Lease Contract Serbia [PDF]

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Zaključen u Beogradu, __/__/2022, između Ugovornih strana: __________________, iz Beograda, u daljem tekstu “Zakupodavac”, i __________________, pasoš državljanina Ruske Federacije No ___________, __________________, pasoš državljanina Ruske Federacije No ___________, u daljem tekstu “Zakupci”, odvojeno “Zakupac”,

Concluded in Belgrade, on ________, 2022, between: __________________, from Belgrade hereinafter the “Landlord” or “Lessor”, and __________________, passport of Russian Federation No ___________, __________________, passport of Russian Federation No ___________, hereinafter “the Tenants”, separately “the Tenant”,

Ovim je dogovoreno sledeće: Član 1. OPIS NEPOKRETNOSTI

It is hereby agreed as follows: ARTICLE 1 Description of the property

1.1. Predmet ovog Ugovora o zakupu je namešten stan, koji se nalazi u Beogradu, Voždovac, u ulici ______________________, stan broj ___, ukupne površine ___ m2.

1.1. The subject matter of this Lease Agreement is furnished apartment, located in Belgrade, ________________________________, surface ___m2. 1.2. The Landlord confirmed his ownership of the apartment as described in section 1.1, by presenting the legal ownership to the Tenants and with the power of attorney for the lease of the apartment.

1.2. Zakupodavac dokazuje svoje vlasništvo na nepokretnosti opisanom pod tačkom 1.1. prezentovanjem dokaza o pravu vlasništva odnosno punomoćjem za izdavanje nepokretnosti u zakup. 1.3. Tenants have the right to use the leased 1.3. Zakupci imaju pravo korišćenja stana za apartment for conducting entrepreneurial obavljanje preduzetničke delatnosti u njemu i activities in it and to register headquarter of the imaju pravo da registruju adresu sedišta entrepreneur. preduzetnika. Član 2. ZAKUP NEPOKRETNOSTI ARTICLE 2 Terms of lease

2.1. Zakupodavac i Zakupci zaključuju 2.1. The Landlord and the Tenants conclude this ugovor o zakupu na period od 12 meseci, Lease Agreement for period of 12 months, as of počev od ___.___.2022. godine i završava se ____.____.2022 and lasting until ___.___.2023. godine. ____.____.2023. 2.2. Ovaj ugovor stupa na snagu danom 2.2. This lease contract shall come into effect on potpisivanja od strane Zakupaca i the day of its signing by both parties. Zakupodavca. 2.3. The Landlord hereby grants to the Tenants 2.3. Po prestanku ugovora u skladu sa članom the right of first option for the continuance of this 2.1. ovog ugovora Zakupodavac garantuje Lease contract. The contracting parties agree that Zakupcu preče pravo zakupa za nastavak the Tenants will notify the Landlord at the ovog ugovora. Ugovorne strane su saglasne earliest 30 days before the expiration of this da će Zakupci najranije 30 dana pre isteka contract, and at the latest 15 days after the expiry

ovog ugovora, a najkasnije 15 dana isteka of the contract, whether he will use the pre-lease ugovora obavestiti Zakupodavca da li će right. koristiti pravo prečeg zakupa. 2.4. The Landlord undertakes to register Tenants 2.4. Zakupodavac se obavezuje da će pružiti at the place of residence and get “white neophodnu pomoć prilikom prijave Zakupaca cardboard” if necessary. u mestu stanovanja i dobijanja belog kartona. Član 3. VISINA I NAČIN PLAĆANJA ARTICLE 3 The amount and manner of ZAKUPNINE paying the rent 3.1. Zakupac je dužan da za korišćenje nekretnine opisane u čl.1 ovog Ugovora plaća zakupinu u iznosu od ____,00 EURA. Sve troškove koji terete nekretninu (Infostana, komunalni troškovi, telefon, kablovska tv, internet, troškove korišćenja električne energije, održavanje zgrade, čistačicu) plaćaju Zakupci. Visina zakupnine je fiksna i ne može da se menja za vreme trajanja ovog Ugovora. 3.2. Ugovorne strane su saglasne da se ugovorena zakupnina plaća mesečno unapred, izmedju 01. i 05. dana u mesecu za tekući zakupni mesec.

3.1. The Tenants is obliged to pay the monthly amount for the usage of the asset in the amount of ____.00 EUR.


ARTICLE 4 Occupation of the apartment and deposit

4.1. Zakupodavac je saglasan da Zakupci mogu koristiti stan samo za svoje potrebe, bez mogućnosti da ga ustupe drugim licima u podzakup ili na korišćenje. Stanari mogu da žive u stanu sa kućnim ljubimcima.

4.1. The Tenants can use the apartment for his needs, without the possibility to renounce the permanent use of the apartment to the third parties. The Tenants can live in an apartment with pets.

4.2. Zakupci neće koristiti zakupljenu nepokretnost u nezakonite svrhe i poštovaće sve uredbe i pravila koja se tiču buke, sigurnosti, niti će se mešati u prava drugih stanara.

4.2. The Tenant shall not use the rented apartment for illegal purposes and he shall obey all the rules and regulations concerning noise, security and shall not interfere with the rights of other tenants.

4.3. Zakupci su na ime depozita, kao garanciju o preuzetim ugovornim obavezama, platili po potpisivanju ovog Ugovora Zakupodavcu iznos od jedne mesečne ugovorene zakupnine.

4.3. The Tenants has paid to the Landlord the amount of a monthly rent agreed by this Agreement in a form of a deposit, as a guarantee for the liabilities given hereby.

4.4. Depozit će biti vraćen Zakupcima po isteku ugovora, nakon konačnog pregleda preuzetog inventara, podmirenja svih mesečnih kirija, eventualnih oštećenja pokretnog i nepokretnog inventara. Član 5. SPISAK I OPIS IMOVINE

All costs (Infostan, utility costs, internet, electricity usage costs, maintenance of the building, cleaning lady) paid by the Tenants. The rental amount is fixed and cannot be changed during the term of this Agreement. 3.2. The contract parties agree that the rent fee shall be paid on one-month bases in advance, between 01st and 05th day of the month for the current rent month.

4.4. The deposit shall be reimbursed to the Tenant on termination of this agreement, after the final check of the inventories and all the monthly rent payments as well as all possible damages of the mobile and immobile inventory. ARTICLE 5 Inventory and description of the premises

5.1. Pre početka korišćenja nepokretnosti, biće sastavljen detaljan Zapisnik sa opisom prostorija i stvari koji čini sastavni deo ovog ugovora. Zapisnik mora biti potpisan od obe ugovorne strane. Jedna kopija biće u posedu Zakupodavca a druga u posedu Zakupaca. Pomoću inventarske liste biće izvršen pregled inventara po prestanku važenja Ugovora o zakupu, a pre predaje stana Zakupodavcu.

5.1. Before the Tenants starts to use the premises, an inventory list with description of premises and assets shall be made, as an integral part of this Agreement. This List of inventories shall be signed by both Parties, one copy for the Tenants and one for the Landlord. The inventory list shall be used for the final check of the assets after termination of this Lease contract and before leaving the apartment to the Landlord.

5.2. Ugovorne strane su saglasne da dva kompleta ključeva od ulaznih vrata predmetnog stana budu kod Zakupaca. Isti će biti vraćeni Zakupodavcu po završetku ovog ugovornog odnosa i konačnog pregleda inventara.

5.2. The contractual parties agreed that two sets of the keys of the apartment would be in the possession of the Tenants. They will be returned to the Landlord after termination of the agreement and the final inventory check.


ARTICLE 6 Major Repairs

6.1. Zakupodavac je dužan da snosi troškove investicionog održavanja prostora i opreme, i ima obavezu da prostor održava u stanju u kojem se on može koristiti za svrhe predviđene ovim ugovorom.

6.1. The Landlord is obliged to pay all costs for investment maintenance of apartment and the equipment, and has obligation to keep the apartment in condition in which it can be used for purposes of provided by this Agreement.

6.2. Zakupci se obavezuju da će u slučaju eventualnih nepravilnosti u radu ili mogućih kvarova na instalacijama i uređajima, a nisu posledica nepažnje zakupaca, odmah obavestiti Zakupodavca radi otklanjanja istih, a Zakupodavac je obavezan da eventualno nastale nepravilnosti u radu ili moguće kvarove otkloni u najkraćem mogućem roku.

6.2. The Tenants is obliged that in case of possible irregularities during the use or possible damages on the installations and devices which did not arise by tenant’s fault, to immediately notify the Landlord for the purposes of corrections, and the Landlord is obliged to repair all possible irregularities or damages as soon as possible.

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Ukoliko Zakupodavac ne ispuni svoju obavezu iz ovog člana u gore pomenutom roku, Zakupci imaju pravo da izvrši popravku takvog kvara sa datim pisanim obaveštenjem, na račun Zakupodavca i da troškove odbije od zakupnine.

If the Landlord fails to fulfill his obligation from this article in the above-mentioned period, the Tenants has the right to repair the damage on the account of the Landlord with a written notice, and to cut these expenses from the rent.


ARTICLE 7 Termination clause

7.1. Ugovor o zakupu može biti raskinut od strane svake ugovorne strane, pismenim otkazom sa otkaznim rokom od 30 dana. Depozit se neće vratiti u slučaju da Zakupac svojom voljom otkaže Ugovor o zakupu u prvih 12 meseci zakupa.

7.1. The agreement can be terminated by Tenants with a written notice of 30 days in advance. The deposit will not be returned in the event that the Tenants voluntarily terminates the lease in the 12 months of the lease period.

6.3. Zakupci snose troškove sitnih opravki 6.3. The Tenants shall bear the costs for minor izazvanih redovnom upotrebom stvari kao i repairs caused by the regular usage of devices and equipment (daily maintenance). troškove same upotrebe (tekuće održavanje).

7.2. The Tenants can terminate lease agreement

7.2. Zakupci mogu otkazati ugovor o zakupu u slučaju kada viša sila dovede stan objekat zakupa u nezadovoljavajuće stanje dajući otkaz koji stupa na snagu odmah. 7.3. Zakupci su obavezni da po isteku ugovora, vrate predmetne prostorije i opremu Zakupodavcu sve u ispravnom stanju a prema zapisniku o primopredaji pomenutom u članu 5 ovog ugovora.

immediately in case of force majeure leaving the apartment in inappropriate state, with the termination effective immediately. 7.3. The Tenants are obliged to return the mentioned premises to the Landlord in the same condition as described in the List of Inventories after the termination of this Agreement provided in Article 5. 7.4. The Landlord may terminate this Lease Agreement in case the Tenant fails to pay the rent later than 30 days after Landlord’s warning of delay as well as in any other cases in which Tenants fails to act according to this Agreement as his liabilities provided hereby.

7.4. Zakupodavac može otkazati Ugovor o zakupu u slučaju da Zakupci kasne sa plaćanjem zakupnine duže od 30 dana nakon opomene Zakupodavca o kašnjenju kao i u drugim slučajevima kada postupa suprotno svojim ugovornim obavezama. Član 8. MANJE PREPRAVKE ARTICLE 8 Minor Repairs 8.1. Zakupci su dužni da se prema zakupljenom prostoru iz člana.1 odnose sa pažnjom dobrog domaćina, pa su dužni da isti ostave u dobrom stanju, odnosno u stanju koje su zatekli prilikom ulaska u posed, s tim što se ne nadoknađuje razlika u vrednosti stvari, nastala njihovom redovnom upotrebom i habanjem.

8.1. The Tenants are obliged to use the apartment specified in article 1. in good manner and carefully. The Tenants is obliged to leave the property in good condition as it was in the moment of occupying it, whereby the usual tear and wear is expected with no compensation for the changed value of equipment.

8.2. Zakupci ne mogu vršiti bilo kakve 8.2. The Tenants shall not, without the prior prepravke na zakupljenoj nepokretnosti, bez written consent of the Landlord, make any izričite pisane saglasnosti Zakupodavca. changes to the apartment. 8.3. U slučaju znatnog umanjenja vrednosti 8.3. If the value of the apartment is significantly nepokretnosti nastale nedomaćinskim reduced due to the improper behavior of the ponašanjem ili znatne štete koja nastane Tenants or a great damage caused by the Tenants, nepažnjom Zakupaca, Zakupci su dužni da tu the Tenants shall be obliged to compensate the štetu nadoknade. damage. 8.4. Stan se uzima i vraća u primljenom 8.4. Apartment has to be returned in condition it stanju. was in first day receiving. Član 9. PODZAKUP

ARTICLE 9 Sublease

9.1. Zakupci ne mogu bez saglasnosti Zakupodavca izdati nepokretnost opisanu u članu 1. ovog ugovora trećem licu u podzakup.

9.1. The Tenants shall not, without the prior consent of the Landlord, sub-lease the premises from the Article 1 of this Agreement to the third party.


ARTICLE 10 Landlord’s warranties

10.1. Zakupodavac jamči da je on vlasnik opisane nekretnine u članu 1. (odnosno da poseduje punomoćje/ovlašćenje za raspolaganje/izdavanje navedene nepokretnosti) te da na predmetnoj

10.1. The Landlord guarantees that he is the owner of the apartment described in the article 1 (with the power of attorney for the lease of the apartment) and that there are no liens or encumbrances on the above-mentioned house,

nepokretnosti nema nikakvih knjižnih i vanknjižnih tereta, da ista nije predmet nikakvog spora, da prema njoj treća lica nemaju nikakva potraživanja, a ukoliko ista postoje da će ih o svom trošku otkloniti. Zakupodavac je dužan da obezbedi mirnu državinu zakupljenog prostora za sve vreme trajanja zakupa po ovom Ugovoru.

and the house is not subject to any dispute and that no third party has any right whatsoever against the house: in the case of the contrary, the Landlord shall cure any such nuisance in his own costs. The Landlord is obliged to provide to the Tenants peaceable possession of the leased apartment.

10.2. Zakupci su dužni da u slučaju bilo 10.2. The Tenants are obliged to notify the kakvog uznemiravanja u korišćenju Landlord in case of any disruption in using the zakupljene nepokretnosti iz čl. 1. od strane apartment from Article 1 by the third party. trećeg lica obavesti Zakupodavca. 10.3. Zakupci će dozvoliti Zakupodavcu obilazak iznajmljenog prostora pod uslovom 10.3. The Tenants will permit the Landlord to da mu Zakupodavac najavi posetu najmanje 1 visit the premises leased, if Landlord announces the visit to the Tenants at least 1 day in advance. dan unapred. 10.4. Zakupodavac će moći, a uz prethodnu najavu, da pokaže prostor budućim 10.4. The Landlord will be allowed, on the interesentima, ali samo tokom poslednjih pet former notification, to show the property to the nedelja pre isteka Ugovora o zakupu. future clients, but only during the last rent five weeks before the lease agreement expires. Član 11. OBAVEŠTAVANJE I KLJUČEVI

ARTICLE 11 Notifications and Keys

11.1. Sve radnje odnosno izjave i obaveštenja preduzete od strane jednog od Zakupaca smatraće se da su preduzete saglasnošću volja oba Zakupca. Sve radnje odnosno izjave i obaveštenja preduzete od strane Zakupodavca i upućene jednom od Zakupaca imaće pravno dejstvo kao da su upućene obojici Zakupaca.

11.1. All actions or statements and notifications undertaken by one of the Tenants shall be deemed to have been undertaken with the consent of both Tenants. All actions or statements and notifications taken by the Landlord/Lessor and sent to one of the Tenants will have legal effect as if they were sent to both Tenants.

11.2 Ključevi će biti predati zakupcima pre 11.2. The keys will be handed over to the Tenants početka perioda zakupa. before the start of the rental period. 11.3. Na dan isteka ugovora zakupci su u 11.3. On the termination date, the Tenants shall obavezi da vrate sve ključeve iznajmljenih return to the Landlord all sets of keys of the prostorija. premises. Član 12. MERODAVNO PRAVO

ARTICLE 12 Applicable law

12.1. Ovaj ugovor je sačinjen u skladu sa merodavnim pravom Republike Srbije i na sva pitanja koja nisu regulisana ovim Ugovorom, primenjivaće se Zakon o obligacionim odnosima koji važi u Republici Srbiji.

12.1. This Agreement is made according to the Laws of the Republic of Serbia and for all the issues that may arise from this Agreement, the Obligation law shall be applied.

12.2. Any disputes arising from this Agreement, 12.2. Sve eventualne sporove koji nastanu iz the Parties shall solve amicably. Otherwise the ovog Ugovora, stranke će rešavati respective basic court shall have the jurisdiction. sporazumno, a ukoliko se sporazum ne može postići, nadležan je stvarno i mesno nadležni osnovni sud.

12.3. Ovaj ugovor je sastavljen na srpskom i engleskom jeziku. U slučaju spora oko značenja pojedinih odredaba merodavnim će se smatrati tekst na engleskom jeziku.

12.3. This Agreement is made in Serbian and English language. In case of disputes agreement in English language will prevail.

12.4. This Agreement has been executed in 2 12.4. Ovaj ugovor je sačinjen u 2 (dva) (two) identical copies, with 1 (one) copy for istovetna primerka od kojih svaka strana each party. zadržava po 1 (jedan) primerak.

Zakupodavac / The Landlord: _____________________________________

Zakupci / The Tenants: _______________________________________

To the lease contract dated _______, 2022 Na ugovor o zakupu od ___.___.2022 Date / Datum

Period / Razdoblje

Sum of money / Suma novca


____ (___________ ____________) EUR


from ___.___._____ to ___.___._____

____ (___________ ____________) EUR


from ___.___._____ to ___.___._____

____ (___________ ____________) EUR


from ___.___._____ to ___.___._____

____ (___________ ____________) EUR


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____ (___________ ____________) EUR


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from ___.___._____ to ___.___._____

____ (___________ ____________) EUR


from ___.___._____ to ___.___._____

____ (___________ ____________) EUR


from ___.___._____ to ___.___._____

____ (___________ ____________) EUR


Signature of Tenant / Potpis zakupaca

Signature of Landlord / Potpis zakupodavca