Five Styles of Dominance Quiz [PDF]

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Style Quiz Auburn Goddess & Her Devious

[email protected]

Directions: For each question, rank the five answers given in the order that best reflects your personal preferences and views. Rank each answer from a high score of 5 points down through 1 point, with 5 being the highest, most favorable score, and a 1 being the lowest, least favorite score. Each question will have only ONE “5”, one “4”, one “3”, etc. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers here. It’s best to go with your first reaction than to over-analyze the questions. If you are having trouble ranking your responses, try choosing your most and least favorite answers first for each question, then working in from there to rate the rest of the choices.





that you and your partner escape for a weekend of pure 1 Imagine BDSM fantasy, to an environment that fires your imagination. Would it be: A. A children’s nursery, complete with toys, stuffed animals, diaper changing area and rocking chair. B. A private school setting, where large wooden paddles hang by every classroom door and the Principal’s office is just a hall pass violation away. C. A royal palace, where elegant attire and velvet pillows await and submissives of any gender may learn the art of service. D. The wilderness, where animalistic passions roam, danger lurks and dominance is claimed by “force” - Survival of the fittest, BDSM style. E. A surreal and peaceful setting, one devoid of extraneous distractions that would take any attention away from the sheer power of a Dominant.

Auburn Goddess & Her Devious

All rights reserved, copyright 2009 - 2010

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Which statement below is the best expression of your attitude

2 toward punishment?

A. When a naughty submissive misbehaves, punishment should be swift and consistent, yet mild, and followed by affectionate reinforcement of the Dominant’s love. B. If a submissive creates trouble or mischief, punishment should fit the infraction and be measured out accordingly and precisely. C. By accepting and willfully suffering through any punishment delivered, a submissive shows devotion, loyalty and love for his or her Dominant. D. A Dominant reasserts control and authority over a submissive by reining in any disobedience or willful defiance with measured physical punishment. E. Even punishment can be an honor for a Dominant to provide, as any attention to or touching of the submissive, especially for one who has proven unworthiness by displeasing the Dominant in some way, is an honor which should be appreciated.

3 Choose the type of service activities that most appeal to you: A. None – I really don’t want or need much service in my D/s relationship. B. Service only as part of a role-play scene or in a particular setting such as a lifestyle event, but not as a regular part of the relationship. C. Maid service, executive assistant and/or other ongoing, regularly expected service that makes the Dominant’s life easier and supports their goals. D. “Forced” servitude, perhaps even under the threat of punishment or combined with humiliation. E. Service as art, for entertainment purposes or as furniture, perhaps including objectification.

Auburn Goddess & Her Devious

All rights reserved, copyright 2009 - 2010

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the Dominant style described below that most appeals to 4 Choose you: A. An affectionate, loving, tender Dominant who takes a submissive gently under firm control, making every everyday choices for him or her in all (or most) areas of life. B. A stern, demanding, watchful Dominant, who doesn’t let a submissive get away with anything except completely pleasing Them. C. An authoritative, commanding Dominant who allows a submissive to assist and serve attentively at Their side as They pursue Their interests and endeavors. D. A very physical Dominant, who overpowers a submissive and “forces” compliance to Their whims. E. A Dominant whose natural power inspires awe in a submissive, and who permits him or her to worship Them as They deserve.

clothing description below evokes your concept of what a 5 Which Dominant is sexiest and most “Dominant” in when worn? A. Comfortable, everyday clothing that barely hints at the Dominant within….T-shirts, jeans, casual clothing. B. A uniform or other role-play type outfit. C. Classy, executive or authoritative clothes, for example, a business suit.. D. Classic BDSM style – leather, chains and black leather boots.

E. Whatever They want! the group of BDSM and/or fetish activities that are most 6 Choose exciting to you (yes, you can like all of them, but you still have to rank them!): A. Spanking; enemas; anal play. B. Intense role-play; interrogation scenes; percussive play (flogging, caning, whips). C. Corset training; Cock-and-Ball or Pussy Torture. D. Extensive bondage & restraint; take down scenes; rough edge play.

E. Foot, boot and body worship.

Auburn Goddess & Her Devious

All rights reserved, copyright 2009 - 2010

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You and your partner are involved in a spanking, caning or paddling

7 scene. Which sentence would most closely reflect the mood and feeling of the scene you would desire, when spoken to the submissive by the Dominant?

A. “You’ve been very bad. I know you didn’t mean to be, but you have to learn your lesson and behave!” B. “I want you to take this like a big boy/girl. No sniveling, no whimpering, no whining!” C. “Suffer for Me. Show Me you will take whatever I dish out to prove you are Mine to do with as I please!” D. “I am in complete control here. There is no escape. I will break you down and ‘force’ you to submit to Me!” E. “You must endure fifty strokes (or a hundred) to prove yourself worthy of Me. They will begin to burn like fire but you will continue to lie still and take what I give you… and then thank Me for the privilege!”

If you are a submissive, select the phrase below that you most

8 strongly agree with. If you are a Dominant, choose the submissive perspective you believe you would most likely be compatible with. If you are not currently in a relationship, imagine yourself in one that you value and desire continuing: A. What I most fear is being abandoned by my Dominant. B. If my Dominant was “too nice” to me all the time, I would have a hard time accepting that. I need correction. C. It would crush me to disappoint my Dominant in any way. D. Although I often test a Dominant’s power by resisting, I would quickly lose respect for Them if They were unable to control me and put me back in my place. E. The worst punishment a Dominant could give is to banish me from Their presence.

Now total the points you assigned in each column:

Auburn Goddess & Her Devious

All rights reserved, copyright 2009 - 2010

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