Pioneer - British - Level B1Plus - Tests [PDF]

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le 1+

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te ts s

contents Test: Module 1 ................................................................................................. 4 Test: Module 2 ................................................................................................ 7 Test: Module 3 ................................................................................................ 10 Test: Module 4 ................................................................................................ 13 Test: Module 5 ................................................................................................ 16 Test: Module 6 ................................................................................................ 19 Midterm Test: Modules 1-6 ........................................................................... 22 Test: Module 7 ................................................................................................ 28 Test: Module 8 ................................................................................................ 31 Test: Module 9 ................................................................................................ 34

Test: Module 11 ............................................................................................... 40 Test: Module 12 .............................................................................................. 43 Final Test .......................................................................................................... 46 Key to tests ..................................................................................................... 52

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Test: Module 10 .............................................................................................. 37

M Test od ule 1

level B1+


A. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are two extra words that you do not need to use. picture

wages trainee interviewer rewarding bankrupt motivated flexible promotion negotiate

1. As a teacher, Samantha isn’t paid much, but she is by her love for children. 2. I don’t know how we’re going to make ends meet. Prices are rising but aren’t. 3. We will the contract during our meeting tomorrow. 4. The asked Tim many details about his previous job. 5. The most part of my job at the hospital is seeing people get better and go home. 6. Frank is looking for a job with hours because he’s still at university. 7. Just us on holiday sitting by a pool. It’ll be great.


8. Mr Stevenson’s business went and closed down last year.


B. Choose a, b, c or d. 1. Karen a living from working at the school cafeteria. . a. wins

b. gains

c. earns

d. gets

c. limited

d. qualified

2. I’m because I prefer being my own boss.. a. self-employed

b. sophisticated

3. Attending a summer school in Paris is an amazing for you to learn French.. a. diversity

b. opportunity

c. inspiration

d. innovation

4. The factory workers were on on Friday because of the recent job cuts.. a. welfare

b. the spot

c. strike

d. board

c. basically

d. equally

5. Peter goes to the library, but not very often. . a. occasionally

b. totally

6. James has a very good as a human rights lawyer. Everybody respects him. . a. reputation

b. relationship

c. motivation

d. challenge

7. Kevin had been working as an for 3 months before the company hired him full-time. . a. amateur

b. apprentice

c. entrepreneur

d. employee

8. It was difficult for Emily to to her new surroundings when she first came to the city. . a. require

b. apply

c. adapt

d. deliver



C. Circle the correct words. Copyright © MM Publications

Some of the best professional advice I have received was given to me by my dad’s business partner. He told me that when

choosing a job, colleagues are more important than fringe 1 prospects / benefits. A company car might 2 rate / appeal to everybody, but how can you be 3 challenging / productive if you have to work with people you don’t get along with? So, the 4 requirements / character and experience of your colleagues is very important when you are taking your first steps in the professional world. That’s because it is your colleagues who will 5 provide / demonstrate you with the guidance you need. So, even if you aren’t getting the 6 bonus / debts you dreamt of, if you have good colleagues, you will be gaining skills and experience for the future.



Test - Module 1

level B1+


A. Circle the correct words. 1. Tina is working / works at her father’s travel agency for the summer. 2. I don’t mind / ’m not minding if you bring your children to the get-together. 3. Carl rarely is eating / eats out. He likes cooking at home. 4. Trees are giving / give us oxygen. 5. Mr Reynolds just left. There goes / is going your chance to talk to him. 6. The marketing seminar starting / starts at 11 a.m. tomorrow. 7. Tina arrive / is arriving in a couple of hours and you still haven’t cleaned the house. 8. Can’t you see I talk / ’m talking on the phone? I’ll be there in a minute! 9. I love / am loving reading crime novels in my spare time.


10. The Earth’s temperature increases / is increasing every year.

/ 10

B. Complete with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs in brackets. 1.


A: Hey, Jill! What (you / do)?

A: Jack (feel) like his internship

B: I (get) ready for a job interview. I (think) about

is a waste of time. He says he . (not learn) anything.

wearing this shirt. What .

B: That’s terrible.

(you / think)?

A: Yeah. All he (do) all day .

A: I like it! Good luck at your interview!

is make coffee and answer the phone. He . (want) to leave!




1. How long has Rose been a flight attendant?. a. for about 1 month. b. for about 2 weeks. c. for about 3 months

4. Why doesn’t Rose see much of the cities she flies to?. a. She is too tired to go out.. b. She has no time before her next flight.. c. She doesn’t have enough money.

2. What did Rose expect to dislike about her job?. a. cleaning up after passengers. b. greeting passengers on the plane. c. passengers not being polite

5. Which of the following does Rose’s friend NOT suggest?. a. She should be more realistic.. b. She should be patient and try to adapt to her new . situation.. c. She should go on a holiday.

3. What does Rose want passengers to understand?. a. She can’t solve every problem.. b. She works for the airline and not for them.. c. They shouldn’t complain to her because it is rude.


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Listen to Rose telling a friend about her new job, and answer questions 1-5. Choose a, b or c.

Test - Module 1

level B1+


Read the text and write T for True or F for False.

The Price of Experience Nowadays, volunteer work and unpaid internships are becoming more and more popular, as young people often choose to work for little or no wages at all in order to gain essential skills or experience in their line of work. But have you ever heard of paying your boss to work for him or her? For some professions, such as law, fashion or banking, the number of applicants for each intern position used to be so great that companies started to sell these positions to hopeful candidates. Internships sold for thousands at a time; a week’s placement at a well-known bank sold for £1,500, and the price of working for a month at a major fashion house reached as high as £10,000. Often the money raised was donated to charity. Difficult economic times have helped this market expand and have led to the creation of several companies which sell ‘internship packages’, often including accommodation and meals. Now young people can ‘buy’ experience in any profession, at a variety of companies across the world. So is it worth it? A salesperson from one of these companies is certain that it is. ‘In today’s difficult job market, young people need to have some advantage. The experience they gain during an internship adds great value to their CV. They could even end up getting a job at the firm where they were interns’, Peter Radcliff says.

1. Companies started ‘selling’ internships to raise money for charity. 2. Buying an internship package guarantees a job at the specific firm. 3. Helen Wright thinks that companies who sell internships will not always get the best person for the job. 4. Valerie Fischer was hoping for more from her internship. 5. Nowadays, there are no free internships left.

However, student Helen Wright has a very different view. ‘The idea that these more attractive jobs should go to the richest graduate – or, as is more likely, to the graduate with the richest parents – is very worrying. We want companies to understand that this is not beneficial for them either; the industry doesn’t necessarily get talented and enthusiastic workers; they just get those that can pay. It sends the message that ability does not matter’. Although many interns gain valuable experience, that is sadly not always the case. Valerie Fischer paid for a two-month internship at a well-known fashion magazine last year and was left feeling that she had wasted her money. ‘I did a lot of useless data-entry’, she complains. ‘I was responsible for getting my boss’s coffee every morning and running around town taking back the clothes from photo shoots. While it may have been valuable life experience, I don’t feel I learnt anything about the industry’.

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Career adviser Jane Wilmot agrees that internship sales is a risky business. ‘Ideally, students should be given internships based on hard work alone. Paying is just not necessary; any career service can point them in the direction of free internships. Anyone thinking of buying their way into an internship should research it very carefully to make sure they are indeed getting what they are paying for’.


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You have seen the following announcement in an international magazine. Write your article (140-190 words).

Tell us what you consider to be the worst job for you. Say what the job involves, what you dislike about this job, and why you think you wouldn’t be suitable for it.


T ule od M

level B1+



A. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are two extra words that you do not need to use.











1. If you get lost during the camping trip, a(n) will be useful. 2. It was difficult for Cathy to her fear of heights. 3. I hope your watch is , because it just fell in the pool. 4. I bought a beautiful armchair at the car boot sale. 5. I hired an interior designer to my old living room into a bedroom. 6. I’ll check my , but I don’t think I’m free next Monday.


7. Give Sally my when you see her and tell her to give me a call.


B. Complete with the correct form of the words in capitals. 1. Lucy’s was completely unpredictable.


2. I don’t want to be , so let’s divide the housework equally.


3. All the should be at least 18 years old.


4. The new secretary is , but she is willing to learn. 5. If you can’t spend a lot of money on redecorating your flat, just paint it. It’s a(n)


way to make it look nicer.



C. Choose a, b, c or d. 1. I can’t believe you are me of something I didn’t do! a. criticising

b. blaming

c. accusing

d. considering

c. treasure

d. reward

2. My sister won first in the poetry contest. a. prize

b. medal

3. Ted gets bored easily at work because he has to do a lot of tasks. a. non-existent

b. appealing

c. gifted

d. mindless

c. playing

d. joining

c. proof

d. effort

4. I have been Pilates every day lately. a. going

b. doing

5. I haven’t got a(n) how I’m going to solve this problem. a. clue

b. honour

a. turned out

b. bumped into

c. jotted down

d. showed up

c. defeated

d. got along

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6. Mike wasn’t looking where he was going and the street sign. 7. I didn’t want to join the golf club, but my friends . a. insisted

b. convinced

8. I think Diane is suffering from . Do you know how many hours she works a day? a. endurance

b. adjustment

c. evidence

d. exhaustion



Test - Module 2

level B1+


B. Circle the correct words.

A. Choose a, b, c or d. 1. I the dessert yet. . a. don’t prepare b. haven’t prepared

Underwater photography has been c. haven’t been prepared. d. haven’t been preparing

2. We Jack all morning but he isn’t answering. Do you know where he might be?. a. called c. are calling. b. have called d. have been calling 3. Where were you? Your mother for you for an hour!. a. has been looking c. has looked. b. is looking d. looked

friend Mark and I often go diving and I always take my camera with me. Mark doesn’t take photos like I do, but he has been working as a diving instructor since he 2 was / has been at university. He is the one who taught me how to dive. Watching marine creatures far under the surface of the water is amazing. It seems that every time

4. Please drive a little . I’m getting dizzy. . a. slow c. more slowly. b. as slow d. more slow

I go under, the sight becomes more and 3 more / most beautiful. So far, I 4 have posted / have been posting

5. How long since you last saw Pam?. a. has it been c. was it. b. have been d. it’s been


one of my favourite pastimes 1 since / for years. During weekends, my

hundreds of photos on my photography blog. My goal is to make it 5 far more / the most popular than it already is!




C. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. 1. I have never been to a more expensive restaurant.

the .

It is I have ever been to. 2. You are taller than your sister.


Your sister you. 3. Let’s get a different book for Kelly because she read that one last week.


Let’s get a different book for Kelly because she that one. 4. Unemployment is getting worse every day.


Unemployment is worse. 5. Taylor bought his car in May.


Taylor May.


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Listen to people talking in five different situations and answer the questions.

1. You hear a man talking about his hobby with a friend. How long has James been collecting stamps?. a. for 10 years. b. for 20 years. c. for 1 year

4. You hear a teacher talking to his class. What does he ask Fred to do?. a. make some notes. b. distribute some photocopies. c. write an essay

2. You hear a sprinter talking after a race. What is the fastest time he has run this year?. a. 21:03. b. 20:00. c. 21:23

5. You hear two people discussing a documentary. What does the woman think about it?. a. It wasn’t very stimulating.. b. It focused on the wrong issues.. c. It was incomplete.

3. You hear two interviewers discussing an interview. What did the man notice about the interviewee?. a. She’s punctual.. b. She’s experienced.. c. She’s indecisive.


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Test - Module 2

level B1+


Read an article about three people talking about their hobbies and answer the questions. Write T for Tina, M for Marion or F for Fiona.

s e i b b o h l a u s u Un

Which person 1. wears special clothes . for her hobby?

I’m on TV 2. was surprised by . all the time, but no one would the development of . know my name or recognise me on her hobby? the street. When people watch the news, they watch the reporter on camera. They rarely 3. explains how her . look at what goes on in the background. That’s hobby benefits other my hobby: appearing in news reports from all over people? the country - and sometimes even abroad. It requires 4. travels to different planning and a lot of luck. I show up wherever I think a countries for her . news report will take place. Sometimes I am the woman on hobby? the station platform reading a newspaper; other times I’m 5. gets others to do . walking past in a hurry, or looking at the scenery. . things for her hobby? I don’t wear anything different, do anything unusual or When my pretend to be anyone but myself. You could say . daughter was very young, she I am a professional bystander. Many people don’t had a stuffed teddy bear that she took understand my hobby but, for me, there is a everywhere with her. One day, a friend saw thrill in thinking that, every day, millions some photos from our holiday and laughed. ‘That of people see my face on their . bear has been to more countries than I have’, she said. TV screens. That was what gave me the idea for what turned out to be the perfect hobby to share with my daughter. We chose a toy . to go ‘travelling’. My daughter named him Arnold, and I set up Mine is not the easiest a website for him. Then we left him on a station platform, along pastime to have. The with a note telling people about the website and asking them clothes are uncomfortable, to take Arnold on their travels and post their pictures online. the food is basic and we don’t Several weeks passed, and I began to fear that make use of any of the comforts he had just ended up in a lost-and-found of modern life. We also have to learn some tricky somewhere. Then one morning we skills that are no longer needed today, like making went online and there was a photo clothes or making fires. It can take a lot of effort, of Arnold, outside the Taj Mahal! because we ensure that everything is true to the time. Can you believe it? Since then, We don’t want to see anyone wearing trainers or talking on we’ve followed Arnold’s a mobile phone! You see, I’m a member of the Living History travels all across the Organisation and we get together weekly to experience . world. life the way people lived it hundreds of years ago. Living history isn’t just a hobby; it’s a form of education. . We often have visits from schools, and it’s our responsibility to show children how people . lived in a different era – before we had electricity and technology to make score / 10 our lives easier.




You have received this email from a friend of yours. Write an email replying and also giving him/her your news (140-190 words).

Hi! How are you? I have some spare time and I’m thinking about starting a new hobby. Didn’t you take up a new hobby recently? How has it been going? Write back and tell me all about it! Take care


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M Tes od t ule 3

level B1+


A. Choose a, b, c or d.

1. All passengers are requested to from the ship.. a. disembark

b. depart

c. set off

d. take off

c. vacancy

d. inconvenience

c. emergency

d. excitement

2. We are terribly sorry for the . . a. complaint

b. apology

3. Please contact the police if there is a(n) . . a. dissatisfaction

b. annoyance

4. We arrived at the hotel and decided to take a of the city right away. . a. trip

b. journey

c. travel

d. tour

c. reach

d. come

5. What time did you the airport?. a. arrive

b. get

6. We were so when we finished our final exams, because we had been studying for months.. a. relieved

b. focused

c. concerned

d. apprehensive

7. I didn’t want to go any deeper into the cave but my friends me to continue.. a. wondered

b. encouraged

c. acquired

d. came across

c. compulsory

d. wealthy

8. Car insurance is for all car owners.. a. alternative

b. frequent

9. Tom’s first at skiing down the slope by himself wasn’t very successful. He injured his knee.. a. attempt

b. exploration

c. outcome

d. priority

10. From the look on the woman’s face, I realised that she hadn’t understood what I had asked her.. a. delightful

b. massive

c. menacing

d. puzzled

11. I’ve sold my old car and I’m thinking about buying a new one. In , I’m using my dad’s.. a. the long run

b. the future

c. particular

d. the meantime

12. The book contains information for tourists. You should buy it.. a. questionable

b. unfamiliar

c. invaluable

d. curious


/ 12



B. Circle the correct words. 1. I’d like to thank you on / in behalf of everyone at the company. 2. I can lend you some money so that you can get over / by until you get paid.

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3. I would like to speak to somebody on / in charge, please.


4. With all the work she has taken after / on, she has hardly any time for us anymore. 5. I can’t talk right now. I’m on / in a hurry. 6. I told Julie I would email her, but I never got through / around to it. 7. Greg and Mike don’t see each other very often anymore, but they are on / in good terms. 8. I can’t figure with / out how this machine works.

Test - Module 3

level B1+


A. Choose a, b, c or d. 1. I was reading a book when the lights out. . a. were going

b. went

c. were going to go

d. would go

2. My flatmate was doing the washing-up while I the windows. . a. was cleaning

b. have cleaned

c. used to clean

d. would clean

c. would be

d. was going to be

3. I a careless driver, but I’m not anymore. . a. used to be

b. was being

4. I didn’t tell Mary the news because when I went to her office, she on the phone. . a. is talking

b. talks

c. talked

d. was talking

c. I got

d. As soon as I got

5. home, I started studying.. a. As I got

b. While I got



B. Complete the dialogue with the Past Simple or the Past Progressive of the verbs in brackets. A: 1 (you / watch) the football match last night? B: Well, I wanted to, but while I 2 (watch) it, the phone 3 (ring). . It was my sister. A: What 4 (she / want)? B: Well, you know she has a bike. As she 5 (ride) home after work, it 6 . (start) to rain heavily and she 7 (not can) continue. So, I had to go and get her.



C. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. 1. When we were younger, Betty always came to my house to study at weekends.


When we were younger, Betty to my house to study at weekends. 2. Brian wanted to go to the supermarket, but he fell asleep on the sofa.


Brian to the supermarket, but he fell asleep on the sofa. 3. When I was younger, I had short hair.


I when I was younger. 4. Tim was watching TV during dinner.





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Listen to two friends talking and write T for True or F for False. 1. Ronnie didn’t stay at the Richmond Hotel because he wasn’t impressed by the facilities. 2. Ronnie has had bad experiences on camping trips in the past. 3. Ronnie and his cousin didn’t agree on what their holiday should be like. 4. Ronnie was surprised by how much fun windsurfing was. 5. Ronnie was able to relax towards the end of his holiday. 

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Tim was watching TV dinner.


Test - Module 3

level B1+


Read the article and complete the gaps 1-5 with the sentences a-f. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.

Claire Greyson the travel writer

a. You won’t find any advice on where to go on your holiday or what restaurants to visit.

The accommodation was dirty and cold. The food was tasteless and often scarce. Access to means of communication and other facilities was limited. 1 For Claire Greyson, it was just what she was looking for.

b. It was originally no more than a written description of the culture, traditions and sights of a country.

‘In my line of work, I need to look beneath the attractive surface presented to tourists’, she explains. ‘I need to experience a different side of every place I visit’. Travel writers like her, she tells us, often search for what others would consider to be rather unpleasant situations. They do this in order to put themselves at the centre of events that would interest their readers.

c. One of the strongest impressions I came away . with is of the warmth . and friendliness that . I encountered.

Travel literature has been around since ancient times. 2 Back then, few people were likely to ever leave their country, and the journals of the lucky few who did provided a unique window into a different world.

d. Nowadays our lives are so busy that people don’t often have time to visit a country for themselves.

Nowadays, with the increasing availability of air travel and technology, travel literature has had to take on a different meaning. As Claire explains, ‘Today, anyone can visit a country or find out about other countries on the Internet. Travel writers need to put themselves out there; encounter things – often 3 uncomfortable things – that a normal tourist would not, and give their readers a real taste of the country. No one is interested in reading about your visit to a museum and the rest of your day at the beach’. Indeed, Claire’s latest book, Life on the Move, is not to be confused with a travel guide. 4 Instead, it records a year she spent travelling with a group of street artists, often surviving in rough conditions, as she learnt how to adapt to a new lifestyle and improve her own artistic skills. A far cry from the shiny pictures in . a travel agent’s brochure!

e. For most people, it would have been a nightmare holiday. f. What someone who buys travel literature wants to read about is the traveller’s experiences – in other words, they want a story.

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However, Claire disagrees with the idea that Life on the Move could harm . tourism – or even that it shows the countries she travelled through in a negative light. ‘As my book will show you, there were many beautiful moments during my travels’, she says. ‘ 5 No matter where you are in the world, the kindness . of strangers is remarkable’.



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Read the writing task below and write your story (140-190 words). An English-language magazine is looking for stories for its next issue. Your story must begin with this sentence:

When Andrew turned around, he couldn’t believe what he saw. Your story must include:. a car chase a smartphone

es t


A. Choose a, b, c or d. b. linked

c. expanded


1. Unfortunately, the number of orangutans in the rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra has . a. declined

T ule od M

level B1+

d. reversed

2. Exhaust from cars and trucks cause air pollution. a. particles

b. fumes

c. chemicals

d. fuels

3. I think you should a lawyer about your problem. a. present

c. consult

b. face

d. estimate

4. Many people think that athletes are for their job and should not earn so much. a. overcharged

b. undercharged

c. overpaid

d. underpaid

5. On weekdays, I have such a(n) schedule that I don’t have any time for my friends. a. lively

b. entire

c. hectic

d. constant

c. assistance

d. responsibility

c. poisonous

d. alternative

6. We all have a(n) to protect the environment. a. initiative

b. attention

7. Don’t eat those mushrooms! They’re . a. alarming

b. natural

8. The government should take more to reduce pollution in the city. a. measures

b. effects

c. authorities


d. emissions


B. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are two extra words that you do not need to use. consumption









1. Whales are , whereas fish are not. 2. Many sea turtles these tropical waters. 3. Larry should cut down on his of fast food. 4. I’m going to a new antivirus program on my computer. 5. Recent studies have shown a dramatic in the number of Monarch butterflies that spend the winter in Mexico. 6. The of the experiment is to find out more about sharks. 7. The town council is trying to raise people’s of the importance of recycling.





C. Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.

2. There has been a decrease the population of our town since the factory closed down. 3. I don’t think you understand the importance the matter. 4. Humans can sometimes be a threat animals’ habitats. 5. The speaker pointed that there should be more recycling bins in our neighbourhood. 6. Many factories dispose their toxic waste in lakes and rivers.

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1. I think it will be difficult to find a solution the problem of global warming.


Test - Module 4

level B1+


A. Choose a, b, c or d. 1. How long had she been in the room before you her? a. heard

b. were hearing

c. had heard

d. had been hearing

2. When I saw Jack last night, he was exhausted. He all day. a. travelled

b. has been travelling

c. had been travelling

d. had travelled

3. We into the house until after we had painted it. a. had moved

b. moved

c. hadn’t moved

d. didn’t move

4. The destruction of the bridge was the earthquake. a. because

b. despite

c. due to

d. since



B. Circle the correct words. I got tired of living in the city 1 as / because of all the smog, the pollution and the noise. I 2 had been living / lived there my whole life until one day I decided that I 3 had been having / had had enough. 4 Although / Despite it seemed like a big change, I moved to a small rural town. Now, I enjoy life much more, 5 since / due to the air is cleaner and life is much more peaceful.



C. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. 1. Despite having a cold, Richard went to school.


Richard went to school a cold. by

2. The aerobics class started and then Lisa arrived at the gym. The aerobics class Lisa arrived at the gym.


3. Nobody told me about the meeting, so I didn’t attend it.  I didn’t attend the meeting about it. 4. John works long hours but he doesn’t make a lot of money.


John doesn’t make a lot of money long hours. been

5. Ryan drove around for two hours and then realised that he was lost. Ryan for two hours before he realised that he was lost.

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Listen to part of a documentary on jellyfish and complete the sentences with a word or short phrase. 1. Jellyfish are animals without bones, a heart or . 2. Jellyfish have existed for years. 3. A ‘bloom’ is a(n) of jellyfish. 4. Some jellyfish in Japan are the size of a(n) . 5. are natural jellyfish predators.


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Test - Module 4

level B1+


Read the text and answer the questions. Choose a, b, c or d.

How can technology help? The difficulties that arise when animals and humans live together in the same area are undoubtedly many. We need to look no further than the state of Nevada in the USA for an example. Competing with mankind for food sources, mountain lions often have no choice but to expand their hunting grounds to include nearby farms. Locals are then forced to hunt them to avoid going hungry themselves. Scientists say that by acquiring better knowledge of wild animals and their behaviour, we can avoid this contest with animals. Unfortunately, getting up close to wild animals and learning their ways is not an easy task and can even prove to be dangerous. That is where technology comes in. The beetle-cam is a remote-controlled car, covered by nets and grass, with a high-definition camera located on its back. It can be sent into animals’ environments to take photographs and study their behaviour from up close. Of course, it is very well built in case the animals get curious! Scientists can also put a ‘smart collar’ on predators which carries GPS technology and sensors. It not only reveals an animal’s location, but shows its activities in detail: whether it is injured, whether it is hunting, and even the size of its prey. By studying animals in these ways, scientists have begun to understand when and why they would approach places where humans live, and can start to find ways to keep communities safe.

What’s next for conservation technology? Although we have made great advances in technology, in some ways we are still at the beginning. While we are already working to prevent the extinction of endangered species, experimental steps are also being made in areas that could, one day, provide a permanent solution. Scientists broke new ground in 2009, when they used pieces of skin to create a Pyrenean ibex (an animal extinct since 2000). This was the first species ever to become ‘unextinct’. Unfortunately, the technique is still in its early stages, and the ibex survived only 7 minutes. Nevertheless, the first step has been taken. This has been the goal of scientists for decades. Since 1972, they have been gathering skin cells and other organic matter from endangered animals, in the hope that one day science will be able to save them. Today, this ‘Frozen Zoo’ contains data from more than 8,400 species. If everything goes as hoped, one day we could again see extinct species walking around.

1. Why do some people in Nevada hunt mountain lions? a. They need them as a source of food. b. A hungry animal may be dangerous to . humans. c. They want to keep their farm animals . safe. d. They want to build in the natural . habitat of the mountain lions. 2. What is NOT true about the beetle-cam? a. It is attached to an animal. b. It helps scientists with their animal . research. c. It is built to endure attacks from . animals. d. It is made to fit in with the natural . environment. 3. What is true about a ‘smart collar’? a. It stops wild animals from . approaching human communities. b. It helps wild animals hunt prey. c. It records an animal’s activities. d. It is placed in an animals’ habitat. 4. What do you think the expression ‘broke new ground’ in paragraph 7 means? a. to present an idea or theory to the . public b. to be successful at something after . trying for a long time c. to attempt something that has not . been done before d. to fail at something challenging 5. What is the ‘Frozen Zoo’? a. A zoo with low temperatures. b. A group of scientists devoted to . protecting endangered species. c. A list of all the species which are now . extinct. d. A collection of biological material from . various animals.


/ 10


Write an essay on the following topic. Use all the notes given and give reasons for your point of view.

How can young people protect the environment? Notes. Ideas to write about:. 1. conserve energy 2. volunteer 3. your own idea


/ 10


/ 70

Copyright © MM Publications

Conservation Technology


M Tes od t ule 5

level B1+


A. Circle the correct words. 1. Brian is telling the truth, I can assign / assure you. 2. In the scenario / event of an earthquake, try to stay calm. 3. The exhibition has works of art by many contemporary / accessible artists. 4. Wendy reminds / resembles her sister a lot. 5. My dad works for a company that functions / manufactures plastic goods. 6. We did not fully comprehend / obtain how the accident occurred.



B. Complete the text with the words/phrases in the box. There are two extra words/phrases that you do not need to use. thanks to



at our fingertips

time will tell



sooner or later

Many people 1 that technology will significantly affect healthcare in the future. Scientists are 2 researching ways to make technology transform healthcare for everybody. We will be able to instantly have any information about our health 3 , because health issues and diseases could be monitored with the help of smartphones and tablets. . 4 technological developments, information that was once only in the hands of doctors and specialists, will 5 be available for all. Apps that monitor your heart rate or track your calorie consumption already exist, so only 6 what the future holds.



C. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals. 1. Winning the race was one of the runner’s greatest .  2. Can I have your attention, please? I have an to make. 


3. We didn’t enjoy the concert and we were all very .


4. Martha is very and works well in groups.


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5. The hotel prices are much more during the winter because there aren’t many tourists. AFFORD


6. It’s a story about two friends that went on a trip around Europe.


7. I don’t understand how this works. It’s too .


8. The author’s for the story was a dream he had.



Test - Module 5

level B1+


A. Choose a, b, c or d. 1. Ted called and said he’s stuck in traffic. By the time he gets here, we for over an hour!. a. will wait b. will have been waiting c. will be waiting d. are waiting 2. As soon as I get home, I Sue. I have something to tell her.. a. will be called b. will have called c. call

d. will call

3. Stop making fun of me or I you with your homework again!. a. never going to help b. will never help c. never help

d. will never have helped

4. You to have a doctor see that cut. . a. ought b. should

d. would

c. might

5. I believe we will have finished the project of this month.. a. before b. by the time c. until

d. by the end

6. You bring anything; I’ll cook.. a. don’t have to b. couldn’t

d. wouldn’t

c. can’t

7. Don’t forget to take your keys. I when you get back.. a. will sleep b. ’m sleeping c. will have been sleeping d. will be sleeping 8. Jack and I played tennis this morning. He look after the kids because his wife was at home.. a. shouldn’t b. mustn’t c. didn’t need to d. had better not 9. The dentist is very busy today. You have to wait a while before he sees you.. a. may b. should c. must d. don’t 10. By June, I enough Spanish for my trip.. a. am going to learn b. will learn

c. will have learnt

d. will have been learning

11. I find my purse anywhere this morning.. a. wouldn’t b. might not

c. wasn’t able

d. couldn’t

12. Children very selfish sometimes.. a. can be b. had to be

c. had better be

d. will have been


/ 12

B. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. 1. Is it necessary for employees to have a driving licence?


Do a driving licence? might.

2. There’s a possibility that I will go to Italy this summer. I this summer. 3. Taking photos of the sculptures is not allowed.


You of the sculptures. 4. It’s a good idea to put on a coat, because it’s cold outside. You a coat, because it’s cold outside.





You will hear five people expressing their opinion about the future of education. Match the speakers with the statements a-g. There are two extra statements that you do not need to use. a. I believe students will have more choice in their education. b. I don’t think students will have a need for libraries anymore.

Speaker 2

c. Only those who can afford it will be able to get an education.

Speaker 3

d. I don’t think education will change that much.

Speaker 4 Speaker 5

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Speaker 1

e. I think there will be less need for teachers in the future. f. Education will improve only with better teaching methods. g. I don’t think schools will exist in the future.


/ 10 17

Test - Module 5

level B1+


Read the text and write T for True, F for False or NM for Not Mentioned in the boxes.

Transforming Language Advances in transport and communication mean that the rest of the world is now closer than it has ever been. Countries are no longer isolated; cultures are coming together through travel and tourism, and we are beginning to have a better understanding of other civilisations. If this trend continues, the future of our planet could be very different from the world as we know it today. Already, schoolchildren around the world study a variety of foreign languages, and the increase in multinational business transactions means that languages are no longer spoken only in their country of origin. Communication difficulties between speakers of different languages are becoming less common – and we can look ahead to a future where a global language may well be a reality. This idea has been around for centuries. As far back as the 1800s, a doctor by the name of L.L. Zamenhof created an easy-to-learn language which he hoped would help relations between different countries and provide a bridge for cultures without a common language. He named it ‘International Language’ - although nowadays it is better known as ‘Esperanto’. Experts estimate that it takes around 150 hours to reach an average standard in Esperanto – compared to 1,000-2,000 hours for other modern languages.

1. In the future, schoolchildren will have to learn even more languages to keep up with . the global community. 2. Esperanto is much more difficult to learn than most modern languages. 3. In countries where Esperanto . is spoken, it is considered . a second language. 4. The global translating device has been on sale since 1945. 5. In the near future, phone . conversations may be instantly . translated into a different language for the person on . the other end.

Literature from all around the world has been translated into Esperanto, and it has been used for various international official documents. It is also a working language for several worldwide organisations. However, its success has been limited. Although it is recognised as an official language, it is currently spoken by 2 million people at most, and no country has ever adopted it as a second language. Until the world is ready for a global language, perhaps what it needs is a machine that can understand and translate every one of the languages currently in use across the globe. The idea for a global translating device was first mentioned in a 1945 novel by sci-fi writer Murray Leinster. It is a machine which instantly and accurately translates any language into another language of your choice, and plays it aloud. Although this idea was adopted enthusiastically by the sci-fi community and has appeared in numerous books and films, is it a realistic prospect? Well, the first speech-translating machine actually appeared on the market in 2005. Functioning in the same way as Leinster’s machine, it claims to be entirely flexible in its language use. This means it shouldn’t produce the odd-sounding phrases you sometimes see if you use an Internet translating service. Today, companies are also working on the development of an app that functions in a similar way for smartphones, which will be used to instantly translate ongoing phone calls. Who knows? One day there may even be translating machines that fit inside the brain. Then language difficulties really will be a thing of the past.


/ 10


/ 10


/ 70

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You have seen this advertisement in the newspaper and are interested in making some inquiries to obtain additional information. Your letter (140-190 words) should ask about the following: • what kind of positions • working days and hours

Museum The National Air and Space nship programme.

take part in the summer inter is looking for university students to individuals who will work as We are looking for young, enthusiastic . The chosen candidates will be eum mus interns in a variety of positions at our 10 weeks during the summer. employed full-time for the duration of For inquiries please email us at [email protected]


T ule od M

level B1+



A. Choose a, b, c or d. a. rational

b. conscientious

c. quick-witted


1. Fiona is a very friend. She will always help you when you need something. . d. reliable

2. Frank broke the at the beginning of the interview by smiling at the candidate. . a. ice

b. silence

c. heart

d. news

c. determine

d. matter

3. I you try the carrot soup. It’s delicious. . a. judge

b. recommend

4. , I thought that Paul was trustworthy, but later I realised that he was a liar. . a. Aimlessly

b. Initially

c. Desperately

d. Entirely

5. I didn’t get enough sleep last night and now I can’t . . a. maintain

b. concentrate

c. conform

d. interact

6. Alex had been waiting to see the manager for over an hour and was starting to get . . a. irritable

b. sensitive

c. stubborn

d. selfish





B. Circle the correct words. 1. Diane was a beautiful bride on her marriage / wedding day. 2. Deep under / down, I knew that she was sorry about what had happened. 3. Please fill out your groom’s / spouse’s name on the form. 4. I didn’t want to talk to Will after he broke / let his promise. 5. The two brothers live off the heritage / inheritance they got from their grandmother. 6. People here have different customs / circumstances from the ones we have in our country.

C. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are two extra words that you do not need to use. tended to

realisation craved miserable introvert ignored pleasure bond compassionate


When you meet Clarissa, you would never imagine that she used to be a bully. This is because it . seems to be in her 1 to be kind and caring. But things weren’t always like that. Clarissa used to take 2 in bullying other girls when she was a teenager. She 3 make fun of all the 4 girls, who weren’t as outgoing and popular as she was. She always 5 attention, so she would do anything to accomplish that. However, when she left school, the people who used to be her friends . without any friends, she felt 7 . At heart, she always knew that she was behaving wrongly, but it was then that she decided to change and become the 8 person she is today.



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6 and avoided her. When she realised that it was her behaviour that left her


Test - Module 6

level B1+


A. Choose a, b, c or d. 1. It was spring we visited Emily in New York. . a. where b. which c. that

d. when

2. I know someone is a volunteer firefighter. . a. whose b. which c. that

d. who’s

3. I have very time so please be quick.. a. few b. a few

d. a little

c. little

4. You can find information in an encyclopedia.. a. many b. plenty c. much

d. lots of

5. The shop used to work has closed down.. a. which I b. where I c. where

d. that I

6. This house, is in good condition, hasn’t been painted for years.. a. that b. where c. which

d. in which

7. This room doesn’t get light because the window is too small. . a. some b. much c. a lot

d. a little

8. Is that the guy wife’s a lawyer? . a. who b. whose

d. that

c. which

9. Do you have furniture that you don’t need? I’m trying to furnish my flat.. a. any b. many c. few d. much 10. You don’t need to buy any eggs. We have . . a. very much b. few c. lots

d. lot of

11. My brother got a job at a Chinese restaurant, was something I didn’t expect.. a. that b. where c. whose d. which 12. There are biscuits left over from yesterday. Do you want one?. a. no b. not any c. a few

d. few


/ 12

B. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. 1. We didn’t have much time to discuss the details so we arranged another meeting.


We had discuss the details so we arranged another meeting. 2. I got Ryan’s present from that shop.


That’s the Ryan’s present. 3. There weren’t many people at the football match.


There were at the football match. 4. I bought a sandwich but it had no cheese in it.

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The no cheese in it.




/ 10


Listen to two friends talking at a school reunion and write T for True or F for False. 1. Julie recognised Tom Fielding when she saw him on TV. 2. Tom’s brother is a professional football player. 3. Cindy’s business turned out to be unsuccessful. 4. Neither of the girls have seen Cindy’s website. 5. Brian Simpson had an accident in the classroom.



Test - Module 6

level B1+


Read the text and answer the questions. Choose a, b, c or d.

It is often said that people can’t really change who they are. I disagree. Sometimes, what we need most is to change the way we live and the way we think, and I believe I am proof that this can happen. I was an aggressive businessman and I was quite successful. I worked long hours, but the money made up for that. I wouldn’t say I had the perfect life. It was certainly busier and more stressful than I would have liked, and in my job you didn’t make friends easily - but I couldn’t think of anything really wrong with it. It took a plane crash to realise I was wrong. One moment I was relaxing in business class, and the next we were thrown backwards as the plane started to dive towards the ground. We could hear the pilot’s voice over all the noise, telling us all to stay calm, to stay in our seats while he tried to land the plane, but everyone was too busy panicking to listen. When the plane eventually came down in the mountains, we were lucky to be alive. However, we were facing other problems. Up there, all communications were cut off. We couldn’t call for help, and we had only what little food had been on board the plane. Everyone was scared, cold and hungry. It might sound crazy, but it was not the difficulty of the conditions or the lack of food that I found the hardest to put up with. The feeling of being cut off from the rest of the world was what I couldn’t stand. With no phone signal, there was no way for me to contact my clients or colleagues, and the thought of all the business I was missing out on made me feel sick. We were up there for four days before we were found. However, the days trapped in the mountains gave me time to think – something I hadn’t done in a long time. I was shocked at my first reaction; I realised I was worrying more about my work than about myself. I had always taken my phone for granted, and you might think that being away from work for so long would make me appreciate it more. In fact, it had the opposite effect. I realised that I needed to change. Or, rather, I had already been changed by my time in the mountains. When I got back home, I gave most of my money to charity. I used the rest to travel around for a year. By the time I settled on this island, I no longer recognised the ambitious, greedy man I used to be. By chance, a friend from my old life in the city found me here.. ‘Don’t you ever miss it?’ he asked me. ‘Aren’t you miserable living on this island?’ When he told me stories of home, I did consider going back to it all - but only for a moment. Escaping that life has made me more observant of my surroundings and more sensitive towards others. My personality has changed, and I would no longer suit the life and job I used to have.

1. How did the writer feel about his life before the accident? a. He wished he had more time for his . friends. b. He wasn’t aware that there was . something wrong. c. He thought something was missing. d. He thought he had the perfect life. 2. What did the writer find most difficult about the time he spent in the mountains? a. The fact that he couldn’t reach his . friends and family. b. The fact that everyone was panicking. c. The fact that he had no connection . with work. d. The fact that he could have died in the . accident. 3. What happened when the writer couldn’t contact his work? a. He realised that he had made it a . priority over everything else. b. He started appreciating it more. c. He lost out on important business deals. d. He didn’t miss his work at all. 4. Which of these did the writer NOT do? a. invite his friends to visit him b. move away from the city c. give up his business d. donate money 5. Which of the following is true about the writer? a. He is often lonely and miserable. b. He never thinks about his old life at all. c. One day he will return to live in the city. d. He has changed too much to go back . to his old life.


/ 10


Write an essay on the following topic. Use all the notes given and give reasons for your point of view (140-190 words).

Playing games teaches us about life. Do you agree? Notes. 1. follow rules 2. cooperate with others 3. your own idea


/ 10


/ 70

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A Changed Man


M Mid t e od rm ule Test s1 -6

level B1+


A. Choose a, b, c or d. 1. I bumped Derek at the supermarket yesterday. I hadn’t seen him in years! a. onto

b. on

c. into

d. to

c. situation

d. case

c. conserve

d. limit

2. In of an emergency, call 999. a. scenario

b. event

3. It is important to water. a. cut down

b. dispose of

4. Karen is a medical this year. She is going to get a lot of practical training at the hospital. a. entrepreneur

b. employee

c. graduate

d. intern

5. Be careful how you break to Julie. She’s very sensitive. a. the news

b. the silence

c. her heart

d. the ice

6. Jack is very . He always wants more and more money. a. greedy

b. generous

c. aggressive

d. ambitious

7. Please listen carefully. I have an important to make. a. introduction

b. reservation

c. announcement

d. ceremony

8. Don’t invite both Bob and Harold to the event as they aren’t on . They had a big argument last week. a. the verge

b. good terms

c. display

d. purpose

9. Carl’s grandfather left him a small when he died. a. heritage

b. bonus

c. grant

d. inheritance

10. The gardener totally the wasteland into a beautiful landscape. a. adapted

b. recovered

c. transformed

d. shaped

11. Although Helen is a(n) painter, she is very gifted. a. professional

b. informal

c. amateur

d. experienced

12. Maribel didn’t hide her when I arrived at the station late. a. decisiveness

b. complaint

c. dissatisfaction

d. sensitivity

13. Jason to be very judgmental, which makes a lot of people uncomfortable. a. thrives

b. tends

c. exhibits

d. craves

c. colossal

d. unspoilt

14. It was exhausting cycling up the slope. a. steep

b. tight

15. Mark was very upset when he was of cheating. a. criticised

b. blamed

c. accused

d. envied

16. I can’t Mark skiing. He’s the clumsiest person I know.

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a. value


b. dream

c. view

d. picture

c. setting

d. putting

17. I’ve always dreamt of up my own business. a. doing

b. making

18. Alice is a(n) older than Susan. Alice is twenty years old and Susan is only ten. a. season

b. century

c. decade

d. era

c. do

d. perform

19. Lisa and I Pilates twice a week. a. play

b. go

Midterm Test - Modules 1-6

level B1+

20. It can be difficult to do well in the job market without the proper . a. qualifications

b. requirements

c. relationships

d. promotions

c. Exhaust

d. Fossil

21. fumes from cars are a major health hazard. a. Smog

b. Chemical

22. I think the steak is . Leave it in the oven for a few more minutes. a. overfed

b. underfed

c. overcooked

d. undercooked

23. We our trip until the following week, because our daughter had a cold. a. postponed

b. eradicated

c. got rid of

d. cancelled

24. After my parents retired, they moved to a quiet area, far away from the city. a. protected

b. urban

c. hectic

d. rural

25. Peter through a magazine while waiting outside the doctor’s surgery. a. spotted

b. concentrated

c. browsed

d. interacted


/ 25

B. Complete with the correct form of the words in capitals. 1. My brother is so that it takes him ages to make any decision.


2. I found Peter’s behaviour very embarrassing.


3. The living room in our new house is very .

5. Teachers need to find ways to increase their students’ .


6. Many people believe that smoking is a habit.


7. I think that the most thing to do is check the weather forecast before you go sailing. 8. My friend Sally is always very when I need help.


9. I’m sure there’s a logical for what happened. 10. Andrew’s reaction was totally . Everyone was shocked.




/ 10

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4. Mary couldn’t hide her when she saw her mark for the test.



Midterm Test - Modules 1-6

level B1+


A. Choose a, b, c or d. 1. This afternoon Andrew his doctor. a. sees

b. is seeing

c. see

d. seeing

c. had made

d. makes

c. had been ringing

d. rang

2. Who that terrible noise since early morning? a. has made

b. has been making

3. As soon as I got home, the phone . a. had rang

b. was ringing

4. Kay and June in London for three years when they graduated. a. have been studying

b. had been studying

c. have studied

d. were studying

5. Kate was playing with the children while I the broken window. a. had fixed

b. was fixing

c. have been fixing

d. had been fixing

c. few

d. hardly any

c. hardest … better

d. harder … better

6. There is milk left. Can you get some from the supermarket? a. not many

b. any

7. The you work, the you get. a. hard … good

b. harder … best

8. Yesterday, I got into an argument with my boss, wasn’t a wise idea. a. who

b. which

c. whose

d. that

c. much demanding

d. demanding as

c. will have travelled

d. am travelling

c. had arrived

d. had been arriving

9. My new job is not as my old one. a. demanding

b. more demanding than

10. I to many European countries so far in my lifetime. a. have travelled

b. have been travelling

11. Peter had cooked dinner before John . a. was arriving

b. arrived

12. Hurry up! The train for Liverpool from Platform 3 in 20 minutes! a. leaving

b. has left

c. leaves

d. can leave

13. You to finish painting the room today. You can continue tomorrow. a. needn’t

b. mustn’t

c. don’t have

d. couldn’t

c. due to

d. even though

c. a lot

d. plenty of

c. had to

d. would

c. will have strolled

d. will be strolling

c. will have been selling

d. will sell

14. Everybody enjoyed the picnic the cold weather. a. although

b. in spite of

15. Calm down! We have time before the guests arrive. a. many

b. much

16. You start studying. You have an exam next week.

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a. might


b. had better

17. At this time tomorrow, we along the streets of Prague. a. will stroll

b. are strolling

18. Barry the house by the time he gets married next spring. a. will have sold

b. will be selling

Midterm Test - Modules 1-6

level B1+

19. Unfortunately, I have money saved up. a. very few

b. very little

c. a few

d. a little

20. You still have a temperature. Don’t you think you see a doctor? a. can

b. might

c. will

d. ought to

c. where

d. when

21. Rome, I was born, is a wonderful city. a. which

b. that

22. My tiredness is the fact that my neighbours were making a lot of noise last night. a. due to

b. because

c. despite

d. even though

c. has gone

d. had gone

23. Paul isn’t here. He to the library. a. has been going

b. has been


/ 23

B. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. 1. John might have a barbecue next weekend.


John a barbecue next weekend. 2. I have never watched a less interesting documentary.


This is I have ever watched. 3. My father always took us to the park on Saturdays.


My father to the park on Saturdays. 4. Gina bought a nice gift for her mother, although she didn’t have a lot of money.


Gina bought a nice gift for her mother, a lot of money. 5. Kelly is my cousin and she has a five-year-old son.


Kelly, five years old, is my cousin. 6. I put only a little salt in the soup.


I salt in the soup.

/ 12

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Midterm Test - Modules 1-6

level B1+


Listen to people talking in five different situations and answer the questions. 1. You hear a man talking to a friend. What is he complaining about?

4. You hear two people talking. What does the man have to do this afternoon?

a. job satisfaction

a. go to the supermarket

b. low wages

b. wash the car

c. career prospects

c. wait for a phone call

2. You hear a woman talking on the phone. What is going to happen at 4 p.m. tomorrow?

5. You hear two women talking about an old friend. What did they think of her?

a. She will arrive at the railway station.

a. She was snobbish.

b. She will leave her house.

b. She was stubborn.

c. Her train will leave the station.

c. She was irritable.

3. You hear a man talking about the environment. What is he pointing out about their city?

a. Pollution will cause more smog in the future.

b. The amount of smog is greater than in previous years.

c. There will probably be less smog in the future.


/ 10


Read the texts and write K for Kevin, S for Selena or M for Marianne.

Volunteering for... a Career

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Could you ever imagine turning a simple volunteer job into a career? We talked to three young people who did exactly that.

The summer before our fina l year at school, we were required to volunteer for different jobs in order to help us dec ide what line of work we wou ld follow after leaving. I had little confidence and I wasn’t happy with the idea. Nevert heless, I had to do it and my car eer adviser suggested I volunteer at a local con servation centre. I though t it would be boring, but he insi sted. While volunteering, I discovered how much peo ple underestimate the importance of the environ ment. I also met people from all walks of life who, like me, lacked confidence but act ually had a lot to offer. I lear nt about the threat ecosys tems face, all about eco-friend ly products and, most imp ortantly, I took part in fundraisers . That summer changed my life because today I am a con servationist. I actively try to prevent habitat loss and raise young people’s awa reness of the problem. In a nut shell, protecting nature bec ame my dream job!

Kevin Mills 26

Midterm Test - Modules 1-6

level B1+ I had I was always a creative, passionate and enthusiastic person. before year A happy. others making on thrived and a lot of energy was leaving school, I offered to help plan my cousin’s wedding. It event said family the in ne Everyo nce. experie ttable an unforge planning was in my nature! At the time, I was planning to study school Mathematics, however. That year, I volunteered to plan our g amazin an found and florist the to talked I tion. leaving celebra for it. venue, which everyone loved. That was when I decided to go it was I started a small event-planning business. In the beginning, ally eventu and m optimis my kept I but meet, ends make difficult to me the business took off. To this day, I thank my cousin for giving first-hand experience in planning events.

Selena Travis was looking for a part-time A couple of summers ago, I so I ended up volunteering job. I couldn’t find anything I had always been fond of at the local animal shelter as loved interacting with the animals, particularly cats. I ld effort to do whatever I cou animals and I made a great ny ma so e wer re the see that to help them. It was sad to ll , someone brought in a sma day One als. abandoned anim lter she the at vet ched the cat that was sick and I wat compassionate and caring. so was She it. take care of vinced that that was the At that moment, I was con ted an apprenticeship with occupation for me. So I star ied veterinary medicine the vet at the shelter and stud I’m the owner of a clinic at the local university. Today, e. same shelter in my spare tim and I still volunteer at the

Marianne Lee 1. It was something that I was talented at.

4. It wasn’t what I had expected it to be.

2. Another person’s behaviour inspired me.

5. I continue to lend a hand whenever I can.

3. It wasn’t easy to earn a living right away.


/ 10


/ 10


/ 100


An English-language magazine is looking for stories for its next issue. Your story must begin with this sentence:

When Kathy woke up that morning, she thought it would be like any other Monday. Your story must include: • an accident • a wallet

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Read the writing task below and write your story (140-190 words).


M Tes od t ule 7

level B1+


A. Choose a, b, c or d.

1. There was an incredible a. suspense

in the plot at the end of the film. b. twist

2. We have to think of a way to a. tackle 3. I couldn’t

c. tale

d. link

c. insult

d. release

this problem.

b. point

if he was surprised by the news or if he already knew about it.

a. tell

b. know

4. The actor’s performance was a. best-selling

c. define . He is certain to get an Oscar nomination.

b. cutting-edge

c. up-to-the-minute

5. As I was watching TV last night, I saw a a. profile

d. outstanding

for a new brand of coffee but I don’t remember its exact name.

b. commercial

6. Mr Giles is the

d. select

c. sequence

d. content

c. superior

d. critic

and president of this company.

a. viewer

b. founder

7. It’s a great film and it

a young Australian actor in the role of a prisoner who is fighting for his freedom.

a. releases

b. launches

8. That joke was absolutely a. hilarious

c. emphasises

! I couldn’t stop laughing. b. spectacular

c. breathtaking

9. I’ll be out of town, but please keep me a. posted

d. features d. touching

on any new developments.

b. moved

c. touched

d. contacted



B. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are two extra words which you do not need to use. investigation



1. The race will be






live so we can watch it on TV.

2. The scenes in the film were so

that I couldn’t watch the end.

3. Make sure you

your antivirus frequently so as to avoid potential threats.

4. How do you keep up with


5. Police are still carrying out a(n)

into how the accident happened.

6. Parents complain that there is too much

on TV.





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C. Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.


1. Are you in contact

your cousins in Canada?

2. My new flat is big

comparison to my old one.

3. This film is based

a book. Have you read it?

4. We were all touched

his speech.

5. I know Mark is the best player in the team, but I hate it when he shows


Test - Module 7

level B1+


A. Circle the correct verb form. 1. This snowboarding website 1 thinks / is thought to be

3. The Internet has many advantages but, on the

one of the most popular. A lot of information about the

other hand, its drawbacks 7 should not ignore /

sport 2 can find / can be found on it and many people

should not be ignored. If the time that 8 is spending /

3 buy / are bought snowboards and other gear from it.

is being spent on the Internet gets in the way of other activities, this 9 may cause / may be caused problems

2. Vicky told me that she 4 has offered / has been offered

in people’s personal lives. However, most people

a higher position in our company. She 5 called /

10 won’t experience / won’t be experienced serious

was called down to the manager’s office earlier and he

problems if they find a balance between the two.

6 informed / was informed her of his decision.


/ 10


/ 10

B. Rewrite the following sentences in the Passive Voice starting with the words given. 1. The residents planted trees in the park last week. Trees  2. The director made the actors stand in the rain for hours. The actors  3. The manager will inform the staff of the changes tomorrow. The staff  4. You must notify the police in case of emergency. The police  5. Everyone knows that Mr Campbell is a great teacher. It 


Listen to a man talking about blogging and answer the questions. Choose a, b, c, or d.

2. Which style of writing does the speaker recommend for a blog? a. a formal style of writing b. one that is appropriate for the readers of the blog c. a style that is entertaining to read d. frequent changes in style 3. What does the speaker say about being honest? a. It is not always considered appropriate in a blog. b. It should only be considered in certain blog posts. c. It will make many readers stop reading your blog after a while. d. It is a good way to get lots of people to read your blog.

4. What does the speaker suggest you do concerning links? a. Never make personal comments about the links you provide. b. The more links you add, the more interesting your blog will be. c. Make sure readers don’t have to search links to find something interesting. d. Get other people to add links to your blog. 5. According to the speaker, why would a blog reader decide NOT to read your blog? a. the paragraphs are too short b. there are too many pictures c. the text seems too long d. the text doesn’t have a clear topic


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1. What is true about blogging websites? a. They are becoming less and less popular. b. There aren’t many to choose from. c. They aren’t as popular as social network sites for writing blogs. d. They are the best way to get people to read your blog.

/ 10 29

Test - Module 7

level B1+


Read the text and write T for True, F for False or NM for Not Mentioned.

Could Online Video Gaming Be Good For Us? As the popularity of online video games increases, we often hear questions concerning their value. Most parents will tell their child to spend less time in front of a screen, but research shows that spending some time playing online video games can be beneficial to a child’s development. Research has shown that skills players acquire from online video games can be used in their real lives. In the same way that pilots acquire basic flying skills from computer programs designed to imitate the conditions on a plane, children can also acquire realworld career skills from spending time online. On a basic level, studies show that young children who regularly play video games have more advanced object control skills (catching or throwing a ball, etc.) than other children their age. Online games that require players to work as part of a team to complete a level teach teamwork and even leadership skills, which will be useful throughout life. Children also unconsciously practise time-planning and learning methods, and also improve their ability to memorise information. Some games, such as city-building or civilisation games, also train children in logical design, forward-thinking and even mathematics.

1. Most parents understand the value of online video games. 2. The skills which children learn from video games can help in adult life. 3. Children who regularly play online video games achieve better marks than children who don’t. 4. Online video games help children with communication difficulties feel secure. 5. According to the text, the disadvantages of online video gaming should be ignored.

The most important factor of online video games is the social contact required – and it is this aspect that psychologists focus on when discussing online video games as a form of treatment for various social disorders. The theory behind this is that playing a character in an online video game allows children to create a distance between themselves and their problems, letting them see things more clearly. This distance can also help them feel less nervous about talking to others. For children with social anxiety or communication difficulties, video games allow them to remain anonymous while they work on developing their social skills. Some computer games have even launched specific communities for such children, where the aim is to create an atmosphere of understanding and learning that will teach them how to function as part of a community.

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Problems appear when, as with everything, too much time is put into playing video games. Apart from the headaches and eye problems that can be caused by spending too much time in front of a screen, children may become addicted. At this point, the online community begins to take priority over real life and, rather than encouraging real social contact, it may even prevent them from experiencing it. Also, instead of escaping into a virtual reality to clear their minds, children may sink too deeply into the fiction and ignore their problems altogether. If video games are only a part of a varied and balanced lifestyle, the risks of this happening are reduced, and children can benefit greatly from the lessons they provide.



/ 10


/ 10


/ 70


As a member of a film club you have been asked to write a review of a TV programme/film that you have recently watched and didn’t like. Write your review (140-190 words).


T ule od M

level B1+



A. Choose a, b, c or d. the streets to prevent crime in our area.

a. investigate 2. It’s very

b. patrol

c. invade

d. seek

c. unsuspecting

d. primitive


1. The police

that you think I am so naive.

a. insulting 3. Two

b. insecure

broke into our neighbour’s house last Saturday and stole his TV and some jewellery.

a. burglars

b. consumers

4. There’s no point

c. shoplifters

trying to open the door without the key. We’re locked out!

a. in

b. for

5. The two men were

b. charged

6. The con man worked with a(n) a. accomplice

d. on

c. tempted

d. accused

, who helped him commit the crimes.

b. suspect

7. We can’t allow Peter to a. turn in

8. The detective has found an important a. evidence

c. get away

d. clear up

c. identity

9. The benefits of CCTV cameras

d. clue

the disadvantages, so we’ve decided to install some in the area.

b. activate

10. The criminal was sentenced a. from

d. victim

that will lead us to the kidnappers.

b. case

a. win

c. passerby

with that kind of behaviour. b. let off

c. promote

d. outweigh

c. with

d. to

ten years in prison. b. for

11. A bystander

c. with

of robbing a post office.

a. arrested

the incident and reported it to the police.

a. addressed 12. A prisoner

d. hackers

b. stalked

c. witnessed

d. determined

c. cheated out

d. broke out

of prison last night.

a. locked up

b. ran off


/ 12

B. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are two extra words which you do not need to use. guilty


1. Please place all your






for bullies.

3. Many people believe that murderers shouldn’t be treated with any

7. The player 8. I hate it when


by advertisements and end up buying worthless products.

5. Mr Smith was taken to court, where he was found 6. The boy was


in the hotel safe when you leave the room.

2. Shy children often become

4. Consumers are often


and had to pay a fine.

when his parents found out that he had lied. the ball and ran. make negative comments on forums and websites.



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Test - Module 8

level B1+


A. Complete the text with the full infinitive, the bare infinitive or the -ing form of the verbs in brackets. Mike was in his first year at university. In the middle of the term, one of his professors gave him a paper to write. Mike planned on 1

(do) the paper, but he kept 2

(postpone) it. The night

before his deadline, he went to the library. He tried 3 as possible, but he couldn’t 4

(find) as much information on the topic (finish) the necessary work in time. Mike knew that his professor

would not let him 5

(hand) in his paper after the deadline because he was very strict. Finally, he

decided 6

(cheat). He found an old article on the same topic, and typed it up. The next day, he

handed in the paper. The following week, he saw the professor approaching him with an angry look on his face. ‘Is this your own work, or did you copy it?’ asked the professor. ‘You had better 7 Mike was afraid 8

(be) honest!’ he added.

(answer) and looked down. He wasn’t sure how 9

(deal) with the situation. The professor shouted: ‘It’s no use 10

(deny) it because every word in

your paper was taken from an article I wrote five years ago’. Mike felt very ashamed of himself and knew that his action would have serious consequences.


/ 10

B. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. 1. I’m certain it was Alex who brought the flowers. 



who brought the flowers.

2. The lights are all out so Jack is probably asleep.



because the lights are all out.

3. I’m sure Tracey didn’t steal your bike because she was with me last night. Tracey


your bike because she was with me last night.

4. I didn’t tell him the truth and now I regret it.



the truth.

5. It is possible that someone saw the incident.



the incident.


/ 10


You will hear five conversations. After you hear each conversation, you will be asked a question. Choose the picture which answers the question correctly.

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c a





1 year


5. 3.








2 years 3 years a




/ 10

Test - Module 8

level B1+


Read what three people have to say about the illegal copying of e-books and answer the questions. Write D for Dan, J for John or S for Simon.

E-book theft:

Three different views Unfortunately, while e-books are more convenient to store and carry around, they are also easier to copy illegally. Across the industry, we have lost billions of dollars because people make illegal copies of our e-books. These ‘thieves’ just don’t think of the consequences. If we can’t make a living, the companies will close down and there will be no more books of any kind for them to enjoy. People sometimes try to make the excuse that companies haven’t kept up with the digital age – as if they can somehow put the blame on us for their crimes. But this is simply not true. We are continually looking at ways to bring books to people through social media and the digital market, and we work closely with online communities of readers. We are fully aware that the future of books may not be in paper, but in online and interactive media. Dan Wiggins, publisher

Which person… 1. believes that people don’t always realise they are committing a crime? 2. says that book sale figures are about more than making money? 3. considers his business largely unaffected by illegal e-books? 4. claims that the spread of illegal e-books could lead to a shortage of new books? 5. believes that e-books benefit writers?

I know how hard it is to write a book so, if people want to read it, I expect to be paid for it – as anyone would for any job. But, to be honest, it’s not about the money for me. I don’t need it anymore. What I want is a way to measure a book’s success. I need to know how well my books sell because it helps my future work when I know what people enjoy reading. If we reach the stage where most of my readers are secretly reading illegal digital e-books, how will I know whether my work is popular or not? Apart from that, it is a basic principle. You don’t go into a bookshop and steal books off the shelves, so why would anyone think it’s OK to steal an e-book? To be honest, I don’t think these people understand that what they’re doing is theft. Maybe they think it is no different from going to a library or borrowing a book from a friend. John Forester, writer

Simon Beaumont, bookshop owner


/ 10


/ 10


/ 70


Write an essay on the following topic. Use all the notes given and give reasons for your point of view.

Bullying doesn’t stop when you become an adult. Do you agree? Notes 1. the workplace 2. the Internet 3. your own idea

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E-books were not the end of the traditional bookshop, as many people predicted. We moved with the times, and now we sell e-readers here in the shop and receive a percentage of the cost of any e-book our customers buy. My bookshop has only a small market. We’re an independent name, and my customers come from the local neighbourhood. Because of this, e-book theft doesn’t have a major impact on my business, and the amount of money I lose is fairly small. Also, e-books have made self-publishing very popular. Many writers, who are just starting out, want to get their work out there and make a name for themselves. If people make digital copies of their book, then it just means their book is popular.


M Tes od t ule 9

level B1+


A. Choose a, b, c or d.

1. Eating a lot of fatty food can cause high a. germs

, which can lead to other health problems.

b. cholesterol

2. Jeff pulled a

c. cancer

during football practice so he can’t play in the game today.

a. lung

b. liver

3. Monique went

c. muscle

d. kidney

a difficult period in her life after her parents died.

a. with

b. through

4. The key to keeping fit is to avoid food a. alert

c. off

d. over

c. big

d. high

in fat.

b. over

5. My grandma always tells me to take care of my health because a. circulation 6. I need to

d. calories

b. illness

is better than cure.

c. prevention

d. probability

dairy products out of my diet for a while.

a. put

b. pass

7. Karen had a

c. cut

d. make

c. pile

d. layer

of washing-up to do after lunch.

a. handful

b. lots

8. Kevin didn’t know where he was when he finally came a. back

b. out

9. Dan needed a lot of moral a. progress

after his operation.

c. up against

d. around

when he lost his job.

b. desire

c. support

d. precaution



B. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are two extra words which you do not need to use. handy



1. You must always try your best






of the circumstances.

2. These waterproof matches really came in

during the camping trip.

3. Exercising regularly and following a 4. My cousin had a serious allergic

diet are the key to being physically fit. after eating some strawberries and we had to rush

her to hospital. 5. I totally

of crash diets. They do more harm than good.

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6. That shop makes and sells nutritional snacks without sugar or



C. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in capitals. 1. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to show any 2. I seem to have 3. I think you have been 4. First of all, you need to 5. You must have


. I don’t know much about your culture.


my tablet. Have you seen it anywhere?


. We don’t have Spanish classes at this institution.


your printer from your laptop.


me. I want a cap, not a cup.

score 34



Test - Module 9

level B1+


A. Complete the dialogues with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1.


A: What’s wrong Frank? You don’t look well.

A: Good morning. I’m looking for a digital camera with 12

B: You 1


(look) terrible too,

if you 2

B: We don’t have one right now, but if

(be) me! I had an


accident! I had a car accident because of the rain.

it 8

A: I’m sorry to hear that. If you 3 (call) me, I 4


B: Luckily, no. I hurt my head a little, and I have a terrible

(I / find) one there?

B: I’m not sure. If you 10

headache, but that’s all. I6

(be) here by next week.

A: Next week? If I went to another one of your shops,

(come) to help

you out. Was anyone hurt?

A: If I 5

(order) one today,

(not be) in a hurry, I can call and check. A: Thank you. I’ll wait here.

(be) in your position, (go) and see a doctor

about that. B: Yeah, maybe you’re right.


/ 10


/ 10

B. Rewrite the sentences using Conditional Sentences. 1. Martha didn’t know I was a vegetarian so she ordered pizza with chicken.  2. Catherine shouted at her friend and made her cry.  3. Go to bed early, otherwise you’ll never be able to get up in the morning.  4. I haven’t got time, so I can’t have coffee with you.  5. To stop the machine, you press this button. 


Listen to a conversation between a doctor and a patient and complete the sentences with a word or phrase. 1. Mr Lisbon hasn’t visited the doctor for approximately


2. The doctor advised Mr Lisbon to visit 3. Mr Lisbon thinks he is allergic to


4. The doctor believes Mr Lisbon’s

is causing his headaches.

5. Mr Lisbon agrees to have some tests done, but doesn’t want to make an appointment with the



/ 10

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because of his age.


Test - Module 9

level B1+


Read the text and answer the questions. Choose a, b, c or d.

Fiction vs Reality

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For most medical professionals, watching a medical drama provides an equal mix of enjoyment and frustration. Viewers see doctors recognising a patient’s rare disease from the smallest sign, saving their life while, at the same time, conducting cutting-edge research. If patients go to a real hospital looking for that, they will be disappointed; there is a lot more waiting, and not every patient has a unique and fascinating disease which can be cured by a quick-witted doctor. But, of course, that wouldn’t make for good TV. As long as medical dramas stay within the domain of TV fiction, all is well. Everyone loves a good story, but the problems start when people start following medical advice they see on TV. Although all of these shows work with medical consultants, they frequently use ‘artistic licence’ when it comes to information and procedures. It may seem obvious that medical dramas are no more reliable than any other drama on TV, but it is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that they are. The human brain is complicated. You take in information from various sources, including television, without realising it. Eventually, even though you may not remember where it came from, the knowledge becomes stored in your head as correct. Many doctors love to hate medical dramas. Sometimes, though, even those with medical training can be misled. A report showed that a


number of medical students training at one hospital were performing important procedures incorrectly because of information they had picked up from medical dramas. Unfortunately, medical dramas also tend to turn patients into specialists. It takes years of training and experience to be a doctor, but often patients will claim they have already worked out what is wrong with them, and request a specific prescription. Sometimes they are right; often they are not. Sometimes their described symptoms are half real, half imaginary to fit with whatever condition they have decided they have. Most doctors will have a story that begins with a patient coming in and saying, ‘There was a man on TV with exactly the same symptoms so I took the same medicine as him, but now I feel worse’. That being said, there are cases where medical dramas have saved lives. The storylines have prompted viewers to get check-ups for symptoms they would otherwise have ignored, or improve their diet after seeing scary consequences on TV. If they feel healthy, many people are tempted to skip their regular check-ups with the doctor; by the time they show symptoms of a disease, they often need emergency treatment. A touching story on a medical drama may be all that’s needed to remind them to get a life-saving check-up and catch it in time.

1. According to the writer, why can TV shows be frustrating for doctors? a. They make their job look more fascinating than it really is. b. All the patients on TV always get better instantly. c. They make identifying illnesses seem easier than it really is. d. They don’t show enough of the research aspect of medicine.

4. According to the writer, how can medical dramas help save lives? a. Patients become more informed and don’t need regular check-ups. b. Patients become more aware of the possible dangers of postponing a visit to the doctor. c. People learn which symptoms can be ignored and which are important enough to require emergency treatment. d. Healthy patients don’t waste time coming into the hospital, meaning doctors have more time for the sick.

2. According to the text, which of the following is true? a. You can trust medical advice only from shows that work with medical consultants. b. People gather knowledge from TV shows, then forget its source and consider it reliable. c. The producers of medical dramas don’t want viewers to think of the show as fiction. d. Sometimes hospitals show medical dramas to students to help them practise difficult procedures.

5. In the last sentence of the text, what does ‘it’ refer to? a. disease b. check-up score / 10 c. symptom d. treatment

3. What does the writer mean when saying that medical dramas ‘also tend to turn patients into specialists’ (para. 5)? a. Patients are better informed about the medicine they take. b. People are less likely to reach the wrong conclusion about their illness. c. Many patients think they can cure themselves. d. Patients who watch medical dramas understand their symptoms and can describe them better.


You have received an email from a friend. Read part of the email he/she sent you and write a reply (140-190 words).

The fact is I’m terrified of going to the dentist. I have been all my life, really. I make an appointment two weeks in advance. Then I worry about it for the whole two weeks, and cancel at the last minute. The thing is, my teeth are really bad now, and I need to do something about them soon. What can I do to cope with this fear?


/ 10


/ 70


T ule od M

level B1+



A. Choose a, b, c or d. 1. She filled out the

b. form

c. details

2. I bought this smartphone, but it doesn’t work. I’d like a a. reduction

b. fee

3. I’m thinking of getting a a. transaction

d. refund

c. loan

d. currency

in the wardrobe.

b. blanket

5. The restaurant provided

c. pillow

d. sheet

service. I’m definitely going again. b. filthy

6. The company organises a lot of a. involvements


because I don’t have enough money to buy a car.

4. If you get cold, there’s an extra

a. precious

d. regulation

c. discount

b. mortgage

a. mattress


with her personal information and gave it to the secretary.

a. survey

c. considerable

d. top-notch

throughout the year.

b. evaluations

c. functions


d. amenities


B. Circle the correct words. 1. I went to the bank to make a deposit / withdrawal into my sister’s bank account because she needed money. 2. Living near work is very useful / convenient, because it takes me only 5 minutes to get there. 3. I didn’t mean to spill the milk! It happened at / by accident. 4. Whenever I go abroad, I don’t know how much money to give waiters as a tip / rate. 5. If you work closely with Mr Clark, you will learn the tricks / aims of the trade in no time. 6. Our attendee / personnel is highly experienced and at your disposal anytime of the day.


7. We must get her to the hospital at once / at present.


C. Complete the text with the words in the box. There are two extra words that you do not need to use. tastes





When I visited Krakow, I stayed at a(n) 1





for the first time. I was afraid that I wouldn’t like it

because it might be noisy or dirty. However, one of my friends put my mind at 2

by telling me

that it was one of the best in the city. It turns out he wasn’t wrong. It was clean, cosy and many young people from all over the world were staying there. There was always somebody at reception to help us with anything we needed. There were snacks available for all guests throughout the day free of 3

. Clean towels were given upon 5

and all rooms were equipped with a safe, where you could keep any 6 had a great time and in the end even decided to 7

belongings. All in all, we our stay.



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with a great variety of food for all 4

and breakfast was delicious,


Test - Module 10

level B1+


A. Circle the correct options. 1. It is such / so a good film that I’ve watched it over five times. 2. I bought a professional camera in order / so to take photos at my cousin’s wedding. 3. Valerie has been such / so busy in the past few weeks that I haven’t seen her at all. 4. I gave him my address so that he came / could come over after work. 5. You should have a doctor to examine / examine your arm. It might be broken. 6. He has such much / a lot of money that he doesn’t know what to do with it. 7. She went to the airport early so as not to / to not miss her flight. 8. The documentary was so dull so that / that the children fell asleep before it was over. 9. I got / had my older brother to help me with the Science project.


10. Try to be as quiet as you can to not / in order not to wake the baby up.

/ 10

B. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. 1. Taylor asked the valet to bring him his car. Taylor

had him his car.

2. I wear suntan lotion because I want to protect myself from the sun. I wear suntan lotion

order from the sun.

3. Our stay at the hotel was so pleasant that we can’t wait to go again. We


at the hotel that we can’t wait to go again.

4. He took a map with him because he didn’t want to get lost. 


He took a map with him


5. An electrician came to repair the lights. We

had by an electrician.


/ 10


/ 10


You will hear five people talking about their jobs. Match the speakers with the statements a-g. There are two extra statements that you do not need to use. Speaker 1

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Speaker 2


a. I have to pretend to be interested in customers’ personal lives. b. If someone is annoying, I can just ignore them. c. I want to train for a different customer service job.

Speaker 3

d. My colleagues sometimes blame me for things customers say or do.

Speaker 4

e. My job also helps me improve my own knowledge.

Speaker 5

f. People are always asking me about things that aren’t my responsibility to know. g. I find that since I provide good service, people are always satisfied.

Test - Module 10

level B1+


Read the hotel reviews and answer the questions. Write LL for the Lonely Lighthouse Hotel, UR for the Undersea Resort or B for Both.

HOLIDAY REVIEW STOP LONELY LIGHTHOUSE HOTEL The only good thing I can say about this hotel is that the room itself was of excellent quality. It was modern, attractive and clean. But that was the only good part of our stay. We went there for a back-to-nature experience but it didn’t occur to me that it would be quite as primitive as it turned out to be. There was no electricity whatsoever - which meant, of course, that there was no heating. It was summertime, but out there on the coast it felt like the middle of winter. The website mentions climbing to the top of the lighthouse to enjoy the view, and we even had our swimsuits ready for a dip in the sea, but there was no chance of that. The wind was so strong that we were terrified to go outside! The other problem we had was with the food. We had been told that, because there was no restaurant in the area, our room would come with a fully-stocked fridge. Future guests should note that this hotel’s definition of ‘fullystocked’ is sandwich ingredients and a selection of fruit.


UNDERSEA RESORT After gazing for months at the promotion pictures of people lying in bed and watching fish swim over their heads, we decided that a stay at this hotel was worth the fortune it cost. Unfortunately, the reality fell sadly short.

2. This hotel had a technical problem with its heating. 3. This hotel did not have a wide selection of food available. 4. The guests at this hotel were not happy with staff service.

The room was as luxurious and well5. The advertisements equipped as promised, but the sea for this hotel were window was very disappointing. The misleading. brochure showed clear blue waters with brightly-coloured fish, but what we saw was cold-looking grey water through a thick glass wall. There were no fish in sight. The room was ice cold and, when we called reception, they told us that the central heating system was out of order. As if that was not enough, when we went to the dining room, we were in for another unpleasant surprise. We hadn’t been told that meals were not included in the price. The food was amazing, but it was outrageously priced. When we asked the waiter if they had anything more reasonably priced, he looked at us with disapproval. In general, we did not receive courteous treatment throughout our stay. Definitely not worth the money we spent.


/ 10


A magazine is doing a feature on entertainment and wants to include information about places of entertainment in your area. You have been asked to write a report on your favourite place of entertainment. Include the following information: • its location • the facilities • the staff and service


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Copyright © MM Publications


1. The rooms at this hotel are well-furnished and comfortable.


M Tes od t ule 11

level B1+


A. Choose a, b, c or d.

1. He nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard a sound coming from downstairs. a. creepy b. tacky c. bland d. quirky 2. We were told politely but that we could not enter the museum because it was closing in 10 minutes. a. continuously b. intricately c. firmly d. accurately 3. Derek’s house is the one with the smoke coming out of the a. chimney b. fresco c. column

. d. tower

4. When wild animals can’t find food, they go to villages and kill the a. surroundings b. ruins c. livestock 5. The Danube a. operates 6. Many people a. erupted

over 1,500 miles. b. carves

. d. colonies

c. converts

d. stretches

to the stadium to get an autograph from the famous football player. b. flocked c. bolted d. flourished

7. I would prefer to live in a city like London than in a small, boring town. a. cosmopolitan b. tranquil c. scenic d. run-down 8. Hotel prices are pretty high during a. thick b. rush


9. Please make sure you have all your personal a. possessions b. sources

c. tour

d. peak

with you at all times. c. formations

d. obsessions

10. When I set up the new business, the problems I had to face were a. anonymous b. numerous c. fatal

, but I managed to succeed. d. indigenous


/ 10

B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals. 1. Mike works as a


guard at the local bank.

2. We are going to hold a conference to raise people’s


of global warming.

3. I do not know the reason for Gary’s



4. The scientists made a discovery of great



5. I asked him where he went on holiday out of plain



6. He was overwhelmed by a feeling of



7. Harry’s ideas didn’t have any

to the topic of the meeting.






C. Complete the text with the words/phrases in the box. There are two extra words/phrases

Copyright © MM Publications

that you do not need to use. without a doubt homesick taking a stroll lasting bustling hospitable cobblestone costing a fortune A city that really left a 1

impression on me was Tallinn, the capital of

Estonia. The Old Town specifically, which is located in the 2

of the capital,

had a charming atmosphere. Town Hall square was a 3

part of the

town with many cafés and street markets. One of the best parts of our trip was 4

down the narrow, 5

streets and admiring the

beautiful architecture. The local people were very 6 stay enjoyable. I would, 7



, visit this place again.

and they made our

Test - Module 11

level B1+


A. Choose a, b, c or d. 1. I told Fiona that a. if she take

my bike that day. b. she can take

c. could take

d. she could take

2. I he was late and he told me that there was traffic on the roads. a. wanted to know b. asked him if c. wondered whether

d. asked him why

3. Frank promised a. he will come

d. coming

to my sister’s wedding the following month. b. that he came c. that he would come

4. Curtis said that he a. has called

his cousin the previous weekend. b. had called c. would call

d. will call

5. John told me a. to not drive

down that road. b. to drive not

c. don’t drive

d. not to drive

6. Bill asked me a. if I knew

where Molly was. b. if I know

c. I knew

d. do I know

7. Mr Smith reminded us a. attend 8. He refused a. show us

the meeting the following day. b. will attend c. attending

the photo he was holding. b. to show us

c. us to show

d. to attend d. showing us





B. Rewrite the sentences starting with the words given. 1. ‘Why don’t we go to the cinema?’ Joe said. Joe suggested 


2. ‘We’re visiting the museum tomorrow,’ Casey said to Mary. Casey told 


3. ‘You should be more careful!’ the teacher said to me. The teacher said that 


4. ‘Did you see the documentary about lions?’ Brian asked me. Brian asked me 


5. ‘What time will we meet tonight?’ he asked his friend. He asked his friend 


6. ‘I didn’t break the kitchen window!’ the little boy said. The little boy denied 


7. ‘Please don’t tell anyone my secret,’ she said to us. She asked 


8. ‘Sit down!’ the teacher told the student. The teacher ordered 



1. The Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta lasts for a. nine days. b. nineteen days. c. thirteen days.

4. How many balloons are now allowed at the festival? a. 600 b. 750 c. 1,019

2. What is true about the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta? a. It is held in a different city every year. b. It is the oldest balloon festival. c. It is the largest balloon festival.

5. The Fiesta Challenge is a. a colourful show. b. a race. c. a competition.

3. What was special about the year 2000? a. The first balloon festival took place. b. It was the most successful festival ever. c. It was the year with the most balloons.


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Listen to a festival official and answer the questions. Choose a, b or c.

/ 10 41

Test - Module 11

level B1+


Read the article and complete the gaps 1-5 with the sentences a-f. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.

The Trans-Siberian Railway A Journey from Russia to China

The Trans-Siberian Railway is one of the greatest man-made engineering feats of the 19th century. 1 Alexander III, the Russian Tsar, gave the project his official approval in 1886 and its construction began in 1891. After Alexander’s death, his son Nicholas took over. The railway and all its lines were officially completed in 1916.

a. At about 5,770 miles long, longer than the Great Wall of China, it is the longest continuous railway line in the world. b. However, many travellers take their time and extend their journey.

Today it is the most important transport link within the country. 2 The most popular is the Trans-Siberian line. This runs from the capital, Moscow, to Vladivostok, a port city on the Pacific Ocean. Other lines include the TransManchurian and Trans-Mongolian, which run from Moscow to Beijing, the capital of China. There is also a fourth route known as the Baikal Amur Mainline, which runs further to the north and reaches the Pacific.

c. Travellers, therefore, usually travel from west to east but travelling in the opposite direction is also possible.

It takes about eight days to travel the Trans-Siberian non-stop. 3 The TransSiberian Railway crosses seven different time zones on two continents. There are many stops along the way, which last from a few minutes to half an hour. Travellers can arrange to stay in many of the Russian cities and towns along the way. The biggest attraction by far is Lake Baikal, a 25 million-year-old pre-historic lake. 4 In the winter it gets so cold in this part of Siberia that the lake can freeze to a depth of about 263 feet. Some travellers end their journey here and take the southbound route to Beijing.

e. It is used by Russians as well as foreign tourists, as there are various routes to choose from.

d. One of the most enjoyable aspects of the journey is sitting back and watching the scenery.

f. It is, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful natural beauty spots in the world and is included in UNESCO’s world heritage list.

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However, most travellers also find getting to know the locals an 5 unforgettable experience. Whether you take the trip for the charming surroundings, interesting geological features or to bond with locals, one thing is for sure: it will be a remarkable experience.



/ 10


/ 10


/ 70


Read the announcement from a travel website and write your article (140-190 words).

d u visited with friends an Tell us about a place yo ers. The most interesting would recommend to oth d on our website. articles will be publishe


T ule od M

level B1+



A. Choose a, b, c or d. 1. If you want to make a purchase, don’t be


. Take a look at all the options and make sure you find

the best one. a. stingy 2. I’m

b. loyal

c. inferior

d. hasty

c. for

d. by

c. tip

d. fee

a tight budget so I can’t go out tonight.

a. on

b. in

3. Sam had to pay a £100

for speeding.

a. fine

b. bill

4. My grandmother is good at a. manipulating 5. George

b. expressing

c. exposing

d. altering

c. counted

d. overlooked

c. consumerism

d. statement

that he needed £400 to pay all his bills.

a. calculated 6. The

people. She gets them to do things for her that they really don’t want to do.

b. scheduled

of oil and petrol is bad for the planet.

a. generation

b. overconsumption

7. I went to the bank to ask for a(n) a. deposit

to renovate my house.

b. debt

8. I bought a beautiful old dress at the a. butcher’s

d. instalment

c. DIY shop

d. newsagent’s

c. racks

d. garments


b. second-hand shop

9. I like wearing

c. loan

made of silk.

a. material

b. goods



B. Complete with the correct form of the words in capitals. 1. Peter has always wanted to become a



2. Since he became


, he has made some great changes in our community.

3. It takes a lot of training to become a



4. My brother is a


and works at New York College.

5. I write a lot of poetry, but I haven’t been able to find a


for my work yet.



C. Complete with the words in the box. There are two extra words which you do not need to use. bargain




Most of the sales assistants at the fashion 1 Every time I received my 2 designer 3 5

pay cheque



in town knew me by my first name. Copyright © MM Publications


, you could find me there, spending every penny on . My friends used to call me a 4

. I never went

hunting. I had so many clothes, most of which I didn’t even wear! It took me a

while to realise that what I was doing was wrong, but I finally did. That’s when I set up this website. It allows people to trade their unwanted items with each other so that nothing goes to 6



/6 43

Test - Module 12

level B1+


A. Rewrite the sentences starting with the words given. 1. I want to come to London with you but I can’t.

4. It’s late so you should get ready for bed.

If only 


2. It was wrong of me to shout at my best friend yesterday. I wish 

It’s time 


5. I would like my husband to do the shopping this week.


I’d rather 


3. Kevin behaves like the owner of the company, but he isn’t. Kevin acts 



/ 10


/ 10

B. Choose a, b, c or d. 1. Answer the phone, a. will you

? b. are you

c. do you

d. don’t you

? b. isn’t she

c. has she

d. hasn’t she

3. A: for help? B: Professor Martin, and he was very helpful. a. What did you ask b. Who asked you

c. Why did you ask

d. Who did you ask

4. A: are you staying in Madrid? B: Three days. a. When b. How much

c. How often

d. How long

c. will she

d. wouldn’t she

6. Let’s go to the zoo tomorrow, ? a. should we b. shall we

c. have we

d. will we

7. If only I a. travel

2. Kelly’s finished school, a. didn’t she

5. You wouldn’t mind if Helen came over, a. would you b. didn’t she


around the world. b. can travel

c. could travel

d. will travel

8. I wish I like that during yesterday’s meeting. a. didn’t react b. hadn’t reacted

c. not reacted

d. couldn’t react

9. You know who our new colleague is, ? a. aren’t you b. don’t you

c. won’t you

d. isn’t he

10. I am so clumsy sometimes, ? a. won’t I b. don’t I

c. am I

d. aren’t I


You will hear five conversations. After you hear each conversation, you will be asked a question. Choose the picture which answers the question correctly.

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$15.00 $20.00 $50.00 3.





/ 10

Test - Module 12

level B1+


Read the text and answer the questions. Choose a, b, c or d.

LET’S Trade! by Victoria Stone

So how does it work? Individuals, and sometimes even businesses, create a trading group together. Each person or business contributes a service or product. For example, you might offer to babysit or fix bikes. Other members may fix computers or offer dry cleaning. Often each trading group will set up a website to advertise their services. Every time you perform a service for someone, instead of being paid in money, you receive ‘credits’. You can then use these credits as a form of payment to ‘buy’ a product or service from another group member. No money changes hands. There are many advantages to this. Most obviously, of course, it saves you money. The more things you buy with LETS credits, the more cash stays in your pocket. It also helps you socialise within your local community and get to know your neighbours better. 1. How can LETS help you if your car breaks down? a. You can borrow a car for free. b. You can learn how to fix it yourself. c. You will be able to have it fixed without paying in cash. d. You can get it fixed and pay for it later when you can afford it. 2. What are LETS credits? a. The money you have to pay to enter a trading group. b. What you use to ‘buy’ services or goods from other LETS members. c. The services or goods within LETS. d. Businesses that create trading groups. 3. Why did the writer join LETS? a. to learn to use a computer b. to go for a meal at a restaurant without paying for it c. to meet neighbours d. to do things she couldn’t afford before 4. Why do many trading groups limit the number of credits people can owe? a. to make sure nobody takes advantage of the system b. to offer people services that they need c. because some services are not very popular d. to help people learn some new skills 5. What does the writer say about the future? a. People will make more friends through trading groups. b. There will be an increase in the number of trading groups. c. The success of trading groups is uncertain. d. Trading groups will spread away from small communities.

Since I’m always short of money, I decided to try out the LETS system. I joined my local group and offered my services: teaching people IT skills and helping them become computer literate. With my first credits, I took my sister out for a meal at a great restaurant, without paying a penny. It’s a fantastic feeling, believe me. There are some things you have to be careful of, however. There’s always someone who uses services without contributing themselves. To avoid this, groups often put a limit on the number of credits you can owe the system. Another difficulty that people face is that certain goods and services are requested more than others. A hairstylist may have constant customers but, if you are offering handmade wedding gowns to your neighbours, you may find business a little slow. As with a normal business, at some point you will need to become more flexible and offer something that people will frequently require. If you are a quick learner, you can even offer services you haven’t tried before. This is a great way to learn some new skills. Interested? Then look out for a Local Exchange Trading System near you. While LETS began in the USA and Canada, it has now spread all around the world. Just type LETS into an Internet search engine and you should quickly find your closest group. Get connected, and you’ll soon see that the future is trading-friendly!


/ 10


Read the short article and write the essay.

Impulse Buys More Common in Shopping Centres Recent studies have shown that consumers tend to spend more money when shopping at shopping centres than when at small local shops. Shopping centres provide consumers with a great variety of products and entertainment options, which can lead to overspending. Tracey Hart, a specialist on consumer behaviour, says, ‘When you go to a shopping centre, you might intend to buy only one piece of clothing. But after a while, without realising it, you’re buying things you don’t need, and waiting in a queue at the food court for a snack! Consumers need to be aware of this when going to a shopping centre.’ It is a fact that many people today enjoy shopping at big shopping centres rather than at small local shops. In what ways do people benefit from shopping at large shopping centres and what are the drawbacks? Support your views with examples.


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Copyright © MM Publications

Do you stay at home in the evenings because you can’t afford to go out? Perhaps you walk everywhere because your car has broken down and you don’t have the money to get it fixed. Well then, the Local Exchange Trading System (LETS) could be just what you are looking for: a way to get all the goods and services you need, without spending any money. It sounds like a dream, doesn’t it? But it’s a perfectly legal system that is working for communities all over the world.


te a l st


level B1+


A. Choose a, b, c or d. 1. Don’t forget to give a to the porter. He was very polite and helpful. a. fine

b. fee

c. bill

d. tip

2. Claire is not at all . She is always late for her appointments. a. decisive

b. unique

c. formal

d. punctual

3. Jennifer tapped her foot while she waited for her friend to get ready. a. gracefully

b. impatiently

c. aimlessly

d. accurately

4. Most of the children were by the documentary about penguins, because it was very interesting. a. appalling

b. fascinating

c. appalled

d. fascinated

c. unfair

d. uncommon

5. Timothy thought it was that he got fired. a. unclear

b. unfamiliar

6. The tornado caused damage many houses in the area. a. to

b. at

c. of

d. for

7. This report is top . It must be on Mr Taylor’s desk in an hour. a. importance

b. priority

c. impact

d. state

8. Anna after her mother. They have the same personality. a. takes

b. gets

c. makes

d. does

9. Gregory is . You can count on him to keep your secret. a. observant

b. tolerant

c. trustworthy

d. sociable

10. You can’t gain to the company’s financial records without a password. a. experience

b. access

c. confidence

d. speed

11. He his abilities, so it was a great shock for him to hear that he had failed to get into university. a. underachieved

b. overachieved

c. underestimated

d. overestimated

12. He is still an at the moment, but one day he would like to earn money from his hobby as a painter. a. entrepreneur

b. apprentice

c. intern

d. amateur

13. Let’s have breakfast on the today. It’s such a nice day and the view is fantastic. a. maze

b. terrace

c. tower

d. chimney

14. The burglar the house through the window. a. held up

b. locked up

c. got away

d. broke into

15. We have a few more people to see for this position, so we will with you. a. lose touch

b. lose our touch

c. be in touch

d. be touched

c. kidneys

d. muscles

16. The boy broke several in a skiing accident. a. bones

b. intestines

17. The teacher the photocopies to the students in the classroom. Copyright © MM Publications

a. divided


b. marked

c. shared

d. distributed

18. If you don’t like your job, stop and just quit. a. disturbing

b. grumbling

c. pitying

d. blabbing

19. Alice fainted and when she came she was in hospital. a. up

b. into

c. around

d. down

20. They gave me the wrong package at the post office . a. by mistake

b. at a loss

c. by chance

d. at least

Final Test

level B1+

21. I don’t receive bank anymore. It’s much more environmentally friendly to check everything online. a. statements

b. cashiers

c. branches

d. accounts

22. If you get this message, please call me back at your earliest . a. existence

b. convenience

c. tolerance

d. relevance

23. We spent a nice quiet week in a small village. a. urban

b. tranquil

c. bustling

d. bland

24. I spent last weekend hunting at the second-hand shop in town. a. sale

b. bargain

c. offer

d. price

25. The spray-painted a statue in front of the library. a. shoplifter

b. hacker

c. vandal


d. thief

/ 25

B. Complete with the correct form of the words in capitals. 1. Many people live in of what their bad diet is doing to their health.


2. Before you start fixing your computer, make sure you it from the electricity supply. CONNECT 3. Rain, ice and poor lighting are responsible for many on our roads.


4. He was confident that the police would realise his and release him.


5. James the diagram because he was looking at it upside-down.


6. Your homework shows many signs of . I think you should do it again.


7. It’s to arrive about ten minutes early for a job interview.


8. The camera footage helped the police find the men responsible for the bank .


9. Some have their own theory about what really happened that night.


10. The blizzard caused many flight .



/ 10


A. Choose a, b, c or d. 1. All employees to the company picnic. a. invite

b. are inviting

c. are invited

d. have invited

2. Mark French for two years, but he still can’t communicate when he goes to Paris. a. learns

b. is learning

c. has learnt

d. has been learning

c. In spite of

d. Although

c. might not

d. mustn’t

c. used to order

d. had ordered

c. is as hard-working

d. be as hard-working

a. Despite

b. Because of

4. That sign says that you touch the paintings. a. don’t need to

b. don’t have to

5. Karen Chinese, but she decided to cook instead. a. was going to order

b. would order

6. I don’t think Natalie as Fay is. a. is more hard-working

b. is more hard-working

Copyright © MM Publications

3. the weather was bad, we had a good time.


Final Test

level B1+

7. My absence from work was the fact that I had a doctor’s appointment. a. because

b. although

c. due to

d. so as to

c. would go

d. were going to go

c. Will … have completed

d. Are ... completing

c. Little

d. Hardly

c. wondered why

d. asked whether

c. which

d. where

c. is being fed

d. is feeding

c. plenty

d. lot

c. see

d. saw

8. When we were teenagers, we to the cinema every Saturday. a. were going

b. had been going

9. the children the test by the time the bell rings? a. Will … be completing

b. Will … have been completing

10. people know about the incident, so don’t tell anyone. a. Few

b. A little

11. Lucy how long it would take me to finish my project. a. asked me if

b. wanted to know

12. The venue the conference was held was perfect. a. when

b. that

13. The baby at the moment by her mother. a. is fed

b. feeds

14. Don’t worry. We have of chairs for everyone. a. much

b. many

15. I was happy Glen after such a long time. a. seeing

b. to see

16. I can’t find my gloves anywhere in the house. I them in my car. a. must leave

b. must have left

c. should have left

d. could leave

17. He was a generous person that he gave all of his possessions to charity. a. such

b. so

c. much

d. very

c. would visit

d. would have visited

18. If I had enough money, I a different country every year. a. visit

b. will visit

19. You should learn Italian you can talk to people when you go to Rome. a. in order

b. so that

c. so as

d. in order to

c. was dyed her hair

d. got dyed hair

20. Jenny by her sister last weekend. a. dyed her hair

b. had her hair dyed

21. There’s no point in to make him change his mind, because he won’t. a. to try

b. be tried

c. trying

d. try

22. When we got there, she told us that she outside for nearly an hour. a. were waiting

b. had been waiting

c. waited

d. will have been waiting

c. not leaving

d. not to leave

23. She ordered him the room.

Copyright © MM Publications

a. to not leave


b. not leave

24. I wish I my phone. How am I going to call my friends now? a. don’t forget

b. didn’t forget

c. couldn’t forget

d. hadn’t forgotten

25. It’s time Diana something about her children’s behaviour. a. does

b. did

c. has done

d. to do


/ 25

Final Test

level B1+

B. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. 1. People believe that this painting was the last one the painter did before he died.


This painting the last one the painter did before he died. 2. I saw Claire at the library last week.


I at the library last week. 3. Because you didn’t do it properly the first time, you will have to do it again.


If you had done it properly the first time, do it again. 4. ‘Did Alice invite you to her wedding’? Olivia asked me.


Olivia me to her wedding. 5. I don’t want you to tell him what happened yesterday.


I tell him what happened yesterday.


/ 10


Listen to people talking in five different situations and answer the questions. 1. You hear a girl talking to a friend. What will she NOT use in the future?

4. You hear a telephone conversation. Why is the woman calling the restaurant?

a. her email account

a. to make a reservation

b. social media sites

b. to criticise their customer service

c. text messages

c. to complain about the quality of the food

2. You hear a man leaving a message on an answering machine. What is he going to change?

5. You hear a radio announcement. What will be built in the town?

a. his exercise routine

a. an ice rink

b. his job

b. a skateboarding park

c. his diet

c. a railway station

3. You hear two businessmen talking. What is true about the contract? a. It probably won’t be signed.

b. It will be signed very soon.

c. It won’t be signed for some time yet.


/ 10 Copyright © MM Publications


Final Test

level B1+


Read the text and answer the questions. Choose a, b, c or d.

My African Experience by Ann Gregory Africa has always been a passion of mine. It is a land with an unbelievable landscape, amazing creatures and a rich cultural heritage. When I set off on my three-day safari, I was realistic about what I expected. Wild animals and humans do not live naturally side-by-side, so I wasn’t looking to have an elephant eating out of my hand by the end of the day. I knew that the sound of the safari truck would likely send most animals running for safety, and I didn’t want to get my hopes up too high. The guide gave us a similar warning. He told us that animals’ natural colours help them hide themselves in their surroundings. We would have to look hard if we wanted to see anything. Unbelievably, not ten minutes into the drive, we stopped the truck as a cheetah strolled out of the long grass and made its way across our path, as though laughing at our previous words. A whisper of excitement ran through the group and, for a second, I feared the cheetah would run away - but it seemed to barely notice us.

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Our next encounter with nature came shortly afterwards. We heard a low, deep sound rolling across the grassland. We all stood up and scanned the area through our binoculars, but we couldn’t see anything. Our guide laughed, and told us that a lion’s roar can be


heard five miles away. As we drove on, he told us the traditional African tale of how the lion got its powerful voice. Once, he said, the lion had a soft voice, and was an even more dangerous predator. The other animals, afraid for their lives, stole some honey and covered the lion in it while he slept. The bees saw him covered in their honey and became angry. They stung him and, when he woke up, the stings had changed his voice forever. Now the other animals would always hear him coming, and be able to run away in time. As night drew near, we turned back towards our accommodation to relax. The African sunset is a spectacular sight, and one I had been anticipating since we arrived. I have seen sunsets in many parts of the world but I had been told that the sun there seems bigger than in any other place on earth, and I wanted to see for myself. We stopped the truck to watch. There was silence, except for the sound of camera lenses clicking. That was when a group of elephants appeared in the near distance; black shadows against the sky, walking one behind the other. That would have been the peak of my safari had it not been for our earlier, unexpected, encounter with the majestic wild cat. I definitely recommend that everyone make the time to go on an African safari. It would without doubt leave a lasting impression on them.

Final Test 1. What did the writer expect on her first day of the safari? a. She expected to see many wild animals in their natural surroundings. b. She believed that the animals would keep away from the people on the safari. c. She thought the animals would be so used to humans that they would eat out of her hand. d. She knew that it would be dangerous. 2. What does the writer mean when she says that the cheetah was ‘laughing at our previous words’ (para. 2)? a. They spotted the cheetah only because the guide told them to look very carefully. b. The cheetah made a strange laughing noise when it saw them. c. They thought that the animals would be hard to see, but the cheetah walked straight in front of them. d. The travellers were more afraid of the cheetah than the cheetah was of them.

level B1+ 3. According to the African tale, why did the other animals want the lion to have a loud voice? a. so he could scare away their predators b. so that other animals would be afraid of him c. so they could be warned when he was close d. so he could warn them when dangerous predators were close 4. Why had the writer been looking forward to the sunset? a. She wants to see sunsets from all over the world. b. She wanted to relax under the African sunset. c. She wanted to find out if something was true. d. She wanted to take some pictures of it. 5. What does the writer say was the best part of her trip? a. seeing a cheetah up close b. hearing a lion’s roar c. the sunset d. the elephants score / 10


Write an essay on the following topic. Use all the notes given and give reasons for your point of view.

Notes 1. different culture / way of life 2. meeting new people 3. your own idea


/ 10


/ 100

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Travelling abroad can broaden one’s horizons. Do you agree?


A: What? But you’ve barely been there for a month!

hours of the night, and by the time I get home,I can only get a few hours sleep before I have to wake up again! That’s the worst part. Then I have to struggle to be cheerful and polite to passengers for hours on end. It’s not so bad with the well-mannered ones. How can I deal politely and professionally with passengers when I’m exhausted?

B: Actually, it will be three months next week. A: That’s still not a very long time. B: I know, but it’s really not what I expected. It looked so good on paper. After all, I love travelling, so being a flight attendant sounded ideal - a different country every day, working with an enthusiastic team - it sounded so exciting. A: So what’s wrong? B: At first it was really interesting. I liked greeting all the passengers and getting to know them. Even the dirty parts of the job I was afraid of, like clearing away half-eaten food, aren’t so bad when people smile politely and say thank you. A: So what’s the problem then?

Grammar A. 1. is working 2. don’t mind 3. eats 4. give 5. goes 6. starts 7. is arriving 8. ’m talking 9. love 10. is increasing B. 1. are you doing, ’m getting, ’m thinking, do you think 2. feels, isn’t learning, does, wants Listening 1. c 2. a

3. a

4. b

5. c

Reading 1. F 2. F

3. T

4. T

5. F

Writing Open answer Listening transcript A: Hi, Rose! How’s the new job? B: It’s fine… I guess. A: Really? You don’t sound very enthusiastic. I thought it was your dream job. B: So did I. To be honest, though, I’m thinking of quitting.

B: Well, to start with, they’re not all polite! Sometimes passengers can be so rude. I wish they would realise that just because I work for the airline, it doesn’t mean I have the answer to everything! For example, if the flight is delayed, there’s nothing I can do about it, and often I don’t get any more information than the passengers themselves - but that doesn’t stop everyone on board from complaining to me. A: Well, OK, but you knew that this job would be more demanding than others. That’s no reason to give up and try to find something easier.

A: It always takes a while to get used to a new job. You need to be positive. Look, don’t flight attendants get free plane tickets? Just think of all the cheap holidays you’ll get! B: That’s true, but I’m not sure I’ll last that long.

Test: Module 2 Vocabulary A. 1. compass 2. overcome 3. waterproof 4. antique 5. transform 6. calendar 7. regards B. 1. reaction 2. unfair

B: I suppose not, but I don’t get paid much either, which I thought wouldn’t matter since I’d get to see some interesting places. However, I never get to see much of the cities we visit. Soon after we land, we’re on another plane going home again.

3. competitors

A: Oh, come on. You didn’t think it was going to be a holiday, did you? You need to stop dreaming and step into the real world for a change.


B: I know, I know. I could live with that though, as well as dealing with the passengers, if it wasn’t for the working hours. They’re a nightmare! Flights arrive at all

4. inexperienced 5. inexpensive C. 1. c

2. a 3. d 4. b

5. a 6. b 7. a

8. d

Grammar 1. b

2. d

3. a

B. 1. for 2. was 3. more

4. c

5. a

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Vocabulary A. 1. motivated 2. wages 3. negotiate 4. interviewer 5. rewarding 6. flexible 7. picture 8. bankrupt B. 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. a 6. a 7. b 8. c C. 1. benefits 2. appeal 3. productive 4. character 5. provide 6. bonus



Test: Module 1

K e sts te

level B1+

4. have posted 5. far more


level B1+ C. 1. the most expensive restaurant 2. isn’t as tall as 3. has already read 4. getting worse and 5. has had his car since Listening 1. b

2. a

3. a

4. b

5. c

Reading 1. M

2. F

3. M

4. T

5. F

Writing Open answer Listening transcript 1. A: Hey, what’s in these books? B: My stamp collection. Have a look, if you want. A: They’re nice. Are they very old? B: Some are, yeah. A: This one is awesome. B: Yeah, I got that a year ago. A: Cool! When did you start collecting? B: Umm, I suppose I was about ten when I first got into it. A: You have a big collection. B: Well, after twenty years of work I’ve filled quite a few books, that’s for sure. 2. Yeah, I was pleased with my victory. It’s been a difficult year for me because of my injuries, so I knew I wasn’t going to run under 20 seconds or beat any records. I was really surprised to win the race. 21:23 was a pretty good time, but I ran 21:03 in Berlin earlier this year. So, I know I can perform better. I’m looking forward to the World Championships next month. 3.

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W: So, what did you think about Ms Madison? M: I liked her. W: Me too. She’s a little inexperienced, but weren’t we all when we started out? M: Exactly. Do you think she hesitated too long when answering? W: Not really. Also, she wasn’t at all nervous, which was good. M: And do you know something


else? This is the third round of interviews, and she is the only one to come on time, every time. W: Come to think of it, you’re right. I hadn’t noticed that. 4. OK, everyone. I’ve had a look at your essays and, overall, I think they were good. Kevin, yours was probably closest to what I was looking for. I’ve made some notes and made copies for everyone to look at. Fred, could you hand these out for me? Thanks. As you can see on the sheet, the main problem most of you had is with the organisation of your information. John, I liked the ideas you had, but you need to work harder on expressing what you want to say. 5. M: So, you’re saying it was boring. W: Not at all. I really enjoyed watching it. I thought the information was very wellresearched and presented in a clear and entertaining way. M: So, what was wrong with it then? Because I learnt a lot, and I want to watch it again. W: I agree. I think everyone should watch it. I just think it’s a very complicated problem and the documentary didn’t cover all the issues involved. M: Is that so? W: Yeah, if you read more about the topic, you’ll find out just how much it affects people all over the world.

Test: Module 3 Vocabulary A. 1. a 2. d 3. c 4. d 5. c 6. a 7. b 8. c 9. a 10. d 11. d 12. c B. 1. on 2. by 3. in 4. on 5. in 6. around 7. on 8. out

Grammar A. 1. b

2. a

3. a

4. d

5. d

B. 1. Did you watch 2. was watching 3. rang 4. did she want 5. was riding 6. started 7. couldn’t C. 1. would come 2. was going to go 3. used to have short hair 4. while he was having Listening 1. F

2. F

3. T

4. F

5. T

3. f

4. a

5. c

Reading 1. e

2. b

Writing Open answer Listening transcript A: Hey, Ronnie. You’re back! How was your trip? B: I’d rather not talk about it. A: Doesn’t sound like you had a good time. B: Let’s just say, it’s the last time I’m going to Richmond Lake. A: But why? The facilities at the Richmond Hotel are amazing. B: We were going to stay there, but the price was way too high, so we decided to go camping. A: You? Camping? You don’t seem like the camping type. B: You don’t know me that well, then. I used to go camping a lot with my parents when I was young. Some of my best memories are from those times. A: So, what went wrong? B: Well, I decided to go with my cousin, Dan, and let’s just say, we didn’t really get along. A: What do you mean? B: Well, he wanted to try out different extreme water sports every day. ‘Broaden your horizons!’ he kept saying. But I just wasn’t in the mood. I tried

level B1+

A: Sounds like he was being pretty annoying. B: You can’t imagine. After a while, I couldn’t put up with him anymore, so I just gave up and went windsurfing with him. But the weather was terrible and the water in the lake was freezing. I lost count of the times I fell in, and every time Dan would make fun of me. Needless to say, I got so annoyed that I didn’t speak to him for the rest of the trip. A: That bad, huh? B: Although I have to say, it was an improvement. At least he didn’t bother me after that, and I spent the last two days in peace doing nothing. A: In other words, it wasn’t the location, but the company that was the problem. B: Yep, I’ve come to realise it’s not where you go on holiday, but who you go with.

Test: Module 4 Vocabulary A. 1. a

2. b 3. c

4. c

5. c

6. d 7. c

8. a

B. 1. mammals 2. inhabit 3. consumption 4. install 5. drop 6. purpose 7. awareness C. 1. to 2. in 3. of 4. to 5. out 6. of Grammar A. 1. a

2. c

3. d 4. c


the sea, which is essential for them to work. In the waters off the coast of Japan, you can find fridge-sized jellyfish monsters that have been increasing in numbers in recent years.

1. because of 2. had been living 3. had had 4. Although 5. since C. 1. even though he had 2. had started by the time 3. because nobody told/had told me 4. in spite of working 5. had been driving around Listening 1. a brain 2. over 600 million 3. large group 4. fridge 5. Sea turtles Reading 1. c

2. a

3. c

4. c

5. d

Writing Open answer Listening transcript They seem to float there motionless in the sea. They come in different shapes and sizes and in beautiful colours. But when one stings you, you don’t forget it easily. I am, of course, talking about jellyfish. Jellyfish are mysterious creatures with no bones, no heart or even a brain. They aren’t actually classified as fish, but fall into a category called Cnidaria. They have been around for over 600 million years. As you probably know, they can be quite poisonous, so it’s a good idea to look out for jellyfish warnings at the beach. However, in recent years jellyfish have become more than just an annoyance while on holiday. When jellyfish gather together in a large group called a ‘bloom,’ they can cause major problems. In recent years, fishermen have complained about jellyfish filling their nets so they can’t fish, and some blooms are so large that fishermen’s boats have difficulty moving. Nuclear power stations in Scotland, Japan and Florida have reported jellyfish blocking their water supply from

What is causing this current increase? Well, firstly, jellyfish don’t need much help to create large populations. Some species can lay eggs when they are just 13 days old, and they are able to lay up to 10,000 eggs per day. So what has changed in recent years? Interestingly, it seems that humans could be to blame as much as anything for this sudden increase. Overfishing in waters where jellyfish live means there is less competition for food so it is easier for jellyfish to find food. This leads to a rise in jellyfish population. Also, rubbish, like plastic bags for example, kills the few natural jellyfish predators that exist, such as sea turtles. So, the next time you can’t go swimming because the water is full of jellyfish, just remember you could also be to blame.

Test: Module 5 Vocabulary A. 1. assure 2. event 3. contemporary 4. resembles 5. manufactures 6. comprehend B. 1. predict 2. presently 3. at our fingertips 4. Thanks to 5. sooner or later 6. time will tell C. 1. achievements 2. announcement 3. disappointed 4. cooperative 5. affordable 6. humorous

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to explain that all I wanted was to relax by the lake, but it was no use.

7. confusing 8. inspiration


level B1+ Grammar A. 1. b 2. d 3. b 4. a 5. d 6. a 7. d 8. c 9. a 10. c 11. d 12. a B. 1. employees need to have 2. might go to Italy 3. mustn’t take photos 4. had better put on Listening 1. b 2. g Reading 1. NM 2. F

3. c 3. F

4. a 4. F

5. f 5. T

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Writing Open answer


Listening transcript Speaker 1 Well, I’ve seen quite a few changes in education in my time, mainly because of technology. I remember having to do research for projects using books and journals. Now, it is so much easier to look things up on the Net. Since the Internet is everywhere and you always have access to it through your smartphone or tablet, I can’t see much point in having a building full of books for people to look stuff up. It may seem sad, but I can’t see it being any other way. Speaker 2 I think that there have been many great technological developments which have improved education. They are helpful for both students and teachers. Perhaps the most important advances have come in communication, with instant messaging, video calls and video conferencing. And I know it’s a shame, but, because of these, I believe that there won’t be a place for schools, as we know them, in the future. There will always be teachers and students, but the way the education system works will change completely. Speaker 3 I was very lucky to get a good education. I always had great teachers and I believe I made a good choice concerning my studies, because I found a job straightaway.

But, nowadays, young people aren’t as fortunate as I was. Sure, there are lots of subjects to choose from, but the financial side of things has become a major problem. Nothing is free anymore and as time goes by, it seems like only those who will be able to pay for a good education will be able to get one. Speaker 4 There have been a lot of obvious changes in education in recent years: technology and the Internet, rising tuition fees, new teaching methods, and so on, but the one thing that stands out for me is the variety of subjects. There are no longer just a handful of subjects to choose from. The list is now endless. It seems that you can study anything you want these days from Golf Course Design to Viking Studies and even Surf Science. I think this trend will continue and students will end up creating their own personal subjects to match their interests. Speaker 5 Even though my school was supposed to be one of the best in the area, I can’t say that I got a very good education. I don’t think it was from a lack of technology or equipment, because they were always up-to-date with that. To be honest, I don’t think the facilities and the environment play a huge role when it comes to education. For me, the enthusiasm a teacher has for a subject, and the way he or she can transfer that enthusiasm to students, is what teaching is all about. This is what we need to focus on if we want to have a successful educational system.

Test: Module 6 Vocabulary A. 1. d 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. b B. 1. wedding 2. down 3. spouse’s 4. broke 5. inheritance 6. customs

6. a

C. 1. nature 2. pleasure 3. tended to 4. introvert 5. craved 6. ignored 7. miserable 8. compassionate Grammar A. 1. d 2. b 3. c 4. d 5. b 6. c 7. b 8. b 9. a 10. c 11. d 12. c B. 1. hardly any time to 2. shop where I got 3. very few people 4. sandwich that I bought had Listening 1. F 2. F

3. F

4. T

5. F

Reading 1. b 2. c

3. a

4. a

5. d

Writing Open answer Listening transcript A: So, was it worth coming, Julie? B: Absolutely. I haven’t had so much fun in ages. A: What did I tell you? Reunions are always interesting events. You should have come to the last one. B: I didn’t know what I was missing. Who is that man over there? A: That’s Tom Fielding. B: You’re kidding! Little Tom who used to steal your backpack for fun and then throw it in your backyard? A: The very same. He’s a police officer now. He was involved in that car chase that was on the news last month. B: I saw that. Was that him? Wow, I wouldn’t have guessed it. Hey, didn’t he have a brother who was on the basketball team? A: That’s right, Donnie. But he couldn’t make it tonight. B: What does he do? A: He’s unemployed at the moment. He tried to become a professional basketball player, but he broke

level B1+

B: That’s a shame. Who’s Tom talking to? A: Come on, that’s Cindy Wakefield. B: Do I know her? A: Well, she got married about five years ago. I showed you pictures from her wedding. B: Oh, that Cindy. Now I remember. She has changed a lot. She has her own business, doesn’t she? A: Yeah, she will always be the ambitious Cindy she has always been. She sells bags and accessories, I think. She’s doing very well. She has a website, but I’ve never checked it out. B: I’ll have to take a look. Who did she marry again? A: Brian Simpson. B: Now, where do I remember that name from? A: You’re unbelievable sometimes. Brian used to sit next to you in History class. B: He did? I really can’t remember him. Wait! Is he the boy who fell off a desk and broke his nose? A: No, that was Freddie something or other. Brian used to help you with your History homework all the time. B: OK, yeah. A: You don’t remember him, do you? B: Nope. I have a terrible memory. A: And it was only about fifteen years ago. Wait! There’s Brian now. He’s coming over to talk to us...

Midterm Test Vocabulary A. 1. c

2. d 3. c

6. a 7. c

4. d

8. b 9. d

5. a 10. c

11. c 12. c 13. b 14. a 15. c 16. d 17. c 18. c 19. c 20. a 21. c 22. d 23. a 24. d 25. c B. 1. indecisive 2. appalling 3. spacious 4. disappointment

5. motivation 6. disgusting 7. sensible 8. supportive 9. explanation 10. unexpected Grammar A. 1. b 2. b 3. d 4. b 5. b 6. d 7. d 8. b 9. d 10. a 11. b 12. c 13. c 14. b 15. d 16. b 17. d 18. a 19. b 20. d 21. c 22. a 23. c B. 1. is thinking about having 2. the least interesting documentary 3. would (always) take us 4. despite not having 5. whose son is 6. put very little Listening 1. c 2. b

3. c

Reading 1. S 2. M

3. S

4. b 4. K

5. a 5. M

Writing Open answer Listening transcript 1. A: How’s it going, Bob? Everything OK at work? B: Yeah, I suppose. A: You don’t sound very enthusiastic. At least you’re getting paid more than you were at your last job. B: Yeah, I have no complaints about that. And the conditions are great. We have new computers and my boss is very flexible. He lets us choose which projects we think suit us best. A: Sounds pretty good. B: The only thing is that I’ve realised I’ll be stuck in the same position for years to come. I can’t really see myself going anywhere. A: You should be glad you have a job at all. B: Yeah, I suppose so. 2. Yeah, I’ll be there tomorrow afternoon. I’m taking the train and I should be there some time in the

evening. Can you pick me up?... Great. I was thinking about taking a taxi to the station, what do you think?... Yeah, I have a pretty heavy suitcase. Well, my train leaves at 4:30, so I’ll tell the driver to be here half an hour earlier, at about 4. I should reach the station before 4:30, I think. Yeah, plenty of time. 3. I’d just like to say a few words about pollution in our city and, in particular, about smog. We have seen a huge increase in smog in most large cities in the country and the problems it causes are well known. Thanks to carpooling programmes, factories choosing more energyefficient solutions, along with citizens becoming more aware of the causes of pollution, we are happy to say that there has been no increase in smog in recent years. And as long as we keep up the good work, there is good reason to believe that it will decrease in the years to come. 4. A: Hello? B: Hey, Steve. What are you up to? A: Nothing much. I was thinking about washing the car today. It’s filthy. B: Good idea. Did you go to the supermarket? A: No. I was going to go this afternoon. B: You don’t have to. I’ll pick up a few things on my way home. A: Oh, OK. B: We ought to call John and tell him what time we’ll be going over later. A: I’ll do that now. B: You’d better wash the car before we go, though. A: Yeah. I’ll do it right after lunch. B: Great. See you later! 5. A: Hey. Guess who I saw at the bank yesterday. B: Who? A: Janine Baxter.

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his leg while skiing and never recovered from it.

B: Wow! I haven’t seen her since high school. Did you talk to her?


level B1+ A: No, we weren’t really friends at school. She annoyed me a lot. B: Why’s that? A: Well, I always had the impression that she thought she was better than me because she lived in a big house and her dad was a doctor. B: Yeah, she was kind of like that. But she might have changed since then. It was a long time ago. A: No, I don’t think so.

Test: Module 7

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Vocabulary A. 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. d 6. b 7. d 8. a 9. a B. 1. broadcast 2. disturbing 3. update 4. current 5. investigation 6. violence C. 1. with 2. in 3. on 4. by 5. off


5. b

Grammar A. 1. is thought 2. can be found 3. buy 4. has been offered 5. was called 6. informed 7. should not be ignored 8. is being spent 9. may cause 10. won’t experience B. 1. were planted by the residents in the park last week. 2. were made to stand in the rain for hours (by the director). 3. will be informed of the changes tomorrow (by the manager). 4. must be notified in case of emergency. 5. is known that Mr Campbell is a

great teacher. Listening 1. c

2. b

3. d

4. c

5. c

Reading 1. F

2. T

3. NM

4. T

5. F

Writing Open answer Listening transcript It seems like everyone is blogging these days. There are hundreds of blogging websites to choose from, and although about 7 million people have blogs on blogging sites, 12 million write blogs using social network sites. There is definitely a lot of competition out there! So, I’m here today to give you some tips on how to make your blog a success and get lots of people to read it. First of all, before you start writing blog posts, it is important to determine who your audience is. Who will want to read your blog and why? Is it for professionals looking for help, or is it just for anyone who wants to have a good laugh and entertain themselves? Obviously, you should choose a style of writing to fit that audience, and stick with it. Secondly, it has been proven that blogs which are written in an honest voice, and show the writer’s true personality, are much more likely to be successful. This way, it is easier to build a community that follows your blog, which is what you need if you want your blog to become really popular. One thing to avoid is too many links to other websites. People will come to your blog to read something interesting and don’t want to end up spending their time searching other sites to get what they want. A few links are fine, as long as you add your personal comments about them. And on that note, always mention where you got your ideas or who influenced your blog, so you don’t get accused of copying. Lastly, it’s important to consider what your blog looks like. Obviously, adding photos related to the topic is going to help. But also, try to reduce your paragraphs to three or four sentences. It’s difficult to read large blocks of text without any breaks,

especially on a screen. Remember, many readers will just take a quick look at the text before deciding whether to read the whole thing.

Test: Module 8 Vocabulary A. 1. b

2. a 3. a

7. c

8. d 9. d 10. d 11. c 12. d

4. a

5. d

6. a

B. 1. valuables 2. targets 3. leniency 4. deceived 5. guilty 6. punished 7. grabbed 8. trolls Grammar A. 1. doing 2. postponing 3. to find 4. finish 5. hand 6. to cheat 7. be 8. to answer 9. to deal 10. denying B. 1. must have been Alex 2. must / could / might be asleep 3. can’t / couldn’t have stolen 4. should have told him 5. might have seen Listening 1. c

2. b

3. b

4. a

5. a

3. S

4. D

5. S

Reading 1. J

2. J

Writing Open answer Listening transcript 1. A: Hi, Ken. I heard about what happened on the weekend. B: Yeah, it was horrible. A: Were you at home at the time? B: No. We were away for the weekend. A: Did they take many things?

level B1+

A: Well, that’s something I suppose. What did the burglar take? 2. A: I think we’re almost finished installing the alarm system. B: Great. A: We just need to find the best place to put this CCTV camera. I was thinking about over there on the wall. That way, it would be hidden by the tree. B: Maybe in the summer, but not in the winter. A: The best position would be above the door over here. You’d get a good view. But it would be a good idea to try and hide it a little. What about higher up so that it’s under the roof a bit? B: That’s a good idea. Let’s put it there. Where do they decide to place the CCTV camera? 3. Good afternoon. At around 2 a.m. this morning, three prisoners escaped from Doverfield Prison. Prison guards discovered a ladder next to the south wall of the prison and sounded the alarm. All guards came rushing to the scene, but they soon realised the ladder was much too short for anyone to get over the wall. Meanwhile, the prisoners were escaping through a tunnel they had been digging for at least six months. They then stole a nearby car and got away. Their whereabouts are still unknown. We warn residents of the Doverfield area that these men are dangerous and that any suspicious activity should be reported immediately. How did the prisoners escape?

4. A: Hi, Gary. What do you have there? B: Cleaning products. I have to clean some graffiti off my store window. A: Again? I’m starting to think it’s not a good area to have a store in. I know you get a lot of customers, but there are a lot of disadvantages, too. B: You’re right. It’s a pretty rough area. A: Especially at night. You don’t know what goes on. B: That’s what annoyed me most about this graffiti. It wasn’t there in the morning, but when I returned from some errands in the evening, the window was covered in graffiti! A: So, someone sprayed paint all over your store in broad daylight? B: Yep. Can you believe it? What time of day was the man’s store vandalised? 5. Yesterday, the daughter of local businessman Paul Belfort, Julia Belfort, was released from prison. She was charged with fraud nearly three years ago and after a long court case she was found guilty. She was just expecting to pay a large fine, but because of the amount of money involved, she was sentenced to two years in prison. But she ended up serving only one. In an announcement today she said she has decided to turn to writing and will be turning her personal story into a novel. How long did the woman spend in prison?

Test: Module 9 Vocabulary A. 1. b 2. c 3. b 4. d 6. c 7. c 8. d 9. c B. 1. regardless 2. handy 3. balanced 4. reaction 5. disapprove 6. additives

C. 1. disrespect 2. misplaced 3. misinformed 4. disconnect 5. misheard Grammar A. 1. would look 2. were 3. had called 4. would have come 5. were 6. would go 7. order/ordered 8. will/would be 9. could/would I find 10. aren’t B. 1. If Martha had known I was a vegetarian, she wouldn’t have ordered pizza with chicken. 2. If Catherine hadn’t shouted at her friend, she wouldn’t have made her cry. 3. If you don’t go to bed early, you’ll never be able to get up in the morning. 4. If I had time, I could/would have coffee with you. 5. If you press this button, the machine will stop. Listening 1. 25 years 2. twice a year 3. vegetables 4. diet 5. dietician Reading 1. c

2. b

3. d

4. b

5. a

Writing Open answer

5. c

Listening transcript 1. Doctor:

Good morning, Mr Lisbon. So, it seems we don’t have any records for you. When was the last time you visited a doctor?

Mr Lisbon: Umm… well, actually, it has been quite a while. It must be… hmm, twenty

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B: Not really. I’d left my cell phone at home so they took that. We also had some money hidden in a drawer which they found. And they took an old oil painting from the wall, which was worthless, so that was pretty weird. Luckily, I had my laptop with me because I had some work to do.


level B1+ years? Twenty-five is probably closer, to be honest. Doctor:

I see. How old are you, Mr Lisbon?

Mr Lisbon: I turned 57 last week. Doctor:

Well, you really should make an appointment more often – even if you feel fine. At your age, I would recommend coming twice a year. OK, let’s talk about your diet. How often do you eat junk food?

Mr Lisbon: Not that often. I have a bag of chips for lunch every day, and maybe some chocolate, but that’s it. Doctor:

That’s quite a lot, actually. Have you tried replacing those snacks with something healthier? A salad, perhaps?

Mr Lisbon: No, not really. I have allergies, you see. If I eat vegetables, I get a terrible rash on my tongue. Doctor:

That’s a very unusual condition. We can run some tests and see what food causes that allergic reaction.

Mr Lisbon: No, no, that’s not necessary! I find it safer to just avoid vegetables altogether. Doctor:

Hmm... Very well. What’s brought you to see me today?

Mr Lisbon: I’ve had a terrible headache for days. It just won’t go away.

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Well, from what you’ve told me, it’s probably due to your diet. But I’m going to send you for some tests next week, just to be sure.

Mr Lisbon: Tests? What kind of tests? Doctor:

It’s nothing to worry about. Just a blood test for starters.

Mr Lisbon: What? Oh, no. I don’t need anything like that!



Calm down, Mr Lisbon. I also think you should consult our dietician here at the hospital. One of the receptionists will help you make an appointment.

Mr Lisbon: Oh, no! Do the tests if you must, but that’s all! Are you sure you can’t just give me some painkillers? Doctor: That won’t solve the problem, Mr Lisbon.

Test: Module 10 Vocabulary A. 1. b 2. d 3. c 4. b 5. d B. 1. deposit 2. convenient 3. by 4. tip 5. tricks 6. personnel 7. at once C. 1. hostel 2. ease 3. charge 4. tastes 5. request 6. valuable 7. extend Grammar A. 1. such 2. in order 3. so 4. could come 5. examine 6. a lot of 7. not to 8. that 9. got 10. in order not to B. 1. had the valet bring 2. in order to protect myself 3. had such a pleasant stay 4. so as not to get 5. had the lights repaired

6. c

Listening 1. b 2. f Reading 1. B 2. UR

3. d 3. LL

4. e

5. g

4. UR

5. B

Writing Open answer Listening transcript 1. I have the greatest job in the world. I get to do my favourite hobby – driving – all day long, and get paid for it, too. It’s relaxing, and it can be really interesting chatting to passengers about their lives and finding out where they’re from. If I get a bad-tempered passenger, it’s simple – I just turn the radio up and don’t pay attention to them. Most people aren’t looking for good service anyway. They just want to get to where they’re going. 2. I hate dealing with people. I have to smile and be polite when they call or come to the front desk at all hours, asking their ridiculous questions and expecting me to sort out every little problem of theirs. I’m a receptionist! I deal with bookings, cancellations, reservations... I am not a personal shopper, tour guide, restaurant critic, cleaner, childcare specialist, or any of the other things they seem to expect me to be. 3. I enjoy my job – most of the time. There are problems, of course, and often it’s not even the customers who cause them. I remember one evening a customer sent their order back to the kitchen. He was very polite about it, but he said it was overcooked. When I took it back, the chef got really angry with me. ‘You should have explained to the customer that it’s supposed to be like that!’ he shouted. Well, whether it is or not, I can’t go and tell the customer to eat it if he doesn’t want to. In the end, the chef sent out a new dish, of course, but he still acted as though it were my fault. 4. I started this job when I was home on holiday from university. I’ve always had an interest in history

level B1+

5. I’ve always been told that I have superb social skills, so you could say I found the perfect job. I welcome passengers when they board the ship and organise social events during the cruise. I’m generally in charge of making sure that everything runs smoothly, and that everyone has a good time, of course. My colleagues are very friendly, and I don’t have any complaints about the guests; most of them are delightful and very courteous. But then again, I put their comfort and relaxation before my own, so they have no reason to complain.

Test: Module 11 Vocabulary A. 1. a

2. c

6. b 7. a

3. a

4. c

8. d 9. a

B. 1. security 2. awareness 3. absence 4. significance 5. curiosity 6. loneliness 7. relevance C. 1. lasting 2. heart 3. bustling 4. taking a stroll 5. cobblestone 6. hospitable 7. without a doubt Grammar A. 1. d

2. d 3. c

4. b

5. d 6. a 7. d

8. b

5. d 10. b

B. 1. going to the cinema 2. Mary that they were visiting the museum the following day 3. I should be more careful 4. if/whether I had seen the documentary about lions 5. what time they would meet that night 6. breaking/having broken the kitchen window 7. us not to tell anyone her secret 8. the student to sit down Listening 1. a

2. c

3. c

4. a

5. c

2. e

Test: Module 12 Vocabulary

Reading 1. a

at the same time, and it is really an extraordinary sight. Another event worth experiencing is Dawn Patrol. This is when a few balloons lift off before sunrise and fly until it is light enough to see landing sites. Other events include the balloon races that take place throughout the festival and the Fiesta Challenge, a contest in which balloon pilots try to drop a marker closest to a target. All in all, whether you are a pilot, a spectator or a passerby, this event is sure to impress you!

3. b

4. f

5. d

Writing Open answer Listening transcript Welcome to the 41st annual Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta. I am thrilled that you were all able to join us for these wonderful nine days of events. Be prepared to be amazed as you experience this exciting festival. Before we start looking around, let me give you a brief history. This festival began in 1972 with thirteen balloons. It was so much fun and so successful that it grew each year for decades and is now the largest balloon gathering in the world. The largest number of balloons present at the festival was in 2000 with a total of 1,019 balloons. However, the following year it was decided to limit the number to 750 in order to avoid overcrowding, but again there were just too many balloons and fewer places for them to land. So, in 2009 the number was reduced to 600. The festival attracts thousands of spectators each year, with numbers growing annually. The most amazing thing about the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta is the spectacular display of colours in the sky. One of the most exciting events is the Mass Ascension. This is when all of the hot air balloons lift off into the sky in two different groups. The sky fills with hundreds of colourful balloons

A. 1. d

2. a 3. a

6. b 7. c

4. a

5. a

8. b 9. d

B. 1. journalist 2. governor 3. geologist 4. mathematician 5. publisher C. 1. boutiques 2. pay cheque 3. labels 4. spendthrift 5. bargain 6. waste Grammar A. 1. I could come to London with you 2. I hadn’t shouted at my best friend yesterday 3. as if/though he was/were the owner of the company 4. you got ready for bed 5. my husband did the shopping this week B. 1. a

2. d 3. d 4. d

6. b 7. c

8. b 9. b

5. a 10. d

Listening 1. a

2. a 3. b 4. c

5. b

Reading 1. c

2. b 3. d 4. a

5. b

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and, besides, it looked good on my CV. I never intended to become a full-time museum guide, but when I left university, they offered me a position and here I am. I love my job! Sometimes tourists can ask such interesting questions. I inform them about the exhibits, but I’m always learning new things myself, too. It keeps my mind sharp.

Writing Open answer


level B1+ Listening transcript 1. A: Put them on my credit card, please. B: I’m terribly sorry but there seems to be a problem with the card reader. Can you pay in cash? A: Let me see… Well, I only have enough money on me for one item, so I’ll buy the sweater. I’ll have to leave the socks and jacket behind for now. B: Just so you know, the jacket is half-price at the moment but the sale ends tomorrow. A: Really? I’d better take just the jacket then. Leave the sweater out, too. What does the woman decide NOT to buy? 2. A: Hi, Greg. How’s it going? B: Not too bad. A: Hey, did I see your brother on TV the other day? B: I don’t know. What was he doing? A: He was reporting on a bus accident downtown. B: That definitely wasn’t my brother. A: Didn’t he study Journalism at college? B: What? No, he studied Biology. A: I must be thinking about someone else. Where does he work? B: At the library on 34th Street. A: Oh, so Biology didn’t work out for him. B: No. He really regretted choosing it in the end. What does the man’s brother do? 3. A: Eric, can you do me a favour? B: Sure. What’s up?

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A: I need to get a few things from the pharmacy on the way home. B: I can give you a ride if you want. A: Thanks, but it’s not that. I’m short of money. I only have 15 dollars on me. B: I see. Is 50 enough? A: I don’t need that much. Twenty will do. I’ll give it back to you tomorrow, OK? B: No problem.


How much money does the woman need to borrow? 4. A: Do you take credit cards? B: Of course, but I’m afraid our card reader is out of order today. I’m terribly sorry. We accept cheques, though, if that’s any help. A: Not really. I haven’t used cheques in years. I don’t have any cash on me either. Can I leave everything here with you while I go and find an ATM? B: Of course. How will the man pay for his items? 5. A: Hey, Tanya. What do you have there? B: Oh, just some old clothes I’m taking down to the supermarket. A: The supermarket? What for? B: They have one of those clothing recycling bins there now. A: Why don’t you give them to a charity thrift store? They’re always looking for new stock, and if it’s no good to them, they’ll recycle it for you. B: That’s not a bad idea, actually. I just wanted to do something ‘greener’ than just put them in another landfill. What will Tanya do with her old clothes?

Final Test Vocabulary A. 1. d 2. d 3. b 6. a 7. b 8. a 11. d 12. d 13. b 16. a 17. d 18. b 21. a 22. b 23. b B. 1. ignorance 2. disconnect 3. fatalities 4. innocence 5. misread 6. carelessness 7. advisable 8. robbery 9. historians 10. cancellations

4. d 9. c 14. d 19. c 24. b

5. c 10. b 15. c 20. a 25. c

Grammar A. 1. c 2. d 3. d 4. d 5. a 6. c 7. c 8. c 9. c 10. a 11. b 12. d 13. c 14. c 15. b 16. b 17. a 18. c 19. b 20. b 21. c 22. b 23. d 24. d 25. b B. 1. is believed to be 2. remember seeing Claire 3. you wouldn’t have to 4. wondered if/whether Alice had invited 5. would rather you didn’t Listening 1. b 2. c

3. b

4. b

5. a

Reading 1. b 2. c

3. c

4. c

5. a

Writing Open answer Listening transcript 1. A: My life has been taken over by computers! I’m taking down all my social media profiles, my email accounts, everything! In fact, I’m going to stay away from the Internet altogether. B: Are you sure about that? Wasn’t your university application done online? How will you know if you get accepted if you get rid of your email? A: I suppose you’re right. I hadn’t thought of that. B: And social media come in handy all the time! They’re the best way to get in touch with people and keep up-to-date with things. A: No, I’d rather talk to them face-toface. If it’s really important, they can always call me, or send a text message, or an email. B: I suppose so. 2. ...please leave a message after the beep. Hi, this is Jake. So, the doctor told me yesterday that if I don’t take some precautions, I may be looking at some serious health problems. Well, you know me, I’m not really the exercising type. Stress is all part of

level B1+ down because of safety concerns, but the new proposal has been fully approved! So, keep an eye out, because by the end of the year our brand new ice rink will be envied across the county.

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my job and I can’t start looking for a new career, so there’s not a lot I can do to fix that. Anyway, to make a long story short, I have to start watching what I eat. So, no more pizza night for me. 3. A: Colin, Mr Lohan tells me you’re in charge of the Bellmont contract. B: That’s right. It’s been hard work getting hold of Mr Bellmont, but I’m doing my best. A: Excellent. Everything OK? Has it been signed yet? B: Well, I spoke to Mr Bellmont this morning, and he said that he was on the verge of signing it. A: I hope there are no problems. Do you think he’ll change his mind? B: No, I’m quite confident he won’t. A: Good, because I’d like to do more business with him in the future. B: I’ll make sure everything works out fine. 4. A: Good morning, you’ve reached Superb Sushi. Are you calling to reserve a table? B: I don’t think so! I was at your restaurant last night with some very important clients, and the food was taking so long to arrive that we left and went to eat across the street. It was appalling treatment. I just felt that I had to say something. A: I’m very sorry to hear that. We did have a few problems with staff not showing up yesterday, unfortunately. To apologise, we would like to offer you and your guests a complimentary dinner for tonight or any other night that suits you. B: Well, in that case, I’d like to reserve a table for five for tomorrow night. 5. This morning on What’s up in Westland we have some exciting news. The city council has finally been given permission to rebuild on the site of our town’s abandoned railway station! As you know, the original plans to convert it into a skateboarding park were turned


Pioneer B1+ Tests H. Q. Mitchell - Marileni Malkogianni Published by: MM Publications [email protected]

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