PNT - Lexico Grammar Gap Fill Practice Test No 5 [PDF]

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Training Courses for Pre-National Team 2021-2022, Tran Van Trung, MA – Ha Tinh High School for Gifted Students


CORRECTION_LEXICO-GRAMMAR-GAP-FILL PRACTICE TEST NO 5 (Time: 50 minutes) SCORE: ………. /100 ……………………………………….

I. Choose the best option to complete each of the following sentences. 1. The yard-long hawksbill turtle, with its hooked beak and scaly neck, is a living ______ of the dinosaur age. A. heirloom B. relic C. vestige D. artefact 2. The artist was so prolific in his youth that by the time he reached his forties, he was a living ______. A. icon B. fable C. myth D. legend 3. The unpopular prime minister was ______ in the press when she tripped while walking in a muddy field. A. slandered B. lampooned C. hounded D. stalked 4. The challenges Ann encountered while assisting the medical charity in Africa ____ the best in her personality. A. brought up B. brought out C. brought around D. brought about 5. The plane had moved onto the runway and the cabin crew were ______ take-off. A. standing by for B. standing in for C. standing up for D. standing up to 6. The meeting was so dull that James couldn’t help ________ part way though. A. winding down B. hammering away C. drifting off D. sleeping over 7. Although the chemist’s initial experiment failed, she ________ upon a strong new material in the process. A. tripped B. fell C. broke D. stumbled 8. Lawrence suggested ________ ourselves at the beginning of the long project in order to avoid exhaustion. A. pacing B. rushing C. plodding D. racing 9. It is important not to ________ creativity in the young and let them express themselves. A. hinder B. stifle C. flounder D. expedite 10. The minister was heavily ________ by the United Nations Security Council in their report. A. criticized B. scrutinized C. censured D. interrogated 11. When it comes to running the company, Michael is a(n) ______ unto himself; he is doing anything he pleases. A. act B. code C. order D. law 12. People don’t have a right to ________ in judgement when they don’t know all the facts. A. sit B. pass C. make D. bite 13. The __ skyscrapers of modern metropolises dwarf previous feats of engineering both literally and figuratively. A. tottering B. towering C. sprawling D. spanning 14. The local area is ________ lacking in places to enjoy art and cinema. A. properly B. rashly C. sorely D. aptly 15. At the age of 11, Taylor Swift was already trying to ________ a record deal in Nashville. A. land B. create C. steal D. grab 16. I hope virtual friendships are not the ________ of things to come. A. scheme B. form C. shape D. frame 17. Everyone dissolved into ________ of laughter when they saw my haircut. A. sets B. spells C. fits D. bouts 18. The money-laundering scandal leads to the minister’s ________ fall from political power. A. prodigious B. precipitous C. dismal D. persistent 19. Harry was a ________ of nerves the whole time his wife was in the hospital. A. batch B. bunch C. bundle D. bale 20. The three tours are run ________ so we can only choose one. A. concurrently B. recurrently C. concurringly D. cursively 21. Taking a gap year will allow you to reach a level of emotional ________ that will stay with you for a lifetime. A. wisdom B. ripeness C. adulthood D. maturity 22. The list of the sources for the information in this book is contained in the book’s ________. A. periodical B. acknowledgements C. appendix D. bibliography 23. This is a very busy office and in your new position you will have to be able to think on your ________! A. toes B. legs C. feet D. knees 24. Our plans to hold an end-of-year picnic in the woods were ________ by the bad weather. A. provoked B. thwarted C. emulated D. vented 25. I had a ________ that something bad was going to happen to Katy and I rushed straight round to her house, where I found her unconscious. A. premonition B. mind-set C. foresight D. forethought 26. Giovanni and his family spend hours at the dinner table, but that’s just the Italian ________ to food and eating. A. nostalgia B. attitude C. keepsake D. respect

27. Please ___ these figures to memory, so that you will be able to answer the investors’ questions easily and confidently. A. memorize B. recall C. retain D. commit 28. A major political party is ________ the campaign for tighter gun controls in the wake of last month’s shooting. A. procuring B. setting C. spearheading D. fulfilling 29. I hope I’ll be able to _______ today’s performance on the opening night. A. aspire B. emulate C. advocate D. persevere 30. Unfortunately, Jamie’s plans to tour around Australia didn’t _______ due to a lack of finances. A. pan out B. pull off C. knuckle down D. waltz through 31. Trekkers should be prepared to _______ it as there are few facilities in remote areas. A. struggle B. rough C.succumb D. tolerate 32. The challenges Ann encountered while assisting the medical charity in Africa brought _______ the best in her personality. A. up B. out C. about D. around 33. The plane had moved onto the runway and the cabin crew were standing _______ take-off. A. by for B. in for C. up for D. up to 34. If you are given a _______ anaesthetic during an operation, you are still aware of what is going on around you. A. local B. tropical C. varied D. released 35. Garlic being sold as organic was found to contain pesticide ________ and was removed from the market. A. elements B. filaments C. residues D. variables 36. Colin is only just ________; he gets unemployment benefit, but it isn’t much. A. scraping by B. putting aside C. bailing out D. tiding over 37. Insurance companies had to ________ £10 million in storm damage claims. A. dip in B. rip off C. bail out D. cough up 38. We hurried back to our car as we saw the clouds ________ over the mountains. A. rolling in B. holding off C. beating down D. bucketing down 39. My train ________ at 3.15, so could you be there to collect me? A. stops off B. pulls up C. gets in D. heads for 40. If we're going to bring this company back to its former glory, we'll need a marketing team that can do ______. A. justice B. business C. credit D. miracles 41. The well-known ________ clash between the President and the rebel leader is not making things easier. A. character B. mood C. enemy D. personality 42. It had been with a heavy ________ that I watched her leave, and I had sunk into a dark and despairing mood. A. head B. mood C. mind D. heart 43. In some countries, a bride’s family is still required to pay a ________ to the groom’s family. A. dowry B. bill C. relic D. heirloom 44. Their ________ religious beliefs were of great comfort in troubled times. A. age-long B. long-gone C. strongly-held D. time-honored 45. The local area is ________ lacking in places to enjoy art and cinema. A. properly B. rashly C. sorely D. aptly 46. I offered to do the job, but soon found that I was ________ as it was more difficult than I had thought. A. pushing up daisies B. knocking on wood C. in over my head D. off my hands 47. He asked the question rather _______, as his boss was in a bad mood and he didn’t want to annoy her. A. tentatively B. explosively C. insolently D. provokingly 48. His ________ expression left us in no doubt as to how much her rejection had hurt him. A. anguished B. resigned C. downright D. placid 49. They are not likely to ________ information during the current armed conflict. A. cop out B. ladle out C. peter out D. pull out 50. Now that you have more money, you’ll be able to ________ a little; you have no excuses any more. A. live it up B. make a break C. cut and run D. fly off the handle II. Give the correct form of the word in brackets to complete each of the following sentences. 51. In spite of his overnight ________________ he still manages to keep his feet on the ground. (STAR) 52. He was a modest and ________________ man who never gave the impression that he knew all the answers. (ASSUME) 53. Barry worried that working for a woman would ________________ him in his girlfriend's eyes. (masculine) 54. For all his reclusiveness, moreover, Mr. Salinger has none of the sage's ________________; his manner is a big and showy one, given to tours-de-force and to large emotional gestures. (FACE) 55. These side effects have forced researchers to seek alternative medications to ________________, augment or delay traditional therapy. (PLANT)

56. The government is facing an angry ________________ from voters over the new tax. (LASH) 57. While parents provide a ________________ for many women in poverty, they are not always an unproblematic source of help. (LINE) 58. Is there any news about the ________________ at the central bank this morning? (HOLD) 59. Geogre said it was the worst film he had seen in ages, but it got an excellent ________________ in the press. I think we should go and see it. (WRITE) 60. The House of Representatives approved the budget, with 52 votes in favour, 16 against and 12 ________________. (ABSTAIN) 61. They were enraged at the ________________ of a policeman accused of murder. (ACQUIT) 62. The individuality, immediacy and ________________ in computer games satisfy the needs from these people. (MIMIC) 63. His cartoons ________________ lampooned the leading politicians of his time. (MERCY) 64. We are disappointed by her approaching this matter so _______. (AMATEUR) 65. It was sheer ________________ to try to drive through the mountains in that thunderstorm. (SANE) 66. He is a totally ________________ person who deliberately defies all standards. (MORAL) 67. The ________________ nations carved up the defeated country into several parts, each taking an equal share. (VICTORY) 68. They have a duty to set the record straight, otherwise they are conniving at ________________. (FALSE) 69. Cancer is perceived as a heterogeneous group of diseases that is characterized by ________________ patterns of gene expression. (ERR) 70. She did not reply, but sat with crimson cheeks and ________________ eyes. (CAST) 71. I've been hearing about your________________ reputation for a long time, and greatly respect you. (BLEMISH) 72. The national orchestra gave a(n) ________________ performance of classic music. (ELECTRIC) 73. The law is vulnerable to being manipulated or abused to serve injustice, and vulture lawyers simply rape the law and prostitute justice to serve the ________________ and guilty for profit. (SCRUPLE) 74. While such mentalistic constructions may sound ________________ at first sight, they are justified in three ways. (PLAUDIT) 75. If you are a reckless, unrestrained and emotionally ________________ person, you are more likely to lose your future. (IMPEL) III. Think of an appropriate word to complete each gap of the following text. Gap-fill No 1 Today, there is much talk about ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. ADHD is not a learning 1)________________, however it can cause difficulties in an academic setting. Usually, this disorder is noticed in children around the age of six and in order for a proper 2)________________ to be made, they need to be observed for around six months. What are the 3)________________? First and foremost, children who suffer from disorder are often unable to 4)________________ information easily or to focus on a task for any 5)________________ of time. Therefore they have difficulties in completing it. They have a very 6)________________ attention span and as a result, they get bored easily. Their 7)________________ is also affected and in a classroom setting, the student may be 8)________________ and unable to sit down and take in information. Students are also 9)________________ and unable to wait; they often do things impulsively. Unfortunately, the 10)________________ of ADHD is still unknown, but as it is becoming more and more common in students today, constant research is being carried out. Gap-fill No 2 June 8th is World Oceans Day – an idea instituted by the United Nations to celebrate and protect our natural heritage. Just as our own central nervous 1)________________ controls every part of our body, so the oceans control every part of our planet. They regulate climate, weather and ecosystems. Unfortunately, human activities have led to pollution and the destruction of marine habitats. Another result of human 2)________________ in the natural environment is climate change with its accompanying extreme weather 3)________________. A rise in greenhouse gas emissions has led to an increase in global temperatures and as a consequence sea levels have risen. Plastic pollution is also a big issue. In 2016, as 4)________________ of World Oceans Day, thousands of people took part in ‘the better bag challenge’ and promised to use reusable bags instead of plastic ones. 80 per cent of plastic rubbish 5)________________ on land ends up in the sea, usually washed there via 6)______________ where rivers empty

into the sea. You may have seen such debris washed up onto your local beach at low 7)________________. Most plastic bags are made of polyethene – a 8)________________ compound which is not biodegradable. Plastic bags break down into tiny visible 9)________________, which are ingested by fish and marine mammals. ‘The better bag challenge’ aims to halt this devastating process and give new 10)________________ to our oceans. Gap-fill No 3 We are familiar (0) with the saying “a picture paints a thousand words” and in the global village the world has become, information in pictorial form is (1)_____we turn. Much communication takes place through symbols rather than words, a case in point (2) ________________ airports, where you can see the majority of the thirtyfour symbols devised (3) ________________ the American Institute of Graphic Arts in the 1970s. Such signs as a knife and fork for a restaurant or a telephone for a phone booth are a boon for (4) _________________ a traveller who does not speak English or use the Latin alphabet. (5) _________________ worldwide "languages" of this kind are musical and mathematical notation, circuit diagrams, road signs and computer icons, (6)________________, again, bypass the need for words. Even a label on a garment will carry, in symbols, washing and ironing instructions. All these (7) ________________ to be sufficient to their, (8)________________ restricted worlds but would it really be possible to devise a universal symbolic system of communication independent of any spoken language, culture-free and value-free, as dreamt of by the seventeenth-century philosopher Leibniz? It would seem (9) ________________. Chinese and Japanese pictograms and ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics are sometimes cited as examples of such a system, yet both Japanese script and Egyptian hieroglyphics include sound-based elements and Chinese is often transliterated (10)________________ romanised sound-based "pinyin" script. In a word, words are inescapable. Gap-fill No 4 A few decades ago, entry to university meant studying a strictly academic subject -a science, or perhaps literature, a foreign language or the classics. These days, (1) _______________ education establishments offer every conceivable subject from Chinese medicine to crime scene science. In Britain, this trend coincided with a dramatic increase in the (2) _______________ of universities and more relaxed entry requirements, (3) _______________ more students to experience tertiary education. Many feared these measures would result in a (4) _______________ down of degree-level courses and the press seized every opportunity to ridicule such courses. The creation in 1999 of a bachelor’s degree in surfing studies was taken as the ultimate proof that universities were prepared to give (5)_________________ in anything in an attempt to attract young people, thereby (6)_________________Britain’s academic reputation. In reality, the course, run by Plymouth University in SouthWest England, is highly scientific, and the curriculum is (7)_________________ including oceanography, meteorology, materials technology and business management. Students on this course and other seemingly more practical courses have (8) _______________ performed better in tests than those doing straight science degrees. Far from having an adverse effect on higher education, these new disciplines (9)_________________ students and aid learning by offering the opportunity to (10)_________________theoretical knowledge directly. Many of today’s graduates have a broad base of knowledge and are well placed to enter the job market. Gap-fill No 5 The prehistoric of today's crocodiles go back over 240 million years. They lived through the break-up of the continents, they were 1)________________ when the dinosaurs disappeared, and they witnessed the evolution of mammals and birds. Their distinctive 2)________________, such as long jaws, protective armor, streamlined body and long tail have hardly changed for millions of years, which indicates that they are perfectly adapted to their 3)________________. Crocodiles sometimes hunt in an active way, but they are better known for ambush hunting, also called the “sit and wait” 4)________________. Once a crocodile detects the 5)________________ of prey, on the bank of the river, for example, it will sleep silently under the water and swim until it is very close to its target. Its head then emerges and it lunges with jaws wide 6)________________. The jaws then slam shut. Small creatures are usually crushed and swallowed straight down; larger prey is 7)________________ tight until it stops moving. If the crocodile has caught a very large animal, it will roll to throw the prey off 8)________________, then drag it into deeper water and hold it there until it drowns. Crocodiles help to keep the balance both in freshwater and saltwater 9)________________ but, unfortunately, seventeen of the twenty-three species that are 10)________________worldwide are now endangered. The end