PLM Pump Guide V3 [PDF]

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Pump Guide

Welcome to this penis pumping guide...

You will discover how to accurately use a penis pump to maximize harder, longer lasting, lengthier and thicker (more girth) erections safely, in the least amount of time — with permanent gains.

I also cover the latest new protocols for reversing erectile dysfunction and creating more robust erections by combining three protocols: GAINSWave, The Priapus Shot and a Penis Pump.



Table Of Contents

THE BIG PICTURE ....................................... page 7

HOW PENIS PUMPING WORKS ..................... page 10 WHICH PUMP TO USE? ................................ page 15 THE TWO PUMPS ........................................ page 17 SUCCESS ACCELERATORS ............................ page 19 HOW DOES PUMPING WORK? ...................... page 20 HORMESIS AND GROWTH ........................... page 21 ED: PUMPING TO TRAP BLOOD IN YOUR PENIS ............................... page 23 ED CAUSES AND CURES .............................. page 24 ED VIDEO RESOURCES ................................ page 26 PUMPING FOR ED ....................................... page 27

ENLARGEMENT: PUMPING TO GROW YOUR PENIS ............................... page 29 USING A TWO-PUMP SYSTEM FOR MAXIMUM ENLARGEMENT ........................... page 33 SIMPLE PUMPING STEPS ............................. page 36 SPECIFIC PUMPING DETAILS ....................... page 37 TRIM PUBIC HAIR FOR A GOOD SEAL .......... page 38 3

THE BLOW AND GROW SUCKLING ACCELERATOR ............................ page 42 WHY YOU HAVE TO FIGHT AGAINST YOUR NATURE .............................. page 44 LEATHER STRAP ......................................... page 45 PENIS PUMPING ACCELERATORS ................. page 47 PUBIC HAIR GROOMING ADVICE ................. page 49 WHAT IS JELQUING? ................................... page 51 HEAD ENLARGER ........................................ page 52 CYLINDER SIZE .......................................... page 53 SUPPLEMENTS FOR GAINS AND RECOVERY .. page 54 STRETCHERS AND PENILE TRACTION DEVICES .................................... page 58 REGENERATIVE MEDICINE .......................... page 59 PRP AND THE P SHOT ................................. page 61 GAINSWAVE SOUNDWAVE HEALING ............. page 63 PEYRONIE’S DISEASE .................................. page 68 JANET’S PUMPING SUPPORT STORY ............. page 69 SUMMARY .................................................. page 76 I’M HERE FOR YOU ..................................... page 77 4

PREFACE Thank you for picking up this pumping guide. I want to assure you that pumping

works for penis enlargement and the gains can be permanently maintained. It also

works for most men who have erectile dysfunction to give them a 30-minute erection suitable for penetrative intercourse.

Don’t miss the PumpSmart App and free gift at the end of this book. It’s such a simple thing really… the vacuum pump. It literally pulls blood into your penis to make it bigger, harder and firmer. With repetition the gains remain.

I fell in love with penis pumps when I saw the benefits. As a champion of men’s sexuality and an advocate for your pleasure, I am behind pumping in a big way. This little book aims to bring pumping out of the shadows and into the bright sunlight of your personal happiness.

I am proud of you for going for what you want. Cosmetically

your penis will look bigger and make you happier. Functionally

your penis will have greater blood-carrying capacity. Healthwise you’ll increase your ability to have a firmer, harder

erection. And that will please your lover too. Penis pumping is a total win!

Inside this book are simple directions for the fastest and

easiest gains. You’ll also learn how pumping works. Take note

of the two new regenerative protocols you can add to your 5

pumping plan to make your penis even bigger, better and healthier called, GAINSWave and The Priapus Shot.

There are three companies I recommend in this book. I know the people from

these companies personally. I’ve been to their offices. They provide answers and

resources to me and my fans and followers so I can continue to be your trusted hot sex advisor.

Thanks to Sam and Judith Itshaki, the owners of The Dr. Joel Kaplan Company for

teaching me all about pumping. Thanks to Mark and Liliana White, the founders of GAINSWave for teaching me all about low intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy and to Dr. Charles Runels, the inventor of the Priapus Shot and PRP for penile tissue

regeneration therapies.

These three procedures used in tandem are the gold standard in penile care,

rejuvenation, health and growth. I love a bomber boner, a hearty hard on, a potent penis!

Have fun watching your man-hammer get more massively meaty and enjoying the pleasuring of pumping.

Pump On,

Susan Bratton


THE BIG PICTURE This information covers both pumping specifically to gain an erection if you have

erectile dysfunction and using a penis pump for penis enlargement.

You will get specific penis pumping routines in this Pump Guide. Please follow these

guidelines. Pumping is not dangerous EXCEPT when a man over pumps, pumps too

hard, with too much pressure, too long, or too frequently. If you overstretch the penis by over pumping, you can damage it. Always stay within or below the pumping

guidelines. Never pump to the point of discomfort or pain. Pumping should be pleasurable. The vacuum suction can feel a bit like oral sex.

Many men have hurt themselves by using pumps without gauges and release valves. That’s why I want you to use the pumps I recommend in this Pump Guide and no others. These directions are for use with the pumps

recommended in this book.

If you’re a partner supporting a man in pumping, there is a

story about Janet in this guide and how she incorporated

pumping into her lovemaking with her partner. Normalizing

this activity will support your partner’s confidence and

success. A bit of penis appreciation also goes a long way! :)

Pumping uses increased blood flow to expand the

dimensions of your penis. The pump is called, “a vacuum

erection device.” The vacuum draws more than the usual amount of blood into your penis.


The pump used for erectile dysfunction is different from the one

used for enlargement.. The same pump used for enlargement, which I call,

The Whopper in this book, can also be used for reversing atrophy. Atrophy is when your tissue withers, shrinks or shrivels from lack of use or illness.

According to Integrative Sexual Health by Drs. Bartlik, Espinoza and Mindes,

“Vacuum constriction devices are the least invasive ED treatment option.” If you

have severe health issues, such as diabetes, metabolic syndrome or blood pressure

problems, you may not be able to pump enough blood into your penis to benefit from

a vacuum erection device. If you are successfully using a PDE-5 inhibitor such as sildenafil, tadalafil or vardenafil, you may be able to stop using them and instead

use the ED pump. If your ED is mild, you may be able to reverse existing penile

atrophy with regular pumping using the penis enlargement pump recommended

in this guide. You may also be a candidate for reversing ED with a combination

of GAINSWave treatments, Priapus Shots and regular pumping as discussed later in this book.

For penis enlargement, expect to pump every other day for

three months before you see visible gains. Be patient.

Commit to the process. Stay on schedule. And do not

increase the vacuum pressure before the prescribed time even if it feels okay.

Put simply, for enlargement, you will pump your penis up

to the scheduled vacuum measurement and hold it at that

pressure for 10 minutes. Then you will release the vacuum,

stroke your penis deeply and pleasurably for 3 minutes. Then 8

you will pump up again to a specific pressure for another ten

minutes and then deflate again. At the end you may use the leather strap

around the base of your penis and under your testicles to hold the blood in for

another 45 minutes. It is not advisable to ejaculate for two hours after pumping.

Ejaculating quickly deflates the blood. Your goal is to keep the penis filled with blood during pumping and for a few hours after.

For ED, you will simply pump up your penis and roll the constriction ring off the

cylinder and onto the base of your penis to trap the blood for up to 30 minutes. You are welcome to ejaculate during this time. If you warm up your penis first with a

warm, wet washcloth, your penis will feel better to your partner.

Every detail of the procedure is explained in this guide. Please read the entire book.


HOW PENIS PUMPING WORKS A lot of men are very skeptical about whether they can truly count on

gains from pumping. If you follow the process, you can expect increased penile dimension.

Like any sexual health-related subject, penis pumping has been kept in the dark

due to cultural shame about sexuality. Besides your urologist, no one speaks to you

about your penis. Many men are ashamed about how their penis looks. Guys don’t

know if they, “look normal.” And they are not sure if penis pumping will really work. It’s ok to be skeptical. But I promise, if you are patient and pump every other

day for three months, when you look down you’ll see a more robust penis.

You will gain both length and girth, and your penis will not only appear

bigger, it will be bigger. After pumping, the penis of most men look a

bit bigger when flaccid, but when erect, it looks a lot bigger. And

you can continue to increase the overall dimensions of your penis for years. There are guys who have been pumping for

a decade and still see gains. But you must proceed slowly,

safely and consistently. Penis pumping works.

Regarding penis enlargement, we're going to discuss how

and why the size of your penis increases and how to pump

for maximum gains. I'm going to give you the best

pumping practices. I'm going to teach you some pumping

accelerators — things you can do to make your pumping

work even better. You’ll also learn how to select the correct 10

size for your penis pump. The size of the cylinder matters. If it’s

too small, you won’t fully inflate your penis with blood. If it’s too big,

you may not get a good vacuum seal.

You will constantly measure the circumference of your penis and as it increases

in dimension, you’ll “grow into” larger cylinders. The pump systems I recommend

are from The Dr. Joel Kaplan Company. They have a range of cylinders that fit onto

their pump systems so you can simply get a larger cylinder as needed without

having to buy a new pump each time you outgrow the cylinder. The Dr. Joel Kaplan

Company can also make you a custom size if for example, you have a very large

penis already and you are trying to make your man hammer truly enormous. Their contact information can be found later in the book.

Later you’ll get details on measuring and choosing the right sized pump. But

know that in 80% of men — because penis size is a bell curve with

the average penis being about 5”-6” — a cylinder with a 2" opening

diameter is likely the starter size. There is also a 1 3/4” cylinder

for those at the smallest end of the range. You’ll also find out

why I recommend a two-pump system with an additional 3”

cylinder included for maximum fast-start gains in both

length and girth.


Penis Size is a Bell Curve

If you just looked at this chart and have a 3 cm penis or less, stop right now and take a breath. Yes. Pumping will enlarge your penis too. And there are cylinders that will fit you. Can you get to 4-7 cm with

pumping? Most likely if you follow this Pump Guide. But your

penis will still be small. You’re not starting out with as

much material.

Luckily there are women out there who do not care for big

penises. You will want to get good at emotionally connecting, being well-groomed and being good at giving

women multiple orgasms with your tongue, fingers and a

variety of sex toys. If you do that you will be ahead of 80%

of most men.


We all have to compensate for many things. Deal with what IS

instead of shying away from women. Penis size ranks very low on what

women want in a sexual partner.

Now let’s get your pump picked out so when you read the pumping guides it

will all make more sense. The Dr. Joel Kaplan pumps are available in three

configurations. The least expensive is the plastic hand pump. The mid-range is the

metal hand pump. Or you might prefer the hands-free electric pump. The electric

pump gives you seamless and continuous vacuum pressure that accelerates size

gains and erection health, although it does make noise, which may be a

consideration. All three pump options fit the same cylinder system.

The Dr. Joel Kaplan Company is my recommended brand. They’ve been in

business for over 25 years. Doctors use their pumps for patients. The quality

of their components are excellent, unlike 99% of the copycat novelty item

junk from China you’ll find in most online and adult stores. Their

vacuum gauge system is excellent and easy to read. Most pumps

don’t have gauges. Most pumps don’t have a vacuum release

button. And most pumps don’t come with pressure and

pumping instructions, which means you are more likely to over pump and cause damage. You want a clear cylinder

so you can see your penis expanding. And you don’t want

to use a silicone sleeve to get a good seal because it constricts blood flow. Plus you want to feel confident

you’re getting a system you’ll never outgrow. The

KaplanCare™ customer support program is available online

and by phone when you need it. They love your calls and 13

want you to succeed. They are a family business and are there

to support your sexual satisfaction.

I was very careful about who I am associated with in my recommendations.

To give you pumping instructions, I had to standardize on a pump brand. That

is why I promote these pumps as the only pumps I recommend. You can trust

that I will direct you to companies and products you can rely on. My reputation

relies on their excellence. They will be there for you.


WHICH PUMP TO USE? There are two pump systems I recommend. One is strictly for pumping blood

into your penis if you have difficulty getting blood in or holding blood in your penis for erections. That’s the ED Pump.

The other pump is for reversing atrophy (tissue loss from aging, illness or lack of

intercourse) and for making your penis BIGGER. No matter how big a guy is, he always

wants to be bigger. There are very few men I’ve encountered who complain about

being too large. So you are not alone in your desire to beef up your man-hammer. With so many men logging so many hours watching porn, I’ve seen a significant

uptick in the number of men worried about their penis size. What you see in porn is not what men are like in the real world. I’ve also seen an increase in women making fun of men who are on the smaller side. It’s completely

unacceptable behavior. And I want to apologize to you if you’ve ever been made fun of. I can’t undo the hurt. But I can help you level

the playing field with this Pump Guide.

Just know that men and women are made to fit together.

Your penis and her vagina are a match. Most men are

around 5” long fully erect. Women’s vaginas accommodate

men’s penises unless she’s very small and he’s very large —

or vice versa. Body dynamics do come into play. Twenty

percent of women say they’ve stopped dating a guy because

of his penis size. Half of them because his penis was too big, not too small.


Did you know there are bumpers some couples have to use if he’s

too big for her? It’s a cushion that goes around the base of his penis so he

can’t penetrate so deeply it hurts her. Women’s cervix are delicate. Though

she might want a pounding when she’s fully engorged and turned on, she doesn’t

want a beating!

Women are more focused on hardness rather than overall size. Many women also

get turned on by bulging penile veins. Some women prefer circumcised, others

uncircumcised. Everyone likes different things and grows to love other things. Even

better, an average to small penis works very well for anal pleasure. A small to

medium penis is easier for fellatio. And most guys with big penises don’t know

how to use them well during intercourse because they rely on size, rather than

expertise. It’s not the size of the boat, it’s the motion in the ocean. Using your

penis as a delicate, aware instrument of pleasure inside a woman is infinitely

more valuable to her than you being a ram rod. And remember, women

care more about grooming, emotional connection, foreplay and

romance than they do about your penis size. That being said, if

you want a bigger penis, let’s get you one!


THE TWO PUMPS Here are the two pumps. The first is for Enlargement and Reversing Atrophy. I

did a video series on pumping with my doctor, Dr. Glenn Wilcox and we named

this first one, The Whopper. The name stuck and that’s why you’ll see me refer to the enlargement system as, The Whopper.

The second pump system, called The ED Pump is strictly for pumping blood into the penis to trap blood with a constriction ring for sex.


Penis Enlargement and Atrophy Reversing Pump

Increases Length, Girth and Overall Penile Volume

Two Cylinder System including “The Whopper” As Featured On YouTube Durable Metal Hand Pump, Two Cylinders and Leather Strap “THE WHOPPER”

The one with Dr. Runels is very in depth and innovative.


As promised, here is some real-life advice I gave Janet

whose husband was not sexually confident due to his

penis size.


JANET’S PUMPING SUPPORT STORY Dear Susan, "My husband has a hang up over his penis size. Size helps, but it isn’t everything. Try telling that to a man.

He’s gained weight and doesn’t feel good about himself. I feel like he’s only having

sex with me when he needs a release.

I want more passion, more foreplay, and more romance. I want to be held after sex and cherished in that moment. Our sex life is monotonous and quite often I don't

have the energy to invest into sexual acts.

What advice can you give me? There wasn’t much discussion growing up about sexuality! You have empowered and encouraged me to move

forward to seek a solution. I love your directness and ability to

drive people to better their sex lives." — Janet

Dear Janet,

Thank you for coming to me with this issue. More and more

men are ashamed of their penis size. I think this is a modern

day problem due to them watching the giant penises on porn.

But I also honor a person’s feelings about their own bodies.

You have to deal with how they feel, even if you don’t agree 69

with it. It’s no different than a woman who feels that she needs

implants because her breasts are too small.

I want to address his depression, weight gain and lack of bedroom skills. But

first let’s tackle the penis size issue.

You can support him in increasing the size of his penis in two ways. The first is in

giving him regular blow jobs where you actually suckle his penis like a baby nursing

an areola and nipple. It’s a suckling (not just sucking) action that will expand his penis volume and improve his erectile function.

I’ve done a video on it and you can watch it here. Please also subscribe to my YouTube channel while you’re there. It’s free and sends a signal to YouTube that

my content is valuable, which helps me grow my reach to help more people (my mission is passion).