Headway Elementary Unit 1 [PDF]

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Grammar: Verb to be • am/is/are Possessive adjectives • my/your, his/her Verbs – have/go/live/like

Vocabulary: Opposite adjectives • good/nice • hot/cold The family • father/mother • husband/wife

Listening: Where’s Maria? • Five conversation with Maria in London

Writing A blog • Writing an online journal

Speaking: • Talking about you Everyday English • Everyday conversations

Reading: A student’s blog • Maria’s blog about her stay in London

Here is a list of useful or new words from Headway Elementary Student's Book. adj = adjective conj = conjunction det = determiner excl = exclamation phr v = phrasal verb phr = phrase pron = pronoun adv = adverb n = noun pl = plural prep = preposition v = verb



Example sentence

alphabetical attendant

Part of speech adj n

/ælfəˈbetɪk(ə)l/ /əˈtend(ə)nt/

aunt beautiful big blog

n adj adj n

/ɑːnt/ /ˈbjuːtɪfʊl/ /bɪɡ/ /blɒɡ/

boyfriend brother cheap

n n adj

/ˈbɔɪfrend/ /ˈbrʌðə/ /tʃiːp/

check out

phr v

/tʃek ˈaʊt/

coke cold complete

n adj v

/kəʊk/ /kəʊld/ /kəmˈpliːt/

The list was in alphabetical order. The attendant gave me a map of the gallery. My favourite aunt is my mum's sister. London parks are beautiful. New York is a big city. I have a blog where I write about my life. My sister has a new boyfriend. My brother and I are good friends. The food here is very nice and it's cheap. You can check out my photos on my blog. Can I have a coke, please? It's cold in winter. You can complete the exercise later.



Example sentence

conversation cousin darling daughter difficult easy

Part of speech n n n n adj adj

/kɒnvəˈseɪʃ(ə)n/ /ˈkʌz(ə)n/ /ˈdɑːlɪŋ/ /ˈdɔːtə/ /ˈdɪfɪk(ə)lt/ /ˈiːzi/

expensive friendly girlfriend

adj adj n

/ɪkˈspensɪv/ /ˈfren(d)li/ /ˈɡɜːlfrend/

good grandfather grandmother

adj n n

/ɡʊd/ /ˈɡræn(d)fɑːðə/ /ˈɡræn(d)mʌðə/




What is the conversation about? My cousin is the same age as me. Goodbye, darling! Have a good day! My daughter is five years old. My job is difficult, but I like it. It's easy to use the underground system. That's an expensive restaurant. My new neighbours are very friendly. I think my brother has got a new girlfriend. Debbie is a good teacher. My mother's father is my grandfather. My father's mother is my grandmother. This coffee is horrible!



Example sentence

husband interesting introduce

Part of speech n adj v

/ˈhʌzbənd/ /ˈɪntrəstɪŋ/ /ɪntrəˈdjuːs/




lawyer lovely married mother near nephew nice niece office old

n adj adj n adv n adj n n adj

/ˈlɔɪə/ /ˈlʌvli/ /ˈmærɪd/ /ˈmʌðə/ /nɪə/ /ˈnefjuː/ /naɪs/ /niːs/ /ˈɒfɪs/ /əʊld/

Mike is my friend's husband. London is an interesting city. Let me introduce you to my sister Anne. Don't worry about me – I'm just waiting for my brother. My father works as a lawyer. I like your girlfriend – she's lovely. My sister Emily is married. My mother is a doctor. There's a café near my school. I only have one nephew. It's nice to meet new people. Sheila is my niece. Amelia works in an office in York. How old are you?



Example sentence

opposite parents

Part of speech adj n pl

/ˈɒpəsɪt/ /ˈpeər(ə)nts/




practise sister slow small son spell sunny surname thank goodness ticket

v n adj adj n v adj n phr n

/ˈpræktɪs/ /ˈsɪstə/ /sləʊ/ /smɔːl/ /sʌn/ /spel/ /ˈsʌni/ /ˈsɜːneɪm/ /θæŋk ˈɡʊdnəs/ /ˈtɪkɪt/

The opposite of big is small. My parents are on holiday at the moment. Please complete the form with your personal information. You need to practise your English. My sister is older than me. This bus is so slow! Maria is in a small school. My son is a university student. How do you spell your name? I like sunny weather. Is Smith your surname? Thank goodness it's Friday! You don't need a ticket for the museum, it's free.



Example sentence


Part of speech n


uncle waiter weather weekend wife topic

n n n n n n

/ˈʌŋk(ə)l/ /ˈweɪtə/ /ˈweðə/ /ˈwiːkend/ /waɪf/ /ˈtɒpɪk/

uncle waiter weather weekend wife

n n n n n

/ˈʌŋk(ə)l/ /ˈweɪtə/ /ˈweðə/ /ˈwiːkend/ /waɪf/

Please help me choose a topic for my blog entry. My uncle lives in Edinburgh. I work as a waiter at a café. What's the weather like in your town? I only work at the weekend. My brother doesn't have a wife. Please help me choose a topic for my blog entry. My uncle lives in Edinburgh. I work as a waiter at a café. What's the weather like in your town? I only work at the weekend. My brother doesn't have a wife.

1. Listen and say the alphabet around the class.

2. Stand up in alphabetical order and introduce yourself to the class.










1. Read and listen. Practise the conversation.


Hello. What’s your first name? My name’s Ryan. And what’s your surname? Thompson. How do you spell that? T-H-O-M-P-S-O-N. And where are you from, Ryan? I’m from Sydney. I’m Australian. Thank you very much.

What’s = What is

I’m = l am name’s = name is

2. Complete the conversation.


Hello. My name’s Cathy. What’s ______ your name? Dan. Where are you from, Dan? _______ _______ I’m from Cambridge. Where _____ are you from? I’m from Cambridge, too! _________ Oh, nice to meet you!

Listen and check.

3. Stand up! Go to other students and say hello.

1. Look at the information about Ryan and Charlotta.

2. Listen and complete the questions about Ryan.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

What’s his surname? ______ his first name? What’s Where _____ ‘s he from? How old _____ is he? his phone number? What’s _____ ______ his email address? What’s Is _______ he married?

Thompson Ryan Sydney 30 312-555-0749 [email protected] No, he isn’t.

Practise the questions and answers with a partner.

3. Listen and complete the questions about Charlotta.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

What’s her surname? her first name? What’s ______ Where ______ ‘s she from? How old ________? is she her phone number? What’s _____ What’s her email ? ______ Is she married? ________

Ask and answer the questions with a partner.

1. Complete the chart of the verb to be.

Positive I’m = I am you’re = you are he’s = he is she’s = she is

Negative I’m not aren’t you ________ isn’t he ________ isn’t she ________

2. Write the possessive adjectives.

Pronouns I you he she

Possessive adjectives my your __________ his __________ her

1.1 Verb to be Positive I He/She/It We You They

‘m ‘s from Italy. ‘re

I’m = I am He’s = He is She’s = She is It’s= It is We’re = We are You’re = You are They’re They are

1.1 Verb to be Negative I He/She/It We You They

‘m not isn’t aren’t

from Italy. married

I’m not = I am not NOT I amn’t He isn’t = He is not She isn’t = She is not It isn’t = It is not We aren’t = We are not You aren’t = You are not They aren’t = They are not

1.1 Verb to be Questions with question words What Where Who How How old

‘s your name? ‘s her surname? ‘s his phone number? are you from? ‘s she from? ‘s Lara? ‘s she? are you?

Answers Alicia Johnson 07773 321456

(What’s = What is)


(Where’s = Where is)

She’s my sister.

(Who’s = Who is)

Fine, thanks. I’m 22.

NOT I have. 22 years.

1.1 Verb to be Yes/No questions Is Are

he/she/it you they

Short answers nice? married?

Yes, he is. NOT Yes, he’s. No, she isn’t. Yes, it is. NOT Yes, it’s. Yes, I am./No, I’m not. Yes, we are /No, we aren’t. Yes, they are./No, they aren’t.

1.2 Possessive adjective What’s This is

my/your/his/her/its our/your/their

name? house.

4. Ask and answer the questions with a partner.

• • • • • • •

What’s your surname? What’s your first name? How do you spell your surname? How old are you? What’s your phone number? What’s your email address? Are you married? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.

1. Look at the photos. Listen to and read about Jason Cole’s life and family.

Listen and read

2. Complete the sentences about Jason.

Listen and read

1. I ________ go to University College London. 2. I ________ have a brother and a sister. 3. I ________ with my parents in a house in West live London. 4. My family really _______ like Amy!

Listen and check.

3. Complete the sentences about you.

I’m ... I live in ... I have ... I go to ... I really like ... Tell a partner.

4. Read the Grammar Spot. 4.1. Look at the sentences.

My name’s Jason. My brother’s name is Ethan.

‘s = is ‘s = possession(his name)

4.2. Find more examples of ‘s in the text. Do they mean is or possession?

is: he’s 16 and he’s at school, She’s 25, she’s married, She’s lovely, her name’s Amy Possession: My sister’s name is Emily

1.3 Possessive ‘s

my wife’s name = her name = the name of my wife Andy’s dictionary = his dictionary my parents’ house = their house

4. Answer the questions. 1. Who’s Ethan? He’s Jason’s brother. 2. Who’s Emily? Andrew? Megan? Amy? She’s Jason’s sister. He’s Jason’s father. She’s Jason’s mother. She’s Jason’s girlfriend. 3. What’s his father’s job? He’s a lawyer. 4. What’s his mother’s job? She’s a teacher.

1. Complete the sentences with the verb to be.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Where ____ are you from? Are you from London?’ ‘Yes, I _______.’ am ‘_______ are you?’ ‘I _____ am 17.’ ‘How old _____ ‘_______your sisters married?’ ‘No, they _______ Are aren’t .‘ I like you. You ______ ‘re my friend. Marta ______ isn’t from Italy, she’s from Hungary. ‘________ your mother a doctor?’ ‘No, she ______.’ isn’t Is I _________German, I’m French. ‘m not

Listen and check.

2. What is ‘s? Is it is or possession?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

My name’s Juan. My sister’s friend isn’t married. Anna’s Italian. She’s a teacher. Her brother’s wife isn’t English. My mother’s name is Grace.

‘s = is ‘s = possession ‘s = is ‘s = is ‘s = possession ‘s = possession

3. Listen and tick (✓) the sentence you hear. 1 He’s from Italy. She’s from Italy. ✓ 2 ✓ What’s his name? What’s her name? 3 ✓ We aren’t English. We are English. 4 His teacher is from England. He’s a teacher from England. ✓ 5 My sister is married. My sister isn’t married. ✓ 6 ✓ Your French is good. You’re French. Good!

4. Listen and complete the names and email addresses.


Names 1. V ___ A ___ N E ___ S ___ S A O ___ W E ___ N 2. J ___ O S ___ E ___ P ___ H B ___ 3. K ___ A T ___ I ___ H ___ E ___ E M ___ A ___ T ___ T ___ W S Email Address 4. [email protected] hunt 5. [email protected] .yates

5. Make true sentences about you with the verb be.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

I’m not at home. We _______ in class. We ______ in a café. It _____ Sunday today. It _____ _____. My teacher’s name ______ Richard. It ________. My mother and father _____ English. I ______ married. My grandmother ______ 75 years old.

Read your sentences to your partner.

6. Write about you and your life. Read it aloud to the class.

Notting Hill — a fashionable area of West London, famous for its annual carnival. Covent Garden — an area of central London full of shops and places to eat, also the location of the Royal Opera House. The National Gallery — a public art gallery, which contains a large collection of mostly European art. The Underground — the name of the metro train system in London, also called The Tube.

1. Look at the photos of London. What can you see? What other famous places do you know in London?

2. Work with a partner. Make sentences about London with adjectives from the box. big expensive friendly

1. 2. 3. 4.

small interesting cold

nice difficult sunny

London is/isn’t a/an ______city. The people are/aren’t ______. The weather is/isn’t _______. English is/isn’t a/an ______ language.

Discuss your ideas with the class.

beautiful easy good

3. Maria is a student in London. Read and listen to her blog. Are the sentences true (✓) or false ()? Read the text

1. Maria is from Spain. ✓ 2. She’s in Madrid.  3. Andrew and Megan have two sons.  4. Maria is in a small school.  5. Her school is in the city centre. ✓ 6. The students in her class are all from Europe.  7. Debbie is Maria’s teacher. ✓ 8. The National Gallery is expensive.  9. The Underground is difficult to use.  10. The food is bad. 

3. Correct the false sentences. Read the text 1. Maria is from Spain. She’sisn’t in Madrid. 2. She in Madrid. She’s in London. 3. Andrew and Megan have don’ttwo havesons. two sons. They have two sons and a daughter. in ainsmall school. 4. Maria is isn’t a small school. She’s in a big school. 5. Her school is in the city centre. her class class aren’t are all all from Europe. 6. The students in her from Europe. They’re from all over the world. 7. Debbie is Maria’s teacher. expensive. 8. The National Gallery is isn’t expensive — it’s free. is difficult to to use. 9. The Underground isn’t difficult use — it’s easy to use. is bad. 10. The food isn’t bad – it’s great.

4. Complete the questions about Maria. Ask and answer them with your partner.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Where’s Maria from? Spain. Where’s _______ her school? In the centre of London. What’s __________________ her English family’s name? Cole. _______ their house? In Notting Hill, in West London. Where’s How ___________ the two brothers? Ethan is 16 and old are Jason is 21. 6. What’s Debbie’s _________? She’s a teacher. job 7. ______________ Is the weather OK? Yes, it is. It’s cold, but sunny. Listen, check and practise.

5. Look at the photos of people on Maria’s page. Who can you see?

6. Listen to five conversations. Complete the chart with places, and the people in the box. a gallery attendant a waiter Andrew Cole

1 2 3 4 5

Debbie, her teacher Carlos, a student

Where’s Maria? In Notting Hill At school

Who is she with? Andrew Cole Debbie, her teacher

At school

Carlos, a student

At the National Gallery In a restaurant / café

a gallery attendant a waiter


7. What is the opposite adjective?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

horrible coffee a big city a hot day a good student a cheap café an old man a slow bus an easy exercise

a nice meal a _____ small town ______ cold weather a ______ bad teacher an ____________ expensive restaurant a _________ young girl a ______ fast car ___________ homework difficult

1. Complete the verb to be.

I it you we he they she

2. Complete the possessive adjectives.

am is are are is are is

I she you we he they

my her your our his their

1. Complete the chart with words from the box. mother niece

boyfriend grandmother

wife aunt

THE FAMILY father and mother husband and _______ wife son _________ and daughter brother and sister _________ grandmother grandfather and ____________ uncle and ________ aunt niece nephew and ___________ __________ boyfriend and girlfriend

son brother

2. Complete the sentences. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

My mother’s father is my grandfather. grandmother My father’s mother is my ____________. My mother’s sister is my ____________. aunt uncle My aunt’s husband is my ____________. My sister’s son is my _____________. nephew My brother’s daughter is my ___________. niece

Use these words to complete sentences 7, 8 and 9. cousin



7. Your mother and father are your ____________. parent 8. Your son and daughter are your ____________. children 9. Your aunt’s children are your _____________. cousin

3. Listen and write the names. Lily Jacob Sophie Sam Tom Nicole Claire Michelle










4. Write the names of some people in your family. Ask and answer questions with your partner.

5. Talk to your partner about your family.

My grandfather, Marco, is 72. My grandmother, Antonella, is ... They live ... I really like my uncle ... and ... I have ... cousins. They ...

1. Work with a partner. Make different conversations.

2. Listen and compare. Practise again. 1 A B A 2 A B A 3 A B A 4 A B A

Hello, John! How are you? I’m OK, thank you. And you? Good, thanks. Hi, Jill! How are you? I’m all right, thanks. And you? Not bad, thanks. Good morning, Mr Jones. How are you today? I’m very well, thank you. And you? I’m fine, thank you. Hello, Mrs Fox. How are you? Fine, thank you. And you? Not bad, thanks.

3. Look at the photos. Complete the conversations. 1-2



3. Listen and check.


How Can

Have later

Of course

3. Listen and check.

Good afternoon help

this is just

Pleased to meet

3. Listen and check.

Bye a good weekend

to you

night well See you

4. Work with a partner. Learn one of the conversations. Stand up! Act out the conversation.

1. What is a blog? Are you a ‘blogger’?

A blog is the writing itself A blogger is a person who writes.

2. Complete the blog about you.

3. Talk about your blog to a partner.

4. Choose a topic and think of a title. Write your blog entry for Day 4. Read it aloud to the class.