Ielts Listening Question Paper [PDF]

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READ CAREFULLY WHAT TO EXPECT IN THE EXAM SECTION 1 • In IELTS Listening Section 1 you will hear a conversation between two people once only. The recording tells you what the conversation is about. In this case it’s a young woman answering an advert looking for help at a charity event. • You will be given time to look at the questions before you begin and in the middle of the recording. • At the end of the section you will be given time to check your answers. • You will hear an example. SECTION 2 • In IELTS Listening Section 2 you will hear a monologue (one person speaking), but sometimes you may hear one person answering questions. The topic is usually of general interest and there can be two or three sets of questions. • You will be given time to look at the questions before you begin and in the middle of the recording. • At the end of the section you will be given time to check your answers. SECTION 3 • In IELTS listening Section 3 there can be two or more speakers having a discussion about a subject of an academic nature. You need to concentrate and learn to recognize who is speaking. • At the beginning of the recording the topic of conversation is mentioned. • You will be given time to look at the questions before you begin and in the middle of the recording. • At the end of the section you will be given time to check your answers. SECTION 4 • In IELTS Listening Section 4 you will hear a monologue once only. It is of an academic nature, but does not require specialist knowledge. • You are told at the beginning of the recording what the topic is about. Sometimes there is a heading for the questions or part of the questions. • There is a short pause in the middle of the monologue • Section 4 is slightly more difficult than Section 3.


Day 1 (CD1 track 1) SECTION 1 Questions 1-10 Questions 1-4 Complete the notes below. Write no more than ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Questions 5-8 Complete the form below. Write no more than ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer Name:

Andrea 5........................................


90 6.......................................Mansions, 62 Park Avenue, London, SW14PQ



Telephone in the:


Types of people desirable Write letters A-E : 9……………………….. 10……………………… A adventurous

B inflexible


C punctual

D friendly

E sporty

Day 2(CD1 Track 2) SECTION 2

Questions 11-20

Questions 11-15 Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

Penwood Museum Competition 11 In the sixth summer show competition, there were A five prize winners. B four prize winners. C three prize winners. 12 The theme of this year’s competition is A involving young people in the museum’s activities. B forming better links between local people and the museum. C improving the local community’s access to art appreciation 13 The competition was open to those aged A 13-19 B 15-19 C 13-18 14 During the preparation for the entry the competitors were A able to use the museum’s educational facilities B not permitted to use the museum’s educational facilities C allowed to buy any of the equipment they needed 15 According to the speaker, the prize-winning exhibit has A had no influence at all on attendances. B led to a big reduction in attendances. C brought about an increase in attendances Questions 16-20

The Video Commentaries What did the older people say about each piece of equipment? Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-F next to questions 16-20

Comments A B C D E F

too large boring more convenient exciting well constructed still looked fashionable


16 17 18 19 20

Equipment early wooden-framed TV .......... early radios …….. microwave ovens …….. laptops …….. old cameras ……..

Day 3 (CD 1 Track 3) SECTION 3

Questions 21-30

Question 21 Choose the correct letter A, B or C. 21 The initial purpose of the case study was to look only at the club’s A health and safety policy B sporting achievements C management structure Questions 22-25 Complete the notes below Write NO MORE THAN 2 WORDS AND /OR A NUMBER for each answer

Stars Club Case Study Club background -

600 members overall


23 staff including 22………………….. workers.

So far interviewed around 23 …………………… Face-to-face interviews preferable to questionnaire Would be able to ask for 24 ……………….. where necessary Good administration/very focused managers Management group has team 25 …………………… Being there is an exhilarating experience

Questions 26-30 Complete the table below Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer Reasons for Club’s Success Reasons

Comments by researchers

Funding from government, private 26 ………………. and ……………….. quality of 28 ……………..


motivation and 30 ………………….. of athletes




Purpose to pay for facilities 27 ……………… and time off work. Encouraging people to reach their 29 ……………… To become the best in their field

Day 4(CD1 Track 4) SECTION 1

Question 1-10

Questions 1-6 Complete the form below Write NO MORE THAN 2 WORDS AND /OR A NUMBER for each answer




Book Search




Dayne 2………………

ISBN number

978-0 3…………………..

Paperback book Only published in


No longer in print Book category

5 ……………….fiction

Search types Gold




Questions 7-10 Complete the sentences below Write NO MORE THAN 2 WORDS AND /OR A NUMBER for each answer 7 the caller’s mobile number is 08967………………………… 8 Her email address is ………………[email protected] 9 Her address is ………………Chaucer House, Ludlow Park Drive, Richmond, SW20 9RL. 10 She doesn’t want to receive any emails about ………………………..


Day 5 (CD1 Track 5) SECTION 2

Questions 11-20

Questions 11-16 Which change has been made to each part of the cinema? Choose six answers from the box and write the correct letter A-G, next to the question Regal Cinema Complex A enlarged B replaced C still closed D thoroughly cleaned E split up F brightened up G moved

Part of the Cinema 11 facade ............. 12 auditorium ………. 13 foyer ………. 14 bar ………. 15 roof terrace ………. 16 cinema shop ……….

Questions 17-20 Choose the correct letter A, B or C 17 The renovated cinema will open again from A 14th July B 4th July C 14th June 18 Which group will receive free tickets during the first week of opening? A Pensioners who attend any evening session B Young people aged 17-25 C Children who arrive for a matinee performance 19 On Wednesday the reduction on ticket prices for cinema members will be A 25% B 50% C33% 20 A new development at the cinema is the A cinematography classes B weekly workshops C monthly talks


Day 6 (CD 1 Track 6) SECTION 3

Questions 21-30

Question 21 Choose the correct letter A, B or C 21 Zahra’s talk in on electronic gadgets that people A find very annoying to have to listen to B bought in the recent past C feel they have to carry them Questions 22-24 Choose THREE letters, A-G Which THREE of the following elements of conducting Zahra’s research are mentioned as not yet decided? A length of the questionnaire B pictures to use C volume of data D duration of interviews E period of research F age of interviewees G exact aims Questions 25-30 Complete the table below Write NO MORE THAN 2 WORDS AND /OR A NUMBER for each answer

Tim’s electronic gadgets

Questionnaire on gadgets Use



Excluding phoning mainly for sending - texts - 25 ……………..


Typing assignments and 26……………….



Just listening to music

28 ……………………

Future newspaper reader

Eventually for 29…………..




Day 7 (CD 1 Track 7) SECTION 4 Questions 31-40 Choose the correct letter A, B or C Questions 31-35 Cloud-seeding to provide rain 31 Boreholes provide water for A industrial use B agricultural purposes C domestic consumption 32 According to the speaker, in the past people have tried to induce rain by A supernatural means B using fires C special dances 33 There is some proof that seeding clouds increases rainfall by A 15% B 55% C 25% 34 According to the speaker, why do some people not support cloud-seeding? A The benefits of the practice are limited. B The costs of the equipment are too great. C The effects of playing with nature are unknown. 35 The country that is most keen on cloud-seeding is A Russia B China C the USA How Cloud-Seeding works

Questions 36-40 Write NO MORE THAN 2 WORDS for each answer How cloud seeding works


Day 8 (CD 1 Track 8) SECTION 4 Questions 31-40 Questions 31-37 Complete the table below: Write NO MORE THAN 2 WORDS for each answer DATE

Modern Railway Developments


William Jessop’s 31 ……………………..………is considered to be the first one ever built.


The achievements of Richard Trevithick passed mainly 32………………….………………


The Salamanca was the first commercially successful 33…………………..……………..


The Darlington to Stockton railway was first constructed to carry 34………………………….…. . Carrying 35 ……………………… was considered unimportant.


The Liverpool to Manchester line was the first modern railway, because it carried merchandise and 36 …………..……………….. on a fixed timetable. 37……………..…………….. were felt to be hindering the growth of the cities and towns in the area.

Questions 38-40 Choose THREE letters A-F. Which THREE of the following consequences of the opening of the new Liverpool to Manchester railway are mentioned? A Coal became scarce B Cotton prices rose C Passenger numbers rose D The volume of goods transported went up E No new canals were built F Canal changes fell


Day 9 (CD 1 Track 9) SECTION 1 Questions 1-10 Questions 1-6 Complete the notes below Write NO MORE THAN 2 WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer

Notes on Exhibition Example Title of exhibition:

Answer Robots: the end of modern civilization

Two free:


Day(s) exhibition full:


Days chosen by caller:

3…………………… and……………………

Reference number:


Eating facilities: -

15 restaurants


Including 5 …………………… cafés


Local restaurants putting on 6…………………………………..

Questions 7-10 Accomodation -

Halls of residence £30 a night


Hotels from about £30 to approximately 7 £ …………………….

Transport links -

Within walking distance from he stations and 8 ………………. from the airport


It is possible to catch bus number 9……………….


A taxi costs no more than 10 £………………….


Day 10 (CD 1 Track 10) SECTION 2 Questions 11-20 Choose the correct letter A, B or C. Questions 11-13 11 The weekend scheme for teenagers was started up A 15 years ago B 2 years ago C 10 years ago 12 When the teenagers first arrive, they don’t like it, because they can’t A contact people B use the Internet C watch TV 13 The centre receives most of its money from A donations B the nursery C courses Questions 14-17 Label the map below. Write the correct letter A-K, next to the questions 14-17.


Day 11 SECTION 3

(CD 1 Track 11)

Questions 21-30

Questions 21-25 Choose FIVE letters A-H. Which FIVE improvements does Olivia suggest? A Check the equipment B reduce the pace C include more data D distribute the handouts E make the talk longer F improve the organization G make the talk shorter H check the room layout Questions 26-28 Complete the sentences below Write NO MORE THAN 1 WORD for each answer JACK’S FEEDBACK 26 He thinks he used an excessive amount of …………………..… his talk. 27 He was frightened that they would appear………………………………… . 28 He thinks the main thing for him is to control his ……………………………… . Questions 29 and 30 Answer the questions below Write ONE WORD only for each answer. 29 What did the students and the tutor say the presentation was? ………………………………………. 30 What is the tutor going to photocopy for them to take away? ………………………………………..


Day 12

(CD 2 Track 1)

SECTION 4 Questions 31-40 Questions 31-40 Complete the notes below Write NO MORE THAN 2 WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer (notes taken on the main ideas in a lecture)

Migration of early humans Human migration has occurred throughout history First significant migration occurred approximately 31 …………………… years ago Early pioneers did not survive Earth experienced changes in 32 …………………… about 70,000 years ago New band of modern humans left Africa

Colonization -

China about 50,000 years ago and Europe about 33 ………………… years ago


the open steppes of Siberia some 40,000 years ago


roughly 20,000 years ago arriving in Japan, then linked to the main 34……………..


Australia was reached across the sea on 35 ……………………..50,00 years ago


America via Alaska some time between 15 and 13,000 years ago.

Migration within Africa Bantu occupied around 36 ………………. Of the African continent by 1,000 AD Stimulus for the Bantu migration was perhaps the farming of the 37 …………………….. Population expansion led to movement into surrounding areas that were not heavily populated. Iron production introduced from 38………………………. The bantu used iron tools to fell trees, clear forests and 39 ……………………… Iron meant they had a 40……………………………. over their neighbours


Day 13 (CD 2 Track 2) SECTION 3

Questions 21-30

Questions 21-25 Choose the correct letter A, B or C. 21 Malcolm thinks the subject of his project may not be. A concrete enough B interesting enough C very academic 22 Malcolm’s reaction to India was one of A indifference B dislike C awe 23 Malcolm feels the picture he took of the Ganges etc. are A breathtaking B interesting C uninspiring 24 The tutor suggests Malcolm should A concentrate on photos of buildings only B reduce the number of photographic stills to ten C use only photos of famous places 25 Malcolm intends to make a film that is similar to a A movie preview B TV advert C music video Questions 26-30 Complete the sentences below Write NO MORE THAN 2 WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer 26 Malcolm’s tutor thinks it would be a useful discipline to stick to a ………….………. 27 The tutor reminds Malcolm about the shortness of people’s ……………………...….. 28 The details about submitting the project can be found on the ………………………... 29 The submission form needs to contain details about the ……………………………... 30 With the submission from ……………….……………copies of the DVD need to be handed in.


Day 14 (CD 2 Track 3) SECTION 2

Questions 11-20

Question 11 Answer the question below Write NO MORE THAN 2 WORDS for your answer. 11 What has the opening of the new art exhibition created? ……………………………………………… Questions 12-14 Choose THREE letters A-G Which THREE of the following criticisms of the Street Art Exhibition are mentioned? A misuse of public funds B size of the exhibition C high cost of entrance fee D inspiration for vandalism E overcrowding at the gallery F no support for local artists G increased hospital admissions Questions 15-17 Choose the correct letter A, B or C. 15 The public didn’t go to the art galleries and museums because of the A cost B crowds C time 16 The email survey showed approximately A 70% backed Mrs Cook. B 70% were against Mrs Cook. C 70% were not sure. 17 According to Mrs Cook, people in the art world are concerned about the A timing of the introduction support. B level of financial support from the state. C loss of jobs in the sector. Questions 18-20 Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN 2 WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer 18 The radio show will have two ………………………………………….. on the street. 19 The purpose of the walk-about is to …………..………………………public opinion. 20 The second reporter will be outside the …………………..………… in the shopping centre.


Day 15

(CD 2 Track 4)

SECTION 1 Questions 1-10 Complete the notes below Write NO MO RE THAN 2 WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer

School Trip Information Example Name of club:

Answer International Friendship Club

Trip to: Country – 1………………………………… Accommodation arrangements: Students will not be by themselves – students stay with families 2………………….. Cost: £495 Duration: 3…………………… days Prices excluding presents for the host family and 4 ……………………….. Takes place during spring 5 ……………………………… Advert released on 6………………………………. After application is received 7…………………………… necessary Number of students on trip: 8………………………… Total no of adults: six Including: 9………………………… parents Deposit: 10 £ ……………………………


Day 16 (CD 2 Track 5) SECTION 2

Questions 11-20

Questions 11-15 Choose the correct letter A, B or C 11 The speaker advises people to use a checklist if they A dislike things being chaotic B don’t have much time C can’t easily remember things 12 Further information may be obtained A by post B from the website C from the local chemist 13 To protect oneself from the sun, the best thing for people to do is A carry an umbrella B avoid direct sunlight C wear a hat 14 Good walking shoes are necessary to A support the feet B keep out the rain C protect against injury 15 An awareness of customs is advisable in order to A enjoy festivals B mix with people C avoid trouble Questions 16-20 Complete the summary below Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer Extra tips Maintain family contact do they don’t feel any 16……..…………………….., or even misuse any 17 …………………………..…… . Take a light waterproof cover and a first-aid kit with 18 ……………………… and antiseptic 19………………………………… Always keep expensive items like 20……………………………………… safe.


Key DAY 1




Questions 1-4 1 Andrews 2 July 3 8/eight 4 part-time Questions 5-8 5 Davenport 6 Fordenham 7 8876451 8 morning Questions 9-10 C /D orD/C

Questions 11-15 11A 12B 13B 14A 15C Questions 16-20 16F 17A 18C 19D 20E

Question 21 21C Questions 22-25 22 freelance workers 23 173 people 24 more details 25 representatives Questions 26-30 26 individuals, companies 27 travelling (expenses) 28 (the) coaching

Questions 1-6 1 The Judgement 2 Wight 3 691-0-9-8879-9 4 North America 5 biographical 6 17 Questions 7-10 7 54 65 36 8 mandy 9 90 10 special offers





Questions 11-16 11D 12E 13A 14B 15C 16G Questions 17-20 17A 18C 19B 20C

Question 21 21C Questions 22-24 IN ANY ORDER A /F / G Questions 25-30 25 emails 26 browsing he Internet 27 8 28 5 29 everything 30 10

Questions 31-35 31B 32A 33A 34C 35B Questions 36-40 36 chemical/silver iodide 37 water freeze 38 generator 39 fuel tank 40 cloud level

Questions 31-37 31 public railway 32 unnoticed 33 steam locomotive 34 coal 35 passengers 36 passenger traffic 37 Canals Questions 38-40 IN ANY ORDER C/D/F


DAY 10

DAY 11

DAY 12

Questions 1-6 1 day passes / tickets 2 Thursday 3 Tuesday, Friday 4 SF6733 5 3/three 6 special promotions Questions 7-10 7 60 minutes 8 45 minutes 9 70 10 17

Questions 11-13 11 B 12 A 13 C Question 14-17 14 G 15 B 16 J 17 A

Questions 21-25 IN ANY ORDER B /D /E /F /H Questions 26-28 26 information 27 foolish 28 nerves Questions 29/30 29 good 30 questionnaires

Questions 31-40 31 100,000 32 temperature 33 45,000 34 land mass 35 (simple) boats 36 thirty per cent / 30 % 37 yam 38 Sudan 39 work fields 40 military advantage


DAY 13

DAY 14

DAY 15

DAY 16

Questions 21-25 21 A 22 C 23 A 24 B 25 C Questions 26-30 26 time limit 27 attention span 28 department website 29 project(‘s) background 30 4/four

Question 11 11 a sensation Questions 12-14 IN ANY ORDER A / D/ F Questions 15-17 15 A 16 A 17 B Questions 18-20 18 reporters 19 test 20 department store

Questions 1-10 1 Peru 2 in pairs 3 (the) 15 4 spending money 5 holidays 6 29th November 7 interview 8 20 / twenty 9 2 / two15 C 10 100 / one hundred

Questions 11-15 11 C 12 B 13 B 14 A 15 C Questions 16-20 16 anxiety 17 resources 18 plasters 19 wipes 20 cameras