Headway Elementary Unit 10 [PDF]

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Grammar: Present Continuous • Questions and negatives • Present Simple and Present Continuous Whose or who’s? Listening: What is happening in the world right now? • The global statistics of everyday life Describing people • Who is being described? Speaking: • Talking about you • What do you think? • Describing people Everyday English • Everyday situations

Vocabulary: Describing people • Appearance pretty / tall / blue eyes • Clothes a suit / a dress

Writing Comparing and contrasting • Linking words (3): but, however, although

Reading: One minute in the life of the world • What’s happening in one minute in our busy world?

Here is a list of useful or new words from Headway Elementary Student's Book. adj = adjective conj = conjunction det = determiner excl = exclamation phr v = phrasal verb phr = phrase pron = pronoun adv = adverb n = noun pl = plural prep = preposition v = verb



Example sentence

alike average

Part of speech adv adj

/əˈlaɪk/ /ˈæv(ə)rɪdʒ/

beard billionaire

n n

/bɪəd/ /ˌbɪljəˈneə/

boots bow tie

n pl n

/buːts/ /baʊ ˈtaɪ/













My twin brothers look so alike! The average person checks her or his phone 110 times a day. My dad has got a long dark beard. Bill Gates is the richest billionaire in the world. I love your new winter boots. Men had to wear bow ties at the dinner party. Can I have an information brochure, please? Get your cap and sunglasses – we're heading to the beach. Can I have a glass of champagne, please? I'm speaking at a conference next Monday.



Example sentence


Part of speech n





dealer disturb

n v

/ˈdiːlə/ /dɪˈstɜːb/










expect (ie. expecting a baby)



We often go for long walks in the countryside. My daughter is the one with the curly hair. My mum works as an art dealer. I don't want to disturb you so I'll read while you work. You should download this song – it's brilliant! At this moment, 10,000 planes are flying above the Earth. How many people does McDonald's employ? Patrick and I are expecting a baby!

English extinct

Part of speech adj


Example sentence


Many plants and animals will become extinct in a few decades. My sister Anne is the only one with fair hair in my family. Many species of frog are in danger of becoming extinct. Good luck with your exams! He was always a good-looking child. Dave's very handsome. Can I borrow your winter hat? My brothers are identical twins. It is important to be treated as an individual.

fair (ie. fair hair) adj





good luck good-looking handsome hat identical individual (ie. 'they want to be individuals') jacket

phr adj adj n adj n

/ɡʊd ˈlʌk/ /ˌɡʊdˈlʊkɪŋ/ /ˈhæns(ə)m/ /hæt/ /aɪˈdentɪk(ə)l/ /ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl/



You don't need a jacket – it's warm outside.



Example sentence


Part of speech n


laptop lightning meteor

n n n

/ˈlæpˌtɒp/ /ˈlaɪtnɪŋ/ /ˈmiːtiˌɔː/

nervous pack passport pretty racket

adj v n adj n

/ˈnɜːvəs/ /pæk/ /ˈpɑːspɔːt/ /ˈprɪti/ /ˈrækɪt/

rubbish scarf shorts

n n n pl

/ˈrʌbɪʃ/ /skɑːf/ /ʃɔːts/

It was a funny joke and everybody laughed. I'm working on my laptop on the train. Lightning is hotter than the sun. The world's biggest meteor fell in Namibia in Africa. Speaking in public makes me nervous. Did you pack your suitcase? You need a passport to go to Egypt. My younger sister is really pretty. I found this old tennis racket in the closet. 46% of our rubbish is food waste. She's wearing a warm red scarf. We are going to play basketball so bring some shorts and trainers.

English shy silly skill

Part of speech adj adj n


Example sentence

/ʃaɪ/ /ˈsɪli/ /skɪl/

My brother Luke is quite shy. You look silly in that funny hat. He's got great skill and an eye for detail. I was sleeping soundly at that time of the night. The lightning didn't strike near the farm. I've never seen my dad wearing a suit. Have you packed your suitcase yet? So you're not coming to the party ... That's a pity. She's wearing trainers becasue she's playing tennis after school. A police officer wears a uniform.

soundly (ie. sleep adv soundly) strike v


suit suitcase that’s a pity

n n phr

/suːt/ /ˈsuːtkeɪs/ /ˈðæts ə ˌpɪti/


n pl






Which preposition goes with these places? Preposition at holiday in the bus on work my car school at home at work at school at the bus stop in bed

Place home bed the bus stop my way home

in my car on holiday on the bus on my way home

1. Look at the photos and listen to the conversation. Who are Colin and Millie? Where are they? What time is it? What’s the problem?


Colin is Millie’s dad. Mille is his daughter. Millie is in Sydney, Australia. Colin is in London, UK. It’s 1 p.m. in Sydney and 2 a.m. in London. Millie is calling Colin in the middle of the night.

2. Complete the sentences about the people. What are they doing? Dialogue

1. MILLIE She‘s phoning her parents. ‘s talking to her dad. (talk) She _________ 2. MILLIE’S PARENTS Her dad is in bed, but he ______ is not ________. sleeping Her mum _____ is still _________. sleeping 3. MILLIE’S FRIENDS are having a barbecue. They __________ They __________ are cooking steak and sausages.

3. Work with a partner. Ask and answer these questions about the people. Dialogue

• • • • • • •

What/doing? Why/phoning? What/dad/doing? What/mum/doing? What/friends/doing? Where/having/barbecue? What/cooking?

3. Listen and check. A B A B A B A B A B A B A B

What’s Millie doing? She’s phoning her parents. Why is she phoning? Because she wants to know how they are. What’s her dad doing? He’s talking to Millie. He’s not sleeping. What’s her mum doing? She’s sleeping. What are Millie’s friends doing? They’re having a barbecue. Where are they having the barbecue? On the beach. What are they cooking? Steak and sausages.


1. The Present Continuous (to be + -ing) describes activities happening now. Complete the chart. I

You He / She We They


are is are

learning English sitting in the classroom listening to the teacher


What are the questions and the negatives?

2. What’s the difference between these sentences?

She speaks Spanish. She’s speaking Spanish.

We use the Present Simple to describe things that are always true, or true for a long time. We use the Present Continuous to describe activities happening now.

10.1 Present Continuous

The Present Continuous describes an activity that is happening now. She’s wearing jeans. I’m studying English.

10.1 Present Continuous Positive and negative I’m watching TV. They aren’t watching TV. Question What is she thinking? Yes/No questions

Short answers

Are you having a good time? Is my English getting better? Are they having a party?

Yes, we are. Yes, it is. No, they aren’t.

10.1 Present Continuous Spelling of verb + -ing Most verbs add -ing. wear  wearing

go  going

If the infinitive ends in -e, drop the -e and add -ing. write  writing

smile  smiling

When a one-syllable verb has one vowel and ends in a consonant, double the consonant and add -ing. sit  sitting

get  getting

10.2 Present Simple and Present Continuous The Present Simple describes things that are always true, or true for a long time.

I come from Switzerland. He works in a bank. The Present Continuous describes activities happening now, and temporary activities. I’m working very hard this week. Why are you wearing yellow trousers?

1. Read the two conversations and complete them with words from the box.

I’m just phoning (x2) they’re staying She’s not feeling where are you going I’m just doing I’m just packing Am I disturbing I’m trying

1 2 Nina Tony Jane Mum Nina Tony Mum Jane Tony Nina Jane Mum Nina Tony Jane Nina Mum

Jane! Hi, Mum! Hi, Nina! you? Tony! __________ Where are you? No, no!the You’re not. _____________ ____________ I’m on train, ____________ a bitfor of Dubai. work on my laptop. to decide which clothes to take. Oh, _________________? So, the temperature Dubai I’m what’s going to Birmingham forinthe day at to the see moment? some friends - you know, Ed 34 anddegrees! Kay. Phew! Well, _____________ to wish you ‘good luck’ and ‘bon voyage’! Oh, yes! Do they live in Birmingham? Thanks, I’m really nervous. with Ed’s mum at the moment. No, theyJane. don’t, but ____________ You’ll be great. You ____________ veryalways well. speak so well at conferences. Thanks, Oh dear!Jane. I hope she’s better soon. Well, ____________ to see how you are ...

Listen and check. Work with your partner and practice the conversations. Tony Mum Tony Mum Tony

Hi, Mum! Hi, Tony! Where are you? I’m just doing a bit of work on my laptop. I’m on the train, ______________ Oh, _____________________? where are you going I’m going to Birmingham for the day to see some friends - you know, Ed and Kay. Mum Oh, yes! Do they live in Birmingham? they’re staying with Ed’s mum at the moment. Tony No, they don’t, but ______________ _________________ She’s not feeling very well. I’m just phoning to see how Mum Oh dear! I hope she’s better soon. Well, ________________ you are ...

Listen and check. Work with your partner and practice the conversations. Nina Jane! Jane Hi, Nina! _______________ Am I disturbing you? I’m just packing for Dubai. ____________ I’m trying to Nina No, no! You’re not. _______________ decide which clothes to take. Jane So, what’s the temperature in Dubai at the moment? Nina 34 degrees! Jane Phew! Well, _______________ I’m just phoning to wish you ‘good luck’ and ‘bon voyage’! Nina Thanks, Jane. I’m really nervous. Jane You’ll be great. You always speak so well at conferences. Nina Thanks, Jane.

2. Look at the answers. Write the questions with the verbs. Listen and check.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What are you reading? What are you watching? Where are you going? Why are you crying? Who are you texting?

3. Listen to five false sentences about the pictures. Correct them.

1. She’s reading a magazine. She isn’t reading a magazine. She’s reading a detective story. 2. He’s playing a video game. He isn’t playing a video game. He’s watching the news. 3. He’s going out with friends. He isn’t going out with friends. He’s going to his bedroom. 4. She’s laughing because it’s a funny film. She isn’t laughing because it’s a funny film. She’s crying because it’s a sad film. 5. He’s phoning his girlfriend. He isn’t phoning his girlfriend. He’s texting his girlfriend.

4. Write sentences that are true for you at the moment.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

It/rain. We/all wear jeans. I/sit at the front of the class. The teacher/ask us questions. We/work hard. My partner/look out of the window. I/wear/T-shirt.

5. Look out of the classroom window. What can you see and hear? What’s happening?

1. Look at the picture of the art exhibition. Listen to a man and a woman talking about the people there. Write the names of the people in the boxes. Tapescript





Leon and Peter Vine

2. Listen again and complete the table.


What are they doing?

What do they do?

He’s standing in front of the window. She’s laughing a lot and talking to Eric

He has an art shop in New York. He often visits London. She’s a professor. She teaches art history.


She’s drinking champagne.

She’s writer. She writes stories for children.


He’s talking to Helena.

He’s an artist. He lives and works in Paris.

Leon and Peter

They’re looking at Anton’s painting.

They’re art dealers. They have an art gallery in Bond Street.

Eric Charlotte

3. Rewrite the sentences with have got.

1. Where does Eric come from? New York. Who is he ________ Charlotte. talking to? 2. What ______ She’s a professor. does Charlotte ____? do What ______ _____? She laughing at Eric’s joke. is she doing 3. What _____ Champagne. is Helena _______? drinking What ______ Stories for children. does she ______? write is Anton wearing 4. What ______ _______? A big black hat. does he _____? live Where ______ Paris. do Leon and Peter _______? work 5. Where _____ in Bond Street in London. are looking at? What ________ they ________ Anton’s painting. Listen and check.

4. Put the verb in bold in the Present Simple or Continuous. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

wear A police officer wears a uniform. Why are you wearing that funny hat? You look silly! work works for an IT company. My father _______ I ‘m __________very hard at the moment. I need the money. working go I always _______ go to bed about midnight. Why _____ are you _______ going to bed now? Its only 9.00! do/make doing my homework. You ‘re making too much noise! Shh! I ‘m _______ _________ Pete’s a businessman. He ________ does a lot of work in the States. He _____ has a lot of money!

1. Look again at the picture of the art exhibition and find these things. a black hat a bow tie a green bag a brochure pair of black glasses a pink scarf a glass of champagne

2. Listen to the questions and complete the answers with the name and his, hers, or theirs. 1. Whose is the black hat? It’s Anton’s. (It’s _________ .) his 2. Whose are the glasses? They’re __________. Charlotte’s (They’re ____________.) hers 3. Whose is the brochure? It’s __________ and __________ .) Leon Peter’s . (It’s __________ theirs

Ask and answer about the other things with a partner.

3. Give something of yours to the teacher. The teacher will ask questions about the objects. Answer using the possessive pronouns. mine yours his




1. Complete the table.

Subject I You

He She We They

Possessive adjective

Object me you him

my your



her us them

Possessive pronoun mine his

her our their

hers ours theirs

2. Whose... ? asks about possession.

Whose hat is this? Whose is this hat? Whose is it?

It’s mine. = It’s my hat.

3. Careful!

Who’s your teacher?

Who’s = Who is

10.3 Whose …? or Who’s …? Whose ...? asks about possession. ‘Whose bag is this? Is ¡t yours?’ ‘No, it isn’t mine. It’s David’s.’ ‘Whose are these gloves?’ ‘They’re Emily’s.’ Who’s is the contracted form of Who is ...? ‘Who’s that girl over there?’ = ‘Who is that girl over there?’ ‘That’s Paula. She’s one of the students in my class.’ ‘Who’s coming for a pizza?’ = ‘Who is coming for a pizza?’ ‘I’m coming, and Jack and Tracy are, too.’

10.3 Whose …? or Who’s …? Whose and Who’s sound the same. Be careful not to write them incorrectly. Who’s jacket is this?  Whose that boy with Jackie? 

Whose jacket is this?  Who’s that boy with Jackie? 

1. Choose the correct word. Compare your answers with a partner. Read them aloud. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Your / Yours house is bigger than my / mine. Do you like their / theirs house better than his / him? Your / Yours garden is smaller than their / theirs. My / Mine children are older than her / hers. This book isn’t my / mine. Is it your / yours? Whose / Who’s dictionary is this? Is it his / him? Whose / Who’s talking to your / yours sister? Whose / Who’s going to her / hers party tonight? Whose / Who’s dog is that in our / ours garden?

2. Listen to the sentences. If the word is Whose? shout ‘1!’ If the word is Who’s? shout ‘2!’

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

That’s an amazing video game. Who’s winning? Wow! Look at that sports car! Whose is it? Whose phone is this? It’s not mine. I’m going to the pub. Who’s coming? Do you know whose scarf this is? Who’s the tallest in our class? Aya and Lena are identical twins. I can never tell who’s who! There are books all over the floor. Whose are they?

2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1

3. Listen and complete the conversation. Practise it with a partner. A B A B A

__________ Whose is this tennis racket? It’s _________. mine What’s it doing here? playing tennis this afternoon. I’m _________ Have a good game!

The Present Continuous can also describe activities happening in the near future. I’m playing tennis this afternoon. We’re having pizza for dinner tonight.

4. Make more conversations with whose with your partner.

1 these suitcase? 2 this umbrella? 3 this passport?

ours / going on holiday tomorrow mine / going to the shops and it / raining Jack’s / flying to Rome this afternoon.

4 all these champagne glasses

ours / having a party tonight

1. What time is it? What’s happening now in your world? What are people doing right now in your town, in your country, in different parts of the world?

People are … getting up … sleeping …

getting married …

2. Read the introduction to the quiz. How many people are there in the world? How many minutes in a year? Compare the time now in your country with other countries round the world. Read the text

There are almost eight billion people in the world. There are 525,600 minutes in a year.

3. Work with a partner. Do the quiz together and discuss what you think the correct number is for each statistic. Discuss your ideas with the class. Read the text

Some phrases: What do you think? Do you agree? Maybe you’re right. I agree. I think so, too. I think that’s too many/much. It can’t be that many/much.

4. Listen and check your ideas. Tapescript

Read the text 1. 116 2. 257 and 107 3. 10,000 4. 48 5. 144 million 6. 15,000 7. $20,732 8. 4,500 9. 2,500 10. 14 meteors 11. 360 12. 0.15

5. Listen again and answer the questions about the extra information. Tapescript 1.

Whose was the longest marriage? How long did it last? How old were the couple when they married? 2. How many people are born and die every year on average? 3. What are flying above the Earth at this moment? How many? 4. How many times a day does the average person check their phone? 5. How many texts do people send every year? 6. Which song was the most popular ever on iTunes? 7. How much does the average person earn in one minute? Who is the richest man in the world? 8. How many people does McDonalds employ? 9. What is 46% of our rubbish? What is 27%? 10. When and where did the world’s biggest meteor fall? 11. Is lightning hotter or colder than the sun? 12. Which animals are becoming extinct?

5. Listen again and answer the questions about the extra information. Tapescript 1.


3. 4.

5. 6.

Whose was the longest marriage? How long did it last? How old were the couple when they married? Karam and Kartari Chand’s. It lasted 90 years. They were 2 0and 13 when they married. How many people are born and die every year on average? 132 million are born and 55 million die every year on average. What are flying above the Earth at this moment? How many? Satellites – 1,071 of them. How many times a day does the average person check their phone? 110 times How many texts do people send every year? 9 trillion Which song was the most popular ever on iTunes? I Gotta Feeling, Black Eyed Peas

5. Listen again and answer the questions about the extra information. Tapescript 7.

How much does the average person earn in one minute? Who is the richest man in the world? $0.013 per minute, Bill Gates 8. How many people does McDonalds employ? 1.8 million 9. What is 46% of our rubbish? What is 27%? 46% ¡s food, 27% is paper and plastic 10. When and where did the world’s biggest meteor fall? 80,000 years ago in Namibia 11. Is lightning hotter or colder than the sun? hotter 12. Which animals are becoming extinct? The Black Rhino, the Mountain Gorilla, and many species of frogs.

Namibia is a country in south-west Africa, bordering Zambia, Botswana, and South Africa. The West African black rhino became extinct in 2011. Of other species, there are around 5,000 Black Rhinos left and only 880 Mountain Gorillas.

What do you think?

• Which numbers most surprised you? • How often do you check your phone? What do you check for? • Are there any good reasons why billionaires earn so much more than most people? Or is it just very unfair? How could this change? • Why do you think we waste so much food? How could we stop this?

1. Look at the pictures. Listen to four descriptions. Who is it?

Tapescript 1. 2. 3. 4.


2. Work in small groups. Describe the people in the pictures. 3. Take turns in your group to describe one of the people in the photos. The others guess who it is.

4. Work as a class. Choose someone in the room but don’t say who it is. Ask and answer Yes/No questions to find out who it is.

5. Work in small groups. Think of someone famous or in the news at the moment. Describe them to the group. Can they guess who it is?

1. Work with a partner. Look at the photos and the first lines of the conversations. What do think the responses are?

X 2. Which sentences complete the conversations? a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i.


Oh dear! Let me have a look. It breaks all the time. 5 Not again! You had it in the coffee bar. Did you leave it there? 6 Yes. I’m looking for a bike for my 11-year-old son. 3 That’s a pity! Maybe another time. 7 Wow! That’s fantastic news! Congratulations! 8 Not to worry. We’re just starting. 2 Yes, it’s definitely getting warmer now. 1 Thanks. See you in a couple of days! 9 I’d love to. Which pub? 4

3. Listen and check. What are the extra lines in the conversations? Tapescript

4. Practise some of the conversations with a partner.

1. But, however and although have similar meanings. Notice how they join these sentences.

1. I love travel, but I don’t like flying – I prefer the train. 2. I love travel. However, I don’t like flying – I prefer the train. 3. Although I love travel, I don’t like flying – I prefer the train. Which two sentences are the most formal?

2. Join each sentence in three different ways, with but, however and although. 1. I like Peter. I don’t love him. I like Peter, but I don’t love him I like Peter. However, I don’t love him. Although I like Peter, I don’t love him. 2. My flat has a balcony. It doesn’t have a garden. My flat has a balcony, but it doesn’t have a garden. My flat has a balcony. However, it doesn’t have a garden. Although my flat has a balcony, it doesn’t have a garden. 3. My brother’s older than me. He’s smaller than me. My brother’s older than me, but he’s smaller than me. My brother’s older than me. However, he’s smaller than me. Although my brother’s older than me, he’s smaller than me.

3. Complete the text with these linking words.

but so because however although when




I have twin else Something brothers, that they Nickdon’t and Chris. like isThey’re (6)__________ 20 yearspeople old andtalk about (1)_______ twins’, they’re twins, ‘Nick’ they and ‘Chris’. not identical They twins to be (2)________ individuals. Finally,‘the I must say not that I Love myare brothers verywant much. (10)________ (7)__________, they they inpersonalities, many do have ways. some interests in common. For Nick they are havedifferent different they are both lovely brothers. example, they loveshy, being outdoors (8)___________ they go for is quiet and quite (11)_________ Chris loves going tooften parties long For walks start, together they don’t in look the countryside. alike. Nick’s Also, blond they hair both and have blue great eyes, andatelling jokes. (12)_________ , both got of them are always very kind computer and he’s quite skills. tall. Insister. fact, (3)_________, they’re Chris studying very IT problems. attall, university, and he’s got to me, their little I can tellboth them allisn’t of my (9)___________ red hair and brown in different eyes. Also, towns. they never Another wear thing theissame that they clothes. both hate isfootball, This (4)___________ which is very our unusual mother always for boysdressed of theirthem age. alike (5)__________ they were children and they hated it.

3. Complete the text with these linking words.

but so because however although when I have twin brothers, Nick and Chris. They’re 20 years old and (1)________ although they’re twins, they are not identical twins (2)________ because they are different in many ways.

For a start, they don’t look alike. Nick’s got blond hair and blue eyes, and he’s quite tall. (3)_________, However Chris isn’t very tall, and he’s got red hair and brown eyes. Also, they never wear the same clothes. This is (4)___________ our mother always dressed them alike because (5)__________ they were children and they hated it. when

3. Complete the text with these linking words.

but so because however although when Something else that they don’t like is (6)__________ when people talk about ‘the twins’, not ‘Nick’ and ‘Chris’. They want to be individuals. (7)__________, they do have some interests in common. For However so / and they often go for example, they love being outdoors (8)___________ long walks together in the countryside. Also, they both have great computer skills. In fact, they’re both studying IT at university, (9)___________ in different towns. Another thing is that they both but hate football, which is very unusual for boys of their age.

3. Complete the text with these linking words.

but so because however although when

Although Finally, I must say that I Love my brothers very much. (10)________ they have different personalities, they are both lovely brothers. Nick is quiet and quite shy, (11)_________ Chris loves going to parties but However , both of them are always very kind and telling jokes. (12)_________ to me, their little sister. I can tell them all of my problems.

4. Compare two people in your family or two friends. Try to use some of the expressions. Include: For a start Something else For example Another thing is Finally

• • • •

an introduction what they look like their personalities what they like doing