Neimane Motivation Letter [PDF]

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To whom it my concern, I am a 25 year old latvian amazed by the possibility to go to Spain for an EVS. Recently I have had close contact with young people from all over Europe and I became very interested in Spain. I am interested in the culture, the people and giving my experience from the Baltic region. I admire your work to promote european awareness. It is crucial to develop the young minds with creative and critical thinking. This is where your organisation comes in as a front runner of informing youngsters about their possibilities in Europe. I am a wondeful candidacy for a volunteer place in your organisation, because I have a lot of different skills, experience in volunteer work and work in international team. This project is so amazing, because it allows a lot of freedom for me as a volunteer to create my own workshops and raise the issues I am interested in. I would like to work in the information centre, because the proposed activities harmonize with what I’m already doing in my voluntary work here in Latvia. I am interested in human rights and xenophobia, so I’m working in Amnesty International branch in Latvia. As the editor of the magazine about human rights I have to write, edit and find the right tools for promoting my work and making it more appealing. My background on the minorites issue goes deeper, because I am coming from a roma background, but I wrote my Master’s thesis about the jewish community and the discurss towards them, so you can see that I would be quite motivated to help you with human rights education an tolerance between nationalities. I am also strongly motivated to learn Spanish fast. In my own activities I would like to make workshops about writing, argumenting and debating. It is important for young people to know how to make their ides appealing. I have noticed that the skill of explaining lacks in a lot of youngsters. It would also be great to teach some multimedia skills that are so needed in the century of online information. The correct use of social networks to promote yourself and your ideas is crucial for everyone, even if you're not working in the field of marketing. Multimedia storytelling would be important for everyone who writes a blog or a newsletter. The skills of telling a story with more than text to make it more appealing to your audience is a means of success for every active person. If it would be possible I could teach music workshops or make music evenings, where everyone can participate. I believe that art and music reveals the best in people and it helps to express yourself, be more creative, more confident. These are the first three ideas I have written down for you to get the sense of what I might add to your organisation. Some things about my personality - I was active already in the school’s students council and the local municipality of my hometown Talsi. I like to participate to make difference around me. I have an anallitic mind and attention to details, I like to research and write about issues important for the society. It is my passion to inform people about the important issues in an interesting way that’s why I’m also keeping up with the best ways how to do it. To give my knowledge and share my skills with Spanish young people and other volunteers would be a great honour. I believe I would also gain a lot from your guidance and style of work. That would be something to take home with me and implement in the NGO’s I take part in. I would also get a taste of Spanish culture and language with my own eyes not only in the books. I would be thankful if you could keep me posted about the selection process for the project. Best wishes, Zane Neimane P.S. I am adding some pictures that charcterize me

I like to travel an get more experience – „to get out of the cave” and see what is around.

This is marching on Promanade of Nice in the Festival of Nice. I take my sax everywhere with me and also the feeling of music.

Taking everything slowly and enjoying my life.

And always looking on the positive side of life and making people smile 