Lexico Test 33 34 [PDF]

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TEST 33 Part 1. 1. Being a college professor research. A. affords

B. dispenses

2. I am afraid that sofa is a A. dose

you the opportunity simply to write and do

B. portion

B. grants

too big to fit along that wall. C. shade

3. Fortunately, I noticed that the shop assistant had A. run over

B. rung up

C. procures

C. put on

D. slice the wrong amount. D. rounded up

4. It did not take much to their relationship.

the old animosity lurking behind the surface of

A. resuscitate

C. restore

B. rekindle

5. That's a pretty to. A. blank

D. regain

excuse - he could have gotten there if he'd really wanted B. bare

C. raw

D. thin

6. Getting away from the stresses of work would do you a A. sense 7. Don’t A. egg

B. taste

C. virtue

of good. D. power

him on to join a gang: nothing could be worse for him! B. toast

C. butter

D. knife

8. The phrase ‘money doesn't buy happiness’ is a cautionary cliché that keeps us from blindly lining your pockets with _ in the hope that we’ll feel happier. A. stash

B. hoard

C. stock

D. dosh

9. Malaysians should embrace their natural generosity and not let hard times their spirit to help others in need. A. dampen

B. moisten

C. drench

D. deluge

10. My first impression of Vanessa was that she was very charming and she seemed totally at ease with people. A. exuberant

B. urbane

C. aloof

D. compassionate


11. Apart from one or two rather poor performance. A. flashes

of brilliance from Owen, England put on a

B. spells

C. storms

12. All he has done since losing his job is A. mourn

B. depress

D. wallow

of all American culture during the '60s.

B. microcopy

C. microcosm

14. The island of Tahiti A. brags

around the house all day. C. mope

13. Kitchell says the city was a A. microclimate

D. strokes

D. microscope

sandy beaches and crystal clear water.

B. gloats

C. boasts

15. The Government is trying to health service without raising taxes.

D. swaggers

when it says it will spend more on the

A. chew the fat

B. wave the flag

C. square the circle

D. put the lid

Part 2. 1. Some things are inalienably and houses prices rise, (ALIEN)

true: Water is wet, gra is green (kind of), dogs bark

2. The country had been emancipated from thirteen years of middle-level Conservative rule of reasonable efficiency, modest dynamism but small-power idealism. (MANCIPLE) 3. The foreigners in Ottawa constitute a(n) ominous autonomy of our province. (OMEN) 4. The sparse dialogue is as mind-numbingly declamatory oratory. (CLAIM) 5. Although she was from a well-to-do life, Judith had chosen otherwise. (DO)

threat to the integrity and and unsubtle as political

family and could have led a very comfortable

TEST 34 Part 1. 1. Her position became her qualifications. A. precipitous

when rumours were spread that she’d lied about

B. precarious

C. perennial

D. dubious

2. The priest was tormented by guilt when he looked back on the he had led in his youth. A. insolent

B. irresolute

C. insolvent


D. dissolute

3. The prime minister’s way of dealing with his own incompetence is to his cabinet. A. restructure 4. I have to A. hand 5. Her job. A. shabby 6. After Friday. A. moralizing

B. reorganise

D. reshuffle

it to William; he put in the hard work and got results. B. present

C. give

D. applaud

treatment by her employers finally forced her to look for a better B. messy

C. grungy

D. tardy

over the pros and cons for weeks, she finally quit her job last B. agonizing

7. They are a real A. devil-may-care

C. rearrange

C. sterilizing

D. rationalizing

organisation; they are only interested in making a profit. B. fly-by-night

C. open-handed

D. down-to-earth

8. Unfortunately, Jamie’s plans to tour around Australia didn’t lack of finances. A. pan out

B. pull off

C. knuckle down

due to a

D. waltz through

9. We deny that we have ever cheated or tampered illegally with any match ball in any game during our careers. A. categorically

B. fully

C. distinctly

D. highly

10. She had a strong desire to be a dancer but failed to make the A. grade

B. term

C. mark

D. degree


12. Millions of people left Italy for the USA during the Italian nineteenth and twentieth centuries. A. clique

B. diaspora

C. horde

13. The football fans were coming in before the kickoff the stadium was packed full.

D. troupe to watch the final game. An hour

A. fingers and thumbs

B. bits and bobs

C. dribs and drabs

D. bibs and tuckers

14. He likes nothing better than to spend his Sunday mornings gardens. A. pottering about

of the

B. hanging around C. whiling away

in the

D. winding down

15. I had been feeling very down in the dumps after being given the sack, but took when a prestigious employment agency booked two interviews for me. A. stride

B. shine

C. heart

D. issue

Part 2. 1. The power of red wine to counteract press. (ACT)

high cholesterol has been ballyhooed in the

2. Not only was it gaudy in appearance but the smell wafting from the kitchen was distinctly malodorous . (ODOR) 3. The message is clear and concise and displays no verbosity would expect to find in more courtly love scenes. (VERB) 4. If you join the armed forces, you have to pledge allegience country. (ALLAY)

that one to your

5. The next government will play an energetic role in seeking multilateral nuclear disarmament . (ARM)