Talent Level 3 Cumulative Tests [PDF]

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Units 1-2

NAME _________________________ CLASS _________________________ DATE _________________________

CUMULATIVE TEST 1 Use the prompts to write the questions. 1 A When / she / get back / from her holiday? ......................................................................... B Last night. 2 A How long / they / be / married? ......................................................................... B Since 2012. 3 A What / Emma / wear / when you / see / her at lunch time? ......................................................................... B Jeans and a sweatshirt. 4 A Why / he / have to / go / home early? ......................................................................... B Because he was feeling unwell. 5 A your sister / learn / judo for a long time? ......................................................................... B No, only since January. 6 A the train / already / leave / when you / get / to the station? ......................................................................... B Yes, we missed it. We were ten minutes late. _____ /12

2 Correct the mistakes in these sentences. 1 Why weren’t you liking the comments I posted? ............................................................................... 2 By the time I got home, my parents went to bed. ............................................................................... 3 She’s in London since two months but she hasn’t found a job yet. ............................................................................... 4 In the past, people thought that the Sun goes round the Earth. ............................................................................... 5 I told her I’ll meet her at 8 o’clock. ............................................................................... 6 He asked Amy is she going to book the tickets online. ............................................................................... 7 My father said that I must take out the rubbish. ............................................................................... _____ /14

TALENT 3 ■ Test book

3 Choose the correct option. A Hi! Why 1............. you answered any of my messages? B I 2............. a new routine at my dance class this morning when I fell and 3............. get up. The dance instructor 4 ............. me 5............. to see a doctor. She thought that perhaps 6............. a bone. A So where are you now? B I’m at the hospital. 7............. an X-ray half an hour ago and the doctor said 8............. my Achilles tendon. He told me it 9............. a few weeks to heal, but he also said I was lucky that the injury 10............. worse. A It doesn’t sound like you’ve been so lucky! Poor you! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

A  haven’t A  practised A  can’t A  asked A  I was having A  I’d broken A  I had A  I damaged A  would take A  is

B  hadn’t B  was practising B  couldn’t B  said B  I had B  I broke B  I’ve had B  I was damaging B  took B  isn’t

C  didn’t C  had practised C  wouldn’t C  told C  I’ve had C  I’ve broken C  I’d had C  I’d damaged C  had taken C  wasn’t _____ /10

4 Rewrite the dialogue as reported speech. Harry What’s cooking? It smells fabulous! Olivia I’m making a pasta sauce. Do you want to try it? Harry Hmm. It needs some salt. Olivia Do you know where Lara is? Harry I think she’s at the library. Olivia She’s working really hard. Harry Yes, I haven’t seen her for ages. Olivia Can you invite her to lunch? Harry OK, but where did I put my phone? Harry asked 1...................................... and said that it 2 ...................................... fabulous. Olivia told Harry 3.................. .................... a pasta sauce and asked him if 4............................. to try it. Harry thought that it 5...................................... some salt. Olivia asked Harry 6...................................... where Lara 7 .............................. . Harry thought 8.................................. at the library. Olivia said 9...................................... really hard and Harry said he 10...................................... for ages. Olivia asked Harry 11.......................................... to lunch. Harry said OK but he didn’t know where 12................................ phone. _____ /12 © Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Units 1-2

NAME _________________________ CLASS _________________________ DATE _________________________

5 Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets.

1 I was in the middle of a phone call when the doorbell rang. (talking) The doorbell rang ...................................... .............................................. on the phone. 2 I started blogging six months ago. (been) ........................................................................ the past six months. 3 Her last visit to Paris was two years ago. (visited) She ................................................................ two years. 4 ‘You can borrow my laptop, Ted’, said Marie. (her) Marie told Ted that .................................... .......................................................... laptop. 5 The party started at 8:00 and we arrived at 8:45. (already) When we got there ..................................... ............................................... begun. 6 ‘Are we going to arrive on time?’ Ava asked. (if) Ava didn’t know .......................................... ....................................... to arrive on time. 7 Robert asked me, ‘How will I recognise you?’ (he) Robert wasn’t sure how ............................ ........................................................ _____ /14

6 Correct the mistakes. 1 It wasn’t difficult work out who had committed the crime. 2 While I worked, you were sleeping in front of the TV. 3 The police said the flood have caused a lot of damage. 4 Sophie asked whether she can use my laptop. 5 You didn’t tell me you’ll be in Cambridge this weekend! 6 He didn’t realise that he must to buy a ticket before he got on the bus. _____ /12

© Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

CUMULATIVE TEST 7 Rewrite the reported speech as direct speech. Interview with Hollywood star Jennifer diLorenzo I asked Jen 1if she had chosen the dress she was going to wear to the Oscars ceremony. She admitted 2that she hadn’t decided yet but there were two dresses she really liked. I asked 3 whether she was tired after all the work she’d been doing. She told me 4that acting never felt like work. She thought 5 she was incredibly lucky to be doing something she loved. Finally, I asked her 6what she imagined she would be doing in ten years’ time. She replied 7that she would call me when she knew the answer! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

........................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... _____ /14

8 Use the prompts to write sentences in the given tense. 1 Adam / get / school / 8:30 / morning (present simple) ........................................................................................................... 2 The dog / lie down / and / go / sleep (past simple) ........................................................................................................... 3 Sonia / write emails / while John / cook / the dinner (past continuous) ........................................................................................................... 4 They / not save / enough money / buy / a house (past perfect) ........................................................................................................... 5 We / drive / from London to Edinburgh / in six hours! (present perfect) ........................................................................................................... 6 How long / you / wait / for me? (present perfect continuous) ........................................................................................................... _____ /12 TOTAL _____ /100

Test book ■ TALENT  3

Units 1-4

NAME _________________________ CLASS _________________________ DATE _________________________

CUMULATIVE TEST 1 Complete the sentences. Use the

comparative or superlative form of the words in brackets with lot, much or by far.

1 I’ll feel a ..................................................................... (happy) when my exams are over. 2 My uncle is a ............................................................. (active) man than my father. 3 This is ......................................................................... (polluted) city in our country. 4 Computers work ...................................................... (efficient) now than in the past. 5 These are .................................................................. (tasty) tomatoes I’ve eaten this season. 6 Our new flat is huge. It’s got .................................. ............................... (big) rooms than our old one. 7 You’ll need to speak a ............................................ .............................. (clear) if you want people to understand you. 8 Recycling is ............................................................... (good) way to dispose of waste. _____ /8

2 Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets.

1 Can we afford to buy this? (enough) Have we got ................................................ buy this? 2 Who spent more time online than anyone else? (most) Who spent ................................................ online? 3 You ate a lot less food than all the other people. (the) You ate by ................................................ food. 4 Trains are a lot faster than buses. (much) Buses travel ................................................ than trains. 5 It’s impossible to solve all these problems. (far) There are ................................................ problems to solve. 6 His headache has improved. (bad) His headache ................................................ as it was before. 7 It cost me a lot less money than I expected. (cheaply) I bought it ................................................ than I expected. _____ /14

TALENT 3 ■ Test book

3 Choose the correct option. Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is the world’s 1........ coral reef, but if climate change 2........ at its present rate, only 5% of the coral 3........ alive by 2050. Damage to the coral is now the 4........ on record, due to rising temperatures in the ocean. If the sea gets cooler, the coral might 5........ , but this is very uncertain. Climate change is likely to be the 6........ threat to endangered species this century. Weather patterns are changing too 7........ for many species to adapt. In Africa, global warming will either bring too 8........ rain, causing floods, or too 9........ rain, causing drought. African elephants can drink over 200 litres of water a day, so lower rainfall means they will have to travel 10 ........ further in search of water, moving outside protected areas. At the same time, polar scientists predict that a huge amount of the Arctic sea ice will have 11........ in 20 years’ time. This means animals like polar bears and seals will lose the habitat that they 12 ........ on. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

A  larger A  continues A  is remaining A  worse A  recover A  greater A  quicker A  many A  few A  many A  melt A  depend

B  largest B  will continue B  remains B  worst B  to recover B  greatest B  quick B  much B  less B  a lot B  to melt B  depended

C  most large C  continued C  may remain C  most bad C  recovering C  greatly C  quickly C  most C  little C  most C  melted C  will depend _____ /12

4 Use the prompts to write sentences in the given form.

1 2 3 4

you / work / late tonight? (going to) I / not have / enough time for lunch (might) Lisa / meet / her boss / 10 am (present continuous) robots / replace / factory workers by 2100? (future perfect) 5 I / do / a university course / two years’ time (future continuous) 6 Alex / definitely get / here before midday (future simple) _____ /12 © Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

NAME _________________________ CLASS _________________________ DATE _________________________

5 Read the text and answer the questions. Zac gets up at 7 am. He has a shower for five minutes and then has breakfast. He leaves for work at 7:40 and works until 12:30. Then he goes to the café for lunch until 1:30. He works for another three hours. He always gets a bus home at 4:30. On the bus he sometimes checks his Twitter feed. He arrives home at 5:15 and immediately turns on the TV. 1 What will Zac be doing at 7:04 in the morning? .......................................................................................... 2 What will he have done by 7:40? .......................................................................................... 3 Where will he be at 1:00 pm? .......................................................................................... 4 Will he have got on the bus at 4:35? .......................................................................................... 5 What might he do on the bus? .......................................................................................... 6 What will he be doing at 5:20? .......................................................................................... _____ /12

6 Find the mistakes and correct them. 1 Will you have save enough money for buy a new phone? .......................................................................................... 2 Do they play in the football final in the weekend? .......................................................................................... 3 Engineers say this is by far the more intelligent robot they’ve build. .......................................................................................... 4 The Earth’s population would increase to 11.2 billion on the year 2100. .......................................................................................... 5 We need recycle more waste so a lot fewer goes into landfill sites. .......................................................................................... 6 There going to be far less people at the festival this year. .......................................................................................... 7 This time next week, I’ll swim on the Mediterranean! .......................................................................................... _____ /14

© Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Units 1-4

CUMULATIVE TEST 7 Complete the dialogue with one word in each gap.

A So Bill Bates, what 1................................ your plans for the future? B I’ve decided that I’m 2................................ to give all my money to the poor. A All your money? That’s too 3................................! What 4................................ you live on? B I’m 5................................ sure. I 6................................ buy a desert island before I 7................................ my money away. A I think you’ll 8................................ bored on an island, won’t you? B No, I’ll 9................................ brought all my computer equipment with me and I’ll 10.................. .............. thinking about ways to make my next million dollars. A And 11................................ your wife Belinda be living with you? B Um … I 12...................... know. I’ll 13...................... to ask her first. She 14...................... have other plans! _____ /14

8 Find two mistakes in each sentence and correct them.

1 We waste far too much resources while other people don’t have food enough to eat. .......................................................................................... 2 India will have became one of the world’s bigest users of solar energy by 2018. .......................................................................................... 3 The population is growing at a fastest speed then anyone predicted. .......................................................................................... 4 When we’ll reach Berlin, how far will have we travelled? .......................................................................................... 5 He working this afternoon so he doesn’t see you until tomorrow. .......................................................................................... 6 It going to be very warm this evening so you won’t definitely need a jumper. .......................................................................................... 7 This electric car has less problems and performs much more effective than the other cars. .......................................................................................... _____ /14 TOTAL _____ /100 Test book ■ TALENT  3

Units 1-6

CUMULATIVE TEST 1 Combine the sentences using relative clauses. 1 I’ve booked a room in the hotel. You recommended it. ............................................................................................. 2 Daniel Jones was found guilty of three offences. He’s 49. ............................................................................................. 3 The shop was badly damaged. The fire broke out there. ............................................................................................. 4 Michael is very generous. I’ve been borrowing his car. ............................................................................................. 5 A witness said he had seen the defendant. He was giving evidence in court. ............................................................................................. 6 Scientists have collected soil samples. They’ll be tested in the lab. ............................................................................................. 7 I took some photos of the town. Dad was born there. ............................................................................................. 8 She interviewed a novelist. Her book has just been published. ............................................................................................. _____ /16

2 Complete the gaps. Use a relative pronoun and the active or passive form of the verbs in the box. come  ■  employ  ■  have  ■  live  ■  make  ■  not pay  ■  steal 1 My bike, ....................... I’ve had since I was 14, ....................................... yesterday. 2 Lara is going out with a builder ....................... family ....................................... from Portugal. 3 That’s the block of flats ....................... we ................... .................... when I was a child. 4 In my opinion, nurses, ....................... work is tiring and difficult, ....................................... enough money. 5 We’re meeting Suzie at the studio ....................... she ....................................... a dance class on Tuesdays. 6 My grandfather, ....................... retired last August, ....................................... by the same company for 40 years. 7 The house ....................... they’re planning to build ....................................... of concrete and glass. _____ /14 TALENT 3 ■ Test book

NAME _________________________ CLASS _________________________ DATE _________________________

3 Rewrite the text in the passive. Three women have robbed a bank this afternoon. All the women carried guns and had covered their faces with masks. They told everybody in the bank to lie down. They took a large sum of money and used a car, which they had parked outside, to get away. Police have questioned witnesses and are searching the area. They don’t think the thieves have travelled far from the crime scene and believe that friends in the local area are hiding them. A bank 1...................................................... by three women this afternoon. Guns 2.............................................. by all the women and their faces 3.......................................................... by masks. Everybody in the bank 4......................................... to lie down. A large sum of money 5....................................... and a car, which 6....................................................... outside, 7 .............................. to get away. Witnesses 8........................... by the police and the area 9.......................................... . The thieves 10.............................................................. travelled far from the crime scene and it 11.................................................. that they 12.............................................................. by friends in the local area. _____ /12

4 Correct the mistakes in these sentences. 1 The lead is a soft metal has the chemical symbol Pb. ......................................................................................... 2 They usually have a hot weather in New Zealand in January. ......................................................................................... 3 He’ll be travelling in the south of Italy and visiting the Mount Etna. ......................................................................................... 4 The Vikings are known to invade British Isles in 793 CE. ......................................................................................... 5 The house wasn’t build very long ago that they are living in. ......................................................................................... 6 Five planets in our Solar System can be see without using telescope. ......................................................................................... 7 When will we be explained the results of the experiment? ......................................................................................... _____ /14 © Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Units 1-6

NAME _________________________ CLASS _________________________ DATE _________________________


5 Choose the correct option. New research has shown that 1a / – / the material called ‘graphene’ can separate salt from seawater and make it safe to drink. In previous experiments, 2a / – / the material allowed small amounts of salt to pass through it, which meant that it couldn’t 3be / been / have used to produce water 4whose / – / where we could drink. But now a new method has been developed which 5prevents / is prevented / will be prevented even 6a / – / the smallest molecule of salt from passing through the graphene. This discovery may revolutionise 7a / – / the way we convert seawater into clean water. It is 8 belief / believing / believed that the method can be implemented more easily and at 9less / lesser / least cost than other methods that are now 10 be / been / being used. This has particular significance for developing countries, 11that / where / which often can’t 12afford / be afforded / be affording expensive technology and equipment. Andre Geim and Konstatin Novoselov were the two researchers, both from Russia, 13who / whose / where work with graphene in 2004 made them famous in the scientific community. They 14are / were / have been awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2010. _____


6 Find the two mistakes in each sentence and correct them.

1 The defendant, which was finded guilty, will be sentenced later today. .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... 2 Is the email you sent them been yet answered? .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... 3 Not enough chairs had being provided in the room which the meeting was held. .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... 4 Help is being given to people who homes was destroyed by the storm. .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... © Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

5 A ship what disappeared at sea yesterday isn’t been found yet. .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... 6 Is greenhouse gases known to be contributing for climate change? .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... 7 The ancient inscriptions are translating by a team of people whose are experts. .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... _____ /14

7 Complete the dialogue with one word in each gap.

A Dave, can you tell us about the amazing discovery 1.................. you made last year? B Well, my friend Roger and I have 2.................. going out together for many years with our metal detectors. Last October we were on a farm near Winchester, 3.................. is close to where we live. We were searching in 4.................. field 5.................. we thought we might find something. And we were right! A So what exactly did you find? B We dug up 6.................. ancient jewellery, which 7 .................. been buried there during 8.................. Iron Age. There were three necklaces and two bracelets, and they were all made 9.................. gold. A In fact this may 10.................. the oldest collection of Iron Age gold ever discovered in Britain, is that right? B Yes, the objects have been examined and they’re thought 11.................. have been made 2,500 years ago. A Is 12.................. known why they were buried? B No, that’s not clear. But they were obviously owned 13.................. a very wealthy and important woman. 14 A .................. you and Roger be paid a reward for discovering the treasure? B Yes – but we’ll be sharing it with the farmer 15 .................. owns the land 16.................. we found the jewellery. _____ /16 TOTAL _____ /100 Test book ■ TALENT  3

Units 1-8

NAME _________________________ CLASS _________________________ DATE _________________________

CUMULATIVE TEST 1 Match the beginnings to the

3 Complete the gaps with the correct form of the verbs

endings of the sentences.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

  The cat enjoys   I don’t feel like   Nobody would like   Someone keeps   My laptop has finished   The doctor is ready   We use social media

a b c d e f g

to see you now. catching mice. doing any work tonight. ringing our doorbell. to share information. to spend years in jail. updating its software.

in brackets.



2 Choose the correct option. 1 I promise I / I’ll do the ironing as soon as the clothes are / will be dry. 2 If the food would be / had been fresh, we wouldn’t be / have been ill now. 3 Helen always got / gets headaches if she eats / she’ll eat cheese. 4 If you hadn’t told / didn’t tell me where the shop was, I wouldn’t have found / didn’t find it. 5 Were you / Would you be surprised if we’ll lose / we lost the match? 6 When you / you’ll see Vanessa, do / will you tell her to call me? 7 They should have come / came to the cinema with us, shouldn’t / didn’t they? 8 Pete wishes he hadn’t argued / didn’t argue with Amy last week. She won’t / doesn’t speak to him now unless he apologises. _____ /16

1 A What would you do if you .............................. (lose) your job? B I don’t know. It .............................. (not / be) easy to find work when you’re under 18. 2 As soon as I .............................. (finish) my essay I.............................. (come) and visit you. 3 I ............................. (not / try) to carry that suitcase if I .............. (be) you. It’s too heavy. 4 I wish I .............................. (see) the concert on TV last Saturday. If I .............................. (not / have) such a lot of work to do, I’d have watched it. 5 They .............................. (be) in serious trouble now if they .............................. (not / take) our advice. 6 We’ll wait until James .............................. (get) here and then we .............................. (leave) together. 7 A I wish there .............................. (be) more people at the party. It’s pretty boring! B Yes, we should .............................. (stay) at home! _____ /14

4 Complete the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

afford  ■  find out  ■  have  ■  interview  ■  not be  ■  not earn  ■  not find  ■  not lend  ■  sit  ■  study  ■  try  ■  work

Are young people anxious about their future? We sent our reporter 1............................ what some young adults have to say. ‘I worry about 2............................ any work after I leave school. 3............................ to find a job is difficult for young people. Unless you 4............................ experience, employers don’t even want 5............................ you.’ (Aisha, 18) If you 6............................ a lot of money, you won’t be able to buy a house. Banks 7............................ you the money. If my parents 8............................ prepared to help me, I’d never have been able 9............................ my small apartment.’ (Rohan, 24) ‘I should 10............................ business or law at university. My English degree hasn’t helped me get a job. I’m ready 11 ............................ hard and I hate 12............................ around doing nothing.’ (Jessica, 21) _____

TALENT 3 ■ Test book


© Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Units 1-8

NAME _________________________ CLASS _________________________ DATE _________________________


5 Complete the text using used to,

7 Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets.

be used to or get used to.

Maria has always enjoyed playing video games. In the past, she 1.................................. have a game with her brother Tim every day and she 2.................................. playing with anyone else. When he went abroad to study, Maria didn’t think she would 3............................... being without him. She 4.................................. coming home from school and having Tim to play with and she missed his company. Gradually, however, she 5.............................. her new situation. Now she 6.................................... going out with her school friends in her free time, and she doesn’t really miss the hours she 7.................................... spend on the computer with her brother. _____


6 Complete the dialogue with one word in each gap.

A I’m really hungry! I’m on a low-protein diet and I can’t 1.................... used to it. B I’m not surprised. If you 2.................... eat enough protein, you’ll feel hungry all the time. A I used 3.................... eat plenty of meat and dairy products. But apparently this diet is 4 .................... good way to 5.................... weight quickly. B I think you should have 6.................... more research to work out which diet would suit you best. A Yes, I 7.................... I’d done that, but it’s too late now. I’ve already 8.................... lots of money on special diet meals. B I don’t have much confidence in these fashionable diets. It’s probably more sensible to concentrate 9.................... avoiding sugary food – and of course 10 .................... more exercise is really important too. A Well, let’s go and have a chicken curry. If I 11 .................... a good meal tonight, I might be ready 12.................... face another day on this awful diet! _____ /12

© Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

1 I would sometimes be taken to the theatre by my uncle. (used) My uncle sometimes .................................................... to the theatre. 2 She didn’t want to go to the cinema. (feel) She ........................................................ to the cinema. 3 If you don’t stop annoying me, I’m going to leave! (unless) I’ll leave ................................................................ me! 4 We’ll wait for everyone to arrive and then we’ll serve the meal. (until) We won’t serve the meal ........................................................ . 5 Spending €100 on a pair of trainers was a bad idea. (have) You ........................................................ €200 on a pair of trainers. 6 I’m sorry I sent that text message to him. (wish) I ........................................................ him that text message. 7 She didn’t know her password so she couldn’t log on. (if) She would have been able to log on ...................................... her password. 8 Finding the information we needed wasn’t difficult. (easy) It ........................................................ the information we needed. _____ /16

8 Correct the mistakes 1 I wish this sauce is creamier. 2 You’d be free go out now if you would have finished your homework. 3 When Frank had lived in Spain, he would usually take a nap in the afternoon. 4 They should’ve gone to the other restaurant, which is far less busier. 5 Does she ever wish she hasn’t decided to study at university? 6 If my steak wasn’t so badly cooked, I wouldn’t have complained. 7 Did it take a long time to get use to living in another country? 8 He wouldn’t feel confident about flying but now he doesn’t mind travelling by plane. _____ /16 TOTAL _____ /100

Test book ■ TALENT  3

Units 1-10

NAME _________________________ CLASS _________________________ DATE _________________________

CUMULATIVE TEST 1 Match the beginnings to the endings

3 Choose the correct option.

of the sentences.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 a b c d e f g h i j

1 I think that man can / could be Elisabeth’s grandfather. He can’t / mustn’t be her father – he’s too old. 2 Tom must / had to give a speech last week. It can’t / mustn’t have been easy for him because he’s very shy. 3 Our neighbour has asked if we / us to feed his cat while he’s away and we don’t mind doing / to do that. 4 They’re going to get / make their flat painted when they can / will be able to afford it. 5 A Do you feel like to go / going to the cinema? B No, I’d prefer to stay / staying at home tonight. 6 Erica mustn’t / won’t have to stay for the meeting. Her boss is letting her go / to go home early. 7 A Adam should ring / have rung me last night. B Yes, but he couldn’t / might not have had time. 8 I tried persuading / to persuade Lily to come to the club but she said she hasn’t / wasn’t allowed to go. _____ /16

  The boy you saw can’t   You aren’t allowed   I can’t remember   I’m not looking forward to   The teacher reminded us   We regret to   It must have   I’ve had two of my poems   Luckily, we didn’t have to   I think you’ll be able not to bring phones into the exam room. going to the dentist next week. published in a magazine. been terrifying when the fire broke out. seeing anybody outside the house. have been Tony, because he’s in Portugal. to pass the test easily. wait very long for the bus. say that the flight has been cancelled. to post messages on this site any more. _____


2 Complete the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

be  ■  do  ■  get  ■  give up  ■  go  ■  have  ■  improve  ■ join  ■  not make  ■  not worry  ■  play  ■  practise I’ve always loved music and when I was younger I really enjoyed 1................................. the violin, although I wasn’t so keen on 2................................. every day. I started 3................................. to music classes when I was six, and I continued 4................................. lessons until I finished secondary school. Then I stopped – but later I regretted 5................................. music and finally I decided 6................................. something about it. Last month my best friend persuaded me 7.............................. the local youth orchestra and I’m in the violin section now. 8................................. a member of a big orchestra is great, but it’s been difficult 9................................. used to playing again. I’m trying hard 10................................. mistakes and everyone tells me 11................................. because my playing will keep 12................................. as time goes on. _____

TALENT 3 ■ Test book


4 Correct the mistakes in these sentences. 1 The meat may be not cooked yet – I should put it in the oven earlier. .......................................................................................... 2 They’re going to visit Capri, which the emperor Tiberius use to live. .......................................................................................... 3 I’ll get my hair to be cut next week if I’ll be able to get an appointment. .......................................................................................... 4 We’re allowed to have laptops on the plane but we don’t have to use them when we’re taking off. .......................................................................................... 5 The bridge, that is made of stone, is believed to be the oldest in the country. .......................................................................................... 6 I remember to use my wallet to pay for my bus ticket, so it must be stolen by someone on the bus. .......................................................................................... 7 Where’s Steve? He was supposed to meet us here but he mustn’t have got our message. .......................................................................................... _____ /14

© Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Units 1-10

NAME _________________________ CLASS _________________________ DATE _________________________


5 Complete the gaps with the words in the box. able ■ allowed ■ are ■ be ■ being ■ can ■ can’t ■ have ■ is ■ let ■ might ■ supposed ■ unable ■ will The rules for student visas for the UK will ...................... to be made tougher, according to the government. Plans are 2...................... prepared to reduce the number of student visas by 25% and to put limits on the amount of paid work that overseas students will 3.................... able to do. ‘We shouldn’t 4.................... students come here to work when they are 5...................... to be studying,’ one politician commented. The tougher rules 6.................... probably include a requirement for students to be 7.................... to speak English to an accepted standard. It 8 .................... reported that at the moment many students arriving in the UK are 9.................... to communicate because they 10.................... speak English well enough. There will also be new rules governing who 11.................... enter the country to live with overseas students (for example, children or other family members) and how long the students are legally 12...................... to stay in the UK after their course finishes. Some politicians, however, 13.................... warning that overseas students bring a lot of money into the country and that the new rules 14.................... damage an industry worth several billion pounds a year. 1



6 Find the two mistakes in each sentence and correct them.

1 You don’t must to keep remind me to pay back the money I owe you. ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. 2 It must has been hard to get use to living in a cold climate. ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. 3 I’ll let you lend my sunglasses if you promise not lose them. ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. 4 The teacher told us not forget to get the forms signed for our parents. ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. © Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

5 Everyone are supposed to go into the classroom soon as the bell rings. .................................................................................... .................................................................................... 6 Whether we don’t hurry we wouldn’t be able to get to the shops before they close. .................................................................................... .................................................................................... 7 I was warned not to borrow him money and I regret to do it now. .................................................................................... .................................................................................... _____ /14

7 Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets.

1 ‘Please don’t shout at me,’ Lia said to us. (not) Lia told ........................................................ at her. 2 He wants someone to fix his roof. (repaired) He wants to ........................................................... . 3 I’m sorry I lost contact with Jo. (wish) I ................................................................................. contact with Jo. 4 It’s possible that the boat sank during the storm. (may) The boat ................................. during the storm. 5 ‘Do you want a cup of coffee?’ (me) He asked .................................... a cup of coffee. 6 The fire destroyed that woman’s house. (was) That’s the woman ................................................. by the fire. 7 I didn’t realise you were ill so I didn’t come to visit you. (if) I would have come to visit you ............................ ................................... you were ill. 8 I’ve been in the UK for two months, but it still seems strange to drive on the left. (used) Although I’ve been in the UK for two months, I’m still ................................................. on the left. 9 The farmer doesn’t let people camp in his field. (allowed) ................................................................................... camp in the farmer’s field. 10 We know that the Romans used glass for windows. (used) The Romans are .................................................... _____ /20 glass for windows. TOTAL _____ /100 Test book ■ TALENT 3