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Michael Vince

Grazia Cerulli Mara Muzzarelli Daniela Morini

Teacher’s Book

001_004_Iniziali.indd 1

03/02/17 16:25

Macmillan Education Between Towns Road, Oxford OX4 3PP A division of Macmillan Publishers Limited Companies and representatives throughout the world Text © Michael Vince 2013 Tutti i diritti riservati

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001_004_Iniziali.indd 2

03/02/17 16:25

Indice   5 Answer Keys


Full Test 11 Version A

  6 Grammar Tools


Full Test 11 Version B

106 Vocabulary and Communication


Full Test 12 Version A


Full Test 12 Version B


Full Test 13 Version A


Full Test 13 Version B


Exam Training


Full Tests


Full Test 14 Version A


Full Test 1 Version A


Full Test 14 Version B


Full Test 1 Version B


Full Test 15 Version A


Full Test 2 Version A


Full Test 15 Version B


Full Test 2 Version B


Full Test 16 Version A


Full Test 3 Version A


Full Test 16 Version B


Full Test 3 Version B


Full Test 17 Version A


Full Test 4 Version A


Full Test 17 Version B


Full Test 4 Version B


Full Test 18 Version A


Full Test 5 Version A


Full Test 18 Version B


Full Test 5 Version B


Full Test 19 Version A


Full Test 6 Version A


Full Test 19 Version B


Full Test 6 Version B


Full Test 20 Version A


Full Test 7 Version A


Full Test 20 Version B


Full Test 7 Version B


Full Test 21 Version A


Full Test 8 Version A


Full Test 21 Version B


Full Test 8 Version B


Full Test 22 Version A


Full Test 9 Version A


Full Test 22 Version B


Full Test 9 Version B


Full Test 23 Version A


Full Test 10 Version A


Full Test 23 Version B


Full Test 10 Version B


Full Test 24 Version A


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Full Test 24 Version B


Full Test 13


Full Test 25 Version A


Full Test 14


Full Test 25 Version B


Full Test 15


Full Test 26 Version A


Full Test 16


Full Test 26 Version B


Full Test 17


Full Test 27 Version A


Full Test 18


Full Test 27 Version B


Full Test 19


Full Test 28 Version A


Full Test 20


Full Test 28 Version B


Full Test 21


Full Test 29 Version A


Full Test 22


Full Test 29 Version B


Full Test 23


Full Test 30 Version A


Full Test 24


Full Test 30 Version B


Full Test 25


Full Test 31 Version A


Full Test 26


Full Test 31 Version B


Full Test 27


Full Test 32 Version A


Full Test 28


Full Test 32 Version B


Full Test 29


Full Test 30


Tests for Special Needs


Full Test 31


Full Test 1


Full Test 32


Full Test 2


Full Test 3


Answer keys


Full Test 4


Full Tests


Full Test 5


Tests for Special Needs


Full Test 6


Full Test 7

HUB, La scuola digitale


Full Test 8

Lezioni digitali


Full Test 9

Lesson Plan


Full Test 10


Full Test 11


Full Test 12

Prove complete FIRST CERTIFICATE disponibili nel libro digitale.


001_004_Iniziali.indd 4

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys • Grammar Tools


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 5

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys

 1 FONDAMENTI  1 Gli articoli a/an e the Page 13


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

an a an a an a a

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

-/- / an a/a -/the / the -/a/the / the

3 1 the 2 The 3 a 4 a 5 a 6 The 7 The 8 the 9 a 10 the 11 an

4 1 a difficult/an interesting/ useful/a long/easy exercise 2 an interesting/old/useful idea / a European idea 3 a European/long book an easy/ interesting/old/useful book 4 a European country an interesting / old country 5 a silver/comfortable ring an interesting/old ring 6 a long job an easy/interesting/ useful job 7 a comfortable armchair an interesting/old armchair

5 1 2 3 4 5

a university a cold The food like cherries? in a bank

 2 Pronomi personali soggetto Page 14


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

he / she / it you he they he it he they

2 1 2 3 4 5

We They it it he

They We she She He

4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

2 1 are 2 are 3 is 4 is 5 is 6 is 7 is 8 are 9 are 10 am 11 is 12 are

3 It is foggy today. He is fourteen years old. They are at work today. This is my mobile and that is yours. 5 He’s at the park with Brian and Sarah. 6 The post office is on the corner. 1 2 3 4


3 1 2 3 4 5

4 They are / They’re cold and hungry. 5 It is / It’s hot today. 6 You are / You’re late!

I She you It They It She

 3 Il present simple di be Page 16


1 You are / You’re wrong. 2 He is / He’s very young. 3 I am / I’m busy this morning.

1 2 3 4 5 6

isn’t isn’t aren’t isn’t aren’t isn’t

5 I’m not at school. My parents aren’t out. You aren’t an engineer. We’re not / We aren’t at the café near the bus stop. 5 This exercise isn’t easy. 6 Claire isn’t happy. 1 2 3 4

6 1 She isn’t a secretary. She’s a marketing assistant. 2 We aren’t on a bus. We’re on a train. 3 I am not angry with you. I am just tired.


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 6

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys 4 You aren’t good at swimming. You’re good at skiing. 5 They aren’t late for class. They’re early. 6 He isn’t thirteen years old. He’s fifteen.

7 1 I’m German but Jean-Paul is French. 2 This is my cousin Patricia. 3 Frank isn’t a doctor. He is a policeman. 4 We are tired and (we are) sleepy. 5 We aren’t cold. It’s hot here. 6 It’s 6 o’clock and I’m not in a hurry. Page 17


1 2 3 4 5 6

Are you tired? Are they hungry? Is he a famous journalist? Are we at the shopping centre? Is the library in this square? Are my textbooks in your bag?

9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

c g d e f a b

10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Are ’m not are is are are Are am is

Page 18

11 1 2 3 4

A: Are / B: they aren’t, they’re A: ‘s / B: She’s A: is / B: He’s A: are, Are they / B: they aren’t / They’re

5 A: Are / B: they are, they’re 6 A: Is it / B: it’s not, It’s 7 A: Is / B: she isn’t, she’s

12 1 she is / Is Jodie in her room at the moment? 2 it isn’t / Is it expensive here? 3 I’m not / Are you her brother? 4 it is / Is the film boring? 5 you’re not or you aren’t / Am I late? 6 Yes, she is. Is Amy a new pupil? 7 they’re not or they aren’t / Are Lia and Wayne in your class?

13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

You aren’t Are you Mr Willis is It’s 5 He’s aren’t I’m not is Bill he isn’t Is he

14 1 ‘Is your brother here?’ ‘No, he isn’t.’ 2 ‘Are you a new student?’ ‘Yes, I am.’ 3 She isn’t my mum, she’s my aunt. 4 ‘Are your parents strict?’ ‘No, they aren’t.’ 5 ‘How old is Ben?’ ‘He’s fifteen.’

 4 There is / There are Page 19


1 2 3 4

There is / It is There are / They are There is / It is There is / it is

2 1 2 3 4

There is Are there Is there There isn’t

3 1 there is 2 There is 3 Is there 4 there is 5 There is 6 there are 7 Is there 8 there is 9 Is there 10 there isn’t 11 There are

 5 Dimostrativi: this, that, these, those Page 21


1 2 3 4 5 6

That this That That This that

2 1 2 3 4 5 6

This that this these that that

3 1 2 3 4

A: These A: that / B: This A: those / B: these A: these / B: that

4 1 Those tables are reserved. 2 This photo is of my grandparents. 3 This pupil is noisy. 4 I don’t like these shops. 5 Do you know those boys? 6 Are these your daughters? 7 This is my DVD. 8 What are those bags?

5 1 that computer over there 2 These women


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 7

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys 3 ✔ 4 Those 5 These

6 1 Is this table free? 2 These are my friends, Ella and Alex. 3 Here you are, have one of these sandwiches. 4 Hello, this is Will. Is Jo there? 5 What is in that box?

 6 Have got Page 23


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Have haven’t has hasn’t have Has have

2 1 Aisha hasn’t got a lot of friends. 2 My aunt hasn’t got seven brothers. 3 Has Tommy got a high temperature? 4 Alex hasn’t got three new kittens. 5 Has Emma got a tablet? 6 Has Chris got a new job?

3 Risposte personali. 1 Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. 2 Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. 3 Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. 4 Yes, they have. / No, they haven’t. 5 Yes, she / he has. / No, she / he hasn’t. / No, they haven’t. 6 Yes, we have. / No, we haven’t.

4 1 is 2 has got

3 is 4 have got 5 aren’t 6 are 7 is 8 has got 9 is 10 are 11 is

5 Risposte personali.

6 1 I haven’t got time for this. 2 ‘Have you got the tickets?’ ‘Yes, I have.’ 3 I haven’t got any brothers or sisters. 4 We’ve got two dogs and a cat. 5 ‘Has your mum got a car?’ ‘No, she hasn’t.’ 6 What have they got in that big bag?

 7 Imperativo Page 25


1 2 3 4 5

Have Close take Go stand

2 1 2 3 4 5 6

Keep Watch Obey Don’t dive Don’t fish Don’t smoke

4 1 2 3 4 5

Don’t sit Don’t be Don’t use Take Put on

5 1 2 3 4 5

Let’s sit take Let’s / watch Let’s not go Help

6 1 Please don’t take photos. 2 Sit down and listen! 3 Take the first street on the right. 4 Have a good time! 5 Pass me your plate, please.

 8 Can: abilità e richieste Page 27


1 2 3 4 5

Can can’t can’t Can / can can’t

2 1 Andy can’t sing and dance or impersonate people, but he can tell funny jokes and play a musical instrument. 2 Ellie can sing and dance, play a musical instrument but she can’t impersonate people or tell funny jokes.


3 ✔ Start a conversation. ✗ Don’t criticize. ✔ Smile and make eye contact. ✔ Be a good listener. ✗ Don’t wait for people to talk to you. 6 ✔ Introduce yourself. 1 2 3 4 5


I can sing and dance very well but, no, I can’t tell funny jokes. I’m not good at jokes. And I’m not an actor, so I can’t act. But I can do wonderful magic tricks. Do you want to see one?


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 8

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys Helena Sharon and I are twins, but we are completely different. I can act – I can do comic parts very well – but I can’t sing or dance. And I can’t do magic tricks – Sharon can, but I can’t – but I can tell very funny jokes. My friends love my jokes. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

can can’t can’t can can can’t can’t can

4 1 2 3 4 5

can can’t can can’t can

5 2 e, 3 b, 4 a, 5 c

6 1 I can’t find Joe’s phone number. 2 Can you take a photo of us, please? 3 Carrie can’t play the piano but she can play the guitar. 4 ‘Can we go now?’ ‘No, you can’t.’ 5 Can I see your ticket, please?

 9 Pronomi e avverbi interrogativi Page 28


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Who Who What When Where When Where

Page 29


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Who Where Why How What What What

3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

What Why When Who What Who What

4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

What’s your phone number? Who is Mrs Hart? How old is she? What colour is your mum’s hair? Where is Amman? What time is it? / What’s the time? How are your parents? Why are you upset?

5 1 2 3 4 5

Where are we? What time What is What colour What can

6 1 Who’s that? Mr Lyden, my PE teacher. 2 What day is it? It’s Friday. 3 Where is Brianna from? She’s from Arizona. 4 When is the school trip? Next week. 5 How are you? Not very well. I’ve got a cold. 6 Why is Albert in a hurry? He’s late.

 10 Sostantivi plurali Page 31


-s videos, computers, volcanos, houses, forks -es classes, viruses, foxes, matches, kisses -ies lorries, strawberries, countries, stories, diaries -ves leaves – wives plurale irregolare feet – mice – people

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Polluted cities Sweet cherries Delicious dishes Friendly women Dirty teeth Hungry wolves Modern libraries

3 1 2 3 4 5 6

churches thieves families euros/money theories boxes

4 1 2 3 4 5

nephews are, firemen blueberries are, eyes feet are, those boots (two) monkeys, pets the books, these shelves

5 1 2 3 4 5 6

furniture fish fruit flies lives Ladies

6 1 Our neighbours have got two small children. 2 Can I have two loaves of bread, please?


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 9

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys 3 Oh no! We’ve got mice in our kitchen! 4 Who are those two men outside? 5 I can wash the dishes for you.

 11 Aggettivi possessivi Page 32


1 2 3 4 5 6

his your my your our their

2 1 2 3 4 5

their our her / his its your

Page 33


1 Excuse me, is that your scooter? 2 My favourite ice cream flavour is vanilla. 3 Is this your seat or is it free? 4 This is Louise and her sister. 5 Our son is on a school trip in London. 6 There’s Andy and his father.

4 1 e, 2 d, 3 f, 4 c, 5 a, 6 b

5 1 2 3 4 5

and his daughter are my teachers, Their names in my eye Our hobbies In its basket

6 1 my 2 my

3 4 5 6 7 8

My My Her My His our

7 1 their 2 her 3 she 4 his 5 his 6 he 7 her 8 her 9 Their 10 my 11 my 12 I

8 1 Excuse me, is this your dog? 2 I can’t find my keys. 3 She’s got two sisters. Their names are Rebecca and Ruth. 4 I’m sorry, our lines are busy at the moment. 5 Brad lives with his grandparents.

5 Mr Bertram’s dog 6 William and Kate’s wedding 7 The boys’ toys 8 My cousin’s parents

3 1 2 3 4 5 6

Whose roller skates are they? Whose car is it? Is this Andrew’s phone? Whose moped is this? Is that Carol’s boyfriend? Whose birthday cake is it?

4 1 2 3 4 5 6

children’s Whose is Peter’s the bottom of the stairs today’s Marina’s sister


 12 Genitivo sassone

1 The babies’ toys are colourful. 2 The title of the book is A Summer in Paris. 3 Susan and Steve’s house is yellow. 4 The leg of the table is broken. 5 Charles’s DVD player is new. 6 Where is the doctor’s surgery?

Page 35

Page 36

1 These are the students’ exam papers. 2 This shop sells women’s clothes. 3 He is at the dentist’s. 4 Are those pens the teacher’s? 5 Have you met Leila’s parents? 6 That is Sally’s mother’s new husband.

1 The hygienist’s room is on the first floor. 2 The neighbours’ dogs are Labradors. 3 Mr Cox’s motorbike is new. 4 The boys’ books are in their room. 5 Claire’s flat is very modern. 6 Joe and Nina’s daughter’s name is Maia.


2 1 2 3 4

The head teacher’s office The President’s men The employee’s canteen Tom’s school


7 1 Nora’s and Ellie’s 2 Nora’s 3 Ellie’s


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Answer Keys 4 Nora’s 5 Ellie’s 6 Helen’s

4 their / ✔ 5 ✔ / yours 6 ✔ / ours


Page 38

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Jonathan’s Claire’s Jonathan’s Claire’s the twins’ Claire’s Jonathan’s


1 2 3 4 5

theirs / Mr and Mrs Hartley’s theirs / Mrs Vere’s his / his hers / Khaled’s theirs / my parents’


9 1 ‘Whose coat is this?’ ‘It’s Laura’s.’ 2 The women’s toilets are upstairs. 3 Let’s go to the florist’s in St George’s Street. 4 Tell Mark it’s Andy’s turn. 5 Mum isn’t here. She’s at the doctor’s. 6 The girls’ dresses/clothes are ready.

 13 Pronomi possessivi Page 37


1 The hamster and the dog are theirs. 2 The new tablet is hers. 3 The woollen jacket is yours. 4 The blue sports shoes are ours. 5 The book about penguins is his. 6 The fantastic videogame is mine.

2 1 2 3 4 5

mine your Ours hers theirs

3 1 ✔ / ✔ 2 My / ✔ 3 ✔ / ours

Daniel Is this your rucksack, Alex? Alex No, it isn’t mine. It’s Sarah’s. Daniel Are you sure? Hers is green, I think. Alex Oh, yes. You’re right. It is my rucksack. Daniel And what about these books? Are they yours or Sarah’s? Alex What are they about? Daniel They’re maths books. Jack & They’re ours! Peter 1 2 3 4 5 6

mine Hers my yours they ours

6 Kitty’s presents The gold one, the green one with the white ribbon, the blue one, a box of chocolates Sarah’s presents The red one, the green one with the red ribbon, the white one, a box of chocolates Julia and Katrina’s presents The envelope with money, the DVD

 14 Pronomi complemento Page 39


4 5 6 7

them him us him

Page 40


1 2 3 4 5 6

him them me you her it

3 1 2 3 4 5

it her you her me

4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

us her it him it us them us them

5 1 My 2 them 3 My 4 He 5 me 6 I 7 him 8 us 9 they 10 we 11 my 12 it 13 it 14 My 15 it 16 me

1 her 2 it 3 us


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 11

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys




1 The children are in the garden. Call them. 2 Where’s my newspaper? Have you got it? 3 It’s John’s birthday tomorrow. This present is for him. 4 Tell us the truth, William. 5 Can you help her with this exercise? 6 Phone me tomorrow at 7.

1 It’s quarter to eight / seven forty-five 2 It’s ten to two / one fifty 3 It’s five past eleven / eleven oh five 4 It’s quarter to five / four forty-five 5 It’s five to ten / nine fiftyfive

1 2 3 4 5

 15 I numeri, le date e l’ora Page 42


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

fourteen eighteen thirty-eight fifty-seven forty-six forty-four twenty-one thirteen eighty-two

Page 43


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

first twenty-ninth thirtieth fifteenth second eighteenth thirty-fourth one hundred and first

3 1 2 3 4 5

b a b a b

4 1 2 3 4 5 6

the ninth of February the twentieth of August the thirty-first of December the fifteenth of July the first of April the twentieth of January

6 1 It’s on the second of August. 2 You can see men playing hockey on the fifth of August at eight thirty / at half past eight. 3 The seasonal code is AT005. 4 The tickets are one hundred and fifty, ninety-five, fifty-five or thirty-five pounds. 5 A cheap ticket is twelve pounds.

6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Page 46


2 f, 3 b, 4 c, 5 e, 6 a, 7 h, 8 d



Page 45


1 2 3 4 5

in on at at on, at

3 1 2 3 4

c on d at e on a on

4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

until in at from to In at

✗ in ✗ on ✗ at ✗ on

 17 Preposizioni di luogo (1)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

 16 Preposizioni di tempo (1)

✗ In ✔ ✗ on ✗ in ✔

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

in in in at on at on

on at in in at in on

Page 47


In: New Zealand, Beacon Close, York, the garden On: my mum’s desk, the fifth floor At: 19 Heath Road, home, the chemist’s, the bus stop

4 1 2 3 4

on the sofa ✔ in my salad on the corner


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 12

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys 5 on the sixth floor 6 in that drawer

5 1 in 2 at 3 to 4 In 5 at 6 in 7 At 8 at / in 9 in 10 on 11 In 12 in / at 13 at 14 on 15 on

6 1 Dad’s still in bed. 2 Your diary is on the shelf in your room. 3 They live on the edge of town. 4 There’s a bus stop at the end of this street. 5 ‘Where are you?’ ‘I’m at the gym.’

Recupero A1-A2 Page 48


1 He 2 ‘s 3 On 4 There are 5 in 6 it’s 7 on 8 There’s 9 aren’t 10 Is there

2 1 2 3 4 5 6

have got haven’t got has got have got haven’t got got

3 1 Is David an engineer? 2 She and her husband are from Manchester. 3 Where is your sister? She’s not at school. 4 Switzerland is not part of the European Union. 5 Temperatures are low this weekend. 6 I’m a researcher at Cambridge University. 7 Why is there a dog in your bedroom? 8 Are you the new student?

4 1 we have 2 have you got 3 I haven’t 4 has got 5 ‘ve got 6 Has Tina got 7 she hasn’t 8 ‘ve got 9 ‘ve got 10 have you got

5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Have... got / haven’t has got have got hasn’t got Have... got / have has got haven’t got / have got haven’t got

Page 49


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Is he Mine who my her these their yours

7 1 What 2 Are 3 am

4 Where 5 on 6 is 7 there 8 on 9 there 10 Let’s

8 1 2 3 4 5 6

Mine that Ours children got my

9 1 b, 2 e, 3 a, 4 d, 5 c, 6 g, 7 f

10 Joshua has got dark hair and brown eyes. He is 16 (years old). He hasn’t got any brothers or sisters. He has a dog and a hamster. He has a scooter. Liam has got fair hair and green eyes. He is 17 (years old). He has two brothers. He hasn’t got any pets. He hasn’t got a vehicle.

Potenziamento A1-A2 Page 50


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

e a d c g b f

2 5, 7, 3, 6, 8, 1 Extra lines: 2, 4

3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

in a it are aren’t haven’t to


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Answer Keys 8 there 9 me Page 51


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

the its and fish is their sharks of

5 Risposta personale.

 2 IL PRESENTE  18 Present simple Page 53


1 2 3 4 5 6

gets cook finishes do eats tidies

2 1 2 3 4 5

study plays comes write watches, goes

3 1 2 3 4 5 6

works play arrives go eats rains

Page 54


Jeff Smith works nights. He works for an insurance company that has a 24/7 customer service. His typical day is very different from yours, it’s very unusual. He wakes up at about 7 pm and drinks a cup of coffee.

When he feels a bit more alert, he has a shower and gets ready. He always watches the news on television before he leaves home. He buys sandwiches at the café near his flat and takes them to the office to eat. He travels to work by car and arrives at about a quarter to ten. He chats to his colleagues for a while and starts work at ten o’clock. He checks his email and then spends the rest of the night on the telephone. He talks to customers and tries to solve their problems. It isn’t always easy. He leaves the office at 6 am and stops at a café for breakfast. He’s in bed at 10 am on weekdays because he wants to save his energy for the weekends.

5 1 A, 2 B, 3 A, 4 C, 5 B, 6 A

6 1 work 2 go 3 speak 4 know 5 have 6 goes 7 likes 8 enjoys 9 plays 10 watches

7 1 need 2 consists 3 is 4 wins 5 lasts 6 are 7 use 8 is 9 requires 10 hit 11 isn’t 12 is 13 bounces 14 hits 15 scores 16 is 17 have 18 know 19 makes

Page 56


1 2 3 4 5

doesn’t / b don’t / a doesn’t / d doesn’t / c doesn’t / e

9 1 We don’t do maths every day. 2 I don’t take the bus to school. 3 The train doesn’t leave from platform 1. 4 It doesn’t snow in November. 5 The lesson doesn’t finish at 16.00 today. 6 My sisters don’t get up at 7 a.m.

10 1 2 3 4 5

doesn’t go don’t live don’t use don’t understand doesn’t have

11 1 She does not know John. 2 They do not go out on Sunday night. 3 The group doesn’t play in clubs. 4 Emily doesn’t enjoy sport. 5 Andy doesn’t sit here. 6 We don’t eat meat in our family.

12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

doesn’t cost watches don’t go don’t know eats doesn’t make don’t like doesn’t have

13 1 2 3 4 5

like doesn’t have live doesn’t play think


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 14

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Answer Keys Page 57

14 1 2 3 4 5 6

✔ doesn’t drive doesn’t talk doesn’t tidy I don’t listen ✔

15 1 Excuse me. Does this train stop at Birmingham New Street? 2 How much does this necklace cost? 3 Do you know the way to the sports centre? 4 What do your parents think of computer games? 5 Do all the pupils in your class live near the school? 6 How do you spend your Christmas holidays?

16 1 Do you get home at 2.30? 2 Does the bank open at 8.15? 3 Does Ahmed ride his mountain bike to school? 4 Do Emma and Chloe share a room? 5 Does it rain here in March? 6 Does Kim listen to her mp3 player on the bus?

17 1 What does her grandfather paint? 2 What does her father do in his free time? 3 What do Claire and her brother play in the basement? 4 Where does her mother relax? 5 When does her grandmother chat online with her friends? 6 Why does her Aunt Sally go jogging?

18 1 How often does Jeff change his clothes? 2 Do they go to school by bus?

3 How do you feel? 4 Does Alex like football? 5 What day do you do PE?

14 accuses A: Ahmed, B: Aisha, C: Mr White, D: –, E: Anna and Harriet

Page 58

Page 59

1 Does Emily like her job? Yes, she does. 2 What time does Emily start work? She starts work at 8.30 a.m. 3 Does Emily go home by taxi? No, she goes home by bus. 4 What does Miriam do? She is a musician. 5 What does Miriam do in the morning? She takes her dog for a walk then practises for the next concert. 6 Do Emily and Miriam meet in the evening? No, they don’t. It’s difficult.

1 Where have you got breakfast – at home or in a bar? 2 Have you got the time, please? 3 They have a huge house in the country 4 Do you have anything to say? 5 I haven’t got a dictionary – can I borrow yours? 6 I’ve got a really bad cold.


20 a&b 1 Doesn’t she get up at 7.00 on school days? No, she doesn’t. 2 Doesn’t your best friend like going to discos? Yes, he/she does. 3 Don’t you help your parents with the housework? Yes, I do. 4 Doesn’t he want to join our music group? No, he doesn’t. 5 Doesn’t your dog bark at strangers? Yes, he/she does. 6 Don’t the twins eat vegetables? Yes, they do.

21 1 arrives 2 says 3 does not believe 4 speaks 5 declares 6 do they have 7 rebels 8 does not annul 9 marries 10 investigate 11 shows 12 does Harmon’s wife refuse 13 leaves


23 1 find 2 Do you want 3 don’t spend 4 tend 5 practise 6 plays 7 doesn’t want 8 prefer 9 enjoys 10 include 11 collects 12 paints 13 doesn’t share 14 does she spend

24 Do you have milk for breakfast? Rose doesn’t go to bed early They don’t speak English. Where does Jake work? How much does this book cost? 6 Don’t you know the answer? 1 2 3 4 5

25 Risposte personali.

 19 Avverbi di frequenza Page 61


1 We seldom see our daughter. 2 Dad never takes us to the restaurant. 3 He’s never rude to his parents.


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Answer Keys 4 My children walk to school twice a week. 5 We hardly ever go to the movies. 6 Abe must often work at weekends. 7 Do you ever go windowshopping?

Page 65



Risposte personali. Ricordate che gli avverbi di frequenza si collocano solitamente prima del verbo principale. Ma vanno dopo il verbo to be e gli ausiliari.

1 They hardly ever go out in the evening. 2 Does your dad ever take the rubbish do the washing-up? 3 Beth usually does her homework when she gets home. 4 They are often very tired after school. 5 How often do you wash your hair? 6 I never read in bed. 7 It’s always busy in this restaurant.


7 a&b


1 Neil gives guitar lessons once a week/every week. 2 Neil goes to the cinema twice a month. 3 Neil goes to the gym three times a week. 4 Neil visits his sister twice a month. 5 Neil has his hair cut once a month. 6 Neil phones his parents twice a month. Page 62


1 2 3 4 5 6

never cooks always arrives often collects usually meet up always rent seldom has

5 1 Does Barbara ever go to the gym? 2 Do they often go on holiday in January? 3 Is he occasionally early for work? 4 Does he never offer her a coffee? 5 Do you normally go to your grandma’s on Sunday? 6 Is it seldom cold in June? 7 Do they sometimes go shopping with their parents? 8 Do you ever have lunch at school?

Jake doesn’t have a healthy lifestyle because he hardly ever eats fruit and vegetables / never goes for a walk in the countryside / only sometimes goes to bed early / only sometimes / occasionally does 10 minutes of physical exercise / often eats sweets. Jake has a healthy lifestyle he always drinks 2 litres of water / sings and smiles / because usually / normally brushes his teeth after meals. I have / don’t have a healthy lifestyle because... (risposte personali).

 20 Present continuous Page 64


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

’s/is raining ’m/am lying ’m/am watching are arguing ’s/is listening ’s/is crying ’s/is trying

4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

’s/is working are having ’s/is sleeping ’s/is / listening are going/walking/cycling ’s/is playing ’m/am learning

5 B C D E F G

1.00 p.m.; risposte personali 5.30 p.m. 9.30 a.m. 3.30 a.m. 2.30 a.m. 3.30 a.m.

Page 67


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

aren’t going aren’t scoring isn’t surfing ‘m not chatting aren’t wearing aren’t putting isn’t running


2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 A boy is waiting for his friend to get off the phone. 2 A man is taking a photo of some flowers. 3 Three people are riding horses up the hill. 4 A boy is ordering a hotdog at the kiosk. 5 A boy and a girl are sunbathing on the grass. 6 A woman is taking her dog for a walk. 7 A family is having a picnic.

’s/is listening are travelling are looking ’s/is lying ’s/is writing ’s/is talking are sitting

1 I’m not reading that newspaper at the moment. 2 They aren’t playing chess in the kitchen. 3 My brother isn’t practising his presentation. 4 That noise isn’t annoying me. 5 You aren’t doing the right exercise.


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03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys 6 They’re not/They aren’t having a meeting with the manager. 7 It isn’t raining. We can go out. 8 I’m not watching that DVD. 9 We aren’t making a mess. 10 You aren’t listening to me again.

8 1 Mum isn’t doing the ironing now. d 2 We aren’t giving her flowers for her birthday. b 3 The train isn’t leaving right now. h 4 We aren’t enjoying this holiday very much. f 5 You aren’t listening to me. c 6 Mr Bruce isn’t staying at the Hilton Hotel. e 7 I’m not joking. a

9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

’m/am writing ’re/are playing ’re/are not doing ’re/are watching ’s/is waiting ’m/am not doing ’s/is coming

Page 68


1 What are you wearing for the party? 2 Why is the television making that noise? 3 Are we going out now? 4 How long is Aunt Lucy staying here? 5 Are they having a good time?

11 1 Who is washing the dishes? 2 What are they looking for? 3 Whose mobile phone is he using? 4 What are you reading? 5 Where are Sam and Harry flying to? 6 Who is coming to the match with us?

12 1 They are having lunch in a restaurant. 2 No, they aren’t. They are shopping in the centre. 3 No, they aren’t. They’re visiting York Minster. 4 They are having dinner at the hotel. 5 No, they aren’t. They are playing games in the hotel lounge. 6 They are going to bed.

13 1 Where are you sleeping, in a tent or in a dorm? 2 Is Taylor getting enough sleep? 3 Is he making new friends? 4 What activities are you doing? 5 Why aren’t you sending me any photos? 6 Are the staff looking after you? 7 Aren’t they taking you on excursions? 8 Are you behaving well? Possible extra questions: Are you enjoying yourselves? / Are you wearing warm clothes? / Is it raining? Page 69


1 are taking 2 is she feeling 3 is feeling 4 isn’t smiling 5 is holding 6 is wondering 7 Is … listening 8 isn’t 9 is texting 10 is feeling 11 Isn’t … reading 12 he is 13 is asking

4 5 6 7 8

aren’t/are not including ’re/are hoping ’re/are looking ’re/are aiming Are / living

 21 Present simple e Present continuous Page 71


1 2 3 4 5 6

starts are always interrupting costs ’m/am doing is coming don’t believe

2 1 Does he download all his music from the Internet? 2 Does Matt like vinegar on his salad? 3 Are they doing an evening course at the university? 4 Does Esme ring up her parents on Friday nights? 5 Are you always chatting on Facebook? 6 Is it snowing outside? 7 Do your parents help you with your homework? 8 Is she getting ready to go out?

3 1 2 3 4 5 6

eats prefer watching Do you know it’s raining ’s always shouting

4 1 2 3 4 5

✔ The film starts What are you doing? ✔ Harry is enjoying

15 1 ’s/is offering 2 ’re/are planning 3 ’re/are preparing


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03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys



Editor Hi, thanks for coming today. What’s your name? Jill I’m Jill. Editor OK Jill. What are you studying? Jill This year I’m studying sciences. I’m in the fifth year at high school. Editor Are you working hard at the moment? Jill Yes, this is the exam period. I’m studying a lot. Normally I don’t study so much, about two hours a day. Editor So do you usually have more free time? Jill Yes. Editor Great. And do you like writing? Jill Yes, I do. I write a lot in my free time, usually poetry and short stories. Editor That’s unusual for a science student! Jill Yes, but I use science and technology in my stories. For example I’m writing a story now about genetic manipulation. Editor That’s interesting. Can I read it? Perhaps we can publish your stories! Jill I’d like that very much! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

are you studying Are you working I’m studying don’t study do you usually write use I’m writing

Page 72


1 2 3 4 5 6

Do you remember is it going am writing am thinking am looking Do you know

7 1 C, 2 B, 3 D, 4 C, 5 D, 6 B / C, 7 D, 8 A, 9 B, 10 D

1 am looking, want 2 is Jack leaving, has, is feeling 3 smells, are you making, Do you want Page 73


1 Do you want 2 play 3 ensure 4 stay 5 is increasing 6 are 7 includes 8 pass 9 is taking 10 ’m learning 11 understand 12 ’re doing 13 like 14 ’m refereeing 15 know 16 ’s teaching

10 1 A: I’m going out, Susan. B: Where are you going? A: I’m going jogging in the park. B: But you never do any exercise. A: I need to keep fit, so I’m starting today. 2 A: Can I use the computer? B: I’m using it at the moment. I’m finishing an email. A: Are you writing to Francine? B: Yes, I always email her on her birthday. Do you want to send a message? 3 A: Are you ready, Bob? B: I’m getting dressed. Give me five minutes. A: Hurry up. The train leaves in an hour and it’s getting late. B: I’m coming, Julia! You’re always complaining that I’m late!

 22 Verbi di stato Page 75


1 2 3 4 5 6

sounds I own I think contains has Does it belong

2 1 2 3 4 5 6

’m having knows ’m seeing have like hear

3 2 D, 3 F, 4 J, 5 G, 6 E, 7 B, 8 A, 9 I, 10 C

4 1 A, 2 A, 3 S, S, 4 S, 5 S Page 76


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

are having are / thinking Do / believe has ’s doesn’t taste don’t understand I’m feeling / I feel

6 1 are being, 2 are, thinking, 3 don’t like, 4 Do, agree, 5 do, prefer, 6 is making

7 1 John is hearing voices in his mind. 2 Luke is sad because Jodie is not there. 3 I am going to a specialist for help. 4 That portrait has a great appearance. 5 I am behaving in a boring way. 6 They consider the test to be easy. 7 Dad is fat. 8 Ray is behaving very rudely now.


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Answer Keys

8 1 is reporting 2 learn 3 discuss 4 include 5 are 6 need 7 goes 8 speak 9 is growing 10 are giving 11 not going 12 think 13 is debating 14 see 15 agree 16 say

Recupero A2-B1 Page 78


1 starts, starting 2 teaches, teaching 3 pushes, pushing 4 cross, crosses 5 goes, going 6 mix, mixing 7 flies, flying 8 pays, paying 9 plan planning 10 studies, studying 11 bakes, baking 12 begins, beginning 13 die, dies 14 sits, sitting

2 1 feels 2 wakes 3 has 4 does 5 has 6 has got 7 spend 8 doesn’t 9 watches 10 don’t

3 1 How often do you see your cousins?

2 You never pick up your clothes off the floor! 3 I sometimes have breakfast on the bus. / Sometimes I have breakfast on the bus. / I have breakfast on the bus sometimes. 4 Beth is normally at piano practice at this time. / Normally Beth is at piano practice at this time. 5 Do you ever help at home? 6 We visit those relatives once a year. / Once a year we visit those relatives. 7 Rob and I seldom spend time together now. 8 My dad always does the cooking.

4 1 2 3 4 5

do, don’t got often is aren’t

5 1 am writing 2 am staying 3 am going 4 study 5 am making 6 am also taking 7 love 8 am having 9 attend 10 Are, enjoying

Recupero B1-B2 Page 79


1 go 2 aren’t eating 3 ‘m driving 4 Do you speak 5 often sleep late 6 have 7 tastes 8 understand, don’t agree 9 are always boasting 10 these keys belong

2 1 are you wearing 2 correct 3 he is still trying 4 correct 5 Is anyone watching 6 Do you work 7 they are holding 8 are we having 9 is being 10 He is always asking

3 1 is the waiter smelling, Do you smell 2 feel, is feeling 3 ‘m thinking, think 4 is seeing, can’t see 5 are imagining, imagine

4 is doing / does not want is always raining am thinking are saying / is talking usually go / am trying / want 6 is just being 7 is currently writing / hope 8 do you think / are doing 1 2 3 4 5

Potenziamento A2-B1 Page 80


1 B, 2 C, 3 C, 4 D, 5 B, 6 D, 7 C, 8 A

2 1 2 3 4 5

twice a week isn’t taking ever cooks don’t does Laurie look

3 Risposte personali.

Potenziamento B1-B2 Page 81


1 C, 2 A, 3 B, 4 A, 5 C, 6 B, 7 B, 8 A


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03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

go often times don’t never/seldom/rarely borrow prefer

3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

hardly ever plays this dog belong to does this word mean is always interrupting me are wasting your time am looking forward to don’t argue

4 H  When Queen Victoria came/ comes to the throne, she was/ is only 18. 5 A, B Josh still goes to school, but at present he’s doing work experience at a bank. 6 G, A I’ve been waiting for you for an hour! You’re never on time! 7 A, D It’s cold in here. I’ll close the window. 8 C What time does the library open tomorrow?

3 The sign says ✔ does the concert start ✔ are giving ✔ We’ve been waiting ✔

Tempi verbali (1)

a b c d e f g h

Page 82


1 A ‘Quante volte Carrie vede la sua famiglia?’ ‘Due volte al mese.’ 2 B ‘Perché stai leggendo il mio diario?’ ‘Non lo sto facendo! 3 A, B Vivo a Washington, ma questa settimana sto da mia sorella a Filadelfia. 4 A, F Mr Wilmot è troppo autoritario. Cercherò un impiego migliore. 5 G Lei è a letto con l’influenza da una settimana. 6 A, D ‘Questa scatola è così pesante.’ ‘Ti aiuto a portarla di sopra.’ 7 E Andiamo al parco a tema domenica.

1 I’m sorry Nick can’t come to the phone, he is mending his bike. 2 I don’t usually watch TV, but this month I’m watching it because they’re showing the Olympic Games. 3 I don’t eat dairy products, I’m allergic. 4 I’ve got toothache. I’m seeing my dentist this evening. 5 Sorry, I’ve spilled coffee on the carpet. Don’t worry I’ll clean it straightaway/ immediately. 6 When are we going to buy a new printer 7 The PE lesson starts at 4 and not 5 pm tomorrow. 8 William Shakespeare was born in Stratford on Avon in 1564.

Competence booster


Page 83


1 B I’m baking a cake for my brother’s birthday. 2 F What about Julie? Is she going to enrol on the drama course? 3 E ‘Brian and Sally are leaving for a short holiday in Paris on Friday.’ ‘Lucky them.’

5 Among affluent families in London and New York a new trend is spreading, “mannies”.These are young men/boys who babysit male children after school. The first manny graduated from the New England School of Nannies over twenty years ago and since then

the demand (for them/mannies) has been steadily growing. Ingrid Kelleghen, from Cambridge Nanny Group in Chicago, says: ‘These days we’re meeting men with experience in education, social work and sports. They often have a college degree. When they can’t find jobs in their fields, they come to us.’ Matthew, who has had this job since 2009, says: ‘I’m a good babysitter because I build up a rapport with children – this is not an exclusively female gift/this is not a gift of women alone/this is not a gift only of women.” Mannies get the same salary/pay as babysitters but usually don’t do any household chores or cook/cooking.

 3 IL PASSATO  23 P  ast simple di be Page 85


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

were weren’t wasn’t was wasn’t / was weren’t Were were

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

were was wasn’t was was wasn’t wasn’t

3 1 2 3 4 5 6

c e a b f d


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Answer Keys Page 86

Page 87

1 Why wasn’t Sara at school? 2 How was the test? 3 How was the weather yesterday? 4 Who was at the party with you last night? 5 When was Easter last year? 6 Where were you last night? 7 How long were you in Oxford for?

1 weren’t 2 were 3 was 4 wasn’t 5 wasn’t 6 was 7 were 8 Was 9 wasn’t 10 was 11 was 12 was


5 1 Was Mr Crawley at school on Monday? 2 Was it sunny yesterday? 3 They weren’t at the gym yesterday. 4 Lucy wasn’t hungry at the restaurant. 5 Weren’t you at the office this morning? 6 Wasn’t your train on time yesterday evening?

6 ... Her contact lenses were blue and her clothes were oldfashioned. In January, Emily’s hair was of medium length and wavy. Her contact lenses were green and her clothes were casual. In June, Emily’s hair was short and curly. Her contact lenses were hazel and her clothes were trendy.

7 1 A: Were you born on 15th April? B: No, I wasn’t. I was born on 28th April. 2 A: Was it an expensive coat? B: No, it wasn’t. It was cheap. 3 A: Were your keys in your bag? B: No, they weren’t. They were on my desk. 4 A: Were you with Mark last night? B: No, I wasn’t. I was with Suzie.

8 1 wasn’t, was 2 Were, weren’t, were 3 Wasn’t, was


10 Weren’t you well? Were you ill during the night? Was your sister ill too? What was the matter with you? 5 Were your parents at home with you all day? 1 2 3 4

11 1 Madonna was an hour late! 2 The stadium was very crowded. 3 There were a lot of older people at the concert. 4 Madonna’s singing and dancing was fantastic. 5 The concert wasn’t very long – only an hour and a half!

12 1 The weather was fantastic 2 ✔ 3 There weren’t many people 4 What day was it yesterday? 5 ✔

13 1 Our hotel in Edinburgh was clean and cheap. 2 The Johnsons weren’t at the party last night. They were busy. 3 ‘When was your little sister born?’ ‘She was born in 2004.’

4 ‘Were you worried about the exam?’ ‘Yes, I was. It was very difficult/hard.’ 5 Phil was in New York three days ago, he wasn’t in Los Angeles. 6 ‘Why wasn’t Juana at school last week?’ ‘She was ill.’ 7 Were you and Simon on holiday together?

 24 P  ast simple dei verbi regolari Page 90


verbo senza variazioni ortografiche: existed, wanted, listened, fished verbo che termina in -e: hated, liked verbo che termina in consonante + -y: denied, cried verbo monosillabico che termina in vocale + consonante: dropped, stopped verbo bisillabico che termina in -l o in vocale accentata + consonante: cancelled, preferred

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

called walked started played studied finished watched

3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

started studied shouted played continued listened ended

4 1 I didn’t show my report to my parents. 2 Didn’t Alice cry when she lost her smart phone?


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03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys 3 Tina didn’t answer all the questions. 4 Did Sam apply for that job? 5 Didn’t we lock the front door last night? 6 Did I/you miss the last train? 7 Polly didn’t help me with that exercise. Page 91


1 didn’t, didn’t like, stopped 2 didn’t you tidy, started, phoned, talked

6 1 worked 2 didn’t enjoy 3 visited 4 travelled 5 stayed 6 didn’t study 7 didn’t want 8 decided 9 enrolled 10 opened

7 1 A: Did you borrow; B: didn’t / needed / promised 2 A: Did the postman deliver; B: did / arrived 3 A: didn’t didn’t Joe invite; B: quarrelled 4 A: Did Lucy admit; B: did / convinced 5 A: didn’t expect; B: did not last

8 1 handed 2 studied 3 played 4 attended 5 worked 6 cycled 7 cooked 8 helped 9 wrapped 10 watched

Page 92


1 played 2 scored 3 started 4 wanted 5 played 6 attracted 7 decided 8 signed 9 helped 10 picked 11 joined 12 performed 13 enjoys 14 mentioned 15 cooks 16 leaves 17 has 18 loves 19 raised 20 hopes

10 1 2 3 4

is, want organize, travelled lived, moved arrive, were

11 1 ‘Did you like the lecture?’ ‘No, we didn’t. It bored us. We all wanted to go home.’ 2 Nancy planned to go to university but then she changed her mind. 3 Josh ordered a pizza but Jasmine didn’t want to eat anything. 4 They climbed to the top of the mountain. The view was amazing. 5 ‘Did you book the seats for the afternoon performance?’ ‘Yes, I did. I booked four.’ 6 Why did you decide to paint the walls pink? They’re horrible.

 25 P  ast simple dei verbi irregolari Page 94


3 brought 5 did 7 forgot 8 went 12 made 14 read 15 rode 16 saw 17 sung 18 thought

2 1 2 3 4 5 6

had ate began felt took told

3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

did drive put became forgot spend broke

4 1 saw 2 didn’t take 3 left 4 felt 5 went 6 met 7 didn’t go 8 chose 9 had 10 spent Page 95


1 2 3 4 5

wrote got cost put did, went


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03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys

6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

won stole knelt sat grew drove found smelt

7 1 They didn’t eat all the food. 2 Dave didn’t know the right answer. 3 John didn’t lend me the money 4 The two dogs didn’t fight for the bone. 5 The woman didn’t suddenly feel ill on the train. 6 I didn’t have a big breakfast this morning. 7 Anita didn’t send Sam a text message. 8 Mrs Hull didn’t teach us history.

8 1 Did you buy two loaves of bread? 2 Did they meet at the station? 3 Did they think the documentary was interesting? 4 Did you feed the dog? 5 Did he pay € 200 for a concert ticket? 6 Did you fly to Heathrow airport? 7 Did you read that article? Page 96


1 2 3 4 5 6

got didn’t give hid / didn’t steal built / fell didn’t eat fell / broke

10 1 had 2 thought 3 helped

4 were 5 read 6 finished 7 started 8 wore 9 tucked 10 showed 11 happened 12 broke 13 felt 14 told 15 obeyed

11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

spoke, didn’t understand, got caught faxed, didn’t receive did you lend, knew, needed slipped, sprained said, had, kept was, drew didn’t steal, found, answered

Page 97

12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

How long were you there? Did you have good weather? Did you stay in a hotel? Did you get up early every day? Did you go diving? ... how did you spend your time? What kind of food did you eat? Why was there Japanese food on the menu? How long did the journey take?

13 1 weren’t 2 began 3 developed 4 heard 5 wasn’t 6 didn’t enjoy 7 enrolled 8 produced 9 earned/received 10 received/earned 11 was 12 returned

14 1 Where did I leave my keys? I can’t find them. 2 I didn’t know the answer so I left it blank. 3 The waiter brought us a menu but there weren’t any vegetarian dishes. 4 I lost my bus ticket. Maybe it fell out of/from my pocket. 5 We wrote a letter but nobody replied/wrote back. 6 John didn’t come to school because he was ill.

 26 E  spressioni temporali del passato Page 98


1 When did you last see Anna? 2 Saturday night was the night before last. 3 I worked in this part of the city once. 4 We took some great photos at the party last night. 5 That cinema closed a long time ago.

2 1 2 3 4 5 6

yesterday once before that ago those

Page 99


1 Cara was born in London twenty-five years ago. 2 She modelled clothes in children’s catalogues fifteen years ago. 3 Her photos first appeared in British fashion magazines thirteen years ago. 4 Famous designers noticed her at a fashion show in London eleven years ago. 5 She signed a contract with Burberry fashion house nine years ago.


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 23

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys 6 She appeared on the cover of Vogue seven years ago. 7 She took part in the TV show Young Angels two months ago. 8 She went to Polynesia on a photoshoot last month.

4 1 2 3 4 5

yesterday afternoon tonight Last winter In those days I liked When did you last speak to Gran?

5 Risposte personali.

6 1 Once they didn’t broadcast so many TV series. 2 The day before yesterday I overslept and was late for work. 3 I saw you with a pretty girl last night. Who was she? 4 My birthday was four weeks ago and you forgot it! 5 ‘When did you last go to a concert?’ ‘Last Friday.’ 6 In those days/At that time I wore my hair short but then short hair went out of fashion.

 27 Past continuous Page 101


1 Poppy was sending messages on her phone. 2 Simon and Lily were tidying their rooms. 3 Granny was knitting in the armchair. 4 The neighbours were taking their dog for a walk. 5 Chloe was doing her homework. 6 The twins were cycling in the centre. 7 My parents were shopping at the supermarket. 8 Our cat was hiding in the garden.

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

was reading was listening was talking was sleeping was jogging was sitting were singing was digging were moving

Page 102


1 No, they weren’t. They were looking at a magazine. 2 No, he wasn’t. He was waving. 3 No, they weren’t. They were wearing jeans. 4 No, she wasn’t. She was taking pictures/photographs. 5 No, he wasn’t. He was eating something/a sandwich.

4 1 Who was Ginnie visiting? She was visiting her cousin Amelia. 2 When was Mr Hughes jogging in the park? He was jogging in the park at 7 a.m. 3 Where were they living last year? They were living in Tucson. 4 Why was Simon walking home? He was walking home because his car had a flat tyre. 5 Who was singing a song? Sarah was singing a song. 6 How was your grandmother feeling after her birthday party? She was feeling tired but happy. 7 What was your uncle looking for? He was looking for his wedding ring.

5 1 While/When I was working on my computer, the screen went blank. 2 While/When we were having a picnic in the park, it started raining. 3 While/When Mum was clearing the table Dan and Ed were doing the washing-up. 4 While/When she was

walking home from school, she bumped into Tony. 5 While/When he was downloading songs from the net there was a blackout. 6 When I met my boyfriend in London he was doing a language course. 7 While/When I was mowing the lawn, Debbie and Jack were planting seeds. 8 While/When I was walking to the bus stop I fell over. 9 When/While I was sitting at my desk I felt a small earthquake. 10 She found your keys when/ while she was tidying the living room./While/When she was tidying the living room she found your keys. Page 103


1 while 2 When 3 When / While 4 while / when 5 when 6 while 7 while / when 8 when 9 While 10 When / While 11 While 12 when

7 1 C, 2 D, 3 C, 4 A, 5 B, 6 D, 7 A, 8 C

8 1 I was doing some shopping at the supermarket. 2 My husband and I were painting the kitchen. 3 I was speaking on the phone. 4 We were helping the children to get ready. 5 I was giving the baby a bath and my mum was knitting. 6 I was lying in bed with a flu.


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Answer Keys Page 104


1 ✗ It was raining when we left home this morning. 2 ✔ 3 ✗ Because I was feeling tired after work, I decided to go to bed early. 4 ✗ He was driving very fast last night though the roads were wet. 5 ✔ 6 ✗ Dan was working and studying at that time. 7 ✔

10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

was travelling / going Weren’t cooking / making climbing thinking opening thought/said

11 1 The sun was shining while we were walking in the park. 2 Who were you talking to now? 3 I was working and studying to pay for university. 4 What were you doing at 11 this morning? 5 Wasn’t Karen wearing her red dress at the party 6 Brad was washing the car and his children were helping him. 7 Why were you packing your bag last night? 8 What were they looking for in my room?

6 left 7 was lying Page 106


1 Dad was making breakfast when mum left for work this morning 2 We saw a famous actor while we were window-shopping yesterday. 3 Did you break your leg while you were skiing? 4 I was talking to Helena on the phone when it suddenly went dead. 5 The accident happened while Rachel was parking her car. 6 The little boy was crying because he wanted an ice cream. 7 Was it still raining when the race started?

3 1 B, 2 A, 3 B, 4 C, 5 A, 6 C, 7 A, 8 C,

4 1 fell 2 were / doing 3 decided 4 was climbing 5 saw 6 wanted 7 started 8 was climbing 9 jumped 10 reached 11 moved 12 was taking 13 lost Page 107

 28 Past simple e past continuous Page 105


1 2 3 4 5

was preparing went found bumped was walking


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

were waiting started were wearing did not have were standing drove waved saw took

10 did 11 didn’t know 12 was sitting 13 begged 14 was trying 15 looked 16 saw

6 1 F, 2 F, 3 F, 4 T, 5 F, 6 T, 7 F, 8 T, 9 T, 10 T

7 1 Where were you going yesterday when I saw you? 2 I was reading a book when I heard a voice. 3 Yesterday while I was going to school I saw a car accident./ While I was going to school yesterday I saw a car accident. 4 We were going slowly because there was a lot of traffic on the motorway. 5 I cut my finger yesterday while I was opening a tin of tuna. 6 I didn’t understand what they were talking about. 7 Why didn’t you pay attention while you were crossing the road?

 29 U  sed to Page 109


Risposte personali.

2 1 As children we used to drink a lot of milk. 2 I used to work for that company. 3 You didn’t use to wear glasses. 4 My parents didn’t use to go out when we were small. 5 There used to be a lot of snow in winter 6 I used to drink a lot of fizzy drinks. 7 Didn’t you use to have long hair? 8 We used to know them very well.


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 25

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys



1 Did people use to lock their front door in the past? 2 Where did you mother use to buy her school uniforms? 3 Did you use to eat a lot of sweets at that time? 4 What hobbies did young people use to have fifty years ago? 5 Who did you use to turn to for advice? 6 Did Sharon use to help you with the housework? 7 Did you use to revise with your classmates before exams? 8 Why didn’t you use to like Keith?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Page 110


1 People didn’t use to have baths. 2 They used to cover up body odour with strong perfume. 3 An average person used to drink 8 pints of beer a day. 4 Children used to drink it too. 5 Poor people used to cook, eat and sleep in the same room. 6 People didn’t use to use forks, only spoons and knives. 7 People didn’t use to travel alone because it was dangerous. 8 Doctors used to cure illnesses with blood-letting.

5 1 2 3 4 5

used to cycle / drives didn’t use to have / sends used to walk / rarely go out Did... used to drink / drink used to love / prefers

6 1 2 3 4 5 6

used to live / moved used to go / were used to climb didn’t use to wear / worked used to travel Did she use to cook / got

3 didn’t use to be didn’t use / never used to didn’t use / never used to hung out with didn’t use to use to used to be to put on

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

hasn’t said Have / bought have been hasn’t brought have forgotten have reserved have lost hasn’t spoken

Page 114

 30 Present perfect Page 113


1 tried 2 made 3 gone 4 brought 5 let 6 put 7 forgotten 8 studied 9 had 10 done 11 lost 12 seen 13 missed 14 caught 15 eaten 16 known 17 found 18 sent 19 ordered 20 broken

2 1 He has stopped drinking fizzy drinks. 2 He has improved his school grades. 3 He has gone to bed earlier on weekdays. 4 He hasn’t spent less time on the internet. 5 He has got fitter. 6 He hasn’t bought his own computer. 7 He has kept his room clean and tidy.


1 Has Madeleine taken the dogs for a walk? 2 Have you visited the new aerospace museum? It’s amazing. 3 Has your brother found a parttime job for the summer? 4 Has grandma left her umbrella on the bus again? 5 Has anyone seen my wallet? I can’t find it. 6 Have the Wilsons saved enough to buy a larger flat?

5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

’s/has had ’ve/have boiled ’ve/have arrived haven’t tried Has / changed ’ve/have earned hasn’t told

6 Have you read haven’t driven has lost have been / haven’t found / have given 5 haven’t won 6 Has your garden always been / Have died 1 2 3 4

7 Susan Today has been a really hard day at work. I’ve typed about fifty letters and I’ve made hundreds of photocopies. Ann How boring! You must really look for a better job, Susan!


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 26

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys Susan Maybe you’re right ... And Mr Barnes, our boss, has been away most of the day so some of my colleagues haven’t done any work at all. Ken has made lots of personal phone calls, and Lisa has read a couple of magazines. Ann Um, yeah, when the cat’s away, the mice will play. Susan Mr Barnes has complained to them many times already, but to no end ... Oh well. I’d better get back to work now. Mr Barnes might come back at any time. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

typed made been done made read complained

8 1 teaches 2 have adopted 3 have been 4 has developed 5 builds/has built 6 encourages 7 rewards 8 trains 9 speaks 10 has proven 11 has led

2 Has he been in hospital before? 3 They’ve never played snooker. 4 Have you ever stolen anything? 5 I’ve never sung in a choir. 6 Have they ever had a holiday abroad?

3 1 2 3 4 5

gone been gone been gone

4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

been been gone been gone been gone been

studied given designed wanted forgotten been lost

Page 118


 31 Present perfect con ever e never

1 never, 2 gone, 3 ever, 4 never been, 5 gone

Page 117



1 2 3 4 5 6 7

ever ever never never ever never never

2 1 Have you ever seen a Shakespeare play?

8 a How many people have you interviewed? b Have you ever interviewed any strange people? c What are the strangest interviews you have ever done? d Has anyone ever told lies? e What sort of lies have you heard? f What is the most unusual job you have ever interviewed for?


5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

with the stories of all the countries he has gone been to. This is the first time the two have never ever found a real friend. But disaster occurs when Ellie comes to school one day and discovers that Max has been gone. His parents are have gone to another town. Ellie, unable to accept the loss of her best friend, packs a bag and does something she has never did done before: she gets on a train and disappears, in search of Max. Where has she been gone?

Ellie is a teenager who lives in an industrial town in the north of England. She dreams of escaping but has ever never been abroad, or even to London. One day at school, a new classmate, Max, arrives. Max is living has lived abroad for many years and has ever never stayed in one town for more than a year. He dreams of stability. Ellie helps Max to settle into the town he is has never seen before, and Max fascinates Ellie

1 Has Clara ever lived on her own/by herself before? 2 Have you ever done Parkour? It’s exciting. 3 Have you ever been to Japan? I want to go next summer. 4 I’ve never felt so embarrassed in my life. 5 Cora and Phil aren’t at home. They’ve gone to the seaside for the weekend. 6 Mum has been to the supermarket. There are three pizzas in the fridge. 7 It’s the first time I’ve eaten caviar. I don’t really like it.

 32 P  resent perfect con just, already, yet, so far Page 120 1 Nobody has found out the truth yet. 2 You don’t have to do it. I’ve already done it.


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 27

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys 3 I haven’t paid that bill yet. I’ve had no time. 4 Have all the guests already arrived? 5 Has Mrs Drew asked for the homework yet? 6 Is Rose at home? No, she’s already left. 7 Dad has already fixed the dishwasher? 8 They haven’t replied to my email yet?

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

already yet still already just so far yet

3 1 They have just moved house. 2 Bilal and Laila have just had a terrible argument. 3 They have just bought a new car. 4 The train has just left the platform. 5 Alex has just fallen off his bike. 6 We have/’ve just told them to be quiet.

4 1 2 3 4 5 6

still already yet already still yet

Page 121


1 Have you decided which film to see yet? 2 I’ve already seen this DVD three times. 3 So far she hasn’t written a single word. 4 I’ve just eaten lunch so I’m not hungry. 5 We haven’t bought any Christmas presents yet.

6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

still already So far just So far still already

7 1 Mary has just accepted George’s marriage proposal. 2 Kim Edward has already written three novels. 3 You still haven’t chopped these onions. 4 Jack has acted in three plays so far. 5 Fiona has never listened to rap music. 6 Mum hasn’t collected the shirts from the dry-cleaner’s yet. 7 Have you ever eaten snails before?

8 News has just come in of a major accident on the M6. It appears that a lorry has just overturned, blocking the road. Five cars have hit it and are involved in a pile-up. Helicopters have just arrived on the scene to take the injured to hospital. Fortunately it appears no one has died. We have just sent a reporter to the scene of the accident. He has promised to contact us with news as soon as possible. 1 2 3 4 5 6

has just have hit have just has died have just sent has promised

Page 122


1 2 3 4 5

I’ve already been I’ve already seen I’ve already visited I have (already) had lunch have you seen Mrs Farley yet?

6 I haven’t seen her yet. 7 who else haven’t you seen yet?

10 A Dad! It’s Fiona. The TV isn’t working. I’ve just changed the batteries in the remote control but it hasn’t helped. Help me, please! I’ve already missed my afternoon series and I don’t want to miss X-factor tonight. B Pete, it’s Mark. I can’t find my credit card. I’ve looked everywhere but it’s gone. I haven’t told mum or dad yet. If you have seen it, call me as soon as possible. C Michelle … this is Thomas … I’ve just met Mr Steel. He says you haven’t turned up at the office today and it’s the third time this month. What’s happening? Why have you lied to me? D It’s Melanie. Do you remember I ordered those beautiful Italian shoes? They have arrived. Can you pick them up for me tomorrow? They have changed opening times and I can’t make it. Er … you’ll have to pay for the shoes … they’re £ 199 … is that a problem? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Thomas Fiona Mark Thomas Melanie Mark Melanie Fiona

11 Risposte personali.

12 1 You still haven’t told me where you’ve been. 2 I’ve already bought your Christmas present. 3 Have you posted that application form yet? 4 How many Pages have you written so far? 5 Leila hasn’t moved out yet. She’s still here.


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03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys 6 Has your brother passed his driving test yet?

 33 Present perfect con since e for (Duration form) Page 124


1 since 2 since 3 since 4 since 5 for 6 for 7 since 8 since 9 for 10 since

6 1 has been a doctor since 2 has worked at the local university since 3 involved / since she was a teenager. 4 has been a member of Rossiter People’s Party for 5 has been married / since 6 hasn’t had much time for hobbies for

7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7



2 c, for, 3 g, for, 4 d since, 5 b, since, 6 h, since, 7 a, for, 8 e, for

1 2 3 4 5

3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

haven’t known / for has lived / since has worked / since has stood / since has starred / for have been / for have not played / since

4 1 2 3 4 5 6

’ve /have known / for has collaborated / for has worked have visited / since have been have told / for

Page 125


1 We have lived in this house since I was four years old. 2 Francesca hasn’t eaten meat since she was a student. 3 I haven’t smoked for a year. 4 We haven’t travelled by plane for two years. 5 My grandparents have been married since 1955.

since has hasn’t been How been for

b b b a a

Page 126

What they need is the money. Max only has got gets little pocket money every month. To earn some extra money, he has found a part time job. He helps has helped in a shop for six weeks.

11 Risposte personali.

12 1 Emily and George have lived in that house since they got married. 2 Her health has improved since she stopped smoking. 3 The supermarket on the corner has been open since last April. 4 I have been here for twenty minutes and the bus still hasn’t arrived/come. 5 ‘How long have you worked for this company?’ ‘About two years.’ 6 India is a democratic country. It has been a republic since 1950. 7 They have never argued since I’ve known them.


1 B: have… been / ’ve/have been 2 A: Do… enjoy B: ’ve/have read 3 B: haven’t heard 4 A: haven’t known B: seems 5 A: do… think B: ’ve/have only spent / love

10 Max and his parents live have lived on Orkney for since 2010. Max was a little afraid of moving to Orkney, but now he has had has many friends there. Three of his best friends go on holiday abroad since the every summer. This year, Max wants to go with them to Spain. The four boys have planned their holiday since for a few months. They have already known already know where to go and what to do.

 34 Present perfect e past simple Page 128


1 2 3 4 5 6

haven’t finished ’ve lost Did you go left haven’t started Have you heard

2 2 A, 3 A, 4 B, 5 B, 6 A, 7 B, 8 A, 9 A, 10 B

3 1 2 3 4 5 6

have rewritten saw left spoke paid have never flown


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 29

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys Page 129


1 has just hit 2 has shared 3 wrote 4 took 5 enjoyed 6 achieved 7 have sold 8 asked 9 grinned 10 got

5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

again When she was a child How long for the last time this is the first time lately yesterday



1 When did you visit them? 2 What languages have you studied? 3 How many years did you study them?/How many years have you studied them? 4 Have you ever worked in a hotel, bar or shop? 5 Where did you work? 6 How long did you work there? 7 Have you had experience with clients? 8 Have you ever used the Excel program? 9 What have you used it for?

11 have saved went / Were / didn’t come ’s/has lived spent got married / loved haven’t had / was

7 1 have been 2 enjoyed 3 have met 4 spent 5 caught 6 stayed 7 went 8 trekked 9 slept 10 was Page 130


1 c, 2 e, 3 a, 4 f, 5 h, 6 b, 7 d, 8g

9 1 2 3 4 5

 35 Present perfect continuous

Page 131

6 1 2 3 4 5 6

6 had 7 When 8 ago

so haven’t put last for

1 started 2 has rained 3 left 4 has risen 5 gone up 6 have won 7 has brought 8 was 9 has just announced 10 told

12 1 B, 2 D, 3 D, 4 C, 5 B, 6 A, 7 C, 8 D, 9 B, 10 B

13 1 It’s the first time he has been to Greece 2 I’ve never liked rap music. 3 We have just bumped into Jessica. 4 Why are you laughing? What’s happened? 5 I’ve been ill since last week.

Page 133 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

has been giving has been looking have / making has been going have been taking have you been playing haven’t been listening

2 1 f, 2 d, 3 b, 4 c, 5 a, 6 e

3 1 2 3 4 5

has been doing / for have been playing / since has been talking / for has been watching / for has been reading / since

Page 134


1 They have been seeing a lot of each other lately / for the last two days / since September 2003. 2 He has been checking emails for hours. 3 How long have you been waiting? 4 Josie has been lying on the sofa reading for hours / for the last two days! 5 Professor Mack has been lecturing at Warwick University since September 2003 / for the last two days / this week. 6 What have you been doing lately / for the last two days / this week? 7 It has been raining a lot lately / this week / for the last two days.

5 1 Brad Pitt has been acting since 1989. 2 Ruth and Veronica have been sharing a flat for two years. 3 Apple has been making computers since the 1970s. 4 I have been saving money since I got this job.


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 30

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys 5 The President has been talking since 3.00. 6 My brother has been applying for jobs since he graduated. 7 She has been preparing for the exam for two weeks.

3 4 5 6



1 has been singing with groups since 1995 2 has been winning important awards 3 has been working as an actor since 2000 4 he has been selling clothing 5 has been working as a producer 6 has been promoting music

had/known had told had resigned had lost

2 1 d, 2 c, 3 f, 4 a, 5 e, 6 b

Dan, Chloe and Joe had travelled by plane before but Nadia hadn’t. Dan had visited the Acropolis before but Chloe, Joe and Nadia hadn’t. None of the four friends had ever/ Dan, Chloe, Joe and Nadia had never slept in a tent before. Chloe, Joe and Nadia had eaten dolmadakia before but Dan hadn’t. Chloe and Joe had tried folk dancing before but Dan and Nadia hadn’t.

Page 135


Risposte personali con l'uso del present perfect continuous.

1 Tom had already been to India. 2 They had never won a gold medal before. 3 He had never driven a car before. 4 He had already called. 5 I had already failed my French exam. 6 She had never run in the New York marathon before.


8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

has been ringing has been feeling has been using have been looking has been raining has been cleaning have been waiting have / been practising

9 2 B, 3 B, 4 A, 5 B

10 1 2 3 4 5

✔ since we met sick all morning Mary has been ✔

 36 Past perfect Page 137


1 hadn’t passed 2 had lived


hadn’t seen had lived had / closed had written had forgotten hadn’t met

6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

By 1982 he had won two awards and become one of England’s most promising new talents. By the age of 23 he had joined the Royal Shakespeare Company. By 1985 he had directed his first play. By the age of 28 he had written his autobiography. By 1989 he had married the actress Emma Thompson. By 1995 he had divorced Emma Thompson.

8 Risposte personali con l'uso del past perfect.

 37 Past perfect e past simple Page 139

Page 138 1 2 3 4 5 6


had begun had started studying had memorised had moved had learnt had studied had pursued had posted had never opened


1 2 3 4 5 6

had failed had never eaten moved had lived wanted had sold

2 1 Ann finished ironing and relaxed in the garden. 2 We had eaten organic apples even before we planted these apple trees. 3 I knew I had met that tall man before but I didn’t remember where. 4 The band had sung together many times before they toured the USA last month. 5 Siobhan had researched her family history for a year before she visited Ireland. 6 Our team won the championship for the first time last year. 7 They drove carefully. The roads were slippery because it had snowed. 8 I wanted to speak to the manager but he wasn’t there. He had gone out.


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 31

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys

3 1 Before I left, I had tidied my room. 2 After he had scored his hundredth goal, Joe Striker decided to retire. 3 Frieda couldn’t get out of the room because someone had locked the door. 4 I didn’t know that Mark had moved to a new address. 5 I had just spoken to William on the phone when he called me again. 6 I couldn’t buy the tickets to the derby match because they had sold out. Page 140


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

had found had fed held had attended slept began appeared had cheered

5 1 My daughter was frightened because she had never ridden a horse before. 2 After he had worked on his computer for two hours, he realised he had a stiff neck. 3 We didn’t need to wait because we had booked a table. 4 By the time he was 25, he had already become a millionaire. 5 When she looked into her bag, Victoria discovered that somebody had stolen her purse. 6 Gabriel knew he had a twin brother but he had never met him. 7 I had just got up, when I heard a knock at the door.

 38 Used to e would

Page 143

Page 141

1 2 3 4 5 6


1 used to be 2 always used to sleep / would always sleep 3 used to live 4 used to work 5 used to take / would take 6 didn’t use to like 7 used to meet / would meet Page 142


1 would spend 2 would walk 3 would deliver

3 1 When my grandparents were alive, we used to / would often visit Brighton. 2 In the winter, the farmers used to / would stay indoors most of the time. 3 David used to have blue hair when he was a teenager. 4 Kelly used to speak German quite well, but she has forgotten it. 5 At Christmas, all our neighbours used to / would send us cards.

4 1 would, 2 would, 3 would, 4 used, 5 use, 6 used, 7 used, 8 use

5 1 We would take a picnic with us. 2 He used to live with his aunt and uncle. 3 Did you use to walk to school every day? 4 My grandfather used to be in the army. 5 I used to like climbing trees. 6 We didn’t use to know many people then. 7 In 1992 my parents were students.


used to wear used to wash, bought used to say, had didn’t use to eat broke, used to play used to sit

7 1 2 3 4 5 6

didn’t use to used to/would didn’t use to didn’t use to, didn’t use to used to/would didn’t use to, didn’t use to

 39 Be / get used to e used to Page 144


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

getting used to Did you use aren’t used we used to aren’t used to didn’t use Are you getting used am not

Page 145


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

am not is did you get is got wasn’t got

3 Bill Good morning Dan! You look a bit tired. Are you OK? Dan Oh good morning Bill. No, I’m not used to getting up at this time. This new job is proving difficult for me with the early start.


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 32

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys Bill Why? What time did you used to get up before? Dan Well, when I worked in the pub, I used to finish work very late and get up at about 10 o ’clock. It was difficult at first, but after a few weeks I got used to it. Bill And now you have to get used to another timetable. Poor you. And what time do you finish in this new job? Dan Really early. The office closes at 5 o ’clock every afternoon. I’m still not used to the free time in the evenings. It’s strange for me to be able to go out and see a film or meet friends. Bill And you couldn’t do that working in the pub of course. Dan No. Of course there was the advantage that I was free during the day. I used to go out and see exhibitions or go for walks, and now I can ’t do that. But I’ll get used to that quickly, I ’m sure. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

hasn’t got used to getting up got used still isn’t isn’t used go out will get

4 1 didn’t use 2 am used to 3 is used 4 am not used 5 am used 6 will get used 7 are not used to 8 didn’t use 9 get used 10 used

5 1 He can’t get used to the heat here in summer. 2 Are you getting used to using this computer now? 3 She didn’t like living in the city at first, but she’s getting used to it.

4 I soon got used to going to school on a Saturday. 5 I could get used to not working. 6 Don’t worry, you’ll soon get used to the system.

 41 Present perfect simple e present perfect continuous Page 148


1 B, 2 A, 3 B, 4 A, 5 A

 40 It’s ... since


Page 146

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


1 We haven’t been out for dinner for ages. 2 It’s been a long time since I bought any new clothes. 3 Robert joined this company two years ago. 4 I haven’t had such a good meal for a long time. 5 ago did you last see

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Since have enjoyed for long had doing since

3 1 It’s (been) a long time since our team won a match. 2 ‘How long is it since Daniel moved house?’ ‘A year, I think.’ 3 It’s (been) two weeks since you last watered the plants. They’re dying. 4 Look at you. How long is it since you last had a haircut? 5 ‘Do you get on well with your brother?’ ‘Yes, it’s been ages since we last had an argument.’ 6 It’s (been) five years since he quit/stopped smoking and he feels much better now.

coming hasn’t since has solved making only been

Page 149


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

managed Have you been waiting been sitting Have you checked Have you put Has this happened been driving

4 1 ’ve been helping 2 ’ve been phoning

5 1 B: ’ve/have been working 2 A: ’ve/have stopped B: haven’t eaten 3 A: Have you been going B: ‘ve /have also been swimming 4 A: ’ve/have been seeing B: have you known 5 A: ’ve/have been having B: has it ever broken 6 A: ’ve/have been sitting B: ’ve/have finished Page 150


1 She’s already written two novels. 2 What have you done so far? 3 We’ve known that family for years. 4 You haven’t been listening to me for the last five minutes.


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 33

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys 5 She hasn’t said a word since you left. 6 What have you been going lately? 7 I’ve forgotten to reserve a table. 8 How long has she been working in that pub?

7 1 A, 2 C, 3 D, 4 A, 5 B, 6 D, 7 C, 8 D

8 1 2 3 4 5 6

has gone ’ve been learning German Have you finished reading has just left haven’t been first time I’ve eaten

2 How long had the shop been selling second-hand books? 3 By 2012, I had been learning German for three years. 4 The reporter had been collecting information for his article. 5 Had the baby been crying all this time?

3 1 2 3 4

4 1 C, 2 A, 3 B, 4 A, 5 B



1 I’ve/have been dreaming of becoming a great footballer since I was a child. 2 I’ve/have been waiting for this news all week. 3 I’ve/have been studying at this university for three years and I like it. 4 We’ve/have been waiting for their call since yesterday. 5 Who’s/has been wearing my new jersey? It has a coffee stain on it. 6 We’ve/have been going to the same restaurant for years and we still like it. 7 I’ve/have been studying for the whole day and need a break now.

1 2 3 4

 42 Past perfect continuous Page 152


1 2 3 4 5

had been stealing had been doing had been carrying had been living had been feeling

2 1 The children hadn’t been playing in the garden all afternoon.

were crossing has been snowing had been standing had been spending

hadn’t flown / felt wanted / had been sending asked / had been doing had been walking / decided 5 remembered / had been wearing

 43 Past perfect simple e past perfect continuous Page 153


1 2 3 4 5 6

had been writing had been waiting had had had been standing had enjoyed had drawn

Page 154


1 2 3 4

had been hiding had been staying had been booing had been vacuuming

3 1 had taken 2 had decided 3 had made

had been waiting had been wondering had happened had misunderstood had expected / had been expecting 9 had been trying 4 5 6 7 8

4 1 had adopted 2 had been looking 3 found out 4 had both always been 5 had both run 6 had both always wanted 7 had both been driving 8 had both been 9 had attended 10 had gone 11 had given 12 looked

5 1 I had been trying to get tickets for that match for weeks. 2 Lucy had arranged with Celia to meet in front of the restaurant. 3 Theo was angry because he had been waiting for more than half an hour. 4 By the time she was 20, Anna had been abroad ten times. 5 The child’s eyes were red. He had been crying. 6 Mr Powell called me to say (that) he had found a solution.

Recupero A2-B1 Page 156


1 went 2 was 3 had visited 4 had been 5 was 6 was packing 7 had learned 8 haven’t you finished 9 Did you remember 10 I’ve just made


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 34

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

left / had given was drying / went Have... felt / haven’t ‘ve/have been standing ‘ve/have been helping didn’t use to wash ‘ve/have been waiting ‘d/had seen had broken down / hadn’t checked

3 1 My daughter was born in this hospital. 2 I’ve/have never been to Ireland. 3 Have you already met the new secretary? / Have you met the new secretary yet? 4 I’ve/have never seen such a thing. 5 How long has Matteo been living in Rome? 6 Last Saturday we went to Charlotte and Sam’s house.

4 1 Yesterday Tim was working on his project at 5 p.m. 2 Nora has already made her bed. 3 Lucy has recently become interested in homeopathy. 4 Rob has been reading the newspaper since 10 a.m. 5 When you arrived at the office, had the meeting started yet? 6 I didn’t oversleep yesterday because my alarm always wakes me up. 7 In the past children didn’t use to have many toys. They often used to make their own toys out of wood and paper.

5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

gave had studied since been had never

8 been 9 any 10 studying / practising / working

Recupero B1-B2 Page 157


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

used am wasn’t used to doing would walk is used to flying did you use to do would look to get

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

have been drinking have been sleeping have heard / moved has been riding / has ridden ’ve known / told have been looking / haven’t found have been quarrelling / got ’s been / had / ’ve been

3 1 arrived 2 had told 3 was 4 asked 5 hadn’t been 6 wanted 7 had chosen 8 told 9 had been selling 10 sold 11 assured 12 wasn’t 13 had ever complained

4 1 2 3 4 5 6

had changed would go had never worked got was giving didn’t know

5 I’ve been watching cartoons on TV all my life. When I was a child, I always watched them after school. By the age of fifteen I had seen all the most famous cartoon series at least three times. Now I am forty and have recently started a family and I continue to watch them with my children.

Potenziamento A2-B1 Page 158


1 B, 2 A, 3 D, 4 A, 5 D, 6 B, 7 C, 8 A, 9 D, 10 B

2 1 2 3 4 5 6

have known used to play lent me had got we were visiting met twenty years

Potenziamento B1-B2 Page 159


1 2 3 4 5 6

have been ice-skating for Josh had already who had composed have been here for am having problems ages since I last heard

2 1 B, 2 D, 3 D, 4 C, 5 D, 6 B, 7 C, 8 A, 9 B, 10 C, 11 A, 12 A/D

Competence Booster Tempi verbali (2) Page 160


1 F Dopo che è finita la conferenza siamo andati in un bar. 2 A Ana ha mandato 100 inviti alla festa del suo quindicesimo compleanno. 3 D Stavo andando a dormire quando ho sentito bussare alla porta.


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 35

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys 4 G Nel 2015 Saul giocava nella nostra squadra da tre anni. 5 E Quando la nonna era ancora viva, era solita raccontarci delle storie meravigliose. 6 B Quando Claire era a Milano, voleva comprare una borsa di pelle ma non se l’è potuta permettere. 7 C Mentre David giocava a tennis, sua sorella nuotava in piscina. 8 B Non c’era quasi nessuno alla partita di calcio ieri sera.

2 1 B I’m exhausted! This morning I had so many problems at work. 2 E When Mrs Bevan was the head teacher, everything used to be well-organised. 3 A Pity Gaurav has changed so much! He used to be so kind. 4 D what were you and Anna talking about when I arrived? 5 A The Prime Minister has announced cuts to education. 6 C At 10 last night? I was chatting online with a friend. 7 F They had a lot of trouble because they had lost their passports. 8 G I hadn’t been living in Geneva very long when I decided to move again.

3 1 You’ve already called me seven times today! 2 After four stops I realised I had taken the wrong bus. 3 I was trying to make an online booking when there was a blackout. 4 As a child I didn’t use to like vegetables but I love them now. 5 When their plane landed, we had been waiting for three hours. 6 I didn’t hear the alarm clock this morning and I was late for school.



1 What a beautiful photo! Where did you take it? 2 Last year we went abroad three times. 3 ‘Why was everybody laughing?’ ‘Because Greg had told a very funny joke.’ 4 It was raining heavily when I went out. 5 Before she opened the shop, Gloria had studied jewellery design. 6 When the alarm went off, the thieves had already jumped out of the window. 7 When he lived on his own, Greg used to eat only sandwiches. 8 I’ve been to the theatre twice this week.

1 I, 2 P, 3 I, 4 P, 5 I

5 Have you ever thought of visiting a whole country in one day? You can do that if you go to Ladonia, an independent state of 1 km2 in Sweden. In 1996 the artist Lars Vilks was building a gigantic/ huge statue in a natural park and when the Swedish government chose to knock/pull/tear it down, Vilks founded Ladonia. In 1997 a referendum declared it a “republican monarchy” governed by King Fernando and Queen Ywonne. In the new millennium interest for Ladonia has grown/ increased throughout/all across/ all over the world and the state has moved to the Web. Before 2000 only a thousand people had applied for citizenship, but now Ladonia boasts seventeen thousand virtual citizens from all the countries of the world.

 4 IL FUTURO  44 Futuro con be going to

3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

aren’t going to leave are going to miss is going to buy is going to rain ’m not going to get Aren’t you going to help Is Mike going to book

Page 164


1 She and her friends are going to learn Spanish. 2 We aren’t going to stay long. 3 Are they going to work hard at college? 4 Aren’t they going to tidy this room before they go out? 5 Their parents are going to give them an allowance. 6 Evie’s boyfriend is going to be an architect. 7 I am going to ask my parents for advice. 8 Are you going to study tonight?

5 1 Are you going to ask him for permission? 2 Are they going to take lessons? 3 Are you going to take it back to the shop? 4 Are you going to buy him a present? 5 Are you going to join a gym?

6 1 We are going to miss the start of the film 2 He is going to be sick. 3 It is going to catch a bird. 4 He is going to drop them. 5 You are going to cut yourself.

Page 163


2 f, 3 e, 4 d, 5 b, 6 a


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1 At 8.05 he is going to change his clothes. 2 At 9.00 he is / they are going to start training. 3 At 11.00 he isn’t going to have medical tests. 4 At 13.00 he’s going to have lunch with teammates. 5 At 14.30 he isn’t going to play a friendly match against Newport. 6 At 16.00 the Club Manager is going to introduce him to the new physiotherapist. 7 At 19.30 some old friends are going to take him out to dinner.

1 2 3 4 5 6


5 starts gets opens leaves Are you coming I’m going

4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

am visiting leaves start ends am seeing begins am taking

1 spending/going to spend; going 2 seeing; are, doing Page 169


1 is leaving 2 are arriving 3 are probably going to have 4 are going to visit 5 is going to catch 6 are going to find 7 are having 8 are attending 9 is going to tell 10 is going to be

Risposte personali.




Risposte personali.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 I’m not going to reply to that message. 2 Are you going to throw away that box/throw that box away? 3 The programme is going to start shortly/in a moment. 4 I heard (that) it isn’t going to snow tomorrow. It’s too warm. 5 Is Liz going to accept that invitation? 6 We aren’t going to leave next month.

 45 Presente con valore di futuro (present continuous e present simple) Page 166


1 2 3 4 5 6

is runs, leaves open close begin takes off

2 1 2 3 4 5


 46 Be going to e present continuous Page 168


1 2 3 4 5 6

intenzione programma previsione programma intenzione previsione

2 2 b, 3 d, 4 e, 5 c, 6 a

3 1 You’re flying 2 we’re going to meet / we’re meeting 3 are going to get 4 He’s studying. 5 I’m going to turn on 6 Are you going to have / Are you having

4 1 2 3 4 5 6

’m looking ’s going to be is touring am I going to do is driving are you going to give

’re going to meet is coming ’s going to repair is going to bring ’s going to be is going to change am I going to meet ’m taking are visiting

8 1 Greg hasn’t trained enough. Coach Stevens isn’t going to let him play on Saturday. 2 ‘Can you give me a lift to the bus/coach station/terminal on Sunday?’ ‘I’m sorry, I can’t. I’m working at the weekend.’ 3 You can trust Martha. She isn’t going to tell anyone. 4 Aunt Stacey is staying with us next week. We’re happy because we haven’t seen her for a long time. 5 What is your son going to do when his exams are over/he finishes his exams? 6 I’m going to Paris by train tomorrow because I hate flying.

 47 Futuro con will Page 171


1 c, 2 d, 3 b, 4 e, 5 f, 6 a


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03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys

2 1 2 3 4 5

won’t be ’ll/will wash won’t be won’t tidy Will Mr Barnes give

3 1 I’m sure Joseph will be on time today. 2 I don’t expect the art exhibition will be boring. 3 I’m sure Beth will pass her test. 4 I imagine Al will be angry when he finds out. 5 I expect the train will be here soon. 6 I expect Barbara will order pizza for everyone. 7 I think you’ll like Mr Harris. 8 We probably won’t be able to come tomorrow.

 48 Le forme del futuro: contrasto Page 174


1 c, 2 g, 3 a, 4 b, 5 d, 6 e, 7 h, 8 f Page 175

4 1 2 3 4 5

2 Himanshu will go out a lot and perhaps find a girlfriend, but this won’t help him have a relaxing month / but he won’t have a relaxing month. 3 Maggie won’t have a quiet month and/because she won’t settle down, but she will go to university and study French literature. 4 Josh won’t be absent minded. He will have a busy month and meet up with old friends. 5 Azar will help other people in her new community but won’t be helped in return. She will (probably) find true love.

will win Will people’s lives be will notice Will they give won’t have

Page 172


Risposte personali.

6 Risposte personali.

7 6 ✗ / ✔ 7 ✔ / ✗ 8 ✗ / ✗ / ✔ 9 ✔ / ✗ / ✔ 10 ✔ / ✗ / ✗

8 1 Emily won’t be happy with her new boyfriend. They will have problems but she will be promoted and get a better position.


1 A, 2 B, 3 A, 4 C, 5 A

3 1 c, 2 a, 3 a

4 1 2 3 4 5 6

is giving departs is going to study will ... speak ’ll/will happen going to/’ll do / going to/’ll cook

5 1 Are you coming 2 ’ll/will 3 ’m visiting/’m going to visit 4 is doing 5 ’ll/will end up 6 ’ll get/can get 7 am not eating 8 ’ll/will make 9 leaves 10 ’ll call

Page 176


Saul Hey, Juliet! How are you doing? Juliet Good! My dad and I are planning the summer holidays. Saul Great! Are you going anywhere special? Juliet Well, listen to this! We’re going to Portugal! Saul Wow! Really? When? Juliet In two months’ time. We’re leaving on 29th July. Saul How are you getting there? Juliet First we’re flying to Lisbon. Saul Oh. And how long are you staying there? Juliet Just a few days. Then we’re moving on to the Algarve. I think we’ll catch a train to Faro. And ... this is the best bit! We’re going on a cycling tour for ten days! Saul Amazing! What are you going to see? Juliet We’re going to visit a lot of natural parks and reserves. And at the end of the cycling tour we’re going to stay at a seaside resort for one week. Saul It sounds brilliant! Are all your family going with you? Juliet Yes! But it’s a bit expensive. Mum will faint when we tell her how much we’re paying. 1 ’re going 2 ’re leaving 3 are you getting 4 ’re flying 5 are you staying 6 ’re moving 7 ’ll catch 8 ’re going 9 are you going to see 10 ’re going to visit 11 ’re going to stay 12 Are all your family going 13 will faint 14 ’re paying

7 Hi, Katrina, this is Frank. How are you? Katrina I’m fine, Frank, how are you? Frank


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 38

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys Great Katrina. Listen, I ’m going on a picnic with the children tomorrow. Would you like to come? Katrina I’d love to, but they say it’s going to rain. Are you sure it’s a good idea? Frank Oh no! What a pity. It’ll be horrible if it rains. I don’t fancy sitting in the car all day. What am I going to do with the children? Katrina Listen, I’m driving into town later to see Brian and Christine. We are meeting at 1 o’clock. Do you want me to check what is on at the cinema tomorrow? Frank Great idea! We can see a film. But what about lunch? Katrina I can stop at the supermarket on the way home today. I’ll buy pizzas and we can have lunch together at my house before the cinema. Frank Oh thanks Katrina, you’re a star! Frank

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

✔ ✗ ✔ ✗ ✔ ✗ ✔

8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

departs going to tell is going to Are you going/I’m going to going to burn We’ll call I’m going to do will be

9 1 I’m sure our team will win. 2 I will be married sooner or later! 3 I promise I won’t lie anymore. 4 ‘Would you like to go out tonight?’ ‘No, my cousins are visiting.’ 5 The park closes in 20 minutes.

6 I am going on a diet after Christmas. 7 A holiday in Australia will be exciting. 8 Look at those black clouds! It’s going to rain. 9 When I get home, I’ll call you.

 49 Future in the past (was going to) Page 177


1 would see 2 were going to share 3 was going to cost/would cost 4 would arrive 5 would achieve 6 was going to buy 7 would help me Page 178


1 Ruth was going to study law but she didn’t get a place at university. 2 We were going to but tickets for the concert but we changed our minds. 3 The children were going to go swimming but it was too cold. 4 I was going to stay in New York for the weekend but I couldn’t find anywhere to stay. 5 Robert was going to tidy his room but he had a lot of homework.

3 1 b, 2 c, 3 a, 4 a

4 1 We were going to go swimming but the weather wasn’t warm enough. 2 I was going to ask Charlotte about her plans for the following weekend. 3 Nobody knew what was going to happen next.

4 This shy twenty-year-old was going to become one of the world’s greatest writers. 5 I knew it was going to be hard to climb the mountain but it was worth it.

5 1 I knew you would be early. 2 Jane was going to be waiting for us at the station when we arrived. 3 I was going to accept the job because the salary was much better. 4 The government was going to lower taxes later that year. 5 I was sure mum would be worried about us if we were late.

 50 Future continuous, future perfect e future perfect continuous Page 181


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

I’ll phone I’ll be sharing I’ll be taking We’ll sort it out I’ll bring it back I’ll be working I’ll be watching

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

’ll be staying ’ll pay ’ll be working ’ll be driving ’ll drop ’ll do ’ll be doing

Page 182


1 C, 2 A, 3 B, 4 C

4 1 2 3 4 5

will have been building won’t have graduated will have run out will have been translating will have been arguing


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 51 Be (about) to

1 A, 2 B, 3 B, 4 C, 5 C, 6 A, 7 D, 8B

Page 184

6 1 2 3 4 5 6

I’ll be watching ✔ I’ll see ✔ I won’t have finished ✔

Page 183


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

will be building won’t have colonised will have been living will... be watching will have disappeared will be choosing will have been airing will... be wearing will have replaced

8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

will be booking will be dealing will have advised will have made will have written will have been working won’t have been sleeping will have earned

9 1 Will you be going to the post office tomorrow? Could you/ Will you be able to buy two stamps for the United States? 2 The teacher will have finished correcting all the homework before the lesson starts. 3 How long will they have been travelling for by the time/when they reach their destination. 4 We will be watching the video of our holidays this evening. Would you like to come to our house? 5 Next Monday I will be studying in the library as usual. 6 Hurry up, we’re late. By this time the show will already have begun/started.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

is to leave are to donate is to write are to compete is to release are to finish is to invest

Page 185


2 d, 3 e, 4 b, 5 a, 6 c

3 1 The company is to hold interviews for the position next week. 2 Two men are to be questioned by the police in connection with the robbery. 3 The new managing director is to take up his post on next month 4 There is to be a meeting of the school council on Tuesday. 5 The Pope is to visit Brazil in December.

4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

is to unveil will be are about to lose is to cease will affect will run are to protect will fight

Recupero A2-B1 Page 188


1 2 3 4 5

’re having, ’s leaving starts, Are you taking ends ’re moving does it finish

2 1 is visiting 2 isn’t going to like

3 4 5 6

isn’t using ’re going to walk Is Roger playing ’m going to make

3 1 2 3 4 5 6

’ll see, ’ll just have ’re going to bring will be ’ll get is Leila going to sleep will want

4 1 My flight arrives in Bologna at 9 on Tuesday. 2 He isn’t seeing his lawyer at 4 tomorrow. 3 The plumber is coming tomorrow to have a look at it. 4 It’s going to raise a lot of money. 5 This train doesn’t stop at Marston Green. 6 What time is dad coming home today?

5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

is going to change will ... be living will be will be working will be investing won’t use will be will be releasing will ... stop

6 1 Do you think they will ever finish that motorway? 2 This is our plan: at 10 we are going to see the castle and then return to the hotel for lunch. 3 What are you going to cook/make/prepare for Easter lunch? 4 Look! That car is about to hit the tree! 5 It’s hot here. Will you open the window, please? 6 ‘Someone is knocking at the door.’ ‘I’ll go and open it’.


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Recupero B1-B2

Potenziamento B1-B2

Page 189

Page 191


1 2 3 4 5

will be standing ’ll tell, ’ll believe will be wearing Will you forward, ’ll start ’ll enjoy

2 1 2 3 4 5

’ll be thinking will have disappeared will be having will have gone will probably be running

3 1 ’ll have been cooking, ’ll have baked 2 will have changed 3 will have been dating 4 ’ll have saved

4 1 2 3 4 5 6

were going to be would win were about to go is to speak would change was going to score

5 1 1 2 3 2 1 2 3

will have already finished will have left will even see I will have attended will have been studying will have been

Potenziamento A2-B1 Page 190


1 B, 2 A, 3 D, 4 C, 5 B, 6 D, 7 A, 8 B, 9 A, 10 C

2 1 b, 2 c, 3 a, 4 b, 5 c


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Will you be using will have finished the course will have been making do you plan to do will have disappeared were going to travel on he would water were about to cook

2 1 about 2 travelling/going 3 such 4 operators 5 which 6 for 7 soon 8 be 9 taken 10 same

Competence Booster Tempi verbali (3) Page 192


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

programma concordato ✔ decisione del momento intenzione opinione previsione fondata azione che sta per accadere

Page 193


1 Nella frase 1A il parlante comunica una decisione presa; nella frase 1B si parla di un programma prestabilito (in two days). 2 Nella frase 2 A il secondo interlocutore aveva deciso in precedenza di comprare un regalo per la mamma; nella frase 2B prende la decisione nel momento in cui parla.

3 Nella frase 3 A si parla di un orario ufficiale, mentre nella 3B di un programma personale prestabilito. 4 Nella frase 4 A viene fatta una previsione fondata (sta piovendo) mentre nella 4 B il parlante formula un’opinione sul futuro.

3 1 ‘Would you like a cup of coffee or tea?’ ‘I’ll have a cup of coffee, please.’ 2 By the time he is 30, he will have made his first million. 3 I listened to the weather forecast. It’s going to rain at the weekend. 4 The shops close at 5 pm tomorrow because of a bus strike. 5 I’m going to wear the blue dress tonight. 6 I’m not going out on Friday evening. I’ve already told Sarah. 7 Don’t call me after 11 p.m. I’ll be sleeping. 8 Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll pass your driving test. 9 Hurry up. The film is about to start.

4 1 I forgot my packed lunch at home. I’ll give you one of my sandwiches. 2 I’m not going to lie to the police, not even for a friend. 3 I hope she’ll understand I didn’t mean to hurt her. 4 This time tomorrow my students will be doing the English test. 5 Do you have a minute? Sorry, I’m just about to leave. 6 When you get home I’ll have already finished ironing. 7 ‘What are you doing this evening?’ ‘Nothing special. I’m having dinner with my wife.’ 8 She can sing, dance and act beautifully. She’s going to become a star.


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 41

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys

5 Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Tonight ‘Talk Time’ is having/has/will be having a very special guest. Geoffrey Anderson will be taking part in the show and will be talking about his adventures with wild animals. Call/Phone us on this number and the presenter of ‘Talk Time’ will ask him all your questions. Immediately after ‘Talk Time’, at nine, ‘Witness’ starts, a film with/ starring Harrison Ford. That/ This is all for now. I will be seeing you tomorrow at the same time.

18 don’t 19 will 20 love 21 time 22 closes 23 Can 24 What 25 There 26 last 27 Do 28 didn’t 29 your 30 since 31 go 32 ’ll

21 bound 22 In 23 used 24 won’t 25 have

Cumulative Revision 1

Page 196


Page 194


1 C, 2 B, 3 A, 4 D, 5 A, 6 B, 7 D, 8 C, 9 D, 10 A

2 1 ’ve been 2 since 3 had 4 is working 5 will 6 ’m going to 7 will 8 lands/arrives 9 arrive 10 is Page 195


1 for 2 are 3 just 4 saw 5 was 6 have 7 use 8 washed 9 had 10 can’t 11 ago 12 coming 13 let 14 put/tried 15 wearing 16 sounds 17 going


1 B, 2 C, 3 C, 4 D, 5 A, 6 D, 7 C, 8 A, 9 B, 10 B

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

 5 I VERBI MODALI  52 Can, could, be able to per esprimere abilità, possibilità e permesso Page 200 2 c, 3 e, 4 d, 5 f, 6 a, 7 b, 8 d, 9 g, 10 d

2 1 A, 2 A, 3 B, 4 A, 5 A

been was would be will have about supposed

Page 197


1 is 2 consists 3 been 4 for 5 has 6 dates 7 left 8 had 9 took 10 from 11 became 12 joined 13 caters 14 don’t 15 increasing 16 broken 17 by 18 visited 19 looking 20 will

3 1 2 3 4 5 6

could be able to can succeed managed can

4 1 2 3 4 5

can Can/Could to can’t couldn’t

Page 201


1 2 3 4 5 6

could was finally able to able. are not allowed succeed in can’t

6 1 C, 2 A, 3 A, 4 C, 5 B, 6 D, 7 B, 8 B

7 1 They got lost in the centre and weren’t able to couldn’t find the pub.


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03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys 2 A whale is able to/can remain underwater for up to an hour. 3 In a short time Rob was able to prepare an elaborate meal for four. 4 Sophie hopes she’ll be allowed to have a party for her birthday. 5 Are you able to update your computer software? 6 Students can’t enter the staff room. 7 May I give you some advice, Miss Wilkins?

8 1 I’m sorry, I can’t come to the swimming pool with you. My mother is taking me to the dentist. 2 When I was young, I could run faster than I can now. 3 She was so embarrassed that she couldn’t say / a word. 4 I’ve been trying for hours, but I still haven’t been able to reach them on the phone. 5 I’m sure that he/she will be able to help you if you ask him/her. 6 Are girls allowed to put make-up on/to wear make-up at your school?

3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

registro informale Could/Would How about registro formale Could/Would Could Could/Would Would

4 Passenger 1: Excuse me, could I borrow your newspaper? Passenger 2: Of course. / Certainly. Here it is. Could I open the window? Passenger 1: Of course. / Please do. It’s warm today. Can you manage? Passenger 2: No, it’s stuck. Could you help me? Passenger 1: Of course. / Certainly. Could you hold my computer for a moment? / Done. Passenger 2: Many thanks.

 54 Must v. have (got) to, can’t per esprimere obbligo, divieto e necessità Page 206

1  53 Will, shall, would, can, could, per richieste, suggerimenti e offerte Page 203


1 2 3 4 5 6

Will D Shall P Can D would D Could P Would P

2 1 2 3 4 5 6

Shall Would ’ll Would Shall Would

1 2 3 4 5 6

have to don’t have to must doesn’t have to don’t have to mustn’t

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

have to must/have to must can’t have to/must mustn’t can’t/mustn’t

3 2 must 3 have to 4 must

5 must 6 mustn’t 7 can’t 8 mustn’t 9 must 10 have to Page 207


1 2 3 4 5

have to don’t need to have to mustn’t don’t have to

5 must switch off are not allowed to touch don’t have to buy cannot turn / must turn don’t need to have any experience 6 aren’t allowed to talk 7 don’t have to pay 1 2 3 4 5

6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

can mustn’t Am I allowed are had to don’t have to mustn’t aren’t allowed

Page 208


1 2 3 4 5

have to take mustn’t copy has to don’t have to will have to

8 1 I’ve got plenty of money. You don’t have to pay. 2 We have a dishwasher, so I don’t have to do the washingup. 3 Do I have to pay a deposit? 4 You mustn’t make private phone calls.


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03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys 5 You must wear a helmet when you go cycling.

9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

will have to had to have to Does/Did/Will ... have to has to did ... have to didn’t have to

had to copy can’t do must stop will be allowed to disrupt must value will have to open were able to stop ‘ve got to do can manage

 55 Should, shouldn’t, ought to, had better per dare consigli Page 210


1 2 3 4 5

better Should to not

4 1 2 3 4 5

oughtn’t shouldn’t had better not had better should


10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

3 4 5 6

should ’d better should should ought

2 1 How often should I have a dental check-up? 2 Larry ought to see a spine specialist about his stiff neck. 3 I’d better buy some medicine for seasickness before I leave. 4 Mother shouldn’t underestimate that pain in her knee. 5 He ‘d better put a plaster on that cut. Page 211


1 ’d/had 2 should

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

shouldn’t shouldn’t should shouldn’t ought should/ought to ought should/ought to

6 Risposte personali.

 56 Must, can’t e will per deduzioni Page 212


1 c, 2 f, 3 b, 4 a, 5 d, 6 e Page 213


1 c, 2 f, 3 a, 4 e, 5 d

3 1 Rita can’t be in the team. She is a terrible player. 2 You must really like this book. You have read it three times. 3 Dorian has to work on New Year’s Day. He can’t feel happy about it. 4 It is half past four. Kate will be at home watching her favourite soap. 5 Look at that necklace. It must cost a fortune. 6 I can’t become a millionaire. I haven’t bought a lottery ticket. 7 Why did you invite Chris? He will say no as usual.

4 1 2 3 4 5

can’t be must have won’t be must be must have

Page 214


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

will can’t must can’t ’ll must can’t must

6 Brian Hey Jan, who’s that girl talking to Gillian? Jan I don’t know, Brian. She can’t be Gillian’s sister Karen. Karen is blonde and that girl is dark. She must be a friend. Brian Yes, she must be a good friend. They have a lot to talk about. Jan And who’s that boy serving the drinks? He must be Pete’s brother or a cousin. He can’t be a guest, serving at the bar. Brian Yes, he must be a member of the family. But he can’t be Pete’s older brother, he’s studying in America. Jan Are you sure? I thought I saw him at the supermarket yesterday. He can’t be in America. Brian Perhaps you saw the younger brother, the one we don’t know. Jan Yes, perhaps you’re right. All the brothers look similar. Is that Pete’s mum? Brian She can’t be, she looks too young. She must be an aunt. Jan Why don’t we go and ask? She’s all alone. Let’s talk to her, she must be bored, poor thing. 1 ✔ 2 ✗ The boy serving the drinks must be a relative of Peter’s because he’s serving at the bar.


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Answer Keys 3 ✔ 4 ✗ Peter has got two brothers. 5 ✔ 6 ✗ Brian and Jan are looking at a woman who cannot be Peter’s mother because she’s too young./who must be Peter’s aunt. 7 ✔



Page 217

1 ‘I’m marrying Sam.’ ‘You can’t be serious. You’ve just met him.’ 2 Emma can’t be coming to the party. 3 Ahmed isn’t here. He must have already left. 4 ‘Who’s phoning at this time?’ ‘It’ll be Leila. She always phones me after dinner.’ 5 You’ve had a long journey. You must be tired.

8 1 2 3 4 5 6

✔ You must be ✔ ✔ It must be ✔

 57 May/Might, could e should per supposizioni Page 216


1 Mum could be in bed. 2 They might not catch the bus. 3 We might come and see you. 4 They may not be able to come. 5 I will probably see you later.

2 1 2 3 4 5

could might not should may could

1 2 3 4 5

8 might/may be could be might/may be might/could be might come

4 1 b, 2 e, 3 c, 4 d, 5 a


1 2 3 4 5

may not / might not should may not / might not may will

6 1 might 2 Tommy couldn’t shouldn’t change school after all. He likes it here. 3 It should shouldn’t take long to repair my bike. Two or three hours. 4 Their flight is tomorrow morning. May Should they catch the 7.30 bus to the airport? 5 may not 6 Rosie may / Perhaps Rosie will 7 The bus should / will stop outside the stadium.

7 1 Your slippers could be under your bed. 2 I will probably buy a new computer. 3 Maybe they won’t like Chinese food. 4 All the lights are off – perhaps she’s in bed. 5 I might apply for that job. 6 Perhaps there is a way to solve this. 7 This should be our taxi now.

1 You should be able to see the path from the house. 2 We might have time to go to the gallery before lunch. 3 Judy will probably get her exam results tomorrow. 4 He may not be free that weekend. 5 There could be another explanation, but I don’t think so. 6 There should be two restaurants in this street.

 58 Deduzioni riferite al passato e ad azioni in corso Page 219


2 a, 3 d, 4 b, 5 e, 6 c

2 1 can’t, 2 might, 3 must, 4 can’t, 5 might, 6 must

3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

must/might not have played could have bought must have hurt can’t have received might have missed should have bought could have set should have spoken

4 1 ‘Where’s Charlotte?’ ‘I’m not sure. She might have gone for lunch.’ 2 You can’t have seen Leo last night. He’s away on holiday. 3 Claire is in Milan. She might/may/could/should be staying with Vittorio. 4 You shouldn’t have lied to me like that! 5 ✔ 6 They must/may/might have been upset when they heard the news.


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03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys 7 I could/should have helped him, but in the end he decided to do it by himself.

 59 Need, needn’t have, didn’t need to Page 221


1 2 3 4 5

need to needs to see Need we doesn’t need don’t need

2 1 2 3 4 5

don’t need needn’t Need Need needn’t

Page 222


1 2 3 4 5 6

to pay to wear cutting to work taking up to reserve

4 1 We needn’t have reserved a table – the restaurant was half-empty. 2 I didn’t need to pay a deposit because I booked online. 3 You needn’t have paid the bill, I have plenty of money. 4 You needn’t have switched off all the computers – they do it automatically. 5 I had a key to let myself in, so my parents didn’t need to wait up for me.

5 1 2 3 4 5 6

Your coat needs dry-cleaning. This exercise needs re-writing. This computer needs dusting. The bed needs making. My car needs servicing. My shoes need polishing.

7 They need ironing. 8 It needs updating.

6 1 I don’t need any help, thank you. I’m just looking. 2 Don’t worry. You needn’t / don’t need to pay until next week. 3 Need we leave now? I’m enjoying myself. 4 Oh, Jenny! You needn’t have bought me anything for my birthday. 5 He didn’t need to tell his mum. She already knew. 6 The shower is broken. It needs fixing.

 60 Bound to, supposed to Page 224


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

supposed supposed supposed bound supposed bound bound bound

2 1 2 3 4 5

’m was were ’re ’s

3 1 it’s bound to rain. 2 are bound to be busy/full of traffic. 3 she’s bound to be late. 4 it’s bound to win. 5 He’s bound to enjoy it. 6 are bound to hurt yourself.

4 1 are supposed 2 was bound 3 one supposed/bound

4 were bound 5 was bound 6 am supposed

Recupero A2-B1 Page 226


1 2 3 4 5 6

was to be able mustn’t didn’t have to should can’t

2 1 can’t 2 can 3 wasn’t able 4 didn’t have 5 couldn’t 6 could 7 must 8 should 9 ’ll be able 10 must 11 can

3 1 was able to open/managed to open/succeeded in opening 2 had to come 3 must exercise 4 shouldn’t drive/ought not to drive 5 doesn’t have to get up 6 must be

4 1 We ought to leave early tomorrow. 2 You don’t have to drive me home. 3 That can’t be right, because I calculated the cost yesterday. 4 Aigul might be in the library. 5 You had better take an umbrella with you. 6 Twenty euros may not be enough. 7 You shouldn’t go swimming today. 8 You can’t pick flowers in this park.


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 46

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys

5 1 We didn’t manage to talk to Alex. His phone was turned off. 2 When I was a child, I wasn’t allowed to stay up late. 3 Tomorrow’s Saturday. The children/kids don’t have to go to school. 4 You’d better listen to what I’m saying. 5 Will you help me? I have to move the table over there. 6 Shall we meet for a drink tomorrow evening? 7 Would you mind waiting in the queue? 8 That woman can’t be Todd’s mother. She’s too young.

Recupero B1-B2 Page 227


1 2 3 4 5 6

could don’t have to should have felt did you have to be working

2 1 Alice could have overslept. 2 Said should have handed his homework in by Friday. 3 Dad might be parking the car. 4 You must have given me the wrong change. 5 Aisha and Joe can’t be playing tennis in this rain. 6 Melanie must be having a good time. 7 It’s 9.45, the students should be arriving at the theatre.

3 1 b, 2 a, 3 c, 4 b, 5 b

4 1 2 3 4

must have gone off to have been can’t have taken place seemed to have been made

5 6 7 8

to be believed must have stolen be allowed to examine to be searched

Potenziamento A1-B1 Page 228


1 The students weren’t allowed to take photos in the museum. 2 ‘This museum is supposed to be the biggest museum in the country,’ said Anna. 3 ‘This can’t be the Van Gogh,’ said Andrew. 4 ‘You had better take notes during the tour,’ the teacher told the students. 5 The students failed to see all the paintings.

2 1 D, 2 A, 3 D, 4 B, 5 A, 6 A, 7 A, 8 A, 9 D, 10 C

2 must have stolen can’t still be eating shouldn’t have taken was supposed to be ought to/should have done something 6 are bound to make 7 needn’t have called 8 must have been 9 needs redecorating 10 may have already left 1 2 3 4 5

Page 231


1 2 3 4 5 6

must better have needn’t allowed should

4 Risposte personali.


Competence booster

1 ✗ 2 ✔ 3 ✗ 4 ✗ 5 ✗ 6 ✔ 7 ✗ 8 ✔ 9 ✔ 10 ✔

Verbi servili

Potenziamento B1-B2 Page 230


1 walked 2 do 3 remembered 4 been 5 started 6 have 7 had 8 later 9 could 10 supposed

Page 233


1 h, 2 a, 3 g, 4 f, 5 e, 6 d, 7 b, 8 b, 9 c, 10 i

2 1 f, 2 d, 3 g, 4 b, 5 a, 6 e, 7 h, 8 c

3 1 2 3 4 5 6

will wish wish wanted ‘d like Shall

4 1 (possibilità) He/She may have called while I was at the shops. 2 (richiesta) Could you tell me how far East Market Street is from here? 3 (divieto) Children under 18 aren’t allowed in the fitness centre. 4 (obbligo) Students must keep their hair clean and tidy at all times.


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 47

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys 5 (assenza di necessità) We didn’t have to wait long for them. They arrived just after us.


Posters for the animated movie ‘The Curse of the Were-Rabbit’ won’t/may not/are not to be displayed on the island of Portland in Dorset, the BBC reports. On the island the word ‘rabbit’ mustn’t be spoken/uttered for fear that something bad might happen. Residents consider/regard it as being of bad omen because the burrows dug by these animals have caused a number of/many landslides over the past hundred years. Portland authorities had warned that the posters should not appear since/because they might/ could offend the locals. Advertising agencies, which didn’t want to sue, have had to print special posters for Portland with a new title: ‘The Curse of the Were-Bunny’.

 6 LA FORMA PASSIVA  61 Il passivo (1): present simple e past simple Page 235


1 English isn’t spoken here. 2 Are the lights turned off at closing time? 3 Lots of strange things are forgotten on trains. 4 These apples are grown only in Trentino. 5 Is the post delivered on Sundays? 6 Stamps aren’t sold at the tobacconist’s in Britain. 7 Football is played all over the world. Page 236


1 One robbery is solved. 2 One patrol car is sent to the mechanic.

3 One new crime is reported by citizens every hour. 4 Eight officers are called to deal with emergencies. 5 One statement is taken every three hours. 6 Five suspects are questioned in the interview rooms.

3 Are 4 taught 5 made/produced


1 What is solved? 2 Where is one patrol car sent? 3 How often is a new crime reported? 4 Why are eight officers called? 5 What is taken every three hours? 6 How many suspects are questioned?

1 The first Divergent book wasn’t published in 2013. 2 Who was the first helicopter designed by? 3 This delicious cake was made with carrots. 4 The parents’ meeting was held in the school hall. 5 The new film wasn’t seen by many people on opening night. 6 Why wasn’t I invited to the conference? 7 The Eiffel Tower was opened by the Prince of Wales in 1889.




1 2 3 4 5

are milked aren’t grown are / kept is caused aren’t changed

1 2 3 4 5

wasn’t banned were, left was released were, used wasn’t solved



1 These trousers are made in Bangladesh. 2 The house isn’t cleaned every day. 3 Breakfast is served from 8.00 to 10.00. 4 Who are these cakes baked by? 5 When is the rubbish collected? 6 Is the post delivered twice a day?

1 is located 2 was detonated 3 was damaged 4 was sold 5 were dismantled 6 was designed 7 was constructed 8 was used 9 was adopted 10 was put up 11 is owned


Page 238

1 2 3 4 5

are spoken is requested is made aren’t allowed are looked after

Page 237

11 1 2 3 4 5 6

Parking is forbidden d The sports centre is closed e Alcohol isn’t served f Sandwiches are freshly made c Swimming is forbidden here g All credit cards are accepted a


1 is 2 aren’t


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03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys

12 1 2 3 4 5 6

16 were killed / New York was introduced / 1918 was assassinated / 1963 were / sold / Asia was sent / 1992 wasn’t pulled down / 1989

13 1 Who was this picture of the lake taken by? 2 Why weren’t the beds made this morning? 3 Where was my bag found? 4 Who was the Pompidou Centre in Paris designed by? 5 What was this dish made with? Page 239


1 Thousands of tracks are downloaded every day. 2 The Euro was introduced in Italy in 2002. 3 The house was broken into by experienced burglars. 4 The Colosseum is visited by hundreds of tourists every day. 5 This app is used by millions of people. 6 The cathedral in the centre was not damaged in the flood. 7 Breakfast is not included in the price. 8 Discos are held here every Friday and Saturday. 9 The winning goal wasn’t scored in the second half of the match.

15 1 is seen 2 knows 3 were made 4 saw 5 was noticed 6 disappeared 7 is used 8 is visited 9 encounter and hear 10 holds 11 is smelt

1 Were the drinks included in the price? 2 This cheese isn’t made in France. 3 Last week a man I know was arrested. 4 Every day new words are introduced into the English language. 5 Who was the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona designed by? 6 Are credit cards accepted here?

5 More should be recycled. 6 Air travel must be reduced.

5 1 Could my suitcases be collected at the airport? 2 When will the new motorway be finished? 3 Who should the damage be paid for by? 4 Can this wine be served with fish? 5 Why will our computers be replaced with smaller ones?

6  62 Il passivo (2): willfuture e il presente passivo con i modali Page 240


Risposte personali. Page 241


1 will be surrounded 2 will be looked after 3 will be provided 4 will be arranged 5 will be entertained 6 will be served 7 will be put on 8 will be catered 9 will be taken 10 will be treated

 63 Il passivo (3): altri tempi e uso dei modali al passato Page 243

3 1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Your luggage/baggage will be brought to the/your room in a moment, Sir. 2 The marathon will be held on May 10th. 3 The instructions will be given to you at the start of the exam. 4 Can this dishwasher be repaired or do I have to buy a new one? 5 There is a possibility that the trip will be cancelled tomorrow because of the bad weather/due to the bad weather.

1 mustn’t be ridden shouldn’t be taken may be delayed can’t be returned must be kept couldn’t be found

4 1 Cars shouldn’t be used so much. 2 More trees should be planted. 3 A lot of water could be saved in the home. 4 Renewable energy could be used much more.

1 Trees have been planted in the centre. 2 A new cinema has been built. 3 Flowerbeds have been created in the squares. 4 The old hospital has been pulled down. 5 The cathedral has been restored. 6 The factory has been converted into a sports centre.

2 1 was found 2 is still being examined


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03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys 3 might have lived 4 has been arrested 5 was taken 6 was charged 7 must have been mistaken 8 will be hired 9 was convicted 10 will be paid Page 244

8 Risposte personali.

9 1 2 3 4

should have been hidden must have been fixed may have been needn’t have been cancelled



1 A, 2 B, 3 C, 4 A, 5 B, 6 A

1 The baby can’t have been left alone in the house. 2 The dog must have been left behind when he stopped for petrol. 3 The missing money could have been hidden in the garden. 4 The batteries should have been replaced sooner. 5 Your picture might have been torn by accident.

4 1 2 3 4 5 6

is being printed was being restored would be asked being taught had been invited is going to be trained

5 1 is being opened 2 have been arrested 3 were being stopped and searched 4 had been copied 5 would be postponed 6 is going to be installed

6 1 It must have been sold. 2 has recently been discovered 3 her music to be remembered 4 going to be delivered 5 Not everyone likes spicy food. Page 245


1 They had cut down hundreds of trees to build a multiplex cinema. 2 Sorry I can’t give you a lift. They are repairing my car. 3 When I looked in my bag, I discovered that someone had stolen my wallet. 4 I realised a man was following me. 5 They have just arrested Sam for vandalism. 6 I hope they will select me for the team.

11 1 We can’t go to the concert. The tickets are sold out. 2 If I behaved like you, I would be fired immediately. 3 This postcard was posted in France. 4 I can’t believe it! One of my old classmates has been arrested. 5 Alice arrived at the restaurant as/while our orders were being taken.

 64 Il passivo (4): verbi con due complementi; passivo con get Page 247


I / this tennis racket They / an email The passive voice / to us famous singers / a lot of money 5 I / this bike 1 2 3 4

2 1 will be presented 2 had been offered

3 4 5 6 7 8

is being made has been sent will be e-mailed weren’t taught should have been given Have ... been warned

Page 248


1 I have been promised a reward. 2 Today groceries are bought at shopping centres by most people. 3 You will be sent a confirmation tomorrow. 4 Is career advice offered by your school? 5 I was told that my driving licence would be suspended.

4 1 Don’t worry. Our patients are cared for by experienced nurses. 2 These proposals will be objected to by some people. 3 My office has been broken into by thieves again. 4 This solution hadn’t been thought of before. 5 A cyclist was hit by a car on the main road. 6 The crime is going to be looked into by them.

5 It was built because our town had been given a large sum of money by the government [...] that the first visitors were offered a free visit. We were shown the most interesting exhibits by a guide. We were told that some of the exhibits had been made by the children [...] The guide was asked a lot of questions by the other visitors too.

6 1 Why do I never get told bad news? 2 If you drive at 150 km/ph you will get caught by the police. 3 Ben got laughed at by Laura and Suzie.


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 50

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys 4 My car got stolen outside the station. 5 Matt got bitten by a big dog yesterday. 6 How did the window get smashed?

7 Hi/Hello, Roberto! Teresa and I are finally in Durham for our exchange project! Yesterday was our first day at Bishop School. We were so excited! We were shown our classes, the gym and the canteen and we were told that a school uniform must be worn. We found out/discovered that students are not allowed to wear heels or make-up. Can you believe it? Teresa was then accompanied (in)to the office of Mr Wilkins, her tutor. While I was waiting, I was asked about my school in Italy. I have learned that English will be taught there by Mrs Wood. I was warned that she is very strict and am a bit/little worried. I will write to you soon to give you more news. Luisa

 65 Have / Get something done Page 249


1 2 3 4 5

are having … delivered has had … painted going to have … cut have … pierced had … made

Page 250


1 2 3 4 5

am having ... cleaned have ... framed had ... repaired has had ... taken out haven’t had … washed

3 1 I must have a cake made for the birthday party. 2 You haven’t had your eyes tested since you were a child.

3 I haven’t had the carpets cleaned very often. 4 We have our milk delivered to the house every day. 5 Are we having our washing machine fixed next week? 6 Some people want to have their noses o tongues pierced. 7 You should have your boots reheeled.


Risposte personali.

1 It is believed that £1,000,000 was stolen by four masked men. £1,000,000 is believed to have been stolen by four masked men. 2 It is thought the robbers are known to the police. The robbers are thought to be known to the police. 3 It is reported that two people have been taken to hospital. Two people are reported to have been taken to hospital. 4 It is expected that the identities of the robbers will be revealed soon. The identities of the robbers are expected to be revealed soon.



4 1 c, 2 f, 3 e, 4 b, 5 a, 6 d Risposte personali.


Neil: Is everything ready for the concert, Gillian? Gillian: Almost, we had the date approved by the headmaster, then we had the posters drawn and the tickets printed. I have already had the announcement posted on the website and on the students’ bulletin. Neil: Have you already had the flyers distributed? Gillian: No, not yet. I will do that in a couple of days. I hope (that) no one will forget about the concert. Neil: Why don’t you have some reminders sent on Facebook every couple of days? Gillian: That’s a great idea, Neil! You’re a genius!

 66 Costruzioni passive impersonali e personali Page 252


1 2 3 4 5 6

is said to have spread to be to resign was thought to be

1 It is known that Juventus is one of the best teams in Italy. Juventus is known to be one of the best teams in Italy. 2 It is believed that Chinese is becoming an important language in business. Chinese is believed to be becoming an important language in business. 3 It is known that smoking and drinking alcohol are bad for your health. Smoking and drinking alcohol are known to be bad for your health. 4 It is supposed that his next book will come out soon. His next book is supposed to come out soon. 5 It is reported that she stole two paintings. She is reported to have stolen two paintings. 6 It is expected that the Hungarian author will win the Nobel Prize. The Hungarian author is expected to win the Nobel Prize. 7 It was said that the castle had been haunted for centuries. The castle was said to have been haunted for centuries.


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 51

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys

4 1 Temperatures around the world are expected to continue rising. 2 Margaret Atwood is said to be one of the best writers. 3 It was reported that the accident happened during the night. 4 For how long was it believed that the sun went round the earth? 5 It was believed that the film would be a huge success. 6 It is (well) known that Sophie can’t stand Alex. 7 The thieves were believed to have entered through the window.

Recupero A2-B1 Page 254


1 Tobacconist’s don’t sell stamps in Britain. 2 They play football all over the world. 3 Why didn’t they invite me to the party? 4 I/We/They won’t repair your computer until next week. 5 We/They may postpone the meeting.

2 will be served must be filled in will be built should be paid will the dishwasher be delivered 6 can’t be marked 1 2 3 4 5

3 The agent is not necessary in 1, 3, 5.

4 1 2 3 4 5 6

will be delivered was placed weren’t ordered was made are … made were paid

7 was hacked 8 is confirmed 9 will be brought 10 can … be returned 11 can be exchanged

3 to have been killed 4 Have you been / Were you offered 5 won’t be emailed 6 is being pulled down



1 When was the Euro introduced in Italy? 2 How many people were rescued? 3 Your wallet might have been found by someone. 4 Prizes like that aren’t won every day. 5 We weren’t given any homework for the holidays.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Recupero B1-B2 Page 255


1 2 3 4 5 6

been will being can’t were, by checked

would have been solved must have been caused should have been given has been done haven’t I been informed might not have been told

5 1 Did your brother get his scooter fixed? 2 I got the flowers delivered to her home. 3 Did you get your smartphone stolen from your pocket? 4 We had a new bathroom built in my parent’s room. 5 Lucy got her wedding dress made in this shop. 6 They had the gardener cut down that tree after the storm.



1 Cashiers have been threatened at the bank and thousands of pounds have been stolen by robbers. 2 These bills mustn’t be forgotten. They must be paid as soon as possible. 3 This mess can’t have been left by Jack. It must have been somebody else. 4 After the company had been relocated to new offices, they made everyone redundant. 5 Affordable accommodation is going to be provided for undergraduates by the university. 6 I was told by someone that I would be trained to use this program.

1 2 3 4 5 6


Page 257

1 was taken in 2 ought to have been fired

1 a, 2 c, 3 b, 4 c, 5 b

held have, was had it, that told, would mustn’t/can’t/shouldn’t

Potenziamento A2-B1 Page 256


1 B, 2 D, 3 A, 4 B, 5 C, 6 D, 7 C, 8 A, 9 D, 10 B

2 1 2 3 4 5

were designed by were made with was changed, added were worn by will be bought



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03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys

4 Risposte personali.

Potenziamento B1-B2 Page 258


1 has been discovered by 2 is being rebuilt 3 has been proposed by 4 will have been completed 5 should have been installed 6 was expected to write 7 hadn’t been served 8 he was being followed 9 is going to be discussed 10 you would be given

2 1 C, 2 D, 3 A, 4 D, 5 B, 6 C, 7 B, 8 D, 9 C, 10 A, 11 D, 12 B Page 259


1 was 2 from 3 are 4 can 5 delighted/happy 6 will/can 7 saved 8 any 9 much 10 where 11 rid 12 amount

4 Risposte personali.

Competence Booster Le costruzioni impersonali Page 261


1 Ogni giorno si spreca molta acqua. 2 Se si perde il bancomat, si dovrebbe contattare immediatamente la propria banca. 3 Ci si aspetta che il suo nuovo romanzo sia un bestseller.

4 Ci si potrebbe perdere in questo fitto bosco. 5 Negli ultimi tre mesi sono stati venduti più di un milione di tablet. 6 Si tende a pensare di avere sempre ragione. 7 Per essere felici, non ci si deve preoccupare troppo degli altri.

2 1 Many skyscrapers were built last year. 2 A lot of trees are cut down every day. 3 I think flying cars will be invented in the future. 4 Do you know how many texts are sent every year? 5 It is hoped that the injured (people) will be able to leave hospital tomorrow. 6 It is said that the company will have to close down two factories. 7 It is thought that the play was written in 1928. 8 It was believed that William Reynolds had escaped abroad.

3 1 You/One/We have/has to study hard in this school. 2 What a pity. It will go on raining all week. 3 In Venezuela people think it is rude to be early. 4 I heard they will increase the price of petrol next month. 5 We don’t speak English in this part of the country. 6 I don’t think one/you can always do what one/you want(s) to. 7 It can take you/one ages to be served in this restaurant. 8 One is/You are never too careful when one is/you are driving.

3 c You/One can’t use a computer during take-off or landing. 4 f You/One must respect and help the elderly. 5 b You/One can’t park here at the weekend. 6 e You/One must wear a hard hat on a building site. 7 c You /One can’t cook food in a hotel room. 8 a You/One must insert your/ one’s ticket into the ticket gate at the start of a journey.

5 It is estimated that around 2.4 million emails are sent every second. But they aren’t always an effective means of communication. When one writes/ you write an email, one/you should bear in mind four basic rules. First of all, one/you should never make an email longer than necessary. Long emails, in fact, are generally thought to be discouraging. Remember that in today’s world we do not have much time to waste. Secondly, it is essential to check spelling, grammar and punctuation if one wants/you want to convey one’s/your message correctly. Thirdly, never write the email text in capitals. If you do so, it seems that you are shouting and this can be annoying for the recipient. Finally, it’s advisable to read the email twice before clicking on the send icon. If one reads/you read one’s / your email from one’s/ your point of view and then through the eyes of the recipient, it will help you/one send a more effective message and avoid misunderstandings and inappropriate comments.



 67 Le forme dell’infinito

1 g You/One must have a passport to travel to the USA. 2 h You/One can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs.

Page 263


1 to take 2 go out


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 53

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys 3 4 5 6

hurry not to forget to post To live

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

visit do to spend be to stay spend to have start try

3 2 d, 3 e, 4 c, 5 b, 6 f, 7 a

4 1 2 3 4 5 6

✗ / to to / ✗ ✗ / to ✗ / to to To

 68 Like e Would like Page 265


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Would don’t like taste as look like to do

1 B, 2 C, 3 B, 4 C, 5 A, 6 B


2 1 2 3 4 5

Tom I really like the contact I have with other people, and I love writing. Interviewer So how do you know other people read you? Tom Easy! Two things. First, the comments. On a blog, people can your writing. I like the comments, they give me an idea of what is good and what isn’t. Second – a counter! Interviewer A counter? What’s that? Tom It’s like a little tool you put in your blog and it literally counts the number of people who visit you. It’s great to check my visitors every day. Interviewer So what’s your blog like? Tom There are stories, poetry and articles about current affairs. Interviewer And do you like … reading other blogs? Tom Of course! That’s part of the fun. Interviewer Any plans to develop or change your blog? Tom I’d like to improve the graphics, but that’s complicated. I’m not a software programmer! I like taking photos so I could put more interesting photos on my blog. But that all takes time.

to follow to read to buy painting to use

3 Interviewer Tom, first of all, obviously you like blogging. But why? Why is it so popular in your opinion?

1 ‘What does the soup taste like?’ ‘It tastes of fish!’ 2 ‘What is Jake’s dad/father like?’ ‘He’s nice but sometimes strict.’ 3 I’d like an ice cream, please. 4 Sometimes you talk like my mum! 5 ‘What would you like?’ ‘I’d like a striped tie.’ 6 ‘What’s it like being famous?’ ‘Stressful!’ 7 I would really like to travel around the world.

8 Like mother, like daughter. 9 She really doesn’t like me.

 69 Verbo + infinito Page 267


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

promised tends do … happen are threatening seemed deserved agreed

2 1 C, 2 C, 3 C, 4 B, 5 A, 6 B

3 1 to join 2 to increase 3 to become 4 to work 5 find 6 to help 7 to give 8 like 9 to help 10 to do 11 to be

4 1 2 3 4 5 6

me to make us not to be them use you to take me to help us to check out

 70 La forma in -ing Page 268


1 2 3 4 5 6

going to travel jogging dancing waiting go


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 54

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys Page 269


1 2 3 4 5 6

c, iv d, vi f, ii g, iii e, v b, i

3 1 2 3 4 5 6

working taking moving helping sharing speaking

Page 270


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

doing Snowboarding worrying try deciding hiking eating stopping

5 1 ✔ 2 ✔ 3 Chloe wants to find a cheaper flat. 4 ✔ 5 I hate going to big parties. 6 There’s no point inviting Mark. 7 ✔ 8 Being honest is not always the best policy.

6 Risposte personali.

7 1 My favourite hobby is cycling. 2 Can you imagine being an astronaut? 3 Let’s invite lots of people for your birthday. 4 My students don’t enjoy studying. 5 What are you waiting for? Hurry up!

6 What’s the point in arguing? 7 Working all the time is not good for you. 8 I hate waking up very early in the morning.

4 Can you forgive me for forgetting your birthday? 5 If you’re taking antibiotics you should avoid drinking alchohol. 6 You risk failing your exams unless you study more.

 71 Verbi seguiti da -ing


Page 271


2 h, 3 a, 4 f, 5 g, 6 d, 7 e, 8 b

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

giving helping using lending running seeing taking looking

Page 272


1 stand 2 that 3 stops 4 imagine 5 mind 6 help 7 imagine 8 stop 9 like Parole in più: dread / miss / start

4 1 2 3 4 5 6

doesn’t mind doing imagine living in Alan finished writing you risk making stop wasting admitted being

5 1 I can’t help wondering why she didn’t tell me from the beginning. 2 I suggest that you contact that company immediately. 3 If Gianni wants to improve his English, he should practise using it more.

1 can’t help wondering 2 give up having 3 consider sharing

 72 -ing o infinito? Page 274


1 A, 2 B, 3 A, 4 B, 5 A

2 1 to think 2 polluting 3 to go 4 taking 5 wasting 6 supporting 7 playing 8 to protect 9 roaming 10 supporting 11 to make 12 using

3 1 2 3 4 5

learning to write seeing to do wondering

Recupero A2-B1 Page 276


1 2 3 4 5

trying stay coming to break have

2 1 to finish 2 speaking


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 55

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys 3 4 5 6

to cancel to wash handing in Working

3 1 to climb 2 to do 3 doing 4 swimming 5 going 6 to spend 7 to do 8 to do 9 to do 10 to help

4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Walking to do to arrive bringing to close / go to help / to speak shouting / to watch meeting

5 1 I can’t stand getting up early. 2 My dad won’t/doesn’t allow me to use his computer. 3 What does your best friend look like? 4 I try to exercise regularly. 5 I regret shouting at her this morning. 6 My mother wants me to learn to cook.

6 1 2 3 4 5 6

to play spending going to wash to hear answering

Recupero B1-B2 Page 277


1 isn’t worth worrying 2 can’t help liking

3 don’t mind cooking 4 reported seeing a black briefcase 5 breaking the 6 miss not having 7 can’t stand getting up

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Will/Did you remember to make meant to bring Will you stop shouting ‘ve tried taking forgot to forward means practising trying to learn

3 1 to take 2 remember saying 3 trying to reason

4 1 to allow 2 to plan 3 leave 4 asking 5 Getting 6 to study 7 studying 8 to have 9 to make 10 Playing

Potenziamento A2-B1 Page 278


1 C, 2 B, 3 D, 4 A, 5 B, 6 A, 7 D, 8 C, 9 A, 10 D

2 1 2 3 4 5

decided to take about coming afford to go to pay to pay Helen/her

Potenziamento B1-B2 Page 279


1 go 2 unable 3 tried

4 me 5 Before 6 eating 7 Keep 8 become 9 pretending 10 worrying

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

home to get her I forgot to turn off didn’t meant to offend isn’t worth buying dreads flying managed to fail you’re allowed to so as not to upset

3 Risposte personali.

Competence Booster Far fare Page 280


1 d, 2 b, 3 a, 4 c, 5 e, 6 c, 7 a, 8 e Page 281


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

made let ‘ll get ‘m having had makes ‘ll have didn’t let

1 A Bobby non piaceva Freddy ma le loro mamme li facevano giocare insieme. 2 I vostri insegnanti vi lasciano tenere lo smartphone durante le verifiche? 3 Non credo che convincerai James a chiedere a Mary di uscire. Lui ha una cotta per Laura. 4 Ho preso un appuntamento dal parrucchiere. Mi farò fare la permanente.


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 56

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys 5 Invece di comprare una console per videogiochi nuova, mi sono fatto riparare quella vecchia. Ho risparmiato un sacco di soldi. 6 È un film eccezionale. Ti fa capire com’era la vita di uno schiavo in una piantagione. 7 Questo rubinetto perde. Lo farò sostituire dall’idraulico. 8 In passato i genitori non lasciavano che i loro figli adolescenti andassero in vacanza da soli.

3 1 Her parents probably won’t let her spend six weeks abroad. 2 At last they got him to admit that he didn’t want to enrol at university. 3 They made me promise not to tell anyone their secrets. 4 The sleeves are too long. You should have them shortened. 5 Your moped won’t start? I’ll get Ray to have a look at it. 6 Why did you make me iron that shirt if you had ironed it yourself? 7 Has your father ever let you drive his car? 8 If certain plants make you sneeze, it might be an allergy.

4 1 I’m looking for a job that allows me to make a lot of money. 2 Could you do me a favour? Could you do the washing up today? 3 I think the train leaves at 9 tomorrow, but you’d better make sure. 4 I’ll make spaghetti for dinner. Do you like it? 5 Our company does business with the Japanese. 6 You should really make an effort and study more constantly.

5 Most people agree that you can’t make somebody do something if they don’t really want to do it. Does this mean, however, that

we should let young people do whatever they choose? Complete freedom sounds like a good idea, but it can also make people feel confused. On the other hand, if you want them to understand what is suitable behaviour, then a set of rules is probably necessary. Clear rules in a school, for example, will make the students know what is not allowed, and why. And if you want them to do their best, it is a good idea to let the students play a part in deciding what the rules should be.

Cumulative Revision 2 Page 282


1 A, 2 C, 3 B, 4 D, 5 D, 6 D, 7 C, 8 A, 9 B, 10 C

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

was played will be pulled must by to give to marry writing avoid

Page 283


1 getting 2 can 3 must 4 have 5 should 6 used 7 will/’ll 8 mind 9 able 10 can/could 11 starting 12 sounds 13 don’t 14 cost 15 pay 16 do 17 have 18 can’t 19 to 20 is

Page 284


1 A, 2 C, 3 B, 4 D, 5 D, 6 D, 7 C, 8 A, 9 B, 10 C

5 1 He wasn’t given the job, 2 have, fixed, 3 was, have died, 4 to let, 5 eating Page 285


1 is 2 have 3 After 4 going 5 brought 6 had 7 moved 8 published 9 able 10 known 11 to 12 Could 13 for 14 must 15 was 16 being 17 been 18 die 19 as 20 went 21 writing 22 is/was 23 Will 24 hard/difficult

 8 SOSTANTIVI E QUANTIFICATORI  73 Sostantivi numerabili e non numerabili (1) Page 287


sostantivi numerabili desk – pen –– woods (boschi) – paper (giornali) – building – suitcase sostantivi non numerabili coffee – pasta – housework – wood (legno) – paper (carta) – information – police – weather – litter – luggage – money


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 57

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys

2 1 2 3 4 5

some a some a an

Page 288


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

– a – – an – a

4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

some is a some hair starts is politics

 74 Sostantivi numerabili e non numerabili (2); nomi collettivi e mass nouns

 75 Possessivi composti e il doppio possessivo

Page 290

1 2 3 4 5


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

sugar cake wine salt chocolate tea milk bread

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

hairs a toast businesses works luggage experience bases

Page 291



1 C, 2 B, 3 A, 4 B, 5 C, 6 A, 7 B

1 B, 2 C, 3 A, 4 B, 5 A



1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4 5

How much portions of vegetables some new furniture some tea/a cup of tea some more paper

7 1 We are looking for some accommodation near the centre. 2 Have you finished with that newspaper? 3 We have some important business to discuss. 4 I urgently need some cash. 5 I would like some information about things to see and do. 6 How much money did you bring with you?

gossip strand businesses/companies spoonful

5 1 This youth hostel provides accommodation for up to 80 people. 2 My family have always lived in Brighton. 3 We stayed at the Summer Hotel last year. All the staff were friendly and helpful. 4 I’m not a specialist. I only have background knowledge. 5 Have you seen Melanie? She’s had her hair dyed pink. 6 Mum, I need a bar of soap for a chemistry experiment. Where can I find one?

Page 292


this world of ours Nina’s new apartment Jack and Emma’s mine Dan’s and Beth’s

Page 293


1 Tonight I’m going to a pub with two colleagues of mine. 2 Do you know Arthur and Kate’s father? He is my football coach. 3 One of Jack’s uncles works at the London branch of Union Bank. 4 Tracey’s and Delia’s bags were stolen yesterday in the new fast food restaurant. 5 Val has got a lot of CDs. This is one of hers. 6 My father-in-law’s company is very successful. It has offices all over the world.

3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

are Simon’s friend of mine a good friend are your parents’ fan of jazz are our neighbours’ of my relatives

4 1 2 3 4 5

Ben and Tom’s friends of mine/of my friends That son of theirs cousin of Ellie’s George’s and Lara’s

5 1 A cousin of mine works in New Zealand. 2 One of their sons is studying at Harvard. 3 Three friends of mine are going on holiday together. 4 This is Suzie’s brother’s scooter.


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 58

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys 5 Two of my sister’s classmates/Two classmates of my sister’s/are running in the marathon. 6 Do you like this new mobile of his? 7 This dog of yours barks all day. 8 A friend of ours lives in that building.

 76 Some e any Page 295


1 There isn’t any flour in the cupboard. 2 My mum hasn’t got any sisters. 3 The guide didn’t give me any information. 4 We haven’t got any homework to do tonight. 5 I haven’t had any bad news. 6 I don’t need any coffee. 7 There aren’t any spoons on the table. 8 There isn’t any paper in the printer.

2 1 Has she got any CDs? 2 Would you like some cake? 3 Did you find any accommodation? 4 Are there any glasses in that cupboard? 5 Is there any rubbish on the floor? 6 Has he written any good poetry? 7 Is there any ice in the freezer? 8 Are there any paperclips in the drawer?

3 1 2 3 4 5 6

some some some any any some

7 no 8 any 9 some 10 some 11 any

4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

some some some any a a some

Page 296


1 2 3 4 5

some, a any, some no some no

6 They have got no children. There is no butter. There is no meeting tomorrow. There was no post for you today. 5 We have got no tickets left. 6 The hotel had no vacant rooms. 1 2 3 4

7 • She bought some pea and ham soup but she didn’t buy any / she bought no mushroom soup. • She bought some apricots but she didn’t buy any / she bought no apples. • She bought some apple juice but she didn’t buy any / she bought no orange juice. • She bought some Basmati rice but she didn’t buy any / she bought no brown rice. • She bought some chicken but she didn’t buy any / she bought no beef. • She bought some milk and some yoghurt but she didn’t buy any washing-up liquid. • She bought some eggs but she didn’t buy any / she bought no butter.

8 Sometimes it’s hard living in a village. For instance I love playing sport but there are no real sports facilities in my village. I often play tennis at school but we haven’t got any tennis courts or football pitches in the village. I sometimes go running with my cousin as there are some nice footpaths which you can go jogging on near our house. The village near us has three or four tennis courts and sometimes on a Saturday afternoon I cycle there and play with a friend. My brother’s favourite sport is basketball and he often complains that there are no facilities nearby for basketball players. My favourite sport is swimming, but of course there aren’t any pools nearby. The nearest one is in the city. But there are no buses after six o’clock so it’s impossible to swim on school nights. Of course there are some advantages of living in a village too. It’s beautiful here and on summer evenings we … 1 There are no tennis courts in the village./There aren’t any village courts in the village. 2 ✔ 3 The village nearby has some tennis courts. 4 ✔ 5 There aren’t any swimming pools nearby./There are no swimming pools nearby. 6 ✔

 77 A lot of, lots of, much e many Page 298


1 2 3 4 5

a lot of/lots of much much/a lot of/lots of much/much many

2 1 2 3 4

many much many much


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 59

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys 5 lots, many 6 many

3 1 There isn’t much homework today. 2 There is a lot/lots of cheese on this pizza. 3 There are many/lots of/a lot of cars parked here today. 4 There aren’t many good websites. 5 There weren’t many people at the pool. 6 There was a lot/lots of time.

4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

a lot of/lots of many much a lot of/lots of many much a lot of/lots of

5 1 Do you know how much information Internet holds? I have no idea. 2 A lot of computer stores have opened in my town. 3 It was early morning and there weren’t many people on the beach. 4 He doesn’t go out much because he works a lot. 5 How many plates do we need? Are twenty enough? 6 Do your children know many words in Russian?

 78 A little, a few Page 299


1 2 3 4 5 6

a few little a little little a few A little

Page 300


1 2 3 4 5

a few/a little few a few/little little/a few a little/a few

3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

little many much a little (a) few much Few

4 1 C, 2 D, 3 A, 4 D, 5 C, 6 C, 7 A, 8C

5 1 Can I have a little more cheese, please? 2 I have little patience with rude people. 3 Very few people achieve their goals. 4 Who’s eaten my chocolates? There are only a few left. 5 There is little we can do. 6 There’s a little milk in the fridge.

 79 Some, all, most, none Page 302


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

some / most None some/many many none all most

2 Some of my friends All the guests Most shops some passersby, none (of them) 5 none of them 1 2 3 4

6 most of the book 7 all the shoes, none (of them)

3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

most all most all most none some

Page 303


1 2 3 4 5 6

all, some most all All all none

5 1 A, 2 B, 3 C, 4 D

6 1 2 3 4 5

Most of my classmates all my friends all you need Some of these glasses I get no help

7 1 2 3 4 5 6

most none all none most all

8 1 Most (of the) students live with their parents. 2 They all wore the same kind of clothes. 3 None of the computers work / are working. 4 All the money has been stolen 5 Most people eat in the canteen. 6 Some people prefer to spend their holiday in the/a city.


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 60

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys 7 ‘How many of your friends were at the party?’ ‘None’. 8 Some people prefer to travel/travelling by bus.

 80 Sostantivi composti Page 304


1 car keys, backpack 2 make-up, lipstick 3 mountain bike, shop window 4 ice-cream 5 armchair, fireplace 6 painkiller, headache

2 1 garden gate, coat pocket 2 department store, country cottage 3 ground floor, fire engine 4 rugby pitch, school report 5 rock singer, railway station

3 1 2 3 4 5

bathroom light airport bus car radio tablecloth London theatres

4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

banknotes g utility bills c online banking e sales clerk h cashpoint f pocket money b customer service d

5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

store room remote control package holidays one parent washing up coat hangers first aid zebra crossings



1 This bread knife isn’t very sharp. 2 The air hostess served us lunch soon after take-off. 3 I need a new pencil sharpener. This one’s broken. 4 You really need a haircut! Your fringe is too long. 5 Don’t forget to buy toilet paper at the supermarket. 6 The keyboard of this computer is really dusty. 7 This new sleeping bag is really warm. 8 Let’s decorate the Christmas tree with these new baubles.

1 2 3 4 5 6

 81 Each, every e both Page 307


1 2 3 4 5 6

Each every each Each every each

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

both Both both Each both both/each Both

3 1 2 3 4

Both each / every every each / every

4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Can I take both? every four years $50 each each of them separately every book each one Both my dad and I

Each both/each every/each each/every both Both

 82 Altri quantificatori Page 308


1 2 3 4 5

any a great deal plenty of amount a great deal

Page 309


1 lots of 2 enough 3 Most 4 plenty 5 some 6 a few 7 none 8 All 9 every 10 much

3 1 ✔ 2 The majority of students here/ Most students here live on campus. 3 Working for this company requires a lot of/lots/a great deal of commitment. 4 ✔ 5 During the flood, a large number of houses were damaged. 6 ✔ 7 There aren’t many subjects he hasn’t got an opinion on.

4 1 From here a large number of roads take back to the city centre.


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 61

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys 2 We should listen to her. There’s plenty of truth in what she says. 3 The majority of energy drinks contain a great deal of sugar and caffeine. 4 A flash drive can store an enormous amount of information. 5 Only a small percentage of job applicants obtain/get an interview. 6 Don’t worry. There’s plenty of room for luggage in my car. Page 310


1 A large percentage of young people are unemployed. 2 A large number of villages are half-empty in central Sicily. 3 The majority of students who enrol at university graduate. 4 We enjoyed ourselves a great deal.

6 1 a large amount/plenty/a great deal 2 the majority/a large percentage/a large number 3 a great deal/a large amount 4 plenty/a large number 5 the majority/a large percentage/a large number 6 plenty/a large number

7 1 B, 2 D, 3 A, 4 B, 5 C, 6 A, 7 C/D, 8 A, 9 C, 10 B

Recupero A2-B1 Page 312


1 2 3 4 5 6

an a some – some any

2 1 no 2 much

3 4 5 6 7 8

many no many a lot of/many a lot/much, much much

3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

many no few much All uncle of mine mother-in-law’s

4 1 2 3 4 5 6

a few a few a little a few / some much very

5 1 lots 2 all 3 information 4 some 5 Most/Many/Some 6 Few 7 a 8 much 9 many/some 10 no 11 little

6 1 The light switch is behind the Christmas tree. interruttore della luce, albero di Natale 2 We need a new lampshade in the living room. paralume, soggiorno 3 There’s a tree house at the end of the garden path. casa sull’albero, sentiero del giardino 4 My grandmother always sang us nursery rhymes at bedtime. nonna, filastrocca, ora di andare a letto 5 At midnight we’ll set off the fireworks./We’ll set off the fireworks at midnight. mezzanotte, fuochi d’artificio

Recupero B1-B2 Page 313


1 2 3 4 5 6

every each each Every Both both

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

each The majority the few a amount the a few plenty

3 1 The last two decades have witnessed improved health standards in many developing countries ... 2 In recent years, the relationship between obesity and heart disease has received a lot of attention in the scientific community ... 3 The number of burglaries and muggings has risen to 44% in suburban areas and many suggestions have been put forward to explain the phenomenon ...

4 1 2 3 4 5 6

lots a great deal of the majority of the majority of many a great deal of

5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

the plenty/lots most few many each deal


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 62

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys 8 much 9 few 10 both

Potenziamento A2-B1 Page 314


1 A, 2 C, 3 B, 4 B, 5 A

2 1 2 3 4 5

None of a few Most (students) some dishes large number of students

Potenziamento B1-B2 Page 315


1 somewhere 2 on 3 before 4 lot 5 as 6 amount 7 wrong 8 few 9 own 10 some 11 do 12 donate

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

volcanic consumer agency forefront unchallenged commercial entertainment communications

Competence Booster False friends Page 317


1 2 3 4

topic rough assist likeable

5 6 7 8

preoccupied signature familiarity matter

2 1 2 3 4 5 6

puncture sensible farms terrifying fame supplies

3 1 Molti adolescenti non hanno molta fiducia in se stessi. 2 Hai sentito la notizia? C’è stato un incendio nella mensa della scuola ieri. 3 Ho aiutato Brenda a scegliere i mobili per la sua casa nuova. 4 I genitori di solito insegnano ai figli a diffidare degli estranei. 5 Questa è la lista delle espressioni idiomatiche che dovete studiare per la verifica. 6 Cosa succede a Janice? Ha l’aria depressa. 7 Serve un permesso per mettere tavolini e sedie sul marciapiede. 8 So che ha vinto il Chelsea ma non ricordo l’effettivo risultato.

7 I’m annoyed with Morgan because he forgot to book a taxi. 8 Which do you think is more important, education or upbringing?

 9 ARTICOLI E PRONOMI  83 L’uso di a/an e the Page 319


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

the only cinema a new car the National Gallery school a microwave The Prime Minister the Swiss Alps

2 1 B, 2 B, 3 B, 4 A, 5 A, 6 B Page 320


1 2 3 4 5

the the an the a



2 b, 3 a, 4 e, 5 g, 6 c, 7 d

1 It’s not easy to get on with her because she’s too sensitive to criticism. 2 The equipment must be locked in the storeroom at the back of the gym. 3 Don’t you think that a debit card is the most convenient way to pay? 4 Do any of your relatives live abroad/overseas? 5 I met Luke at the shopping centre/mall but he pretended not to see me. 6 About a hundred foreign journalists attended the summit (that was being) held in Brussels.

5 1 The 2 an 3 a 4 a 5 the 6 The 7 a 8 a 9 an 10 an

6 1 the, the 2 The, the, 3 -, -, a


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 63

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys 4 a, a, The, the 5 The, a

7 1 2 3 4 5

a my an the the

8 1 The Queen lives in Buckingham Palace. 2 Greg works in the library in the centre. 3 The river Volga is in Russia. 4 The Spanish are famous for their culture and art. 5 I broke my arm playing rugby. 6 Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

 84 Omissione dell’articolo Page 322


1 2 3 4 5

the the the, -

2 1 They went to the USA in the June and had a great time. 2 I heard about the earthquake in the Japan on the news last night. 3 The Gordons are our new neighbours. They’ve just moved here from the Isle of Wight. 4 The people speak the Polish in the Poland. 5 The scientists say that the men will live on the Mars in the future. 6 The traffic is a problem in the big cities.

3 1 2 3 4

A/ - / a - / the -/the / the

Page 323


1 2 3 the 4 5 the 6 7 8 the 9 10 11 The 12 -

5 1 The 2 3 the 4 5 6 a 7 8 The 9 a 10 an

6 1 This size is the largest. 2 Jonathan is a writer for a newspaper. / Jonathan is a writer by profession. 3 The elderly often feel lonely. 4 Maria is learning to play the piano. 5 Simon works in a school. 6 Ambre comes from France. / Ambre was born in France. 7 Esme is still at work.

7 1 I’ll see you in the afternoon. 2 Do you speak Spanish? 3 The plane departs / leaves from Stanstead Airport.

4 I am not interested in politics. 5 France is the largest exporter of wine. 6 Eating fish often can be expensive. 7 Madagascar is in the Indian Ocean. 8 My favourite course at university is English literature.

 85 Pronomi indefiniti (1): composti di some, any, no Page 325


1 You can sit anywhere you like. I don’t mind. 2 Shall I make you something to eat? You must be hungry. 3 If anyone calls, tell them I’ll be back in an hour. 4 There’s someone at the door. Can you go and see who it is? 5 This village is still the same, nothing has changed. 6 Do you know anything about finance? 7 She had told nobody that she wanted to leave school.

2 1 2 3 4 5 6

Nothing No-one/Nobody anyone anything someone everything

Page 326


1 2 3 4 5

something anywhere someone anything anyone

4 1 2 3 4

something something / Something anything / nothing No-one/Nobody / someone


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 64

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys

5 1 Can I give you something to drink? / Would you like something to drink? 2 There isn’t anything in the fridge. 3 Nobody was in the street. 4 I met somebody who knows you. 5 Do you know anybody in this town? 6 Is there somewhere we can/to eat nearby?

6 everyone 7 all Page 328


1 2 3 4 5

3 2 d, 3 f, 4 b, 5 c, 6 e



1 d, 2 f, 3 a, 4 c, 5 b, 6 e

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

7 1 Is there anyone in the bathroom? 2 No-one in the audience laughed. 3 There is something I can do. 4 Is there anywhere to park? 5 There’s someone sitting at that table. 6 I haven’t got anything to eat.

8 1 They live somewhere near the church. 2 Does anyone know the answer to this question? 3 They have nothing left. 4 Is there anywhere we can go for lunch near here? 5 We don’t have anywhere to go.

 86 Pronomi indefiniti (2): composti di every e all

everywhere Everything everyone all everything

everyone no-one something No-one something everyone someone No-one

5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

something All somewhere everything something everyone nothing somewhere

6 1 Everyone/Everybody thinks (that) it is wonderful. 2 He has travelled everywhere in Europe. 3 Does everyone/everybody understand? 4 I gave everything to Tom. 5 All he/she wants is a house of his/her own. 6 These books are all very old. 7 Is everything ready?

Page 327


1 2 3 4 5

Everything everywhere everywhere Everyone all

 87 Pronomi riflessivi Page 330


1 himself 2 themselves

3 4 5 6

himself myself yourself ourselves

2 1 c, 2 d, 3 a, 4 f, 5 g, 6 e, 7 h, 8 b

3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

behave ourselves hurt myself wrote herself introduce ourselves blame yourself talk / myself cut himself

4 1 2 3 4 5 6

themselves ourselves yourself himself herself myself

5 1 As soon as she wakes up, she washes, dresses and goes jogging. 2 I’m sorry, I can’t remember your name at the moment. 3 He decided to take a few days off because he needed to relax. 4 Good morning, Mr Beecher. Sit down and tell me how you feel. 5 There’s nothing to worry about. Everything is fine.

 88 Pronomi interrogativi Page 331


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

gave you that necklace gives you satisfaction came to the party did were you late did you make for dinner knows the answer do your grandparents live did you watch last night


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 65

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys Page 332


1 Who were you looking at when you heard a shout? 2 Who was shouting at the clerk? 3 Who pointed a gun at the clerk? 4 Who screamed at the man to go away? 5 Who did the clerk call (to)? 6 Who pushed you to the side? 7 Who did the man want to protect? 8 Who disarmed the robber?

3 Mum Hi Ned, I’m home! Ned Hi Mum. Mum I tried phoning you earlier. Where were you? Ned I was at Andy’s house. I can never get a signal on my mobile there. Mum Oh right. Who gave you a lift there? Ned Andy’s brother gave me lift. Mum It’s a school night. What were you doing there? Ned I was working on my geography project with Andy. Mum Oh of course. I’d forgotten about that. What time did you get back? Ned I got back at about six o’clock. Mum What’s all this? Wow! Who made that lasagne? Ned I did, Mum. Do you like it? Mum It smells delicious. I can’t wait to taste it. What did you put in it? Ned It’s a vegetarian lasagne with pumpkin and courgettes. Mum That’s such a lovely surprise Ned, thank you. 1 Who gave you a lift there? 2 What were you doing there? 3 What time did you get back? 4 Who made that lasagne? 5 What did you put in it?

4 Risposte dello studente.

5 1 2 3 4 5

Who broke this glass? Where does Jake live? Who took this photo? What does your father do? What happened yesterday?

 89 It e there Page 334


1 A, 2 B, 3 C, 4 C, 5 A, 6 B, 7 B

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

it There It there It there there It

Page 335


1 2 3 4 5 6

There there their It it their


Paula Yes, Rob. Thanks for calling me back. There seems to be a problem with my mobile. Anyway, how are you doing? Rob Fine, thanks. Listen, do you fancy meeting up on Friday? There’s a new espresso bar in London Road. We can have a cup of coffee and catch up. Paula Sounds good. What time would you like to meet? Rob How about 6? Paula Great. I’ll be there at 6 on Friday. I’m looking forward to it. Rob Me too. There’s some big news I want to tell you. Paula Really? I can’t wait. Rob See you on Friday. Bye. Paula Bye. 1 It 2 I 3 you 4 It 5 you 6 There 7 you 8 you 9 There 10 We 11 you 12 I 13 there 14 I 15 it 16 There 17 I 18 I

5 Paula Hello? Rob Hi, is that Paula? It’s Rob here. Paula Rob! It’s ages since I last heard from you! Oh, no, not again. Sorry, Rob, the battery on my mobile is about to run out. Can you call me on the landline? Rob Sure, what’s the number? Paula It’s 4960963. (…) Paula Hello? Rob Is that you, Paula?

1 2 3 4 5

It’s There’s Their there it

6 1 What time is it? 2 It’s cold in this room. 3 There’s a concert I want/ would like to see. It’s Adele. 4 There seems/appears to be a problem. 5 There is no doubt he is a very good cook.


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 66

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys 6 Is that a post office down there opposite the school? 7 Is there any point in waiting here? 8 They don’t seem/appear to be there/here.

 90 One, ones Page 336


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

ones ones one ones one ones ones yours

Page 337


1 The tall one with the white T-shirt. 2 The big, white one with the garden. 3 Comfortable ones. 4 The ripe one. 5 The woollen ones. 6 The salmon one. 7 The black one.

3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

ones one -, one ones / one / one one ones

4 2 ones 3 - / ones 4 ones 7 ones 9 one 10 ones 11 ones

5 1 (I) Mine has got five 2 (C)

(I) the red one? (I) ours (I) one (C) (I) this one / that one

3 4 5 6 7 8

 91 Pronomi reciproci


3 4 5 6 7

Page 338


1 2 3 4 5 6

themselves each other/one another one another each other/one another

2 1 John and Ahmed help each other a lot with homework. 2 Freya and her sister send each other texts every day. 3 In my family we don’t give one another Christmas presents. 4 The neighbours are shouting at each other again. 5 Those two sisters really look after each other. 6 Josie and Damian can’t stand one another. Page 339

each other you each other the other yourself others

1 Everything 2 someone’s 3 themselves/each other 4 Everyone 5 ourselves 6 himself 7 one another 8 no one 9 No one 10 everyone else 11 something

Recupero A2-B1 Page 342


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

an / the - / the -/-/-/a / a / The / an / The / - / the -/- / the



1 Mrs Barthe and her assistant communicate with each other in French. 2 How can the Smiths and the Atkinsons hate each other so much? 3 Suddenly the little girl and I started waving to each other. 4 Laura and her mother smiled at each other/one another. 5 Dan and I didn’t recognise each other after so long. 6 The Pope and the American President greeted each other/one another.

1 the British Museum, a tour guide, Spanish, German, English 2 the cinema, a sore throat 3 The weather, on holiday, in the Canary Islands 4 The box, iron 5 The government, a law, the young, work 6 The Kalahari is a desert, the Zambesi is a river and Botswana is a country. 7 on foot, by train 8 happiness, an hour, a nap


1 2 3 4

1 each other 2 yourself

3 yourself nothing anywhere Who did leave


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 67

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys

4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

✔ she broke her arm Have you ever washed ✔ Joe and Sue met ✔ to each other ✔

5 1 2 3 4 5 6

There / It It / It’s There / it its / one / it one there


6 ones 7 there 8 ones

4 1 They met at work and have always stayed in touch. 2 The computer switched itself off. 3 We haven’t heard from each other/one another in months. 4 During the exam students cannot look at each other’s/one another’s papers. 5 Rose and Isaac are in love, but not with each other/ one another. 6 People help each other in a small town so nobody has to face problems on their own.

1 a, 2 ✗, 3 a, 4 ✗, 5 The, 6 an, 7 a, 8 the, 9 the, 10 The, 11 the, 12 ✗, 13 The, 14 ✗, 15 ✗

Potenziamento A2-B1

Recupero B1-B2

1 2 3 4 5 6

Page 343


1 myself 2 someone 3 himself 4 each other 5 you 6 him 7 himself 8 no-one 9 yourself 10 myself

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

yourselves themselves each other/one another each other/one another herself each other/one another ourselves itself

3 1 2 3 4 5

one there one other It

Page 344


There are on my own/alone somewhere presenting programmes everyone is someone

2 1 A, 2 B, 3 A, 4 A, 5 B, 6 B, 7 A, 8 B, 9 A, 10 B

Potenziamento B1-B2 Page 345


1 their 2 times 3 by 4 open 5 there 6 one 7 other 8 by 9 the 10 with 11 would 12 to

2 1 on one’s/your own 2 not prepared herself

3 4 5 6 7 8

switches itself off one more piece of respect each other’s himself gave It appears/seems that There’s no point

Competence Booster Tradurre portare e prendere Page 346


portare: frasi 1, 3, 6 prendere: frasi 2, 4, 5 Page 347


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

took brought take bring take bring take Bring

3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

bring lead wear pick up had caught Shall / get fetch was carrying

4 1 ‘Was Brian injured in the accident?’ ‘No, he was wearing a seatbelt.’ 2 I have to wear a shirt and tie at work. 3 The largest cruise ships carry over 3,000 passengers. 4 Mum, dad, can I bring a friend home for lunch tomorrow? 5 Can/Will you help me carry these boxes to my car? 6 Can/Will you bring me my newspaper? It’s on the sofa in the sitting room. 7 We can’t have taken the right road. We should have arrived ages ago.


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03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys 8 When you come to my house, bring your computer so we can work on the project.

5 Kate Meg, can you tell me something? Do you think your sister Christine can take me to basketball practice on Wednesday? My bicycle’s broken. Meg I’m sure she can, but why don’t you call her and check? Kate Can you give me her number? Meg Just call her at home, she never carries her mobile with her. Kate  Sure. Oh listen, next time I see you I’ll bring you a really good book about a girl who travels around the world. It’s very funny. Meg Thanks. I still have to finish the last book you recommended and take it back to the library, and then I’ll read yours. Was it a present for your birthday last month? Kate  Yes, I got it from my parents. They always give me books for my birthday. Meg Yes, you can tell they love reading, your house is full of books. My mum and dad always say they’re a good example to you. Kate  Yes, they are. But you know, sometimes I’d prefer a nice pair of shoes or a ticket for a concert. Meg OK, now I know what to get you for Christmas!

 10 AGGETTIVI E AVVERBI  92 L’ordine degli aggettivi Page 349


1 fragrant red 2 tiny round 3 warm woollen

4 big black 5 famous American

2 1 ugly cold dark room 2 an old black and white film 3 an expensive beige Italian pair of shoes 4 beautiful long curly dark brown hair 5 tired, upset and worried 6 talented, brave young reporter

3 a beautiful gold bracelet a nice hot cup of Earl grey tea unattractive fat old man ✔ ✔ large local multi-cultural community 7 quite nice, friendly people 1 2 3 4 5 6

4 1 The man is holding a tiny newborn baby. 2 Where’s that huge new English dictionary? 3 Have you seen my little blue leather suitcase? 4 She bought a big red and white tablecloth. 5 Lara gave me a hand-painted blue ceramic soap dish. 6 I want to wear my new black woollen jacket. 7 Have you read that fantastic, Booker-winning fantasy novel? 8 It was a cold white mystical morning. Page 350


1 A, 2 B, 3 C, 4 B, 5 A, 6 B

6 2 e, 3 g, 4 c/d, 5 h, 6 b, 7 f, 8 c/d 1 microwave recipes 2 breakfast sandwich 3 tomato sauce 4 cheese slice 5 plastic bowl

6 microwave oven 7 paper towel

 93 Aggettivi terminanti in -ing e -ed Page 351


1 2 3 4 5 6

amusing convinced increasing frightened worrying amazed

2 1 2 3 4 5

-ing -ing -ing -ed -ed

Page 352


1 2 3 4 5 6

surprised interesting frustrating depressed exhausted confusing

4 2 shocking 4 embarrassed 5 fascinating

5 1 When was the last time you were annoyed? 2 Does your friend have any irritating habits? 3 What type of things are you frightened of? 4 When was the last time you were really surprised? 5 Name three activities you find relaxing.

6 1 We like to feel our customers are always satisfied. 2 Sometimes it’s exhausting talking to you.


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03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys 3 We weren’t surprised when we found out she was leaving. 4 That was the most frightening film I’ve ever seen. 5 Can you stop making that irritating noise? 6 You must stop worrying about everything and try to relax.

 94 Avverbi di modo Page 355


1 high 2 busily 3 clumsily 4 badly 5 charmingly 6 well 7 bravely 8 gracefully 9 lazily 10 honestly 11 rudely 12 dramatically 13 powerfully 14 automatically

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

brilliantly usually noisily late suddenly terribly hard

Page 356


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

ahead nearby outside absolutely far hardly back to front

4 1 B, 2 C, 3 A, 4 B, 5 C



1 nearly 2 as far 3 there 4 far 5 slowly 6 back 7 fast 8 hardly 9 soundly 10 back

1 Do you ever see Susanna and Rose? 2 We go skiing once a year. 3 Will they be here soon? 4 We have just finished the exercise. 5 The children are still sleeping. 6 They rarely go out during the week.

6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

far out outside quickly upwards upstairs nearby

 95 Posizione degli avverbi Page 358


1 Touch the screen there and it will start recording automatically. 2 I can’t speak Russian fluently but I can understand it well. 3 It’s raining hard, I think I’ll just stay at home. 4 I could hardly hear what he was saying. 5 Tragically, she lost both her parents in a car crash. 6 Repeat each sentence slowly.

2 1 We seldom go to the theatre, only once a year. 2 You were probably right when … 3 She has just left the office. 4 The police eventually found the missing boy. 5 I haven’t finished my art project yet 6 Anja speaks three languages fluently. 7 I’ve never seen that TV series before.

 96 Comparativo di maggioranza Page 361


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

brighter more delicious noisier simpler better more unusual farther/further more satisfying deeper

2 1 2 3 4 5

cheaper better tastier friendlier older

3 1 2 3 4 5

easier warmer more traditional lighter commoner/more common

4 1 2 3 4 5

spicier than crunchier than nicer, richer more expensive than more refreshing than

5 1 than 2 better 3 worse


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Answer Keys 4 5 6 7

little well much better

Page 362


1 2 3 4 5

much better much further much earlier much more dangerous much worse

7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

more attractive taller fitter more interesting fatter darker more serious

8 1 a little/very expensive/ more expensive 2 further 3 much 4 much 5 better 6 bit 7 brighter

9 carefully, badly, high, sensibly, well, regularly, early

10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

more carefully higher earlier more regularly better best more sensibly

 97 Superlativo Page 364

1 1 oldest 2 more 3 worst

4 most reliable 5 happier 6 more

7 cheapest 8 tastiest


1 2 3 4 5 6

1 2 3 4 5

Tom is the shortest. Jim is the oldest. Tom is the youngest. Tom is the heaviest. Jim is the lightest.

Page 365


1 2 3 4 5 6

The largest; B The hottest; A The fastest; A The most expensive; C The heaviest; B The longest; C

Additional information: 0 It was set in London in 2011 on the TV show Food Network UK. 1 It was made by Flahavan’s and Waterford Harvest Festival (Ireland) in 2012. 2 It is grown by The PuckerButt Pepper Company (South Carolina). It rates at an average of 1,569,300 Scoville Heat Units (SHU). 3 The record was set by Dennis ‘The Menace’ Bermudez in New York in 2016. 4 It is prepared by Juicys Foods and Ovations Foodservices for Juicys Outlaw in Corvallis, Oregon, USA. 5 It was presented at the Alaska State Fair by Scott A. Robb in 2012. He had previously held a number of Guinness World Records for heaviest vegetables. 6 The record was set in Vietnam in 2014. 600 people helped to make the spring roll.

4 1 2 3 4 5 6

most interesting biggest greenest most beautiful furthest most relaxing

5 the most slowly the best the latest the most neatly the most beautifully the most efficiently

6 1 Liz is the kindest person I know. 2 Which cathedral is the oldest? 3 Which is the best place to eat? 4 This is the most difficult exercise of all. 5 This is the most crowded beach on the island.

 98 Comparativo di uguaglianza e di minoranza Page 367


1 There are fewer people in this shop. 2 I’ll send you a reply as quickly as possible. 3 There is less fog today. 4 Your tablet is the same as Leo’s. 5 I like to watch as many films as possible.

2 1 Breakdancing isn’t as difficult as / is less difficult than ballet. 2 Mr Holmes isn’t as friendly as/ is less friendly than Mrs Holmes. 3 Nicole doesn’t buy as many shoes as / buys fewer shoes than her sister Anita. 4 Paul’s friends don’t watch as much TV as/ watch less TV than him. 5 This book isn’t as long as that one.


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03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys


Page 368


Ian Katie






Katie Ian


Ian Katie 1 2 3 4 5 6

Have you decided which hotel we should stay in? I think we should stay at the Hotel Olympia. It looks quite nice. It was built in the 1920’s and it’s got 120 rooms so I’m sure there’ll be a vacancy. The Regent Hotel looks lovely. Look, it first opened in 1840 but it’s still quite big with 75 rooms. But it’s nearly double the price, Ian. The Olympia only costs £68 a night but the Regent is £125. Well, it’s only for a few days, and it is our only holiday this year! The Regent is right in the centre but the Olympia is more than two miles away. We’d have to take public transport or taxis in the evening. That’s true. What about the facilities at the Regent? How many restaurants has it got, the Olympia has got two. Well the Regent has got two, one outside and one inside! And if we’re in the centre, we can also eat out sometimes. The Olympia has got a gym and a pool. The Regent has got a gym a pool, tennis courts and a very large garden in acres of grounds. That sounds lovely. If the weather’s nice we can take a break from the city in the garden. The Olympia has only got a small patio. So shall I book the Regent, then? Go on then, you win. Let’s spoil ourselves!

as many rooms as is less expensive than isn’t as close the same as many isn’t as big as

1 as tall as Alex 2 as heavy as Tom 3 as many brothers and sisters as Tom 4 do/play as many sports as Tom 5 as many languages as Alex 6 as much pocket money as Alex 7 have as many hobbies as Alex

5 1 2 3 4 5

as quick as a flash. as brave as a lion. as much as possible. as stubborn as a mule. as blind as a bat!

much more can do more times

7 1 2 3 4 5

Page 370


1 D, 2 A, 3 D, 4 C, 5 C

2 1 My English is getting better and better. 2 The further I walk, the more my hip hurts. 3 I tried the best I could. I tried my best. 4 Ingrid plays tennis better than I do. 5 The weather here is colder than I expected. 6 I have never been on such a good holiday.


6 1 2 3 4 5 6

 99 Comparativi e superlativi: casi particolari

aren’t as many people is just as good as There’s less fat is less expensive than as little as possible

8 1 I don’t eat as much as you do. 2 Your dad’s got the same car as my dad. 3 Your piece of cake is twice as big as mine. 4 It’s less windy today. 5 Fewer students failed the exam than last year. 6 Try to arrive as early as possible. 7 There were fewer people than I thought (there would be).

1 You are getting/feeling better each day. 2 He felt weaker and weaker. 3 The centre is getting more and more deserted. 4 Finding a job here is harder than I expected. 5 I had never seen such a beautiful beach. 6 The more you spend, the bigger the reduction is.

 100 Aggettivi estremi; avverbi di grado Page 371


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

freezing terrified starving fascinating delicious delighted minute amazed

Page 372


1 spotless 2 boiling


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 72

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys 3 4 5 6 7 8

enormous ancient exhausted tiny delicious nasty

3 2 d, 3 a, 4 g, 5 h, 6 e, 7 c, 8 f

4 1 D, 2 C, 3 A, 4 B, 5 D, 6 C, 7 B, 8D

 101 So e such / Too e enough Page 375


1 Where did you buy such beautiful earrings? 2 We had never had such heavy rain before. 3 The tea was so hot that I burnt my tongue. 4 The fog was so thick that we couldn’t go on. 5 My brother has so many pets that his house is like a zoo. 6 Why are so few teenagers interested in politics? 7 They gave us so little information that we can’t make a decision.

such so so such so so so

3 b 6, c 1, d 4, e 5, f 2 Page 376


1 2 3 4

5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

enough too enough too too enough Enough

6 2 h, 3 e, 4 j, 5 d, 6 b, 7 a, 8 i, 9 c, 10 g

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

such many so that too such that a

8 1 2 3 4 5 6

enough weren’t much a lot/much too enough

enough strong enough too many too much

Page 377


1 2 3 4 5 6

quite / rather quite / rather quite / rather quite fairly quite / rather

2 1 2 3 4 5

3 1 ‘What was the art exhibition like?’ ‘Quite good. You should go.’ 2 My Spanish is fairly fluent but I need more practice. 3 Can you close the window? It’s rather cold in here. 4 It was my first flight and I was rather/pretty excited. 5 You read the instructions rather quickly. Did you understand them?

Recupero A2-B1 Page 380


 102 Quite, fairly e rather

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

5 too much 6 enough

rather/quite pretty/quite/rather pretty/rather rather/pretty quite/fairly


1 ed, 2 ing, ed, 3 ing, 4 ing, 5 ing, 6 ied

2 1 2 3 4 5 6

the largest quieter than latest, the most imaginative worse happier than more polite

3 1 2 3 4 5 6

fascinated better most original more varied friendlier bored

4 1 2 3 4 5 6

as much as possible as easy as the same less sociable than as many

5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

immediately Suddenly fast poor hard teeth quickly Luckily


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03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys 9 loud 10 well

Recupero B1-B2 Page 381


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

such hardly absolutely hot more and more so hardest

Potenziamento B1-B2 Page 383


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

won’t get better the best you can was utterly exhausted so many parcels that isn’t big enough such a disgusting much shorter than I expected

2 Risposta personale.

2 1 B, 2 C, 3 C, 4 A, 5 C, 6 A

3 1 2 3 4 5

so many newspapers too young such rude people difficult enough so much noise

4 1 2 3 4 5 6

a bit enormous bad utterly rather boiling

5 1 A, 2 B, 3 B, 4 C, 5 C, 6 A, 7 A, 8C

Potenziamento A2-B1 Page 382


1 T, 2 F, 3 F, 4 F, 5 F, 6 T, 7 F, 8 T, 9 F, 10 T

2 1 2 3 4 5

younger than very well better at less friendly than as well as


Competence Booster Tradurre get Page 385


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

buy put receive becoming understands take catching arrive

2 1 2 3 4 5 6

Get get got get get looking

3 1 2 3 4 5 6

get the message get a lift get it get there get the time get the tickets

4 1 get any free games when you bought your console 2 to get this tap checked

3 doesn’t seem to be getting 4 to get the milk 5 get what you mean.

Cumulative Revision 3 Page 386


1 C, 2 C, 3 A, 4 A, 5 C, 6 D, 7 C, 8 B, 9 D, 10 B, 11 D, 12 A

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

herself annoying I rarely walk Rita speaks French fluently the worst as intelligent earlier than sharper

Page 387


1 Could/Can 2 few 3 the 4 never 5 anything 6 should/could 7 too 8 ’ll 9 to 10 What 11 some 12 May 13 don’t 14 do 15 used 16 must 17 have 18 in 19 who 20 made Page 388


1 C, 2 A, 3 B, 4 B, 5 C, 6 D, 7 A, 8 C, 9 A, 10 B

Risposte personali.


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03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

furious so too enough disappointed

Page 389


1 each/every 2 few 3 The 4 happening 5 of 6 its 7 Where 8 majority 9 from 10 to 11 to 12 such 13 order 14 in 15 must 16 won’t 17 may/might 18 one’s 19 less 20 need/have 21 also 22 with 23 the 24 had 25 until 26 was 27 for 28 have

 11 PREPOSIZIONI  103 Preposizioni di tempo (2) Page 391


1 at 2 on 3 at

4 5 6 7 8 9

in at by for since in

2 1 (1) at (2) by 2 (1) on (2) last 3 (1) Since (2) in (3) for

3 Good morning everyone, welcome the Shakespeare School of English. I hope you all had a good journey. Now I’d like to give you some information about this school. English classes are in the mornings from Monday to Friday from 9.15 to 12.15. Please do not leave the school premises in the morning, and if you do, please tell a teacher or the receptionist. If you want to go out at lunchtime to the cafeteria nearby, that’s not a problem. In the afternoons students are free to choose between the many sport and art activities. The school organizes excursions on Wednesday and Friday afternoons to local areas of interest. On Saturdays, in spring and summer there are full-day excursions to places further away, for example London, Cambridge and Bath, to mention a few. Now, if you want to go on one of these full-day excursions, you need to sign up by Friday morning. Now, are any questions? Yes, you at the back… 1 The language classes are from Monday to Friday from 9.15 to 12.15. 2 They can leave the school at lunchtime. 3 They can do sport and art activities in the afternoon. 4 There are excursions on Wednesday and Friday afternoons. 5 On Saturdays in spring and summer. 6 You must sign up by Friday morning.

4 1 at 2 on 3 on 4 in 5 in 6 at 7 during 8 from 9 to 10 11 on 12 by

 104 Preposizioni di luogo (2) Page 393


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

in on At near in in in above

Page 394


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

above opposite on under in front of near behind

3 1 (1) at (2) on (3) at (4) in 2 (1) at (2) at (3) on (4) in / at (5) opposite

4 1 2 3 4 5 6

in On on opposite in from


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 75

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys

5 1 2 3 4 5

at on, on, below over among between

6 1 The baker’s / bakery is between the greengrocer’s and the chemist. 2 Look! The cat is sleeping on the armchair. 3 My doctor is in Bexton Street at number 16. 4 Are there any car parks near here? 5 The students are in class. 6 My house is on the other side of the street. 7 The museum is opposite the church.

 105 Preposizioni di moto Page 396


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

to at at at to to at

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

c e a h g b d f

3 1 2 3 4 5

past through over towards across

6 into 7 from 8 up 9 under 10 round 11 down 12 in 13 up to 14 on 15 inside

 106 Altre preposizioni



1 2 3 4

(1) to (1) round (1) into (2) through (3) along (1) to (2) on (3) off

Page 397


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

across in on at / on at into between down

6 1 on 2 at 3 on 4 from 5 on 6 at 7 to 8 into 9 at 10 on 11 on 12 round

7 1 Don’t walk away from me when I’m talking to you. 2 I often walk along this footpath in the morning. 3 Let’s get in the car and go. 4 What time did you arrive at the airport? 5 My parents usually get home at 7 p.m.

Page 399


1 2 3 4 5 6

1 2 3 4 5

about with by after by on

d e a f b

Page 400


1 2 3 4 5 6

on, of of during of to for

4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

below onto against instead of In case of owing to behind

5 1 2 3 4 5 6

Regardless of In case of in favour of on behalf of Apart from As for

6 1 2 3 4 5

of from about by to


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 76

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys

7 1 Who were they talking to? 2 Have you seen that new film by Tarantino? 3 Come and sit next to us. 4 The average summer temperatures are above 32°. 5 What is this programme about? 6 I keep the key under the mat. 7 Which bus are you waiting for? 8 That is the school I go to.

 107 Aggettivi seguiti da preposizioni Page 402


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

at from of with about on to with

2 1 2 3 4

to, of about, by for, in of, of

3 1 2 3 4 5 6

good at early for interested in annoyed with kind to jealous of

4 1 2 3 4 5

full tired right anxious absent

Page 403


1 at 2 to

3 4 5 6 7

to from with with about

6 1 She depends on her friends. 2 I am aware of the problem. 3 I am sorry about / for my mistake. 4 The bar was full of people. 5 Are you interested in other cultures?

7 1 about 2 to 3 for 4 by 5 in 6 of 7 by 8 to 9 to 10 from

 108 Verbi seguiti da preposizioni Page 406


1 2 3 4 5

to, for about of to for

2 1 2 3 4 5

to, from at, for on, at at, on to, on

Page 407


1 2 3 4 5 6

of on for to, for to/with on

4 1 2 3 4 5

from in of with from

5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

object to doing ✔ quarrel about paid for ✔ ✔ bet on

6 1 Can you wait for me? 2 Who are we hiding from? 3 They apologized to their neighbour for the noise. 4 Don’t blame me for the mess. 5 Look at the sky. 6 Did you hear about the strike?

 109 Sostantivi con preposizioni Page 410


1 2 3 4 5 6

with by out of for at out of

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

to for of to in in for

3 1 2 3 4

impression fail strike mistake


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 77

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys 5 stock 6 return

4 1 Inspector Lewis’s off work today. / Inspector Lewis is having a day off today. 2 On the whole, the results were good. 3 By chance we bumped into Sally. 4 For which reason are we delayed? 5 Rosie didn’t do it on purpose.

5 1 of 2 in 3 in 4 for 5 of 6 to 7 of 8 In 9 for 10 on 11 without 12 towards

Recupero A2-B1 Page 412


1 2 3 4 5 6

in, on –, from … to –, at / by at – at

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

in, at, on at, in on into / in to out of onto, off

3 1 2 3 4

In on in for

5 6 7 8 9

of / about on of – / At at / by

4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

In until at on to on into at

5 1 at 2 in front of 3 to 4 up 5 above 6 from 7 in 8 around 9 into 10 through

Recupero B1-B2 Page 413


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

for with about with about at to off-key without

2 1 by 2 about 3 to, for 4 on 5 for 6 of 7 on 8 of 9 to 10 of

3 1 This is proof of his guilt. I’ll speak to him tomorrow. 2 Kim has been married to Jack for nearly ten years. 3 There is a lack of respect towards the elderly these days. 4 I’m in Paris on business, not pleasure. 5 Did Kerin tell you about the new course that starts next week? 6 She didn’t approve of the way they handled things. 7 They insisted on paying for the meal last night.

4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

by for for in on During with across

5 1 I’m sorry, I’m too busy at the moment. 2 Nowadays few people spend a lot of / much time in the open. 3 Do you believe in love at first sight? 4 My cousin Leo is anxious about his exams. 5 The restaurants are packed with customers for New Year’s Eve. 6 I really don’t know how to deal with this problem.

Potenziamento A2-B1 Page 414


1 B, 2 A, 3 D, 4 B, 5 C, 6 D, 7 C, 8A

2 1 Julie Man

Oh no! I haven’t got my mobile! But you used it in the café to text your sister.


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03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys Julie Man 2

3 Kate




Oh I remember, I put it down on the bench in the gym while I changed. Well, let’s go back quickly it might still be there.  he next train arriving T at platform 5 is the 11:50 train to Cardiff Central, stopping at Gloucester and arriving at Cardiff Central at 15:40. Billy, it’s mum. There’s a traffic jam near the Odeon Cinema. It will take me at least half an hour to get to the school to pick you up. Okay, no problem. I can walk over and meet you in front of the department store. No, I can’t park there. Tell you what, I’ll stop in Richmond Square and wait in the car. Great, thanks. It’s a shorter walk from the school.

1 B, 2 C, 3 A

Potenziamento B1-B2 Page 415


1 C, 2 A, 3 D, 4 B, 5 B, 6 D, 7 A, 8 C

2 1 shown 2 go / turn 3 for 4 in 5 with 6 on 7 that 8 same 9 of 10 in 11 Wealthy / Rich / Well-off 12 also

Competence Booster Tradurre andare, venire e arrivare Page 417


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

arrives ’s gone Come is going ’ll arrive come arrives came

2 1 Non ci arrivo. Puoi spiegarlo di nuovo? 2 Lo yogurt andrà a male se non lo metti in frigo. 3 Andiamo da un’altra parte. Non c’è nulla che mi vada bene in questo negozio. 4 Pam! È bello rivederti. Come va? 5 Vado a fare una passeggiata. Chi viene con me? 6 Se n’è andata senza salutare.

3 1 What time does your train leave? 2 You must go out more and make friends. 3 You should always switch off your computers before you leave. 4 I’ve lost a few kilos and these trousers don’t fit me now. 5 Why is Sean here? I didn’t want him to come to my party! 6 How much are those tangerines? 7 We were very disappointed that he didn’t come. 8 Do you fancy going to the cinema?

4 1 In the end it turned out to be a joke. 2 I’ve been thinking about it for days but I haven’t come to a solution yet.

3 I got/received a strange letter yesterday. 4 When Tim speaks, he always makes me laugh. 5 I’m glad I bought these shoes. They fit me like a glove. 6 Do you fancy/feel like having something to eat with me tomorrow?


1 d, 2 e, 3 c, 4 a, 5 g, 6 f, 7 b

12 LA STRUTTURA DELLA FRASE  110 Ordine delle parole nella frase Page 418


1 Jake can design web Pages. / Jake can’t design web Pages. 2 She is in your class. / She isn’t in your class. 3 They are doing an exam. / They aren’t doing an exam. 4 You should see a doctor. / You shouldn’t see a doctor. 5 I have finished my homework. / I haven’t finished my homework. 6 We left the party early. / We didn’t leave the party early. 7 She likes talking on the phone. / She doesn’t like talking on the phone. 8 Tom will pass the history test. / Tom won’t pass the history test. Page 419


1 Didn’t they get married in 2010? 2 She isn’t expecting a baby. 3 Did you have a good relationship with your school friends? 4 She brought up her three children on her own. 5 Did they have to look after their grandchildren at the weekend? 6 We kept in touch after we graduated.


005_104_Soluzioni.indd 79

03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys

3 1 Which earrings does she prefer? 2 When are you going to visit your relatives? 3 Who told you a lie? 4 How many exercises have you finished so far? 5 What happened on the motorway? 6 How long will it take dad to repair my bicycle?

4 1 What do you think about Sarah’s news? 2 That is my dad’s car. 3 Please take a seat. / Take a seat, please. 4 I will tell you about it at work tomorrow. 5 This is the most difficult question. 6 Didn’t you finish the last exercise? 7 Do you see John every weekend? 8 I wasn't playing a videogame.

5 1 They could find his phone number in the phone directory. (g) 2 Laurel was very upset by Hardy’s death. (e) 3 He was born in England in 1890. (a) 4 Laurel took his place. (c) 5 Laurel and Hardy began making films together in the 1920s. (b) 6 Laurel made a joke to the nurse. (h) 7 Laurel began writing and producing the material for their films. (d) 8 Laurel received an Academy Award for his work in comedy. (f)

 111 Ordine dei complementi diretti e indiretti

4 Marion and I used to write each other long letters. 5 -

Page 420



2 c, 3 d, 4 b, 5 a Page 421


1 2 3 4 5

to me to the bank to them to us to Rob / to him

3 1 We offered dessert to the guests. We offered them dessert. 2 He bought a bunch of flowers for his mother. He bought her a bunch of flowers. 3 She wished a merry Christmas to the neighbours. She wished them a merry Christmas. 4 I made a cake for you. 5 He showed the flat to my sister and me. He showed us the flat. 6 They owe money to Charlie. They owe him money. 7 I gave a bone to the dog. I gave it a bone. 8 Ingrid told a joke to Gaurav. Ingrid told him a joke.

4 the kids sandwiches it to them you such silly advice them to her it for us him a bottle of wine a table for the Japanese clients 8 my jacket to the cleaner’s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

5 1 Have you made Pamela a cup of tea? 2 3 -

Pass me the remote control. Give it to them. I told my classmates a lie. It cost him a lot of money. He / She sent a postcard to his / her grandparents. 6 He / She gave some flowers to the teacher. 7 He bought me some sandwiches. 8 They have lent us some money. 1 2 3 4 5

 112 Domande a risposta chiusa Page 423


1 Do you know Rob? 2 Have you got my email address? 3 Are they having lunch now? 4 Will it rain at the weekend? 5 Does she play the piano? 6 Can / Could / Will / Would you lend me some money? 7 Aren’t you hot?

2 1 Are the children playing video games? 2 Did you paint your room by yourself? 3 Had they been burgled before? 4 Does he eat dairy products? 5 Do you remember my name?

3 1 2 3 4 5 6

Is your address / Do you live at Are you did you go to school have you got Have you had any Are you ready


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Answer Keys

4 1 ‘Aren’t you happy?’ ‘No, we’re not.’ 2 ‘Can I offer you something to eat?’ ‘Yes, please.’ 3 ‘Did you go to the cinema yesterday evening?’ 4 ‘Do you like football?’ ‘Yes, I do.’ 5 ‘Are you ready to eat?’ ‘No, not yet.’ 6 ‘Is Matt Damon a good actor?’ ‘Yes, he is.’ 7 ‘Is Rob having a shower?’ ‘Yes, he is.’

 113 Domande a risposta aperta Page 425


1 2 3 4 5 6

e a b d g f

2 1 Which colour do you prefer? 2 How many times have you met? 3 How does this thing work? 4 Which girl is Brian’s daughter? 5 What do they usually have for breakfast? 6 What time does the last lesson finish? 7 Why has he written to me? 8 Which of his novels did you like best?

3 1 What day is it today? 2 What colour do you want / would you like? 3 What’s your address? 4 What’s your telephone number? 5 Where is he staying?

6 How often do you play tennis? 7 How long did you live in that house for?

4 A A B A B

What’s your address? Flat 6, Pine Gardens, Huntington. Where is Huntington? Huntington is just outside of Chester. A How far is it from Chester? B It’s about a 10-minute-drive from Chester. B A B A B A B A B

What did you do last night? Last night? I went out with Peter. Where did you go? We went to an art exhibition. How long have you known Peter? I’ve known Peter since university. How did you meet? We met through another friend from university. A Which university did you go to? B I went to Warwick University.

Page 426


1 Where did he meet Galina? In New York. 2 How many children did they have? Six. 3 Who did Irina marry? Antonio. 4 When did they move to Canada? In 2010. 5 Why did the writer’s grandparents move to California? Because Antonio had bought a small farm. 6 Who was Olav? Irina’s second husband. 7 Who did the writer’s father write to? To his relatives in Italy. 8 What did the writer’s mother order? Four takeaway pizzas. 9 How many siblings does the writer have? Two. 10 How long had Paolo been living in California before his parents’ divorce? For five years.


A 1 What’s your address? g Flat 6, Pine Gardens, Huntington. 2 Where is Huntington? c Huntington is just outside of Chester. 3 How far is it from Chester? d It’s about a 10-minute-drive from Chester.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

B 4 What did you do last night? a Last night? I went out with Peter. 5 Where did you go? b We went to an art exhibition. 6 How long have you known Peter? h I’ve known Peter since university. 7 How did you meet? e We met through another friend from university. 8 Which university did you go to? f I went to Warwick University.

1 What does this word mean? 2 What is the name of your father’s restaurant? 3 What time did the bus arrive? 4 Where did you buy that dress? 5 Why didn’t you tell me? 6 How often does Paul go to pubs?

did you phone did you do made the cake did Lucy decide (to do) wrote this / it is your car cuts the grass


8 1 How are you? 2 Where do you live now? / Where are you living now? 3 What time did you arrive / get home?


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Answer Keys 4 Which colour are your eyes? 5 Who was on the phone? 6 How much sugar do you take? 7 How many children have they got? 8 How many times have we seen this film?

 114 So do I, Neither do I Page 427


1 2 3 4 5

So is mine. I do too. Alex didn’t either. Neither / Nor can we. Neither / Nor have I.

2 1 2 3 4

Me So Neither either


 115 Question tags (1) Page 429


do you? hasn’t she? hasn’t it? are you? won’t you? doesn’t he?

2 1 2 3 4 5 6

shouldn’t you couldn’t I doesn’t she have I

4 1 been to Amsterdam, have you? 2 show me how to use the new computer, won’t he? 3 tell Edward about my problem, couldn’t I? 4 going out with Patricia, are you?

5 1 cold day, isn’t it? 2 wasn’t very good, was it? 3 leaves from platform 2, doesn’t it? 4 going hiking this weekend, aren’t you? 5 starts next week, doesn’t it?

 116 Inversione sintattica Page 431

1 Neither did Linda. 2 So can I. 3 So is Mr Jones.

1 2 3 4 5 6

3 4 5 6

isn’t she won’t you wasn’t he do they do you can’t they

3 1 isn’t it 2 is it


1 2 3 4 5 6

On no account Seldom Barely In the department lounge Not until No sooner

2 1 If I had heard anything, I’d have phoned the police. 2 We understood little. 3 No sooner had I got home, than Hugh arrived. 4 The best time to plant roses is now. 5 In that churchyard is buried William Shakespeare. 6 The taxi came around the corner.

3 1 have I met a more unpleasant person. 2 have I heard such nonsense! 3 did I realise that my wallet had been stolen.

4 has youth unemployment been higher. 5 did the police interrupt me. 6 seeing Hamlet on the stage did I understand it.

4 Scarcely had I finished speaking, when I heard the door open. In came Robin. Not only was he carrying lots of bags, but he also had a Christmas tree. Rarely had I been so pleased to see someone. Only after he had put everything down and removed his coat did he speak. ‘Under no circumstances look in these bags. Had I known it was going to be so busy, I wouldn’t have gone into the centre,’ he said laughing. I had thought, as Anna had, that he was not coming back.

5 1 No sooner had we left the house, than it started to rain. 2 Not only did the customers leave without paying, but they also stole a valuable vase. 3 Under no circumstances can students use their phones. 4 Rarely have we seen a better performance. 5 Not once did Sam offer to pay for the damage. 6 Only then did we realise we had been robbed.

 117 Fronting Page 432


2 3 4 5

e c b d

2 1 Sells delicious rolls that café does. 2 Unlikely as it sounds, they make a wonderful couple. 3 Such was the little girl’s delight that she jumped up and down.


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Answer Keys 4 Crazy as it may seem, I want to become a writer. 5 So dark was the room that we could hardly see each other.

6 It will always remain a mystery, what happened that night. 7 Revolting as it may seem, it is actually tasty. 8 There goes our bus.

Page 433


1 Your sister is a good driver. 2 He was so concerned that he phoned the police. 3 Ridiculous as it may seem, it is in fact a good plan. 4 Up and down they ran. 5 Who he met that night, we’ll never know. 6 That’s nearly a thousand years old, that tree. 7 I was so surprised that I nearly fell off my chair. 8 He was so thin that we could hardly recognise him.

4 1 2 3 4 5

was / stood / sat sudden Never / Rarely That Here

5 1 ✔ 2 Such was my horror that I screamed. 3 ✔ 4 Why she stole that money, I will never understand. 5 Unbelievable as it may sound, Janet doesn’t remember who she is. 6 ✔ 7 Who started the fire, nobody knows.

6 1 Up you go / come! 2 All her live she lived in that house. 3 Been out / outside? 4 Absurd as it may seem, it really happened. 5 The boy I was talking to, his father works as an astronaut.

 118 Questions tags (2) Page 434


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

wasn’t there? did they? does he? isn’t it? won’t you? shall we? shall I?

Page 435

4 No, I didn’t. 5 Yes, it is.

7 1 2 3 4 5

didn’t they? do you? wasn’t it? haven’t they? shall we?

8 1 I’m in trouble, aren’t I? 2 There’s been an accident, hasn’t there? 3 Nothing’s wrong, is it? 4 Move your chair, would you? 5 We’ve never met, have we?


 119 Echo questions

2 B, 3 B, 4 A, 5 C, 6 C, 7 C, 8 A

Page 437

3 2 d, 3 j, 4 c, 5 e, 6 i, 7 f / g, 8 b, 9 h, 10 g / f

4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

will there? do you? have you? do you? should you? will you? don’t they? shall we?

Page 436


1 shall we? 2 shall I? 3 weren’t you? 4 Yes 5 didn’t you? 6 weren’t there? 7 didn’t they? 8 did you? 9 No (, I didn’t.) 10 wasn’t it?

6 1 Yes, she is. 2 Yes, they were. 3 No, there isn’t.


1 2 3 4 5

Have you? Did she? Weren’t there? Hadn’t you? Can he?

Page 438


1 2 3 4 5 6

Didn’t you? Does he? Don’t you? Is he? Doesn’t she? Did you?

3 1 2 3 4 5 6

Don’t you? Is there? Wouldn’t you? Did you? Does it? Would they?

4 1 2 3 4 5 6

Have you? Has he? Is she? Didn’t you? Is it? Did you?


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Answer Keys

5 1 2 3 4 5 6

4 Do you? Didn’t you? Was it? Have you? Will I? Can it?

Recupero A2-B1 Page 440


1 I’m afraid I didn’t answer that question. 2 Have you ever been to their house? 3 I lent that DVD to Sam. 4 Ingrid gives her parents her money every month. 5 I’ve no idea where we are going. 6 I’ll never lend my car to anybody ever again. 7 Are you doing anything interesting tonight? 8 Will you give me a lift to the city centre?

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

do you isn’t it hasn’t she aren’t you have you did he will you didn’t you

3 1 2 We’ll give all our customers a 10% discount. 3 John always buys flowers for his wife. 4 5 6 Could you please leave me a message at the reception? 7 8 Shall I reserve a place for Sandy?

1 What time do you normally dine? 2 Did your team / you win the match? 3 Where do you work? 4 How much does it cost? 5 What did you have for breakfast? 6 Do you go to school by bus /car/ etc.? 7 Was Esme at school today? 8 How much (money) are you taking on the school trip? 9 Why weren’t the buses running? 10 Have they already gone on holiday?

5 1 c, 2 b, 3 d, 4 f, 5 a, 6 g, 7 e

6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

isn’t she won’t you was she don’t you do you haven’t they did they

Recupero B1-B2 Page 441


1 f, 2 c, 3 h, 4 a, 5 g, 6 b, 7 d, 8 e

2 1 Are you 2 hasn’t she? 3 Is it 4 aren’t they? 5 will you? 6 mustn’t he? 7 don’t you? 8 Did she? 9 can you? 10 shall we?

3 1 Now is the best time to apply to university. 2 In the centre of the city stands the Cathedral.

3 Round and round went the wheels of the engine. 4 Best of all was the main course. 5 Why she did it, we’ll never know. 6 Odd as it may sound, it is delicious. 7 Lying on the table was the letter I’d been waiting for. 8 In the opposite direction a truck was coming at full speed.

4 1 You haven’t heard from Sam recently, have you? 2 ‘I’ve just come back / returned from holiday.’ ‘Have you? Where have you been?’ 3 Should you require assistance, contact customer service. 4 Nowhere is pollution more obvious than in large cities. 5 Were she my mother, I wouldn’t leave her alone. 6 Here comes our train.

5 1 A: Everyone’s gone home, haven’t they? B: No, they haven’t. Bill and Matt are still here. 2 A: Nothing ever changes in this little town, does it? B: Yes, it does. Some things have changed since we were young. 3 A: They got divorced last year, didn’t they? B: No, they didn’t. It was the year before. 4 A: It would be better if you spoke to your doctor, wouldn’t it? B: Yes, I’ve already told him. 5 A: It has hardly stopped raining all week, has it? B: No, it hasn’t. The weather is awful/terrible.

Potenziamento A2-B1 Page 442


1 T, 2 F, 3 T, 4 F, 5 F, 6 F, 7 F, 8 T, 9 T, 10 F


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Answer Keys 6 The main reason why people don’t keep their promises is that they’re often unrealistic.


Potenziamento B1-B2


 120 Pronomi relativi

Page 443

1 G, 2 H, 3 E, 4 F, 5 D, 6 B, 7 C, 8 A

Page 447

can you borrow had they left than did we realize had I felt so happy Had Kitty known had I set Seldom have we heard no circumstances should I have 9 did Ania notice 10 had the police left


1 2 3 4 5 6

2 Risposte personali.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

occasionally logical marriage legal approval considerations embarrassment cultural

Competence Booster L’ordine delle informazioni nella frase Page 445


1 My greatest desire is to run the New York marathon with my husband next year. 2 I have been a fan of ABBA since I first heard their music as a teenager. 3 The King’s Speech is based on the true story of George VI’s relationship with his speech therapist. 4 Sicily has a mild climate that makes it the perfect tourist destination for much of the year. 5 Very few people know about sepak takraw, or kick volleyball, which is a sport played in Southeast Asia.

1 A charity is selling a series of cards with a difference. The non-profit organization Doctors of the World has released four cards showing traditional Christmas scenes from the Holy Land. However, the pictures also show images of the war in Syria.  2 People can now repair their own teeth. They can buy special dental kits in supermarkets to fix fillings and repair caps and crowns. The new product is cheap and is popular among people who cannot afford to go to the dentist. 3 The residents of a town cut off by last week’s earthquake have received an unusual but welcome present – enough fast food to feed a small army. The mercy mission was organized by Robert Coombes, a plasterer who lives 130 kilometres to the north. He spent three days raising money and bought as much fast food as he could with the cash. 4 Help may be at hand for those of us who want to fight wrinkles and grey hair. The signs of aging can be warded off by eating green vegetables, according to a new study. Researchers say that broccoli, cabbage and avocado in particular contain a compound that slows down the process at which we age.

4 1 B, 2 A, 3 B


whose who where that who whose

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

which / that who which / that when where which / that which / that

Page 448


1 whose movies I like best is Leonardo DiCaprio. 2 friend who picked me up at the airport carried my suitcase. 3 pancakes that Sharon made were delicious. 4 man whose wallet I found gave me a reward. 5 Here is an article about red pandas which will interest you. 6 The neighbourhood where I grew up has changed a lot.

4 1 who 2 who 3 who 4 where 5 who 6 which 7 which / that 8 which / that 9 which / that 10 which / that

5 1 ✔ 2 Is the train which / that goes to York on time?


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Answer Keys 3 The office where we work is not far from the city centre. 4 Do you like boys who / that are football addicts? 5 Everyone who / that saw Claire admired her new hairstyle. 6 ✔

1 h, 2 g, 3 f, 4 d, 5 e, 6 b, 7 c

into contact with Red Cross 54 years ago when he did First Aid training and some volunteer work. Ten years ago, Ian retired and he decided to work as an Emergency Services volunteer, an area where he saw great need in his local community. When the floods hit northern Victoria, Ian drove more than 600 kilometres to help out communities affected by the floods in northern and western Victoria. He was one of the more than 1300 Red Cross volunteers and staff who worked on flood relief and recovery in Victoria throughout the year. Ian says some of the stories of the people that he has assisted will stay with him for the rest of his life. ‘I remember one farmer who came into the recovery centre with his two daughters. He was a big bloke but as he walked in he just broke down. Everything that he had worked for, everything that his grandfather and father had worked for, was under water. I spent some time with him, made sure his daughters were OK, and put him in touch with some professional support. When he left the recovery centre I actually saw him smiling again. It is times like that make it all worthwhile. Every Red Cross person involved in an emergency could tell you a similar story.’


Page 451

6 Risposte personali.

7 1 This is the firefighter who saved / has saved my life. 2 Anna has a hat which / that she wears to school every day. 3 He / She says he / she lives in the castle where Lord Armitage was born. 4 The man, whose name I can’t remember, is a famous pianist. 5 201was the year (when / in which) my brother graduated. 6 What did you do / have you done with the money that I lent you?

 121 Frasi relative determinative (defining) Page 450


1 2 3 4 5 6 7


3 For Red Cross volunteer Ian Gray, it all boils down to making a difference for people who need a helping hand. Over the past 12 months he has dedicated much of his spare time to supporting people who were devastated by floods in Victoria, Australia. Ian’s association with Red Cross has been a long one. He first came


1 Can I watch the video you made of Pete and Ann’s wedding? 2 Do you know the young man whose computer I repaired? 3 There are ghosts in the country house William has bought. 4 Lord of the Flies is the story of a group of boys whose plane crashes on an uninhabited island. 5 Gina is delighted with the gold ring Bob gave to her. 6 I don’t remember the day (when) Katerina arrived from Poland. 7 The block of flats where I live was built in the 1990s.

5 Presenter: ... and our next contestant is Bob Smith. Welcome to Are you Smart?, Bob. Remember, you’ll have to give at least six correct answers out of eight to win today’s game. Are you ready, Bob? Bob: Yes, Joe, I’m ready. Presenter: OK. First question. Who invented television? Bob: The man who invented television was John Logie Baird. Presenter: Correct! Next question. Which European city hosted the 2004 summer Olympics? Bob: Erm, I think it was Turin, in Italy. Presenter: No, it wasn’t. I’m sorry, Bob, that answer is not correct. The city that hosted the 2004 summer Olympics was Athens, in Greece. Third question. Which museum houses the ‘Mona Lisa’? Bob: Mmm, I’m not sure, but I think the Louvre museum is where you can see the ‘Mona Lisa’. Presenter: Yes, that’s right. Leonardo’s masterpiece is in Paris. Well done, Bob. So far, you have two correct answers out of three. Next question. Which famous ship sank after hitting an iceberg in the Atlantic? Bob: I’m sure it’s the Titanic. Presenter: Yes, it is! It was 1912 when the Titanic sank causing the death of over a thousand people. Now, which actress starred in Pretty Woman? Bob: That’s easy. She’s my favourite actress - Julia Roberts. Presenter: Correct! How about a history question now, Bob? Which American President was killed in Dallas? Bob: Mmm, sorry, Mark, I’ve


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Answer Keys

no idea. Erm, I’ll say Abraham Lincoln. Presenter: No! The American President who was killed in Dallas was John Kennedy. It was 1963. Next question. Which is the most populated city in the world? Bob: It’s Shanghai in China, I think. Presenter: Yes! Well done. Shanghai has a population of nearly 18 million. And now the last question. Remember, Bob, you have five out of seven. You must give one more correct answer to win. Which Italian actor won an Oscar for Life is Sweet? Bob: Life is Sweet is the best film I’ve ever seen. I will never forget that Italian actor, Roberto Benigni. Presenter: Bob, your last answer is … correct! You are today’s winner on Are you Smart?! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

John Logie Baird Athens the Louvre the Titanic Julia Roberts John Kennedy Shanghai Roberto Benigni

6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

which / that which / that which / that -

7 1 The watch (that) I gave her stopped after two days. 2 Simon is the boy whose mother is a biology teacher. 3 Have you seen the bag where / in which I keep my football kit? 4 June is the month when the strawberries are good.

5 What is the name of the girl who is wearing the black skirt? 6 The people (who / that) I invited to dinner didn’t come.

 122 Frasi relative incidentali (non-defining) Page 452


Marie Connolly Owens, who joined the Chicago Police Department in 1891, was the first American policewoman. She was a housewife with five children, and until 1888 when her husband died, she had never earned a penny. In 1889 the Chicago town council decided to hire five women to enforce the new laws which prohibited child labour. Marie got the job and soon made a reputation for herself because she did her job with passion and zeal. In 1891 the Chief of Police, who was a tireless reformer, took notice of her efforts and decided to employ her in the detective bureau. Marie Owens was now a police officer, Sergeant No. 97, with the rank, salary, badge, and arrest powers of any detective. In 1923, when she was 70 years old, she retired and moved to New York where her daughter lived. When she died four years later, the notice made no mention of her 32 years on the police force. Page 453


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

who which whose where which whose when

3 1 Brighton, which is a popular tourist destination, is on the south coast of England.

2 My French relatives, who I haven’t seen for two years, are coming to Toronto next week. 3 Vincent Van Gogh, whose paintings now sell for millions, died in poverty. 4 The Isles of Jersey, where we spent our holidays last year, is a popular tourist destination 5 Maria’s dog, which has won several prizes, has been stolen.

4 2 b, 3 d, 4 f, 5 a, 6 c

5 2 George Washington, whose birthday is celebrated on 2nd February, was the first President of the United States. 3 The bald eagle, which was sacred to some Native American cultures, appears on most official seals. 4 Ellis Island, where the Statue of Liberty stands, is located in the New York harbour. 5 Abraham Lincoln, who is remembered every day on the penny and the five dollar bill, has come to symbolize the fight against slavery. 6 The American Constitution, which has been the supreme law of the nation since it was adopted in 1789, has seven articles and twenty-five amendments. Page 454


1 ‘ll show you was painted by Tania, who is a friend of mine from Moscow. 2 fur coat was stolen, was interviewed by a young detective, who was staying in the same hotel. 3 was scored by Frank, who had come on as substitute, won the match. / won the match, was scored by Frank, who had come on as a substitute. 4 which contained £80 and my driving licence, was found in the street by a traffic warden, who


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03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys returned it. / which was found in the street by a traffic warden, who returned it, contained £8 and my driving licence. 5 Finally we got to Brighton where we found a B&B that / which was cheap and comfortable.

7 0 which 1 which 2 which 3 where 4 where 5 which 6 which 7 where 8 who

8 1 Maria, who was on her way to the kitchen, answered the phone. 2 Francesca, who is working on this project, is a very competent designer. 3 The British Museum, which is free, is on Great Russell Street. 4 This film, which we’ll watch tonight, won the Cannes Festival. 5 There’s a small shop, which is open 24 hours, in Ridley Road. 6 Luciano Pavarotti, who’s dead now, was one of the greatest tenors ever.

 123 Le preposizioni nelle frasi relative; participi Page 457


1 The girl he is chatting with is a trainee nurse. 2 The coach they were travelling on broke down after 100 km. 3 This is the clothes shop I buy all my tops from. 4 The company Hugh works for makes garden furniture. 5 Here’s the address you must send the parcel to.

2 1 He’s the person to whom I owe more than I can say. 2 It was the kind of accident for which nobody was to blame. 3 That’s something nobody can be certain about. 4 The woman he was married to inherited a lot of money. 5 Is this something you might be interested in? 6 He supported his thesis with arguments to which nobody could object.

3 1 A survey which was carried out last month found that 25% of women feel discriminated against. 2 Two of the CCTVs which were installed in the shopping centre have been vandalised. 3 How can we ensure that immigrants who are living in the EU integrate into their new country? 4 The first passports which were issued in Britain consisted of a single page. 5 Few young adults voted in the general elections which were held last month. 6 Senior citizens who are travelling on public transport are entitled to discounts.

4 1 That girl sitting on the couch is my sister Alba. 2 The middle-aged woman wearing a green uniform is the new supervisor. 3 The town council is not going to approve the plan proposed by a local builder. 4 A group of teenagers accused of vandalising public property appeared in court yesterday. 5 The glasses lying on the floor belonged to the P.E. teacher.

5 1 Ten schools were surveyed, none of which had facilities for the disabled.

2 We received a lot of CVs, several of which were badly written. 3 The police interviewed three suspects, all of whom had an alibi for the night of the robbery. 4 I visited two churches, both of which were baroque. 5 There are twenty students in my class, few of whom can speak French fluently.

 124 What, which; whatever, however, whenever, whoever, wherever Page 459


1 2 3 4 5 6

which wherever Whenever at which time whichever What

2 1 2 3 4 5 6

that which which which that which

3 1 I waited for Jackie until 5.30, at which point I gave up. 2 The weekend was sunny and warm, which made a nice change. 3 We will arrive in Madrid next Monday, by which time we will have been in Spain for weeks. 4 Freddie announced that he is going to drop out of college, which surprised everybody. 5 They may agree to our conditions, in which case we will sign the contract. 6 The teacher wants us to do which we don’t understand. 7 Megan wanted me to buy some things which I managed to get.


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Answer Keys Page 460


1 A, 2 C, 3 A, 4 A, 5 B

5 1 2 3 4 5 6

wherever she may be ✔ at which point ✔ Whoever wishes ✔

6 1 you made such a rash decision? 2 I go to the library, it is closed. 3 you have been, tell me! 4 did they know it was our wedding anniversary? 5 Frank tells you, don’t believe him.

7 1 There may not be any trains now, in which case, we’ll have to find a hotel. 2 I don’t know what she wants to do for her birthday. 3 Whoever did this should confess. 4 Whenever we see Alex, he’s always very friendly. 5 That dog follows him wherever he goes. 6 Do you know where they are staying?

Recupero A2-B1 Page 462


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

whose which whose who whose who where which who

2 1 The woman who runs the post office is very clever.

2 The bike (which) you took without permission was my bike. 3 The valuable painting (which) your aunt gave me is on the wall. 4 The castle (which) we are going to was built by the Normans. 5 The book (which) I have just finished has changed my life. 6 The email (which) you sent was very rude.

6 I had the passport in the suitcase (which / that) I lost.

Recupero B1-B2 Page 463


1 The tiger which / that escaped from Bristol Zoo was caught last night. 2 The olive oil we bought in France only cost €4 a bottle. 3 They want us to move out of the house in which we have always lived by the weekend. 4 The people who / that have rented the flat above us are always making a noise. 5 The man who I sold my CD player to gave me €50 for it. 6 I had to give a description of the person who stole my handbag.

1 Jonathan, who had been driving all day, was tired and wanted to stop. 2 I met Mary, who asked me to give you this parcel. 3 This is Mrs Jones, whose son won the scholarship last year. 4 I was leaning against a fence, which suddenly collapsed. 5 I met him in the Quick Café, where he was working as a waiter. 6 Tom came to the party without his girlfriend, which surprised us. 7 She said that the men were thieves, which turned out to be true. 8 He introduced me to his students, most of whom were from Poland. 9 The film is about a man whose ambition is to rule the world.




1 2 3 4 5 6

whose which who / that

5 1 Lisa was dancing with a boy who / that was wearing a red coat / jacket. 2 Have you read the magazine (which / that) I lent you yesterday? 3 The man whose wallet was stolen immediately reported the theft / reported the theft immediately. 4 A liar is a person who lies habitually. 5 Is this the CD (which / that) you asked me for?

1 Alicia received lots of gifts, most of which were from classmates. 2 We invited many of our friends, several of whom came from far away. 3 I applied for three jobs, two of which are in different cities. 4 We have seen quite a few plays this month, some of which were really good. 5 We’ve got two English teachers, both of whom are native speakers. 6 I didn’t hear what Dan said.

3 1 The boy to whom he is talking is a classmate. 2 Here’s the email address to which you can write. 3 Marta is the girl with whom I share a locker.


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03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys 4 The magazine which I write for is published monthly. 5 The gym where we go is near our house.

4 1 That cabinet built by my grandfather is standing in the corner. 2 That boy talking to Lucy is Dan. 3 She isn’t going to accept that job offer made by a pharmaceutical company. 4 The workmen doing roadworks broke a major gas pipe. 5 The older woman sitting near the window is a colleague of my mum’s. 6 This language learning app originally sponsored by the Science Foundation is fantastic.


3 what 4 who 5 myself 6 who 7 which 8 another 9 nothing 10 when 11 which 12 were

2 1 is the woman whose husband 2 who works as 3 (that / which) I didn’t accept 4 the year when 5 why I 6 in which zorbing is 7 everything (that) we need 8 with which the man 9 which was careless of 10 whenever you want

1 The church in which my parents were married was destroyed by an earthquake. 2 Why on earth didn’t you tell me? 3 You must do whatever they say. 4 Whenever I hear this song it makes me want to dance. 5 I phoned Ben and Lia, neither of whom replied. 6 That’s the man whose dog bit me.


Potenziamento A2-B1


Page 464


1 2 3 4 5

whose phone number (which / that) his sister (which / that) he bought where he bought who / that promised

2 1 C, 2 A, 3 D, 4 B, 5 B, 6 B, 7 D, 8 A, 9 C, 10 D

Potenziamento B1-B2 Page 465


1 Nobody / No-one 2 whose

Risposte personali.

Competence Booster I pronomi relativi Page 467


1 ✔, 4 ✔, 5 ✔, 7 ✔

1 2 3 4 5 6

that the woman who is the person who deals all that whose thrillers that he wants

1 Sei sicuro che la donna nell’auto sia Anne? 2 Mary Ann Evans, che è una famosa scrittrice inglese, scelse George Eliot come pseudonimo. 3 Voglio parlare con chi si occupa della mia assicurazione sulla casa. 4 Hanno fatto tutto ciò che potevano per aiutarmi.

5 Dan Brown, i cui thriller sono dei bestseller, faceva il cantante pop prima di diventare uno scrittore. 6 Hai sentito che vuole chiedere il divorzio?

3 1 Those / People who / that sleep two or three hours a night can’t feel fine during the day. 2 The person who / that told you that was obviously lying. 3 Those / People who / that are late won’t be allowed to enter / go in. 4 I don’t trust people who make / someone who makes a lot of promises. 5 The person /man /woman who / that called didn’t leave a message. 6 He / The person who hesitates is lost. / Those who hesitate are lost.

4 1 Francesca, whose brother works with me, is getting married in June. 2 I need the box in which you put your dictionaries. 3 Mr Dalton’s niece / granddaughter, who has a science degree, phoned / called me. 4 Nobody knows the reason why he got so angry / upset. 5 Can you introduce me to the boy from whom you borrowed the book? 6 The man whose bicycle was stolen is sitting over there.

Cumulative Revision 4 Page 468


1 D, 2 B, 3 B, 4 C, 5 B, 6 C, 7 A, 8D

2 1 to 2 far 3 So


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Answer Keys 4 didn’t 5 who 6 where 7 that 8 which 9 whom 10 whose Page 469


1 from 2 in 3 are 4 little 5 something 6 to 7 them 8 where 9 would 10 ever 11 probably / certainly 12 in 13 when 14 who 15 for 16 around 17 will / would 18 had 19 had 20 while 21 already 22 on 23 must 24 staying / here 25 on 26 later 27 won’t 28 everything 29 for 30 can’t Page 470


1 B, 2 D, 3 A, 4 B, 5 C, 6 D, 7 C, 8 B, 9 A, 10 C

2 1 2 3 4

they shall will there

5 who 6 which 7 arriving

4 plays, has 5 freeze, expands 6 are, turn off

Page 471



1 to 2 out 3 thought 4 could 5 into 6 taken 7 across 8 who 9 through 10 where 11 carrying 12 be 13 raise 14 were 15 spent 16 decided 17 the 18 which 19 had 20 people 21 taking 22 back 23 anything 24 if 25 told 26 what 27 many 28 everything

 14 IL PERIODO IPOTETICO  125 Zero e first conditional Page 473


2 c, 3 a, 4 g, 5 f, 6 h, 7 d, 8 e Zero conditional: 2, 4, 5, 7; First conditional: 1, 3, 6, 8


1 If temperatures rise, there will be more droughts. 2 If there are more droughts, the amount of water available for irrigation will be reduced. 3 If the amount of water available for irrigation is reduced, agricultural production will decrease. 4 If agricultural production decreases, more countries will suffer from famine. 5 If more countries suffer from famine, the world’s economy will be affected. Page 474


1 2 3 4 5

doesn’t win, will lose park, might get will we do, does not come won’t be able, doesn’t stop doesn’t calm, won’t pass

5 1 2 3 4 5 6

don’t put on, will be feel, ’ll have come back, will be snows, won’t go go, ’ll work won’t talk, apologise

6 1 give me Neil’s number, I’ll phone him. 2 touch my dog, he will / might bite you. 3 don’t stand under that tree, we’ll get wet. / stand under that tree, we won’t get wet. 4 get a tattoo, it won’t be easy for you to remove it when you change your mind about it. / change your mind about the tattoo, it won’t be easy for you to remove it.

1 eats, does not feel 2 want, need 3 go, feeds


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Answer Keys

7 1 If you’re only free at night, we’ll offer you 24/7 access. 2 If you’re not sure how long you’ll be here, you can cancel your membership at any time. 3 If you travel a lot with your job, you can choose among 32 gyms across the UK. 4 If money is a problem for you, we’ll offer you the cheapest fee: £ 10.99 a month. 5 If you want to join a gym that is environmentally friendly, we’ll offer you eco-friendly equipment. 6 If you don’t like working out with machines, you can try Yoga, Pilates or dance video classes.

 126 Second conditional Page 476


1 It would cost less if I bought a house in the suburbs. / If I bought a house in the suburbs, it would cost less. 2 I wouldn’t touch anything if I were you. / If I were / was you, I wouldn’t touch anything. 3 I’d give some money to charity if I won the lottery. / If I won the lottery, I’d give some money to charity. 4 They wouldn’t have got lost if they had stayed on the path. / If they had stayed on the path, they wouldn’t have got lost. 5 You’d like my parents if you met them. / If you met my parents, you’d like them. 6 I’d tell you if I knew the answer. If I knew the answer, I’d tell you.

2 Risposte personali.

3 1 If I were you, I would go to the cinema. 2 If I were you, I would find a part-time job.

3 If I were you, I would take extra lessons. 4 If I were you, I wouldn’t play video games right before going to bed. 5 If I were you, I would join a sports club. Page 477


1 If we switched off all electric appliances at night, we would save the electricity of the stand-by light. 2 If we only turned down the heating by 1°, we would use less gas. 3 If we installed solar panels on our roofs, we would reduce carbon dioxide emissions and at the same time save money. 4 If people didn’t use their cars so much, they would be healthier and they wouldn’t pollute the environment.

6 Would Carol and Frank be upset if I didn’t invite them to my wedding?

 127 Third conditional Page 478


1 Mario wouldn’t have rung the doorbell if he’d known everyone was in bed. 2 If I’d had my credit card with me, I’d have bought that tennis racket. 3 You wouldn’t have broken your computer if you’d read the instructions carefully. 4 If Lucy’s watch hadn’t stopped, she wouldn’t have missed her date with Andy. 5 Would you have invited Susanna if she’d been free yesterday? Page 479



2 Where would you go on holiday if you could go anywhere? 3 Which famous person would you spend a day with if you could meet anyone? 4 If you could choose any future career, what would you be? 5 If you could choose anywhere in the world, where would you study? 6 What would you do if you met the Prime Minister? 7 How would you spend your ideal weekend if you had all the money you needed?


6 1 If I cooked, I’d probably burn all the food. 2 Karen would sleep better if she wasn’t stressed out. 3 You’d save 20% if you bought books online. 4 If were you, I’d think twice before accepting. 5 If Will had a bike, it wouldn’t take him an hour to get to work.

1 If they hadn’t spent all their money, they could have afforded to go on a cruise. 2 If you had practised the piano every day, you would have played in an orchestra. 3 If I had noticed the ‘No parking’ sign, I wouldn’t have got a parking ticket. 4 Would I have found better seats if I had booked earlier? 5 She would have forgotten all about it if I hadn’t reminded her.

1 hadn’t taken away; she could have sent Laila a text message 2 hadn’t forgotten to buy eggs; could have made an omelette 3 hadn’t rained all weekend; would have had the barbecue 4 hadn’t been fully booked; would / could have stayed there 5 had got that job; would have told you


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Answer Keys

4 2 e: If I hadn’t had my wallet in my pocket, it wouldn’t have been stolen. 3 a: She wouldn’t have got lost if she’d stayed on the trail. 4 b: If he’d asked me, I would have lent him some money. 5 f: If you had applied for that job, you might have got it. 6 d: If you had come to that party, you might have enjoyed yourself.

3 She can’t see unless she wears glasses. 4 Supposing our car broke down, what would we do? 5 Unless you’re prepared to study hard, you won’t become a doctor. 6 Lydia can borrow my moped provided she returns it tomorrow. 7 Bring some sandwiches in case the children get hungry.


Page 482

1 If I hadn’t got the first train, I wouldn’t have met him. 2 If I hadn’t had a flat tyre, I wouldn’t have met my husband! 3 If I had reached the club safely, I would have been humiliated in front of all my friends! 4 If I hadn’t got lost, I wouldn’t have started painting.


1 2 3 4 5 6

wouldn’t have widened wouldn’t have allowed had made would be wouldn’t be dumped, wouldn’t be threatened

5 1 wouldn’t have become, 2 Should you wish to leave, 3 were, 4 hadn’t

 128 Forme miste; alternative a if Page 481


2 a, 3 f, 4 b, 5 e, 6 d

2 1 If you had a balanced diet, you wouldn’t be overweight now. 2 If you hadn’t forgotten the keys, we wouldn’t be locked out now. 3 If I had more free time at the weekend, I would have met up with my friends last Saturday. 4 If I had gone to university, I would have more job opportunities now. 5 If you weren’t always so helpful, I wouldn’t have passed my English exam.

3 1 You’ll be allowed to use the company car on condition that you pay for the petrol. 2 It doesn’t matter whether you win or not as long as you enjoy the race.

6 1 in case 2 as long as / provided (that) / on condition (that) 3 Unless 4 Supposing 5 as long as / provided (that) / on condition (that) 6 unless 7 as long as / provided (that) / on condition (that)

7 Helen Oh great Ian. Now we’re completely lost! Why didn’t you bring a map? If you had brought a map, we wouldn’t be lost now. If you weren’t always in a hurry, you’d have remembered to bring a map. Ian Listen, Helen. I paid for the petrol, didn’t I? If I hadn’t paid for the petrol, we wouldn’t be doing this trip. You never pay for anything. So you could at least bring a map.

That’s not fair! If they had given me a job at the insurance company, I could pay for everything too, but they didn’t. So who brought the sandwiches? If I hadn’t remembered to bring some food, we would be starving by now. Ian OK, but that doesn’t solve the problem. We’re lost. Where on earth are we? Helen Look! There’s a farm. If you stop the car, I’ll go and ask directions. Ian But if you don’t find anyone straightaway, I might be here for ages waiting. What a bore. I’ll come too. Helen OK, now let’s stop arguing. We’re supposed to be enjoying ourselves! Helen

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Helen Helen Ian Helen NM Helen Ian Helen

 129 Modali e inversioni sintattiche nel periodo ipotetico Page 483


1 Were you to win the lottery, what would you spend the money on? 2 Should you require assistance, ring this bell. 3 If Alex had apologized, I’d have forgiven him. 4 Were you to lose your identity card in a foreign country, what would you do?

2 1 If you refuse their offer, you may regret it. 2 If I arrive early, I might go for a walk in the park. 3 If you should meet John, say hi from me.


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03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys 4 If they had come to Birmingham, they could have stayed with us. 5 Should Mr Smith phone, put him through immediately. 6 Had I known, I would have made a different decision.

 130 Wish, if only, it’s time Page 485


1 2 3 4 5 6

hadn’t got up could play had had got together had helped had

2 1 2 3 4 5

He wishes he had I wish it would stop I’d rather we had gone If only I had known It’s high time you got

Page 486


1 Chloe wishes her boyfriend hadn’t seen her with the Spanish boy. 2 I wish the restaurant hadn’t been so expensive. 3 My brother wishes our parents would let him go on holiday with his friends. 4 Charlotte wishes she knew more about photography. 5 The children wish they hadn’t eaten so many chocolates. 6 I wish you wouldn’t keep interrupting me!

4 1 2 3 4 5 6

You should go now. I didn’t study for the test. John still lies to me. The children are too noisy. I don’t know what to do. She bought a very expensive dress.



1 A, 2 A, 3 B, 4 A, 5 B, 6 B

1 2 3 4

6 1 I wish the weather was better. 2 I’d rather you didn’t go out tonight. 3 If only I had known about the sale at that shop. 4 You’ve had tooth ache for days. It’s high time you saw a dentist. 5 I wish we could have more holidays during the year.

Recupero A2-B1 Page 488


1 If people don’t drink, they die. / People die if they don’t drink. 2 If you touch fire, you get burned. / You get burned if you touch fire. 3 If you don’t apologize, I won’t speak to you again. / I won’t speak to you again if you don’t apologize. 4 If you leave that ice-cream out of the freezer, it will melt. / That ice-cream will melt if you leave it out of the freezer. 5 If you don’t shut the window, we’ll freeze to death! / We’ll freeze to death if you don’t shut the window! 6 What do / will you do if you feel lonely? / If you feel lonely, what do / will you do?

2 1 If I did more exercise, I would be more fit. 2 If I didn’t have to get up early tomorrow, I would go out this evening. 3 If they didn’t live in a different city, I would see my relatives more often. 4 If I had more / the money, I would buy a fast motorbike. 5 If it weren’t raining, I would go for a walk in the park.

is delayed, will be see, will tell knew, would help finish, I’ll go

4 1 e, 2 a, 3 f, 4 d, 5 b, 6 c

5 1 2 3 4 5

want, call doesn’t do, ‘ll only be able consumed, wouldn’t produce share, will be reduced used, would be

6 1 If I had enough money, I’d buy that mobile. 2 If you go up that road, it takes you near the market. 3 If I were you, I wouldn’t touch those wires. 4 You won’t find a table on a Saturday night unless you book / if you don’t book it in advance. 5 How will we get to school if there’s a bus strike?

Recupero B1-B2 Page 489


1 would you have done, hadn’t found 2 Would they have accepted, had offered 3 would have been hired, had had 4 hadn’t sent, would never have known 5 had told, could have driven

2 1 2 3 4 5 6

he would have worked out didn’t always drive wouldn’t be would have gone hadn’t eaten would have asked

3 1 e, 2 d, 3 b, 4 c, 5 a, 6 f


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4 1 2 3 4 5

Hadn’t the train been Should you meet Were the river to flood should the need arise were I to speak

Competence Booster Il modo congiuntivo Page 493

5 1 I wish I didn’t have to write 2 Linda wishes she weren’t / wasn’t 3 Chris’s parents wish he would help 4 Grant wishes he had had 5 I wish I knew 6 I wish they wouldn’t listen

Potenziamento A2-B1 Page 490


1 C, 2 B, 3 C, 4 A, 5 A

2 1 2 3 4 5

13 had 14 too

I usually turn unless the problem she weren’t would have will know



1 Mi dispiace che tu/voi/lei non sia stato/siate stati informati del ritardo. 2 Penso che ci sia stato un grave fraintendimento. 3 Mr Glenn vuole che tu consegni un rapporto entro domani. 4 Temo che sia troppo pericoloso. 5 Prego, entri e si accomodi. 6 Quella commessa si comporta come se fosse la padrona del negozio. 7 Sembra che io abbia preso la decisione peggiore. 8 Suggerirono che Ron Wilson venisse nominato direttore generale.

2 1 a, 2 c, 3 e, 4 d, 5 b, 6 f


1 2 3 4 5 6

1 D, 2 D, 3 B, 4 D, 5 C, 6 C, 7 A, 8 B, 9 D, 10 A


Risposte personali.

Potenziamento B1-B2 Page 491

2 1 though 2 If 3 can 4 be 5 could 6 had 7 since / as / because 8 was 9 would 10 been 11 least 12 where

1 2 3 4 5 6

as it were If I were you as if he were Be that as it may so be it Long live

essential/necessary proposed/demanded insists necessary/essential/vital vital/necessary/essential demanded

4 1 We’ll arrive/get there at dinner time unless there is traffic on the motorway. 2 They walked in silence as if they were strangers.

3 I don’t think/believe he should resign. 4 I’d better tell you before you find out by yourselves. 5 I’ll explain it again so that everybody can understand. 6 I’m glad that nothing serious happened. 7 I hope the play/show will begin on time. 8 I wish Vicky had more time for herself. 9 I wish he weren’t so selfish.

5 Dear Pauline, I hope you will read this email before I leave for Rome. I am happy (that) you have accepted to share my apartment. I am sure we will get on well together. However, I have a favour to ask you. I would like you to move in here in fifteen days’ time because it seems that they must make some repairs to the balconies./that some repairs must be made to the balconies. I doubt if the apartment will be ready before the end of this month. Do you think this will/might be a problem? Vera

 15 IL DISCORSO INDIRETTO  131 Trasformazioni verbali (1) Page 495


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

had never been would was going had to couldn’t had used were investigating

2 1 his, lived, hoped 2 had, his, the day before


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Answer Keys 3 would, I, him, the next / following day 4 was, that 5 there, could Page 496


1 The teacher said (that) the class was making too much noise. 2 Neil said (that) he had met someone very interesting. 3 Emma said (that) Tom would return your library book. 4 Nazneen said (that) they were walking home when the storm started. 5 Mr Hull said that when they arrived at the station, the train had already left. 6 The little girl said (that) she couldn’t find her coat and couldn’t remember where she had left it. 7 Mum said (that) she was going to buy a new dishwasher and that the old one had broken.

4 1 ‘Rachel never eats meat,’ 2 ‘I’ll be back later,’ 3 ‘I’ve just had some good news,’ 4 ‘We met at a party,’ 5 ‘I’m studying,’ 6 ‘We’re late,’ 7 ‘I’ll phone back,’

5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

following had didn’t would was could / couldn’t had

6 1 2 3 4 5

had to leave she had lost weight they were watching the week before couldn’t find

7 1 They said they had enjoyed themselves a lot. 2 She said that she would phone me later that evening. 3 They said they were going away on holiday the following week. 4 John said he had seen her the day before. 5 You said that you wouldn’t be long.

 132 Domande e imperativo Page 498


1 2 3 4 5 6

whether / if, been whether / if, had whether / if, had whether / if, was whether / if, could whether / if, wanted

2 1 if / whether I had ever been snowboarding. 2 if / whether they could speak to the manager. 3 if / whether he had an appointment. 4 if / whether he minded helping her with that. 5 if / whether I / we were staying for dinner. 6 if / whether anyone wanted tickets for the concert. Page 499


1 What did you do yesterday? 2 How often do you see Bill? 3 How many times have you seen this film? 4 Why are you going to change schools? 5 Where do you usually have lunch?

4 1 when her birthday was. 2 why I hadn’t tidied up. 3 how much he had paid for the tablet.

4 who she would invite to the party. 5 where we were going to meet.

5 1 the TV was on 2 what her favourite TV programme was / what was her favourite TV programme 3 how many hours of TV she watched 4 what type of programmes I had watched the day before 5 what type of programmes I would watch the next day 6 who decided how much TV we watched 7 if / whether adverts were annoying or useful

6 1 Mum told Andy to help her with the bags. 2 The teacher told his pupils not to use mobile phones at school. 3 The director told the actor to learn all his lines by heart. 4 The customs officer told the passenger to show him/her his/her passport. 5 One burglar told the other burglar not to make a noise.

7 1 The girl told her brother not to switch off the TV. 2 Grandma asked Grandpa to pass her the remote control. 3 Grandpa asked Grandma to turn up the volume a bit. 4 Mother told Grandma not to turn up the volume. She asked her to turn down the brightness. 5 The boy told his grandmother to turn over.

 133 Verbi introduttivi (1) Page 501


1 spoke, said 2 told


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Answer Keys 3 told, saying 4 told, ask 5 told, spoke

 134 Trasformazioni verbali (2)



1 2 3 4 5

implored instructed ordered wondered wanted to know

Page 503 1 2 3 4 5



1 Daniela said she didn’t know how to upload a video. 2 Martin asked his friend if he knew any good mobile apps for learning English. 3 My brother told me to right click on the image I wanted to download. 4 Miriam wondered whether online shopping was really safe. 5 The teacher instructed the students not to use their date of birth as a password.

1 2 3 4 5

4 The travel agent explained / said / told me that there’s a wide variety of accommodation in Havana, from luxury hotels to apartments or bed and breakfasts with families. He told me / said / explained that prices are reasonable in bed and breakfasts and explained that there are a good way to get to know Cuban culture. My friend Aisha explained / said / told me that the weather’s warm all year long. She said / explained that the coldest month is January when it’s 21°C. She explained / said / told me that they had taken some heavy clothes with them when they went last year, but had never worn them. She said / told me (that) I’ll need / advised me to bring bathing suits in summer, T-shirts and a long-sleeved shirt because it gets cool in the evenings.

might join had been working should walk were staying wouldn’t like

has what, was to, ended / started will if / whether, likes

Page 504


1 he’ll repair my bike if he gets home early tomorrow. 2 she can’t swim but she’d like to learn. 3 his dog had eaten his homework. 4 she wants to find a part-time job. 5 that Brazil produces the most coffee in the world. 6 that they’re closing Russell Street next week.

4 1 The presenter said making the documentary had been a great experience. 2 He said he had been studying wild life in Sumatra for five years and now he felt he was almost an expert. 3 He added he had also wanted to do a series set in Africa but that they had said that they couldn’t get the funding. 4 He said he might start filming his next documentary soon because he had signed the contract just before finishing this one. 5 He said the new documentary was going to be very different from the previous one and he wondered if he would enjoy it as much.

6 He said that if this series were a great success, he would be the happiest man in television.

5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

move spiders can be dangerous are not dangerous didn’t have to take there were should try must fight gets

Page 505


1 He / She asked me to wait there a minute. 2 He / She told us to hand in our essays no later than Friday. 3 He / She asked me where Marshall Street was. 4 He / She asked to borrow my dictionary. 5 He / She asked if he / she could collect the boxes later.

7 Andrea wrote to me last week. He is coming for a week in July. He explained that he couldn’t come in June because ... / Andrea thanked me for my letter and my invitation to spend a week with us this summer. He said / told me / wrote to me that he thinks the third week of July to be / would be a good time. He asked me whether my brother Sam would be around at that time. He said / told me / explained / wrote to me that in June he’ll be studying, as he has exams at the end of the month. He said / told me / explained that the first and second weeks of July he is going to a sports camp near where he lives and that he can’t wait. He said/told me/explained that he isn’t sure about August but would probably spend a week with his parents and then hopes to visit friends on the coast. He said / told me / explained that if he has enough money, he’ll stay with them for a week. He asked me if I needed anything from Bologna.


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Answer Keys

8 1 He said that he might not leave today. 2 Ann told the man that she had weighed her suitcase before leaving the house. 3 Tom said he has found a great app. 4 Rose admitted that she still can’t cook. 5 She asked her neighbours to stop making a noise.

 135 Verbi introduttivi (2) Page 507


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

announced claimed offered told promised warned explained

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

suggested apologized reminded admitted doubted accused confessed decided

3 1 Their neighbour threatened to call the police if they didn’t stop making noise after 11 p.m. 2 The doctor read his blood test results and strictly forbade him to drink alcohol. 3 The teacher congratulated the students on doing so well in their exams. 4 Barbara complained that the lift was always out of order when she needed it. 5 The witness stated that he had seen a man dressed in black talking to the missing woman. 6 Aisha reminded me that the electrician was coming that afternoon.

 136 Domande dirette, indirette, embedded questions Page 509


1 where the ticket office is 2 how long the film will last 3 whether / if these T-shirts are in the sale 4 whether / if the train stops at Clapham Junction

5 6 7 8

had left some quiche in the fridge in case I felt hungry. Ruth asked me/us why I wasn’t / we weren't doing my / our homework. Mrs Taylor told me / us I had to return the books by the end of the week. She explained that she had joined a gym to get fit. The boy said he could run faster than anyone else in his class.



1 How do you form an embedded question? 2 Could I have a word with you? 3 How long does it take to get there? 4 Have they reached a decision yet? 5 What time do the shops close?

I asked him 1 if / whether he still enjoyed being an actor. 2 how many films he had acted in. 3 what his first role had been. 4 if / whether he was working on a new film at the moment. 5 what kind of roles he preferred. 6 if / whether he had ever had to play a character he hated. 7 what he was going to do when he retired. 8 if / whether he thought he would win an Oscar one day.

3 1 2 3 4

Daisy did not answer I can change his name is you paid

4 1 where it leaves from 2 what the time is / what time it is 3 what time it is / the time 4 if / whether there is a café near here 5 they do / sell sandwiches

Recupero A2-B1 Page 512


1 She said (that) she was going out but would be back by six. 2 Eve said (that) Helen had an appointment with the specialist so she had offered to go with her. 3 Ed said (that) he hadn’t touched my/your/his/her computer and that he hadn’t been near my/your/his/her room. 4 Mum said / told me (that) she

3 1 2 3 4 5 6

said told wondered asked instructed ordered

4 1 Helena asked Peter to make her a cup of coffee. 2 Mother to children: ‘Say ‘Thank you’.’ 3 The other passenger in the carriage told me not to put my feet on the seats. 4 Customs officer to Jack: ‘Open your luggage, please.’ 5 Ben told his parents not to wait up for him and to go to bed. 6 Dad to Esme: ‘Don’t move while I take your photo.’

5 1 He / She told me he / she had already finished the exercise.


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03/02/17 16:25

Answer Keys 2 ‘Will you be late tonight? / Will you arrive late this evening?’ ‘I don’t know. It depends which train I get / take.’ 3 Our neighbour told us that he would be having a party on Saturday evening / night. 4 He left, saying (that) he would never speak to me again. 5 She said that she didn’t feel like going out because she was feeling too tired. 6 My boss said that / told me that the meeting had been postponed. 7 May? They told me they would get married in September! 8 The doctor told me (that) I should cut down on sugar. 9 I asked her if she had set the alarm clock and she answered that she had forgotten. 10 The teacher told us to stop chatting and to open our books at page 234.

Recupero B1-B2 Page 513


1 ‘I can’t set off today. It has been snowing all night and the roads are closed.’ 2 ‘I sprained my wrist while I was moving furniture around.’ 3 ‘You should take school more seriously in future.’ 4 ‘I’d like to take Francesca out to a restaurant but I don’t know how to ask her.’ 5 ‘What would have happened if the firefighters hadn’t put out the fire so quickly?’ 6 ‘My fridge is making a strange noise. Could you have a look at it?’

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

offered claimed threatened advised were accused suggested confessed complained



1 a where she had got such a lovely blouse. b where you got such a lovely blouse? 2 a if / whether he was coming to the party or not. b if he is coming to the party? 3 a when the new multiplex cinema had been built. b when the new multiplex cinema was built? 4 a if / whether I had ever worked with children before. b if / whether you have ever worked with children before?

1 The guide said that we couldn’t take photos inside the church. 2 Yesterday the head teacher’s secretary told me that the reports wouldn’t be ready until Friday. 3 My teacher suggested that I study medicine at university. 4 Greg told me (that) he would cut the grass the next / following day, if it didn’t rain. 5 Rob advised us to wear / recommended / suggested (that) we wore comfortable shoes. 6 He admitted that he / she could have stolen the money if he / she had wanted (to).

4 Khaled said that in December he had taken part in the Everest Marathon, which is the world’s highest marathon. He said that since it started in 1987, it has become popular among local runners and international marathon competitors. He said that the course starts at more than 5,000 metres above sea level, and that the runners start off at 6.00 a.m. in below-zero temperatures. He said that the route of the marathon goes up and down rocky and icy mountain paths, and so that it is not the kind of event most people would even consider entering. He said that this year there were about 70 runners from Western countries, who had paid about € 1,000 to enter. He said that local people who had hoped to win money prizes had also run in the race. He said that as a foreign runner he knew (that) it was very important for him to arrive two or three weeks before the race so that he could get used to the mountains. He said that another runner had told him that although the course was basically downhill, there were two steep uphill sections and that in addition there was snow and ice at the top. He said that for him it had been more important to finish the race than to win. He said that he had just wanted to run the 42 kilometres and enjoy the scenery, which was spectacular.

Potenziamento A2-B1 Page 514


1 C, 2 A/D, 3 B, 4 D, 5 A, 6 C, 7 B, 8 A, 9 D, 10 C

2 1 2 3 4 5 6

whether / if she was I are going invited / asked Esme to would have a does the barbecue could bring Lia

3 “This is what you have to do in Part 2. I’m going to describe a situation to you – a friend from another country is coming to stay with you and wants to know what there is to see and do. Talk together about the things the friend can see and do and which will be the most interesting. Here is a picture: it could give you some ideas / This picture could give you some ideas ... In Part 3 you must describe a photo. I’m going to give each of you a photograph of people enjoying their free time. Here is a photo: show it to the other candidate / Show this photo to the other candidate while you are talking. Describe what you can see in it.”


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Potenziamento B1-B2 Page 515


1 A, 2 D, 3 B, 4 B, 5 C, 6 D, 7 A, 8 A, 9 D, 10 B, 11 C, 12 D

2 Tim, the presenter. Katie Maggs, the expert. This evening on our programme This is life our guest is professor Katie Maggs, who is here with me to talk about lying. Welcome, Professor Maggs. Katie Maggs Hello and thank you for inviting me. I know this is a very popular programme … Presenter Mmm … Professor Maggs, are you. lying? Katie Maggs No, I’m not, Tim. Honest. Presenter Well, you’re not lying but a lot of people do, according to a recent survey commissioned by the Science Museum. Is that right? Katie Maggs Yes, Tim. As medical curator at the Science Museum, I studied the findings of a survey carried out by OnePoll. Their market researchers spoke to 3,000 adults for the survey. Presenter Can you tell us what the most interesting result was? Katie Maggs Well, you’ll be surprised to learn that men lie much more than women. The average male tells 1,092 lies every year compared to a woman’s 728. Presenter That’s an amazing difference between men and women, isn’t it? Katie Maggs Yes, it is. We also found that men and women lie about different things. Men typically lie about Presenter

what they do, for example how much alcohol they drank with friends. Women, on the other hand, tend to lie about how they feel. They deny being upset or having a problem, so their favourite lie is ‘Nothing’s wrong, I’m fine.’ Presenter And did you ask respondents whether they felt guilty about lying? Katie Maggs We did, and the findings are surprising. 82% of women admitted that lying ate away at their conscience, but only 70 % of men confessed having pangs of guilt. However, 75 % of the people polled agreed it is OK to tell a white lie to save someone’s feelings. Presenter What were your conclusions then, Professor Maggs? Katie Maggs Well, the survey tells us that lying is an unavoidable part of human nature and that it plays an important role in social interaction. What we still do not know is whether lying is the result of our genes or of our upbringing. 1 C, 2 A, 3 A, 4 B, 5 C, 6 B

Competence Booster Parlare, dire Page 517


1 c, 2 d, 3 a, 4 b, 5 e

2 1 2 3 4 5

don’t talk to talk Can/Will … speak to speak (has) talked

3 1 2 3 4 5

Can … tell tells to say told said

4 1 2 3 4 5 6

to talk, didn’t say don’t speak talk won’t speak, says told speaks

5 a 5, to talk sense (into someone): far ragionare (qualcuno) a 9, to talk until one is blue in the face: parlare fino allo svenimento a/b 8, to talk/speak of the devil: parlare di qualcuno che compare inaspettatamente b 1, so to speak: per così dire b 3, to speak in riddles: parlare in modo poco chiaro b 4, to speak out of turn: parlare a sproposito c 2, to say for sure: essere certi c 7, to say the least: a dir poco c 12, who can say: chi può dire d 6, to tell the difference: distinguere, vedere la differenza d 10, only time will tell: solo il tempo lo dirà d 11, tell you what: senti, ti dico una cosa

6 1 It’s a terrible idea. You’re talking nonsense. 2 They were all talking and laughing together. 3 My mother can talk for hours without stopping. 4 Now that I live in Greece, I don’t get many chances to speak Italian. 5 ‘I’ll come and pick you up at seven, then’, Daniel said. 6 Is it true that the English like to talk about the weather?


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 16 LE CONGIUNZIONI E LE SUBORDINATE  137 And, but, or ; because, why, so ; in order to, so that Page 519


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

why and or and / but so because or so why

2 1 2 3 4 5 6

so as not to (in order) to (in order) to so in order/so as / to so

Page 520


1 Nobody likes Indian food, so let’s go to that Chinese place. 2 His handwriting is so small that I can’t read it. 3 He had sprained his ankle, as a result he couldn’t play in the match. 4 Because there was a bomb scare the conference was called off. 5 Our hotel room wasn’t very big but the view of the bay was amazing. 6 Our flight is delayed, so let’s have a look around the shops. 7 There was such a lot of noise that I couldn’t study.

4 1 Last night he was exhausted so he stayed in. 2 I woke up late on Tuesday morning because I had

3 4 5 6

forgotten to set the alarm clock the night before. Jack is going to visit Australia and New Zealand during his next holidays. Olivia wanted to buy a novel so she went to the bookshop after work. The reason why we’ll have to cancel tomorrow’s picnic is that it’s raining again. I took/’ve taken/’m taking/’ll take the ring road in order to avoid the afternoon traffic in the city centre.

5 1 2 3 4 5

✔ so that you ✔ Because all flights but I didn’t enjoy it

6 1 Becky doesn’t like science fiction films but she went to the cinema anyway. 2 Shall we go by train or by coach? 3 We booked our tickets online so that we wouldn’t have to queue. 4 There was such a lot of mess after the party that it took ages to clean/tidy up. 5 The reason why she isn’t speaking to me is a mystery. 6 I wasn’t tired so I read a book.

 138 Le congiunzioni di tempo Page 522


2 f, 3 d, 4 b, 5 c, 6 e

2 1 2 3 4 5 6

until When Before when since before

3 1 2 3 4 5

when by the time as soon as when before

4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

when until while after when Before As soon as

 139 That come connettore Page 523


1 2 3 4 5

knew chance suggested, replied delighted opinion

2 1 I suggest/recommend you order the homemade pasta 2 He/She told me you never do your homework. 3 He was disappointed that his team had lost. 4 He/She explained that we had to reread the book.

 140 Both (...and) e either (...or), neither (...nor) Page 525


1 2 3 4 5

either Both, neither both Both, either Either

2 1 Neither, nor 2 Neither, nor


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Answer Keys 3 4 5 6

Both, and both Both, and Neither, nor

3 1 2 3 4 5 6

either, or Neither neither, nor Either Both both

 141 Congiunzioni causali, consecutive e avversative Page 528


1 As nobody wants to spend a lot, let’s go camping this year. 2 His handwriting is so untidy that I can’t read it. 3 She had used up all her credit, and as a result she couldn’t make a phone call. 4 Because there was a snow storm, the flight was diverted to another airport. / The flight was diverted to another airport because there was a snow storm. 5 Since the match has been called off, let’s go to the pool instead. / Let’s go to the pool instead, since the match has been called off. 6 There was such a lot of noise outside that I couldn’t sleep.

2 1 2 3 4 5 6

Although / Even though Although / Even though nevertheless / but / yet in spite of / despite In spite of / despite although / even though

3 1 While some experts think inflation will fall, others disagree. 2 Although it was hot, Hugh wore a jacket and tie.

3 In spite of a fever/of having a fever, Victor still went to work. 4 Rose hadn’t played for ages. However/Nevertheless,/Still,/ Yet she still won the match. 5 Last summer was good, but/ however/yet this summer it’s rained all the time.

4 1 2 3 4 5 6

because However As a result so that Although

 142 Connettivi Page 530


1 2 3 4

As far as I’m concerned In other words such as In fact

2 1 D, 2 C, 3 A, 4 B, 5 C

3 1 2 3 4 5

as on of well For

4 1 2 3 4

Nevertheless/In spite of this Consequently/Therefore Actually/As a matter of fact In conclusion/To sum up

Recupero A2-B1 Page 532


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

because so and but so or but, so

2 1 The elderly man felt ill while he was flying to the United States/While he was flying to the United States, the elderly man felt ill. 2 When Curtis left school, he went to New Zealand on a gap year./Curtis went to New Zealand on a gap year when he left school. 3 I have kept a diary since I was ten years old. 4 While Vera was queueing at the train station, somebody stole her smartphone. 5 After I jog for an hour, I am out of breath./I am out of breath after I jog for an hour. 6 They have been together since they met at university.

3 1 f, 2 e, 3 d, 4 c, 5 b, 6 a

4 1 I’ll send you this translation as soon as I finish it./As soon as I finish this translation I’ll send it to you. 2 After I have fixed a date for the meeting/After fixing a date for the meeting, I’ll speak to Finn. 3 Let’s go home before it gets dark. 4 Until you correct the mistakes, I won’t accept your essay./I won’t accept your essay until you correct the mistakes. 5 While I cook dinner, I’ll listen to the news./I’ll listen to the news while I cook dinner. 6 As soon as the researchers finish their tests, they’ll announce their results.

5 1 Is there any hope that things will get better soon? 2 Fran is/will be disappointed that she didn’t pass her driving test. 3 Everybody agrees that finding work is becoming more and more difficult. 4 There’s a possibility that the redundancies will be announced today. 5 It’s strange that he hasn’t emailed me yet.


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Recupero B1-B2

Potenziamento B1-B2

Page 533

Page 535


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Both Either, or Neither Neither, nor, both Either, or Both, and either, or Either

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

As/Because/Since because of as/because/since such ... that as/because/since due to/owing to owing to/due to such ... that

3 1 even though 2 whereas 3 Although 4 but 5 In spite of 6 even though 7 Despite 8 however 9 Still 10 While

1 B, 2 I, 3 F, 4 G, 5 E, 6 A, 7 K, 8 H, 9 L, 10 J, 11 D, 12 M, 13 C

2 1 2 3 4 5

in spite of the fact whereas most are against because we wanted to avoid so high that we expect such an

Competence Booster Perdere, provare, cadere, prestare e passare Page 537


1 2 3 4 5 6

wouldn’t miss proven will test to lose can’t miss to try

2 1 2 3 4 5 6

passed Have don’t/try has passed Could/put/through Have


4 1 2 3 4 5 6


nevertheless/but neither, nor so Because either, or spite

Potenziamento A2-B1 Page 534


1 Your neighbour will lend you some. 2 I’ve dropped an earring down the sink. 3 They’ll borrow some from the bank. 4 I fell while I was skiing. 5 There was a click and the line went dead. 6 I want to repair the vase I dropped.

1 A, 2 B, 3 B, 4 B, 5 B, 6 A, 7 B, 8B




1 B, 2 A, 3 D, 4 C, 5 A, 6 D, 7 D, 8B

1 e, 2 d, 3 h, 4 b, 5 a, 6 c, 7 g, 8 f

1 I’ve lost my gloves. Have you seen them anywhere?

2 Last night I missed the last train home and I had to call my father/dad. 3 He went into his office and dropped his briefcase on the chair. 4 ‘Did the injection hurt?’ ‘Not at all, I didn’t feel anything.’ 5 I must have/get my hearing tested. Can you do it online? 6 You can borrow up to four books and three dvds at a time.

Cumulative Revision 5 Page 538


1 A, 2 B, 3 D, 4 C, 5 B, 6 A, 7 C, 8 B, 9 A, 10 C

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

trained where to not to told, that so soon as until

Page 539


1 at 2 much 3 what 4 other 5 me 6 get 7 told 8 his 9 don’t/can’t 10 wasn’t 11 said 12 didn’t 13 has 14 offered 15 will/’ll 16 can’t/doesn’t 17 must 18 her 19 last 20 broken 21 want


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Answer Keys 22 because 23 could 24 said 25 seeing 26 so/very 27 were 28 had 29 showed 30 was 31 there 32 do 33 Can 34 anybody 35 has 36 on/last 37 did 38 as 39 better 40 after Page 540


1 B, 2 C, 3 A, 4 D, 5 A, 6 C, 7 B, 8 A, 9 D, 10 B, 11 B, 12 C, 13 A, 14 D

2 1 2 3 4 5 6

either owing to such a boring nevertheless except Even so

Page 541


1 to 2 each/a 3 nearly 4 One 5 where 6 while/as 7 which 8 some 9 least 10 a 11 had 12 worst 13 said 14 result

15 suffering 16 the 17 due 18 most 19 however 20 of 21 lack 22 also 23 off 24 may/might 25 took 26 were 27 stop/prevent 28 suggested 29 much 30 has 31 since 32 when 33 at 34 order 35 tried 36 including 37 on 38 seem


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Answer Keys • Vocabulary and communication • Exam training


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A: Have you got any pets? B: No, I haven’t, but my aunt is a vet and she has got two dogs and a rabbit.

 File 1 Making friends


Page 543


1 What’s your phone number? 2 Have you got a hobby? 3 Have you got any brothers or sisters? 4 Can you play a musical instrument? 5 When’s your birthday? 6 Can you spell your name, please? 7 Where are you from?

2 A 2 And I’m Luke. 3 Where are you from? 4 I’m from Birmingham. 5 Birmingham? 6 Yes, it’s a big city in the centre of England. B 2 Canadian? Cool! I’m Tania. What’s your name? 3 I’m Bobby, Bobby Summers. 4 How old are you, Bobby? 5 I’m fifteen. My birthday is next week. 6 Really? My birthday is next week too. 7 Have you got any brothers or sisters? 8 No, I haven’t. I’m an only child.

3 A: Hi, I’m (Bill). B: I’m (Norman) Nice to meet you. Where are you from, Bill? A: I’m from Manchester, in England. B: Really? My father/dad is from Manchester and I’ve got an uncle there. A: Have you got any brothers or sisters? B: I’ve got a brother. A: How old is he? B: He’s 15.

1 in 2 on 3 His 4 are 5 isn’t 6 ‘s got 7 They 8 school 9 can 10 hasn’t

5 Risposte personali.

 File 2 At home Page 545


1 2 3 4 5

piano, door tetto, ceiling prato, wall scale, wall cantina, window

2 1 2 3 4 5

there are/aren’t there is/isn’t there are/aren’t there is/isn’t there are/aren’t

3 1 2 3 4

chest of drawers cooker sink stairs

4 1 2 3 4 5

lamp garage sofa wardrobe/chest of drawers carpet

5 1 got 2 are

3 There 4 at 5 on 6 have/’ve 7 desk 8 can 9 watch 10 fridge 11 table

 File 3 Leisure and sports Page 547


free time activities that you do indoors collect things play cards / board games / computer games take dance classes / cooking classes / drawing classes visit museums / art galleries watch DVDs free time activities that you do outdoors do gardening go jogging / hiking go window shopping play the piano free time activities that you do indoors and outdoors chat online do photography hang out with/meet up with friends paint / draw play the guitar read books / magazines / comics surf the Net

2 1 Sandy rarely/seldom/ hardly ever visits art galleries. 2 Emily takes dance classes three times a week. 3 Yvette and Bob always chat online. 4 Purnima and Clarissa (usually) go window-shopping once a week/frequently. 5 Ed and his cousins sometimes play board games.


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Answer Keys

3 play baseball – basketball – ice hockey – table tennis – volleyball – tennis go horse riding – sailing – skiing – surfing – swimming – waterskiing – ice skating – motor racing do athletics – gymnastics

4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

support score wins planning pitch kick net dive

5 1 are wearing, are using; Rock climbing 2 ‘m performing, ‘m trying, are slipping; Gymnastics 3 is playing, is scoring, is touching; Rugby 4 is using; Karate 5 is hitting, is shining; Golf

6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

volleyball competitive fun bit keeps fit sign

 File 4 Describing and comparing photos or pictures Page 549


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

background taken left centre shorts think look

8 makes 9 probably 10 reminds

2 Possibile risposta: 1 young people doing sport in their free time 2 playing football on a pitch 3 T-shirts, shorts and football boots 4 swimming in a pool 5 a swimming costume, a cap and goggles 6 training for a competition as they look focused on what they are doing 7 are playing a team sport whereas the girl is doing an individual sport 8 Risposte personali.

3 Possibile risposta: The photo shows a man playing a guitar and there are women and children around him listening. In the foreground there is a campfire. In the background we can see the countryside in the distance. It must be summertime because everyone is wearing light clothes, T-shirts, shorts or summer dresses and sunglasses. The atmosphere is relaxed and happy because everyone is smiling. It looks as though they are enjoying themselves. It makes me think of times when I went camping with my family.

 File 5 Education Page 551


1 2 3 4 5 6

compulsory staff room, marking sports hall GCSEs, revision graduate degree

3 1 Have your A-levels results come 2 found 3 has posted, haven’t watched 4 did, learnt, was 5 has changed, were 6 didn’t get. 7 ’ve revised

4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

apply universities qualifications course lectures Undergraduates coursework retake graduate

 File 6 Describing personal experiences Page 553


1 2 3 4 5 6

went told could has found ’ve been writing has improved

2 1 been 2 met 3 to 4 remember 5 would 6 for/before 7 took 8 instead 9 had 10 still 11 fallen 12 last 13 got

2 1 C, 2 A, 3 A, 4 B, 5 C, 6 C


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Answer Keys



A: I was in boarding school until the age of eighteen. B: I’ve never met anyone who went to a boarding school. What was it like? A: I missed my family at first/ at the beginning, but after a few months I started to have fun/enjoy it/enjoy myself. B: How often would you see your family? A: I would see them on Sunday and I used to go home for the holidays at the end of each/the semester. B: What did you use to do at school at weekends/during the weekend? A: The school used to organise a lot of sport, music and theatre activities and it was fun. B: Did you make any friends? A: Yes, and I have always kept in touch with them since I left/since leaving (boarding) school. B: I often meet old school friends. A: Same here./Me too. Luckily, some go to/study at/are enrolled in/have enrolled in the same university as me.

1 are going to put up 2 isn’t going to be/won’t be 3 ’ll get 4 ’m leaving, 5 takes off 6 ’m spending 7 ’m doing 8 ’re staying 9 will probably travel 10 will hitchhike 11 ’re leaving 12 ’ll be Sarah: beach holiday; Tom: adventure holiday; Paul: backpacking holiday

4 Risposte personali.

 File 7 Travel and holidays Page 555


1 2 3 4 5

low season board airline motorway seatbelt

2 1 2 3 4 5 6

coach full board resort life jacket boarding card/pass tour guide

3 1 2 3 4 5

trip cruise voyage travel excursion

5 1 passport 2 window 3 aisle 4 window 5 luggage 6 excess baggage 7 hand 8 boarding pass, 9 gate 10 flight

 File 8 Making travel arrangements Page 557


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

reserve on double per person reservation/booking Can


A: I’ll just check our vacancies … Oh, I’m sorry, Mr Ewans. The hotel is fully booked for that period but I have some excellent rooms available on the 17th. B: Yes, That’s fine. I’d like to reserve a room for two days. A: Will that be one or two nights? B: Oh, yes sorry, two days and two nights, arriving on the 17th and leaving on the 19th . A: Fine, what kind of room would you like? B: A single room with a queen-size bed. Can you tell me the price? A: Certainly. It’s £197 per night, breakfast included. How will you be paying, Mr Ewans? B: By credit card. A: Could you give me the number, please? B: Yes, it’s 5842 6209 1146 3957. A: So that’s 5842 6209 1146 3957 and your address, please? B: 21, Willow Terrace, York. A: Right, Mr Ewans, I’ve made your reservation. I’ll just give you your booking reference number. It’s ME 210416. B: Thank you. A: You’re welcome. We look forward to seeing you on the 17th. Goodbye. 1 17 May 2 two 3 19 May 4 Ewans 5 Mark 6 21, Willow Terrace, York 7 one 8 none 9 single 10 breakfast 11 queen-size bed 12 credit card 13 5842 6209 1146 3957 14 ME 210416

3 A: Good afternoon. Merton Hotel. How can I help you? B: Good afternoon. I’d like to make a booking for the weekend of the tenth of May. A: Could I have your name, please? B: Yes, it’s Mark Ewans. E-W-A-N-S.

A 6, 2, 4, 7, 3, 5, 8 B 5, 7, 2, 6, 4, 8, 3

4 A: Do you think it’s a good idea to book airline tickets online? B: I often fly and I have booked my tickets online many


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Answer Keys times. It’s easy and cheap. A: What information do I have to type in? B: Very little. They will ask you your departure date and destination and how many people will be travelling. A: And how do I get the best price? B: There are a lot of websites that compare fares and find the best deals for you. If you aren’t too particular about your departure date and time, you will usually get a good fare. A: Can I choose which airline I want to fly with? B: Of course. You can either choose the airline or let the website find the cheapest one. Remember to print out your e-ticket at the end.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

keep out of reach of children expiry date on the packaging oral use dosage two spoonfuls if symptoms persist mild side-effects

5 1 I’ve got a rash on my arms. 2 When I travel by boat I often feel seasick. 3 That’s a deep cut. I think you’ll need stitches. 4 Some of the patients were transferred to another hospital because there weren’t enough beds.

 File 9 Body and health

 File 10 Asking for and giving advice about health

Page 559

Page 561


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

cold disease bitten ward sore first aid prescription

2 1 in the pink of health 2 out of shape 3 ’ve been feeling under the weather 4 on the mend 5 run-down

3 1 2 3 4 5

ointment bandage X-ray cream BandAid

4 1 warnings 2 have a bad reaction to the ingredients


1, 4, 3, 2, 5, 6

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

need convinced pills try How about help opinion

3 A  3 It must be food poisoning. You should take it easy and drink a lot of fluids. You should make an appointment with your doctor if you don’t feel better in a couple of days. B  2 It must be flu. You must stay in bed and drink a lot of water. You had better take some paracetamol to lower your temperature. It will take you about a week to get better. C  4 It must be toothache. You must go to the dentist as soon as possible. He will

order you antibiotics and you’ll feel better soon. D  1 You must have sprained your ankle. You should go to the doctor and have it checked. He may order X-rays to make sure the bone isn’t broken. Meanwhile why don’t you lie down and put an ice pack on your foot?

4 Patrick Hello. I’m here to see Dr Cameron. Nurse Can I have your name please? Patrick Patrick White. Nurse You’re a little early, Mr White. Have a seat in the waiting room. I’ll call you when Dr Cameron is ready. Patrick Thank you. (some time later) Nurse Mr White? Follow me please. The doctor is ready to see you now. Patrick Good morning, Dr Cameron. Dr C. Hello, Patrick. Sit down please. What seems to be the problem? Patrick I had flu last month and I’m still not feeling one hundred percent. I’ve been feeling a bit run-down. And in the morning, when I get up, I am dizzy. Dr C. Have you been eating properly? A healthy diet is very important. Patrick To tell you the truth, Doctor, I eat a hamburger at lunch and in the evening I’m too tired to cook myself a meal. Dr C. Are you taking any medicine at the moment? Patrick No, I’m not. Dr C. Okay. Can you please roll up your sleeve? I want to take your blood pressure. … Good, your pressure is fine. Patrick That’s good to hear. Do you think it’s serious? I’m a bit worried …


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Answer Keys It shouldn’t be. I’ll write you a prescription for some vitamins and we’ll run some blood tests. When the results come, I might refer you to a specialist if it’s necessary. Meanwhile, you should try and change your lifestyle. Patrick Okay, new lifestyle. Fine. Dr C. You should eat a variety of foods to get the nutrients you need to stay healthy. You should also drink a lot of water. And you must cut down on foods that are high in fat and salt. You can eat one or two hamburgers a week but not more than that. Dr C.

1 F he had flu last month and he still doesn’t feel well 2 T 3 F eating properly is important 4 T 5 F he isn’t taking any medicine 6 T 7 F Patrick should change his lifestyle 8 T

 File 11 Crime and the law Page 563


1 2 3 4 5 6

hijacker commit witness appeal death penalty alibi

2 steal 2, 3, 5 C; rob 1, 6 D; burgle 4 F; mug 6 A, shoplift 3, 5 E; pirate 3B

3 1 2 3 4 5 6

stolen statement arrested denied officer crime



have been vandalized was robbed will be convicted was broken into, are being questioned 5 have been hacked 6 are charged 7 was caught 1 2 3 4

5 3, 7, 1, 9, 5, 2, 4, 10, 6, 8

 File 12 Presenting facts and figures Page 565


1 2 3 4 5

nearly half, roughly one fourth proportion upward, rocketed one in four dramatically

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

halved survey jumped dramatic due 5.1m falling by increasing

3 Risposta personale.

 File 13 Art and entertainment Page 567


1 2 3 4 5 6

still life paintbrush to portray exhibition art critic collection

Welcome to the Rogers Art Museum. I’m Eric Webb, the museum director. You’ve come to a special place – an art gallery full of masterpieces and a building that is a masterpiece itself. The Rogers collection isn’t large, the emphasis is on quality rather than quantity, but it includes works from all over the world and thousands of years of human history. Most of the exhibits are great European paintings, such as still lifes from the Renaissance period, and more recent American works but there are also a few examples of Asian and African art. On your left you can see the portraits of William Rogers and his wife Martha, who were the donors of this museum. The Rogers Art foundation was established in 1936 the year after these portraits were painted. The couple was already loaning works and inviting groups to see the collection in their home. After William Rogers died, the city authorities commissioned architect Joseph Boyd to design this building. Now please return to the central information desk on this level and step out of the building through the glass doors. You should pause your audio guide until you are outside. (...) You should now be in the glass-enclosed courtyard where you can admire the beautiful marble sculpture called Wings. The sculpture was a favourite of architect Boyd, who designed the pedestal. Wings was carved by artist Louis Matthew and is a monument to the fallen air force pilots of World War Two. Now please step back into the museum. Beside you are galleries devoted entirely to art. Walk into them and look around. If a special exhibition is in progress, please pause your audio guide and walk to the far end of the lobby where you’ll find more galleries. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

European and American was established the collection designed a marble sculpture was carved monument air force pilots


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3 act in: a play, a comedy compose: a symphony, a piece of music direct: a play, a comedy get: a minor part, the leading role give: a brilliant performance, a concert play: a minor part, the leading role, a piece of music publish: a play, a comedy, a novel, a collection of poems put on: a play, a comedy, a concert review: a play, a comedy, a novel, a collection of poems, a concert, a symphony

4 1 performance 2 audience 3 stage 4 actors 5 director 6 playwright 7 cast 8 rehearse 9 costumes 10 dress rehearsal 11 opens 12 the house

5 1 If you’re looking for suspense, there’s no point in buying a non-fiction book. You’d better get a crime thriller. 2 He’s had a very adventurous life and says he’s enjoyed writing his autobiography. His publisher says it’s supposed to come out next year and will have rave reviews. 3 Imagine being a successful author. Would you like your next book to be a sciencefiction novel or a collection of short stories?

 File 14 Describing people and personality Page 569


unfriendly, unreliable, unselfish, unkind

insensitive irresponsible dishonest impatient, impolite

2 1 2 3 4 5

were … like Does … look like would like to be doesn’t like meeting looks like

3 1, 6, 4, 5, 8, 7, 2, 3

4 Tom Hi Dan. How are your German lessons going? What’s your private teacher like? Dan To tell you the truth, Tom, I’m not improving. I can’t stand the teacher. She’s too strict. Tom Oh really, why? Dan Well she refuses to speak to me in English though she can speak it, and she gives me so much homework. Tom That sounds like my old teacher Brigitte. She used to give me loads of homework too. Dan That’s her name, Brigitte. I can’t believe it! What did your teacher look like Tom? Tom Well, she was quite pretty actually with long blonde hair. A good job or I probably would have stopped straight away. She was Austrian. Dan No, mine isn’t from Austria and she’s not very attractive either. 1 T 2 F The teacher doesn’t want to speak in English. 3 F She can. 4 F Dan has loads of homework. 5 T 6 F Their names are Brigitte. 7 T 8 F They are different women.

5 1 handsome 2-3 friendly 4 bright 5 dark 6 curly 7 tall 8 slim 9 like 10 character 11 cheerful 12 easy-going 13 reliable 14 attractive 15 fun

 File 15 Shopping Page 571


2 g (C), 3 d (C), 4 h (SA), 5 b (SA), 6 c (SA), 7 a (SA), 8 f (C)

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

a any some take anything much expensive everything change

3 SA: Are you being served? C: No, I’m not. I’m looking for a green pullover. SA: What do you think of this one? It’s made of cotton. C: It looks nice, but I need something warmer. SA: How about this V-neck wool cardigan? It’s the right size and colour. C: I think that’s exactly what I’m looking for. How much is it? SA: There’s a 20 per cent discount on all cardigans this week. This one is £45. C: Great. I’ll take it. SA: Is there anything else I can help you with? C: No, thanks. That’s all.


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4 Customer: Excuse me, can/could you help me? Shop assistant: Yes of course, what can I do for you? Customer: I bought this top for my daughter yesterday, but the colour doesn’t suit her. Shop assistant: Do you want to change it or get a refund? Customer: I’d like to change it. Do you have this in green? Shop assistant: Yes we have light green and dark green. Which would you prefer? Customer: I think light green will/ would be perfect. Shop assistant: That’s fine. I’ll put it in a bag for you.

5 A: How can I help you? B: I’ve/I decided to return this book because I’m not happy with it. A: What is the problem? B: Not only are some pages coming out, but someone has also scribbled things inside./Some of the pages are coming out and someone has written inside it. A: I’m (terribly) sorry. I can change it for you, if you like. B: Can I get/have a refund?/I’d like to ask for/get a refund./I’d be grateful/I wonder if you could get me a refund. A: Certainly. Have you got the receipt? B: No, I haven’t. Is that a problem? A: I’m sorry, but I can’t give you a refund without the receipt/unless you have the receipt. B: The book is damaged. I would like to speak to the manager, please./I think it’s better if I speak to the manager./I think it would be better to call the manager.

 File 16 Money and banking Page 573


1 2 3 4

short pocket money gone over save up

5 bankrupt 6 paid back

5 team 6 factory



1 banknotes 2 transaction 3 fixed limit 4 pay off 5 into debt 6 moves money 7 account 8 overdraw on 9 to withdraw cash 10 to pay bills 11 is deducted

1 applied 2 worker 3 well-paid 4 colleagues 5 got 6 overtime 7 off 8 qualities 9 full-time 10 salary 11 retired

3 1 C, 2 A, 3 D, 4 B, 5 C, 6 A, 7 D, 8 B, 9 C, 10 A

 File 18 Getting a job Page 577

1  File 17 Work and jobs

1, 6, 5, 2, 4, 3

Page 575



1 2 3 4 5 6 7

as with for in as from with

employment, work, job profession business occupation

3 1 2 3 4 5 6

vet scientist plumber boss/manager firefighter soldier

4 1 2 3 4

training branch contract basic Working hours application CV


2 1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

apply salary out physically

4, 1, 5, 3, 6, 2, 7

4 Mr Smith Good morning, Ted. Pleased to meet you. Ted My pleasure. Mr Smith Take a seat please. So, could you tell me why you want to work in advertising? Ted Well, I’ve always been a creative and artistic person. Soon after graduating, I worked in the offices of my uncle’s company for a year. My main duties included taking phone calls and welcoming clients but I also helped design the


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leaflets and business cards. Here is my portfolio. Mr Smith Are these the leaflets you designed? Ted Yes. As you can see, we really made the advertising material more interesting and effective. That’s when I understood what I wanted to do. Mr Smith Your uncle must have been very proud of you. These leaflets are very impressive, Ted. May I ask why you left the job? Ted Well, it’s not easy to work in a family business. I had a problem with my colleagues. We didn’t get on well because they thought I was getting special treatment. They were wrong, of course, but I felt that I needed a different working environment. Besides, my uncle’s company isn’t very large, they only have a few clients in the area. That’s why I’m interested in working for an international company like yourselves. Mr Smith I see. What do you consider to be your greatest strength? Ted My main strength is the ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines whatever it takes. I don’t mind doing overtime or working at weekends if I can help reach the company’s goals. Mr Smith That’s great. And what about your weaknesses, Ted? Ted Well, that’s a difficult question, but I’d say that my main strength is my main weakness. I tend to work too much, so I often have no time for myself or my girlfriend. She says that texting each other three times a day isn’t enough for a good relationship. Mr Smith I see from your CV that you have a degree in marketing and advertising. Do you have

any other qualifications that are useful in advertising? Ted I speak four languages. My mum is from Rome, so my second language is Italian, and I’m fluent in German and Spanish. I plan to take up Chinese, too. Mr Smith Very impressive, Ted. Do you have any questions about this position? Ted Yes, just a couple of questions. Could you tell me what salary you offer? Mr Smith The basic salary is £19,000 plus bonuses for successful adverts or commercials. We have a lot of clients so you will have no shortage of work. Ted OK. And when would you like me to start if I get the job? Mr Smith The position is available at the beginning of April. We have some more interviews tomorrow and we’ll make a decision by next week. Thank you for coming today, Ted. We’ll be in touch. Ted Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you. 1 Could you tell me why you want to work in advertising? 2 May I ask why you left the job? 3 What do you consider to be your greatest strength? 4 And what about your weaknesses, Ted? 5 Do you have any other qualifications

5 1 2 3 4 5 6

duties business strength overtime CV fluent

6 Risposte personali.

 File 19 Food and drink Page 579


1 2 3 4 5 6

egg beans peanuts cod jam onion

2 1 2 3 4 5

hotter/tastier than more bitter than sweeter than juicier than tastier

3 1 eggs, dairy products 2 pan 3 bake 4 lay/set 5 slices 6 fried 7 takeaway 8 spoon 9 packed lunch 10 knife

4 1 7g 2 20g 3 5g 4 475ml 5 2 6 30ml 7 Break, beat 8 Add 9 Add, stir 10 heat 11 Pour 12 Cook 13 Serve

5 1 2 3 4 5

main eat clear breakfast family


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 File 20 Eating out


Page 581

1 2 3 4 5 6


1 2 3 4 5

restaurant fast-food tea room takeaway pavement café

 File 21 Town and country

2 L’ordine logico è: 7, 5, 12, 3, 4, 11, 6, 9, 1, 2, 8, 10

3 1 2 3 4 5

Was everything Compliments to glad the bill separate on me

May menu study water wine

4 Waiter Are you ready to order? Omar Yes. For starters I’ll have the garlic soup and then the spring chicken. Anna I think I’ll try the pappardelle and for my main course I’d like the chicken too. Waiter Very good. Would you like a side dish? May I recommend the new potato salad? It’s delicious. Omar I’ll go for the carrots and peas. Anna? Anna I’ll have the fries. Waiter So, one soup and one pappardelle, two chickens, one carrots and peas and one fries. Can I get you anything else? Omar Yes. Could you bring us two glasses of white wine, please? Waiter Sure. Omar That’s all for the moment then, thanks. Do you think it will take long? Waiter No, sir. Your order will be ready in a few minutes. Wild garlic soup: pappardelle, pesto& datterini tomatoes; 2 spring chickens; buttered carrots and peas; fries. They order two glasses of white wine.

5 gift shops 6 polluted 7 blocks/buildings 8 detached 9 bungalow 10 shopping centre/mall 11 centre 12 baker 13 greengrocer 14 local

Page 583


1 sit on a bench 2 stop at the traffic lights 3 look for wildlife in the national park/in the fields 4 live in the city centre/a block of flats 5 buy a semi-detached house on the outskirts 6 shop at the shopping centre 7 rent a bedsit in a block of flats/ in the city centre 8 stand on the pavement 9 make an appointment at the health centre 10 work in the fields/in the city centre

 File 22 Asking for and giving street directions Page 585


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

on down/along to in across/over on at past


2 A conservation area B terraced houses C side street D traffic-free zone E traffic warden F town hall G rush hour H hairdresser

3 1 2 3 4 5

nightlife dry cleaner’s litter bin scenery doorbell

4 1 2 3 4

attraction busy get park

Woman Could you tell me where the nearest cashpoint is? Man 1 I’m sorry, I don’t know, I’m a tourist here. Woman Oh right, OK. Thanks anyway. (…) Woman Excuse me. Is there a bank near here? Man 2 Er, yes. There’s a bank in Eastgate Street. Woman Eastgate Street? Man 2 Yes, that’s right. Woman Is it far from here? Man 2 No, go straight down this road then take the second turning on the left after the crossroads. You’ll see a chemist on the right. The bank is just past it. Woman Second turning on the left after the crossroads. Right. Thanks.


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Answer Keys Man 2 No, no, wait, wait. There’s a closer one. Walk up this street, take the first right and there’s a bank just round the corner. Sorry, I forgot about that one. Woman Thanks again. Man 2 You’re welcome. 1 the bank in Eastgate Street B 2 the chemist C 3 the nearest bank L

3 A: 1, 3, 7, 5, 2, 4, 6 B: 1, 7, 8, 5, 2, 6, 4, 3

4 1 Excuse me, how far is the railway station from here? 2 Is there a chemist near here? 3 Which bus do I need to take to get to the library? 4 It isn’t far. It’s about a ten minutes’ walk from here. 5 The quickest way is to take the number 6 bus and get off at the shopping centre.

 File 23 Family and friends Page 587


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

twin engaged take mother-in-law only child parents relationship

2 Across 1 relatives 4 siblings 8 brother in law 9 niece 10 love/date Down 2 stepmother 3 divorced 5 grandson

6 single 7 children

3 1 asked 2 dating 3 home 4 expecting 5 get 6 daughter 7 raise 8 fell 9 stepfather 10 touch

2 That’s too bad. They seemed to be so happy together. 3 A castle? It must have cost a fortune. 4 I’m not so sure about that. Raising children is always hard. 5 Have you? How are you going to do that? 6 I’m sorry, I didn’t get that. Could you say it again?

 File 25 Citizenship and services Page 591



first middle last nickname name(s) name name 1 Michael Fred Phelps Flying Fish 2 Jennifer Shrader Lawrence JLaw 3 Bene- Timothy Cumber- Ben dict Carlton batch 4 Gwen Renée Stefani Sunshine 5 David Jude Law Hotson

Being an active citizen: campaign for/against, assist Getting help: helpline, emergency number Social problems: racism, human rights Globalization: politics


1 G, 2 A, 3 D, 4 C, 5 F, 6 B, 7 A, 8 C, 9 D, 10 B, 11 E, 12 B

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



 File 24 How to keep a conversation going Page 589


1 A, 2 C, 3 A, 4 C

3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

fantastic/great Do you aren’t they haven’t they they haven’t sad/too bad I have always true

4 Risposte possibili: 1 Neither would I./Me neither. I’d feel lonely.

allowed consists foreign social laws Prime Minister Members survey

1 f, 2 b, 3 c, 4 d, 5 a, 6 e

4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

elects laws government political attending policy citizens

5 1 fill in, residency, officer 2 gender gap 3 vote, vote


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 File 26 T   ransactional conversation Page 593


10, 2, 3, 1, 9, 11, 7, 2, 5, 8, 4

2 Man Volunteer Glasgow, good afternoon. How can I help you? Girl Good afternoon. My name is Thea Roberts. I’,m calling about the job offers I saw in the newspaper yesterday. Could I ask for some information? Man Certainly, Ms Roberts. What is the job you are interested in? Girl I read you are looking for a track assistant. Man Can you hold a minute? I’ll just see … Oh, yes. It’s at the cycling centre on Glasgow Green. It’s a wonderful opportunity to do community work outdoors. But you must be at least 15. Do you mind me asking how old you are? Girl I’m 20, so that isn’t a problem. And how many hours would I have to work? Man The centre is open from midday to 5 p.m. on Sundays. So five hours would be ideal but even a few hours would help us. Girl That’s perfect. I’ve got one more question, if I’m not keeping you. Man No, go ahead. Girl What exactly would I have to do? Man Well, you’d have to keep an eye on the track and make sure people are using the bikes and karts safely. Children with disabilities normally use special karts, so we need volunteers who can assist them too. Girl Mmm, I see. Does this mean I need to have experience with special needs children? Man Don’t worry, no experience is required. We are just looking for active citizens who are willing to work with children and teenagers.

Girl That’s great. I’ll send my application then. Thank you very much for your help. Man You’re welcome, Thea. I’ll call you back as soon as … 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Volunteer Glasgow track assistant community work fifteen five hours/a few hours bikes and karts with disabilities active citizens

3 1 I was told this number is passport enquiries. 2 I was wondering if I could possibly renew my passport at the embassy. 3 I am a resident here so where can I apply? 4 Would you mind telling me where I can get the form? 5 Thank you. That would be very kind.

4 A: I wonder if you could help me. B: What can I do for you? A: I’d like to vote in the election next week, but I haven’t received my polling card. B: I’m sorry but there have been delays. You don’t need a polling card, though. A: Oh, why is that? B: You only need to be on the electoral register. A: I didn’t know. And how can I find where my polling station is? B: It’s easy. You can check online. A: Thanks, you have been very helpful. B: You’re welcome.

5 Risposte personali.

3 oil spill 4 hurricane 5 deforestation

2 2 c, 3 f, 4 b, 5 e, 6 a, 7 d, 8 h 1 volcanic eruption 2 carbon footprint 3 climate change 4 global warming 5 environmental organisation 6 renewable energy 7 toxic waste

3 1 2 3 4 5 6

toxic waste endangered species biodegradable greenhouse sea levels famine

4 1 If we don’t stop cutting down forests, we’ll reduce our oxygen supply. 2 If people use CFCs, the hole in the ozone layer will get bigger. 3 If everybody reuses and recycles, the amount of waste will decrease. 4 If we don’t protect endangered species, they’ll become extinct. 5 If nobody gives up their car, air pollution will increase.

5 1 could speak, would it tell you 2 had, would you solve 3 Would you agree, helped

 File 28 Giving opinions about the environment Page 597

1  File 27 The environment Page 595


1 earthquake 2 flood

1 2 3 4 5 6

I have to disagree In my opinion, explain in more detail? First, Second, I’m not so sure


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Answer Keys 7 What evidence 8 the idea is right 9 For example, 10 What’s more 11 makes sense

2 2 f, 3 c, 4 d, 5 a, 6 b

3 Risposte personali.

 File 29 TV, radio, cinema and the Internet Page 599


1 2 3 4 5

romantic comedy science fiction thriller soap opera talent show

2 1 2 3 4 5

film-goer phone-in soap opera rerun trailer

3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

role gripping inspiring remake Set in special effects disappointing

4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

programme podcasting broadcasting download station sports title file copy/save

 File 30 Reporting an interview Page 601


1b that she had felt her story had been told and she had wanted to explore new career paths. 2a would be returning to reality TV. 2b that it would happen soon, for the moment she was focusing on her fashion lines and websites. 3a had really kicked director Burton Roger while they were filming Die Before Tomorrow 3b denied it, me of lying

2 1 had started designing 2 was 7 3 had wanted/wanted to make an app 4 she couldn’t hire 5 had decided to do it 6 she had watched free tutorials 7 had created/designed 8 app that teaches small kids 9 had applied for a scholarship 10 had said 11 had felt like she was living

3 The interviewer told Robert that they had all watched his/ The interviewer said they had all watched Robert’s wildlife programmes with great pleasure. He asked Robert to say/to tell him/ to explain how he had started out and if/whether he had always been interested in wildlife. Robert answered/replied/ explained/said/told the interviewer that he had studied zoology at university. The interviewer asked him what the first job was (that) he had done after graduating. Robert answered/replied/ explained/said/told the interviewer that he had taught undergraduates for a short time but (that he) didn’t think he was a very good teacher. The interviewer asked him if/

whether he had then got a job at the BBC. Robert answered/replied/ explained/said/told the interviewer that (was true and that) he had been lucky. The interviewer asked him what he had done after that. Robert answered/replied/explained/ said/told the interviewer that he had begun writing wildlife documentaries but then he had been asked to appear in them and that had been a great opportunity to get close to the animals. The interviewer asked him which countries he had most enjoyed visiting. Robert replied that Africa was one of his favourite continents because of the range of animals that live there.

 File 31 Everyday technology Page 603


1 2 3 4 5

installed back up blender electronic parking metre cordless

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

document browser click on paste access printer website memory

3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

heater answer machine electric shaver self-service checkout kitchen robot wide screen TV cleaning robot charger


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4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

data plug copy launched computer users technology top-of-the-range

6 to go/get 7 more water Page 609


1 A, 2 C, 3 D, 4 C, 5 D, 6 B, 7 D, 8 C, 9 A, 10 D

Preliminary Test  File 32 Comparing and contrasting Page 605


1, 7, 5, 3, 2, 4, 6

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

as ... as roughly the same though most obvious far Another significant difference On the other hand much better An additional difference

3 1 2 3 4 5 6

But While/Although but as as of all

4 Risposte personali.



1 b, 2 b, 3 b, 4 a, 5 b, 6 a, 7 b

2 1 2 3 4 5

had had should wear remember to water like to go wouldn’t trust

Writing Part 2 Question 6 Risposte personali.

Page 610 Reading Part 1 Questions 1-5 1 C, 2 B, 3 C, 4 B, 5 A Page 612 Reading Part 2 Questions 6-10 6 G, 7 C, 8 H, 9 A, 10 D Page 614 Reading Part 3 Questions 11-20 11 incorrect 12 correct 13 correct 14 correct 15 incorrect 16 incorrect 17 correct 18 correct 19 incorrect 20 correct Page 615 Reading Part 4 Questions 21-25 21 A, 22 C, 23 B, 24 D, 25 D Page 616 Reading Part 5 Questions 26-35 26 B, 27 A, 28 D, 29 C, 30 D, 31 B, 32 D, 33 B, 34 A, 35 C Page 617 Writing Part 1 Questions 1-5 1 taught him 2 since he was 3 live far from 4 used to 5 unless you have

Writing Part 3 Questions 7-8 Risposte personali. Page 619


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

could/might/may being so/but no well/higher could/may/might far/much difference

2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

might/would that/which use out fatality things/view/world into surface

Page 623


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

weekly Spanish speechless useful cloudy overweight rewrite

2 agree: agreeable/disagreeable, agreement/disagreement, agree/ disagree, agreeably/disagreeably convenient: convenient/ inconvenient, convenience/ inconvenience, inconvenience (to inconvenience somebody about someone), conveniently/ inconveniently politeness: polite/impolite, politeness/impoliteness, – , politely/impolitely hopefully: hopeful/hopeless, hope, hope, hopefully/hopelessly


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Answer Keys obedient: obedient/disobedient, obedience/disobedience, obey/ disobey, obediently/disobediently strength: strong, strength, strengthen, strongly employ: employable/ unemployable, employer/ employee/employment, employ, – attractively: attractive/ unattractive, attraction, attract, attractively/unattractively

3 1 shortage 2 shortened 3 shortly 4 ability 5 unable 6 disabled 7 patient 8 impatient 9 patiently 10 patients Page 624


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

educational employment workplace actions/activities importance choices advertisements misbehave

5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

illness relationship instinctively suffering elderly impractical specially responsibility

Page 628


1 h, 2 i, 3 a, 4 g, 5 j, 6 d, 7 b, 8 f, 9 c, 10 e

2 1 B, 2 B, 3 C, 4 A, 5 A, 6 B, 7 C

3 2 go over 3 takes after 4 lived up to 5 given them away 6 split up 7 got away with 8 asked about 9 turn down 10 held up Page 629


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

invented increased dropped by arrive cancelled disconnected resemble destroy

5 2 b, 3 d, 4 a, 5 f, 6 c

6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

turned out take up let me down put off do without comes up with look into take on

Part 3 17 outnumber 18 able 19 disadvantaged 20 knowledge 21 identify 22 additional 23 beginning 24 injury Page 632 Part 4 25 are believed to be 26 cut down on the 27 did you show/turn up 28 if she knew which cinema 29 was given a different essay 30 was only just Page 634 Part 5 31 B, 32 C, 33 D, 34 B, 35 A, 36 C Page 635 Part 6 37 C, 38 E, 39 G, 40 A, 41 F, 42 B Page 636 Part 7 43 C, 44 D, 45 A, 46 D, 47 A, 48 B, 49 A, 50 B, 51 C, 52 D

 First Certificate Test Page 630 Reading and Use of English Part 1 1 D, 2 A, 3 D, 4 C, 5 B, 6 D, 7 B, 8 C Page 631 Part 2 9 reading 10 pick 11 well 12 to 13 should 14 further 15 with 16 by


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Tests • Full tests • Tests for special needs • Answer Keys Full tests Tests for special needs


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FULL TEST 1 - VERSION A A1-A2 • Units 1-8

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Articoli e pronomi personali 1 Completa con un pronome personale o un articolo dove necessario. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

This is ................... excellent film. It’s ................... noisy street but ................... houses are beautiful. Finn and Kitty are my cousins. ................... are from Dublin. ................... our English teacher is kind and helpful. ................... is Tuesday today, not Wednesday. Hi! ...................’m Sarah. Are ................... a new student? My best friend and I love sport. ................... play sport every day. David is Welsh. ................... is from Cardiff. ____/16

Present simple di be; there is / are 2 Completa le frasi con is, are, isn’t o aren’t. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Look! There ................... a new message on my phone. It ................... a very nice day today – rainy and windy. “Where ................... my trainers, Mum?” “In the cupboard.” Henry and Tom ................... brothers, they ................... just friends. Lucy ................... one of my classmates. ................... there any good films on at the cinema? Sorry, there ................... time to have breakfast today. “Toby, ................... these your socks here?” “No, they ................... .” ____/16

Have got 3 Completa con la forma corretta di have got. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

“.............................. you .............................. the time?” “Yes, it’s ten past three.” Ben .............................. any brothers or sisters but he .............................. two dogs. My bedroom .............................. two big windows and a balcony. We .............................. a new teacher this year. His name’s Mr Anderson. I .............................. any homework today so let’s play football. “.............................. Emma .............................. a scooter?” “No, she .............................. .” You .............................. a test today, it’s tomorrow. “.............................. they .............................. a big garden?” “Yes, they .............................. .” ____/16


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4 Scrivi delle frasi con gli elementi dati. 1 Wendy / flu (have got - interrogativa) ................................................................................................................................................................ 2 I / your phone number (have got - negativa) ................................................................................................................................................................ 3 they / tourists (to be - interrogativa) ................................................................................................................................................................ 4 Richard / in your class (to be - interrogativa) ................................................................................................................................................................ 5 you / history today (have got - interrogativa) ................................................................................................................................................................ 6 Emma / good at maths (to be - negativa) ................................................................................................................................................................ 7 I / the new student (to be - affermativa) ................................................................................................................................................................ 8 they / ham sandwiches (have got - interrogativa) ................................................................................................................................................................

A1-A2 • Units 1-8

Present simple di be; have got


Dimostrativi; imperativo; can 5 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Look at this / that / those photo here. It’s fantastic! No / Don’t / Not touch my tablet! He can play / can plays / can to play the piano. Are this / those / these keys here yours? You have / Let you have / Have a good trip! You can / Can you / You can’t help me, please? “This / That / She is my sister Lydia.” “Hello, pleased to meet you.” I can / can’t / cant hear you. Say that again. ____/16

Summative exercise 6 Completa ogni spazio con una parola adatta. What (1) ..................... your job? I’m (2) ..................... interpreter. I work for different companies. Wow! How many languages (3) ..................... you speak? I (4) ..................... speak three languages fluently – English, French and Polish and now I’m learning Arabic. I hope I can use it in the future. It’s (5) ..................... very interesting language. A Is (6) ..................... a difficult language? B Yes, it (7) ..................... . Arabic (8) ..................... got a different script and there (9) ..................... many different words with the same meaning. A You are brave. I (10) ..................... got time to learn a new language. A B A B

___ /20 Total____/100 PHOTOCOPIABLE - New Get Inside Language Teacher's Book © Macmillan Publisher’s Limited 2017. This page may be photocopied and used within the class.

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FULL TEST 1 - VERSION B A1-A2 • Units 1-8

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Articoli e pronomi personali 1 Completa con un pronome personale o un articolo dove necessario. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

................... is Monday today, not Tuesday. Hi! ...................’m Alex. Are ................... a new student? My best friend and I love music. ................... listen to it every day. Helena is Welsh. ................... is from Cardiff. This is ................... excellent song. It’s ................... noisy street but ................... houses are beautiful. Finn and Kitty are my cousins. ................... are from Dublin. ................... our English teacher is kind and helpful. ____/16

Present simple di be; there is / are 2 Completa le frasi con is, are, isn’t o aren’t. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Chris ................... one of my classmates. He’s my cousin. ................... there any good films on at the cinema? There ................... an English dictionary on my desk. “Tina, ................... this your coat here?” “No, it ................... .” Look! There ................... two new messages on my phone. It ................... a very nice day today – hot and sunny. “Where ................... my trainers, Mum?” “In the cupboard.” Henry and Tom ................... brothers, they ................... just friends. ____/16

Have got 3 Completa con la forma corretta di have got. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

She .............................. any homework today so she’s at the park. “ .............................. you .............................. a scooter?” “No, I .............................. .” You .............................. a test today, it’s tomorrow. “ .............................. they .............................. a big garden?” “Yes, they ............................... .” “ .............................. Tom .............................. a brother?” “Yes, his name is Saul.” Dana .............................. any brothers or sisters but she .............................. two dogs. My bedroom .............................. two big windows and a balcony. We .............................. a new teacher this year. His name’s Mr Anderson. ____/16


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4 Scrivi delle frasi con gli elementi dati. 1 I / a bad cold (have got - affermativa) ................................................................................................................................................................ 2 you / my phone number (have got - interrogativa) ................................................................................................................................................................ 3 They / tourists (to be - negativa) ................................................................................................................................................................ 4 Richard / in my class (to be - affermativa) ................................................................................................................................................................ 5 we / history today (have got - negativa) ................................................................................................................................................................ 6 Emma / good at maths (to be - interrogativa) ................................................................................................................................................................ 7 I / the new student (to be - affermativa) ................................................................................................................................................................ 8 he / a big family (have got - interrogativa) ................................................................................................................................................................

A1-A2 • Units 1-8

Present simple di be; have got


Dimostrativi; imperativo; can 5 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

You have / Let you have / Have a good time! You can / Can you / You can’t pass me the sugar, please? “This / That / She is my friend Phil.” “Hello, pleased to meet you.” I can / can’t / cant understand. Say that again. Look at these / that / those photos here. They’re fantastic! No / Don’t / Not eat my sandwich! She can speak / can speaks / can to speak Arabic. Are this / those / these trainers over there yours? ____/16

Summative exercise 6 Completa ogni spazio con una parola adatta. What is (1) ..................... job? I’m (2) ..................... interpreter. I work for different companies. Wow! How many languages (3) ..................... you speak? I can (4) ..................... three languages fluently – English, French and Polish and now I’m learning Arabic. I hope I can use it in the future. (5) .....................’s a very interesting language. A (6) ..................... it a difficult language? B Yes, it (7) ..................... . Arabic (8) ..................... got a different script and there (9) ..................... many different words with the same meaning. A You are brave. I (10) ..................... got time to learn a new language.


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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 2 - VERSION A A1-A2 • Units 9-17

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Pronomi e avverbi interrogativi; sostantivi plurali; aggettivi possessivi 1 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

........... is your grandma now? “ ........... is the maths exam?” “It’s in Class G.” There are three ........... at the door. Rome is one of my favourite ........... . Can I have two ........... of apples please? Are these ........... roller skates? We live here. This is ........... garden. Where are you ...........?

A What A When A men A citys A kiloes A her A their A of

B How B What B mens B cities B kilos B she B my B from

C Who C Where C mans C cityes C kilies C hers C our C at ____/16

Genitivo sassone 2 Unisci le frasi usando il genitivo sassone. 1 Michael has got a rucksack. It’s in the hall. ................................................................................................................................................................ 2 My parents have got a car. It’s new. ................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Emma has got a flat. It’s in London. ................................................................................................................................................................ 4 Paul and Jenny have got a daughter. Her name is Clara. ................................................................................................................................................................ 5 The children have got bikes. They’re in the garden. ................................................................................................................................................................ 6 Matt has got a lot of music. It’s on his smartphone. ................................................................................................................................................................ 7 The dentist has got an office. It’s near my house. ................................................................................................................................................................ 8 Nour has got a cat. It’s grey and white. ................................................................................................................................................................ ____/16

Pronomi possessivi e pronomi complemento 3 Completa le frasi con il pronome corretto. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

“This is my coat. Where’s .......................?” “I haven’t got a coat.” The teacher gives ....................... a lot of tests. We have a test every week. Lia hates cheese on her pasta. She doesn’t want ....................... . “What’s the matter? Are you angry with .......................”? “No, I’m just tired.” “Our house is very old.” “....................... is new, it’s about ten years old.” “Look here are Josh’s keys!” “No, they aren’t ....................... . They’re Leo’s.” This umbrella isn’t ....................... . My umbrella is grey! “Is your sister blonde too?” “Yes, that’s ....................... in the photo.” ____/16


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4 Inserisci at, in o on. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I was born ........... 2001. See you ........... Christmas Day! The film starts ........... 9 p.m. It’s hot here ........... summer. My flight is ........... Friday afternoon. What time is your appointment ........... the morning? Are you free ........... the weekend? We are never at home ........... Easter. ____/16

Preposizioni di luogo 5 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Our flat is in / on / at the ground floor. Turn left in / on / at the traffic lights. Beth is on holiday in / on / at Malta at the moment. Leo isn’t here. He’s in / on / at school. Your mobile is in / on / at the sofa. Oh no! My wallet isn’t in / on / at my bag. Let’s meet in / on / at the cinema. Olly can’t come to the phone. He’s in / on / at the bathroom.

A1-A2 • Units 9-17

Preposizioni di tempo


Summative exercise 6 Completa ogni spazio con una parola adatta. John Hi, Alex. This is (1) ....................... Spanish friend Rosa. Alex Hello Rosa, it’s nice to meet (2) ....................... . (3) ....................... are you from in Spain? Rosa Barcelona. Alex Lovely, I’ve got a couple of friends who live (4) ....................... Madrid. (5) ....................... names are Sam and Valerie. Rosa Really? Alex So, (6) ....................... do you do, Rosa? Rosa I work (7) ....................... my father’s restaurant – he’s a chef. I look after the customers. John Rosa is a great cook. (8) ....................... paella is just fantastic! Rosa That’s nice of you, John. I like cooking Spanish dishes for my foreign friends. Alex Oh well, you can come and cook for (9) ....................... whenever you want. (10) ....................... about this weekend? John Rosa and I are busy this weekend. ___ /20 Total____/100

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 2 - VERSION B A1-A2 • Units 9-17

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Pronomi e avverbi interrogativi; sostantivi plurali; aggettivi possessivi 1 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Can I have two kilos of ........... please? Are these ........... trainers? We live here. This is ........... garden. Where is he ...........? ........... is your brother now? “........... is the canteen?” “ It’s on the first floor.” There are three ........... at the door. Spain is one of my favourite ........... .

A potatos B potatoes C potato A her B she C hers A their B my C our A of B from C at A What B Who C How A When B What C Where A women B womens C womans A countrys B countries C country ____/16

Genitivo sassone 2 Unisci le frasi usando il genitivo sassone. 1 Mia has got a jacket. It’s in the living room. ................................................................................................................................................................ 2 My parents have got a favourite restaurant. It’s Indian. ................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Emma has got a cottage. It’s near the coast. ................................................................................................................................................................ 4 Paul and Jenny have got a son. His name is Jason. ................................................................................................................................................................ 5 The children have got bikes. They’re in the garden. ................................................................................................................................................................ 6 Matt has got a lot of photos. They’re on his smartphone. ................................................................................................................................................................ 7 The doctor has got a surgery. It’s near my office. ................................................................................................................................................................ 8 Charlotte has got a brother. He’s at university. ................................................................................................................................................................ ____/16

Pronomi possessivi e pronomi complemento 3 Completa le frasi con il pronome corretto. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

“My bedroom is very small.” “....................... is big but I share it with my brother.” “Here are Julia’s keys!” “No, they aren’t ....................... . They’re Kim’s.” That umbrella isn’t ....................... . Your umbrella is black! “Is your brother tall too?” “Yes, that’s ....................... in the photo.” “Here are our coats.” “Where are .......................? They aren’t here.” The teacher gives ....................... a lot of tests. We have a test every week. Joe hates tomato on his pizza. He doesn’t want ....................... . “What’s the matter? Are you angry with ......................?” “No, I’m just tired.” ____/16


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4 Inserisci at, in o on. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The meeting is ........... Monday morning. What time is your appointment ........... the afternoon? Are you free ........... the weekend? We are never at home ........... Easter. My grandfather was born ........... 1955. See you ........... Christmas Day! My piano lesson starts ........... 5 p.m. It’s cold here ........... winter. ____/16

Preposizioni di luogo 5 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Your glasses are in / on / at the kitchen table. Oh no! My keys aren’t in / on / at my pocket. Let’s meet in / on / at the stadium. Dad can’t come to the phone. He’s in / on / at the bathroom. Their flat is in / on / at the second floor. Turn left in / on / at the traffic lights. Joe is on holiday in / on / at Greece at the moment. Daisy isn’t here. She’s in / on / at work.

A1-A2 • Units 9-17

Preposizioni di tempo


Summative exercise 6 Completa ogni spazio con una parola adatta. John Alex Rosa Alex

Hi, Alex. These are (1) ....................... Spanish friends. Hi there, (2) ....................... are you your names? I’m Rosa and this is Leila. It’s nice to meet (3) ....................... both. My girlfriend is (4) ....................... university (5) ....................... Madrid. (6) ....................... name is Sophie. Rosa Really? Alex So, (7) ....................... do you work, Rosa? Rosa I work (8) ....................... my father’s restaurant – I’m a chef. Leila Rosa is a great cook. Rosa That’s nice of you, Leila. I like cooking Spanish dishes for my foreign friends. Alex Oh well, you can come and cook for (9) ....................... whenever you want. (10) ....................... about this weekend? John We are busy this weekend. ___ /20 Total____/100

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 3 - VERSION A A2-B2 • Units 18-22

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Present simple e avverbi di frequenza 1 Coniugando i verbi, riordina queste parole in modo da ottenere frasi di senso compiuto. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

sometimes / at / strange / my / eat / friend / times / . ............................................................................ often / things / not forget / I / at school / . .............................................................................................. ever / long / work / pilots / hours / do / ? ................................................................................................ use / hardly / car / our / ever / their / neighbours /. ................................................................................. you / go / early / do / to / often / bed / ? .................................................................................................. listen / music / to / never / very / Polly / loud / . ...................................................................................... at school / rarely / eat / we / red meat / . ................................................................................................ be / the / you / never / in / hungry / morning / . ...................................................................................... ____/16

2 Completa le frasi con il present simple, inserendo gli elementi tra parentesi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I ....................................... Keith Martin. Is he a new student? (not know) ....................................... Greek food? (you / like) Marianne ....................................... for that company any more. (not work) Which floor ....................................... on? (the Smiths / live) What ....................................... for a living? (your uncle / do) The holidays .......................................until next week. (not start) We ....................................... a uniform at this school. (not wear) ....................................... to bed early on weeknights? (Amy / go) ____/16

Present continuous 3 Trasforma le seguenti frasi con il present continuous usando le parole in grassetto. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Does Mr Baxter work on Saturdays? Shaun studies in the library. They don’t live in this street. We often cook at home in the evenings. My brother plays a lot of sport. I am in this photo too. Do you live in a student hostel? Mel and I don’t swim every day.

today right now any more this evening rugby on that field stand / next to Ruth at the moment today ____/16

Present simple e present continuous 4 Completa i mini dialoghi inserendo adeguatamente i verbi proposti. 1. be • want • wear • ask Mia I really (1) ................................... a new sweater, mum. Mum You’ve got lots of sweaters but you (2) ................................... them. Mia That’s because they (3) ................................... like the ones my friends wear. Mine are all so old now. I really can’t wear them to school. Mum  Don’t be silly, Mia. They’re fine! You (4) ................................... always ................................... for something new. It’s impossible, you know. Mia Please buy me a sweater and I’ll never ask for anything again. 130

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Avverbi di frequenza e verbi di stato 5 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 They’re very lazy. They .......... do any housework. A sometimes B ever C hardly ever 2 What .......... your grandfather ..........? A is ... likes B does ... look like C is ... looking like 3 What a good dog! He .......... obeys us. A ever B always C sometimes 4 This bus .......... late in the morning. A often does B often is C is often 5 Roger never goes to the beach. He .......... the sun. A don’t like B loves C hates 6 “What’s the matter?” “I .......... about Julie.” A think B ’s thinking C ’m thinking 7 I .......... James isn’t unfriendly, he’s just shy. A think B thinks C am thinking 8 We .......... a wonderful time! Thanks for inviting us. A have B are being C are having

A2-B2 • Units 18-22

2. say • try • smoke (x2) Tim Why (5) ................................... you ................................... here? Look at the sign over there. It (6) ................................... that you can’t smoke. Dave It’s impossible to smoke anywhere these days. I can’t smoke at work, at the cinema or even at home. Tim You’re right. I (7) ................................... any more for that reason. Dave I (8) ................................... to stop smoking but it isn’t easy.


Summative exercise 6 Completa il dialogo coniugando i verbi tra parentesi al present simple o present continuous. Jo Hi, Neville, what (1) ........................................... (you /do) here? Nev Oh hi Jo. I (2) ........................................... just ........................................... (hang) around with some friends. Jo (3) ........................................... (be) there a problem, Nev? Nev No. But please (4) ........................................... (not tell) Maria that I am here. Jo Of course, but why not? You know I (5) ........................................... (always be) honest with my sister. And who’s that girl over there? Nev It’s Lucy, she (6) ........................................... (help) me choose a present for Maria. What (7) ........................................... (you / think) of these gloves in this shop window? Jo They (8) ............................... (look) quite expensive. How much (9) ........................... (they / cost)? Nev They’re £40.00 and we really like them. Jo They’re lovely but Maria (10) .................................... really ................................ (not wear) gloves. ___ /20 Total____/100 PHOTOCOPIABLE - New Get Inside Language Teacher's Book © Macmillan Publisher’s Limited 2017. This page may be photocopied and used within the class.

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 3 - VERSION B A2-B2 • Units 18-22

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Present simple e avverbi di frequenza 1 Coniugando i verbi, riordina queste parole in modo da ottenere frasi di senso compiuto. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

sometimes / very / my / get up / brother / early /. .................................................................................. often / breakfast / not miss / I / in the morning /. ................................................................................... ever / fail / this / pupils / exam / do / ? .................................................................................................... walk / hardly / to / our / ever / school / teachers / . ................................................................................. your mum / go / early / do / to / often / bed / ? ....................................................................................... watch / television / the / never / in / Dave / evening / . ........................................................................... my / at home / drink / rarely / parents / wine / . ..................................................................................... be / you / never / at / sleepy / night / . .................................................................................................... ____/16

2 Completa le frasi con il present simple, inserendo gli elementi tra parentesi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

We ....................................... a canteen at this school. (not have) ....................................... Chinese food? (Alex / like) Sophie ....................................... for the school team any more. (not play) Which floor ....................................... on? (you / live) I ....................................... . Can you repeat that please? (not understand) ....................................... to bed early on weeknights? (they / go) Where ....................................... from? (your cousin / come) The film ....................................... until 9.50 p.m. (not start) ____/16

Present continuous 3 Trasforma le seguenti frasi con il present continuous usando le parole in grassetto. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

We often eat out on Fridays. Does your mum work in the evenings? Do you wear glasses? Alice studies history of art. They don’t play basketball. My brother reads a lot of books. Mark and I don’t study every day. I am in this photo too.

this evening now at the moment these days any more a book in his room today sit / next to Grandpa ____/16

Present simple e present continuous 4 Completa i mini dialoghi inserendo adeguatamente i verbi proposti. 1. be • use • ask • think Mia I (1) ................................... I need a new rucksack. Mum You’ve got lots of rucksacks but you (2) ................................... them. Mia That’s because they aren’t like the ones my friends have. Mine (3) ................................... all so old now. I really can’t use them for school. Mum Don’t be silly, Mia. They’re fine! You (4) ................................... always ................................... for something new. It’s impossible, you know.


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Avverbi di frequenza e verbi di stato 5 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 Our teacher .......... late in the morning. A often does B often is C is often 2 What .......... the new boy ..........? A is ... likes B does ... look like C is ... looking like 3 What a kind neighbour! He .......... helps us. A ever B always C sometimes 4 We .......... a wonderful holiday and don’t want to leave! A have B are being C are having 5 Ruth never goes to the pool. She .......... swimming. A don’t like B loves C hates 6 “What’s wrong?” “I .......... about the exam.” A worry B ’s worrying C ’m worrying 7 I .......... you! You aren’t telling me the truth. A don’t believe B believe C am believing 8 They’re very reserved. They .......... speak. A sometimes B ever C hardly ever

A2-B2 • Units 18-22

2. say • try • believe • smoke Tim Look at the sign. It (5) ................................... that you can’t smoke here. So why (6) ................................... you ................................... here? Dave Oh dear! I (7) ................................... it! It’s impossible to smoke anywhere these days. Tim You’re right. Smoking is a disgusting habit. Dave I (8) ................................... to stop smoking but it isn’t easy.


Summative exercise 6 Completa il dialogo coniugando i verbi tra parentesi al present simple o present continuous. Hi, Neville, why (1) ........................................... (you /stand) here? Oh, hi Jo. I (2) .................................... just ..................................... (chat) with some of my friends. (3) ........................................... (be) there a problem, Nev? No. But please (4) ........................................... (not say) anything to Maria that I am here. Of course, but why not? You know I (5) ........................................... (usually be) honest with my sister. And who’s that girl over there? Nev It’s Lucy, she (6) ........................................... (try) to help me choose a present for Maria. What (7) ........................................... (you / think) of these gloves in this shop window? Jo They (8) ................................. (seem) quite expensive. How much (9) ................................. (they / cost)? Nev They’re £40.00 and we really like them. Jo They’re lovely but Maria (10) ........................................... really........................................... (not wear) gloves. Jo Nev Jo Nev Jo

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 4 - VERSION A A2-B1 • Units 23-29

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Past simple ed espressioni temporali 1 Riscrivi le seguenti frasi al past simple. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

My friend learns English in the US. ........................................................................................................ Do you know the correct answer? ......................................................................................................... They bring me lovely silk saris from India every summer. ..................................................................... Who do you see at the stadium? ........................................................................................................... I write for a fashion magazine. ............................................................................................................... The clothes don’t cost a lot in that shop. ............................................................................................... Why are you always in a hurry? ............................................................................................................. Where do you go at the weekend? ........................................................................................................ ____/16

2 Completa le frasi con il past simple dei verbi tra parentesi e utilizzando le parole date. yesterday (x2) • that time • before • ago • last (x2) • once 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

We ....................................... Greta outside the cinema ....................................... night. (not see) Our neighbours ..................................... away on holiday the week ..................................... last. (be) Mel ..................................... working at the factory about two months .................................. . (start) What ....................................... you ....................................... .......................................? (do) My parents ....................................... the Bennetts very well ....................................... . (know) At ....................................... I ....................................... Russian twice a week. (study) When ....................................... you ..................................... ..................................... to Anna? (speak) He ....................................... anything the day before ...................................... . (not eat) ____/16

Past continuous 3 Trasforma le seguenti frasi usando le parole in grassetto e il past continuous. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Didn’t he work yesterday? What did you do this morning? I was window-shopping. Someone called my name. When the storm started I wasn’t in bed. I met Carla last summer. She was doing a Spanish course. You were preparing for the exam. At the time I was lying on the beach. Where did you go? Kevin studied history at university.

afternoon at 10 am when not sleep when while this morning at 6 am at that time ____/16

Past simple e past continuous 4 Completa i mini dialoghi inserendo adeguatamente i verbi proposti. 1. slip • feel • chop • give • cut Jim What’s the matter with your hand? Sue I (1) ................. tomatoes when the knife (2) ............... out of my hands and I (3) .............. myself. Jim Poor thing! Be careful next time! Sue There was blood everywhere so my mum (4) ..................... really scared and took me to hospital. Jim Really? (5) ....................................... they ....................................... you any stitches? Sue Yes, I needed five stitches and they put this bandage round my hand. 134

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Used to e past simple 5 Correggi gli errori e riscrivi le frasi nella forma corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

He used live next door to us so I know him very well. I not used to eat vegetables when I was a child. Sally didn’t drove very well and had a lot of accidents. Did you used to walk to school when you lived in the city centre? I studyed all week for the exam but I didn’t pass it. Why you didn’t like the meal? What was wrong with it? “Were you at home last night?” “No, I weren’t.” “Did your parents watch the documentary about dinosaurs?” “Yes, they watched.”

A2-B1 • Units 23-29

2. love • read (x2) Ollie Do you read a lot? What kind of books do you prefer? Pete Not often, I don’t really have time. When I was younger I (6) ....................................... a lot more than I do now. I (7) ............................. reading detective stories and thrillers. Ollie Who was your favourite writer? Pete Anything by Ken Follett. I still think he’s great and writes exciting stories. I remember, once I (8) ....................................... a book by him and it was so exciting that I took it to school with me because I wanted to find out what happened at the end.


Summative exercise 6 Usa gli elementi dati per completare il dialogo. Fred Guess what happened last night? Tony What? Fred (1) I / drive home / when / I see a van on the edge of the road ......................................................... (2) A man / signal / me to stop ........................................................................................................... Tony (3) What / you / do / ? ........................................................................................................................ Fred (4) Well, / at first / I / just / want / to drive on / .................................................................................. The guy looked a bit weird, with ripped trousers, long hair. (5) But / then / I / feel / sorry for him and /I / stop .............................................................................. (6) While / he / talk / to me, I suddenly / recognise / him .................................................................. ....................................... You’ll never guess who it was ... Teddy Silver! Tony (7) Teddy Silver / who / use / play / with Electrics? ........................................................................... Are you sure? Fred Of course! (8) He / have / a flat tyre / and not have / a spare one ............................................................................................................................................................ Fortunately I did, so I got the jack out and did the job. Tony Wow! (9) he / thank / you / ? ............................................................................................................. Fred You bet he did! (10) He / also / give me / two free tickets for their reunion concert in Liverpool ............................................................................................................................................................ ___ /20 Total____/100

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 4 - VERSION B A2-B1 • Units 23-29

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Past simple ed espressioni temporali 1 Riscrivi le seguenti frasi al past simple. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Why is she always in a bad mood? ........................................................................................................ What do you do in the summer? ........................................................................................................... Do you know his address? ..................................................................................................................... My cousin studies English in the US. ..................................................................................................... They send me a Christmas card every year. .......................................................................................... Where do they sit at the stadium? ......................................................................................................... I teach at the university. ......................................................................................................................... Vegetables don’t cost much at the market. ........................................................................................... ____/16

2 Completa le frasi con il past simple dei verbi tra parentesi e utilizzando le parole date. yesterday (x2) • that time • before • ago • last (x2) • once 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I ....................................... Gilda at a party ....................................... night. (not meet) My neighbour ....................................... away on holiday the week ....................................... last. (be) When ..................................... you .................................... .................................... from Neil? (hear) Jack ....................................... learning Spanish about two months ....................................... . (begin) My grandfather ....................................... Russian very well ........................................ . (speak) I ....................................... anything the day before ....................................... (not do) Where ....................................... you ....................................... .......................................? (go) At ....................................... I ....................................... Emma very well. (know) ____/16

Past continuous 3 Trasforma le seguenti frasi usando le parole in grassetto e il past continuous. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

When the robbery happened I wasn’t at work. I met Josh last Christmas. He was working in the local pub. Didn’t she play in the match? Where did you go this morning? I was jogging through the park. I heard someone scream You were making dinner. At the time I was watching a DVD What did he do? Max lived next door.

wasn’t when yesterday afternoon at 10 am when while at the time of the accident at that time ____/16

Past simple e past continuous 4 Completa i mini dialoghi inserendo adeguatamente i verbi proposti. 1. fall • be • slice • give • cut Jim What’s the matter with your hand? Sue I (1) ................. onions when the knife (2) ................. out of my hands and I (3) ................ myself. Jim Poor thing! Be careful next time! Sue There was blood everywhere so my mum (4) .................... really scared and took me to hospital. Jim Really? (5) ....................................... they ....................................... you any stitches? Sue Yes, I needed five stitches and they put this bandage round my hand. 136

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Used to e past simple 5 Correggi gli errori e riscrivi le frasi nella forma corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

“Was she at home yesterday?” “No, she weren’t.” “Did the teacher explain the problem to you?” ‘Yes, he explained.” Dan didn’t spoke French very well and made a lot of mistakes. Did they used to live near the city centre? We used go there every year so we know it very well. I not used wear glasses when I was younger. She feeled ill but she didn’t ask to go home. Why he didn’t enjoy the film? I thought it was good.

A2-B1 • Units 23-29

2. spend • read • have Ollie Do you read a lot? What kind of books do you prefer? Pete Not often, I don’t really have time. When I was younger I (6) ....................................... a lot more time and back then I (7) ....................................... a lot of time reading detective stories and thrillers. Ollie Who was your favourite writer? Pete Anything by Ken Follett. I still think he’s great and writes exciting stories. I remember, once I (8) ....................................... a book by him and it was so exciting that I took it to school with me because I wanted to find out what happened at the end.


Summative exercise 6 Usa gli elementi dati per completare il dialogo. Fred Guess what happened last night? Tony What? Fred (1) I / jog home / when / I notice a van on the edge of the road ........................................................ (2) A man / call out / and ask me to stop ................................................ Tony (3) you / stop / ? ................................................................ Fred (4) Well, / at first / I / just / want / to keep running ............................................................................ The guy looked a bit weird, with ripped trousers, long hair. (5) But / then / I / decide / he / seem OK / so / I stop ........................................................................ (6) While / he / explain the problem / to me, I suddenly / recognise / him ........................................ You’ll never guess who it was... Teddy Silver! Tony (7) Teddy Silver / who / use / sing / with Electrics? ........................................................................... Are you sure? Fred Of course! (8) He / have / a flat tyre / and not know / how to use the jack ............................................................................................................................................................ Fortunately I did, so I helped him and soon the tyre was fine. Tony Wow! (9) he / say / thank you / ? ....................................................................................................... Fred You bet he did! (10) He / also / give me / two free tickets for their reunion concert in Liverpool ............................................................................................................................................................ ___ /20 Total____/100 PHOTOCOPIABLE - New Get Inside Language Teacher's Book © Macmillan Publisher’s Limited 2017. This page may be photocopied and used within the class.

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FULL TEST 5 - VERSION A A2-B1 • Units 30-34

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Present perfect con ever e never 1 Scrivi delle frasi con gli elementi dati e inserendo ever o never. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

That’s / the best meal / you / cook / ....................................................................................................... I / meet / a famous person /.................................................................................................................... It’s the first time / he / travel by plane / .................................................................................................. you / go to Australia / ?............................................................................................................................ We / hardly / speak to them / ................................................................................................................. she / meet / his parents / ?..................................................................................................................... It / break / before / .................................................................................................................................. you / forget / to pay for something / ?..................................................................................................... ____/16

Present perfect con just, already, yet, so far, still e before 2 Trasforma le seguenti frasi usando le parole in grassetto. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

We still haven’t booked our return flight. He hasn’t repaired the broken cupboard yet. It’s the first time I’ve ever sent a text in French. Did she tidy her room? We’ve eaten. I’ve written nine emails today. Tina had a baby girl a few minutes ago. Did you finish that novel?

yet still before yet just so far just already ____/16

3 Completa le frasi con un’espressione temporale corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

“Is Tina there?” “No, she’s .................................... gone out.” How many exercises have you done ....................................? I’ve .................................... finished work today. I can’t believe it! You’ve never been to a concert .................................... . We’re worried. Leila and Kate .................................... haven’t come home. Have you phoned your mum ....................................? We’ve .................................... heard the news. We’re really sorry. .................................... she’s taken three exams this week. ____/16

Present perfect con since e for 4 Abbina una frase della colonna A con una frase della colonna B, completando con since o for. A B 1 We haven’t had a good party ............ a a long time. I don’t really like it. 2 She hasn’t been to the dentist ............ b more than ten years. 3 I haven’t seen my grandparents ............ c he moved to Durham. 4 It’s now 3 p.m. We’ve been here ............ d ............ I was born. 5 How long have you lived here? e 10 a.m. this morning. 6 They’ve known each other ............ f about two years when she last had a filling. 7 Tom hasn’t heard from Ben ............ g your birthday last year. 8 I haven’t eaten ice cream ............ h ages. I really miss them. ____/16 138

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5 Scegli le opzioni corrette. Sam (1) ............ to that wonderful new restaurant in Saint John Street yet? Dave Yes, I (2) ............ actually. I (3) ............ last weekend with some of my relatives. It’s quite good, you know. I think it’s the best Ethiopian restaurant we (4) ............ to. Sam I (5) ............ that other ethnic restaurant you (6) ............ the last time we (7) ............ . Would it be a good idea to take my clients there? What do you think? Dave I wouldn’t bother. The other day Tom (8) ............ that he was there with friends recently and was quite disappointed with the quality of the food. 1 A Did you go 2 A have 3 A have been 4 A ever went 5 A haven’t still tried 6 A have recommended 7 A met 8 A has mentioned

B Have you gone B didn’t B went B have already been B still didn’t try B recommended B have met B mentioned

C Have you been C did C have gone C have ever been C still haven’t tried C has recommended C did meet C have mentioned

A2-B1 • Units 30-34

Present perfect e past simple


Summative exercise 6 Usa gli elementi dati per completare il dialogo. speak • go (x2) • not improve • be • not leave • ever go • not see • certainly make • be like Kevin Hello Sarah. Are you all right? I (1) ............................................ you for ages. Sarah Yes, I’m fine. I (2) ............................................ in France all last month doing a language course. I thought you knew. Kevin No, I didn’t. So whereabouts (3) ....................................... you .......................................? Sarah I was based in Aix-en-Provence, but I got to see quite a lot of the region. Kevin Right. So what (4) ....................................... it .......................................? Sarah Fantastic! Provence is just amazing. The countryside, the tiny villages, the food ... And the weather was lovely: mild and sunny all the time. Kevin Sounds great. I’m quite jealous. Sarah (5) ....................................... to France? Kevin Only once, I (6) ........................................ there last year, but I (7) ............................................ Paris. Sarah Oh well, Paris is a fantastic place. How’s your French? Kevin Very basic, I’m afraid. Fortunately most people (8) ......................................... some English ... How about your French? Has it got any better? Sarah Well, I (9) .................................................................... lots of progress with the grammar, but my accent (10) ............................................................. . Kevin I wouldn’t worry about that. Everybody has an accent! ___ /20 Total____/100

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FULL TEST 5 - VERSION B A2-B1 • Units 30-34

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Present perfect con ever e never 1 Scrivi delle frasi con gli elementi dati inserendo ever o never. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

That’s / the best holiday / we / have . ..................................................................................................... I / see / a ghost / . ................................................................................................................................... It’s the first time / I / go to Ireland / . ...................................................................................................... you / eat Lebanese food / ? .................................................................................................................... I / hardly / see them / . ........................................................................................................................... he / feel / like this before / ? ................................................................................................................... It / happen / before / . ............................................................................................................................. you / buy / something very expensive / ? ............................................................................................... ____/16

Present perfect con just, already, yet, so far, still e before 2 Trasforma le seguenti frasi usando le parole in grassetto. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

They still haven’t come back. He hasn’t learnt to use the washing machine yet. It’s the first time I’ve ever played this game. Did you find your wallet? I’ve woken up. She’s drunk a litre of water today. Robert phoned a few minutes ago. Did you write the answers?

yet still before yet just so far just already ____/16

3 Completa le frasi con un’espressione temporale corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

.................................... she’s been on the phone for three hours! I can’t believe it! You’ve never got bad marks in a test .................................... . It’s 10 p.m. and we .................................... haven’t had dinner. “Is Dan there?” “No, he’s .................................... gone out.” How much money have you saved ....................................? I’ve .................................... done my homework so I’m free. Have you booked your flight ....................................? I’ve .................................... heard the news. Congratulations! ____/16

Present perfect con since e for 4 Abbina una frase della colonna A con una frase della colonna B completando con since o for. A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

B I haven’t seen a good film ............ a He hasn’t been to the optician ............ b I haven’t seen Robert ............ c It’s now 3 p.m. We’ve been here ............ d How long have you lived here? e They’ve known each other ............ f Tom hasn’t heard from Ben ............ g I haven’t drunk coffee ............ h

............ I was born. more than ten years. a long time. I don’t really like it. hours and hours. he went to university. 2014 when he last had his eyes tested. ages. I really miss him. Star Gazer last year. ____/16


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Scegli le opzioni corrette.

Sam (1) ............ to that wonderful new restaurant in Saint John Street yet? Dave Yes, I (2) ............ actually. I (3) ............ last weekend with some of my relatives. It’s quite good, you know. I think it’s the best Ethiopian restaurant we (4) ........... to. Sam I (5) ............ that other ethnic restaurant you (6) ............ the last time we (7) ............ . Would it be a good idea to take my clients there? What do you think? Dave I wouldn’t bother. The other day Tom (8) ............ that he was there with friends recently and was quite disappointed with the quality of the food. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A Did you go A did A went A ever went A haven’t still tried A have recommended A met A has mentioned

B Have you been B didn’t B have been B have ever been B still didn’t try B has recommended B have met B have mentioned

C Have you gone C have C have gone C have already been C still haven’t tried C recommended C did meet C mentioned

A2-B1 • Units 30-34

Present perfect e past simple


Summative exercise 6 Usa gli elementi dati per completare il dialogo. not try • go • certainly improve • fly • be • stay • ever go • not hear • not make • be like Kevin Hello Sarah. Are you all right? I (1) ............................................ from you for ages. Sarah Yes, I’m fine. My sister and I (2) ............................................ in France all last month doing a language course. I thought you knew. Kevin No, I didn’t. So whereabouts (3) ............................................ you ............................................? Sarah We were based in Aix-en-Provence, but we got to see quite a lot of the region. Kevin Right. So what (4) ............................................ it ............................................? Sarah Fantastic! Provence is just amazing. The countryside, the tiny villages, the food ... And the weather was lovely: mild and sunny all the time. Kevin Sounds great. I’m quite jealous. Sarah (5) ............................................ to France? Kevin Only once, I (6) ............................................ there last year, but I (7) .......................................... in Paris the whole time. Sarah Oh well, Paris is a fantastic place. How’s your French? Kevin Very basic, I’m afraid. Fortunately most people (8) ............................................ to speak to me in French ... How about your French? Has it got any better? Sarah Well ... My grammar (9)............................................ a lot, but I (10) ............................................ much progress with my accent. Kevin I wouldn’t worry about that. Everybody has an accent! ___ /20 Total____/100

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 6 - VERSION A A2-B1 • Units 35-37

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Present perfect continuous 1 Completa le frasi con il present perfect continuous dei verbi dati. snow • not sleep • do • not work • run • dance • wait • learn We ............................................................. here for ages. Where have you been? How long ...................... Francesca ............................................................. Arabic? I ............................................................. well for the last few days, so I’m feeling exhausted. “Why is Tom so thirsty?” “He ............................................................. in the park.” What ...................... you ............................................................. lately? It ............................................................. all day, so tomorrow we’ll be able to go skiing. Daisy and Ella ............................................................. since we got here. They love this type of music. 8 I ............................................................. lately so I haven’t got much money. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


2 Scegli l’opzione corretta. She’s studied / been studying since she got home from school. That man upstairs has made / has been making a noise all day. I haven’t felt / haven’t been feeling very well today. You’ve made / been making four mistakes in this translation. They’ve seen / been seeing each other for a few months. We haven’t known / been knowing the Smiths for long, but they seem nice. I have used / been using dad’s computer to write my essay, but the screen has suddenly gone blank. 8 “How long have you been staying / stayed in this hotel?” “Since Wednesday.”

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Past perfect 3 Trasforma le seguenti frasi usando le parole in grassetto e il past perfect. 1 The waiter came but we still didn’t know what to order. decided .................................................................................................................................................. 2 They waited until everyone arrived then they started the concert. didn’t start ............................................................................................................................................ 3 She was very happy because it was the first time she had received a prize. never ...................................................................................................................................................... 4 The film started at 7.00 p.m. We arrived at the cinema at 7.10 p.m. already ................................................................................................................................................... 5 We arrived at the hotel and noticed we forgot to pack our swimsuits. realised .................................................................................................................................................. 6 I know I passed the exam. be sure ................................................................................................................................................... 7 First we had lunch then we went on a tour of the inside of the castle. after ....................................................................................................................................................... 8 The teacher: “You have all worked very hard.” said ........................................................................................................................................................ ____/16 142

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4 Completa il mini dialogo con il past perfect o il past simple dei verbi tra parentesi. A I (1) ............................. George for a few months when I (2) .............................. about his dad. (know / find out) B What about his dad? A His dad is that famous actor Alex Smith who (3) ............................. in Return of the Aliens. When I finally (4) ............................. him last week at Alex’s house, I (5) ............................. that I (6) ............................. him somewhere before. (be / meet / realise / see) B But why (7) ............................. George ............................. you about his dad before? (not tell ) A He (8) ............................. he hadn’t wanted our friendship to be based on the fact that he’s got a famous dad. (say) ____/16

5 Riscrivi le frasi correggendo gli errori. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Last week I tried snowboarding for the first time. I have never tried it before. Last summer Olta has been to Budapest for the third time. After we had breakfast we got ready quickly and went out. I thought I saw the film before, but I hadn’t. Last night while I was getting ready to go to bed I was hearing a strange noise upstairs. I’d have loaned you the money if you asked. I didn’t know that you already graduated. We weren’t there long when the restaurant said they were closing.

A2-B1 • Units 35-37

Past perfect e past simple


Summative exercise 6 Completa il dialogo con i verbi dati inserendoli nella forma corretta. knock • get • be (x2) • leave • look • have • stand • not get • go Carl At long last! I (1) .............................................. here for ages! Laura I’m really sorry. Carl (2) ............................ you .............................................. my text messages? Laura No, I (3) ............................. all the way to the bus stop then I remembered I (4) ............................. my mobile on the kitchen table. I’m so sorry Carl. If I (5) ...................................... back to get it, I would have been even later! There (6) .......................................... some road works and the bus (7) ................................... much slower than usual. Plus, I (8) ..................................... an accident. Carl Really? Oh no! Laura I was crossing the road when a bike (9) .............................................. me down. Carl Poor thing! Are you OK? Laura Yes, just a little bruised. Carl Well, that’s a relief. Shall we go in? I (10) .............................................. at the menu for the last ten minutes and I think I’ve already decided what I want. ___ /20 Total____/100

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 6 - VERSION B A2-B1 • Units 35-37

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Present perfect continuous 1 Completa le frasi con il present perfect continuous dei verbi dati. rain • not feel • do • work • study • sing • not wait • play 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

We ............................................................. here for long. Don’t worry! How long .............................. Dan and Kim ............................................................. squash? Dad ............................................................. well for the last week, so he’s going to the doctor’s. “Why is Tom so tired?” “He ............................................................. in his room all night.” What .............................. she ............................................................. all day? It ............................................................. all day, and the forecast isn’t good for tomorrow either. Daisy and Ella ............................................................. since we got here. They love karaoke. I ............................................................. lately so I have got plenty of money. ____/16

2 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 I have used / been using dad’s computer to write my essay, but the screen has suddenly gone blank. 2 “How long have you been staying / stayed in this hotel?” “Since Wednesday.” 3 Mum’s cooked / been cooking since she got home from work. 4 That baby upstairs has cried / been crying all night. She mustn’t be well. 5 Gran hasn’t felt / been feeling very well today. 6 You’ve made / been making a lot of mistakes in this essay. 7 They’ve phoned / been phoning each other every night for the last few days. 8 We haven’t known / been knowing each other long but we think we’re in love. ____/16

Past perfect 3 Trasforma le seguenti frasi usando le parole in grassetto e il past perfect. 1 When we arrived at the station, the train was still there. left .......................................................................................................................................................... 2 They waited until everyone sat down then they served the meal. didn’t serve ........................................................................................................................................... 3 He was nervous because he was taking his driving test for the first time. never ...................................................................................................................................................... 4 The tour began at 2.00 p.m. We arrived at the castle at 2.10 p.m. already ................................................................................................................................................... 5 We arrived at the cinema and noticed the film was different from the advertisement. changed ................................................................................................................................................. 6 I know I bought some milk. be sure ................................................................................................................................................... 7 First we played tennis then we had a picnic lunch. after ....................................................................................................................................................... 8 My teacher: “You have passed the exam.” said ........................................................................................................................................................ ____/16


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4 Completa il mini dialogo con il past perfect o il past simple dei verbi tra parentesi. A I (1) ............................. friends with George for a few months when I (2) ............................. about his dad. (be / find out) B What about his dad? A His dad is that famous actor Alex Smith who (3) ............................. in Return of the Aliens. I (4) ............................. that I (5) ............................. him somewhere before when I finally (6) ............................. him last week at Alex’s house. (star / know / see /meet) B But why (7) ............................. George ............................. anything about his dad? (not say) A He said he (8) ............................. our friendship to be based on the fact that he’s got a famous dad. (not want) ____/16

5 Riscrivi le frasi correggendo gli errori. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I didn’t know that Jamie already started his new job. We weren’t there long when the storm started. Last week I went skiing for the first time. I have never done it before. Last summer Justin has flown to Seattle for the second time. This morning while I was getting ready to go to school I suddenly was feeling dizzy. After we have dinner we washed the dishes and went to bed. She thought she met Tom before, but she hadn’t. I’d have helped you if you told me the problem.

A2-B1 • Units 35-37

Past perfect e past simple


Summative exercise 6 Completa il dialogo con i verbi dati inserendoli nella forma corretta. hit • get • be (x2) • forget • study • fall • wait • not receive • run At long last! I (1) .............................................. here for ages! I’m really sorry. (2) ........................ you .............................................. my text messages? No, I (3) ........................................ all the way to the bus stop then I remembered I (4) ....................................... to put my mobile in my bag. I’m so sorry Carl. If I (5) .............................................. back to get it, I would have been even later! There (6) .............................................. some road works and the bus (7) ................................... much slower than usual. Plus, I (8) .............................................. over. Carl Really? Oh no! Laura I was crossing the road when a bike (9) .............................................. me. Carl Poor thing! Are you OK? Laura Yes, just a little bruised. Carl Well, that’s a relief. Shall we go in? I (10) .............................................. the menu for the last ten minutes and I think I’ve already decided what I want.

Carl Laura Carl Laura

___ /20 Total____/100

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 7 - VERSION A B1-B2 • Units 38-43

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Present perfect simple e present perfect continuous 1 Completa le frasi con il present perfect simple o il present perfect continuous dei verbi tra parentesi. A volte ci sono due risposte possibili. 1 It’s my mother’s birthday tomorrow and I ................................ her a present yet because I ................................ carefully about what she might like. (not buy / think) 2 Utility bills ................................ up a lot in the last few months. ................................ you ..............................? (go / notice) 3 She ................................ out recently because she ................................ for her exams. (not go / study) 4 John works in an American bank. He ................................ there for two years. He says he ................................ a lot of valuable experience. (work / gain) 5 We ................................ up late for the last few weeks, because we ................................ on holiday. (get / be) 6 Why ................................ you ................................ your phone? I ................................ you for hours! (not answer / call) 7 What ................................ your brother ................................ outside? He ................................ a right mess! (do / make) 8 Since I ................................ to the dentist more regularly, I ................................ any fillings. (go / not have) ____/16

Used to, would e be/get used to 2 Completa le frasi con used to o would. A volte sono possibili entrambe le forme. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Miss Hughes ................................ be my English literature teacher. When we lived in Canada we ................................ go camping nearly every weekend. My parents ................................ have an old Fiat 500. They didn’t ................................ speak English very well, but they do now. When you were a child, how ................................ you spend your summers? Hannah ................................ hate watching sport, but she loves it now. My dad ................................ always cook dinner on a Saturday night. Brad didn’t ................................ have many friends when he was younger. ____/16

3 Riscrivi le seguenti frasi usando la forma corretta di used to, would e be/get used to come indicato. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

My grandparents owned that farm once. Did you find working shifts difficult at first? Did you always spend Christmas together? She never wore a school uniform at her secondary school. One day it will be easy for you to cycle up that hill. It was strange at first but now I don’t mind wearing glasses. When they lived in Devon, they used to swim nearly every day in summer. Weren’t you a vegetarian once?

used to get used to would used to get used to get used to would used to ____/16


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4 Completa il dialogo con la forma corretta dei verbi dati. expire • hear • recharge • have (x2) • go • ever buy • never try A (1) ............... you ........................... anything in that shop? I (2) ........................... it’s a great shop but I (3) ......................... it. My sister (4) ....................... on about how much money you can save there. B Yes, I bought a mobile phone there a couple of years ago but I (5) ................................ loads of problems with it recently. So I’m not sure I can recommend it. A Why didn’t you ask them for a refund? That’s what I usually do in those circumstances. B I did, but they said the guarantee (6) ................................. . Can you imagine that! A That’s unlucky! But after two years that sort of thing can happen. (7) .................... you ............................... the battery properly? B Yes, of course. I’m always careful about that sort of thing. I (8) ................................ my previous mobile for years before it broke. ____/16

Past perfect simple e past perfect continuous

B1-B2 • Units 38-43

Present perfect simple, present perfect continuous e past perfect

5 Traduci le seguenti frasi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Avevo già aspettato mezz’ora quando ho scoperto che c’era lo sciopero dei treni. Ci conoscevamo da tanto tempo quando abbiamo deciso di sposarci. Non poteva andare in vacanza perché aveva rotto la gamba. Non mi ero mai sentito così prima. Quanto tempo hai studiato prima di fare l’esame di guida? Aveva letto solo quattro pagine quando sentì gli occhi che si chiudevano. La mamma era ingrassata perché aveva smesso di fumare. Non avevo sentito l’annuncio sul cambio di binario perché stavo parlando al cellulare. ____/16

Summative exercise 6 Completa l’articolo con la forma corretta dei verbi dati. die • experience • not be • receive • use • administer • run out • not learn • spread • have Fears of yellow fever epidemic It (1) ....................... long since the Ebola virus killed more than 11,000 people in Central Africa, but it seems that health authorities (2) ....................... from past errors. Very few adults (3) .......................... the vaccination in Angola when yellow fever broke out there in December last year, and in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where it (4) ................ also .......................... . If yellow fever spreads in Kinshasa, experts are afraid that infected mosquitoes could travel beyond the central African region, which (5) ........................ one of the worst outbreaks that vaccine stocks (6) .................... almost ................ . In Angola, nearly 880 cases of yellow fever have been recorded, while DRC (7) ..................... 68 confirmed cases and more than 2,200 suspected cases. By the end of last month, about 400 people (8) ......................... in the two countries. Health authorities (9) .......................... almost 19 million doses of the vaccine since January, but there are only 5 million doses left. The vaccine takes a year to make, so unless there’s a miracle, people are going to have to (10) .................... the idea of another epidemic. ___ /20 Total____/100 PHOTOCOPIABLE - New Get Inside Language Teacher's Book © Macmillan Publisher’s Limited 2017. This page may be photocopied and used within the class.

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 7 - VERSION B B1-B2 • Units 38-43

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Present perfect simple e present perfect continuous 1 Completa le frasi con il present perfect simple o il present perfect continuous dei verbi tra parentesi. A volte ci sono due risposte possibili. 1 I’m on holiday for three weeks in July but I ................................ anything yet because I ..................... ........... carefully where to go. (not book / plan) 2 Internet crime ................................ in the last couple of years. .............. you ................................? (increase / notice) 3 He ................................ football recently because he ................................ three nights a week in a café. (not play / work) 4 Gemma studies anthropology at Oxford university. She ................................ there for two years. She says she ................................ a lot so far. (study / learn) 5 Mum ................................ a lot of lentils and beans recently, because she ................................ a vegetarian. (cook / become) 6 Why .............. she ................................ her phone? We ................................ her for hours! (not answer / call) 7 “What .............. you ................................ to your face?” “Nothing, I ................................ blackberries!” (do / eat) 8 Since my daughter ................................ to the dentist more regularly, she ................................ any fillings. (go / not have) ____/16

Used to, would e be/get used to 2 Completa le frasi con used to o would. A volte sono possibili entrambe le forme. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

My dad ................................ always take us to school in the morning. We didn’t ................................ have much money when I was a child. Jeff and Anna ................................ be in the same class as me. They didn’t ................................ like it here at first, but they do now. When your grandparents were young, how ................................ they spend their free time? I ................................ mind getting up early, but I hate it now. When we were children in summer we ................................ go swimming nearly every day. My grandad ................................ have two dogs. ____/16

3 Riscrivi le seguenti frasi usando la forma corretta di used to, would e be/get used to come indicato. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

My parents had a caravan once. Did he find commuting to work difficult at first? Did you always have lunch together? I never worked full-time at my first job. One day it will be nice for you to live independently. It was hard at first but now she doesn’t mind working nights. When I lived in Bolzano, I used to ski nearly every weekend in winter. Weren’t you Daisy’s friend once?

used to get used to would used to get used to get used to would used to ____/16


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4 Completa il dialogo con la forma corretta dei verbi dati. expire • hear • recharge • have (x2) • tell • ever purchase • never go A (1) ............... you ......................... anything in that shop? I (2) ....................... it’s a great shop but (3) .......................... in. My sister (4) ........................ me for ages how much money you can save there. B Yes, my dad bought a mobile phone there a couple of years ago but he (5) ................................ loads of problems with it recently. So I’m not sure I can recommend it. A Why didn’t he ask them for a refund? That’s what I usually do in those circumstances. B He did, but they said the guarantee (6) ................................. . Can you imagine that! A That’s unlucky! But after two years that sort of thing can happen. (7) .................. he ................................ the battery properly? B Yes, of course. He’s always careful about that sort of thing. He (8) ................................ his previous mobile for years before it broke. ____/16

Past perfect simple e past perfect continuous

B1-B2 • Units 38-43

Present perfect simple, present perfect continuous e past perfect

5 Traduci le seguenti frasi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Stavo alla fermata già da mezz’ora quando ho scoperto che c’era lo sciopero degli autobus. Ci conoscevamo dall’università quando abbiamo deciso di affittare un appartamento insieme. Non poteva guidare da sola perché non aveva superato l’esame di guida. Non avevo mai mangiato le lumache (=snails) prima. Da quanto tempo stavi suonando la chitarra prima di incontrare Roger? Aveva guardato solo i primi dieci minuti del film quando sentì gli occhi che si chiudevano. Mio fratello era ingrassato perché aveva smesso di andare in palestra. Non avevano sentito il terremoto perché stavano dormendo. ____/16

Summative exercise 6 Completa l’articolo con la forma corretta dei verbi dati. die • have • pass • receive • use • give • record • run out • not gain • spread Fears of yellow fever epidemic Not that much time (1) ................. since the Ebola virus killed more than 11,000 people in Central Africa, but it seems that health authorities (2) .................... any valuable experience from the past. Very few adults (3)......................... the vaccination in Angola when yellow fever broke out there in December last year, and in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where it (4) .............. also ................ . If yellow fever spreads in Kinshasa, experts are afraid that infected mosquitoes could travel beyond the central African region, which (5) ......................... one of the worst outbreaks that vaccine stocks (6) ....................... almost .................. . In Angola, nearly 880 cases of yellow fever have been recorded, while DRC (7) ................. 68 confirmed cases and more than 2,200 suspected cases. By the end of last month, about 400 people (8) ................. in the two countries. Health authorities (9) ..................... almost 19 million doses of the vaccine since January, but there are only 5 million doses left. The vaccine takes a year to make, so unless there’s a miracle, people are going to have to (10) ................... the idea of another epidemic. ___ /20 Total____/100 PHOTOCOPIABLE - New Get Inside Language Teacher's Book © Macmillan Publisher’s Limited 2017. This page may be photocopied and used within the class.

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 8 - VERSION A A2-B1 • Units 44-48

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Futuro con be going to e con will 1 Abbina una frase della colonna A con una frase della colonna B. A B 1 Why have you bought so much food? a 2 I fancy a nice cool drink. b 3 Would you like a dessert? c 4 I can’t come to the cinema tonight d 5 What are you going to order? e 6 Is Paul going to come tonight? f 7 We’re going to see an art exhibition tonight. g 8 We’ve decided what we’re doing this summer. h

I think I’ll have the roast beef and potatoes. Do you feel like coming along? I’m going to have a dinner party tonight. I don’t know. I’ll ask him if you want. because I’m going to have an early night. I’ll get you a tonic water with ice. We’re going to fly to the US and hire a car. I’ll have the apple pie, please. ____/16

2 Completa le frasi con will o be going to. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

What ........... your sister ................................ cook for dinner tonight? Hurry up or we ................................ miss the bus. Perhaps it ................................ rain, perhaps it ................................ . I imagine that Andy ................................ be late as usual. My grandad ................................ be 70 on Friday. When ........... you ................................ put all those clothes away? We ................................ invite Gemma and Jake for dinner on Friday. When I start work I ................................ look for my own flat. ____/16

Presente con valore di futuro 3 Completa le seguenti frasi con la forma corretta del verbo tra parentesi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

When I have a headache I ................................... an aspirin. (take) My parents ................................... me a tablet for my birthday. (buy) For Easter I ................................... to stay with my cousins on the coast. (probably / go) My flight ................................... at Heathrow airport at midnight. (arrive) ................................... anything on Saturday? (you / do) Pack a couple of sweaters in case it ................................... cold. (be) My aunt from Canada ................................... to spend Christmas with us. (come) Where ................................... on holiday? (they / go) ____/16

Presente con valore di futuro, will o be going to 4 Completa i mini dialoghi inserendo nella forma corretta i verbi dati. 1 be • see • finish • go Alma I (1) ........................................... out later. Do you want to come with me or do you prefer to stay at home? Ben OK. Yes, that’s a great idea. What time? Alma Well, my gym class (2) ........................................... at 6.00, so I’m sure I (3) ........................................... home by 6.30. How about 7.00 at my place? Ben Great! I (4) ........................................... you there at 7.00, then. Bye. 150

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Previsioni, progetti, programmi, offerte e intenzioni 5 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

It is really cold this evening. I think it will snow / ’s snowing / is going to snow. What are Anne’s plans for the future? She ’ll look / ’s going to look / look for a job. I’m sorry I can’t go out tonight. I ’ll cook / ’m cooking / ’m going to cook dinner for everyone. Are you thirsty? I ’ll get / ’m going to get / ’m getting you a glass of water. Someone is ringing the doorbell. I’ll answer it. / I answer it. / I’m answering it. The Belford train will arrive / is going to arrive / arrives at 6 p.m. each evening. I’m exhausted, I think I will stay / ’m going to stay / ’s staying in tonight. What time will / is / does your flight leave / leaving / leave on the 12th?

A2-B1 • Units 44-48

2 rain • come • probably go • probably stay Nina Have you got any plans for the weekend? Bill Well, actually I haven’t really decided yet. It all depends on the weather. I (5) the stadium to see the match. Nina But I heard it (6) ........................................... tomorrow. Didn’t you see the weather forecast last night? Bill Oh, what a shame! Well, in that case I (7) ........................................... home and get that report done. My boss (8) ........................................... back the day after tomorrow and she wants it on her desk first thing in the morning.


Summative exercise 6 Completa il dialogo con la forma corretta dei verbi dati. see • have • be (x2) • take • close • rain • plan • do • go Marco So, what (1) ............................. you ............................. to do today? Ryan I (2) ............................. probably ............................. it easy this morning. I’m a bit tired from walking so much yesterday. Marco I know. Florence can be really tiring. There are so many things to see. How about this afternoon? What (3) ............................. you .............................? Ryan I think I (4) ............................. a wander around the shops. I’d like to get a few souvenirs for my family. Marco Right. Ryan Then I’d like to visit the Accademia museum. I haven’t seen the original David yet. The museum (5) ............................. at 6.30 p.m. so I mustn’t spend too long at the shops. But I (6) ............................. what the queues are like when I get there. If they’re too long, I (7) ............................. probably ............................. somewhere else. How about you, Marco? Are you busy with work? Marco Yes I am, I (8) ............................. in the office all day. Have you checked the weather forecast? Ryan Yes, they say it (9) ............................. this morning, but it (10) ............................. sunny in the afternoon. That suits me perfectly because I’m staying in in the morning! ___ /20 Total____/100

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 8 - VERSION B A2-B1 • Units 44-48

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Futuro con be going to e con will 1 Abbina una frase della colonna A con una frase della colonna B. A B 1 Why have you brought so many books? a 2 I feel a bit cold. b 3 Would you like a drink? c 4 I can’t come out on Sunday d 5 What are you going to order? e 6 Is Naomi going to come tonight? f 7 We’re going to see a film tonight. g 8 We’ve decided what we’re doing this summer. h

I don’t know. I’ll ask her if you want. Do you feel like coming along? I’ll close the window then. I’m going to read a lot on the beach. I think I’ll have the chicken curry. I’ll have a small beer, please. We’re going to drive a camper van around Spain. because I’m going to visit relatives. ____/16

2 Completa le frasi con will o be going to. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Perhaps it ................................. snow, perhaps it ................................. . Julia ................................. be late, she’s always early. My little brother ................................. be 10 tomorrow. We ................................. have a surprise party for Kelly on Friday. When Tom starts work he ................................. buy his own car. Where ........... she................................ stay in New York? Hurry up or you ................................ be late. When ........... you ................................ tidy your room? ____/16

Presente con valore di futuro 3 Completa le seguenti frasi con la forma corretta del verbo tra parentesi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Hopefully a man ................................... this afternoon to fix our central heating. (come) Where ................................... on holiday? (Alice / go) When I get hungry I ................................... a snack in the library café. (buy) My parents ................................... me a second-hand car for Christmas. (give) For Easter we ................................... to stay with my cousins on the coast. (probably / go) Mr and Mrs Jackson ................................... at Gatwick airport at midnight. (arrive) ................................... anything this weekend? (you / do) Pack a swimsuit in case we ................................... for a swim. (go) ____/16

Presente con valore di futuro, will o be going to 4 Completa i mini dialoghi inserendo nella forma corretta i verbi dati. 1 get • meet • finish • go Alma I think I (1) ........................................... out later. Do you fancy coming with me or do you prefer to stay at home? Ben OK. Yes, that’s a great idea. What time? Alma Well, my gym class (2) ........................................... at 6.00, so I’m sure I (3) ........................................... home by 6.30. How about 7.00? Ben Great! I (4) ........................................... you in the café on the corner at 7.00, then. Bye. 152

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Previsioni, progetti, programmi, offerte e intenzioni 5 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 I think the party is going be / ’s being / will be great because you’ve planned it so well. 2 What are your plans for the weekend? I ’m going to stay / ’ll stay / stay in and catch up on housework. 3 I’m sorry you can’t go out tonight. You ’re cooking / cook / ’ll cook dinner for everyone. 4 Are you hungry? I make / ’m going to make / ’ll make you a sandwich. 5 The phone is ringing. I answer it. / I’ll answer it. / I’m answering it. 6 This train will depart / is going to depart / departs at 6.15 p.m. every evening. 7 I’m bored, I think I go / ’m going / will go out for a walk. 8 What time are / do / will the children usually getting / get / get home from school?

A2-B1 • Units 44-48

2 snow • come • probably take • probably stay Nina Have you got any plans for the weekend? Bill Well, actually I haven’t really decided yet. It all depends on the weather. I (5) ........................................... the dogs for a long walk somewhere. Nina But I heard it (6) ........................................... tomorrow. Didn’t you see the weather forecast last night? Bill Oh, how exciting! Well, in that case I (7) ........................................... home, keep warm and get that report done. My boss (8) ........................................... back the day after tomorrow and she wants it on her desk first thing in the morning.


Summative exercise 6 Completa il dialogo con la forma corretta dei verbi dati. check • have • be (x2) • relax • close • get • plan • go • do Marco So, what (1) ............................. you ............................. to do today? Ryan I (2) ............................. probably ............................. this morning. I’m a bit tired from walking so much yesterday. Marco I know. Florence can be really tiring. There are so many things to see. How about this afternoon? Where (3) ............................. you .............................? Ryan I think I (4) ......................... a look around the shops. I’d like to get a few souvenirs for my family. Marco Right. Ryan Then I’d like to visit the Accademia museum. I haven’t seen the original David yet. The museum (5) ....................... at 6.30 p.m. so I mustn’t spend too long at the shops. But I (6) ...................... out the queues when I get there. If they’re too long, I (7) ............................. probably ............................. something else. How about you, Marco? Are you busy with work? Marco Yes I am, I (8) ............................. in the office all day. Have you checked the weather forecast? Ryan Yes, they say there (9) ............................. a storm this morning, but then the weather (10) ............................. better by the afternoon. That suits me perfectly because I’m staying in in the morning! ___ /20 Total____/100

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 9 - VERSION A B1-B2 • Units 49-51

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Future in the past 1 Riscrivi le seguenti frasi con il future in the past dei verbi e le parole tra parentesi. 1 I know you will pass your driving test. (know, you pass) ................................................................................................................................................................ 2 It was my intention to get up early, but I overslept. (wake up, not hear / alarm clock) ................................................................................................................................................................ 3 It was our intention to pay the evening before our departure but we returned late. (settle / bill) ................................................................................................................................................................ 4 They had planned to have an end-of-term party, but it was cancelled. (hold) ................................................................................................................................................................ 5 He changed his mind about going by bus. (take, decide to walk) ................................................................................................................................................................ 6 I know it will be hard to emigrate to another country, but I’m not afraid. (move) ................................................................................................................................................................ 7 He thinks they will wake him before they leave. (expect) ................................................................................................................................................................ 8 It was my intention to call you, but then I got distracted. (phone, forget) ................................................................................................................................................................ ____/16

Future continuous o future simple 2 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Let’s do nothing now. We’ll be arranging /  We’ll arrange everything tomorrow. Don’t come before 9 a.m. I’ll be getting / I’ll get ready. This time tomorrow she’ll ski / she’ll be skiing in the Dolomites. Thanks for the money. I’ll pay / I’ll be paying you back at the end of the month. Sorry I can’t come to your barbecue tomorrow, because I’ll play / I’ll be playing in a volleyball match. Lovely to speak to you. I’ll be giving / I’ll give you a call again next week. In a year’s time I hope I’ll live / I’ll be living in my own flat A week from now our holiday will be over and we’ll sit / we’ll be sitting at our computers again. ____/16

3 Completa le frasi con il future continuous o il future simple dei verbi tra parentesi. This time next year I ............................................... at university. (study) We ............................................... late, don’t worry. (not be) I don’t think I ............................................... any children when I’m older. (have) One day Geeta ............................................... her own film. (direct) Daisy and George ............................................... back from Israel now. (fly) I’m sorry but we ............................................... to your party on Friday because we’re going to a wedding. (not come) 7 When they go back to school they ............................................... up early every morning. (get) 8 One day I ............................................... you all. (surprise) 1 2 3 4 5 6



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4 Usa i verbi dati per completare le frasi con la forma corretta del futuro. feel • go, already • eat • do • finish • save • work • attend 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

This time tomorrow we ............................................... lunch on the plane. By next month, I ............................................... enough money to buy a new phone. By September, Kate ............................................... that school for four years. By the time we get home, Kevin ............................................... to bed. ....................... Alex ............................................... tonight? They ............................................... hungry after such a long swim, I expect. What do you think you ............................................... in ten year’s time? ....................... you ............................................... studying by the time I get back? ____/16

Future continuous, future perfect, future perfect continuous e be (about) to 5 Traduci le seguenti frasi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Non telefonare dopo le 22, i bambini staranno dormendo. Dovevo cominciare il mio nuovo lavoro il giorno dopo, ma poi ho cambiato idea. Andremo in autobus come al solito. Alla fine di quest’anno saranno dieci anni che lavoriamo insieme. Attenzione! Quei libri stanno per cadere. Quando arriveremo, i negozi saranno chiusi. Il prossimo mese sarà quasi un anno che usciamo insieme. Si prevede che il teatro rimarrà chiuso per un mese per ristrutturazione.

B1-B2 • Units 49-51

Future continuous, future perfect e future perfect continuous


Summative exercise 6 Completa l’articolo con i verbi dati. will have solved • will have left • won’t be having • will help • will have become • will have been working • is about to change • will have discovered • will be working • will be doing Shorter working week in sight By the start of the next decade, many workers in Europe (1) ............................ eight hours a day for a century. However, many believe that in the future people (2) ............................ fewer hours per week. Experts say that the 40-hour week (3) ............................ radically. By reducing working hours to 30 per week, experts argue we (4) ............................ a simple way to partially solve modern-day problems. Health experts predict that by working a shorter week, people (5) ............................ so many health problems. Workers on shorter hours are under less stress, have more time to exercise and so get ill less often. Scientists also claim that a shorter working week (6) ............................ the environment. Economic adviser, Anna Banks argues that if we begin working 30 hours per week, in little time we (7) ............................ such problems as overwork, unemployment, high carbon emissions and the lack of time simply to enjoy life. People who work shorter hours tend to be more productive. Banks predicts that by 2025 people (8) ............................ shorter hours and therefore generally (9) ............................ a smaller ecological footprint. If you have to work for at least 40 hours, you don’t have much time for other things. You buy convenience foods instead of spending time cooking. European countries like Germany and the Netherlands already work shorter weeks and their economies have not suffered as a result. So what is the moral for today’s workers? At the end of a busy working week we should all take heart: at some point in the future the idea of working fewer hours per week (10) ............................ reality.

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 9 - VERSION B B1-B2 • Units 49-51

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Future in the past 1 Riscrivi le seguenti frasi con il future in the past dei verbi e le parole tra parentesi. 1 I know Julia will arrive late tonight. (know, be) ................................................................................................................................................................ 2 It was my intention to bake a cake, but I ran out of time. (make, not have) ................................................................................................................................................................ 3 It was our intention set off early but we overslept. (leave, not wake up in time) ................................................................................................................................................................ 4 I had planned to have a birthday party, but I wasn’t well. (organize) ................................................................................................................................................................ 5 She changed her mind about buying a coat. (buy, decide to get / jacket) ................................................................................................................................................................ 6 I know it will be exciting to travel to Israel, and I’m thrilled about the trip. (visit) ................................................................................................................................................................ 7 He thinks they will eat before they go out. (expect) ................................................................................................................................................................ 8 It was my intention to speak to Robert, but I didn’t meet him. (talk, not see) ................................................................................................................................................................ ____/16

Future continuous o future simple 2 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A week from now our holiday will be over and we’ll sit / we’ll be sitting at our computers again. I must go now. We’ll be speaking / We’ll speak again tomorrow. Don’t come before 9 p.m. I’ll be having / I’ll have dinner. This time tomorrow we’ll swim / we’ll be swimming in the sea. Thanks for the dictionary. I’ll give / I’ll be giving it back to you at the end of the lesson. Sorry I can’t come on Saturday, but I’ll go / I’ll be going away for the weekend. See you in two weeks, Gran. I’ll be sending / I’ll send you a postcard. In a year’s time I hope I’ll drive / I’ll be driving my own car. ____/16

3 Completa le frasi con il future continuous o il future simple dei verbi tra parentesi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

When they go back to school they ............................................... up early every morning. (get) One day I ............................................... you all. (surprise) Two months from now I ............................................... around Australia. (travel) We ............................................... a mess, don’t worry. (not make) I don’t think I ............................................... away from this town when I’m older. (move) One day George ............................................... his own restaurant. (run) Dan and Gemma ............................................... home from school now. (cycle) I’m sorry but we ............................................... to the match on Friday because we’ve got an exam. (not come) ____/16


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4 Usa i verbi del riquadro per completare le frasi con la forma corretta del futuro. feel • leave, already • take • do • finish • earn • work • study 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

........................ you ............................................... doing your homework by the time I get back? This time tomorrow we ............................................... the maths exam. By September, Kate ............................................... at that school for four years. By the time we get home, Dad ............................................... for work. By next month, I ............................................... enough money to buy a new computer. ........................ Anna ............................................... tonight? They ............................................... thirsty after such a long run, I expect. What do you think you ............................................... this time next year? ____/16

Future continuous, future perfect, future perfect continuous e be (about) to 5 Traduci le seguenti frasi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Non arrivare prima della 8, staremo dormendo. Dovevo partire il giorno dopo, ma poi ho cambiato idea. Mangeremo alla mensa come al solito. Alla fine di quest’anno saranno cinque anni che viviamo insieme. Attenzione! Quel ramo sta per rompersi. Quando arriveremo, il film sarà già iniziato. Il prossimo mese, sarà quasi un anno che giochiamo a calcio insieme. Si prevede che la piscina rimarrà chiusa per un mese per ristrutturazione.

B1-B2 • Units 49-51

Future continuous, future perfect e future perfect continuous


Summative exercise 6 Completa l’articolo con i verbi dati. will have resolved • will have left • will be feeling • will help • will have turned • will have been working • is about to undergo • will have discovered • will be working • will be spending Shorter working week in sight By the start of the next decade, many workers in Europe (1) .............................. eight hours a day for a century. However, many believe that in the future people (2) .............................. fewer hours per week. Experts say that the 40-hour week (3) .............................. a radical change. By reducing working hours to 30 per week, experts argue we (4) .............................. a simple way to partially solve modern-day problems. Health experts predict that by working a shorter week, people (5) .............................. much healthier. Workers on shorter hours are under less stress, have more time to exercise and so get ill less often. Scientists also claim that a shorter working week (6) .............................. the environment. Economic adviser, Anna Banks argues that if we begin working 30 hours per week, in little time we (7) .............................. such problems as overwork, unemployment, high carbon emissions and the lack of time simply to enjoy life. People who work shorter hours tend to be more productive. Banks predicts that by 2025 people (8) .............................. less time working and therefore generally (9) .............................. a smaller ecological footprint. If you have to work for at least 40 hours, you don’t have much time for other things. You travel by plane or car instead of train, foot or bike. You buy convenience foods instead of spending time cooking. European countries like Germany and the Netherlands already work shorter weeks and their economies have not suffered as a result. So what is the moral for today’s workers? At the end of a busy working week we should all take heart: at some point in the future the idea of working fewer hours per week (10) .............................. into reality.

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 10 - VERSION A A2-B1 • Units 52-57

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Can, could, be able to e be allowed to 1 Completa le frasi con verbi i modali corretti. 1 ..................... you ............................... to take mobile phones into the classroom? 2 ............................... you swim?” “Yes, but I’m not a good swimmer.” 3 When I was a child and we lived in France I ............................... speak French, but I ............................... now. 4 ............................... you hear that noise? I think the cat’s come in. 5 You ............................... read until you were six years old. 6 I’m sorry but I ............................... to come to volleyball practice tomorrow. 7 Tom ............................... to leave work early yesterday. His boss said they were too busy. 8 She didn’t say anything but we ............................... tell that Briony was upset about Joe. ____/16

Will, shall, would, how about, can, could, be able to e be allowed 2 Completa il dialogo. A volte è possibile più di una risposta. A (1) ................................. you like some peanuts? I have a big packet here and they’re so tasty that when you start eating them you (2) ................................. stop. B No, thanks. I (3) ................................. eat nuts. I’m allergic to them. I thought everyone knew that! A (4) ................................. I cut you a slice of cake, then? I made it myself. It’s my special recipe which my grandmother gave me years ago. B Er... the doctor said I (5) ................................. to eat cakes, either ... I know I’m a pain but what can I do! A (6) ................................. having some tea, then? Surely you’re not allergic to that as well! B That would be lovely. I love a nice cup of tea any time of the day and I never say no to it. A (7) ................................. you pass me your jacket and I’ll hang it up for you? B Thanks. (8) ................................. I come into the kitchen with you? Do you need a hand? A No, that’s OK. I’ll put the kettle on then I’ll be back. ____/16

Abilità, possibilità, permesso, obbligo, divieto e necessità 3 Riscrivi le seguenti frasi al passato. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Liza can speak English, but she can’t speak French. You must turn off the light before you leave the room. I can’t come to the concert on Friday. I have to work. Paul has very little money with him. He must borrow some. My two-year old daughter can count up to 10. Must they leave a deposit for the room? We’re allowed to stay up late at the weekend. Can you translate that sentence? ____/16


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4 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Did you have to / must wake up early this morning? I ought to / must leave now. I don’t want to be late. You don’t have to / mustn’t turn on the heating. It’s automatic. Schools mustn’t / shouldn’t have such long holidays. You ought / have to ask for advice. She’d better not / ought not to disturb old Mrs Willis at this time. What must / should we do about Friday? Are you free? You don’t have to / mustn’t overtake in this tunnel. It’s forbidden. ____/16

Deduzioni e supposizioni 5 Abbina le frasi con il loro completamento logico. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I may go into the centre She finishes school at 3.30 p.m. He should phone this evening, They may not come to the dinner There’s a yellow car outside, I don’t think she speaks much English, Isaac’s car is outside. That can’t be her mum,

a if I have time tomorrow. b she’s too old. c it’ll be our neighbour Mrs Potts. d so she should be at home by now. e she must be a tourist. f It can’t be. He’s gone away for the weekend. g that’s what we agreed. h if they can’t find anyone to watch the children.

A2-B1 • Units 52-57

Obbligo, divieto, necessità e consigli


Summative exercise 6 Completa il dialogo usando adeguatamente le parole date. Alcune si possono usare più volte. might • must • may • could • have to • be able to • should • had better Maria What’s happened to Sam? Josh He hurt his shoulder while playing tennis. It is, apparently. He (1) ............................................. wear a sling for a couple of weeks. Maria So he (2) ............................................. take part in the Cup Final next week, then. Josh Of course not. He’s very upset. Maria Yes, it (3) ............................................. be really frustrating. He’d been training for ages. Josh I know, but he (4) ............................................. forget about tennis for a while. Maria What’s he going to do now? Josh He said he (5) ........................................... go and see his brother in Dorset but he’s not sure yet. Maria Maybe I (6) ............................................. pay him a visit. Josh You (7) ............................................. ring him first and check. He’s in a bit down at the moment. Maria Don’t you think he’ll be pleased to see me? Josh I didn’t mean that, but he (8) ............................................. be feeling very sociable. Maria (9) ............................................. you give me his number then? I seem to have lost it. Josh Well, it (10) .......................... work or it ................................................ ___ /20 Total____/100 PHOTOCOPIABLE - New Get Inside Language Teacher's Book © Macmillan Publisher’s Limited 2017. This page may be photocopied and used within the class.

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 10 - VERSION B A2-B1 • Units 52-57

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Can, could, be able to e be allowed to 1 Completa le frasi con verbi i modali corretti. 1 ..................... Helen ............................... to make personal calls from her office? 2 I ............................... hear anyone downstairs. I think dad’s gone out. 3 When I was at school and I studied it, I ............................... speak Spanish, but I ............................... speak it really well now. 4 “............................... you play the piano?” “Yes, but not very well.” 5 Dan ............................... speak until he was nearly three years old. 6 She didn’t say anything but we ............................... tell that mum was really tired. 7 I’m sorry but I ............................... to come to your barbecue tomorrow evening. 8 We ............................... to leave the lesson early. The teacher said we needed a note. ____/16

Will, shall, would, how about, can, could, be able to e be allowed 2 Completa il dialogo. A volte è possibile più di una risposta. A (1) ................................. having some peanuts? I have a big packet here and they’re so tasty that when you start eating them you (2) ................................. stop. B No, thanks. I’m allergic to nuts. I thought everyone knew that! A (3) ................................. I cut you a slice of cake, then? I made it myself. It’s my special recipe which my grandmother gave me years ago. B Er... the doctor said I (4) ................................. to eat cakes, either ... I know I’m a pain but what can I do! A (5) ................................. you like some tea, then? Surely you’re (6) ................................. to drink that! B That would be lovely. I love a nice cup of tea any time of the day and I never say no to it. (7) ................................. I come into the kitchen with you? Do you need a hand? A No, that’s OK. I’ll put the kettle on then I’ll be back. (8) ................................. you pass me your jacket and I’ll hang it up for you? B Thanks. ____/16

Abilità, possibilità, permesso, obbligo, divieto e necessità 3 Riscrivi le seguenti frasi al passato. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I can swim really well, but I can’t dive at all. They must leave their keys at the desk when they check out. Joe can’t give me a lift. He has to work. We have very little time. We must hurry. Our dog Boris can climb trees. Must we pay for the guided tour? I’m allowed to invite friends to stay at the weekend. Can you find what you need? ____/16


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4 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

What must / should we do about dinner? Shall we go out? You don’t have to / mustn’t download files from the internet on these computers. It’s forbidden. Did you have to / must walk to school this morning? I ought to / must leave now. I don’t want to be late. I don’t have to / mustn’t finish it today. I’ve got plenty of time. Parents mustn’t / shouldn’t let children watch TV for hours. You ought / have to pay for the room in advance. We’d better not / ought not to lose those documents, they’re important. ____/16

Deduzioni e supposizioni 5 Abbina le frasi con il loro completamento logico. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

We may go away for Easter He finishes work at 6.00 p.m. She should phone this evening, They may not go on holiday There’s a white scooter outside, I don’t think she speaks much English, Laura’s car is outside. That can’t be his gran,

a b c d e f g h

she must be a tourist. It can’t be. She’s gone away for the weekend. if I can get extra time off work. she’s too young. that’s what we agreed. if they can’t find anywhere to leave the dog. it’ll be the postman. so he should be at home by now. ____/16

A2-B1 • Units 52-57

Obbligo, divieto, necessità e consigli

Summative exercise 6 Completa il dialogo usando adeguatamente le parole date. Alcune si possono usare più volte. might • must • may • could • have to • be able to • should • had better What’s happened to Sam? He hurt his shoulder while playing tennis. He has to wear a sling for a couple of weeks. So he (1) ............................................. take part in the Cup Final next week, then. Of course not. He (2) ................................. forget about tennis for a while. He’s very upset. Yes. It (3) ............................................. be really frustrating. He’d been training for ages. I know, but there’s nothing he can do. He just (4) .............................. be philosophical about it. What’s he going to do now? He said he might go and see his brother in Dorset but he’s not sure yet. It depends how he feels. Maybe you (5) ............................................. pay him a visit. Maria Me? Do you think I would (6) ............................................. cheer him up? Josh Why not? He really likes you. You (7) ............................................. ring him first and find out if he feels like seeing people. He’s a bit down at the moment. Maria So you don’t think he’ll be pleased to see me. Josh I didn’t mean that, but he (8) ............................................. be feeling very sociable. Maria (9) ............................................. you give me his number then? I seem to have lost it. Josh Well, it (10) ............................................. work or it ................................................ . Maria Josh Maria Josh Maria Josh Maria Josh

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 11 - VERSION A B1-B2 • Units 58-60

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Deduzioni 1 Completa le frasi con un modale e la forma corretta del verbo dato. go • spend • study • die • phone • see • come • meet Jake got an A in his history exam. He ...................................................... hard. I think I recognize that woman. We ...................................................... somewhere before. Thank you for this present but you really ...................................................... so much money. Why didn’t you tell me you would be late. You ......................................................! Marta wasn’t answering her phone. I wonder why. She ...................................................... to bed. The woman who cleans ...................................................... today because everywhere is really untidy. 7 I never see that man with his old dog any more. It ...................................................... . 8 You ...................................................... Lucy because she’s in Brussels all week. 1 2 3 4 5 6


Need, needn’t have, didn’t need to 2 Riscrivi le frasi con la forma corretta di need. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

It was a waste of time arriving early. ...................................................................................................... Do I have to finish this by tomorrow? .................................................................................................... They provided lunch for us so it wasn’t necessary for us to bring our own. .......................................... This shower must be repaired. .............................................................................................................. It was unnecessary for you to bring a dessert. I’ve made a cake. ......................................................... Is it necessary for you to arrive two hours before your flight? ............................................................... He doesn’t require any help. He can manage. ....................................................................................... These shirts and trousers must be ironed. ............................................................................................ ____/16

Bound to, supposed to 3 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Jenny and Liam are interested in the same things, they are bound / supposed to get on. We’re forty minutes late: this train was bound / supposed to have arrived already. I was bound / supposed to be at a meeting today but I couldn’t go. What time are we bound / supposed to be there? At the next Olympics more records are bound / supposed to be broken. Eccleston is such a small village that we are bound / supposed to meet! You are not bound / supposed to smoke in here. If you play a rough sport like ice hockey, you are bound / supposed to get hurt. ____/16


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4 Abbina ogni frase al suo completamento logico. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

You needn’t have washed the dishes. I might have become headteacher The neighbours can’t have gone away. You should have asked me If I hadn’t had my compass, Evie’s usually really friendly. Kate must have been devastated I don’t think Ingrid’s here yet,

a b c d e f g h

when she found out the news. before you took money from my wallet. but she might be upstairs. I could have put them in the dishwasher. She can’t be feeling well today. if I had stayed at that school. I could have easily got lost. I can hear them upstairs. ____/16

Deduzioni e bound to / supposed to 5 Traduci le seguenti frasi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Non saresti dovuto andare a letto tardi ieri sera. Siamo tenuti a fare un esame a fine anno. È il corridore più veloce: sono sicuro che vincerà. Diana non è ancora a casa. Deve essersi fermata da qualche parte per strada. Non è possibile che Joe stia lavorando oggi: è domenica. Avrei potuto ottenere una promozione se non fossi andato via. Il treno doveva fermarsi in quella stazione. Mi dispiace, avrei dovuto avvertirti che sarei venuto.

B1-B2 • Units 58-60

Deduzioni e necessità


Summative exercise 6 Completa il testo con le forme corrette dei verbi tra parentesi e un modale oppure bound / supposed. The house has been broken into. We were only out for an hour or two so the burglars (1) ...................................................... (watch) the house. We (2) ...................................................... (go) out tonight. This wouldn’t have happened if we had stayed in. They (3) ................................................ (get) in through the bathroom window because it’s too small. They (4) ................................................ (enter) through the bedroom window because it’s well hidden from the street, but we’re not sure. I found the front door unlocked and our spare key in the letter box so they (5) ...................................................... (leave) through the front door. Luckily they didn’t find the safe so they (6) ...................................................... (have) enough time to search the house properly. They have emptied the contents of the drawers everywhere! They really (7) ...................................................... (make) such a mess! The police are (8) ...................................................... (find) some clues because they’ve left a lot of footprints everywhere. Do you think we (9) .................................. a burglar alarm ...................................................... (install)? It is (10) ...................................................... (be) a good deterrent. ___ /20 Total____/100

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 11 - VERSION B B1-B2 • Units 58-60

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Deduzioni 1 Completa le frasi con un modale e la forma corretta del verbo dato. miss • spend • work • move • ask • see • come • meet Thank you for this present but you really ...................................................... so much money. Why didn’t you tell me you needed help. You ......................................................! Mark is late this morning. I wonder why. He ...................................................... the bus. Alison got promoted to manager. She ...................................................... hard. I think I recognize that man. We ...................................................... somewhere before. You ...................................................... Adam because he’s in Greece on holiday. The woman who cleans ...................................................... today because everywhere is really untidy. 8 I never see that woman in our street any more. She ...................................................... house. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Need, needn’t have, didn’t need to 2 Riscrivi le frasi con la forma corretta di need. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

It wasn’t necessary to bring food with us. Do we have to arrive early tomorrow? They provided uniforms for us so it wasn’t necessary for us to buy our own. This dishwasher must be cleaned. It was unnecessary for you to bring so many clothes, we’re camping. Is it necessary for us to bring all our textbooks on the first day? She doesn’t require any money. She has enough. These two rooms must be painted. ____/16

Bound to, supposed to 3 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

You are not bound / supposed to take photos here. If you send messages while you drive, you are bound / supposed to have an accident. Ben and Violet have very different political views, they are bound / supposed to argue. This train is late: we were bound / supposed to arrive forty minutes ago. We were bound / supposed to go on holiday today but my little brother was ill. What time are we bound / supposed to put all our things? When Elsa finds out she is bound / supposed to be upset. Marsden is such a pretty place that you are bound / supposed to like it! ____/16


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4 Abbina ogni frase al suo completamento logico. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

If I hadn’t had my umbrella, Sam’s usually really helpful. Youssef must have been thrilled I don’t think Daniel’s here yet, You needn’t have gone to the supermarket. I might have had four children John can’t have gone away. You should have told me

a b c d e f g h

but he might be in the courtyard. There’s lots of food in the fridge. He must have been in a hurry. when he found out he got the job. you were going to be late. if I had married young. I would have got soaking wet. I’m sure I saw him earlier. ____/16

Deduzioni e bound to / supposed to 5 Traduci le seguenti frasi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Non avresti dovuto raccontare tutto a Beth. Siamo tenuti a portare una divisa. È il migliore studente: sono sicuro che supererà l’esame. Simon non è ancora in ufficio. Deve essersi fermato a fare colazione. Non è possibile che oggi Esme stia giocando: è malata. Sarei potuto andare all’università se non avessi iniziato a lavorare. L’ultimo episodio avrebbe dovuto essere stasera. Mi dispiace, avrei dovuto ricordarmi che è il tuo compleanno.

B1-B2 • Units 58-60

Deduzioni e necessità


Summative exercise 6 Completa il testo con le forme corrette dei verbi tra parentesi e un modale oppure bound / supposed. We (1) ...................................................... (go) out tonight, something terrible has happened. The house has been broken into. We were only out for an hour or two so the burglars (2) ........................................ (watch) the house. This wouldn’t have happened if we had stayed in. They (3) ...................................................... (climb) through the bathroom window because it’s too small. They (4) ...................................................... (get) in through the bedroom window because it’s well hidden from the street, but we’re not sure. Luckily they didn’t find the safe so they (5) ...................................................... (have) enough time to search the house properly. They have emptied the contents of the drawers everywhere! They really (6) ...................................................... (make) such a mess! I found the front door unlocked and our spare key in the letter box so they (7) ...................................................... (leave) through the front door. The police are (8) ...................................................... (find) some clues because they’ve left a lot of footprints everywhere. Burglar alarms are (9) ...................................................... (be) a good deterrent. Do you think we (10) ..................................... one ................................................. (install)? ___ /20 Total____/100

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 12 - VERSION A A2-B1 • Units 61-62

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Present simple passivo 1 Completa le frasi con il present simple passivo dei verbi dati. not allow • situate • provide • speak • not clean • accept • not make • serve 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

English, German and French ............................................... at this hotel. The rooms in this hotel ............................................... every day. Fresh fish ............................................... at every meal. The desserts ............................................... by our chef. The swimming pool ............................................... on the ground floor. A bathrobe ............................................... for each guest. Loud talking ............................................... in the quiet area in the spa. All major credit cards ............................................... . ____/16

Present simple passivo e past simple passivo 2 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 Sorry, taking photographs in this church ........... . A aren’t allowed B doesn’t allow C isn’t allowed 2 Luckily the missing girl .......... by the police the next day. A is been found B was found C has found 3 The mistake .......... by accident but it cost a lot of money. A is made B was made C were made 4 The penguins .......... three times a day. A are fed B doesn’t feed C was fed 5 The bill .......... in full when the guest checked out. A paid B is paid C was paid 6 The doctor .......... each patient an injection. A was given B is given C gave 7 Our beauty products .......... on animals. A don’t test B aren’t tested C isn’t tested 8 Did you know that fish .......... to make beer? A is used B use C don’t use ____/16

3 Usa le parole date per scrivere frasi al present simple passivo o al past simple passivo. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Hundreds of new species / identify / each year ..................................................................................... Penicillin / discover / by accident in 1928 ............................................................................................... These loaves / bake / in this bakery every morning ............................................................................... The first mobile app / create / in 1998 .................................................................................................... Coats / not keep / in this room ............................................................................................................... In England smoking / not ban / in public places until 2007 .................................................................... breakfast / include / in the price of the room / ? .................................................................................... these old photos / take / by your grandfather / ? .................................................................................... ____/16


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4 Abbina ogni frase al suo completamento logico. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Where will the concert Where should glass Can this chapter The salt shouldn’t We may An appointment must Red wine should Your toothbrush should

a b c d e f g h

be added until the end. be held? be made in advance. be served at room temperature. be read over the weekend? be obliged to take a later flight. be changed every three months. be thrown away? ____/16

5 Riscrivi le frasi al passivo. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

They won’t deliver the post tomorrow because it’s Sunday. They will inaugurate the new exhibition centre on Friday. You must separate the rubbish. Can you repair my car by the end of the day? They may announce the results today. You shouldn’t leave dogs and small children alone. You could wear this shirt and jacket together. Will they postpone the match because of the weather?

A2-B1 • Units 61-62

Will-future e il presente passivo con i verbi modali


Summative exercise 6 Completa l’articolo con le parole date. need not be used • should be washed (x2) • are told  • will be invented • shouldn’t be taken • are found • were advised • must be changed • wasn’t used A closer look at personal hygiene Many people are surprised when they (1) ................................................. that these days people tend to wash too often. A shower (2) ................................................. more than twice a week, and even then, soap (3) ................................................. on all areas of the body, it is just not necessary. In order to protect ourselves from harmful bacteria our hands (4) ................................................. with soap and hot water as often as possible, especially after using the toilet and before meals. More importantly than showering, towels in the bathroom (5) ................................................. twice a week to remove the millions of dead skin cells that (6) ................................................. on them. How often we need to wash our hair is more complicated. Fine hair (7) ................................................. more frequently than thicker hair experts advise. In the past, shampoo (8) ................................................ much before the start of the twentieth century and women (9) ................................................. to wash their hair about once a month. Who knows what the future will bring. Perhaps a spray (10) ................................................. to remove bacteria so we won’t need to waste so much water. ___ /20 Total____/100

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 12 - VERSION B A2-B1 • Units 61-62

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Present simple passivo 1 Completa le frasi con il present simple passivo dei verbi dati. not allow • situate • provide • speak • not use • accept • not make • serve 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The toilets ............................................... on the ground floor. A reading light ............................................... for each passenger. Smoking ............................................... in the children’s playground. All major credit cards ............................................... . English, German and French ............................................... at this hotel. Books ............................................... at this school, we write our own materials. Breakfast ............................................... from 7 a.m. These shoes ............................................... in Italy. They’re from Spain. ____/16

Present simple passivo e past simple passivo 2 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Sorry, eating and drinking ........... in this taxi. A aren’t allowed B doesn’t allow C isn’t allowed Luckily the missing children ........... by the police the next day. A are been found B was found C were found A mistake ........... and I sincerely apologize. A is made B was made C are made The dog ........... at lunchtime. Don’t give him anything else. A are fed B doesn’t feed C was fed Your salary ........... into your account at the end of each month. A paid B is paid C was paid The teacher ........... each student a different book to read. A was given B gave C is given This perfume ........... on animals. A isn’t tested B aren’t tested C don’t test Did you know that animal skins ........... in some sweets? A is contained B contain C are contained ____/16

3 Usa le parole date per scrivere frasi al present simple passivo o al past simple passivo. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

In England smoking / not ban / in public places until 2007 .................................................................... How many messages / send / every day / ? .......................................................................................... Thousands of trees / cut down / each year ............................................................................................ Those pictures / paint / by my father ...................................................................................................... These strawberries / grow / locally ........................................................................................................ Penicillin / discover / by accident in 1928 ............................................................................................... When / the first mobile app / create / ? .................................................................................................. Modern history / not teach / by Mrs Hull ............................................................................................... ____/16


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4 Abbina ogni frase al suo completamento logico. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

We may Tickets must Red wine should Your towels should When will the exam results Where should garden rubbish Can this exercise Meat shouldn’t

a b c d e f g h

be bought in advance. be served at room temperature. be done at home? be eaten more than three times a week. be published? be thrown away? be obliged to cancel our holiday. be changed every three days. ____/16

5 Riscrivi le frasi al passivo. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

They won’t provide room service in this hotel. They will christen the baby on Sunday. You must brush your teeth twice a day. Can you deliver this parcel by 5 p.m.? They may announce the winner today. You shouldn’t leave valuables in this room. You could use these plums in the cake. Will they delay the flight because of the weather?

A2-B1 • Units 61-62

Will-future e il presente passivo con i verbi modali


Summative exercise 6 Completa l’articolo con le parole date. need not be used • should be washed (x2) • was told • will be created • shouldn’t be taken • are found • were advised • must be changed • wasn’t invented A closer look at personal hygiene I was surprised when I (1) ................................................. that these days people tend to wash too often. Of course, I knew that in order to protect ourselves from harmful bacteria our hands (2) ................................................. with soap and hot water as often as possible, especially after using the toilet and before meals. A shower, however (3) ................................................. more than twice a week, and even then, soap (4) ................................................. on all areas of the body, it is just not necessary. More importantly than showering, towels in the bathroom (5) ................................................. twice a week to remove the millions of dead skin cells that (6) ................................................. on them. How often we need to wash our hair is more complicated. Fine hair (7) ................................................. more frequently than thicker hair experts advise. Shampoo (8) ................................................. until 1927 and women (9) ................................................. to wash their hair about once a month. Who knows what the future will bring. Perhaps a spray (10) ................................................. to remove bacteria so we won’t need to waste so much water. ___ /20 Total____/100

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FULL TEST 13 - VERSION A B1-B2 • Units 63-66

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Il passivo: altri tempi 1 Riscrivi le frasi al passivo. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

They are going to invite you. .................................................................................................................. I don’t want people to recognize me. ..................................................................................................... They are re-painting the kitchen. ............................................................................................................ Had they understood the question? ....................................................................................................... He doesn’t like people laughing at him. ................................................................................................. Are they cleaning the room? .................................................................................................................. Your son has broken my window. .......................................................................................................... An undergraduate was giving the lesson. .............................................................................................. ____/16

Modali al passato 2 Completa le frasi con il modale al passato e il verbo tra parentesi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Those shoes ................................................. . I can’t see them in the window any more. (must, sell) My bike isn’t here. Don’t worry, it ................................................... to the storeroom. (might, move) Those books I ordered last week ................................................... by now. (should, deliver) Such a huge sum of money ................................................... in the bank for safety. (ought, put) The ceramics lesson ................................................... , Mrs Benton is here after all. (needn’t, cancel) Something ................................................... about this years ago, but it wasn’t. (should, do) That birthday cake ................................................... by his mother, it’s a work of art! (can’t, make) You’re very lucky. You ................................................... seriously injured. (could, be) ____/16

Verbi con due complementi e il passivo con get 3 Abbina ogni frase al suo completamento logico. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Ricky was given The children are taught The picnic was Why am I always The invoice The rubbish gets When did he We were told

a b c d e f g h

will be sent to you tomorrow. a new mobile phone for Christmas. called off because of the rain. collected every other day. to leave by the emergency door. get sacked? English by a native speaker. made fun of? ____/16

Have / get something done 4 Completa le frasi con have / get e il verbo corretto. landscape • test • clean • take • steal • cut • shorten • mend 1 2 3 4


You need to ................................ those trousers ................................, they’re too long! When was the last time you ................................ your eyes ................................? I’ve ................................ my hair ................................ . What do you think? Isn’t it time you ................................ those shoes ................................? They look shabby.

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Costruzioni passive impersonali 5 Traduci le frasi utilizzando costruzioni impersonali. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Si pensa che il ladro abbia nascosto i soldi. Secoli fa si credeva che la Terra fosse il centro dell’universo. Si dice che alcune zone della campagna sono più inquinate delle città. Gli insegnanti dovrebbero sapere tutte le risposte. Si pensa che la malattia sia stata causata dai ratti. È considerato l’uomo migliore per quel lavoro. Si prevede che a breve il direttore farà un annuncio. È riferito che delle rivolte (=riots) sono scoppiate negli Stati Uniti.

B1-B2 • Units 63-66

5 Our neighbours have recently ................................ their garden ................................ . It looks fantastic! 6 My wisdom teeth are really sore. Do you think I’ll need to ......................... them ...................... out? 7 My mum’s ................................ her car ................................ . She’s having to use public transport. 8 I’m ................................ the curtains ................................ at the moment, so people can see in when they walk past.


Summative exercise 6 Scegli l’opzione corretta. It (1) ........... that moving house is one of the most stressful things that can happen to you. We had bought an old farmhouse so we had the added stress of renovations. Our house (2) ......... sold before the farmhouse was ready. While the farmhouse (3) ......... renovated we were living in a bed and breakfast. We (4) ......... all our most important things brought to us. A large family suite was (5) ........... us, but of course we still didn’t have enough space for all of our stuff. Even though the room was quite large, we were packed like sardines. We (6) ........... rented a flat, but we didn’t realise at the time how long the renovations would take. Initially they (7) ........... it would be ready in a matter of weeks. Weeks turned into months, and my dad complained that the house (8) ........... been finished sooner if the workmen didn’t take such long lunch breaks. In the end, we (9) ........... to move in before the farmhouse was fully finished. At the moment, it feels like we are camping in our new house. Next week the central heating (10) ........... installed. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

A says A has been A was being A have A given A must have A told A would have A need A would be

B is said B is B is B had B given for B needn’t have B told us B will have B were forced B was being

C was said C had been C is being C get C given to C should have C told us to C must have C are forced C is going to be ___ /20 Total____/100

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 13 - VERSION B B1-B2 • Units 63-66

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Il passivo: altri tempi 1 Riscrivi le frasi al passivo. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

They are going to give him a prize. ......................................................................................................... I don’t want people to see me. .............................................................................................................. They are cutting the grass. ..................................................................................................................... Had they written the answers? .............................................................................................................. She doesn’t like people talking about her. .............................................................................................. Are they repairing the door? ................................................................................................................... Your dog has bitten my son. ................................................................................................................... A plumber was checking the pipes. ....................................................................................................... ____/16

Modali al passato 2 Completa le frasi con il modale al passato e il verbo tra parentesi. 1 That car................................................... . It isn’t parked here any more. (must, move) 2 My parcel hasn’t arrived. It ................................................... to the wrong house. (might, deliver) 3 That phone ................................................... by now: it’s almost two weeks since I took it in. (should, fix) 4 The route ................................................... before we left, then we wouldn’t have got lost. (ought, plan) 5 The match ..................................................., it only rained for ten minutes. (needn’t, postpone) 6 Someone ................................................... about this years ago, but they weren’t. (should, tell) 7 That painting ................................................... by his mother, it’s a work of art! (can’t, do) 8 He’s very lucky. He ................................................... a serious accident. (could, have) ____/16

Verbi con due complementi e il passivo con get 3 Abbina ogni frase al suo completamento logico. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The order The roads get When did you They were told Beth was awarded The children are given We were lent Why are we always

a b c d e f g h

will be delivered to you by Friday. a prize for her poem. a tent for the holiday. cleaned once a week. to leave their shoes outside. get told the news? a snack at school. told lies? ____/16

Have / get something done 4 Completa le frasi con have / get e il verbo corretto. renovate • service • re-paint • trim • break • pierce • cut down • dry clean 1 You need to ................................ your hair ................................, it’s too long! 2 When was the last time you ................................ your car ................................? 3 I’ve ................................ my nose ................................ . What do you think? 172

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FULL TEST 13 - VERSION B Isn’t it time you ................................ that jacket ................................? It looks filthy. Our neighbours have recently ................................ their flat ................................ . It looks fantastic! That tree is very old and it’s too near the house. Do you think we need to ................ it ....................? We ................................ our house ................................ into. We have had to change the locks. I’m ........................... the kitchen ........................... at the moment, so we’re having to eat out a lot. ____/16

Costruzioni passive impersonali 5 Traduci le frasi utilizzando costruzioni impersonali. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Si pensa che il furto sia successo la notte scorsa. Secoli fa si credeva che gli esseri umani fossero presenti dalla creazione. Si dice che la vita in campagna è più sana che in città. Lo stato dovrebbe proteggere le persone più deboli. Si pensa che l’incendio sia iniziato al piano terra. È considerato il miglior albergo della zona. Si prevede che il tempo migliorerà nel fine settimana. È segnalato che è successo un incidente sulla A1.

B1-B2 • Units 63-66

4 5 6 7 8


Summative exercise 6 Scegli l’opzione corretta. Moving house (1) ........... to be one of the most stressful times in one’s life. We had bought an old farmhouse so we had the added stress of renovations. Our house (2) ........... sold before the farmhouse was ready. While the farmhouse (3) ........... renovated we were living in a bed and breakfast. We (4) ........... all our most important things brought to us. A large family suite was (5) ........... us, but of course we still didn’t have enough space for all of our stuff. Even though the room was quite large, we were packed like sardines. We (6) ........... rented a flat, but we didn’t realise at the time how long the renovations would take. Initially they (7) ........... it would be ready in a matter of weeks. Weeks turned into months, and my dad complained that the house (8) ........... been finished sooner if the workmen didn’t take such long lunch breaks. In the end, we (9) ........... to move in before the farmhouse was fully finished. At the moment, it feels like we are camping in our new house. Next week the central heating (10) ........... installed. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

A is reported A has been A is being A had A assigned A must have A told A will have A need A is going to be

B reports B had been B is B have B assigned to B ought to have B told us to B would have B are forced B was being

C was reported C is C was being C get C assigned for C need have C told us C must have C were forced C would be ___ /20 Total____/100

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 14 - VERSION A A2-B2 • Units 67-72

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Le forme dell’infinito 1 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 If you don’t feel like cooking, we can ........... a takeaway for dinner. A to order B order C ordering 2 Are you ready ........... the exam? A start B starting C to start 3 Let’s ........... your cousin to the party. A to invite B invite C inviting 4 ........... a novel is my dream. A Publish B Publishing C To publish 5 You must ........... this medicine for six days. A take B to take C taking 6 My mum always makes me ........... the table. A setting B to set C set 7 It’s your turn ........... dinner tonight. A cooking B cook C to cook 8 We would rather ........... home. A to walk B walk C walking ____/16

Le forme dell’infinito, like e would like 2 Completa le frasi utilizzando correttamente il verbo tra parentesi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

It’s impossible ............................... a parking space in this street. (find) I want ............................... Iceland one day. (visit) You shouldn’t ............................... litter on the ground. (drop) What does the new teacher ............................... like? (look) Tomorrow I’d like ............................... somewhere for the day. (go) She never lets me ............................... her tablet. (use) I’d rather ............................... tea than coffee. (have) We can’t afford ............................... in a hotel this year. (stay) ____/16

La forma in -ing, verbi + infinito / -ing 3 Abbina ogni frase al suo completamento logico. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I’m sorry, I didn’t mean Your wallet doesn’t appear There’s no use If our train’s on time, we hope How about Please try to avoid She refused He loves

a b c d e f g h

painting the house if we’re moving. going for a quick coffee? to offend you the other day. cooking for other people. to be on your desk. to tell us anything about it. to arrive by lunchtime. arriving late at the station. ____/16


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4 Trasforma le seguenti frasi usando le parole in grassetto. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Were you able to catch your train? Without a helmet a worker might get injured. Fiona usually phones after 9 p.m. Catherine doesn’t like to watch TV. Haven’t you written your essay yet? In my opinion, you should book a cheap ticket now. Could you help me with this bag, please? Mark shouldn’t worry about the exam.

manage risks tends stand finished suggest mind stop ____/16

5 Completa i mini dialoghi. 1. A B A B 2. A B

I heard you (1) ................................ on the phone with Ron before. How is he doing these days? Not too well. He’s trying (2) ........................... weight but finds it hard (3) .......................... on a diet. No wonder, he’s a chef! How can you be on a diet if you’re always (4) ................................? I know. He should join a gym. That might help.

A2-B2 • Units 67-72

Verbi + infinito o seguiti da -ing

Hurry up! We risk (5) ................................ our flight! Why aren’t you ready yet? I’m sorry, it’s Joe’s fault. He gave me a lift to the post office, but it took him ages (6) ................................ me back home. First he stopped (7) ................................ something at the bank, then he met his girlfriend and we all went for a coffee. I told them it was getting late for me, but they went on (8) ................................ for half an hour. ____/16

Summative exercise 6 Completa il dialogo con la forma corretta dei verbi dati. fill • do • apply • call • pick • remember • send • join • travel • get Lucy What are you planning (1) ....................... after your contract with the company expires? Tom My job finishes in May and I’ve already applied for a couple of new positions, but I’m not really expecting (2) ....................... for an interview... I’ll probably spend the summer (3) ....................... in application forms. Lucy I think you deserve a holiday, Tom – you’ve been working so hard over the past months... Tom Sure, I’d love (4) ....................... away from the city, but I haven’t got much spare cash. Ian moved to California last year and has invited me, but it’s a bit expensive. Lucy Have you considered (5) ....................... a farm? Four years ago Anne and I spent a whole month in the summer working on a farm in Spain through an international organisation. We helped (6) ....................... tomatoes and so on, and in exchange they gave us food and a place to stay. Tom I don’t fancy (7) ....................... to Spain if I’m going to spend my whole time working. Lucy Well, we weren’t working all the time: we had time to explore the region. The work was very pleasant. I never regretted (8) ....................... for work on that farm. Tom Do you happen (9) ....................... the name of the organisation? Lucy I can’t think of it now, but remind me (10) ....................... you the link to their website. ___ /20 Total____/100 PHOTOCOPIABLE - New Get Inside Language Teacher's Book © Macmillan Publisher’s Limited 2017. This page may be photocopied and used within the class.

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 14 - VERSION B A2-B2 • Units 67-72

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Le forme dell’infinito 1 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 If you don’t feel like going out, we could ........... a DVD. A watch B to watch C watching 2 How do you do! It’s nice ........... you. A meet B to meet C meeting 3 Don’t let your friends ........... my things. A to touch B touching C touch 4 ........... a famous actor is my dream. A To be B Being C Be 5 You mustn’t ........... your children unattended. A to leave B leave C leaving 6 Our parents always make us ........... in the house. A help B to help C helping 7 It’s my turn ........... the coffee today. A buying B to buy C buy 8 We would rather ........... at home tonight. A staying B to stay C stay ____/16

Le forme dell’infinito, like e would like 2 Completa le frasi utilizzando correttamente il verbo tra parentesi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

It’s difficult ............................... money these days. (save) I want ............................... to a British university. (apply) You must ............................... both ways before you cross the road. (look) What does Finnish food ............................... like? (taste) Tomorrow I’d like ............................... early, if that’s possible. (leave) You never let me ............................... what we are doing. (decide) He’d rather ............................... outside than inside. (work) She pretended ............................... ill so she could go home. (feel) ____/16

La forma in -ing, verbi + infinito / -ing 3 Abbina ogni frase al suo completamento logico. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

How about Please try to avoid She refused At weekends she enjoys I’m sorry, I meant Joseph likes It’s not worth If we get there early, we hope

a b c d e f g h

taking a swimsuit, it’s November. meeting for lunch? to tell you but I forgot. cooking for large groups. to exercise regularly. to speak to him for a week. to meet you for lunch. thinking negative thoughts. ____/16


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4 Trasforma le seguenti frasi usando le parole in grassetto. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Do you know his telephone number? You should see that film. You should do more exercise. Andy doesn’t like to stay in. Haven’t you tidied your room yet? You should continue to take the tablets. Could you move your jacket, please? Mark shouldn’t play video games late at night.

happen is worth suggest stand finished keep mind stop


5 Completa i mini dialoghi. 1. A I saw you (1) ................................ home with Ron yesterday. How is he doing these days? B Not too well. He’s trying (2) ................................ fit but says it’s hard (3) ................................ the time to go to the gym with his job. A I bet, and he’s a chef! How can you lose weight if you’re always (4) ................................? B I think he’s happy with his weight. He just wants (5) ................................ more sport. 2. A Hurry up! We risk (6) ........................................... our flight! Why aren’t you ready yet? B I’m sorry, it’s Joe’s fault. He gave me a lift to the post office, but first he stopped (7) ............................ something at the supermarket, then he met his girlfriend and we all went for a coffee. I told them it was getting late for me, but they went on (8) ............................ for half an hour.

A2-B2 • Units 67-72

Verbi + infinito o seguiti da -ing


Summative exercise 6 Completa il dialogo con la forma corretta dei verbi dati. feel • travel • do • invite • feed • know • send • apply • work • go Lucy Where are you planning (1) ....................... after your contract with the company expires? Tom My job finishes in May and I’ve already applied for a couple of new positions, but I’m not really expecting (2) ....................... for an interview. I’ll probably spend the summer (3) ....................... depressed and worried. Lucy I think you deserve a holiday, Tom – you’ve been working so hard over the past months... Tom Sure, I’d love (4) ....................... somewhere for a few weeks, but I haven’t got much spare cash. Ian moved to California last year and has invited me, but it’s a bit expensive. Lucy Have you considered (5) ....................... to a farm? Four years ago Anne and I spent a summer working on a farm in Spain through an international organisation. We helped (6) ....................... the animals and so on, and in exchange they gave us food and a place to stay. Tom I don’t fancy (7) ....................... to Spain if I’m going to spend my whole time working. Lucy Well, we weren’t working all the time: we had time to explore the region. The work was very pleasant. I never regretted (8) ....................... work experience on that farm. Tom Do you happen (9) ....................... the name of the organisation? Lucy I can’t think of it now, but remind me (10) ........................................ you the link to their website. ___ /20 Total____/100 PHOTOCOPIABLE - New Get Inside Language Teacher's Book © Macmillan Publisher’s Limited 2017. This page may be photocopied and used within the class.

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 15 - VERSION A A2-B1 • Units 73-79

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Sostantivi numerabili e non numerabili; some e any; a lot of, much e many 1 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Would you like some / a salt on your chips? A lot of fish was / were swimming in the pond. Let me give you some / an advice: forget about that job. Would you like some / any bread with your meal? I haven’t seen some / any decent films lately. There weren’t much / many people at the cinema. He’s thin because he doesn’t eat much / a lot of. I’d like lots of / much cheese on my pasta, please. How much luggage / luggages did you bring? Do you need a / some money for that? ____/20

Nomi collettivi 2 Completa le frasi della colonna A con i termini della colonna B. A B 1 The murder was the most important item ............ of the day. a 2 There is only one ............ of milk left. b 3 How many ............ of sugar do you take? c 4 Remember to add a ............ of salt to the soup. d 5 A huge ............ of people was waiting outside the post office. e 6 Can I get you a ............ of coffee? f 7 Mum bought a big ............ of bread at the baker’s. g 8 What’s a ............ of soap doing on the floor? h

carton pinch cup teaspoons bar of news crowd loaf ____/16

Possessivi composti e il doppio possessivo 3 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 Hayley is an old friend of ......... . A his B him 2 Miss Naughton is ......... teacher. A Tom’s and Nick’s B Tom’s and Nick 3 This ......... needs a new mayor. A city of our’s B our city 4 Ella is a colleague of my ......... . A father’s B father 5 A schoolmate of ......... is a chess champion. A my B mine 6 Your ......... is your aunt. A sister’s mother B mother sister

C he C Tom and Nick’s C city of ours C fathers C me C mother’s sister ____/12


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4 Completa il dialogo. A Where is everybody? There’s nobody here. I wonder why. What time did we say to everyone? B I can't remember. I don’t know. (1) ................. of my friends have arrived yet. And they’re all usually on time. A Have you got (2) .................... the tickets? That way, when they arrive we can go straight to our platform. B Yes, I’ve got them here, but we don’t have (3) .................... time left. The train leaves in half an hour. I don’t want to miss this one because there are (4) .................... direct trains to Chester, the next one isn’t until this evening! (5) .................... trains stop in Birmingham or Crewe and you have to change, which makes the journey much longer. A Let’s just ring them. There’s (6) .................... time to waste. Come on, hurry up. B Oh hang on a minute, look. Our train is delayed twenty minutes so we have still got (7) ........... time. A That’s good. Let’s go and sit down for a (8) .................... minutes in the waiting room. ____/16

A lot of, lots of, much, many, a little, a few, some, all, most, many, none

A2-B1 • Units 73-79

Some, all, most, many, none, a little, a few

5 Correggi gli errori sottolineati. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

There was much noise outside last night, we couldn’t sleep. ............................................................... Hurry up, I’ve only got a little minutes before we have to leave. ........................................................... Have you got a few money I could borrow? ........................................................................................... Many of the students are full-time, everyone studies part-time. ........................................................... Those glasses you gave me last Christmas have all of been broken. .................................................... Can I have a few sugar in my coffee, please? ........................................................................................ Some of us enjoyed the play, except Rob. ............................................................................................. We haven’t got many time, so we can’t stay long. ................................................................................ ____/16

Summative exercise 6 Completa ogni spazio con una parola adatta. Carla I’ve never got (1) ............................. money to buy what I want. Alice What do you mean? Carla To buy clothes. (2) ............................. of my friends except Janine have got trendy clothes, and... look at me! (3) ..................... I have is two pairs of jeans and a (4) ..................... T-shirts. Alice What are you talking about? You’ve got clothes, more than I have. Carla But they’re (5) ............................. old. (6) ............................. of my friends would wear them. Alice Your clothes are fine. Your parents aren’t millionaires. You can’t afford to get new clothes every day. Carla You bet! Do you know how (7) ............................. pocket money I get? £ 40! Alice Well, that’s not too bad. With £ 40 pounds a month you can get (8) ............................. clothes. Carla No, that’s per week. Alice £ 40 per week? That’s loads of money. Friends of (9) ............................. don’t get half that amount. Let me give you a (10) ............................. of advice: stop complaining, you’re lucky! ___ /20 Total____/100 PHOTOCOPIABLE - New Get Inside Language Teacher's Book © Macmillan Publisher’s Limited 2017. This page may be photocopied and used within the class.

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 15 - VERSION B A2-B1 • Units 73-79

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Sostantivi numerabili e non numerabili; some e any; a lot of, much e many 1 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

There wasn’t much / many time for lunch. She’s lonely because she doesn’t go out much / a lot of. I’d like lots of / much oil on my salad, please. How much homework / homeworks have you got? Do you need a / some information about prices? Excuse me, there’s some / a glass in my salad. There is a / some beautiful wood near my house. Do you need some / a furniture for your new flat? Would you like some / any milk in your tea? I haven’t read some / any good books lately. ____/20

Nomi collettivi 2 Completa le frasi della colonna A con i termini della colonna B. A B 1 I need to do a bit ............ for my geography project. a 2 Oh no, there’s a ............ of hair in my soup! b 3 How many ............ of sugar do you take? c 4 Would you like a ............ of cake with your tea? d 5 Don’t forget to get me a ............ of milk at the supermarket. e 6 Can I have a ............ of water, please? f 7 Mum bought a big ............ of bread at the baker’s. g 8 That’s a huge ............ of chocolate! h

carton glass of research loaf bar slice strand teaspoons ____/16

Possessivi composti e il doppio possessivo 3 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 Graham is a distant cousin of ......... . A my BI 2 That woman is ......... grandmother. A Tom and Nick’s B Tom’s and Nick’s 3 This ......... needs a bigger gymnasium. A our school B school of ours 4 Aunt Dot is a sister of my ......... . A grandmother’s B grandmother 5 A friend of ......... is having a party. A her’s B hers 6 Your ......... is your aunt. A sister’s mother B mother’s sister

C mine C Tom and Nicks C school of our’s C grandmothers C she C mother sister ____/12


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4 Completa il dialogo. A Where is everybody? We don’t have (1) ................. time left. The train leaves in half an hour. There’s nobody here. I wonder why. What time did we say to everyone? B Don’t ask me. I don’t know. (2) .......... of my friends have arrived yet. And they’re all usually on time. A Have you got (3) ................. the tickets? At least that way, when they arrive we can go straight to our platform. B Yes, I’ve got them here, but I don’t want to miss this one because there aren’t (4) ................. direct trains to Chester, the next one isn’t until this evening! (5) ................. trains stop in Birmingham or Crewe and you have to change, which makes the journey much longer. A Let’s just ring them. There’s (6) .................. time to waste. Come on, hurry up. B Oh hang on a minute, look. Our train is delayed twenty minutes so we have still got (7) ................. time. A That’s good. Let’s go and sit down for (8) .................. minutes in the waiting room. The others will phone us when they get here. ____/16

A2-B1 • Units 73-79

Some, all, most, many, none, a little, a few

A lot of, lots of, much, many, a little, a few, some, all, most, many, none 5 Correggi gli errori sottolineati. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Those biscuits I bought yesterday have all of been eaten. .................................................................... Can I have a few sugar in my tea, please? ............................................................................................. Some of us passed the test, except Lucy. ............................................................................................. I haven’t got many money, so I can’t go out tonight. ............................................................................. They put much sugar in those fizzy drinks, you shouldn’t drink them. .................................................. There are only a little programmes on TV that I enjoy watching. ........................................................... I have a few business I need to attend to. ............................................................................................. Many of the passengers are from Italy, they are all French. .................................................................. ____/16

Summative exercise 6 Completa ogni spazio con una parola adatta. Carla I’ve never got (1) ............................. money to buy what I want. Alice What do you mean? Carla To buy clothes. (2) ............................. of my friends would wear what I wear! (3) ............................. of them except Suzie have got trendy clothes, and... look at me! (4) ............................. I have is two pairs of jeans and a (5) ............................. T-shirts. Alice What are you talking about? You’ve got (6) ............................. clothes, more than I have. Carla But they’re (7) ............................. old. Alice Don’t be silly. You can’t afford to get new clothes every day. Carla You bet! Do you know how (8) ............................. pocket money I get? £ 40! Alice That’s loads of money. Friends of (9) ............................. don’t get half that amount. Let me give you a (10) ............................. of advice: stop complaining, you’re lucky! ___ /20 Total____/100 PHOTOCOPIABLE - New Get Inside Language Teacher's Book © Macmillan Publisher’s Limited 2017. This page may be photocopied and used within the class.

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FULL TEST 16 - VERSION A B1-B2 • Units 80-82

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Sostantivi composti 1 Abbina una parola della prima colonna a una parola della seconda per formare sostantivi composti. Scrivili poi nella forma corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

salad car tooth ticket sports shower sun book

a b c d e f g h

office ......................................................................................... glasses ......................................................................................... car ......................................................................................... bowl ......................................................................................... shelf ......................................................................................... brush ......................................................................................... park ......................................................................................... gel ......................................................................................... ____/16

2 Completa le frasi con i sostantivi composti dati. backpack • hairstyle • textbook • bread knife • airport • winter coat • toothpaste • bedspread 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

This .......................................... doesn’t cut: it needs sharpening. I need a new .......................................... but I think I’ll wait until the sales. Don’t put too much in your .......................................... or it’ll be very heavy. Tom lost his maths .......................................... so he couldn’t do his homework. Remember to buy some .......................................... when you go to the supermarket. What time does your plane land at the ..........................................? I like your new .......................................... . It really suits you. I was cold last night. This .......................................... isn’t warm enough. ____/16

Each, every, both 3 Sottolinea l’opzione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

You can have ice cream or cake, but not each / both. I asked four different people and every / each said a different thing. Each of / Both cars were new. Nearly each / every employee works full-time. She kissed him on each / every cheek. The students each / every received a prize. We had a slice of pizza both / each. Grandma gave each / both children some cake. ____/16


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4 Completa le frasi con una parola adatta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

We’ve got ................................... of time before the film starts. He stole a large ................................... of money from the company. A large ................................... of the population are elderly. The ................................... of travellers prefer aisle seats on a plane. A great ................................... of music is bought online. During the earthquake, a large ................................... of houses collapsed. The ................................... of people find being alone restful. There is ................................... of hope for the future. ____/16

Each, every, both e altri quantificatori 5 Traduci le seguenti frasi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Un’alta percentuale delle nostre carceri è affollata. ............................................................................... Le due torte erano entrambe buonissime. ............................................................................................. Baciò ognuno dei suoi figli. .................................................................................................................... Entrambe le finestre erano rotte. ........................................................................................................... Quasi ogni negozio è chiuso. ................................................................................................................. La maggior parte degli studenti vive con i genitori. ............................................................................... Ci sono un sacco di cose da fare in questa città. ................................................................................... Sonia va in palestra quasi ogni giorno. ...................................................................................................

B1-B2 • Units 80-82

Altri quantificatori


Summative exercise 6 Completa ogni spazio con una parola adatta. How much (1) ............................................... did your teachers give you for the summer? I’ve got (2) ............................................... of books to read for French. Really! How many? About five. But that’s OK because Mrs Jenkins gives us a book to read nearly (3) ............................................... month so I’m getting quite good now. Al But don’t you spend the (4) ............................................... of your time looking words up in the dictionary? Esme Well, two of them are by Molière so they are (5) ............................................... translations of course. The other three are (6) ............................................... graded readers, so they are a bit easier. Anyway the teacher has told us not to look up (7) ............................................... word, but only important words so I don’t spend a large (8) ............................................... of time looking things up. And with my new (9) ............................................... I’ve got this French dictionary app, which is fantastic and really quick. I can also listen to the pronunciation for (10) ............................................... word. Al Esme Al Esme

___ /20 Total____/100

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FULL TEST 16 - VERSION B B1-B2 • Units 80-82

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Sostantivi composti 1 Abbina una parola della prima colonna a una parola della seconda per formare sostantivi composti. Scrivili poi nella forma corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

hair bed back tooth text winter air bread

a b c d e f g h

paste ......................................................................................... knife ......................................................................................... style ......................................................................................... coat ......................................................................................... port ......................................................................................... spread ......................................................................................... book ......................................................................................... pack ......................................................................................... ____/16

2 Completa le frasi con i sostantivi composti dati. salad bowl • car park • toothbrush • ticket office • sports car • shower gel • sunglasses • bookshelf 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

There’s a free .......................................... opposite the shopping centre. The dentist said I need to change my .......................................... every three months. It’s a beautiful day today. Where are my ..........................................? In my room there’s a bed, wardrobe, desk and a .......................................... . Our teacher drives a yellow .......................................... . Have you seen it? Can you get me the .......................................... from the top shelf, please. I’ll be waiting for you at the .......................................... inside the theatre. I love the smell of this new .......................................... . It’s really fresh. ____/16

Each, every, both 3 Sottolinea l’opzione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

She had a bag in each / every hand. The children each / every received a present. They had a slice of cake both / each. Jackie gave each / both dogs a bone. We can go to the mountains or the sea, but not each / both. I looked in four books and every / each said a different thing. Each of / Both houses had a large garden. Nearly each / every student had finished the exercise. ____/16


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4 Completa le frasi con una parola adatta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The ................................... of pupils live within one kilometre of the school. A great ................................... of time is wasted online. During the flood, a large ................................... of farm animals drowned. These days, the ................................... of young people have a driving licence. Karim has ................................... of experience in this field. There’s ................................... of time to get to the station. I have a certain ................................... of respect for him: he’s a hard worker. A large ................................... of our merchandise comes from China, about 68%. ____/16

Each, every, both e altri quantificatori 5 Traduci le seguenti frasi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Un bassa percentuale di persone si sposa giovanissima. I due cappotti erano entrambi costosissimi. Mandò un invito a ognuno dei suoi vicini. Entrambe le porte erano chiuse a chiave (=lock). Quasi ogni libro è bagnato. La maggior parte degli studenti mangia alla mensa. Ci sono un sacco di ristoranti in questa città. Alberto lavora fino a tardi quasi ogni giorno.

B1-B2 • Units 80-82

Altri quantificatori


Summative exercise 6 Completa ogni spazio con una parola adatta. Esme I’ve got (1) ............................................... of books to read for French this summer. Al Really! How many? Esme About five. But that’s OK because Mrs Jenkins gives us a book to read nearly (2) ............................................... month so I’m getting quite good now. Al But don’t you spend the (3) ............................................... of your time looking words up in the dictionary? Esme Well, two of them are by Molière so they are (4) ............................................... translations of course. The other three are graded readers, so they are a bit easier. Anyway the teacher has told us not to look up (5) ............................................... word, but only important words so I don’t spend a large (6) ............................................... of time looking things up. And with my new (7) ............................................... I’ve got this French dictionary app, which is fantastic and really quick. I can also listen to the pronunciation for (8) ............................................... word. What about you? Al Luckily we didn’t get that (9) ............................................... reading from our teacher. But I’ve got a great (10) ............................................... of studying to do for chemistry, because I didn’t get a good grade on my report. ___ /20 Total____/100 PHOTOCOPIABLE - New Get Inside Language Teacher's Book © Macmillan Publisher’s Limited 2017. This page may be photocopied and used within the class.

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 17 - VERSION A A2-B1 • Units 83-88

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

A / an e the 1 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Neil Armstrong was the first man to land on a / the moon. Nowadays more than a / the third of young people are unemployed. “Excuse me, where’s the toilet?” “Over there on a / the right.” Is this a / the person you told me about? How long are you going to stay there? A / An hour or two? We saw an / the excellent film on TV last night. Barbara thinks she has got a / the flu. I know how to use a / the computer. ____/16

L’articolo e l’omissione dell’articolo 2 Inserisci l’articolo dove è necessario. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Mrs Elliot went to .............. prison to visit her husband. They have the pound in .............. United Kingdom. Lia goes to .............. university from Monday to Friday. I cut my .............. finger on the side of the letterbox. They say .............. red meat is bad for you. Can you play .............. flute? .............. Irish are famous for being friendly. They were married at .............. St Paul’s Cathedral. ____/16

Pronomi indefiniti: all e composti di some, any, no, every 3 Completa le frasi con una parola. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

“Do you need ………………………. from the shops?” “No, thanks.” The trip was awful. ………………………. went wrong. They have travelled ………………………. in Asia. “What are you doing here?” “I’m waiting for ………………………. .” The office is empty. ………………………. has gone out. We ………………………. realised the problem at the same time. “What’s the matter?” “………………………., I’m just tired.” Does ………………………. know a good restaurant near here? ____/16


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4 Abbina ogni inizio di frase al suo completamento. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Please make yourselves Rose knitted that sweater Did you enjoy Allow me to introduce Please behave We decorated this room Did you do that all Dan hurt

a b c d e f g h

ourselves. yourselves children. himself playing football. myself, I’m Thomas Seely. by yourself? yourself at the film festival? comfortable. herself. ____/16

Pronomi interrogativi 5 Completa le domande. A volte ci potrebbero essere più opzioni. “ ……………………………………… so fast?” “Because we’re late.” “………………………………………. last night?” “I didn’t go anywhere, I stayed in.” “………………………………………. America?” “Columbus discovered America.” “………………………………………. in that bag?” “Some biscuits. Do you want one?” “………………………………………. live?” “She lives on the top floor of that building.” “………………………………………. all this litter on the ground?” “I don’t know. Someone lazy!” “………………………………………. after J”? “K comes after J of course. Don’t you know the alphabet?” 8 “………………………………………. those shoes?” “I bought them last week. Do you like them?” 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

A2-B1 • Units 83-88

Pronomi riflessivi


Summative exercise 6 Completa ogni spazio con una parola adatta. 1. A Do you want to know (1) ........................................... interesting? Sophie is going out with Adam! B Is that (2) ........................................... you have to tell me? (3) ........................................... knows that, it’s been going on for months. A Really? I just found out from (4) ........................................... this morning. Why doesn’t (5) ........................................... tell me these things? 2. A Did you have a good time in (6) ........................................... United States? B Yes, we travelled (7) ........................................ over the place. We really enjoyed (8) ........................................ . A Did you take this photo of (9) ........................................... Golden Gate Bridge (10) ..........................................? B Yes, I did. ___ /20 Total____/100

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 17 - VERSION B A2-B1 • Units 83-88

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

A/an e the 1 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

“How long are you going to be?” “About a / an hour.” I saw a / the great play at the theatre last night. Aaron thinks he has got a / the measles. I know how to use a / the video camera. Neil Armstrong was the first man to land on a / the moon. Nowadays more than a / the third of young people are unemployed. “Excuse me, where’s the ticket office?” “Over there on a / the right.” Have you read a / the book I lent you? ____/16

L’articolo e l’omissione dell’articolo 2 Inserisci l’articolo dove è necessario. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

.............. fried foods are bad for you. Can you play .............. violin? .............. English are famous for being original. They were married at .............. St Paul’s Cathedral. Michael went into .............. hospital for an operation. Where exactly is .............. United Arab Emirates? Liam goes to .............. school from Monday to Friday. I cut my .............. foot on a piece of glass. ____/16

Pronomi indefiniti: all e composti di some, any, no, every 3 Completa le frasi con una parola. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The theatre is empty. ………………………. has left. We ………………………. understood that there was a problem. “What’s the matter?” “………………………., I’m just tired.” Does ………………………. have a tennis racket I could borrow? “Do you need ………………………. from the supermarket?” “No, thanks.” The test was impossible. I got ………………………. wrong. They have travelled ………………………. in Asia. “What are you doing here?” “I’m waiting for ………………………. . ____/16


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4 Abbina ogni inizio di frase al suo completamento. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Please make yourself Please help We decorated this room Did you make that all Dan hurt Dad built the extension Did you enjoy Allow me to introduce

a b c d e f g h

ourselves. yourselves to a drink. himself playing football. myself, I’m Thomas Seely. by yourself? yourselves at the theme park? all by himself. at home. ____/16

Pronomi interrogativi 5 Completa le domande. A volte ci potrebbero essere più opzioni. 1 “……………………………………… work?” “He works for an insurance company.” 2 “……………………………………… my papers from the desk?” “It wasn’t me!” 3 “……………………………………… after J? ” “K comes after J of course. Don’t you know the alphabet?” 4 “……………………………………… your driving test?” “I passed it last week. Didn’t I tell you?” 5 “……………………………………… so fast?” “Because we’re late.” 6 “……………………………………… last night?” “I didn’t go anywhere, I stayed in.” 7 “……………………………………… the television?” “J. Logie Baird invented the television.” 8 “……………………………………… in your pocket?” “Some sweets. Do you want one?”

A2-B1 • Units 83-88

Pronomi riflessivi


Summative exercise 6 Completa ogni spazio con una parola adatta. 1. A Haven’t you got (1) ........................................... interesting to tell me? B You mean gossip? Well, there is (2) ........................................... actually. Sophie is going out with Adam! A Is that (3) ........................................... you have to tell me? (4) ........................................... knows that, it’s been going on for months. B Really? Why doesn’t (5) ........................................... tell me these things? I only found out this morning. 2. A Did you have a good time in (6) ........................................... United States? B Yes, I travelled (7) ........................................... over the place. I really enjoyed (8) ........................................... . A Did you take this photo of (9) ................................... Golden Gate Bridge (10) ...................................? B Yes, I did. ___ /20 Total____/100 PHOTOCOPIABLE - New Get Inside Language Teacher's Book © Macmillan Publisher’s Limited 2017. This page may be photocopied and used within the class.

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 18 - VERSION A B1-B2 • Units 89-91

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

It e there 1 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

It’s / There’s a quarter to five, we’d better hurry. Is it / there any chance of being hired for the summer? It / There seems to be something the matter. What day is it / there today? It’s / There’s no point in arriving too early. It / There seems like we’re in trouble. It’s / There’s no need to worry. You’ll be fine. It’s / There’s sunny outside, let’s go for a walk. ____/16

One, ones 2 Inserisci one o ones se necessario. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I like that house. The big white .................. with the blue fence. Our classroom is the biggest .................. in the school. “Where are the scissors?” “There are some .................. in that drawer.” “Have you got a pen?” “Yes, there’s .................. in my bag.” “Which glasses are yours?” “ The gold .................. on the table.” I prefer white wine to red .................. . “Which .................. is your daughter?” “The .................. with the blonde hair.” That was .................. of my old colleagues from the library. ____/16

It, there, one e ones 3 Completa le frasi con una parola. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

“Is .................................. anything you need from the shops?” “No, thanks.” .................................. was cold and dull the whole time we were away. The blue boots are nice but the black .................................. go with everything. I want the .................................. with the big bathroom and the balcony. Is .................................. any way I can leave early today? The castle is over .................................. in that direction. .................................. is easy to see why you are upset. I’d be furious. How many people were .................................. at the conference? ____/16


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4 Abbina ogni inizio di frase al suo completamento. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

They’re always sending We speak to They looked at His parents blame We’ll look after The couple hugged Don’t worry about Ed and Joe, Those two children are always

a b c d e f g h

each other at least once a day. one another and said goodbye. each other photos. each other and laughed in unison. they can look after themselves. themselves for their son’s problem. shouting at each other. one another, don’t worry. ____/16

Summative exercise 5 Traduci le seguenti frasi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Ci scambiamo sempre regali a Natale. “Qual è la tua stanza?” “Quella alla fine del corridoio.” Sono le undici e mezzo. Ho comprato un nuovo telefono. Ti piace? È bello rivederti. Come stai? Ne vorrei un altro, per favore. I miei nonni si sposarono quarantacinque anni fa. All’inizio Jake e Polly non si sono piaciuti molto.

B1-B2 • Units 89-91

Pronomi reciproci


6 Completa ogni spazio con una parola adatta. Interviewer Tell me about (1) ................................., Mr Holden. Applicant Well, (2) ................................. is said that I’m funny and cheerful. Interviewer Why did you leave your last job? Applicant Because (3) ................ was no chance of a promotion. And I didn’t get on with my colleagues. We didn’t even talk to (4) ....................... another. The job (5) .......................... was fun, though. At least more fun than the (6) ................. I had before that. Interviewer What are you looking for in a job? Applicant A high salary. No, seriously, (7) ........................ needs to be exciting... inspiring, you know. Interviewer What do you know about this company? Applicant Nothing at (8) ................................., apart from the fact that you publish books. Interviewer Well, Mr Holden, (9) ................................. seems to have been a misunderstanding. We are looking for experienced staff to join our team. Applicant I was in charge of the university magazine when I was a student. I was once voted “Journalist of the year” for my articles. Mine were the funniest (10) ................................. in the whole university. Interviewer Right. We specialise in medical publications. Applicant I don’t know an awful lot about medicine. But I’ve read some of Michael Crichton’s books. ___ /20 Total____/100

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 18 - VERSION B B1-B2 • Units 89-91

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

It e there 1 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

It’s / There’s no need to tell Mum about this. It / There looks like there’s a problem. It’s / There’s no point in worrying about it. It’s / There’s cold outside. I’d rather stay at home. It’s / There’s ten past six, we’d better go home. Is it / there any chance we could stay here tonight? It / There seems to be a queue. What day is it / there today? ____/16

One, ones 2 Inserisci one o ones se necessario. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Which gloves are yours? The black leather .................. . I prefer brown bread to white .................. . Which .................. is your boyfriend. The .................. with the glasses. That was .................. of my old classmates. I like that house. The big white .................. with the blue fence. Our balcony is the biggest .................. in the apartment block. Where are the scissors? There are some .................. in that drawer. Have you got a rubber? Yes, there’s .................. in my pencil case. ____/16

It, there, one e ones 3 Completa le frasi con una parola. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Is .................................. any way we can meet earlier? The park is over .................................. in that direction. .................................. is easy to see why you are upset. I’d be furious. How many people were .................................. at the meeting? “Is .................................. anything I can do to help?” “No, thanks.” .................................. was hot and sunny so we went to the beach. The black leggings are nice but the grey .................................. look warmer. A slice of cake please, the .................................. at the back with the cherries on. ____/16


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4 Abbina ogni inizio di frase al suo completamento. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

We’ll look after The couple hugged Rose and Helen very much Don’t put Dan and Leo together, They’re always shouting They phone They looked at Tommy’s grandparents blame

a b c d e f g h

each other at least once a day. one another and said goodbye. at each other. each other’s luggage and laughed. resemble one another. themselves for his death. they hate each other. one another, don’t worry. ____/16

Summative exercise 5 Traduci le seguenti frasi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

È bello rivederti. Come stai? Ne vorrei un altro, per favore. I miei genitori si sposarono vent’anni fa. All’inizio Jane e Sam non si sono piaciuti molto. Ci scambiamo sempre messaggi la mattina. “Qual è la tua casa?” “Quella di fronte alla chiesa.” Sono le dieci e un quarto. Ho comprato una nuova macchina. Ti piace?

B1-B2 • Units 89-91

Pronomi reciproci


6 Completa ogni spazio con una parola adatta. Interviewer Applicant Interviewer Applicant

Interviewer Applicant Interviewer Applicant Interviewer Applicant

Interviewer Applicant

Let’s get to know (1) ............................ other, shall we Mr Holden? Tell me about yourself. Well, (2) ................................. is difficult to know what to say. I’m funny and cheerful. Why did you leave your last job? Because I didn’t get on with my colleagues. We didn’t even talk to (3) ............................... another and (4) ................................. was no chance of a promotion. The work I did (5) ................................. was fun, though. Yes, it was an interesting job, more interesting than the (6) ................................. I had before that. What are you looking for in a job? A high salary. No, seriously, (7) ....................... needs to be exciting ... inspiring, you know. What do you know about this company? Nothing at (8) ................................., apart from the fact that you publish books. Well, Mr Holden, (9) ................................. sounds as though there has been a misunderstanding. We are looking for experienced staff to join our team. I was in charge of the university magazine when I was a student. I was once voted “Journalist of the year” for my articles. Mine were the funniest (10) ................................. in the whole university. Right. We specialise in medical publications. I don’t know an awful lot about medicine. But I’ve read some of Michael Crichton’s books. ___ /20 Total____/100

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 19 - VERSION A A2-B1 • Units 92-98

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

L’ordine degli aggettivi 1 Inserisci gli aggettivi nell’ordine corretto. 1 It was a .......................................... day so we didn’t go to the stadium. (windy, horrible, cold) 2 The desk is .......................................... , it is certainly overpriced. (very expensive, scratched, old) 3 We need to get rid of those .......................................... kitchen units. (old-fashioned , 1980s, disgusting) 4 Have you seen my .......................................... cardigan anywhere? (silk, green, long) 5 I can’t believe that .......................................... plate is worth so much money! (porcelain, old, dirty) 6 That’s a(n) .......................................... shade. Where did you get it? (lamp, little, unusual) 7 We really liked the apartment because it was .......................................... . (large, modern, well-lit) 8 “How was your evening?” “Fantastic, we saw a .......................................... play by Lucy Prebble.” (new wonderful) ____/16

Aggettivi terminanti in -ing e -ed 2 Completa le frasi formando aggettivi con i verbi dati. depress • bore • please • relax • disgust • frustrate • excite • tire 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

“Were you ........................... with your exam results?” “Yes, it was very good news!” The food at our canteen is ........................... . Some days you just can’t eat it. I’m so ........................... . I think I’ll go to bed straightaway. That ride looks really ........................... ! Shall we go on it? I find Radio Head’s music really ........................... . It makes me feel sad. “Why did you leave the party?” “I was ........................... .” It’s really ........................... not being able to speak the language properly. If you can’t sleep, try having a nice ........................... hot bath before bed. ____/16

Avverbi di modo e posizione degli avverbi 3 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

When we arrived she was singing happily / happyly as if nothing had happened. I’m sorry I forgot completely / completely forgot to phone you. Jack works hard / hardly but he never seems to have any money. That answer definitely is / is definitely wrong, I know it is. Make sure you read carefully the questions / the questions carefully. His parents were killed tragically / tragicly in a road accident last year. It is by / in no means certain that I will be accepted at that university. You behaved abominabley / abominably! I’ll never be able to forgive you. ____/16


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4 Completa con il comparativo o il superlativo dell’aggettivo dato. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Standoff was one of ........................... films I saw last year. (bad ) It’s ........................... to write down things I need to memorise than just read them. (useful ) “Who lives ........................... from our school?” “Not me, I only live around the corner.” (far ) I’m much ........................... at my new school than I was at my last one. (happy ) Which city do you think is ........................... , Rome or Milan? (big ) This is ........................... roast beef I’ve ever eaten. (good ) I think that trainers are much ........................... than other shoes. (comfortable) Hurricane Matthew was one of the ........................... hurricanes in history. (violent ) ____/16

Comparativo di uguaglianza e di minoranza 5 Trasforma le seguenti frasi usando le parole in grassetto e mantenendo lo stesso significato. 1 Marina and Emily are both intelligent. just Marina .......................................................................................................................................... 2 This episode is harder to follow than the previous one. easy This .............................................................................................................................................. 3 You did more exercises than I did. many I ................................................................................................................................................. 4 This test is more difficult than one we did last week. wasn’t The .......................................................................................................................................... 5 Fran has got twenty euros and I’ve got ten. twice Fran ........................................................................................................................................... 6 It isn’t as cold today as it was yesterday. less It ................................................................................................................................................... 7 There aren’t as many people here today as there were last week. fewer....................................................................................................................................................... 8 Please come quickly; it’s very urgent. possible Please ...................................................................................................................................

A2-B1 • Units 92-98

Aggettivi / Avverbi comparativi e superlativi


Summative exercise 6 Completa ogni spazio con una parola adatta. Ingrid How are you doing? Are you still as busy (1) ............................... you were last week? Or are things a bit (2) ............................... stressful these days? Liam Well, I’m feeling a bit (3) ............................... tired than I normally do because I’m studying really (4) ............................... at the moment. Ingrid You should try to go to bed (5) ............................... . It’s no good studying until late. Liam I know. I think I’ll just finish reading this (6) .......................... . It shouldn’t take me long. I’ve got my chemistry exam tomorrow, and I’m (7) .......................... certain that it isn’t going to be easy. Ingrid Yes, chemistry was always the (8) ............................... difficult subject for me too. But you are a much (9) ............................... student than I am, so I’m sure you’ll have no problems and make (10) ............................... mistakes than I did. ___ /20 Total____/100 PHOTOCOPIABLE - New Get Inside Language Teacher's Book © Macmillan Publisher’s Limited 2017. This page may be photocopied and used within the class.

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 19 - VERSION B A2-B1 • Units 92-98

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

L’ordine degli aggettivi 1 Inserisci gli aggettivi nell’ordine corretto. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I can’t believe you made that .......................................... jumper yourself! (red, woollen, beautiful) That’s a(n) .......................................... desk. Where did you get it? (writing, old, unusual) We really liked the apartment because it was .......................................... . (small, cosy, well-lit) “What was the film like?” “Interesting, it was a .......................................... film.” (black and white, 1950s) It was a .......................................... day so we went to the beach. (hot, lovely, sunny) The watch is .......................................... , it is certainly overpriced. (very expensive, scratched, old) We need to get rid of those .......................................... kitchen units. (nylon, yellow, ugly) Have you seen my .......................................... gloves anywhere? (leather, black, new) ____/16

Aggettivi terminanti in -ing e -ed 2 Completa le frasi formando aggettivi con i verbi dati. depress • bore • excite • relax • disgust • frustrate • frighten • tire 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I find Mike Leigh’s films really ............................................ . They make me feel sad. “Why did you leave the party?” “It was so ............................................ , I had to leave.” It’s really ............................................ not being able to make myself understood. If you can’t sleep, try having a nice ............................................ hot bath before bed. “Are you ............................................ about your holiday?” “Yes, I can’t wait to leave!” I was ............................................ the other day when I found a fly in my sandwich. I’m so ............................................ . I think I’ll go to bed straightaway. I never watch horror films because I hate feeling ............................................ ! ____/16

Avverbi di modo e posizione degli avverbi 3 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Always follow carefully the instructions / the instructions carefully. The composer died tragically / tragicly during the Second World War. It is by / in no means definite that we will be able to come. You behaved abominabley / abominably! I’ll never be able to forgive you. When we arrived she was singing happily / happyly as if nothing had happened. It doesn’t matter I understand completely / completely understand your problem. Samantha studies hard / hardly but she never seems get good grades. That word definitely is / is definitely spelt wrong, I know it is. ____/16


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4 Completa con il comparativo o il superlativo dell’aggettivo dato. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Which river do you think is .................................... , the Nile or the Amazon? (long ) This is .................................... chocolate ice cream I’ve ever eaten. (good ) I think that listening in English is much .................................... than speaking. (difficult ) Hurricane Matthew was one of the .................................... hurricanes in history. (powerful ) Can’t stop the feeling was one of .................................... songs I heard last year. (bad ) It’s .................................... to write down things I need to memorise than just read them. (helpful ) “Who lives .................................... from our school?” “Not me, I only live around the corner.” (far ) I’m much .................................... at my new job than I was in my old one. (happy ) ____/16

Comparativo di uguaglianza e di minoranza 5 Trasforma le seguenti frasi usando le parole in grassetto e mantenendo lo stesso significato. 1 Tom and Chanu are both good at sport. just Chanu ........................................................................................................................................... 2 This rule is harder to explain than I thought. easy This .............................................................................................................................................. 3 You’ve eaten more sandwiches than I have. many I ................................................................................................................................................. 4 This test is easier than the one we did last week. wasn’t The .......................................................................................................................................... 5 Josh is ten years old and Jake is twenty. twice Jake ........................................................................................................................................... 6 The water isn’t as warm today as it was yesterday. less It ................................................................................................................................................... 7 There aren’t as many jobs available as there were in the past. fewer....................................................................................................................................................... 8 Please call him soon; it’s urgent. possible Please ...................................................................................................................................

A2-B1 • Units 92-98

Aggettivi / Avverbi comparativi e superlativi


Summative exercise 6 Completa ogni spazio con una parola adatta. Ingrid How are you doing? Are you still (1) ............................... busiest student in Year 11? Or are things a bit (2) ............................... stressful these days? Liam Well, I’m studying really (3) ............................... at the moment so I’m feeling a bit (4) ............................... tired than I normally do. Ingrid You should try to go to bed (5) ............................... . It’s no good studying until late. Liam I know. I’ll read this very (6) ............................... because it’s important and then I’ll take a break. I’ve got my chemistry exam tomorrow, and it is going to be the (7) ............................... difficult exam so far. Ingrid Yes, chemistry was always the most difficult subject for me too. But you are a much (8) ............................... student than I am, so I’m sure you’ll have (9) ............................... problems and (10) ............................... trouble than I had. ___ /20 Total____/100 PHOTOCOPIABLE - New Get Inside Language Teacher's Book © Macmillan Publisher’s Limited 2017. This page may be photocopied and used within the class.

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 20 - VERSION A B1-B2 • Units 99-102

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Comparativi e superlativi: casi particolari 1 Completa con le parole mancanti. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The faster you drive the .......................... petrol you use. I’m feeling more and .......................... worried about the exam next week. Rob speaks French better than I .......................... . We did the .......................... we could, but the other team won. Life here is more difficult .......................... I expected. We’d never had such a long holiday .......................... that one. The more I read this chapter, the .......................... I understand. It’s impossible. The rain is getting worse and .......................... . Let’s go home. ____/16

Aggettivi estremi; avverbi di grado 2 Completa le frasi con gli aggettivi estremi di quelli dati. interesting • hungry • tired • pleased • unpleasant • hot • small • tasty 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The soup is absolutely ........................................... . Wait for it to cool down. The book I’ve just finished is ........................................... . You really ought to read it. I didn’t have time for lunch, I’m absolutely ........................................... . The room that Dan is renting is ........................................... . There isn’t room to swing a cat. The head teacher was ........................................... when we gave him his leaving present. This curry is totally ..........................................., Lia. Can you give me the recipe? I hardly slept a wink last night, I’m ........................................... . That new boy is quite ........................................... . I’d stay away from him if I were you. ____/16

3 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

It was absolutely / very freezing when I left the house this morning. That eclipse we saw yesterday was extremely / utterly amazing. The interview was not at all / by no means easy. But I think I got through. It’s a bit / utterly cold today, you’ll need your scarf. That sweater is entirely / remarkably cheap considering it’s cashmere. Tim told me this very / totally funny joke yesterday, listen. I don’t want to stay in that hotel again because the rooms were utterly / pretty filthy. The cinema was totally / fairly packed so we couldn’t get any seats. ____/16


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4 Trasforma le seguenti frasi usando le parole in grassetto e mantenendo lo stesso significato. 1 Not everyone could sit down because there were only six seats. enough There ...................................................................................................................................... 2 These shoes don’t fit me, they feel small. too These ............................................................................................................................................. 3 These chips taste very salty. much You ............................................................................................................................................. 4 Has everyone got some pizza? enough Is ............................................................................................................................................ 5 There was a lot of litter in the street after the festival. so There ............................................................................................................................................... 6 What a lot of friends you have! many You ............................................................................................................................................. 7 We had a really good time at the concert. such We .............................................................................................................................................. 8 The dishes on the menu are rather unusual. so The ..................................................................................................................................................

B1-B2 • Units 99-102

So e such; too e enough


Summative exercises 5 Traduci le seguenti frasi. 1 Kim si sentiva sempre più infelice. 2 Questa prova è più facile di quello che pensavo. 3 Il bambino è del tutto esausto. 4 Pensavo che quel documentario fosse piuttosto interessante. 5 Non guardare quel film: è assolutamente terrificante. 6 Rose ha così tanti soldi che non sa come spenderli. 7 Non ha abbastanza esperienza per fare quel lavoro. 8 I compiti di storia erano abbastanza difficili: non sono riuscito a rispondere a tutte le domande. ____/16

6 Completa ogni spazio con una parola adatta. Jared How was your weekend? Leo Not bad. Friday night I went to this (1) ........................................ fabulous party at Dave’s house. Jared Oh yes. I was invited but I was (2) ........................................ tired that I decided to have an early night. I don’t know what’s wrong with me these days. I can never seem to get (3) ........................................ sleep. In fact the (4) ........................................ I sleep the (5) ................................... I feel like doing anything. I just want to sit around all the time. Leo I know it sounds strange, but perhaps you need to do more physical activity. Playing sport is (6) ........................................ an energising activity (7) ........................................ instead of feeling tired, it always gives me more energy. Jared Yes, you’re right. I really ought to take up squash again. It’s (8) ........................................ long since I last played that I’m sure I’ll be a (9) ........................................ bad player. Leo Don’t worry about that, Jared. The important thing is to start again, then you’ll see that it’s easier (10) ........................................ you expected. ___ /20 Total____/100 PHOTOCOPIABLE - New Get Inside Language Teacher's Book © Macmillan Publisher’s Limited 2017. This page may be photocopied and used within the class.

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 20 - VERSION B B1-B2 • Units 99-102

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Comparativi e superlativi: casi particolari 1 Completa con le parole mancanti. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The cost of living here is more expensive .......................... I expected. I’ve never eaten such a spicy curry .......................... this one. The more I read this chapter, the .......................... I understand. It’s impossible. The wind is getting worse and .......................... . Let’s go home. The faster you walk the .......................... tired you will feel. I’m feeling more and .......................... excited about our holiday next week. Chloe plays tennis better than I .......................... . I did my .......................... but I failed my driving test again. ____/16

Aggettivi estremi; avverbi di grado 2 Completa le frasi con gli aggettivi estremi di quelli dati. interesting • hungry • tired • pleased • unpleasant • hot • small • tasty 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Simon was ........................................... that we remembered his birthday. Sally made a ........................................... chocolate cake for the end-of-year party. I’ve been studying all day and feel ........................................... . Lilian is quite ........................................... . She can be very cruel sometimes. This room is absolutely ........................................... . Can I open a window? Le Carré’s autobiography is ........................................... .You really ought to read it. I didn’t have breakfast this morning, I’m absolutely ........................................... . The room that Amy is renting is ........................................... . There isn’t room to swing a cat. ____/16

3 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

It is entirely / remarkably cheap considering it’s a five-star hotel. George told me this very / totally funny joke yesterday, listen. Let’s not go to that pool again because the changing rooms were utterly / pretty filthy. The concert was totally / fairly crowded but we still managed to get seats. It was absolutely / very freezing when I went out last night. That sunset we saw yesterday was extremely / utterly amazing. The exam was not at all / by no means easy. But I think I passed. It’s a bit / utterly far so make sure you wear comfortable shoes. ____/16


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03/02/17 16:24


4 Trasforma le seguenti frasi usando le parole in grassetto e mantenendo lo stesso significato. 1 There was a lot of noise last night coming from upstairs. so There ............................................................................................................................................... 2 What a lot of DVDs you have! many You ............................................................................................................................................. 3 Fiona and I had a really interesting chat yesterday. such We .............................................................................................................................................. 4 The pictures in this exhibition are rather unusual. so The .................................................................................................................................................. 5 Not everyone could have a book because there were only ten to share. enough There ...................................................................................................................................... 6 This jacket doesn’t fit me, it feels tight. too This ................................................................................................................................................ 7 This coffee tastes rather sweet. much You ............................................................................................................................................. 8 Has everyone got a seat? enough Are .........................................................................................................................................

B1-B2 • Units 99-102

So e such; too e enough


Summative exercises 5 Traduci le seguenti frasi. 1 Ho visto Janet. È assolutamente furiosa. 2 Abbiamo così poco tempo qui che non possiamo vedere tutto. 3 Non hai abbastanza soldi per comprare quel cellulare. 4 I compiti di matematica erano abbastanza facili: sono riuscito a finirli in mezz’ora. 5 Jonathan si sentiva sempre più incerto. 6 Questa prova è più difficile di quello che mi aspettavo. 7 La stanza era completamente zeppa di persone. 8 Penso che quella lezione fosse piuttosto interessante. ____/16

6 Completa ogni spazio con una parola adatta. Jared How was your weekend? Leo Not bad. Friday night I went to this (1) ........................................ fabulous party at Dave’s house. Jared Oh yes. I was invited but I was (2) ........................................ tired to go. I went to bed early. I don’t know what’s wrong with me these days. The (3) ........................................ I sleep the (4) ........................................ I feel like doing anything. I just want to sit around all the time. I just can’t seem to get (5) ........................................ sleep. Leo I know it sounds strange, but perhaps you need to do more physical activity. Playing sport is (6) ........................................ good for you (7) ........................................ instead of feeling tired afterwards, it tends to give you more energy. Jared Yes, you’re right. I really ought to take up squash again. It’s (8) ........................................ a long time since I last played that I’m sure I’ll be a (9) ........................................ bad player. Leo Don’t worry about that, Jared. The important thing is to start again, then you’ll see that it’s easier (10) ........................................ you expected. ___ /20 Total____/100 PHOTOCOPIABLE - New Get Inside Language Teacher's Book © Macmillan Publisher’s Limited 2017. This page may be photocopied and used within the class.

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 21 - VERSION A A2-B1 • Units 103-106

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Preposizioni e avverbi di tempo e luogo 1 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 They have been married ........ last summer. A for B since 2 School started two weeks ........ . A ago B last 3 We arrived ........ London when the tourist offices were closed. A at B in 4 There’s an office party ........ Christmas Eve. A at B on 5 My aunt has been ........ hospital for three days. A at B in 6 The patient was lying in bed with the nurse ........ him. A beside B above 7 “Children come ........ , it’s nearly dark.” A inside B outside 8 There’s a ticket office ........ the right. A on B at ____/16

2 Completa le frasi con una parola. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I’m sure we can buy a map ......................... the service station. Your face is dirty. Go and have a look ......................... the mirror. Margot is standing ......................... Henry and Dora. She’s the one in the middle. Would you like to live ......................... this island? Please bring the money for the trip ......................... Friday, no later. We waited for you ......................... 10.00, then we thought you weren’t coming. The play lasted ......................... three hours. I thought it would never end! Did you go to football practice ......................... Tuesday? ____/16

Preposizioni di moto 3 Abbina le due parti delle frasi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

We drove through I’m not coming into Walk along this road We quickly got on Go over the bridge then We arrived at They got in We could take a boat

a b c d e f g h

until you get to a park. the centre on our way here. the train and sat down. across the lake, if you want. the train station just in time. you’ll see a kiosk on the opposite side of the street. the car and drove away. the supermarket. I’ll wait outside. ____/16


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4 Completa le frasi con le preposizioni date. under • with • throughout • by • about • before • over • after 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

What are you talking ................................? What are you doing ................................ school today? Your pyjamas are ................................ your pillow. We went to Birmingham ................................ coach. Fran travelled ................................ Asia with very little money. I don’t like coffee ................................ milk. The accident happened right ................................ my eyes. Put this blanket ................................ you if you’re cold. ____/16

Summative exercises 5 Individua gli errori e riscrivi le frasi corrette. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

It’s five degrees under zero, make sure you put a coat on above that jacket. Travelling by car is more comfortable than travelling by foot. Get on the train at Euston and get of at Charing Cross. The man at the right is my father and the woman standing by him is my mother. He leant his bike before the wall and went into the shop. The chemist is in front of the bar, on the other side of the street. You can’t see Chloe in this photo because she’s standing under Paul and Ginnie. Did you go out yesterday night or did you stay in?

A2-B1 • Units 103-106

Altre preposizioni


6 Completa ogni spazio con una parola adatta. A Listen Joe! Could you tell me something? How do I get (1) .................. Tom’s house? I think I’ll go (2) .................. foot. I enjoy walking when I can. B It’s a good forty-minute walk. It’s very far away (3) .................. here. Are you sure you want to walk that far? A No, you’re right, I can’t walk today. I need to be there (4) .................. 11 o’clock because Tom’s going out then. B Well, there’s a bus stop right (5) .................. the street. I think the buses run (6) .................. ten minutes (7) .................. a weekday. A Does the bus stop (8) .................. Joe’s house then? B Quite near. You’ll need to get off (9) .................. the sports centre and then it’s a couple minutes away, just (10) .................. the same road at number 74. ___ /20 Total____/100

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 21 - VERSION B A2-B1 • Units 103-106

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Preposizioni e avverbi di tempo e luogo 1 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 My cousin has been ........ hospital for a week. A at B in 2 The patient was lying in bed and the doctor was standing ........ him. A beside B above 3 Come ........ and I’ll make you a cup of tea. A inside B outside 4 There’s a toilet ........ the right. A on B at 5 They have been married ........ last summer. A for B since 6 Kimberley’s birthday was two days ........ . A ago B last 7 I arrived ........ Cambridge when the tourist offices were closed. A at B in 8 This year we’re having a party ........ New Year’s Eve. A at B on ____/16

2 Completa le frasi con una parola. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Please arrive ......................... 10.00, no later, so we’ve got time to buy tickets. I waited for you ......................... 10.00 then I thought you weren’t coming. The concert lasted ......................... four hours. It was fantastic! Did you miss the lesson ......................... week? I’m sure we can buy sandwiches ......................... the station. You’ve cut your cheek. Go and look ......................... the mirror. Matt is standing ......................... Suzie and Martin. He’s the one in the middle. Would you like to live ......................... a farm? ____/16

Preposizioni di moto 3 Abbina le due parti delle frasi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Go over the bridge then We arrived at I got in Let’s take a ferry I walked through I’m not coming into Walk along this road We quickly got on

a b c d e f g h

until you get to a big school. the forest to get to the village. the bus and sat down. across the lake to the other side. the airport two hours before our departure. you’ll see a pub on the other side of the street. the car and drove away. the shopping centre. I’ll wait in the car park. ____/16


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03/02/17 16:25


4 Completa le frasi con le preposizioni date. under • with • throughout • by • about • before • over • after 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Rob travelled ................................ the USA with very little money. I like my tea ................................ lots of sugar. He took the wallet right ................................ my eyes. Put this blanket ................................ you if you’re cold. What is that book ................................? What are you doing ................................ work today? Your pyjamas are ................................ your pillow. We went to London ................................ train. ____/16

Summative exercises 5 Individua gli errori e riscrivi le frasi corrette. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

She leant before the wall and rested for a while. The florist is in front of the bank, on the other side of the street. You can’t see Helen in this photo because she’s standing under Sam and Allie. Did you go out yesterday night or did you stay in? It’s twelve degrees over zero, you won’t need that hat above your head today. Travelling on train is more comfortable than other types of public transport. Get on the train at Piccadilly and get of at Oxford street. The man at the right is my father and the woman standing by him is my mother.

A2-B1 • Units 103-106

Altre preposizioni


6 Completa ogni spazio con una parola adatta. A Listen Joe! Could you tell me something? Do you know the way (1) .................. Tom’s house? He said it’s (2) .................. the corner from the cinema but I wasn’t listening properly to be honest. I thought I’d go (3) .................. foot. B It’s a good forty-minute walk. It’s quite far (4) .................. here. Are you sure you want to walk that far? A No, you’re right, I can’t walk today. I need to be there (5) .................. 11.00 because we’re going to watch a football match. B Well, there’s a bus stop right (6) .................. the other side of the street. I think the buses run (7) .................. ten minutes (8) .................. Sundays. A Where do I need to get (9) .................. then? B (10) .................. the sports centre and then it’s a couple minutes away, at number 74. ___ /20 Total____/100

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FULL TEST 22 - VERSION A B1-B2 • Units 107-109

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Aggettivi seguiti da preposizioni 1 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 I think you’ll be eligible ........ a student grant. A about B for C with 2 We’re very grateful ........ you for all you have done. A to B with C at 3 Are you annoyed ........ what Josh said? A at B for C about 4 The restaurant was packed ........ people. A by B with C of 5 The two employees were implicated ........ the robbery. A on B with C in 6 This town is famous ........ its summer festival. A with B for C by 7 Aren’t you ashamed ........ yourself? A of B with C at 8 You were right ........ that penalty kick. A about B for C to ____/16

2 Completa le frasi con una preposizione. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Are you satisfied ....................... your exam results? You did very well. Gael isn’t interested ....................... going to university. He wants to find a job. Don’t be afraid ....................... asking if you need help. I’ve already had measles so I’m immune ....................... it now. Yvette was absent ....................... the last class so she doesn’t have her homework. The police were baffled ....................... the theft of the paintings from the museum. Is your teacher good ....................... explaining complicated grammar rules? Were you serious ....................... that offer to give me a lift to the concert? ____/16

Verbi seguiti da preposizioni 3 Trasforma le seguenti frasi usando le parole in grassetto. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The girl said she was sorry that she had spilt her drink. We all liked the idea of going for a pizza after the film. Do you think ghosts really exist? We are no longer allowed to play football on that field. Fran has asthma. How much of your money goes on rent? This soup has a fishy taste. I don’t really enjoy discos.

apologised agreed believe ban suffer spend tastes care ____/16


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4 Completa le frasi con le preposizioni date. of • for • in • with (x2) • at • towards • to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Due to a lack ......................... proof they couldn’t charge the man. I’m sorry but we can’t offer you any employment ......................... present. What is your attitude ......................... testing on animals? Last year there was a dramatic fall ......................... inflation. Can you write me a cheque ......................... 200 euros? I’m sorry but there seems to be a problem ......................... your credit card. John’s marriage ......................... Mary was a great success. The trouble ......................... you is that you are never satisfied. ____/16

Summative exercises 5 Traduci le seguenti frasi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Qual era la causa dello schianto (=crash)? Hai un buon rapporto con i tuoi genitori? Mi dispiace, ho preso le tue chiavi per sbaglio. Ti posso parlare un momento? Ti ho sognato la scorsa notte. Forniamo ai dipendenti una divisa. Katy è gelosa della mia amicizia con Sam. Sei emozionata per la tua vacanza?

B1-B2 • Units 107-109

Sostantivi con preposizioni


6 Completa ogni spazio con una parola adatta. A Do you know (1) ...................... the ceramics course that’s starting next week? B No. A I heard (2) ...................... it quite (3) ...................... chance yesterday at the canteen. Rosie was discussing it (4) ...................... Jack, apparently Mrs Barnes is teaching it. B Oh right, I know Mrs Barnes is specialised (5) ...................... ceramics. Can you believe that she used (6) ...................... be a ceramist before she became a maths teacher. I know she’s still very fond (7) ...................... ceramics. She has her own oven and everything. I wonder what the course consists (8) ...................... . A I think they said it’s a general introduction (9) ...................... ceramics. B I might go along to the first lesson and see what it’s like. It would be nice to do something different (10) ...................... a change. ___ /20 Total____/100

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03/02/17 16:25

FULL TEST 22 - VERSION B B1-B2 • Units 107-109

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Aggettivi seguiti da preposizioni 1 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 The two employees weren’t implicated ........ the robbery. A on B with C in 2 This film is famous ........ its dramatic ending. A with B for C by 3 Aren’t you ashamed ........ dropping litter on the ground? A of B with C at 4 You were right ........ that man next door. A about B for C to 5 I think we’ll be eligible ........ a discount. A about B for C with 6 I’d be grateful ........ you if you didn’t smoke. A to B with C at 7 Are you annoyed ........ not winning the prize? A at B for C about 8 The cinema was packed ........ people. A by B with C of ____/16

2 Completa le frasi con una preposizione. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Mrs Ross was absent ....................... school today. She must be ill. The police were baffled ....................... the theft of the paintings from the museum. Is your dad good ....................... preparing tasty meals? Were you serious ....................... that offer to let me stay the night? Are you satisfied ....................... your exam results? You did very well. Sarah isn’t interested ....................... doing volunteer work. She wants to earn money. Don’t be afraid ....................... making mistakes. It’s a good way to learn. I’ve already had measles so I’m immune ....................... it now. ____/16

Verbi seguiti da preposizioni 3 Trasforma le seguenti frasi usando le parole in grassetto. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Henry has epilepsy. How much of your money goes on bills? This tea has a fruity taste. Aisha doesn’t really enjoy sport. Leo said he was sorry that he had forgotten his homework. We all liked the idea of meeting the following week. Do you think aliens really exist? We are no longer allowed to take drinks into the library.

suffer spend tastes care apologised agreed believe ban ____/16


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4 Completa le frasi con le preposizioni date. with (x2) • of • towards • to • in • for • at 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The prize was a cheque ......................... 1,000 euros. I’m sorry I’m late but I had a problem ......................... my car. King Henry’s marriage ......................... Lady Jane Grey lasted only nine days. The trouble ......................... Raul is that he watches too much television. Due to a lack ......................... money they had to cancel the trip. I’m sorry but we can’t offer you any employment ......................... present. What is your attitude ......................... fines for absence from school? Last year there was a slight fall ......................... the birth rate. ____/16

Summative exercises 5 Traduci le seguenti frasi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Ti ho sognato la scorsa notte. Forniamo a tutti gli studenti un alloggio. Leonie è gelosa della mia amicizia con Todd. Sei emozionata per la tua nuova macchina? Qual era la causa dell’incendio? Hai un buon rapporto con i tuoi insegnanti? Mi dispiace ho lasciato il libro a casa per sbaglio. Possiamo sederci un momento?

B1-B2 • Units 107-109

Sostantivi con preposizioni


6 Completa ogni spazio con una parola adatta. A Have you heard (1) ...................... the ceramics course that’s starting next week? B No. A I learned the details (2) ...................... it quite (3) ...................... chance yesterday at the canteen. Rosie was talking (4) ...................... it with Jack, apparently Mrs Barnes is teaching it. B Oh right, I know Mrs Barnes is good (5) ...................... ceramics. Can you believe that she used (6) ...................... be a ceramist before she became a maths teacher. I know she’s still very keen (7) ...................... ceramics. She has her own oven and everything. I wonder what the course consists (8) ...................... . A I think they said it’s a general introduction (9) ...................... ceramics. B I might go along to the first lesson and see what it’s like. Do you think you have to pay (10) ...................... the course in advance? A No, I’m sure you can have a trial lesson. ___ /20 Total____/100

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03/02/17 16:25

FULL TEST 23 - VERSION A A2-B1 • Units 110-115

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Ordine nelle frasi delle parole e dei complementi diretti e indiretti 1 Abbina le due parti delle frasi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I am so You mustn’t What time does Doesn’t he You should She bought Did you Rupert told

a b c d e f g h

your train leave? live in this house then? find what you were looking for? pleased to meet you. us a funny story yesterday. presents for everyone. get some advice about that. smoke here. ____/16

2 Scrivi le parole nell’ordine corretto. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

wrote /week /Aaron / lovely / me / letter / a / last / ................................................................................. my / a / I / joke / teacher / funny / told / .................................................................................................. I / money / brother / a / owe / lot / my / of / ............................................................................................ read / I / Sorry / haven’t / book / that / lent / you / me / .......................................................................... work / He / in / office / doesn’t / this / .................................................................................................... on / went / Canada / Jonathan / to / holiday / ......................................................................................... their / They / found / dog / haven’t / ........................................................................................................ the / Do / know / you / answer / not / ?................................................................................................... ____/16

Domande a risposta chiusa e a risposta aperta 3 Riscrivi le frasi da 1 a 4 in forma interrogativa e le frasi da 5 a 8 in forma interrogativa-negativa. 1 Pete’s friends all have new jobs in different countries. ................................................................................................................................................................ 2 She has been to that art gallery before. ................................................................................................................................................................ 3 She’s going to publish another cookery book. ................................................................................................................................................................ 4 I can borrow some more money from my relatives. ................................................................................................................................................................ 5 They would like to move to a different place. ................................................................................................................................................................ 6 We can change our minds and go somewhere else. ................................................................................................................................................................ 7 He knows who the murderer is. ................................................................................................................................................................ 8 She has invited everyone to her Christmas party. ................................................................................................................................................................ ____/16


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4 Trasforma le seguenti frasi usando le parole in grassetto. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Meg’s not scared of insects and John isn’t scared either. Both Karim and Greg are on the school team. Give me your phone number, please. Let me lend you the money for the bus fare. Would you like the fish dish or the meat dish? How many times a day do you text people? What is the reason you were late this morning? Can your sister speak French too?

neither so could shall which often why does ____/16

So do I / Neither do I e question tags 5 Abbina una frase della colonna A con una frase della colonna B. A B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Paul’s not interested in golf. We haven’t got a garden. I was disappointed with the film. I’m really late, Sal and Sam have split up, I’m tired today! We don’t really need to go, It’s a lovely day,

a b c d e f g h

aren’t I? Nor am I. isn’t it? Me too. So were we. We haven’t either. do we? haven’t they?

A2-B1 • Units 110-115

Domande e So do I / Neither do I


Summative exercise 6 Completa ogni spazio con una parola adatta. 1 A I can’t believe Pat has been arrested. B  (1) ........................ can I. What on earth (2) ........................ he do to end up in prison? I have my suspicions, however. Everyone knew he was a suspicious person, (3) ........................ they? A I don’t know. (4) ................. you think he will need a lawyer? Maybe we could suggest someone. B I don’t think so. (5) ........................ we go and see him in prison? What do you say? 2 A (6) ........................ you tell me your address, please? B 23, Clarebridge Street. It’s not very far from here. A I’m sorry, but I also require your postcode. Do you know (7) ........................? B I apologize but at the moment I can’t remember it. It’s on the tip of my tongue but... A Clarebridge Street is opposite Alpha Road, (8) ........................ it? B That’s right. Once you are in Alpha Road you can’t miss it. A So it will be the same code area, (9) ........................ it? I’m sure it is. Let me check here. B How (10) ........................ have you lived there? A Oh, I can’t say exactly. My memory is not so good nowadays. ___ /20 Total____/100 PHOTOCOPIABLE - New Get Inside Language Teacher's Book © Macmillan Publisher’s Limited 2017. This page may be photocopied and used within the class.

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03/02/17 16:25

FULL TEST 23 - VERSION B A2-B1 • Units 110-115

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Ordine nelle frasi delle parole e dei complementi diretti e indiretti 1 Abbina le due parti delle frasi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

You shouldn’t He bought Did you Dillon told We are so You must What time does Doesn’t she

a b c d e f g h

James usually arrive? know how to cook? find what you were looking for? pleased to meet you. us an excellent joke yesterday. drinks for everyone. worry about things like that. be careful when you cross the road. ____/16

2 Scrivi le parole nell’ordine corretto. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

on / went / Jamaica / Leila / to / holiday / ............................................................................................... our / We / found / cat / haven’t /.............................................................................................................. the / Do / know / you / answer / not / ?................................................................................................... lent / week / Nathan / fantastic / me / novel / a / last / ........................................................................... my / a / I / joke / parents / funny / told / .................................................................................................. They / job / him / a / offered / company / at / the / .................................................................................. read / I / Sorry / haven’t / book / that / lent / you / me / .......................................................................... go / She / to / school / doesn’t / this / ..................................................................................................... ____/16

Domande a risposta chiusa e a risposta aperta 3 Riscrivi le frasi da 1 a 4 in forma interrogativa e le frasi da 5 a 8 in forma interrogativa-negativa. 1 They would like to come on a different day. ................................................................................................................................................................ 2 We can change our minds and do something else. ................................................................................................................................................................ 3 He’s going to write another short story. ................................................................................................................................................................ 4 Amanda’s friends all play different sports. ................................................................................................................................................................ 5 She has invited everyone to her birthday party. ................................................................................................................................................................ 6 We have seen this film before. ................................................................................................................................................................ 7 He knows where the jewels are. ................................................................................................................................................................ 8 I can stay here another day. ................................................................................................................................................................ ____/16


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03/02/17 16:25


4 Trasforma le seguenti frasi usando le parole in grassetto. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Would you like the chocolate cake or the apple cake? How many times a day do you check email? What is the reason you were angry this morning? Can your brother play the violin too? Jade’s not interested in football and Jodie isn’t interested either. Both Ahmed and Keith can cook really well. Give me your exam paper, please. Let me give you a hand with that.

which often why does neither so could shall ____/16

So do I / Neither do I e question tags 5 Abbina una frase della colonna A con una frase della colonna B. A B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Nina’s not keen on Chinese food. We haven’t got any pets. I was excited about the trip. I’m really tired, Joe and Lia have split up, I’m late today! We aren’t really in trouble, It’s hot today,

a b c d e f g h

We haven’t either. So were we. are we? Me too. Nor am I. aren’t I? isn’t it? haven’t they?

A2-B1 • Units 110-115

Domande e So do I / Neither do I


Summative exercise 6 Completa ogni spazio con una parola adatta. 1 A (1) ........................ you tell me your address, please? B 23, Clarebridge Street. It’s not very far from here. A I’m sorry, but I also require your postcode. (2) ........................ you know it? B I apologize but at the moment I can’t remember it. It’s on the tip of my tongue but… A Clarebridge Street is opposite Alpha Road, (3) ........................ it? B That’s right. Once you are in Alpha Road you can’t miss it. A So it will be the same code area, (4) ........................ it? I’m sure it is. Let me check here. B How (5) ........................ have you lived there? A Oh, I can’t say exactly. My memory is not so good nowadays. 2 A I can’t believe Pat has been arrested. B  (6) ................. can I. What on earth (7) ........................ he do to end up in prison? I have my suspicions, however. Everyone knew he was a suspicious person, (8) ........................ they? A I don’t know. (9) ........................ Pat need a lawyer? Maybe we could suggest someone. B I don’t I know anyone. (10) ........................ we go and see him in prison? What do you say? ___ /20 Total____/100 PHOTOCOPIABLE - New Get Inside Language Teacher's Book © Macmillan Publisher’s Limited 2017. This page may be photocopied and used within the class.

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03/02/17 16:25

FULL TEST 24 - VERSION A B1-B2 • Units 116-119

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Inversione sintattica 1 Trasforma le seguenti frasi iniziando con le parole in grassetto. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

We didn’t realise that we had been tricked. There’s a statue of William Shakespeare in the main square. The reporter had hardly ever witnessed such devastation. As soon as the bell rang, there was a shout of joy. We had never felt so astonished in our whole lives. The whole time we were there they never offered us a drink. Smoking is not permitted at all! They started laughing the moment Diana left the room.

Little In Rarely No Never Not Under Barely ____/16

Fronting 2 Riscrivi le seguenti frasi usando il fronting. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Have you heard the news? We have come across this situation many times before. We’ll never know who was responsible. The book I was reading was written by my uncle. He starred in this film when he was a young man. Come down for breakfast. Although it might sound difficult, it’s actually feasible. So hungry was the child that he wouldn’t stop eating. ____/16

Echo questions 3 Completa il dialogo con le echo questions. Alan Dan Alan Dan Alan Dan Alan Dan Alan Dan Alan Dan Alan Dan Alan Dan Alan Dan

My laptop keeps crashing! (1) ................................? Why don’t you have it checked? Mmm I should. My dad would be furious if he knew that I’d broken it. (2) ................................? Well, it might not be broken. (3) ................................? So what’s wrong with it then? It could have a bug. A virus, (4) ................................? Despite all the anti-virus software I’ve installed? Yes, why not? It happens all the time. (5) ................................? What a nuisance! I’ve spent a fortune on anti-virus software. (6) ................................? Well you can’t have a very good one. Explain what happens exactly? Well, a few minutes after I’ve switched it on it gets really hot, so hot I can’t even touch it. (7) ................................? And then what? Then it starts making a funny noise, and then it switches itself off automatically. Mmm ... Where do you keep it most of the time? On my lap ... it’s a laptop! Directly on your lap? That’s a huge mistake. (8) ................................? Why? What’s wrong with that? Because dust gets inside it and the cooling fans get blocked. That’s why it gets overheated. ____/16


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03/02/17 16:25


4 Completa le frasi con le questions tags. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Let’s leave now, .....................................? Close that door, .....................................? I’ll start making dinner, .....................................? I’m right about this, .....................................? You would never guess they were sisters, .....................................? Nobody knew about it, .....................................? You have a twin brother, .....................................? So you know Neil very well, .....................................? ____/16

Summative exercises 5 Traduci le seguenti frasi. 1 “Ruby è stata arrestata ieri sera.” “Davvero?” 2 Ci sono molti compiti oggi, vero? 3 Non solo ho dimenticato il passaporto, ma ho anche perso il biglietto. 4 I cani non possono entrare in nessun caso. 5 Ecco arrivare il preside. 6 Così vuoi diventare fotografo, no? 7 Sono una persona tranquilla, non è vero? 8 Non appena aprii l’allegato (=attachment), capii che era un virus.

B1-B2 • Units 116-119

Question tags (2)


6 Completa ogni spazio con una parola adatta. A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A

I’d like a return ticket to London. Travelling today, (1) ...................... you? That’s right. You’ll be returning in the evening, (2) ...................... you? I don’t know. Does it make any difference? It does. (3) ...................... you return before 7.00 p.m., it’s peak hour, so it’ll be £31.00. (4) ...................... it? Expensive, that (5) ...................... . And what if I come back after seven? In that case it’ll be £16.50. That’s the standard off-peak return ticket. (6) Is ......................? Don’t you have any cheaper tickets? We do, but you have to book at least one week in advance. (7) ...................... I known that, I would have reserved ages ago. I’m sorry, sir. (8) ...................... am I. I’ll take the one for £16.50, then. How would you like to pay? I don’t think I have enough cash. Do you take cheques? We don’t take cheques, I’m afraid. (9) ...................... you? That’s inconvenient! But we take credit cards. Ok. (10) ...................... you are. ___ /20 Total____/100

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03/02/17 16:25

FULL TEST 24 - VERSION B B1-B2 • Units 116-119

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Inversione sintattica 1 Trasforma le seguenti frasi iniziando con le parole in grassetto. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I had never felt so embarrassed in my whole life. The whole time she was there they never offered her a seat. Parking is not permitted at all! We started talking the moment the teacher left the room. They didn’t realise that they had taken the wrong road. There’s a beautiful pond in the middle of the park. The doctor had hardly ever seen such extensive injuries. As soon as we heard the scream, we rushed outside.

Never Not Under Barely Little In Rarely No ____/16

Fronting 2 Riscrivi le seguenti frasi usando il fronting. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

She wrote this poem when she was at college. Come up to bed. Although it may seem tedious, it’s actually fascinating. So thirsty was the child that she drank four glasses of water. Have you seen my keys? We have come across this situation many times before. They’ll never find out who stole the money. The music I was playing was composed by Chopin. ____/16

Echo questions 3 Completa il dialogo con le echo questions. Alan Dan Alan Dan Alan Dan Alan Dan Alan Dan Alan Dan Alan Dan Alan Dan Alan Dan

My laptop doesn’t work properly! (1) ................................? Why don’t you have it checked? Mmm, I should. My dad is going to be furious when he finds out that I’ve broken it. (2) ................................? Well, it might not be broken. (3) ................................? So what’s wrong with it then? It’s probably got a bug. A virus, (4) ................................? Despite all the anti-virus software I’ve installed? Yes, why not? It happens all the time. (5) ............................? What a nuisance! I spent a lot on anti-virus software a few months ago. (6) .........................? Well you can’t have bought a very good one. Explain what happens exactly? Well, a few minutes after I’ve switched it on it gets really hot, so hot I can’t even touch it. (7) ................................? And then what? Then it starts making a funny noise, and then it switches itself off automatically. Mmm ... Where do you keep it most of the time? On my lap ... it’s a laptop! Directly on your lap? That’s a huge mistake. (8) ................................? Why? What’s wrong with that? Because dust gets inside it and the cooling fans get blocked. That’s why it gets overheated. ____/16


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03/02/17 16:25


4 Completa le frasi con le questions tags. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

You would never guess they were sisters, .....................................? Nobody came, .....................................? Tom has an older sister, .....................................? So you know Emily very well, .....................................? Let’s get the bill, .....................................? Pass me the sugar, .....................................? I’ll carry that, .....................................? I’m late again, .....................................? ____/16

Summative exercises 5 Traduci le seguenti frasi. 1 Ecco arrivare il nostro treno. 2 Così vuoi diventare attore, no? 3 Sono una persona responsabile, non è vero? 4 Non appena aprii l’allegato (= attachment), capii che era un virus. 5 “Rob si è sentito male ieri sera.” “Davvero?” 6 Ci sono molti compiti oggi, vero? 7 Non solo ho dimenticato il portafoglio a casa, ma non trovo nemmeno le chiavi. 8 I bambini non sono ammessi senza un adulto in nessun caso.

B1-B2 • Units 116-119

Question tags (2)


6 Completa ogni spazio con una parola adatta. A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A

I’d like a return ticket to London. Want to travel today, (1) ...................... you? That’s right. Returning in the evening, (2) ...................... you? I don’t know. Does it make any difference? It does. (3) ...................... you return before 7.00 p.m., it’s peak hour, so it costs £31.00. (4) ...................... it? Expensive, that (5) ...................... . And what if I come back after seven? In that case it’ll be £16.50. That’s the standard off-peak return ticket. (6) Is ......................? Don’t you have any cheaper tickets? We do, but you have to book at least one week in advance. (7) ...................... I known that, I would have reserved ages ago. I’m sorry, sir. (8) ...................... am I. I’ll take the one for £16.50, then. How would you like to pay? I don’t think I have enough cash. Do you take cheques? We can’t accept cheques, I’m afraid. (9) ...................... you? That’s inconvenient! But we take credit cards. Ok. (10) ...................... you are. ___ /20 Total____/100

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03/02/17 16:25

FULL TEST 25 - VERSION A A2-B1 • Units 120-122

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Pronomi relativi 1 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 2 Mr Bell is the teacher ............. sometimes teaches us drama. A which B that C who 3 1969 was the year ............. man first landed on the moon. A when B what C which 4 Sorry, I don’t understand ............. you mean. A who B what C that 5 The Bellevue? Isn’t that the place ............. we celebrated your birthday last year? A which B that C where 6 Tina is the girl ............. brother I was telling you about. A who B whose C which 7 This is the room ............. we often use for school parties. A that B where C what 8 Can you bake the cake you made ............. we went to Russell’s? A who B when C what 9 Isn’t that the jacket ............. Aisha lent you? A what B that C whose ____/16

2 Riscrivi le seguenti frasi con un pronome relativo. 1 Sandy works for a multinational company. It produces all kinds of light bulbs. 2 That is my colleague. His daughter moved to Austria last month. 3 Ella Fitzgerald was a wonderful singer. She also sang with Louis Armstrong and other famous singers. 4 I live in a metropolis. It’s very dirty and polluted. 5 Sally is a nurse. She sometimes works for charity organizations abroad. 6 Maya is a travel agent. She’s been on trips all over the world. 7 That’s the restaurant. We went there last Saturday. 8 It was Christmas. The day we last saw them. ____/16

Frasi relative determinative (defining) 3 Inserisci i pronomi relativi solo se sono necessari. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I think the keys ............................. are on the sofa belong to Tia. The girl ............................. you saw me with is my niece. Fran is the colleague ............................. daughter I was telling you about. I can’t remember the name of the pub ............................. we met. The hotel ............................. we stayed in last year has closed down. Tom is the one ............................. I went to college with. It was the same man to ............................. I spoke yesterday. Isn’t that the desk ............................. you wanted to buy? ____/16


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4 Collega le due frasi usando la parola in grassetto. 1 Daisy has lived in this country for more than ten years. She works as a translator.   who 2 Bath is famous for its Roman Baths and Georgian architecture. We went on a field trip there last year.  where 3 Jim Hendrix died when he was only 27. His music is still played all over the world.  whose 4 Oxford is one of Britain’s oldest universities. It is about an hour from London.  which 5 Julian Barnes is one of my favourite writers. He wrote The Sense of an Ending.  who 6 The Battle of Bosworth marked the end of the War of the Roses. It was fought in 1485.  which 7 Natalie Wood died tragically during the production of her last film. Her most famous film was West Side Story.  whose 8 Buenos Aires looks European but has a Latin American twist. We stayed there for the first two weeks.  where ____/16

Summative exercises 5 Completa le frasi con una parola mancante. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

This is Elsie’s dog ............. I’m looking after while she’s on holiday. This chair, ............. is very old, was bought at auction by my grandfather. Sia, ............. I really like, is an Australian singer and dancer. That washing machine, ............. they only bought last month, is already broken. I saw the first twenty minutes of the film, ............. didn’t start until late, then I went to bed. I didn’t see ............. she/he was doing. This is the bar ............. I have my breakfast every morning. The party, ............. is in a secret location, is only for members.

A2-B1 • Units 120-122

Frasi relative incidentali (non-defining)


6 Completa ogni spazio nel dialogo con una parola se necessario. A Have you seen that guy (1) ............. has just moved into the flat on the first floor? B Who? Do you mean the one with dyed red hair or the one with the unusual dark green eyes? A No, not that one. I’m thinking of the guy, (2) ............. doorbell I rang by mistake the other day, on the first floor. Now do you know the one (3) ............. I’m talking about? B Oh, yes that’s Harry. He’s a professional musician (4) ............. often performs in the pub (5) ............. we had a drink in last night. A The one (6) ............. we went to first, The White Horse wasn’t it? B Yes, that’s right. I first met him, (7) ............. he moved into this block, two weeks ago. A He looks nice. You could have introduced me to him last night. B There was no point. He’s engaged to be married to a girl (8) ............. father is a millionaire. A Really! He doesn’t look like the sort of person (9) ............. is interested in money. B Didn’t you know that money is something (10) ............. always attractive to everyone. ___ /20 Total____/100

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FULL TEST 25 - VERSION B A2-B1 • Units 120-122

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Pronomi relativi 1 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 That’s the man ............. car I helped to push the other day. A who B whose C which 2 This is the cafe ............. we often have lunch. A that B where C what 3 Can you bake the cake you made ............. we went to Anna’s? A who B when C what 4 Isn’t that the umbrella ............. Pete lost? A what B that C whose 5 Mr Hughes is the teacher ............. sometimes teaches us science. A which B that C who 6 1969 was the year ............. man first landed on the moon. A when B what C which 7 Sorry, I don’t understand ............. the problem is. A who B what C that 8 Pierre’s? Isn’t that the restaurant ............. we celebrated your birthday? A which B that C where ____/16

2 Riscrivi le seguenti frasi con un pronome relativo. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Amy is a chef. She won a prize for her cuisine. Mark is a journalist. He’s worked all over the world. That’s the church. My parents married there. It was Christmas. The day we last saw them. Jane works for a publisher’s. It publishes children’s books. That is my colleague. Her son manages the local theatre. Ella Fitzgerald was a wonderful singer. She also sang with Louis Armstrong and other famous singers. I live in a huge city. It’s very expensive. ____/16

Frasi relative determinative (defining) 3 Inserisci i pronomi relativi solo se sono necessari. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The hotel ............. we stayed in last year has closed down. Lucy is the one ............. I went to college with. It was the same woman to ............. I spoke yesterday. Isn’t that the bag ............. you wanted to buy? I think the keys ............. are on the sofa are Joe’s. The man ............. you saw me with is my uncle. Greg is the colleague ............. daughter I was telling you about. I can’t remember the name of the town ............. we met. ____/16


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4 Collega le due frasi usando la parola in grassetto. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Oxford is one of Britain’s oldest universities. It is about an hour from London.  which Julian Barnes is one of my favourite writers. He wrote The Sense of an Ending.   who The Battle of Bosworth marked the end of the War of the Roses. It was fought in 1485.  which Natalie Wood died tragically during the production of her last film. Her most famous film was West Side Story.  whose Tom has lived in this country for more than ten years. He works as a teacher.  who Bath is famous for its Roman Baths and Georgian architecture. We went on a field trip there last year.  where Jim Hendrix died when he was only 27. His music is still played all over the world.  whose Buenos Aires looks European but has a Latin American twist. We stayed there for the first two weeks.  where ____/16

Summative exercises 5 Completa le frasi con una parola mancante. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I listened to the first twenty minutes of the news, ............. didn’t start until late, then I fell asleep. I didn’t see ............. he was doing. This is the bus ............. I take every morning to go to school. The party, ............. is in a secret location, is only for members. This is Yasmin’s cat ............. I’m looking after while she’s on holiday. This chest of drawers, ............. is very old, was bought at auction by my uncle. Sia, ............. I really like, is an Australian singer and dancer. That dryer, ............. they only bought last month, is already broken.

A2-B1 • Units 120-122

Frasi relative incidentali (non-defining)


6 Completa ogni spazio nel dialogo con una parola se necessario. A Have you seen that guy (1) ............. has just moved into the flat on the first floor? B Who? Do you mean the one with dyed red hair or the one with the unusual dark green eyes? A No, not that one. I’m thinking of the guy, (2) ............. dog you were admiring the other day. Now do you know the guy (3) ............. I’m talking about? B Oh, yes that’s Harry. He’s a professional musician (4) ............. often performs in the pub (5) ............. we went last night. A The place (6) ............. we went to first, The White Horse wasn’t it? B Yes, that’s right. I first met him, (7) ............. he moved into this block, two weeks ago. A He looks nice. You could have introduced me to him last night. B I don’t think so. There was no point. He’s engaged to be married to a girl (8) ............. is a millionaire. A Really! He doesn’t look like the sort of person (9) ............. is interested in money. B Didn’t you know that money is something (10) ............. always attractive to everyone. ___ /20 Total____/100

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FULL TEST 26 - VERSION A B1-B2 • Units 123-124

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Le preposizioni nelle frasi relative; participi 1 Trasforma le seguenti frasi utilizzando le parole in grassetto. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The office where I work is just across the road. Venice has many tourists and the majority visit St. Mark’s Square. If a guest wishes to book a place, he must provide some ID. In 1964 George Clooney was born and Johnson became US President. Paul is a boy in our class. He passed all his exams. Can all the guests leaving tomorrow pay their bills this evening? We asked three people. None of them had heard of the street. The buildings destroyed by the earthquake will all be rebuilt.

which whom who when who who whom which ____/16

What, which; whatever, however, whenever, whoever, wherever 2 Completa le frasi della colonna A con i termini della colonna B. A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I don’t mind: we can go ...................... you like. The man ...................... book you just read is Julie’s father. ...................... would like to come on the trip should speak to Mark. Last year, ...................... I met her, she was much thinner. So this is ...................... you and your wife live, is it? You’re the boss, so we’ll do ...................... you say. Children ...................... misbehave should be punished. Phone me back ...................... you like. I’m home.

B a where b when c whatever d who e wherever f whenever g whoever h whose ____/16

Summative exercise 3 Traduci. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Chiunque abbia rubato i soldi dal banco dell’insegnante dovrebbe vergognarsi. Mi ha prestato un sacco di film, alcuni dei quali avevo già visto. Queste sono le mie giacche. Puoi indossare quella che vuoi. Puoi portare chiunque voglia alla festa. Penso a lei dovunque vado. In qualunque modo lo guardi, non è una situazione gradevole. Kim può avere bisogno di partire in anticipo, nel tal caso è necessario che tu termini il report. Qualunque cosa fai, non aprire la porta a nessuno. Ogni volta che voglio andare al mare, piove. ___ /18 Total____/50


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1 Trasforma le seguenti frasi utilizzando le parole in grassetto. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Raul won a scholarship and that made his family really happy. Can all the students going on the trip tomorrow remember to bring their ID cards? We asked three people. None of them had read the book. The buildings destroyed by the earthquake will all be rebuilt. The school where I teach is just across the road. Rome has many tourists and the majority visit the Colosseum. If a visitor wishes to buy a painting, he must pay by credit card. In 1964 George Clooney was born and Johnson became US President.

which who whom which which whom who when ____/16

What, which; whatever, however, whenever, whoever, wherever 2 Completa le frasi della colonna A con i termini della colonna B. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



I don’t mind: we can stay ...................... you like. The girl ...................... dad is an actor is here. ...................... would like to leave early should ask for permission. Last year, ...................... I first went there, I fell in love with the place. So this is ...................... you and your friends hang out, is it? You’re the boss, so we’ll do ...................... you say. Children ...................... misbehave should be punished. Come and visit me ...................... you like. I’m always home.

a who b whoever c whatever d whenever e whose f where g when h wherever

B1-B2 • Units 123-124

Le preposizioni nelle frasi relative; participi


Summative exercise 3 Traduci. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Penso a lei qualunque cosa stia facendo. In qualunque modo lo guardi, non è una situazione gradevole. Può darsi che oggi Neil non venga, in tal caso è necessario che tu termini il report. Dovunque andiamo, deve essere non troppo lontano dal centro. Ogni volta che vado allo stadio piove. Chiunque abbia rubato i soldi dal banco dell’insegnante dovrebbe vergognarsi. Mi ha prestato un sacco di videogiochi, ad alcuni dei quali non ho ancora giocato. Queste sono le mie giacche. Puoi indossare quella che vuoi. Puoi invitare chiunque voglia alla cena. ___ /18 Total____/50

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03/02/17 16:25

FULL TEST 27 - VERSION A A2-B1 • Units 125-126

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Zero e first conditional 1 Completa le frasi con il periodo ipotetico di tipo zero dei verbi tra parentesi. 1 When I ............................ (drink) a lot of coffee, I ............................ (have) trouble sleeping at night. 2 Jenny ............................ (go) to the gym twice a week if she ............................ (have) time. 3 If you ............................ (be) in a cinema, you ............................ (turn off) the volume on your mobile. 4 When you ............................ (press) that button, the air conditioning ............................ (come) on. 5 If you ............................ (want) to cook that frozen meat, ............................ (leave) it in the fridge for 12 hours. 6 When it ............................ (rain) heavily, our car roof ............................ (leak) and we get wet. 7 If you still ............................ (feel) ill tomorrow, ............................ (make) an appointment to see your doctor. 8 If you ............................ (not cook) chicken properly, you can ............................ (get) food poisoning. ____/16

2 Completa le frasi con i verbi dati usando il periodo ipotetico di tipo zero o di primo tipo. 1 If you ............................ (not be) careful, you ............................ (drop) those glasses. 2 Unless it ............................ (snow) tomorrow, we ............................ (not be able) to go skiing on Saturday. 3 If she ............................ (not hurry) , she ............................ (miss) the start of the film. 4 ............................ (order) something else, if you ............................ (not like) that dish. 5 We ............................ (speak) tomorrow, unless there ............................ (be) a problem. 6 If Tom ............................ (want) to make up with Ella, it’s important he ............................ (apologize) for his behaviour. 7 ............................ (not tell) Neil about this, or he ............................ (be) jealous. 8 When he ............................ (catch) the bus to school, he always ............................ (arrive) ten minutes early. ____/16

Second conditional 3 Forma delle frasi ipotetiche di secondo tipo con le parole date. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I / have / more time for myself / I / be / happier / .  ............................................................................... we / visit / them more often / they / live / nearer / .  ............................................................................. you / not be / ill all the time / you / eat / healthier food / .  .................................................................... I / win / a lot of money / I / buy / a house near the centre / .  ............................................................... it / be / better / we / not have / so much homework / .  ........................................................................ they / score / a goal / they / run faster / .  ............................................................................................. I / be / you / tell / them the truth about what happened / .  .................................................................. she / not buy / so many clothes / she / have / more money / .  ............................................................ ____/16


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4 Riscrivi le frasi nella forma del condizionale indicato tra parentesi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Hurry up! We will miss our flight! (1) Do you need money? I can lend you some. (1) My teacher speaks English very fast. I can’t understand her. (2) This bike isn’t mine. I can’t use it. (2) I don’t feel well. I can’t play in the match today. (2) I go to bed very late. The next day I feel really tired. (0) Go to the shop. Buy two cartons of milk. (0) Is Tim hungry? I’ll make him a sandwich. (1) ____/16

5 Correggi gli errori. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

If you’ll arrive at the stadium early, you’ll get better seats.  ................................................................. My parents will buy me those trainers if they are too expensive.  ...................................................... If I am you, I wouldn’t dye my hair green.  ........................................................................................... What do you do if you had € 1.000?  .................................................................................................... If I could choose anywhere in the world, I live in New York.  ............................................................... If you won’t turn down that stereo system, I shall go mad!  ............................................................... If you will leave the ice cream out of the freezer it melts.  .................................................................. You don’t pass the exam if you miss school so often.  .........................................................................

A2-B1 • Units 125-126

Summative exercises


6 Completa ogni spazio con una parola adatta. A What do you think of London? Do you like it? B Yes, I think it’s a fantastic city for everyone. If it (1) ...................... less expensive, it (2) ...................... be even better. A I know what you mean. When you (3) ...................... in this city, it (4) ...................... so difficult to make your money last the whole month. Another big problem is the traffic. Don’t you agree? B I do. I (5) ...................... like it a lot more if there (6) ...................... less traffic. Can’t they do anything about it? A Well, who knows. There are too many vehicles on the roads. If I stay here next year, I (7) ...................... travel by bike, I’ll get a travel card. B London can be dangerous. If you aren’t extra careful, you can easily (8) ...................... an accident. If I (9) ...................... you, I (10) ...................... cycle in London! You hear of so many cyclists involved in serious accidents. You should stop immediately. ___ /20 Total____/100

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03/02/17 16:25

FULL TEST 27 - VERSION B A2-B1 • Units 125-126

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Zero e first conditional 1 Completa le frasi con il periodo ipotetico di tipo zero dei verbi tra parentesi. 1 If you ............................ (want) to cook that frozen meat, ............................ (leave) it in the fridge for 12 hours. 2 When it ............................ (snow) heavily, they ............................ (close) all the schools. 3 If you still ............................ (not feel) well tomorrow, ............................ (make) an appointment to see your doctor. 4 If you ............................ (not cook) chicken properly, you ............................ (risk) getting food poisoning. 5 When I ............................ (eat) fish for dinner, I sometimes ............................ (have) trouble sleeping at night. 6 Bilal ............................ (play) tennis twice a week if he ............................ (have) time. 7 If you ............................ (be) in a theatre, you ............................ (turn off) the volume on your mobile. 8 When you ............................ (press) that button, the air conditioning ............................ (come) on. ____/16

2 Completa le frasi con i verbi dati usando il periodo ipotetico di tipo zero o primo tipo. 1 We ............................ (see) you tomorrow, unless there ............................ (be) a problem. 2 If Tina ............................ (want) to make up with Rose, it’s important she ............................ (apologize) for her behaviour. 3 ............................ (not invite) Noah to the party, or he ............................ (bring) Sophie with him. 4 When we ............................ (catch) the bus to school, we always ............................ (arrive) ten minutes early. 5 If you ............................ (be) more careful, you ............................ (not waste) so much money. 6 Unless it ............................ (snow) tomorrow, we ............................ (not be able) to go skiing on Saturday. 7 If she ............................ (not hurry), she ............................ (be) late for her first day at work. 8 ............................ (ask) for something else, if you ............................ (not like) that dish. ____/16

Second conditional 3 Forma delle frasi ipotetiche di secondo tipo con le parole date. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I / have / more friends / I / not be / lonely / .  ........................................................................................ we / help / them / they / ask / us / .  ..................................................................................................... Rob / not be / stressed all the time / he / work / less / .  ...................................................................... I / not be / afraid of flying / I / go / to Australia on holiday / .  ................................................................ It / be / better / our school / not be / so far away / .  ............................................................................. They / score / a goal / they / run faster / .  ............................................................................................ I / be / you / stay / overnight in a hotel / .  ............................................................................................. she / not drive / so fast / she / not have / so many accidents / .  .......................................................... ____/16


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4 Riscrivi le frasi in una forma del condizionale indicato tra parentesi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Hurry up! We will be late! (1) Are you cold? I’ll close the window. (1) Peter is very serious. He doesn’t have many friends. (2) This newspaper isn’t mine. I can’t take it. (2) I don’t feel hungry. I don’t want any pizza. (2) I get up early. I feel really tired in the evening. (0) Go to the post office. Post this parcel. (0) Does Aaron need a pen? I’ll lend him one. (1) ____/16

5 Correggi gli errori. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

If I win a lot of money, I would live in New York.  ................................................................................. If you won’t go to bed soon, you will be tired tomorrow!  ................................................................... If you will keep the window open it airs the room.  ............................................................................. You don’t eat your dinner if you eat all that cake now.  ........................................................................ If you’ll arrive at the stadium early, you’ll get better seats.  ................................................................. My parents will buy me that mobile if it isn’t so expensive.  ............................................................... If I were you, I won’t walk home on my own.  ..................................................................................... What do you say if you meet your favourite football player?  ...............................................................

A2-B1 • Units 125-126

Summative exercises


6 Completa ogni spazio con una parola adatta. A What do you think of London? Do you like it? B Yes, I think it’s a fantastic city for everyone. Life here (1) ...................... be even better if it (2) ...................... so expensive. A I know what you mean. It (3) ...................... so difficult to make your money last the whole month, when you (4) ...................... in this city. Another big problem is the traffic. Don’t you agree? B I do. If there (5) ...................... less traffic I (6) ...................... like it a lot more. Can’t they do anything about it? A Well, who knows. There are too many vehicles on the roads. If I stay here next year, I (7) ...................... travel by bike, I’ll get a travel card. B London can be dangerous. If you aren’t extra careful, you can easily (8) ...................... an accident. I (9) ...................... cycle in London if I (10) ...................... you! You hear of so many cyclists involved in serious accidents. You should stop immediately. ___ /20 Total____/100

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03/02/17 16:25

FULL TEST 28 - VERSION A B1-B2 • Units 127-130

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Third conditional 1 Riscrivi le frasi usando il condizionale di terzo tipo. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I didn’t know Sam was ill. I didn’t visit him at the hospital. England lost the match because two players were injured. They missed their plane so they didn’t go on holiday. The tourists got lost because they didn’t buy a map. We didn’t go away for the weekend because we had no money. Megan met Josh at university. I didn’t watch the film because it was on too late. The weather was bad so they cancelled their hike. ____/16

Forme miste; alternative a if 2 Trasforma le seguenti frasi usando le parole in grassetto. 1 I’m not very studious. I didn’t go to university. if.............................................................................................................................................................. 2 You can go to the concert but make sure you are back by 1 a.m. provided ................................................................................................................................................ 3 What would you do if you suspected a friend of a crime? supposing ............................................................................................................................................. 4 If you are going to be late, give me a ring. should .................................................................................................................................................... 5 Even if Bill invited me to his party, I wouldn’t go. were ....................................................................................................................................................... 6 Ahmed feels so guilty. He was mean to Keira the other day. if ............................................................................................................................................................. 7 You can have a birthday party if you tidy up afterwards. as long as .............................................................................................................................................. 8 Take some extra money if you need it. in case ................................................................................................................................................... ____/16

Modali e inversioni sintattiche nel periodo ipotetico 3 Completa le frasi con le parole date. In due casi sono possibili due risposte. might • should (x2) • if • had • could • not • were 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

................................. I been there, I wouldn’t have allowed it. If you ................................. need help, just let me know. ................................. he more responsible, this would never have happened. If Steve isn’t too busy, we ................................. meet up for lunch. Had he ................................. mentioned it that morning, I would never have known. I ................................. arrive earlier, if I manage to get out of work on time. ................................. you wish to leave before the end of the exam, you may do so. ................................. we had known about this, we would never have invested our money. ____/16


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4 Completa le frasi con le parole mancanti. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I ................................. you wouldn’t complain all the time, you’re spoiling things! If ................................. we had known about this traffic jam, we could have taken a different route. It’s ................................. time you learnt to pay your own way. I’d rather you ................................. mentioned our discussion to Julie. Emma wishes she ................................. met Roger sooner than she did. If only it ................................. stop raining, then we could go out! It’s time ................................. thinking seriously about saving our planet. I’ve got a headache. I’d rather we ................................. go out this evening. ____/16

Summative exercises 5 Traduci le seguenti frasi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Se solo avessi una macchina mia. Prendi un giubbotto, nel caso che faccia freddo più tardi. Anche se dovessero vincere quei soldi, non sarebbero abbastanza. Se avessi accettato quel lavoro, forse sarei più felice adesso. Se tu ti fossi iscritta all’università, avresti potuto diventare un medico. Se dovessi venire a Padova, potremmo vederci. È ora che andiamo a casa. Ti do in prestito la mia macchina, a patto che non vai troppo veloce.

B1-B2 • Units 127-130

Wish, if only, it’s time


6 Completa ogni spazio con una parola adatta. Listen, I’m coming to London for the weekend. Can I sleep at your place on Friday night? The trouble is my girlfriend Sophie is coming down this Friday. If she (1) ................................. coming, I’d say yes. Ed But, I haven’t got a lot of money, and I don’t know who else to ask. Tom If (2) ................................. Sophie was coming a day later. She normally comes on Saturday morning. Have you tried Dana? She’s got a huge flat. Ed She’s away on a business trip. If I (3) ............................... known, I would (4) ............................... asked her to leave the keys with the porter. Tom Well, how about Patrick then? Ed I’d (5) ................................. not ask him. We haven’t spoken for a long time. Tom I see... Have you asked Lisa? Ed Lisa? I’ve only met her once. (6) ................................. she been friendlier to me, I (7) ................................. have asked her I’m that desperate. Tom Well, let me think... Listen, I know this hostel near my place. I know it’s quite cheap. Ed Well (8) ........................... that it’s clean, I suppose I (9) ......................... mind staying in a hostel. Tom I could ask them, (10) ................................. you’re interested. What’s your budget? Ed Around 40-50 pounds. Tom I’ll ring them and let you know as soon as I can. Ed Tom

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FULL TEST 28 - VERSION B B1-B2 • Units 127-130

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Third conditional 1 Riscrivi le frasi usando il condizionale di terzo tipo. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Nadia didn’t go away for the weekend because she had to study for an exam. George broke his leg skiing. We didn’t watch the film because we had visitors. The weather was bad so she stayed at home. I didn’t know it was Jackie’s birthday. I didn’t wish her a Happy Birthday. Willis didn’t win the race because he fell over. I missed my train so I arrived late for my interview. The hikers got lost because they couldn’t read their map. ____/16

Forme miste; alternative a if 2 Trasforma le seguenti frasi usando le parole in grassetto. 1 I’m not very tall. I couldn’t be on the basketball team. if ............................................................................................................................................................. 2 You can go to the match but make sure you do your homework first. provided ................................................................................................................................................ 3 What would you do if you won the lottery? supposing ............................................................................................................................................. 4 If you have any questions, raise your hand. should .................................................................................................................................................... 5 Even if Suzie apologized, I wouldn’t forgive her. were ....................................................................................................................................................... 6 Ahmed feels so upset. He failed his driving test again yesterday. if ............................................................................................................................................................. 7 You can invite your friends for dinner if you help me in the kitchen. as long as .............................................................................................................................................. 8 Take an umbrella if it rains. in case ................................................................................................................................................... ____/16

Modali e inversioni sintattiche nel periodo ipotetico 3 Completa le frasi con le parole date. In due casi sono possibili due risposte. might • should (x2) • if • had • could • not • were 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Had we ................................. booked a week in advance, we would never have got a table. I ................................. bring Chloe, if I manage to convince her to come out. ................................. you wish to leave before the end of the exam, you may do so. ................................. we had known about the concert, we could have got tickets. ................................. I understood the risks involved, I wouldn’t have done it. If you ................................. require help, ring our hotline. ................................. she more responsible, this would never have happened. If Andy isn’t too tired, we ................................. go out later. ____/16


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4 Completa le frasi con le parole mancanti. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

David wishes he ................................. studied more for the exam. If only they ................................. stop making that noise, I can’t get to sleep! It’s time ................................. making preparations for the holiday season. I’ve got stomach ache. I’d rather we ................................. go out for dinner. I ................................. you would tidy up after yourself! If ................................. I had known about that sale, I could have bought myself something. It’s ................................. time you started being more responsible. I’d rather you ................................. discussed this matter with Tony. He’s such a gossip. ____/16

Summative exercises 5 Traduci le seguenti frasi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Se tu avessi accettato quel lavoro, avresti potuto fare carriera. Se dovessi venire a Roma, fammi uno squillo. È ora che pulisci questa macchina. Ti do in prestito la mia bici, a patto che me la riporti entro le 17. Se solo avessi una camera mia. Prendi un cappello, nel caso che faccia freddo più tardi. Anche se dovessero vincere quella partita, non sarebbe abbastanza. Se avessi sposato John, forse sarei più felice adesso.

B1-B2 • Units 127-130

Wish, if only, it’s time


6 Completa ogni spazio con una parola adatta. Listen, I’m coming to London for the weekend. Can I sleep at your place on Friday night? The trouble is my girlfriend Sophie is coming down this Friday. I (1) ................................. say yes if she weren’t coming. Ed But, I haven’t got a lot of money, and I don’t know who else to ask. Tom (2) ................................. Sophie been coming a day later, it wouldn’t have been a problem. She normally comes on Saturday morning you see. Have you tried Dana? She’s got a huge flat. Ed She’s away on a business trip. If (3) ................................. I had known, I would (4) ................................. asked her to leave the keys with the porter. Tom Well, how about Patrick then? Ed I’d (5) ................................. not ask him. We haven’t spoken for a long time. Tom I see... Have you asked Lisa? Ed Lisa? I’ve only met her once. (6) ................................. she had been friendlier to me, I (7) ................................. have asked her I’m that desperate. Tom Well, let me think... Listen, I know this hostel near my place. I know it’s quite cheap. Ed Well as (8) ........................... as it’s clean, I suppose I (9) ...................... mind staying in a hostel. Tom If you’re interested I (10) ................................. ask them. What’s your budget? Ed Around 40-50 pounds. Tom I’ll ring them and let you know as soon as I can. Ed Tom

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03/02/17 16:25

FULL TEST 29 - VERSION A A2-B1 • Units 131-133

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Trasformazioni verbali (1) 1 Riscrivi le seguenti frasi al discorso indiretto. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

“This computer is new,” she told us.  .................................................................................................. “It’s no use doing it all over again,” they said.  ..................................................................................... “The plane has just landed,” Marianne said.  ....................................................................................... “The play starts at half past four,” my friend told me.  ......................................................................... “He can’t read very well,” the teacher told her.  ................................................................................... “You must arrive on time,” he said.  ..................................................................................................... “We’re leaving in five minutes,” they said.  .......................................................................................... “I’ll help you with your luggage,” the man said.  .................................................................................. ____/16

2 Completa il discorso indiretto con le parole mancanti. 1 “You can leave your bike here if you want.” He said I could leave my bike .................................... if I wanted. 2 “I can lend you my book.” She said she could lend .................................... book. 3 “We aren’t coming today. We’re tired.” They said .................................... weren’t coming .................................... because they were tired. 4 “I’ll see you next week.” He said he would see us ..................................... . 5 “I’m ready now.” She said that she was ready .................................... . 6 “We’ve got an important test this week.” She said that they had an important test .......................... . ____/16

Domande e imperativo 3 Riscrivi le seguenti frasi al discorso indiretto. 1 “Have you ever been here before?” she asked me. ................................................................................................................................................................ 2 “What time does the train leave?” he asked me. ................................................................................................................................................................ 3 “Do you like your new house?” they asked us. ................................................................................................................................................................ 4 “Where is that new restaurant?” he asked me. ................................................................................................................................................................ 5 “How did you make this cake?” she asked me. ................................................................................................................................................................ 6 “Please be quiet,” the librarian told us. ................................................................................................................................................................ 7 “Don’t take photos here,” the guide told us. ................................................................................................................................................................ 8 “Stop making a noise,” I told my brother. ................................................................................................................................................................ ____/16


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4 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Carl .......... me he wanted to leave early. He .......... me where the nearest bank was. The doctor .......... me to go on a diet. They .......... whether there were any rooms free. She .......... she wanted to study veterinary science. “What will you do if the car breaks down again?” she .......... . “Where on earth did you get that weird hat?” she .......... . I .......... to the teacher yesterday about my history project.

A said B told C asked A wondered B told C asked A instructed B said C begged A spoke B wondered C ordered A told B said C asked A asked B told C wondered A told me B asked me C said me A told B implored C spoke ____/16

Summative exercises 5 Riscrivi le frasi correggendo gli errori. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Ruth told she was studying for an exam.  ............................................................................................ She said her parents she will leave home.  .......................................................................................... I told him wait for me.  ......................................................................................................................... She asked me who was my favourite artist.  ....................................................................................... They asked I lived near the station.  ..................................................................................................... Our neighbours said they were going move.  ...................................................................................... Tom told us he had seen Chloe tonight.  .............................................................................................. That man told us don’t park here.  ........................................................................................................

A2-B1 • Units 131-133

Verbi introduttivi (1)


6 Completa ogni spazio con una parola adatta. A Do you know (1) ........................... I put my bag of shopping? I’ve just got back from the supermarket and I’m not sure (2) ........................... I’ve left it on the bus or back at the supermarket. B As usual you’re so forgetful. The last time this happened you said it (3) ........................... never happen again. And look... it has. A Oh look, here it is. All the customers in the queue at the supermarket were (4) ........................... about the slow service. I (5) ........................... them it was pointless as there was just one girl at the checkout counter. B Yes, it’s always like that. That’s why I told you (6) ........................... stop going there. The other new supermarket is much better. And Renee who often shops there said that the food (7) ........................... much fresher too. A But we’ve (8) ........................... about this before, Tom. That other supermarket is much further away and the bus service is not very regular. B I know and I said I (9) ........................... give you a lift there on Friday mornings if you like. I’m always free on Friday mornings. A Ok, well... thanks but I already told Margie that I (10) ........................... go to the farmer’s market with her next week. ___ /20 Total____/100

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03/02/17 16:25

FULL TEST 29 - VERSION B A2-B1 • Units 131-133

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Trasformazioni verbali (1) 1 Riscrivi le seguenti frasi al discorso indiretto. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

“I can’t speak French very well,” Jane told us.  .................................................................................... “You must check your answers carefully,” the teacher said.  ............................................................... “We’re leaving in five minutes,” they said.  .......................................................................................... “I’ll help you with this exercise,” Lucy said.  ........................................................................................ “These shoes are new,” she told me.  ................................................................................................. “It’s no good complaining,” they said.  ................................................................................................. “The film has just started,” Marianne said.  ......................................................................................... “The museum closes at 6 p.m.,” my friend told me.  .......................................................................... ____/16

2 Completa il discorso indiretto con le parole mancanti. 1 “I’ll be back next week.” He said he .................................... be back .................................... . 2 “I’m ready now.” She said that she was ready .................................... . 3 “We had an important test last week.” She said that they had had an important test .................................... . 4 “You can leave your shoes here if you want.” He said we could leave .................................... shoes here if we wanted. 5 “You can use my phone.” He said I could use .................................... phone. 6 “We aren’t coming today. We’re tired.” They said .................................... weren’t coming .................................... because they were tired. ____/16

Domande e imperativo 3 Riscrivi le seguenti frasi al discorso indiretto. 1 “Have you met Robert before?” she asked me.   ............................................................................................................................................................. 2 “What time does the shop open?” he asked me.   ............................................................................................................................................................. 3 “Do you mind working at the weekend?” they asked me.   ............................................................................................................................................................. 4 “Where is the bus stop?” she asked me.   ............................................................................................................................................................. 5 “How did you know the answer?” she asked me.   ............................................................................................................................................................. 6 “Please be quiet,” the librarian told us.   ............................................................................................................................................................. 7 “Don’t leave your luggage unattended,” the inspector told us.   ............................................................................................................................................................. 8 “Stop asking so many questions,” I told my sister.”   ............................................................................................................................................................. ____/16


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4 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

They .......... us they wanted their bill. “What will we do if we miss the train?” she .......... . “Where on earth did you put my umbrella?” she .......... . I .......... to the postman about my missing parcel. Don .......... me he wanted to leave early. He .......... me where the nearest petrol station was. The doctor .......... me to go on a diet. They .......... whether there were any rooms free.

A told A asked A told me A told A said A wondered A instructed A spoke

B said B told B asked me B implored B told B told B said B wondered

C asked C wondered C said me C spoke C asked C asked C begged C ordered ____/16

Summative exercise 5 Riscrivi le frasi correggendo gli errori. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

They asked we knew the way to Rudderford.  ..................................................................................... Our grandparents said they were going visit.  ...................................................................................... Nour told us she had met Jake tonight.  .............................................................................................. That woman told us don’t sit here.  ...................................................................................................... Greg told he was having a party.  ......................................................................................................... She said her friends she will see them later.  ...................................................................................... She told me phone her.  ....................................................................................................................... He asked me what was my favourite food.  .........................................................................................

A2-B1 • Units 131-133

Verbi introduttivi (1)


6 Completa ogni spazio con una parola adatta. A Do you know (1) ........................... I put my bag of shopping? I’ve just got back from the supermarket and I’m not sure (2) ........................... I’ve left it on the bus or back at the supermarket. B As usual you’re so forgetful. The last time this happened you said it (3) ........................... at the supermarket and it wasn’t. I went all the way there then you found it in the hall. A Oh sorry, look here it is. All the customers in the queue at the supermarket (4) ........................... complaining about the slow service. I told (5) ........................... it was pointless as there was just one girl at the checkout counter. B Yes, it’s always like that. That’s why I told you (6) ........................... to go there any more. The other new supermarket is much better. And Renee who often shops there said that the fruit and vegetables (7) ........................... much fresher too. A But we’ve (8) ........................... about this before, Tom. That other supermarket is much further away and the bus service is not very regular. B I know and I said I (9) ........................... give you a lift there on Friday mornings if you like. I’m always free on Friday mornings. A Ok, well... thanks but I already told Margie that I (10) ........................... go to the farmer’s market with her next week. ___ /20 Total____/100

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03/02/17 16:25

FULL TEST 30 - VERSION A B1-B2 • Units 134-136

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Trasformazioni verbali (2) 1 Riscrivi le frasi al discorso diretto. 1 They said they had been going to the same place on holiday for years. ................................................................................................................................................................ 2 Judy said that Amy would help me with my project if I asked her. ................................................................................................................................................................ 3 The witness said that they saw a yellow car outside when they were leaving the house. ................................................................................................................................................................ 4 She told the librarian that she had returned the book the previous week. ................................................................................................................................................................ 5 He said that he would like to find a better-paid job. ................................................................................................................................................................ 6 The technician told me I should unplug the washing machine when it isn’t in use. ................................................................................................................................................................ 7 She told me that if she had heard any news she would have told me. ................................................................................................................................................................ 8 He asked me if / whether I could order him a ham and mushroom pizza. ................................................................................................................................................................ ____/16

Verbi introduttivi (2) 2 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Sam told me he was going to .......... Jake for that job. They always seem to .......... about something. My friend .......... me of stealing her money. They all .......... renting bikes. I took the dog for a long walk but soon he .......... to go on. I .......... Sophie to leave John if he was lying to her. Harry .......... for being late for dinner. I .......... that I had missed the bus.

A say B advise C recommend A threaten B complain C accuse A advised B accused C threatened A agreed B wanted C suggested A refused B agreed C approved A offered B advised C insisted A promised B confessed C apologized A doubted B announced C explained ____/16

3 Trasforma le seguenti frasi usando le parole in grassetto. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

“I’ll help lend you some money if you need it,” she said. “No, I won’t lend you my tablet,” he said. “Let’s try and convince him to come to the party,” he said. “Don’t forget to book the table!” she said to her husband. “Give me my money back or I’ll call the police!” he said. “You should do more exercise and eat healthier food,” the doctor said to her. “I can’t possibly afford to stay a day longer,” said Mary. “Don’t walk home alone at night,” Mum told Sophie.

promised refused suggested reminded threatened advised complained warned ____/16


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Nick apologized for .......................................... Harriet’s birthday. (forget) My parents congratulated me on .......................................... such good exam results. (get) I agreed .......................................... him on condition that he told no one. (help) After he had finished speaking, he invited the audience .......................................... questions. (ask) We’ve decided .......................................... our flat after all. (not sell) Ben insisted on .......................................... for everyone’s cinema tickets. (pay) Mr Jenkins announced that he .......................................... the company in two months. (leave) Emma suggested .......................................... for a drink after work. (meet) ____/16

Domande dirette, indirette e embedded questions 5 Riscrivi le domande con le parole date. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

What are you doing? Could you ............................................................................................................. Why are you late? Would you mind ........................................................................................................ Can I sit here? I’d like to know ............................................................................................................... Does this bus stop near the stadium? Do you happen .......................................................................... Where is Sarah going? I wonder ............................................................................................................ Is this table free? Could you tell ............................................................................................................. How does this work? Can you explain ................................................................................................... Where did you meet Tom? Could I ask you ............................................................................................

B1-B2 • Units 134-136

4 Completa le frasi con la forma corretta dei verbi tra parentesi.


Summative exercise 6 Completa ogni spazio con una parola adatta. Daniel: Who was that guy? Kate: I don’t know. He had a foreign accent, Spanish I think. Daniel: What did he want? Kate: First he wanted to (1) ................................ how to get to the National Gallery, then he wanted (2) ................................ to recommend a restaurant, then he started (3) ................................ very personal questions. Daniel: Really? Like what? Kate: He asked (4) ................................ I was married or if I (5) ................................ a boyfriend, where I work, where my family live. Daniel: Really? How weird! What did you say? Kate: Of course I said that it was none of his business. But then he started (6) ................................ that the British are unfriendly. I said I wasn’t used to (7) .............................. asked personal questions by complete strangers. I told him (8) ................................ leave me alone, but he just wouldn’t go. Daniel: Sounds awful! Were you scared? Kate: No, I wasn’t. However, when I (9) ................................ to call the police he changed his attitude all of a sudden and started to (10) ................................ for being rude. And then he ran away. Daniel: That’s really odd. ___ /20 Total____/100 PHOTOCOPIABLE - New Get Inside Language Teacher's Book © Macmillan Publisher’s Limited 2017. This page may be photocopied and used within the class.

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03/02/17 16:25

FULL TEST 30 - VERSION B B1-B2 • Units 134-136

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Trasformazioni verbali (2) 1 Riscrivi le frasi al discorso diretto. 1 They said that they would like to buy a bigger house. ................................................................................................................................................................ 2 The shopkeeper told me I should wash the garment in cold water. ................................................................................................................................................................ 3 He told me that if he had seen Josie he would have told me. ................................................................................................................................................................ 4 She asked me if / whether I could help her do the garden. ................................................................................................................................................................ 5 Sue said she had been going to the same place on holiday for years. ................................................................................................................................................................ 6 Andy said that Neil would drive me to the station if I asked him. ................................................................................................................................................................ 7 The witness said that they heard an argument upstairs in the middle of the night. ................................................................................................................................................................ 8 She told the man that she had paid the bill when it was due. ................................................................................................................................................................ ____/16

Verbi introduttivi (2) 2 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 We .......... to buy mum a new mobile for her birthday. 2 I .......... Sam to speak to his teacher if he was having problems. 3 Julie .......... for not phoning for so long. 4 I .......... that I had left my homework on the bus. 5 Sarah told me she was going to .......... about the noise. 6 Martha .......... Dan of being prejudiced. 7 Thomas .......... vandalising the staff room. 8 They .......... having a picnic by the river.

A said

B agreed

C approved

A offered B advised C insisted A promised B confessed C apologized A doubted B announced C explained A say B advise C complain A threatened B complained C accused A denied B accused C advised A wanted B suggested C agreed ____/16

3 Trasforma le seguenti frasi usando le parole in grassetto. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

“I’ll hurt you if you don’t give me your bag!” he said to her. ”You should install an antivirus program,” the technician said to her. “I can’t eat canteen food, it’s disgusting!” said Freya. “Don’t leave all your homework until the last minute,” Mum told Tom. “I’ll finish my essay when we’ve had dinner,” she said. “No, I won’t give you any more money,” he said to him. “Let’s organize a surprise party for Mum,” he said to me. “Don’t forget to pick up your shirts from the dry cleaner’s!” she told her husband.

threatened advised complained warned promised refused suggested reminded ____/16


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I’ve decided .......................................... school after all. (not change) Beth insisted on .......................................... everyone for dinner at her place. (invite) Miss Burton announced that she .......................................... the company in two months. (leave) Liz suggested .......................................... to the cinema after work. (go) Joe apologized for .......................................... one of my favourite glasses. (break) My coach congratulated me on .......................................... the race. (win) I agreed .......................................... her stay for one more week. (let) After he had finished speaking, he invited the audience .......................................... questions. (ask) ____/16

Domande dirette, indirette e embedded questions 5 Riscrivi le domande con le parole date. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Does that bar sell bus tickets? Do you happen ...................................................................................... Where is George? I wonder ................................................................................................................... Is this table free? Could you tell ............................................................................................................. How does this work? Can you explain ................................................................................................... How did you meet Sally? Could I ask you .............................................................................................. Where are you going? Could you ........................................................................................................... Why isn’t anyone here? Would you mind ............................................................................................... Can I use the hotel swimming pool? I’d like to know ............................................................................

B1-B2 • Units 134-136

4 Completa le frasi con la forma corretta dei verbi tra parentesi.


Summative exercise 6 Completa ogni spazio con una parola adatta. Daniel: Who was that guy? Kate: I don’t know. He had a foreign accent, Spanish I think. Daniel: What did he want? Kate: First he (1) ................................ to know how to get to the National Gallery, then he wanted me (2) ................................ recommend a restaurant, then he started (3) ................................ personal questions. Daniel: Really? Like what? Kate: He asked (4) ................................ I was married or if I had a boyfriend, (5) ................................ I work, where my family live. Daniel: Really? How weird! What did you say? Kate: I said that it (6) .............................. none of his business. But then he started saying that the British are unfriendly. I said I wasn’t (7) ............................... to being asked personal questions by complete strangers. I (8) ............................... him to leave me alone, but he just wouldn’t go. Daniel: Sounds awful! Were you scared? Kate: No, I wasn’t. However, when I (9) ................................ to call the police he changed his attitude all of a sudden and started (10) ................................ apologize for being rude. And then he ran away. Daniel: That’s really odd. ___ /20 Total____/100 PHOTOCOPIABLE - New Get Inside Language Teacher's Book © Macmillan Publisher’s Limited 2017. This page may be photocopied and used within the class.

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03/02/17 16:25

FULL TEST 31 - VERSION A A2-B1 • Units 137-139

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

And, but, or; because, why; so; in order to, so that 1 Abbina una frase della colonna A con una frase della colonna B. A 1 He picked up his keys 2 I’m worried 3 The pipes were leaking 4 This computer wasn’t expensive 5 I asked her 6 Should I phone him 7 You have to press this icon 8 We left a note on the door

B a b c d e f g h

why she hadn’t told me. so that the courier would see it. but it has always been reliable. or send a message? and put them in his pocket. to send a voice message. because I don’t know where she is. so I called a plumber. ____/16

2 Completa le frasi con la parola corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

They left an hour early ........................... they would have time to buy tickets. The house isn’t very big ........................... it’s comfortable enough. I don’t understand ........................... he didn’t phone to explain. We’ll have to be careful tonight ........................... there’s ice on the road. He crossed the street ........................... turned right into Grove Street. We can order a pizza ........................... we can make some pasta. We booked our seats ages ago in ........................... to get a good price. Just dial 1 ........................... request room service. ____/16

Le congiunzioni di tempo 3 Completa le frasi con le parole date. when (x2) • while • as • before • after • since • until 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

........................... I see Agnes I’ll tell her what you told me. We always go for coffee ........................... we have had lunch. ........................... you were out there was a phone call for you. I can’t go out ........................... I’ve finished these exercises. ........................... we leave, we must remember to set the burglar alarm. Henry couldn’t come today ........................... he’s at home in bed with flu. We haven’t seen them ........................... the party on New Year’s Eve. I’ll buy some stamps ........................... I go out later ____/16


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1 I’m so tired that I’m going to bed .......... I get home. A by the time B as soon as C until 2 Miriam will be relieved .......... the exams are over. A when B as soon as C by the time 3 They’ve been living here .......... I can remember. A before B while C since 4 I won’t do anything .......... speaking to you first. A after B until C when 5 .......... Bill gets here everything will be ready. A As soon B Until C By the time 6 We will tidy up .......... everyone has gone. A after B while C by the time 7 No one could leave .......... the police searched the rooms. A when B as C while 8 I’ll speak to the manager .......... she comes in. A before B when C after ____/16

That come connettore

A2-B1 • Units 137-139

4 Completa le frasi scegliendo l’opzione corretta.

5 Collega le due frasi con that. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

You were upset earlier. I noticed this...................................................................................................... She’s excited. She starts her new job tomorrow.................................................................................... We may not be able to come tomorrow. It’s a possibility....................................................................... Frank stole the money. He admitted it.................................................................................................... You have been working too hard. I’m concerned about you................................................................... I’d like to see you again. I hope this will happen..................................................................................... You have passed your driving test! I’m pleased for you.......................................................................... Maria and Carl are getting married. I heard this...................................................................................... ____/16

Summative exercise 6 Completa ogni spazio con una parola adatta. (1) ........................... is a chance that I’ll be home late tonight, mum. Is that (2) ........................... you’ve got football practice? No, we are having a dress rehearsal for the play next week (3) ................ everyone needs to be there. Will you be home for dinner (4) ....................... will you eat something (5) ..................... you are out? I’m not sure. I’ll ask Miss Jennings and phone you (6) ........................... soon as I find out. I’m not usually keen on Shakespeare, (7) ........................... I can’t wait to see this play! I know. It’s going to be great. I noticed (8) ........................... you’ve been reading the play. Yes, in (9) ........................... to understand it on the night. Cymbeline isn’t one of Shakespeare’s most famous plays. A You’re right. I didn’t know anything about it (10) ........................... we studied it in drama. A B A B A B A B

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03/02/17 16:25

FULL TEST 31 - VERSION B A2-B1 • Units 137-139

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

And, but, or; because, why; so; in order to, so that 1 Abbina una frase della colonna A con una frase della colonna B. A 1 The teacher asked him 2 I’d like some juice 3 You have to press this icon 4 She finished all her homework 5 He packed his bags 6 I’m worried 7 The bus didn’t come 8 This car is quite old

B a b c d e f g h

and paid his bill. to send a voice message. because we’ve got a test tomorrow. so I had to call a taxi. or a mineral water so that she could go out. but it’s reliable. why he was late. ____/16

2 Completa le frasi con la parola corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The driver stopped outside the station ........................... waited. You can buy the tickets online ........................... directly at the cinema. Dave booked his flight months ago in ........................... to get a good price. Just dial 1 ........................... request room service. We left an hour early ........................... we could avoid rush hour. The hotel is very simple ........................... it’s close the beach. I don’t understand ........................... she’s so offended. You’ll need your gloves ........................... it’s cold today. ____/16

Le congiunzioni di tempo 3 Completa le frasi con le parole date. when (x2) • while • as • before • after • since • until 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

........................... you leave, remember to switch off your computer. There isn’t any bread ........................... I forgot to buy it. I haven’t seen Victoria ........................... last week. We’ll phone you ........................... we get to the airport. We always go for a pizza ........................... we’ve been to the cinema. ........................... you were at school this parcel came for you. ........................... I speak to Tom I’ll remind him. My sister can’t go out ........................... she’s tidied her room. ____/16


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1 .......... we arrive back it will be dark. A As soon B Until C By the time 2 We have lunch .......... the third lesson. A after B while C by the time 3 The road was closed .......... they fixed the gas leak. A when B while C as 4 Rob can do that .......... he gets in. A before B after C when 5 I’m going to have a nice hot shower .......... I get home. A by the time B as soon as C until 6 The students will be relieved .......... the exams are over. A by the time B as soon as C when 7 Jane and Tim have been dating .......... I can remember. A since B while C before 8 We won’t make a decision .......... we have spoken to everyone. A until B after C when ____/16

That come connettore

A2-B1 • Units 137-139

4 Completa le frasi scegliendo l’opzione corretta.

5 Collega le due frasi con that. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Nina hasn’t been feeling well. I’m worried about her.............................................................................. I don’t want to be late. I hope this won’t happen.................................................................................... You have passed all your exams! I’m pleased for you............................................................................ Sophie and Bill had a serious argument. I heard this.............................................................................. Mum was upset earlier. I noticed this..................................................................................................... He’s thrilled. He came first in the race. .................................................................................................. We may not be able to come tomorrow. It’s a possibility....................................................................... Lisa broke that vase. She admitted it...................................................................................................... ____/16

Summative exercise 6 Completa ogni spazio con una parola adatta. There is a chance (1) ........................... I’ll be home late tonight, mum. Is that (2) ........................... you’ve got football practice? No, we are having a dress rehearsal for the play next week (3) .............. everyone needs to be there. Will you eat something (4) ....................... you are out (5) ..................... will you be home for dinner? I’m not sure. I’ll ask Miss Jennings and phone you as (6) ........................... as I find out. I’m not usually keen on Shakespeare, (7) ........................... I can’t wait to see this play! I know. It’s going to be great. I (8) ........................... that you’ve been reading the play. Yes, in order (9) ........................... understand it on the night. Cymbeline isn’t one of Shakespeare’s most famous plays. A You’re right. I didn’t know anything about it (10) ........................... we studied it in drama. A B A B A B A B

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03/02/17 16:25

FULL TEST 32 - VERSION A B1-B2 • Units 140-142

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Both, either ... or, neither ... nor 1 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

“Would you like salad or vegetables with that?” “Neither / Nor thanks.” Mr Barnes seems both / neither reliable and hard-working. I think we should give him the job. Neither / Either of the two students had studied for the exam. It’s neither cold or / nor cloudy: it definitely won’t snow today. Where shall we go, the museum or the zoo? There isn’t time to see neither / both. Miriam didn’t read either / neither of the chapters because she forgot. You can either go first or / nor wait until the end. There are decent restaurants on neither / either side of the road so there’s plenty of choice. Both / Either the secretary and manager were held up by traffic this morning. ‘What do you fancy?’ ‘Either a sandwich and / or a salad would be nice.’ ____/20

Congiunzioni causali, consecutive e avversative 2 Abbina una frase della colonna A con una frase della colonna B. A 1 They succeeded in doing it 2 In my opinion 3 He decided to go 4 The house was a little small 5 The conference was badly organized, 6 She decided to go ahead and do it by herself 7 The test was so difficult 8 We didn’t have much time

B a b c d e f g h

however we bought it. as a result not many people came. regardless of what the others thought. in spite of their serious problems. despite his wife’s opposition. there’s still a lot to do. but we managed to see everything. that not many students passed. ____/16

3 Trasforma le seguenti frasi usando le parole in grassetto. 1 My parents don’t know about my accident. I’ll tell them tomorrow. yet .......................................................................................................................................................... 2 The students finished their class work before the teacher arrived. already ................................................................................................................................................... 3 When did you last have a holiday? since ...................................................................................................................................................... 4 We were waiting for the school bus. We saw a terrible accident. while ...................................................................................................................................................... 5 The match was cancelled because of heavy rain. due ......................................................................................................................................................... 6 The book was so good that I read it twice. such ....................................................................................................................................................... 7 Although she hadn’t studied, Veronica got an A in the exam. despite ................................................................................................................................................... 8 They went for a long walk regardless of the rain. though ................................................................................................................................................... ____/16 244

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4 Completa le frasi con la parola corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Life is more expensive, ............................ one thing: rents have increased. On the ............................ we found the talk useful, though it was rather long. That supermarket is expensive ............................ so we often shop there as it’s the only one nearby. To be perfectly ............................ , I wouldn’t have gone even if Tim had invited me. To sum ............................ , the increase of cyber crime has lead to an overall increase in crime. My dad can’t get time off work, as a ............................ we have had to change our holiday plans. The train journey is really long, ............................ said that the service is comfortable and cheap. There are lots of places to stay, for ............................ inns, hostels, hotels and holiday lets. ____/16

Summative exercises 5 Scegli l’opzione corretta. How did you spend last weekend? 1 Well, ........ going to the airport early for my flight to Spain, A in spite B despite C however 2 I wasn’t able to leave on time ........ to the strike. A because B due C because of 3 ........ this meant I had more time to browse around the book shops but A On the other hand B To sum up C On the one hand 4 ........ I felt I was wasting precious time. A on the other hand B to sum up C on the one hand 5 ........ I had heard something about the strike on the news, I had paid little attention to it. A Because of B Although C As 6 I knew I’d have less time to spend on holidays........ A though B in contrast C in spite 7 and ......... all this, my money was running out. A in addition to B besides C beside 8 ........ I believe nobody can escape their destiny. A In my view B In conclusion C As a result

B1-B2 • Units 140-142



6 Traduci le seguenti frasi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Il treno era in ritardo di due ore. A peggiorare le cose siamo rimasti in piedi per tutto il viaggio. Dal mio punto di vista vetture che utilizzano il diesel dovrebbe essere vietate. Quando riceviamo le sue istruzioni agiremo di conseguenza. Non siamo riusciti a ottenere un mutuo (=mortgage) dalla banca e quindi non potevamo comprare la casa. Pur avendo una temperatura elevata è salita a bordo (=to board) del volo. Mia sorella ama vivere in città, mentre io preferisco stare in campagna. Anche se i miei nonni non avevano molto denaro, erano felici. Nessuno dei miei due fratelli possiede uno scooter. ___ /16 Total____/100

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03/02/17 16:25

FULL TEST 32 - VERSION B B1-B2 • Units 140-142

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Both, either ... or, neither ... nor 1 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

It’s neither cold or / nor cloudy: it definitely won’t snow today. What shall we eat, a first course or a main course? I’m not hungry enough to have neither / both. Max didn’t do either / neither of the exercises because he had left his book at school. You can either go first or / nor wait until the end. There are trees on neither / either side of the road so there’s plenty of shade. “Would you like beer or wine with that?” “Neither / Nor thanks.” The hotel was both / neither comfortable and clean. We would definitely go again. Neither / Either of the two passengers had valid tickets. It was either Julia and / or Mia who left the classroom last. Either / Both Saturday and Sunday were rainy. ____/20

Congiunzioni causali, consecutive e avversative 2 Abbina una frase della colonna A con una frase della colonna B. A 1 The team succeeded in winning 2 In my opinion 3 She decided to resign 4 The car was quite old 5 She sent the invitations late 6 She decided to go ahead and do it by herself 7 The weather was so cold 8 We didn’t have much time

B a b c d e f g h

that the streets were deserted. but we managed to see everything. as a result not many people came. in spite of their injured players. despite her husband’s opposition. regardless of what the others thought. there’s nothing you can do about it. however I bought it. ____/16

3 Trasforma le seguenti frasi usando le parole in grassetto. 1 When did you last go to the dentist? since ...................................................................................................................................................... 2 We were watching TV. We heard a terrible crash outside. while ...................................................................................................................................................... 3 The flight was cancelled because of fog. due ......................................................................................................................................................... 4 The cake was so delicious that I had two pieces. such ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 Although she only learnt when she was 50, my gran is a good driver despite ................................................................................................................................................... 6 They went to the stadium regardless of the cold weather. though ................................................................................................................................................... 7 My parents don’t know about my accident. I’ll tell them tomorrow. yet .......................................................................................................................................................... 8 The students finished their class work before the teacher arrived. already ................................................................................................................................................... ____/16 246

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4 Completa le frasi con la parola corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

To sum ............................ , the increase of cyber crime has lead to an overall increase in crime. The storm caused a great deal of damage, as a ............................ many homes had to be rebuilt. The beach is quite far away, ............................ said that there is a great cycle path to get there. There are lots of things to see, for ............................ museums, castles, national parks and other monuments. Life is more expensive, ............................ one thing: rents have increased. On the ............................ we thought the exam was easy, except for the very last question. That restaurant is expensive ............................ so we often eat there as the food is delicious. To be perfectly ............................ , I wouldn’t have gone even if Tim had invited me. ____/16

Summative exercises 5 Scegli l’opzione corretta. How did you spend last weekend? 1 Well, ........ going to the airport early for my flight to Spain, A in spite B however C despite 2 I wasn’t able to leave on time........ to the strike. A due B because C because of 3 ........ this meant I had more time to browse around the book shops but A On the other hand B On the one hand C To sum up 4 ........ I felt I was wasting precious time. A to sum up B on the other hand C on the one hand 5 ........ I had heard something about the strike on the news, I had paid little attention to it. A Although B Because of C As 6 I knew I’d have less time to spend on holidays ........ A in spite B in contrast C though 7 and ......... all this, my money was running out. A besides B in addition to C beside 8 ........ I believe nobody can escape their destiny. A In my view B As a result C In conclusion

B1-B2 • Units 140-142



6 Traduci le seguenti frasi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Pur avendo un lavoro ben pagato si è dimessa (=to resign). Mia sorella ama vivere in città, mentre io preferisco stare in campagna. Anche se non avevamo molto denaro, eravamo felici. Nessuno dei miei due fratelli possiede uno scooter. Il volo era in ritardo di tre ore. A peggiorare le cose ci hanno perso i bagagli. Dal mio punto di vista vetture che utilizzano il diesel dovrebbe essere vietate. Quando riceviamo le sue istruzioni agiremo di conseguenza. Non siamo riusciti a ottenere i finanziamenti (=funding) per il progetto e quindi non l’abbiamo potuto fare. ___ /16 Total____/100

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03/02/17 16:25

FULL TEST 1 A1-A2 • Units 1-8

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Articoli e pronomi personali 1 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. This is a / an excellent film. 2. Finn and Kitty are my cousins. You / They are from Dublin. 3. It / He is Tuesday today, not Wednesday. 4. My best friend and I love sport. I / We play sport every day. 5. David is Welsh. She / He is from Cardiff.

Present simple di be; there is / are 2 Completa le frasi con is, are, isn’t o aren’t. is 1. Look! There _________ a new message on my phone. 2. “Where _________ my trainers, Mum?” “In the cupboard.” 3. Henry and Tom _________ brothers, they _________ just friends. 4. Lucy _________ one of my classmates. 5. Sorry, there _________ time to have breakfast today.

Have got 3 Completa con have, has, haven’t o hasn’t. Have you got the time?” “Yes, it’s ten past three.” 1. “_________ 2. My bedroom _________ got two big windows and a balcony. 3. I _________ got any homework today so let’s play football. 4. No, Emma _________ got a scooter. 5. You _________ got a test today, it’s tomorrow.


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4 Completa le frasi con le parole date. Have

• Is • Are • Has • got

Has Wendy got flu? 1. _________ 2. I haven’t _________ your phone number. 3. _________ they tourists? 4. _________ Richard in your class? 5. _________ you got history today?

A1-A2 • Units 1-8

Present simple di be; have got

Dimostrativi; imperativo; can 5 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. “This / That / She is my sister Lydia.” “Hello, pleased to meet you.” 2. No / Don’t / Not touch my tablet! 3. He can play / can plays / can to play the piano. 4. Are this / those / these keys here yours? 5. You have / Let you have / Have a good trip!

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 2 A1-A2 • Units 9-17

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Pronomi e avverbi interrogativi; sostantivi plurali; aggettivi possessivi 1 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. What / How is your grandma now? 2. “Where / When is the maths exam?” “It’s in Class G.” 3. There are three mens / men at the door. 4. Rome is one of my favourite cities / citys. 5. Are these she / her rollerskates?

Genitivo sassone 2 Completa con ’s o ’. ’s rucksack is in the hall. 1. Michael___ 2. My parents___ car is new. 3. Emma___ flat is in London. 4. Paul and Jenny___ daughter__ name is Clara. 5. The children___ bikes are in the garden.

Pronomi possessivi e pronomi complemento 3 Completa le frasi con le parole date. it

• mine • yours • me • her

yours ?” “I haven’t got a coat.” 1. “This is my coat. Where’s _________ 2. Lia hates cheese on her pasta. She doesn’t want ______ . 3. “What’s the matter? Are you angry with ______?” “No, I’m just tired.” 4. This umbrella isn’t ______ . My umbrella is grey! 5. “Is your sister blonde too?” “Yes, that’s ______ in the photo.” 250

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4 Inserisci at, in o on. 1. I was born  is  2001. 2. The film starts ____ 9 p.m. 3. My flight is _____ Friday afternoon. 4. What time is your appointment ____ the morning? 5. Are you free _____ the weekend?

Preposizioni di luogo

A1-A2 • Units 9-17

Preposizioni di tempo

5 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. Our flat is in / on / at the ground floor. 2. Turn left in / on / at the traffic lights. 3. Beth is on holiday in / on / at Malta at the moment. 4. Leo isn’t here. He’s in / on / at school. 5. Your mobile is in / on / at the sofa.

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 3 A2-B1 • Units 18-22

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Present simple e avverbi di frequenza 1 Completa le frasi con le parole del riquadro. don’t

• never • eats • Do • hardly

eats at strange times. 1. My friend sometimes ________ 2. I ________ often forget things at school. 3. ________ pilots ever work long hours? 4. Our neighbours ________ ever use their car. 5. Polly ________ listens to loud music.

2 Completa le frasi con do, does, don’t o doesn’t. don’t 1. I ______________ know Keith Martin. Is he a new student? 2. ______________ you like Greek food? 3. Marianne ______________ work for that company anymore. 4. What _______________ your uncle do for a living? 5. The holidays ______________ start until next week.

Present continuous 3 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. They aren’t living / don’t living in this street anymore. 2. We ’re cooking / ’re cook at home this evening. 3. My brother ’re playing / ’s playing rugby on that field. 4. I ’m standing / ’s standing next to Ruth in this photo. 5. You are living / Are you living in a student hostel at the moment?


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4 Completa il mini dialogo con il present simple o il present continuous dei verbi dati. Tim What are you doing? Dave Nothing. Why? smoking (smoke) here? Look at the are you _____________ Tim Why (1) ______ sign over there. It (2) ________ (say) that you can’t smoke. Dave It’s impossible to smoke anywhere these days. I can’t smoke at work, at the cinema or even at home. Tim You’re right. I (3) ___________ (not smoke) any more for that reason.

A2-B1 • Units 18-22

Present simple e present continuous

Dave I (4) ____________ (try) to stop smoking but it isn’t easy. Tim I know, it (5) __________ (be) difficult.

Avverbi di frequenza e verbi di stato 5 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. What ____ your grandfather ____? A is … likes

B does … look like

2. What a good dog! He ____ obeys us. A ever

B always

3. This bus ____ late in the morning. A often does

B is often

4. Roger never goes to the beach. He ____ the sun. A don’t like

B hates

5. “What’s the matter?” “I ____ about Julie.” A ’s thinking

B ’m thinking

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 4 A2-B1 • Units 23-29

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Past simple ed espressioni temporali 1 Completa le frasi con il past simple dei verbi dati. learnt 1. My friend _______________ (learn) English in the US. 2. They _______________ (bring) me lovely silk saris from India every summer. 3. Who _______________ (you see) at the stadium? 4. The clothes _______________ (not cost) a lot in that shop. 5. Where _______________ (he go) at the weekend?

2 Completa le frasi con le parole nel riquadro. yesterday

• once • before • ago • last

last 1. We didn’t see Geeta outside the cinema ___________ night. 2. Our neighbours were away on holiday the week __________ last. 3. Mel started working at the factory about two months _____________ . 4. What did you do _____________ ? 5. My parents knew the Bennetts well _____________ .

Past continuous 3 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. Wasn’t / Weren’t he working yesterday afternoon? 2. What did / were you doing at 10 a.m. this morning? 3. When the storm started I not / wasn’t sleeping. 4. When I met Carla, she is / was studying Spanish. 5. Where you were / were you going this morning at 6 a.m.?


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4 Completa il mini dialogo con il past simple o il past continuous dei verbi dati.

Jim What’s the matter with your hand? was chopping (chop) tomatoes when the knife Sue I (1) ___________________ (2) ___________________ (slip) out of my hands and I (3) ___________________ (cut) myself. Jim Poor thing! Be careful next time! Sue There was blood everywhere so my mum (4) ___________________ (feel) really scared and took me to

A2-B1 • Units 23-29

Past simple e past continuous

hospital. Jim Really? (5) _______ they ____________ (give) you any stitches? Sue Yes, I needed five stitches and they put this bandage round my hand.

Used to e past simple 5 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. He used / used to live next door to us so I know him very well. 2. I didn’t use / not used to eat vegetables when I was a child. 3. Sally didn’t drove / didn’t drive very well and had a lot of accidents. 4. Did you used / Did you use to walk to school when you lived in the centre? 5. “Were you at home last night?” “No, I weren’t / wasn’t.”

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 5 A2-B1 • Units 30-34

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Present perfect con ever e never 1 Completa le frasi con il present perfect dei verbi dati. have cooked (cook). 1. That’s the best meal you ____________ ever ____________ 2. I ____________ never ____________ (meet) a famous person. 3. It’s the first time he ____________ (travel) by plane. 4. ____________ you ever ____________ (go) to Australia? 5. ____________ she ever ____________ (try) sushi?

Present perfect con just, already, yet, so far, still e before 2 Completa le frasi con le parole nel riquadro. still

• just • yet • yet • before

yet . 1. We haven’t booked our return flight ________ 2. He ________ hasn’t repaired the broken cupboard. 3. Has she tidied her room ________? 4. We’ve ________ eaten. 5. I’ve never sent a text in French ________.

3 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. “Is Tina there?” “No, she’s just / before gone out.” 2. How many exercises have you done so far / just? 3. I’ve yet / already finished work today. 4. I can’t believe it! You’ve never been to a concert already / before. 5. We’re worried. Leila and Kate still / already haven’t come home. 256

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4 Scrivi for o since. since your birthday last year. 1. We haven’t had a good party _________ 2. She hasn’t been to the dentist ________ about two years. 3. I haven’t seen my grandparents ________ ages. I really miss them. 4. It’s now 3 p.m. We’ve been here ________ 10 a.m. this morning. 5. “How long have you lived here?” “________ I was born.”

Present perfect e past simple

A2-B1 • Units 30-34

Present perfect con since e for

5 Scegli l’opzione corretta. Sam (1) Did you go / Have you been to that wonderful new restaurant in Saint John Street yet? Dave Yes, I (2) went / have gone last weekend with some of my relatives. It’s quite good, you know. I think it’s the best Ethiopian restaurant we (3) have ever been / have already been to. Sam I (4) still didn’t try / still haven’t tried that other ethnic restaurant you recommended the last time we (5) have met / met.

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FULL TEST 6 A2-B1 • Units 35-37

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Present perfect continuous 1 Completa le frasi con il present perfect continuous dei verbi dati.

have been waiting (wait) here for ages. Where have 1. We __________________________ you been? 2. How long _________ Francesca ____________________ (learn) Arabic? 3. I _______________________ (not sleep) well for the last few days, so I’m feeling exhausted. 4. Tom _______________________ (run) in the park. 5. Daisy and Ella ______________________ (dance) since we got here.

2 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. That man upstairs has made / has been making a noise all day. 2. I haven’t felt / haven’t been feeling very well today. 3. You’ve made / been making four mistakes in this translation. 4. They’ve seen / been seeing each other for a few months. 5. We haven’t known / been knowing the Smiths for long.

Past perfect 3 Completa le frasi con il past perfect dei verbi dati.

hadn’t decided (not decide) 1. When the waiter came we still ____________________ what to order. 2. The concert didn’t start until everyone ______________ (arrive). 3. When we arrived at the hotel we realised we ____________________ (forget) to pack our swimsuits. 4. I was sure I ____________________ (not pass) the exam. 5. After we ____________________ (have) lunch, we went on a tour of the inside of the castle.


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4 Completa il dialogo con le parole nel riquadro. seen

• hadn’t • was • had • met • didn’t

had A I (1) __________ known George for a few months when I found out about his dad. B What about his dad? A His dad is that famous actor Alex Smith who (2) __________ in Return of the Aliens. When I finally (3) __________ him last week at Alex’s house, I realised that I had (4) __________ him somewhere before.

A2-B1 • Units 35-37

Past perfect e past simple

B But why (5) __________ George tell you about his dad before? A He said he (6) __________ wanted our friendship to be based on the fact that he’s got a famous dad.

5 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. Yesterday I tried sushi for the first time. I have /had never tried it before. 2. Last summer Olta went / has been to Budapest for the third time. 3. I thought I saw / had seen the film before, but I hadn’t. 4. Last night, while I was getting ready to go to bed, I was hearing / heard a strange noise upstairs. 5. I didn’t know that you already graduated / had already graduated.

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FULL TEST 7 B1-B2 • Units 38-43

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Present perfect simple e present perfect continuous 1 Completa le frasi con il present perfect simple o il present perfect continuous dei verbi tra parentesi.

1. It’s my mother’s birthday tomorrow and I  haven’t bought  (not buy) her a present yet because I  have been thinking  (think) carefully about what she might like. 2. Utility bills _____________________ (go) up a lot. ___________ you _____________________ (notice)? 3. We _____________________ (get) up late for the last few weeks, because we _____________________ (be) on holiday. 4. Why ___________ you _____________________ (not answer) your phone? I _____________________ (call) you for hours! 5. Since I _____________________ (go) to the dentist more regularly, I _____________________ (not have) any fillings.

Used to, would e be / get used to 2 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. Miss Hughes used to / would be my English literature teacher. 2. When we lived in Canada we used / would go camping nearly every weekend. 3. My parents used to / would have an old Fiat 500. 4. They didn’t use / used to speak English very well, but they do now. 5. When you were a child, how used to / would you spend your summers?


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would e be / get used to.

1. My grandparents  used to  own that farm. 2. Was it difficult for you to _____________________ working shifts? 3. _____________________ you always spend Christmas together? 4. She _____________________ wear a uniform at her school. She could wear whatever she wanted. 5. I hated it at first but I’ve _____________________ wearing glasses.

Present perfect simple, present perfect continuous e past perfect

B1-B2 • Units 38-43

3 Completa le frasi con la forma corretta di used to,

4 Completa il dialogo con le parole mancanti. A Have you (1)  ever  bought anything in that shop? I heard it’s a great shop but I’ve (2) ________________ tried it. My sister has (3) ________________ going on about how much money you can save there. B Yes, I bought a mobile phone there a couple of years ago but I have been (4) ________________ loads of problems with it recently. So I’m not sure I can recommend it. A Why didn’t you ask them for a refund? That’s what I usually do in those circumstances. B I did, but they said the guarantee (5) ________________ expired. Can you imagine that!

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FULL TEST 8 A2-B1 • Units 44-48

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Futuro con be going to e con will 1 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. A “Why have you bought so much food?” B “I’m going to have / I will have a dinner party tonight.” 2. A “I fancy a nice cool drink.” B “I’m going to get / I’ll get you a tonic water with ice.” 3. A “Would you like a dessert” B  “I’m not sure. Perhaps I’ll try / I’m going to try the apple pie.” 4. A “What are you going to order?” B “I think I’ll have / I’m going to have the roast beef and potatoes.” 5. I can’t come to the cinema tonight because I will have / I’m going to have an early night.

2 Completa le frasi con la forma corretta di will o be going to.

1. What  is  your sister  going to  cook for dinner tonight? 2. Perhaps it ________________ rain, perhaps it ________________ . 3. I imagine that Andy ________________ be late as usual. 4. My grandad ________________ be 70 on Friday. 5. When __________ you ________________ put all those clothes away?


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3 Completa i mini dialoghi con i verbi dati. Alma I (1)  am going  (go) out later. I (2) _______________ (meet) John and Leila for a drink. Do you want to come with me or do you prefer to stay at home? Ben OK. Yes, that’s a great idea. What time? Alma Well, My gym class (3) _______________ (finish) at 6.00, so I’m sure I (4)_______________ (be) home by 6.30. How about 7.00 at my place? Ben Great! I (5) _______________ (see) you there at 7.00, then.

A2-B1 • Units 44-48

Presente con valore di futuro, will o be going to


Previsioni, progetti, programmi, offerte e intenzioni 4 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. It is really cold this evening. I think it will snow / it’s snowing / it’s going to snow . 2. What are Anne’s plans for the future? She looks / She’ll look / She’s going to look for a job. 3. I’m sorry I can’t go out tonight. I’ll cook / I’m cooking / I’m going to cook dinner for everyone. 4. Are you thirsty? I’ll get / I’m going to get / I’m getting a glass of water. 5. The Belford train will arrive / is going to arrive / arrives at 6 p.m. each evening.

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FULL TEST 9 B1-B2 • Units 49-51

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Future in the past 1 Completa le frasi con le parole date.

• it would be • was going to • would wake • were going to

knew you would

1. I  knew you would  pass your driving test. 2. I _______________________ wake up early, but I didn’t hear the alarm clock. 3. We _______________________ pay the bill the evening before our departure but we returned late. 4. I knew _______________________ hard to move to another country, but I wasn’t afraid. 5. He expected they _______________________ him before they left, but they didn’t.

Future continuous o future simple 2 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. Let’s do nothing now. We’ll be arranging / We’ll arrange everything tomorrow. 2. Don’t come before 9 a.m. I’ll be getting / I’ll get ready. 3. This time tomorrow she’ll ski / she’ll be skiing in the Dolomites. 4. Thanks for the money. I’ll pay / I’ll be paying you back at the end of the month. 5. Sorry I can’t come to your barbecue tomorrow because I’ll play / I’ll be playing in a volleyball match.


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simple dei verbi in parentesi.

1. This time next year I  ’ll be studying  (study) at university. 2. We __________________ (not be) late, don’t worry. 3. I don’t think I __________________ (have) any children when I’m older. 4. Daisy and George ____________________ (fly) back from Israel now. 5. One day I __________________ (surprise) you all.

Future continuous, future perfect e future perfect continuous

B1-B2 • Units 49-51

3 Completa le frasi con il future continuous o il future

4 Completa le frasi con le parole mancanti. 1. This time tomorrow we will  be  eating lunch on the plane. 2. By next month, I __________ have saved enough money to buy a new phone. 3. By September, Kate will have ___________ attending that school for four years. 4. By the time we get home, Kevin will have already ___________ to bed. 5. ___________ Alex be working tonight?

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FULL TEST 10 A2-B1 • Units 52-57

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Can, could, be able to, be allowed to 1 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. Could you / Are you allowed to take mobile phones into the classroom? 2. “Can / Could you swim?” “Yes, but I’m not a good swimmer.” 3. You can’t / couldn’t read until you were six years old. 4. I’m sorry but I can’t / won’t be able to come to volleyball practice tomorrow. 5. She didn’t say anything but we were able to / could tell that Briony was upset about Joe.

Will, shall, would, how about, can, could, be able to, be allowed 2 Completa il dialogo con le parole date. ’m not allowed

• Would • can’t • can’t • Shall

A (1)  Would  you like some peanuts? I have a big packet here and they’re so tasty that when you start eating them you (2) ________________ stop. B No, thanks. I (3) ________________ eat nuts. I’m allergic to them. I thought everyone knew that! A (4) ________________ I cut you a slice of cake, then? I made it myself. It’s my special recipe which my grandmother gave me years ago. B Er... the doctor said I (5) ______________ to eat cakes, either ... . I know I’m a pain but what can I do!


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3 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. Did you have to / must wake up early this morning? 2. I ought / must leave now. I don’t want to be late. 3. You don’t have to / mustn’t turn on the heating. It’s automatic. 4. Schools mustn’t / shouldn’t have such long holidays. 5. You ought / have to ask for advice.

Deduzioni e supposizioni

A2-B1 • Units 52-57

Obbligo, divieto, necessità e consigli

4 Completa le frasi con le parole date. will

• may • may not • ought • must

1. I  may  possibly go into the centre if I have time tomorrow. I’m not sure. 2. She finishes school at 3.30p.m. so she ________________ to be at home by now. 3. They ________________ come to the dinner if they can’t find anyone to watch the children. 4. There’s a yellow car outside, it ________________ be our neighbour Mrs Potts, she’s got a yellow car. 5. I don’t think she speaks much English, she ________________ be a tourist.

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FULL TEST 11 B1-B2 • Units 58-60

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Deduzioni 1 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. Jake got an A in his history exam. He must / might have studied hard. 2. I think I recognize that woman. We should / could have met her somewhere before. 3. Thanks for this present but you really mustn’t / shouldn’t have spent so much money. 4. Why didn’t you tell me you would be late. You could / must have phoned! 5. Marta wasn’t answering her phone. I wonder why. She should / might have gone to bed.

Need, needn’t have, didn’t need to 2 Completa le frasi con la corretta forma di need. 1. It was a waste of time arriving early. We  needn’t have arrived  early. 2. Do I have to finish this by tomorrow? ___________________________ this by tomorrow? 3. They provided lunch for us so it wasn’t necessary for us to bring our own. We ___________________________ to bring our own lunch. 4. This shower must be repaired.

This shower ___________________________ repairing.

5. Is it necessary for you to arrive two hours before your flight? __________________________ to arrive two hours before your flight? 268

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3 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. They like the same things, they are bound / supposed to get on. 2. We’re half an hour late: this train was bound / supposed to have arrived already. 3. I was bound / supposed to be at a meeting today but I couldn’t go. 4. What time are we bound / supposed to be there? 5. At the next Olympics more records are bound / supposed to

B1-B2 • Units 58-60

Bound to, supposed to

be broken.

Deduzioni e necessità 4 Completa le frasi con le parole date. could

• might • should • needn’t • can’t

1. You  needn’t  have washed the dishes. I could have put them in the dishwasher. 2. If I hadn’t had my compass, I __________ have easily got lost. 3. The neighbours __________ have gone away. I can hear them upstairs. 4. You __________ have asked me before you took money from my wallet. 5. I __________ have become head teacher if I had stayed at that school.

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FULL TEST 12 A2-B1 • Units 61-62

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Il passivo: present simple 1 Completa le frasi con il present simple passivo dei verbi dati.

1. English, German and French  are spoken  (speak) at this hotel. 2. Fresh fish _____________________ (serve) at every meal. 3. The desserts _____________________ (not make) by our chef. 4. The swimming pool _____________________ (situate) on the ground floor. 5. All major credit cards _____________________ (accept).

Il passivo: present simple e past simple 2 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. The mistake ____ by accident but it cost a lot of money. A is made

B was made

2. The penguins ____ three times a day. A are fed

B was fed

3. The bills ____ in full when the guests checked out. A paid

B were paid

4. Our beauty products ____ on animals. A don’t test

B aren’t tested

5. Did you know that fish ____ to make beer? A is used


B don’t use

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past simple passivo dei verbi dati.

1. Hundreds of new species  are identified  (identify) each year. 2. Penicillin ____________________ (discover) by accident in 1928. 3. In England smoking in public places ____________________ (not ban) until 2007. 4. ________ breakfast ____________________ (include) in the price of the room? 5. ________ these photos ____________________ (take) by your grandfather?

A2-B1 • Units 61-62

3 Completa le frasi con il present simple passivo o il

Will-future e il presente passivo con i modali 4 Abbina ogni frase al suo completamento logico. 1. Where will the concert

a. be added until the end.

2. Where should glass

b. be held?

3. The salt shouldn’t

c. be made in advance.

4. We may

d. be obliged to take a later

5. An appointment must

flight. e. be thrown away?

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FULL TEST 13 B1-B2 • Units 63-66

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Il passivo: altri tempi 1 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. You are going to invite / be invited. 2. I don’t want to recognized / be recognized. 3. The kitchen is being re-painting / re-painted. 4. Had / Was the question been understood? 5. Was the room being cleaned / cleaning?

Modali al passato 2 Completa le frasi con il modale al passato e il verbo in parentesi.

1. Those shoes (must, sell)  must have been sold  . I can’t see them in the window any more. 2. My bike isn’t here. Don’t worry, it (might, move) __________________________ to the storeroom. 3. Those books I ordered last week (should, deliver) __________________________ by now. 4. The ceramics lesson (needn’t, cancel) __________________________ , Mrs Benton is here after all. 5. That birthday cake (can’t, make) __________________________ by his mother, it’s a work of art!


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3 Completa le frasi con have / get e il verbo dato alla forma corretta.


• steal • cut • shorten • mend

1. You need to  have  those trousers  shortened  , they’re too long! 2. When was the last time you ___________ your eyes _________________ ? 3. I’ve ___________ my hair _________________ . What do you think? 4. Isn’t it time you ___________ those shoes _________________ ? They

B1-B2 • Units 63-66

Have / Get something done

look shabby. 5. My mum’s ___________ her car _________________ . She’s having to use public transport.

Verbi con due complementi e il passivo con get 4 Abbina ogni frase al suo completamento logico. 1. Ricky was given 2. The children are taught 3. The picnic was 4. Why am I always 5. The invoice

a. will be sent to you tomorrow. b. a new mobile phone for Christmas. c. called off because of the rain. d. English by a native speaker. e. made fun of?

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FULL TEST 14 A2-B1 • Units 67-72

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Le forme dell’infinito 1 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. If you don’t feel like cooking, we can ____ a takeaway. A to order

B order

2. Are you ready ____ the exam? A start

B to start

3. Let’s ____ your cousin to the party. A inviting

B invite

4. ____ a novel is my dream. A Publish

B To publish

5. You must ____ this medicine for six days. A take

B to take

Le forme dell’infinito, like e would like 2 Completa le frasi con la forma corretta del verbo tra parentesi.

1. It’s impossible  to find  (find) a parking space in this street. 2. I want _____________ (visit) Iceland one day. 3. You shouldn’t ______________ (drop) litter on the ground. 4. Tomorrow I’d like _____________ (go) somewhere for the day. 5. She never lets me _____________ (use) her tablet.


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3 Abbina ogni frase al suo completamento logico. 1. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean 2. Your wallet doesn’t appear

a. painting the house if we’re moving.

3. There’s no use

b. going for a quick coffee?

4. If our train’s on time, we

c. to offend you the other day.

hope 5. How about

d. to be on your desk. e. to arrive by lunchtime.

Verbi + infinito o seguiti da -ing

A2-B1 • Units 67-72

La forma in -ing, verbi + infinito / -ing

4 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. Did you  manage  / able to catch your train? 2. Without a helmet a worker risks to get / getting injured. 3. Fiona tends phoning / to phone after 9 p.m. 4. Catherine can’t stand watching / to watch TV. 5. Would you mind to help / helping me with this bag?

5 Completa il mini-dialogo con la forma corretta dei verbi tra parentesi.

A I heard you (1)  talking  (talk) on the phone with Ron before. How is he doing these days? B Not too well. He’s trying (2) ___________________ (lose) weight but finds it really hard (3) ___________________ (go) on a diet. A No wonder, he’s a chef! How can you be on a diet if you’re always (4) _______________ (cook)? And he cooks really well too. B I know. He should (5) ___________________ (join) a gym. That might help. PHOTOCOPIABLE - New Get Inside Language Teacher's Book © Macmillan Publisher’s Limited 2017. This page may be photocopied and used within the class.

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FULL TEST 15 A2-B1 • Units 73-79

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Sostantivi numerabili e non numerabili; some e any; a lot of, much e many 1 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. Would you like some / a salt on your chips? 2. A lot of fish was / were swimming in the pond. 3. Let me give you some / an advice: forget about that job. 4. I haven’t seen some / any decent films lately. 5. He’s thin because he doesn’t eat much / a lot of.

Nomi collettivi 2 Completa le frasi con le parole date. crowd

• teaspoons • loaf • carton • of news

1. The murder was the most important item  of news  of the day. 2. There is only one ________________ of milk left. 3. How many ________________ of sugar do you take? 4. A huge ________________ of people was waiting outside the post office. 5. Mum bought a big ________________ of bread at the baker’s.


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3 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. Hayley is an old friend of ­_______ . A his

B him

2. Miss Naughton is _______ teacher. A Tom’s and Nick’s

B Tom and Nick’s

3. This _______ needs a new mayor. A our city

B city of ours

4. Ella is a colleague of my _______ . A father’s

B fathers

A2-B1 • Units 73-79

Possessivi composti e il doppio possessivo

5. A schoolmate of _______ is a chess champion. A my

B mine

A lot of, lots of, much, many, a little, a few, some, all, most, many, none 4 Correggi gli errori sottolineati. 1. There was much noise outside last night, we couldn’t sleep. ___________________________________________________________________ 2. Hurry up, I’ve only got a little minutes before we have to leave. ___________________________________________________________________ 3. Have you got a few money I could borrow? ___________________________________________________________________ 4. Some of us enjoyed the play, except Rob. ___________________________________________________________________ 5. We haven’t got many time, so we can’t stay long. ___________________________________________________________________ PHOTOCOPIABLE - New Get Inside Language Teacher's Book © Macmillan Publisher’s Limited 2017. This page may be photocopied and used within the class.

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FULL TEST 16 B1-B2 • Units 80-82

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Sostantivi composti 1 Abbina i sostantivi per formare dei composti. 1. sun

a. office

2. car

b. glasses

3. tooth

c. brush

4. ticket

d. park

5. book

e. shelf

2 Completa le frasi con le parole date. backpack

• hairstyle • bread knife • airport • shower gel

1. This  bread knife  doesn’t cut: it needs sharpening. 2. Don’t put too many things in your _______________ or it’ll be very heavy. 3. Remember to buy some _______________ when you go to the supermarket. 4. What time does your plane land at the _______________ ? 5. I like your new _______________ . It really suits you.

Each, every, both 3 Sottolinea l’opzione corretta. 1. You can have ice cream or cake, but not either / both. 2. I asked four different people and every / each said a different thing. 3. Each of / Both cars were new. 4. Nearly each / every employee works full-time. 5. Grandma gave each / both children some cake. 278

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4 Completa le frasi con le parole date. percentage

• majority • deal • plenty • amount

1. We’ve got  plenty  of time before the film starts. 2. He stole a large ______________ of money from the company. 3. A large ______________ of the population are elderly. 4. The ______________ of travellers prefer aisle seats on a plane. 5. A great ______________ of music is bought online.

Summative exercise

B1-B2 • Units 80-82

Altri quantificatori

5 Scegli l’opzione corretta per completare il dialogo. Al

How much (1) housework / homework did your teachers give you for the summer?

Esme I’ve got (2) plenty / lot of books to read for French. Al Really! How many? Esme About five. But that’s OK because Mrs Jenkins gives us a book to read nearly (3) each / every month so I’m getting quite good now. Al

But don’t you spend the (4) all / whole of your time looking words up in the dictionary?

Esme Well two of them are by Molière so they are translations of course. The other three are (6) all / both graded readers, so they are a bit easier.

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FULL TEST 17 A2-B1 • Units 83-88

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

A / an e the 1 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. Neil Armstrong was the first man to land on a / the moon. 2. “Excuse me, where’s the toilet?” “Over there on a / the right.” 3. Is this a / the person you were telling me about? 4. I know how to use a / the computer. 5. We saw an / the excellent film on TV last night.

L’articolo e l’omissione dell’articolo 2 Completa con a, an, the o niente. 1. Mrs Elliot went to   X   prison to visit her husband. 2. They have the pound in _______ United Kingdom. 3. Lia goes to _______ university from Monday to Friday. 4. I cut my _______ finger on the side of the letterbox. 5. Can you play _______ flute?

Pronomi indefiniti: all e composti di some, any, no, every 3 Completa le frasi con le parole date. everywhere

• Everything • someone • anything • Everyone

1. “Do you need  anything  from the shops?” “No, thanks.” 2. The trip was awful. ______________ went wrong. 3. They have travelled ______________ in Asia. 4. “What are you doing here?” “I’m waiting for ______________ .” 5. The office is empty. ______________ has gone out. 280

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4 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. Rose knitted that sweater myself / herself . 2. Did you enjoy yourselves / themselves children? 3. Allow me to introduce myself / himself, I’m Thomas Seely. 4. We decorated this room ourselves / myself. 5. Please behave themselves / yourself at the party this afternoon.

Pronomi interrogativi

A2-B1 • Units 83-88

Pronomi riflessivi

5 Completa le domande con who, what, where, why o when.

1. “ Why  are we walking so fast?” “Because we’re late.” 2. “____________ did you go last night?” “Nowhere, I stayed in.” 3. “____________ discovered America?” “Columbus discovered America.” 4. “____________ have you got in that bag?” “Some biscuits.” 5. “____________ did you buy those shoes?” “Last Saturday.”

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FULL TEST 18 B1-B2 • Units 89-91

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

It e there 1 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. It’s / There’s a quarter to five, we’d better hurry. 2. It / There seems to be something the matter. 3. What day is it / there today? 4. It’s / There’s no need to worry. You’ll be fine. 5. It’s / There’s sunny outside, let’s go for a walk.

One, ones 2 Scrivi one o ones se necessario. 1. I like that house. The big white  one  with the blue fence. 2. Our classroom is the biggest _______ in the school. 3. Where are the scissors? There are some _______ in that drawer. 4. Have you got a pen? Yes, there’s _______ in my bag. 5. Which glasses are yours? The gold _______ on the table.

It, there, one e ones 3 Scrivi one, ones, it o there. 1. “Is  there  anything you need from the shops?” “No, thanks.” 2. The blue boots are nice but the black _______ go with everything. 3. “Which room do you want?” “The _______ with the balcony.” 4. _______ is easy to see why you are upset. I’d be furious. 5. How many people were _______ at the conference?


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4 Completa le frasi con le parole date. other

• another • themselves • each • one

1. They’re always sending  each  other photos. 2. We speak to each _______________ at least once a day. 3. His parents blame _______________ for their son’s problem. 4. We’ll look after _______________ another, don’t worry. 5. The couple hugged one _______________ and said goodbye.

B1-B2 • Units 89-91

Pronomi reciproci

Summative exercise 5 Scegli l’opzione corretta. Interviewer Tell me about (1) myself / yourself , Mr Holden. Applicant

Well, (2) There / It is said that I’m funny and cheerful.

Interviewer Er ... Why did you leave your last job? Applicant Because (3) There / It was no chance of a promotion. And I didn’t get on with my colleagues. We didn’t even talk to (4) each / one other. The job was fun, though. At least more fun than the (5) one / ones I had at Telecom Plus.

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FULL TEST 19 A2-B1 • Units 92-98

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

L’ordine degli aggettivi 1 Inserisci gli aggettivi nell’ordine corretto. 1. (windy cold) It was a  cold  and  windy  day. 2. (very expensive scratched) The desk is ______________________ and ______________________ , it is certainly overpriced. 3. (old-fashioned disgusting) We need to get rid of those ______________________ kitchen units. 4. (green long) Have you seen my _______________________ cardigan? 5. (porcelain old) This _______________________ plate is worth a lot!

Aggettivi terminanti in -ing e -ed 2 Completa le frasi formando aggettivi con i verbi dati. 1. (please) “Are you _______________ with your exam results?” 2. (tired) I’m so _______________ - I think I’ll go to bed. 3. (excite) That ride looks really _______________ ! 4. (depress) I find this music really _______________ . 5. (bore) “Why did you leave the party?” “I was _______________ .”

Avverbi di modo e posizione degli avverbi 3 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. When we arrived she was singing happily / happyly. 2. I’m sorry I forgot completely / completely forgot. 3. Jack works hard / hardly but he never has any money. 4. That answer definitely is / is definitely wrong, 5. Read carefully the questions / the questions carefully.


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4 Completa con il comparativo o il superlativo. 1. (bad) Standoff was one of  the worst  films I saw. 2. (useful) It’s ______________________ to write down things I need to memorise than just read them. 3. (far) “Who lives ______________________ from our school?” 4. (happy) I’m much ______________________ at my new school. 5. (big) Which is ______________________ , Rome or Milan?

Comparativo di uguaglianza e di minoranza

A2-B1 • Units 92-98

Aggettivi comparativi e superlativi

5 Completa la seconda frase con le parole date. fewer

• twice • less • just • isn’t

1. Marina and Emily are both intelligent.

Marina is  just  as intelligent as Emily.

2. This episode is harder to follow than the previous one.

This episode ________ as easy to follow as the last one.

3. Fran has got twenty euros and I’ve got ten.

Fran has got ________ as much money as I have.

4. It isn’t as cold today as it was yesterday. It’s ________ cold today than it was yesterday. 5. There aren’t as many people here today as there were last week.

There are ________ people here today than last week.

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FULL TEST 20 B1-B2 • Units 99-102

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Comparativi e superlativi: casi particolari 1 Completa le frasi con le parole date. as

• more • than • best • do

1. I’m feeling more and  more  worried about the exam next week. 2. Rob speaks French better than I __________ . 3. We did the __________ we could, but the other team won. 4. Life here is more difficult __________ I expected. 5. We’d never had such a long holiday __________ that one.

Aggettivi estremi; avverbi di grado 2 Completa le frasi con gli aggettivi estremi di quelli dati tra parentesi.

1. (hot) The soup is absolutely  boiling . Wait for it to cool down. 2. (interesting) The book I’ve just finished is __________________ . You really ought to read it. 3. (hungry) I didn’t have time for lunch, I’m absolutely ___________________. 4. (small) The room that Dan is renting is __________________ . There isn’t room to swing a cat. 5. (tasty) This curry is __________________, Lia. Can you give me the recipe?


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1. It was absolutely / very freezing when I left the house this morning. 2. That eclipse we saw yesterday was extremely / utterly amazing. 3. The interview was not all / by no means easy. But I think I got through. 4. It’s a bit / utterly cold today, you’ll need your scarf. 5. That sweater is entirely / remarkably cheap considering it’s cashmere.

So e such; too e enough

B1-B2 • Units 99-102

3 Scegli l’opzione corretta.

4 Completa la seconda frase con le parole date. too

• much • such • enough • so

1. Not everyone could sit down because there were only six seats.

There weren’t  enough  seats for everyone to sit down.

2. These shoes don’t fit me, they feel small.

These shoes feel __________ small.

3. These chips taste very salty.

You have put too __________ salt on these chips.

4. We had a really good time at the concert.

We had __________ a good time at the concert.

5. There was a lot of litter in the street after the festival.

There was __________ much litter in the street.

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FULL TEST 21 A2-B1 • Units 103-106

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Preposizioni di tempo e di luogo 1 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. They have been married ______ last summer.

A for

B since

2. School started two weeks ______ . A ago B last 3. We arrived ______ London when it was cold. A at

B in

4. There’s an office party ______ Christmas Eve. A at

B on

5. My aunt has been ______ hospital for three days. A at

B in

2 Completa le frasi con le parole date. on

• until • at • between • by

1. I’m sure we can buy a map  at  the service station. 2. Margot is standing __________ Henry and Dora. She’s the one in the middle. 3. Would you like to live __________ this island? 4. Please bring the money for the trip __________ Friday, no later. 5. We waited for you __________ 10.00 then we thought you weren’t coming.


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3 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. We drove through / in / along the centre on our way here. 2. I’m not coming on / into / at the supermarket. I’ll wait outside. 3. Walk across / in / along this road until you get to a park. 4. We quickly got on / under / at the train and sat down. 5. Go through / over / on the bridge then you’ll see a kiosk on the opposite side of the street.

Altre preposizioni

A2-B1 • Units 103-106

Preposizioni di moto

4 Completa le frasi con le preposizioni date. with

• by • about • after • under

1. What are you talking  about  ? 2. What are you doing ______ school today? 3. Your pyjamas are ______ your pillow. 4. We went to Birmingham ______ coach. 5. I don’t like coffee ______ milk.

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FULL TEST 22 B1-B2 • Units 107-109

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Aggettivi seguiti da preposizioni 1 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. I think you’ll be eligible ___ a student grant.

A about

B for

C with

2. We’re very grateful ___ you for all you have done. A to

B with

C at

3. Are you annoyed ___ what Josh said? A at

B for

C about

4. The restaurant was packed ____ people. A by

B with

C of

5. The two employees were implicated ____ the robbery. A on

B with

C in

2 Completa le frasi con le preposizioni date. from

• in • to • with • of

1. Are you satisfied  with  your exam results? You did very well. 2. Gael isn’t interested _______ going to university. He wants to find a job. 3. Don’t be afraid _______ asking if you need help. 4. I’ve already had measles so I’m immune _______ it now. 5. Yvette was absent _______ the last class so she doesn’t have her homework.


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3 Completa le frasi con i verbi dati. suffers

• spend • apologized • believe • agreed

1. The girl  apologized  for spilling her drink. 2. We all ____________________ on going for a pizza after the film 3. Do you ____________________ in ghosts? 4. Fran ____________________ from asthma. 5. How much do you ____________________ on rent?

Sostantivi con preposizioni 4 Correggi gli errori in grassetto.

B1-B2 • Units 107-109

Verbi seguiti da preposizioni

1. Due to a lack in proof they couldn’t charge the man.   of   2. I’m sorry but we can’t offer you any employment for present. ____________________ 3. What is your attitude on testing on animals? ____________________ 4. Last year there was a dramatic fall by inflation. ____________________ 5. Can you write me a cheque of 200 euros? ____________________

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FULL TEST 23 A2-B1 • Units 110-115

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Ordine delle parole e dei complementi 1 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. I so pleased am / am so pleased to meet you. 2. You mustn’t smoke here / here smoke. 3. What time does leave your train / your train leave? 4. You should get some advice about that / about that some advice. 5. She bought presents for everyone / for everyone presents.

2 Completa le frasi con le parole tra parentesi. 1. Aaron  wrote  me a lovely letter  last week . (last week, wrote) 2. I told my colleagues a _____________ . (joke, funny) 3. I owe ___________________________ . (lots of money, my brother) 4. Sorry, I haven’t read _____________ you _____________ me. (that, book, lent) 5. Jonathan _____________ . (went, on holiday, to Canada)

Domande a risposta chiusa e aperta 3 Completa con la forma interrogativa. 1. Pete’s friends all have new jobs in different countries.

 Do Pete’s friends  all have new jobs in different countries?

2. She has been to that art gallery before. ___________________ to that gallery before? 3. She’s going to publish another cookery book. ___________________ another cookery book?


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___________________ more money from your dad? 5. They would like some more coffee. ___________________ some more coffee?

Domande e So do I / Neither do I 4 Completa le frasi con le parole date. Shall

• Which • so • Neither • Could

1.  Neither  Meg nor John is scared of insects. 2. Karim is on the school team, and ______________ is Greg. 3. ______________ you give me your phone number, please?

A2-B1 • Units 110-115

4. You can borrow more money from your dad.

4. ______________ I lend you the money for the bus fare? 5. ______________ dish would you prefer, the fish or the meat?

So do I / Neither do I e question tags 5 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. “Paul’s not interested in golf.” “ Nor am I .” / “So am I.” 2. “We haven’t got a garden.” “So have we.” / “We haven’t either.” 3. “I was disappointed with the film.” “Wasn’t I?” / “Me too.” 4. I’m really late, aren’t I? / isn’t it? 5. We don’t really need to go, don’t we? / do we?

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FULL TEST 24 B1-B2 • Units 116-119

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Inversione sintattica 1 Completa le frasi con le parole date. Not once

• Under no • Little • No sooner • Rarely

1.  Little  did we realise that we had been tricked. 2. ______________ had the reporter witnessed such devastation. 3. ______________ had the bell rung, than there was a shout of joy. 4. ______________ did they offer us a drink the whole time we were there. 5. ______________ circumstances is smoking permitted.

Fronting 2 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. A You heard the news? B Heard the news? 2. A This situation we have come across many times before. B Come across this situation many times we have before. 3. A Responsible we’ll never know who. B Who was responsible we’ll never know. 4. A That book I was reading was written it was by my uncle. B That book I was reading was written by my uncle. 5. A Come you down for breakfast. B Down you come for breakfast.


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3 Completa le questions tags. 1. Let’s leave now,  shall  we? 2. Close that door, ______________ you? 3. I’ll start making dinner, ______________ I? 4. I’m right about this, ______________ I? 5. You would never guess they were sisters, ______________ you?

Echo questions 4 Scegli l’opzione corretta. Alan My laptop keeps crashing!

B1-B2 • Units 116-119

Question tags (2)

Dan (1) Do you? / Does it? Why don’t you have it checked? Alan Mmm... I should. My dad would be furious if he knew that I’d broken it. Dan (2) Can he / Would he? Well, it might not be broken. Alan (3) Mightn’t it? / Might it? So what’s wrong with it then? Dan It could have a bug. Alan A virus, (4) could it? / could I? Despite all the antivirus software I’ve installed? Dan Yes, why not? It happens all the time. Alan (5) Is it? / Does it? What a nuisance! I’ve spent a fortune on anti-virus software.

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FULL TEST 25 A2-B1 • Units 120-121

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Pronomi relativi 1 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. 1969 was the year when / which man first landed on the moon. 2. Sorry, I don’t understand that / what you mean. 3. The Bellevue? Isn’t that the place that / where we celebrated your birthday last year? 4. Tina is the girl who / whose brother I was telling you about. 5. This is the room that / what we often use for school parties.

2 Completa le frasi con le parole date. who

• which (x2) • when • whose

1. Sandy works for a multinational company  which  produces light bulbs. 2. That is my colleague __________ daughter moved to Austria last month. 3. I live in a metropolis __________ is very dirty and polluted. 4. Sally is a nurse __________ sometimes works for charity organizations abroad. 5. It was Christmas __________ we last saw our cousins.


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3 Inserisci i pronomi relativi solo se sono necessari. 1. I think the keys  which  are on the sofa belong to Tia. 2. The girl __________ you saw me with is my niece. 3. Fran is the colleague ______ daughter I was telling you about. 4. I can’t remember the name of the pub __________ we met to. 5. The hotel __________ we stayed in last year has closed down.

Frasi relative incidentali (non-defining) 4 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. Daisy, who / that works as a translator, has lived in this

A2-B1 • Units 120-121

Frasi relative determinative (defining)

country for more than ten years. 2. Bath, which / where we went on a field trip last year, is famous for its Baths and its Georgian architecture. 3. Jimi Hendrix, whose / which music is still played all over the world, died when he was only 27. 4. Oxford, which / where is about an hour from London, is one of Britain’s oldest universities. 5. Julian Barnes, that / who wrote The Sense of an Ending, is one of my favourite writers.

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FULL TEST 26 B1-B2 • Units 122-124

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Le preposizioni nelle frasi relative; participi 1 Completa le frasi con le parole date. whom (x2)

• which (x2) • who

1. The office in  which  I work is just across the road. 2. Venice has many tourists, most of ________ visit St. Mark’s Square. 3. A guest ________ wishes to book a place must provide some ID. 4. We asked three people, none of ________ had heard of the street. 5. The buildings ________ were destroyed by the earthquake will all be rebuilt.

What, which; whatever, however, whenever, whoever, wherever 2 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. I don’t mind: we can go  wherever  you like. A wherever

B whatever

2. The man __________ book you just read is Julie’s father. A who

B whose

3. _________ would like to come on the trip should speak to Mark. A Who

B Whoever

4. Last year, __________ I met her, she was much thinner. A when

B where

5. You’re the boss, so we’ll do __________ you say. A whenever 298

B whatever

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3 Completa con le parole mancanti. 1. Whoever  stole that money should be ashamed of themselves. 2. He has lent me a lot films, some of ____________ I have already seen. 3. These are my jackets. You can wear ____________ one you want. 4. You can invite ____________ you want to the party next week. 5. I think of her ____________ I go.

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B1-B2 • Units 122-124

Summative exercise


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FULL TEST 27 A2-B1 • Units 125-126

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Zero e first conditional 1 Completa le frasi con il periodo ipotetico di tipo 0 dei verbi tra parentesi.

1. When I  drink  (drink) a lot of coffee, I  have  (have) trouble sleeping at night. 2. Jenny ___________ (go) to the gym twice a week if she ___________ (have) time. 3. If you ___________ (be) in a cinema, you ___________ (turn off) the volume on your mobile. 4. When you ___________ (press) that button, the air conditioning ___________ (come) on. 5. If you ___________ (want) to cook that frozen meat, ___________ (leave) it in the fridge for 12 hours.

2 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. If you aren’t careful, you drop / will drop those glasses. 2. Unless it will snow / snows tomorrow, we won’t be able to go skiing on Saturday. 3. If she doesn’t hurry / won’t hurry, she will miss the start of the film. 4. Order something else, if you won’t / don’t like that dish. 5. We will speak tomorrow, unless there is / will be a problem.


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3 Completa le frasi con il periodo ipotetico di 2˚ tipo dei verbi dati.

1. If I  had  more time for myself, I  would be  happier. (have, be) 2. We ________________ them more often if they ________________ nearer. (visit, live) 3. You ________________ ill all the time if you ________________ healthier food. (not be, eat) 4. If I ________________ a lot of money, I ________________ a house near the centre. (win, buy) 5. It ________________ better if we ________________ so much

A2-B1 • Units 125-126

Second conditional

homework. (be, not have)

4 Completa il mini dialogo con le parole date. Ci sono due parole che non servono. is

• would (x2) • live • were • will (x2)

A What do you think of London? Do you like it? B Yes, I think it’s a fantastic city for everyone. If it (1)  were  less expensive, it (2) __________ be even better. A I know what you mean. When you (3) __________ in this city, it (4) __________ so difficult to make your money last the whole month. Another big problem is the traffic. Don’t you agree? B I do. I (5) __________ like it a lot more if there were less traffic. Can’t they do anything about it?

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FULL TEST 28 B1-B2 • Units 127-130

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Third conditional 1 Completa le frasi con il third conditional dei verbi dati.

1. If I  had known  Sam was ill, I  would have visited  him in hospital. (know, visit) 2. If two players ____________________ , England ____________________ the match. (not be injured, not lose) 3. They ____________________ lost if they ____________________ a map. (not get, buy) 4. We ____________________ away for the weekend if we ____________________ more money. (go, have) 5. If Meg ____________________ to university, she ____________________ Josh. (not go, not meet)

Forme miste; alternative a if 2 Completa le frasi con le parole date. Even

• If • Supposing • provided • Should

1.  If  I were more studious, I would have gone to university. 2. You can go to the party ____________ you are back by 1 a.m. 3. ____________ you suspected a friend of a crime, what would you do? 4. ____________ you be late, give me a ring. 5. ____________ if Bill were to invite me, I wouldn’t go.


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3 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. If / Had I been there, I wouldn’t have allowed it. 2. If you could / should need help, just let me know. 3. Were / Was he more responsible, this would never have happened. 4. If Steve isn’t too busy, we could / ought meet up for lunch. 5. Had he hadn’t / not mentioned it that morning, I would never have known.

Wish, if only, it’s time

B1-B2 • Units 127-130

Modali e inversioni sintattiche nel periodo ipotetico

4 Completa le frasi con le parole date. hadn’t

• only • wish • had • high

1. I  wish  you wouldn’t complain all the time, you’re spoiling things! 2. If ________ we had known about this traffic jam, we could have taken a different route. 3. It’s ________ time you learnt to pay your own way. 4. I’d rather you ________ mentioned our discussion to Julie. 5. Emma wishes she ________ met Roger sooner than she did.

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FULL TEST 29 A2-B1 • Units 131-133

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Trasformazioni verbali (1) 1 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. She told us the computer was / is new. 2. Marianne said the plane had / have just landed. 3. My friend said / told me that the play started at half past four. 4. The teacher told her that her son couldn’t / can’t read very well. 5. They said they leave / were leaving in five minutes.

2 Completa le frasi con le parole mancanti. 1. “You can leave your bike here if you want.” He said I could leave my bike  there  if I wanted. 2. “I can lend you my book.” She said she could lend ________ ________ book. 3. “We aren’t coming today. We’re tired.” They said ________ weren’t coming ________ because they were tired. 4. “I’ll see you next week.” He said he would see us ___________________. 5. “I’m ready now.” She said that she was ready ________ .


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3 Completa la seconda frase con il discorso indiretto. 1. “Have you ever been here before?” she asked me.

She asked me  if/whether  I had ever been there before.

2. “What time does the train leave?” he asked me.

He asked me what time the train ____________.

3. “Do you like your new house?” they asked us.

They asked ____________ whether we liked our new house.

4. “Where is that new restaurant?” he asked me.

He asked me where that new restaurant ____________.

5. “How did you make this cake?” she asked me.

A2-B1 • Units 131-133

Domande e imperativo

She asked me how I __________ made that cake.

Verbi introduttivi (1) 4 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. Cal ______ me he wanted to leave early. A said

B told

C asked

2. He ______ me where the nearest bank was. A wondered

B told

C asked

3. The doctor ______ me to go on a diet. A instructed

B said

C begged

4. They ______ whether there were any rooms free. A spoke

B wondered

C ordered

5. She ______ she wanted to study veterinary science. A told

B said

C asked

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 30 B1-B2 • Units 134-136

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Trasformazioni verbali (2) 1 Completa la seconda frase con il discorso diretto. 1. They said they had been going to the same place on holiday for years. “We  have been going  to the same place on holiday for years.” 2. Judy said that Amy would help me with my project. “Amy _____________________ you with your project if you ask her.” 3. The witness said that they saw a yellow car outside. “We _____________________ a yellow car outside.” 4. She told the librarian that she had returned the book. “I _____________________ the book.” 5. He said that he would like to find a better-paid job. “I _____________________ to find a better-paid job.”

Verbi introduttivi (2) 2 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. Sam told me he was going to ______ Jake for that job. A say

B advise

C recommend

2. They always seem to ______ about something. A threaten

B complain

C accuse

3. My friend ______ me of stealing her money. A advised

B accused

C threatened

4. They all ______ renting bikes. A agreed

B wanted

C suggested

5. I took the dog for a long walk but soon he ______ to go on. A refused 306

B agreed

C approved

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1. Nick apologized for  forgetting  Harriet’s birthday. (forget) 2. My parents congratulated me on _____________________ such good exam results. (get) 3. I agreed _____________________ him on condition that he told no one. (help) 4. After he had finished speaking, he invited the audience _____________________ questions. (ask) 5. We’ve decided _____________________ our flat after all. (not sell)

Domande dirette, indirette e embedded questions

B1-B2 • Units 134-136

3 Completa le frasi con la forma corretta dei verbi tra

4 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. Could you tell me what are you / what you are doing? 2. Would you mind telling me why you are late / are you late? 3. I’d like to know whether can I sit / I can sit here? 4. Do you happen to know if this bus stops / does stop near the stadium? 5. I wonder where is Sarah going / Sarah is going?

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 31 A2-B1 • Units 137-139

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

And, but, or; because, why; so; in order to, so that 1 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. He picked up his keys and / but put them in his pocket. 2. I’m worried so / because I don’t know where she is. 3. This computer wasn’t expensive or / but it has always been reliable. 4. I asked her why / because she hadn’t told me. 5. Should I phone him and / or send a message?

Le congiunzioni di tempo 2 Completa le frasi con le parole date. Ci sono due parole che non servono. When

• While • as • Before • after • since • until

1.  When  I see Agnes I’ll tell her what you told me. 2. We always go for coffee _____________ we have had lunch. 3. _____________ you were out there was a phone call for you. 4. I can’t go out _____________ I’ve finished these exercises. 5. _____________ we leave, we must remember to set the burglar alarm.


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1. I’m so tired that I’m going to bed ______ I get home. A by the time

B as soon as

C until

2. Miriam will be relieved ______ the exams are over. A when

B as soon as

C by the time

3. They’ve been living here ______ I can remember. A before

B while

C since

4. I won’t do anything ______ speaking to you first. A after

B until

C when

5. ______ Bill gets here everything will be ready. A As soon

B Until

C By the time

A2-B1 • Units 137-139

3 Completa le frasi scegliendo l’opzione corretta.

That come connettore 4 Completa la seconda frase inserendo that e i verbi che mancano.

1. You were upset earlier. I noticed this. I  noticed that  you were upset earlier. 2. She’s excited. She starts her new job tomorrow. She’s _____________________ she starts her new job tomorrow. 3. We may not be able to come. It’s a possibility. There’s _____________________ we won’t be able to come. 4. Frank stole the money. He admitted it. Frank _____________________ he had stolen the money. 5. You have been working too hard. I’m concerned about you. I’m _____________________ you have been working too hard.

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03/02/17 16:24

FULL TEST 32 B1-B2 • Units 140-142

Name .....................................................................................................................................................................

Both (... and) e either (… or), neither (… nor) 1 Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1. “Would you like salad or vegetables with that?” “Neither / Nor thanks.” 2. Mr Barnes seems both / neither reliable and hard-working. I think we should give him the job. 3. Neither / Either of the two students had studied for the exam. 4. It’s neither cold or / nor cloudy: it definitely won’t snow today. 5. Where shall we go, the museum or the zoo? There isn’t time to see neither / both.

Congiunzioni causali, consecutive e avversative 2 Completa le frasi con le parole date. however

• so • as • In • spite

1. The team succeeded in winning in  spite  of their injured players. 2. __________ my opinion there’s nothing you can do about it. 3. The car was quite old, __________ I bought it. 4. She sent the invitations late, __________ a result not many people came. 5. The weather was __________ cold that the streets were deserted.


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1. How long is it  since  you’ve had a holiday? 2. __________ we were waiting for the bus we saw a terrible accident. 3. The match was cancelled __________ to heavy rain. 4. It was __________ a good book that I read it twice. 5. They went for a long walk __________ though it was raining.

Connettivi 4 Completa le frasi con le parole date. Ci sono due parole che non servono. example

B1-B2 • Units 140-142

3 Completa ogni spazio con una parola.

• result • even • for • up • whole • hand

1. Life is more expensive,  for  one thing: rents have increased. 2. On the __________ we found the talk useful, though it was rather long. 3. That supermarket is expensive __________ so we often shop there as it’s the only one nearby. 4. To sum __________ , the increase in cyber crime has lead to an overall increase in crime. 5. My dad can’t get time off work, as a __________ we have had to change our holiday plans.

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03/02/17 16:24

Answer Keys



1 an, 2 a, the, 3 They, 4 – , 5 It, 6 I, you, 7 We, 8 He


1 is, 2 isn’t, 3 are, 4 aren’t, are, 5 is, 6 Are, 7 isn’t, 8 Are, aren’t


1 Have ... got, 2 hasn’t got, has got, 3 has got, 4 have got, 5 haven’t got, 6 has ... got, hasn’t, 7 haven’t got, 8 have ... got, have

4 1 Has Wendy got flu? 2 I haven’t got your phone number. 3 Are they tourists? 4 Is Richard in your class? 5 Have you got history today? 6 Emma isn’t good at maths. 7 I am the new student. 8 Have they got ham sandwiches?


1 this, 2 Don’t, 3 can play, 4 these, 5 Have, 6 Can you, 7 This, 8 can’t


1 is, 2 an, 3 can, 4 can, 5 a, 6 it, 7 is, 8 has, 9 are, 10 haven’t



1 It, 2 I, you, 3 We, 4 She, 5 an, 6 a, the, 7 They, 8 –


1 I’ve got a bad cold. 2 Have you got my phone number? 3 They aren’t tourists. 4 Richard is in my class. 5 We haven’t got history today. 6 Is Emma good at maths? 7 I am the new student. 8 Has he got a big family?


1 Have, 2 Can you, 3 This, 4 can’t, 5 these, 6 Don’t, 7 can speak, 8 those


1 your, 2 an, 3 can, 4 speak, 5 It, 6 Is, 7 is, 8 has, 9 are, 10 haven’t



1 B, 2 C, 3 A, 4 B, 5 B, 6 A, 7 C, 8B


1 Michael’s rucksack is in the hall. 2 My parents’ car is new. 3 Emma’s flat is in London. 4 Paul and Jenny’s daughter’s name is Clara. 5 The children’s bikes are in the garden. 6 Matt’s music is on his smartphone. 7 The dentist’s office is near my house. 8 Nour’s cat is grey and white.



1 my, 2 you, 3 Where, 4 in, 5 Their, 6 what, 7 at, 8 Her, 9 me, 10 What / How



1 B, 2 A, 3 C, 4 B, 5 C, 6 C, 7 A, 8B


1 Mia’s jacket is in the living room. 2 My parents’ favourite restaurant is Indian. 3 Emma’s cottage is near the coast. 4 Paul and Jenny’s son’s name is Jason. 5 The children’s bikes are in the garden. 6 Matt’s photos are on his smartphone. 7 The doctor’s surgery is near my office. 8 Charlotte’s brother is at university.


1 Mine, 2 hers, 3 yours, 4 him, 5 ours, 6 us, 7 it, 8 me


1 on, 2 in, 3 at, 4 at, 5 in, 6 on, 7 at, 8 in


1 on, 2 in, 3 at, 4 in, 5 on, 6 at, 7 in, 8 at



1 yours, 2 us, 3 it, 4 me, 5 Ours, 6 his, 7 mine, 8 her

1 my, 2 What, 3 you, 4 at, 5 in, 6 Her, 7 where, 8 at, 9 me, 10 What / How


1 in, 2 on, 3 at, 4 in, 5 on, 6 in, 7 at, 8 at



1 isn’t, 2 Are, 3 is, 4 is, isn’t, 5 are, 6 is, 7 are, 8 aren’t, are 1 hasn’t got, 2 have ... got, haven’t, 3 haven’t got, 4 have ... got, have, 5 Has ... got, 6 hasn’t got, has got, 7 has got, 8 have got


1 on, 2 at, 3 in, 4 at, 5 on, 6 in, 7 at, 8 in


1 My friend sometimes eats at strange times. 2 I don’t often forget things at school. 3 Do pilots ever work long hours? 4 Our neighbours hardly ever use their car.


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Answer Keys 5 Do you often go to bed early? 6 Polly never listens to loud music. 7 We rarely eat red meat at school. 8 You are never hungry in the morning.


1 don’t know, 2 Do you like, 3 doesn’t work, 4 do the Smiths live, 5 does your uncle do, 6 don’t start, 7 don’t wear, 8 Does Amy go


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Is Mr Baxter working today? Shaun’s studying in the library right now. They aren’t living in this street anymore. We’re cooking at home this evening. My brother’s playing rugby on that field. I’m standing next to Ruth in this photo. Are you living in a student hostel at the moment? Mel and I aren’t swimming today.


1 want, 2 don’t wear, 3 aren’t, 4 are asking, 5 are smoking, 6 Says, 7 don’t smoke, 8 am trying


1 C, 2 B, 3 B, 4 C, 5 C, 6 C, 7 A, 8C


1 are you doing, 2 am hanging, 3 Is, 4 don’t tell, 5 am always, 6 is helping, 7 do you think, 8 Look, 9 do they cost, 10 doesn’t wear



1 My brother sometimes gets up very early. 2 I don’t often miss breakfast in the morning. 3 Do pupils ever fail this exam? 4 Our teachers hardly ever walk to school. 5 Does your mum often go to bed early?

6 Dave never watches television in the evening. 7 My parents rarely drink wine at home. 8 You are never sleepy at night.

7 Why were you always in a hurry? 8 Where did you go at the weekend?


1 didn’t see, last, 2 were, before, 3 started, ago, 4 did, do, yesterday, 5 knew, once, 6 that time, studied, 7 did, last speak, 8 didn’t eat, yesterday

1 don’t have, 2 Does Alex like, 3 doesn’t play, 4 do you live, 5 don’t understand, 6 do they go, 7 does your cousin come, 8 doesn’t start




1 Wasn’t he working yesterday afternoon? 2 What were you doing at 10 am this morning? 3 I was window-shopping when someone called my name. 4 When the storm started I wasn’t sleeping. 5 When I met Carla last summer she was doing a Spanish course. 6 While you were preparing for the exam I was lying on the beach. 7 Where were you going this morning at 6 am? 8 Kevin was studying history at university at that time.


1 was chopping, 2 slipped, 3 cut, 4 felt, 5 Did give, 6 read, 7 loved, 8 was reading


1 We’re eating out this evening. 2 Is your mum working now? 3 Are you wearing glasses at the moment? 4 Alice is studying history of art these days. 5 They aren’t playing basketball anymore. 6 My brother’s reading a book in his room. 7 Mark and I aren’t studying today. 8 I’m sitting next to Grandpa in this photo. 1 think, 2 don’t use, 3 are, 4 are asking, 5 says, 6 are smoking, 7 don’t believe, 8 am trying 1 C, 2 B, 3 B, 4 C, 5 C, 6 C, 7 A, 8C


1 are you standing, 2 am chatting, 3 Is, 4 don’t say, 5 am usually, 6 is trying, 7 do you think, 8 seem, 9 do they cost, 10 doesn’t wear



1 My friend learnt English in the US. 2 Did you know the correct answer? 3 They brought me lovely silk saris from India every summer. 4 Who did you see at the stadium? 5 I wrote for a fashion magazine. 6 The clothes didn’t cost a lot in that shop.



1 used to live, 2 didn’t use to eat, 3 didn’t drive, 4 Did you use to walk, 5 I studied, 6 Why didn’t you, 7 No, I wasn’t, 8 Yes, they did


1 I was driving home when I saw a van on the edge of the road. 2 A man was signalling me to stop. 3 What did you do? 4 Well, at first I just wanted to drive on. 5 But then I felt sorry for him and I stopped. 6 While he was talking to me, I suddenly recognised him. 7 Teddy Silver who used to play with Electrics? 8 He had a flat tyre, and didn’t have a spare one.


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Answer Keys 9 Did he thank you? 10 He also gave me two free tickets for their reunion concert in Liverpool.



1 Why was she always in a bad mood? 2 What did you do in the summer? 3 Did you know his address? 4 My cousin studied English in the US. 5 They sent me a Christmas card every year. 6 Where did they sit at the stadium? 7 I taught at the university. 8 Vegetables didn’t cost much at the market.


1 didn’t meet, last, 2 was, before, 3 did, last hear, 4 began, ago, 5 spoke, once, 6 didn’t do, yesterday, 7 did, go, yesterday, 8 that time, knew


1 When the robbery happened I wasn’t working. 2 When I met Josh last Christmas he was working in the local pub. 3 Wasn’t she playing in the match yesterday afternoon? 4 Where were you going at 10 am this morning? 5 I was jogging in the park when I heard someone scream. 6 While you were making dinner I was watching a DVD. 7 What was he doing at the time of the accident? 8 At that time, Max was living next door.


1 was slicing, 2 fell, 3 cut, 4 was, 5 Did ... give, 6 had, 7 spent, 8 was reading


1 No, she wasn’t, 2 Yes, he did, 3 Dan didn’t speak, 4 Did they use to live, 5 We used to go, 6 didn’t use to wear, 7 she felt, 8 Why didn’t he



1 I was jogging home when I noticed a van on the edge of the road. 2 A man called out and asked me to stop. 3 Did you stop? 4 Well, at first I just wanted to keep running. 5 But then I decided he seemed OK so I stopped. 6 While he was explaining the problem to me, I suddenly recognised him. 7 Teddy Silver who used to sing with Electrics? 8 He had a flat tyre, and didn’t know how to use the jack. 9 Did he say thank you? 10 He also gave me two free tickets for their reunion concert in Liverpool.

1 just, 2 so far, 3 already, 4 before, 5 still, 6 yet, 7 just, 8 So far


1 That’s the best holiday we’ve ever had. 2 I’ve never seen a ghost. 3 It’s the first time I’ve ever been to Ireland. 4 Have you ever eaten Lebanese food? 5 I’ve hardly ever seen them. 6 Has he ever felt like this before? 7 It’s never happened before. 8 Have you ever bought something very expensive?


1 That’s the best meal you’ve ever cooked. 2 I’ve never met a famous person. 3 It’s the first time he’s ever travelled by plane. 4 Have you ever been to Australia? 5 We’ve hardly ever spoken to them. 6 Has she ever met his parents? 7 It’s never broken before. 8 Have you ever forgotten to pay for something?


1 We haven’t booked our return flight yet. 2 He still hasn’t repaired the broken cupboard. 3 I haven’t sent a text in French before / I’ve never sent a text in French before. 4 Has she tidied her room yet? 5 We’ve just eaten. 6 So far I’ve written nine emails today. 7 Tina has just had a baby girl. 8 Have you finished that novel already?


1 since - g, 2 for - f, 3 for - h, 4 since - e, 5 Since - d, 6 for - b, 7 since - c, 8 for - a


1 C, 2 A, 3 B, 4 C, 5 C, 6 B, 7 A, 8B


1 haven’t seen, 2 was, 3 did ... go, 4 was ... like, 5 Have you ever been, 6 went, 7 didn’t leave, 8 spoke, 9 I’ve certainly made, 10 hasn’t improved




1 They haven’t come back yet. 2 He still hasn’t learnt to use the washing machine. 3 I haven’t played this game before / I’ve never played this game before. 4 Have you found your wallet yet? 5 I’ve just woken up. 6 So far she’s drunk a litre of water today. 7 Robert has just phoned. 8 Have you written the answers already?


1 So far, 2 before, 3 still, 4 just, 5 so far, 6 already, 7 yet, 8 just


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Answer Keys


1 since - h, 2 since - f, 3 for - g, 4 for - d, 5 Since - a, 6 for - b, 7 since - e, 8 for - c


1 B, 2 C, 3 A, 4 B, 5 C, 6 C, 7 A, 8C


1 haven’t heard, 2 were, 3 did ... go, 4 was ... like, 5 Have you ever been, 6 flew, 7 stayed, 8 didn’t try, 9 has certainly improved, 10 haven’t made



1 have been waiting, 2 has ... been learning, 3 haven’t been sleeping, 4 has been running, 5 have ... been doing, 6 has been snowing, 7 have been dancing, 8 haven’t been working


1 been studying, 2 has been making, 3 haven’t been feeling, 4 made, 5 been seeing, 6 known, 7 been using, 8 been staying


1 When the waiter came we still hadn’t decided what to order. 2 The concert didn’t start until everyone had arrived. 3 She had never received a prize before so she was very happy. 4 When we arrived at the cinema, the film had already started. 5 When we arrived at the hotel we realised we had forgotten to pack our swimsuits. 6 I was sure I had passed the exam. 7 After we had had lunch, we went on a tour of the inside of the castle. 8 The teacher said we had all worked very hard.


1’d known, 2 found out, 3 was, 4 met, 5 realised, 6 had seen, 7 hadn’t ... told, 8 said


1 I had never tried, 2 Olta went, 3 we had had breakfast, 4 I thought I had seen, 5 I heard, 6 if you had asked, 7 you had already graduated, 8 We hadn’t been


1 ’ve been standing, 2 Didn’t ... get, 3 got, 4 had left, 5 had gone, 6 were,7 was, 8 had, 9 knocked, 10 ’ve been looking



1 haven’t been waiting, 2 have ... been playing, 3 hasn’t been feeling, 4 has been studying, 5 has ... been doing, 6 has been raining, 7 have been singing, 8 have been working


1 been using, 2 been staying, 3 been cooking, 4 been crying, 5 been feeling, 6 made, 7 been phoning, 8 known


1 When we arrived at the station, the train still hadn’t left. 2 They didn’t serve the meal until everyone had sat down. 3 He had never taken his driving test before so he was nervous. 4 When we arrived at the castle, the tour had already begun. 5 When we arrived at the cinema we noticed the film had changed. 6 I was sure I had bought some milk. 7 After we had played tennis, we had a picnic lunch. 8 The teacher said I had passed the exam.


1’d been, 2 found out, 3 starred, 4 knew, 5 had seen, 6 met, 7 hadn’t ... said, 8 hadn’t wanted


1 Jamie had already started, 2 We hadn’t been, 3 I had never done, 4 Justin flew, 5 I suddenly felt, we had had dinner, 7 she had met, 8 if you had told


1’ve been waiting, 2 Didn’t ... receive, 3 got, 4 had forgotten, 5 had run, 6 were, 7 was, 8 fell, 9 hit, 10 ’ve been studying



1 haven’t bought, have been thinking, 2 have been going / have gone, Have … noticed, 3 hasn’t been going / hasn’t gone, has been studying, 4 has been working / has worked, has been gaining, 5 have been getting, have been, 6 haven’t … been answering, have been calling, 7 has … been doing, has made, 8 have been going, haven’t had


1 used to, 2 used to / would, 3 used to, 4 use to, 5 would, 6 used to, 7 used to / would, 8 used to


1 My grandparents used to own that farm. 2 Was it difficult for you to get used to working shifts (at first)? 3 Would you always spend Christmas together? 4 She didn’t use to wear a school uniform at her secondary school. 5 You’ll get used to cycling up that hill. 6 I’ve got used to wearing glasses. 7 When they lived in Devon, they would swim nearly every day in summer. 8 Didn’t you use to be a vegetarian?


1 have … ever bought, 2 have heard, 3 have never tried, 4 has been going, 5 have been having, 6 had expired, 7 Have ... been recharging, 8 had had


1 I’d been waiting for half an hour when I found out there was a train strike.


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Answer Keys 2 We’d known each other for a long time when we decided to get married. 3 He couldn’t go on holiday because he had broken his leg. 4 I had never felt like this before. 5 How long had you been learning before you took your driving test? 6 He had only been reading four pages when he felt his eyes start to close. 7 Mum had been putting on weight recently because she had stopped smoking. 8 I hadn’t heard the announcement about the platform change because I had been talking on my mobile.


1 hasn’t been, 2 have not learnt, 3 had received, 4 has ... spread, 5 has been experiencing, 6 have ... run out, 7 has had, 8 had died, 9 have administered, 10 get used to



1 haven’t booked, have been planning, 2 has been increasing / has increased, Have … noticed, 3 hasn’t been playing / hasn’t played, has been working, 4 has been studying / has studied, has learnt, 5 has been cooking, has become, 6 hasn’t … been answering, have been calling, 7 have … done, have been eating, 8 has been going, hasn’t had


1 used to / would, 2 use to, 3 used to, 4 use to, 5 would, 6 didn’t use to, 7 used to / would, 8 used to


1 My parents used to have a caravan. 2 Was it difficult for him to get used to commuting to work (at first)? 3 Would you always have lunch together? 4 I didn’t use to work full-time at my first job. 5 You’ll get used to living independently.

6 She’s got used to working nights. 7 When I lived in Bolzano, I would ski nearly every weekend in winter. 8 Didn’t you use to be Daisy’s friend?


1 have … ever purchased, 2 have heard, 3 have never been, 4 has been telling, 5 has been having, 6 had expired, 7 Had … been recharging, 8 had had


1 I’d been standing at the bus stop for half an hour when I found out there was a bus strike. 2 We’d known each other since university when we decided to rent a flat together. 3 She couldn’t drive by herself because she hadn’t passed her driving test 4 I had never eaten snails before. 5 How long had you been playing the guitar before you met Roger? 6 He had only been watching the first ten minutes of the film when he felt his eyes start to close. 7 My brother had been putting on weight recently because he had stopped going to the gym. 8 They hadn’t felt the earthquake because they had been sleeping.


1 has passed, 2 have not gained, 3 had received, 4 has ... spread, 5 has been having, 6 have ... run out, 7 has recorded, 8 had died, 9 have given, 10 get used to



1 c, 2 f ,3 h, 4 e, 5 a, 6 d, 7 b, 8 g


1 is ... going to, 2’ll, 3 will, won’t, 4 will, 5 will, 6 are, going to, 7 are going to, 8 ’m going to

you doing, 6 is, 7 is coming, 8 are they going


1’m going, 2 finishes, 3’ll be, 4’ll see, 5’ll probably go, 6 is going to rain, 7’ll probably stay, 8 is coming


1 will snow, 2 ’s going to look, 3 ’m cooking , 4 ’ll get, 5 I’ll answer it , 6 arrives, 7 ’ m going to stay, 8 does … live


1 are ... planning, 2’ll ... take, 3 are ... going to do, 4’ll have, 5 closes, 6’ll see, 7’ll ... go, 8’m going to be, 9’s going to rain, 10’ll be



1 d, 2 c, 3 f, 4 h, 5 e, 6 a, 7 b, 8 g


1 will, won’t, 2 won’t, 3 will, 4 are going to, 5 ’s going to, 6 is ... going to, 7 ’ll, 8 are ... going to


1 is coming, 2 is Alice going, 3 buy, 4 are giving, 5 are probably going, 6 arrive, 7 Are you doing, 8 go


1’ll go, 2 finishes, 3’ll get, 4’ll meet, 5’ll probably take, 6 is going to snow, 7’ll probably stay, 8 is coming


1 will be, 2 ’m going to stay, 3 ’m cooking, 4 ’ll make, 5 I’ll answer it, 6 departs, 7 will go, 8 do … get


1 are ... planning, 2’ll ... relax, 3 are ... going to go, 4’ll have, 5 closes, 6’ll check, 7 ’ll ... do, 8 ’m going to be, 9 ’s going to be, 10 will get


1 take, 2 are buying, 3 am probably going, 4 arrives, 5 Are


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03/02/17 16:00

Answer Keys



1 I knew you would pass your driving test. 2 I was going to wake up early, but I didn’t hear the alarm clock. 3 We were going to settle the bill the evening before our departure but we returned late. 4 They were going to hold an end-of-term party, but it was cancelled. 5 He was going to take the bus, but he decided to walk instead. 6 I knew it would be hard to move to another country, but I wasn’t afraid. 7 He expected they would wake him before they left. 8 I was going to phone you, but then I forgot.


1 We’ll arrange, 2 I’ll be getting, 3 she’ll be skiing, 4 I’ll pay, 5 I’ll be playing, 6 I’ll give, 7 I’ll be living, 8 we’ll be sitting


1 will be studying, 2 won’t be, 3 will have, 4 will be directing / will direct, 5 will be flying, 6 won’t be coming, 7 ’ll be getting, 8 ’ll surprise


1 will be eating, 2 will have saved, 3 will have been attending, 4 will have already gone, 5 Will … be working, 6 will be feeling, 7 will be doing, 8 Will … have finished


1 Don’t phone after 10 p.m., the children will be sleeping. 2 I was to start my new job the next day, but then I changed my mind. 3 We’ll be going by bus as usual. 4 By the end of this year, we will have been working together for ten years. 5 Look out! Those books are about to fall. 6 The shops will have closed by the time we get there. 7 By next month, we will have been dating for nearly a year.

8 The theatre is to close for one month for redecoration / refurbishment.


1 will have been working, 2 will be doing, 3 is about to change, 4 will have discovered, 5 won’t be having, 6 will help, 7 will have solved, 8 will be working, 9 will have left, 10 will have become



1 I knew Julia would be late tonight. 2 I was going to make a cake, but I didn’t have time. 3 We were going to leave early but we didn’t wake up in time. 4 I was going to organize a birthday party, but I wasn’t well. 5 She was going to buy a coat, but she decided to get a jacket instead. 6 I knew it would be exciting to visit Israel, and I was thrilled about the trip. 7 He expected they would eat before they went out. 8 I was going to talk to Robert, but I didn’t see him.


1 we’ll be sitting, 2 We’ll speak, 3 I’ll be having, 4 we’ll be swimming, 5 I’ll give, 6 I’ll be going, 7 I’ll send, 8 I’ll be driving


1 ’ll be getting, 2 ’ll surprise, 3 will be travelling, 4 won’t make, 5 will move, 6 will be running / will run, 7 will be cycling, 8 won’t be coming


1 Will … have finished, 2 will be taking, 3 will have been studying, 4 will have already left, 5 will have earned, 6 Will … be working, 7 will be feeling, 8 will be doing


1 Don’t come / arrive before 8 a.m., we will be sleeping. 2 I was to leave the next day, but then I changed my mind.

3 We’ll be eating at the canteen as usual. 4 By the end of this year, we will have been living together for five years. 5 Look out! That branch is about to break. 6 The film will have already started by the time we get there. 7 By next month, we will have been playing football together for nearly a year. 8 The swimming pool is to close for one month for redecoration / refurbishment.


1 will have been working, 2 will be working, 3 is about to undergo, 4 will have discovered, 5 will be feeling, 6 will help, 7 will have resolved, 8 will be spending, 9 will have left, 10 will have turned



1 Are ... allowed, 2 Can, 3 could, can’t, 4 Can, 5 couldn’t, 6 won’t be able, 7 wasn’t allowed, 8 could


1 Would, 2 can’t, 3 can’t, 4 Shall, 5’m not allowed, 6 How about, 7 Will / Could, 8 Shall


1 Liza could speak English, but she couldn’t speak French. 2 You had to turn off the light before you left the room. 3 I couldn’t come to the concert on Friday. I had to work. 4 Paul had very little money with him. He had to borrow some. 5 My two-year old daughter could count up to 10. 6 Did they have to leave a deposit for the room? 7 We were allowed to stay up late at the weekend. 8 Were you able to / Could you translate that sentence?


1 have to, 2 must, 3 don’t have to, 4 shouldn’t, 5 ought, 6 ’d better not, 7 should, 8 mustn’t


Soluzioni+2 pag Hub.indd 317

03/02/17 16:00

Answer Keys




1 must have studied, 2 could / must have met, 3 shouldn’t have spent, 4 could / should have phoned, 5 might / may have gone, 6 can’t have come, 7 must have died, 8 can’t have seen

1 a, 2 d, 3 g, 4 h, 5 c, 6 e, 7 f, 8 b 1 has to, 2 won’t be able to, 3 must, 4 will have to, 5 might, 6 should, 7 had better, 8 may not, 9 Could, 10 might, might not



1 Is ... allowed, 2 can’t, 3 couldn’t, can, 4 Can, 5 couldn’t, 6 could, 7 won’t be able, 8 weren’t allowed


1 How about, 2 can’t, 3 Shall, 4 ’m not allowed, 5 Would, 6 ’re allowed, 7 Shall, 8 Will / Could


1 I could swim really well, but I couldn’t dive at all. 2 They had to leave their keys at the desk when they checked out. 3 Joe couldn’t give me a lift. He had to work. 4 We had very little time. We had to hurry. 5 Our dog Boris could climb trees. 6 Did we have to pay for the guided tour? 7 I was allowed to invite friends at the weekend. 8 Were you able to / Could you find what you needed?


1 should, 2 mustn’t, 3 have to, 4 must, 5 don’t have to, 6 shouldn’t, 7 have, 8 ’d better not


1 c, 2 h, 3 e, 4 f, 5 g, 6 a, 7 b, 8 d


1 won’t be able to, 2 will have to, 3 must, 4 has to, 5 should, 6 be able to, 7 had better, 8 may not, 9 Could, 10 might, might not



1 We needn’t have arrived early. 2 Need I finish this by tomorrow? / Do I need to finish this by tomorrow? 3 We didn’t need to bring our own lunch. 4 This shower needs repairing / needs to be repaired. 5 You needn’t have brought a dessert. I’ve made a cake. 6 Do you need to arrive two hours before your flight? 7 He doesn’t need any help. He can manage. 8 These shirts and trousers need ironing / need to be ironed


1 bound, 2 supposed, 3 supposed, 4 supposed, 5 bound, 6 bound, 7 supposed, 8 bound


1 d, 2 f, 3 h, 4 b, 5 g, 6 e, 7 a, 8 c

5 1 You shouldn’t have gone to bed late last night. 2 We’re supposed to do an exam at the end of the year. 3 He’s the fastest runner: he’s bound to win. 4 Diana isn’t home yet. She must have stopped somewhere on her way home. 5 Joe can’t be working today: it’s Sunday. 6 I might have got a promotion if I hadn’t left. 7 The train was supposed to stop at that station. 8 I’m sorry, I should have warned you I was coming.


1 must have been watching, 2 shouldn’t have gone, 3 can’t

have got, 4 may / might have entered, 5 must have left, 6 might / may not have had, 7 needn’t have made, 8 bound to find, 9 should have ... installed, 10 supposed to be



1 shouldn’t have spent, 2 could / should have asked, 3 may / might have missed, 4 must have worked, 5 could / must have met, 6 can’t have seen, 7 can’t have come, 8 must have moved

2 1 We needn’t have brought food with us. 2 Need we arrive early tomorrow? / Do we need to arrive early tomorrow? 3 We didn’t need to buy our own uniforms. 4 This dishwasher needs cleaning / needs to be cleaned. 5 You needn’t have brought so many clothes, we’re camping. 6 Do we need to bring all our textbooks on the first day? / Need we bring all our textbooks on the first day? 7 She doesn’t need any money. She has enough. 8 These two rooms need painting / need to be painted.


1 supposed, 2 bound, 3 bound, 4 supposed, 5 supposed, 6 supposed, 7 bound, 8 bound


1 g, 2 c, 3 d, 4 a, 5 b, 6 f, 7 h, 8 e

5 1 You shouldn’t have told Beth everything. 2 We’re supposed to wear a uniform. 3 He’s the best student: he’s bound to pass the exam. 4 Simon isn’t in the office yet. He must have stopped to have breakfast. 5 Esme can’t be playing today: she’s ill.


Soluzioni+2 pag Hub.indd 318

03/02/17 16:00

Answer Keys 6 I might have gone to university if I hadn’t started working. 7 The last episode was supposed to be tonight / this evening. 8 I’m sorry, I should have remembered it was / is your birthday.


1 shouldn’t have gone, 2 must have been watching, 3 can’t have climbed, 4 may / might have got, 5 might / may not have had, 6 needn’t have made, 7 must have left, 8 bound to find, 9 supposed to be, 10 should have ... installed

4 Can my car be repaired by the end of the day? 5 The results may be announced today. 6 Dogs and small children shouldn’t be left alone. 7 This shirt and jacket could be worn together. 8 Will the match be postponed because of the weather?



1 are told, 2 shouldn’t be taken, 3 need not be used, 4 should be washed, 5 must be changed, 6 are found, 7 should be washed, 8 wasn’t used, 9 were advised, 10 will be invented



1 are spoken, 2 aren’t cleaned, 3 is served, 4 aren’t made, 5 is situated, 6 is provided, 7 isn’t allowed, 8 are accepted


3 Your teeth must be brushed twice a day. 4 Can this parcel be delivered by 5 p.m? 5 The winner may be announced today. 6 Valuables shouldn’t be left in this room. 7 These plums could be used in the cake. 8 Will the flight be delayed because of the weather?


1 was told, 2 should be washed, 3 shouldn’t be taken, 4 need not be used, 5 must be changed, 6 are found, 7 should be washed, 8 wasn’t invented, 9 were advised, 10 will be created




1 are situated, 2 is provided, 3 isn’t allowed, 4 are accepted, 5 are spoken, 6 aren’t used, 7 is served, 8 aren’t made


1 A, 2 C, 3 B, 4 C, 5 B, 6 B, 7 A, 8C



6 7

1 C, 2 B, 3 B, 4 A, 5 C, 6 C, 7 B, 8A

1 Hundreds of new species are identified each year. 2 Penicillin was discovered by accident in 1928. 3 These loaves are baked in this bakery every morning. 4 The first mobile app was created in 1998. 5 Coats aren’t kept in this room. 6 In England, smoking wasn’t banned in public places until 2007. 7 Is breakfast included in the price of the room? 8 Were these old photos taken by your grandfather?



1 In England, smoking wasn’t banned in public places until 2007. 2 How many messages are sent every day? 3 Thousands of trees are cut down each year. 4 Those pictures were painted by my father. 5 These strawberries are grown locally. 6 Penicillin was discovered by accident in 1928. 7 When was the first mobile app created? 8 Modern history is not taught by Mrs Hull.


1 g, 2 a, 3 b, 4 h, 5 e, 6 f, 7 c, 8 d

1 The post won’t be delivered tomorrow because it’s Sunday. 2 The new exhibition centre will be inaugurated on Friday. 3 The rubbish must be separated.

1 Room service won’t be provided in this hotel. 2 The baby will be christened on Sunday.

1 b, 2 h, 3 e, 4 a, 5 f, 6 c, 7 d, 8 g



1 2 3 4


You are going to be invited. I don’t want to be recognized. The kitchen is being re-painted. Had the question been understood? He doesn’t like being laughed at. Is the room being cleaned? My window has been broken by your son. The lesson was being given by an undergraduate.


1 must have been sold, 2 might have been moved, 3 should have been delivered, 4 ought to have been put, 5 needn’t have been cancelled, 6 should have been done, 7 can’t have been made, 8 could have been


1 b, 2 g, 3 c, 4 h, 5 a, 6 d, 7 f, 8 e


1 have / get ... shortened, 2 had / got ... tested, 3 had ... cut, 4 got / had ... mended, 5 had / got ... landscaped, 6 have / get ... taken, 7 had /got ... stolen, 8 having ... cleaned


Soluzioni+2 pag Hub.indd 319

03/02/17 16:00

Answer Keys


1 The robber is thought to have hidden the money. 2 Centuries ago it was believed that the Earth was the centre of the universe. 3 It is said that some parts of the countryside are more polluted than cities. 4 Teachers are supposed to know all the answers. 5 The disease is thought to have been caused by rats. 6 He is considered to be the best man for that job. 7 The director is expected to make an announcement soon. 8 Riots are reported to have broken out in the US.


1 B, 2 C, 3 A, 4 B, 5 C, 6 C, 7 B, 8 A, 9 B, 10 C


1 1 2 3 4 5

He is going to be given a prize. I don’t want to be seen. The grass is being cut. Had the answers been written? She doesn’t like being talked about. 6 Is the door being repaired? 7 My son has been bitten by your dog. 8 The pipes were being checked by a plumber.


1 must have been moved, 2 might have been delivered, 3 should have been fixed, 4 ought to have been planned, 5 needn’t have been postponed, 6 should have been told, 7 can’t have been done, 8 could have had


1 a, 2 d, 3 f, 4 e, 5 b, 6 g, 7 c, 8 h


1 have / get ... trimmed, 2 had / got ... serviced, 3 had ... pierced, 4 got / had ... dry cleaned, 5 had / got ... renovated, 6 have / get ... cut down, 7 had ... broken, 8 having ... re-painted



1 The robbery is thought to have happened last night. 2 Centuries ago it was believed that humans existed at the time of the Creation. 3 It is said that life in the countryside is healthier than in the city. 4 The state is supposed to protect the weakest (people). 5 The fire is thought to have started on the ground floor. 6 It is considered (to be) the best hotel in the area. 7 The weather is expected to improve at the weekend. 8 An accident is reported to have happened on the A1.

1 to do, 2 to be called, 3 filling, 4 to get, 5 joining, 6 to pick, 7 travelling, 8 applying, 9 to remember, 10 to send



1 A, 2 B, 3 C, 4 A, 5 B, 6 B, 7 C, 8 B, 9 C, 10 A



1 B, 2 C, 3 B, 4 C, 5 A, 6 C, 7 C, 8B


1 to find, 2 to visit, 3 drop, 4 look, 5 to go, 6 use, 7 have, 8 to stay


1 c, 2 e, 3 a, 4 g, 5 b, 6 h, 7 f, 8 d


1 Did you manage to catch your train? 2 Without a helmet a worker risks getting injured. 3 Fiona tends to phone after 9 p.m. 4 Catherine can’t stand watching TV. 5 Haven’t you finished writing your essay yet? 6 I suggest booking a cheap ticket now. 7 Would you mind helping me with this bag? 8 Mark should stop worrying about the exam.


1 talking / speaking, 2 to lose, 3 to go, 4 cooking, 5 missing, 6 to bring, 7 to do, 8 talking



1 A, 2 B, 3 C, 4 A, 5 B, 6 A, 7 B, 8C


1 to save, 2 to apply, 3 look, 4 taste, 5 to leave, 6 decide, 7 work, 8 to feel


1 b, 2 h, 3 f, 4 d, 5 c, 6 e, 7 a, 8 g

1 Do you happen to know his telephone number? 2 That film is worth seeing. 3 I suggest doing / you do more exercise. 4 Andy can’t stand staying in. 5 Haven’t you finished tidying your room yet? 6 You should keep taking the tablets. 7 Would you mind moving your jacket? 8 Mark should stop playing video games late at night.


1 walking, 2 to get, 3 to find, 4 cooking, 5 to do, 6 missing, 7 to buy, 8 talking


1 to work, 2 to be invited, 3 feeling, 4 to go / to travel, 5 applying, 6 to feed, 7 travelling / going, 8 doing, 9 to know, 10 to send



1 some, 2 were, 3 some, 4 some, 5 any, 6 many, 7 much, 8 lots of, 9 luggage, 10 some


1 f, 2 a, 3 d, 4 b, 5 g, 6 c, 7 h, 8 e


Soluzioni+2 pag Hub.indd 320

03/02/17 16:00

Answer Keys


1 A, 2 C, 3 C, 4 A, 5 B, 6 C


1 None, 2 all, 3 much, 4 few, 5 Most, 6 little, 7 a little, 8 few


1 a lot of noise, 2 a few minutes, 3 a little / some money, 4 None of the students, 5 have all been broken, 6 a little sugar, 7 Most of us, 8 much time


1 both, 2 each, 3 Both, 4 every, 5 each, 6 each, 7 each, 8 both


1 plenty, 2 amount, 3 percentage, 4 majority, 5 deal, 6 number, 7 majority, 8 plenty


4 Both of the doors were locked. 5 Nearly every book is wet. 6 The majority of students eat in / at the canteen. 7 There are plenty of restaurants in this city. 8 Alberto works late nearly every day.


1 much, 2 much, 3 lots of, 4 homework, 5 some, 6 some, 7 a, 8 some, 9 some, 10 any

1 A large percentage of our prisons are crowded. 2 The two cakes were both delicious. 3 She kissed each of her children. 4 Both of the windows were broken. 5 Nearly every shop is closed. 6 The majority of students live with their parents. 7 There are plenty of things to do in this city. 8 Sonia goes to the gym nearly every day.

1 plenty, 2 every, 3 majority, 4 both, 5 every, 6 amount, 7 smartphone, 8 each, 9 much, 10 deal



1 anything, 2 Everything, 3 everywhere, 4 someone / somebody, 5 Everyone / Everybody, 6 all, 7 Nothing, 8 anyone / anybody


1 any, 2 Most, 3 All, 4 few, 5 all, 6 None, 7 much, 8 some, 9 mine, 10 piece



1 c, 2 g, 3 h, 4 f, 5 a, 6 b, 7 d, 8 e


1 C, 2 A, 3 B, 4 A, 5 B, 6 B


1 homework, 2 plenty, 3 every, 4 majority, 5 both, 6 each, 7 every, 8 amount, 9 smartphone, 10 each




1 the, 2 a, 3 the, 4 the, 5 An, 6 an, 7 the, 8 a


1 the, 2 the, 3 –, 4 –, 5 –, 6 the, 7 The, 8 ­–



1 much, 2 None, 3 all, 4 many, 5 Most, 6 little, 7 a little, 8 a few


1 g, 2 h, 3 f, 4 d, 5 b, 6 a, 7 e, 8 c



1Why are we walking, 2 Where did you go, 3 Who discovered, 4 What’s / What have you got, 5 Where does she, 6 Who left / threw, 7 What (letter) comes, 8 When did you buy

1 have all been eaten, 2 a little sugar, 3 Most of us, 4 much money, 5 a lot of sugar, 6 a few programmes, 7 a little / some business, 8 None of the passengers

1 c, 2 f, 3 h, 4 a, 5 g, 6 d, 7 e, 8 b

1 car park, 2 toothbrush, 3 sunglasses, 4 bookshelf, 5 sports car, 6 salad bowl, 7 ticket office, 8 shower gel



1 each, 2 each, 3 each, 4 both, 5 both, 6 each, 7 both, 8 every


1 majority, 2 deal, 3 number, 4 majority, 5 plenty, 6 plenty, 7 amount, 8 percentage

1 any, 2 None, 3 Most, 4 all, 5 few, 6 lots of, 7 all, 8 much, 9 mine, 10 piece


1 d, 2 g, 3 f, 4 a, 5 c, 6 h, 7 b, 8 e


1 bread knife, 2 winter coat, 3 backpack, 4 textbook, 5 toothpaste, 6 airport, 7 hairstyle, 8 bedspread


5 1 A low percentage of people marry very young / get married when they are very young. 2 The two coats were both very expensive. 3 She sent each of her neighbours an invitation.



1 something, 2 all, 3 Everyone, 4 somebody / someone, 5 anybody / anyone, 6 the, 7 all, 8 ourselves, 9 the, 10 yourself



1 an, 2 a, 3 the, 4 a, 5 the, 6 a, 7 the, 8 the


1 –, 2 the, 3 The, 4 –, 5 –, 6 the, 7 –, 8 –


Soluzioni+2 pag Hub.indd 321

03/02/17 16:00

Answer Keys



1 Everyone / Everybody, 2 all, 3 Nothing, 4 anyone / anybody, 5 anything, 6 everything, 7 everywhere, 8 someone / somebody

1 yourself, 2 it, 3 there, 4 one, 5 itself, 6 one, 7 it, 8 all, 9 there, 10 (ones)



1 h, 2 b, 3 a, 4 e, 5 c, 6 g, 7 f, 8 d


1 Where does he, 2 Who moved / took, 3 What (letter) comes, 4 When did you pass, 5 Why are we walking, 6 Where did you go, 7 Who invented, 8 What’s / What have you got


1 anything, 2 something, 3 all, 4 Everyone / Everybody, 5 anybody / anyone, 6 the, 7 all, 8 myself, 9 the, 10 yourself

FULL TEST 18 – VERSION B 1 There’s, 2 It, 3 There’s, 4 It’s, 5 It’s, 6 there, 7 There, 8 it


1 ones, 2 –, 3 –, one, 4 one, 5 one, 6 –, 7 –, 8 one


1 there, 2 there, 3 It, 4 there, 5 there, 6 It, 7 ones, 8 one


1 h, 2 b, 3 e, 4 g, 5 c, 6 a, 7 d, 8 f


1 there, 2 It, 3 ones, 4 one, 5 there, 6 there, 7 It, 8 there

1 It’s nice to see you again. How are you? 2 I’d like another one, please. 3 My parents married twenty years ago. 4 At first Jane and Sam didn’t like each other much. 5 We always send each other messages in the morning. 6 “Which (one) is your house?” “The one opposite the church.” 7 It’s a quarter past ten. 8 I’ve bought a new car. Do you like it?





1 It’s, 2 there, 3 There, 4 it, 5 There’s, 6 It, 7 There’s, 8 It’s


1 one, 2 –, 3 –, 4 one, 5 ones, 6 –, 7 –, one, 8 one


1 c, 2 a, 3 d, 4 f, 5 h, 6 b, 7 e, 8 g


1 We always give each other presents at Christmas. 2 “Which (one) is your room?” “The one at the end of the corridor.” 3 It’s half past eleven. 4 I’ve bought a new telephone. Do you like it? 5 It’s nice to see you again. How are you? 6 I’d like another one, please. 7 My grandparents married fortyfive years ago. 8 At first Jake and Polly didn’t like each other much.

1 each, 2 it, 3 one, 4 there, 5 there, 6 one, 7 it, 8 all, 9 it, 10 (ones)



1 horrible cold and windy, 2 scratched, old and very expensive, 3 disgusting, oldfashioned, 1980s, 4 long, green, silk, 5 dirty, old, porcelain, 6 unusual, little lamp, 7 modern, well-lit and large, 8 wonderful new


1 pleased, 2 disgusting, 3 tired, 4 exciting, 5 depressing, 6 bored, 7 frustrating, 8 relaxing


1 happily, 2 completely forgot, 3 hard, 4 is definitely, 5 the questions carefully, 6 tragically, 7 by, 8 abominably


1 the worst, 2 more useful, 3 furthest / farthest, 4 happier, 5 the biggest, 6 the best, 7 more comfortable, 8 most violent

5 1 Marina is just as intelligent as Emily. 2 This episode isn’t as easy to follow as the previous one. 3 I didn’t do as many exercises as you. 4 The test we did last week wasn’t as difficult as this one. 5 Fran has got twice as much money as I have. 6 It’s less cold today than it was yesterday. 7 There are fewer people here today than last week. 8 Please come as soon as possible; it’s very urgent.


1 as, 2 less, 3 more, 4 hard, 5 earlier, 6 quickly, 7 absolutely, 8 most, 9 better, 10 fewer



1 beautiful red woollen, 2 unusual old writing, 3 cosy small well-lit, 4 1950s black and white, 5 lovely hot sunny, 6 old, scratched and very expensive, 7 ugly yellow nylon, 8 new black leather


1 depressing, 2 boring, 3 frustrating, 4 relaxing, 5 excited, 6 disgusted, 7 tired, 8 frightened


1 the instructions carefully, 2 tragically, 3 by, 4 abominably, 5 happily, 6 completely understand, 7 hard, 8 is definitely


1 the longest, 2 the best, 3 more difficult, 4 most powerful,


Soluzioni+2 pag Hub.indd 322

03/02/17 16:00

Answer Keys 5 the worst, 6 more helpful, 7 furthest / farthest, 8 happier


1 Chanu is just as good at sport as Tom. 2 This rule isn’t as easy to explain as I thought. 3 I haven’t eaten as many sandwiches as you. 4 The test we did last week wasn’t as easy as this one. 5 Jake is twice as old as Josh. 6 The water is less warm today than it was yesterday. 7 There are fewer jobs available than in the past. 8 Please call him as soon as possible; it’s urgent.


1 the, 2 less, 3 hard, 4 more, 5 earlier, 6 carefully, 7 most, 8 better, 9 fewer, 10 less



1 more, 2 more, 3 do, 4 best, 5 than, 6 as, 7 less, 8 worse


1 boiling, 2 fascinating, 3 starving, 4 minute, 5 delighted, 6 delicious, 7 exhausted, 8 nasty


1 absolutely, 2 utterly, 3 not at all, 4 a bit, 5 remarkably, 6 very, 7 utterly, 8 totally


1 There weren’t enough seats for everyone to sit down. 2 These shoes are / feel too small. 3 You have put too much salt on these chips. 4 Is there enough pizza for everyone? 5 There was so much litter in the street after the festival. 6 You have got so many friends. 7 We had such a good time at the concert. 8 The dishes on the menu are so unusual.


1 Kim felt more and more unhappy. 2 This test is easier than I expected. 3 The child is utterly exhausted. 4 I thought that documentary was rather interesting. 5 Don’t watch that film: it’s absolutely terrifying. 6 Rose has got so much money that she doesn’t know what to spend it on. 7 He hasn’t got enough experience to do that job. 8 The history homework was quite difficult: I wasn’t able to answer all the questions.


1 absolutely, 2 so, 3 enough, 4 more, 5 less, 6 such, 7 that, 8 so, 9 rather / pretty, 10 than



1 than, 2 as, 3 less, 4 worse, 5 more, 6 more, 7 do, 8 best


1 delighted, 2 delicious, 3 exhausted, 4 nasty, 5 boiling, 6 fascinating, 7 starving, 8 minute


1 remarkably, 2 very, 3 utterly, 4 totally, 5 absolutely, 6 utterly, 7 not at all, 8 a bit

4 1 There was so much noise last night coming from upstairs. 2 You have got so many DVDs. 3 We had such an interesting chat yesterday. 4 The pictures in this exhibition are so unusual. 5 There weren’t enough books for everyone to have one. 6 This jacket feels too tight. 7 You have put too much sugar in this coffee. 8 Are there enough seats for everyone?


1 I’ve seen Janet. She’s utterly furious. 2 We have got so little time here that we can’t see everything.

3 You haven’t got enough money to buy that mobile. 4 The maths homework was quite easy: I was able to finish it in half an hour. 5 Jonathan felt more and more uncertain. 6 This test is more difficult than I expected. 7 The room was totally packed with people. 8 I think that lesson was rather interesting.


1 absolutely, 2 too, 3 more, 4 less, 5 enough, 6 so, 7 that, 8 such, 9 rather / pretty, 10 than



1 B, 2 A, 3 B, 4 B, 5 B, 6 A, 7 A, 8A


1 at, 2 in, 3 between, 4 on, 5 by, 6 until, 7 for, 8 last


1 b, 2 h, 3 a, 4 c, 5 f, 6 e, 7 g, 8 d


1 about, 2 after, 3 under, 4 by, 5 throughout, 6 with, 7 before, 8 over


1 It’s five degrees below zero, make sure you put a coat on over that jacket. 2 Travelling by car is more comfortable than travelling on foot. 3 Get on the train at Euston and get off at Charing Cross. 4 The man on the right is my father and the woman standing by him is my mother. 5 He leant his bike against the wall and went into the shop. 6 The chemist is opposite the bar, on the other side of the street. 7 You can’t see Chloe in this photo because she’s standing behind Paul and Ginnie. 8 Did you go out last night or did you stay in?


Soluzioni+2 pag Hub.indd 323

03/02/17 16:00

Answer Keys


1 to, 2 on, 3 from, 4 before, 5 across, 6 every, 7 on, 8 near, 9 at, 10 along



1 B, 2 B, 3 A, 4 A, 5 B, 6 A, 7 B, 8B


1 by, 2 until, 3 for, 4 last, 5 at, 6 in, 7 between, 8 on


1 f, 2 e, 3 g, 4 d, 5 b, 6 h, 7 a, 8 c


1 throughout, 2 with, 3 before, 4 over, 5 about, 6 after, 7 under, 8 by


1 She leant against the wall and rested for a while. 2 The florist is opposite the bank, on the other side of the street. 3 You can’t see Helen in this photo because she’s standing behind Sam and Allie. 4 Did you go out last night or did you stay in? 5 It’s twelve degrees above zero, you won’t need that hat on your head today. 6 Travelling by train is more comfortable than other types of public transport. 7 Get on the train at Piccadilly and get off at Oxford street. 8 The man on the right is my father and the woman standing by him is my mother.


1 to, 2 around, 3 on, 4 from, 5 at / by, 6 on, 7 every, 8 on, 9 off, 10 At



1 B, 2 A, 3 C, 4 B, 5 C, 6 B, 7 A, 8A


1 with, 2 in, 3 of, 4 to, 5 from, 6 by, 7 at, 8 about

3 1 The girl apologized for spilling her drink. 2 We all agreed on going for a pizza after the film. 3 Do you believe in ghosts? 4 We are banned from playing football on that field. 5 Fran suffers from asthma. 6 How much do you spend on rent? 7 This soup tastes of fish. 8 I don’t really care for discos.


1 of, 2 at, 3 towards, 4 in, 5 for, 6 with, 7 to, 8 with


1 What was the cause of the crash? 2 Do you have a good relationship with your parents? 3 I’m sorry I took your keys by mistake. 4 Can I speak to you for a moment? 5 I dreamt of you last night. 6 We provide employees with a uniform. 7 Katy is jealous of my friendship with Sam. 8 Are you excited about your holiday?


1 about, 2 about, 3 by, 4 with, 5 in, 6 to, 7 of, 8 of, 9 to, 10 for

6 We all agreed to meet the following week. 7 Do you believe in aliens? 8 We are banned from taking drinks into the library.


1 for, 2 with, 3 to, 4 with, 5 of, 6 at, 7 towards, 8 in


1 I dreamt of you last night. 2 We provide all students with accommodation. 3 Leonie is jealous of my friendship with Todd. 4 Are you excited about your new car? 5 What was the cause of the fire? 6 Do you have a good relationship with your teachers? 7 I’m sorry I left the book at home by accident. 8 Can we sit down for a moment?


1 about, 2 of, 3 by, 4 about, 5 at, 6 to, 7 on, 8 of, 9 to, 10 for



1 d, 2 h, 3 a, 4 b, 5 g, 6 f, 7 c, 8 e



1 Aaron wrote me a lovely letter last week. 2 I told my teacher a funny joke. 3 I owe my brother a lot of money. 4 Sorry I haven’t read that book you lent me. 5 He doesn’t work in this office. 6 Jonathan went to Canada on holiday. 7 They haven’t found their dog. 8 Do you not know the answer?

1 Henry suffers from epilepsy 2 How much do you spend on bills? 3 This tea tastes of fruit. 4 Aisha doesn’t really care for sport. 5 Leo apologized for forgetting his homework.

1 Do Pete’s friends all have new jobs in different countries? 2 Has she been to that art gallery before? 3 Is she going to publish another cookery book?



1 C, 2 B, 3 A, 4 A, 5 B, 6 A, 7 C, 8B


1 from, 2 by, 3 at, 4 about, 5 with, 6 in, 7 of, 8 to



Soluzioni+2 pag Hub.indd 324

03/02/17 16:00

Answer Keys 4 Can I borrow any more money from my relatives? 5 Wouldn’t they like to move to a different place? 6 Can’t we change our minds and go somewhere else? 7 Doesn’t he know who the murderer is? 8 Hasn’t she invited everyone to her Christmas party?


1 Neither Meg nor John is scared of insects. 2 Karim is on the school team, and so is Greg. 3 Could you give me your phone number, please? 4 Shall I lend you the money for the bus fare? 5 Which dish would you prefer, the fish or the meat? 6 How often a day do you text people? 7 Why were you late this morning? 8 Does your sister speak French too?

2 Can we change our minds and do something else? 3 Is he going to write another short story? 4 Do Amanda’s friends all play different sports? 5 Hasn’t she invited everyone to her birthday party? 6 Haven’t we seen this film before? 7 Doesn’t he know where the jewels are? 8 Can’t I stay here another day?



1 Which cake would you prefer, chocolate or apple? 2 How often a day do you check email? 3 Why were you angry this morning? 4 Does your brother play the violin too? 5 Neither Jade nor Jodie is interested in football. 6 Karim can cook really well, and so can Keith. 7 Could you give me your exam paper, please? 8 Shall I give you a hand with that?


1 e, 2 a, 3 b, 4 f, 5 h, 6 d, 7 c, 8 g

1 b, 2 f, 3 e, 4 a, 5 h, 6 d, 7 g, 8 c 1 Neither, 2 did, 3 didn’t, 4 Do, 5 Shall, 6 Can / Could, 7 it, 8 isn’t, 9 won’t, 10 long




1 Can / Could, 2 Do, 3 isn’t, 4 won’t, 5 long, 6 Neither, 7 did, 8 didn’t, 9 Does, 10 Shall




1 Little did we realise that we had been tricked. 2 In the main square there’s a statue of William Shakespeare. 3 Rarely had the reporter witnessed such devastation. 4 No sooner had the bell rung, than there was a shout of joy. 5 Never had we felt so astonished in our whole lives. 6 Not once did they offer us a drink the whole time we were there. 7 Under no circumstances is smoking permitted. 8 Barely had Diana left the room, than they started laughing.

1 g, 2 f, 3 c, 4 e, 5 d, 6 h, 7 a, 8 b 1 Leila went to Jamaica on holiday. 2 We haven’t found our cat. 3 Do you not know the answer? 4 Nathan lent me a fantastic novel last week. 5 I told my parents a funny joke. 6 They offered him a job at the company. 7 Sorry I haven’t read that book you lent me. 8 She doesn’t go to this school.


1 Would they like to come on a different day?



1 Heard the news? 2 This situation we have come across many times before. 3 Who was responsible we’ll never know. 4 That book I was reading, it was written by my uncle. 5 Starred in this film, he did when he was a young man. 6 Down you come for breakfast. 7 Difficult as it may sound, it’s actually feasible. 8 Such was the child’s hunger that he wouldn’t stop eating.


1 Does it?, 2 Would he?, 3 Mightn’t it?, 4 could it?, 5 Does it?, 6 Have you?, 7 Can’t you?, 8 Is it?


1 shall we? 2 will / would you?, 3 shall I?, 4 aren’t I?, 5 would you?, 6 did they?, 7 don’t / haven’t you?, 8 do you?


1 “Ruby was arrested last night.” “Was she?” 2 There’s lots of homework today, isn’t there? 3 Not only did I forget my passport, but I also lost my ticket. 4 Under no circumstances are dogs allowed. 5 Here comes the head teacher. 6 So you want to be a photographer, do you? 7 I’m a quiet person, aren’t I? 8 No sooner had I opened the attachment, than I realised it was a virus.


1 are, 2 will, 3 Should, 4 Will, 5 is, 6 it, 7 Had, 8 So, 9 Don’t, 10 Here



1 Never had I felt so embarrassed in my whole life. 2 Not once did they offer her a seat the whole time she was there. 3 Under no circumstances is parking permitted.


Soluzioni+2 pag Hub.indd 325

03/02/17 16:00

Answer Keys 4 Barely had the teacher left the room, than we started talking. 5 Little did they realise that they had taken the wrong road. 6 In the middle of the park there’s a beautiful pond. 7 Rarely had the doctor seen such extensive injuries. 8 No sooner had we heard the scream, than we rushed outside.


1 Wrote this poem she did when she was at college. 2 Up you come to bed. 3 Tedious as it may seem, it’s actually fascinating. 4 Such was the child’s thirst that she drank four glasses of water. 5 Seen my keys? 6 This situation we have come across many times before. 7 Who stole the money they’ll never find out. 8 That music I was playing, it was composed by Chopin.


1 Doesn’t it? 2 Is he? 3 Mightn’t it? 4 has it? 5 Does it? 6 Did you? 7 Can’t you? 8 Is it?


1 would you?, 2 did they?, 3 doesn’t / hasn’t he?, 4 do you?, 5 shall we?, 6 will / would you?, 7 shall I?, 8 aren’t I?


1 Here comes our train. 2 So you want to be an actor, do you? 3 I’m a responsible person, aren’t I? 4 No sooner had I opened the attachment, than I realised it was a virus. 5 “Rob felt ill last night.” “Did he?” 6 There’s lots of homework today, isn’t there? 7 Not only did I forget my wallet at home, but I can’t find my keys either. 8 Under no circumstances are children allowed without an adult.


1 do, 2 are, 3 Should, 4 Does, 5 is, 6 it, 7 Had, 8 So, 9 Can’t, 10 Here



1 C, 2 A, 3 B, 4 C, 5 B, 6 A, 7 B, 8B


1 Sandy works for a multinational company which / that produces all kinds of light bulbs. 2 That is my colleague whose daughter moved to Austria last month. 3 Ella Fitzgerald was a wonderful singer who also sang with Louis Armstrong and other famous singers. 4 I live in a metropolis which / that is very dirty and polluted. 5 Sally is a nurse who sometimes works for charity organizations abroad. 6 Maya is a travel agent who’s been on trips all over the world. 7 That’s the restaurant where we went last Saturday. 8 It was Christmas when we last saw them.


1 which / that, 2 –, 3 whose, 4 –, 5 which, 6 –, 7 whom, 8 –


1 Daisy, who works as a translator, has lived in this country for more than ten years. 2 Bath, where we went on a field trip last year, is famous for its Roman Baths and its Georgian architecture. 3 Jimi Hendrix, whose music is still played all over the world, died when he was only 27. 4 Oxford, which is about an hour from London, is one of Britain’s oldest universities. 5 Julian Barnes, who wrote The Sense of an Ending, is one of my favourite writers. 6 The Battle of Bosworth, which was fought in 1485, marked the end of the War of the Roses.

7 Natalie Wood, whose most famous film was West Side Story, died tragically during the production of her last film. 8 Buenos Aires, where we stayed for the first two weeks, looks European but has a Latin American twist.


1 which, 2 which, 3 who, 4 which, 5 which, 6 what, 7 where, 8 which


1 who, 2 whose, 3 –, 4 who, 5 –, 6 –, 7 when, 8 whose, 9 who, 10 which / that



1 B, 2 B, 3 B, 4 B, 5 C, 6 A, 7 B, 8C


1 Amy is a chef who won a prize for her cuisine. 2 Mark is a journalist who’s worked all over the world. 3 That’s the church where my parents married. 4 It was Christmas when we last saw them 5 Jane works for a publisher’s which / that publishes children’s books. 6 That is my colleague whose son manages the local theatre. 7 Ella Fitzgerald was a wonderful singer who also sang with Louis Armstrong and other famous singers. 8 I live in a huge city which / that is very expensive.


1 which, 2 –, 3 whom, 4 –, 5 which / that, 6 –, 7 whose, 8 –


1 Oxford, which is about an hour from London, is one of Britain’s oldest universities. 2 Julian Barnes, who wrote The Sense of an Ending, is one of my favourite writers. 3 The Battle of Bosworth, which was fought in 1485, marked the end of the War of the Roses.


Soluzioni+2 pag Hub.indd 326

03/02/17 16:00

Answer Keys 4 Natalie Wood, whose most famous film was West Side Story, died tragically during the production of her last film. 5 Tom, who works as a teacher, has lived in this country for more than ten years. 6 Bath, where we went on a field trip last year, is famous for its Roman Baths and its Georgian architecture. 7 Jimi Hendrix, whose music is still played all over the world, died when he was only 27. 8 Buenos Aires, where we stayed for the first two weeks, looks European but has a Latin American twist.


1 which, 2 what, 3 which, 4 where, 5 which, 6 which, 7 who, 8 which


1 who, 2 whose, 3 –, 4 who, 5 where, 6 –, 7 when, 8 who, 9 who, 10 which / that



1 The office which I work in / in which I work is just across the road. 2 Venice has many tourists, most of whom visit St. Mark’s Square. 3 A guest who wishes to book a place must provide some ID. 4 In 1964, when George Clooney was born, Johnson became US President. / In 1964, when Johnson became US President, George Clooney was born. / George Clooney was born in 1964, when Johnson became US President. / Johnson became US President in 1964, when George Clooney was born. 5 Paul passed his exams, which made his family really happy. 6 Can all the guests who are leaving tomorrow pay their bills this evening? 7 We asked three people, none of whom had heard of the street.

8 The buildings which were destroyed by the earthquake will all be rebuilt.


1 e, 2 h, 3 g, 4 b, 5 a, 6 c, 7 d, 8 f


1 Whoever stole the money from the teacher’s desk should be ashamed of themselves. 2 He has lent me a lot films, some of which I have already seen. 3 These are my jackets. You can wear whichever one you want. 4 You can bring whoever you want to the party. 5 I think of her wherever I go. 6 However you look at it / Whichever way you look at it, it’s not a pleasant situation. 7 Kim may need to leave early, in which case you’ll need to finish the report. 8 Whatever you do, don’t open the door to anyone. 9 Whenever I want to go to the beach it rains.



1 Joe broke his arm when he fell on the ice, which means he can’t work. 2 Can all the students who are taking the exam pay raise their hands? 3 We asked three people, none of whom could help us. 4 The buildings which were destroyed by the earthquake will all be rebuilt. 5 The school which I teach in / in which I teach is just across the road. 6 Florence has many tourists, most of whom visit the Uffizi Gallery. 7 A guest who wishes to book a place must provide some ID. 8 In 1964, when George Clooney was born, Johnson became US President. / In 1964, when Johnson became US President, George Clooney was born. / George Clooney was born in 1964, when Johnson became

US President. / Johnson became US President in 1964, when George Clooney was born.


1 c, 2 h, 3 g, 4 b, 5 a, 6 e, 7 d, 8 f


1 I think of her whatever I’m doing. 2 However you look at it / Whichever way you look at it, it’s not a pleasant situation. 3 Neil may not come today, in which case you’ll need to finish the report. 4 Wherever we go mustn’t be too far from the centre. 5 Whenever I go to the stadium it rains. 6 Whoever stole the money from the teacher’s desk should be ashamed of themselves. 7 He has lent me a lot videogames, some of which I haven’t played yet. 8 These are my jackets. You can wear whichever one you want. 9 You can invite whoever you want to the dinner.



1 drink, have, 2 goes, has, 3 are, turn off, 4 press, comes, 5 want, leave, 6 rains, leaks, 7 feel, make, 8 don’t cook, get


1 aren’t, will drop, 2 snows, won’t be able, 3 doesn’t hurry, will miss, 4 Order, don’t like, 5 will speak, is, 6 wants, apologizes, 7 Don’t tell, will be, 8 catches, arrives


1 If I had more time for myself, I would be happier. 2 We would visit them more often if they lived nearer. 3 You wouldn’t be ill all the time if you ate healthier food. 4 If I won a lot of money, I would buy a house near the centre. 5 It would be better if we didn’t have so much homework. 6 They would score a goal if they ran faster.


Soluzioni+2 pag Hub.indd 327

03/02/17 16:00

Answer Keys 7 If I were you, I would tell them the truth about what happened. 8 If she didn’t buy so many clothes, she would have more money.


1 If you don’t hurry up, we’ll miss our flight. 2 If you need money, I’ll lend you some. 3 If my teacher spoke English more slowly, I would understand her. 4 If this bike were mine, I would use it. 5 If I felt better, I would play in the match today. 6 When I go to bed very late, I feel really tired the next day. 7 If / When you go to the shop, buy two cartons of milk. 8 If Tim’s hungry, I’ll make him a sandwich.


1 If you arrive, 2 My parents won’t, 3 If I was / were you, 4 What would you do, 5 I would live, 6 If you don’t turn, 7 If you leave, 8 You won’t pass the exam


1 were / was, 2 would, 3 live / are, 4 is, 5 would, 6 was / were, 7 won’t, 8 have, 9 were / was, 10 wouldn’t



1 want, leave, 2 snows, close, 3 don’t feel, make, 4 don’t cook, risk, 5 eat, have, 6 plays, has, 7 are, turn off, 8 press, comes


1 will see, is, 2 wants, apologizes, 3 Don’t invite, will bring, 4 catch, arrive, 5 are, won’t waste, 6 snows, won’t be able, 7 doesn’t hurry, will be, 8 Ask, don’t like


1 If I had more friends, I wouldn’t be lonely. 2 We would help them if they asked us. 3 Rob wouldn’t be stressed all the time if he worked less.

4 If I weren’t afraid of flying, I would go to Australia on holiday. 5 It would be better if our school wasn’t so far away. 6 They would score a goal if they ran faster. 7 If I were you, I would stay overnight in a hotel. 8 If she didn’t drive so fast, she wouldn’t have so many accidents.


1 If you don’t hurry up, we’ll be late. 2 If you are cold, I’ll close the window. 3 If Peter weren’t so serious, he would have more friends. 4 If this newspaper were mine, I would take it. 5 If I felt hungry, I would eat / have some pizza. 6 When I get up early, I feel really tired in the evening. 7 If / When you go to the post office, post this parcel. 8 If Aaron needs a pen, I’ll lend him one.


1 If I won, 2 If you don’t go, 3 If you keep, 4 You won’t eat, 5 If you arrive, 6 My parents would buy me that mobile if it wasn’t so expensive, 7 I wouldn’t walk, 8 What would you say if you met


1 would, 2 weren’t / wasn’t, 3 is, 4 live / are, 5 were, 6 would, 7 won’t, 8 have, 9 wouldn’t, 10 were



1 If I had known Sam was ill, I’d have visited him in hospital. 2 If two players hadn’t been injured, England wouldn’t have lost. 3 If they hadn’t missed their plane, they would have gone on holiday. 4 They wouldn’t have got lost if they had bought a map. 5 We’d have gone away for the weekend if we had had money.

6 If Meg hadn’t gone to university, she wouldn’t have met Josh. 7 If the film had been on earlier, I would have watched it. 8 If the weather hadn’t been bad, they wouldn’t have cancelled their hike.


1 If I were more studious, I would have gone to university. 2 You can go to the concert provided (that) you are back by 1 a.m. 3 Supposing (that) you suspected a friend of a crime, what would you do? 4 Should you be late, give me a ring. 5 Even if Bill were to invite me to his party, I wouldn’t go. 6 If Ahmed hadn’t been mean to Keira the other day, he wouldn’t feel so guilty now. 7 You can have a birthday party as long as you tidy up afterwards. 8 Take some extra money in case you need it.


1 Had, 2 should, 3 Were, 4 could / might, 5 not, 6 might / could, 7 Should, 8 If


1 wish, 2 only, 3 high, 4 hadn’t, 5 had, 6 would, 7 to start, 8 didn’t


1 If only I had my own car. 2 Take a jacket in case it gets cold later. 3 Even if they won that money, it wouldn’t be enough. 4 If I had accepted that job, I might have been happier now. 5 If you had enrolled at the university, you might have become a doctor. 6 If you should / Should you come to Padua, we could meet (up). 7 It’s time we went / to go home. 8 I’ll lend you my car, as long as you don’t drive / go too fast.


Soluzioni+2 pag Hub.indd 328

03/02/17 16:00

Answer Keys


1 weren’t, 2 only, 3 had, 4 have, 5 rather, 6 Had, 7 might / could, 8 provided, 9 wouldn’t, 10 if



1 If Nadia hadn’t had to study for an exam, she would have gone away for the weekend. 2 If George hadn’t gone skiing, he wouldn’t have broken his leg. 3 If we hadn’t had visitors, we would have watched the film. 4 If the weather hadn’t been bad, she would have gone out. 5 If I had known it was Jackie’s birthday, I’d have wished her a Happy Birthday. 6 If Willis hadn’t fallen over, he would have won the race. 7 If I hadn’t missed my train, I wouldn’t have arrived late for my interview. 8 If the hikers had known how to read their map, they wouldn’t have got lost.


1 If I were taller, I could have been on the basketball team. 2 You can go to the match provided (that) you do your homework first. 3 Supposing (that) you won the lottery, what would you do? 4 Should you have any questions, raise your hand. 5 Even if Suzie were to apologize, I wouldn’t forgive her. 6 If Ahmed hadn’t failed his driving test again the other day, he wouldn’t feel so upset now. 7 You can invite your friends for dinner as long as you help me in the kitchen. 8 Take an umbrella in case it rains.


1 not, 2 might / could, 3 Should, 4 If, 5 Had, 6 should, 7 Were, 8 could / might


1 had, 2 would, 3 to start, 4 didn’t, 5 wish, 6 only, 7 high, 8 hadn’t


1 If you had accepted that job, you might have had a career. 2 If you should / Should you come to Rome, give me a ring. 3 It’s time you cleaned this car. 4 I’ll lend you my bike, as long as you return it / bring it back by five. 5 If only I had my own room. 6 Take a hat in case it gets cold later. 7 Even if they won that match, it wouldn’t be enough. 8 If I had married John, I might have been happier now.


1 would, 2 Had, 3 only, 4 have, 5 rather, 6 If, 7 might / could, 8 long, 9 don’t, 10 could / will



1 She told us (that) the computer was new. 2 They said (that) it was no use doing it all over again. 3 Marianne said (that) the plane had just landed. 4 My friend told me (that) the play started at half past four. 5 The teacher told her (that) he couldn’t read very well. 6 He said (that) we / I had to arrive on time. 7 They said (that) they were leaving in five minutes. 8 The man said (that) he would help me /us with my / our luggage


1 there, 2 me / us, her, 3 they, that day, 4 the following week / the week after, 5 then, 6 that week


1 She asked me if / whether I had ever been there before. 2 He asked me what time the train left. 3 They asked us if / whether we liked our new house. 4 He asked me where that new restaurant was. 5 She asked me how I had made that cake.

6 The librarian told us to be quiet. 7 The guide told us not to take photos there. 8 I told my brother to stop making a noise.


1 B, 2 C, 3 A, 4 B, 5 B, 6 A, 7 B, 8C


1 Ruth told us / them / me she was studying for an exam. 2 She told her parents she would leave home. 3 I told him to wait for me. 4 She asked me who my favourite artist was. 5 They asked if / whether I lived near the station. 6 Our neighbours said they were going to move. 7 Tom told us he had seen Chloe that night. 8 That man told us not to park here / there.


1 where, 2 whether / if, 3 would, 4 complaining, 5 told, 6 to, 7 is / was, 8 spoken / talked, 9 could, 10 would



1 Jane told us (that) she couldn’t speak French very well. 2 The teacher said (that) we had to check our answers carefully. 3 They said (that) they were leaving in five minutes. 4 Lucy said (that) she would help me with that exercise. 5 She told me (that) the shoes were new. 6 They said (that) it was no good complaining. 7 Marianne said (that) the film had just started. 8 My friend told me (that) the museum closed at 6 p.m.


1 would, the following week / the week after, 2 then, 3 the week before, 4 our, 5 his, 6 they, that day


Soluzioni+2 pag Hub.indd 329

03/02/17 16:00

Answer Keys


1 She asked me if / whether I had met Robert before. 2 He asked me what time the shop opened. 3 They asked me if / whether I minded working at the weekend. 4 She asked me where the bus stop was. 5 She asked me how I had known the answer. 6 The librarian told us to be quiet. 7 The inspector told us not to leave our luggage unattended. 8 I told my sister to stop asking so many questions.


1 B, 2 A, 3 B, 4 C, 5 B, 6 C, 7 A, 8B


1 They asked if / whether we knew the way to Rudderford. 2 Our grandparents said they were going to visit. 3 Nour told us she had met Jake that night. 4 That woman told us not to sit here / there. 5 Greg told us / them / me he was having a party. 6 She told her friends she would see them later. 7 She told me to phone her. 8 He asked me what my favourite food was.


1 where, 2 whether / if, 3 was, 4 were, 5 them, 6 not, 7 are / were, 8 spoken / talked, 9 could, 10 would



1 “We have been going to the same place on holiday for years. 2 “Amy will help you with your project if you ask her.” 3 “We saw a yellow car outside when we were leaving the house.” 4 “I returned the book the previous week.”

5 “I would like to find a betterpaid job.” 6 “You should unplug the washing machine when it isn’t in use.” 7 “If I had heard any news, I would have told you.” 8 “Could you order me a ham and mushroom pizza?”


1 C, 2 B, 3 B, 4 C, 5 A, 6 B, 7 C, 8C


1 She promised to lend me some money. 2 He refused to lend me his tablet. 3 He suggested that we tried to convince him to come to the party. 4 She reminded her husband to book the table. 5 He threatened to call the police if I didn’t give him his money back. 6 The doctor advised her to do more exercise and eat healthier food. 7 Mary complained that she couldn’t afford to stay a day longer. 8 Mum warned Sophie not to walk home alone at night.


1 forgetting, 2 getting, 3 to help, 4 to ask, 5 not to sell, 6 paying, 7 would leave, 8 meeting


1 tell me what you are doing?, 2 telling me why you are late?, 3 if / whether I can sit here, 4 to know if / whether this bus stops near the stadium?, 5 where Sarah is going, 6 me if / whether this table is free?, 7 to me how this works?, 8 where you met Tom?


1 know, 2 me, 3 asking, 4 if / whether, 5 had, 6 complaining, 7 being, 8 to, 9 threatened, 10 apologize



1 “We would like to buy a bigger house.” 2 “You should wash the garment in cold water.” 3 “If I had seen Josie, I would have told you.” 4 “Could you help me to do the garden?” 5 “I have been going to the same place on holiday for years.” 6 “Neil will drive you to the station if you ask him.” 7 “We heard an argument upstairs in the middle of the night.” 8 “I paid the bill when it was due.”


1 B, 2 B, 3 C, 4 C, 5 C, 6 C, 7 A, 8B


1 He threatened to hurt her if she didn’t give him her bag. 2 The technician advised her to install an antivirus program. 3 Freya complained that she couldn’t eat canteen food and that it was disgusting. 4 Mum warned Tom not to leave all his homework until the last minute. 5 She promised to finish her essay when they’d had dinner. 6 He refused to give him any more money. 7 He suggested organizing a surprise party for Mum. 8 She reminded her husband to pick up his shirts from the dry cleaner’s.


1 not to change, 2 inviting, 3 would leave, 4 going, 5 breaking, 6 winning, 7 to let, 8 to ask


1 to know if / whether that bar sells tickets?, 2 where George is, 3 me if / whether this table is free?, 4 to me how this works?, 5 how you met Sally?, 6 tell me


Soluzioni+2 pag Hub.indd 330

03/02/17 16:00

Answer Keys


8 They went for a long walk even though it was raining.


1 for, 2 whole, 3 even, 4 honest, 5 up, 6 result, 7 having, 8 example


1 B, 2 B, 3 C, 4 A, 5 B, 6 A, 7 A, 8B

where you are going?, 7 telling me why there isn’t anyone here / no one is here?, 8 if / whether I can use the hotel swimming pool

1 Before, 2 as, 3 since, 4 when, 5 after, 6 While, 7 when, 8 until


1 C, 2 A, 3 B, 4 C, 5 B, 6 C, 7 A, 8A

1 wanted, 2 to, 3 asking, 4 if / whether, 5 where, 6 was, 7 used, 8 told, 9 threatened, 10 to



1 e,2 g, 3 h, 4 c, 5 a, 6 d, 7 f, 8 b


1 so, 2 but, 3 why, 4 because, 5 and, 6 or, 7 order, 8 to


1 When, 2 after, 3 While, 4 until, 5 Before, 6 as, 7 since, 8 when


1 B, 2 A, 3 C, 4 B, 5 C, 6 A, 7 C, 8B


1 I noticed that you were upset earlier. 2 She’s excited that she starts her new job tomorrow. 3 There’s a possibility that we won’t be able to come tomorrow. 4 Frank admitted that he had stolen the money. 5 I’m concerned that you have been working too hard. 6 I hope that I will see you again. 7 I’m pleased that you have passed your driving test. 8 I heard that Maria and Carl are getting married.


1 There, 2 because, 3 so, 4 or, 5 while, 6 as, 7 but, 8 that, 9 order, 10 until



1 h, 2 e, 3 b, 4 f, 5 a, 6 c, 7 d, 8 g


1 and, 2 or, 3 order, 4 to, 5 so, 6 but, 7 why, 8 because

1 I’m worried that Nina hasn’t been feeling well. 2 I hope that I won’t be late. 3 I’m pleased that you have passed all your exams. 4 I heard that Sophie and Bill had a serious argument. 5 I noticed that Mum was upset earlier. 6 He’s thrilled that he came first in the race. 7 There’s a possibility that we won’t be able to come tomorrow. 8 Lisa admitted that she had broken that vase.


1 that, 2 because, 3 so, 4 while, 5 or, 6 soon, 7 but, 8 noticed / saw, 9 to, 10 until



1 Neither, 2 both, 3 Neither, 4 nor, 5 both, 6 either, 7 or, 8 either, 9 Both, 10 or


1 d, 2 f, 3 e, 4 a, 5 b, 6 c, 7 h, 8 g


1 I haven’t told my parents about my accident yet. 2 The students had already finished their class work before the teacher arrived. 3 How long is it since you’ve had a holiday? 4 While we were waiting for the bus we saw a terrible accident. 5 The match was cancelled due to heavy rain. 6 It was such a good book that I read it twice. 7 Despite not studying/not having studied, Veronica got an A in the exam.

4 5 6

1 The train was two hours late. To make matters worse we stood up the whole journey. 2 In my view cars that use diesel should be banned. 3 When we receive his instructions we will act accordingly. 4 We were unable to get a mortgage from the bank and therefore we couldn’t buy the house. 5 Despite having a high temperature she boarded the flight. 6 My sister loves living in the city, whereas I prefer being in the countryside. 7 Even though my grandparents didn’t have much money, they were happy. 8 Neither of my brothers owns a scooter.



1 nor, 2 both, 3 either, 4 or, 5 either, 6 Neither, 7 both, 8 Neither, 9 or, 10 Both


1 d, 2 g, 3 e, 4 h, 5 c, 6 f, 7 a, 8 b

3 1 How long is it since you’ve been to the dentist? 2 While we were watching TV we heard a terrible crash outside. 3 The flight was cancelled due to fog. 4 It was such a delicious cake that I had two pieces. 5 Despite only learning when she was 50, my gran is a good driver.


Soluzioni+2 pag Hub.indd 331

03/02/17 16:00

Answer Keys 6 They went to the stadium even though it was very cold. 7 I haven’t told my parents about my accident yet. 8 The students had already finished their class work before the teacher arrived.


1 up, 2 result, 3 having, 4 example, 5 for, 6 whole, 7 even, 8 honest


1 C, 2 A, 3 B, 4 B, 5 A, 6 C, 7 B, 8C


1 Despite having an well-paid job she resigned. 2 My sister loves living in the city, whereas I prefer being in the countryside. 3 Even though we didn’t have much money, we were happy.

4 Neither of my brothers owns a scooter. 5 The flight was three hours late. To make matters worse they had lost our luggage. 6 In my view cars that use diesel should be banned. 7 When we receive his instructions we will act accordingly. 8 We were unable to get funding for the project and therefore we couldn’t do it.




2 B, 3 B, 4 B, 5 B



2 They, 3 It, 4 We, 5 He 2 are, 3 aren’t, are, 4 is, 5 isn’t


2 has, 3 haven’t, 4 hasn’t, 5 haven’t


2 got, 3 Are, 4 Is, 5 Have


2 Don’t, 3 can play, 4 these, 5 Have



2 Where, 3 men, 4 cities, 5 her


2 ’, 3 ’s, 4 ’s, ’s, 5’s


2 it, 3 me, 4 mine, 5 her


2 at, 3 on, 4 in, 5 at


TEST 4 2 brought, 3 did you see, 4 didn’t cost, 5 did he go


2 before, 3 ago, 4 yesterday, 5 once


2 were, 3 wasn’t, 4 was, 5 were you


2 slipped, 3 cut, 4 felt, 5 Did ... give


2 didn’t use, 3 didn’t drive, 4 Did you use, 5 wasn’t



2 ’re cooking, 3 ’s playing, 4 ’m standing, 5 Are you living


2 says, 3 don’t smoke, 4 am trying, 5 is



2 have gone, Have … noticed, 3 have been getting, have been, 4 haven’t … been answering, have been calling, 5 have been going, haven’t had


2 3

2 never, 3 been, 4 having, 5 had

2 so far, 3 already, 4 before, 5 still



2 went, 3 had seen, 4 I heard, 5 had already graduated

2 get used to, 3 Would, 4 didn’t use to, 5 got used to

2 have ... met, 3 has travelled, 4 Have … been, 5 Has … tried


2 Do, 3 doesn’t, 4 does, 5 don’t


2 was, 3 met, 4 seen, 5 didn’t, 6 hadn’t

2 would, 3 used to, 4 use, 5 would

2 still, 3 yet, 4 just, 5 before

2 don’t, 3 Do, 4 hardly, 5 never


2 had arrived, 3 had forgotten, 4 hadn’t passed, 5 had had


2 at, 3 in, 4 at, 5 on



2 haven’t been feeling, 3 made, 4 been seeing, 5 known


2 for, 3 for, 4 since, 5 Since

3 4




2 I’ll get, 3 I’ll try, 4 I’ll have, 5 I’m going to have


2 will, won’t, 3 will, 4 will, 5 are ... going to

2 went, 3 have ever been, 4 still haven’t tried, 5 met


2 has ... been learning, 3 haven’t been sleeping, 4 has been running, 5 have been dancing

2 3

2 ’m meeting, 3 finishes, 4 ’ll be, 5 ’ll see


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Answer Keys



2 She’s going to look, 3 I’m cooking, 4 I’ll get 5 arrives

2 e, 3 a, 4 d, 5 c





2 be recognized, 3 re-painted, 4 Had, 5 being cleaned


2 might have been moved, 3 should have been delivered, 4 needn’t have been cancelled, 5 can’t have been made

2 was going to, 3 were going to, 4 it would be, 5 would wake 2 I’ll be getting, 3 she’ll be skiing, 4 I’ll pay, 5 I’ll be playing


2 won’t be, 3 ’ll have, 4 will be flying, 5 ’ll surprise



2 will, 3 been, 4 gone, 5 Will

2 had /got ... tested, 3 had ... cut, 4 got / had ... mended, 5 had ... stolen


2 d, 3 c, 4 e, 5 a



2 Can, 3 couldn’t, 4 won’t be able to, 5 could



2 amount, 3 percentage, 4 majority, 5 deal


2 plenty, 3 every, 4 whole, 5 all



2 the, 3 the, 4 a, 5 an


2 the, 3 -, 4 -, 5 the


2 Everything, 3 everywhere, 4 someone, 5 Everyone



2 yourselves, 3 myself, 4 ourselves, 5 yourself


2 Where, 3 Who, 4 What, 5 When



2 B, 3 B, 4 B, 5 A



2 can’t, 3 can’t, 4 Shall, 5 ’m not allowed


2 to visit, 3 drop, 4 to go, 5 use

2 There, 3 it, 4 There’s, 5 It’s



1 one, 2 -, 3 -, 4 one, 5 ones


2 ones, 3 one, 4 It, 5 there


2 other, 3 themselves, 4 one, 5 another


2 it, 3 there, 4 each, 5 one



2 must, 3 don’t have to, 4 shouldn’t, 5 ought

2 d, 3 a, 4 e, 5 b


2 getting, 3 to phone, 4 watching, 5 helping

2 ought, 3 may not, 4 will, 5 must



2 could, 3 shouldn’t, 4 could, 5 might


2 Need I finish, 3 didn’t need, 4 need, 5 Do you need


2 supposed, 3 supposed, 4 supposed, 5 bound

2 to lose, 3 to go, 4 cooking, 5 join

2 were, 3 some, 4 any, 5 much


2 carton, 3 teaspoons, 4 crowd, 5 loaf


2 B, 3 B, 4 A, 5 B

2 3 4 5


2 scratched and very expensive, 3 disgusting old-fashioned, 4 long, green, 5 old porcelain




2 a few minutes, 3 a little / some money, 4 Most of us, 5 much time

2 tired, 3 exciting, 4 depressing, 5 bored



2 completely forgot, 3 hard, 4 is definitely, 5 the questions carefully


2 could, 3 can’t, 4 should, 5 might

2 is served, 3 aren’t made, 4 is situated, 5 are accepted


2 A, 3 B, 4 B, 5 A


2 was discovered, 3 was not banned, 4 Is ... included, 5 Were ... taken


2 d, 3 c, 4 a, 5 e


3 4

2 more useful, 3 furthest, 4 happier, 5 bigger


2 backpack, 3 shower gel, 4 airport, 5 hairstyle

2 isn’t, 3 twice, 4 less, 5 fewer



2 each, 3 Both, 4 every, 5 both


2 do, 3 best, 4 than, 5 as


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Answer Keys


2 fascinating, 3 starving, 4 minute / tiny, 5 delicious


2 utterly, 3 not all, 4 a bit, 5 remarkably


2 too, 3 much, 4 such, 5 so



2 A, 3 B, 4 B, 5 B

5 Under no

2 should, 3 Were, 4 could, 5 not


2 only, 3 high, 4 hadn’t, 5 had

2 A, 3 B, 4 B, 5 B 2 would, 3 shall, 4 aren’t, 5 would


2 me, her, 3 they, that day, 4 the following week, 5 then


3 4

2 -, 3 whose, 4 -, 5 which



2 A, 3 C, 4 B, 5 C


2 in, 3 of, 4 to, 5 from


2 agreed, 3 believe, 4 suffers, 5 spend


3 4

2 where, 3 whose, 4 which, 5 who



2 whom, 3 who, 4 whom, 5 which


2 whose, 3 Whoever, 4 when, 5 whatever



2 at, 3 to / towards, 4 in, 5 for

2 which, 3 whichever, 4 whoever, 5 wherever





2 smoke here, 3 your train leave, 4 some advice about that, 5 presents for everyone

2 goes, has, 3 are, turn off, 4 press, comes, 5 want, leave


2 snows, 3 doesn’t hurry, 4 don’t, 5 is

2 funny joke, 3 my brother lots of money, 4 that book ... lent, 5 went to Canada on holiday


2 Has she been, 3 Is she going to publish, 4 Can you borrow, 5 Would they like


2 so, 3 Could, 4 Shall, 5 Which


2 3

2 would visit, lived, 3 wouldn’t be, ate, 4 won, would buy, 5 would be, didn’t have


2 would, 3 live, 4 is, 5 would



2 We haven’t either. 3 Me too. 4 aren’t I? 5 do we?

2 hadn’t been injured, wouldn’t have lost 3 wouldn’t have got, had bought 4 would have gone, had had 5 hadn’t gone, wouldn’t have met




2 Rarely, 3 No sooner, 4 Not once,



2 whose, 3 which, 4 who, 5 when

2 after, 3 under, 4 by, 5 with

TEST 29 2 had, 3 told, 4 couldn’t, 5 were leaving

2 what, 3 where, 4 whose, 5 that

2 into, 3 along, 4 on, 5 over


2 Would he? 3 Mightn’t it? 4 could it? 5 Does it?


2 between, 3 on, 4 by, 5 until



2 3

2 left, 3 us, 4 was, 5 had


2 C, 3 A, 4 B, 5 B



2 will help, 3 saw, 4 returned, 5 would like


2 B, 3 B, 4 C, 5 A


2 getting, 3 to help, 4 to ask, 5 not to sell


2 you are late, 3 I can sit, 4 stops, 5 Sarah is going



2 because, 3 but, 4 why, 5 or


2 after, 3 While, 4 until, 5 Before


2 A, 3 C, 4 B, 5 C


2 excited that 3 a possibility that 4 admitted that 5 concerned that



2 both, 3 Neither, 4 nor, 5 both


2 In, 3 however, 4 as, 5 so


2 While, 3 due, 4 such, 5 even


2 whole, 3 even, 4 up, 5 result

2 provided, 3 Supposing, 4 Should, 5 Even


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03/02/17 16:00

pag. 336

“Dove posso visualizzare il mio libro digitale e utilizzare gli strumenti per una didattica integrata con il digitale?“ HUB SCUOLA: LA PIATTAFORMA

pag. 337

“Qual è il primo passo da fare per poter utilizzare i prodotti digitali?“ IL PROCESSO DI REGISTRAZIONE

pag. 337

“Come posso richiedere i saggi digitali e attivare risorse speciali solo per il docente?“ RICHIESTA SAGGI DIGITALI – PER IL DOCENTE

pag. 338

“Quale procedura deve seguire lo studente per attivare i Libri Digitali e i Contenuti Digitali Integrativi?“ ATTIVAZIONE PRODOTTI DIGITALI – PER LO STUDENTE

pag. 339

“Posso utilizzare i Libri Digitali offline? LA TUA APP

pag. 341

“Posso prendere appunti sul libro e condividerli con la classe?“ HUB YOUNG È PERSONALIZZABILE

“Insegno a bambini con difficoltà di apprendimento, ci sono strumenti che mi possono aiutare?“ HUB YOUNG È ACCESSIBILE

pag. 341

Per problemi e segnalazioni contatta il nostro Servizio Clienti Numero verde 800.12.39.31 Email [email protected]

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03/02/17 16:00

Nasce HUB! Il nuovo ambiente interattivo e integrato per la didattica digitale: uno spazio in cui le risorse digitali espandono e arricchiscono l’offerta del libro di testo. HUB è progettato per facilitare la creazione di percorsi didattici originali e favorire innovative modalità di apprendimento, permettendo inoltre ai docenti di gestire la classe e di monitorarne i progressi. HUB Scuola è il centro di questo sistema: la piattaforma per lo studio e l’insegnamento che permette di condividere oggetti digitali e aggregare contenuti multimediali disponibili in rete. Moltissime risorse e tanti strumenti, tutti in un unico luogo: video, audio, mediagallery, mappe concettuali, verifiche interattive e autocorrettive e un efficace motore semantico; un archivio virtuale completo e condivisibile, oltre a contenuti interdisciplinari certificati. Tutti gli strumenti sono studiati per favorire una didattica inclusiva e costruire percorsi disciplinari personalizzati. Dalla piattaforma si accede al Libro Digitale: lo spazio pratico e intuitivo che stimola le dinamiche di apprendimento, favorisce l’inclusione oltre a potenziare i risultati individuali. I Contenuti Digitali Integrativi permettono anche di impostare percorsi didattici per favorire la didattica capovolta con la metodologia della flipped classroom. OTTIMIZZATA PER OGNI DEVICE

Attivazione Libri e Prodotti Digitali



Classi virtuali e social Test e Lesson plan


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IL PROCESSO DI REGISTRAZIONE Per entrare in HUB Scuola la prima cosa da fare è registrarsi sul sito tramite una procedura semplice e veloce: basta cliccare su Registrati e compilare il form di iscrizione, dove verrà chiesto di inserire un indirizzo email e una password personali. Si riceverà una email di conferma, necessaria per poter completare la registrazione. Dopo averla aperta, cliccare sul link inserito nel testo, per confermare la registrazione. Il passo successivo è fare il login con la propria email e password nell’apposita maschera di accesso dalla homepage del sito. Con le stesse credenziali - indirizzo email e password - è possibile anche accedere direttamente alla piattaforma HUB Scuola da Se sei un docente puoi richiedere una copia del saggio digitale dei nostri libri. Se sei uno studente puoi attivare i tuoi prodotti digitali.

RICHIESTA SAGGI DIGITALI – PER IL DOCENTE Come prima cosa vai sul sito ed effettua il login con email e password scelti in fase di registrazione. A questo punto, cerca il libro che desideri attraverso la maschera di ricerca, accedi alla scheda opera del volume e clicca sul pulsante di richiesta saggio digitale. Nella finestra che si apre, seleziona i volumi dei quali richiedi la copia digitale e aggiungili ai tuoi saggi. Il tuo agente di zona prenderà in carico la richiesta e tu riceverai - non appena possibile - una mail con la notifica di attivazione dei saggi, che potrai visualizzare su HUB Scuola. Attenzione: la versione saggio avrà i Contenuti Digitali Integrativi solo di un capitolo demo. Quando la versione definitiva del libro digitale verrà pubblicata, di norma nel mese di settembre, potrai vedere i contenuti digitali completi, sia quelli dedicati allo studente sia i materiali riservati a te e specifici per la didattica, la verifica e la programmazione. Un sistema di notifiche ti aggiornerà sulle nuove pubblicazioni e il rilascio di nuovi contenuti. Come docente, oltre al libro digitale e ai contenuti integrativi, puoi attivare anche le risorse docente: è sufficiente chiedere al rappresentante di zona un codice di sblocco e inserirlo nell’apposito campo di attivazione. In questo modo potrai usufruire dei tanti contenuti digitali che l’editore ha predisposto appositamente per agevolare la didattica: verifiche personalizzabili, soluzioni, tavole di programmazione, lezioni LIM e molto altro ancora.

Richiedi Saggio Digitale


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ATTIVAZIONE PRODOTTI DIGITALI – PER LO STUDENTE Come prima cosa lo studente deve accedere a ed effettuare il login con email e password scelti in fase di registrazione. Dopo l’accesso alla sezione HUB Scuola, può sbloccare - attraverso codice - i Libri Digitali e i Contenuti Digitali Integrativi. In particolare: se lo studente ha acquistato la copia cartacea deve inserire nella maschera di attivazione tutte le cifre tranne l’ultima del codice ISBN del libro cartaceo, insieme ai codici seriali stampati sul bollino argentato SIAE presente sul frontespizio del volume. Dopo aver inserito i codici di sblocco, troverà il Libro Digitale e i Contenuti Digitali comodamente raggiungibili dalla libreria di HUB Scuola.



Se invece ha acquistato solo la versione digitale, dal sito, visualizzerà il prodotto direttamente in HUB Scuola. Per consultare i Libri Digitali e i Contenuti Digitali Integrativi, basta cliccare sulla copertina del volume per essere inviati direttamente alla versione online del libro digitale.


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HUB Young è il libro digitale che permette di approfondire i contenuti del testo mediante risorse digitali ed esercizi interattivi e autocorrettivi. Lo studio sulla versione digitale del testo si arricchisce con una serie di strumenti personalizzati (es. integrazione con il Devoto-Oli, sintesi vocale, preferiti, ecc.) e con la possibilità di condividere e commentare i testi con le note per favorire il confronto e stimolare l’interattività tra classe e insegnante. Ove prevista, la sezione accessibilità permette di passare ad una versione inclusiva del testo in cui è possibile scegliere un font ad alta leggibilità, determinare la distanza dell’interlinea e la grandezza dei caratteri.

LA TUA APP Per utilizzare il tuo libro digitale devi scaricare la tua app gratuita. Per sapere quale app scaricare guarda quale logo di HUB è presente in alto a destra della quarta di copertina del tuo libro.

Il libro digitale, in tutte le sue versioni, è fruibile sia online che offline. Per utilizzarlo online, fai il login su HUB Scuola e troverai tutti i libri digitali che hai attivato. Puoi anche consultare il tuo libro digitale in versione offline scaricandolo per intero o in singoli capitoli sul tuo dispositivo, seguendo questa semplice procedura: scarica la app che trovi sul sito o sui principali store, installa la app, inserisci email e password scelte all’atto della registrazione su come illustrato nelle pagine precedenti, nella libreria ritroverai tutti i libri attivati, accessibili con un semplice clic dalla copertina. 339

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NAVIGARE IN HUB YOUNG Dopo aver scaricato la app di lettura di HUB Young e aver fatto il login, trovi nella Libreria tutti i libri che hai attivato: puoi visualizzare sia quelli che hai già scaricato, sia quelli ancora da scaricare. Puoi fruire del tuo libro digitale anche in versione offline scaricandolo per intero o in singoli capitoli.

Puoi navigare nelle pagine di HUB Young in vari modi: con l’indice del libro, con le frecce laterali, ma anche con le frecce della tastiera del computer. Puoi anche scegliere se visualizzare il libro a pagina singola o a doppia pagina e ingrandire o rimpicciolire la pagina con la funzione Zoom. In HUB Young sono presenti numerosi Contenuti Digitali Integrativi di corredo al corso, che puoi consultare cliccando sulle icone attive presenti nelle pagine oppure dall’Indice dei Contenuti Digitali, dal quale è possibile utilizzare un filtro per categorie (video, audio, lezione LIM, ecc.).


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HUB YOUNG È INCLUSIVO É disponibile una funzione di lettura del testo automatica, molto utile per gli alunni con Bisogni Educativi Speciali: evidenzia una porzione di testo, poi clicca sul pulsante Leggi la selezione per attivare l’audio integrale del testo scelto. In HUB Young è integrato il dizionario il Devoto-Oli: facendo doppio clic su una qualsiasi parola della pagina, la parola viene evidenziata e nel Menu degli strumenti appare il pulsante Cerca nel dizionario; al clic si apre un box con la definizione.

ACCESSIBILE Ove prevista, la versione accessibile è una versione della pagina che contiene testo e alcune immagini significative. In questa versione puoi ingrandire il corpo del testo, trasformarlo in tutto maiuscolo, cambiare il carattere con uno ad alta leggibilità, aumentare l’interlinea e la spaziatura tra parole, attivare la lettura del testo. Quando l’accessibilità è presente, il pulsante Accessibilità nel Menu degli strumenti risulta attivo: basta fare clic per visualizzare la versione accessibile della pagina.

INTERATTIVO Su alcuni titoli della case editrice sono disponibili Esercizi interattivi in pagina: quando nella pagina di HUB Young sono presenti esercizi interattivi, vedrai apparire una barra azzurra in testa alla pagina. Al clic vengono evidenziati sul testo gli esercizi attivi, che i tuoi alunni possono svolgere direttamente in pagina con un feedback immediato sulle risposte.

PERSONALIZZABILE HUB Young è arricchito da tanti strumenti di personalizzazione (tutti accessibili dal Menu degli strumenti) pensati per darti la possibilità di sottolineare, prendere appunti, valorizzare parti specifiche e svolgere le attività didattiche come su un libro di carta. È possibile utilizzare la funzione di condivisione che permette di mettere in comune con gli alunni le note sul libro digitale e di raccoglierle nello spazio dedicato alla tua classe virtuale.


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5 RITAGLIA Una particolare versione della nota è il ritaglio, una comoda funzione che ti permette di fare la cattura schermo di porzioni della pagina e salvarle in un box in cui si può anche aggiungere del testo di commento all’immagine. Nel Menu degli strumenti, fare clic sul pulsante Ritaglio e disegnare un rettangolo sulla pagina dell’area che si vuole ritagliare. L’immagine viene salvata automaticamente nel Quaderno, con possibilità di condivisione.

1 DISEGNA Gli strumenti per il disegno permettono di personalizzare il libro digitale inserendo forme, frecce, disegni a mano libera ed evidenziazioni, con un’ampia scelta di colori e varie dimensioni del tratto. Tutte le note, i testi in pagina e i ritagli che inserisci nel libro digitale vengono raccolti in automatico ne Il mio quaderno, uno strumento molto utile per avere una visione d’insieme delle attività svolte nel libro digitale, invece di cercarle scorrendo pagina per pagina. La funzione Esporta quaderno consente di avere tutti questi materiali anche in formato Word modificabile. Dal Quaderno si possono inoltre gestire le funzionalità delle note, ovvero vedere a che pagina sono, decidere quali condividere, vedere quali sono già condivise (ed eventualmente interrompere la condivisione) ed eliminarle.


3 NOTA In HUB Young è possibile inserire sulle pagine delle note personali, utili per aggiungere commenti, promemoria, appunti e anche link esterni al web. Nel Menu degli strumenti, fare clic su Nota; poi cliccare sulla pagina del libro per aprire il box di scrittura. Una volta salvata, la nota si posiziona come icona sulla pagina. Con possibilità di condivisione.

6 NOTA VOCALE Con le Note vocali è possibile registrare un audio e salvarlo nella pagina.




2 SCRIVI Per inserire il testo e prendere appunti in qualunque punto della pagina; si può decidere il colore, il carattere e la dimensione del testo. Si può spostare il box di testo dove si vuole anche una volta che è stato creato. Nel Menu degli strumenti fare clic su Scrivi e poi sulla zona della pagina interessata: appare un box trasparente in pagina nel quale scrivere e un menu per la formattazione.


4 PREFERITO Con la funzione Preferito puoi mettere un segnalibro sulle pagine desiderate: vai alla pagina che vuoi contrassegnare e clicca sull’icona a forma di stella. Tutte le pagine con questa marcatura vengono raccolte nel Menu in alto, sempre sotto l’icona a forma di stella.



7 DIZIONARIO DI LINGUE Infine, ove prevista, la funzione Dizionario di lingua permette di trovare la traduzione in italiano delle parole dall’inglese, francese, tedesco, latino e greco.


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Lezioni digitali

“Lo scopo reale dell’intero sistema educativo è trasformare gli specchi in finestre”.

Sydney J. Harris

Per iniziare Perché la Flipped Classroom? p2

Le persone

I contenuti

La valutazione

Gli strumenti

Il ruolo del docente

L’unità di studio capovolta

Autovalutazione e valutazione

Come costruire un testo



p 20

p 26

Il ruolo dello studente

Il lavoro a casa

Rubriche di valutazione

Come produrre un video


p 12

p 22

p 28

Il lavoro in classe

Come organizzare una bacheca

p 16

p 29

Come realizzare un sito p 30

Come condividere il proprio lavoro p 31

Per approfondire Bibliografia p 32

Lesson plan p 33

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Perché la Flipped Classroom? 2007

Due professori di chimica in una scuola superiore nordamericana si trovarono ad affrontare disagi che ogni insegnante ben conosce: subivano la difficoltà di non riuscire a esaurire le spiegazioni teoriche in modo adeguato a causa delle assenze ripetute degli studenti e non riuscivano a portare a compimento con profitto la parte esercitativa perché i concetti erano spesso complessi e gli studenti, inevitabilmente, mostravano velocità diverse nell’apprendere e nell’applicare quei concetti. Con la semplicità e la concretezza di chi nella scuola vive davvero, si affidarono a un semplice stratagemma: chiedere agli studenti di arrivare in classe avendo già avuto un primo contatto con l’argomento da affrontare. Tecnologia impiegata: registrare le lezioni in classe, montarle e pubblicarle online. Budget a disposizione: 50 dollari. Nasceva così la Flipped Classroom.


Divenne ufficiale con la pubblicazione sempre a cura di Jonathan Bergmann e Aaron Sams, i due professori della nostra storia, del primo “manuale”: Flip your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day (oggi disponibile in italiano). Nel 2014, sulla spinta della concretezza che anima il duo, il libro veniva arricchito da un Workbook.


L’esperienza si è poi diffusa tra i colleghi insegnanti, giungendo a creare un vero e proprio network, il Flipped Learning Network (visitabile al sito: Proprio su questa piattaforma, il 12 marzo 2014, è stata notificata la definizione ufficiale di “Apprendimento capovolto”, qui nella traduzione di Sergio Vastarella: L’apprendimento capovolto è un approccio pedagogico in cui l’istruzione diretta si sposta dallo spazio di apprendimento di gruppo allo spazio di apprendimento individuale, e il risultante spazio di gruppo è trasformato in un ambiente d’apprendimento dinamico, interattivo, dove l’educatore guida gli studenti mentre loro applicano i concetti e s’impegnano creativamente nella materia. Qualcosa di più, insomma, che “guardare dei video a casa”...

La Woodland Park High School di Woodland Park, Colorado.

E questo inevitabile spostamento, praticato dagli stessi padri della Flipped, dalla tecnologia alla solidità didattica e alla riflessione epistemologica, libera questa innovazione dalle accuse di essere uno sciocco espediente e la riconnette a due dei momenti più lucidi del Sapere pedagogico novecentesco: Maria Montessori e Benjamin Bloom.


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Fase 1 a casa

Fase 2 a scuola

Psicomotoria “fare/mani”

Affettiva “sentire/cuore”


Sulla Montessori, sempre attuale all’estero e di nuovo di moda in Italia, basterà rilevare che uno dei libri italiani dedicato al modello della Flipped Classroom — e la cosa non è sfuggita al prefatore Tullio De Mauro — con generosa persistenza ripropone, all’apertura di molti paragrafi, citazioni dell’educatrice anconetana. La prima delle quali, forse, la più rappresentativa: Aiutiamoli a fare da soli.

Sulla Tassonomia di Bloom molto si è scritto e molto si legge di questi tempi in Rete. A tal punto che lo stesso psicologo statunitense, con ironia, già nel 1994 rilevava che il suo libro, pubblicato nel 1956 col titolo Taxonomy of educational objectives: the classification of educational goals, era uno dei testi “meno letti e più citati” nel contesto della riflessione educativa. E ne sono testimonianza anche le innumerevoli variazioni del modello.

Cognitiva “conoscere/testa”

L’interesse di Bloom era offrire agli educatori un orizzonte concettuale che fosse al tempo stesso strutturato — quindi facilmente applicabile e monitorabile — e olistico. Tre infatti sono le aree che Bloom classificò.

Produrre qualcosa di bello e interessante.


Confrontarsi per esprimere il valore di informazioni e idee.


Scomporre l’informazione nelle sue parti.


Applicare regole, concetti, idee.


Comprendere cosa dicono i fatti.


Riconoscere e ricordare i fatti.


È quindi perfettamente comprensibile che Flipnet, l’associazione che riunisce le esperienze più virtuose degli insegnanti italiani capovolti, viva come ineludibile fondamento teorico una versione della celebre tassonomia qui riproposta.

Da quanto detto fin qui, non possono destare sorpresa l’interesse e la passione con cui l’Editore ha lavorato sul modello della Flipped Classroom. Si può solo aggiungere quanto segue. Questo modello rappresenta in definitiva una soluzione efficace e sostenibile per affrontare le due emergenze educative che la Scuola italiana sta incontrando. Da un lato, la necessità non più rimandabile di una didattica inclusiva: didattica che diviene finalmente attuabile grazie al tempo a disposizione dell’insegnante per lavorare in classe come tutor con ciascuno dei propri studenti secondo i suoi tempi (si ricordi l’insistenza dell’Every nel titolo del libro di Bergmann e Sams); e questo “tempo che si libera” non è altro che conseguenza dell’aver affidato al lavoro a casa la trasmissione delle nozioni di base.

Dall’altro, l’esigenza di lavorare sulle competenze, nonché monitorarne e certificarne lo sviluppo attraverso compiti di realtà e compiti autentici, attività che richiedono l’attenzione vigile e spesso la presenza dell’insegnante: ancora una volta, condizione realizzata dall’inversione scuola-casa.


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Il ruolo del docente In prima istanza, l’insegnante è un facilitatore che, grazie alla propria capacità empatica, sa costruire rapporti interpersonali “utili” e creare contesti di collaborazione che favoriscono lo sviluppo armonico della persona e un apprendimento sereno.

Il lavoro dell’insegnante prevede tradizionalmente un processo incentrato su conoscenza e comprensione, obiettivi cognitivi necessari ma che potrebbero non essere sufficienti per ogni esigenza di apprendimento. Il metodo basato sulla lezione frontale vincola la partecipazione degli studenti durante le spiegazioni alle dinamiche del gruppo-classe più che alle effettive necessità didattiche di ognuno. L’insegnante rischia di diventare una figura di mero diffusore di sapere in forma verbale; ipoteca inoltre molto del suo tempo per funzioni di sorveglianza e valutazione, quando sarebbe più proficuo impiegarlo per motivare e responsabilizzare gli alunni.

Alcuni studenti possono rimanere indietro senza riuscire a intervenire per chiedere chiarimenti, altri annoiarsi senza avere modo di saltare precisazioni superflue.

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Partendo dall’intuizione che il momento più delicato del percorso didattico non sia quello dell’accesso ai contenuti bensì quello della loro applicazione e rielaborazione, l’insegnamento capovolto può rappresentare un’occasione per ridefinire il ruolo del docente, valorizzandone le doti relazionali. In questo modello, dopo aver introdotto l’unità di apprendimento con una microlezione di riscaldamento, l’insegnante affida a un video o ad altri materiali multimediali il compito di esporre la lezione: condividendoli con la classe, in modo che ogni studente a casa propria possa accedervi nel momento e secondo le modalità che preferisce, e corredandoli di una verifica per accertarsi che vengano effettivamente visti e assimilati, potrà così spostare sullo studio domestico e asincrono l’onere della spiegazione.

I materiali può realizzarli l’insegnante, con un minimo di competenze digitali, oppure appoggiarsi a contenuti editoriali o risorse online.

Il tempo in aula, estremamente prezioso, ne risulta liberato e può essere dedicato sia al chiarimento puntuale delle domande stimolate negli studenti dal contatto diretto con i contenuti che all’apprendimento attraverso la cooperazione, il lavoro di gruppo e lo svolgimento di attività più concrete, come i cosiddetti compiti autentici, a cui seguiranno momenti di confronto, feedback reciproco e autovalutazioni, nonché la negoziazione collettiva di conclusioni finali.


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Il docente si avvicina a un più profondo ruolo di educatore, che “tira fuori” da ogni studente le sue potenzialità più che introdurre in modo indiscriminato nozioni non assimilabili da tutti allo stesso modo: coordinando le interazioni del gruppo dei pari.

aiutando l’elaborazione creativa e personalizzata dei concetti acquisiti.

mettendo a disposizione esperienza professionale, sensibilità pedagogica e intelligenza emotiva.

Il ruolo dell’insegnante si configura come un’attività di guida e di regia.

L’importanza della programmazione Se tra i vantaggi ci sono l’incoraggiamento dell’autonomia e della creatività degli studenti e la possibilità di disegnare per bisogni specifici dei percorsi di apprendimento individualizzato, è fondamentale d’altro canto programmare bene ogni fase e la sua relazione col progetto didattico complessivo.

Classe capovolta e didattica tradizionale Questo rapporto non andrebbe inteso in logica oppositiva, come contrapposizione tra lezione frontale e apprendimento orizzontale, bensì in un’ottica complementare. Orizzontalità e verticalità sono due dimensioni dello stesso piano, come del resto è già esperienza profonda di molti insegnanti, che da sempre affiancano alle proprie spiegazioni il dialogo con gli studenti e il ricorso ad immagini, ascolti, testi da commentare o tradurre, studi di casi.

La Flipped Classroom non è un metodo univoco ma uno spunto che ogni insegnante sfrutterà diversamente, stabilendo quali unità didattiche possono essere arricchite da un approccio “capovolto”. È importante comunicare con chiarezza sia agli studenti che ai genitori e ai colleghi quali siano lo scopo e l’articolazione di una lezione capovolta.

Studenti Andranno informati con precisione su ciò che ci si aspetta da loro, sia durante lo studio a casa che durante le attività a scuola. L’apprendimento cooperativo, in particolare, può necessitare di spiegazioni dettagliate, così come il concetto di autovalutazione. Mantenere un dialogo trasparente e aperto sul metodo, e tener conto dei feedback che si ricevono, permetterà di declinare il capovolgimento nel modo migliore per quella determinata classe.

Genitori È consigliabile informarli delle proprie iniziative didattiche: può essere utile mostrare la piattaforma su cui si condivideranno i video e i prodotti del lavoro in classe degli studenti, verificando periodicamente insieme alle famiglie l’efficacia del metodo e concordando un tetto massimo di ore destinate allo studio di risorse digitali.

Colleghi Per una relazione serena con l’intero contesto, è importante avvisarli della decisione di sperimentare la classe capovolta. In caso di scetticismo iniziale, esplicitare i propri obiettivi ed essere disposti a condividere i primi risultati aiuterà a migliorarne eventuali punti di debolezza e a coinvolgere nel progetto altri insegnanti.

In caso di mancanza di una buona connessione internet, è bene prevedere delle soluzioni differenti, come l’utilizzo delle aule scolastiche, l’indicazione di biblioteche che forniscono tale servizio o la predisposizione di materiale alternativo.


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Il ruolo dello studente Nella classe capovolta l’assimilazione dei contenuti è individuale e la loro rielaborazione avviene all’interno del gruppo, dove può essere efficacemente coordinata dalla guida dell’insegnante.

Se nell’alternanza tradizionale tra lezioni frontali in classe e compiti per casa ben poco spazio viene lasciato all’autonomia nell’apprendimento, invertire i due momenti ha il duplice obiettivo di incentivare il senso di responsabilità degli studenti e di valorizzare la loro creatività personale. L’insegnante Dopo una breve introduzione, assegnerà i materiali per la lezione da seguire a casa, in forma di video, in modo dunque asincrono e libero.

Lo studente Può decidere quando e come fruire dei materiali assegnati, se suddividerli in spezzoni più brevi, se riguardarli più volte ovvero integrarli con ulteriori materiali di approfondimento.

L’ascolto attivo Oltre ad alcuni test che servono all’insegnante per verificare che la videolezione sia stata vista e compresa e allo studente per autovalutarsi, è previsto che ogni alunno prenda appunti in modo da:

sviluppare capacità di sintesi e selezione delle informazioni.

costruire giorno dopo giorno un proprio “diario dell’apprendimento” che tenga traccia del percorso formativo.

annotare dubbi e domande specifiche che porrà il giorno dopo al docente nell’apposito momento di dibattito.

Se il “metodo Cornell” è una strategia consigliabile per prendere appunti su carta, strumenti come Evernote e, entrambi disponibili sul Web in versione gratuita, consentono di sincronizzare le annotazioni (il secondo anche sui video), visualizzarle su vari dispositivi e condividerle con altre persone: possono dunque venire incontro alle esigenze degli studenti più a loro agio con il digitale. Inoltre, eventuali curiosità accese dai contenuti studiati saranno approfondite attraverso ricerche che dal libro di testo potranno estendersi ad altri materiali, digitali e non.

pp. 14-15

Incoraggiare l’esplorazione, la sperimentazione e l’apprendimento critico significa anche lasciare agli alunni la gestione del proprio tempo e dei propri metodi di studio, mantenendo ovviamente fermi alcuni obiettivi didattici che tutti devono raggiungere.


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Step 2


Step 1

Apprendimento capovolto Lo studente a scuola Avendo studiato preliminarmente la lezione a casa e avendo già riflettuto sui suoi punti più critici, avrà cognizione dell’argomento e potrà confrontarsi con i compagni.

Eventualmente illustrando il proprio processo di comprensione a chi ha qualche difficoltà in più.

L’insegnante A questo punto potrà rispondere alle domande e illuminare i contenuti rimasti oscuri, con un notevole risparmio di tempo e un’accresciuta efficacia.

Discutere con una classe che ha una conoscenza anche solo di base dell’argomento trattato è molto diverso dal dover partire da zero.

Compito autentico o di realtà Il docente assegna in classe il compito chiamando gli studenti a collaborare tra loro con la sua supervisione.

Alla valutazione dell’insegnante può essere affiancato un momento di riscontro e feedback tra gli studenti, per dedurre le riflessioni finali anche da un processo di autovalutazione che abbia per oggetto i risultati delle attività e le interazioni messe in atto per ottenerli.

Sarà possibile, nella seconda fase dell’apprendimento capovolto, destinare buona parte del tempo in aula ad attività pratiche, arricchendo i “compiti tradizionali” di tutte le possibilità offerte dal lavorare in gruppo e con la guida dell’insegnante. Applicare i concetti appresi a problemi concreti, da risolvere attraverso la cooperazione con il gruppo dei pari, è un ottimo modo per sviluppare competenze operative e per esercitare lo spirito di iniziativa, la capacità di comunicare, l’attitudine alla creatività.

Responsabilizzante e creativo, l’approccio “capovolto” permette dunque di attivare delle dinamiche di organizzazione del lavoro (sia autonomo sia di gruppo) che potenzialmente sono molto più efficienti della lezione frontale. In questo modo la scuola mette a frutto la familiarità degli studenti di oggi con la tecnologia e con le modalità di relazione ai contenuti che questa incoraggia.

Ogni unità didattica capovolta deve essere progettata con cura, personalizzata in base alla classe che si ha di fronte.

Multimedialità, simultaneità, interdisciplinarità, interattività.

È importante tuttavia che il focus didattico sia sempre mantenuto, e che in altri termini “rovesciare la lezione” non si traduca in un pretesto per evitare i compiti a casa: per questo è opportuno che il docente comunichi sempre chiaramente allo studente qual è il suo ruolo, tenendosi pronto a modificare la rotta in base ai segnali che riceve in ritorno.


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L’unità di studio capovolta La decisione di applicare il modello flipped ad alcune unità di apprendimento comporta una riprogrammazione delle unità stesse: la prospettiva “capovolta” non implica infatti soltanto una sostituzione automatica, ma una più profonda ristrutturazione delle attività. A conquistare una nuova centralità saranno i momenti di: confronto collettivo rielaborazione creativa

Gli studenti sono in grado di maneggiare con disinvoltura l’oggetto dell’unità, in un’accezione estesa del concetto di apprendimento.

per un percorso di:

Secondo la scala teorizzata da Benjamin Bloom i livelli di apprendimento sono sei: Creare Valutare Analizzare Applicare





Capire Conoscere

Vale la pena di dedicare del tempo alla preparazione accurata di ogni passaggio della lezione. Non solo la realizzazione dei video da assegnare agli studenti merita un investimento di energie, ma anche e soprattutto le fasi che vedono il docente muoversi come regista delle interazioni e guida della creatività.

Step 1

Esplicitare obiettivi programmati e competenze che si intendono sviluppare; prestabilire dei tempi precisi per ciascuna fase.

Successivamente provvederà a fornire una descrizione, breve ma chiara, delle attività da svolgere a casa e in classe in modo che tutti gli studenti abbiano ben chiari articolazione e scopo del “capovolgimento”.

Specificare i materiali necessari, l’ambiente (virtuale o fisico) in cui ci si muoverà e le soluzioni alternative per chi non potesse accedere alle tecnologie richieste.


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Partirà dall’individuazione degli argomenti da “capovolgere”, selezionandoli all’interno del più vasto programma disciplinare e tagliandoli su misura per la classe.

Step 2


Una microlezione preliminare di “riscaldamento” servirà a comunicare queste informazioni alla classe e a presentare l’argomento introducendo il materiale assegnato per lo studio individuale, chiedendo agli alunni di tenere traccia del proprio studio prendendo appunti e ponendosi delle domande.

Nel lessico pedagogico anglosassone, warmer.


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Una volta affidato ai video il compito di spiegare, il docente potrà quindi riprogettare il tempo-classe del giorno successivo in ottica collaborativa: dopo aver rapidamente verificato che gli studenti abbiano visto, e recepito in modo attivo e critico, i video assegnati, un brainstorming o altra attività di gruppo permetterà di mettere insieme le idee, le domande e i punti di vista diversi degli studenti, e di riesaminare insieme – stavolta con la supervisione dell’insegnante – i contenuti già studiati. A questo punto un’attività laboratoriale da svolgersi in modalità di apprendimento cooperativo, calibrata sulle caratteristiche e sulle esigenze dello specifico gruppo-classe, costituirà il compito autentico, a coronamento delle riflessioni sull’unità accumulate nelle varie fasi.

La classe viene divisa in gruppi, ciascuno dei quali ha un obiettivo che deve portare a termine con il contributo attivo di tutti i membri.

Per la valutazione finale, infine, sarà utile esplicitare criteri e modelli adottati: questo aiuterà gli studenti anche ad autovalutarsi, misurando passo dopo passo competenze esercitate e progressi riscontrati.

Di seguito si propone un modello di Lesson plan per unità di studio capovolte: ogni punto è modificabile in base alle specifiche esigenze della singola lezione e del gruppo classe.



Argomento Obiettivi Tempo stimato

a casa: in classe:

Descrizione dell’attività

ripartita secondo la scala di apprendimento di Bloom.

Creare, Valutare, Analizzare, Applicare, Capire, Conoscere.

Materiale necessario Riscaldamento Lavoro a casa Lavoro in classe


diario dell’apprendimento ›› restituzione ›› attivazione ›› debriefing relative rubriche

pp. 20-25


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Episodi di Apprendimento Situato Mentre la Flipped Classroom non è di fatto che una tecnica, gli Episodi di Apprendimento Situato (EAS) recuperano ricchezza teorica e complessità pedagogica, al contempo delineando un approccio alla didattica digitale che tenga insieme innovazione tecnologica e centralità dell’insegnante. In linea con la didattica capovolta, anche il concetto di EAS, teorizzato da Pier Cesare Rivoltella, prevede una struttura tripartita: Fase pragmatica di applicazione.

Riflessione sull’intero processo.

Come spiega lo stesso Rivoltella: Siamo in un frangente storico in cui, probabilmente, si è esaurita la spinta, perfettamente controbilanciata, del formalismo istruzionale da una parte e del costruttivismo democratico dall’altra. Il primo ha sempre risposto al mandato di riproduzione culturale che la società ha fin dalla sua invenzione assegnato alla scuola […] ma ha ben presto finito per mostrare la corda: rigidità dei programmi, centralità della lezione frontale, incapacità di catturare l’attenzione dell’alunno, scarsa profondità degli apprendimenti, sono alcuni dei limiti che a più riprese tanto la teoria che la pratica di scuola ne hanno evidenziato. D’altra parte, il costruttivismo democratico, se ha scardinato la centralità del libro e del maestro favorendo la collaborazione, la condivisione delle risorse, la costruzione partecipata della conoscenza, ha finito a sua volta per cadere in una serie di equivoci: la relativizzazione dell’importanza del contenuto, la convinzione che sia sufficiente “fare cose” in classe perché la didattica diventi laboratoriale, la configurazione di un sistema di cose in virtù del quale si lascia lo studente ad apprendere da solo. La ricerca didattica sta indicando vie intermedie praticabili tra questi estremi, che siano in grado di mantenere la significatività dell’intervento dell’insegnante e allo stesso tempo di favorire l’apprendimento attivo dello studente […]. Ma cosa si richiede all’insegnante perché sia possibile approfittare in classe delle opportunità offerte dalle nuove tecnologie e dai media digitali?

Pier Cesare Rivoltella Fare didattica con gli EAS. Episodi di Apprendimento Situati, 2013, p. 22

Incontro autonomo con i contenuti.

Ci limitiamo a tre indicazioni: 1

Superare la tentazione dell’arrocco



Cambiare la punteggiatura


Accettare il cambiamento

Nel gioco degli scacchi l’arrocco è la mossa con cui si prova a proteggere il re scambiandolo di posto con la torre. L’insegnante spesso fa altrettanto nei confronti delle tecnologie. Sentendosi sotto attacco, percependo che l’accettazione della sfida del nuovo gli comporterebbe troppa fatica, si mette sulla difensiva. […]


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Il cambiamento non si produce miracolosamente, magari grazie al “technological push”, alla “spinta” che proviene dall’introduzione della tecnologia. […] In definitiva, lo sforzo che all’insegnante si richiede è uno sforzo di mediazione didattica, ovvero di trasposizione dei propri contenuti disciplinari nei nuovi alfabeti della cultura. Si tratta di un compito che da sempre qualifica il lavoro del docente: occorre non smettere di svolgerlo proprio nel momento in cui ce ne sarebbe maggior bisogno.



Ora, nella situazione canonica dell’insegnamento tradizionalmente inteso, l’insegnante punteggia la comunicazione didattica comprendendo la difficoltà dei ragazzi ad apprendere o a sviluppare curiosità e interesse per l’acquisizione del dato culturale come una loro specifica mancanza: ma il problema potrebbero essere le pratiche dell’insegnante. […]

Nella tabella che segue si riassumono i punti principali delle tre fasi:




Situazione-stimolo video, immagine, documento, capitolo del manuale.

artefatto (micro-produzione): video, mappa, saggio, presentazione ecc.

›› discussione sugli artefatti; ›› fissazione dei concetti; ›› valutazione degli artefatti; ›› riflessione sul processo messo in atto.

Azioni docente

Azioni studente

in classe ›› assegna compiti; ›› disegna ed espone un framework concettuale; ›› fornisce uno stimolo; ›› dà una consegna.

a casa studia: ›› ascolta; ›› legge; ›› comprende.

in classe ›› definisce i tempi dell’attività; ›› organizza il lavoro di gruppo.

in classe produce e condivide un artefatto.

in classe ›› valuta gli artefatti; ›› corregge le misconception; ›› fissa i concetti.

in classe analizza criticamente l’artefatto, sviluppa riflessioni sui processi attivati.

Logica didattica cerca e trova: entra in contatto con le informazioni già codificate problem posing, problem solving

elabora e agisce: scompone e rimonta i concetti, li rende visibili/comunicabili learning by doing

riflette attraverso la condivisione: ricomposizione del sapere reflective learning

Rielaborata da Pier Cesare Rivoltella, Fare didattica con gli EAS. Episodi di Apprendimento Situati, 2013


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Il lavoro a casa Capovolgere l’apprendimento significa affidare allo studente la responsabilità della propria formazione: fondamentale è un momento preliminare di motivazione, che possa indicare quali argomenti affrontare a casa e con quali strumenti, e attivare interessi e curiosità personali. Il lavoro a casa può essere introdotto in classe da un’attività di “riscaldamento” guidata dal docente: micro-lezione motivante in due o tre minuti si presenta l’argomento dell’unità didattica favorendo la partecipazione.

brainstorming accerta le conoscenze pregresse e verifica i prerequisiti richiesti.

fruizione parziale un’anteprima del materiale previsto per lo studio a casa.

I materiali predisposti a tale scopo verranno selezionati appositamente per una determinata classe, calibrando spunti didattici e complessità sulle sue specifiche esigenze.

Videolezioni, risorse multimediali, e-book o testi tradizionali, variabili e combinabili in base alle peculiarità degli studenti e alle scelte didattiche del docente.









Una volta accesa l’attenzione degli studenti e definito con la massima chiarezza l’oggetto dell’unità di apprendimento, vengono assegnate le attività da svolgere in autonomia.

Il docente rende disponibili i contenuti su un’apposita piattaforma o sul proprio sito e indica la scadenza entro cui gli studenti dovranno studiare la lezione.

Gli studenti prendono appunti e verificano la propria comprensione tramite attività appositamente pensate per l’apprendimento autocorrettivo.

Ve r



Spostare al momento del lavoro a casa l’accesso ai contenuti permette di rispettare i diversi stili di apprendimento, responsabilizzando lo studio individuale e riservando a un secondo momento di confronto in classe lo scioglimento dei dubbi. Per assicurarsi che i suoi alunni consultino effettivamente il materiale assegnato per il lavoro a casa, è importante che il docente preveda un’esercitazione, che contestualmente permetterà agli studenti di autovalutarsi. Oltre alle modalità tradizionali di verifica può essere interessante anche chiedere di costruire una mappa del pensiero sulla base degli appunti presi durante la visione del video; oltre a sviluppare la capacità di inquadrare e sintetizzare l’argomento della lezione, tale attività permette la creazione di un proprio personale diario dell’apprendimento che aiuti a riflettere sui punti di forza e di debolezza del lavoro svolto a casa.

Ogni studente può seguire i propri ritmi personali di studio, riguardando i video, interrompendoli quando crede, soffermandosi sui punti di maggiore difficoltà.

Per esempio, una serie di domande potrà scandire il video in varie pause riepilogative, suddividendone le sequenze ed evidenziandone i passaggi fondamentali; in alternativa, alla sua conclusione si potrà sottoporre agli alunni un test complessivo di verifica e consolidamento delle conoscenze.

pp. 12 -13


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Mappe concettuali e mappe mentali Rappresentare graficamente il pensiero permette non solo di fissarlo attraverso la memoria visiva, ma anche e soprattutto di organizzarlo portando a consapevolezza i processi mentali che lo strutturano. La costruzione di mappe è estremamente utile ai fini dell’apprendimento individuale. Sono un’attività di astrazione che porta a: orientarsi nel paesaggio delle informazioni individuandone le pietre miliari, i dettagli e l’estensione.

interiorizzare e rielaborare i concetti attraverso un processo creativo.

Mappe concettuali Teorizzate da Joseph Novak, combinano nodi concettuali, relazioni che li collegano e brevi testi che esplicitano il significato delle connessioni. Costituiscono un’efficace rappresentazione di una conoscenza strutturata, in cui è possibile rintracciare una precisa gerarchia delle informazioni. Mappe mentali Studiate da Tony Buzan, sono uno strumento adatto a registrare libere associazioni e stimolare il pensiero creativo sostenendo un apprendimento basato sull’evocazione più che sulla sistematizzazione.

Affidando alle differenti posizioni (alto-basso, sinistra-destra) un valore semantico, è possibile articolare dettagliatamente i concetti e i loro legami.

La loro geometria radiale (centro-periferia), oltre a uno sviluppo gerarchico, prevede la possibilità di visualizzare relazioni associative trasversali.

Le mappe concettuali e mentali sono fondamentali per una comprensione autentica della lezione: in base all’argomento e allo scopo dell’unità didattica gli studenti possono essere stimolati ad applicare uno dei due modelli o anche a sperimentarli entrambi, in modo che il loro lavoro a casa sia davvero proficuo nonché verificabile.


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Un metodo per prendere appunti Prendere appunti durante la visione di una videolezione o altro materiale è un’attività cruciale: strategie come il “metodo Cornell”, basato sulla divisione funzionale dello spazio della pagina, possono essere suggerite agli studenti per un’organizzazione ottimale delle annotazioni. Segui la regola delle 5 R:

6,5 cm

Registra il maggior numero possibile di idee e fatti significativi nella colonna degli appunti. Riassumi il prima possibile questi appunti nella colonna delle parole chiave.

Parole chiave


Questa sezione va compilata dopo la lezione.

Questa sezione della pagina è dedicata agli appunti presi durante la lezione.

Può includere: ›› parole chiave ›› glossario ›› casi di studio ›› domande

Può includere: ›› i punti principali e gli obiettivi della lezione ›› diagrammi, disegni, schizzi, grafici ›› elenchi puntati o numerati ›› frasi brevi ›› abbreviazioni/parafrasi

In questa colonna:


Ripeti aiutandoti con le parole chiave; dopo, verifica riguardando gli appunti.

chi quando dove

Ripassa rileggendo velocemente tutti i tuoi appunti.

6,5 cm

Rifletti usando gli appunti come punto di partenza per le tue considerazioni personali.

15 cm

In questa colonna:

Lascia delle righe bianche tra i diversi punti, in modo da poter aggiungere in seguito eventuali dettagli sfuggiti in un primo momento. Lo spazio bianco aiuta inoltre a fare ordine e chiarezza. Puoi usare le righe del foglio anche come guida per una mappa mentale, una tabella o altro, secondo la tua fantasia.

Sintesi Questa sezione dovrebbe essere compilata per ultima. Serve a trovare velocemente le informazioni in un secondo momento.

perché come

e più Se serv gi un aggiun spazio rca e , ma c tto post-it e mer tu u s s ia r di ! pagina in una

Dovrebbe contenere il riassunto degli appunti annotati nella colonna di sinistra, più qualche importante dettaglio degli appunti principali.


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Parole chiave








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Il lavoro in classe La terza fase della lezione capovolta, dopo il riscaldamento e il lavoro a casa dello studente, si sviluppa in classe. È il momento in cui il lavoro personale confluisce nel gruppo e acquista un senso più stabile attraverso il confronto e l’applicazione concreta di quanto assimilato.

Il lavoro in classe si può introdurre in diverse modalità: Modalità 1 Se la scuola mette a disposizione strumenti digitali come computer, tablet o LIM si può riprodurre l’ambiente virtuale in cui lo studente si è mosso a casa, per un rapido riepilogo di quanto assegnato e per lo scioglimento di eventuali problemi “tecnici”.

Modalità 2 Si può chiedere agli alunni di portare in aula il proprio dispositivo personale, oppure ricapitolare le consegne attraverso modalità alternative, per esempio un breve riassunto verbale della videolezione o un brainstorming collettivo.

La collaborazione in atto in un’aula capovolta può essere favorita anche da una riorganizzazione dello spazio: la classica disposizione dei banchi in file parallele di fronte alla cattedra può essere trasformata sistemando i banchi in “isole” di struttura circolare, a simulare delle tavole rotonde in cui gli studenti possano discutere tra loro alla pari. Struttura lineare

Una pratica nota con l’acronimo BYOD, cioè Bring your own device, che permette un’estrema libertà negli utilizzi ma che comporta anche una certa eterogeneità di lavorazioni e di risultato.

L’insegnante si muoverà tra i gruppi dedicando a ciascuno di essi di volta in volta la propria attenzione completa, mentre gli altri continuano a lavorare.

Struttura circolare

Obiettivo: Permettere alle conoscenze di diventare competenze. Dove per competenza si intende — come indicato dal MIUR — “un agire complesso che coinvolge tutta la persona e che connette in maniera unitaria e inseparabile i saperi e i saper fare, i comportamenti individuali e relazionali, gli atteggiamenti emotivi, le scelte valoriali, le motivazioni e i fini. Per questo, nasce da una continua interazione tra persona, ambiente e società, e tra significati personali e sociali, impliciti ed espliciti”.

In classe il lavoro si incentra infatti su attività di tipo pratico e laboratoriale.

Conoscenze Abilità


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Restituzione Il passaggio preliminare sarà testare la reale comprensione dei contenuti attraverso una verifica dello studio individuale. Un riepilogo che riesamini i punti principali degli argomenti trattati servirà al docente per soffermarsi sugli aspetti equivocati o che ritiene più complessi; nella stessa fase risponderà a tutte le domande dei ragazzi. La restituzione del lavoro a casa si può realizzare in diversi modi:

Domande mirate Possono riprendere una conoscenza pregressa da integrare con le recenti acquisizioni.

A un primo quesito di aggancio con gli argomenti già trattati possono per esempio seguire alcune domande di approfondimento puntuale.

Spiegazione sintetica Si può chiedere a uno degli studenti di spiegare sinteticamente ai propri compagni, in un tempo prestabilito, i contenuti della videolezione. Scrittura di un breve paragrafo Tutti gli alunni possono essere sollecitati a scrivere un breve paragrafo per definire l’argomento del video: confrontando gli elaborati emergeranno diversi punti di vista sui contenuti e differenti modi di recepirli.

Mappa concettuale e Mappa mentale Attraverso una ricapitolazione collettiva la classe può essere stimolata a organizzare le informazioni apprese.

p. 13

Presentazione Dividendo gli studenti in piccoli gruppi, l’insegnante può chiedere di inserire i contenuti studiati in una breve presentazione (attraverso PowerPoint o strumenti analoghi): ogni gruppo sceglierà poi un portavoce incaricato di esporre la presentazione all’intera classe.


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Attivazione Si potrà quindi attivare lo studio svolto a casa chiamando gli studenti a svolgere delle attività collaborative, su cui saranno alla fine valutati: li si stimolerà contestualmente a far proprio il metodo dell’apprendimento cooperativo. La classe viene suddivisa in piccoli gruppi, che possono essere omogenei o eterogenei a seconda degli obiettivi didattici. Compiti più impegnativi per esempio possono essere assegnati a un gruppo formato in base alla buona padronanza dell’unità di studio; mentre gruppi misti faranno emergere interazioni di tipo tutor-allievo tra studenti con diverso rendimento, favorendo, per competenze diverse, il progresso di entrambi.

Per livello, caratteristiche personali e attitudini relazionali.

Si descrive poi a ogni gruppo l’attività richiesta, cercando di definire in dettaglio sia il risultato atteso sia i ruoli di ciascun componente: per rendere le dinamiche di gruppo efficaci ai fini dell’apprendimento è per esempio utile indicare il responsabile; chi è incaricato di coordinare la partecipazione di tutti; chi di far emergere i punti di debolezza del lavoro; chi invece di programmarne il flusso. La prospettiva dell’apprendimento cooperativo mira a: interdipendenza positiva tra i membri del gruppo.

responsabilità condivisa con valutazione individuale.

emersione di diversi tipi di intelligenza.

Si rende così il processo di apprendimento più attivo e responsabile e si sviluppano al contempo abilità sociali e senso di comunità.

Nessuno può raggiungere l’obiettivo da solo e ciascuno deve apportare il proprio contributo. Alcuni studenti possono avere per esempio un’intelligenza più analitica e logica e altri una mente più creativa; altri ancora possiedono un’inclinazione ai rapporti interpersonali oppure all’approfondimento filosofico.

Compiere scelte, argomentare, esercitare abilità sociali di negoziazione e gestione del conflitto, pensare fuori dagli schemi e trovare soluzioni creative, organizzare il tempo di lavoro, stabilire collegamenti e analizzare informazioni anche implicite sono tutte sfide che ogni componente del gruppo dovrà affrontare; tuttavia molte altre competenze possono essere verificate in un contesto di questo tipo. Oltre alle competenze disciplinari coinvolte nel singolo caso, tra le competenze trasversali che entrano in gioco in situazioni diverse una particolare attenzione va prestata alle otto competenze chiave per l’apprendimento permanente: ›› comunicazione nella madrelingua; ›› comunicazione nelle lingue straniere; ›› competenza matematica e scientifico-tecnologica; ›› competenza digitale; 18

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imparare ad imparare; competenze sociali e civiche; spirito di iniziativa e imprenditorialità; consapevolezza ed espressione culturale.

Lo strumento adatto a testare e allenare quante più competenze possibile, mettendo gli studenti di fronte a vere situazioni problematiche per risolvere le quali dovranno ricorrere a risorse interconnesse e costruire metodi e relazioni nuovi e orientati allo scopo specifico, è il compito di realtà o compito autentico. Per costruire un compito autentico è bene pertanto pensare ad attività complesse e basate sul contributo creativo degli studenti: centrale per l’apprendimento è lo stimolo all’azione, il far fare. Oltre ad essere radicate in una situazione specifica, tali attività dovranno essere aperte ad approcci alternativi e a risoluzioni molteplici, rendendo vantaggiosa l’integrazione di punti di vista differenti. Bisogna progettarle in modo che la valutazione sia indissolubile dal processo.

Dopo la conclusione delle attività è utile prendersi un momento per esaminare il lavoro svolto attraverso un debriefing o resoconto: tutta la classe riflette sul proprio operato, sulle difficoltà incontrate, su quelli che ritiene viceversa i punti di forza del risultato realizzato. Contestualmente, l’insegnante interviene, in conformità con il ruolo di facilitatore e guida che l’ottica capovolta gli assegna, a correggere equivoci, conclusioni sbagliate e incongruenze, fissando con autorevolezza i concetti e chiudendo i lavori. Nel concreto, il docente può porre una serie di domande per aiutare gli studenti ad acquisire consapevolezza delle competenze utilizzate:

sulle diverse fasi del lavoro;

avvierà una discussione:

sulle strategie messe in atto;

Che si tratti di scrivere un saggio, sostenere una conversazione in lingua straniera, preparare una presentazione multimediale, condurre un esperimento scientifico o quant’altro. Per andare avanti gli studenti devono cioè capire come stanno procedendo, se quello che stanno costruendo ha una sua efficacia, e collaborare tra loro per stabilirlo.


raccoglierà i feedback dei ragazzi.

La terminologia in letteratura è a questo proposito varia e differenziata, ma il riferimento alla “realtà” indica la verosimiglianza del problema sottoposto ai ragazzi rispetto al loro mondo personale o professionale; il requisito di “autenticità” pone invece l’accento sulla realizzazione di prodotti concreti, con un loro valore anche al di là dell’ambito scolastico e con un loro rilievo in un dato contesto.


›› ›› ›› ››

sulle conoscenze risultate utili;

Le cosiddette misconception

Possono mettere in luce prospettive anche molto diverse tra loro.

Si può ricorrere anche a un brainstorming o alla costruzione di mappe concettuali.

sulle differenti posizioni, intellettuali ed emotive che sono emerse.

Rendere esplicite le procedure seguite, le alternative discusse, le decisioni che hanno orientato il lavoro è un passaggio indispensabile per poterle eventualmente ridisegnare e per sviluppare una visione critica del proprio percorso di apprendimento. Si addestra così la competenza metacognitiva: si impara ad imparare.


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Autovalutazione e valutazione







ie fi


Valutare il lavoro nella classe capovolta significa giudicare il prodotto dell’attività collaborativa degli studenti e il processo che lo ha reso possibile: le interazioni tra i membri del gruppo, la gestione del tempo e dei flussi di lavoro, l’impegno e la motivazione.

Terminato il compito di realtà gli studenti vengono interpellati attraverso un debriefing che consente al docente di correggere idee sbagliate e decisioni discutibili e alla classe di riflettere sull’esperienza appena conclusa, di attribuirle un senso e di fissarla nella memoria affinché non sia un punto di arrivo ma al contrario un punto di partenza per lo sviluppo futuro di attività analoghe.

Agisce sul doppio versante dell’autovalutazione e della valutazione da parte del docente, che, osservando il comportamento dei ragazzi, rileverà la loro autoconsapevolezza anche in questa situazione.

Gli studenti possono infatti dimostrare una percezione dei risultati ottenuti più o meno aderente alla realtà, ed esprimere dei giudizi sul proprio gruppo più o meno obiettivi: affinare lo sguardo sul proprio apprendimento fa parte dell’assunzione di responsabilità prevista dal capovolgimento didattico.

L’autovalutazione, in altri termini, è una delle competenze che l’apprendimento cooperativo aiuta a esercitare. Come nei contesti extrascolastici, dove non si ottengono dei voti, analizzare quanto si sta facendo è una presa di coscienza indispensabile per procedere, individuare margini di miglioramento ed eventualmente correggere la traiettoria. Nei contesti professionali reali, infatti, i progetti sono spesso affidati a un gruppo di lavoro che per portarli a termine con efficacia deve essere in grado di stabilire autonomamente cosa funziona e cosa invece presenta delle criticità.

Misurarsi con tali problemi aiuterà certamente i ragazzi a perfezionare la propria capacità di giudizio e di riassestamento, fondamentali in qualunque scenario collaborativo.

Per orientare la fase autovalutativa, l’insegnante può proporre agli studenti una lista di controllo (checklist) che elenchi comportamenti attesi e competenze chiamate in causa.

Gli studenti la riceveranno contestualmente all’assegnazione del compito, ma dovranno farvi riferimento in tutte le fasi del suo svolgimento per monitorare costantemente il proprio itinerario formativo.


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Perché sia una misura ragionevolmente affidabile, l’autovalutazione va in ogni caso integrata con l’osservazione dall’esterno.

Da parte del gruppo dei pari e, in ultima istanza, dell’insegnante.

Fondamentale è decidere cosa si valuta, e comunicarlo con la massima trasparenza agli studenti. Nella didattica capovolta, il cui fulcro operativo è il compito svolto in classe, non è l’acquisizione di conoscenze nozionistiche ad essere chiamata in causa, bensì la loro rivitalizzazione in competenze.

essere apprendenti attivi e responsabili, capaci di integrare abilità diverse per un unico fine e di negoziare le decisioni con i propri collaboratori.

Va valutato non ciò che si sa ma ciò che si sa fare con ciò che si sa, non la riproduzione ma la costruzione della conoscenza. Agli studenti viene richiesto di:

applicare il proprio spirito di adattamento a problemi concreti, convogliare le proprie energie in un’iniziativa creativa ed essere pronti a riprogettare, se necessario, un piano di lavoro già iniziato.

curare gli aspetti relazionali e sociali della costruzione collettiva di significati: è fondamentale coltivare l’intelligenza emotiva, intesa come empatia e attenta gestione delle dinamiche interpersonali.

E verranno valutati attraverso una valutazione autentica.

Nella valutazione autentica a essere considerato è l’intero percorso, che ogni studente disegna secondo le proprie caratteristiche individuali, e non semplicemente l’approdo. La valutazione è inoltre parte integrante della lezione capovolta nella prospettiva responsabilizzante che la contraddistingue.

Si ritiene che tale percorso sia molto più significativo delle risposte a stimoli prestabiliti, e che dica molto di più sullo studente rispetto al semplice confronto tra risultati ottenuti e risultati attesi.

Serve infatti agli studenti stessi per individuare i punti di forza e i punti di debolezza del proprio apprendimento, per correggere il tiro e per motivarsi ad andare avanti.

Esaminare prestazioni complesse come i compiti di realtà non è un’operazione banale; possono aiutare rubriche di valutazione, cioè modelli di interpretazione complessiva o di analisi puntuale delle componenti da sottoporre a giudizio, provviste di riferimenti per i diversi livelli di prestazione da valutare, che gli insegnanti possono utilizzare come bussola. È comunque indispensabile decidere preliminarmente quali aspetti si vogliono considerare e con quale peso relativo: nel contesto dell’apprendimento cooperativo il risultato del gruppo, il contributo individuale e le relazioni collaborative possono avere diversa rilevanza a seconda dell’obiettivo didattico. Esistono vari modelli da seguire: alcuni sono studiati per l’autovalutazione e per la valutazione tra pari, mentre altri sono pensati per rimanere nelle mani dell’insegnante.

Rubriche olistiche e rubriche analitiche.

Peer evaluation Resta sempre consigliabile rendere gli studenti consapevoli dei criteri in base ai quali saranno giudicati e comunicare con chiarezza gli obiettivi dell’intero percorso.


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Rubriche di valutazione Le rubriche di valutazione sono tabelle sinottiche che descrivono una serie di variabili: servono a esplicitare le dimensioni delle competenze su cui si vuole lavorare e a guidare l’analisi dei risultati raggiunti.

La preventiva definizione dei criteri di giudizio consente all’insegnante di focalizzare l’osservazione sugli aspetti rilevanti e fornisce agli studenti delle indicazioni trasparenti sulle evidenze che verranno considerate. Qui di seguito si propongono tre modelli di rubriche di valutazione: Il primo è generale e si riferisce al metodo dell’apprendimento cooperativo. Il secondo è appropriato se il compito assegnato è un’attività di scrittura. Il terzo è adatto ad un’attività di ricerca guidata in rete.

Si possono naturalmente studiare delle rubriche di valutazione per altri scopi specifici. Come ad esempio: l’elaborazione di informazioni in forma visuale

strumento di cui recentemente si fa largo uso (e i cui indicatori comprenderanno sia la chiarezza della parte testuale sia la cura dell’aspetto grafico).

l’esposizione in classe

Il quale potrebbe considerare criteri come la proprietà di linguaggio, la padronanza dei contenuti, la capacità di catturare e mantenere viva l’attenzione degli ascoltatori.


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Condivide costantemente e attivamente conoscenza, opinioni e capacità senza essere sollecitato.

Condivide conoscenza, opinioni e capacità senza essere sollecitato.

Condivide informazioni con il gruppo con occasionali sollecitazioni.

Condivide informazioni con il gruppo solo quando invitato a farlo.


Aiuta il gruppo a identificare i cambiamenti richiesti e incoraggia le azioni del gruppo che favoriscono il cambiamento; svolge il lavoro assegnato senza essere sollecitato.

Partecipa volentieri ai cambiamenti necessari; di solito svolge il lavoro assegnato e raramente ha bisogno di essere sollecitato.

Partecipa ai cambiamenti richiesti con occasionali sollecitazioni; ha spesso bisogno di essere sollecitato a svolgere il lavoro assegnato.

Partecipa ai cambiamenti richiesti quando viene sollecitato e incoraggiato; spesso si appoggia agli altri per svolgere il lavoro.


Lavora costantemente e attivamente per gli obiettivi del gruppo; svolge volentieri il proprio ruolo all’interno del gruppo.

Lavora per gli obiettivi del gruppo senza sollecitazioni; accetta e svolge il proprio ruolo individuale all’interno del gruppo.

Lavora per gli obiettivi del gruppo con occasionali sollecitazioni.

Lavora per gli obiettivi del gruppo solo quando invitato a farlo.


Mostra sensibilità per i sentimenti e per i bisogni formativi degli altri; valorizza la conoscenza, le opinioni e le capacità di tutti i membri del gruppo.

Mostra ed esprime sensibilità per i sentimenti degli altri; incoraggia la partecipazione degli altri.

Mostra sensibilità per i sentimenti degli altri.

Ha bisogno di essere sollecitato a prestare attenzione ai sentimenti degli altri.

Votazione finale:

Considerazione degli altri

Contributo al raggiungimento degli obiettivi

Lavoro e condivisione con gli altri

Categoria Contributo alla conoscenza

Rubrica di valutazione per l’apprendimento cooperativo


Rielaborata da Chad Manis, Teacher-Written Eduware LLC, 2012


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Definire il contenuto

Lo scritto è chiaro nel suo scopo o nel tema centrale. Lo si legge dall’inizio alla fine senza fatica. Fatti e dettagli interessanti lo arricchiscono.

Lo scritto ha un senso dello scopo ma a volte è difficile ricondurre ciò che si legge al tema centrale. La comprensione non è sempre facile.

Lo scritto non ha un tema centrale chiaro e la lettura non è sempre scorrevole. Si alternano frasi principali e dettagli senza un motivo preciso.

Lo scritto non ha un tema centrale evidente e chiaro; è faticoso estrarne il significato dal testo e bisogna ricorrere a inferenze.


Il primo paragrafo introduce ed evidenza il tema. Le informazioni arricchiscono e illustrano con esempi l’idea. La conclusione offre una sintesi, ma senza essere ripetitiva.

La struttura dell’organizzazione è chiara abbastanza da condurre chi legge attraverso il testo senza confusione, ma l’introduzione (o la conclusione) è incompleta o ripetitiva.

Lo scritto manca di una introduzione o di una conclusione. Il corpo centrale manca di un chiaro senso di direzione. Le idee, i dettagli o i fatti sembrano legati insieme in modo casuale.

Le informazioni sembrano non avere un ordine logico. Lo scritto non ha introduzione, nessuna conclusione e nessuna struttura interna.

Il lessico è vario e piacevole alla lettura. Le parole trasmettono il messaggio in modo preciso, interessante e naturale

Vi è un uso corretto e una varietà di parole e sinonimi, ma non rende il messaggio molto interessante e stimolante per la lettura.

Vi è un uso corretto ma ripetitivo delle stesse parole. Il vocabolario è ristretto e limitato a parole comuni.

Si ripetono parole semplici e banali, oppure si usano termini inappropriati, imprecisi o non idonei a trasmettere il messaggio voluto.

Strutturare la frase e il periodo

Le frasi sono chiare, iniziano in modi diversi e variano in lunghezza. Ben costruite, con una struttura corretta che invita ad una lettura espressiva ad alta voce.

Non vi sono frasi incomplete. Sono per lo più ben costruite, ma con qualche piccolo errore o talvolta con una struttura complessa che le rende contorte.

Le frasi sono spesso semplici e banali. Variano poco in lunghezza e nella struttura. Vi sono molte frasi che cominciano con la stessa parola.

Lo scritto è difficile da comprendere perché diverse frasi sono incomplete, approssimative o non curate come se fossero semplicemente degli appunti.

Il testo è espressivo, coinvolgente, sensibile ai bisogni del lettore, focalizzato sull’argomento e ha un ritmo fluente quando lo si legge ad alta voce.

Il testo ha un ritmo scorrevole, ma tende ad essere più ricercato che musicale. Il risultato è piacevole, ma non coinvolge abbastanza.

Il testo non ha un ritmo scorrevole e non mantiene lo stesso stile comunicativo. Vi sono ripetizioni di concetti e il pensiero non è fluido.

Lo scritto sembra un elenco di fatti, è senza vita. Risulta molto tecnico senza alcun coinvolgimento o partecipazione.

Scegliere il lessico


Esprimere uno stile

Rubrica di valutazione per attività di scrittura

Rielaborata da Mario Comoglio, Insegnare e valutare le competenze, 2016 24

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Sa esplorare le risorse fornite, ricercarne di ulteriori in modo autonomo citando le fonti e organizzare coerentemente le informazioni.

Sa esplorare le risorse fornite, ricercare autonomamente e organizzare in modo coerente le informazioni.

Sa esplorare le risorse fornite, ricercare e organizzare alcune risorse di semplice reperibilità.

Sa esplorare le risorse fornite e le organizza solo se guidato dall’insegnante.

Usare i dispositivi tecnici

Sa utilizzare in maniera autonoma i dispositivi proposti ed è in grado di individuare soluzioni alternative.

Sa utilizzare in maniera autonoma i dispositivi proposti.

Si orienta nell’utilizzo dei dispositivi proposti, anche se restano difficoltà che ostacolano il lavoro.

Ha difficoltà nell’utilizzo dei dispositivi proposti e richiede l’intervento dell’insegnante e dei compagni.

Gestione dell’interazione all’interno del gruppo

Interviene in modo rispettoso, partecipando attivamente e motivando il gruppo.

Attende il proprio turno per intervenire e partecipa attivamente.

Attende il proprio turno per intervenire, anche se non sempre partecipa attivamente.

Interviene solo se sollecitato, necessita di richiami per rispettare i turni di parola.

Gestione del tempo

Rispetta la scadenza, gestendo il tempo in modo congruente anche rispetto alle varie fasi di lavoro.

Rispetta la scadenza, impegnandosi per gestire i tempi di lavoro.

Rispetta la scadenza, anche se rimane indietro nelle varie fasi del lavoro.

Non rispetta la scadenza e fatica a gestire i tempi di lavoro.

Argomenta in maniera chiara e convincente le proprie tesi, problematizzando autonomamente le nozioni.

Argomenta in modo chiaro, motivando le proprie tesi. Se interrogato, problematizza le nozioni.

Argomenta le proprie tesi in modo autonomo, ma se interrogato fatica a problematizzare le nozioni.

Fatica ad argomentare in modo sufficientemente esaustivo se non guidato dall’insegnante.

Si esprime in modo chiaro e completo, utilizza in maniera appropriata i sinonimi, anche quelli non usati dall’insegnante.

Si esprime in modo chiaro, utilizzando termini appropriati.

Permane un utilizzo impreciso della terminologia, su sollecitazione dell’insegnante è in grado di auto-correggersi.

Utilizza termini non sempre adeguati al contesto; deve essere guidato dall’insegnante nella comprensione del significato.

Ricerca e organizzazione delle risorse Web


Capacità di argomentazione



Uso del lessico

Rubrica di valutazione per la ricerca in rete

Tratta da Pier Cesare Rivoltella, Fare didattica con gli EAS. Episodi di Apprendimento Situati, 2013 25

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“Educare nelle diversità non si basa – come alcuni pretendono – sull’adozione di mezzi eccezionali per le persone con necessità educative specifiche, ma sull’adozione di un modello di curricolo che faciliti l’apprendimento di tutti/e gli alunni/e nella loro diversità”.

M. Lopez Melero, Diversidad y cultura: una escuela sin exclusions 1996


Come costruire un testo


pp or to




Cosa significa rispettare le differenze tra gli studenti, e come trattare le loro differenti esigenze educative? speciale

= Separazione: formazione specifica e dissociata dal resto del gruppo per gli studenti con deficit.

speciale integrata

= Integrazione: affiancamento, all’interno dello stesso contesto, delle necessità educative speciali e di quelle ritenute “normali”. Si mantiene l’ottica binaria e si rischia di presentare la “normalità” come un obiettivo a cui adeguarsi.

di qualità per tutti

= Inclusione: superamento di ogni contrapposizione tra abilità e disabilità, attraverso la proposta di strumenti unici adatti a tutti gli studenti a prescindere dalla loro condizione personale.

I Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA) coinvolgono la capacità di leggere (dislessia), scrivere (disortografia e disgrafia) e calcolare (discalculia) in modo corretto e fluente, in assenza di altri problemi di funzionamento intellettivo.

In particolare la dislessia consiste nella difficoltà a decodificare un testo scritto, e può dunque costituire un ostacolo per un rapporto sereno e proficuo con i libri e con la lettura.

Per evitare che le difficoltà si trasformino in rifiuto, è necessario favorire un contatto diretto e gratificante con i testi stimolando l’interesse per i contenuti trattati, anche attraverso i supporti audiovisivi.

Ascolto: lettura ad alta voce, audiolibri, sintesi vocale. Supporto visivo: immagini, illustrazioni o materiali digitali.

Al le ta gg ib


Adeguati tempi di recupero e un affiancamento discreto e motivante sono ulteriori strategie per rendere la lettura più accessibile in tutti i casi in cui leggere non è facile. I bisogni educativi delle persone con DSA passano dunque per un avvicinamento emotivo, una familiarità appagante con la pagina scritta, che è condizione indispensabile per qualunque studente e presupposto di un apprendimento autonomo in qualunque caso. Per questo il testo ad alta leggibilità non dev’essere un testo “speciale” solo per alcuni ma, al contrario, un testo facilmente leggibile da tutti gli studenti.


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Un esempio di testo impaginato ad alta leggibilità.

Questa scritta stava su una porta a vetri di una botteguccia, ma naturalmente così la si vedeva solo guardando attraverso il vetro dall’interno del locale in penombra. Fuori era una fredda, grigia giornata novembrina e pioveva a catinelle. Le gocce di pioggia correvano giù lungo il vetro, sopra gli svolazzi delle lettere. Tutto ciò che si riusciva a vedere attraverso il cristallo era un muro macchiato di pioggia dall’altro lato della strada.

Alcune caratteristiche formali possono migliorare l’esperienza di lettura dei dislessici e contemporaneamente preservare la qualità grafica generale: per esempio una spiccata differenziazione tra lettere speculari, o lettere simili (come b e d, p e q, m e n, l minuscola e I maiuscola) può essere efficace. Biancoenero, la prima font italiana ad alta leggibilità, è stata studiata per questo scopo specifico.









Un disturbo specifico dell’apprendimento, come la dislessia, non è uguale per tutti: ciascuno ha necessità diverse quando scrive o legge. è un editor con il quale migliorare un testo a partire da impostazioni configurabili dall’utente. Una volta realizzato il testo in forma digitale è possibile stampare il documento o salvarlo su Google Drive. Vuoi differenziare le doppie? Due lettere uguali una dopo l’altra potrebbero crearti difficoltà di lettura.

Che font base scegli? Quando scrivi o leggi potresti trovarti meglio con un carattere con le grazie o senza.


otairauqitnA ilodnairoC odarroC olraC eralotiT

Disponibile gratuitamente per qualunque uso non commerciale attraverso il sito: Esempi di lettere simili differenziate nei tratti.

PickEditor è libero e gratuito e utilizza la font open source TestMe disegnata ad hoc sui principi del design for all.

Che spazio fra le lettere preferisci? Puoi scegliere la distanza fra le lettere e trovare la soluzione più efficace.

Che spazio tra le parole preferisci? Puoi modificare lo spazio tra le parole e verificare quale ti aiuta a leggere o scrivere meglio.

Che spazio tra le linee preferisci? Modifica l’interlinea e individua quella più confortevole.


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Come produrre un video Le videolezioni che gli studenti utilizzeranno a casa possono essere contenuti editoriali o risorse disponibili in rete, ma il docente può anche decidere di realizzarle in prima persona, per personalizzare l’esposizione e riprodurre il proprio modo di spiegare in classe.

Esistono molti software di semplice utilizzo che rendono questa attività molto immediata; l’importante è scegliere bene da subito l’argomento da trattare e adattare la spiegazione al formato necessariamente breve del video.

Per non oltrepassare la soglia dell’attenzione e per una comunicazione istantanea e mirata, si consiglia di mantenere il video all’interno dei 5 minuti.

Qui ne consigliamo due: Screencast-O-Matic Software per fare screencasting, offre la possibilità di sincronizzare al video la propria voce o, in una piccola finestra, la ripresa del proprio volto.

Registrare cioè quanto viene visualizzato sullo schermo di un computer.

sito web: tutorials:

Powtoon Strumento che permette, dopo una semplice iscrizione online, di creare presentazioni e video aggiungendo delle animazioni che possono aiutare a catturare l’attenzione degli studenti. sito web: https://www. tutorials: https://www.

Nel caso si voglia usufruire delle risorse che offre la rete, è importante che queste siano scelte da fonti autorevoli, come ad esempio BBC, Khan Academy, TED e, per l’italiano, Rai Scuola.


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Come organizzare una bacheca Organizzare visivamente i contenuti è una strategia estremamente utile sia per lo studio e la memorizzazione sia per l’analisi e la rielaborazione dei concetti in prospettiva collaborativa.

Alcuni programmi molto intuitivi, che l’insegnante può suggerire agli studenti oppure utilizzare direttamente in classe, permettono di creare delle bacheche virtuali in cui i materiali testuali possono essere arricchiti da immagini, audio, video, collegamenti.

VUE (Visual Understanding Environment) Scaricabile gratuitamente, è uno strumento per creare mappe del pensiero e consente di aggregare contenuti multimediali; possono inoltre essere tracciati dei percorsi specifici tra i concetti. sito web: guida: resources/index.cfm

Padlet Un muro virtuale dove appuntare oggetti di diverso tipo (testi, link, immagini, audio, mappe, documenti), offre la possibilità di rendere pubblica o condividere sui social la propria bacheca, facilitando così il confronto tra strutture di pensiero diverse. sito web: tutorial: m10HTV e https://goo. gl/76Oc8f


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Come realizzare un sito Dato che l’insegnamento capovolto prevede la consultazione autonoma e asincrona del materiale didattico da parte degli studenti, è fondamentale stabilire in modo chiaro e univoco un luogo accessibile a tutti in qualunque momento dove archiviare, aggiornare e integrare le risorse necessarie per lo studio.

Una possibile soluzione è quella di realizzare un proprio sito web appositamente dedicato alle attività di una determinata classe, che possa fungere da ambiente di deposito e piattaforma. Creare un sito è diventata un’operazione alla portata di tutti, grazie a strumenti intuitivi anche per i non addetti ai lavori, come, per esempio, l’applicazione Google Sites, inclusa nel pacchetto fornito da Google a chiunque crei un account di posta elettronica Gmail, e che permette di strutturare un semplice sito in modo gratuito e veloce.

Ambiente di deposito: per depositare i contenuti assegnati per il lavoro a casa, con relative informazioni su scadenze e modalità di verifica. Piattaforma: per pubblicare i prodotti del lavoro in classe.

Basta collegarsi all’indirizzo ed entrare con le proprie credenziali.

Step 1

Cliccando sul tasto “crea” si accede a una schermata da cui è possibile scegliere un modello, un tema, un nome e un indirizzo univoco (URL) per il proprio sito.

Step 2

I passaggi

Cliccando nuovamente su “crea” l’applicazione genera il sito. Sarà possibile strutturarlo e riempirlo: la matita nera in alto a destra consente di modificare la pagina corrente (mentre il tasto accanto serve a creane di nuove) e cliccandola si apre un semplice editor con il quale si potranno inserire i contenuti e modificare le impostazioni di layout e formattazione. Inserendo il materiale didattico in maniera ordinata ed efficace, si mette a disposizione degli studenti un contenitore strutturato, aggiornabile e personalizzabile secondo le esigenze specifiche, e si fornisce contestualmente un utile esempio di applicazione delle competenze digitali.


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Come condividere il proprio lavoro Gli strumenti digitali si dimostrano estremamente funzionali alla diffusione dei materiali da parte dell’insegnante: in modo veloce, gratuito, ecologico e pressoché illimitato è possibile condividere online i documenti più vari.

Non solo: nella classe capovolta anche gli studenti realizzano elaborati di diverso tipo, che attraverso i servizi di archiviazione virtuale possono essere messi in comune, lavorati e valutati collettivamente. Disponibile a tutti gli utenti con un account Google, Google Drive è un servizio di archiviazione ideale per condividere il lavoro finito: oltre a uno spazio in rete, fornisce la possibilità di impostare diritti di accesso differenziati.

sito web: com/intl/it/drive/ guida:

Google Drive mette a disposizione anche delle applicazioni specifiche per la scrittura, la costruzione di tabelle e di presentazioni.

Google docs è poi molto utile perché supporta il lavoro collaborativo: ognuno lavora sul proprio dispositivo ma le modifiche vengono salvate online, e dunque sono visibili in tempo reale a tutti gli utenti che hanno accesso al documento.

sito web: it/intl/it/docs/about guida:


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Cl ca asse po vo lta


›› Bergmann Jonathan, Sams Aaron, Flip Your Classroom. Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day, International Society for Technology in Education, 2012 (Flip your classroom. La didattica capovolta, traduzione e cura di Sergio Vastarella, Giunti Scuola, 2016) ›› Biscaro Fabio, Maglioni Maurizio, La classe capovolta. Innovare la didattica con la flipped classroom, Trento, Centro Studi Erickson, 2014 ›› Cecchinato Graziano, Papa Romina, Flipped classroom. Un nuovo modo di insegnare e apprendere, UTET, 2016 ›› Johnson David W., Johnson Roger T., Edythe J. Holubec, Apprendimento cooperativo in classe. Migliorare il clima emotivo e il rendimento, traduzione di Lucio Marinelli, Trento, Centro Studi Erickson, 1996 ›› La Prova Anna, Apprendimento cooperativo in pratica. Proposte operative per attività di gruppo in classe, Trento, Centro Studi Erickson, 2015 ›› Rossi Stefano, Tutti per uno uno per tutti. Il potere formativo della collaborazione, Molfetta, La Meridiana, 2014 ›› Rivoltella Pier Cesare, Che cos’è un EAS, Brescia, La Scuola, 2016 ›› Rivoltella Pier Cesare, Fare didattica con gli EAS. Episodi di Apprendimento Situati, Brescia, La Scuola, 2013 ›› Fiore Brunella, Pedrizzi Tiziana (a cura di), Valutare per migliorare le scuole, Milano, Mondadori Università, 2016

Va lu




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›› Associazione italiana per la didattica capovolta ›› Blog di Fabio Biscaro ›› Sito di Fabio Biscaro su come capovolgere la propria didattica “passo dopo passo” ›› Sito di Grazia Paladino su come capovolgere scienze e matematica ›› Sito di Chiara Spalatro su come capovolgere le materie letterarie ›› Webinar “Flipped Classroom e didattica inclusiva”, in cui il professor Piero Gallo, autore Mondadori Education e docente di informatica, delinea i vantaggi e le nuove sfide della classe capovolta e mostra l’efficacia di alcuni strumenti digitali nello specifico.


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Flipped lesson plan 4 Il futuro Subject Area: English CEFR Level: A2-B1 Unit Topic: Il futuro Objective: using future tenses (present continuous, be going to, will) in everyday situations; practising basic language for phone calls, making and reacting to invitations. Time Estimate Preparation (class): : 20 minutes Home: 30 minutes Class: 1 period

Brief Description of Activity At home, students will watch a video which introduces the target grammar structures, do a comprehension exercise, complete a mind map and fill in a learning diary. Then in class, in pairs, they will check understanding (two exercises) and use the target structures in a speaking activity. Finally, in pairs, they will role play a phone call to make and react to invitations. Target grammar structures and functional language

be going to (aff., neg. and int.) present continuous (aff., neg. and int.) will future (aff., neg. and int.) Beginning and ending a phone call Hello? Is that (Sharon)? It’s (Rose). Hi, (Rose). How are you? Fine, thanks. And you? Yeah, fine, thanks. Listen, do you … -----OK, then. So I’ll see you … See you on ... Thanks for calling. No problem. Bye!


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Cognitive Objectives Several elements of Bloom’s taxonomy are touched upon with this lesson. Students will be: 1. Evaluating The learning diary will give students an opportunity to evaluate their learning process.

2. Analysing In pairs, students will analyse different communicative situations in order to use the target structures correctly.

3. Applying Students will need to apply the target structures both in exercises and in a role-played phone call.

4. Understanding Completing a mind map after watching the video will lead to greater student understanding.

5. Remembering Doing comprehension exercises while watching/reading and interacting in class in an authentic situation will help students remember the target structures and language.

Materials Needed ›› ›› ›› ›› ›› ››

Internet access and HUB Young to watch video Student worksheet 1 (at home) Student worksheet 2 (in class) Role cards Learning diary questions (see p. 35) Evaluation grid (see p. 36)

In class

The previous day 1. Briefly describe the activity and explain their home assignment. Tell students that they will watch video Be going to e present continuous at home. Recommend following the instructions closely and repeating the expressions until they are confident. 2. Hand out photocopies of worksheet 1, learning diary and evaluation grid or direct students to online learning platform. 3. Read the five learning diary questions (see p. 35). Share and explain evaluation criteria (see p. 36).


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At home

Students watch video Be going to e present continuous at home at twice. After their first viewing, they do a T/F comprehension exercise and watch the video again to check their answers. Then they complete the mind map and answer the learning diary questions in their notebooks.

Learning diary What new grammar structures and vocabulary did I learn? What did I learn to do? What problems did I have? Is what I learnt interesting or useful? Why? How can I use what I learnt in real life?

The learning diary may offer an excellent opportunity to introduce the Cornell note taking system as shown in the template below.

In class

Review (whole class) Check for student understanding through observation, discussion of mind map and questions (learning diary).

Activation (pair work) Put students into pairs and hand out photocopies of worksheet 2. Move around the classroom to monitor pair work. While students are doing exercises 1-2, check for student understanding. You may wish to refer weaker pairs to the grammar notes on page 167 of the textbook New Get Inside Language. In exercise 3 students ask and answer some basic questions about their fixed plans, intentions and predictions about their future. Monitor pair work, encourage participation and help with difficult vocabulary. You may want to use the follow-up questions in exercise 3 for a whole class activity.


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Consolidation • When students have completed worksheet 2, hand out the role cards for the role play activity. If you can, put pairs of chairs back to back so that students can’t see their partners’ faces or gestures. If you can’t, ask students to stand back to back. Go over the basic language for phone calls printed on the role cards and help students with difficult vocabulary during preparation time (3 minutes). While students are role playing, monitor and note mistakes or interesting language for discussion afterwards. • Set page 168 as homework for weaker students and page 169 for more confident students.

Debriefing and self-evaluation Students’ effort should be recognised and praised in order to build confidence and a sense of achievement regarding a particular topic. Students/Groups can use the grid provided for self-evaluation and discuss it with the teacher.

Evaluation You may use the evaluation grid provided to grade individual or group performances. The grid offers a maximum score of 20 points and takes into consideration the following elements: cooperation, cognitive skills, communicative skills. The grid can be adapted and the score can be allocated according to the part you wish to prioritise.

Cooperation Life skills

S contributes, stays focused and works towards personal/pair/group goals






Cognitive skills

Remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing and evaluating
















Watching/Listening and reading Communicative skills

S can grasp significant points in straightforward oral/written input on familiar subjects. Speaking S can interact in everyday conversations on familiar topics


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Cornell Notes

Name: ___________________________________ Topic: __________________________ Class: _________________ Period: ________ Date: ____________________________ Questions/Main Ideas What new What new grammar grammar structures structures and vocabulary did I learn? and vocabulary did I learn?


What did I learn to do?

What problems did I have?

Is what I learnt interesting? Why?

Summary/Key question

How can I use what I learnt in real life?



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Student Worksheet 1 1a Watch the video and choose the correct option. 1. You can / can’t always use “will” to talk about the future. 2. When you want to talk about your intentions for the future, you use present continuous / be going to. 3. When you want to talk about fixed plans for the future, you use present continuous / be going to. 4. When you use observation in the present to make predictions about the future, you use present continuous / be going to. 5. The correct structure of be going to is subject + am, is, are going to + base form / subject + will + going to + base form. 1b Watch the video again and check your answers. 2 Complete the mind map with these words. intentions • subject (x2) • fixed • opinions • base form • WILL • use • ‘m not/isn’t/aren’t (x 2) • predictions • form • won’t • GOING





BE ............... TO


subject + am/is/ are + -ing

subject + ......................... + -ing


am/is/are + subject + -ing

................ plans


subject + am/is/ are + going to + .....................

subject + ................. + going to + base form


am/is/are + ................. + going to + base form

.......................... .......................... ................ based on observation


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Student Worksheet 1


............ FUTURE



............ + will + base form

subject + .......... + base form


will + subject + base form

predictions based on .........................

ANSWERS 1a 1 can’t, 2 be going to, 3 present continuous, 4 be going to, 5 subject + am, is, are going to + base form 2





subject + am/is/ are + -ing

subject + ‘m not/ isn’t/aren’t + -ing


am/is/are + subject + -ing

fixed plans


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Student Worksheet 1




subject +am/is/ are + going to + base form

subject + ‘m not/isn’t/aren’t + going to + base form


am/is/are + subject + going to + base form

intentions use predictions based on observation





subject +will + base form

subject + won’t+ base form


will+ subject + base form

predictions based on opinions


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Student Worksheet 2 (in pairs) 1. In pairs, choose the correct option. 1. How many forms can be used to talk about the future? a Only one: will. c Three: will, be going to and present continuous. b Two: be going to and present continuous. d Infinite. 2. What do we use be going to and present continuous for? a Plans and intentions. c Suggestions. b Orders. d Apologies. 3. What does the sentence “I’m starting skiing lessons in October” express? a An intention. c A fixed plan: the speaker has already organized b A regret: the speaker has never learnt how to ski. his lessons. d A prediction. 4. Which form cannot be used to make predictions about the future? a Be going to and present continuous. c Be going to. b Will. d Present continuous. 2 In pairs, read these situations and complete them with present continuous, be going to or will. Use the verbs in brackets. 1. Gwen knows she’s not fit. She wants to do something about it and makes a decision. She tells you: “I (get) ………………………………………….. fit. Yesterday I joined a gym. I (have) ………………………………………….. my first lesson tomorrow.” 2. Steve thinks it (be) ………………………………………….. sunny at the weekend. He tells you: “I (go) ………………………… on a cycling trip with Luke this weekend. We (leave) ………………………………………….. at 8 on Saturday morning.” But you have a great app for weather forecasts on your phone. You look at it and say: “You shouldn’t go, Steve. It (rain) ………………………………………….. all the weekend.” 3. Kate has gone to a fortune teller. He looks into his crystal ball and then tells her: “You (receive) ………………………………………….. a gift from somebody you knew when you were a child. That gift (change) ………………………………………….. your life.” Kate is excited because her uncle Joseph (come) ………………………………………….. to visit her tomorrow. 4. A bank has offered Alex a job. He hasn’t accepted because he doesn’t think he (be) ………………………………………….. happy working in an office. He has different plans for his future. He tells you: “I (do) ………………………………………….. the photography course that starts next week because I (become) ………………………………………….. a sports photographer.” 3. In pairs, talk about • your fixed plans for tomorrow and next week • your intentions for next month • what you think will happen in your life next year Compare your ideas with other classmates. Who has the strangest intentions? Who has the most boring fixed plans? Who has made improbable predictions about their life? Why? Answers 1 1 c, 2 a, 3 c, 4 d 2 1. ’m going to get, ’m having 2. will be, ’m going, ’re leaving, ’s going to rain 3. ’re going to receive, is going to change, is coming 4. will be, ’m doing, ’m going to become 3 Students’ answers.


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ROLE PLAY – a phone call (MAKE AND REACT TO INVITATIONS) STUDENT A You’re going to role play a phone call. Read your role card and think about what to say. You have 3 minutes to do this. ROLE CARD – A You don’t want to stay at home on Saturday afternoon but you don’t know what to do. Call a friend and ask about his/her plans. You like going to the cinema but you hate going shopping in the city centre. If your friend doesn’t have any plans, ask him/her to come and play videogames together. Call your partner. Remember to use future forms correctly when you speak. Useful expressions: • Hello? • Is that (Sharon)? It’s (Rose). • Hi, (Rose). How are you? • Fine, thanks. And you? • Yeah, fine, thanks. • Listen, do you … • OK, then. So I’ll see you … • See you on … Thanks for calling. • No problem. Bye!

STUDENT B You’re going to role play a phone call. Read your role card and think about what to say. You have 3 minutes to do this. ROLE CARD – B A friend calls you and asks about your plans for Saturday afternoon. You don’t have any plans but you don’t really like him/her. Say you are busy and make up an excuse. Your excuse must be strange. For example, you have to look after your cousin’s pet crocodile. Answer your partner’s phone call. Remember to use future forms correctly when you speak. Useful expressions: • Hello? • Is that (Sharon)? It’s (Rose). • Hi, (Rose). How are you? • Fine, thanks. And you? • Yeah, fine, thanks. • Listen, do you … • OK, then. So I’ll see you … • See you on ... Thanks for calling. • No problem. Bye!


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