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Get Hard Instantly On Command


By Susan Bratton

I want you to take a moment and imagine yourself sitting at the table with your woman at your favorite restaurant. You nod at the waiter to bring you the check, look at your lover

with a knowing smile and say, “Let’s go home. I have a special desert for you. And you can have as many helpings as you want!”

Without missing a beat, she lifts her eyebrows in consent,

smiles her naughtiest good-girl smile and whispers, “Bring it

baby. I can’t wait to have you inside me.”

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You are about to learn three simple, straight-forward techniques to turn

you into that guy. Knowing that you have the power and the know-how to

get a rock solid erection whenever you want will give you unprecedented

confidence in bed.

No more struggling to achieve or maintain an erection. You have endurance,

stamina, sexual potency… You feel masculine and virile, you totally trust your penis

to get hard, and deliver as much pleasure as she wants for as long as she wants.

Imagine watching her orgasm again and again while you’re inside her. That’s what I want for you, and that is why I’m so excited for you to downloaded this guide. With the

knowledge you are about to gain, you can become even more of the lover she craves.

If you are among the estimated 100 million men worldwide who can’t trust their

package to deliver…

You’re a guy who struggles with feeling like you’ve let your woman down… You truly want to be the man she wants and needs…

You love the idea of being able to make a woman come and

come and come…

Then you will thank me for introducing you to my friend and fellow sex trainer, Jim Benson. Jim is an international men’s sexuality coach with an expertise in male “ejaculatory choice,” — you get to come WHEN you want to… and last

as long as she needs you to with his men’s sexual

performance techniques including the famous, “ME Breath.”

It’s surprising to me how many men collapse and give up on Copyright © Personal Life Media. All Rghts Reserved.


sex altogether when their penis lets them down. It’s truly unfortunate

because so-called “erectile dysfunction” is actually very easy to overcome

when you have accurate information and expert guidance. Some ED is mental,

some physical. And knowing how to resolve any of these issues will give you more bedroom confidence and pleasure.

So I congratulate you for recognizing that your sexuality is an essential part of your

masculinity and for taking action to discover techniques that will let you get hard instantly on command.

First, look at the big picture. The prevalence of erectile dysfunction is growing. Consider these statistics:

• A study conducted by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health found that 18 million men in the US over age 20 are affected by erectile


• The Massachusetts Male Aging Study reported a prevalence of 52%. At age 40, approximately 40% of men are affected. The

rate increases to nearly 70% in men aged 70 years. I want

YOU to be in the 30-60% who are NOT affected… whose

penis works how and when you want it to.

• WEBMD cites a recent study that showed 1 in 4 new cases of ED occur in men under age 40. And almost half of them have more severe ED than older patients.

• According to the Journal of the American Medical

Association (JAMA), erectile dysfunction is present in 1 of

2 men older than 40 years. That’s 50% of American men. Copyright © Personal Life Media. All Rghts Reserved.


Almost as tragic as the numbers is JAMA’s definition of erectile

dysfunction: “… getting or keeping an erection hard enough for satisfactory

sexual performance.”

Satisfactory sexual performance?

What about extraordinary sexual performance? That’s what I’m

talking about! And that what you and your woman deserve, which is why I partnered with Jim

Benson—to bring you this life-



performance information.


I chose to work with Jim because, frankly, he’s the best teacher of men’s sexual performance skills I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. I’ve spent the better part of two decades curating sexual teachings and teachers to

fulfill my dream of being a connoisseur of hot sex. For millions of men around the world, I’ve become their go-to source for expert advice on how to become a better lover. My #1 international best-seller, Sexual Soulmates, has struck a chord with

thousands around the world from age 19 to 90 and across the gender spectrum. Women don’t want porn-star

poundings… they want emotionally-connected lovemaking.

So I’ve made it my mission in life to help lovers like you

move through any obstacle that stands in the way of the

ultimate pleasure: a crazy good, always new and always

exciting sex life. It can be done. I promise you.

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What I most want you to know is this: for a woman to feel sexually alive

she needs a man who has the staying power to bring her to climax. She

craves a lover who can get hard and stay hard, who can be fully present and

truly feel her during sex. She needs her man to be aware of his arousal levels and

to be able to withstand the exquisite pleasure of being inside her without coming

before she gets off. Ideally, she wants a man who can give her as many orgasms as

she wants and make love to her until she’s ready for the ultimate experience: a

simultaneous orgasm with you inside her!

That’s what this book is designed to do—open the door to fulfilling, ecstatic lovemaking

that keeps her wanting more. You both deserve that kind of pleasure. And

downloading this guide not only puts that possibility within reach, it shows you how

to enjoy the process.

“What?” you might ask. “Enjoy dealing with this humiliating problem?”


You see, once you understand the true causes of ED, you’ll realize

that there is, indeed, a solution. That alone will relieve a whole

lot of internal pressure. As you let go of the fear that it might always be this way, you’ll start to enjoy your sexuality again. Your penis will no longer be your enemy; he will bbe your

steadfast partner.

But that’s not all. You’ll have what I call “The Jim Benson

Advantage”—a master teacher in your corner. Jim is a

professionally certified sex and relationship coach with

impressive credentials. He started studying tantra over two

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decades ago, has taught internationally with Margot Anand, author of The

Art of Sexual Ecstasy and the “Grande Dame” of Western Tantra. Currently, Jim

is a “train the trainers” teacher in Anand’s Skydancing Tantra certification program.

Perhaps most impressive to me: Jim has studied in-depth with David Deida, author

of The Way of the Superior Man, and actually survived a 10-day intensive retreat with Deida. That takes balls!

Jim’s expertise in the area of “ejaculatory choice” is unparalleled, which is why I chose

him to coach those struggling to get hard, stay hard and last as long as you want and

lead you step-by-step toward the solution—and beyond.

And that’s the real beauty of Jim Benson’s work—it takes you beyond ED, even beyond

where you were “in your prime.” It can take you beyond being a good lover or even

a great lover to become an exquisite lover. With Jim’s expert guidance you’ll be able to TAKE HER beyond as well—beyond any orgasm she’s ever experienced

or even imagined was possible—making you the best lover she’s ever had. And that, my man, is why I say you’ll enjoy the process. Any endeavor with that kind of endgame is bound to be an adventure.

Your capacity for more love and better sex will just keep expanding. And as you increase your capacity, you’ll take her right along with you into higher and higher levels of pleasure.

Susan Bratton

“Trusted Hot Sex Advisor To Millions” Introducing….

Jim Benson! Copyright © Personal Life Media. All Rghts Reserved.


Introduction Hello My Friend,

Welcome to your “Get Hard Instantly On Command” ebook.

I’ve worked with thousands of guys around the world and the simple fact is: 99% of

us have, at some point in time, questioned our ability to perform in bed. For some

men—and I’m one of them—the questioning can explode into full-blown insecurity and feelings of worthlessness. That’s where I was when I began the journey that brings me to you today.

I was in my late 20s, living with a woman I was madly in love with and engaged to marry. In my mind, I’d given her everything a woman could possibly want in her

man. We were planning our wedding, looking forward to starting a family…

Then it happened. In the middle of the night, I shot up in bed. It was as

if a bullhorn in my head announced, “She’s in bed with another man!” I don’t know how I knew, but I knew.

She didn’t try to hide what had happened. In fact, she came to me in tears and told me she’d had an affair. Heartbroken, I pressed her to tell me why. Never have 7 words been harder for a man to hear: “You’re just not man enough for me in bed.” Within two weeks, she’d moved in with a guy

named Steel. You can’t make this stuff up, right?

Needless to say, I felt massively rejected. I stopped working

and went into a deep depression. Things got so bad I had to

sell my car to pay the rent. In the midst of this hell, I heard Copyright © Personal Life Media. All Rghts Reserved.


about a men’s group and decided to take a chance. At the very first

meeting I realized I wasn’t alone. Every guy in that room had something

going on with his sexuality. When it hit me that all men feel insecure about sex

sometime in their life, I knew it was my job to figure out how to be the man in

bed—not just for myself, but for all of us.

That was over 20 years ago. Today I am married to the woman of my dreams. That

may sound cliché, but it’s anything but cliché in the living of it. We have a beautiful

home, a beautiful daughter, and a beautiful sex life. At age 55, I have an unlimited

ability to make love to my wife as long as she wants me to, as often as she wants me.

And I teach men around the world how to develop unshakable confidence in the

bedroom through my online program, Multi-Orgasmic Lover as well as my Awakened Masculine Live Boot Camps.

If you’re like me and countless other guys, it may take coming to a crisis

point to actually look for expert guidance. If that’s the case, you can now relax. I’m going to lead you from where you are now into

entirely new terrain.

In this guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know to

triumph over ED once and for all.

ED includes trouble getting hard, trouble staying hard and

trouble lasting as long as you want. Soft penis and fast

ejaculation are the two most common issues.

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In this guide you’ll discover:

• The most common causes for erectile dysfunction.

• How to address and eliminate each root cause of ED.

• Several quick techniques you can use to get hard instantly.

• Changes to diet and lifestyle for boosting testosterone, libido and penile health.

Some of the techniques you learn in this guide can be applied right away. Others have

a learning curve and will take a week or more to start showing results.

What you’ll learn in this guide isn’t a “quick fix.” It is designed to give you the

information and know-how you need to get hard instantly, on command, for the

rest of your life.

Most of the principles in this guide will yield results in under 3 months. Go where this guide steers you and you’ll never have to worry about ED again. You’ll notice some benefit right away, but it will take a few weeks for the full benefits to kick into gear.

Ready to get started?

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A Crash Course in How Erections Work

Before we get into the causes and cures for ED, let’s take a quick look at what

happens in your body when you get an erection.

An erection is actually a fairly

complex biological reaction. It

begins in the brain, with desire.

Your erection is triggered by sexual

excitement and a flash-flood of

hormones. Allowing yourself to get

aroused is the first step. Some men

have shame issues that prevent







Depression, illness and past sexual also


struggle to get aroused.


Next the brain fires a series of neural impulses down the spine.

Nerve cells in the lower back signal the smooth muscles in the

arteries of the Corpora Cavernosa inside the penis to relax. These smooth muscles control the size of the arteries and

thus the volume of blood that can flow through them. Nitric oxide, a highly versatile compound in the body, is the

signaling molecule that tells the tissues to dilate. When

those smooth muscles relax, your blood vessels dilate, opening the floodgates for your penis to fill up with blood.

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As you age, your circulation slows down, as does your body’s ability to

marshall nitric oxide. Your blood can also thicken making erections more

difficult. Erections are all about blood flow and circulation, as well as about being

flexible instead of stiff. If you want a stiffy, you actually have to be relaxed!

You can counteract aging by doing cardio-vascular exercises

like walking, hiking or running. You can also try taking a fastacting lozenge to boost your Nitric Oxide production when

you’re ready to attain an erection.

As the floodgates open and the blood rushes into your

penis, the sponge-like tissue expands, causing your penis to

grow 5 to 7 times its original size. The swelling of the tissue

cuts off the arteries that would normally let blood out of the Copyright © Personal Life Media. All Rghts Reserved.


penis, trapping the blood in the spongy tissue. Having strong PC

(pubococcygeus) muscles helps trap the blood inside.

“Muscle control is one of three key factors in having plenty of stamina for sex.”

The ME Breath technique I teach guys in my Multi-Orgasmic Lover online program leverages the relationship between your PC muscle

and your pelvis to allow you to maintain your erection.

The PC muscle is one of three muscles that form your

levator ani. The levator ani is a broad, thin muscle, situated

on either side of your pelvis. It is formed from three muscle components: the puborectalis, the pubococcygeus muscle (which includes the puborectalis) and the

iliococcygeus muscle.

It is attached to the inner surface of each side of the lesser

pelvis, and these unite to form the greater part of the

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pelvic floor. The coccygeus muscle completes the pelvic floor which is

also called the pelvic diaphragm.

It supports the viscera (your guts) in your pelvic cavity, and surrounds the various structures that pass through it.

The levator ani is the main pelvic floor muscle which contracts rhythmically

during orgasm.

When you lose an erection, what essentially happens is that blood flow reverses,

drains out of the penile tissue, and you become flaccid.

If you lose your erection before you want to, this draining can be caused by a weak PC muscle or from mental anxiety.

Why is this important? Because erectile dysfunction can be caused by a

number of different factors. Each of those factors can disrupt a different

part of the erection process.

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What Causes Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction has many contributing causes. If you’re experiencing ED,

chances are, it’s from more than one cause. Crippling ED almost always involves several contributing factors that can make ED even worse. So what are the most common causes of ED?

• Psychological Issues. You’re nervous or trying hard to perform well. Past negative experiences hold you back. You’re afraid of failing, or feel like you need

to impress.

• Poor Diet and Exercise. We’ll cover this in more detail later in the book. Diet and exercise play a big role in every aspect of penile health, from hormone regulation to libido to nitric oxide production to thickening blood. Sugar and

“bad” fats (fried foods) are the biggest culprits. Lack of healthy nutrition

is also a major factor.

• Low Libido. Your sex drive is low. You’re less interested in sex or less excited by the sight of a naked woman. You

don’t initiate sex; you may not get as excited as you used to by sex.

• Low Testosterone or High Estrogen. Hormonal imbalances can play a big role in erectile dysfunction.

• Poor Nitric Oxide Production. If your body isn’t

producing enough nitric oxide to send the “open the

floodgates” signal, you’ll experience erectile problems.

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• Circulatory Issues. Blood thickening, arterial diseases, nerve loss from diabetes and other factors that inhibit erectile function.

• Medications. Blood pressure medication, anti-depressants, anti-anxiety

medications, ADHD medications and other kinds of drugs can have a negative

effect on libido or sexual performance. Talk to your doctor about possible effects

of prescription drugs that might be contributing factors. Do not discontinue

medication without consulting a doctor.

• Prostate problems. An enlarged prostate, prostate cancer, and treatments for both cancerous and non-cancerous prostate conditions can cause ED.

• Smoking or generally poor circulation causes ED.

• Pornography can desensitize your desire for “regular” sex.

• Peyronie’s Disease. Scar tissue or plaque from penile trauma causing a bend to the penis.

[NOTE: Medical conditions such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis, or

Peyronie’s Disease can also cause ED, but these are beyond the scope of this guide. If you have Peyronie’s, check out the P Shot™ which uses PRP — plasma-rich platelet or consider

Stem Cell injections to the scar tissue.]

These are the most common issues. Again, these factors

generally work together to cause erectile dysfunction. In the

pages that follow, you’ll learn how to mitigate each of these

causes to beat erectile dysfunction once and for all.

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Is the problem physical or psychological?

Although I always recommend seeing a health professional to evaluate any

physical issues that might be contributing to the problem, there are a couple of

simple ways to determine if your equipment actually works.

When a man comes to me concerned about ED, I start by asking: do you ever wake

up with morning wood? Do you get hard while you’re asleep? Nighttime erections are

the result of physical processes that are not under conscious control. Your mental and emotional issues cannot get in the way of your natural bodily functions when you’re

asleep. If you have erections at night, it means you are capable of getting a hard-on.

Of course, it’s highly unlikely you’ll remember getting a hard-on at night, but you can perform what is called a nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test. The simplest

version is the well-known “Stamp Test.”

In order to do the stamp test, you’ll need to find a roll of stamps that have dry glue on the back to use as your “test strip.” Alternatively,

you can use a 1” wide piece of lightweight paper and a small

piece of tape. Abstain from alcohol for two nights before the test as it can inhibit erections.

Before you go to bed, put on a pair of briefs. Pull your flaccid penis through the fly; this will keep your pubic hair out of

the way. Wrap the stamps around your penis so the ends overlap; moisten the back of the overlapping stamp to

secure the test strip in place. You want it to be snug so it

will tear apart when you get an erection. For best results,

sleep on your back.

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Do the test three nights in a row, checking to see if the test strip is

torn when you wake up in the morning. If it is torn, the cause of your ED

is likely mental or emotional, rather than a problem with your equipment. If

the stamps are not torn, your issue may well have a physical cause. NOTE: the

test only indicates if you do or don’t get hard; it does not explain why you’re having a problem.

There are other methods to evaluate the quality of penile erection such as the

RegiScan portable home device and the penile plethysmograph. Ask your doctor about these options.

Performance anxiety and other mental or emotional causes Now let’s talk about mental and emotional factors that contribute to ED.

Again, it’s important to realize that even when ED has an obvious

physical cause, the psychological impact of impotence can be hard on a man.

Mental and emotional performance issues can include: • Lack of confidence in bed.

• Trying too hard to do a “good job.”

• Getting overly stimulated.

• Inexperience.

• Fear of failure or criticism. Copyright © Personal Life Media. All Rghts Reserved.


• Thinking about past performance issues.

• Self-criticism.

• Sexual shame or abuse.

• Not feeling attracted to a partner.

• Anxiety about penis size.

• Anxiety about being with a new partner.

• Anxiety about putting on a condom.

All it takes is a single experience of not being able to get it up to plant the seed for

ED. You start to worry that the Big Guy might fail you again. Your mind starts swirling with negative thoughts and feelings of shame. This self-fulfilling

prophecy makes you nervous the next time you’re with a partner. Anxious feelings interrupt the signals going from your brain to your penis, which

creates more anxiety.

Depending on individual sexual history, the impact on a man can be mild or extreme. Men often feel quite a bit of shame; their

self-esteem almost always takes a hit. Left unaddressed, the problem grows. ED can loom so large and become so upsetting that some men give up on sex altogether.

The fact that nobody talks about ED doesn’t help either. It’s

not a topic you’ll hear discussed in the locker room or over

a couple of beers with your bros. As men, we’ve been taught

to ignore our feelings and keep them bottled up. It’s a no-

win situation. We don’t have anyone to talk to, and we can’t Copyright © Personal Life Media. All Rghts Reserved.


let ourselves feel what we’re feeling. That makes it easy for the fearful

mind to get the upper hand and convince us there’s something wrong with

our dick.

What I really want you to hear is this: if there isn’t a physical issue causing your

ED, the problem is not with your penis. The problem is with the fearful thoughts banging around in your head and the anxiety they cause.

There are all sorts of mental and emotional issues that generate negative thoughts

and feelings and undercut a man’s ability to get hard. Some men carry sexual shame from childhood. They may have been punished or called “sinful” when caught

masturbating, or ridiculed by older boys about their penis size (particularly upsetting for pre-pubescent boys who don’t yet understand that erections come and go). And

let’s not forget sexual abuse. A surprising number of men were sexually molested as children. Adults also experience sexual trauma that can wreak havoc later

on when sexual feelings arise.

I want to say something here about pornography. We’ll talk about porn in more detail later, but while we’re on the topic of anxiety, I

want to address a common concern for guys who watch a lot of

porn: nervousness about penis size. This issue can really amp up a man’s performance anxiety. Few are the guys who don’t

wonder at some point in their lives how they measure up.

Truth be told, a normal sized penis is between 5 and 7

inches long. In contrast, porn stars typically have HUGE

penises, 10 to 15 inches long! That’s what makes them good

at their job. The huge schlong is part of the appeal of porn.

It’s exciting to something deep in the subconscious. Copyright © Personal Life Media. All Rghts Reserved.


Regardless of whether our fascination with giant dicks is unconscious,

subconscious, or super-conscious for that matter, you’ll be heartened to know

that most women prefer an average-sized penis. In fact, most women don’t

even see those monster dicks because they aren’t watching porn. Moreover, it’s important to know that your

penis is not just the part sticking out from

your body, but includes the shaft that is

buried deep inside you. If you focus

attention on getting the buried shaft AND

the visible end of your penis erect when





stronger erections over time.


Receiving oral sex and hand jobs also strengthen your ability to achieve solid

erections in exactly the same way as giving her oral and massaging the

tissues in her vulva gets her engorged, increasing her ability to feel

pleasure and have stronger orgasms. Consider giving each other weekly genital massages to improve your overall sexual pleasure.

Best practices to overcome performance anxiety and relieve mental and emotional stress. Before we talk about what does work, I want to say a word

about what doesn’t. Trying to fight yourself is never an

effective way to change how you feel or what is happening

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in the moment. For example, if you’re feeling nervous, telling yourself to “stop being nervous” just doesn’t work.

Think of it this way. If a friend is depressed, telling them to stop feeling bad never

works. Far better to redirect their attention, get them out of their negative mindset

by moving their bodies and doing something fun.

It’s the same when the “patient” is you. Rather than fight or resist anxious thoughts

and feelings, shift your attention to something that makes you feel good. I’ll go into more detail on this when we get to the Instant Hard-on Techniques.

I want to make one very strong “umbrella” recommendation about reducing

performance anxiety. Until you’ve triumphed over ED, you’ll want to adjust your expectations. In other words: don’t pressure Mr. Happy to get happy right away— although, you never know, if you use Instant Hard On Technique #1, he might

surprise you.

It’s important to understand that there’s a learning curve here. It’s

not a steep curve, but there is some learning to be done. Notice

and appreciate your small improvements. Pay attention to your

mood and your state of mind. Make note of the progress you

see there. Are you feeling a little more upbeat now that you have a plan? Is your mind more relaxed and your thoughts more optimistic now that you’ve taken action? You may or may not get an erection the first time you do one of the practices I recommend here. Either way, be patient and

learn from what happens.

All that said, let’s talk about what does work.

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The Instant Hard-On Techniques will work best when you are also doing

what you can to reduce both your overall stress level and anxiety that’s

specifically about ED.

Fortunately, the single most important skill you can develop, deep breathing, is

also the easiest to learn and practice.

Do it right now. Take a deep breath in, filling your lungs to the top, then let go and

let the breath rush out. Relax.

Anxiety excites your central nervous system and puts it on high alert. We call it the

“fight or flight response” for good reason. If you feel threatened, your body releases

adrenaline so you can protect yourself from danger. But think about it: if you’re

body wants to flee the situation or gear up for a fight, how likely is your penis to

want to come out and play?

The simplest way to restore calm to the body is to breathe deeply. I

recommend a 4-second inhale through the nose, followed by a 7-

second exhale through the mouth. This will calm your nervous system and shift you out of fight or flight and into a more

relaxed state.

In the context of lovemaking, leading your partner in deep breathing will do two things. First, it will set up a masculine/feminine polarity. When you lead in breathing,

you’re in charge. This aids in arousal.

Secondly, when you get your partner to breathe deeply,

the calming effect allows them to feel more turn on in their own body.

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The ME Breath Technique

Deep breathing is one of the three keys to everlasting stamina and full-body

male-multiple orgasm. In my men’s online training program, Multi-Orgasmic

Lover for Men, I teach you The ME Breath Technique. It consists of three easyto-learn components:

• Muscle Control The ME Breath technique gives you total control and lasting

stamina by accessing your sex muscles in a very specific way. This allows you to last as long as you want (and as long as she can handle.)

• Arousal Control The muscle control combined with the breathing and the hip rocking in an integrated manner are so powerful, you will easily overcome a

lifetime of quick-trigger programming. This lets you choose WHEN you want to climax.

• Pelvic Relaxation The technique gives your hips and pelvis strength and flexibility so you can thrust for hours without getting tired. It

also relaxes your ejaculatory trigger so you can seamlessly slow down or speed up your arousal during sex. Without this, you’d have to stop to rest or slow down to keep from ejaculating before you want to. The entire fluid motion of the

relaxation thrust also allows the tip of your manhood to accurately tickle a woman’s G-Spot with ease. As you thrust in this new way, she’s going to start begging you

for it. It feels THAT GOOD to a woman!

More on the ME Breath in a minute. Let’s continue our

conversation about how you can lower and completely

eliminate performance anxiety.

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Here are the best practices to do that:

1 Talk with your partner about what’s going on. If you share your fears rather

than try to hide them, your anxiety is less likely to hijack your thoughts and

feelings. If you’re in a relationship where you feel safe enough to “recruit” your

partner to help you overcome ED, do so. 96% of women we surveyed said they’d

happily support their partner in practicing The ME Breath during intercourse. Not

only can this speed up your progress, practicing together during sex leads to

greater intimacy.

2 Get into the moment. Anxiety is fueled by churning thoughts. When you’re caught up in negative-thinking, you’re thinking about the past or projecting into the

future. And where does pleasure happen? In the here and now. Learn to quiet your mind and stay present, even if you’re frustrated. You can handle the

feelings you’re feeling. And when you stay with your feelings, you can move

through them and back into the pleasure of the moment. The simplest method to stay present is to simply listen to the sounds around you. If

you tune your hearing to the sounds in your environment, whether that’s singing birds or your lover’s breathing, you turn up the volume on the present moment and turn down the volume on worrisome thoughts.

3 Eliminate distractions. Lock the door. Turn off the ringer on your phone. The last thing you need when you’re

starting to feel a stirring in your loins is a phone call

from your mother. The same is true of any device that

might interrupt you when you are working on

overcoming ED.

4 Decompress! The pressure-cooker of life—your work,

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your finances, your kids, your long list of obligations—can contribute

to ED if you don’t have a way to decompress. Take up Chi Gong, learn

to meditate, go for a hike in nature, paint or play guitar or sing in the

shower. Make a pact with yourself to decompress for at least a few minutes every day.

5 Laugh more often. Laughter is one of the best natural relaxants there is. It

increases endorphins, pumps oxygen into your body, increases circulation, relaxes

tense muscles, boosts your immune system, relieves pain, increases resilience, and lifts mood. Plus, it’s a wonderful way to feel close to your lover. When women say “humor” is one of the key attributes they look for in a man, they mean FUN

in the bedroom too.

6 Give and get more touch. A simple touch or hug has a calming effect on the body and releases feel-good hormones like Oxytocin. Non-sexual touch will

calm your nervous system and make you more able to receive sensual or sexual touch when the appropriate time and circumstances arise. Start by giving each other sensual massages. Give her a nice

body rub and genital massage. Then have her massage your body and penis.

Of course, the most effective way to lessen anxiety about

getting a hard on is to get a raging boner, so here we go.

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Instant Hard On Technique #1: “Coming To Your Senses”

We’ve talked about performance anxiety as a mental issue, a swirl of negative

fearful thoughts that blow the circuits on your erection. Once you learn this

technique, you can use it to flip the breaker switch and instantly fire up those

disrupted circuits by getting out of your head and into your body.

As with all three of the Instant Hard-On Techniques, you are going to practice this on

your own before putting it into practice with a partner. And while you will actually

masturbate to arousal with Technique #2 and #3, this first technique is about getting into your body and paving the way to arousal.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Take another deep breath and release any tension in your jaw. Take another deep breath and empty your face of

all expression. Take one more deep breath and let go completely. We are going to wake up all five of your senses, allowing in everything that is happening in your environment and allowing

your senses to give you pleasure.

Start by hearing everything you’re hearing. Take your time and allow all the sounds in your environment to come to

you. You might hear birds, a breeze moving through in the

trees, sounds of traffic, or the low hum of your refrigerator.

Just let each sound come to your sense of hearing. Become

interested and curious. Allow your sense of hearing to be the source of pleasure it is.

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Now start to feel what you’re feeling: your feet on the ground, your bum

on the chair, the brush of your clothes against your skin, the tension in your

shoulders, the temperature of the air. Let each sensation register on your sense

of touch. Become interested and curious. Allow your sense of touch to be the

source of pleasure it is.

Now open your eyes and see what you’re seeing. Let whatever is in your environment

enter your eyes. Become curious and interested. Allow your sense of sight to be the source of pleasure it is.

Now taste what you’re tasting and smell what you’re smelling, going through the

same steps and allowing your senses of taste and smell to be the source of pleasure they are.

Once you’ve enjoyed each sense individually, start to combine them and enjoy

all five of your senses at the same time. Start by combining hearing and feeling, then layering in the other three one at a time. Don’t worry about getting it right, the simple shift in focus will bring you more fully into your body.

It’s through our five senses that we experience pleasure. The

more grounded we are our senses the more pleasure we

can have.

Now let’s wire your five senses into your sexual pleasure circuits.

Go back to hearing what you’re hearing, feeling what you’re

feeling, seeing what you’re seeing, tasting what you’re

tasting, and smelling what you’re smelling. Relax and breathe. Copyright © Personal Life Media. All Rghts Reserved.


Allow whatever is there to tease your senses. Open to the pleasure

entering your body through your ears, your skin, your eyes, tongue and nose.

Draw that pleasure down into your groin and allow it to flow into and nourish

your sex organs. See if you can generate a feeling of arousal, even the slightest tingle, purely through your five senses without touching yourself at this point.

Give it a few moments, then increase your arousal by adding in sense memories of a

particularly hot sexual experience or sexual fantasy. The sight of your lover’s naked

breasts, the feel of her tongue in your mouth, the taste of her genitals, the smell of

her hair. As you do this, remain aware, as much as you can, of the various senses

themselves—the sights, sounds, tastes, touches, and smells of sex.

Once you go through the process, feel free to masturbate and, if you feel to, move

directly into technique #2 or #3.

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Instant Hard-On Technique #2: “3D Sexual Turn-on Visualization”

Practice this technique on your own, while masturbating. Once you’ve used it a

few times, you can then use it while having sex. You only need to practice it 2-3

times to get a result. You could even use it to get a solid woody this very night if

you practice a few times!

Here’s how it works.

Masturbate until you have a strong erection. Now, focus on the actual physical

sensations of getting turned on. If you did Technique #1, your sensations will be more vivid, which will play to your advantage with this technique.

Instead of just feeling your excitement as a tingle or surge of arousal or

however it usually shows up for you, this technique is designed to give your arousal more depth and detail in your mind’s eye. This is very important for men, as we are very visual and our arousal is very much linked with what we see. (That’s why we get so turned

on at the sight of a beautiful breast or nice round ass!)

Focusing on those sensations, close your eyes. Visualize the

sexual turn-on in your body. Ask yourself:

• Where are the sensations focused? Where are they strongest?

• If they had a color, what color would it be? See that color in your mind’s eye.

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• If they had a texture, what would it be? See that texture in your visualization.

• Is your turn-on moving, vibrating, pulsing or reacting in any way? See that in your head.

Go as granular as you can and create a detailed picture of your sexual excitement in your mind. Then, visualize that turn-on expanding throughout your whole body.

This technique is designed to instantly increase your level of excitement and intensify

your turn-on. Your erection will get much harder because you feel a lot more aroused.

By making the physical sensations that accompany your turn-on into something you

can actually see in your mind, you gain more control over it. This technique lets

you quickly strengthen your turn-on so you can get much harder, much faster. Practice this a few times at home before trying it with your lover.

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Instant Hard-On Technique #3: The Sexual Trigger

This method takes about one month to “install.” Once you do, you’ll be able to use it to get hard at a moment’s notice any time you want.

You’re going to create a physical trigger for getting hard. It works by connecting your

“hard-on circuitry” (meaning, the neural connections between your brain and your penis) to a physical gesture.

Have you ever heard the expression “Pavlov’s dog”? In experiments with dogs, Dr. Pavlov rang a bell every time he gave them food. Before long, his dogs would begin to salivate when they heard the bell ring, even when they weren’t being fed. It’s known as classical conditioning: linking a strong stimulus (food) with a neutral stimulus (a bell).

That’s similar to the principle we’ll use here. By linking a specific gesture

to being rock hard, you’ll be able to use that trigger to get yourself hard any time you want.

In Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) terminology, this is

called, “setting an NLP anchor.” Here’s how to do it:

1 Masturbate as you normally would. Get to the point where you’re rock hard, but not close to ejaculation. If

you can’t achieve an erection by masturbating, go back

over the list of reasons for ED and solve those issues first. Then come back and start here.

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2 Make a specific gesture. It should be something that you wouldn’t

ordinarily do and accidentally trigger a hard-on. For example, you could

pull on your left earlobe with your left index finger and thumb. Or stroke

your left palm with your right hand. Pick one gesture and make sure it’s

something unique, a “dedicated” gesture, so to speak.

3 Repeat this process every day for 3-4 weeks. Do it every time you masturbate to erection.

That’s all there is to it. Make sure that each time you “install” the trigger, you’re at a sexual peak. You want to be extremely hard and extremely turned on when you install the trigger.

Do this for 3-4 weeks, then test your trigger by doing the gesture when you’re not

turned on. Do you get hard? Once the trigger is installed properly, your body links

that motion to getting an erection and you’ll be able to flip that trigger and get hard on command.

These three techniques can help you get hard instantly, even if

you’ve had performance issues in the past. Remember: don’t fight

yourself. Don’t fight nervousness or insecurity. Instead, change your focus. Pick one of these three techniques and focus on using it instead. Of course, also focus on enjoying the

moment and enjoying the woman you’re with.

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Porn: The #1 Cause of Low Sex Drive

Porn is a particularly insidious cause of erectile dysfunction. It’s often a big part

of a man’s life. It’s something many people consider harmless or completely

normal. Few men realize how big an impact porn really has on their sex life.

Before we go any further, let’s get one thing clear: this isn’t a moral or religious attack

on porn. This is purely a results-based examination. If you want to have rock hard erections, porn is probably hurting your chances.

If you masturbate to porn regularly, it is likely the #1 reason you have trouble getting hard. A lot of men who quit porn find that their ED is completely cured in just a

couple months.

The Science: ED and Porn

Let’s begin by taking a look at how porn impacts your brain, your

sex drive and your erections.

Dopamine: The “Reward” Chemical

At the core of your brain’s pain-pleasure reward circuitry is a chemical called dopamine. This is the part of your

brain responsible for making you want the things that help

you survive.

Some people call dopamine the “pleasure molecule,” but

that’s not quite right. It’s more like the “craving” or

“addiction” molecule. When you see something that your Copyright © Personal Life Media. All Rghts Reserved.


body is genetically programmed to want, including sex, food or companionship, dopamine is released in your brain.

See that chocolate ice cream in the grocery store freezer? Blast of dopamine.

See that attractive woman walking by? Blast of dopamine.

That feeling of wanting to win when you’re playing a video game? That’s dopamine from wanting the victory, the conquest. Desensitizing Your Brain

One of the most powerful ways to release dopamine is through the promise of

sex. The feeling you get when you see a naked woman who wants to have sex with you is far stronger than, say, the feeling you get when you’re about to

eat ice cream.

Every time your brain perceives an opportunity for sex, it releases

dopamine. And here’s where porn comes in. To your limbic,

primal, reptilian brain, there is no difference between porn and real women. When you see a woman on screen, your reptilian brain thinks: “Mating time!” and releases a blast

of dopamine into your brain.

Unlike having sex with real women, there’s no limit to how

many women you can “sleep with” in a porn session. Have

you ever gone on a porn binge? Where you were hopping

from porn site to porn site, seeing hundreds of women in

an hour? During this whole process, more and more Copyright © Personal Life Media. All Rghts Reserved.


dopamine is released, causing more and more excitement and more

and more of a high.

Inherently, there’s nothing wrong with that. But this begins a process called

progressive desensitization.

Because you’re over stimulating your reward circuitry with so much dopamine and

so much “perceived sex,” your brain naturally starts to become less and less receptive

to the dopamine. What used to turn you on suddenly becomes not enough. You start to look for more and more novel things to turn you on.

Before, just seeing hot girls having sex on screen was enough. But now, as your brain gets more and more desensitized, you need stronger and stronger stimulation to get turned on. Over the course of months or years, plain sex turns into “barely legal” sex, into group sex videos, into BDSM fantasies, into rape fantasies, into all kinds of fantasies that you just weren’t into a few years ago.

Much like how a heroin addict needs to continually take higher and

higher doses to get the same effect, your brain gets desensitized to “normal porn” and starts to need more and more extreme

porn to get the same effect.

The Cost: Desensitization Carries Over to Real Life When your brain is bombarded with hyper-stimulation in

the form of hundreds of women an hour, it starts to get

desensitized. Since your brain can’t tell the difference

between real women and women on screen, it gets desensitized to sexual stimulation of any sort.

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More specifically, here are some of the ways porn consumption can

affect your relationships with women:

You’re used to getting turned on to intense porn. Your brain now needs intense

stimulation to feel turned on. Yet in real life, sex is almost never that intensely

stimulating. It’s often slow and sensual. It’s kissing, not face slapping. It’s cuddling,

not hard fucking. If your brain’s primary exposure to sex is extremely intense, there’s

no way it’ll be able to get turned on just from a tender kiss or a gentle caress. Real life sex doesn’t give you the dopamine you need to get an erection.

Because you’re so used to seeing “perfect” women on screen, with 18-year-old bodies and angelic faces, you’re much more likely to see imperfections in women in real

life. They just don’t match up what in your mind a “hot girl” looks like. So you’re

less turned on by women in general because you’re comparing them to porn stars.

Because you’re ejaculating every day, almost every day or more than

once a day, your body will have less sexual energy available when

you are around a real woman

Porn is a billion dollar business. They are manipulating you

to make money off of you. They do not care if they ruin

your self life. Heck, that just means you’ll be spending

more time on their websites. Porn is NOT your friend. And women do not want to be “fucked like porn stars.” Women want emotionally-connected, highly-erotic, multi-orgasmic love-making.

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The Benefits of Quitting Porn

Men who quit porn often experience a multitude of benefits. Faster, more

consistent, harder erections is definitely one of them. That’s not all, however.

What kind of benefits can you expect from quitting porn?

• Your attraction for women will increase. You’ll see the natural beauty in women

around you, especially sexual partners. You won’t subconsciously compare them to physically perfect porn stars.

• Higher sex drive. Instead of releasing your desire for sex, you cultivate it. Your desire for sex with real women will increase, once you let go of the fake women on screen.

• Increased confidence and self-esteem. Men who quit porn often report feeling much more powerful, both in and out of bed. They carry an increased sense of sexual confidence.

• Women are more drawn to you. Because you’re more genuinely attracted to women, they’ll be more attracted to you as well.

Sparks fly naturally because you haven’t burned up all your sexual energy on porn.

• Increased vitality. You’ll feel more awake and more alive. You’ll likely feel drawn to improving other areas of your life, such as your diet or workout.

• Time. Easily save an hour a day to have more sex with a real woman or to achieve some life goals.

Let’s face it: Pornography isn’t natural. Can you imagine a

caveman having trouble getting hard when he’s in his cave Copyright © Personal Life Media. All Rghts Reserved.


with a cavewoman? Your body is naturally designed to be able turned

on by a naked woman. It’s extremely unnatural to be unable to get hard

when you have an attractive, horny woman in front of you.

It’s time to stop desensitizing your brain and reclaim your natural sexual vitality and masculinity.

Quitting Porn: Next Actions

Most experts on the subject recommend quitting both porn and masturbation for three months. This gives you a clean break from masturbation and porn. Then, after 90

days, you can go back to masturbating without porn if you truly want to.

Quitting porn, but still masturbating can make the process a lot harder. Relapses

are much more likely to happen, because your brain naturally thinks of porn

when it’s sexually stimulated. Sex with a real woman is OK, but avoid

masturbating for 90 days if you feel porn is the reason you’ve

become desensitized.

If you must masturbate, try and come up with more sensual fantasies of your own that involve real women who turn

you on.

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Diet: Libido, Testosterone, Sex Drive

Your diet has an enormous impact on your sex life. It impacts circulation, which

is crucial for strong erections. It impacts your nervous system, including nitric oxide

production, which is needed to give your penile muscles the signal to get hard. Your

diet also impacts your hormone system, which controls your sex drive and your sex organs.

In short, your diet can make or break your sex life. It can single-handedly

determine whether you get hard on command, or have to desperately try to get

an erection.

A Primer on Testosterone and Estrogen

Testosterone is often called the “male sex” hormone. It’s produced in the

testes and is responsible for many aspects of sexual health. Men with high testosterone levels feel more sexual desire, have higher

libido, more vitality and feel stronger. Men with low testosterone levels often have libido problems and erectile problems.

Estrogen is often called the “female sex” hormone. In women, it regulates sex drive, menstrual cycles and fertility. In men, it helps manage various body functions, though it

isn’t nearly as important as testosterone. Low estrogen levels are almost never a problem in men.

Men are born with naturally high levels of testosterone and

low levels of estrogen. Over time, testosterone tends to drop Copyright © Personal Life Media. All Rghts Reserved.


and estrogen tends to rise. At a certain point, low testosterone can

become a problem ― causing issues like erectile dysfunction.

Note: If you suspect low testosterone is an issue for you, have your testosterone

levels tested. I prefer saliva testing for hormonal benchmarks.

Saliva testing is used to measure hormones like cortisol, estrogen and testosterone

through a non-invasive collection process of spitting into a tube. This sampling method

allows patients to collect saliva at home at specific times, which is important to get an

accurate measurement of hormone levels.

You can inject testosterone, or you can insert a pellet under the skin or rub on a topical

cream prescribed by a doctor. Often a doctor will also balance your testosterone with

progesterone, DHEA and, if required, test your cortisol and overall adrenal function.

Check into bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (HRT); it is the cutting edge hormone treatment.

Functional medicine doctors, Doctors of Oriental Medicine,

endocrinologists, and urologists know about hormone replacement therapy and can order your tests and give you prescriptions for

bio-identical HRT from a compounding pharmacy or

pharmaceutical HRT from a general pharmacy.

Belly Fat and Estrogen

When it comes to sexual performance, belly fat is a big

problem. The link between estrogen and belly fat (as well as

chest fat) is a two-way street.

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Having too much estrogen contributes to belly fat. It also contributes to

chest fat, leading to “man boobs.” This in turn leads to more estrogen

production. The enlarged fat cells produce more estrogen, which tips the body’s hormone system further towards estrogen.

In other words, having excess fat in the belly, chest or neck area is like having an

estrogen manufacturing plant in your body that is bound to wreak havoc on your sex drive.

Paying attention to your health and losing a few extra pounds can work wonders on

your libido. Lift weights to get fit. The weight-lifting increases testosterone while lowering your body fat ratio.

Libido Killing Foods to Avoid

Here are some of the most important foods to cut from your diet:

• Desserts, Sweets, Sugars. These foods go straight to the belly to be converted into fat. They also crash your energy, which reduces








mitochondria. Sugar is killing you faster than anything

else you are doing.

• All Soy. Soy has an enormous impact on estrogen production. Some studies show that regular soy consumption can have as big an impact on the

hormone system as regular estrogen therapy. If you

have ED, avoid any soy products, including soy milk

and tofu.

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• Wheat of All Sorts. Including whole grain wheat, pasta, bread,

cereals. Wheat has a higher glycemic index than table sugar, which adds

directly to belly fat. Wean yourself off wheat with some corn, rice and

potatoes and start replacing it with organic vegetables. For more information

on how wheat and gluten destroy your brain/gut connection and lead to

cognitive issues (you can’t think well anymore), read “Wheat Belly” by Dr.

William Davis.

• Processed Foods, Fast Foods. Microwaved dinners, McDonalds, etc. All of these

contain chemicals (including BPA) that can throw your hormone system

completely out of whack. Not to mention they are high in calories and low in

nutritional value.

• Low Grade Vegetable Oils. Avoid fried foods at all cost. High Omega 6 content is bad for your circulation and nervous system. Replace bad fats with pasture-raised butter; avocado, coconut and hemp seed oil; fresh-ground flax seeds; and take a Krill Oil supplement daily to increase your good

fat ratio.

• Pesticides. Pesticides contain a group of chemicals called xenoestrogens. These chemicals mimic estrogen in the

body, which causes the same negative effects as excess estrogen. Eating organic and pesticide-free foods can

help relieve your body of the extra estrogen burden.

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What to Eat to Boost Libido & Testosterone

Here are some of the foods to add to your diet to help boost your sex drive. Whole foods. Eat real foods such as vegetables, nuts and meats.

Organic Vegetables. Leafy greens including Lettuce, Spinach, Swiss Chard as well

as Cruciferous vegetables like Arugula, Bok choy , Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Cabbage,

Cauliflower, Collard greens, Horseradish, Kale, Kohlrabi, Radishes, Rutabagas, Turnips,

Watercress, and even real Wasabi helps your body naturally reduce estrogen levels,

and boost testosterone levels. In a recent report published by the Centers for Disease Control that ranked 47 “powerhouse fruits and vegetables,” kale placed only 15th

(with 49.07 points out of 100 for nutrient density). Here’s a roundup of the 10 leafy green cousins that researchers say pack a greater nutritional wallop. Read ’em, eat ’em, and reap the benefits.

10 Superfoods Healthier Than Kale: • Watercress

• Chinese Cabbage

• Chard

• Beet Greens

• Spinach

• Chicory

• Leaf Lettuce • Parsley

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• Romaine

• Collard Greens

• Wild-Caught Fish and Sustainable Seafood. Fish is high in Omega 3 fatty

acids, which improve circulation and

strengthen the nervous system.

• Pasture-Raised Eggs. Eggs are rich in both Vitamin B5 and Vitamin B6,




hormonal system.

• Beans






Lentils, pinto and black beans, spinach, asparagus, dark leafy greens like

arugula, and broccoli are all rich in folate. Also known as vitamin B9, folate helps make red blood cells; it is a natural libido booster.

• Watermelon. Watermelon and watermelon seeds are natural aphrodisiacs. It contains citrulline, which helps the tissue in the penis relax, letting blood flow in more easily. Try eating the seeds with the watermelon for maximum effect.

There is nothing better than eating organic vegetables with pasture-raised butter and sea salt, hemp, coconut and avocado oil, nuts, seeds, pasture-raised proteins, and wildcaught fish. Spend as much of your food-foraging time

finding organic vegetables to fill your plate as possible. Make

your goal stuffing your body with a variety of organic


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Other Factors:

Stress, Sleep, Sunlight and Medications

Here are a few other health factors that could be affecting your erections:

• Stress. Stress decreases testosterone. When you’re stressed, adrenaline is

released into the blood stream. Your body thinks it’s in a “fight or flight” situation

and moves blood flow from the genitals to the heart, arms and legs. This makes it virtually impossible to get hard.

• Sleep. Your body produces testosterone during sleep. If you’re sleep deprived, even by just an hour a day, it can have a big impact on your sex drive. If you’re not getting enough sleep focus on making your room completely dark and getting rid of all noise. Turn off your phone and wifi in your bedroom.

• Sunlight. Sunlight helps your body produce Vitamin D, which is essential for testosterone production. Vitamin D isn’t assimilated effectively in food

or through supplements; the best way to get Vitamin D is to spend

time in the sun. Try to eat one meal a day in the sun. Take your

shoes off and walk on the grass to ground your body.

• Medications. Pharmaceutical medications have an adverse impact on sexual performance. Talk to your

doctor about potential sexual performance side effects of any drugs you’re taking. If you’re taking pharmaceuticals for depression or anxiety, look into

LENS neuro-programming instead. Also, getting

enough healthy fats can decrease anxiety and

depression. If you’re taking pharmaceuticals for Type 2

diabetes, consider revamping your nutrition to reverse

your diabetes.

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Exercise and Supplements

In addition to diet, getting proper exercise makes the biggest difference for most

men regarding their ability to get hard and stay hard. Taking supplements also

accelerates your ED recovery.

Exercise: It Affects Everything

Exercise improves just about every aspect of your body. It helps with erectile

dysfunction in a number of different ways:

• It changes your cholesterol profile. Blood flows more freely through your body, which improves your hard-ons. Sticky blood is an issue for erectile function.

• It improves your overall cardiovascular health. Again, improving your circulation improves your erections.

• Exercise boosts testosterone. In fact, exercise is one of the best ways to increase testosterone.

• Exercises that loosen your tight muscles, especially the psoas muscle, help with pelvic fluidity. Yoga, stretching,

Tai Chi and Qigong are all excellent practices for a supple body.

• You’ll feel more confident and sexier with exercise. Even if you don’t see a difference in the mirror, you’ll

feel stronger. That directly translates to improved bedroom performance.

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Researchers agree: It is more important to exercise frequently than to exercise for long periods of time or at a high intensity.

If you live a mostly sedentary lifestyle, start slowly. Exercise

just 5 minutes, 3 or 4 times a week. Move that up to 10

minutes in a week or two. Then move it up to 15 minutes.

Nike discovered that the “stick point” for new runners is

5 runs. If someone starts running and gets just 1 or 2

runs, there’s a good chance they’ll stop. The habit hasn’t

“stuck” yet. As soon as someone logs 5 runs, they’re far

more likely to become a regular runner.

Leverage this principle for yourself. Make it your goal to

exercise 5 times. Make it easy on yourself by making your workouts just 5

minutes. Once the habit is formed, add more workout time and intensity.

Supplements: Critical

Supplements can be a very powerful asset for boosting your

erections. Keep in mind that these supplements are not meant to work like Viagra. They’re designed to nourish your body so you can get hard without drugs or supplements.

They build your long-term erectile health. Viagra and Cialis

on the other hand can cause dependence, which weakens your natural ability to get hard.

That being said, if you want to take pharmaceuticals for

those moments when you don’t want to chance getting an Copyright © Personal Life Media. All Rghts Reserved.


erection and Sildenafil Citrate (the name of the chemical in Viagra) works

for you, try taking a part of a pill under your tongue instead of swallowing it.

Yes, it tastes horrible! But it goes directly into your blood stream and you have

to take less by consuming it sub-lingually. This tends to reduce the stuffy nose and

headache men get from ingesting a “vasodilator” that opens up your blood vessels. Try the sub-lingual approach. For many men, it works faster with less side effects.

If Viagra DOES work, then begin taking supplements to improve your circulatory health.

You can try Neo40 or a







lovemaking to see if that

is one of your issues.






effective in clinical trials.

Blood viscosity is also a factor for some men. There are blood

thinning supplements you can try. First get your blood

viscosity tested. Meridian Valley is recommended by our advisor Dr. Glenn Wilcox of Wise Medicine.

He says, “I feel strongly that Biotics Research products

are the best available and I alway recommend them

unless they don’t have what I want. Allergy Research is

great too and the two enzyme products from them on the

left are the top, most researched, original products. The

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Biotics Research Intenzyme Forte is the best proteolytic enzyme

product available.”

Proteolytic enzymes modulate the inflammatory process by a variety of

mechanisms, including reducing the swelling of mucous membranes, decreasing

capillary permeability, and dissolving blood clot-forming fibrin deposits and


Proteolytic enzymes break down excess fibrin and scar tissue in the blood stream.

Fibrin is a protein that helps blood clot, but sometimes the body goes into overdrive

and fails to “turn off” fibrin production. Excess fibrin thickens the blood, increases

blood pressure and hinders circulation. Proteolytic enzymes cleanse the blood of

fibrin and boost cardiovascular health.

Some of the supplements that help with blood viscosity include:

Lumbrokinase, Boluoke, Intensyme Forte, and Bromelain Plus CLA.

There are other supplements that can help with circulatory


• Pycnogenol. It’s been said that this supplement directly impacts the elasticity of your blood vessels. Pycnogeno lincreases nitric oxide release and improves endothelial function. Endothelium is the tissue that lines the inside of blood and lymphatic vessels and is where nitric oxide

is released. Endothelial dysfunction (an imbalance of

vasodilating, such as nitric oxide, and vasoconstricting

substances) is a key event in the development of

cardiovascular disease. A double-blind, randomized

controlled trial in 16 healthy men showed that daily

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supplementation with 180 mg Pycnogenol for two weeks increased blood flow in the forearm via an increase in nitric oxide.

• L-Arginine: L-Arginine is an amino acid. In other words, it’s a raw building

block that your body uses to build proteins. More specifically, L-Arginine is the

amino acid your body needs to construct the all-important nitric oxide. That’s

the compound that carries arousal and erection instructions to the penis. Though

you do get L-Arginine in food, supplementing can help you increase your daily

intake, which can make a big difference.

• Horny Goat Weed: An ancient Chinese herb that has been used for over 2,000 years. It has a long history as a libido booster and has been tested in several double-blind studies, with both Viagra users and non-Viagra users as

participants. While L-Arginine and Pycnogenol take several weeks to take effect, horny goat weed has a fairly instantaneous effect. It can boost libido in just hours or days.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids: Omega 3 fatty acids help protect cardiovascular health, improve circulation, strengthen the nervous system and

improve your all around sexual functioning. Use Krill Oil instead

of Fish Oil. Krill has the same potency as fish oil, without the

risk of mercury poisoning.

As well, if you’re willing to try more potent bio-actives and

superfoods, I recommend starting the morning with a

smoothie using any one of the these Huge Load Formulas.

Why not feed your body the nutrients it needs for optimal

erectile performance at the same time you’re letting go of eating wheat from cereal and toast in the morning?

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You can increase your testosterone, get hard, stay hard, and ejaculate

more, even if you’ve had a vasectomy by supplementing your diet with penis

power plants outlined in the Huge Load Formulas. Greater semen volume is a

primal indicator of health, that’s why some women appreciate a man who can

ejaculate a huge load.

Having sex can also reduce depression, particularly in women because seminal

fluid is a cocktail of potent chemicals. The dopamine and norepinephrine in this male

liquor relieve stress and give energy, optimism, focus and motivation. Oxytocin and

vasopressin in seminal fluid can give feelings of deep attachment as well. And the

follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) found in male

ejaculate regulate a woman’s monthly menstrual cycle.

— Helen E. Fisher, PhD biological anthropologist, is a Research

Professor in the Department of Anthropology at Rutgers University. And many men report their orgasms feel better when they’re drinking

these smoothies for breakfast.

The average amount (volume) of semen expelled by a

healthy man in one ejaculation is about a teaspoon (3-5

cubic centimeters). And the semen should spurt or shoot

out of the penis, not dribble. Many things, in addition to simple aging, can reduce volume or impair the way the semen is expelled.

according to Dr. Harry Fisch, a leading doctor of urology.

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The “time” shown on a man’s particular biological clock is a function

of how much semen he ejaculates, how many and how healthy his sperm is,

his level of testosterone, and the quality and reliability of his erections. Men

scoring high on these measures are biologically young regardless of their age,

though, as we’ll see, some degradation in the genetic quality of sperm is unavoidable.

Many ways exist to improve the four key parameters of sexual health and, thus,

rewind (to a certain extent anyway) the male biological clock in men who score low in

any of these areas.

— Dr. Harry Fisch, FACS, Clinical Professor of Urology, Weill Cornell

Medical College

I stuff my smoothies with plant proteins and all the erectile supporting

supplements found in the Huge Load Formulas so I don’t have to worry about taking Viagra.

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ED and Your Prostate

Prostate health is of tremendous importance to a man’s sexuality. An essential

part of “the plumbing,” this small walnut-sized gland has many jobs to do. Here

are just a few:

• It produces and secretes about 1/3 of the ejaculatory fluid

• It acts as a filter to remove toxins and protect the sperm

• It mixes its own fluids with those from the seminal vesicles to transport sperm

• It is responsible for that wonderful pumping sensation that shoots the semen out through the penis

• It houses the shut-off valves to regulate the dual-purpose urethral tube and make sure urine doesn’t get into the

ejaculate during orgasm.

One in six men in the US is diagnosed with prostate cancer

and while prostate cancer doesn’t cause ED, the treatments often do. Fortunately for men who have prostate surgery, the delicate nerves and blood vessels that get damaged

during the surgery do heal and patients often can have

erections again within a few months.

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An enlarged prostate can result in problems with the urinary tract (such

as getting up repeatedly at night to pee) that may be associated with ED.

Studies show that prostate massage helps reduce the risk of prostate cancer and

is helpful in treating prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland). In addition,

men who have tried prostate massage show an increase in libido, sexual

performance and satisfaction.

Prostate Massagers and Vibrators

Prostate massagers and vibrators work really well to keep the prostate in good condition.

The male prostate is sometimes called the P-spot

because it provides pleasurable sensations similar to that

of the g-spot in a female. Prostate massage is not only Copyright © Personal Life Media. All Rghts Reserved.


healthy but enjoyable. I am a proponent of self-massage, which can

be done with a gloved finger and lube or a prostate massage tool or











prostate massage once a month is beneficial; while those that have issues

with a swollen prostate find that weekly prostate massages help to reduce

swelling and improve urinary and sexual performance.

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Combining What You’ve Learned

You now know about all the major causes of erectile dysfunction. You know how

to combat ED, both on a mental level and on a physical level. You know how to boost your sex drive, as well as get rid of




decrease libido. You

know how to use







Some techniques, like the “Instant Hard On”

techniques, can be applied almost immediately. Other principles, like

quitting porn or changing your diet, take some time to take effect. To really make this stick, create a plan. Choose which aspects

of this guide you plan to test. Then put an implementation

plan together. Take some sort of action right now. Commit to making a change.

Erectile dysfunction doesn’t have to cripple your sex life. If you follow the directions in this guide, you’ll never have to worry about having trouble getting hard again.

And if it’s STAMINA you need, definitely check out Susan and my Stallion’s Secret “Stay-Hard” Mind Trick video.

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We get right into The Stallion’s Secret Stay-Hard Mind Trick at the beginning of the video.

Then we have two short video training modules we’ve created called: “How To Overcome Performance Anxiety” and “How To Not Go Soft.”

Then we explain The ME Breath — an advanced technique that ACCELERATES your

success with the Stallion’s Secret Stay-Hard Mind Trick.

This video is about getting in the right frame of mind so your body can naturally do what it’s born to do: and that is to support you staying hard and lasting as long as you want, coming when you want to, and not a minute longer or sooner. Watch The Stallion’s Secret Now

Your friends,

Jim Benson


Susan Bratton

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Follow Susan for more free romance and sensuality advice for men in relationship who want more and better sex with the woman you have now. Revive Her Drive.

If you dare, get Sloane’s sexy adventures and sensual musings by email.

Get more free Expanded Orgasm, Tantra and seduction skills advice for couples at Expand Her Orgasm Tonight or Seduction Trilogy.

Get more free advice on multiple orgasm and female ejaculatory orgasms (squirting) and on sexual healing at Female Liquid Orgasm.

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