Headway Intermediate 2022-2023 [PDF]

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5th edition


Unit test 1A


1 Circle the question that matches the answer.

2 Complete the questions with the words from the box.

1 He’s in his forties. a Where is Mark? b How tall is Mark? c How old is Mark? 2 It’s about 82 square metres. a How big is your flat? b What’s your flat like? c How far is the centre from your flat? 3 Quite casual – she doesn’t like formal clothes. a What does Ann wear? b What kind of clothes does Ann wear? c What does Ann look like? 4 He’s a bit like his father – sociable and good fun. a What’s Nick like? b What does Nick look like? c What does Nick like doing? 5 We’re fine, thanks. a What are you like? b Are you fine? c How are you? 6 Grey-ish blue, just like me. a What does your mother look like? b What kind of clothes does your mother wear? c What colour eyes has your mother got? 7 I like playing tennis and football. a What do you do? b What do you look like? c What do you like doing? 8 About two metres. a How much do you weigh? b How tall are you? c What’s your size? 9 It’s in the centre of town. a Which part of town is your school in? b How far is your school from here? c What is your school like? 10 I’d like some brown bread, please. a Do you like brown bread? b What sort of bread would you like? c What’s this bread like? 11 Japan. a What is this car like? b Where is this car from? c What is this car made of? 1 point for each correct answer



are big colour do does far hair is long many size

1 ‘What’s her hair like?’ ‘Long and curly.’ 2 ‘What shoes do you wear?’ ‘44.’ 3 ‘How brothers have you got?’ ‘I haven’t got a brother.’ 4 ‘How is your school?’ ‘It’s got 700 students.’ 5 ‘What hair has he got?’ ‘Dark brown.’ 6 ‘How much it cost?’ ‘Twenty euros.’ 7 ‘How did you have to wait?’ ‘Half an hour.’ 8 ‘What they do?’ ‘They’re both lawyers.’ 9 ‘What this button for?’ ‘It turns on the camera.’ 10 ‘What you like?’ ‘I’m quite easy-going.’ 11 ‘How is it to school?’ ‘A ten-minute walk.’ 1 point for each correct answer


3 Write a question for each answer with the word like. 1 What do you like doing? I enjoy playing golf. 2 Yes, I do. I think Italian food’s really delicious. 3 I’ll have a sandwich and some mineral water, please. 4 I’m quite hard-working, and a bit impatient. 5 I’m medium height, and I’m not very slim. 6 The food in Italy is really delicious. 2 points for each correct answer



Headway © Oxford University Press 2018

5th edition


Unit test 1A


4 Match the questions with the answers. There’s one answer you don’t need. 1 How tall is your brother? 2 Which floor is your flat on? 3 How much does this machine weigh? 4 How old is your grandfather? 5 How far is the city centre? 6 What size is your kitchen? a b c d e f g

6 Circle the most suitable word. 1 Dave’s a tight / close / deep friend of mine.


2 I really fancy Tom. He’s tall, dark, and pretty / nice / good-looking. 3 The house has a mature / creative / cloudy garden with several large trees, many plants, and flowers. 4 Marissa has her own style. She has no interest in the fresh / latest / stunning fashions. 5 Being a teacher is a challenging / heavy / stunning job. 6 Lisa’s really well-dressed / attractive / eccentric. Men always fall in love with her. 7 We moved to Wellington because it’s such a mature / thrilling / cosmopolitan city. 8 If you want to be healthy, eat a lot of spicy / fresh / latest fruit and vegetables. 9 This cottage is situated in a good-looking / a cosy / a charming old village. 10 Did you make this pizza yourself? It really tastes home-made / old-fashioned / memorable. 11 Lots of people in close / crowded / tight rooms make me nervous.

The second. About ten kilos, I think. He’s 1m 98. About half an hour by bus. Four metres by three. Size 38. He’s in his eighties. 1 point for each correct answer


5 Complete the adjectives with -ed or -ing. programme on TV. 1 I saw an interest ing 2 Last weekend wasn’t very relax . I had to work a lot. about going to 3 I can’t sleep. I’m so excit Disneyland! 4 She’s quite relax . She doesn’t worry about things. in space exploration. 5 My brother’s interest 6 We’re feeling exhaust . The flight was tiring. 7 Were you disappoint when you failed the exam? 8 The film had amaz special effects. We really enjoyed it. 9 The lesson was disappoint . We didn’t learn anything new. to see me here? 10 Are you surpris 11 I met a charm young man on the train. 1 point for each correct answer

1 point for each correct answer

7 Complete the compound adjectives. 1 My parents are really old -fashioned. They want to meet every girl I go out with. 2 Our neighbours have got really -behaved children. They are so rude. -hand? 3 Is this car new? Or did you buy it 4 Angela’s a -working employee. She should get a better salary. 5 After just six months working abroad, I realised I -sick. I missed my family so much. was 6 Her parents are quite -going. They don’t worry about what she does. -time. I only do four hours 7 I don’t work a day. people own their own home. 8 Many middleMost young people can’t afford to buy a house. bike online. He had 9 Jamil sold his muchused it almost every day for five years. 10 My sister bought me a brandsmartphone. It’s got a really good camera. 11 These tables are wellusing the best materials. As a result, they are very strong, but also beautiful.


1 point for each correct answer





Headway © Oxford University Press 2018

5th edition


Unit test 1A


10 Rewrite the sentences with the same meaning, adding

8 Complete each sentence with an adjective from the box. There are three adjectives you don’t need.

emphasis and starting with the words given. 1 I love her sense of humour. What I love about her is her sense of humour . 2 I really miss my mum’s cooking. One thing I really 3 My friend Anna is really funny. She’s . 4 I adore the way she sings. . What I adore 5 I hate the way he interrupts our teacher. What I hate . 6 I enjoy talking to Ricardo. Ricardo, .

generous sociable optimistic moody untidy ambitious talkative lazy reserved

1 Marcus is very sociable . He enjoys meeting new people and being in a group. that 2 I like Marcus too, but he’s so it’s hard to have a proper conversation with him around. 3 Amy’s quite . We’ve worked together for years, but I don’t know much about her. 4 Have you noticed that Ellen can be a bit when she’s hungry? So don’t worry if she seems grumpy before lunch! 5 Do you think you’re an person? For example, do you think people will resolve the problem of climate change? 6 Sonja is very for her children. She wants them to achieve the best exam grades and go to university. 1 point for each correct answer

2 points for each correct answer

1 How many bedrooms is there? are 2 For your sandwich, you would prefer cheese or egg?


3 I look OK in styled clothes, but I find them uncomfortable. 4 What do he like to do? 5 Abi has waved hair. She hates it, but I think it’s really attractive. 6 How you are today? 7 The teacher was so exciting that she knocked over her chair by mistake! 8 Who glasses are these? They’re not mine.

1 My grandfather has been taken to hospital. He did what? / How awful. 2 He says he wants a family while he’s still young. Fair enough. / Bad luck. 3 I’ve lost my winning lottery ticket. You’re kidding! / Congratulations. 4 Nick asked me to marry him. You did what? / How fantastic! 5 Right, I’m going to tell her how I feel. Good for you. / Lovely! 6 Do you think this dress suits me? Definitely. / Really? 7 We’re organizing a party for Duncan’s birthday. Of course. / That’s great! 8 Oh, dear! I’ve broken my teacher’s pen. You haven’t! / Fine. 9 Carly spent £300 on a handbag. She did what? / Fair enough. 10 I’ve lost my keys again. That’s too bad. / Absolutely. 11 I walked to work this morning instead of taking the car. Did you? / OK.




11 Correct the mistakes.

9 Circle the appropriate response.

1 point for each correct answer


9 How many memory has your laptop got? 10 There were some bad-behaved children on the flight. I saw them kicking the chairs in front of them. 11 Noura can only study English partly-time because she also works at the hospital. 1 point for each correct answer





Headway © Oxford University Press 2018

5th edition


Unit test 2A


1 Complete the sentences with the correct Present

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb. 1 We didn’t enjoy the film last night. (not enjoy) 2 you my parents yet? (meet) 3 Where she last weekend? (spend) 4 She her friends about her promotion yet. (not tell) 5 Did you know that Jake’s grandfather a medal at the Olympics in 1984? (win) 6 you here when the accident happened? (stand) 7 We each other for very long. (not know) until midnight so we missed 8 The film the last train home. (not finish) 9 How long you English? (study) 10 The bicycle in the nineteenth century. (invent) 11 I when you rang the doorbell. (not sleep)

simple or Present continuous form of the verb. 1 She hasn’t got a car, so she (not drive) doesn’t drive to work. 2 What (eat) you usually for lunch on Sundays? 3 I (not work) in the office today. Can you call me back tomorrow? 4 Yes, I (listen) . Please go on. 5 (live) she in a house or a flat? 6 He (not have) a car so he mainly travels by bus. 7 It’s late so they (go) to bed now. 8 We (not want) to do any more exercises! We’re too tired! he at the 9 (sleep) moment? 10 He usually (leave) home at 7.45 a.m. 11 We (have) some extra lessons this week only. 1 point for each correct answer


2 Circle the correct form of the verb.

1 point for each correct answer


1 Do you know  / Are you knowing / Have you known the answer? 2 Did she write / Has she written / Has she been writing to him yet? 3 His family lived / lives / is living in Madrid for forty years. 4 How long are you waiting / have you been waiting / have you waited for the train? 5 I ’m not working / won’t working / don’t be working on Sunday. 6 Albert Einstein remembered / is remembered / is remembering everywhere. 7 He isn’t / hasn’t / hasn’t been from Nairobi. 8 ‘Macbeth’ has written / was written / wrote by Shakespeare. 9 There was a competition but we aren’t winning / didn’t win / haven’t won it. 10 Was she / Has she been / Is she your English teacher last year? 11 Where did you go / were you going / have you gone on holiday last summer? 1 point for each correct answer




Headway © Oxford University Press 2018

5th edition


Unit test 2A


4 Complete the questions. 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B 6 A B 7 A B 8 A B 9 A B 10 A B 11 A B

6 Rewrite the answers to make them more polite.

you like opera? No, I don’t. I like rock music better. he watch the whole film? No, he didn’t. He fell asleep. What’s that noise? Mr Jones working again? Yes, I think he is. What your grandfather ? He worked as a shoemaker. they a dog? No, they haven’t, but they’ve got a big pet rabbit. Where your parents ? My mum was born in the Netherlands, and my dad was born in South Africa. you want to come shopping with me? Yes, I do. Why you late last night? Because I missed the train home. you going to the hairdresser this afternoon? Yes, I am. I need a new haircut. How the neighbours their kitchen window? Their son broke it with his football. they making dinner tonight? Yes, I think they’re making spaghetti.

1 Did you enjoy the film? Yes. Yes, I did. 2 Have you seen my wallet anywhere? No. 3 Is the essay deadline next Wednesday? Yes. 4 Are you interested in comic books? No. 5 Have you ever been to a rainforest? Yes. 6 Did you study English in primary school? No.


1 point for each correct answer

2 points for each correct answer

7 These sentences all contain a form of the nonsense word jarm. Is it a verb, a noun, an adjective, or an adverb? 1 London is a lot jarmier than Vienna. adjective 2 It was a jarmy day so we went to the beach for a picnic. 3 We didn’t jarm for work until nine o’clock. 4 The performance was jarmily terrible, and most of the audience left early. 5 I wanted a jarm for my birthday, but my mum said I was too young. 6 She was jarming in the garden so she didn’t hear the doorbell.


Replace the form of the word jarm in 1–6 with the best word a–f. a bigger 1 b beautiful c really d working e motorbike f leave

5 Complete the sentences with is or has. in the garden. Lily is Harry gone to work. London in the south of England. Paris got a good metro system. It been seven months since I last saw her. Joanne coming to see us. The waiter paid at the end of each day. My brother 18 this Friday. My aunt got a cold. She had a lot of time to revise for the exam. 11 My husband from Nigeria.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 point for each correct answer




1 point for each correct answer



Headway © Oxford University Press 2018

5th edition


Unit test 2A


10 Complete the sentences with the prepositions from

8 Complete the words with suffixes from the box. -ivate


the box.

-ion -ive -ivities -ing

in of (x2) at (x2) for (x2) with (x2) on (x2)

1 He was a great act or . 2 My grandmother is very act even though she’s 85. 3 She’s act at the Lyric Theatre in London. 4 I prefer outdoor act like jogging and cycling. 5 Enter your password to act your new account. 6 I like act movies with exciting scenes and powerful heroes. 1 point for each correct answer

1 Tourists can take advantage of the city’s free museums. 2 I didn’t understand some of the words, so I pointed the menu and asked the waiter to explain. 3 Willa wants to be fluent Mandarin by the time she leaves Nanjing. 4 I always have a laugh my aunt. We have the same sense of humour. 5 Neesha wants to study engineering university. 6 I’m going to meet up my cousin while I’m in Manchester. 7 Olivia has a passion organic food and organic farming in general. 8 Juha got top of his studies during the summer holidays. 9 Next year, we expect to turn a profit the international side of the business. 10 Improving her conversation skills helped Li feel more a part things on campus. 11 This school has a reputation academic success.


9 Match a word from A with a word from B. Then complete the sentences. A


high got heavy enrich make strong

winds your life a profit standard stuck traffic

1 There’s often heavy traffic in the city centre. You should set off early to get to your meeting. 2 The cat ________ up a tree. We had to call a fire engine to rescue it. 3 When do you think the company will ________? 4 Experiences can ________ more than possessions. 5 Our students reach a ________ in both their academic work and their sporting activities. 6 The storm brought heavy rain and ________ to communities on the coast. 1 point for each correct answer

1 point for each correct answer


11 Correct the mistakes. 1 You can hear a trace with a German accent in his voice. of 2 How long are you knowing Sophia? 3 She’s a person very active, and she particularly loves swimming. 4 Everyone in my class record pronunciation in their notebooks. 5 Their meal ended abrupt because Mark had to deal with a problem at work. 6 Who is been eating my cake? 7 Aliona’s national is Portuguese. 8 What doesn’t you like about the cafeteria?


9 Do you think he’s funny? Yes, I think. 10 Elana don’t speaking Spanish, but she’s fluent in Italian and Hungarian. 11 What time do you get up this morning?



1 point for each correct answer




Headway © Oxford University Press 2018

 5th edition





1 Read the article. Match 1–11 with a–l to make

In between worlds: culture shock

sentences. There is one extra ending. 1 Living in another country ___ e 2 Sometimes people feel confused and frustrated when they ___ 3 The first feeling most people experience in a new country ___ 4 People who feel angry and impatient in the new culture sometimes ___ 5 The stages are not experienced by everyone, and ___ 6 In the Honeymoon stage, people living in a new country ___ 7 Differences in the Honeymoon stage between the old and new culture ___ 8 When people go through the Negotiation stage, they slowly ___ 9 When people start getting used to the new culture, they ___ 10 Some people experience a reverse culture shock ___ 11 When people fail to get used to living in their new country, they ___