Global Review N°1 [PDF]

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I- Reading Comprehension: In the past, the choice of entertainment was very limited. But nowadays, there are different means of entertainment. One of them is television. Television has already transformed our daily life by changing different traditional routines and ways of dressing, eating, thinking and communicating. Thus, it has become the most powerful means of communication since practically every family has a TV set at home. It keeps us informed about the world news, and broadens our horizons by enriching our knowledge of other nations' cultures, history, sciences and arts. Moreover, TV provides a lot of entertainment to people of different ages. However, TV has dominated all our free time by replacing traditional entertainment and pastime activities such as reading and playing social games. It has even destroyed family interaction as there is no time left for family gathering. It is time we controlled the dominance of the magic box on our daily life. We should not allow it to kill our children's physical and mental development. A- Are these sentences true or false? Justify: 1. Our grandparents had a large choice in means of entertainment.



2. Television is a means of entertainment for only children.



3. Television has replaced the classical free time activities.





2- "the magic box" (paragraph 4) :


C- Find in the text words or expressions which mean the same as: 1- In addition (parag 2) : ……………………

2- Leisure time (parag 3): ……………………

D- Answer these questions according to the text: 1- What are some good things about watching TV? ……………………………….……………………………………………………………………….……….…… ……………………………….……………………………………………………………………….……….……

2- TV has affected the family relations in a negative way. How? ……………………………….……………………………………………………………………….……….…… ……………………………….……………………………………………………………………….……….……

3- What effect does TV have on children?

……………………………….……………………………………………………………………….……….…… ……………………………….……………………………………………………………………….……….……

II- Language questions: A- Change these sentences from active to passive: 1) Everyone must respect the road code. …………………………………………………….……….……

2) She hasn’t cleaned this room yet. …………………………………………………….……….……

3) The police captured all the terrorists. …………………………………………………….……….……

B- Choose the most appropriate adjective from the choices given: 1) My mother always get …………………… if I come home too late. excited – worried – frustrated 2) I feel …………………… when I have a lot of lessons to revise. lonely – confused – shy 3) He has been working all day long. Let’s let him relax. He must be …………………… now. exhausted – nervous – bored 4) I feel …………………… if I hear anyone saying dirty words Jealous – disgusted – embarrassed C- Fill in the gaps with the correct words from the list:

3 pts

celebrate – opportunity – festival – dowry – hospitality – ceremonies – feasts 1- In Morocco, marriage ……………….. differ from tribe to tribe and from region to another. 2- Offering tea is one symbol of Moroccan ………………. 3- In Islam there are only two …………….: Eid Al-Firt and Eid Al-Adha. 4- Imilchil ……………. is a traditional ………………. which takes place in the Atlas mountains every year. It’s an …………………. for many people to get married. It is also an occasion for trading and amusement. D- Fill in the gaps with the correct phrasal verb from the list below. (Pay attention to the verb tense)

2 pts

put off – rely on – look for – take off – give up 1- The plane ………….. from Casa at 7:00 and will land in Cairo at about 9:00 2- As the proverb goes: “Never …………. until tomorrow what you can do today” 3- A: What are you doing, mom? B: I’m ……………….. my purse! Have you seen it anywhere?

4- As you know, smoking is so dangerous to health. You should …………………. this bad habit before it’s too late! E- Fill in the gaps with the right relative pronoun or adverb from the list. 2 pts Who – whose – which – where – when 1- Ramadan is the month ……….. all Muslims in all over the world fast. 2- The man ………. cell phone was ringing in the Mosque got so embarrassed 3- The book ………. you have lent me is really so interesting. 4- A: What do you call someone ……… can speak many languages B: A polyglot F- Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form:

3 pts

1- I’m quite sure he (forgive) ……………..……. you if you (say) ……….…. sorry to him. 2- When your brother (come) ………… back home, (tell) ………..… him to call me back. 4- If I (be) ………… in your shoes, I (not/ buy) …………………. this smartphone. G- Join each pair of sentences using a suitable relative pronoun: 3 pts 1- Algeria is one of the countries. These countries export oil. …………………………………………………….……….……

2- This is the man. He used to teach me English at high school. …………………………………………………….……….……

3- That’s the factory. My father works in that factory. …………………………………………………….……….……

H- What would you say in the following situations?

2 pts

1- You promised your friend to visit him/ her but you didn’t as you forgot. Apologize to him/ her: …………………………………………………….……….…… 2- They will find a cure to AIDS by the year 2020. Express possibility : …………………………………………………….……….……

J- Match the expressions with the functions they express: 3 pts The expressions 1- It could rain tomorrow in Morocco. 2- I can’t tell you how sorry I am 3- Could you show me the way to Makkah pharmacy, please? 4- May I use my mobile phone, please teacher? My mom is calling! 5- You should apologize to your sister and I’m sure she will forgive you wholeheartedly. 6- Shall we meet at the café this evening? 7- Please, forgive me! I didn’t mean to hurt you!

Their functions a- A polite request b- asking for permission c- Giving advice d- Possibility/ probability e- Apologizing f- Suggesting g- Asking for opinion

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ………

I- Match the parts of sentences in column A with those in B to make complete sentences: 2 pts A 1- I would forgive him 2- If you have any questions, 3- If you mix yellow and blue colours, 4- When the cat is away

B a- you get green colour b- mice play c- If I were you d- you can ask me

- Fill in the gaps with the right relative pronoun or adverb from the list.









2 pts

Who – whose – which – where – when 1- This is the neighbourhood ……….. I used to live when I was still a kid. 2- A carpenter is someone ………… makes and repairs wooden objects. 3- A man ………. wife is dead is called a widower 4- Ramadan is the month ……….. all Muslims in all over the world fast.

- Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form:

3 pts

1- When your brother (come) ………… back home, (tell) …..……… him to call me back. 2- If I (be) ………… in your shoes, I (apologize) ……………..……. to her. 3- If you (succeed) ………. this year, I (buy) ……………… you a motorbike.