Talent Level 3 Grammar Tests [PDF]

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Unit 1 A

NAME _________________________ CLASS _________________________ DATE _________________________

GRAMMAR TEST 1 Complete the gaps with the past simple or past perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

1 The house was empty when I ............................... (get) back because everybody ............................. (go) out. 2 By the time she .................................... (arrive) at the café, they .................................... (finish) their meal. 3 He .................................... (not / go) to the cinema last night because he ............................... (feel) tired. 4 At the airport I .................................... (discover) that I .................................... (not / bring) my passport. 5 They .................................... (pack) their bags, .................................... (call) a taxi and .................................... (drive) to the station. 6 I .................................... (learn) a lot of English by the time I .................................... (complete) the summer course. _____ /12

2 Use the prompts to write questions. Then

match the questions to the answers (a–f).

1 2 3 4 5 6

why / the plane / crash / yesterday? you / see / Leila / since last week? what time / they / arrive / in Sydney last night? what / she / wear / when you / see / her? you / talk / to them / before / they / leave? they / be / on holiday / recently?

a b c d e

  Yes, they went to Australia last month.   One of the engines caught fire.   Just after midnight.   Yes, I met her for a coffee yesterday.  I can’t remember – but she was looking good!   Yes, they came round to say goodbye.



4 Choose the correct option. 1 It was snowing when I ............ up this morning. C  was waking A  had woken B  woke 2 He was upset because he ............ his English exam. B  was failing C  failed A  had failed 3 We ............ at your website yet. A  didn’t look B  weren’t looking C  haven’t looked 4 Emma ............ a video when her phone rang. C  has watched A  was watching B  watched 5 ............ you ever made a cake? B  Have C  Do A  Did 6 When did you realise that ............ your wallet? B  you’ve lost C  you’d lost A  you lost 7 We haven’t got any milk. The cat ............ it! C  drunk A  was drinking B  drank 8 I couldn’t see very well because I ............ my glasses. A  didn’t wear B  hadn’t worn C  wasn’t wearing _____ /8

5 Decide if the sentences are right (✓) or wrong (✗). Correct the wrong ones.


3 Complete the gaps with the past simple,

past continuous or present perfect form of the verbs in the box.

be ■ come ■ finish ■ get ■ have ■ happen ■ make ■ miss ■ not have ■ think ■ want ■ work I’m from Osaka in Japan, but I 1.................................. here in London since June 2015. When I decided to leave home I 2.................................... in a shop and TALENT 3 ■ Test book

nothing interesting 3.................................... in my life. So I 4 ................................. to the UK as a language student. My dad 5.................................... me to study for a year and then go home, but I 6............................ other ideas! When the course 7................................., I 8.................................... a job with a music magazine. So far I 9.................................... any problems with my job and it’s interesting work. When I first arrived in the UK I 10 .................................... my friends in Japan and I often 11 .............................. about going home. But since then I 12 ............................ some good friends here – and when I feel homesick I go out and eat sushi! _____ /12

1 What you were doing at 10 o’clock yesterday? 2 Vlogging has made a lot of people very wealthy. 3 Emily plays the piano since she was six years old. 4 I was waiting for the bus when I’ve seen Daniel. 5 She pulled out her phone and rang the police. 6 By the time we got to your house you already left. /6 TOTAL _____ /50 _____

© Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Unit 1 B

NAME _________________________ CLASS _________________________ DATE _________________________


1 Complete the gaps with the past simple or past perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

1 The party .................................... (finish) by the time I .................................... (arrive) at 11 o’clock. 2 I ..................... (realise) that I ............................ (meet) Anna before at a friend’s house. 3 He .................................... (not / can) get inside because he .................................... (forget) his key. 4 On our holiday we .................................... (eat) lots of food that we ............................... (not / try) before. 5 My sister .................................... (go) shopping this morning and ........................... (buy) me a birthday present. 6 I .................................... (never / think) of writing a travel blog until you ....................... (suggest) it. _____ /12

2 Use the prompts to write questions. Then match the questions to the answers (a–f).

1 how / you / break / your leg? 2 why / she / not answer / my text / yet? 3 you / hear / the announcement / a minute ago? 4 where / they / stay / when the earthquake / strike? 5 she / post / any news / on her blog recently? 6 you / ever / make / a phone call to the police? a b c d e f

  No, I didn’t. I wasn’t listening.   In a hotel close to the beach.   I was ice skating and I fell over.   Maybe. I haven’t checked it.   No, I’ve never needed to.   Because she’s lost her phone.

3 Complete the gaps with the past simple, past

continuous or present perfect form of the verbs in the box. be ■ discover ■ move ■ get ■ improve ■ look ■ meet ■ miss ■ send ■ talk ■ try ■ work

My name’s Lei Wei. I come from Nanjing in China, but I .................................... to Oxford last year. I 2................................. for a company in Nanjing when I 3.................................... that they 4.................................... for staff for their UK office. And that’s how I 5...................... the job in Oxford! I 6........................... homesick at first, but I love my new job and I 7.......................... lots of interesting people here. Also, my English 8..................... dramatically. But my mother 9.................................... me a lot since I left China. We 10.................................... on Skype yesterday and I could see she 11................................ not to cry. I 12...................... her some photos this morning to cheer her up. _____ /12 1

4 Choose the correct option. 1 What were you doing when I ............ you last night? B  called C  was calling A  had called 2 He’s ............ to the USA three times this year. C  going already A  already been B  gone already 3 I knew I ............ you somewhere before! B  had seen C  was seeing A  saw 4 She ............ on her laptop when the lights went out. B  had worked C  was working A  worked 5 Many people ............ read a printed newspaper. B  never did C  don’t never A  have never 6 My hair was dirty because I ............ it for a week. C  hadn’t washed A  haven’t washed B  didn’t wash 7 When ............ those photos online? A  did you put B  were you putting C  have you put 8 Alice ............ lunch so she didn’t feel hungry. B  has just eaten C  had just had A  just ate _____ /8

5 Decide if the sentences are right (✓) or wrong (✗). Correct the wrong ones.



1 2 3 4 5 6

I’ve lost my sunglasses – has anyone seen them? She was reading when the doorbell was ringing. My brother has always been scared of snakes. Did the first blog appeared in the 1980s or the 1990s? He came up to me, grabbed my bag and run away. I’ve just fallen asleep when the baby started crying. _____ /6 TOTAL _____ /50

© Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Test book ■ TALENT  3

Unit 2 A

NAME _________________________ CLASS _________________________ DATE _________________________

GRAMMAR TEST 1 Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. Use told or said in the first gap.

1 ‘I’ll buy some milk.’ She ................ him she ........................................ some milk. 2 ‘We’re going to be late.’ They ................ they ................................................ be late. 3 ‘Luca can’t come to the party.’ He ................ that Luca .................................... to the party. 4 ‘You haven’t given me the tickets.’ I ................ her she ........................................ me the tickets. 5 ‘We’ve been playing tennis.’ They ................ they ............................... tennis. _____ /10

2 Read the report and then complete Jess’s message. Jess said she was at the market and she was doing some shopping. She told me she’d bought some trainers and she’d been trying to find a nice T-shirt. Then she said she could see Luke and she wanted to speak to him, so she had to go. She said she would call me later. Jess: I 1................. at the market and I 2................................... some shopping. I 3....................................... some trainers and I 4...................................................... to find a nice T-shirt. Oh! I 5 ................................. Luke. I 6............................ to speak to him, _____ /8 so 7........................ go. I 8........................ you later.

3 Decide if the sentences are right (✓) or wrong (✗). Correct the wrong ones.

1 In the past, people thought the Earth is flat. ................................................................................. 2 Martin told us that the train had just arrived. ................................................................................. 3 I suddenly realised that I made a terrible mistake. ................................................................................. 4 I told Anna I’ll meet you later. ................................................................................. 5 You’re here! I didn’t think you came. ................................................................................. 6 My brother told me he was waiting for me. ................................................................................. 7 She didn’t realise she has lost her earring. ................................................................................. 8 I’m so disappointed! I thought I can win that race. _____ /8 .................................................................................

4 Choose the correct option. 1 I asked whether / what he had been doing all day. 2 Jane asked me if I / she could borrow some money. 3 I asked where was the station / the station was. TALENT 3 ■ Test book

4 No one asked us if we’re / we were feeling upset. 5 We asked when did the film start / the film started. 6 When I got home, my brother asked me if _____ /6 I’ve / I’d enjoyed the concert.

5 Reorder the words to make questions.

Then rewrite them in reported questions.

1 try / can / on / I / it / ? ................................................................................ She asked ............................................................ 2 did / much / cost / how / it / ? ................................................................................ I asked .................................................................. 3 suit / does / T-shirt / me / the / ? ................................................................................ She asked ............................................................ 4 closed / has / shop / why / the / early / ? ................................................................................ We asked ............................................................. 5 you / doing / what / been / have / ? ................................................................................ She asked me ..................................................... _____ /10

6 Rewrite the direct speech in reported speech.

Sam Did Lucy and Jack go to the play rehearsal? Ella No, I haven’t seen them since Monday. Sam I must get in touch with them. What do they do after school? Ella I’m not sure, but I think Jack’s been training at the gym lately. Sam OK, I’ll try the gym. Can you drive me there? Sam asked Ella 1........................................................ to the play rehearsal. Ella said 2............................. ............................ since Monday. Sam said 3........... ............................... in touch with them and he asked Ella 4......................................... after school. Ella replied that 5..................................... but she thought that Jack 6..................................... at the gym lately. Sam said 7..................................... the gym and he asked Ella 8..................................... _____ /8 there. TOTAL _____ /50 © Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

NAME _________________________ CLASS _________________________ DATE _________________________

1 Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. Use told or said in the first gap.

1 ‘I’ll give you a discount.’ He ................ he ........................................... me a discount. 2 ‘I’m not feeling well.’ Anna ................ she ................................................ well. 3 ‘We don’t play football.’ They ................ me they .......................................... football. 4 ‘I’ve finished all my work.’ She ................ us she ........................................ all her work. 5 ‘I was working in the garden.’ _____ /10 Nick ................ he .................... in the garden.

2 Read the report and then complete Tim’s message. Tim texted me to say he’d just bought a new phone and it looked really cool. Then he said he’d been trying to send me a photo, but there was something wrong with the camera! He said he couldn’t believe the phone wasn’t working and he didn’t know why he’d bought it! Tim: I 1.......................................... a new phone and it 2 ..................... really cool. I 3..................... to send you a photo, but 4............................... something wrong with the camera! I 5 ............................... the phone 6................................... and now _____ /8 I 7............................... why I 8............................... it!

3 Decide if the sentences are right (✓) or wrong (✗). Correct the wrong ones.

1 Owen told to us that it was time to leave. ................................................................................ 2 She didn’t know that the clock has stopped. ................................................................................ 3 The police told us there had been an accident. ................................................................................ 4 Clara said her pizza doesn’t taste nice. ................................................................................ 5 Alex said he’s been waiting for us for ages. ................................................................................ 6 We suddenly realised that it was snowing outside. ................................................................................ 7 I thought I can carry the box, but it was too heavy. ................................................................................ 8 Mr Moore told me I must rewrite my essay. _____ /8 ................................................................................

4 Choose the correct option. 1 She asked him if he was / he’s doing his homework. 2 Jonathan asked me what can I / he could do. 3 I asked Emma where / whether she had been. © Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Unit 2 B

GRAMMAR TEST 4 He asked what was the time / the time was. 5 We asked whether the last bus left / had left. 6 Amy asked us if we’d met / had we met her mum. _____ /6

5 Reorder the words to make questions.

Then rewrite them in reported questions.

1 matter / the / what’s / ? ................................................................................ She asked ............................................................ 2 the / lose / did / match / they / ? ................................................................................ She asked ............................................................ 3 refund / I / have / a / can / ? ................................................................................ He asked .............................................................. 4 you / waiting / how / been / have / long / ? ................................................................................ He asked Mia ....................................................... 5 help / tidy / me / will / up / you / ? ................................................................................ She asked him .................................................... _____ /10

6 Rewrite the direct speech in reported speech.

Josh Where can I get a sandwich? I haven’t eaten since breakfast time. Isla There’s a café in Jeune Street. Josh Will you come with me? I don’t know where Jeune Street is. Isla OK, but I must finish writing my essay first. Josh I can’t wait that long. I’m starving! Josh asked Isla 1........................................................ a sandwich because he 2......................................... since breakfast time. Isla told 3............................... ................................ a café in Jeune Street. Josh asked her 4......................................................... with him because he didn’t know 5....................... ....................................... . Isla agreed but said that 6 ............................................. writing her essay first. Josh said 7................................................................... ................. that long because he 8............................ ...................................... . _____ /8 TOTAL _____ /50 Test book ■ TALENT  3

Unit 3 A

NAME _________________________ CLASS _________________________ DATE _________________________

GRAMMAR TEST 1 Choose the correct option. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Our friends are many / much wealthier than us. Who’s the kindest / most kind person you know? Jo’s essay is a lot better / best than mine, isn’t it? Do you think Ted works as hard / harder as Philip? He goes to the gym but he’s least / less fit than me. This coat is by far / a lot the cheapest in the shop! _____ /6

2 Complete the gaps with the words in the box.

3 Do we have .................................... time to eat before the film starts? 4 I don’t need £100. That’s far .................................... money. 5 There are .................................... doctors in our town so it’s hard to get an appointment. 6 Three suitcases! You’re bringing a lot ..................... clothes! _____ /6

5 Find five comparative and superlative forms

There is one extra word.

in the text and write them in the table.

as ■ far ■ lot ■ more ■ most ■ than ■ worst 1 That’s the ................. meal I’ve ever eaten! 2 My brother isn’t ............... intelligent as he thinks he is. 3 They’re both good phones, but this one is ................. powerful. 4 I’m feeling a bit better today ................. yesterday. 5 You’re by ................. the tallest person in my class. 6 The weather is a ................. hotter this week than _____ /6 last week.

3 Decide if the sentences are right (✓) or wrong (✗).

Fashion houses employ workers in some of the poorest countries in the world. In one factory we visited they expect their employees to work much harder than workers in developed countries while the wages are a lot lower. ‘They tell us all the time, “You must work more quickly or you’ll lose your job,”’ one employee said. ‘But we earn hardly enough to live on. Everyone works best when they have good conditions and fair pay.’ Comparative adjective

Superlative adjective

Comparative adverb

Superlative adverb

Correct the wrong ones.

1 You earn many more money than me. ................................................................................. 2 We’ve had cloudy days but little rain this month. ................................................................................. 3 Sara is the brightest student in our class but she does the less work. ................................................................................. 4 Much more people are cycling to work these days. ................................................................................. 5 He got by far the fewest votes in the election. ................................................................................. 6 If you don’t answer all the questions, you’ll get less marks. ................................................................................. _____


6 Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets.


4 Complete the gaps with the words in the box. enough ■ too few ■ too little ■ too many (x2) ■ too much 1 I’ve eaten .................................... chocolates and now I feel sick. 2 People are hungry because there was ......................... food. TALENT 3 ■ Test book


1 Who’s the most efficient worker here? (works) Who ..................................................................... here? 2 Please speak in a slightly louder voice. (loudly) Please speak ................................................................ 3 You play a lot better than the others in the team. (far) You’re ..................................................... in the team. 4 Ben is a far more dangerous driver than Alice. (much) Alice drives ................................................................... George. 5 My singing is much better when I’m relaxed. (lot) I ........................................................................... when I’m relaxed. _____ /10 TOTAL _____ /50 © Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

NAME _________________________ CLASS _________________________ DATE _________________________

1 Choose the correct option. 1 2 3 4 5 6

I’m a bit more young / younger than my friend Lily. It was a more / much boring movie than I expected. What’s the worse / worst mark you’ve ever got? Jane’s phone is even / lot more expensive than mine. This is far / by far the easiest way to get to the station. Holly does the same job as Nick, but her salary is _____ /6 much lower / the lowest.

2 Complete the gaps with the words in the box. There is one extra word.

as ■ by ■ far ■ less ■ lot ■ most ■ the 1 2 3 4 5

Who’s ............... tallest person in your class? My new phone isn’t as reliable ............... my old one. This is the world’s ................................. polluted city. She’s a ............... more ambitious than her sister. Jason isn’t so depressed now. He’s a ......................... happier person. 6 The whole album is good but this track is ................. _____ /6 far the best.

Unit 3 B

GRAMMAR TEST 3 Shut down the computer. You’re spending far ....................................... time online. 4 This isn’t sweet at all. You’ve added much ....................................... sugar. 5 They cancelled the concert because ..................... people had bought tickets. 6 ....................................... people got on the bus _____ /6 today. I couldn’t move.

5 Find five comparative and superlative forms in the text and write them in the table.

This is definitely the worst summer I can remember. It’s been a lot less sunny than usual with heavy rainfall, and in fact right now, looking out of the window, I can see that it’s raining even harder than it was this morning. Climate experts predict that as global warming raises temperatures, some areas will become drier but others places, like ours, will be most seriously affected by increasingly wet and stormy conditions. Comparative adjective

Superlative adjective

Comparative adverb

Superlative adverb

3 Decide if the sentences are right (✓) or wrong (✗). Correct the wrong ones.

1 You’ll find many more information on the web. ......................................................................... 2 The Queen of England has little real power. ......................................................................... 3 We’ve got far least time than you think. ......................................................................... 4 You see a lot less people in the streets when the weather’s bad. ......................................................................... 5 This is the by far most difficult situation I’ve ever been in! ......................................................................... 6 I’ve had much less trouble getting an internet connection today. ......................................................................... _____ /12

4 Complete the gaps with the words in the box. enough ■ too few ■ too little ■ too many ■ too much (x2) 1 She’s got far ....................................... work to do and very little time! 2 Do they have ....................................... warm clothes to wear? It’s cold outside! © Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE



6 Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets.

1 He’s a much slower walker than me. (lot) He walks ..................................................... than me. 2 Could you talk in a quieter voice? (more) Could you ................................................................. ? 3 Our dogs behave worst when we have visitors. (dogs’) Our ........................................................................... when we have visitors. 4 She’s a slightly faster runner than her sister. (little) She can run .............................................. her sister. 5 This artist paints much more creatively than all the others. (most) This artist is ................................................................. creative painter. _____ /10 TOTAL _____ /50 Test book ■ TALENT  3

Unit 4 A

NAME _________________________ CLASS _________________________ DATE _________________________

GRAMMAR TEST 1 Match the sentences. 1 2 3 4 5 6 a b c d e f

4 Match the verbs in bold to the explanations.

 I’ve agreed to meet Charlotte at 10:30.  We haven’t decided what to do with our old car.  We haven’t sold many tickets for the concert.  It’s already five to nine.  We should give up the search for my earring.  I don’t know if we’ll go to Spain this summer. It’s possible that we’ll have to cancel it. We may not be able to afford it. We’re going to be very late. We’re going to the leisure centre. We won’t find it now. We might try to sell it.

1 I’m playing squash with George at 4 o’clock. 2 The sky is black! We’re going to get a storm. 3 This time tomorrow they’ll be sitting on the beach! 4 We’ll have finished our exams by the end of May. 5 When will you know whether you got the job? a b c d




2 Write the sentences using the prompts and will, might or may.

1 Andrew looks pale and tired. He / be / ill .......................................................................................... 2 Be careful – that box is heavy. You / drop / it .......................................................................................... 3 The train’s running late. We / not arrive / on time .......................................................................................... 4 Tell me what the problem is. I / be / able to help .......................................................................................... 5 He’s not sure he can come. He / not have / time .......................................................................................... 6 She’s done lots of work. She / probably pass / exams .......................................................................................... _____ /6

3 Complete the gaps. Use the future simple or future perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

1 Where ................................................................................ (she / live) when she moves to the US? 2 They ................................................................................... (already / eat) by the time we arrive. 3 I ..................................................................... (definitely / call) you as soon as I get to the airport. 4 ............................................................................................. (you / clean) your room by the time I get home? 5 This time next week we ................................................ .................................................... (finish) all our exams. 6 ............................................................................................. (you / say) goodbye to us before you leave? _____ /12 TALENT 3 ■ Test book

 An action in progress at a certain time in the future  An action that will be finished before a certain time in the future  A future arrangement  A situation that we think will happen but is not definitely decided  A prediction when there’s evidence we can see _____


5 Choose the correct option. 1 Please don’t shout. You’ll wake / be waking the baby. 2 Don’t come round between 7:30 and 9:30. John will watch / be watching the rugby. 3 While you’re relaxing by the box, I’ll sit / be sitting in an exam room! 4 Please sit down. This paperwork won’t take / be taking long to complete. 5 Louise won’t be able to come to the barbecue tomorrow. She’ll work / be working at the supermarket. 6 These cups are made of strong plastic, so they won’t break / be breaking. 7 This time next week Francesca will celebrate / be celebrating her 18th birthday. _____ /7

6 Find one word that is wrong in each sentence.

Write one or two words to correct the mistake.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Beth and Tom are get married in June next year. I’m sure we see more driverless cars in the future. Where you’ll be living in 20 years’ time? Look! Max will going to fall asleep in a minute! This time next year we’ll study at university. We not going to have enough food for everyone. Lucy won’t mind missing the party – she’ll be enjoyed herself in Vienna. _____ /14 TOTAL _____ /50 © Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Unit 4 B

NAME _________________________ CLASS _________________________ DATE _________________________


1 Match the sentences. 1 2 3 4 5 6 a b c d e f

4 Match the verbs in bold to the explanations. 1 2 3 4 5

 I can’t remember where I put my scarf.  The weather is terrible outside.  I’ve made an appointment for 2 o’clock.  There isn’t much food in the fridge.  I don’t know what to do with this furniture.  Ugh! This meat smells awful.


I may have to go shopping. I might not be able to find it. I’m going to the hairdresser’s. I’ll throw it away. I might put it in the attic. I’m going to get wet.

b c d _____


2 Write the sentences using the prompts and will, might or may.

1 That’s an incredible story! No one / believe / it .......................................................................................... 2 We haven’t decided where to go. We / go / to Spain .......................................................................................... 3 Leave the pizza in the oven! It / not be / ready yet .......................................................................................... 4 She’s quite busy today. She / not be / able to come .......................................................................................... 5 Liam’s got our tickets. He / meet / us at the theatre .......................................................................................... 6 They’ve cancelled some flights. You / not fly / today .......................................................................................... _____ /6

3 Complete the gaps. Use the future simple


What will you be doing in ten years’ time? I’m seeing the doctor at 2 o’clock tomorrow. Grandad will probably go to bed quite soon. They’ll have moved to Rome by the end of August. She looks exhausted. She’s going to fall asleep.  An action in progress at a certain time in the future  An action that will be finished before a certain time in the future  A future arrangement  A situation that we think will happen but is not definitely decided  A prediction when there’s evidence we can see _____


5 Choose the correct option. 1 These shoes are a size 34. They definitely won’t fit / be fitting him. 2 While her friends are out enjoying themselves, she’ll study / be studying hard. 3 Who do you think will win / be winning the tournament? 4 Don’t try to carry all those books. You’ll drop / be dropping them! 5 When he gets my letter, I’ll lie / be lying on a beach somewhere! 6 What will we all do / be doing in ten years’ time? 7 The plane’s close to Russia now. At lunchtime we’ll fly / be flying over Siberia. _____ /7

6 Find one word that is wrong in each sentence.

or future perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

Write one or two words to correct the mistake.

1 The shops .................................................................. (not / shut) by the time you get there. 2 .................................................................. (we / be) late for work if we leave now? 3 The company .................................................................. (not / employ) any more people until next year. 4 My uncle .......................................................... (work) in this office for 20 years when he retires in January. 5 .................................................................. (you / spend) all your money by the weekend? 6 By the time you get this message, I ........................... ...................................... (probably / leave) for school. _____ /12

1 I’m absolutely starving – will we going to eat soon? 2 This time tomorrow we’ll be in the car – we’ll be driven to Glasgow. 3 Watch out! That bookcase will to fall! 4 We probably be watching TV when you get here. 5 What they’ll do if they can’t get in touch with us? 6 You can borrow my laptop – I don’t be using it for a while. 7 We’re have a party for Josephine on Friday 14th June. _____ /14 TOTAL _____ /50

© Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Test book ■ TALENT  3

Unit 5 A

NAME _________________________ CLASS _________________________ DATE _________________________

GRAMMAR TEST 1 Complete the gaps with relative pronouns.

4 Combine the sentences using relative clauses.

1 Have you seen the girl ........................ you met on holiday? 2 Gorgonzola is a cheese ........................ I’m very fond of. 3 Lawyers, ........................ working hours are long, usually earn a lot of money. 4 I hate people ........................ interrupt me all the time. 5 It’s a pretty village in the mountains, ........................ you can stay quite cheaply. 6 I was talking to a man ...................... son lives in Japan. _____ /6

1 I live in Bari. It’s in southern Italy. ..................................................................................... 2 That’s my friend Sara. Her father is a judge. ..................................................................................... 3 This is the beach. I once saw a shark here. ..................................................................................... 4 The charity is asking for donations. It helps refugees. ..................................................................................... 5 Don ordered a salad for lunch. He doesn’t eat meat. ..................................................................................... 6 David is in my class at school. You’ve met his sister. ..................................................................................... _____ /12

2 Correct the mistakes in these sentences. 1 He’s visiting his sister, whose in hospital. ................................................................................................ 2 We had a swim in the river, what was extremely cold. ................................................................................................ 3 Does he like the music I downloaded it yesterday? ................................................................................................ 4 Are those the boys they stole your handbag? ................................................................................................ 5 Bill is our neighbour which often comes round for tea. ................................................................................................ 6 The girl who we borrowed her phone is called Myra. ................................................................................................ 7 The house needs repainting that we’re buying. ................................................................................................ _____ /7

5 Match the beginnings to the endings of the sentences. Add a, an, the or – (no article) to join them.

1 2 3 4 5 6 a b c d e f

3 Complete the dialogue with relative pronouns. A This is NBG News. Let’s go over to Pete Tong, 1 ........................ is reporting from outside the courthouse. B Yes, Fiona, police investigating today’s robbery have arrested a suspect, 2........................ lawyer is with him now. He’s at the police station, 3........................ they’re holding him for questioning. If he’s charged, he’ll appear at the courthouse, 4........................ you can see behind me, in a few days’ time. A Now we know there was one person 5........................ was hurt during the robbery, is that right? B Yes, a woman, 6........................ name hasn’t been released, is having treatment in hospital but we believe her condition isn’t serious. A OK, thanks, Pete. If you want more on that story, visit our website, 7........................ you can find at nbgnews.com. _____ /7 TALENT 3 ■ Test book

  He’s got a sentence of six months in   Her mother was   There’s always snow on   I’d like to speak to   I’d like   We’re planning a holiday in ......... Czech Republic. ......... cup of coffee. ......... prison. ......... architect for many years. ......... police officers we saw earlier. _____ /6 ......... Mount Everest.

6 Choose the correct option. A / An giant gold egg worth around £2 million has disappeared from 2the / – Modern Art Museum in 3 the / – Antibes, on 4the / – Mediterranean coast. 5 The / An egg, which weighs 85 kg, is made of 6 the / – solid gold. Amazingly, no alarm bells went off when two thieves broke 7a / the window and climbed inside 8a / the museum. 9The / A police spotted them at 10the / – sea as they tried to escape on 11a / the small motor boat. They will go on 12the / – trial in July. 1



TOTAL _____ /50 © Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Unit 5 B

NAME _________________________ CLASS _________________________ DATE _________________________

1 Complete the gaps with relative pronouns.

GRAMMAR TEST 4 Combine the sentences using relative clauses.

1 He was born in Seville, ........................ is in southern Spain. 2 She’s the girl ........................ parents won the lottery. 3 A detective is an officer ........................ investigates crimes. 4 The town ........................ we’re living has a high level of unemployment. 5 I’m wearing the jacket ...................... I bought last week. 6 Everyone predicts that Toni Scott, ........................ performance was amazing, will win an Oscar. _____ /6

1 She’s a lawyer. She works in the city. ..................................................................................... 2 Why didn’t they keep the money? They stole it. ..................................................................................... 3 I’ve just met Ed. His grandparents live next door. ..................................................................................... 4 My car isn’t very reliable. I bought it two years ago. ..................................................................................... 5 The club is in King Street. The crime took place there. ..................................................................................... 6 The accused was found not guilty. His trial ended today. ..................................................................................... _____ /12

2 Correct the mistakes in these sentences. 1 Did you see the interview who was on TV last night? ................................................................................................ 2 Andalusia is a region where it is famous for seafood. ................................................................................................ 3 That’s the director of the film, which is Lucy’s uncle. ................................................................................................ 4 Venice is the place that my parents first met. ................................................................................................ 5 This singer, who the name I’ve forgotten, is awful! ................................................................................................ 6 I made him a cup of coffee, that he drank quickly. ................................................................................................ 7 The box isn’t open today where I go swimming. ................................................................................................ _____ /7

5 Match the beginnings to the endings of the sentences. Add a, an, the, or – (no article) to join them.

1 2 3 4 5 6 a b c d e f

3 Complete the dialogue with relative pronouns. A Next on today’s news, here’s Ella Davis, 1...................... report comes from Parliament House. B Hello, Hugh. Yes, I’m in Westminster, 2........................ politicians are having a fierce debate this afternoon. The Government’s new plans to cut spending, 3........................ have caused a lot of public anger, are under attack by politicians from all parties. A And the area 4........................ they’re most concerned about is the Health Service, is that right? B Yes, they say that they’re supporting the rights of people 5........................ are unemployed or disabled, 6 ........................ lives will suffer the most from cuts to the Health Service. Protests took place today in Trafalgar Square, 7........................ police arrested several people. _____ /7 © Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

  Andrea is training to be   I never drink   I’d love to go climbing in   There’s a lot of butter in   Their home is on the shore of   I’ve got ......... coffee at night. ......... Lake Lugano. ......... Swiss Alps. ......... sore throat. ......... biscuits I’m making. ......... engineer. _____


6 Choose the correct option. A / – 36-year old woman is on 2the / – trial in Berlin after stealing a small stone sculpture worth $5 million from 3an / – art museum in 4the / a heart of the city. Ana Cilic, 5a / – street artist from 6the / – Serbia, stole 7the / a valuable sculpture from 8a / the Modern Art Museum, in 9the / – May last year. She attempted to escape from 10the / a police by jumping off a bridge onto 11a / the boat travelling down 12the / – River Spree.


/12 TOTAL _____ /50 _____

Test book ■ TALENT  3

Unit 6 A

NAME _________________________ CLASS _________________________ DATE _________________________

GRAMMAR TEST 1 Rewrite the sentences in the passive. 1 People speak four languages in Switzerland. .............................................................................................. 2 They’re building lots of new houses here. .............................................................................................. 3 People will take the rubbish to the recycling centre. .............................................................................................. 4 Shops haven’t cut their prices recently. .............................................................................................. 5 People were holding protests in London. .............................................................................................. 6 The lawyers didn’t handle the case very well. .............................................................................................. _____ /12

2 Use the prompts to write questions in the passive.

1 Why / the football match / cancel / last Saturday? .............................................................................................. 2 their car / repair / at the moment? .............................................................................................. 3 the dog / wash / recently? .............................................................................................. 4 A The cakes are in the oven now. B When / they / cook? .............................................................................................. 5 A Julia was talking to the police at 3:00 yesterday. B she / question / about the robbery? .............................................................................................. _____ /10

3 Complete the dialogue with the passive form of the verbs in brackets.

A Where 1................... jeans first .......................... (make)? B The fabric 2...................................... (create) in France, but the design for jeans 3............................................... (develop) in the USA in the 19th century. A What 4..................... they .......................................... (use) for at that time? B They 5................................................... (sell) as work clothes for men. 6 A ..................... they ...................................................... (redesign) since then? B Yes, the style 7......................................................... (change) many times by fashion designers. And now of course jeans 8....................................................... (wear) by women as well as men. _____ /8 TALENT 3 ■ Test book

4 Complete the gaps with can, can’t, could or couldn’t and the passive.

1 The stars ..................................................... (see) now because of the clouds. 2 The meat was so tough it ....................................... (cut) with an ordinary knife. 3 Tickets ..................................................... (buy) from the box office. But hurry – they’re selling fast! 4 It took nearly three months before the bridge ..................................................... (repair). 5 Oranges ..................................................... (grow) here – the climate isn’t warm enough. _____ /5

5 Rewrite the sentences in two ways using the passive.

1 They’re awarding the class a special prize. A special prize ........................................................... The class ..................................................................... 2 They didn’t offer us coffee after the meal. ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... 3 They’ve given him some documents to sign. ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... 4 People hadn’t shown them the plans. ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... 5 Somebody will send you the photos tomorrow. ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... _____ /10

6 Rewrite the sentences so that they mean the same.

1 We believe that the universe is expanding. It ................................................................................. . 2 People say that coffee can reduce pain. It ................................................................................. . 3 They believe that many people are missing. Many people ............................................................ . 4 They think thieves broke in during the night. Thieves ...................................................................... . 5 We know that an earthquake destroyed Pompeii. Pompeii ...................................................................... by an earthquake. _____ /5 TOTAL _____ /50 © Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Unit 6 B

NAME _________________________ CLASS _________________________ DATE _________________________

1 Rewrite the sentences in the passive. 1 They arrested several protesters. ..................................................................................... 2 They won’t sign the contract until tomorrow. ..................................................................................... 3 Somebody was playing the piano. ..................................................................................... 4 They hadn’t cancelled the meeting. ..................................................................................... 5 EU countries have reached an agreement. ..................................................................................... 6 Mercury in the sea is poisoning fish. ..................................................................................... _____ /12

2 Use the prompts to write questions in the passive.

1 all the food / eat / at the party last night? ..................................................................................... 2 How many new homes / build / since 2015? ..................................................................................... 3 this seat / use / at the moment? ..................................................................................... 4 we / drive / by automated cars in the future? ..................................................................................... 5 Why / the bathroom / not clean / recently? ..................................................................................... _____ /10

3 Complete the dialogue with the passive form of the verbs in brackets.

A Where 1..................... newspapers first ....................... (print)? B Newspapers 2.................................................. (can date) back to the 1550s. They 3................................... (print) monthly on early printing presses. Now, of course, digital technology 4.......................... (use). A And news 5....................................... (often / report) by ordinary people now instead of journalists. B Yes, since the invention of the internet, the process of gathering news 6........................................ (transform). A 7..................... print newspapers ...................... (read) by people in the future? What do you think? B I don’t know. Far fewer print newspapers 8 ......................................... (buy) these days. _____ /8 © Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

GRAMMAR TEST 4 Complete the gaps with can, can’t, could or couldn’t and the passive.

1 Sorry, jeans ......................................................... (wear) in this club. Anybody wearing them will be refused entry. 2 The bells ....................................................... (hear) ringing out in the town last night. 3 The rugby ground ..................................................... (use) on Saturday because it was too wet. 4 Fish ................................ (eat) raw if it’s very fresh. 5 They searched for hours, but the missing jewellery ....................................... (find) anywhere. _____ /5

5 Rewrite the sentences in two ways using the passive.

1 The company hasn’t offered us a refund. A refund ...................................................................... We ................................................................................ 2 Someone will show you the new designs. ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... 3 They’re sending the candidates more information. ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... 4 They hadn’t given chairs to the people at the back. ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... 5 They’ve awarded a medal to the winner. ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... _____ /10

6 Rewrite the sentences so that they mean the same.

1 We know that there are seven colours in a rainbow. It .................................................................................. . 2 People believe that elephants have good memories. It .................................................................................. . 3 People say that vitamin C prevents colds. Vitamin C ................................................................... . 4 Everyone knows that Napoleon died in 1821. Napoleon ................................................................... . 5 Experts think that a meteorite killed the dinosaurs. The dinosaurs ............................... by a meteorite. _____ /5 TOTAL _____ /50 Test book ■ TALENT  3

Unit 7 A

NAME _________________________ CLASS _________________________ DATE _________________________

GRAMMAR TEST 1 Match the sentences to the explanations.

1 2 3 4 a b c d

 If plants don’t get enough water, they die.  If it gets hot, I’ll take off my coat.  If I hadn’t missed the bus, I wouldn’t have been late.  If she earned more money, she’d buy more clothes. An imaginary situation in the present A possible future event An imaginary event in the past An event that always has the same consequences _____ /4

2 Complete the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 You’d get fit if you ................................ (go) running every day. 2 If the thief .............................................. (not / drop) his wallet, the police wouldn’t have been able to identify him. 3 If I ................................................ (leave) the house at 8:00, I always get to school on time. 4 ........................ you ................................. (get) some bread if you go to the shops later? 5 He ...................................................... (not / get) cold if he had taken a jacket. 6 They’ll go to the gallery on Sunday if they ...................................................... (not / have) time tomorrow. 7 If we ...................................................... (know) you were coming, we ...................................................... (cook) more for dinner. 8 If I ............................................. (be) you, I ...................................................... (not / wear) that shirt. The colour doesn’t suit you. _____ /8

TALENT 3 ■ Test book

3 Decide if the first sentence is zero, 1st, 2nd, 3rd or mixed conditional. Then decide if the second sentence gives the right (✓) or wrong (✗) meaning.

1 If I open the window, mosquitoes come in.  They always come in when the window is open.  2 If we had some eggs, I’d make an omelette.  It wasn’t possible to make an omelette. 3 If he wasn’t so lazy, he would have tried to help. He’s a really lazy person!  4 I won’t go out unless the weather improves. I’m expecting the weather to get better.  5 She would have called me if she hadn’t been ill.  I didn’t get a phone call from her. 

.............. .............. .............. .............. .............. _____


4 Rewrite the sentences using mixed conditionals. 1 He didn’t take his medicine so he doesn’t feel better. He ................................... better if ....................................................... . 2 They’re lost now because they didn’t take a map. If .................................. a map, they ........................................... now. 3 This book is so boring! That’s why I fell asleep. If this book .................................................. , I ...................................... asleep. 4 I didn’t order the prawns because I don’t eat seafood. I .................................................. the prawns if .................... seafood. _____ /8

5 Use the prompts and the words in brackets to write sentences with future meaning.

1 2 3 4 5

I / not cook – you / do / the washing-up (unless) the meeting / not start / – everyone / be / here (until) Emily / arrive – we / serve / the meal (as soon as) you / live / on your own – you / leave / home? (when) they / not find / him guilty – he / not go / to jail (if) _____


6 Write two sentences, one with should / shouldn’t have and the other with I wish.

1 2 3 4

I’m much too hot! (I / wear / this jumper) There are no tickets left. (we / book / online). The car’s run out of petrol. (I / go / to petrol station) I’m not comfortable in this restaurant. (the waiters / be / friendlier) 5 Maps are hard to read on this phone. (it / have / a bigger screen) /10 TOTAL _____ /50 _____

© Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Unit 7 B

NAME _________________________ CLASS _________________________ DATE _________________________

1 Match the sentences to the explanations.

1 2 3 4 a b c d

 If you’d sent me a text, I would have answered it.  If someone stole my bike, I’d be very upset.  If she eats seafood, she gets sick.  If the rain doesn’t stop, they’ll cancel the match. An event that always has the same consequences An unlikely event in the future An imaginary event in the past A possible future event _____ /4

2 Complete the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 If there’s enough rice, I ........................... (make) a curry tonight. 2 If he had carried he glasses more carefully, he .............................................. (not / break) them. 3 The traffic .................................................. (move) more freely if they built a new bridge. 4 If you ........................................................... (drop) a solid object, it falls to the ground. 5 If people ..................................................... (not / drive) so fast, we’d have fewer accidents. 6 You won’t get to the airport in time if you .............................................................. (not / call) a taxi. 7 I .................................................................... (throw) away those old trainers if I .................................................................... (be) you. 8 We ............................................................... (not / lose) the match if the referee ...................................................................... (not / award) that penalty. _____ /8

© Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

GRAMMAR TEST 3 Decide if the first sentence is zero, 1st, 2nd, 3rd or mixed conditional. Then decide if the second sentence gives the right (✓) or wrong (✗) meaning.

1 Unless we leave now, we’ll miss the bus.  It’s still possible for us to catch the bus.  2 Broccoli tastes good if it’s cooked properly.  Well-cooked broccoli is always nice.  3 If Matt went to the USA, he’d enjoy it.  Matt will probably go to the USA.  4 If we’d booked, we could have got a table.  We might be able to get a table.  5 I’d be annoyed if you hadn’t rung me.  I got your call, so I’m not feeling annoyed. 

.............. .............. .............. .............. .............. _____


4 Rewrite the sentences using mixed conditionals. 1 I didn’t put on any sun cream and now my back is sore. My back ............................................... now if ..................... some sun cream. 2 They took our advice so they aren’t in trouble now. If ............................................... our advice, they ..................... now. 3 He’s very honest, so he didn’t keep the money he found. If ............................................... such an honest person, ..................... the money he found. 4 I like Ben and that’s why I invited him to the party. I ............................................... to the party unless I ..................... . _____ /8

5 Use the prompts and the words in brackets to write sentences with future meaning.

1 2 3 4 5

he / work / hard – he / not pass / the exam (unless) you / look after / the dog – I / get home? (until) I / go /to bed – the movie / end (as soon as) you / miss / me – you / move / to Australia? (when) we / not play / tennis – it / rain (if) _____


6 Write two sentences, one with should/shouldn’t have and the other with I wish.

1 2 3 4 5

I haven’t got any clean clothes. (I / do / the washing) The train’s already gone. (we / leave / home so late) I can’t ring Joseph. (I / bring / my phone) I hate carrot soup. (there / be / something else on the menu) It’s very dark in this house. (the windows / be / bigger) _____ /10 TOTAL _____ /50

Test book ■ TALENT  3

Unit 8 A

GRAMMAR TEST 1 Complete the gaps with used to or would and the verbs in brackets. There may be two correct answers.

1 Amanda ............................................................ (talk) in her sleep when she was feeling anxious. 2 Joe .......................................................... (belong) to a football club but he stopped playing in 2016. 3 When he was younger, he ....................................... (not / like) singing, but he loves it now. 4 When you had a dog, ............................................... (you / take) it for a walk every day? 5 100 years ago, most people ................................... (not / go) out without wearing a hat. 6 Who ........................................................ (she / play) with when she was in primary school? 7 Jay and Mia are very close these days, but they ........................................................... (not / be) such good friends. _____ /7

2 Choose the correct option. 1 I can’t eat all this steak. I don’t use / I’m not used to big meals at lunchtime. 2 She couldn’t get used to live / living away from her family so she moved back home. 3 The water in the box might feel cold when you first go in, but you’ll get / be used to it. 4 Did / Was Tomas use to listen to classical music? 5 Getting up early doesn’t bother me at all now. I’m / I’m getting used to it. _____ /5

3 Use your own ideas to complete the sentences, using used to, be used to or get used to.

1 They’ve been living in Italy for many years, so ..................................................................................... . 2 ..................................................................................... , but we’ve got two dogs and a cat now. 3 They want to move to a quieter area because ..................................................................................... . 4 At first I hated travelling on the underground, but after a while ........................................................ ..................................................................................... . 5 What sort of ............................................................... when you were a child? _____ /10 TALENT 3 ■ Test book

NAME _________________________ CLASS _________________________ DATE _________________________

4 Complete the gaps with the gerund or infinitive form of the verbs in brackets.

1 .......................... (wear) bright clothing is important if you want ................................ (ride) your bike at night. 2 Do you mind .................. (have) a takeaway meal this evening? I’d prefer ..................................... (not / cook). 3 Karen should think about ..................................... (join) a gym ..................................... (train) for the marathon. 4 I’ve uploaded an article about ........................ (ski) for anyone who’s interested in ........................... (read) it. 5 It’s often hard ......................... (get up) in the morning when you feel like ................................. (stay) in bed. 6 .................... (save) money, we’ve decided ................................ (not / go) on holiday this summer. _____ /12

5 Complete the gaps using the verbs in the box. answer ■ arrive ■ eat ■ focus ■ increase ■ prepare ■ relax ■ stay ■ think ■ write Advice about 1....................................... for exams • 2....................................... a good breakfast can help to reduce stress on the day of the exam. • Get to school early. 3.................................... late will make you anxious when you need 4................................... calm. • Use the time just before the exam 5.................................... about the hard work you have done. Athletes do this 6 .................................... their confidence before an event. 7 • .................................... on your breathing will help you 8 .................................... by lowering your heart rate. • In the exam, read all the questions. When you’re ready 9 .................................... , start with the questions that are easiest 10.................................... . _____


6 Decide if the sentences are right (✓) or wrong (✗). Correct the wrong ones.

1 It’s hard to work when you keep to interrupt me! 2 I don’t mind to not have a car – I’m used to walking.  3 Being healthy depends on getting plenty of sleep. 4 She needs to think about finding a job. 5 Is it possible stopping the cat from sitting on the sofa? 6 He’s playing video games instead to do his homework. /6 TOTAL _____ /50 _____

© Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Unit 8 B

NAME _________________________ CLASS _________________________ DATE _________________________

1 Complete the gaps with used to or would and the verbs in brackets. There may be two correct answers.

1 I ............................................ (prefer) strawberry ice cream but now I like chocolate best. 2 In the spring, they ....................................... (go) for walks in the mountains every weekend. 3 ................................................................................. (you / believe) in ghosts when you were a child? 4 She ..................................... (not / speak) Greek, but she has no trouble communicating now. 5 My mother ............................................................. (read) to me every night when I was little. 6 What games .......................................................... (children / play) in the 19th century? 7 There .................................................... (not / be) so much pollution in our town. _____ /7

GRAMMAR TEST 4 Complete the gaps with the gerund or infinitive form of the verbs in brackets.

1 I thought about .......................... (ring) Jo again, but I don’t want to keep .............................. (interrupt) him. 2 Would you mind ....................................... (shut) the window .................................. (keep) the room warm? 3 I’d like ............................ (help) you with this problem, but it’s hard ................................... (find) a solution. 4 ....................................... (worry) about exams can stop you from ....................................... (sleep) well at night. 5 I don’t feel like ....................................... (go) to the concert. I’d prefer ................................. (stay) at home. 6 He doesn’t mind .................... (do) housework so he’s decided ................................. (not / employ) a cleaner. _____ /12

5 Complete the gaps using the verbs in the box. answer ■ be ■ come ■ concentrate ■ get ■ know ■ not listen ■ revise ■ try ■ work

2 Choose the correct option. 1 I don’t use / can’t get used to drinking coffee without sugar. It tastes horrible. 2 Sonia’s parents were shocked when she cut her hair, but they got / they’re used to it now. 3 You don’t look very confident on a bike. Didn’t you use / Aren’t you used to cycling? 4 When we moved to China it took some time to be / get used to eating with chopsticks. 5 Although he was a wonderful singer, he didn’t use / get used to perform in public. _____ /5

3 Use your own ideas to complete the sentences, using used to, be used to or get used to.

1 I was nervous when I first started driving, but ............................................................................... . 2 She ....................................................................... , but she enjoys it now. 3 He’s been going camping all his life, so .............................................................................. . 4 We had to get air conditioning because ............................................................................... . 5 How ........................................................................ when you were living in London? _____ /10 © Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE


....................................... more effective when you’re revising for exams, follow the experts’ advice:

• 2......................... a subject for short periods over several weeks is the best approach. Your memory works best if you keep 3.......................... back to a subject instead of 4 ..................................... to remember everything at once. • When you’ve studied your notes, test yourself. 5 .......................... questions from old exam papers is a good method. • It’s best 6.......................... to music when you’re revising because it stops you from 7.......................... . • 8.......................... hard is important, but you also need 9 .......................... when to take a break. Find time to go outside 10.......................... some fresh air and exercise. _____


6 Decide if the sentences are right (✓) or wrong (✗). Correct the wrong ones.

1 He doesn’t mind live here now, but he used to hate it. 2 I’d like to play tennis today instead of go to the gym. 3 I wasn’t used to riding a bike, but it was easy to learn. 4 Getting good results, you need to keep working hard. 5 It’s silly to complain about not to be rich and famous. 6 Do you feel like coming over to watch the movie? /6 TOTAL _____ /50 _____

Test book ■ TALENT  3

Unit 9 A

NAME _________________________ CLASS _________________________ DATE _________________________

GRAMMAR TEST 1 Read the first sentence. Then decide if the

4 Decide if the sentences are right (✓)

second sentence has the right meaning (✓) or not (✗).

or wrong (✗). Correct the wrong ones.

1 Why don’t you try using a different credit card? You haven’t tried this yet – it might work. 2 Richard has stopped to see Laura. He no longer sees her. 3 She didn’t remember talking to Marco. She has no memory of talking to him. 4 I regret to say that this item is out of stock. I’m sorry that I have to tell you this. 5 We won’t forget visiting Versailles. We’ll remember to go there. _____


2 Choose the correct option. 1 You won’t regret to make / making this decision. 2 Please don’t forget to post / posting my letter. 3 Alan stopped to eat / eating sugar because he knew it was bad for his health. 4 I’ll try to help / helping you, but it won’t be easy. 5 I’ll never forget to buy / buying my first surfboard. 6 We regret to tell / telling you that we cannot offer you a refund. 7 I remember to meet / meeting your cousin last year. _____ /7

3 Use the verbs in the box and the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.

begin ■ forget ■ not remember ■ regret ■ stop ■ try 1 I ......................................................... (inform) you that your job application has not been successful. 2 He’s a talented musician who ................................... ...................... (play) the violin when he was five. 3 I’ll never ......................................................... (see) James in that monkey costume! 4 The service station in George Street will be open. We should ......................................................... (get) some petrol. 5 I’ve just found my keys on the kitchen table but I ........................................................................ (put) them there! 6 Whenever I ......................................................... (call) you, your phone is switched off! _____ /12 TALENT 3 ■ Test book

1 I told my sister to not use my laptop. .......................................................................................... 2 Lisa has asked us for meeting her at the station. .......................................................................................... 3 The defendant was ordered to pay a fine of £200. .......................................................................................... 4 I hope I can persuade that you’ll come to my party. .......................................................................................... 5 The police warned people to drive on the icy roads. .......................................................................................... 6 Paul wants me to ring him – will you remind to call him later? .......................................................................................... _____ /6

5 Use the prompts in the box to rewrite the sentences in the past.

ask / them ■ order / him ■ remind / me ■ tell / us ■ warn / her 1 ‘Get out of the car!’ The officer .................................................................... . 2 ‘Can you help me, please?’ She ................................................................................. . 3 ‘Don’t swim in the lake – it’s dangerous.’ He .................................................................................... because it was dangerous. 4 ‘You won’t forget to phone your aunt, will you?’ Mum .............................................................................. . 5 ‘Don’t make such a noise.’ Our teacher .................................................................. . _____ /10

6 Rewrite the sentences using have / get something (done).

1 Somebody cleans her box once a week. She .......................................................... once a week. 2 The garage will be able to repair your scooter. You’ll ..................................................... at the garage. 3 He employed Ed to paint his house a month ago. He ........................................................... a month ago. 4 Someone’s coming next week to deliver our piano. We ............................................................... next week. 5 Does she like it when people take her photo? Does she like ................................................? _____ /10 TOTAL _____ /50 © Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Unit 9 B

NAME _________________________ CLASS _________________________ DATE _________________________


1 Read the first sentence. Then decide if the

4 Decide if the sentences are right (✓) or wrong (✗).

second sentence has the right meaning (✓) or not (✗).

Correct the wrong ones.

1 I don’t remember meeting your parents. I have no memory of this event. 2 She tried to bake a cake. Her effort wasn’t successful. 3 I regret saying I can’t come to the meeting. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to come. 4 We stopped to look at the map. We wanted to look at the map, so we stopped. 5 I won’t forget to talk to the bank manager. We had a memorable conversation. _____


2 Choose the correct option. 1 It’s so quiet! Everyone has stopped to talk / talking. 2 I mustn’t forget to bring / bringing my tennis racket tomorrow. 3 If you don’t like sports, you could try to do / doing aerobics. 4 We regret to announce / announcing that the show has been cancelled. 5 Please remember to send / sending us your address. 6 Go to bed and try to get / getting some sleep. 7 I regret not to keep / keeping in touch with Sam. _____ /7

3 Use the verbs in the box and the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.

continue ■ forget ■ regret ■ remember ■ stop ■ try 1 I’m sorry I ......................................................... (call) you last night. 2 Leo gets on well with his guitar teacher and he wants ........................................................................ (have) lessons with her. 3 I ........................................................................ (shut) the door when we left the house, but I’m not sure if I locked it. 4 When we see a petrol station, let’s ........................... ............................................. (have) a cup of coffee. 5 I wish I hadn’t deleted those old photos! I really ...................................................... (do) that now. 6 Yesterday our dog ........................................................ _____ /12 (catch) a rabbit but he was too slow.  © Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

1 Greg has asked us for bringing some food to the party. .......................................................................................... 2 I warned you to not touch that hot pan. .......................................................................................... 3 The bus driver told to me get off at the next stop. .......................................................................................... 4 Why didn’t you remind her to send us the photos? .......................................................................................... 5 My mother has persuaded that I get a summer job. .......................................................................................... 6 The judge ordered the court to be silent. .......................................................................................... _____ /6

5 Use the prompts in the box to rewrite the sentences in the past.

ask / her ■ command / the men ■ persuade / me ■ remind / you ■ tell / us 1 ‘I want you to finish the exercise for homework.’ The teacher .................................................................. . 2 A You should buy both shirts – they look great! B OK. If you really think so. She ................................................................................. . 3 ‘Attack!’ The captain .................................................................. . 4 ‘Would you mind closing the door?’ He .................................................................................. . 5 ‘Don’t forget to take out the rubbish.’ I ...................................................................................... . _____ /10

6 Rewrite the sentences using have / get something (done).

1 Will you employ someone to cut the grass soon? Will you .............................................................. soon? 2 They’re delivering Jason’s new fridge on Friday. Jason ........................................................... on Friday. 3 We didn’t ask anyone to clean our chimney last year. We .................................................................. last year. 4 A new company printed the leaflets for the school. The school ................................ by a new company. 5 Somebody is redesigning their website. _____ /10 They ..................................................... . TOTAL _____ /50 Test book ■ TALENT  3

Unit 10 A

NAME _________________________ CLASS _________________________ DATE _________________________

GRAMMAR TEST 1 Use your own ideas to complete the sentences, using can or be able to for ability.

1 Some animals ............................................................... ....................................................... . (present, positive) 2 If we run out of petrol, we ........................................... ........................................................ . (future, negative) 3 When I was five, I .......................................................... ........................................................... . (past, positive) 4 If you get a good job, you ........................................... .......................................................... . (future, positive) 5 Fifty years ago, people ................................................ ........................................................... . (past, negative) _____ /10

2 Match the sentences to the explanations. There are two extra explanations.

1 2 3 4 5 a b c d e f g

  You have to go home straight away.   You should take a jacket when you go out.   You mustn’t take photos in the gallery.   You didn’t have to wait for me.   You shouldn’t have taken the money.


3 Complete the gaps. Use the correct form of must, have to or should and the verbs in the box.

buy ■ catch ■ disturb ■ go ■ remember 1 You ............................................................ to send me your report today. It’s urgent. 2 A Sorry I’m late. The bus ride took 40 minutes. B Y ou ..................................... the train. It’s much quicker. 3 A Do you know where Jake was yesterday? B Y es, he ............................................................ to the doctor’s. His appointment was at 3:30. 4 Please be quiet. We ...................................................... the baby. 5 If I can’t get my laptop fixed, I .................................... a new one. _____ /10 TALENT 3 ■ Test book

or uncertain. Use the correct form of can, must, could or might.

1 Tom hasn’t called me back. He / not get / my message (certain) .......................................................................................... 2 The bus is very late. It / break down (uncertain) .......................................................................................... 3 I made a delicious meal but nobody ate any of it. They / not be / hungry (uncertain) .......................................................................................... 4 She passed all her exams with A grades. She / be / very clever (certain) .......................................................................................... 5 Max and I had an argument. He / not want / to see me (uncertain) .......................................................................................... _____ /10

5 Choose the correct option.

This was a bad thing to do. This action was unnecessary. This action won’t be necessary. I advise you to do this. It’s necessary to do this. It’s impossible to do this. It’s necessary not to do this. _____

4 Write sentences which are either certain

1 I suppose / I’m supposed to tidy my room once a week. 2 My brother won’t allow / let me go into his room. 3 Sorry, standing isn’t allowed / supposed on the top deck of the bus. 4 Tara’s father sometimes allows / lets her drive his car. 5 We don’t let / aren’t supposed to run in the school corridors. 6 Passengers are allowed / supposed to carry 100 ml of toothpaste in their hand luggage. 7 No one can / allows to enter the concert hall _____ /7 without a ticket.

6 Rewrite the sentences with the same meaning. Use the words in brackets.

1 It’s the shop assistant’s job to help us. (supposed) The shop assistant ................................................. us. 2 Carrying scissors in your hand luggage is forbidden. (can’t) .......................................... scissors in your hand luggage. 3 He won’t get my permission to use my laptop. (let) I .................................................................... my laptop. 4 No one can smoke in the building. (allowed) Smoking ................................................ the building. _____ /8 TOTAL _____ /50 © Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Unit 10 B

NAME _________________________ CLASS _________________________ DATE _________________________


1 Use your own ideas to complete the sentences, using can or be able to for ability.

1 Ten years ago, I ............................................................. ........................................................... . (past, negative) 2 Modern aeroplanes ...................................................... ....................................................... . (present, positive) 3 In the future, robots ..................................................... .......................................................... . (future, positive) 4 Unless I get my scooter fixed, I .................................. ........................................................ . (future, negative) 5 So far, scientists ............................................................ ....................................... . (present perfect, negative) _____ /10

2 Match the sentences to the explanations. There are two extra explanations.

1 2 3 4 5 a b c d e f g

  You mustn’t miss the last train.   You had to work on Sunday.   You should have accepted the job offer.   You won’t have to go to the meeting.  You must wear a seat belt when you’re driving. It was a mistake not to do this. It will be impossible to do this. It’s very important not to do this. I advise you to do this. It was necessary to do this. It’s necessary to do this. This action won’t be necessary. _____


3 Complete the gaps. Use the correct form of must, have to or should and the verbs in the box. be ■ eat ■ stop ■ walk ■ work 1 My parents ..................................................................... on Monday because it was a public holiday. 2 The exam has finished. You ........................................ ............................. writing now. 3 A I don’t think I’ll be offered the job.  ell, you .................................................................... B W more polite in the interview! 4 If the bus breaks down, we ......................................... ............................ to school. 5 You ..................................................................... in the library. It’s against the rules. _____ /10

© Cambridge University Press 2018 PHOTOCOPIABLE

4 Write sentences which are either certain

or uncertain. Use the correct form of can, must, might or could.

1 Sam didn’t go to the shops. He / be / too busy (uncertain) .......................................................................................... 2 Maria walked past me without saying hello. She / not see / me (certain) .......................................................................................... 3 We haven’t seen the twins since they were ten. They / not remember / us (uncertain) .......................................................................................... 4 You were shouting extremely loudly. You / be / furious (certain) .......................................................................................... 5 She wasn’t at the concert yesterday. She / not know / about it (uncertain) .......................................................................................... _____ /10

5 Choose the correct option. 1 The bank won’t let / allow us to borrow any money. 2 When do we suppose / are we supposed to hand in our homework? 3 You aren’t allowed / can’t take your dog into the supermarket. 4 I’ve finally persuaded my parents to let me / them go clubbing tomorrow. 5 I’ve read the instructions, but I still don’t know what I can / I’m supposed to do. 6 She’ll allow / let me borrow her leather jacket if I promise to take care of it. 7 If you’re a guest at the hotel, you’re allowed / _____ /7 supposed to use the swimming box.

6 Rewrite the sentences with the same meaning. Use the words in brackets.

1 They don’t want people to leave rubbish on the beach. (supposed) People ................................... rubbish on the beach. 2 Don’t park your scooter here! (allowed) You ................................................ your scooter here. 3 My sister doesn’t let me borrow her clothes. (can’t) I ........................................................................ clothes. 4 People aren’t allowed to wear shoes in our house. (let) We ............................................... shoes in our house. _____ /8 TOTAL _____ /50 Test book ■ TALENT  3