Jeff Speakman - Kenpo 5.0 [PDF]

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WHAT IS KENPO 5.0 American Kenpo version 5.0 is the hybrid of the last generation version of American Kenpo taught directly from Senior Grand Master Ed Parker to Jeff Speakman and ground fighting brought into the equation by Mr. Speakman. Mr. Speakman create Kenpo answers to defending against an opponent with these skills in the street. It is modifying the existing 4.0 system while remaining completely within the combat models and thinking of American Kenpo to address this increasing and prevalent void in the Kenpo world. By keeping within these models of Kenpo we have been able to develop a system combining the best of these two worlds to give our students the maximum ability to deal with the very real possibilities of becoming involved in these kinds of altercations. In addition it allows us to continue to develop ourselves within the mind-body-spirit paradigm of a true martial spirit to reach a higher level of individual performance and sustained excellence and therefore strengthening the group as a whole. WHY KENPO OVER TRADITIONAL SPORTS? Traditional sports, such as basketball, football and baseball, offer the benefits of physical fitness, teamwork, discipline and teach the value of fair play. All of these are important and can help shape the personality and future of our children but what many people do not know is that kenpo karate training offers all the same benefits and much more. A Kenpo karate student also learns respect, self-esteem, and self discipline. Students are taught to respect their parents, adults, teachers and above all themselves. Students are taught respect by referring to adults and upper ranking students as Sir or Mam. Students are required to come to class in a clean and kept uniform. By requiring a clean uniform, the student learns to take pride in his or her appearance. Self-esteem is also gained through the confidence a student finds in themselves as their strength and abilities grow. There is a great deal of self worth in knowing that if you work hard and do your best that you can accomplish and handle anything that comes your way. In addition, to the lessons learned, our instructors take an active role in the student’s education and home life. Unlike teachers and coaches in other sports, we welcome parents to come in and talk to us about the child’s study and work habits and offer any assistance we can. Often times, we will help and offer assistance in correcting behavioral problems that parents may have difficulty handling. We also reward students for doing well, for example students who maintain grades of A’s and B’s in school are given a patch that they may wear and display proudly on their uniform that recognizes their academic achievements. Those who do not perform well face being demoted or having to do rigorous exercises. We invite you to watch and even take a class so that you may see for yourselves what the world of martial arts has to offer.

THE HISTORY OF JEFF SPEAKMAN’S KENPO 5.0 KENPO COMES HOME If you will allow yourself to think this way for just a few moments we can trace the art of American Kenpo directly to the empty hand art of Wu Shu, called Chuan fa. That means this amazing art of “personal defense” or “escape patterns”, as it is originally referred to, was the art taught to the Bodhisattva Warriors, the protectors of Buddhism, in a way the original knights templar–and we are all their direct descendants. Although I have spent many years of my life researching and inquiring of many different religions and belief systems, I had only a cursory knowledge of Buddhism and this encounter opened the door for me to really plunge in. Metaphorically Buddhism’s journey of self discovery and self actualization mirrors the journey of the martial way. Not “the” path to discover who you are in all of this, but “a” path of discovery, a way to learn about yourself and celebrate the fact that you are here. You see, that is the point of the martial arts, and how it deviates from the various sport fighting systems of the day. There needs to be a real sense of grace, beauty and realization of the common good mixed in with the physical mastery to be a complete journey. A balance of the yang to go with the yin as it were, or as Nagaboshi Tomio points out in his book Bodhisattva Warriors, “non-spiritual physical arts practitioners may get attached to their own supposed virtues or attributes. Such an attitude closes the door of the path”. A concept that is lacking so much in the over-commercialization of the martial arts so prevalent in the United States and now other developed countries as well. That is why staying connected to the old school ways is so important to me, my students and many of my friends in the martial arts world. And that is why I have remained so closely connected to my original Goju-Ryu instructor Hanshi Lou Angel. You see, Mr. Angel tested for and received his third degree black belt directly from Gogen Yamagucci in Tokyo, Japan in 1963. It is with that sensibility that I was raised in the martial arts by Hanshi Angel and it is how I pass on the arts to my students. Soon Mr. Sherman and I were called to the back stage area to prepare for the demo. Meeting other Chinese performers, none of which spoke any English and some had never seen a white boy other than in the movies, we stretched out and repeatedly walked through our demo. As the time went on so slowly I asked Mr. Sherman to join me in the tent for a brief moment to reflect on how we got here. We spoke of the history of our art and the sacrifices made by so many that have allowed us to be present at this moment. The depth of the emotions was very real and added much to the totality of the experience. Perhaps Einstein was right and energy can never be created or destroyed, it just transfers from one event to the next; then maybe in some way my Kenpo teacher and mentor Mr. Ed Parker could feel this. Or maybe my recently deceased mother could feel pride in her son’s accomplishment of such staggering proportions. Then the time came for us to go next to the stage and get ready to perform. It was at this very moment that I felt the sun and the cool wind on my skin in a way I never felt before, so incredibly alive. I was so taken by the emotion of it all I had to consciously change my focus just to the physical performance now seconds away. I became concerned that my concentration would be so taken from me by these emotions that I might trip on the red carpet on my way up the stairs. The moment came, we entered stage and hit the demo with every expectation we could have imagined. Spontaneous applause from throughout the audience assured us that we were not the only people enjoying this display of violent poetry we call American Kenpo. In just a few minutes it was over, but only the physical part; we were changed forever.

After the demo the group returned to the fantastic hanging temple for a tour. And here we were, at one of the places where it all began. Full circle is what I thought, walking through the temple with all the feelings and emotions of the event just finished. There were so many moments where we felt a sense of completion, not just of the demo but of the many many years of study and sacrifice that Mr. Sherman and I have shared these past 10 years together and all the many years we have trained in the martial arts previously. Hence the motivation for this article, that feeling of closure that calls clearly to me as never before in my life. A perfect day, blue skies, warm sun and a gentle cool breeze–in the shadow of the Hangshan Temple, Kenpo has come home. I stood there thinking “How’s that for a little responsibility?” After all these years and many experiences in the martial arts this is the first article I have ever written myself. Not because I didn’t have anything to say, but because any time I came up with a concept I always thought that there was so much more to do and learn before I could bring some kind of closure to the idea. Well, that finally happened during the week of August 22nd 2005 when I was invited by the Chinese government to participate in the first international forum on martial arts. I was requested to give both a demonstration of American Kenpo Karate and give a speech on this related topic to the members and guests of this forum. I brought my top student Trever Sherman with me and together we went to seek out the origin of this life commitment we share with so many called American Kenpo. We really had no idea what we were going to find, but we were defiantly up for the journey. Arriving in Beijing in the early morning hours and greeted by the government officials we were taken to an amazing hotel called The Purple Jade Hotel for one day in the city then the next day on a 4 hour bus ride to Datong. We went to Datong because just another 40 minutes outside was the destination that would bring an overwhelming feeling of accomplishment and ultimately a homecoming of sorts. This is what is referred to as one of the 5 magical places of martial arts in China, and for all intents and purposes the origins of martial arts and Kenpo Karate as we commonly think of it today. Although there are older fighting systems well documented from the Egyptian and Roman eras, the famous Shaolin Temple and the 4 other associated locations are the places sof legend, myth and fact. This truly special place, called the Hangshan Temple, issometimes referred to as the “hanging temple”. Well prepared, we began our journey from the hotel in Datong together with 4 other busloads of martial artists from around the world as well as other producers, directors and government officials. Both the city and country side was remarkably similar to Mexico we thought as we motored along wondering how this day would play out. I will never forget the first time we saw the temple, winding around the mountains to a clearing and there it was. It didn’t look real at first, placed so high up on the side of a dramatic and steep mountain. Over 1,500 years old, the temple rises over 100 feet into the air from its anchor in the mountainside. It is the only one of the five temples where the three main religions of China are practiced at the same place, not only Buddhism but Taoism and Confucianism as well. Our guide told us that we would return after the presentations to be held in a clearing just ahead. As we turned the last corner we were shocked to see over 12,000 people all waiting patiently for the day’s events. Along with the demonstrations of various styles of Chinese Kung Fu there were recognitions by the government and other performances of traditional Chinese song and dance. Overwhelmed somehow comes up terribly inadequate to describe the time, place and emotions. The crowd cheered as we all emptied the busses and made our way to the reserved seats in the front of a red carpeted stage some 60 feet wide and 30 feet deep. Just prior to this trip, as fate would have it, I had met a wonderful martial artist by the name of Nelson Armstrong who not only is a qualified black belt in his own right, but a Chinese/American martial arts historian. He graciously agreed to give a presentation on his life’s work and research during a seminar I conducted in Eureka, California. Because of this and my own research prior to the trip I came to China with a solid concept of our history. As most

of our students know the word “Kenpo” is the Japanese term for the same art known in China as “Chuan fa”. In fact they mean the same thing –“fist law”. But what I discovered much to my surprise is that this translation doesn’t refer to “the law of the fist” as we often surmise. The fact is that the fist is the protector of the law, it directly refers to the protectors of the Buddhist religion. Similar to the metaphor in the martial arts that a good instructor gets his students to believe in him and a master instructor gets his students to believe in themselves, this path is not for the closed minded. I have always pursued my relationships with my students with the idea that discovering themselves through this art is far more important than any belt, trophy or self aggrandizement you can achieve. The Journey is the destination in this case and much of life as well. Of course the down side of this approach is that you need to have the courage to let your students go if they choose to do so, even if you disagree with their direction. Easier said than done, but this is the point. The next day I gave my speech to the organizational committee and participants back at the hotel in Datong. I spoke of the embarrassment of the over commercialization of the martial arts in America, and the empty accomplishments of so many. I highlighted that in the over 25 years of studying and teaching coupled with the 11 movies I have starred in I could have hundreds of black belt student all over the world, but I have 37. And that there are some schools and teachers who prefer to keep to the old ways and pursue accomplishments in the arts through time-honored dedication and discipline. After the speech a monk from the Shoalin Temple came up to Mr. Sherman and myself and invited us to stay with them for a month and study. As you can guess, that will be another article in itself. Constantly amazed at how little most instructors demand of their students for their requirements for belt advancement I find myself continually clashing with the larger commercial martial arts community. This reality is especially true for those schools located outside of the USA and in popular vacation spots of the world. So many instructors use black belt promotions to pay for their chance to travel abroad and see the world, and the students know it. A few days later we returned to the city of Beijing and the Purple Jade Hotel, staying here alone for a couple of days before we went on to the next leg of the’ round the world trip to Europe. Early one morning I went for a walk among the beautiful gardens and nature path around the property. A time to reflect on the enormity of this experience and the end of our trip to China and the homecoming of Kenpo. Under these extraordinary circumstances my mind was free to wonder at life’s complexities and challenges. Understanding my mortality and my work to find solace in comprehension of my place in all things, I reflected upon the inherent conflicts of the world and the history of man’s inhumanity to man. If one looks at man’s history on the planet– the genocides, mass murders, government and religious extremism, racism and a list of atrocities that unfortunately would fill this and many other articles, the concerns of our future are inescapable. Rounding the corner of the path, in the middle of this beautiful scenery, was a young Chinese woman pushing a stroller bearing her infant son. She was talking to him in her warm and reassuring voice, making him feel safe and secure in this tumultuous world waiting for him just a few years ahead. As I walked past she had stopped to pluck some purple wild flowers blooming next to the path and was teaching her son to smell them and appreciate natural beauty. How profound to come upon this now, I thought, realizing that what I was looking at is the reason we must continue forward and look to the beauty of life and try to surround ourselves with it at any and all opportunities. It is these moments of clarity in a world of confusion that so many of us live for. I know that my approach to the martial arts is not for everyone, and that’s ok. Because, you see I just can’t find the handle on the idea that my needs or desires are as important as all those who have come before me and sacrificed to keep the spirit of the martial way throughout time. And that is all it comes down to anyway– what you do in this life, how it benefits others and respects those who paved the way before us. As instructors put more

red stripes on their black belts the responsibility to keep the way alive becomes more and more dependent on them, not less. One of my favorite Einstein quotes is “unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth”. If we don’t reflect on this something very special will be lost forever, and that will be very sad. It is to this end that I remain dedicated, and remain in pursuit finding a few like-minded people to share this obsession. I thank you for taking the time to read this article, and I look forward to sharing more of my experiences and thoughts with you in the years to come. Maybe in a few months more or a few years more, but with any kind of luck I will be around for a while … Jeff Speakman

YELLOW BELT This is a brief outline of the requirements to achieve this promotion. A more detailed curriculum is available at our school. Adult Yellow Belt generally takes 2 months, 16 sessions to obtain the requirements needed for Yellow belt. Techniques:          

DELAYED SWORD - Right hand to left lapel grab ALTERNATING MACES - Two hand push to chest SWORD OF DESTRUCTION - Left roundhouse punch to face DEFLECTING HAMMER - Right kick to mid section CAPTURED TWIGS - Rear bear hug arms pinned LONE KIMONO - Left lapel grab with right punch ready OBSTRUCTING THE STORM - Right overhead club attack MACE OF AGGRESSION - Two hand lapel grab and pull in ATTACKING MACE - Right step through right punch to face SWORD AND HAMMER - Right flank right shoulder grab with left hand

ORANGE BELT This is a brief outline of the requirements to achieve this promotion. A more detailed curriculum is available at our school. Adult Orange Belt generally takes 4 months, 32 sessions to obtain the requirements needed for Orange belt. Techniques:              

CLUTCHING FEATHERS - Left hair grab with right punch ready TRIGGERED SALUTE - Right push to left shoulder GLANCING SALUTE - Right cross push to right shoulder THRUSTING SALUTE - Right thrust kick to mid section BUCKLING BRANCH - Left thrust kick to mid section CRASHING WINGS - Rear bear hug arms free SWINGING PENDULUM - Right round house kick while in right neutral bow OBSCURE WING - Right flank right shoulder grab with left hand AGGRESSIVE TWINS - Two hand push to chest GRIP OF DEATH - Right head lock from left side SHIELDING HAMMER - Left straight shuffle punch from a left neutral bow while in a right neutral bow FIVE SWORDS - Left jab and right cross from a left neutral bow while in a right neutral bow RAINING CLAW - Left jab and right upper cut punch to the mid section while in a right neutral bow GLANCING WING - Left jab followed by a right cross and a left upper cut punch to the mid section while in a right neutral bow

Forms and Sets:  


Orange Belt Pledge: I understand that I am but a beginner in a new and fascinating art, which will direct me to greater obligations and responsibilities, to honor my obligations and responsibilities I pledge myself to serve my instructor, fellow student and fellow man. Terminology: Synonyms SALUTE - Heal Palm FEATHERS - Hair WING - Elbow LEAVES - Fingers GIFT - Handshake Sayings Let time be your measurement to skill and experience. To hear is to doubt, to see it to be deceived, but to feel is to believe. He who hesitates meditates in a horizontal position. There are no pure styles of "Karate", purity only comes when pure knuckles meet pure flesh no matter who delivers or receives. PURPLE BELT This is a brief outline of the requirements to achieve this promotion. A more detailed curriculum is available at our school. Adult Purple Belt generally takes 4 months, 32 sessions to obtain the requirements needed for Purple belt. Techniques:              

TWIRLING WINGS - Rear two hand choke LEAPING CRANE - Right step through right punch to face REVERSING MACE - Left punch to face from left neutral bow while in a right neutral bow STRIKING SERPENTS HEAD - Front bear hug with arms free EVADING THE STORM - Right overhead club attack CHECKING THE STORM - Right overhead club attack CROSSING TALON - Right cross to right wrist grab OBSCURE SWORD - Right flank right shoulder grab with left hand CHARGING MACES - Left to left fighting stance HAMMERING MACE - Left to left fighting stance RETURNING MACE - Left to left fighting stance THRUSTING KNEE - Shoot attach while in a left neutral bow OPPOSING CIRCLES - Shoot attack while in a left neutral bow (head goes to right) COLLAPSING WEDGE - Shoot attack while in a left neutral bow (head goes to left)

Forms and Sets   


Purple Belt Pledge: I hold the art of Kenpo sacred and freely take upon myself the obligations and responsibility that I shall never misuse my art to hurt or make afraid. I shall only fight when forced to defend myself and shall be slow to anger, loathe to take offense, quick to forgive personal affronts.

Terminology: Synonyms PRONGS - Thumbs BRANCH - Leg TALON - Grab CLAWS - Finger Tips Sayings To beat action meet it. Fair play is when your opponent’s definition of fair play is equally matched to yours. It is not the size of the man but the size of the fear that has been the cause of many a defeat. Wasted inches are wasted time. Knowledge is bound when one is compelled to tradition: Knowledge is endless when tradition is bound. BLUE BELT This is a brief outline of the requirements to achieve this promotion. A more detailed curriculum is available at our school. Adult Blue Belt generally takes 4 months, 32 sessions to obtain the requirements needed for Blue belt. Techniques:              

GRIPPING LEAVES - Defense from the closed guard DESTRUCTIVE LEAVES - Defense from the closed guard SNAPPING BRANCH - Defense from the closed guard SLEEPER - Left jab with a right cross from a left to left fighting stance THUNDERING HAMMERS - Left jab with a right cross from a left to left fighting stance DANCE OF DEATH - Left jab with a right cross from a left to left fighting stance THRUSTING WEDGE - Attempted two hand choke from front PARTING WINGS - Two hand push to chest ENCOUNTER WITH DANGER - Two hand push to chest LEAP FROM DANGER - Two hand push from behind LOCKING HORNS - Front guillotine choke SCRAPING HOOF - Rear full nelson LOCKED WING - Rear right arm lock FLIGHT TO FREEDOM - Rear right arm lock

Forms and Sets:   


Blue Belt Pledge: I shall never let pride rule my passions and will defend with all the skills I possess, the weak, the helpless and the oppressed. I pledge an unswerving loyalty to the Association and my instructor. In addition, I pledge to earn the same self-loyalty to those who look to me for training. Terminology: Synonyms RAM - Tackle PEACH - Testicle PENDULUM - Downward Block or Strike Sayings Reaction can beat action if the target to be reached last is the first object to move out of the way. To aid your action, feed it with your opponent’s reaction. Flow First, Power Later. An ounce of logic can be worth more than a ton of tradition that has become obsolete through the weathering of time. Never send an opponent’s weapon into orbit only to have it

reorbit back at you. Devote time to a particular move before deciding whether or not it does or does not work for you. GREEN BELT This is a brief outline of the requirements to achieve this promotion. A more detailed curriculum is available at our school. Adult Green Belt generally takes 4 months, 32 sessions to obtain the requirements needed for Green belt. Techniques:              

DISAPPEARING MACE - Left jab from left to left fighting stance TWISTED WING - Left jab from left to left fighting stance COLLAPSING SERPENTS HEAD - Left jab from left to left fighting stance TRIPPING BRANCH - Left jab from left to left fighting stance BROKEN WING - Left jab from left to left fighting stance DESTRUCTIVE TWINS - Two hand lapel grab pull in WINGS OF SILK - Rear two arm lock CONQUERING SHIELD - Left lapel grab with left hand FATAL CROSS - Front low two hand attempted grab BLINDING SACRIFICE - Front attempted two hand choke GIFT OF DESTRUCTION - Front hand shake GIFT OF DESTINY - Front hand shake CIRCLING WING - Rear two hand choke CROSSED TWIGS - Rear two hand wrist grab

Forms and Sets  SHORT FORM III  STICK SET I  STANCE SET II Green Belt Pledge: I pledge a continued effort to sharpen my skills, to increase my knowledge, and to broaden my horizons. I shall obligate myself under the direction of my instructor to learn the skills of a teacher which will enable me to teach my skills in the prescribed manner outlined by Mr. Ed Parker. Terminology: Synonyms DARK or DARKNESS - Attack from the rear or flank (because they are coming from the unknown) MARRIAGE, COURTING or Other PLURAL words such as eagles, falcons, etc. - Refers to two-man attack FAN or FANS - Circular Parries LANCE - Refers to knife attacks ROD - Gun Sayings Action with effect keeps an opponent in check. Accuracy must accompany speed, for it takes both to secure victory. To desire something does not mean to accomplish it. To perspire for it makes accomplishments a reality.

FIRST DEGREE BROWN BELT This is a brief outline of the requirements to achieve this promotion. A more detailed curriculum is available at our school. Brown Belt tests are administered bi-annually every six months in March and September of each year. Techniques:                    

BRUSHING THE STORM - Right flank right club attack SCAPE FROM THE STORM - Right flank right club attack TRIPPING ARROW - Front bear hug arms free OBSCURE CLAWS - Right flank right shoulder grab with left hand DOMINATING CIRCLES - Right flank right shoulder grab with right hand GRIPPING TALON - Front right wrist grab with left hand DESPERATE FALCONS - Front direct two hand wrist grab GLANCING SPEAR - Front left wrist grab with right hand FALLEN CROSS - Rear two hand choke DETOUR FROM DOOM - Right round house kick while in right neutral bow DESTRUCTIVE KNEE - Left jab while in right neutral bow DESTRUCTIVE CLAWS - Left jab while in right neutral bow DESTRUCTIVE CROSS - Left jab while in right neutral bow DARTING MACE - Front two hand right wrist grab HOOKING WINGS - Attempted front two hand low grab FLASHING WING - Left jab right cross from left to left fighting stance FLASHING MACE - Left jab right cross from left to left fighting stance DESTRUCTIVE FANS - Left jab right cross from left to left fighting stance CIRCLING THE HORIZON - Left jab right cross from left to left fighting stance GATHERING CLOUDS - Left jab right cross from left to left fighting stance

Forms and Sets:   


First Degree Brown Belt Pledge: I pledge that as my skill as a teacher progresses I will never condemn, ridicule, embarrass or shame any student or fellow instructor in the presence of a class or group. All grievances or disputes shall be conducted in private away from group observation. Terminology: Synonyms No new synonyms for 1st Degree Brown Belt Sayings There are only a set number of basic moves--all else are variations of the same. When you exaggerate a move your build and offense into a defense. When you condense a move, the reverse holds true. You must earn what you learn. Environment is what is around you, on you or in you at the time of confrontation. Mastery of the art comes when the tiger is seen, but the dragon prevails.

SECOND DEGREE BROWN BELT This is a brief outline of the requirements to achieve this promotion. A more detailed curriculum is available at our school. Brown Belt tests are administered bi-annually every six months in March and September of each year. Techniques:                    

CIRCLING DESTRUCTION - Left jab while in right neutral bow SNAPPING TWIG - Front left hand push to chest KNEEL OF COMPULSION - Right flank right punch to head BACK BREAKER - Right flank right punch to head ESCAPE FROM DEATH - Rear choke with right arm HEAVENLY ASCENT - Attempted front choke DECEPTIVE PANTHER - Right low and high round house kicks while in a right neutral bow TAMING THE MACE - Right step through right punch to face THRUSTING PRONGS - Front bear hug arms pinned SQUEEZING THE PEACH - Rear bear hug arms pinned CLIPPING THE STORM - Right front club thrust PIERCING WING - Defending against the closed guard position CIRCLING BRANCH - Defending against the half guard position COLLAPSING BRANCHES - Defending against the butterfly guard position THRUSTING LANCE - Right long blade knife thrust to mid section SLASHING LANCE - Right long blade horizontal knife slash to mid section RETURNING LANCE - Right long blade horizontal knife slash and return slash to mid section ENTWINDED LANCE - Right long blade thrust to neck RAINING LANCE - Right short blade overhead attack GLANCING LANCE - Right long blade knife thrust to mid section

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Second Degree Brown Belt Pledge: I understand that like a doctor, the private affairs of students and fellow instructors that come to my attention during the exercising of my responsibilities are private communications and must never be discussed with any living soul. I vow that I will never violate this pledge or any other for the sake of personal benefit. TERMINOLOGY: Synonyms No new synonyms for 2nd Degree Brown Belt Sayings No new sayings for 2nd Degree Brown Belt

THIRD DEGREE BROWN BELT This is a brief outline of the requirements to achieve this promotion. A more detailed curriculum is available at our school. Brown Belt tests are administered bi-annually every six months in March and September of each year. Techniques:                    

PROTECTING FANS - Left jab right cross from left to left fighting stance CIRCLES OF PROTECTION - Left jab right cross from left to left fighting stance CIRCLING FANS - Left jab right cross from left to left fighting stance SHIELD AND MACE - Left jab right cross from left to left fighting stance TWIRLING HAMMERS - Left punch to face while in a right neutral bow UNFURLING CRANE - Left jab right cross while in a right neutral bow ENTWINED MACE - Left jab right cross while in a right neutral bow FATAL DEVIATION - Right left punch combination while in a right neutral bow DANCE OF DARKNESS - Right kick right punch to face while in a right neutral bow UNWINDING PENDULUM - Right kick right punch to face while in a right neutral bow DEFENSIVE CROSS - Right kick to mid section GATHERING BRANCHES - Attempted tackle while in left neutral bow right knee on ground TRAPPING BRANCH - Right punch while in a left neutral bow right knee on ground BOWING TO BUDDHA - Right round kick to face while in left neutral bow right knee on ground THRUST INTO DARKNESS - Right punch from rear SNAKING TALON - Two hand attempted push RETREATING PENDULUM - Right side kick while in right neutral bow SPIRALING TWIG - Rear bear hug arms free CALMING THE STORM - Right round house club attack to head DESTRUCTIVE KNEEL - Right step through punch while in a left neutral bow

Forms and Sets:   


Third Degree Brown Belt Pledge: I honor and hold sacred the right of all men to protect themselves. I further hold that as a trained martial artist in Kenpo, I will take upon myself all obligations and responsibilities deemed sacred to my God, family, country and Association. Terminology: Synonyms No new synonyms for 3rd Degree Brown Belt Sayings No new sayings for 3rd Degree Brown Belt

FIRST DEGREE BLACK BELT This is a brief outline of the requirements to achieve this promotion. A more detailed curriculum is available at our school. Black Belt tests are administered bi-annually every six months in March and September of each year. Techniques:                    

HACKING LANCE - Right long blade knife thrust to mid section with right long blade defense SCRAPPING LANCE - Right long blade knife thrust to mid section with right short blade defense TRAPPING LANCE - Right long blade knife thrust to mid section with right long blade left short blade defense DESTRUCTIVE LANCE - Right long blade knife thrust to mid section with double short blade defense CROSSING LANCE - Right long blade knife thrust to mid section with double short blade defense SCISSORING LANCE - Right long blade slash to mid section with double long blade defense FALCONS OF FORCE - Two flanking shoulder grabs REPRIMANDING THE BEARS - Rear bear hug arms pinned and front right punch RAM AND THE EAGLE - Rear left hand to right shoulder grab with front right punch GRASPING EAGLES - Front right lapel grab and rear right shoulder grab with right hand GATHERING OF THE SNAKES - Front left punch rear left shoulder grab THRUSTING LEAVES - Left jab right cross while in left neutral bow LEAP OF DEATH - Front right step through punch while in left neutral bow FALLING FALCON - Front left lapel grab with right hand CAPTURING THE STORM - Front right step through overhead club CIRCLING THE STORM - Front right club thrust TWISTED ROD - Front right pistol CAPTURING THE ROD - Front right pistol against chest DEFYING THE ROD - Front right pistol BROKEN ROD - Rear right hand pistol against back

Forms and Sets:   


First Degree Black Belt Pledge: Black Belt Candidates must also present a written 10-page thesis. I hold that my time and skill are assets of my profession, assets which grow in value as I progress in the art until, as a THIRD Degree black belt, I stand as a fully qualified instructor. It shall also be my responsibility to protect any student from ravenous individuals who would try to take advantage of personal weakness to divest the gullible into unprofitable paths, to preserve sacred things, GOD, family, country and Association, I pledge my all. Terminology: Synonyms No new synonyms for 1st Degree Black Sayings No new sayings for 1st Degree Black