Lexico Practice Test 3 [PDF]

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PRACTICE TEST 3 1. The war in Iraq is a A. deeply

debated issue.

B. hotly

C. profoundly

2. He will be remembered by the staff with great A. fondness

B. fancy

3. He carefully

D. heavily


C. passion

D. crush

C. grew

D. maintained

his sunflower plants.

A. tended


4. She already has a couple of good wins


A. under her collar

B. under her belt

C. up her sleeve

D. in her shoes

5. Whenever she refused, he'd beat her


A. black and blue

B. black and white

C. blue in the face

D. out of the blue

6. Their qualifications A. enable

them to a higher salary.

B. entitle

7. Since he is not polite, he often makes A. immaterial

B. impertinent

8. He had failed because of a lack of talent for A. impeccable 9. I get A. splitting

B. impressive

C. entail

D. envisage

_ remarks. C. impervious

D. implausible

speaking C. imposing

D. impromptu

pains up my spine whenever I try to move. B. thumping

C. shooting

10. Dealing with the failed waste incinerator project is a _

D. stinking _ issue in west Norfolk

A. burning 11. He had the A. valour

B. heating

D. firing

to blame me for his mistake! B. chivalry

12. He had always been A. overtaken


C. gracefulness

D. audacity

by his elder sister.

B. overstated

C. overshadowed

D. overwhelmed

C. thick and thin

D. up and coming

13. He remained loyal to me through A. null and void

B. life and soul

14. The long-standing dispute about working conditions finally came workforce voted for strike action A. to a head

B. to the point

15. If you're caught stealing you'll be A.in black books

C. to a standstill

17. Such people A. exude

D. out of its shell


B. for the high jump C. in a quandary

16. Such a questionable assertion is sure to A. commence

when the

D.in the doghouse


B. instigate

C. launch

D. provoke

_an indistinct anger and hatred. B. exclude

C. expunge

D. extricate

18. In a culture where knockoffs are normal, from sportswear to DVDs, it will not be easy to deep-rooted academic habits A. exude

B. exclude

19. I tried to

myself from the situation but it was impossible.

A. exude

B. exclude

20. She is A. continually

C. expunge

C. expunge

D. extricate

D. extricate

grateful to her family for their support B. continuously

C. perpetually 24

D. eternally

21. The child's A. constant 22. She had a(n) _ A. constant

talking started to irritate her. B. incessant

C. steady

D. ongoing

parade of young men coming to visit her. B. incessant

C. steady

D. ongoing

23. They were able to respond swiftly because they already have a secret ballot strike mandate over a(n) _ pay dispute. A. constant

B. incessant

24. The police have expressed A. critical

C. steady

concern about the missing child's safety.

B. essential

C. significant

25. Naylor was one of those men who A. raise

D. ongoing

D. grave

to the challenge of danger.

B. rise

C. ride

D. arise

26. Like more and more women, she believes marriage would

_her style.

A. restricts

D. cramps

B. impedes

C. obstructs

27. He's not nearly such a good writer as he's A. creased

B. cracked

up to be. C. lined

D. valued

28. During the bad weather we experienced a few disasters and events, but they were of little . A. consequence

B. result

C. care

29. The costs of gathering the initial data are relatively small in research itself. A. reference 30. The design is A.imitated

B. affinity

C. relation

D. circumstance to the costs of the D. connection

from Japanese porcelains of the fourteenth century. B. copied

C. emulated 25

D. faked

31. ‘Will you stay for lunch?’ ‘No, but thanks A. all along

B. all in all

’ C. all the same

32. I might be going on a training course next week, but it's still A. in the air

B. on the air

33. I don't want to sound A. big-headed

_ D. up in the air

, but I thought my picture was the best.

B. blue-eyed

34. The whole team were A. up in the arms

C. off the air

D. all told

C. narrow-minded D. thick-skinned at winning the competition.

B. on the up and up

C. on the cards

D. over the moon

35. If you use credit cards to pay off a debt, you're jumping out of the frying pan into the . A. fire

B. flame

C. heat

36. Some people let their under-fives A. run

A. residence

C. make

B. abode

C. home

C. abeyance

41. This is not to appropriate context.

D. waiting

_ on your honesty.

B. aspersions

C. disapproval

40. I need a new French dictionary. Can I pick your A. brains

D. domicile

until agreement is reached on funding it.

B. suspension

39. I wouldn't want to cast A. criticism


and we found him on the streets.

38. The project is being held in _ A. recess


B. go

37. He's of no fixed

D. blaze

B. mind

C. head

D. abuse

about the best one to buy? D. intellect

questions of strategy and tactics, merely to place them in an 26

A. evade

B. shirk

C. duck

42. You can't _

, it's your duty. You are so lazy!

A. evade

B. shirk

C. duck

43. The speed at which you eat strongly _ A. sways

B. affects

C. influences

B. authentic

A. genuine

C. valid

B. authentic

C. valid

A. invasion

A. invasion

C. infringement

C. infringement

D. interference

D. interference

of privacy.

B. intrusion

C. infringement

D. interference

C. infringement

D. interference

of copyright.

B. intrusion

52. He was thorough and

D. relevant

in the internal affairs of their country

B. intrusion

51. They were sued for

D. natural

into her private life.

50. These phone calls are a gross A. invasion

C. attendant

B. intrusion

49. They resent foreign

D. natural

_upon starting a new business.

B. consequent

48. She did not tolerate press A. invasion

D. natural

concern for others

47. We had all the usual problems A. subsequent

Indian craftwork and

reasons for not exporting.

B. authentic

46. She always showed

D. impresses

C. valid

45. They put forward many A. real

D. dodge

_how much you want to eat.

44. Many tourists cannot tell the difference between imported imitations. A. real

D. dodge

, rather than brilliant. 27

A. pedantic 53. Don't be so A. pedantic

B. laborious

C. particular

_ - does it really matter if I don't pronounce it right? B. laborious

C. particular

54. Collecting the raw materials proved a long and A. pedantic

B. laborious

56. The A. produce

B. ring

D. conscientious


C. particular

55. Don't expect to have me at your beck and A. cry

D. conscientious

D. conscientious

. C. need

D. call

from the sale will be used to repay the loan. B. proceeds

C. receipts

D. returms

57. Sometimes even well-meaning interviewers will throw you a really A. awkward

B. risky

58. We must

this notion that you can rely on the state for everything.

A. peter out

B. dispel

59. Just one of these bombs could A. peter out

C. unpleasant

C. disperse


D. touchy

D. annihilate

_a city the size of New York.

B. dispel

C. disperse

D. annihilate

60. Already there were indications that the contest had helped some of those writers emerge from total obscurity. A. hopeful

B. aspiring

C. striving

61. Vlasov showed great energy and leadership conspicuous example of efficiency. A. attributes

B. features


, transforming his division into a C. values

62. The difference is scarcely perceptible to the B. medium

D. qualities

reader. C. average


D. wishful

D. middle

63. Kids today are A. fostered

on a constant diet of pop music and television. B. raised

C. nurtured

64. They feel strongly that their religion is A. incongruous

A. incongruous

C. incidential

B. inconsistent

C. incidental

B. inconsistent

C. incidental

B. consequent

68. This is by no means an _ taking place

D. incompatible _ _suppression of the

C. attendant

C. execrable

69. She was the only woman to rise to such an B. exorbitant

C. execrable

B. way

71. My sisters don't see A. face to face

A. face to face

C. fashion

D. exalted -- through her D. procedure

with me about the arrangements.

B. at loggerheads

72. The Chancellor is _

D. exalted


70. Sharon became involved with music in the time-honoured _ family. A. protocol

D. relevant

list but it gives an indication of the many projects

A. exhaustiveB. exorbitant

A. exhaustive

D. incompatible

in our technical age.

67. Eye problems can indicate an unhealthy lifestyle with immune system A. subsequent

D. incompatible

with those of previous studies.

66.Such traditional methods seem A. incongruous

with the political system.

B. inconsistent

65. These findings are

D. grown

C eye to eye

D. on tenterhooks

with the Prime Minister over public spending.

B. at loggerheads

C eye to eye 29

D. on tenterhooks

73. He was still on pins and needles waiting for his directors' decision about the job. A. face to face

B. at loggerheads

C eye to eye

74. The principles of democracy are sometimes in A. conflict

B. rivalry

A. conflict

C. odds

D. friction

to any simple proletarianisation thesis about the effects

A. counter

B. against

77. She was

to tears by their criticisms.

A. brought down

B. diminished

78. Don't

D. friction

with the look of dislike in her eyes.

B. rivalry

76. Their conclusions run of new technology on skill.

with political reality.

C. odds

75. She gave him a sweet smile, totally at

D. on tenterhooks

C. opposed

D. opposite

C. reduced


her piano playing just because you're jealous.

A. bring down

B. diminish

C. reduce


79. On his wanderings he's picked up Spanish, Italian, French and a(n) A. command 80. She's a

B. smattering

B. devout

81. He has been a _

82. She was a A. firm 83. I'm a A. firm

D. acquaintance

vegetarian and refuses to eat any poultry or fish

A. firm

A. firm


C. staunch

D. strict

supporter of the Liberal Party for over thirty years. B. devout

C. staunch

D. strict

Catholic and, so far as I am aware, morally unassailable. B. devout

C. staunch

D. strict

_believer in'where there's a will , there's a way. B. devout

C. staunch 39

of Russian

D. strict

84. She must know the play A. forwards

_by now.

B. backwards

85. You need to become fully A. conversant

C. sideways

_with the company's procedures.

B. mindful

C. answerable

86. The whole venture has been an A. unmatched

D. attuned


B. unmitigated

C. undiluted

87. She dealt with the problem with A. consummate

D. upside down

D. unmindful


B. comprehensive

C. confirmed

D. compulsive

88. The aim of the repetitions of the same commercial on television is nothing but to brainwash consumers into _consumption. A. consummate

B. comprehensive

C. confirmed

89. On the rampant black market prices were particularly A. exhaustive

B. exorbitant

A. avert

B. restore

91. UN troops intervened to A. avert


C. execrable

90. The durable goods orders report should help to in factory activity.

D. compulsive

D. exalted

fears of a marked slowdown

C. allay


a threat of violent conflict.

B. restore

C. allay


92. The recent proposals made by the Royal College of Psychiatrists are unjustified, unnecessary and _ A. incompatible

B. unavoidable`

C. unworkable

93. Lack of money has proved an almost _


A. incompatible

C. unworkable

B. unavoidable` 31

D. insurmountable

D. insurmountable

94. This history book is completely A. illegible

B. impenetrable

95. Because he was an A. illegible

to me. C. impermeable

criminal, he was sentenced to life imprisonment.

B. impenetrable

C. impermeable

96. The current cuts in public expenditure will inevitably A. exacerbate

B. deepen

97. The lecturer wanted to lay A.mention

C. highlight

this situation. D. fulfill

D. stress

about/over how to tackle the crisis. C. loss

D. problem

to know how to tackle the violence.

B. puzzle

C. loss

100. He's studied in the US and has a good A. command

D. incorrigible

on the importance of education.

B. puzzle

99. The government is at a A. dilemma

C. sharpen

B. point

98. The President is clearly in a A. dilemma

D. incorrigible

D. problem

of English.

B. smattering



D. acquaintance