Marlins Online Test Answers [PDF]

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Listening 1-10 An immersion suit protects the user from rapidly losing body heat, and it is quick and easy to put on. Are you familiar with this type of equipment? Because he was slow donning his immersion suit. Because his connecting flight was canceled. ! Because of the local holiday we expect to complete discharging on Tuesday. Because there’s an international warship nearby. Can I have a look that CV please? Did you check the levels of the oil tanks including those not being filled? Does that wire seem warm to you? Don’t leave oily cloths lying around … During the investigation it was noticed that a similar fitting had been rigged incorrectly. Have you made an appointment with your employee? Have you taken the measurements? I think it’s about a metre. He was in the galley washing down the deck. He’s left his seaman’s book somewhere He’s very experience: he’s spent a lot of time on board. How did you manage to put your baggage on by yourself? … ! I can tell you the exact time when the ship will sail. ! I don’t think it’s far. I’ve got two months leave starting on Monday I want you to complete checking as soon as possible and then make sure all these items are logged It’s vital to consider the health and safety of the crew ! Make sure the alleyway emergency exits aren’t blocked. ! Please, do help yourselves. Seven years ago we worked on some ship but I can’t remember its name now. So are you going to leave here then? The accident happened because the access was blocked. ! The bosun’s in a bad mood and he’s very hungry. The Chief Engineer really works hard. The deck surface was so rusty that it took us half a day to clean it. ! The last ferry is at 2350 hours. The ‘No smocking’ warnings sign must be posted in sight immediately The Panamax bulker sent out a distress massage saying the holds were filling with water They’re going to add another storey to this building. We have a real problem with storage on this wessel We have been waiting for a berth for 3 hours We need to do an excavation of the seabed. We were late for the vessel because our plane didn’t take off untill midnight What have you just put in your pocket? When are you going to see the signs? When can we start the automatic discharging system? Where is that plug from? Who is responsible for the use of the communication equipment in an emergency? Why are those pens lying around? ! Why don’t you realise this? You are proceeding at a dangerous speed You can look through the glasses You should never enter an enclosed space unless an Enclosed Space Entry Permit has been issued

О чем говорят 11-25 A broadcaster is reading the news. How many countries will the President visit? / 4 A cadet is talking happened to the Ch.Off. ..crew at sea for in their liferaft? / 50 days A cadet is talking to the Ch.Off. ..crew at sea for in their liferaft? / 50 days A Captain is giving a talk at a conference. What is..Captain talk? / To show .. are steadily increasing.

A Cook and AB.. How did the steward injure himself? / He fell downstairs A crewmember.. Why is the Captain going to write to the company? / The Captain wants to request a change .. A customer is talking to an assistant ..of the DVD player? / S 50.00 A customer in a shop.. What is the customer looking for? / A pair of jeans A delivery man.. out of date are the tinned tomatoes? / three years A doctor is boarding.. injured seafarer’s leg? / He didn’t touch the injured leg A journalist is talking on the radio about lighthouses ..Goodwin sands / England A lecturer is talking about famous ..for a long journey? / Captain Cook. A maritime trainer is making a flight reservation. ..he reserved? / The 700 Euros flight A master is giving feedback to a rating … Master angry with the rating / Because he was slow donning his immersion suit. A member of the crew is talking ..What happened to them? / They were burnt with hot water. A member of the crew is talking ..electric shock? / He was in the galley, washing down the deck A passenger on a cruise liner.. What sort of problem is it? / It’s a small problem that the can repair quickly. A radio announcer is talking about.. Where does..take place? / An oil rig A rating is talking.. How did the cook cut himself? / The cook cut himself on the knife that was in the sink A recorded message from a crewing.. office open on a Saturday? / 8.15 am A Safety Officer is giving instructions .. fire extinguisher? / On the right hand side of the fire extinguisher. ! A seafarer is booking into a hotel. .. about his room? / He take the room offered to him. A seafarer is describing an accident at sea.. fell overboard? / He froze to death in the water. A seafarer is phoning the receptionist … from his brother? / A package A seafarer is speaking to an airport official ..GR 342 to Frankfurt boarding? / At gate twenty seven. A seafarer is trying to wake this friend up in a hotel. Why did he get up so early / Because he forgot to change the time on his watch A seaman is talking to a taxi drive. ..get to the port? / By four thirty A secretary is talking to an applicant... What position..applying for? / AB A ship is making a Mayday call. start? / In the engine room A Superintendent is talking to a dry dock ...repairs probably take? / About a couple of weeks. A TV presenter is reading.. on board the yacht? / Four people A vetting inspector is..master. Where are ..wants to see? / They are no longer on board An Eng is giving instructions …What are his instructions about? / Wiring an electrical plug An announcement is taking place.. Where.. lifejackets? To the main lounge An English seaman is talking.. wife’s job at the moment? / She works in a clothes factory Because his connecting flight was canceled. Because there’s an international warship nearby. Crew are checking the location.. Where are the first..lacated? / Near the messroom, in the passageway In a restaurant, a customer… What happens when he eats spicy food? / He gets a bad stomachache (allergy)? Ship is making Mayday call. Where did the fire start? / In the Engine Room. The 3rd Off..operations. Where were the 14 survivors picked up from? / From a capsized coast guard vessel The 3rd Off and the 2nd Off ..inspection. What difference..on the bridge? / Outdated charts were not removed .. The 3th eng. is talking.. Why can’t they start bunkering immediately? / They must bring the oil absorbent The 4th Eng is talking with the 2nd Eng ..carried out on lifeboat? / He hasn’t checked the fuel shut off valve. The Bosun is giving .. pain does the AB need to apply? / Two coats ! The Captain is briefing the crew .. see anyone suspicious? / Report them. The Captain is giving ..on a ship. What did the pirates want? / Money and valuables The Captain is making ..on board. How many armed ..will be on board? / 2 The Captain is speaking to the ships’ cook ..does the cook have? / He’s very busy. The Captain is talking with the ship’s chandler .. does the Captain order? / Potatoes and carrots. ! The cargo off. Is asking ..How was the woman injured? / She was hit by a truck. The cargo off. and the bosun.. Why does hold 2 have to be cleaned again? / It’s still smells The Ch.Eng is holding… What does ..before carrying out the work? / responsibility for the Lock Out Tag Out proc. ! The Ch.Eng. is talking to the 2nd Eng ..cause of the accident? / The 2nd Eng wasn’t there to supervise. ! The Ch.Eng is talking to the 3rd Eng ..pouring vodka on the deck& / Because he believes it’s good luck. The Ch.Eng as talking to the Ch.Off..3 rd eng. Why did..the Ch.Eng / Because he doesn’t like being shouted at. The Ch.Off and the 3rd Off are talking.. reach Port Elizabeth? / Weather conditions will get worse The Ch.Off is discussing safety with AB. Why did OS fall? / His harness broke The Ch.Off is instructing the crew…When does..instruct the crew? / Before the drill

The Ch.Off is talking to a rating ...Why can’t the rating do the painting? / Wind has been forecast for later. The Cook is talking to the 3rd the 3rd Eng? / Because he’s putting butter on his burnt hand The Crew manager and ..meeting the agent in Moscow? / The agent will be standing at money exchange. The Master and Ch.Off.. What was..collision? / The Off of the Watch couldn’t see both vessels The Master and the CH.OFF. ..friend last year? / He fell asleep on the bridge during the night. The Master and the CH.OFF..on board. According to the Master.. on board / Accidents caused by the waether The Master and CH.Off are.. cook helping with mooring operations? / He was ordered to ! The Master is talking to his Ch.Off ..What is the Master going to inspect now? / The cargo The Master is talking to his Ch.Off .. How does.. his retirement? / As a volunteer with the Coastguard Rescue Serv The Master is.. Why ..problems with the new 3rd off? / Because of his accent The Master is talking to his Ch.Off .. Which defect with? / The warning signs The Master is talking..about Ch.Eng. Why is the master…? / He’s worries about his housekeeping The receptionist in a shipping .. Who is the package for? / The captain The Second Off is..aids. What should you.. into the TPA? / Don a life jacket. The ship’s Ch.Off ..PA system. How many ..seafarers bring? / 10 The watch Off. is discussing ..What type of problem is it?/ There’s a problem with the echo-sounder. Two crewman are talking a recent ..accident make place? / Near France, just off the coast. Two crewmen are talking about .. accident take place? / Near France, just off the coast. Two deck off are discussing… What was ..bunker overflow? / The owners paid a fine Two engineers are talking about… were injuried in the fire? / Two Two engineers are talking during fix the problem? / Added water. Two men are on the telephone..When the ship? / In the next hour Two officers are eating together. What type of soup is it? / Noodle soup ! Two officers are talking together …recommend to the 2 nd Off. / That he should get some medical advice. ! Two pilots are talking. Why is one pilot leaving this job? / Because he’s been offered a job that pays more. Two ratings are talking about Cook. Why is the cook in hospital? / He was cut with a fish bone Two ratings are talking about weather condition. .. predict? / Stormy and windy Two ratings are talking about the Port State… current inspection? / There’s a crack in one of the lifeboats Two ratings are talking next to one.. lifeboat made of? / aluminium Two seafarers are talking about.. he saw a man overboard / He Shouted ‘man overboard’ ! Two seafarers are talking about an incident. ..tourists rescued / They were rescued by a helicopter. Two seafarers are talking after arriving ..hanging over the rail? / To prevent pirates from boarding the vessel. Two seafarers are talking together. meet next / In four months ! Two seafarers are speaking about ..leave his lit cigarette? / In the messroom. Two seafarers are working.. hand bleeding? / Because he cut himself on barbed wire. ! Two seamen are talking about an emergency at sea. When did it happen? / Winter

GRAMMAR 26-35 ПРЕДЛОГИ After seven months at sea, I'm looking forward to going on holiday. All crew must agree to alcohol and drug tasting. All entries entered into the Oil Record Book must be up-to-date, accurate, truthful and in compliance with. All essential supplies need to arrive by Tuesday evening. All life-jackets on any ship must be of the same make and type. All ropes were personally inspected by Chief Officer before work began. All this equipment should be maintained according with the manufacturer’s instructions. All vessels are advised to keep clear of this area. An immersion suit protects the user from rapidly losing body heat, and it is quick and easy to put on. Are sea conditions expect to change within the next few hours? Are the dangerous goods on fire? Are there any warnings in (down)operation? Are you familiar with this type of equipment? Are you on an even keel? Ask the Chief for the protective gear. Be careful you don’t fall off the ladder.

Because of the storm, we were behind schedule. Both vessels were equipped with operational radars. Brief all crewmembers on tropical conditions. Can you approach (приближаться) the vessel from the lee side? Closing doors will slow down the spread of flames. Could you give the manual back to me after you’ve finished with it? Do a security check before departing. Do not enter the space without breathing apparatus. Don't lean against the wall. Drip trays should be placed under the hose couplings… Dry bulk cargo is unloaded by craned. Due to low water levels in the harbor, the passenger vessel had to wait for the tide before setting sail. Each lifeboat should be launched and manoeuvred in the water at last once every 3 months. Emergencies often occur at night. Ensure that residual wastes are disposed of in a safe and responsible manner. Going on a luxury cruise is similar to staying in a five star hotel. Have you properly checked everything around the deck? Have you properly secured the ladder against slipping? Have you succeeded IN finding a job with another crewing company yet? I advise you change to a larger range scale. I am in danger of capsizing. I am heaving up the anchor. I am looking for the Bosun to ask for some white paint. Have you seen him? I am maneuvering with difficulty. Keep clear of me I am not making way through the water. I am not under command at the moment. I am on watch until 0800 hours. I’m finishing my contract at the end of January I'm tired of these six-month contracts. I`ve got two months leave starting on Monday. I expect to refloat with tug assistance. I have been looking for my key everywhere but I can’t find it. I have been working as an electrician for 7 years I have been working on this ship since (с тех пор, со времён) April. I have just talked with the Watch Officer on the phone. I need to find out the exact dates of my next shore leave. I plan to be at sea for at least four months. I prefer coffee with milk I went aground at high water. I’ll have to renew my passport on July. I’ll keep watch until the 3rd Officer relieves me. If you need medication you should take it with you. If it is necessary to abandon ship in cold climates you must put on extra clothing. Is extra power available in an emergency? Is the engine on bridge control? Is there a doctor on board? It is dangerous to anchor in your present position. It’s important for seafarers to protect their skin from the sun to prevent skin cancer. It’s vital to consider the health and safety of the crew. It seems to rain most of the time in England. It took over an hour to get out of the port. It will take you 15 minutes to get the nearest bank on foot. Keep the pilot boat on the port side. Lower the derrick over the pier. Most oil spills occur during routine cargo operations and bunkering. My position has been obtained by celestial observation. Our last port of call was Genoa. Pilotage is compulsory (принудительно) for all vessels that enter or leave the port.

Portable VHF radios can provide vital communication between the bridge and the cargo control room. Pump out the ballast water. Seafarers should protect themselves from the sun in tropical areas. Stop where you are and wait until the pilot arrives. The air draught is the distance measured from the waterline to the highest point on the vessel. The bad weather was coming straight towards them. The Bosun fell from the vessel while rigging the pilot ladder. The bulk carried arrived in Singapore at 4pm The cargo off is..on board a ferry. How was the woman injured? / She fell on deck The chapter includes instructions and information about all the lifesaving appliances on board. The Ch.Cook says he needs to work without people disturbing him all the time. The Chief Engineer and the 2nd Officer are arriving by plane. The Chief Officer was annoyed because the decision was made without informing him. The collision between the tanker and the fishing boat was live miles off the Black Sea coast. The investigation showed that the fire was caused the carelessness of the welder. The hole in the ship’s hull was first seen when it was illuminated by a rescue helicopter. The lifting work was done under the supervision of the Ch.Eng. The light switch is next to the fire extinguisher. The line throwing device is stored on the bridge. The Master will meet the visitors on arrival at the port. The Panamax bulker sent out a distress message saying the hold were filling with water. The Pilotage is compulsory (принудительно) for all vessels that enter or leave the port. The plane was late but nobody knew the reason for the delay. The port authorities believe that there is no connection between the tow crimes. The pump rate should be 60 cubic meters per hour. The ratings are busy scrubbing the deck at the moment. The ship is leaving port in three days’ time. The task will have been completed until nightfall The turbo charger is out of operation. There are fourteen vessels at anchor. There are nets with buoys in this area. There were over 500 passengers on board during this voyage. There`s a large vessel leaving. Keep clear of the channel. This chapter includes instructions and information about all the lifesaving appliances on board. This vessel has called at 21 ports in the last 2 months. To make drills more effective, a scenario of the emergency should be decided (выбран) before the drill. Transfer the person to my vessel by boat. We expect (ожидать) to repair the pump in two hours. We have been waiting for a berth for 3 hours. We have decided against renewing your contact. We waited for the agent until 5 o’clock but he didn’t come. We were late for the vessel because our plane didn’t take off until midnight We were unable to leave Rotterdam on 15th November. What can you say about the incident? What is the latest information about the storm? What was the main cause of the collision last week? Which is the best fire extinguisher to put out an electrical fire? Who is responsible for the use of the communication equipment in an emergency? Who was this certificate signed by? Why is the Master not satisfied with our work? Work must not be carry out unless the necessary PPE is available for use. You are proceeding at a dangerous speed. You are advised to alter course to starboard. You look so pale (бледный)! What’s wrong with you? You should never enter an enclosed space unless an Enclosed Space Entry Permit has been issued

КАРТИНКИ 36-39 All the crewmembers are wearing their safety helmets. The chief has cleaned the galley The cook is cooking pancakes The crew are chipping on the deck. The crew are cleaning the deck. The crew are donning their life jackets. The crew are doing their morning exercise. The crew are embarking the lifeboat. The crew are going to enter. The crew are going to launch the lifeboat. The crew are going to the muster station. The crew are holding their life jackets. The crew are painting the vessel. The crew are practising an abandon ship muster. The crew are taking part in mooring operations The crew is demonstrating how to use the fire extinguisher. The crew members have taken a man out of an enclosed space. The crew practicing an abandon ship master. The crewman is demonstrating how to use the fire extinguisher. The crewman is donning a Thermal Protective Suit. The crewman is putting on a breathing apparatus. The crewmen are strapping (стягивать ремнями) in the casualty. The crewmen are taking part in mooring operation. The crewmen with breathing apparatus are going downstairs The engine crew are overhauling the pumps. The deck cadet is plotting the voyage. The deck cadets are doing a voyage plan exercise. The fire fighter is entering the space. The fire fighter team are getting ready to proceed to the fire place. The fire –fighting team are getting ready to proceed to the fire place. The guest is lying by the pool. The lifeboat is being recovered. The lifeboat has been lowed on the wire falls. The rescue boat has been launched. The ship is moored alongside The vessel is alongside. The vessel has run aground. They are probably going to take off their immersion suits. Two crew members are getting into the rescue boat.

ВРЕМЕНА 40-43 A fire broke out in the engine… All cargo should be checked thoroughly before loading Are they checking the alarm system… Are you going to leave the port on Friday? Avoid contact with any moving parts. Before commencing loading all necessary preparations should be made in the port Did the crew clean and prepare cargo holds yesterday? Did you inform the master about the visitors? Do not remove protective shields, guards, covers or any warning signs. Does an immersion suit reduce body heat loss? Does the Cook know how to use the fire blanket? Do not remove protective shields, guards, covers or..

Don’t approach this area. Its prohibited. Ensure that the procedures in the ship security plan are followed. Have you any passengers disembarking in this port? Have you ever been to Australia? How did they manage to avoid the incident? How do you prevent unauthorized person from coming on board? How long have you been working on dry cargo vessels for? How much did it take them to pick up the survivors? How much time will it take you to complete this work? How often do you usually have emergency drills on board? I will be thirty on Monday. If the visibility is reduced we will proceed at slow speed. If they increased the ship’s speed, they would arrive at port on time Nobody was injured after the fire in the accommodation. Tankers usually carry liquid cargoes, such as petroleum products. The distress message was received at 1700. The fire was discovered by the engineer who noticed smoke coming from the hatch. # The goods will be delivered in time. The hold was surveyed 2 hours ago. The hoses have been pressurized. # The investigators have been trying to find the cause of the accident since last night. The lookout is on his way to the bridge. The Master is still talking to the agent at the moment. The owners, flag state and coastal were not informed about the accident within the required period. The ship is proceeding at a speed of 18 knots now. The ship will be placed in quarantine for 6-10 days. The ship was order to alter course. The ship will be left for Odessa Tomorrow. The space has not been entered until the fire service arrived. The survivors were rescued from the sea by helicopter. There holds are designed to keep cargo at the correct temperature. There’s a suspicious looking man near the gangway Today the crew are going to carry out a launch and recovery exercise with the lifeboat. We have made an appointment with the surveyor for tomorrow. What color flare is used to signal a highly dangerous landing place? What is the best way to deal with burning items? What kind of assistance do they need? What was the cause of the crude oil spill? When did the accident in the galley happen? When did you last see the watchman? When did you last work on a chemical tanker? When the Captain comes we will discuss this problem. Where will the emergency party muster? Who discovered the person had fallen overboard? Who is responsible for the number and use of tugs during mooring? Who will investigate the cause of the accident? Whose telephone numbers are listed in that document? Why should I speak to about underground storage tanks? You are not to leave the ship without permission. You can close the holds after the heavy lifts have been loaded. You must not leave your post but should contact the other person via radio. You need to check the mooring rope


All necessary equipment was stowed in an appropriate location. Are any portable fire-extinguishers available? Chemicals must be handled with great care. Did you inform the master about the visitors? Did you inspect the cargo spacer for stowaways? Did you receive a work permit before the entering enclosed space? Did you put back your tools in the tool box? Did you post the look out on the forecastle? Do you know how to don correctly a lifejacket? Do you have designated security duties? Hard hats must be worn носить at all times Have you checked the first aid equipment? Have you inspected the mooring lines yet? Have you read the operating instructions yet? Have you seen the permit to work? He completed the training course three months ago.

He vessel loaded the cargo of sawn timer yesterday. How do you prevent unauthorized person from coming on board? How long will the refitting take? How long will the ship stay in Barcelona? How many people helped to extinguish the Fire? How many propellers has your vessel got? How many tugs were assisting in the berthing? How match time do you need to repair the winch? I have just checked the firefighting equipment. It took us a long time to clean the cargo hold. Rearrange the words below to make a correct sentence. The breathing apparatus is over there. The Master is responsible for the emergency party training. The passengers disembarked from the vessel 2 hours ago. The rescue operation was (operations were) completed successfully. The storm warning was received at 1900 hrs. The team began donning breathing apparatus and chemical suits. The tanker is altering course to starboard The vessel I work on is old. The vessel loaded a cargo of sown timber древесина yesterday. These holds are designed to keep cargo at the correct temperature. There’s poor visibility because of the fog. This should be carried out by trained person only. Tools which are defective mustn’t be used We need to examine the release gear What’s the name of that vessel over there? What are the advantages of this system? What are the procedures in case of fire? What cargo are you loading in hold no 4? What did you have for dinner yesterday? What doors must be locked when in port? What equipment should I use when working aloft? What fire-fighting appliances do you have on board? What points should be considered in the cargo plan? What warning notices were used during welding? What will you do if you notice the smell of smoke? When are you going to complete bunkering? When did you last have a security related drill? When did you last check the fire flaps? When did you last launch the lifeboat? When did you have a security related (иметь отношение) drill?

When the ship will arrive in Liverpool? When was issued the letter to the port authorities? When will the ship arrive in Liverpool? When will the ship deliver supplies? When will you deliver the ship suppliers? Where can I get protective gloves? Where is the ship registered? Where is the oil spill removal equipment stored onboard? Where will they rig (оснащать) the pilot ladder? Which defective tools are must not be used? Which side will the ship moor? Who can speak Spanish on board? Why is that man taking photos of the vessel? Why was the Master so angry? You mustn’t smoke in the cargo hold. You need to check the mooring rope

ВОПРОСЫ 50-55 All cargo should be checked thoroughly before loading

Are there any injured crewmembers on board? Are you ready to sail? Are you going to leave the port on Friday? Are you have any passengers disembarking in this port? Avoid contact with any moving parts. Before commencing loading all necessary preparations should be made in the port Did you inform the master about the visitors? Do you have to have shore passes to go ashore? Does the ship have a bow thruster? Does the Cook know how to use the fire blanked? Don’t approach this area. Its prohibited. Have you any passengers disembarking in this port? Have you ever been to Australia? Has the cargo been delivered yet? How did they manage to avoid the incident? How do you prevent unauthorized person from coming on board? How do you want these rails stowed? How does the ship answer the helm? How far is it from here to the nearest bank? How can I contact you? How long have you known our Master? How many copies of these documents do you need? How many gangs will be working in this shift? How many drums of paint do we need to paint this surface? How many propellers has your vessel got? How much did it take them to pick up the survivors? How much time will it take you to complete this work? If the visibility is reduced we will proceed at slow speed. Is there sufficient room for swinging around? Tankers usually carry liquid cargoes, such as petroleum products. The distress message was received at 1700. The fire was discovered by the engineer who noticed smoke coming from the hatch.

The ship is proceeding at a speed of 18 knots now. The survivors were rescued from the sea by helicopter. We have made an appointment with the surveyor for tomorrow. What cargo does your ship carry? What color flare is used to signal a highly dangerous landing place? What is her full maneuvering speed? What kinds of firefighting appliances are there on board? What ports did your ship call at during the voyage? What portable fire extinguishers you have on the ship? What precautionary measures must be taken before welding? What steps should be taken if there is some spillage when loading? When did you last check the lifeboat inventory? When did you last see the watchman? When discovered the person had fallen overboard? When the storm warning was received? When will our berth be available? When will our food be ready? When will you pass through the Panama Canal? Where did you take on fresh water? Where is the emergency pump located? Where is the ship bound for? Where will the emergency party muster? Which spanner should I use for this repair? Who discovered the person had fallen overboard? Who is keeping watch at the gangway at the moment? Who is lashing the deck cargo? Who is entitled to sign this document? Who is responsible for the number and use of tugs during mooring? Who is responsible for this? Who investigate the cause on the accident? Who prepares lifeboats for launching? Who sealed and signed the oil samples? Why did you cancel the meeting yesterday? Why should I speak to about underground storage tanks? Why will not you to talk to the Master about the Ch.Eng? You are not to leave the ship without permission. You can close the holds after the heavy lifts have been loaded. You must not leave your post but should contact the other person via radio. You need to check the mooring rope

ЛИШНЕЕ СЛОВО НА КАРТИНКЕ 56-60 also, although (хотя), but, however artist, electrician, engineer, welder board, disembark (высаживать), get off (отбывать), leave bollard (кнехт), pier (причал), berth (причал), quay (причал) bright, anchor, board, careless (небрежный) buy         hire           rent           charter calm (спокойный), anxious (беспокоящийся), nervous, worried captain, appliance (аппарат), device, equipment careless, exact, accurate, precise

cheerful (радостно), angry, annoyed (сердитый), fed up (‘сытый по горло’) chisel (зубило), light, bulb, lamp clean, filthy (запачканный), dirty, muddy (грязный) clear, foggy (туманно), hazy (туманно), misty (туманно) cold, flu, cough, hospital contents (содержимое), bag, box, container depressed (подавленный), cheerful, happy, joyful (довольный) doubtful (сомневающийся), certain (определённый), confident (уверенный), sure drop lift          raise          hoist easy, hard, complicated (усложнять), difficult far, next to (почти), close to (накануне), beside (рядом) faultless (безошибочно), error, incorrect, mistake gate, stairs, ladder, steps give, take, receive, accept (принять) hat, shoes, boots, slippers healthy, diseased (больной), ill (больной), sick (больной) join, divide (разделять), separate, split (раскалывать) kidney, neck, throat, tongue knife, visa, passport, ticket luggage, litter, rubbish, garbage man, crew, personnel, staff messy (грязный), clean, neat (ясный), tidy (опрятный) milk, bear, rum, wine mountain, channel, ocean, river peas (горох), orange, bananas, grapes prohibit , allow (позволять), left (разрешение от leave), permit reduce, grow, rise, increase reject (отвергать), accept, agree, approve safe, dangerous, hazardous, risky slow, quick, speedy, fast stop, begin, commence (начинать), start street, city, town, village tighten, unscrew, loosen, undo (отменить) whisper (шептать), scream (вопить), shout (кричать), yell (пронзительно кричать) worthless (негодный), precious (драгоценный), valuable (ценный), expensive wrong, appropriate (соответствующий), correct, suitable (годный)

РАСПРЕДЕЛИ СЛОВА НА КАРТИНКЕ 61-65 arm chair - стул с подлокотником apron - фартук bedside table - прикроватная тумбочка bin – мусорный бак bow – носовая часть (бак) bow wave - волнорез bollard - кнехт blanket - одеяло bucket – ведро carpet - ковер

casualty - пострадавший chain block - стопор цепи chair – стул chef’s hat - колпак cloth - скатерть crankcase door - дверь картера crate - ящик crow bar - лом cupboard - сервант curtain – штора drawer – выдвижной ящик

exhaust valve – выпускной клапан fire axe - пожарный топор foremast – фок-мачта fork – вилка forklift truck – автопогрузчик fridge - холодильник jetty - пристань

funnel - дымоход jug – кувшин handrails - поручни hatch lid - крышка люка kitchen sink - раковина launch - баркас, катер mop - “Машка” на швабре mooring rope – канат oven – печь, духовка ore - руда

pedestal roller - роликовый кнехт pillow - подушка plant – растение plate – тарелка porthole - иллюминатор pots - кастрюли rope - трос safety ashtray – пепельница sink – раковина shoppers - покупатели shutters – жалюзи sickbay bed – лазаретная кровать spoons - ложка stern - корма stretcher – носилки tap - кран wardrobe - платяной шкаф watermelons - арбуз

РАСПРЕДЕЛИ СЛОВА 66-70 Accidents (fire, collision) Accidents (explosion, grounding) Accidents in the water (man overboard, capsize) Anchoring terms (shackle-скоба, gypsy-швартовный барабан). Anchoring terms (chain locker, windlass брашпиль) Body conditions (dizzy, sweaty) Building (warehouse-склад, factory) Cargo (flour-мука, sheet iron) Cargo (fertilizers, coal) Cargo (grain, timber) Cargo (coal, fertilizer-удобрение) Cargo (sugar, iron ore-железная руда) Cargo document (Bill of lading, Mate’s Receipt) Cargo handling gear (portal deck crane, heavy-lift derrick-вышка) Cargo handling gear (grad crane, derrick-вышка) Cargo handling gear (slings, tarpaulin-брезент) Cargo equipment (hook, boom-стрела крана) Cargo safety problems (spontaneous combustion-самовозгорание, cargo saturation- насыщенность) Cause (lifting heavy objects, explosion) Cause (low pressure, low compression) Clothing (shirt, belt) Color (blue, green) Colors (black, blue) Communication (fax, telephone) Conditions at sea (restricted visibility, hazy) Conditions on deck (slippery, greasy) Corrective action (rectify, hold up) Crimes at sea (piracy, smuggling- контрабанда) Damage to cargo (soiling- загрязнение, fermentation-брожение) Damage to cargo (crushing, wetting) Delay (detainment, postpone) Drink (tea, coffee). Drink (milk, wine).

Dry bulk (sand, fertilizers-удобрение) Equipment (boiler, generator) Equipment (engine, pump) Equipment failure (leakage, burst-разрушение) Equipment failure (overheating, blackout) Electrical items (DVD player, television) First aid (compress, flotation aid) Food (pasta, rice) Food (beef stew-тушёная говядина, soup) Footwear (boots, slippers) Fruit (water melon-дыня, pineapple) Fruit (grapes, peach) Furniture (armchair - кресло, table) Furniture (wardrobe-шкаф, sofa) Galley equipment (dishwasher, stove-печь) Hazardous materials (toxic gas, flammable liquid) Injury (back strain-растяжение, burns) Job (doctor, lawyer) Kitchen equipment (meat chopper, casserole dish) Kitchen utensils-утварь (bowl-чаша, knife) Kitchen utensils (tin opener-открывалка, potato peeler-чистилка) Life-saving appliances (lifebuoy, thermal protective aid) Life-saving equipment (immersion suit, life raft) Life-saving equipment (life-jacket, breathing apparatus) Liquid cargo ships (chemical carrier, oil tanker) Liquid bulk (petroleum, oil) Means of signaling (smoke float, hand flare-вспышка) Medical conditions (swelling, cough) Medication (antibiotics, ointment-мазь) Medication and treatment-обработка (injection, pills -таблетка) Mooring appliances-устройство (fairlead-шкив, reel-барабан) Mooring arrangement (winch, head line) Mooring terms (breast line, bollard кнехт) Navigation (voyage plan, poor visibility) Navigational equipment (echo sounder, radar) Navigational equipment (course recorder, gyrocompass) Part (piston, recharge reservoir) Part of the body (knee-колено, shoulder-плечо) Part of the body (leg, head) Part of ship (deck, bulkhead) Part of ship (funnel, hull) Part of ship (forecastle, superstructure) Personal protective clothing (safety shoes, hard hat) Personal protective equipment (gloves, goggles) Personal protective equipment (visor, dressing) Place of work (bank, shop). Prevention (use lifting equipment, handle-обращаться с chemical properly) Relatives-родные (uncle-дядя, nephew-племянник) Remedy (starting air, check piston rings) Repair (replace, weld). Repair (welding, soldering). Safety equipment (face shield, ear defenders) Serious deficiencies (follow-up repair, suspended from class) Size (large, wide). Shape-форма (triangle, square) Ship characteristics (draft, breadth-ширина) Ship space (workshop, storeroom) Ships equipment (fresh water generator, purifier)

Ships equipment (windlass, boat davit) Tools (soldering iron, wrench) Towing arrangement (towline, fender) Transport (motorbike, train) Types of communication (verbal, written) Types of emergency (sinking-погружение, grounding) Type of injure (повреждение) (burn, cut) Type of injure (sprain-растяжение, a break-ломать) Type of ship (tanker, reefer) Type of ship (ro-ro, supply vessel) Vegetable (potato, carrot-морковь) Vegetable (cabbage-капуста, cucumber-огурец) Weather conditions (gale-шторм, hurricane-ураган) Weather conditions (poor visibility, dense fog)

Time and numbers 71-75 A 2.500gt general cargo vessel was crossing the Dover Strait Traffic Separation Scheme, heading towards a Belgian port / two thousand, five hundred In compliance with MARPOL requirements for the construction of oil tankers, the size of the centre tanks must not exceeded 50 000 m3 / fifty thousand cubic meters It takes 45 minutes to get to the airport from here by bus / three quarters of an hour New crew joined the vessel 2 days before sailing … / a couple of The distance from the port to the hotel is 750 meters. / seven hundred and fifty The first SOLAS convention was adopted in 1914 in response to the Titanic disaster / nineteen fourteen The Master’s son is celebrating his 14th birthday tomorrow / fourteenth The ship is expect to arrive at 08.00 / Zero eight hundred hours. The vessel arrived with all tanks at 98% volume / ninety – eight

PRONUNCIATION 76-84 access, dress, assess, messman adjust, reduce, residues, view bag, ring, wing, long beam, ready, steady, bread bell, seal, meal, wheel berth, begin, shrink, twist blow, cloud [klaud], now, brown boiler, loan [loun], own, home break, beach, sea, steer burner, drum, rust, dust camshaft, bacon, frame, flame cargo, celsius, cigar, celebrate charge, crack, bucket, lack chemical, chair, cheese, purchase chronometer, chamber, discharge, chart circuit, write, tight, night courage, our, towel, hour course, south, mount, round

cow ([kau]), below, overflow, throw doctor, nature, future, puncture ear [ie], buy, fly, eye finger, grind [graind], find, mild [maild] fitting, bright, pipe, lighting game, age, general, gym gold, image, leakage, large graph, grapes, rain, pain grease, agent, sewage, ecological group, country, trouble, tough [taf], how, snow, low, go horizon, pin, rig, trim honest [onist], hockey, history, hook ice, cap, clean, come jump, junior, june, juice knife, keep, knock, knob, maintain, essential, function, tension match ([metf]-спичка), barge, large, card

nail, could [kud], half [haf], talk net, delete, sweet, need pallet, ball, small, wall pneumonia [njumeunie], copper, potato, plotting pool, four, pour, restore poor, pour, restore, four position, departure, feature, temperature pound, phone, phenomenon, photo preventive, pollution, attention, precaution reach, ache [eik], school, stomach [stamek] rule, alter, rubber, rust

rye, bay, May, say size, figure, midship, spirit supply, pressure, sure, sugar this, thermometer, thinner, theft through [fru], cough [kof], rough [raf], enough(?) trimming, piracy, stabilizer, wire vegetable begin, , gas, grind weather, bathroom, health, thruster wrench, chemical, anchor, chronometer yacht, catch, , watch, hatch

READING 85 BUNKERING / Before ordering bunkers / 1. Determine the amount/ 2. Cargo operations ?/ 3. Dry material/ 4. At all times/ 5. Detection of leakage BUNKERING / 1.determine the amount / 2.dry material ? / 3.dry material / all times / 5.detection of leakage Bunkering / Before bunkering / 1.sufficient size / 2.blanked / 3.completely familiar / 4.freely and safely / make sure BUNKERING / During bunker operations: / eliminate / 2.tensioned / 3.same precautions / 4.thoroughly understood / CHEMICAL FIRE / With fires involving / 1.To remain/ 2.Put into action/ 3.Considerations/ 4.In the form of/ 5.Be available CLOSED SPACE ENTRY / 1. without any ventilation / 2. oxygen deficient / 3. through reduce of regular use / 4. with appropriate warnings / 5. an enclosed space / 6. … on stand-by CONFINED SPACES / 1. flammable or toxic fume / 2. make an assessment of / 3. tested / 4. rescue and resuscitation equipment / 5. should be agreed and tested / 6. can keep in contact with DANGEROUS MATERIALS AND GOODS / 1. Personnel handling them / 2. Dangerous materials / 3. Be handled with great care / 4. Rubber gloves / 5. Not to breather / 6. As a first aid measure. EMERGENCY PARTIES 83% / 1. convenient / 2. testing / 3. signal / 4. designated / 5. access / 6. available EMERGENCY PROCEDURES / 1. the nearest alarm switch / 2. as to the nature and location of / 3. of a more serious fire / 4. on the muster list / 5. essential / 6. public address system ENCLOSED SPACE ENTRY / 1. without any ventilation / 2. oxygen deficient / 3. through reduce of regular use / 4.with appropriate warnings /5. an enclosed space / 6. .. on stand-by. FIRE FIGHTING DRILL AND TRAINING 67% / 1. Every / 2. Be carred / 3. Mustering / 4. Safety / 5. Documented / 6. scheme FIRE FIGHTING DRILL AND TRAINING 67% / 1. Everyone / 2. Be carried / 3. Mustering / 4. Safety / 5. Documented / 6. scenario

FIRE FIGHTING DRILL AND TRAINING ? / 1. Every / 2. Be carried / 3. Mustering / 4. Rescue / 5. Documented / 6. scenario GARBAGE DISPOSAL / 1. garbage / 2. to be adapted / 3. full instruction / 4. to be reviewed regularly / 5. discharged / 6. to be readily available. HOUSEKEEPING / 1. Dry, free of rubbish / 2. in good order / 3. tools, materials / 4. emergency exits / 5. cleaned up / 6. be disposed of in KEEPING WATCH AT THE GANGWAY 100% / 1. identification / 2. pass /3. belongings / 4. hand-held metal detector / 5. suspicious / 6. to be searched LIFE-SAVING APPLIANCES / 1. escape from a vessel in distress / 2. launched / 3. maintain the life boat falls and davits / 4. be properly adjusted, regularly maintained / 5. a malfunction of the release equipment / 6. training. MEDIA / 1. news journalists / 2. introduce himself / 3. Unauthorised callers / 4. The media / 5. misleading / 6. comment on. MOBILE PHONES AND ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT / 1. shipboard electronics malfunctioning / 2. sensitive equipment / 3. interference / 4. restriction on the use of portable phones / 5. during maneuvering / 6. cargo operation. MUSTER LIST / Collision / responsibilities / an emergency / bridge / ship particulars / kept up to date OIL SPILL / spillages of bunker oil / all necessary precaution are taken / any escape of oil / oil spill removal equipment / portable pumps / in a convenient storeroom. RISK ASSESSMENT / potential / required / minimize / all / considered / included PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT / 1. prevent injury / 2. protective clothing / 3. any limitation / 4. defects / 5. can be extremely / 6. not available for use. SECURITY 100% / 1. to the security of ships and crews / 2. is in the interests of everyone on board / 3. assistance in organizing effective security / 4. conducting regular security training / 5. suspicious activities / 6. reported immediately to SECURITY ON BOARD / 1. Practical measures / 2. Their own personal security / 3. is kept locked / 4. must be limited to / 5. not to be left over-side / 6. must keep in radio contact SECURITY LEVELS / 1. Risk / 2. Security measures / 3. Additional / 4. Threat / 5. Will be advised / 6. Prohibit запрещать (или ensure). SHIP FIRE / Upon / 1. Discovering/ 2. Will direct/ 3. Assess/ 4. Can be dealt with/ 5. Fire hoses SHIP FIRE / In the case of / 1.resulted / 2.normally be the case / 3.ensure that / minimize the risk / 5.greater risk and SMOKING REGULATIONS / 1. strictly observed (надо проверить) / 2. prohibited / 3. food preparation areas / 4.cigarette lighters / 5. warning notices / 6. clearly displayed SPACES THAT CAN CHANGE FROM “SAFE” TO “DANGEROUS” / on / which / off / length / contaminated / in addition SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION / 1. loaded in damp conditions / 2. very little ventilation / 3. combustion / 4. the restriction of oxygen supply / 5. could burst into flames / 6. spontaneous combustion.

STOWAWAYS / 1. due to political unrest of war / 2. respect and consideration / 3. can board in / 4. a checklist / 5.could possibly hide / 6. to carry out through searches THE DRILLER / 1. both / 2. which / 3. for / 4. has / 5. all / 6. Their VAPOUR / Exposure to vapor / 1. A wide variety/ 2. Health hazard/ 3. Control/ 4. Against protection/ 5.Particularly necessary VESSEL SECURITY / Certain basic / 1. When not in use / 2. By ship personnel / 3. Limiting access / 4. Alongside / 5.Known to exist VESSEL SECURITY / The absolute security / 1. Responsibility/ 2. Brought inboard/ 3. At all times/ 4. Must advise/ 5.Around the ship VESSEL SECURITY / Certain basic precautions / 1. Special arrangements/ 2. Should be scrutinized/ 3. Before sailing/ 4. A problem/ 5. Gangway VESSEL SECURITY / 1. Discovered/ 2. On/ 3. By/ 4. Due/ 5. In/ 6. at WORK ON ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT / 1. prior to / 2. permit to work / 3. injury or death / 4. flammable vapours пар / 5. to isolate / 6. to follow. WORKING ALOFT / 1. secured firmly / 2. to prevent them falling / 3. roped off / 4. Care / 5. placed securely / 6.Hazards