by the researchers. The results of the interview were used in the analysis of the data. Framework This framework shows the dependency and independency of factors age, gender, purpose and benefits.

Age Gender Use of Social Media

Impact on College Students

Purpose Benefits Use of social media depends upon the above four factors (age, gender, purpose and benefits) so the use of social media is dependent variable and the above four factors are independent variables. Whereas on the other hand, the impact of social media on college students upon use of social media is a dependent variable and use of social media is independent variable. Data Analysis


Number of Respondents who frequently utilizes social media 17% Yes No 83%

Table 1. The graph features the number of respondents who frequently uses social media. The evidence from this pie graph (Table 1) shows that 83% of the respondents frequently use social media. On the other hand, 17% of the respondents are not frequently using it.

Reasons in using Social Media Others; 1% Online Games; 12% Social Networking; 44% Educational Purposes; 42%

Table 2. The graph demonstrates the percentage of the respondents on the reasons of using social media. The table shows the total percentage of the respondents’ reasons in using social media. It is evident that the chart shows that 45% of the respondents utilize social media for social networking, 42% for educational purposes, 12% for online gaming and 1% of them answers for other reasons why they frequently uses social media. 11

Most Visited Social Networking Sites


2% 5%



Twitter 72%

Instagram Tumblr Others

Table 3. The graph details the different social networking sites mostly visited by the respondents. It is noticeable that the respondents commonly use social media for social networking specifically the facebook which comprises 72% of the total percentage. Followed by twitter which totaled 16%, Instagram 5%, Tumblr 2% and other sites which has 5% of the total percentage.

Most Played Online Games Others; 11% Dragon Nest; 6% Legue of Legends; 17% Crossfire; 17%

DOTA; 22% C.O.C; 27%

Table 4. The pie graph presents the percentage of the most played online games by the respondents. It is clearly shown that out of 100%, 12% of the respondents utilize social media for online gaming (Table 2). Given the most played online games, 27% percent of them play Clash of Clans, 22% play DOTA 2, 17%


play League of legends, 17% play Crossfire, 6% play dragon nest and 11% of them play other online games.

Amount of Time Spend Utilizing Social Media per day


1-2 hrs


3-4 hrs 66%

5-6 hrs 7-8 hrs 9-10 hrs

Table 5. The graph shows the total percentage of the amount of time spend in utilizing social media per day by the respondents. It is evident that the pie graph shows that 66% of the respondents who frequently use social media spend 1-2 hrs/per day in utilizing it. 30% of them respond that they spend 3-4 hrs/day. 4% says that they spend 5-6 hrs/day using social media and neither of them answered 7-8 and 9-10 hours per day.

Frequent Users of Social Media



Female Male

Table 6. The graph demonstrates who are the frequent users of social media between male and female of the respondents.


It is clearly presented in the pie graph that out of 100%, 53% of them are female users of social media and 47% are male. This only indicates that females are more fascinated in utilization of it than males.

Range of Age of the respondents who are users of Social Media 16 yrs. Old below 7% 7% 5% 18%


17-18 yrs old 19-20 yrs old 21-22 yrs. Old


23-24 yrs. Old 25 above yrs. Old

Table 7. The graph displays the percentage of age range of the respondents who utilize social media. The evidence from the graph shows that 38% of the respondents who frequently uses social media aged 19-20 years old, 25% aged 17-18 years old, 18% aged from 21-22 years old, 7% aged 23-24 years old and 25 years above and only 5% aged 16 years below. The result of this study also shows that respondents frequently utilize social media for common benefits which includes acquisition of news, information and knowledge, for communication particularly to distant places, to be updated of the new trends, for social awareness and become an agent of the society. Also, it includes entertainment and satisfaction.


References Wang, Qingya; Chen, Wei; and Liang, Yu, (2011) "The Effects of Social Media on College Students".MBA Student Scholarship. Paper 5. Date Retrieved: September 20, 2015. Retrieved from: Tarantino, K., McDonough, J., Hua, M., (2013). Effects of Student Engagement with Social Media on Student Learning: A Review of Literature. Date Retrieved: September 20, 2015. Retrieved from: fStudentEngagementWithSoci alMedia.html Tariq, W., Mehboob, M., Khan, M.A., Ullah, F. (2012). The Impact of Social Media and Social Networks on Education and Students of Pakistan. Date Retrieved: September 20, 2015. Retrieved from: Srivastava, P. (2012). Social Networking & Its Impact on Education-System in Contemporary Era. Date Retrieved: September 20, 2015. Retrieved from: Shahzad Khan. Impact of Social Networking Websites on Students. Abasyn Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 5 No. 2. Waleed Mugahed Al-Rahmi1 & Mohd Shahizan Othman. The Impact of Social Media use on Academic Performance among university students: A Pilot Study. Date Retrieved: September 20, 2015. Retrieved from: Funk, J.B., (1993). Reevaluating the impact of video games. StudyMode. Retrieved March 7, 2014, from Carr et al. (2006, February). Computer Games. Text, narrative and Play. John Wiley and Sons Ltd. Retrieved March 7, 2014 from narrative_and_play.pdf Anand, V. (2007). A study of time management: The correlation between 15

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Appendix A Research Study on Social Media (Interview Questionnaire) Name (Optional): _ _______________________ Course: ____________ Year level: _________ Sex: __________ Age: ___________ 1. Are you frequently using Social Media? Yes 2. If yes, what mainly is your purpose?


For social networking

For educational purposes For online games Others (specify): ______________ For social networking, what particular site do you often visit? Facebook Twitter Instagram Tumblr Others (specify): _________ For online games, what particular games do you usually play?


Clash of Clans Crossfire 16

Kabal League of Legends Dragon Nest Others (specify): _____________ 3. What benefits can you get in social media? _________________________________________ 4. What is the amount of time you spend utilizing social media? hrs/day


3-4 hrs/day 5-6 hrs/day 7-8 hrs/day 9-10 hrs/day -Thank you for your honest answers-God Bless 